#ticci toby - mentioned
skyeconch · 1 month
Y/N : I love you :>
Toby : I love you too baby :>
Toby : I can skin someone for you :>
Y/N : oh uh you don’t need to! 😅
Y/N : but I appreciate the offering!
Toby : for real though I’d do anything for you :>
Toby : in fact let me go do it right now to show my love for you! :D
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thelamb1429 · 2 months
I wish i had found Tumblr when i was a bit younger because trying to fit into a fandom space anywhere else is like trying to play hop scotch with traps that collapse occasionally and send you into a pit of lava.
Like esp with the creepypasta fandom. Idk what it is but like it’s just a lot easier to enjoy the characters and stories on Tumblr. Tiktok is a horrible place for fandoms and even if my reach here is much smaller, i prefer a tight knit community over ceaseless arguing
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the-art-ghost · 5 months
Gnawing at my pen as I draw everything BUT what I should be drawing lol
Here’s another doodle dump
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I drew him ONCE and this is what I get lol
But in my head instead of a suburban town he lives in a small lower middle class town where they are surrounded by forest
He knows how to hunt, forage, and fix a truck
I also gave him trichotillomania because I have it ((I’ve gotten better about it)) and nobody talks about it
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I wanted to honor the original proxies, but wanted to come up with something
So I decided that there were different generations of proxies and their names are more like a title
So if something happens to them they get replaced and their titles given to someone else
Kate is the longest proxy that’s under slender’s control
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They are still silly tho
But for my silliest
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Oh my little creature
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He finds Issac’s ancestor as a neglected baby and deep down in the pit of his heart…he misses him, and he knows what will happen if he grows up in a hostile environment…
He wants to break the cycle… but he hasn’t even done it for himself… two lost souls… forever entangled with each other
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But you don’t care about that!
Here’s human Jack
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He can shape-shift temporarily in order to blend in with society
He’s got a bell choker :3
That’s all.
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sister-lucifer · 7 months
Talk About a Mind Fuck: Preview
[a quick snippet of the ticcimask brain fucking fic, a collab with @cryptidcircuswrites ] [CWs: brain fucking, obviously, mentions of blood and gore, brain/wound fingering without express consent]
“Y-You’re always on my back about something, a-aren’t you old man?!” Toby hisses. Tim’s ungloved hand squeezes and flexes at his side. 
“You a-always got something to say about m-me, or what I—fucker! shit!—what I-I think, you can never j-just let me—“ 
Toby is cut off as a high pitched cry is violently forced from his throat, making his body spasm as it dissolves into an animalistic moan like neither of them have ever heard. It feels like every nerve in his body is seizing, splitting apart and contorting under his skin. He almost screams at the feeling, but he can’t manage it. 
There’s a sickening squelch as something is ripped from the back of his skull, and he falls forward onto his hands, dizzy and struggling to breathe. 
“W-What…what the f-fuck…was…”
He can’t even finish the sentence between his inability to process the unnatural sensation that just overtook him and the indescribable feeling still rippling through his body. 
Slowly he cranes his neck to look back up into the mirror. Instantly his eyes are locked onto Tim’s, but they aren’t looking back. They’re staring at something else. 
He follows Tim’s gaze down slowly, swallowing thickly with a sudden nervousness. His eye widens as it falls on the thing that has captivated Tim‘s gaze: 
His ungloved hand, the middle and ring fingers now dripping with blood and viscera not his own. 
No. Fucking. Way.
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koolaidoverliving · 4 months
a little ficlet i posted on ao3, but decided i might as well post it here as well! :)
✦ Ticci Toby / Nina the Killer ✦
CW: Light Angst, Ticciwork Mentioned
Words: I don't remember... 400~?
Nina and Toby are waiting outside of a concert venue. It's cold. And it's easy to reminisce.
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"This is so unfair, Toby!" Nina whines. "It's so, so unfair! Why does the line have to be this long?"
Toby chuckles. "They really want to see Iron Maiden."
"It's stuuupid, Tobes. I bet they can't even name five songs..."
"Oh... Yeah... Stupid fake fans!" He can't name five songs either.
While he isn't a metalhead like his girlfriend, Toby listened to Iron Maiden's entire discography before the concert. He knows how much music means to Nina, and he wants to mean just as much. If Toby could, he would rent the concert venue for him and her only. But Toby can't, so he just pulls her closer, the warmth of his coat making up for what she lacks.
"Why aren't you wearing a coat, babe?" Toby asks.
"It would ruin my cute outfit," Nina replies, leaning into Toby's warm body. "Plus, I know it's gonna be, like, a total oven inside the venue."
"Wha—alright then! Just promise you won't get frost-bite?"
"Mhm, yeah. Frost-bite's got nothing on me."
"Gooood." He rests his head on-top of Nina's. Her outfit is cute, but very impractical for the winter.
Toby remembers when he still dated Natalie and how cold she'd get in the winter-time. She hated to admit she was freezing, but Toby could tell by the chatter of her teeth and the frost on her shivering hands. Natalie never did wear enough layers to survive Toronto's harsh winters. And whether she asked for it or not, Toby always gave her his coat.
While deep in thought, Toby feels a hand tug on his sleeve. "Toby! Th–The line's moving!" Nina exclaims through grinded teeth.
"It is?" Toby snaps back into focus. Slowly but surely, the line moves. "It is... That means we'll be at the concert in no time, babe!" He grins, ear to ear.
Nina makes an attempt to grin back at him. Her face is so clearly reddened and wet from condensation. For a split second, Toby sees a different person.
"Awh, you're cold," Toby says.
