#tifa loves him too
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xxwitchylanexx · 14 hours ago
No Plot Left Behind
Rebirth Retold Chapter 12
Heavy spoilers for the Mount Corel Area Some dialog taken right from the game to stay canon
“What’s up with you?” Your feet wobbled unsteady, your back leg catching on an unstable patch of gravel nearly bringing you to the ground, as you looked to the hand that pushed you then traced along the slender arm up to the eyes of the perpetrator. Aerith, obviously, looked at you with curious eyes that swirled like the changing hues of Costa Del Sol’s aqua waters framed by her perfect chestnut bangs. “You look,” she scrunched her nose, the tip wiggling a bit as well, as she debated the right word to describe you, “distracted, almost dreamy.”
You puffed a sharp sigh as you pinched the bridge of your nose. You were growing annoyed at yourself for letting your head wander so much, and as a result you were growing sloppy. “Sorry. I didn’t sleep much last night.” Which was true. How could you? When his eyes haunted you, lurking when everyone else was preoccupied causing goosebumps to break out along your flushed skin and every nerve burst into flame. Even long after your lids had closed for the night they haunted you, your subconscious replaying the whole interaction over and over again leaving you on the precipice of madness.
You could still feel his warm breath fanning against your face as his fingers twisted in the sensitive locks at the base of your neck, his burning stare unwavering from your parted lips. The minty taste of him still coated your tongue and your thighs grew slick as you recalled the vibrations from his husky groan that rumbled from his chest into yours as he pressed you back into the gritty bricks behind you. He left no stone untouched as he stole the very air from your lungs, invoking thunder itself as little bolts of electricity shot through every finger and every toe. And, gods, how you wanted to rock yourself against the half hard length pressing into your inner thigh as he absentmindedly dug his hips into yours.
Those heavenly irises honing in on you like you were tonight's dinner and he had you right where he wanted you before pushing off you, clearly satisfied with himself as that devilish smirk painted against his pretty lips, leaving you simmering hotter than any hell fire Ifirit could conjure.
You weren't sure what pissed you off more: him riling you up and leaving you high and dry or that you were losing to pain in the ass, overly cautious, ex-soldier Cloud- fucking -Strife. And you couldn’t have that.
“Well, sharpen up.” The one and only barked only adding to your fury as the corner of his lip quirked up. Cocky son of a bitch. Your nostrils flared as you swallowed thickly. “Time to get to work.”
Your narrowed irises flicked up to the impending heights you’d soon be climbing through, and as much as you yearn to turn the tides back in your favor, the dumb asshole had a point. You had to return to the reason why they were journeying in the first place, and a treacherous unmaintained mountain is not where you’d want to be caught off guard.
Truth be told, you’ve never had to take this route in any of your travels. Corel was an optional stop to the saucer now that there were easier highways to the resort. You had thought about in once, when you caught a glance at its signs for a scenic hiking trail, but the jagged inclines of impenetrable rock, and the decaying trees that were ripped from the earth- roots and all- deterred you from the endeavor. It didn't help that the very first facility at the entrance was a heap of broken down stone with rusted wires and bent signs around it. You'd pass on the tetanus.
You were thankful that your career has been incredibly successful and that your clients were more than happy to shell out the money for the luxury train that ran through this mountain from the seaport right to the ground elevator of the ‘happiest place on Gaia’. Hell, on a few occasions, where time was of the essence, you’ve even been flown there from Junon’s airport. You wondered if Bill had helped your clientele find alternative trainers in your leave of absence or if they were all still waiting for your return to the theme park.
So anyway, you were not the slightest bit surprised the lifts had a huge out of order side against the side of its coppered tin walls, not that you’d have trusted it. “Out of Service.” Red’s full and resonant cadence read of the sign that everyone was staring at.
“So we gotta walk?” Aerith asked with an exasperated disappointment.
“Ah, you’ll be fine!” Yuffie dismissed loudly her voice a tad to condescending for your liking. “Fresh air, nice view…!” She continued as she stretched her arms far above her head. Sure it’s not a big deal for some of you, but from your understanding Aerith hasn’t exactly had a lot of experience, and hiking a full mountain is taxing even on seasoned travelers, yet here she was proudly running her mouth completely oblivious to how rude she sounded.
“The view ain’t all that.” Barret interjected, his eyes strained on the rock above him. “Not unless you enjoy starin’ at ruined reactors.” You peeked at him from the side taking note at the underlying sorrow in his tone. His face was set in stone but his clenched jaw and fisted hand gave it away that he was clearly distressed. His eyes lost their usual luster and in its wake were hardened darker pools of charcoal showing everything he’d never say; grief, and self-condemnation.
“Right…” Tifa drawled slowly weighing her words carefully to avoid upsetting him further. “You grew up around here, didn’t you?”
He brushed past her, ignoring her question altogether, and stalked towards the gate leaving the rest of you to stare after him. “Let’s get a move on.” He called back though it lack his usual bravado.
Cloud surged into motion after him without a word with you close in tow.
You could relate, if only a little. It was difficult to talk about the past especially if you were trying to atone for past crimes. If that was Barret’s experience as well then this homecoming could be one of the hardest things he may have to face. He’ll talk about it when he’s ready.
However, Yuffie, bless her soul, seemed to be completely oblivious to his torment as she excitedly ran circles around everyone to get up in Cloud’s face and waving her arms frantically- needlessly- to grab his attention. He huffed as his boots dug into the ground to avoid crashing into you, his arms crossing across his chest and brow scrunched together in annoyance.
“Hey, Cloud! Materia’s like… super-condensed mako or something right?”
“Yeah.” He deadpanned.
“So… that means, wherever we find mako… we’ll find materia too!” She pushed passed him, no longer interested in his answer, and ran passed Barret to the entrance only calling back with glee. “Alright! Timeout’s over, team! Let’s go!” A punch to the air punctuated her excitement as she got caught up in her own desire for materia.
Yuffie could be a real pain in the ass, but watching as Barret shuffled after her to explain how group dynamics worked brought a slow lazy smile spread across your face. Her natural ability to ease the weigh off other people is her true talent, and you hoped that whatever future lies ahead doesn't dim her shine. Plus free entertainment was hard to find. You bet your ass that you'd pick up your pace just to stay close enough to hear them bickering.
“What? So does that mean I gotta run everything by you first?” She inquired.
“Yep.” He emphasized the pop on the p to make a point.
“So, that’s the game… fine. Permission to sing, sir?” She sang earnestly.
“Permission to scratch my back, sir? Permission to blow my nose? Oh, so tired… whoops! Didn’t get permission to yawn yet! Well? Do I get permission or not?” She asked back to back not even letting him get a word in, not that you think he deserved it. He laid that trap for himself.
“Sure,” He said as sweetly as humanly possible for him, “you can do it while you’re warmin’ the bench.” You chuckled, drawing the attention to the blonde beside you. When your eyes met an idea struck you: if he wanted to play then you’d play. You took a step to the right so you walked side by side, close enough that your hand could ghost along the wrinkled leather of his gloves. You watched the drag of his eyes travel down to your hands, the gears in his head turning as he fell for your trap. You could almost feel how strongly how much he wanted to take your hand in his own, and just when he gave into the desire you stepped away giving him a coy smile and a playful wink.
“That’s an abuse of power! Tyrant! Tyrant!” Your head turned sharply at the sound of Yuffie screeching. “Tifa, tell me your secret. How do you put up with this jerkface?”
You hadn't heard Aerith in sometime so instead of listening to the trio any longer, no matter how much you wanted to, you stopped and searched for the Cetra, your eyes softening as you saw the clear exhaustion plastered on her face. She was at the very back near Red who stayed patiently by her side as her feet were stumbling and slipping against the loose gravel. You waited till they nearly crested the hill where you were waiting to grab her hand, and help hoist her up. Her eyes were swimming with gratitude as she looked up at you, mumbling a quiet thank you as she dusted the dirt off her skirt.
You decided to linger around her in case she needed anymore assistance, and in doing so you had adequate time to really take in the scenery. The walkways began to taper off little by little as you scaled on. The loose grit smoothed down to dry dirt and sharp slabs bulging from beneath with winding pine roots trying to unearth themselves to find fertile soil. The foliage that peppered the ground were so brittle and frail that they nearly crumbled under your touch.
Places like these- locations with reactors- all have similar environments. The Planet’s energy is being sucked up right from its core and distributed to the bustling resorts, and thriving towns. Yet the forests, and plains show the damage. The desert around the Saucer for example, or the highway running between Midgar and Kalm. Yet no one but you ever seems to feel its’ pain.
You’ve been called crazy, understandably so, since you'd learned that most people cant feel or see the lifestream, and honestly you felt insane too. You had been deemed a failure in Shinra’s eyes but you've accepted that these abilities were probably the result of Hojo’s experiment, and with them comes the burden- the weight- of feeling its’ pain yet having no power to help.
You like to think that all of the lucent blue whisps that appeared to guide you in your darkest hours led you here, and now that its led you here. To a path you could do something to make a difference. To people who are willingly embracing you despite your reprehensible past.
You took a moment to catch your breath after climbing the top of a particularly steep crag and held out a hand to assist Aerith again. The two of you shared a look, giggling sheepishly, then you took a glimpse at the nice flat rest stop just ahead. And when you say rest stop you mean a decaying wooden bench and an old vending machine that flickered eerily however it did appear to be functional.
“Hey!” You called to the four in their own little group. “Aerith needs a break.”
Tifa turned first and immediately paced over to lend a hand regardless of you waving her off. “I’d say. You’re beat red.” She fussed as she held her hand to Aerith’s forehead.
“Sorry,” Aerith panted, “my legs’re killin’ me.”
“Let’s rest here.” Cloud declared with his eyes completely and wholly on you that swirled with a needless concern. You offered him an awkward thumbs up from your spare hand as you led Aerith to the bench.
“But, if we stop now, the materia-” Yuffie said with the slip of her tongue, “I mean the mystery men might slip away!” You rolled your eyes at her one track mind. Her obsession for materia was certainly annoying at times. “Hey I know what to do!” She proclaimed as she jumped up and moved into action. She was running up the path onwards with nothing but an explanation as she ran off. “I’ll go on ahead, and scout the area for us! You guys can catch up later. See ya!”
“Catch up later my ass!” Barret grumbled as he took off after her.
Tifa looked between Aerith and Barret as she hesitated who she should stick with. “I think I better go keep an eye on them.” She said as she worried her bottom lip between her teeth as she looked to Cloud for confirmation. “Barret’s not himself right now, y’know?”
Cloud nodded in agreement. “I know.”
“Take your time, okay?” She said as she pushed off her knees to a stand, giving Aerith one last assessment prior to dashing off with her boots crunching into the ground in search of Barret until she was no longer in sight.
And just like that it was the four of you sitting in the comfortable silence as Aerith caught her breath. After awhile the ground you had been staring at faded to a blur as you were swept into a moment of dissociation until a pair of black boots ground into your line of sight. You gaze flickered upwards to the man who adorned them, who was no doubt already searching for any signs of distress.
“What about you?” He inquired.
“I'm good.” You shrugged trying to play it cool. “Not my first mountain.” And it wasn't, but climbing and helping Aerith was proving to be quite grueling.
“Right.” He spoke absentmindedly his scrutiny swirling with mismatched emotions stayed fixated on you. You knew he could see straight through you, and it was both heartwarming and infuriating. “Just say somethin’ if you need a break.”
Alas nothing good came from your vulnerability and challenged ego. “Oh please, like you could keep up with me.” Would you ever be able to keep your mouth shut? Aerith ooooed beside you buying into your false bravado and eager to see the events that may unfold between the two of you.
“We’ll see.” He goaded. The sly smirk at the corner making you want to kiss the smugness right off his face and yet you missed it as he faced the next hurdle you'd have to cross. “Breaks over. Let’s go.”
You were pretty sure time stopped as the minutes turned to hours. Your thighs were burning with every step forward and your lungs equally uncomfortable as the air grew thinner. Your palms were aching with each ledge you've had to pull yourself on, and nails cracked from holding on with all the strength you had. Was this mountain particularly wicked or were you starting to decline? Poor Aerith really must be dying.
You were so focused between aiding her and surviving yourself you hadn’t realized Cloud had stopped until you’d walked right into his chest, eyes going wide as the intensity of his half lidded eyes stared down at you. “Shit. Sorry.” The words sounded heavy, sluggish, to your own ears. Why is it he can make your brain liquidate with just a heated stare?
“Can’t keep up?” He asked his attention flickering down to your parted lips. Maybe he wasn’t as unaffected as you thought.
“Some of us are trying to be helpful.” You shot back. You were practically giddy when the light in his eyes grew darker as they traced the way you tongue swiped over your bottom lip. You pushed at his chest to create some space before the others caught on then turned back to check on your friend. “Doing okay, Aerith?” Your voice the poster for a concerned ally.
“Yep! Feel great! I could do this all day!” She cheered, but the way her legs scuffed the gravel said otherwise. At least she still had some spirit.
“You’ve become one with the mountain.” Red explained just pace behind her.
“Say what?” You asked, the edges of your mouth curling into an amused smile.
“Really?! Thanks mountain!” Aerith exclaimed as she charged forward after Cloud, who hadn’t waited for the rest of you to begin scaling up the scaffolding. You smirked fully knowing what he was trying to hide from sight.
“The hell are you doing, Red?” Cloud asked only sparing Red a quick glance over his shoulder. Your thighs clenched. Down at the base of the cliff you had the perfect angle to stare up the his firm muscles flexing each time he climbed a ledge, or perfect glimpse of his ass as he heaved himself over the top.
“Relax. It happens to all new climbers. “If she passes out, I’ll carry her.” Red reassured him.
