#I deleted my old blog because it was so clogged with other stuff I needed a fresh start!
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cherrycherryves · 3 months ago
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(Tomato sauce is getting everywhere as I freak out)
(The waiters are stone-faced as I flail around)
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tokyokookmin · 2 years ago
2023 Updates - guidelines and necessary information
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Hey all, tokyokookmin here. First, thank you, everyone, for the immense support from the previous posts. I adore all of you tokyokookminies. I'm so grateful for this growing fam.
The main intention I made this post is to update all my 'followers' about the blog's current state and my plans.
As you guys have seen (if y'all did, lol), I changed up a little of my layout.
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How is it? Do you guys like it? It's much nicer 😂.
I'm getting closer to replacing the old masterlist with my main "#JIKOOK moments/compilations series" (coming out soon) as I feel that series brings out the best of me in terms of my jikookery brain (lol). Another reason why is because all of the posts from that series are hit posts (it is for me, lol.)
2. Blog Guidelines
No longer answering asks from taekookers
I have been on a hiatus for the past year. I'm slowly reconnecting with this blog once again after focusing on myself. But even before that, I had completely quit answering asks from tkkrs. I simply no longer want to be a part of this childish war and be a part of another drama. It is draining and I don't want to be entangled in any of this anymore. Yes, If I find a particular ask totally exorbitant, you will see my posting that but other than that. Absolutely no. All of them are going into the trash box and I'm definitely blocking them.
I will only answer Jikook-related asks / Requests for my Jikook posts series / Anything minkook.
I hope I have made this clear enough for everyone. Don't come to me rant or to diss and humiliate other Jikook blogs on my page. I will not attend to that. Of course, you can ask me jikook kinds of stuff like sharing -- jikook tweets, asking me to describe/explain a certain moment or whatever jikook content you want to share on my page. I'll also allow you to promote your jikook tweets or whatever content you have out there as long as it's appropriate. Also, before this info leaves my clogged brain, I will not answer any asks from insecure jikookers. For the love of god if you call yourself a jikooker, have faith and confidence in them. This is something I have learn't myself too. And I'm not going to post any information regarding jikooks address or anything personal. I noticed that Koreans jikookers love to send me their personal information but I will only read them and will not post them as it is a breach of their privacy.
Apart from that, as you all know... I'm rather famous for my #JIKOOK moments posts, so if you would like to give me a few suggestions or requests for a particular type of content, go ahead and send them in!
No Solo's
No one likes these kind of people. So do I. If you think of wasting your time ranting on either JK/JM about how great they are as individuals and setting a negative narrative about them. Get out of here. I'll either delete your ask OR I'll respond to it if it really annoyed me.
3) About the DM's
About that, all of you minkookies are welcome to my DM'S to chat and share Jikook posts or even ask me for links whatsoever. But you need to be following me for at least a week before you are able to DM me and that same thing applies to my comments in the posts.
4) Posts plans
My brain 🧠 is full of ideas and me being a blogger, I got lots of content lined up. But don't forget that I'm also human and I have work. Posts will be released once I have approved it since I'm a very fussy lady. I need and want all of my contents to be great before I posts them. You can expect posts coming every few weeks. I'm not a daily basis blogger by the way. Lol.
Currently working on - the series masterlist, jikook genuine connection part 2, jikook vocals PT 2 since y'all liked it soo much and even requested for them. I couldn't never possibly deny y'all 😭.
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I think that's about all what I wanted to say . I'm leaving this post here for y'all to be updated. Please do take note and share it ya. Have a great day jikookies . 💜💜
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muffinrecord · 4 years ago
Some Updates?
Youtube NA Archive Channel Updates
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I’ve disputed a ton of videos (I’d say 60 out of the 66 currently waiting), and most of them are up again while I wait for a response from Sony. The way it works is that the Copyright Holder has 48 hours to respond, and if they don’t then the video will still have a claim but be available to watch on the channel. If they don’t respond within 30 days, then the video loses its Copyright Claim. So right now it’s just a matter of copy + pasting the same reply over and over where necessary, which is kinda time consuming but not too bad.
If you’re struggling with this issue, I use this very generic response. Feel free to use it, change it, build off of it, whatever:
“This video is not a substitute for listening to the original song. It is a recording of gameplay and story, with the background game music playing as a way to enhance the story itself. The actual gameplay is not an issue for copyright.”
Keep in mind that it’ll still take two days / 48 hours for the video to be able to go up. We can all still upload videos, it’s just that there’s going to be a wait period to combat these wretched Copyright Checks.
Unfortunately I had deleted some of the videos back when I planned on replacing them all instead of making disputes.
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Some of them, like the above, are still within that 48 hour period. But once these two in particular are done (and the copyright claim on Chapter Nine is lifted), all of the Main Story will be available to watch again!
Lastly, like I said some videos are deleted. It’s kind of hard for me to tell what is up and what isn’t and what is just in the process of being disputed, so I won’t be uploading videos until things settle down a little bit more. 
Additionally, a stupid amount of videos are muted and will need to be reuploaded. I’ll probably be asking for help from people to check what is muted and what isn’t (things might be muted for like 30 seconds of the video and otherwise with sound, and I’d like to make sure everything has its proper audio).
However do not fear! If you’re a subscriber and worried about all these damn videos going up and clogging your feed, there is luckily a solution.
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I’m not sure how long this has been an option on youtube, but it looks like you can make it so that uploaded videos WON’T show up in your feed! So don’t worry-- No spam!
If this isn’t true and there is, please let me know so that I can space out the videos instead of like, uploading all of them at once and overwhelming everyone x_x
Google Drive Archive
I have a lot to do here because I need to:
Upload JP Events
Upload JP Magical Girl Stories that are missing
Re-record old NA videos because their quality in the Drive is abysmal for some reason
Re-record a few missing videos (those videos are up thanks to a helpful individual who had ripped them from other channels, but I’d like to make my own and put them up)
Actually put together the three branch events for NA that I never finished and upload them
So what have I been doing? Recording Magia and Doppels! It’s actually kind of relaxing and this event with Half AP is great for it lmao. You can see what the folder for it here. There’s also a Spreadsheet that shows what I have up and what is missing so far.
I know that there are folks on tumblr who like to turn the Doppels and Magia into gifs-- feel free to use any of these! Unfortunately I don’t have really rare ones up yet (like Seika or Seira) because I’m limited to what I have and what my followers have.
... I’ve been thinking that once I have them all done, I might make a massive video for Magia and one for Doppels and upload them? That’s just scope creep though.
Memoria Blog Stuff
I completed all of the memos for Nayuta’s event!
I’m going to work on the ones I didn’t do in time for Sae’s event, and then do some missing personal memoria for Dependence Blue and for Alexandra.
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My queue is really low at the moment. Right now, the queue is filled with memoria that have been stuck in there for months (but weren’t published in favor of other things). A lot of these memoria are ones that NA Refugees won’t have. I know that is kind of obnoxious, but I want to get these out of the queue because of how long they’ve been sitting in there for.