"I'm not cold," Nina retaliates. "I c–can totally last until we make it inside!"
"Oh, come on, silly." Toby starts unzipping his coat. "Let me give you my coat, okay? You can take it off when we get inside. You'll still have your cute outfit, you'll just be a 'lil warmer."
"Hmmm..." Nina presses her lips into a small, coy smile. "Okaaay! Fine, I'll take your coat."
Toby puts his coat over Nina. It's big on her and makes her look smaller than she is.
"Warmer now?" Toby asks.
Nina nods. "So much warmer." She puts her arms into the sleeves.
Toby admires his girlfriend, enjoying the way the pale fur makes her dark hair stand out. He loves her with all his heart, and he'll never be afraid to admit that. He loves her smile, her quirky humor, the sound of her voice, her green eyes...
"It looks good on you, Natalie," he says softly.
. . .
The line moves. But the two of them are still.
"I didn't mean—"
"Did you just..."
"I'm so sorry—"
"It's whatever, Toby! Don't ruin my concert night!" Nina retorts. "I don't want to do this right now." Nina turns around and moves with the line, her hands in the coat pockets.
"Wait, babe—Nina!" He follows her. "It was a mistake."
"I told you I don't care! We can talk about it later!" She continues to walk away, ignoring the fact she's now moving faster than the line is.
Toby doesn't say anything else, but his hands twitch, and he swears he can feel his stomach twisting. He follows her in silence. He painted himself as an idiot, but it's fine. Nina said they'll talk about it later—later.
So it's fine.
He'll listen to the concert with her and everything will be fine.
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Slender mansion headcanons?
Aight anon you didnt mention who to write for so I'm gonna write about all my favs, also this will be infuenced by my personal rewrite so I hope you dont mind!!
(Charcters included: Jeff, Ben, Nina, Toby, EJ, Clockwork, Jane, Masky/Tim, The Operator and a hint of Laughing Jack)
I'll make a part 2 as soon as I can because I have way too many thoughts about the Mansion to fit in one post.
Thank you for the ask!!!
◇Slender Mansion Headcanons◇
◇Part 1◇
• Actual fucking chaos
• Thank god the Mansion is so deep in the woods because they would have been reported for SEVERAL noise complaints.
• Ben and Jeff usually play videogames late into the night (usually old PS2 titles, horror or multiplayer games) and Jeff has almost 0 voice control.
• So Tim (or Jane) usually has to barge in and yell at them to keep it down, not that he sleeps much anyways but theyre annoying and Nina is a light sleeper.
• Ben, Clockwork and Tim are all insomniacs so they usually all play board games or go for long drives together, Ben has successfully gotten them into dnd.
• Ben is pretty bad at taking care of himself because he just kinda....forgets due to his ADHD so everyone in the mansion gives him their little reminders or help out.
• Whether its Nina brushing his hair, Jane bringing him dinner when he forgot to eat or Toby essentially throwing him in the shower (never the bathtub his phobia of deep water is too strong and everyone in the mansion is mindful of it)
• Nina, Jeff and Ben all have movie nights every Tuesday. Occasionally the other members of the mansion will join them if the're free but they all have different hunting schedules set by The Operator.
•Nina screams at every jumpscare in a horror movie, her screams are so loud that EJ can hear it from the basement.
• The Operator himself doesn't live in the Mansion although it is his. Hes rarely seen or heard from, only leaving notes around the house. The only one really fond of him is Nina.
• The Operator usually leaves breakfast on the table in the morning for all of them, Clockwork has a small feeling that he doesn't like Jeff because his eggs are never done the way he likes.
• Speaking of Clockwork, the only people she really relaxes around are Toby and EJ, otherwise shes the resident strong, scary, silent type. Ben was low-key scared of her at first but theyre cool now.
• She has major anger issues so his fears are validated, she mostly does a good job of hiding it and generally is very friendly although her bluntness comes of as being mean sometimes.
• EJ and Clockwork usually give each other book and audio drama podcast reccomendations. They're so comfortable around each other that everyone though they were dating at first (They're not).
• EJ was studying to be a surgeon before he got into this mess, his skills carried over and he acts like the in house doctor for the mansion, frequently gets annoying at Tim's smoking.
• EJ honestly spends more time in his lab in the basement than his actual room, he doesn't let many people down there for "sanitation" reasons but everyone else knows its just to keep the teenagers from being more traumatized than they already are.
• Nobody goes into the attic as The Clown (Laughing Jack) lives there, they're all a little afraid of him but he only leaves and enters the room through the attic so hes never seen in the rest of the house.
• Jane had to go into the attic to speak to The Clown once on instruction of The Operator and acted out of character for the rest of the week, keeping all the cupboards and wardrobes in her vicinity open at all times.
• Jane and Tim are often regarded as "The Parents" of the Mansion as they're the oldest, both being in their mid to late 30s, everyone MOSTLY respects them enough to listen.
• Nina treats Clockwork and Jane like big sisters and often finds every excuse to tag along and spend time with them, usually ends up rambling about random fanfiction or a new show she's watching while they listen.
• Clockwork and Toby are like Ben and Jeff just older. Two peas in a pod, they go everywhere together and Clockwork becomes a little more unhinged around him. They've been hiding a stolen stoplight in Toby's room for 3 months and nobody has noticed yet.
• Toby and Jeff either get along a little too well or are fist fighting there is no in between. They're both loose canons. Nobody can tell if they're friends or hate each other.
• Toby and Nina both get along well as they're able to understand and read each other better than the other mansion members due to their shared experience having bpd.
