dranger78official · 8 months
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finally started making GIFs
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brawlertech · 11 months
Elemental Darkus x Darkus Core Nillious x Eenoch | Legends
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One thing I think sucks is how the Bakugan seem to have less personality as the series goes on. I’m not touching the third reboot with a ten foot poll I’m a full grown adult. I only have the patience for one reboot. I say this to say I can’t speak on that one. But I watched both Battle Brawlers and Battle Planet.
When I got to Mechtanium surge I got sad that they switched Shun and Marucho’s Bakugan again. Marucho hasn’t had a compelling Bakugan since Elphin. And while I like Elphin…Preyas was the best Bakugan personality wise in the whole series. Nobody made you have more fun on screen. Aquamos was fine. He had a distinct personality just less of one? When they actually made him pretty much only say ‘cool is the rule’ I knew it was Jover. Whoever Marucho has now, their entire personality is just being angry and I’m not a fan!!! Don’t give Bakugan just one personality trait. Preyas had it allllll ugh.
Shun and Skyress’ dynamic was special. The way she left the show was special too. She came back on occasion as well which felt more real. I remember Shun having to adjust to Ingram. Hawktor and Ingram were kind of similar to me but also yooo Ingram was transmasc? Real. Whoever Shun is with now is just his personality again which is less interesting. At least Hawktor seemed to have new opinions.
Runo, Alice, and Julie never switched Bakugan but what happened to theirs?? I await Mechtanium Surge to answer. But all of them had banger dynamics with their Bakugan.
Every new important character has some kind of dynamic with their Bakugan. That I can say. The arc with Rubinoid in Gundalian Invadors really got me. Even Anubius has a dynamic with his Bakugan if I recall correctly.
I think instead of swapping out Shun and Marucho’s Bakugan, you either give them multiple Bakugan or just do what every season does; add more characters with new Bakugan.
I liked Battle Planet. S3 or Geogan Rising was rough but I liked the other seasons for the most part. But the only Bakugan I can say that had personalities was Pharol, Nillious, Drago, and Trox on occasion. We’re going to put aside the Bakugan that were villains in the series cause they kind of don’t count for what I’m talking about. Of course Viloch and Tikko have personalities they’re the villains. But I can’t really think of an iconic villain and Bakugan duo. The reboot does a lot more Gus and Vulcan kind of pairings rather than Barodius and Dharak yknow? I can’t really think of what’s unique in the dynamic of Hydrous and reboot Shun. Or if Hydrous really had a personality. Drago in this show seems way more laid back and less…there. In the reboot they brawlers hardly spend time bonding with their Bakugan minus that one season they got new ones, and it was a little disappointing. Drago and Dan’s bond felt right because it’s always Dan and Drago. I do see them have a dynamic sometimes in the reboot but it’s so much less pronounced. Pegatrix and Lia just have the same personality and Trox is usually the same with Winton minus when they disagree. Honestly with Dan’s other friends they don’t really go past “mmm I don’t know about that,” when their Brawlers are being a little silly. I could be wrong as I said I watched it all when each season dropped.
Magnus and Nillious Dynamic is significant because of the whole age thing. Magnus had to push to bond with Nillious to understand him. It was compelling! Pharol’s personality had always been compelling. He’s inquisitive and competitive. He guides Ajit emotionally and Ajit tells him about the world. These two are my favorite reboot characters so I am biased but I think this is at least some of the reason why. They feel like they really fit Bakugan.
The most compelling villain in the reboot that isn’t Magnus was Haavik but Haavik’s Bakugan didn’t have a personality!
The reboot got one thing right, not replacing the cast or brawlers or Bakugan. What they got wrong was not putting depth in their dynamic. I fear the worst of this trend continues.
TLDR never trade out your star of the show (Preyas.)
REAL TLDR: I love these shows most when Brawler and Bakugan share that bond of friendship that the show’s all about. Make sure I can feel it. Dan and Drago changed my life. I wanna make sure that if Bakugan can do that it does with those feelings it gave me.
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gummy-sharks666 · 11 months
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My heart is always gonna be with gen 1 bakugan esp storywise but I do LOVE the gen 2 designs. These are my faves from my collection
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logogofromkeron · 7 months
Diamond Nillious Unboxing! | Bakugan (Gen 3)
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bakuganbeyblade · 8 months
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nillious takes over x city 2024
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low-poly-animals · 1 year
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Nillious from Bakugan Battle League
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Hello there Nillious fans.
