#threw in some show characters cuz why not
soda-gremlin · 1 year
Geronimo Stilton: Royal AU
Because I feel like it :)
The Royal Family
Geronimo: The King of the Stilton kingdom
Thea: Next in line for the throne
Trap: A Baron who lives in the palace
Benjamin: Possible heir
William: Former king, succeeded by Geronimo
Other Characters
Creepella: Ruler of the Cacklefur Kingdom
Prince “Ahmad” Nogouda: Prince of the Nogouda Empire
Kornelius: Geronimo’s bodyguard, Head Knight
Bruce: Knight
Crunchrat: A shady shopkeeper
Sally: Member of the Royal Court
The Shadow: Freelance spy for other kingdoms
Bugsy Wugsy/Pandora: Peasant girl
Osseus: Executioner
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zoe-oneesama · 5 months
Why does the fandom think Nathalie cares about Adrien? She's always all monotone indifference and "this is what your father says/wants". Yet the fandom likes leaving Adrien in her care post-hawkmoth sometimes? If you're really gonna read into things like that let's praise the one adult who DOES care about him- his bodyguard! Remember how the mere sight of him was enough to calm him down enough to thwart Hawkmoth's intentions in the gigantitan episode?
But no seriously I'm so bad at noticing these things- why do people think she cares about more than Gabriel?
Welp, she is the reason Gabriel let Adrien go to school according to Origins Part 2, and then we got the Great Hiatus to let that one tiny moment of feelings sit and fester in the fandom brain.
And Season 5 definitely did it's hardest to frame Nathalie as Here For Adrien, so it's like the whole series is bookended by That version of Nathalie.
But I get the confusion, Nathalie's been all over the damn place. Different Seasons characterize her almost like adjacent sister versions of herself? Like not a TOTALLY different person, but different enough that I'm worried about body snatchers lol. I pretty much compartmentalize Nathalie according to the season:
Season 1 - Belligerent Assistant who's job description does not and should not include taking care of her boss's son yet here she freaking is.
Season 2 - Reveal that she's totally In-The-Know, her indifference has reached knew levels of being just outright negligent, she is officially culpable.
Season 3 - Team Rocket era where she is fully into the evil dramatics. Also the gross fun addition of her officially being In Love™️with her boss and being angsty about it despite her bringing it upon herself. Also girl he's so crusty get some standards.
Season 4 - Bedridden bionic woman. Was it worth it? WAS IT WORTH IT?!
Season 5 - Pissed off divorcee era. She is actively picking fights and weaponizing the children at her not-ex, and while I'm side eyeing the last 4 seasons, I am here for this level of sass while she scoffs at Gabriel being his Worst Self™️. Too bad about the whole Dying thing but hey. You gotta make up for...all of that other stuff, right?
She's just kinda doomed to not be a cohesive character. I do like her heel turn in Season 5, especially because she was RIGHT, Gabriel had THE OPPORTUNITY to save not only Emilie but also Nathalie and threw it away because he wants to throw hands with teenagers. I too would walk away after that spectacular display of failure. I kinda wish she had someone to talk to, like even Duusu, just to explain that the only reason she hasn't exposed Gabriel altogether is because he'd definitely expose her as well and then Adrien'd be left alone. Like it's easy to infer that, but in a kids show, stuff like motivations kinda need to be laid out neatly.
Cuz otherwise it leaves it open ended - is she covering to spare Adrien from being essentially orphaned, or is she covering to save her own ass? After the 5ish versions of her, either interpretation is fair.
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stinmybubs · 2 months
“Rot My Brain.” Smutt
Synopsis: A women who isn’t able to do it with a condom, because the pain she feels with rubber rubbing against her inner cooch hurts like hell.
AN: I’m writing this all based on personal experience. I know practicing safe sex is what’s best but it hurts so bad everytime we tried with a condom! My partner and I agreed to not use condoms to make me feel good too :3
B. Katsuki x AFAB! Reader
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The first time you used a rubber dildo it hurt like shit. The uncomfortable feeling of the rubber rubbing within your walls made your stomach turn and not to mention the stretching was horrid. It literally felt like you were going to rip in two.
Of course you thought it would get better everytime you used it. It did not. No matter how much you tried to use it, it just always felt wrong. You couldn’t help but think you did something wrong.
Did I force it in? Maybe not enough lube?
At that point you just threw the toy away thinking everything would feel better when you actually had some real dick.
Of course you were right.
The first time you and katsuki did it was in the heat of the moment. You and him did it with no condoms no nothing, it only hurt at the beginning but after that it felt amazing.
The first time you two had sex was at a party, you didn’t give two shits about the safety of sex at a Highschool party you just wanted to loose your virginity and feel some real dick.
And what better way to do it with your first love?
The first time having sex without a condom left a feeling in your stomach, it felt like his cock was still inside you and it made you toss and turn at night, biting your lips and rubbing your legs together thinking about the next time you two would make love.
You two talked about that night often, but you two always bringing up the fact that you two had to use protection from then on.
“Katsuuuu, I wanna do it.” You whine snuggling your face into your boyfriends chest. You were currently laying on top of Katsuki’s chest, the two of you binge watching a new show together when all of a sudden you got a random wave of horniness.
Considering the fact you two were watching a very gory show he wasn’t expecting this at all. But he of course wasn’t mad at it at all.
“I don want the condom Katsuu.” You give him a big pout, your legs thrown over his shoulders as he was tearing the condom open, fuck he was hot as hell doing it.
“Well that’s too fuckin’ bad.” Katsuki stated, sliding the condom onto his dick.
The feeling when he started to slide it in was all too similar. It felt bad. Horrible even.
If you were to describe the feeling, it was like rubbing rubber against your fingers but now it’s inside your body.
“Mm-…ow…Katsu stop please.”
“ Too much?” Katsuki stopped his movements.
“Yeah just…hurts..the rubber it feels weird.”
“Shit. Ya wanna stop?”
“Yeah…just doesn’t feel good.”
You felt bad about stopping, not only were you the one instigating it but now you wanted to stop because it felt weird. Watching as your boyfriend helped you, cleaned up and everything.
“Ya wanna snack baby?” Katsuki was so considerate, even after you didn’t even please him he still thought of you and just wanted to take care of you.
“No I’m okay…I’m sorry Katsu I don’t know why but this time it just felt weird. I think it’s just the condom…”
You explain to him how you felt with different toys, not only do you feel very little with your own fingers but with rubber items it always hurt and felt wrong.
Katsuki simply laughed a bit, pulling you in for a kiss.
“Well ya know there’s other ways to please each other than penetration.”
“Yeah but I always thought it was cuz my fingers are too small, or I was just doing it wrong. We can always try again with a condom I don’t want to force you to-“
You being cut off by katsuki pushing you down onto the bed, kissing you so tenderly as his hand trailed down your body to reach for your naked pussy.
“I can pull out.”
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AN: I’m sorry if this isn’t as steamy or as good as I’d like for it being my first fic sense moving. I’m trying my best to finish my elf special 😪 I love you all MWAH MWAH MWAH XOXO Stinmybubs. Let me know if you wish to be tagged from now on!
Start of a tag list:
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liaarxse · 1 year
tr boys when y/n has issues accepting that they actually do love her
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
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Characters: Nahoya Kawata, Manjiro Sano, Kazutora Hanemiya
Warnings: Fluff, a bit of angst in Kazutoras part
A/n: Literally pulled out the biggest smile when I saw this request. Also, yes, Nahoya again. I just love writing for him. idk why (cuz he a crackhead)
P.s: Remember, it was said multiple times that Toman doesn't hurt women, sunshines. Don't think they'd break your precious hearts. They'd be just a bit hard to deal with <3
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Okay, we've all seen that one best/worst boyfriend chart our friend Ken Wakui made.
Personally, I threw a fit when I saw who were the worst.
Then I thought about Nahoya. He seemed a bit like a fuck boy, you get what I mean? Yeah, no.
Then I thought about it again
I examined the post a bit more after I found it in English and read what Takemichi said. If Mikey and Kazutora would be the top worst because they're reckless, Nahoya would obviously be even tamer
So personally, I believe Nahoya is in the top three just because he has a carefree type of living way. Like, he isn't scared of fighting, killing, and all. I mean, he probably IS scared to kill but doesn't show it.
How's he a red flag again? I don't believe them.
But for one, he'd never cheat on you. He'll be loyal as hell. Maybe if he wasn't in a relationship in one of the time skips where it showed the top members he'd fuck around with chicks (straight hair grown up Nahoya gives me fuckboy energy), but since the change and he's now working with his brother In their ramen shop? Get that thing out of your head.
Because for him to get in a relationship, he must dearly love and respect you.
Keep in mind that he also has to trust you since, in one way, if you're not to be trusted and/or are somewhat dangerous, he's putting his brother in danger as well.
But that's besides the point.
He loves you.