• Toby often accompanies Nina on missions and looks out for her, similar to an older brother, and Nina goes on frequent trips with him to help bring firewood for the Mansion.
• They have their moments but overall everyone gets along pretty well.
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ask-spooky-manor · 19 days
do you have any clockwork and Jeff the killer hcs?
I’m gonna assume you mean their friendship and not separate headcanons.
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- Natalie was the first friend Jeff made when he and his family moved to Colorado. He saw that she had a little gengar keychain on her backpack, and he couldn’t help but bring up how much he loves Pokemon.
- Similarly, Jeff was the first person Natalie befriended when they reunited at the manor. They can not be separated ever. They are a package deal.
- Their dynamic summed up is: the chill woman who never plans anything ever, and her neurotic bestie who needs to have his whole day broken down by the hour or he will lose it.
- This is something that tends to cause tension. The fact that Natalie goes with the flow has Jeff worried she won’t accomplish her tasks when they need to be done. All while Jeff’s meticulous planning and general anxieties stresses Natalie out. It’s like:
Natalie: oh my god, get off my ass!
Jeff: I wouldn’t be on your ass if you actually did your job when you were supposed to!
- Despite Natalie’s relaxed nature, she and Jeff do get very competitive and do a lot of little challenges together. Like, who eats dinner the fastest? Who can kill the most monsters? Who can go a day without getting into trouble? (Neither can accomplish that one).
- They always know exactly what to say/do to get the other out of a funk. Jeff is there to give a hug and reassure Nat that things will always get better. Natalie knows how to pull Jeff out of an anxiety induced spiral with clear solutions to his problems.
- They’re big on physical affection (along with Toby but this isn’t about him). They cuddle a lot, they can casually share a bed with no problem, Natalie can straight up sit on Jeff’s lap if she wanted to. They don’t see it as a big deal to share these moments with close friends cause they’re so comfortable with the dynamic and frankly crave that kind of contact.
- They just adore each other, idk how else to say it. It may not be as obvious as it is when Toby is thrown into the mix cause Toby is very forward and in your face with his own form of affection, but Jeff and Natalie hold this deep connection with each other. They understand one another so well it’s almost scary. Something something, they finish each other’s sentences and all that.
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fandom-err0r · 6 months
these losers look exactly the same in every fanart ever so i had to do a little fiddling to their designs
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remind me to draw em later…
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threeshadesoflime · 1 month
limer's slendermansion au masterpost!
mostly made for myself and anyone else who wants to read/is interested! most of my fanart is built around this too ha ha. containing headcanons/a complete overhaul/fanon depictions of my fave creepypastas + the slendermansion au, because i think my brain deserves to think about them
(now illustrated!!)
tws in the tags but there's nothing too serious i think
the slendermansion/slenderman;
- bastard man you will never be a father figure in my eyes
- there is no such thing as any other variant of slenderman (we are not in a Dr Seuss book we do not need the rhyming quartet of evil white men)
- doesn't speak, probably leaning more towards the operator rather than slenderman tbh
- except this guy has exceptional situational humour (it's me I'm the humour)
- not explicitly abusive but like if you don't obey him when he sends you out to do proxy shit he'd probably kill you
- which is a problem especially with a house contained with not only agents/berserkers but also sleepers
- which actually thinking about it isn't that big of a deal except for the like 2 guys where they have DID and one alter is an agent and the other isn't
- the house is kind of like the monster house from monster house albeit a little more lowkey in it having a consciousness (so perhaps a little more alike to the house in encanto, just less friendly)
- you don't age in the house, but it's a situation where you don't really notice that fact until you really think about how the dates never really change properly
- wounds don't heal properly either, but if someone is fatally injured within the house slenderman usually blinks them out of existence for a couple hours before they're found again, perfectly fine, but lost around the woods surrounding the mansion
- the only time you'll actually see him is if fatal injuries happen or if a proxy has fucked up on a mission or something and needs immediate backup (kind of like alex in MH)
- missions are always posted through the letterbox once a month in envelopes along with the four weekly newspapers (maybe a magazine if you're lucky)
- possibly also how the proxies source their wanted posters info, which is usually contained in the paper. they have disputes and contests on whose criminal description is the best (slenderman interferes with cameras so no photo evidence exists of any of these people outside of the mansion, only eye witness accounts)
- only a certain amount of people are used to go out every month, typically in groups of threes/fours - less if the people he's sending out are older (responsible of him, I know)
- mansion is situated in a black void. please don't ask me where this void is because I don't know but it's probably a different dimension from the earth most of them are sourced from
ben drowned;
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- the benjamin lawman kind of ben
- seemingly an infinite supply of pondscum he's constantly picking off of himself
- whenever a new zelda game comes out he's always excited because it's a new link skin to use + so when botw came out it was like the equivalent of a wardrobe makeover
- one of the few that doesn't have to share a room with anyone given his physical body is like, semi real and mostly spends his nights in his game cartridge which is in an overheating Nintendo 64 in the tower attic, which is too small for a bed anyway - but ben personalises it as much as possible (it's a pig sty)
- speaking of his body, it's in a weird liminal state of real and not real, because he can make it disappear/reappear but everyone can touch him, he can touch others, etc. i explain this away via slender mansion dead person magic
- he doesn't typically eat, and even though he doesn't need to he likes making his body breathe (as much as it can since it's waterlogged most of the time)
- Ben's body is mostly in a state of flux dependent on his mood, eg: if he's content/happy he looks less drowned, if he's upset/angry he looks more corpse-like
- can spy on people through any electronic within like a 50 ft radius of his console without him actually having to enter the device, so to say