Red twisted his head back at your fountain of laughter with a growly rumbling from his chest. Oh, he’s serious. It only made you laugh harder. You could only picture him chewing on her dress while somehow balancing himself on two feet just climb the rock. You had to bite your bottom lip to stop it. “You that strong Red? I had no idea.” Once again laughter tried to overtake you as Red hung by his front paws, his claws anchored deep in the rocky ledge, as his back feet kicked off the side to rocket himself higher only yo sink his nails into the next ledge. It’s not funny. It shouldn’t be funny. Gods he's gonna hate you.
By the time you finally settled enough to climb the wall yourself the others were already trailing down the next chunk. It was odd to see them trust so blindly that you were still behind them. A true trust in your abilities for sure. You paused a second to watch the others move on without giving it a second thought to look back for you.
At the top a gloved hand waited to help pull you up and your heart stuttered in your chest. He waited for you.
With a heave you stood toe to toe. “Thanks for waiting.” You reached up to brush your thumb along his cheekbone.
“You okay?” He asked just above a whisper as he leaned into your touch like he'd missed the feeling from the day prior.
Your other hand tangled in his tank to pull him down to your height. You smooth lips just barely brushing against his chapped ones. “Now I am.” You confessed before pressing just that one centimeter closer to meet him, your mouth melting perfectly against him, and warm fireworks boomed all throughout your body. Turns out, you missed it too.
All the lighthearted fun came to a end in the aftermath of the Turks surprise parting gift. Two tons of flying steel shooting bullets and bombs at each one of you, and when it hadn't succeeded it switched to scorching fire or squashing you flat. It even burned a whole in your favorite boots. But, things didn’t turn sour until after it had been dealt with.
You found it unsettling that the Turks were also following the robed men. Were they hunting Sephiroth as well or were they after something else? Hojo also holds a special interest in. What did Shinra know about them that your ragtag group doesn’t?
Your apprehension didn't dwindle either, even after you met up with Tifa and crew. In fact the remnants of the old reactor only heightened your discomfort. You hoped beyond the most desperate prayer that the creaking grates held under your weight. A person could get mako poisoning just from breathing it in let alone falling into it.
The aftereffects of the explosion was horrifying even after all these years. Shinra hadn't even bothered themselves to clean up the debris. Pipes dangled precariously by a thread, hunks of ruined machinery falling through any cracks as the ground shook, and gaping holes in the walkways that you could easily fall through if you weren't paying attention. And the smell. It smelled like the babbling Brooks and a soothing breeze blowing across the summer trees and all things that life was made from. But it was twisted with an overwhelming pungent solvent mixed in. The effect on you was immediate. Pain blossomed behind your temples and your head felt pressurized yet faint. Your pulse pounded so clearly in your ears that you nearly believed you had gone deaf. To think that your developing body was submerged in this for months.
The merging of all things from the lifestream, and this man made atrocity was mans way of defiling the very laws of life itself. To drill into something so sacred should be impermissible yet the masses gather round and actually thank them. For what? Convenience? Luxury? What good would any of it be if life were to cease to exist and the Planet to run dry.
“Hey…” Yuffie’s voice droned on in the background, “so, what’s the deal with all these creepy hooded guys anyway?”
That was a question you had been meaning to ask as well. You were fortunate to have avoided them until now. You'd seen them in the distance as they ambled their way to Junon, and you were asleep on the ship when everything went down. Your skin crawled in their proximity. Their aura pulsated in greasy black waves with only one specific order whispering from their empty husks. Reunion. A sickening chill ran down the length of your spine.
“They’re Shinra’s victims.” Barret answered. That tracks.
“Huh…” She paused looking out. l towards the green pool. “Well, they’re in good company. I’ll give 'em that.”
“How do you figure?” Tifa turned to ask.
”When Shinra invaded Wutai it was… Pretty bad.” Yuffie kicked absentmindedly at some debris at her feet. “They leveled towns, killed thousands. And when the dust settled, they forced some bs truce on us.” She retold her story with a far off look that you've worn from time to time. Reliving the flickers of brutality came to easy when you're growing in the middle of it.
“I thought both sides wanted a cease fire.” Barret asked hoping to shed some light on the wars other side.
“The old geezers at the top did, yeah, but the rest of us were pissed!” Her fist met her palm. “They’d been running Wutai into the ground for years!” She yelled as she threw her hands up. “It was the last straw- we were done! Everyone was ready to kick those old parts to the curb. And that’s when Colonel Lodbrok’s team showed up. Three ex-soldiers ready to join the cause!” Your ears perked at the mention. Curious that not one, but three, soldier to defect to Wutai. Seems rather fishy, no?
“Who’d you say?” Cloud interjected as he walked from the back of the group.
Yuffie whirled towards him. “Lodbrok! His squad saved Wutai from those senile old fossils- paved the way forward! They didn’t do it alone though. While the colonel’s crew was rallin’ the people, their friend Viceroy Sarruf agreed to help. Then bam! Revolution. And that is how the interim government was born.” You'd never paid much mind to current events during the times of war. Not when you were fighting your own beneath the plate, and once you broke free you'd spent so much time wandering from place to place to stay hidden you never thought to read up on it. You knew more about the war with the Republic than this one which was kinda embarrassing, really.
“Revolution, huh? Y'all did good!” You snorted as Barret praised the young ninja. She beamed up at with a smile so bright with a childlike laughter as she soaked up the compliments. You forget she’s just a kid, sometimes.
“But… Why the interim?” Aerith asked from the side, her hand trailing through her bangs.
“Because, once this war with Shinra is behind us, the whole country’s gonna come together and decide what kinda government we want. Which is why we’re doing everything we can to make sure the interim ends in independence. Pretty cool, right?” She punched the air with her peculiar ‘ha ha ha’ that she does when she’s excited. And odd tick, but you all had your idiosyncrasies. Then she dashed off calling back at you. “Gonna stand there? Let’s get goin’!” You shook your head, but began to follow after her nonetheless.
But she was fast, and you didn't dare to leave Aerith’s side. You were sure she was doing just fine, but you wanted to be there just in case. In the lack of conversation and Yuffie’s exuberant presence breathing down your neck the ambiance quickly soured with the robes’ miserable groans taking point.
They were identical in most ways. All colorless skin, sunken eyes, and hooded cloaks. You couldn't make out any identifiable features. Well, maybe if you got closer, but you wanted as much space between them as possible. You were scared one touch would be all it took for their curse to grab hold and pull you down into its foreign clutches.
Did they feel pain? Their agonizing moans sounded like they came straight from the gates of hell, but if there was no consciousness, no host soul, who was in there to feel it?
Who were they all? Were they employees of Shinra, volunteers, or were they taken right off the streets and what experiment were they trying to perfect to have gone as badly as this. And lastly, how did it all link back to Sephiroth?
Your foot slipped out from under you and your hand snapped up to grip harshly at the railing beside you praying it wouldn't come loose. Relief washed over you that no one had seen you, it would’ve have suicide for your image, as you caught your breath. You straightened up and released your chokehold on the rusty tube beside you only for your wrist to be ensnared in a vice grip from behind. Your blood ran cold as the others walked on ahead.
You spun around quickly to frantically claw at his hand growing more desperate with each attempt. Why wont he let go?! “An..dy…” His mumbled words were filled with so much sorrow that it nearly broke your heart. His other hand outstretched towards your cheek. “Andro…meda.”
You ceased all attempts to break free as static took over the channel on your brain. What did he say?
Your arm was harshly ripped from his grip and your entire body pulled inti the firm planes of Cloud’s chest, your feet trembling as you stumbled back into him. Cloud was saying something in your ear an inquiry of sorts, but you were now hyper focused on the man in front of you. At first nothing stood out except the number 88 tattooed alongside his jaw like the other robed men, but the longer your eyes remained you could start to see what he once looked like. Salt and pepper hair that was thinning around his hairline, deep crinkles around his almond eyes like he had smiled a lot with the accompanying laugh lines that now looked out of place. Thin and cracked lips but arched at the top, and indentations on the bridge of his button nose like he wore glasses at one time. For a second you thought you'd seen a glint in his eyes like for just one mere second he had some clarity, but any trace was long gone now.
“Y/n?!” Cloud barked against you as he roughly grabbed your chin to look at you. His eyes were narrowed and sharp, his entire being vibrating with the need to take action. You hadn't meant to scare him so.
You closed your eyes and burrowed into his neck, breathing him in for comfort. “Yeah, sorry. I’m good.” You gave a weak smile to reassure him then stepped back to give him space though his hand stayed open like he hadn’t wanted to let go.
You wouldn't turn back to that shadow now solely focused on steading your legs. You couldn't unpack what just happened yet. Not now. It didn't go unnoticed when Tifa slowed to your side her eyes darting between you and Cloud then back to you as she undoubtedly fret over you. Cloud wasn't any better as he stayed three paces behind you, and didn't let his attention stray once.
You couldn't afford to lose your focus, but his face was burned into your skull. He knew her name. No one knew her name.
Their conversation about mako, and materia was distorted to the whispers in your head. Only when the surface began to bubble did you hear a world shattering cry. “It’s coming.” You whispered as you dug your ear into your shoulder to cease the ringing.
There was a hand on your shoulder, and an inquiry on their tongue, but you attention moved to the surface when the gargantuan beast breached the surface scattering mako droplets from its body through the air. It was breath taking, and frightening. It’s body was anything but smooth. Crumbly rivets swirled about it’s frame yet it was brilliantly silver and harder than any scale you’ve ever laid eyes on. It’s thick corded muscles twisted mid air to reveal the largest materia core recorded in history, before rotating once more to signal its depart. You saw your own reflection in its saucer sized eye, and with it tiny flashes of devastation that disappeared as it dove back into the mako disappearing with a piercing cry everyone heard. A few beads of mako landed on your cheek that your thoughtlessly brushed away. A weapon.
“Whoa!” Yuffie cried as she fell against the metal grate, the vibrations rattling clear under your feet.
“The hell was that thing?” Barret screamed and arm raised in defense.
“A weapon.” You answered, your eyes unmoving from the swirling green below you.
“That's correct.” Red spoke as he trotted over to your side. “Tutelary creatures said only to appear when the planet is in grave danger. Hojo has sought them for years.” You blinked the haze away to look down at him, your hand coming up to scratch absentmindedly at his head.
“Did you see what was inside it?” Yuffie burst and bounce with excitement. “That had to’ve been the biggest freakin’ materia ever! Just gotta figure out how to catch that overgrown fish.”
“The guardian of the planet?” Red asked astounded with the audacity of the little ninja.
“Whatever! I’m not about to let a materia that beautiful get away! And just so we’re clear, it’s mine- I called-”
“Shut up, Yuffie!” You snapped. “Are you so willing to destroy the planet for materia?! How is that any better than Shinra.” You spat and stormed off before you could say anything else. It was like you to lose control, but everything was happening so fast and you couldn't figure out how to handle it all. The man, your mother, the weapon, and now- How could she be serious?
Your foot steps against the metal clanged on even when the fury began to settle into ashes, and with it came some clarity. Guilt gnawed at your innards. You knew why she was so obsessed with materia, and obtaining it, but unchecked desperation was a deadly affliction. If not for the guardian of the planet where would she draw the line? Greed is what lead humanity here in the first place, and with the fiends emergence you'd think all planet dwellers would head its warning.
The soles of your boots halted at the edge of an old elevator. It appeared to be fully functional. All the thick braided cords were connected and intact. The door opened and shut accordingly, and it held your weight appropriately. Perhaps you should wait for the others before continuing onward.
It wasn't long until they came lumbering up the hill. You pushed off the operating console and skippered to the side to allow someone more skilled to have access to the panel. Tifa nudged up to you, looking around her hair that often fell into her face. “You okay?”
“I'm fine.” You said smile that didn't quite reach your eyes and a playful head tint to dissuade her concerns.
Stepping into the elevator was a bit, well much more that a bit, cramped. You body was quickly pushed towards the side as they filed in one by one until Cloud, at last, crammed in in front of you, his chest encroaching on your side in favor of being shoulder to shoulder with Tifa. With a ding that chimed above your heads the doors rattled open into coal mine. Before long the elevator dinged on the lowest floor and opened up into an old mine. You hadn't had a moment to look around lest you wanted to be left behind.
The grand peak you had read about in text books now stood grand before you, the point glinting in the afternoon sun. Of course the anchored gears into the sedimentary looked amiss, but it was once a coal mine after all. Now you stood on the on neglected tracks that once carried said coal straight to the heart of Corel only now the bascule bridge denied you passage.
“Dead end?” Yuffie huffed, very much the petulant child she could be.
“For now. Can’t cross till we lower it.” Red explained.
“Well this sucks.” She announced as she kicked the pebbles near her feet.
You gaze slides to Barret, who became the object of interest to everyone, and it was comical how long it took for him to realize all eyes were on him. “What?!” He barked, his meaty palm shooting up to the top of his head.
“You know this area… don’t you?” Tifa asked sheepishly obviously tip toeing around the obvious sensitive subject.
He scratched at the short hairs on his scalp looked to the mountain. Was the far off look in his eyes retelling all of his fond times or reliving the tragic events that occurred a long time ago? Eventually his hand lifted off his head to point up to the peak. “Control room’s up there at the top of the cliff.”
“How do we reach it?” Aerith asked.
“Through the mine.” He answered through clenched teeth. “Won’t be a walk in the park though. Place’s been abandoned for years.”
Near the base of the bridge cloaks of black stumbled erratically. It all happened so fast that it took everyone by surprise. At every obstacle thus far they had always halted their movements, and waited for the clear path to open up so imagine the horror that lanced through each of you as the first one stumbled right over the side to meet its inevitable demise into the craggy valley and into the unforgiving river that raged below.