It's painfully obvious
He protects you, he trusts you, he spoils you in his own ways
He loves you
Maybe it's past relationship trauma that causes you to think it's all a facade
Which brings us to today's scenario
You're in Nahoya's room since his brother is out all day and you didn't bother to fix yours
You were looking around his room while he was testing the new straightener you got him since his broke
Examining the objects around you, your eyes land on a frame right above his toman uniform. It was of you two
You wondered why he would frame such a picture on the wall over his gang uniform. You mostly didn't like it because you hated the way you came out in the picture
Getting off his bed, you walked over to the opposite wall and stared at the picture for a good minute
Nahoya noticed that from the reflection on the mirror in front of him, but his smile just grew a tad bit more and returned to straightening his hair
You pursed your lips together in thought and reached to grab it
"Oi!" He exclaimed with a giggle. "Hands off."
You flinched when he suddenly spoke and turned to him with a raised brow
"What? Why?"
"Because," He turned around to face you. "I know you'll throw the pic away."
You weren't going to lie. If you stared at it for a bit more, you would've made the paper rip itself. You hated how you came out!
"But I look horrible!"
"I know." He laughed, but it quickly died down to a chuckle when he saw you glaring at him. "I'm kidding, babe. You look hella cute!"
You quickly turned around to hide the blush that appeared on your face. Crossing your arms, you were still staring at the picture
Being too caught in the act, you didn't realize when Nahoya finally finished straightening his hair and came up to you. He loosely wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder, mockingly copying your slightly frustrated face
You noticed that and rolled your eyes with a soft groan, which earned you some snickering from him. He pressed a kiss to your cheek before nuzzling his own to yours
"Why did you frame this?"
"Because it's special."
"How is it special?" Your voice grew confused. It's just a picture, nothing much
"Reminds me of the main reason I never give up."
Your blood went cold. What?
"What do you mean by that?"
"You're my main priority, babe. You, your safety, your smile." He chuckled at how cheesy he sounded. "That's why I framed us right over my gang uniform. Every time I have to change for a brawl or even just a meeting, I'm reminded of the smile that will greet me in the end and will always be there."
That didn't sound like Nahoya. For a moment, you even thought if that wasn't just some doppelganger
Until he smacked your ass
Yeah that's him
He loves you, and without realizing it, he just made all your problems fade away
Looking at the picture now, maybe, just maybe, it isn't as bad as you thought it was.
+ Your little twin girls found the picture in some box while playing and made fun of how you both looked. It was never to be seen again. It was under your mattress
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So. Second worst boyfriend on the list.
Let's be honest, if your love language is quality time this won't work
Not that he won't want to spend time with you, but Juvenile? Sorry baby, they stole him from you
Kazutora loves you so much. He'd kill for you, and he'll die for you. No questions asked. He once even tried to break out from Juvenile because he couldn't take being far away from you anymore.
You visit him every day for as long as you can, bringing him gifts, telling stories, saying how much you miss him
But sometimes you wondered, does he love you?
"Baby!" A happy Kazutora exclaimed when you finally entered the meeting room and waited for you with a happy smile to sit down, on the opposite side of him, thick glass keeping you both separate.
"Hey, baby." You chuckled, adjusting in your seat.
It wasn't a lie how excited he was every day to see you. Sometimes, like today, he'd make you small diy gifts and show them off to you, explaining every minor detail from the inspiration, materials, hidden message, time taken, everything
And you kept them all on a special separate shelf in your room
"So that's my gift for you today! Do you like it?"
"I love it, 'Tora."
It was a small origami rose, which was actually very well made, considering he had to use his imagination
You both talk for a few moments before the chattering died down. You knew what that meant and quickly wiped the already falling tears
You hated this
You hated how close yet how far he was from you
You just wanted to break the damn glass and embrace him, never letting go
And he damn well knows he wants it too
But he can't, and neither can you
He was recently taken in, 3 years ago
Which means he'll be out in 7 years
Which felt like a lifetime for both of you
His biggest fear was you'd find someone new and leave him
Which he wouldn't even be mad about, considering he just ruined both your lives
But you stay consistent, you visit every single day, and even if you don't manage to, you always send him gifts and make up for it when you see each other.
But people's patience runs out at some point, and that point is today
You never meant to say this
You never meant to question his love for you because you both knew it was there and growing every passing day
So why did you ask? Was it the loneliness you felt every time you stepped out of the room and he wasn't there by your side? Was it the thrust to just be able to hold his hand? Was it the pain you felt every night where, instead of saying goodnight to him, you turned to a frame with a photo of him and said it to it?
You didn't know. He didn't know
The only thing you remember after that was the sound of glass shattering, alarms going off, and Kazutora hugging onto you as if it was your last minute on Earth.
You just cling to him, never wanting to let go again
You felt the tears fall when he kissed you, feeling all his love attack you in that one moment before the guards arrived and took him away
Your little moment lasted around 10 seconds, probably even less, but it felt like eternity to both of you
Visits were banned for a week until they changed the glass into an even more thick and unbreakable one
You dashed to the building the second they opened visiting hours again
And to be fair, even if that cost him 4 more months in juvenile, it was worth it when you finally managed to continue with your lives after his sentence
+ Your younger son thought it was funny while your older daughter cried her eyes out. I think you have 3 kids instead of two.
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Ah, yes. Our favorite dark impulse.
Listen, Mikey has to have FULL trust in you to even think about dating you. We're talking about Draken type of trust, if possible even more.
If Mikey falls for you, he will hit like fucking bedrock
If you don't reciprocate his feelings, he'd be hurt, but if you do, you're stuck for life
Mikey loves hard, and it's been proven so many times
It's the same as Kazutora. He'd kill for you.
Don't make him prove it. Just don't. You know, he knows, and everybody knows Mikey will do anything for you
So why ever question it?
You loved Manjiro, and he loved you. It was way too obvious to the point Emma already planned your whole future together
You knew that, but you always had this 'what it' thought in the back of your head, messing with you and you hated it
It was a normal afternoon. You were out with Mikey, just roaming around the city, eating at restaurants where they don't have flags so you brought your home-made ones, and spending way too much money on things you don't need
It was fun and all, just spending time together until he got a message from Draken which quickly brought him to his senses
He didn't want to leave you, but he had, so with a quick kiss on the lips he was off
You waved him goodbye with a smile and called up Emma and the girl just magically teleported to you in 10 minutes
She just loves you too much
Probably fought with Mikey for your hand at some point
You were having a blast with her until you both finally settled down at a café and talked about, just, anything and everything
You decided to share your thought with Emma and she quickly jumped, reassuring you that Mikey loved you with all his hesrt
She started showing you messages he's sent her about how he felt, what to get you and all sorts of things
But our beautiful Emma had her own 'what if' thought and when Mikey got home she instantly jumped on him
It was like, 1am when you heard his bike's engine roaring from outside your window. You got up and were met with a smiling Mikey and no more sleep for tonight
"Wake up, sleepy head. We need to talk."
The moment you got down to him, you were already zooming through the streets of Tokyo, but not in a racer-fast manner, just enought so you aren't like slugs on the roads
"Emma told me that—"
"I'm sorry, Mikey... I didn't mean to—"
"Please let me finish."
He talked for like, a whole ass hour. About everything that includes you both.
He brought you to tears ngl
His words just hit so deep that the thought immediately disappeared
Maybe it was he words of affirmation he used, the quality time he spend riding all night with you to ease your worries, the gift he gave you when you watched the sunrise and the fact you woke up in your bed later on with a small letter from him and a chibi drawing of both of you at the corner that kept a smile on your face till the end of you days
And you damn well know you lived one long ass life with Manjiro
And I'm kinda surprised to be honest
Not because you could've died while he was in Toman or anything, but because your kid is 3 times worse than Mikey.
+ Your son found his old gang uniform and wore it to school. The next teacher-parent conference was one hell of a trip.
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silviaflowers · 1 month
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On today's episode of Silvi Loves FOP:ANW A LOT, we have my interpretations of my two favorite characters! Except I don't really interpret them super differently from the show so its mostly them in my style
Hazels colors were really tricky because I kept tweaking the sweater... I unfortunately forgot her iconic two tufts in her hair in my doodles and needed to rectify that immediately. One of said doodles included her friendship bracelets, and they make a return here! She has ones with all her friends! The colors were adapted from one of my friend's drawings :]
Her background also has flower and rock shapes because. Why not. The rocks are obvious the flowers are more of a me-thing.
I have a lot of thoughts and Emotions about Dev, he really is iconic and I want to put his dad into a giant hamster cage. Anyways, as much as I enjoy heterochromia Dev, it isn't a hc I subscribe to as much as strictly colored contacts Dev. I like to think he has green eyes but wears blue contacts to match his dad. Brand loyalty, or something.