- this has caused many an argument
- along with him being able to phase in and out of reality he can also appear in any digital screen
- constantly electrostatic and will constantly touch people to give them electric shocks to piss them off
- probably one of the youngest there, about 12/13. maybe even eleven - around the age when preteen boys become semi unbearable 364 days of the year and have like one day of emotional realisation
jeff the killer;
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- just want to clarify that this jeff has hair and eyelids in this au i feel like that's important
- but he doesn't blink much to put people off so really it's almost as if he doesn't have eyelids anyway
- will not stop picking at his mouth wound & that shit has NOT healed and will not stop oozing plasma/rbc
- ptsd from an ambiguous house fire that probably happened but Jeff won't talk about it (read: I haven't decided on the specifics yet)
- I've seen in some stories jeff and fire are tight but I've always interpreted it as more of an adversion to it
- honestly my reformed fanon version of him is pieced together from a bunch of rewrites I've seen
- mentally ill asshole (emphasis on asshole, he sucks ass)
- like come on sure a few kids bullied him but your first instinct shouldn't be to kill them . that's at least step 27 on a bad day
- tbf he had neglectful parents
- but like so did liu and he only started being homicidal after his brother disfigured him
- killed his parents but was unsuccessful with fully killing liu because, funnily enough, killing someone you gaf about is hard even for dickhead jeff
- shares a bedroom with nina and jane because the house (me) thought it would be funny
- quite disturbed when he realised nina was there to stay and probably tried to kill her at one point (again)
- someone take away the bad graphic tees he wears it's almost a crime against humanity
- he cuts all his t shirts up but like. stylishly
- or as stylishly you can get especially when paired with massive fucking demonias he will not stop wearing . he's had them since he was like 12 the only reason they fit is through sheer force of will (no one talk to him about his feet blisters)
- he's like. nineteen at a push but probably the kinda guy to lie and make himself seem younger for pity points
- "i killed my parents when i was fifteen, god can we not grow from our errors anymore? cancel culture nowadays. [...] when was my hunt? oh yesterday ha ha it was a bloodbath"
nina the killer;
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- wow! i wonder who she likes the most in this household!
- (amongst other things) bpd, jeff is her favourite person and it's a pretty miserable fucking time for the first like, year she's living there he is so horrible
- on a bad day her preferred state of being is being at least within a six foot radius of him at all times (maybe he might learn empathy being around her, who knows)
- he went on a little killing spree post-woods family murder and killed Nina's parents, & disfigured her w the glasgow smile but before he killed her slenderman intervened (not to save nina but to make sure jeff himself didn't like die from his own injuries)
- she was his only survivor and saw it as a.. "wow... he saved me from my abusive household, i need to get to him"
- this didn't go down well with her case worker
- neither did her running away (which really wasn't a good idea with massive facial wounds but she did NOT want the hospital to heal them)
- (insert probably incorrect medical jargon) she now has a face which healed with big gaps, sometimes keeps the flaps stapled together for easier eating/speaking purposes but they won't heal back together now
- she takes out the staples when on missions though because she thinks it looks cooler
- her and toby probably go through those face staples like wildfire together
- she only killed one guy before being led (by the operator) to the mansion to try and get jeff's attention (unbeknownst to her jeff does not read or watch the news so had no idea of this copycat kill - she was quite distraught by this)
- one of the few that suffers quite badly with self harm
- her parents were awful and when her little brother died (when he was about four and nina was nine) from their neglect they blamed it on nina
- not necessarily unkind to everyone else but she also especially warmed up to ben because from her fuzzy memory she can see a vague resemblance between ben and her little brother
- scene queen +curly hair she flat irons like once a month on special occasions
- she's the one that does everybody's piercings and sticknpokes
- should she? not at all she didn't even google an online tutorial, just guesswork
- probably about. 15 ish? maybe 16. I don't like her canon age of 11 because the thought of an eleven year old going "i love jeff the killer i hope we jeff the kill together" is lame
- jeff is incredibly put off by her whole schtick and was not impressed upon finding out she was there for the long haul (wouldn't it be funny if this happens thrice)
eyeless jack;
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- I've heard so many goddamn variations of his story so I'm just gonna riff and make my own
- 16 y/o kid, average in every which way, gets involved with the wrong people who basically feed him on drugs which make him have bad hallucinations, trips to the point where jack gets very fucking frightened while high and it ends up with the aforementioned wrong people unintentionally killing him
- everyone panics and dumps his body which rots for a while (eyes rotted out first)
- guess who picks it up! (unspecified) cult
- they use him for a ritual which goes awry
- jack's corpse proceeds to be possessed by a demonic force which revives him but he's... different now #emo
- kills cultists as his brain, as decomposed at it was, carried on the fight/flight instinct he initially died with
-but whoops! doesn't remember his life at all (as demon nor human) and almost ends up starving to death before like jeff or someone finds him and drags him back to the mansion
- seeing as jack is a (semi) demonic entity slenderman does not appreciate him in the house but the actual house itself does not gaf and provides him a bedsit anyway
- finds out his name when going through the paper with others and they see his missing poster printed on the front page of 2 of the papers (he's since been demoted to a back page story)
- his brain is a weird combination of demonic and human matter (but he's still just one person, just a hybrid now - leaning more human)
-the tar comes from something to do with the specific ritual and it stains like shit
- which was unfortunate to jeff and his previously perfectly white hoodie
- finds out he eats kidneys after being force-fed by jeff and toby the left over meats the house provided for them that no-one else wanted to eat
- so basically take a human corpse with no eyes with tar for blood and stuff in a demonic entity and give both the host and entity amnesia