“We’re workin’ on it! Just wait a minute!” Barret pleaded.
The hair on your arms and neck raised with alarm as the energy behind you began to change. The once gentle and resolute radiance was permeated by the same bleakness your robed friends were plagued with like a drop of black dye in the clearest of waters. Your breath froze in your lungs as an almost inaudible pressed in your ears, and everything in your being screamed at you to not look over to what you know you’ll see, but you couldn't run from this. You couldn't run from him.
Your fears were confirmed as Cloud took uneven unsteadied steps towards the edge. At first the others hadn't noticed anything was amiss, but as you took even paces towards him Cloud’s unresponsiveness registered on Barret’s radar. As his foot hovered over the edge you finally closed the distance roughly wrapping your arm around his bicep to yank him towards you. You gripped the sides of his face and pulled till he was level with your own.
Your thumb traced absentmindedly along his cheek your gaze piercing into him as an inner war waged on inside him. His eyes were not his own. The same color sure, but his pupils were nothing but dark slits not unlike the Midgar Zolom. “Cloud.” You called your throat constricting around the emotions welling in your heart. Your pulse sped up when your voice seemed seemed to have a clear effect on him. The foreign stare flickering back and forth from this unknown entity, and his own inner person. You could still feel him in there, the Cloud you were so utterly enamored with. “Cloud, come back to me.”
He gripped his head, falling back a step, and screamed in pain. His face set in utter torment before his knees buckled under him and his entire frame falling into you. He nuzzled his nose under your collar and hands clutched your sides hard enough you'd bruise, but his desperation to be as close to you as possible didn't deter you from hooking you arms under his to slowly walk him backwards to the test stop behind you. You refused to falter under his weight your sheer willpower enough to carry his burdens and your determination to be his pillar could overcome your own limitations.
Barret was quickly at your side to assist you and with his help you could comfortably lay him across the bench to rest since he was unable to hold up his own weight. You fetch one of the vacuumed cushions you always made sure to pack and ripped the wrappings off it with your teeth. Once the fabric inflated to its original state you slide it under his head.
“Perhaps the mako got to him.” Red speculated. “Regardless, he’s clearly tired.”
“Cloud could rest here while a couple of us go and lower the bridge, yeah?” Yuffie suggested. A pit of guilt licked at your lower stomach.
“Works for me.” Tifa agreed. You tried to step away just to offer your assistance but Cloud’s outer hand curled around your thigh and held tight. You looked down to where he clutched you. His arm was trembling, and cold, his eyes were squeezed tights and sweat trickled from his hairline. You couldn't bring yourself to try to pry him off, and truthfully you didn't want to leave his side. It was a unrealistic fear, but what if you went the others only to learn he'd leaped. “You should stay behind.” Tifa said as she looked over your shoulder, her voice wistful for something he could clearly not give her. Her gloved fingers tucked the raven strands behind her ears then the her hand fell to her bicep to rub the skin there absentmindedly. “He needs you.” She admitted with a tight lipped smile.
You only nodded in agreement. You had a feeling this cut her deeper than any normal childhood friendship bond could. You could hear the heartbreak, alongside the indisputable worry everyone of you were experiencing, tucked into every word. It was painted in her downcast eyes and inward shoulders.
“When that thing rings,” Barret pointed to the operating phone in the booth to the left. “you’ll know we’re done.” You nodded in understanding. “And you,” he pointed to where Cloud’s head flopped lazily to the side, “don’t move till you’re good and ready.”
“Alright, put your minin’ helmets on and follow me!” Yuffie broke out into a fit of youthful laugher. Whether so was trying to lift everyone's spirits or was genuinely oblivious to the disaster this trip had turned into you could only wished her ability for lightheartedness could be contagious.
You weren't really sure how long the ago they'd left spending most of it in your head, and the rest of it on the man laying in your lap. Your knew Aerith, and Red were probably just as lost as you were with the latest events, but you surprisingly was not handling it well.
You thrive on chaos and danger. It’s the been the only constant in your life, and you had made a home within it, but it felt like your like world was crumbling from under you.
The only thing you were sure of was that Cloud and the men were connected, and that means everything ties back into Shinra, and more so Sephiroth.
“I know you want to talk about it.” You said your tender gaze unwavering from Cloud’s relaxed face. “I just don’t even know where to start.”
“What do you make of these people?” She asked.
You stared out at the small group that have congregated at the base of the bridge. They no longer showed any signs of impatience, but that lingering thought still stuck to you. “Why did they jump off?”
“I don't know.” She admitted quietly.
“I think they're puppets.” You felt her cerulean depths slide onto you, watching with interest. “They haven't been impatient before right?”
“I don’t think so. They usually just wait around when they have no other place to go.”
“Exactly. Why jump off this bridge when there was no clear path, unless they were told to.”
“But Cloud-” She started.
“Is connected somehow.” You finished for her regardless of if she drew the same conclusion. You twisted your head to her, leaning the weight of it against the bench. “You felt it too, right?”
“I smelled a change for just a moment.” Red concurred from his place below the bench where he stretched his paws.
“It’s Sephiroth, I think.” Aerith said after sometime. “With the weapon appearing, and his search for the promised land cant be a coincidence. I just wished i knew more.”
“I’m sure with time we will soon understand.” He was right, but it didn’t really bring any reassurance.
You needed the information now if you were to help him. Was it possible that the hosts were still somewhere in the disabled bodies? You swallowed thickly before you opened your lips thinking about the incident that started todays downwards spiral, “That man… the one that grabbed me, knew my name.”
Aerith looked at you quizzically. “Y/n, he didn't say your name.”
“He did. I was named, on paper at least, after my mother who became Project Andromeda or Project “A” after she fell into a coma while she worked in mako research.” The two of them shared a look. “She was pregnant at the time so Shinra seized the opportunity to put her on a vent and submerge her body into mako in one of their many reactors to see if they could create a Cetra.”
“Let me guess, Hojo?” Red drawled.
“Who else.”
“So that man…” Aerith started, but then stopped. If she was thinking what you thought she was thinking you were grateful she didn’t put it in words.
You shuddered a breath, “He must've knew her or of her to know her name.” Or loved her, but you couldn't let yourself go there. Not yet. “It was a classified project.”
“I see.” Was all she said, and that’s really all there was to say. The only one who you tell you was him, and he’s in no position to spill.
When you looked back to your lap one gorgeous blue staring back at you without a trace of his earlier discomfort, and a true smile spread across you face. The weight that had settled on your chest was finally lifted. He's okay. “Morning sleepy beauty.”
He nuzzled his cheek farther into the fat of your thighs. “Hey.”
“Hello, hello! This is special agent Yuffie! Can you read me, Commander Cloud?” Her voice rang through the speakers as bright as sunshine. Cloud shook his head, amused by her perpetual cheer, and walked over to the phone. “How you doin’? Feelin’ better?”
“I’m good.” He responded.
There was some chatter that filtered through as if there was a struggle for the phone, before Barret’s husky timbre spoke through the static. “We’ll take a cart back down. You three follow the tracks till you hit the bridge in town. Figure we link up there before heading in. You copy?”
“Oh, and set our route while you’re at it, will ya? The gentler the ride, the better. Don’t want anyone losin’ their lunch.” He chuckled.
“I’m beggin’ ya, Cloud please!” Yuffie pleaded like her life depended on her.
“I wouldn't mind some excitement, but whatcha gonna do?” And the line went dead.
Cloud faced everyone still here and squared his shoulders. He had a part to play. “Time to go.”
Cloud did what he could to push his growing fears back where it came from, but this latest episode had rattled him. He’d seen what was happening to Broden back in Kalm but he reasoned with himself that his time was farther down the road. ‘Don't take your youth for granted.’ He’s only twenty-one years old. He should have had years left, but it was hard to ignore the signs when he almost just walked ,off the cliff. He would have too, if it hadn’t been for you.
He wasn’t sure how or why but your voice had acted like a beacon, a light in the dark, to lead him back through the thick muffled void that threatened to swallow him whole. Your grip on his arm kept him grounded, and once he found himself pressed to your bare skin with your scent lining his nostrils he could finally feel himself again. When he woke he thought he might have died for a moment when your sweet face beamed down at him like the world was right again, and honestly he would've welcomed death if it had meant he got to be in that position every day with your fingers in his hair and the heat of your body seeping into his own.
But reality came knocking, and shit has to go on so he’s doing what he does best: put on a brave face and push forward.
When you reached the divergence in the tracks he quickly shot over to the navigation map to oversee what route their cart was charted to take. Once he figured which route lead where he opted to give Barret his thrill as a thank you, but he couldn't bare to move the level as your hand covered his. He swallowed thick as he met your eyes, then darting down to the sheepish grin, and back to your eyes. He let you pull his hand into the safer option.
“I owe Yuffie.” Was all you said and who was he to deny you when all he wanted was breathe the same air as you.
He was thankful for the fiends that provided him with something to occupy his mind from the darker thoughts that lurked between his ears but really you were proving to be all he needed to pull him off his axis. Your shining braid twisting through the hair as you moved around fiends, soft skin that brushed against his own from time to time that spread goosebumps in your wake, your bell like laugh as you bantered with Aerith and Red. Every little detail made his chest puff with longing, and he didn't know how much more he could take before all the desire in came to a head. He was no longer confused about what he felt, and he didn't give a shit if anyone else was looking anymore. He was done wasting what time he had left. He loved you, clear as day. It was fact. It was as true as the sun rising each day or the very blood that pumped through his veins. Youve stolen his heart that very first day you'd looked into his eyes, and he’d be damned if you didn’t keep it till his time was up.
Bonus scene 1
“So, Red…” Aerith started a hint of mischief playing on her tongue.
“No.” He flat out refused any whims she may be thinking. His delivery pulling out yet another one of your heart clenching laughs.
“I didn’t even say anything yet.” Aerith pouted.
“You didn’t have to.” He countered.
“One squeeze?”
“Please? If not for me, at least for Cloud?”
He shrugged, feeling glad for once to be pulled into the silly banter. “I mean, I am kinda curious…”
A low growl emanated from beneath the tufts of red on his chest. A warning to heed.
“How ‘bout this?” Aerith started. “At the next inn, we treat you to a foot massage!”
“I was trained to give impeccable hand massages.” You chimed in though the thought of you treating him to one too had heat rushing to his face. At least he was in the front.
“Not you too.” Red sighed. You held your hands up in defeat and Cloud couldn’t contain the light laugh, your head turning quickly to eye him up.
“Did you just laugh? Guys!” You bounced on the balls of your feet. “Cloud Strife, just laughed.”
Bonus Scene 2
“Who’s this?” Aerith inquired as the both of you watched this cute little ball of golden fluff fly around Cloud even as he aimed to swat the creature away. To your delight it’s determination won out in the end as it chirped happily as it settle onto Cloud’s shoulder.
“Think of him as a tagalong.” Yuffie skipped directly into you too, wide smile in tow. She’s always so elated to stir up more trouble.
“Wait a sec…” Aerith whispered as low as possible into your ear. “That is uncanny.” She pointed between the tiny cluckatrice chick’s spikey coat and the near identical style of the merc’s hair.
“I know, right?” Yuffie cried out. “Meet ‘Cloud jr.’”
You stepped closer, as steady as you could as to not frighten the chick, and reached a finger out to scratch the tuffs just under its beak. The chick chirped and spread it wings, soaring around your head on its route to Cloud Sr.’s unamused face.
“Kill me.” Everyone chuckled at Cloud’s dismay, but the attention quickly shifting to Mama Cluckatrice’s grand entrance giving you ample time to soothe Cloud’s ruffled feathers.
With a quick look around to make sure no one else was looking you spun your finger around one of the front locks. You leaned in so your lower voice could be heard. “Don’t worry. You’re cute too.”
This was a very heavy chapter and the bonus scenes at the end just didn't fit the mood of the chapter all together but still moments that would be canon in this spin. Im hoping to have the next chapter out quick since it should be a smaller piece. Until then my friends.
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demigod-of-the-agni · 1 year ago
call me insane, but if Jenova (and to some extension, Sephiroth) can appear as anyone you know, fear or love, what are the chances that Cloud kills someone else in this scene
And Sephiroth hugging Cloud? it's just that other person slumping over him as they die
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tifa-simp · 10 months ago
Funny that when I think of Sephti and Rufti, I can imagine Tifa changes Sephiroth in a better timeline but I can't imagine she does the same with Rufus. Rufus is a rich white nepo baby with daddy issue, has superiority complex and a bunch of goons that willing to die for him, Seph is broke test tub baby, has both parents issue, used to be a pretty decent dude and was betrayed by many people. It's easier to imagine the second guy gets better with help than the first guy. No amount of love can change capitalism.
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jazumindrawzfanart · 1 year ago
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The bell above the door chimed softly as Sephiroth entered the brightly colored kindergarten, his silver hair and sleek business suit stark against the backdrop of children's artwork and tiny chairs. He was there to pick up his younger brother, Kadaj, who had insisted on spending time in a daycare, much to Sephiroth's bemusement.
Tifa Lockhart, the kindergarten teacher, looked up from where she was helping a child with a puzzle. Her eyes widened slightly at the sight of the imposing man, who seemed so out of place in her world of finger paints and storybooks.
"Mr. Sephiroth, I presume?" Tifa asked, smoothing down her apron as she stood up.
"Yes, I'm here for Kadaj. Is he ready to go?" Sephiroth's voice was calm, but there was a hint of impatience.
Tifa nodded, but her gaze softened as she looked over at Kadaj, who was cheerfully playing with blocks. "He's been such a joy to have. It's clear he looks up to his father a great deal."
Sephiroth's brow furrowed slightly at that. "Father?"