He has a mole and a widows peak when i draw him, mostly because I forgot he didn't? And then couldn't stop drawing him that way. I also misinterpreted his shoes as having wings and yknow what I like that interpretation. Something something icarus metaphor. Dev also has his friendship bracelet but I think he threw it away before taking over fairyworld with Irep and. You Know. Angst Ensues. For all intents and purposes Dev is also 10 but I ran out of room to write it
Extra notes uhhh I think it's interesting Hazel's undershirt is white and Devs is black. Obviously their designs are meant to contrast each other, with Hazels vibrance and Devs sleek, brand minimalism, (i attempted to reflect this in their backgrounds) but that's a neat touch i didn't notice until now. Also Devs shoes look like smth out of LEGO Monkie Kid... crossover au don't tempt me
OK! That's all I have for yall take a doodle for sticking around
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looney-mooney · 2 months
Spoilers for the finale of Fairly Oddparents: A New Wish under the cut cuz I need to RANT about this okay???
Just watched the season finale of FOP a new wish and uhhh. Why does it Suck??? Like for real, WHY does it SUCK???
I’m. They did my boy Peri DIRTY, first of all. Seriously, WHY was there SO MUCH gross-out humor with him? SECOND of all, they didn’t even BRING UP the fact that if Peri dies, so does Irep. Like, that wasn’t even a THING that was MENTIONED. THIRD of all, they really just DID NOT flesh out the character interactions to the same level that we’ve been getting throughout the rest of the show? Like, at ALL???
Also, I’m. Okay. Dev and Irep’s interactions in Irep’s introduction episode were SO FUN, but in this special their chemistry is fucking NOTHING. Why does Irep get along better with Dale Dimmadome??? It would be so, SO MUCH MORE FUN if Irep hated Dale’s fucking GUTS. If he saw Vicky in him. I was excited for this special SPECIALLY BECAUSE Dev and Irep were so much fun to watch the first time around, but this one just FLOPPED.
God. Like, I get Dev did something wrong. The narrative wants to punish him, he’ll probably find out somehow later down the line because they can’t just throw him away like that. I GET IT. But like. Okay. Okay.
Here’s how I would fix this.
It’s so fucking easy to do, too. Have Dev wish fairy world back to normal, so that Peri doesn’t die from magical backup. It doesn’t make sense for Wanda to have to be the one to do it, because she’s only not had access to magic for like a DAY, ON TOP OF having granted a BUTTLOAD of wishes JUST THAT MORNING, vs Peri who hasn’t been granting wishes for Dev for a WHILE, Who is VISIBLY DYING THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE EPISODE BECAUSE DEV DOESN’T MAKE WISHES.
THEN, when HAZEL gets to make her rule free wish, have her wish Dev gets to keep Peri anyway. Have her wish for ALL the people who saved Fairyworld to get to remember forever, Dev included, even though he was the one who -
If Anti-Cosmo and Dale took over the takeover and overthrew their sons. Like, not even maliciously, just in a “we know better than you” sort of way. But then Irep started having Peri’s magical backup affect HIM, too, and Anti-Cosmo dismissed it, thinking the takeover was more important.
Dev’s still mad at Peri, but he DOES care about Irep, so he agrees to reverse the damage so he can make a wish, which would save Peri and therefore also Irep. I would also like it if Peri’s magical backup manifested in more,,, visually subtle ways. Fainting spells, occasional vomiting, loopiness, confetti coming out of orifices, the OCCASIONAL bloating, but treated more like a chronic illness than. Whatever the fuck they actually did in the show. This would set the stakes higher by making it easier for the audience to actually take the danger to Peri’s life seriously. Instead of, you know. Treating Peri dying like a JOKE.
Then Dev would have to work together with Irep, Peri, Hazel, Cosmo and Wanda (maybe even Anti-Wanda, too, since I don’t think she wants her son to die, though I think if she does join it’d be at the last minute) to fix everything. And Hazel could still recruit her friends, but it would have a much tighter focus on this new core squad, and a lot more focus on character-oriented espionage than “rule of cool”ing it. Maybe even have a nod to the fact that Dev and Winn were friends once, too? (Can I get some nuance, can I PLEASE get some nuance???)
I don’t think we actually need to involve earth that much, either. Don’t replace fairies with anti-fairies, just take away fairy magic, introduce the “not using magic is life-threatening to fairies” aspect, with Peri as our main example, and that’s a really good threat on its own.
Then the ENDGAME leading to season 2 could be “Peri and Irep are BOTH Dev’s fairy godparents now, but now Irep has to follow Da Rules the same way any legitimate fairy godparent would. Dev still doesn’t think of himself as being friends with Hazel right now, but he’s happy to lord over the fact that he has two fairies now over her. The show now has room to play in a space where there are limits to the power of the antagonists, and the protagonists only get to be happy because they were able to break da rules in the first place, and now we have to live with that.” A pleasant symmetry that lays down the groundwork for some Actual Narrative Themes, instead of… whatever mess that was.
I mean, god, I’m not even sure I want them to have a season 2. Like. Jesus, the version of this show and its characters that I built up in my head was so much better than the actual show itself turned out to be. And there’s something really sad in that, you know? Like, I loved this show, and I thought it was building up to something really fun and interesting. But it just. God. It fumbled the landing of this first season so hard.
I’m probably still gonna make, like, an illustrated video essay about my version of this finale like a dude bro posting their fanfic to YouTube and calling it a rewrite, but oh my GOD it was BAD and I thought it was gonna be SO GOOD and it WASN’T and AGHHHHHH. I wanna FIX IT.
(What this whole thing really taught me though, is that I should really be focusing more on making my own stuff. I can’t control how a big studio treats the story I want to see, but I CAN control how I write my OWN stories. I’m gonna let the disappointment fuel me to do better)
Ahem. Anyway, thank you for letting me rant, I really fucking needed it after that.
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If you scroll back far enough you’ll see this account was mainly Umbrella Academy posting. I was OBSESSED with this show, especially when s3 came out despite the writing being objectively…iffy in some scenes. But I knew how GOOD the show could be, and hell, s3 WAS GOOD!
And then s4 happened.
And let’s just say
I’m disappointed :D
Spoilers for everything s4 here on out
Ok so watching this season was like being trapped in a burning building but you’re trying to rescue your things, but then you realize they’re also all on fire. I kept watching, thinking “oh, this is gonna lead to this” or “oh that’s a cool reference to that” and NOTHING HAPPENED???
Like in the beginning, with Alison. I thought for sure, everyone was just gonna not like her for a majority of the season, she does something really cool/saves them and then they go “ok, we aren’t gonna forgive you, because what you’ve done to all of us is not able to be forgiven, but we’re gonna try to be better and include each other in our lives”
They just forgave her off camera and she was just enjoying life with them
And so I’m like “ok, I can excuse that, besides there WAS a 6 year timeskip, maybe we’ll see something with th-“
Another thing, the sake bombs
My brother in christ Klaus THREW IT ON SOMEONE ELSE AND JUST??? THAT PERSON DIDNT GET HIS POWERS?? My partner legit turned to me and was like “oohhh he’s gonna get Klaus’ powers that’s gonna be so cool.”
But nope that guys never shown again!!
“Okay…” I say slightly nervous “but Klaus is objectively the fan favorite, they can’t fuck up his character”
But then they did. Now iirc, Vietnam wasn’t mentioned at all in s3, and if it was, it was minimum, but there were SO MANY INSTANCES TO BRING IT UP AND THEY JUST DIDNT??
And I tried to excuse it, but legit it was so obvious that they should’ve brought it up. Ignoring the fact Klaus GOT DAVES DOG TAGS BACK AND SAID/DID NOTHING BUT LOOK AT THEM?? you have the scene where everyone is shooting as each other and he’s hiding in the hallowed out part of a grave (which, idk, reminds me of TRENCHES??? Which I’m like 80% sure was used in the Vietnam war) and also, did NOTHING. He covered his ears and I’m sitting there, thinking “oh maybe a flashback”
Cuz when he got locked in the coffin, I’m thinking “oh perfect time to bring up the mausoleum-“
(Also the way the show tried to make it a joke that he was being used for sex to get money left such a bad taste in my mouth. Like we physically saw him get SA’d and just…it’s a joke??? Like already we had that gross SA of Luther in s3 does NO ONE UNDERSTAND HOW SENSITIVE OF A TOPIC THAT IS??)
Then, obvs there’s the fuckup with Five
At this point, I’m beaten and broken. I have a pounding headache, the dogs looking at me and my partner funny cuz we keep screaming and- HOLY FUCK FIVE IS KISSING LILA
Five, the physically-25-mentally-65 year old, whose ENTIRE CHARACTER MOTIVATION IS HIS FAMILY
Is kissing Lila, the 30 something WIFE OF HIS BROTHER
His brother. Who he saw DEAD IN A FUCKING APOCALYPSE.
I just ??? It’s so bad??? Why??? Did you think??? That was a good idea??? No one asked for that??