- atp he's older than 16 but he doesn't know how long his body was dead for + how long he was in the real world so really he just kinda guesses he's probably 18-19 now
- got his mask as a kinda shitty paper mache project from sally at one unspecified holiday (birthday or Christmas probably) and got it cast in a layer of resin to keep it lasting longer
tim wright/brian thomas;
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- like maybe twice a month tim is let out to go shopping for everyone, if not for his mental health if nothing else (considering the house realistically could stock it's own shelves) like walking a dog
- never let out together because they will just run away (even if masky ends up dragging them both back it's still a hassle)
- everyone else is much more okay with this living arrangement than tim
- albeit the only reason brian isn't as uncomfortable with the situation is because he died, and has a lingering sense that this is his purpose now (that's the proxy in him, he doesn't actually believe that)
- they push their single beds together to create the most uncomfortable double bed on planet earth
- has a period where they kinda hated each other at first before realising getting over it and making out up
- it's okay now they love each other (i may have skipped a few chapters)
- (said chapters being arguably more than a little traumatic for both of them but it's. fine)
- tim arrived first, brian took a while as the operator takes longer to resuscitate corpses than he does to just guide a living person into his influence
- brian still looks a little fucked up though (one pupil larger than the other, bruising on his back from his blood pooling, + other related non-issue injuries now that he's been reanimated)
- masky is an alter of tim's , in which masky is the operator's agent and tim is not
- turns out the seizures weren't JUST the operators doing. is he allowed his anticonvulsants or antipsychotics though? well, the house doesn't provide them and if he manages to steal some from outside & he's too conspicuous about it they mysteriously disappear so there's a lot of untreated mental and physical illness going on here
- neither masky or tim know if there are any other alters because masky has never cared and Tim's only just finding out that masky isn't the operator's doing (albeit the operator is a front trigger)
- while unmedicated, tim comes to realise there's so much shit that makes him and masky a little cofront-y/switchy when before he just thought it was normal dissociation
- in my head brian is kind of a sleeper agent but remembers what he does when he is acting as the operators proxy, probably similarly to how alex was (oh how the turn tables) but he can snap back out of wanting to kill people where alex didn't/couldn't
- he is the meme "there are two wolves inside of you"
- tim is constantly stressing about everyone going out dressed like they're ready for a night out partying (especially jane and nina, they do not dress practically)
- brian and masky dgaf they're just here hoping to not keel over and die (again)
- probably about 24-27, part of me prefers them being on the younger side for comedies sake
- like the operator finally kidnaps a few adults to take care of these misfit teenagers and the adults have barely entered their 20's themselves
-peak comedy
"ticci" toby;
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- hates being called ticci toby or any variant that isn't just his name
- this is of course exploited by his peers (cough jeff) to piss him off
- it really doesn't help that when he's agitated his tics get worse
- because of this he tends to lock himself in his bedroom to get away from jeff being a jackass
- the first proxy slender brought to the mansion
- which was a shit idea because who the hell decided that a kid with schizophrenia and multiple dead family members to hallucinate was a good option to leave by himself with a ghost (sally)
- especially with the issue that nobody in this household is medicated properly
- he has mild asthma that he keeps thinking he grew out of years ago (spoiler, he didn't)
- probably close with nina and liu but otherwise near the beginning he's very reserved
- because he can't feel pain + his bones are pretty weak the amount of times he'll come back home, take off his clothes to bathe or something and only then realise he's completely fucking mangled one of his joints (his left ankle is typically the victim)
- ergo he walks with a limp because the bones sit too awkwardly to really walk very well but running is less of an issue especially when adrenaline is pumping
- ...unless his knees play up and he kind of just crumples under his own weight . he always curses when he finds that he literally cannot get away with no bedrest
- the muzzle was NOT his idea and he is not impressed at being made to wear it like surely there are other options to him biting at his fingers
- eventually jeff becomes less antagonistic (sometimes) and they become closer
- they became pretty close after having to resuscitate jack together
- probably have debates on whose version of blade is better
- probably pretends to have a tic and launches his axe at jeff, who in turn literally never believes when toby's actually having a tic attack
- has this almost gotten them both shot out on the field several times? yeah
- refuses to believe he has cannibalistic tendencies as he eats from someone's liver, "just to try it"
- dressed like it's always the thick of winter
- keeping his canon age of 17 because it fits well with the late teenager aged up situation i got going on
jane the killer;
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- holy shit it happened twice
- i kinda dig the original story of jane just hating jeff so much she goes around killing people (specifically men in my mind #misandristqueen) pretending she's killing jeff
- in my head though it wasn't jeff who attacked her, but a copycat instead (not nina, just some other male serial killer)
- hates her face now and the mask is specifically a fitted prosthetic
- by the time she was getting over her hatred slenderman brought her into the woods and got her to the mansion
- she was not happy and neither was jeff
- incredibly hostile the first day before jeff finally stopped antagonizing her because she would have just killed him
- finding out that it wasn't actually jeff who disfigured her caused some conflict but in the end she still settled on hatred
- real
- hardcore goth 40% of the time the other 60% she literally looks unrecognisable
- eventually stops wearing her prosthetic in a casual setting but still uses it while hunting
- probably 19-20 ish, but she acts so much older
characters I've put less thought into:
alex&jay as skully
since the operator took so long to start bringing their bodies back from the dead, when he uses either of them as a proxy there's not yet human life within them, currently 100% operator. As time moves on, this decreases, and they may join the ruckus of the mansion one day. For now, glances of the familiar mask unsettle both Tim and Brian.