Right now I’m kind of focusing on building the queue with unlimited two-star and unlimited three-star memoria. I still have about twenty or ten unlimited four-star memoria to work on, but they’re all annoying ones to write. x_x So instead I’m working on the unlimited ones that are comparatively easier. I feel like also this is good because these ones are more accessible to F2P.
You guys have seen the little posts on this blog that collect all the completed events. I don’t imagine these are actually useful for anyone but me-- it’s my way of seeing what events I finished and what still need to be worked on.
Uhhh, separately, I’m beginning the slow process of going through old reviews and updating them. This is going to take a while, so if you see something on an old review and it looks off, it’s because its a WIP. I haven’t deleted any info in them though, so the review still works, I’m just trying to format it better.
That’s about it! Sorry for the long post. I just wanted to get everything out there.
I’ve heard that the last Tart event was really good and my friend Antimony suggested I liveblog it, so once it’s translated and I can read it in-game with the Rayshift Patch, I’ll try to do so! It might be a while though because I’m busy with other things (not just magireco related but also real life).
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pan-magi · 3 years ago
Long Overdue
Note: This blog used to be pansdailyobsessions and has now had a name and url change (now, pan-magi). Post will include reasons for change.
Wow, wow, wow. It’s been just over four years since I posted here. I was planning to log into tumblr for the finality for a while and hadn’t really grasped how long it had been. My last post was supposed to be an update post… yeesh. I didn’t expect any activity but was surprised to see notes from the last few months. Whether or not people found my posts from reblogs or this blog itself, thank you. I’m not sure how many followers would still care, either from leaving tumblr behind or from moving past Magi content, yet I feel like I need to give some head’s up to anyone who wants it.
My original plan was to log into my tumblr account and delete everything (this includes this blog and my others). I’m not too worried about my others, since I never had too much there. My primary blog was mainly for reblogging, including from friends who have largely moved on from the platform. It's now essentially private so I can keep this one as is w/o much hassle. I hadn’t done anything on tumblr for years, and I wanted to move on and officially clear the URLs. It would be simple. When I finally gotten around to logging in, it was partly because I had fallen down the Magi rabbit hole again and I wanted to see some of my old stuff. I then saw the old notes and I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t simply clear everything.
Gut instinct beforehand said it would be okay. A lot of people had reblogged posts that will continue to see love, and someone who wants to find my posts can see it on a reblog for a tumblr that still exists. I have all my content saved on my computer if I want to see it again myself. I can’t do it.
However, this isn’t me coming back to be fully active on this blog. I have gifsets I’ll hopefully be able to do by the end of the year, but after that this will largely be an inactive blog. I will have a fuller explanation under the read more; I dislike large text blogs clogging dashboards and my homepage, so I’ll keep the general gist of it here.
New Name/URL: Why, if this will mainly be an archived blog in the future, did I bother with the name change? I started this blog with the idea that every few months or several months my interest will change and from that point on have a different singular focus. That never happened, and throughout this blog’s lifespan I stuck to Magi. I think pan-magi fits better now that I am sure it will stay a blog about Magi. All my tags for my posts have also been updated. I was never really happy with the word obsessions in the title either. It didn’t gel with me back when I made it but I couldn’t think of anything else. Plus, I don’t know if that word dinged with any spam p*rn bots that randomly followed me after I became inactive. I got a number of honest new follows in the years absent, but over half of them were spam accounts and only with this blog. I’m unclear if it’s because this was my most active or if it was the name (more on this below).
Important: Pan-magi is the url, but I tag posts with panmagi (the url was taken).
Archived, w/ Few New Posts: I will keep this blog here without deleting it for the distant future. However, I do not plan to be super active on this blog. There is a list of gifset ideas that I had way back then, and I want to complete them. After that, my ideas have run low for graphics and gifs and likely won’t post anymore. I hope they will be done soon but I can’t give a timeline. Reason: I got a new desktop that runs things a hundred times better, yet several of my programs were purchased for one computer only, including Photoshop. I no longer have it. I know there are cheaper programs, but I am an old dog and creature of habit, and Photoshop is the easiest for me to use. I’m saving money for it over the holidays though don’t know if I will be able to purchase it by then. Fingers crossed I can wrap up my gif content by the new year. I can’t promise it though.
I will still accept asks; requests are closed. Messages will be open but I won’t log in that frequently.
Fanart & Other Content (?): I may not have ideas for gifs but I have a number of fanart ideas. Not sure why or how my brain works, but that is how it is. I may post them here, but I’ve never been a fan of posting art on tumblr. While they haven’t been my most popular posts, that hasn’t bothered me (my sketches here have only been okay). I post whatever I enjoy and think of. However, tumblr has restrictions on canvas and file size that will hamper and compress what I post. Especially for short comics I want to work on and larger images it will prove to be problematic. As of now, I am unsure where I want to move to. Instagram has similar restrictions on size and ratio of images that work best on it. I stay away from Twitter for my mental health. DeviantArt remains the largest art centric platform I know, though I don’t know how viable or active it is these days. Wherever and if I ever want to publish my art, or other Magi fan content, I will make a separate blog with the information.
This tumblr blog will remain up no matter what, and all my gifs and graphic sets will be posted here. Tumblr, I believe, is the best for gifs and graphic content. Other types of content though… eh.
Tumblr in general: There is another reason why I want to predominately move on from tumblr, and why I originally wanted to delete everything. That being, tumblr is weird. On this blog, I had an older post flagged as adult. I assume it was the Sinbad gif in that gifset (the one where he meets Aladdin and Morgiana). I can understand that. But that gifset is a repost and collection of the original posts I made for the first season. The original post has remained untouched. I’m left confused. I probably will end up deleting the original too. I don’t want to leave this blog archived in the future and worry about one post that shows a rogue butt.
Tumblr has given me the most concern for security as well. There was one instance years ago of receiving an email about something problematic on my primary blog that I was left in the dark with. It was predominately a fandom reblog source, and I wasn’t given much information besides a warning about potentially posting/reblogging a political spam post. I reblogged a post talking about historical significance of WWI in Wonder Woman but I’m still unsure if that was the post that it was talking about. Maybe one of my Hunger Games posts? I don’t know. Maybe it was a mass email going out to everybody. Who knows, it was years ago but it did give me worry about reblogging ordinary fandom gifsets from then on. Back to this blog, I mentioned getting a lot of spam blogs randomly following me after I went inactive. It made me uncomfortable not knowing if they would try to contact me or post my content on adult-oriented sites without my knowledge. They never did and going through my follower list, it seems like they were deleted and cleared out and people following me are real people and not spam p*rn bots. That left me uneasy and I didn’t want to login for a long time.