(+ there was no reason to include that arc, or the fact that Lila and Diego were unhappy in their marriage. Lila, maybe I can understand, but Diego had NO REASON. Get rid of those arcs, fucking nothing changes)
And I can talk about the bracelet inconsistency, or how they only made Luther a stripper for shock value, but this post is long enough so I’m just gonna mention one final grievance
The ending.
Now, I’ve enjoyed media where they permanently kill off the main characters. Like Magnus Archives (something I frequently would post here)
In the season five finale, they kill of Jon and Martin because it’s the only way to save their world. It makes sense, Jon is already the Pupil of the Ceaseless Watcher + for him and martin, it’s genuinely the only way they can have a decent ending
If they were to keep living, they’d doom the world to constantly be in the eyepocalypse. They address what could’ve been a plot hole by saying “no, living isn’t an option, as much as we want it to be.”
And it’s a satisfying ending! Ask any TMA fan, and they’ll agree that, while sad, it was a perfect ending. So when Umbrella Academy tried to do the same I was…confused? Because that truly WASNT THE ONLY OPTION??
The scene with all the Fives where they’re like “oh btw your family causes the apocalypse every time” I thought we all kinda new that by now….
But also it wasn’t. I am firm in my belief that what caused the apocalypse every time was
1) their powers
And 2) their REACTIONS to each other
S1, for example. Viktors powers inherently cause the apocalypse, but it’s the characters reaction TOWARDS VIKTOR (cough cough Luther) that REALLY seal the deal.
So, no diner Five, it wasn’t THE FAMILY, it was your POWERS. If y’all just…don’t use them and get some family therapy, you guys are FINE.
(Also my partner brought this up, but having a show that revolves around the trauma of the main cast ending with “killing yourself is the only option” is…definitely a choice!)
So yeah. This entire season was trash from start to finish. The songs were not good, the character arcs were not good, the story itself was not good. Everything done was either for shock value (ie making the astronaut a STRIPPER.), ruined characters in ways that didn’t make any narrative sense (Five kissing Lila), or were dragged on far too long (Diego and Luther in the CIA).
And I really don’t want to hate on it, because I love this show, but I really have nothing good to say. It was bad start to finish. Get me out of this burning building, ‘cause my stuffs already burnt.
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nekoannie-chan · 6 months
What did I forget?
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Pairing: Brock Rumlow X Reader
Word count: 483 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Does Brock forgot a special date?
Major Tags: Doubts.
Additional tags: This is my gift to @saiyanprincessswanie. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTIE!
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber
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Brock stretched lazily, then looked for you with his hand, turned around when he didn't find you, and then looked at the time. It was still early; why were you up?
He remembered that the night before, he seemed to have noticed you upset about something, although you didn't say anything. Maybe there was the slightest possibility that he had forgotten an important date.
He was sure it hadn't been your anniversary, nor had it been an outing. At that moment, he wanted to hit himself with your birthday. He checked the calendar, and of course, it had been the day before. How could he be such an idiot to have forgotten the date?
He had to plan something immediately, something worthwhile and laborious; maybe that way he could make up for not having remembered by using the excuse that not everything had been ready on time.
He remembered the teepee they had bought for who knows what; they had birthday decorations in a box. He just had to go to the shop and buy a cake, a present, and some food, and he could improvise a sort of camping evening without the problem of the bugs you hated so much.
The first stop was the mall. He picked out a couple of things to put in a box next to the stuffed animal he had bought. The gift was ready, so he put it in the boot of the car. The next stop was the supermarket to buy the ingredients to cook your favorite dish.
He was sure that if he gave you your favorite things, you would easily forgive him.
The last stop was the bakery; he asked them to write "Happy Birthday, Y/N.".
Just in case, he also bought some chocolates that they sold there.
He quickly set about tidying up the whole place; you could be there any minute, and everything should be ready by the time you showed up at home.
“Happy birthday! “he shouted as the door opened, and at the same time, he threw streamers at you.
“Thank you," you said in confusion. But Brock, it's not my birthday today?"
“I know it was yesterday; they didn't get the present in time."
Brock tried to excuse himself.
“My birthday was last month," you interrupted him, and he gave you a confused look. "We went to my favorite restaurant, remember?"
“Yesterday you were angry, and I thought I had forgotten a date, the calendar..."
That's when he realized that he hadn't changed the page of the calendar; he had seen the wrong page.
“You left your dirty clothes in the bathroom again instead of in the laundry basket," you commented.
Brock rolled his eyes. He felt stupid, and now he didn't know what to do.
“But I don't mind celebrating my birthday again either, so what's the next surprise?"
Brock immediately went for what he had cooked.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 10 months
i always considered saiki aro, but you make me really rethink with kubosai. .
THATS SO LOVELY, i know you didnt ask but.. im going to take this opportunity to talk a little about my stance on kubosai and saiki's sexuality.. i mean i have talked about it multiple times but still, lots of people dont see what i see in these things sooo im gonna keep talking about it lol..
(under the cut cuz i made this WAYYY longer than i meant to, sorryyyy..)
i still see saiki as aroace personally !! just not romance repulsed aroace, rather just on the aroace spectrum.. i think hes the type of person to use 'queer' and 'aroace' as umbrella terms for himself instead of caring about specific labels, but if i had to, i would say he fits best with demi based on my interpretation.. (i usually see him as with no preference, but based on the text its easy to see him as having a preference for men too..)
i do get why people would see him as romance repulsed and its a lovely hc, but i see saiki as mlm, at least in the way i interpreted it.. i mean, he almost straight up says he has a crush on satou in the manga.. its great if people interpret it as a 'squish,' but i personally dont see that,, he kinda blatantly threw them in a romance chart together, blushes every time he sees him, etc. HOWEVER aroace people who relate in some way and project their experiences onto saiki will ALWAYS be valid, so i dont care !! i literally do that lmfao im an aroace lesbian,,
anyway, saiki has a lot of silly tsundere moments that lots of people who dont really look at the show past surface level (and usually dont read the manga) see as him literally hating his friends, family, romance, etc when its very much shown how hes being a tsundere and he LOVES his friends, family, AND romance.. (canonically loves romance not as in he definitely experiences romantic attraction, but as in he just is weirdly into love stories and such but wont admit it lmao, i talk about that chapter where he gets obsessed with those strangers love story he saw with psychometry but its just so good lol..) so i think that misinterpretation is where a lot of the discourse in this fandom comes from, like people who think he GENUINELY hates teruhashi ? they r literally best friends he cares about her so much..
kubosai is a ship i started loving, not really from seeing their canon interactions, but from analyzing the characters in the manga and seeing who i think would actually fit together and have a good dynamic..
im very weak for characters who are ashamed of their dark past, afraid of their own strength and that they might hurt the people they love, scared to tell their loved ones their secrets, etc.. and kuboyasu and saiki fit the bill perfectly, so i looked at them and immediately thought BOOM what if they were in love..
their dynamic is fun, even though we didnt get a lot of canon interactions.. theyre so similar yet SO different at the same time..
they both have pretty tragic pasts and family lives, both VERY protective of their friends and family and would do anything for them, both have bad coping mechanisms (mostly refusing to acknowledge that anything is really wrong at all), etc.. and yet, theyre almost opposites in the way they actually carry themselves..
saiki appears apathetic at all times in front of others even though his internal monologue or how he expresses himself when hes alone can be really emotional.. kuboyasu is pretty happy all the time even though he has pretty thinly veiled anger about half the time..
kuboyasu is just a human boy who was taught to take up as much space as possible for his survival, defend himself with his fists, honesty and loyalty and trust are essential, etc, while saiki is an almost-god whose upbringing taught him to try his best to take up NO space at all for his survival, dont get involved unless its from afar, dont get close with anyone, dont trust anyone, etc..
saiki prefers to protect his people from in the shadows, going as far as to literally stalk them to make sure theyre okay without their knowledge, while kuboyasu is unafraid to show how much he cares and prefers to literally come out swinging to protect his people.. put them together and you get two silly guys who will literally protect the other with their life despite knowing damn well that theyre both fully capable of protecting themselves..
kuboyasu is also like.. one of the only people in the cast other than saiki who can be like.. a voice of reason sometimes.. he would be so good for saiki and would make damn sure he knows when hes being irrational or dramatic (because cmon, its saiki.. hes such a drama queen all the damn time..) and i just think he needs that in his life..
yasu would reign saiki in when it comes to his everyday dramatics, and in turn saiki would reign yasu in when it comes to his over the top romance standards (and probably his anger issues and overreactions too..) and yet at the same time they would take comfort in each others silliness.. saiki may be like "we cant just drop out and get married, thats not how it works" but isnt it so refreshing for him to have someone that cares about him so unconditionally ?? unlike his own family ?? itd scare him at first, but hed make yasu tone it down to a healthier extent and itd become soo comfortable..