"Yes, it's not common to see such a bond. He talks about you a lot," Tifa said, smiling warmly.
Kadaj, overhearing this, shot Sephiroth a mischievous look, but said nothing to correct the misunderstanding. In his eyes, this was the perfect opportunity to play matchmaker for his brother, who he thought needed more warmth and light in his life – something Tifa seemed to radiate.
Sephiroth decided to let the assumption stand for the moment, intrigued by the interaction. "Well, I do my best," he replied smoothly.
Tifa led Sephiroth over to where Kadaj was playing. "Kadaj, your father is here."
As Sephiroth and Kadaj prepared to leave, Tifa handed Sephiroth a newsletter about upcoming events at the kindergarten. "It would be wonderful to see you at our family day event next week," she said, hoping he would come.
"I'll consider it," Sephiroth replied, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. As he turned to leave, he caught the gleeful look in Kadaj's eyes.
Walking back to his car, Sephiroth glanced down at Kadaj. "You enjoyed that, didn't you?"
Kadaj grinned up at him. "You need more fun in your life, big brother. And Miss Lockhart is nice, isn't she?"
Sephiroth sighed, but there was a softness in his eyes that wasn't there before. "We'll see, Kadaj. We'll see."
As they drove away, Kadaj leaned back, content with his day's work. He was certain that this was just the beginning of a series of delightful misunderstandings and unexpected connections.
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vitalitypopkat · 2 years ago
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I love him so much. That is all.
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chomesuke · 2 months ago
i love sephiroth very much. I also love seeing everyone he's wronged murder him.
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lxckheart-archive · 2 years ago
Genesis: His titties
Tifa with out a second thought: Yeah but consider---
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astrxealis · 2 years ago
one day i will talk about how much ff7 and aerith and cloud and zack and etc mean so much to me
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#i don't think or talk about it much bcs i have certain feelings too but i dearly adore ffvii#:(( it's something that connects me w my family and also hello ff is my favorite thing ever#^^ esp my dad! so yeah. it means a ton. also ff is my childhood and etc and yeah#cloud is a character that means a lot to me uh i relate to him i see myself in him but also hes such an intriguing character#aerith is the world to me for many reasons but also hey okay ... my most important ocs are based off her. at least in a little way#lyra? astria? apollo? yeah. merle is a bit more Tifa but he has the Aerith inside of him too#and zack ... him w aerith / cloud okay ..... ruins my heart he means the world to me#and look i love themes w angels and wings and flowers to fucking DEATH so. yeah. vii my beloved#i won't consider it even in my top 5 final fantasies (i would even put 8 and 6 above it despite not having played them. yet.)#but it is definitely the final fantasy i know ... the third most. bcs i have an insane amt of knowledge about ffxiv and ffxv lol#:] and it is very special to me! but some factors just play into why it's not a favorite of mine. in the series#but also it is a favorite of mine ... yeah. lol#ackkk ..... o man. means sooo much to me fr#especially aerith out of everything in vii bcs she is literally my most favorite female character and honestly she is. kind of tied w#my favs like sandy and dimitri. but below raha lol literally no one can compare to him for me#^^ my favs are weird bcs i dont really compare them in favorites too bcs theyre all just. my first favs ?? yeah#i have a huge heart ^_^ so <3
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timmydraker · 5 months ago
Tim who does crochet.
It’s Dick who is given the first gift, long before Tim is Robin and even before he knows who Robin is.
It was simply because he was a kind kid who had been there to witness something horrible and wanted to comfort the poor boy he saw sobbing off two lost loved ones.
Little Tim walked up to Dick with the crochet elephant that was admittedly a little funky looking and held it up to him without making eye contact. He had hidden the small plushie from his parents lest they disapprove of his hobby, just like they did with drawing and skating.
Dick had beamed happily and held onto the toy, saying it was so cute and how Tim should be so happy to have it.
Tim had frowned and shook his head, “It’s for you, Mister Grayson. It’s Tifa.”
Never had Tim seen someone so in awe of his creation as he did in that moment and it made him beam just like Dick had been.
Once Dick took the little elephant into his hands Tim had bolted away.
Bruce was next, being gifted a big fluffy jumper on his first birthday after loosing Jason. It was a soft, light green with too long sleeves that went over his ass. It was big, far too big, and thick enough that it might even be too hot in autumn.
He didn’t wear it for a while, mainly because he ignored the big wrapped present Tim had left in his room out of guilt and shame and even a little frustration.
When he opened it up he put it on and promptly broke down, finding the feeling more similar to a hug than he thought something non-hug could get.
He wore it in front of Tim once to show he appreciated it and then wore it whenever he was injured.
Steph got a few things, mainly tops and one big blanket that he gave her after they reconnected when she came back. It had been his way of saying he forgave her and wanted to be her friend again without using words.
Cass got a big poncho with a hood that was rainbow, bright and loud while still capable of hiding her when she felt she couldn’t be seen.
It took a long time for him to make Jason anything after he came back. When he did, him and Tim avoided each other for over a year until Tim overheard Alfred talking to Bruce about how sad it was to not see his two bright boys getting along.
Alfred had been pouring tea with the pot he made a kettle warmer snug with Lilly of the Vally on it when he said it.
So, Tim had searched through his old photos of Jason’s Robin and made himself recall those old ideals and awe. He made himself remember what Jason also had ripped from him and, while it wouldn’t change or excuse how Jason had brutalised him, it made him understand him more.
He decided that instead of joining to Jason and having a heart to heart, that he should do what all bats did and start off without saying a thing.
He makes Jason a blanket that took him over a month of a floral book cover of Jane Ire.
Tim was relived when it was done and simply left it laid out on Jason’s bed in his latest hideout with a note that said,
“I know little about Jane Ire, maybe you could tell me about it sometime?
~ Tim. D.”
Jason had sent him a text a day later to say he could send him a copy with his annotations if he wanted.
It wasn’t long after Tim had read the book, taking twice as long with all the notes Jason had left in it, that he was then left to make something for Damian.
Naturally, he didn’t want to at first.
Also naturally, he got bored and wanted to make another animal after seeing Tifa again. She was cute, but a little munted with age.
He took one look at Titus and promptly made a plan to create him with crochet. He wanted to give it to Bruce after he was done, but he’s only an asshole when he finds it entertaining.
At heart, he’s a kind boy, so he gives it to Damian.
When he gets an actual, verbal thank you from the new Robin, he makes Alfred the Cat and Ace, then finally Bat-cow and Goliath.
The best thing he’s made, according to Duke, is Signals first ever fan made merch that he wears nearly all the time.
Kate says that wrong because the leg warmers he made for winter patrols have apparently saved her life.
Salina would say it’s actually the cat pawed mittens he made her when he was twelve and never told Bruce about.
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sailing-ever-west · 26 days ago
This meme I made about Lucrecia in discord once suddenly feels relevant
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I'm not telling people they're wrong when they say Aerith is a complex female character, but they're wrong in regards to her not be handled well. Lucrecia Crescent is the real complex female character that the Fandom wanted but couldn't handle because she defines complexity to the T! I don't think people actually understand what complex means when they claim they want more complex characters, and then they lose their ever-loving mind when Lucrecia shows up. And in my opinion, she's far more complex than Sephiroth is.
#what if i want to study her under a microscope#but like not in the creepy hojo way#what if i want to watch with a camera and say “ur doing amazing sweetie” when she is in fact brutally destroying her life beyond repair#like i think she's responsible for her own ruin#i also think she was manipulated and abused#i think she was probably a genius#i think she was so so stupid#and vincent too. brother was down bad and took so many L's for the most unstable girlie he could find#the whole story fascinates me and i want to chew on it#and yes she is more complex than sephiroth#sephiroth is a very interesting character dgmw and I love to spin him around in my brain like a wii disc but when you break it down#his story is actually pretty straightforward#he was a child. neglected and abused. made into a soldier. but he did his best to be a good man. and then his mind got magically messed up#in the midst of other existential grief#and he snapped got possessed and murdered everybody#and now he haunts the guy who killed him. ig#like it's a crazy chain of events and complex in its own right but it's also not unheard of#the narratives surrounding lucrecia about guilt and manipulation and motherhood and grief and human hubris and toxic relationships are just.#mmmmmmmm rotates them#she feels oddly grounded and messy in a cast of characters who all have these grand cosmic themes and hero stories#sephiroth is a hero archetype and a villain archetype#cloud is the reluctant hero who steps up to the plate#aerith is the ethereal dead girl haunting the narrative#tifa is the plucky and familiar girl next door charging into the larger battle#hojo is the creepy evil mastermind#vincent is the jaded antihero who ends up doing the right thing#but lucrecia...what is she?#she's the idolized dead mom but unlike most characters in that trope she's not a ray of sunshine and kindness#nor is she just beautifully sad due to her unfortunate life circumstances#she is messy and angry and desperate and overzealous and filled to the brim with crippling regret that doesn't stop her from doing it again
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magnagaruzenmon · 1 month ago
Hybrid Theory III/0
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New Neighbors
Tags: threesome, hybrid,
A little birthday gift for our collab writer who loves Sakura and Mina
Koby had just finished his morning workout when he heard the commotion outside his apartment. He grabbed a towel, slinging it over his shoulder as he opened his door to investigate.
Two girls stood in the hallway, surrounded by boxes, a few suitcases, and what looked like a partially unwrapped gaming chair. One of them—a petite woman with dark cat ears poking through her hair—was attempting to balance a heavy-looking box on one knee while typing something on her phone. The other—a woman about the same height with strikingly pale feathers dusting her arms—sighed, adjusting her grip on a large suitcase.
Koby leaned against his doorframe, raising a brow. “Moving in or staging a takeover?”
The cat hybrid’s ears twitched as she looked up. “Oh, hey. You live next door?”
“Yeah,” Koby said, crossing his arms. “You two need help, or are you just gonna wrestle that box all day?”
The owl hybrid sighed in relief. “That would actually be amazing,” she said. “I’m Mina, and this is Sakura. We just moved in, and, well… we underestimated how much stuff we have.”
Sakura flashed a grin. “More like she underestimated how many Lego she owns.”
Mina shot her a look before turning back to Koby. “Excuse me Mrs game addict. Anyway, if you’re free, we could use an extra pair of hands.”
Koby glanced at the mess of boxes, then back at the two. “Yeah, alright. But you owe me dinner.”
Sakura smirked. “That a move, neighbor?”
He chuckled. “Nah, just a fair trade.”
Mina shook her head with a small smile. “Deal.”
Just Being Nice… Right?
Koby smiled before rolling up his sleeves, helping the girls move the rest of their stuff in. He was surprised by how nerdy they were. It all started when Sakura noticed his Tifa shirt and practically gasped.
“Oh, are you a gamer?” she asked, her cat-like eyes sparkling with interest.
Koby nodded, and before he could say anything else, Sakura’s entire face lit up like a kid in a candy store. “No way! Okay, what’s your take on FF7 Remake? And don’t tell me you’re one of those people who hates it because they changed stuff.”
Koby blinked, thrown off by her enthusiasm. “I mean… it’s great. The combat system’s fun, and I actually like the changes.”
Sakura beamed, stepping closer. “Finally, someone with taste!” She playfully nudged his arm, lingering a little longer than necessary. “You’re gonna love having us as neighbors, Koby.”
Before Sakura could start a full-on discussion about the entire Final Fantasy franchise, Mina, ever the composed one, put a hand on her shoulder. “Later,” she said with an amused smile. “We need to finish unpacking before you start interrogating him.”
Koby chuckled, shaking his head as he lifted another heavy box. As he worked, he found himself liking them more and more. They were easy to talk to, charming in different ways—Mina had this quiet, refined grace, while Sakura was all energy and playful mischief. They made the normally dull task of moving strangely enjoyable.
Still, despite their friendliness, Koby reminded himself to stay cool. He’d given up on dating for a while now—ever since Jeewon, the sweet cow hybrid he’d been talking to, told him she had fallen for a wildebeest hybrid named Isaac. It wasn’t like she had rejected him in a harsh way—she was lovely about it, actually—but Koby had just gotten tired of gearing up for romance only to have it fizzle out. He figured life as a lone wolf… or, well, lone stag-alligator-African hound wasn’t so bad.
But his body? His instincts? Those weren’t as easily convinced.
Every time Mina bent down to pick something up, Koby had to look away and take a deep breath, forcing himself to think about anything but how smooth her movements were, how her thighs looked in those leggings, how her soft feathers framed her body just right—stop.
And then there was Sakura, who stretched way too often for Koby’s sanity. Every time she raised her arms, exposing that toned midriff, he felt his pulse quicken. She was teasing him, right? No, no, they’re just friendly girls. Stop overthinking it.
Despite trying to stay composed, Koby couldn’t help but feel their presence in a way that made his instincts stir. It wasn’t just their looks—it was their personalities, their casual touches, the way they included him so naturally, as if he had already been part of their world.
As they wrapped up, Sakura leaned against the kitchen counter, watching Koby with a smirk. “You know, you’re kinda great to have around. Maybe we should ‘accidentally’ break some furniture just so you have to come help us again.”
Mina, sitting on one of the now-unpacked chairs, took a sip of water and gave him a teasing glance. “Or we could just invite him over instead of causing unnecessary damage.”
Koby laughed, scratching the back of his neck. “You two are… something else.”
“Is that a good something else?” Sakura purred, stepping just a little closer.
Koby’s brain short-circuited for half a second before he coughed and looked away. “I—uh, yeah. Yeah, of course.”
Mina exchanged a knowing glance with Sakura, a small, satisfied smirk on her lips.
By the time they finished, Koby felt like he was on the verge of going into rut just from spending an hour with them. But, like a good neighbor, he held firm.
After they finished moving the last box into place, Sakura flopped onto the couch with a dramatic sigh. “Finally! Time to eat.”