That about wraps up my thoughts and this long update. I will be updating broken links (either because of my url change or external links that have gone inactive in some of my (x) insp posts) in the next couple days. I want to get back to gifsets here and wish it could be soon. After that, this blog will remain here with no more new content but for ease of browsing access. Thanks for the ride for anyone that wants to unfollow, no hard feelings :). And thank you for staying on if you do. It’s water on the bridge for me, but I wanted to make sure I gave some notice and farewell before I can eventually get my planned gifs and graphics done prior to keeping it up for archive purposes.
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aqours-remade · 6 years ago
Thoughts on Pillowfort so far.
I’ll do more posts when the site finally stops crapping all over the bed and works but here’s my analysis so far.
I won’t lie, I discovered tumblr when I was 18 specifically for RPing, so that does to an extent make up a big aspect of my thoughts, and I want to share it with both people who intend to be regular users and roleplayers in general.
Good aspects of pillowfort:
Community system is a feature not given by tumblr or twitter, and in an era where forums are becoming more of a niche if this takes off you’ll be able to experience forum-based interaction in addition to everything else.
Community system also gives a place to users who don’t like interacting with people heavily and so publicly like twitter and tumblr a place to use the site even if their blog itself is relatively untouched.
When you delete an OP post it deletes it from everyone else’s blog too. So if something goes bad with a post or you get embarrassed, blam! Its gone everywhere. Of course, this also means we might lose some good posts now and then...
Able to make reblogs and stuff private like on twitter.
Pillowfort’s TOS protects your intellectual property as an artist.
Built-in blocklist.
You can export your blog to your new pillowfort account.
ToS regarding harassing, callouts, mob mentality and the like specifically exists to oppress kinblr for the most part is very fair and reasonable and is specifically designed to keep the site relatively drama-free and actively punishing those who create lots of problems. People who do not like the drama associated with this website or the feeling of screwing up will be relieved by that.
When it works, the actual system for styling your post basically already has absolutely everything you could already want:
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Bad aspects of pillowfort:
I’m not saying that to be sarcastic or anything I genuinely cannot recommend the site in its current state until pillowfort’s team can stabilize the servers. As it is I can only recommend it if you’re determined to snag a good canon url now. It has a small anime community (rn its mostly Marvel) and not too much of a gaming community yet so... if it does take off now’s your chance to snag one-word name urls and just kinda bide your time until its actually functioning, that’s certainly an idea. I’m very happy I was able to get the dream url there that I wasn’t able to get here... but with the site Error 500ing me so much I can’t really use it.
We‘re still not 100% what the NSFW situation actually is, as the TOS is vague and there are conflicting beliefs about what .io’s policy on NSFW actually is. If you’re coming SPECIFICALLY because of the NSFW ban that’s going to be implemented I would encourage you to wait until we have 100% confirmation. Personally I like it already enough even if tumblr were to reverse the situation I think I’d use this place. I think Pillowfort really needs to come clear about this very soon, because if they don’t and people learn that “oh we can’t host NSFW after all,” despite claiming it a lot of people are gonna want their money back or at least wait until its free to use. The general belief is that as long as you don’t post NSFW in tags that doesn’t belong (like porn in #gardening) then it should be fine... so they say. We really need pillowfort to address people’s concerns, even though I think it’ll be fine, as this is a major reason why people are considering the move. The staff of pillowfort have said on twitter that they are in the process of finding a new domain. As such, as of this moment, pillowfort does not allow for nsfw. However, it will in the future. The best thing to do is be patient until then, I think the goods outweight hte bads.
Even though it’ll go away in 2019 you kinda. Gotta pay to use it right now. That’s kind of a thing.
No sideblog feature nor do I believe its planned, but I do believe the pillowfort team wants a system like the twitter app to quickly switch between full blogs.
While some people might consider this a plus, being able to add onto a post with text or photos has been a staple of both tumblr and twitter since the beginning. I see this changing as a major factor of whether or not people make the big move.
MCU, Detroit Become Human, Supernatural, and apparently hockey (and maybe Overwatch?) are the only big fandoms right now. While that already appeals to a lot of people, those of us into anime and the like have relatively few blogs from what we’ve seen. While this might change as time goes on, at least for the time being, anime and video game bloggers aren’t gonna have a lot for us. On the other hand, though? This also gives you the opportunity to make your claim as a fandom content creator.
Inability to make Communities private (right now) leaves that at potential risks of being raided.
(Minor) No custom themes it looks like, but that might be fore the better in the same vain? In your blog desc you can still link to other sites so now might be a good time to get used to listography instead of relying on custom links. To an extent you can control the colors of your blog though. Some people who hate eye-strainy themes on here or autodirect themes might actually find this a plus.
(Minor/Niche) Blogs themselves are bad for RPing if you’re into that. The forums however seem to provide an adequate place for forum-based RPing. But this would also make forum administrators responsible for upholding standards like “not jumping into other people’s RPs” and basic RP etiquette we have here. And forum-based rping would make finding RP partners outside of tags like #anime rp, #indie rp, etc to find people’s promos easier, depending on which becomes more popular. Even if you can add onto posts if you can’t trim the posts like we can on here (ty x-kit) it’d result in extremely long threads that would clog the dashboard significantly. I personally HIGHLY doubt the ability to edit other people’s posts or cut out replies will ever be a thing, so chances are RPing on pillowfort are gonna be Community-oriented and not on dash. At most people will make IC posts meant to be replied to and the like and headcanon memes while keeping actually threading in Communities, which will very well rely on the Community itself to be Not Shit.
Lacks instant messaging in its current state.
Despite the fact the bad really outweighs the good... I liked what little I could do. It genuinely feels like the only “true” tumblr alternative out there, even though its in beta. I just can’t really say much until the servers stabilize. This website is still in beta, so of course it has a lot of issues to work out, and of course it doesn’t have all the features this 11+ year old website has. I’m just stating these so people who are making the move who used this as their main website are aware of that.
I’m very excited to see this website grow, though!
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vintagelovv11 · 7 years ago
Sims 2 Ultimate Collection Start Up Guide 2018+
Having issues installing your sims 2 game on a new computer? Endless amounts of information circling the web, none that work? Trust me, I've been there.
Here is a two step guide I made with the issues that I faced, and how I solved them. Thanks to everyone who helped me figure this stuff out, we’re lucky to have an amazing community of so many helpful people! Hopefully this helps someone out there!
So you have your brand new computer, but the sims 2 UC graphics look like shit? There's a way to solve that. Download and install "Graphics Rules Maker".
Apply it to your game by following the intructions on their website. Once you've downloaded it, make sure that your video card is selected in the "device info" tab, and that it says "Yes" at the bottom where it says "in database". See where it says texture memory on the device info tab? Make it match (or be close to) the "force texture memory" slot on the "settings" page.
You will need to go into your game and adjust the graphics settings, but they should be enabled now!  YAY!!!
So now your game looks great and is probably running nicely, but you may be experiencing crashes randomly...that's because your sims game is old, and it doesn't realize that your computer has more memory than it could ever imagine! It's just being a little shithead. So, you will need to install the 4GB patch.