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tonyglowheart · 6 months
Thinking again (more, lmao) about The Contentious Chapter 45, and my Why It Needed to Happen thesis, so here are some more semi-organized thoughts on this topic:
Why It Needed to Happen: Yan Wushi edition. So, we don't ever really know what specifically Yan Wushi went through/experienced in his life and more specifically his childhood - we get hints here and there that seem to imply or can be interpreted to be that he's gone through some shit as Xie Ling, and that's (partly? mostly?) what led him to reinvent himself as Yan Wushi, and then there's also the New Years Extra that has a line about how he'd (already) witnessed countless evils borne of the human heart - but the text does tell us he has this belief that human nature is wicked, slash humans can be pushed to do wicked things no matter how "good" they may think themselves to be. As far as YWS knew by Chap 45, SQ was no different -- he'd received no proof yet that SQ was different, he just hadn't found SQ's bottom line. This is sort of similar to the abused child or abused dog thing, where they will lash out to try to provoke the abuse they're expecting either to "get it over with" or so they know where the line is with this new person (except these are purposeful tests that YWS is doing and not like a reactionary mechanism). Basically, this needed to happen for YWS to know/believe that Shen Qiao is different from what he's observed of human nature -- he needed this proof of concept that the world isn't just rival(/rival peers) -- the closest to equals he has, and rabble. This needed to happen to show/prove - to him and the reader - that there may be a thousand Chen Gong's in the world, but there is only one Shen Qiao.
Why It Needed to Happen: Shen Qiao edition. Shen Qiao is a good guy, but he WAS very sheltered and naive. He holds his beliefs firmly, but his worldly experience was limited and so his character was untried. It's the "it's easy to be a good person when you're rich" idea -- he doesn't know if he has a bottom line yet if he would snap. It's easy to say that you will stay true to your principles when they're not tested - it's when they're put under the stress test that you can truly say that you know yourself and your character. Yan Wushi threw him into a fire, yes, but in many ways this was a tempering of his character, much as one would temper steel. This whole experience very much was an absolute low for Shen Qiao, and it's easy to see fire (analogy) as only destructive, but fire can also be a creative force -- e.g. the forging/tempering analogy from earlier, fires used to clear out brush and weeds choking up the land so that new growth can germinate in the new fire-enriched soil, that kind of thing. This isn't to say that Shen Qiao doesn't experience agony in this metaphoric fire, but he also very much textually experiences a sort of epiphany and rebirth. This is both a spiritual (character-based) sort of rebirth, as well as a rebirth of his wugong. It's after this and after traveling with Yan Wushi that we see Shen Qiao exhibiting much more wisdom when it comes to people, where he's not just naively believing and expecting the good in everyone (I don't have specific citations but iirc this is textual, there's whole parts where it's like, before he might have thought x, but now having traveled with YWS he knows xyz, etc.) Yes this was "bad," maybe, but it tempered Shen Qiao, catalyzed his recovery/"rebirth," and overall led to the strengthening of his wugong and his character. (The conversation they have in Chapter 124 underscores this point, actually.)
Why It Needed to Happen: Yanshen edition. Or maybe more like, what does it do for us from a yanshen perspective lol. Cuz imo, it does a lot. I've posted about this elsewhere before lol, but like aside from the above for the YWS side of things, an argument can also be made that this was YWS going "wait. oh shit, I'm experiencing... feelings? for him" (narrator voice: that feeling was friendship, although he had never experienced it before) and like, lashing out at Shen Qiao like "that'll show you for thinking of me as a friend (and maybe making me feel friend-like feelings towards you..)" -- he was already softening before this (him digging that grave for the dead boy unasked, for example), and the way he's like. ....so you think of me as a... friend? before he pulls the rug from under SQ's feet. But this is important because it tells us that YWS *does* care. He's flippant and teasing and gives the impression that he does it for personal amusement and not really out of affection or anything, so really Shen Qiao may be his latest target of amusement, but it could be anyone. But the fact that he reacted like this to Shen Qiao declaring him a friend instead of just dismissing him as not being worthy of being his friend, not being on his level, etc (I mean he does also do that, but it's not the FIRST thing he does, and also I'd argue that when he Declared it contextually he was purposefully trying to hurt Shen Qiao's feelings), or like, just laughing at him and ridiculing SQ for something so preposterous -- this tells us that he IS feeling some kind of way about Shen Qiao already, that something HAS changed and Shen Qiao went from "latest disposable amusement" to at least "point of fascination." We're not in the endgame yet with this, but it does show that for all that Yan Wushi is trying to influence and "experiment" on Shen Qiao, traveling with Shen Qiao/being around him is conversely having an effect on him, too. That he's not just some unchangeable flat "evil" archetype but is also a complex character that responds to stimulus/reacts to his environment and is capable of being influenced by Shen Qiao. Theirs isn't just a one-sided relationship of one influencing the other or one trying to change the other-- it already by this point is a mutual communion between the opposing but complementary worldviews they hold and embody. They're already like if the taijitu were people (sans the dots in each section-- that comes through the course of the story with their mutual temperings). The same or similar actually holds for the SQ side of things too. Actually, the very fact that he feels anguish from this act and finds it a betrayal is also a very huge indication that Shen Qiao also already cares. I mean, yes, he declared YWS his friend, but like YWS said when they were burying the boy - you didn't even cry when your shidi Yu Ai betrayed you - or later when YWS was about to face Hulugu and SQ says if he were to do it, it would seem natural, but if a friend were to do it, he'd worry. and YWS is like, a friend? If LQY were to face Hulugu would you feel the same way? -- Basically, a similar idea holds here. Would you feel the same way if it were someone else? Yu Ai betrayed him, we didn't see him experience this level of individual, personal anguish. Chen Gong betrayed him, he just kind of sighed and moved on. But coming from Yan Wushi... he reflects on how much it hurt, actually. I still hold to my theory that SQ fell first and by this point was already at least kind of in love with YWS, but even that aside, the very fact that this "betrayal" hurt SQ shows that Shen Qiao, like Yan Wushi, despite seeming above worldly/petty matters slash is disconnected from such normal-people-problems like getting your feelings hurt or, godforbid, heartbreak -- are very much not above that, at least, not when it comes to each other. They're not just two ships passing each other in the night -- they're already mutually entangled together, and this growing bond will only grow stronger as they travel more together
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greeb-theartist · 23 days
Made a really big rant on wambus in my friends discord server, wanted to share it;
I wanna do a really big info dump on Wambus and Triffany's relationship and also talk about Wambus himself cuz he's pretty cool and I'm really fixated on him now... so:
I think a lot about Wambus tbh. Lemme explain. I feel like that's why he's so attached to Triffany, and everytime she doesn't come back for days and nights on end you can see it in the beginning of this game he just has this gut feeling that she's not coming back for him. I'll say it once and I'll say it again, wambus did not cheat on triffany with the cactus. cactriffy was created because of Wambus' unstable emotional attachment to Triffany.
When Triffany doesn't come back for awhile, rather instead of bottling his feelings up and exploding one day on her way random he tries to talk to the cactus about it. Cactriffy is a type of coping mechanism for him to deal with his abandonment he feels like he facing. Wambus is stubborn though, a crucial part to his character yes, but Triffany is too and I believe that is what many people in the fandom forget. He didn't cheat on her, she didn't cheat on him, all that happened was that they were both too set in their ways and hobbies to apologize to one another.
I feel like what people in the fandom also don't consider is that Triffany held her stakes *way* too high for Wambus. She expect so much of him it seemed, and it can probably come from her whole ordeal she has to be like her grandmother and such. They both have expectations they've tailed to live up too, and have different ways of coping with it. Triffany's way however seems to be staying away from humanity, more comfortable with intimate objects. Wambus is too, but he also misses feels like he failed Triffany so much he can't be forgiven, he can't be believed in anymore.
Speaking of not feeling he can be believed him anymore, I feel like this fandom tends to ignore his death voices lines. Wambus DIES thinking he is a failure, the others do not. His death is unique because it points out something about him: He was so set in his beliefs, he didn't realize Triffany loved him. And the truth is? It's because she didn't show it as much as she should. The whole reason why Triffany plans to grow a garden of all his favorite plants and such is because now the failure has shifted to her. She's now realized she's failed him not only as a wife but as a friend too.
With this next part I'm stepping into a bit of theoretical theory, but when watching @doomedpuppetyuri replay bugsnax, it had shown me a few times where Wambus was often mistreated by the cast. Take for the beginning party for example, I am always extremely infuriated by how people make such a joke of it. When Gramble says to Wambus "you don't know a thing about love, that's why your wife left you" it feels like an assumption. Triffany did *NOT* in any way leave Wambus, there a difference between packing up your things and leaving someone behind us. A stubborn personality getting in the way of an apology. They were not divorced in anyway or how, they were simply doing their own thing to handle their lives. Another thing I've noticed is Gramble often brings up Wambus a lot more than Wambus brings up Gramble. People forget that Wambus never starts the arguments, he is easily agitated. He doesn't speak much either. Same thing with the whole idea people have where Wambus threw cromdo out of spite or something. Cromdo, like the man he is but no hate to cromdo I love him probably agitated Wambus in some way that made him do that, and a small detail too is that in the DLC, Floofty has picked on Wambus too once (stating, Wambus doesn't trut Floofty since the 'Noodler Incident')
(And also I just wanna say no hate to any other characters I mention in this I've just noticed this about their relationship with Wambus.)