corpses when brought back to life still will forever look pretty fucked up ( as mentioned with brian having injuries from his fall + prolonged time being dead)so the reason sally is covered in blood is due to this fact. She was one of the first (after toby) for slender to house and literally no one can find out why tf he's housing a stressed seven year old ghost-corpse - because really she acts more like a ghost, and typically avoids the more masculine newcomers until she can get a good feel if they're okay from everyone else. doesn't necessarily avoid all men, especially if said man is pretty typically feminine (long hair, no facial hair, etc). has taken a liking to hanging around jeff who is probably the quickest person he stopped being fucking horrible too, because she's literally seven and he is a villain not a monster ok
homicidal liu
probably one of the most violent/reactive towards fellow proxies because of his brother (LOL) but if you're chill, he's chill, which is probably why he gets along best with toby who also mostly kept to himself at the beginning. doesn't have DID because i don't think it fits his character (given his main trauma was in his teens) but did probably cause serious fluctuations in mood, being able to go from 0 to 100 quickly. had a grand entrance to the mansion where he tried to kill jeff upon first seeing him (reasonable reaction)
to conclude, i made this all for me but also for anyone who has interest in my au! any and all creepypasta/marble hornets drawings are probably part of this au (whether the art takes before the characters were part of the slendermansion or not ha ha)
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pink-key · 10 months
how does toby feel about all the waffle memes (is that even still a thing lol??)
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I think a very soft and naive Toby (you know, the hyper sugary friendly Toby with practically no disorders or slender brainwashing) is the byproduct of the waffle Toby era. I don't mind any Toby versions, 2010s was a waffles era for some reason lmao. I want to keep some of that waffle love tho, so he just likes bread and buns and all that not in an extreme "I will sell Slendy for 50 waffles" way.
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angelic-waffles · 4 months
I’m bored time for some
Random Toby Erin Rodgers Heacannons
Chaos bisexual
Around 19-20 (going based off og ref sheet/story age)
Bro is so trans masc. He gives off insane amounts of t-boy energy
Stealth about being trans. Or… as stealth as he can be.
Not exactly dating EJ but not not dating
He would be best friends with Nina
They would have friendship bracelets
He broke his very quickly
He doesn’t brush his hair for months on end, probably to the point of being able to find twigs and burs in his hair. Nasty.
If someone hands something to him, like a broken vase or a hair tie, he’ll just keep em.
He sees Slenderman as a father figure, but that also means he thinks he’s kind of lame.
BPD (I’m not elaborating on that)
He tried to do nice things for people, but sometimes he ends up being creepy or just confusing everyone else
Slenderman offered him a room in the Slenermansion but he kind of just sleeps on the couch or in the attic like the gremlin he is
Romps around the woods a lot
He will come back with random animal bites or rashes
He’s a very messy killer, not in a flashy way, but in a rough way, rushed almost. (Ex choppy cuts, lots of blood left behind, sloppy work overall, etc)
EJ thinks his messiness (in murder life, lack of showering) is horrifying.
Bro smells
Nina got him into shitty teen dramas like Riverdale
Probably has a lot of scars from general injuries and also probably sh
He’s not exactly proud of his scars, but he’s not exactly ashamed of them either. He doesn’t show them off but he doesn’t go out of his way to cover them up.
He steals stuff from everyone in the Slendermansion, not big or important stuff, it always little stuff.
He visits Lyra’s grave a lot, he leaves flowers and tells her about his day or about how the world has changed or about new movies. Every year for her birthday he leaves her favorite snacks and flowers outside her grave.
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skyeconch · 9 months
Ticci Toby, thinking of ways to teach Y/N’s bully a lesson :
Ticci Toby : So hear me out.
Ticci Toby : We kidnap him.
Y/N : . . .no?
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totheinferno · 3 months
Hello, ready for more Creepypasta raps? Well I hope you dig rap & Toby because you fellas are going to be eating good tonight.
There is a YouTuber named Alltime Arcade, he does a LOT of nerdcore raps. In total he’s done 5 Ticci Toby songs, a Slenderman & Proxies cypher and two rap battles.
Unfortunately, he deleted his first Toby song. So there’s only four now. But these are still very good ( in my opinion )
So we will start from oldest to newest.
The Toby songs are newer than these next three songs which predate the Toby solos.
And there we have it. A lot of lesser known Creepypasta music for you fellas to enjoy for awhile. Be sure to show some love to Alltime Arcade if you enjoyed his music.
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ninathekllrr · 9 months
General!Ticci Toby HCs. . .
This took longer than expected . . Read till the end for a lil blurb <3 reminder ! English isn’t my first language.
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It depends on how old Toby is.. at first he only wore the clothes Slenderman “found” him in and whatever other articles of clothing he was able to scavenge up. It wasn’t until a few years later he felt safe enough to venture out and buy some clothes from the thrift. (with stolen money cuz bitch don’t get paid to be a lumberjack,,, a human lumberjack that is.)
I’m so bad at describing; just think of Will Graham's season 1 outfit n shit. 😭 I feel like he’d probably dress like a grandpa. Oversized Grandpa sweaters, those button-ups/dress shirts under w collars that peep out, any baggy pants in general. Work/toe steel boots >> .
He just doesn’t bother much w dressing up! It’s also so he doesn’t stand out much whenever trying to go somewhere in public — sometimes he’d get lucky and find band tees of bands he likes or Jeff lets him borrow some of his own.