There is a tutorial about how to do this, but it gave me problems, so I reccommend following this thread I created here: http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=613748&goto=newpost&posted=1#post5406657
Essentially, you will just need to download a premade .exe and plop it into your TSBin folder. That .exe can be found at: https://dreadpirate.tumblr.com/post/173326807252/george-4gb-patch
However, I reccomend still following the MTS2 thread just to benefit your knowledge of the issue. YOU WILL NEED TO TURN OFF ANY COMPATABILITY SETTINGS ON YOUR .EXE FOR THE PATCH TO WORK.
Your game should be running smoothly now with no crashes. Congratulations! Not as hard as it seems when you've got a community of people to help share information :)
- You can click "repair" on your game in the origin launcher to reset all the files if you make an error, instead of reinstalling the entire game. - If you're experiencing delays int he game starting up, just try deleting your .cache files... - Here is a helpful thread about sims 2 on windows 10, and a solution to make it run better: http://www.leefish.nl/mybb/showthread.php?tid=6569 - If your smooth edges is greyed out, follow this tutorial: https://www.forestbalrog.com/smooth-edges-greyed-out.html I have not personally used this tutorial, but here it is in case it helps anyone. - Enabling smooth edges for filming is another problem if you're a machinima maker like me. What you'll need is to get a "VideoCapture" codec file from the base game, and put it into your Documents>EA Games>Sims 2 UC>Config folder AND Program Files> Electronic Arts >Sims 2 > Fun with Pets > SP9 > TsData > Res > Userdata > Config. That's what I did, but there's probably other ways to go about it to. Message me PRIVATELY if you need help with that. I will not respond to anonymous questions about it because it clogs up my blog and I wanna keep it looking pretty &pristine :)
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first-order-general · 7 years ago
Hiiii! Eggs anon here! I’d very much like to RP with you properly, but I’m pretty crap at ye olde tumblr. Please could you point me to some basic resources for like how RP should work or like etiquette etc? Thank you!
// oh shoot okay I really want to help you on this because tumblr rp is a wonderful magical thing let me round you up some resources.
First and foremost, roleplay is for everyone. Having a fancy blog and icons and stuff is all very well but honestly all that really matters is that you show up, you respect your partners, and you do your best (: Having pretty graphics doesn’t really matter in the long run. It’s about telling the best story you can, cooperatively.
some (brief) vocab:thread - the roleplay, itself. usually it takes the form of a post that each user reblogs back and forth and adds onto.mun - the writer behind the charactermuse - the character. meme - prefab activities intended generate new threads. these are often in the form of sentence starters, where a list of possible sentences is what starts the thread.
As far as etiquette goes, the most important thing is just to listen to your partners. A lot of people have lists of rules on their page, so it’s good to read those before interacting with that person. If they have a character bio, it won’t hurt to read that too, even if they’re a canon character, just in case there’s something specific you might need to know when writing together.
the browser extension xkit has some modifiers that make tumblr easier for roleplay (there’s one in particular that allows you to edit posts so that you can keep threads short). This isn’t really necessary, but it can help make things easier, keep things cleaner. If possible, it’s good manners to delete your last response when you write your next one, so that each post doesn’t get too long and clog up everyone’s dashboard. 
Other etiquette things that are good to know: - tagging triggers is appreciated, as well as tagging nsfw. some people prefer to put nsfw under a cut, so that nobody accidentally sees it (I’m a little shy sometimes, so I’m guilty of that)- writing nsfw with minors is illegal in the united states, please don’t tell someone you’re over 18 if you aren’t, it could cause a lot of problems- It’s considerate to have an ooc tag, both for blacklisting purposes and so that people can distinguish between mun and muse. - there’s no real etiquette around roleplaying with duplicates of the same character. some people (I think most people) do it, some people don’t.  It definitely means there are more partners available to you-basically just be nice, you’ll be fine :) 
Honestly, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. There’s some culture to the whole thing, but it’s something everyone learns. There’s tons of resources out there, and if you have more questions you are always free to ask me. Here’s a few of my favourite resources, just for further reading (:
this is one of the best explanations of tumblr rp I’ve seen by a roleplay blog.this and this are my favourite RPH (roleplay help) blogs this is a great place to get iconsthis and this are great places to get themesthis is another great source, mostly for themes but also for other graphics stuff
I can answer more specific questions if you have them, but that first link is so good that I thought typing up a how-to might be a little redundant
feel free to PM me too if you’d rather talk that way n3ngood luck!!
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youngrevolutionary · 7 years ago
This is just a personal rant. Insecurities and fandom stuff. You're free to offer advice if you have any, reassurance if I'm doing something right, gentle criticism if you think I could do something differently --
I'm relatively new to RP and Tumblr in general. I don't have a deeply-rooted establishment with other users that go back years.
I don't have a huge following I don't... think? And honestly, I really don't care about how many people follow me, just how many people follow me who enjoy what I create and what I write on this website. It sounds like a canned response but I genuinely do mean this. I don't want to pad my follower count because... why?
Point being, I don't subscribe to age-old Tumblr RP/fandom 'rules' because I don't understand it.
When I joined Tumblr it was because someone reposted a thing I did for Zell from DeviantArt. They didn't credit me with a direct link, just said "Zell by SynnoveD" and moved on.
Honestly, I got a bit irked by that because the least they could do was link it back to my original post. But whatever, I got on, started a blog, and decided yay! I'll write my fanfic and post it here!
And it was received... somewhat better than I had anticipated. I was hella intimidated, truthfully. There were a lot of 'famous' fanfic writers that I admired so greatly who were liking my posts and following me back. I got starstruck over a few and when I found out about RP I dove right in and... well, here we are.
I never got into the whole... fandom culture thing. I've loved this game and the characters I write for 18 years and it wasn't until a few years ago that I realized there was even an active community with a collective interest for VIII.
I learned so much. I made so many new friends. I introduced new ideas (which I quickly learned were called 'headcanons' and I was even more ecstatic to hear about how so many people shared in the same thoughts and feelings that I had about Seifer and everything else.) I remember having conversations regarding a few of these 'popular' blogs where they had never considered behaviors about Seifer in the way that I had been all this time.
I was so happy. I found a 'home' online. That is until anons came.
And when anons came, they tore apart my fanfics. They told me 'No, Rinoa wouldn't do that.' or 'Squall would NEVER do this...' Headcanons were interpretations of a character, are they not? Why was it so wrong of me to portray the things I had in this light?
More came, more OOC talk in tiny IM windows happened and I quickly started to feel a bit pushed out because if I said one thing, then it would contradict this 'older, better' thing.
So I moved to RP, and I kept a few of these friends. But later, as I started developing Seifer, as I started gaining a presence and becoming a sought-after blog, people started distancing themselves from me.
What changed? Had my behavior been different? I did begin to feel extremely confident in my portrayal. Had that come off as arrogant and offended somebody? After a few toxic situations, I had to put my foot down in some cases for my own mental health's sake, had cutting bad people out of my life resulted in negative consequences? Because they were 'popular' or otherwise, influential blogs?