Wambus' emotions are their own topic themselves, because people often forget he's grumpy all the time, people make him grumpy. He's easily able to change his mood depending on what he's exposed to from other Grumps, and it feels like the some of other Grumps aren't nice to him. But Wambus is also at fault here sightly, because he's not the best at handling criticism and such, his mood can often change. Take the first scene where we meet Wambus for example: due to his stubborn qualities, when Filbo says something (accidentally) it provokes Wambus to be more hostile towards him. However, you can tell he is regretful. He is regretful when he apologizes to Filbo, Gramble, and Triffany.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this has probably been my longest ramble ever on wambus troubleham 💔💔
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scribe-of-maat · 1 year
Ranking DC Pride 2023
9. Love’s Lightning Heart (???, ???)
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Starring The Flashlight and The Flash, I think? When he called the dude “Ray” in the beginning I thought it was gonna be The Ray, you know? This only scores so low because I’m not at ALL familiar with anything Multiversity and this story especially seemed to be absolutely thick with that corner of DC lore. I get there’s a Parallax type of thing happening but... this was kind of hard to follow for a payoff that’s pretty lukewarm if you’re not well-versed in who this story’s about.
8. My Best Bet (Jon Kent/Superman, John Constantine
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This is hit especially hard in my ranking because it’s the last story in the book and the only thing DC Pride about it is that it stars two Bs. They’re popular queer characters but I’m here for stories that are specifically ABOUT LGBT stuff, not about LGBT people doing stuff. There’s nothing to really talk about here.
7. Found (Xanthe Zhou, Batwoman/Kate Kane)
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I’ve been meaning to read Spirit World, and since I hadn’t gotten around to it Xanthe being LGBT was a surprise to me, but not as much as Kate Kane showing up was. It feels like someone threw a dartboard at WLW women and plopped in whoever came up, cuz I guarantee if I flip the newest Batwoman issue open to a random page she’ll have a girlfriend-slash-situationship that won’t be too happy about her seeming receptive to some flirting. But hey, I like Xanthe more now so there’s give-and-take.
6. And Baby Makes Three (Xiomara Rojas/Crush, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy)
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I like Crush. I can’t claim to have read much of her, because for now that means enduring way too much Damian Wayne, but she seems like an incredibly interesting character. But I could not tell you why she’s here with Harley and Ivy. This, moreso than anything else, has a less than negative chance of being referenced again and it’s giving me even more of that dartboard feeling the last story did. Plus if there’s one thing Harlivy can do, it’s carry a story by themselves. I wish we’d gotten something about JUST Crush, is what I’m saying. I feel like this was a status update for Crush, like her washing ashore was meant to bridge the gap between this story and whatever she was doing the last time she showed up.
5. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work (Natasha Irons/Steel, Nubia)
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Listen, I will always have space in my heart for the Irons family. I love Natasha, and I love John Henry, and when DC lets either out of the ether every other year I’m front and center. That, and the recent super-push Nubia has been enjoying made this story one I was pretty excited to read when I realized who it was about. But THIS ART. These faces are TRASH. Even without looking it up I feel like there’s a 0% chance DC would give a nonblack artist this story, so it makes it especially confusing as to why the characters look like THAT. The actual content was fun and even though Io needs to come up off our queen posthaste, I didn’t have any (other) complaints. But it’s SOOOOO UGLYYYYY.
4. The Dance ( Minhkhoa Khan/Ghost-Makes, Thomas Blake/Catman)
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I knew Ghost-Maker was bi prior to reading this, somehow. I’ve been meaning to read anything about him because his design is so awesome but I was only really guessing this was Catman alongside him. I really don’t know anything about him, so this ranks so highly just because of Ghost-Maker. I don’t really have anything else to add here since this story’s ultimate purpose seems to just show off muscley dudes post-sex.
3. Anniversary (Lucas Trent/Midnighter, Andrew Pulaski/Apollo, Alan Scott/Green Lantern)
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These showcases tend to have like, one story that directly addresses inequality if you’re lucky. This is that story, and it’s such a good one. Midnighter and Apollo’s fame as the canon gay Superbat sort of eclipses anything else about them, but that reputation is put to excellent effect here. Plus, Alan Scott, one of my favorite Green Lanterns, finally shows up. Revitalizing that old slogan to make it clear the LGBT isn’t going anywhere was fun, too.
2. Subspace Transmission (Jules Jourdain/Circuit Breaker, Jess Chambers/The Flash, Andy Curry/Aquawoman)
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Jess was an extremely fun and memorable character from the start like, half a decade ago and that holds true here. I was super uninvested in the Circuit Breaker part of this story. I don’t know who that is, and even after reading this I genuinely don’t care. This made my heart hurt for more Teen Justice and Future State stuff in general. That Jackson Hyde cameo at the end was also perfect.
1. Hey, Stranger (Connor Hawke/Hawke, Tim Drake/Robin)
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I was definitely in diapers the last time these two characters spoke to each other. When there’s been THAT big a gap in timeframe I can’t be sure how emotional a reunion can be to a modern readership. None of that matters to my enjoyment, because Connor Hawke is far and away my favorite Arrowfam member and his recent resurgence (even if too much of it is attached to Damian Wayne for my taste) has been such a blessing. DC only trots this guy out three times a year but god do we eat good each time. They just need to do a LITTLE more with him.
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harlowehearse · 9 months
Candle Cove Head cannons
I have severe brain rot (also some of these might be from the archive account so apologies if you've seen them before). No rhyme or reason to this it's just a bunch of things that came to mind.
-It's a running gag that no one really knows what exactly Horace is? Whether he's really human or not? Even he doesn't seem to know and makes several conflicting statements about it.
-It's also a gag Horace just has no idea how old Janice is. He assumes she's like 3 or 4 or something and doesn't think she can read or anything.
-All of the puppets are made with 4 fingers aside from the abyssian ones who have all 5.
-Abyssians aren't born, they come from and are made from the sand at the bottom of the sea. They don't live forever, just much longer than a human. If they die of age they turn back into sand.
-Janice and Skin-taker sharing a birthday is partially true. Skin-taker does genuinely consider the date his birthday as well because it was the day Poppy killed him and he became what he is now, birthdays and date of deaths are practically the same thing to him.
-Janice and Skin-taker share quite a few other similarities like being the only left handed characters in the show, curiosity being a key character trait, their favorite color both being purple, and just a lot more sprinkled through out the show.
-Janice can be very blunt, is a terrible liar, and her curiosity can easily get the best of her so she'll just blurt out questions as soon as they come.
-Eye contact makes Janice quite uncomfortable (yet another reason why Skin-taker unnerves her so much cuz the guy just stares daggers into your soul).
-After getting really pissed at Horace Janice once threw a rock at and accidentally killed him. Skin-taker brought him back and he was honestly unphased but Janice is still a little messed up and feels guilt over it.
-Janice can get very frustrated or angry, mostly in cases of other characters being mean towards her or her friends (9/10 it's Horace she's mad at).
-Calvary is deaf in his left ear and the whole crew knows sign language. Nathan helped to teach Janice and in return she helped teach him some math stuff she learned from school.
-If she doesn't want to go somewhere, Ms. Laughingstock will just stop dead in her tracks. While not often she and Poppy do butt heads sometimes.
-Revolvers weren't used as weapons in the show until Milo was introduced in season 2.
-Milo was the one to teach Janice how to wield a cutlass ("begrudgingly," he will tell you). Up until that point she just used a slingshot she had from home and a throwing knife Percy taught her how to use.
-Skin-taker's lair resembles a relatively normal living space set up in the cave, and would actually be quite cozy had it not be all made from human remains.
-Skin-taker doesn't hate Poppy because he killed him, he's actually a bit grateful for that because he enjoys being dead, he hates him because Poppy 1) wasted the skin by just throwing it to sharks and 2) Skin-taker sees him as a hypocrite as he has committed crimes just as heinous as Skin-taker, but now goes around with the title "The Honorable Pirate" while sweeping his past under the rug. Plus the guy just gets on his nerves.
-Despite how aloof and cold he seems to regard him Horace is probably the only one (living) Skin-taker would consider a friend.
-Getting new skin isn't the only reason Skin-taker does things, he'll also just do things because he's curious as to the result or he thinks it'd be funny.
-Skin-taker actually really likes wordplay and funny sounding words. Sometimes he'll just say little rhymes and random words out loud to amuse himself. Of course he's also very cryptic sometimes to be purposefully ominous too.
-Though she never appears in person on the show or is mentioned by name, whenever the Red Mary is eluded to or something makes reference to her the music of the show stops, and if you listen closely, you can hear the crackling of a fire in the mix of the background TV static.