A firm believer that he loves metal. Something about the chaotic-icy helps him “soothe the voices.” his favorite bands would be Sevendust, Rammstein, and Lamb of god!
Once when he was on a mission he accidentally broke into the wrong house and lucky him it was a middle-aged white dad who had a thing for 2000s rock and metal. Killed that fucker and stole as many albums and CDs as he possibly could :p.
He’d DIY a bunch of studded leather bracelets and give a few away to Natalie and Jeffery. Gifting is his love language tbh
Most residents of the manor (when he ‘lived’ there) don’t/didn’t know much about Toby since he doesn’t bother socializing much. He seems pretty disinterested to the rest but the dude really has some great hobbies and things he enjoys. For one he loves crafting, especially wood carving! He also has a habit of collecting animal bones/remains to clean and use them as decor. His favorites prob have to be fox skulls :). Very much a trinket collector as well. Just a odd man :3
Besides hobbies, oddly enough he enjoys Sanrio-related things—specifically cinnamon roll. (Since it’s the only character he knows,) he will convince you that the cinnamoroll is a bunny, not a dog. He refuses to accept that the little cartoon character is not a bunny as he first assumed. Of course he likes music music,, he’s given poetry a chance, isn’t the great at it but really enjoys it!
Toby is Dominican-German. His mom was Dominican while his dad was German! He’s fluent in Spanish and somewhat broken German. Around 5’9 to 6’0 foot tall. Late teens and early twenties he was more scrawny than anything but after 13 years of labor and trying to survive he obv grew some muscle mass and like… isn’t built like a 17-year-old boy idfk. Ofc, he was born on April 28th 1994. Toby grew up in more southern states (specifically Alabama) and has a slighht southern accent.
—Proxy experiences;
Toby is a runaway proxy; one of the very few that managed to escape Slendermans (or the operators, depending on which) grasp. Though he isn’t exactly safe cuz of this, If he gets too close to the terrority of Slenderman or the operator he starts developing symptoms and illness. Course the main being static n amnesia, waking up in random places covered in blood, etc. Toby can’t feel pain so the static doesn’t cause immense headaches but it’s dangerous for that exact reason; he can never tell when his nose starts to bleed or his ears rupture.
Toby only got involved with the operator in his later years (maybe around midish late 20’s) when he was in the minced of escaping Slenderman, and just so happened to meet Tim Wight. He spiraled into a REDACTED hell hole from there.
—Love interest(s) ?;
Oh boy, , it really depends on how quirky im feeling. Ticciwork and TicciJeff tbh. He loves ppl with no sanity 🫶🫶 Thankfully Jeff isn’t involved with Slender because he’s too much of a loose cannon to be controlled, much like EJ, the rake, seed, smile, grinny, etc. and Slenderman doesn’t take interest in Clockwork but since she has connections with some of slendermans valuable tyrants and or proxies, the entity leaves her be.
Jeff was the one to help Toby escape slenderman, and snapped him out of his “devotion” era. Clock is just amazing girlfriend and always there for him :p.
extra . . . .
[ REDACTED ! ! ]
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This Deja vu feeling haunts him. He doesn’t understand why he’s being searched for. Why do the cops know who he is? Why is he? Who was he?
Childhood didn’t exist. Was he always grown ?
Why is it when he passes down that neighborhood, it feels so nostalgic . Nothing left but ashes and decaying foundations of homes, homes that were once were preoccupied by happy families. He call still smell the remains of the burnt buildings. Strange. It’s like he could never forget.
Jeff always went quiet whenever they were talking and the topic of this neighborhood was brought up, does he know something the EX proxy doesn’t?
What’s more confusing is that fateful night with Natalie, he found himself driving down a dark road that one night. It shared similar sentiment much like the abandoned neighborhood, only much more sinister. He was with Clocky, Pretty brunette with a clock for one eye,, the other an odd emerald green. Over time, the twitchy man taught himself to read clocks just so he wouldn’t have to check his phone for the time. Natalie’s eye always went tick tock, tick tock.
It was only him and Nat against the world at that moment,, so who was the mauled looking blonde in his rear view window? Sitting in the back of his car as well, it was strange. Jeff usually hoarded up the back seats. . He wouldn’t share it with a victim.
But it isn’t just a victim. Toby found himself struggling to catch his breath, who is she? Nat. It’s not Nat. It’s not Jeff. It’s just some blonde girl. A young adult that resembles someone he doesn’t know. Does he know ? ? ?
Who is she?
What was once a soft and familiar safe touch was now ghostly and evocative ? ?
Everything is blurry around him. He doesn’t hear her asking if he’s okay.
He doesn’t feel her cold touch, her hand covering his on the steering wheel.
One moment he’s on the road
The next he’s out cold
What caused him to swerve into that tree ?
Why did he put their lives at risk ?
Panting. He heard harsh panting. Was that him? Was that her? His hands were completely thrown off the steering wheel and replaced with paler, somewhat smaller ones. Not so gentle though. Something warm was dripping down from his nose. Metallic scent wafted and clogged his nostrils. He licked his lips and wasn’t surprised to be met with blood - he looked in the rear view mirror - NO BLONDIE IN SIGHT
He looked out the window. Did he just barely manage to swerve away from that tree? No. He didn’t save their lives. He looked to his right. A singular green eye met his. She’s unharmed, unlike REDACTED but shooken up. What brought him back to his senses was that familiar disoriented voice.
“Toby, what the fuck ??”
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d3m0nz0b3d13nc3 · 8 days
Creepypasta oc facts!! 🫶
(All facts are just going to be in general and tame + with my au/hcs of the creepypasta proxys and creeps.)