Last year began a huge shift in the fandom where suddenly I had become this horrible person and I didn't know why. Nobody would tell me. And then once the drama had subsided, after all the bullshit had died away, I started getting messages, people telling me things about a person I had blocked and the things they said and...
Goddamn. I'm just here to write.
I don't understand. I feel like I missed the whole 'here's everything you need to survive Tumblr and not offend anybody' lesson.
I feel shut out of my own fandom. I don't know if it's because the fandom is so small on the RP side or if I've written or made a headcanon that personally offended somebody... I just don't know. I feel so painfully self-conscious about writing ANYTHING in VIII because it's only a matter of a few days after where someone will post something to contradict what I've already written. And this isn't just with Seifer. God, I can't write anything unique on Zell either be in RP or fanfic community. I remember getting an anon harshly criticizing my decisions on how to write Zell in my epic fanfic.
No offense but none of us own these characters. We're free to write them as we see fit. If I can have a murderous/bipolar Zell, the fandom can have their bdsm semi-noncon SeiferxSquall lemons and Genderswap!AU's.
But back on topic -- Genuinely, sincerely, from the deepest part of my soul, I'm not here to intentionally piss people off. I don't want that. I want community and I want people to write together and just be happy and enjoy this amazing talent we're all capable of.
Just.... hgh. I'll delete this later, I just needed to write this out so it wasn't stuck in my head. Maybe someone will read this and have an idea, or know something and they can maybe fill me in on a part that I'm leaving out or missing.
And for future reference, if I ever offend you. Yes, you who have taken the time to read all of this -- if I ever offend or say something you disagree with or maybe make a comment that upsets you, I encourage you to come to me in private and let's talk. Can we please push aside our anxieties and insecurities and bring forward what is really bothering us instead of this dancing around the subject?
If you read all of this, thank you. I know it's a lot to write and I apologize for clogging the dash. I just needed to get this out.
I worry about me writing so much in my AUs and not focusing enough on VIII but how can I write in VIII when the RP community is so small and disagrees with my interpretations?
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hollygopossumlovesj2 · 8 years ago
Come Back Down, Part 14
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Title: Come Back Down
Characters: Jensen x Reader, mention of Danneel and twins (I needed a villan, don’t send me hate.)
Warnings: NC-17; Danneel is reflected badly, the schmoopiest smut to ever schmoop is in this chapter. If you already feel nauseated, don’t read this garbage. Mentions of alcohol use. Drunken sex is kind of highlighted in a good way here. Its irresponsible and not a way to do things in real life unless you trust the person you’re with whole heartedly.
This gif is care of Google and whoever created it. Not mine.
Summary: Jensen spends some time away from Y/N, and finds out something that shes been keeping from him. He deals in the best way he can. Emotionally charged smut ensues.
Also, shout out to my twinsie, @tas898 for reading through this and not telling me to delete my blog and stop writing forever. See, that was kind of a normal response, right?
Come Back Down Master List
The room was spinning and no amount of closing my eyes was helping one damn bit. I’d just gotten back to Y/N’s home maybe two hours ago. She was out meeting with someone about photographing an actual event. Which wasn’t what she normally did, but I guess you couldn’t go too far with the way her knee was still giving her trouble.
Of course, I couldn't just meet her out in public like a normal person because of what Danneel had done. I didn't need to just hand over more power to her and her ‘set of lawyers’ that I was no doubt paying for.
 When I’d talked on the phone with Y/N earlier, I could tell just how happy she was to get out of the house. To start returning to her normal everyday life. However, I found myself selfishly pining for the days when we were closed up here. When it felt like it was our own little impenetrable bubble. That was until Danneel had shown up and popped that bubble with a damn axe.
 If only she’d just stopped there, with the axe of demolition that she’d been swinging every day since. It had only been a couple of weeks since that ill-fated day, but damn if she hadn’t already caused some damage.
 Danneel, against what she had previously said she would do, announced the pregnancy on Instagram. It was done with optimum damning in mind, complete with an old picture of us when we’d been happy. Back when I didn’t know better and had been completely snowed.
 Some smart fans had already pointed out how old the photograph was. Citing the length of my beard for reference. It was a little disturbing, but slightly comforting to have someone realize that the picture was at least representing something that didn’t exist anymore.
 There was nothing I could do about it right now without looking like a complete asshole. So, just like everything else that was building up inside me, I let it go.
 Danneel had called me practically every day since she’d dropped the bomb. She never stopped to apologize for manipulating me six ways from Sunday. Mostly to fill me in on what the doctor’s said at her appointments.
  We were having twins. A boy and a girl. The conversations were full of facts and need to know information. I tried to keep them as short as possible and had hung up a few times when she'd tried to say ‘I love you.’ She made it so damn hard to believe.
 I was torn between wanting to be there for these first moments of my children’s lives, but unable to stand the idea of being in the same room as their mother. Which, when I thought about that any further, I swallowed more of Y/N’s liquor cabinet.
 How was I going to be able to stomach going back ‘home’, where my stuff wasn't any longer, to play happy family. Not to mention, I don't know when she decided to turn the tide, but that she had openly manipulated me with intent to cause me extreme harm. There was no way that I could see it as a mother protecting her children. The woman I had married wouldn't have behaved like that.
 It wasn't that long ago that Y/N had slapped me in the face with her ‘truths’ of letting people take advantage of me. Luckily, she had the grace to not shout ‘I told you so.’
 That wasn’t the only thing going on. Like that wasn’t enough to send someone running to the looney bin begging for padded walls and black silence?
 Mike, of all people, had called me two days after I’d left for New York for the CW Upfronts. I can’t even begin to describe the amount of absolute panic that had taken hold of me. I’d just known that something had happened to Y/N while I wasn’t there.
 It turns out that it wasn’t new, what Mike had felt compelled to divulge. I couldn’t help but feel a little hurt that it was Mike who was filling me in, but I knew that Y/N was trying to spare me.
 I now knew what Y/N and Mike had been talking about those several weeks ago. So long ago that I’d even put it out of my mind. I had Y/N’s love and Mike, even though he was still irritating as hell, wasn’t competition.
 It wasn’t surprising to me to realize how easily I trusted Y/N after I’d just had the rug pulled out from under me by someone I’d given everything of myself to. I’d never lost faith in Y/N and she’d never disappointed.
 Even though I now knew the details that she was keeping from me, I still wasn’t mad. I was scared. Terrified even of what could’ve happened and what could possibly still happen.
 Which was why I was doing the mature thing and drinking my feelings. I was feeling reckless, emboldened by the amber liquid I kept consuming. I’d been idly listening to a classic rock station on Y/N’s iPod until a completely ironic song came on. I’m sure my smile was crooked, a laugh getting stuck on the emotion clogging up my throat. Feelings of failure and irony were flooding me from all sides.
 But, what does one do when they are feeling on the edge of some cliff of life?