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Oops I made bakugan ocs
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They often battle together and are very gay
The brown haired one is tired most of the time and has been through a lot, hence the grey in the hair. They're also a bit suspicious of the pink haired one
The pink haired one is exitable and very energetic. She has a hard time calming down when experiencing strong emotions
The pink haired one is a darkus brawler and uses nillious. The brown haired one is a ventus brawler and uses garganoid
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dranger78official · 5 months
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brawlertech · 10 months
Haos Platinum Nillious | Evolutions
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aleczhor1 · 6 months
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Here's my prediction of the Bakugan logo for Generation 4
Yes, Dan Kouzo is coming back as well, and it has returning Bakugan names like:
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seizerofdarkness · 1 year
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They shoot Nova Light at Drago x Nillious and...
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Drago, Nillious and their children.
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The floor is needlessly arguing.
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So many Dragos.
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Ending the show with a bang...
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Dan gets back up and deploys...
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The first Drago he's ever started with.
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Time for Hanoj to get hit with the power of a new generation!
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Time to hibernate.
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And now, time to fix Vestroia!
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Buzzy, now independent from Hanoj, can transport people between planets, nice!
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...aw come on.
Vestroia and Earth keep pulling away. Meaning they split. Can't they just invent a rocket or a teleporter? Or ask a certain Michael Gehabich to solve the problem!
Too far, means they can't draw energy from Vestroia. Meaning Bakugans will die eventually.
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Hopefully, it's only a goodbye.
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And so, life goes on...
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Athena attends school with them now.
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Dan has trouble getting used to a life without Bakugans.
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They can at least share that loneliness with others, friends through past trials.
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Dan also visits Pin Point Park, in memory of the Great Collision and everything that came after it. I'm so sorry, Danny boy.
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Magnus, please, make sure it's not the end of the world this time.
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"last time" Is he referring to all the way back in season 1? Or season 2? Or are they actually having recurring brawls together?
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"Bakugan, Brawl!"
And so, ends the legend of the Awesome Ones, the Awesome Brawlers, our dear friends and allies through and thorough, who will have marked their history in this franchise.
Oh yeah.
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There is another.
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logogofromkeron · 1 year
Galactic Special Attack Nillious Unboxing! | Bakugan (Gen 3)
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bakuganbeyblade · 8 months
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an edit i made.
nillious holding dran sword 3-80b.
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titanomarchy · 7 months
I have a general tendency to insert myself into fictional worlds that I interact with (media, games, etc). Not a main character sense, but more like "what's my equivalent in the world of X?"
Bakugan rambling below, including technical details for rules and numbers.
I've been trying to find out a good bakugan for me, like the partner bakugan featured in the anime. I typically bring up to three in my pocket to fidget with at work. Today I had brought in two, a (would be) Pyrus Titanium Special Attack Nillious (g3) and a Pyrus Vertexx (g1s4). I noticed that when I held Vertexx, a sort of energy in my arm and chest, even when it was in my pocket and I placed my hand on the outside of the pocket. Nothing from the Nillious. Very strange. I remember noticing something similar with my Sub-Terra Tremblar (g1s4) yesterday.
Three possibilities: that Vertexx or Tremblar is suitable, that they are not suitable but Nillious is, or, most likely, that it is entirely psychological and doesn't mean anything.
To be fair, I have reasons to like each one
Vertexx is, to my knowledge, my strongest bakugan (1050g) without any sort of special ruling*. It's some four-armed beast of a creature too. I customized it at some point, using a sharpie to fill in some areas that were clearly meant to have painted details but didn't. Mechtanium Surge as a whole was like that though, missing color on details.
Tremblar is powerful if not detonated by an opponent, but not as powerful as Vertexx (920+100g). A mechanical turtle dragon, when it detonates the "shell" becomes a weapon satellite and it's able to stand upright.
Titanium SA Nillious is on a completely different system for power scaling, but with my conversion rules it is powerful (1100g) A two-headed, twin-tailed dragon coated in metal.
*Infinity Helios (g1s4) has one special rule. It has a dial that selects its power level, six options. Select the power level before you use it That's it, that's the rule
There's also Special Evolution bakugan (g1s3) that were noteworthy for exceedingly high power levels, and had rules that you couldn't start the game with them and had to evolve one that fit certain requirements into it to use, and would come with additional powers. But Infinity Helios can fairly easily out-power them and is usable as normal. Hell, my Vertexx exceeds at least two of my SE bakugan as-is.
I haven't reviewed my Bakumutants (g1s4) recently either but the higher end ones should be in the range of Vertexx and Tremblar. They can mix species and be dual-attribute, or slightly stronger if single attribute
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