-Even though he can't physically smoke Skin-taker has a collection of wooden pipes.
-Sunny has a little cactus collection on the ship that Hans helped her get. Little reminder of home.
-The rubberfishes crew aren't really fond of Skin-taker (they're just as creeped out by him as The Laughingstock crew) but they're all very loyal to and kind of care about Horace so they stick it out for their captain.
-Lillian had light magic and like Horace was a sorcerer of sorts, Talapio was her familiar.
-The Tarantula crews sails were sewn using string Talapio gave them, and because of that you could see them faintly shimmering at night. Some referred to them as "the crew with stars in their sails" because of this.
-You could point at any color, any hue tone shade what have you, and Skin-taker could immediately tell you it's specific name. It's one of the few things about him that are the same from when he was Thade Soben.
-Lillian was genuinely a very goofy, emotional, and fun loving person but being a captain she tried keeping a very calm confident demeanor all the time which then lead her to also being secretly stressed out 24/7. Seeing Thades joy and curiosity for almost everything in Candle Cove helped bring out her sillier side again though.
-No one other than Poppy knows Percy's past on the Tarantula crew as the infamous Prowler Percy and whenever someone goes "Man that prowler percy was so cool I wonder what happened to him" Percy is just "Yeahh haha crazy- let's change the subject" just because he remembering those times hurts too much now and also the NPHC would pay soooooo much money to see Prowler dead.
-One time Poppy gambled Percy in a bet and lost and the crew then spent the whole episode getting into shenanigans trying to get him back.
-There was one episode where Janice and Horace got separated from their crew on a dangerous island and had to very begrudgingly work together to try and get back to them with Janice managing to snag his monocle and holding it hostage so he didn't try any funny business. Even though he did end up betraying her in the end by leaving her on the island (the Laughingstock crew did get her back still) during the episode they actually worked pretty well together and at one point found some common ground, and ever since Horace just seemed a little less hostile towards her, insulted her less, and even seemed to try and lightly deter Skin-taker from her once or twice.
-Susan Siren is actually a menace and does crash ships and kill sailors with her singing she's just loyal to Janice and The Laughingstock crew because Janice freed her from lullaby rock. Girls killed and will do so again.
-Green Gregory is the only other one is Candle Cove aside from Janice who isn't a puppet (in my version I like to think Susan and Nathan are also puppets). It's suggested but never confirmed whether or not he too was once a child who came to Candle Cove long ago.
-Green Gregory knew Skin-taker when he was Thade back when he was a pirate himself, and every once in a while after the taverns closed Skin-taker shows up to catch up with his old acquaintance. Even though he's clear in his distain for the skeleton's doing Gregory is never unwelcoming to him (listen even if they have no canon interactions you can't give me two characters presumably played by the same actor and expect me to NOT come up with a connection between them).
-Percy's paranoia and Calvary's superstition go hand in hand in literally the most chaotic and worst way. Sea dog is so tired of their shit.
-Milo is the only person to have ever tested Dr. Heartfelt's patience.
-The puppets can bleed. It's not a practical effect.
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Hiya! If your still doing requests Could you do Murdoc x Fem girly reader headcannons
Reader is the complete opposite of Murdoc she is sweet to everyone, wears dresses likes pastel colours stuff like that. If that’s okay with you <3
Murdoc x Very fem pastel F! S/O
WRITERS NOTE: Hi! I honestly really like this request, I personally find any pastel style to be realy cool! But I do apologize I'm not good at gendered things- but I will try my very best! I hope you like the hc and that you have a wonderful day!
[ANOTHER NOTE: This is late again, life threw a wrench in my posting schedule again. Anyways have a lovely day, sorry for the delay!]
Edited: Nope
All art in this post is mine
TW: Curssing, Murdoc drinking, Murdocs childhood, Murdoc being a grouch, implied abuse?, spoilers for cracker Island, jealousy, insecurity, probably more but can't figure it right now- so just tell me any out standing ones I missed.
(Side thing: Murdocs shity behavior is not ok, it's toxic, I am not trying to indorse the shit he does!)
Murdoc(yay better murdoc drawing)
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Sorry HuH???
Just how???
You are the embodiment of a kind person... and Murdocs..... a satanic piece of shit gremlin with anger issues
So to say everyone- including Murdoc himself was quite surprised
The band won't let him live down the fact you two are so different
They tease him a lot, but other then that that band absolutely adores S/O
2D has straight up asked you why would you 'date 'an asshole like Murdoc', it was very blut though there was no ill will behind it
Murdoc will Call you the normal nick names such a 'dove, babe, love, ect..' but he will most likly call you a bit more sweet things- in private obviously, but this often happens if he's ih a more sensitive state-
Whether that be when he's drunk, high, hung over, ect... he'll just tend to be a bit loving- his voice is almost tender
And he'll use pet names like 'babydoll, sugar, cutie, my star, sweetie, the occasional babycake's', but Murdoc could use those in a very teasing way too if S/O is the kind of person who tends to get flustered
"*hic* ya'know, I'ma start... *hic* call'en ya cavity..." Murdoc said sluring his words
"What, why?"
"*drunken giggle* Cuz' yer so cute *hic* dat'cha rot my teeth... heh.."
S/O looks so different when standing next to Murdoc that some people find it concerning
When out in public with each other at night(ie. Murdoc draged you to a bar with him), there has been at least one case of someone coming up to you in concern for S/O's wellbeing, thinking Murdoc was some creep following S/O, or the every so often waitress or waitor asking if you are ok, when you and Mudz are out on a date
Murdoc gets really pissed when this happens, so S/O will have to call him down
With pastel and bright clothes you gonna want to not leave them around Murdocs room/Winnebago because that shit will be stained to high hell(even if you need a black light to see the stains), and those stains will never come out, so be reaaally careful
He doesn't really understand why you like pastel & bright clothes or makeup- but he definitely thinks you look good in it so he won't complain- as long as you don't try and put any of that on him(at least in public)-
Listen hun, Murdoc has a reputation to uphold!- Murdoc would often repeat variants of that
"SSSZZ-SSTOOWWWPPHhhu- *hmph* I have a reputation- and YOU-" Murdocs points an accusatory finger at S/O "-Fuck'in... leav'en damn stupid... neon fuk'en PINK lipstick marks.. on MY damn FACE... BEFORE A DAMN SHOW..isn't help'in..."
"Why'dya got'a go'in be so damn cute... yer stupid 'KinDNeSs' making me look... ugh nice..."
S/O when their in the later phases and later in the relationship- S/O definitely made Murdoc more nice but only really around S/O- don't get me wrong when S/O's gone Mudz still a complete ass
But he tends to be more chilled out, Murdy once he got close to S/O, he really wanted her to like him- but this isn't uncommon with Murdoc getting scared his shitty behavior is gonna scare a person he genuinely cares about away
He's in complete denial about going any for of soft, and he just ends up acting like a piss baby-
"Wha'dya mean I'm go'in soft!?!" Murdoc said pulling away from S/O
"Babe. You're wearing the *insert random pastel themed character* shirt I got you..."
"...I-...I had nut'en else to wear.." Murdoc tutned away with a huff
"You walk around shirtless and in your underwear all the time- what changed?"
"..Damn face ache..." Mudz slammed the door with a a groan, clearly agitated
"You ok dear?"
Murdoc turned to you and pouted like a bitter old man "Face Ache said I was going soft!!! Can ya believe that fuck'en nob!"
He's overall very bitter and sour about going soft, so don't tease him to much unless you want his grumpy-ness to turn into full blown anger
Murdoc like to send S/O pictures of things that remind him of her/her style
This is most often pictures of clothes, but it can maybe be a pic of a stuffy or somthing, these items are often pointed out by Noodle or even 2D
But when 2D talks about/points out things that remained him of S/O Mudz will most likely get jealous... and I think we can geuss how it usually goes from there..
Speaking of jealousy
Due to how nice and kind of a person S/O is to everyone, and how insecure Murdoc can be- he can get jealous pretty easy depending on the situation
And no it's not a 'ohh ahh, he's protective and loving' jealousy- no he's an insecure angry goblin man- only getting petty and aggressive, just sit him down and have a talk, he just needs some reassurance
To add to S/O dressing up Murdy. Murdoc refuses to match outfits, he refuses to let you do his makeup... or take pictures of it to show it to people at least..
Like my last statement implies Murdoc has let her do his makeup before, S/O just can't take pictures to show it around to people- tho this doesn't mean you can't take pictures at all
Because you can and you do, S/O has so many pictures of Murdoc in a skirt, or a full face of makeup, etc... and there all adorable even if Murdoc is pissed in all of them
Murdoc refuses to match your style or do any of the dressing up thing in public, or let any of it go out into public. He is stubborn and this is a big boundary for him, so please respect this.