His real name is Acheron but the other creeps know him as "HeadHunter" or just "Hunter." Toby is the only one who knows his real name.
Him and Toby are together, he is the jealous and protective type but that's mostly because of how much heartbreak has come from relationships from before he was a proxy.
He's got a dull and emotionless voice, his eye also lacks reaction to things. It's always a blank and dull stare.
He's transmasculine and uses He/Him pronouns. 🏳️‍⚧️
He absolutely hates Jeff, has attacked him before and 100% would do it again with no hesitation.
He has a soft spot for the younger members of the house(Ben and Sally being most important since they're the only ones features in lots from what I see.) and children in general. He doesn't like the thought of them having died so early or having possibility to die so early.
Cannibal with Anorexia.
ADHD/Anxiety/Paranoia aswell.
Also he would take in a baby with no hesitation if it was left alone in the woods. 👍 (He has no experience with taking care of babies and has no idea of what to do.)
Honorary mention of his ship name with Toby. 'TickedHunter.' Get it? Cause he's easily pissed off and a hunter and Toby's called Ticci Toby so I can change it to Ticked? I'm not funny.
Okay thats it. Idk what else to write. Should I make a fic with my creepypasta au?? Idk. 3AM post guys. 🫶 Bored asf. Probably gonna write a whole fic. Won't focus it on just my oc. Will try to keep it from being just him as the main focus.
Alr bye now.
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ask-spooky-manor · 10 months
Toby Character Headcanons
So I was tagged with a list of questions for me to answer that I reblogged, and while none of them were sent in my inbox, I still wanted to answer some cause they were really interesting.
Trigger Warning: I do talk about how abuse has affected Toby and how it has left some long lasting scars mentally and emotionally speaking. Not all of the headcanons are like that though, just be cautious. Nothing too in detail but can be uncomfortable
Clothing style
Toby’s style is like mixing grunge with cottagecore (goblincore is what it’s usually called). He likes his knitted sweaters and earthy tones, but at the same time he enjoyes ripped jeans and chunky black boots that can basically double as a weapon.
Eating Habits
Toby has a massive appetite. You will always catch him with a snack in his hands or complaining that he’s hungry despite having eaten a full meal not ten minutes ago. He just really likes food, and people in the house know to give him an extra serving for dinner
Music is more of a passion so tinkering around and making little gadgets is probably his number one hobby. He mainly likes to make things that blow up. Other general hobbies he has are cooking, hiking, uhhhh arson, and drawing
Fighting Style
He’s fully aware that he’s not the strongest or fastest or even has the most endurance, but Toby is extremely clever and crafty. He thinks way outside of the box and relies heavily on all of his odd little gadgets and inventions to surprise an enemy like smoke bombs, traps, loud fire crackers, you name it. He is an unpredictable fighter because you’ll never know what he has up his sleeves, and the surprise is something he will very much use against you. Not to mention that when he’s stuck in a sticky situation, he’s really good at coming up with on the spot plans that will get him out of trouble.
Ways he says I love you
Well, he will just say it. Toby won’t shy away from using the L word on anyone he even mildly likes. Though another way he shows it is through encouraging his loved ones to take care of themselves. He will make sure you eat properly, sleep well, take your meds, etc. Also hugs, Toby is a hugger.
Introvert or Extrovert
Extrovert, which surprised him when he realized it. Toby thought he was introverted for the longest time when in reality he was just dealing with a lot of nasty people who made him feel unsafe. Being alone felt safer, but at the same time it made him miserable because he naturally gains more energy with good people around. Ending up in the manor was the best thing to happen to him because now he has buddies he can spend time with like all the time.
Religious or Non-religious?
Complicated as fuck. He was raised Christian only to kind of despise organized religions as a whole. He would say he’s an atheist if he didn’t live with a literal moon god (Ben), so now he just has a beef with gods in general (Except Ben, they’re chill). Basically he thinks about how if these beings really are all powerful, all kind, all forgiving and omniscient and good then why the fuck did none of them help him? Why did it reach a point where he killed his own father? Why was he never saved? Basically, the idea of there being a higher power gets him in a bitter mood. Best to avoid the subject altogether.
Something he could never forgive.
Toby is generally a forgiving person but the one thing he could never forgive is when someone takes advantage of the kindness he is willing to give. Classmates did it in school as a way to bully him, and his dad would sometimes guilt trip favors out of him (usually to sneak him more beer, which will end up biting Toby in the ass when facing his drunk dad later on). Just the general act of trying to manipulate Toby, knowing they can toy with the heart he wears on his sleeve, is enough for him to want that person dead.
Something that scares him.
For the small, irrational fear; Toby is afraid of the dark. It’s just a childhood fear that he never really got over. It’s fine if he’s with someone but being alone in the dark will put him in fight or flight mode. For the bigger existential shit: dreads the idea of everyone secretly hating him. His own father and peers have created this idea in Toby’s mind that there is nothing good about him. That his own existence is nothing but a burden on others, so there’s always this fear that his friends and even his own boyfriend don’t actually like him and that it’s all a front. He knows that realistically that’s not true, but it’s hard fighting against a toxic mindset that was pushed into his brain at such a young age.
Did he grow up too fast?
No, thankfully. It was Lyra who had to grow up too fast. Connie did her best, she really did, but there have been a lot of times where it was Lyra who had to care for Toby. Especially after really bad nights where their dad thought having one more bottle wouldn’t be a problem. Toby was unlucky enough to have been surrounded by people that were cruel to him, but thanks to Lyra and his mom he at least was able to be a kid from time to time.
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