Mina, ever the practical one, was already scrolling through her phone. “I’ll order something for all of us. Koby, you like Korean food, right?”
Koby blinked. “Huh? Oh, uh—yeah, of course.”
“Great,” Mina said smoothly, already tapping away. “I’ll get samgyeopsal, some kimchi stew, and a few extra sides. That should be good.”
“You guys don’t have to do that,” Koby said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Sakura grinned. “Oh, but we want to. Think of it as payment for your hard work.” She leaned forward, resting her chin in her palm as she added, “Besides, we like spoiling people we like.”
Koby felt his throat go dry. He wasn’t sure how to take that comment—was she just being nice, or was that flirting? It had to be just her personality… right? Mina was the more reserved one, and even she had been oddly attentive toward him all evening.
Realizing he needed a moment to collect himself before he said or did something dumb, he quickly stood. “I, uh—I should shower. Worked up a sweat moving all that stuff.”
“Take your time,” Mina said with a knowing smile.
As Koby disappeared into his apartment, Sakura stretched out across the couch, staring at the ceiling with a pleased hum. “He’s so into us.”
Mina chuckled, sipping her water. “Obviously.”
Sakura rolled onto her side, tail flicking lazily. “You think he even realizes it yet?”
Mina smirked. “Not a chance. He’s overthinking everything.”
Sakura laughed. “Poor guy. We’re probably driving him insane.”
Mina leaned back in her seat. “He’s sweet, though. Strong, helpful… and did you see the way he was checking us out when he thought we wouldn’t notice?”
Sakura purred. “Oh, I noticed. And I liked it.” She twirled a strand of her hair, then gave Mina a curious glance. “So, what do you think?”
Mina arched a brow. “About?”
“Sharing,” Sakura said bluntly, her smirk widening. “You know, if it comes to that.”
Mina exhaled, considering. “It’s… not the worst idea.”
Sakura grinned. “You mean it’s a great idea.”
Mina rolled her eyes but didn’t disagree.
Meanwhile, in his own apartment, Koby stood under the steaming shower, hands braced against the tiled wall as the water cascaded down his back.
He was screwed.
Not just because of how insanely gorgeous both Mina and Sakura were, but because of how easily they’d slipped past his defenses. He liked them. A lot. And they were so casual about being close to him—teasing him, touching him, joking like they’d known each other for years.
But were they flirting?
Were they just being friendly?
Was he reading way too much into everything?
Koby let out a groan, running a hand down his face.
This was gonna be a problem.
After showering Koby heads back to Mina and Sakura’s apartment. He arrived to see them already eating dinner. Koby happily joined them and sat in the open chair.
Koby sat across from Mina and Sakura at the small dining table in their new apartment, picking at the takeout they had ordered. The place still had that just moved in feel—boxes stacked in corners, some furniture not quite in place—but the atmosphere was warm. Maybe too warm, Koby thought, shifting slightly as he tried to focus on his food instead of the two stunning hybrids sitting across from him.
Mina, elegant as ever, ate with quiet grace, while Sakura had already stolen half of Koby’s fries when he wasn’t looking. They made an interesting pair—one reserved, one mischievous—but both were too good at getting under his skin in the best possible way.
As Koby reached for his drink, Mina’s sharp silver eyes flickered toward his forearms. He paused mid-sip, following her gaze. He realized too late that the sleeves of his hoodie had slipped up, revealing faint, almost iridescent scales running along the underside of his arms. Mina, ever composed, simply tilted her head, but there was something calculating behind her expression.
“Your antlers are interesting,” she said, voice smooth as silk. “But I have to ask about… the scales?”
Koby stiffened. He had been through this conversation before—usually with people gawking at him like a science experiment gone wrong. But Mina’s tone was different. Curious, not judgmental. He exhaled and set his drink down.
“I was part of the Ginis experiments,” he admitted, keeping his voice even.
Mina’s gaze didn’t waver. “Which ones?”
Koby blinked, surprised at the direct question. Most people either stammered awkwardly or asked what the hell does that mean? He hesitated before answering, “The trybrid ones.”
For the first time, Mina’s lips quirked into something almost resembling a smirk. “Huh,” she mused. “I researched those a while back.”
Across the table, Sakura choked on her drink, quickly covering her mouth as she turned to Mina with a knowing look. She mouthed, You’re such a tease.
Koby caught the exchange but didn’t quite understand its full meaning. What did she mean, researched? And why was Sakura looking at her like that? His heart was already working overtime just being near these two, and now Mina was watching him like a predator sizing up her next meal.
“You must be… interesting, then,” Mina continued, resting her chin on her hand, her gaze never leaving his. There was something too intentional about her voice, the way it dipped slightly in amusement, the way her piercing eyes seemed to pick him apart.
Koby swallowed hard, feeling heat creep up his neck. Don’t overthink it. Don’t overthink it. Don’t—
Sakura, barely holding back laughter, nudged him with her foot under the table. “Careful, Koby. Mina’s got a thing for unique hybrids.”
Mina just sipped her drink, the ghost of a smile playing on her lips.
Oh, I’m so screwed.
Koby pushed back his chair abruptly, clearing his throat. “I, uh, gotta hit the bathroom real quick.”
The moment he was out of sight, he leaned over the sink, gripping the edges as he took a deep breath. His reflection stared back at him, flushed and flustered.
“Pull yourself together, man,” he muttered. “They’re just being nice. That’s all.”
But deep down, something primal in him wasn’t so sure.
Koby practically fled to the bathroom, closing the door behind him a little too quickly. Mina and Sakura watched him go, the sound of the faucet running soon following.
Sakura immediately turned to Mina, a sly grin stretching across her face. “You are such a tease,” she whispered, leaning in.
Mina took another sip of her drink, her expression unreadable. “I was just making conversation.”
Sakura snorted. “Please. ‘Oh, I researched trybrids a while back~’” she mimicked in an exaggerated version of Mina’s smooth, sultry tone. “You might as well have said, ‘I think you’re fascinating and I’d love to see how you—’”
Mina gave her a slow, unbothered blink. “Finish that sentence, and I’ll make sure your alarm mysteriously fails to go off next time we have morning schedules.”
Sakura just laughed, stealing another one of Koby’s fries. “Come on, though. You totally enjoyed watching him squirm.”
Mina didn’t answer right away, instead idly tracing the rim of her glass. “He’s… interesting,” she admitted finally. “And he clearly doesn’t know how to handle being pursued.”
Sakura wiggled her brows. “So you are interested.”
Mina glanced toward the hallway, where the faint sound of water still ran. “Maybe,” she murmured. “But I also like seeing how long he can last before he realizes what’s happening.”
Sakura leaned back in her chair, smirking. “I give him another week, tops.”
Mina hummed in thought, tapping a manicured nail against the glass. “You’re underestimating him.”
Sakura grinned, tail flicking playfully behind her. “Wanna bet?”
Mina merely smirked, taking another slow sip of her drink.
In the bathroom, Koby splashed cold water on his face, staring hard at his reflection. They’re just being nice. They’re just being nice. They’re just—
His gut told him otherwise.
Sakura grinned, flicking her tail. “I give him another week, tops.”
Mina tapped her nails against her glass, considering. “You’re underestimating him.”
Sakura snorted. “Please. He’s practically short-circuiting every time you so much as look at him.”
Mina tilted her head slightly, a knowing gleam in her eyes. “That’s because he’s waiting for a clear sign.”
Sakura blinked, her ears perking up. “Oh?”
Mina leaned in just slightly, her lips curling at the corners. “If he won’t take the hint… maybe we should just give him one.”
Sakura’s eyes widened before she broke into a slow, mischievous grin. “Now that sounds fun.”
The two exchanged a glance, silent agreement passing between them just as the bathroom door creaked open.
Koby stepped out, rubbing the back of his neck, still visibly flustered but trying to play it cool. “Uh… sorry about that. Just needed a second.” He is surprised when he notices the girls are not at the table. He looks around and finds them relatively easily.
he finds the duo sitting on their couch in their lingerie. Koby blinks repeatedly staring at the duo as they look at him expectantly. Mina purses her lips giving him her best “fuck me” eyes
“Is this a clear enough sign for you?” Koby felt his instincts take over as he lifted his shirt over his head.
Mina smiled at him, a little too sweet. “Oh, don’t worry, Koby.” She rested her chin on her hand, eyes gleaming. “We’ll take good care of you.”
Sakura hid her grin behind her glass, while Koby stood there, blinking like a deer in headlights.
He was so screwed.
He approached Sakura first who’s wide eyes and seductive look pushed him to her first. She smiled as she eyed him possesively.
Koby kissed Sakura as her arms wrapped around him uncontrollably she clawed into his back. Koby groaned and glared at Sakura. Sakura was lost in the moment saying “you are mine,” repeatedly. Koby turned to face Mina who merely smiled before bringing him in for a kiss, but then he felt Mina’s gaze and presence . It was soft at first until it quickly became overwhelming. His heart rate tripled silencing the Deer and bringing out the hound and the gator. He turned to Mina who was fully nude. Her milky white skin shined in the evening light. She smiled before beckoning him to her. Sakura pouted as Mina pounced (metaphorically) on Koby. She sank her talons into him as she cooed into his ears.
“Make me yours,” she encouraged and the predator listened he brought Mina in for an intense kiss that left them both breathless. Mina whined with pleasure as she wrapped her delicious pale creamy thighs around his waist as she followed suit with her arms. She brought Koby in close and lightly nipped him.
Koby enjoyed the love bite but found it strange because avian hybrids typically don’t mark. He couldn’t think on it too deeply as Sakura whispered in his ear. “Stuff her slutty pussy with your cock,” Koby’s mind blanked as he gave into his urges. Without warning he slammed his cock into Mina. She groaned as his cock kissed her excited womb. Mina could barely breathe as Koby fucked the air out her little body. Sakura watched as her roommate lost her mind only focused Koby fucking her into oblivion.
Mina’s breath hitched as Koby bottomed out again.
“You’re so big inside of me,” Mina moaned as Koby kept railing her Sakura tired of waiting began to play with herself watching the two while spouting words of encouragement to Koby and Mina
“You two are so hot when you fuck,” she moaned as she gave into her own pleasure. Mina moaned intoxicated by the euphoria before she came. Her walls clenched Koby as her breath ran even more ragged as she took him in and out of her.
When she calmed down finally she looked at Kolby. She still saw the lust in his eyes then turned to Sakura who was moaning how close she was. She leaned into Koby and whispered “fucking finish her.” Koby groans as his cock hardens harder at the thought, before walking over to Sakura who’s a hopeless moaning mess. Her eyes are shut so she’s surprised when she’s railed by Koby’s cock. Overstimulated Sakura cums all over Koby in that instant. Mina watches with predatory lust and appreciation.
“You know what Kura? I think we can share him.” Mina says sensually
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notexactlyei · 1 year ago
cloud strife dating hcs — ★
contains both sfw and nsfw!!
mdni with nsfw parts.
contains: intentional lowercase, awkward cloud, cute cloud, dom cloud, fluff, smut, gn/fem bodied reader, gn pronouns!
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- at first I feel like cloud would be a bit awkward
- he would definitely be a bit mad at himself because he's supposed to be this tough dude..
- but then you come in and BAM you're just so??? cute??? and he doesn't know how to react to cuteness so he just stands there like 🧍‍♀️ while cussing himself out in his head and being like "not cute shut up annoying annoying"
- and then you'd be all nice to him, just a genuinely kind person and he wouldn't be able to hate you
- he would just suppress his feelings like he always does but you would make it very difficult to him
- if you two were really close then he would maybe flirt a little bit considering the tifa drink scene but just a BIT
- he definitely wouldn't confess first, mans would be too scared and confused. he would think you hate him. So you would have to take the first move.
- when you do confess though, he would just.. be there.
- just stand there. shut down. aaaand... wait, is that a blush you see?!
- you would have to snap your fingers at him to actually get him to react
- "oh- uh, yeah.. I guess.. I like you too."
- he would be very doubtful and afraid that maybe you didn't actually like him, def would overthink the whole situation a lot.
- when you start dating.. he is still a bit awkward. needs some time to warm up.
- but as soon as he does, he is quite affectionate in a cloud-y way
- would scoff and roll his eyes a lot at you but that smile that he just can't get rid of when you "annoy" him tells you everything you need to know
- would love holding you and teasing you about things
- witty
- would absolutely adore it if you played with his hair
- he would just lay down on top of you, his head on your chest.. and as soon as you'd start playing with his hair, he'd make these cute little contented noises, almost catlike
- secretly plays mario kart
- no one can know this. idk why. it's cloud, okay? don't ask why playing mario kart is such a forbidden thing for him.
- one day u catch him and he just freezes.
- "hellooo earth to cloud????"
- *cloud.exe has stopped working*
- then u just take the controller in ur hands so that u could play too
- cue the most aggressive mario kart game ever
- he is SO good but at the same time he sucks ass idk how he does it. one time he's beating you by one lap next he's driving into every obstacle on the map
- ahem
- anyway
- back to fluffy cloud
- would watch you while you cook
- makes up excuses to do that
- "i need to make sure you don't burn the house down" BITCH YOU'RE THE ONE THAT TRIGGERED THE SMOKE DETECTOR LAST TIME
- again, he loves to hold you. he's usually the big spoon but sometimes he also wants to be the little spoon yk?
- poor baby's been through a lot and just needs some comfort :(
- shh there there, just pet his hair and hold him
- he might cry. it's very VERY rare but if you manage to make him feel extremely safe with you then he might cry
- give him love
- now
- anyways
- now that I've made you all "awww that's so cute and sad"
- let's move on to smut
- nice topic contrast huh? ik ik
(ok minors now it's ur time to leave! byebyeeee <3)
- ass guy!