 The heavy bass guitar had my foot tapping on the floor as I lounged back on Y/N’s neatly made bed. The sun was starting to set, making the shadows creep into the room, but I was mostly oblivious as I belted the words that I’d sang so many times. But never with this much irony.
 “I’ve been run down; I’ve been lied to. I don’t know why I let that mean woman make me a fool. Took all my money. Wrecked my new car. Now she’s with one of my good time buddies, drinking in some cross town bar.
 Sometimes I feel, sometimes I feel! Like I’ve been tied to the whipping post. Tied to the whipping post. Tied to the whipping post. Oh lord I feel like I’m dyin’.”
 When Y/N arrived home, I was still mumbling the words, my lips feeling too big for my face with how drunk I’d let myself become. It was funny really. This whole thing was so fucking hilarious!
 “There's m’sweetheart!” I greeted her cheerfully from where I was still laying across her bed. Not in the normal way, of course, but sideways because that was just so much more awesome. “C’me sing w’ me!” I tried to sit up, which was so not cool. I felt even more dizzy and my belly sloshed, full of liquor.
 She stood, leaning on the doorway with a look of shock on her face for longer than I would’ve liked. I didn’t like that she was so far away, with such a look on her face.
 So, I did what any other respectable drunk man would do, I made grabby hands at her since I was stuck by some invisible force to this bed. It was the least she could do, after all.
 She closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath before she finally crossed the gigantic sea of carpet and laid down next to me. I immediately glommed onto her, throwing my arm and leg over her so she wouldn’t be tempted to run away. I always just wanted her right here. Nothing else mattered sometimes.
 I heard her muffled laugh against my chest before she wormed her way to the surface. “Well hello, happy drunk.” I couldn’t place the look on her face. She was obviously going for amused, but there was something darker there that my inebriated brain just couldn’t process.
 “Hey!” I smiled back, I mean, I think I did. My lips were kind of numb feeling now. “Where have you been?” I felt like a damn happy puppy, just inches from licking her face because I was so damn relieved to see her.
 “Uh, met with a hopeful client who wants me ironically to take pictures at their bouncing baby boy’s first birthday party. That’ll be fun.” She snuggled in closer, finally returning the hold. “I went to eat with one of my friends from the horse riding club that I told you about? Jason?”
 The obviously male name bounced around in my alcohol addled brain for a little longer than it should have. However, I must’ve made the appropriate noise because she continued to speak in a steady tone. Almost too steady.
 “He was a little concerned for me because there’s a rumor circulating in those rags that are at the front of the checkout isle that you’re having an affair. With someone who looks suspiciously like me? The pictures are really old, of course. I think they're from when you visited two summers ago.”
 I heard every word, and somewhere inside I felt the right reaction but I don’t think it ever made it to my face. I should’ve been outraged that there were photos of Y/N in some gossip magazine. I knew I should be jumping on the phone immediately to find out who had sold me out. But, really, I was just not feeling that worried.
 “I’m not worried about it, but I figured it was something you’d want to know.” She answered as if she’d gotten an actual answer from me.
 “Like I should’ve known about your accident?” It was out of my mouth before I could stop it. I knew I hadn’t wanted to accuse once I’d finally gotten over the shock of it all. I understood why she’d kept it from me. Her default mode was to spare me as much as she could. But she should’ve told me.
 “What about my accident? Why do you say it like that?” Even totally drunk off my ass I could now see the deception, hear that little vibration in her words.
 Even in my current state, the pain and fear filtered through, making it impossible to control my face. I couldn’t stop the stupid moisture that flooded my eyes. I blamed it on the fact that I’d stretched the limits of my emotions so much on Supernatural that they were out of control some times. I felt like that a lot actually, but it was even worse when I couldn’t control my mouth. Much less my facial expressions. “It wasn’t an accident. Why didn’t you tell me…”
 She studied me for what I’m sure was only moments that felt like hours, finally biting her lip and closing her eyes in defeat. “Mike.”
 “You could’ve died; do you realize that? Someone out there wanted to hurt you.” I felt like I was going to choke on my words. The way that my mouth was trying to speak them was too fast for the breath in my lungs. “Someone- It's all my fault. This shouldn't’ve-.”
 “Jen, c’mon, it’s okay. It’s just a theory.” The smile that was obviously aimed at taking the gravity away from my words was absurd. I still let her pull me closer like I was a child so that I could bury my face in her neck like that would bring safety. “There’s no proof…”
 “No. No, don’t say it like that. Like… m’stupid.” I tried my best to get control over my face and emotions and by the look of her watery expression I was failing. Unable to sit up all the way, I turned to look at her awkwardly. “There were other skid marks!”
 “There’s no proof. I can't even remember what happened or if there was another car, Jay!”
 “What about your barn being vandalized last week?”
 Her rosy complexion turned pale instantly and she rolled away from me, “Goddamnit, Michael.”
 I reached for her immediately, clumsily curling myself to fit behind her, my arms holding her tightly. Even with her so close to me I couldn't push out of my mind how afraid I was to lose her. How close I had come to doing just that and I hadn't even known the whole truth. That after further investigation, authorities thought there had been another car involved. Which was strange on the usually quiet stretch of road she had been on.
 I hid my face in the curtain of her sweet smelling hair and breathed it in like it alone would help to calm the panic racing through my bones. “I'm not mad, please don't shut me out.”
 It was irritating how my words sounded clumsy as my chin wobbled and warm moisture leaked down my face unbidden. I felt raw, cracked right open because I was so damn scared. So many things had threatened to take her away from me over the years, but by some miracle I could feel her warmth held right in my arms. I could feel her shuddering breaths as I knew she too was crying.
 “I'm so sorry.” I still felt dizzy, but the conversation had successfully killed any type of euphoric buzz I'd gained from the alcohol, leaving me with only a deep instinctual need. “Please, Y/N. I can't lose you.” I knew it wasn't exactly healthy, but most days I felt like I was barely hanging on.
 “God, it's not your fault, Jay.” Her whisper was wet but sincere as she pushed back into my embrace. Her hands covered mine as one held tightly around her waist. The other pressed tightly against her chest where her selfless heart beat heavy against my palm.
 The ache in my chest burned heavy as my tear wet lips kissed at the exposed skin of her neck. This was different than anything I'd ever felt before. It was desperation that dissolved any logical thought. The need for the affirmation provided by feeling her warm skin against mine.
 She turned her head so that her lips could meet mine and I knew she felt the low hum of desire that was slowly taking me apart and driving me crazy. “I'm so sorry, Jay.” Her voice was quiet but easily audible in the silence of the darkening room as she whispered against my lips. “I didn't want you to worry.”
 I pushed in closer, my tongue demanding entrance and exploring every cavern that I'd missed while I was away. My body was full of tension, my cock taking notice when she rolled her hips. “Ah, fuck.” The slight pressure made my hips stutter and my words come out as an embarrassing whine. My already half hard cock filled with more blood as my desperation for her grew.