This doesn't just apply to appearances, but just his stuff in general, so no cute neon stickers on things, or cutesy decorations without his permission. Murdoc stands firm on his decision so don't push to much he will get really agitated, and it might lead to a fight- like I said his stubbornness is off the chart.
Murdoc teases S/O quite a bit especially at the beginning of the relationship, and especially if its in earlier phases-
It's how he copes with nice people, Murdy isn't use to people being nice
Murdoc grew up with assholes, he was raised to be an asshole, and he was raised in a way to basically see kindness to be a form of weakness.
So him being shown kindness from this goddess, in response he freaks out a bit and just get really teasy out of defense at first
And knowing him, he might say some upseting things. So S/O has to walk very carefully around early phase Mudz or just a bit early in the relationship
Murdocs sweetheart of a girlfriend is gonna have to break down some walls, and honestly this applys to all and any relationship with Mudz- theres always a few walls to get through
But with any initial kindness there will be some extra defense put up by Murdoc
(I wanna talk about phaze 7 Mudz specifically for a second, so like spoiler warning I guess? )
Murdoc is firm on the fact what he is wearing isn't a dress- we all know what I'm referring to!
That thing he wears in the Cracker Island music video.
He referres to it by whatever it's actually name is(again I don't know, I'll edit it when I figure it out) or he calls them PJ's. He has referred to it dress like but never a girly dress like somthing S/O would wear- and he gets pissy if anyone goes around calling it that. Though in the passed Murdoc has probably worn a dress before.
(Ok weird tangent over, back to just general Murdoc)
Despite hating it when S/O does his makeup or dressing him up- Murdoc does love picking her clothes out and has more then once done S/O's makeup- and he isn't the greatest at first but he does eventually learn how to apply eyeliner without impaling your eyes
Murdoc while is proud of his work- will not stop laughing at how she looks after he's done S/O's makeup
Murdoc 100% underestimates S/O, he thinks S/O is one of the most pure things ever and he wants to mess that up ;)
JK- I'm just joking... particularly...
He just kinda sees S/O as a bit of a childish innocent person who's oblivious to the world- like how else could you be so happy?
If S/O really is that innocent than good luck, becuase that sure as hell isn't gonna 100% last if she wants to stay with this Satanist
But if you arn't as innocent well then it's quite a pleasant surprise to Murdoc
It's up to you to determine how you want Murdoc to figure out S/O's lack of innocence but here are some examples
1. Murdoc used a horribly raunchy and crapy pickup line on S/O and she retorted back with her own, this left Murdoc flustered and stunned before he played it off pretty well. Mudz jokes about this later on because he finds this situation funny
2. Murdoc whilst pissed said some unsavory things, and S/O responds in a way that shows she understood what he just said, and Murdoc depending on how bad what he said was would either laugh it off or he would immediately choke on his own spit, then awkwardly defend himself
3. Very similar 1 but Murdoc made a dirty or just inappropriate joke and S/O expressed they understood and Murdoc would just burst out laughing
Just a few ideas- but it's up to you
But once Murdy finds out, him being the dirty little man he is- he's gonna tease you about it. Mudz sometimes mockingly treats you like a kid- with all good intentions of course
Either way innocent or not S/O is just as appealing- just in different ways
"Dove... your cuteness juz made me throw up'en my mouth.."
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graphx · 7 months
so…that avatar show, huh?
me no likely:
they made aang leaving an accident. like he didn't deliberately try to run away from his problems, it was just coincidence on a midnight fly and he even says he will go back when he clears his head (then everyone else frames it as intentional??? Even himself???)
Kataras character literally feels like her ember island counterpart and made her perfect and I hate that she doesn't get mad at aang talent at all because she can't be TOO MEAN NOOO WHATEVER WILL WE DO IF SHE HAS FLAWS??? OR A REALISTIC REACTION TO FRUSTRATION OF NOT BEING ABLE TO DO SOMETHING SHE VALUES A LOT CUZ ITS HARD??? (took away all of her development about having to be the bigger person and gave it to sokka??? Fun loving joking sokka??? Even tho it ties in with her toph conflict later?)
jet blows up things with jelly and hurt civilians but…the entire point of jet was that he hurt people who did nothing wrong and there was definitely fire benders doing something wrong so he can justify his actions?? And the entire point was that he needed to REALIZE his actions were unforgivable before moving on from his vengeance to ba sing se?But now he does nothing wrong because we can't have the pretty boy terrorist be TO00000 BAD
i get that we are supposed to emphasize the power of friendship thing in the bumi episode but it just seems like instead of aang realizing he is going to make hard choices with no right answer his friends take that decision/responsibility AWAY from him? And the point in the show is that while he cant rely on others and has to do it alone???
azula sounds like she's complaining about zuko like a normal teenager gossiping to her friends even tho her entire beach episode was emphasizing how she is NOT A REGULAR KID AND DOESNT ACT LIKE IT. Or being mad zuko got banished and got himself an opportunity? No azula only cares about her dads orders/approval at this point she doesn't take zuko seriously as a threat? She was glad he was gone and tried to take him prisoner? Complaining that she is "risking her life undercover?" Did we watch??? The same source material???
would have been so easy to show badger moles and benders but noooo lets just make them savage animals that don't react to VIBRATIONS AT ALL ya know THE EARTHBENDING TECHNIQUE
why the hell is kyoshi getting mad at aang for not fighting WHEN SHE IS TRAPPING HIM IN A DREAM TO LECTURE HIM INSTEAD OF LETTING HIM FIGHT??
Never recovering from zuko and leaves on the vine playing at the same time
at least sokka got some development?? It could have been worse tbh
I like that they explained the avatar possession stuff can only happen in certain places
my cabbages made everything worth it
giving iroh and lu ten a bit more depth! I like that everyone subtly framed it in a good way but zuko was more empathetic
im a mixed bag on how they handled suki (great to show that she is unsociable from being an isolated warrior all her life but I hated that they just…beat up sokka for no reason by taking out his misogyny arc…. And didn’t frame it as a bad enough thing?? And then they just… got over it? With no real apology? Cuz it’s fine now that they think the other one is hot!! Problems solved!!!)
i like that they made jet and kataras relationship less “ooooo hot bad boy!!!” And more a mutual relationship (then they threw it out the window for no reason cuz JET IS BAD BUT NOT TOO BAD! KATARA NEEDS TO GIRLBOSS!!!! U guys can make empathic characters while still making them bad not giving him misogyny problems he never had???)
sokka and katara sibling moments? They were okay
(I’ll update when I watch more)
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glitch-the-artist · 7 months
funny theory to back up ch3 flower secret bosses
okay so, I honestly think that the person who wrote this mysterious love letter is the next secret boss, I know this because of 2 things.
We know for a fact that this is probably not gaster, due to it not having strange spacing and calling deltarune “DELTA RUNE” instead of how he normally calls it, that being well.. just deltarune.
it is fully capitalized like Spamton and jevil, and says “NOW, PUT ON YOUR COAT AND WASH YOUR FACE, OR PUT ON YOUR FACE AND WASH UP YOUR COAT. NOT NECESSARILY IN THAT ORDER.” I feel like this is both referencing the friend face and the chair with a cloth found in Spamton sweepstakes, which also showed a similar face when you clicked on it a bunch of times.
okay now with that out of the way, let me get this theory started.
so basically, to sum up why people think that the next secret boss is gonna be some type of flower is because of the flowers that toriel threw away in Kris’s house. Basically this kinda shows a bit of parallels between Spamton and Jevil, due to them both being ignored and having the flowers be simply “left in the dark”. Plus we also know that the secret boss’s can reference undertale characters, reason being Spamton neo literally wearing mettatons neo suit. Now I wonder who would be related to flowers? (It’s flowey, it’s literally flowey) anyways another funny side suggestion is that mettaton neo is found in the genocide route, and if my theory is correct about jevil being a representation of chara and frisk, then that also checks out. Meaning that the next secret boss being a reference to flowey also makes sense if we apply the genocide route being what the secret bosses reference.
anyways, now we go onto the new’s letter. I wanna point a funny detail in this letter, when this guy (this person I’m thinking is the next secret boss) when mentioning Valentine’s Day says this “THERE IS EVEN THIS RUMOR OF “VALENTINES DAY”. HOW ABSURD. EVERY DAY IS A DAY OF LOVE.” Okay to explain why this fits into the theory, flowers are typically a representation of love (also it makes sense if these were asgore flowers too, because he sent them to try to tell toriel that he still loves her, but it doesn’t even work.) plus let’s not forget that this guy (or girl even at this point) has no idea who they are supposed to help, but knows that it someone. Basically I think that this is a parallel to blind love or something, that part probably isn’t true but hey I’m not gonna leave that out. Also let’s not forget that they made a Valentine’s Day card to ask you for help, which might also be a representation of this character being flowers yet again, due to me saying flowers represent love.
anyways this is just to back up ch3 flower secret boss’s, cuz like I feel like that they are gonna be some type of flower darkener after seeing this Valentine’s Day card.
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