- would walk behind you a lot just to get a nice view
- when you ask him about it he's like
- "i just need to make sure you're alright. what about it?"
- his fav position would probably be from the back
- would grab your throat (gently, not choking you.. unless you asked for it) or hips in that position
- considering the hand massage parlor scene, the noises he made.. I think a lot of them were suppressed too, so I think he would be pretty vocal if you dommed him
- but here's the thing
- he won't let you
- he is your dom
- first couple sessions he's really gentle
- but oh boy after that
- this boy is rough!!!
- would want you to sit on his lap a lot, which would usually lead to other things ;)
- "sit on my lap"
- "but-"
- "sit. now."
- yessir thank you sir
- would prefer receiving over giving, but he would still love giving.. he'd just love the sight of you choking and gagging on him so so beautiful <3
- when he'd give you oral he'd go ham
- he wouldn't really care if you tried to squirm away, he would just grab your hips to keep you in place
- "stay still"
- loves your cute little sounds
- when you're just bouncing on top of him but suddenly you stop cause you just can't take it anymore, he grabs your hips and just moves you up and down
- if you were being a sassy brat or made him jealous then oh god prepare yourself
- bro will NOT go easy on you
- will not use toys - he would show you how good he is without them
- loves when you wear his clothes
- can be sweet and passionate at times
- when he finally lets you dom him (which takes a lot of convincing)
- his whines and whimpers are just so heavenly. like OH MY GOD.
- secretly enjoys being overstimulated
a/n: I might update/edit this :)
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sillyzeta · 2 days ago
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Angel above the tree.
platonic yan!batfamily x neglect!tifa!reader
sipnosis — in the hands of the time, she finally grow up and decides for the first time, to get away from that solitary environment and become an independent spy for a secret organization, that is until the family realizes the absence of her adorable sister and daughter, you, but thats really care? Or maybe... Obssesion.
english is not my first lenguage!
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The life of a kid like you was difficult, very difficult indeed. The moment you stepped foot in that mansion, your fate was decided. You would be a ghost in the shadows because your siblings were too brilliant and strong in every way, even in strength, power, and intelligence.
And so was your father, Bruce Wayne, a billionaire who had gotten involved with a simple, but charming, dancer. That was real, and because of that, you had emerged, somehow created with love and being full of it by your mother. Who worked in something that even you, being her daughter, knew nothing about, and in some of those encounters, had died unexpectedly. So you had no choice but to go with that man and live with the rest of his family, who, at first, wasn't pleasant, and you ended up on terrible terms with some of them.
But that didn't matter now, and it didn't really cross your mind that it might matter, since you had only greeted the man who was your father twice in your entire life, not to mention your sibilings, who had almost the same job as vigilants and spent their time outside the mansion. Your only company was Batman's butler and most loyal companion, Alfred. He had taken care of your room, your food, and your education, both academically.
Nothing was wrong with that new life. You could wear the most expensive clothes in the world, have the most limited toys, and go to a very privileged private school, except that you lost your mother, the most beautiful and brave woman in the world, who filled you with endless love and had taught your current morals, your values, and everything you needed to know in that world full of dangers.
Your heart felt empty, very empty and never received any affection or love from your family, but you didn't need it. [Name] could grow up with the love of her own friends and Alfred. Yes, that was better than chasing after people who weren't truly worth it.
That was your life. You grew and grew for a long time, your appearance changing. During that time, you had seen the almost unbelievable resemblance to Bruce. That was your punishment for being greedy, at least a little, but it didn't matter. And so it continued until you became the young lady you was now. [Name] was only known in privileged schools because of the tournaments she had participated in, but that was okay. She didn't need or want the recognition her father or brothers had, vigilantes and heroes being hunted by villains.
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Everything remained the same until your time had come. You had to continue your mother's legacy, and what better option was there than to participate in the secret organization in which she had once been a worthy and upright leader.
The letter had arrived in your hands the day before your 16th birthday. Alfred had seen it among all the mail and bills in the mailbox.
"Huh?" You let out a long sigh, your gaze returning to the man in front of you, and you smiled slightly. "I see. Thanks, Alfred. I'll take care of finding out what it is and tell you!"
You said with a cheerful facade and headed down the mansion's hallways, carefully examining the letter and perhaps guessing who sent it.
And in the midst of your thoughts, you bumped into Tim—yes, Tim himself. He was very tired and leaving his room after days of isolating himself in his investigation. But you hadn't really made much effort to improve internal relations in the mansion, so you simply walked past him, still focused on the letter and eager to know what was inside.
Tim had noticed your presence. In fact, he expected a greeting or at least a glance from you, but it didn't come. It didn't surprise him since he had started the rumors at your old school that you were a thief and a bad friend (and consequently, you changed schools, stopped talking to him, and never looked at him again). The boy just sighed and headed to the other side, in search of food and coffee to survive in his world of technology and investigations.
You, on the other hand, locked yourself back in your room, which you treasured your entire life because it has all your history and achievements written on it, even furniture with trophies and medals, posters, portraits of your mother and your old pet. It was your cave, your home, everything you dreamed of having back in the days when you lived in an apartment far from everything and everyone with your mother.
You tried to push away all those feelings of sadness and looked at the letter again. It was time to read it, so you wasted no time and broke the pretty seal it had (perhaps you'll save it for your journal). You put the piece of paper aside to read the real thing. It was like a document, a contract for something suspicious.
"Hello, [name] Wayne Jones.
We are Fantasy, a secret organization of spies and agents, specialized in punishing all injustice in Gotham and around the world. We have learned of the passing of your mother, Avigail Jones, which we still mourn deeply. We also know that she never told you her biggest secret, which was this: Mrs. Jones was the leader of the group, a very worthy and incredible woman. Her work and achievements are still being mentioned.
Therefore, we would like to say that we want to recruit you, train you, and, if you wish, continue the legacy your mother left behind.
Surely this is a lot to process, and as such, you'll be able to think it over and analyze it all. When you're ready, you can send us a letter whenever you want. We'll be eagerly awaiting your arrival."
The letter had left you in complete shock.
"What the fuck?!" You muttered, poker-faced. You didn't know if it was a joke in bad taste from your old enemies at school or the real deal. You were at least able to confirm that it was true. They'd left a card of introduction inside the envelope, with a phone number and email address.
You still couldn't believe it. Could you really leave this place?!
It was definitely the best early birthday present ever; it had surpassed the limited-edition handbag Bruce had given you.
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So, I think this fic would be a one-shot very quick and WIP.
inspo by @cosmosluckycharms @acid-ixx and @nikovraskol, their stories are incredible ....(⁠个⁠_⁠个⁠)
have a nice day!!!
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cloudsmateria · 5 months ago
shitty friend. cloud strife x reader
tw: almost smut, forbidden romance
summary: tifa likes cloud, you're pretty sure. and you've been worrying about him ever since you left midgar, until one night in costa del sol you catch him sneaking out, following him on the way in the rain. u might know what happens next.
a/n: guys let me know if you want more of this i might make into a longer thing.
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You were stuck sitting at your balcony watching the breeze run through the palm trees, Aerith and Tifa were dead asleep behind you after the long day you had all just had. You should be dead asleep, but your thoughts got the better of you tonight, anytime you laid down your continuous, tangled threads of thoughts came crashing over you. Sector 7, Sephiroth, your parents, Cloud. You were worried about him. He’s been acting off, he’s always been off but now he seemed a lot more lost, frustrated, trying to cover his thoughts up. Even his falling out with TIfa was uncharacteristic of him.
The thought of him was a strange amalgamation of feelings, comforting and fuzzy, or worrying. You don’t know what drew you so much to him, how you felt wasn’t something since you were a kid. You wanted to get to know him as much as possible, to be around him as much as possible, feeling giddier when he gave you a compliment, a look, an anything. Earlier on the beach he came to talk to you, while everyone else agreed to head back, that 10 minute talk felt like an eternity by the sunset, it made you feel warm. 
He worried you beyond what was going on with him. What was going on with you? Why did you like him so much? You had a creeping suspicion it was a crush, but denial didn’t let you acknowledge it. It wouldn’t work. Surely he likes someone else. And you’re pretty sure Tifa’s been in love with him since they were children, that must have gone both ways, especially against you who he’s only known for a month. You groan, leaning your head back against the pillar attached to the balcony fence you were sitting on. The thought of him added to your dizzying thoughts. 
You heard a door quietly creek down the hallway, along with some light noises from the creakier, shitty floorboards, and coincidentally, Cloud walking down the steps of the exit and going for the slim path to the main roads. What was on his mind this time? You silently hop down from your first-floor balcony, quickly walking toward him as you watched him get on the segway, zooming off quite a bit ahead of you. You got on one too, following him to the edge of the touristy bit of Costa Del Sol, getting off when leaving the area. Suspicious? You originally weren’t intending on hiding but that changed, trying to figure out what was going on. 
He ended up walking to the large pond by the cliffside, empty, and quiet, leaning up by one of the boulders and looking the moonlight on the water. You walked out, him looking at you. 
“Following me?”
“I was worried about you." You said, leaning next to him.
“Why are you still up?”
“A lot to think about.”
“Haven’t got a moment to ourselves since before the reactor.” He said with a sincere look, the buzz was there again. “What’s on your mind?”
“Well, I’m here to talk to you but… Just everything… Sephiroth. Midgar. Shinra. Tifa. Aerith… You.”
“You shouldn’t worry about me.”
“So why are you out here so late? What are you thinking about?”
He shakes his head, it’s sweet how much you care. “Nothing, just needed a breath of air. Wanted to be alone for a bit but clearly the Planet had different plans.”
“Maybe the Planet is giving you a sign… I know you and I can tell something’s wrong, and you’re not alone. You should talk to me.”
It’s quiet for a second, before he decides to speak. “I’ve noticed about you that too, you never talk about what’s going on in your head.”
“If I did then would you talk to me?” 
He hesitates, he can’t remember the last time he really opened up to anyone about what was going on in his head, his thoughts. He opened one suspicion to Tifa, and look where that got him. But something about you makes him think you’ll listen, you won’t think he’s insane, or weak, something about you puts his head to ease. “Yeah. Why not?”
“I was thinking about my parents in Midgar. I’m mostly worried about you. I can tell you’re low, and there’s a lot on your mind.”
“What about your parents?”
You laugh awkwardly, thinking back to them. No one knows about it yet, Tifa and Aerith knows vague bits, but not the whole story. “My mum went missing when I was 15, and my dad has been missing since I was born.” You said, adding the second bit trying to make a joke out of it. “I don’t really know what happened to my mum, she went missing in Wall Market when she used to do underground fighting for money.”
“I’m…” He was lost for words. “Sorry, that’s horrible.”
“It was a long time ago, all of us have lost our parents so it’s not anything special. I just wonder what happened to her sometimes, and my dad, apparently he was a lovely man but she didn’t talk about him much, I have a few photos and a few letters he wrote to me before I was born.” You looked at Cloud. “He was a SOLDIER First Class in Shinra’s All-Star team before your time, so I assume he’s part of the regiment that died, if my mum got a letter she didn’t tell me.” 
He opened his mouth, but no words came out, there was a distinct solemn expression on his face. “You don’t have to say anything.” You said warmly, with a light laugh. 
“I’m sorry, it’s hard.”
“It doesn’t affect me that much. I found Aerith a year later in Sector 5, then Tifa when I eventually moved to Sector 7. So…” 
He stopped leaning against the boulder, beckoning you to come with him, you get up, walking beside him. “I don’t understand how you just open up to people like that.”
“I’ve never told anyone before.”
“Tifa and Aerith just know I don’t have parents, they don’t know the details. Telling people about my past freaks me since I’ve never said anything for so long. But I know you feel the same way, I see myself in you, that’s why I can tell you’re off. We trust each other, don’t we? With everything.”
“I trust you, entirely.” You smile broadly, bumping into his shoulder, and in a strange way he felt at peace, being seen for once. 
“So you gonna keep up your end of the promise?”
“I don’t know, it’s a lot.”
“Nothing’s too much, don’t worry.”
“This might sound crazy, but sometimes, I don’t know if my thoughts are my own, it feels like they’re someone elses. I feel like I get memories triggered from a life and I don’t know if they’re mine or not, it’s all jumbled up, and it’s making me feel insane. Some of my memories don’t match up with Tifa’s, inconsistencies when we were in Kalm with Sephiroth. I started to doubt her, and we got into an argument. I feel crazy. I get these headaches and-” His words started to speed up at the end, groaning in annoyance at his own thoughts, wondering why he didn’t feel uncomfortable saying any of this. 
“It’s okay.”
“I get these headaches like my head is collapsing in on itself, ringing in my ears, static and jumping in my eyes, around Geneva, around fires, just randomly, and I see Sephorith and he’s not there, I can’t touch him, but it feels like he’s there talking to me, taunting me. I can barely move, it hurts so bad. Recently, I’ve been feeling like I’m losing touch with myself and thoughts that aren’t me are taking over me, although I’ve been able to keep it under control.”
“That explains so much… Maybe it’s some kind of mako poisoning?”
“I don’t know, I don’t think so. What do you think?”
“I don’t think you’re crazy or insane. I honestly think Sephiroth is messing with your head somehow.” You both have made it to the gazebo in the middle of the large pond, you stop to look at him, holding his hand in both of yours, his head blanking out. “We’ll get through this together, don’t worry.” A heavy weight had just been lifted off his chest, to be without judgement for once, to just say everything out loud without being trapped in his own head, alone.
You see him smile, like he’s about to laugh. “What?” You ask. 
“You scare me.” 
“I’m too comfortable around you, it scares me out. You have some like, mind control materia on you. It’s weird.”