 There was a flurry of motion as we both pulled our clothes off in a way that didn't pull us too far apart. We stayed on our sides and when we were finally naked, the press of her warm skin almost took me apart.
 I was the reason her whole life had been turned upside down. Someone had tried to get rid of her to hurt me. Someone, not something had caused her damn car to go careening into a ravine where she was left to die.
 I wasn't completely in control anymore, my entire body vibrating with equal parts need and desperation. A sheen of sweat had lined both of our bodies, slicking the way as we rocked together and devoured each other’s mouth.
 A violent shiver wracked my entire body when she wrapped a hand around my now throbbingly hard cock. I was leaking so heavily just from the friction of rubbing against her ass when she stroked me a few times. “Oh fuck-!” She had all of the power and I let her take control because I wanted her so damn much I felt weak with it. “Baby, please…”
 “Yeah, Jay.” Her breath was sweet as it brushed across my lips, her voice giving away how wrecked she was too as she guided me to her entrance.
 She dragged the tip through her wet folds as I twitched helplessly in her grip. I was so wound up, the fingers of one hand digging hard into her hip and I wasn't even inside her yet. I nibbled and sucked at the salty skin of her neck to keep from pleading, to stifle the moans of frustration clogging up my throat as I had a hand on one of her breasts.
 She was the perfect handful, her nipple immediately standing to attention against my palm. She moaned, pushing forward into my hand and undulating back against me.
 The want that was burning inside wasn't just sparked by some lust filled fantasy. It was sharp need. The overwhelming feelings of love and the need to protect and claim were almost painful because I was so close. She was right here in my arms and she was all I ever wanted.
 When I finally slid inside her, the connection was a momentary relief. “Oh fuck, you feel so good. So good, Y/N.” She rolled further onto her side, letting my body blanket hers and slide even deeper, making us both moan.
 I don't know how she knew that I needed to be as close as possible. Or if she even knew that it would drive me wild to be able to cage her in. The position wasn't one that I would've thought of, but it was perfect. I could feel her warm and wanting beneath me, pushing back against me in an effort to make me move.
 I slid my hand from her hip to tease her clit with light circles with my middle finger. She moaned into her pillow, her free hand sliding down my flank to grip my ass, trying to pull me in deeper.
 There was sweat beading at my hair line and tracking down my temple from holding back. The way she was gripping me so tightly made the drag out feel so good and the sharp thrust in near agony. I couldn't help the low moans leaving my throat as I set up a steady rhythm.
 Her pleas to go harder, to please go faster were taking me apart more swiftly than I would've liked our first time to be. But I couldn't stop it, this feeling building up inside of me. The deep connection I was feeling wasn't something I'd felt in a very long time. It made everything feel new and sharp in its focus.
 She was pushing back, meeting me thrust for thrust as I gave a little more pressure to my two fingers working her clit in tandem. I could feel her whole body starting to tense, the bite of her nails as she gripped my ass harder.
 She was moaning my name desperately over and over as my other hand plucked a nipple. I felt like I was so in sync with her, like my hands were playing a guitar I'd had for years. The noises she was making, the panting of her breath against her pillow a complicated melody I was pulling out of her. My own groans of pleasure a complementary baseline to our song.
 When she came she pressed herself back hard, clenching tightly around my dick and dragging me with her. She dragged a hoarse cry out of me, and I held her even tighter as I fell apart.
 Her free hand came up to grip the hair at the back of my head as her lips awkwardly connected with mine and I moaned helplessly into her mouth. I rocked into her until the sensitivity was too painful, just relishing the feel of being inside her.
 When I finally slipped out of her and rolled onto my back, I was shaking violently from head to toe. The intensity had nearly been too much. The sheen of sweat was starting to cool and I was already missing the proximity of her body against mine until she rolled over and laid her head on my chest.
 My arms immediately pulled her closer, partly terrified of how I was feeling and how much of myself I was willingly giving away. She had the power to crush me into so many pieces that I'd never be whole again.
 I knew I'd be paying for my choices in the morning. When my eyes slipped shut as she kissed my chest where my heart was beating a painful rhythm and held me tighter, I knew it was well worth the agony.
 Tagging: @perpetualabsurdity, @maileann, @daydreamingintheimpala, @gecko9596, @gemini75eeyore, @jotink78, @dancingalone21, @winchesterprincessbride, @sandlee44, @exploratiionist, @arryn-nyxx, @littledarlinhavefaithinme, @tiffanycaruso, @boredoutofmymindstuff, @feelmyroarrrr, @raeganr99, @ruprecht0420, @anokhi07, @letsgetyourdeanon, @sis-tafics, @jensen-gal, @theoneandonlysaucymo, @27bmm, @callmesatansprincess, @hbenth, @atc74, @ryansgirl5509, @mysteriouslyme82, @notnaturalanahi, @keepcalmandcarryondean, @sea040561, @just-another-busy-fangirl, @spn67-sister, @wheresthekillswitch, @melissaj616, @uniquewerewolfsuit, @mandymoiselle1970, @glendagiggles, @pansexualmeteorite, @tas898
Sorry this took so long! Of course I would feel motivated to update something that didn’t have a due date. Let me know what you think!
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sylvaetria · 8 years ago
Richtor’s FAQ
This is very long overdue (and also just very long).
This post, and any subsequent FAQ posts, will be tagged as #faq for mobile access, and I will display the tag and a link to this post in my blog description. I will also be making a page for this on my blog, and maybe reblog it at intervals for exposure. 
Please read this thoroughly before asking me any questions or sending any messages. I will redirect some questions (not all) to the FAQ if the answer is there; otherwise, they will be deleted.
Updated: July 14th, 2017
What pronouns do you use?
They / them, please!
Do you mind if we call you by your birth name?
If you know it, not particularly - most people do. It’s not a matter of being triggered or feeling dysphoria if I’m not called Richtor, it’s just personal preference.
Spells and Resources
Do you have any spells / resources for _____?
Have you checked these lists?
[FAQ and Resource Masterlist]
[Spell and Sigil Masterlist] 
Have you looked through my tagging system?
Have you searched my blog via the search function?
If you have not answered “yes” to all those questions, please do so before sending me any requests for spells, resources, or lists.
Half the time, I already have lists for what is being asked for, which are readily available to those that take the time look for them. I promise you, you will likely find the stuff faster if you look for it on your own, instead of waiting whatever amount of time it takes for me to see your ask, compile the links, then answer your ask.
Most of the links I provide are things that I find on my blog - I search my own blog to provide the resources you ask for. It is all already there.
What is _____ used for?
Have you searched my blog for that answer?
Have you checked Google for that answer?
Most of these messages are able to be Google’d. Sometimes I *do* Google them myself, just to try to prove a point. Especially when phrased such as “uses for _____” (which are pretty impersonal and don’t make me feel nice btw, I’m not an answer machine).
Commonly, in regards to crystals and herbs, typing “metaphysical properties of _____” into Google will help you find what you are looking for.
What does _____ term mean?
Same as above.