You laugh. “I can say the same thing about you.” He’s looking down at you with soft eyes, the green in them feels like it’s moving, the moonlight making them shine brighter. You can hear water lightly rippling around you, and looking at him so closely seems to drown the rest of the world out. When you look up at him, he can see the glossy reflection of the moon in your own eyes, lighting up your face. Your heart picks up, starting to hammer in your chest. You catch onto yourself, turning away and clearing your throat, walking to the edge of the gazebo to look over the water. 
You’re getting the wrong idea. You only met him a month ago, you’re out of your mind if you think there’s anything between you two other than friendship.
“Want to head to the beach?”
“It’s so late.”
“We’re used to restless nights anyway, right? It’s not often we get a moment of quiet in Costa Del Sol.” He said, grabbing your wrist to turn you toward him. “We’ll only be 30 minutes.”
“That is such a lie, Cloud Strife.” However, you let him slowly pull you out of the gazebo, in the direction of the beach with a huge smile on his face. 
“You want to, I know you do.”
“You’re such a bad influence.” You say, rolling your eyes sarcastically, walking up beside him, half the way there, you feel a drop on your shoulder. Then two. The four. A few seconds later, a light drizzle. You look at each other and lightning flashes hitting only a kilometer ahead and immediately rain starts crashing down. He grabs your hand since the rain is too loud for you to hear him well, leading you past a tree that seems to lead to nowhere, behind it an entrance into the inside of a hill.
“What’s this?”
“Found it yesterday by accident.” You take a few steps in the dark path, passing through some vine. 
“A lifespring.” You say breathlessly, there’s a small body of water in the middle with a gap in the tip of the hill, rain falling into the pond, the grass, flowers, mako crystals around it, untouched. There’s another hit of lighting and thunder. “Guess I’m stuck out here with you now.”
“This is better than the beach anyway. The rain and thunder add something.”
“Of course, you’d say that, Cloud Strife.”
“Never make a joke again.”
You smile. “It’s calming in a way, I agree with you. I like it too.” There’s a spot beside the pond, close to the crystal cluster you lay in, looking up at the hole rain pouring through, Cloud sits next to you, leaning on his elbows and looking with you. Your eyes shift to him, looking at how his hair has dropped down, swaying back, still fluffy, his side profile is gorgeous too. You could sit there forever looking at him. It seems to click, like a switch in your head. Your heart feels full, your stomach is in knots.
He looks back at you, and he catches the look in your eyes, a light, loving expression. It makes his head go hazy.
His eyes dart back to the sky. He didn't like it. Didn't want to like it. It was a problem, an inconvenience, and yet, he couldn't find himself caring about that. It was an amazing feeling, the feeling he had, even though it scared him. The way your eyes glimmered at him, the soft expression on your lips. 
“Thanks for letting me open up to you, Cloud. It meant a lot.”
"You know I'll always be there for you, you don't have to thank me. If anything, I have more to be thankful for.” There was a moment. “How do you feel about me?”
"I think you're great in every way." You say, vaguely, you cheeks heating up. "I love being around you, you're a good friend. How do you feel about me?"
He hesitates, a pause before he answers, but something about you made him think twice. 
"You're great." You felt a tinge of disappointment but it's what you expected. 
He's looking at you. He wants to kiss you. No. No. Stop. This is the worst thing he could ever do.
"But you don't really see me as a friend, do you?" Fuck, fuck, fuck, he's onto you.
"Cloud, don't be an idiot. Of course, I see you as a friend."
"Then why did you look at me like that earlier?"
"Look at you like what?"
He laughed. "I'm not stupid, you know. You don't have to be embarrassed."
"I..." You didn't know what to say. But you didn't need to know what to say.
“Am I getting the wrong idea?” He said quietly. You shake your head, butterflies being unleashed in your stomach, as his face is so close to yours. He had to be the one with that mind control materia on him, because your head was spinning, before he could even think about what he was doing, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours.
The butterflies in your stomach went crazy, you felt like you were flying, his lips were soft, the surprise took you off guard. When he pulled away, the two of you were breathless. You know what you were doing was wrong, but it was already too late, and you were too hazy to care. You turn over, sitting on his waist, his hands drifting to your hips.
He pulls you down again and kisses you, his arms wrapping around your neck, pulling you closer.
 You were kissing him back, not thinking, letting your feelings take over, you felt amazing, so good, so happy, like your stomach was on fire. He felt the same.
"This is bad." You mumbled against his lips.
"We can't do this."
"Uh huh." He was barely listening to a word you were saying. 
You kissed him harder. He was all you could think about, how badly you wanted him, needed him. You knew you shouldn't be doing this, you were friends. Nothing could ever happen.
And yet, you were kissing him.
When you finally pulled away, your heart was beating a thousand times a minute, your chest was heavy. You didn't want to get off him, he flipped over changing the positions, pressing his lips against your neck. 
"You're not a good influence, Cloud Strife." You said, breathlessly.
"I know."
He was kissing you like it was his last night alive, his hands were everywhere, running through your hair, on your hips, your thighs. And yet, the two of you were not satisfied, not for a moment.
The feeling of his body pressed up against yours made your brain foggy, you could feel his muscles flexing under your touch.
You were completely lost in each other, unable to tell where you began and ended. His hands coming up to your chest, slipping under your flimsy crop top. You put your hand over his, stopping him, getting hit with the first sensible thought. Tifa.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm sorry, we can't. We can't do this, I don't know what came over me."
"I... What?"
"We can't do this." You said. 
"Is there someone else...?"
"No, I’d be a terrible person, I can't do it, can’t do that to my friend..."
"To me?"
"No... Tifa likes you, I'm pretty sure. I just can't..."
"But..." He said, trailing off.
"I can't, and I'm sorry." You said. "You're great, I really like you, but I've already gone too far. “Fuck... I feel awful."
"Don't. I kissed you."
"Let's just... Forget about this, yeah? Just act normal." You tried to stand up, but he pulled you back down.
"I just don't understand, you want this. She's never said anything. Why should we ignore what's so strong between us?"
"I'm not interested in her. This is right, us. Don't you feel it?"
"It's wrong, I'm not an option."
"Do you have feelings for me?"
"Yes, almost from the moment I met you and I didn't realise until now, because this can't happen. We're friends. We basically live with Tifa and Aerith, we can't go off complicating things like this."
"They don't have to know."
"It's worth it, isn't it?"
"Fuck. Fuck. I don't know. I'm scared, and it's too soon, and I'm scared. We can't do this."
pt 2?
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c0smoshit · 2 years ago
omg since requests are open.. can i request a cloud x reader with like.. shy kisses? 🫣 IABSKSN LIKE either one of them gives the other a shy kiss and how would the other respond (if that makes sense)
AaaAAAAAHH omg this idea is so cute and It also fits Cloud so good
Thanks for the request!! <33
Shy kisses ミ★
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⋆ ࣪. ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 ≫ Cloud Strife/Reader
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 ≫ do not read this if you don't like tooth-rotting fluff, kisses, cheek kisses, yeah that's it, not proofread
⋆ ࣪. 𝔸/ℕ ≫ Cloud giving shy kisses it's so him and this really fits him so good. I seriously need to give him kisses until he forgets about that white haired man.
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥 ≫ 3.470
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He had heard Aerith talking about her misterious partner, how they shared everything; hugs, clothes and even... kisses.
He was a busy man, he had a goal and he was going to accomplish it. He didn't have time for things like that.
But then you stepped into his life with steps full of grace and energy, your personality almost overshadowing his cold and quiet one, talking when he didn't know what to say or dealing with people he knew he would scare off.
He never would tell you this but he was so grateful you did the talking for him because, no matter how hard he tried to be the leader, you did a better job. He paid you off by taking down some enemies anyways.
Something about Aerith's happiness when she was talking about her love experiences made him curious about the whole thing.
What would a kiss feel like?
Would it be so electrifying that time would stop like she had described? Maybe it was a cute and gentle gesture, maybe it was full of passion.
He was lost.
What would a real hug feel like?
He had hugged people before (well, they had hugged him) but it didn't felt right. She said that the first time she had hugged her lover, she felt... what did she call them?
How could anyone feel those winged insects inside of their stomach? It really amazed him how she explained those kind of feelings. It felt like an ethereal sensation, something that could only happen once.
Deep inside his stubborn mind, he wanted to feel that too.
He wanted to have someone by his side, someone he could talk to for hours without feeling embarrassed. Someone he could lay his head on their thighs while listening to whatever they were talking about.
But he'd rather die than talk about all those feelings.
His mouth opened before he could think, a burning ache lingered on his shoulder. A wipe soaked with alcohol deprived his mind from his daze.
Right... He was still inside his "house", but he wasn't alone, you were sitting by his side. A rushed sorry came out of your mouth, your hands gently wiping a not-so fresh cut from his shoulder.
He remembers your worried face when you both returned from the mission, how you ran towards him while asking him what happened. It really wasn't such a big deal, or so is what he thought, you were just very worried about him.
Well, maybe you were too worried about him, he didn't need someone to clean his wounds up after a long day. But his body told you a completely different story, leaning slightly into your touch and letting you handle him around.
If you had stayed for a little while with him, you'd be sure his head would be resting on your shoulder.
Meanwhile he was thinking about you, did you like him? Tifa always told him about how lucky he was, "a lot of girls like you!" She would say, earning a shrug of his shoulders in response.
He wasn't aware of how handsome he was, blonde hair, piercing mako eyes, sharp jawline, cristal skin... He was so dreamy for most girls. In fact, he thought he was an average guy, not to pretty not too ugly just, normal.
But he was clearly aware of how pretty you were. Everything about you was pretty, from your beautiful eyes and gorgerous hair to your intelligence and your mindset. He loved when you talked, he liked your voice and the way your lips moved.
How would they feel against his?
Pfft- What was he even thinking about, you probably liked another boy, not him. Besides, you were his friend and his partner at work, he figured out you didn't have time for love neither.
"Almost done"
You reassured him, placing some bandages on top of the wound. He now realised how close you two actually were, your breath trickling his neck and your knee touching his own one. What if you liked him?
He brushed off those thoughts, trying to keep his cool, your delicate touch whispering sweetly into his ear not to.
He took quick glances to your concentrated face, careful not to keep much eye contact with you. He didn't want to be weird around you, not when you were treatting him so well. His eyes drawed themselves down to your lips. He remembers the little peck you gave his cheek some months ago, he still feels the warmth of them lingering on it.
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His head perked up as he searched your face, he was holding a rag in his hands that was full of soap. His other hand held a cup gently, not wanting it to slip off.
He heard the sound of the door closing, two pairs of boots and shoes entering Seventh Heaven. He was backwards, cleaning the dishes like you had asked him to while you were out. He didn't like taking off his gloves and soaking up his hands, but he would do it for you.
You told him about how Tifa wanted you to clean the dishes before you and Barret went to do some chores outside. He knew you weren't just begging him to do them just so you wouldn't soak your hands. You were in a hurry, it was clear and he didn't have to do anything that morning so when you begged for him to do them, he complied without any regrets.
He had to remind himself that he wasn't doing this for AVALANCHE, he was doing this for you. Those weren't some extra hours at work, you had nicely asked him to do it. It wasn't a big deal anyways.
Then he heard you walking towards him, the characteristic clank of your shoes coming closer and closer to him. Barret was there too, but he walked around for a bit before sitting down in a chair.
"Thank you so much"
Your words slided into his pierced ears, he didn't need to look at your face to tell that you had a big smile plastered on your face. And when you placed your hand on his unarmed shoulder he tensed up a bit, his hands stopped rubbing the sponge over the crockery.
He felt your chest pressed against his arm before something soft tickled his cheek. Although it was just a cute little gesture, he melted on spot, mouth slightly agape as his hand instinctively touched the affected area.
His brows were furrowed slightly as he looked at you, hearing your soft giggles when he retrieved his hand, leaving some soap on his face.
Although it wasn't as if you had kissed him on the lips with your arms wrapped around him, it still felt that intimate.
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He spent the rest of the day touching his cheek, surprised to have recieved such a gesture from you. He also recalls how Barret shouted "Get a room ya' two", making his embarrassement grow even more.
Aerith also talked about how happy and relaxed she was in the arms of her lover, cuddling with him until the sun went down. She talked about how that relieved all the pent up emotions and stress she had inside of her "kissing him felt almost like touching heaven"
Did it really feel that good?
God he wanted to know, he needed to feel all the things Aerith was talking about. But he couldn't, he didn't have a partner or a really good friend to cuddle with ( or maybe he did but wasn't fucking aware )
But those feelings rested deep inside him, the agravating man with white hair floated on top of them. He needed to get rid of Shinra and the people who had harmed the planet.
"Is it too tight?"
Your voice spoke again, soft as ever. He shook his head lightly, silently telling you that he was alright. His back hit the sofa, sitting with his legs slightly apart while he saw you mimicking his actions.
He should be tired after what had happened today, but something about your company kept him awake.
The appartment had a sad aura enveloping it, maybe it was the fact that it was almost empty. But he didn't care, as long as he had a warm bed and a bathroom he was alright with it. He didn't think he was going to rest there for a while either.
The afternoon beams hit the floor through the window, creating an cozy orange glow, your eyes lingered there for a while, enjoying the pleasant lighting.
Midgar didn't stick out by it's nature or it's beauty, in fact, it was a pretty depressing place with all the pollution and dark lighting. But despite all that, you enjoyed how the sun striked the city by the time afternoon came.
Small details like this often caught his attention, meanwhile he hated how sad this city was because of the Shinra you managed to adore the smallest things. Well, maybe it was because you didn't have other option, you were stuck here with the group just like him.
"Thank you"
Your eyes looked at him, but he was facing the wall in front of you with his arms resting on his thighs. He looked calm, a sight you almost never got to see because of his constant fighting and working to take down Shinra.
You were happy to see him like that, so you told him that it was okay, you were here to help him. He liked the idea of that, having someone by his side when he needed them the most, someone to clean up his wounds, to look after him.
He was the one that did all those things most of the time, worrying about everyone's safety although he didn't say it, he did it. But he didn't want everyone's help, it would be just too much, he wanted you.
Your shoulders were mere inches apart, his breathing slowed down. You were sitting with both of your backs resting against the sofa, the med-kit you used placed next to you. Your clothes were a bit dirtied up thanks to the task the group had to do, you couldn't wait to feel the refreshing water trickling down your skin. You adored showers, you liked them even more after a long tiring day.
"Are you feeling alright?"
Your voice caught him by surprise, he turned his head to see that you were already looking at him.
"Yeah, been through worse"
And it was true, but he always picked his limp body up and fought with all his strenght. He really was a strong and admirable guy, no matter how hard he had fallen he was standing again before the blink of an eye.
He also was really stubborn so he would do anything and everything to pursue his goal, it didn't matter if he ended up worse than he was before and he surely didn't give two shits about what other people told him he should do.
He had a strong mindset, followed by his evident trauma.
He liked your company, you weren't as loud and active as Barret was so he liked it. His mind went back to Aerith, Tifa listened to her and they both daydreamed about her experiences.
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"Do you think someone likes me?"
Tifa smiled from her standing position behind the bar top, she had her arms akimbo as she looked at you and Aerith. Both of them looked at eachother and laughed quietly making you furrow your brows.
"What's so funny?"
They glanced at eachother with sly smirks before looking at you.
"You're really oblivious, y/n"
You sent Aerith a confused look, what were they talking about? Did someone actually liked you?
"Wait, what?"
"Oh come on, don't you see how he looks at you?"
To be fair, no you didn't, It could be anyone. Your mind was soon flooded with questions about that misterious guy, maybe he was in your group, maybe it was some boy in Midgar.
As much as you had asked them who was that guy, they chuckled and told you that you should figure it out by yourself. But how? There were a lot of guys around here and you didn't even have a clue about how he looked like.
You had a pretty nice relationship with the girls, they often helped you pick out clothes and Aerith often gave you flowers saying that they look good on you. They made you feel loved and happy, you liked spending time with them.
You often went out to eat with them when you all could and those were your favourite meals no matter what the actual food was. You loved hearing Aerith speak about her past and her relationship with Zack, she picked up the sweetest words and spoke with a soft tone of voice.
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"Yeah let's sit over there"
Tifa said while pointing to a table next to a window that faced a sunny stone path, people walked through it, some of them were fast and anxious while others talked and enjoyed their walk.
The ambience there was calm, there weren't many customers at that hour so the whole cafe was envolved in a pleasant silence.
You walked towards the table with a cup filled with warm tea in your hand and some chocolate chip cookies on the other. The aroma made your mouth water, and judging by the looks of your friends they were drooling too. You all had learnt to adore this place, it was small, cozy and they had the best confectionery.
Great for spilling some tea too.
You talked with them for a while about what was happening in Midgar and all the Shinra stuff. Honestly, you were so tired of them, you wished they could just dissapear and leave you alone with your friends. But they didn't, they just reinforced their security after some of your attacks.
You wished you could spend more time with the girls, with Barret, with Cloud.
God you would kill to just talk with him more often, the sound of his voice, how he talked with you. He amazed you, all the stuff Tifa had told you without him knowing increased your curiosity about him. He didn't share too much about his personal life, you wanted to ask him so many questions but he didn't talked too much either so you were kind of shy to talk with him about him.
"How was your first kiss like?"
Aerith's cheeks reddened at the question Tifa had just asked her, but there was a small smile plastered on her face too.
"Well... I didn't kiss him actually, It just kind of happened"
She paused, taking a sip of her own tea as you took a bite from the cookie you had picked up before.
"Our faces got closer and closer until his lips were pressed against mine, it was such a beautiful moment"
"He must've been a great guy"
You replied, breaking the small silence that was formed after what Aerith had said. Tifa nodded her head and the brunette closed her eyes with sigh before looking at you again.
"He was... He was my first love after all"
Another sip was taken from the cup placed on her hands.
"I miss him"
Tifa reassured her, telling her that there were a lot of good guys out there waiting for her. Meanwhile you stared dreamingly into the window, your mouth opening before you could even think about what you were saying.
"I wonder how my first kiss will be like"
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You smiled at that memory, you all spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and daydreaming about relationships. Your head leaning against the black haired girl's shoulder as you talked with her about all the love stories you had heard.
"Thank you for everything again y/n"
Your head perked up until you met his side profile, you opened your mouth to speak, fisting your hands and placing them on top of your thighs.
"Don't worry about it, like I told you, I'm here for you"
Your sweet smile ignited something inside of him, it felt ticklish like some sort of fluttering in his belly. Were they... butterflies?
He nodded his head as he stared at you, you looked really pretty with the sun light hitting your face. He wondered if you found him pretty too.
"I'm glad you're fine, don't scare me like that again"
He chuckled as he looked at the floor. He lifted his back off it's resting position on the couch before speaking up again.
"I'll not"
He kept his responses simple as always, he wasn't a talkative one after all. Silence fell over the room, you repositioned yourself too, your hands falling down to rest next to your legs. He looked so good under the orange hues of the descending sun, hell, he always looked good.
"I think I'm gonn-"
Your words were cut off as soon as his lips made contact with your cheek. You quickly looked at him red faced, touching your cheek with wide eyes.
Did... Did Cloud Strife just peck your cheek?
Your mouth opened but no words came out of it, you were going to explode right there. You absolutely didn't expect him to return your cute gesture and make it even cuter. He smirked, his cheeks also getting a bit hot but he shrugged it off.
"What? I'm just doing what yo-"
You didn't know were your sudden move came from but it did. Your hands snatched themselves into his cheekbones, pulling his head towards you before crashing your lips against his.
The kiss was soft but quick, his slightly chapped lips on top of yours. It was really happening, finally you knew what it felt like, finally you both knew. It didn't last long though, you pulled off him saying all kinds of sorry.
"I shouldn't have, god- sorry"
He didn't answer you, instead he shifted himself closer to you on the sofa. He wasn't usually this affective with anyone, anyone but you. He had fallen head over heals for you, he tried to keep those thoughts away but you were just too much for him, too pretty, too good.
He placed his cold hand just bellow your neck and on top of your collarbone, the touch sending shivers up your spine. And before you could look into his eyes, he closed the gap again.
This time the kiss was slower and sweeter, your mouth moved with his as you trailed your hands up until they rested on his shoulders.
You wished time could stop so you could spend an eternity like this with him.
It felt just like Aerith had described... magical. Although it was clear he didn't have any experience in kissing anyone, his lips moving clumsily against yours and forcing a small smile from you, it felt really good.
His hands soon wrapped around your waist, bringing your body closer to his. You melted on spot, the quiet and angry guy that mostly talked shit about how everything was fucked up was kissing you with that mouth so gently.
You both parted from each other to breathe, the biggest and happiest smile plastered on your face as you leaned your forehead with his. You hugged tightly his shoulders, afraid to let go of him and he did too, squeezing your waist even closer to him.
You opted to just stay silent and enjoy the moment, the sky already darkening outside and the people starting to go home from work.
This was really a pleasant sight because this night, you weren't lonely.
Like two magnets would attract each other, you kissed him again, his lips becoming your new source of drug. You could never get tired of kissing him, feeling his lips on top of yours.
Like Aerith said, it kind of just happened and you couldn't be happier for this moment to be like that. Your breathing calmed itself down, enjoying the sound of his own heartbeat slowing down too.
When the kiss ended again you hid your face against his neck, hugging him. His strong arms kept you in place, his head resting on top of yours.
You stayed there for a while, a long while of laughing and kissing each other's faces until the moonlight replaced the sun on his window. You had lost track of time, but you didn't care as long as you were in his arms.
You soon found yourself at his door, ready to leave his house. He followed you, opening the door for you like he had done before, but this time you were leaving.
"So... see you tomorrow"
"Yeah, good night"
A few more words were exchanged before his lips found yours again, kissing you softly on the lips and giving you a last hug before you stepped out the door followed with a "be careful" from him.
He watched as you waved him goodbye through the window, keeping an eye on you. He closed the door with a quiet "thud", when he laid on the bed that night, he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep.
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The next morning you rushed yourself into getting to Seventh Heaven, opening the door with the energy of a dog whose owner had just returned from work.
Marlene was there, drinking a cup of milk that you imagined was her breakfast. You quickly smiled at her with the biggest smile she had seen you show off for months.
Tifa was cleaning some dishes on the sink and Aerith was yawning, sitting in front of her.
You couldn't wait to tell them what had happened the night before with Cloud. And when the brunnete had seen you place your hands on the bar top with a loud sound, she wasn't able to even wish you a goodmorning before you spoke.
"Y'all aren't going to believe this"
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accala · 9 months ago
I love how simplistic the clothing is in Advent Children compared to those in Rebirth. I know it's not what they intended (Rebirth is a fairly new game and AC Movie was back in the 2000's). But I like to think that characters had to improvise with their clothes because Shinra, who was the major supplier for everything, was gone after Meteorfall. Plus with Midgar down and in the middle of a wasteland, they had to scramble for resources, so any fabric had to be salvaged.
Here's some side-to-side references of Remake/Rebirth (RR) Clothing vs. Advent Children (AC) Clothing:
[Rufus Shinra]
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The buttons. The details. The extra fabric. The belts. And then look how more simple AC is. Sure he has a coat on top of three shirts, but his RR suit looks so extra and customized to fit him whilst his AC suit looks like something he scrounged up in his remaining closet. He lost all of his extra belts. His undershirts look like they’re made out of cheap cotton too. His coat in particular looks short on the sleeves and too loose on his form.
[Turks: Rude, Reno, Tseng, & Elena]
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(Top right photo from Advent Children)
Classic expensive suits for RR. Simple suits for AC. Look at those clean looks and small suit details for RR (ex. Rude has a patterned tie and Elena’s collar has a small button/pin on her collar). The difference is apparent with Reno, who has a fancy undershirt in Remake vs his simple cotton undershirt in AC. And if you zoom in on the AC photo, the coats have zippers!!! The AC coats also look loose compared to their form fitting coats in RR.
[Cloud Strife]
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AC!Cloud has more fabric than in RR. But AC lacks the details that RR has. For example, RR has leather gloves with metal encased on the wrist and fingers. His shoulder pad looks forged with giant metal screws as well. But AC mostly has leather and little to no metal except for its strap buckles and wolf insignia (And it's likely that Cloud made those wolf symbols himself). Although, he does have major upgrades (read: his sword and motorcycle; both things he probably made himself/with help from scrap materials).
(Extra note: This is a common theme on other characters where they replace their utility pockets and metal armor with leather/denim. It makes sense for their equipment to be replaced due to wear and tear. Lack of metal armor could be due to lack of weapon/armor production. Plus Leather pauldrons/gauntlets are faster to make.)
[Tifa Lockhart]
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Her outfit in AC looks more casual than in RR (ex. She got rid of her compression armbands; She switched out her red combat boots for look-alike converse sneaker boots; and put her utility pockets in front of her skirt/shorts combo). Notice how she doesn’t have gloves nor Materia slots in the movie (Although it’s weird that she DOES have gloves in other games/promos).
[Barret Wallace]
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In AC, he has a sleeveless puffer jacket and a fishnet shirt. He also lost his leather utility pockets (for ammo possibly) from RR. And it’s probably because he doesn’t need it, now that he has a new advanced weapon (it can transform from a metal arm into a high tech machine gun and vice versa). As an oil baron, he probably has more access to materials and utilities compared to other characters, that’s why Barret’s clothes don’t look so simple/improvised.
[Marlene Wallace]
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Obviously Marlene would have a different look when she got older. But look at her cute frilly pink dress vs. her white sleeveless collared shirt and floral patterned skirt (notice how her outfit looks like a mix of Cloud and Aerith’s outfits). The stitching for her AC outfit is way more simple. Also I’d like to think Barret gave her that floral patterned fabric for her skirt since it would have been difficult to get ahold of.
[Yuffie Kisaragi]
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Zippers galore. Her outfit is changed to black with a floral patterned shirt with a denim ensemble (I think her outfit is a little extra because she's a WRO member). Her shuriken’s the same but her metal and leather armor are gone and replaced with a wristband and a black cloth that covers her forearm. She still has her utility pockets though but it’s in denim (I wonder, did she break her old armor?).
(Edit: She also has these green converse knee high boots?? Again, as a WRO member, she probs got them outside of Midgar)
[Vincent Valentine]
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Nothing changed that much. He kept his coat. His AC leather straps and gauntlet are less detailed than the Rebirth one. The metal buckles look different in shape too. I think he changed those in AC. Makes sense if there were wear and tear during the years (I wonder how he does his laundry though lmao).
[Cid Highwind]
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Cid changed to a cotton blue shirt. He doesn’t have his pilot scarf anymore nor his flight jacket. Instead, he has a brown bomber jacket tied around his waist with a dog tag around his neck. As much as I think his clothes are due to scarce resources, I also don’t think he cares that much regarding fashion.
[Reeve Tuesti]
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The shoulder pads. The silver and yellow accents. The foot length blue coat. It's a major improvement on Reeve's outfit compared to his old businessman suit. As the WRO leader, he gets access to making his outfit a little fancy (more chances to trade with other towns/cities outside of Midgar). Although I do think someone made that coat for him, and he wanted to reject it because he considered it too much. But accepted either way 'cause it would be a waste.
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