If I can use Google to find the answer, why don’t you just do it for me?
Because it isn’t my job to do so. Because I don’t believe I should spoon feed people these types of answers anymore, when they’re already so readily available. Because it is promoting more and more of those types of questions, and I am not very happy to answer them anymore. 
Because I believe it is important that magic users know how to do research on their own, and to actually do so; to me, it is a super important and personal part of the craft, and I don’t believe there will be a lot of growth if you are not putting any effort into it yourself.
The bottom line is - I have allowed a certain type of behavior on this blog go on for far too long, and that is my own error. I should’ve been a bit more severe on my boundaries, but I wasn’t, and now a lot of people expect certain behavior and questions answered of me. 
Now, however, I am putting my own boundaries as a person first before my desires for this blog, and even that is still before those that follow this blog. Basically, I’ll do what I want on my own blog, because it is my blog; what I offer to do is up to me, what I actually do is up to me.
This list has broken links, will you fix them?
Eventually, I’m sure. 
What do we do in the meantime?
Use what is already there; I make my lists as full as I do in case stuff like this happens, so you still have options. 
You can search for that post on my blog, it most likely will be on there. If not, go to Google, type “site:tumblr.com [name of post] [old blog name of poster],” and generally that pulls up some reblogs of that post on other blogs.
Asks and Submissions
Why have you not answered my question?
Does it fall into the list of [Questions I Will Not Answer]? If so, that may be why.
Otherwise, I may have found the content too triggering to post, or I was otherwise uncomfortable answering it or posting it. That list is not extensive, and there are lots of other things I find myself not comfortable answering.
I may not be on Tumblr when your ask gets sent, and therefore it won’t get responded to right away. I also have other things to do outside this blog, and may be busy. 
There are some circumstances where I am on mobile, and I need to wait for desktop access to provide a proper answer and/or resources.
Sometimes I don’t have an answer to give; in these cases I may try to redirect you to other blogs, or ask my followers to provide advice if they can, but depending on the ask’s nature (i.e., if it can be triggering), I may just delete it.
I also have had instances of missing asks - where someone sends in a three part ask and I only get one and three - I won’t answer those sorts of things unless I have all the pieces. Tumblr is notorious for eating asks; I may not have gotten it in the first place.
There are cases where I’m just not in the mood to talk about something, so I won’t. Sometimes I try to leave it for later; if I know I will never get around to answering it, it just gets deleted.
Why do you just delete stuff you don’t want to answer?
Because it is still my blog, my ask box - I still have control over it and decide what I answer and what I post. 
Aren’t you a resource blog? Don’t you *have* to help us?
No I am not a resource blog, not by my own definition. My blog was never made for it to be a resource for other people, ever. It may have become that, sure, but that was never my desire or intention. I have always used my blog as a way for me to gather information I care to know about, for my purposes; the fact that other people get use out of it too is just a side effect. 
I never once bound myself to answering every question I got. I may try to help, yes, and am glad to in most situations, and while I may offer something I am still free to retract that offer whenever I wish. I am not obligated to answer asks. Again, this is still *my” blog, first and foremost. I am not getting paid to be here, I am doing what I do for free, at the cost of my own time and energy; ultimately I decide how I spend it in the end.
Why don’t you post asks you’re not comfortable answering, with messages saying so?
Because it clogs the dash, for one thing. I honestly don’t really care to either. Why would I post it if it still makes me uncomfortable? I do not need to justify that for anyone, or provide reasons for not doing so. 
I am going to send you asks, asking why I haven’t been answered!
Okay, but I’m deleting them.
I am going to resend you my ask in the messaging system!
You really think pestering me to give you an answer is going to get you your answer faster? No; it’s just going to give you a snippy response, if one at all.
Can you open your submit box so we can share you things?
Sadly, no. I have had unsavory things sent to my submission box in the past, so it will never be open again.
Are sigil / spell / tarot reading requests open?
No; they have not been for a while, honestly.
If they are, I will make a post about it, change the information in my blog description, as well as the text for the ask box.
Trust me, when they are open, you will know.
Can I send a request in now for you to get to when they are open?
Nope, I don’t pre-book slots. These will just be deleted, as I feel it’s pretty disrespectful to still send in requests for a future time when they’re closed.
What if I miss the next time you have them open?
If you care that much about getting something done by me, you can receive notifications on mobile for when I post, so you would not miss the post saying I am taking requests for such things again.
Or, you know, regularly visit my blog to see.
I know your requests are closed but it’s an emergency, can you help?
I will likely send you to someone else who has similar services open.
You said requests are closed, but you still did something for so-and-so?
Yep, because I chose to; I decided I wanted to do that and so I did it. I will choose who I offer my services to, when I want to, and will not be made to feel guilty or bad for denying it when I don’t want to or feel able to do so.
I don’t think you guys understand - last time I opened requests, for maybe half an hour, I got over thirty of them. Sigils take about a half hour for me to do, from first sketches to digital format. That is over 15 hours of work, that I offer to do for free, on top of whatever else I may have going on in my life. I often can’t keep up with the amount of requests that come in, which is why they often stay closed.
Why don’t you do a limit to the number of requests?
It is something I am thinking of doing, yes, but it will still be when I feel up to doing so, and not a moment sooner.
Promos and Casting Spells
Can you do a promo for me?
Depends - have we ever interacted before outside of you asking me to promo you?
If “no,” then I will most likely not promo you.
Why not?
Because I don’t know you, and you’re basically asking a stranger if you can use their follower count as exposure for your own biz. I don’t appreciate my blog trying to be used as advertising, particularly if you have never interacted with me before on Tumblr.
If your first and only time talking to me is to ask for a promo, I am not going to be very inclined to do that for you.
Regardless, I still post what I want on my own blog, and sometimes I’m just not in the mood.
You reblogged a promo post for this person!
Yep, because I chose to - that was my decision to make for what I wanted on my blog, and I made it. 
Most likely, these people are my friends, and we’ve talked beforehand and I’ve *offered* to do that for them; they don’t ask me.
Will you cast spells for me?
Same as above.
I have limited energy to do the things I need to in my own life. Sometimes I need to conserve what I have to do what I need to do - I can’t go around casting spells for every person that asks.
You offered to do a spell for this person!
Yep, because that was my own choice - I decided I wanted to. I will not be guilt tripped or forced into doing something I don’t want to do.
I have made a post about this [here]. 
Other Blog Biz
Will you put long posts under a “read more” cut?
Not likely - in the instance of my blog ever being deleted, most things under “read more” disappear forever. I want my information to remain intact in case of accidental (or otherwise) deletion.
On desktop, you can hit the “J” key to skip past an entire post. I also tag long posts as such on my blog, and Xkit has a blacklist option which can be used to filter those posts.
For mobile, well I’m sorry, you’re just gonna have to scroll for a few seconds. 
I use “read more” cuts for personal matters or trigger warnings, not for long posts.
For now, that is all, although I am sure I will be editing this and adding more to it as time goes by. 
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