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@starfalcon555 you suggested designs but I saw them a tad late (after I finished Thorn's, who was the first)
At first I thought Half wasn't able to have white spots, but then I remembered that Gorse's bio mother is partly white.
The parents are Gorse and Ember, reason being that in the story they are mentioned, they are said to be the second-youngest litter with Birchflight carrying the youngest, and I don't think that Birch got pregnant twice in a row lmao. And Gorse is the father because the names connect to him the most.
Finding Mallow was definitely a 'oh that feels odd to hear that name' and then the kit with a half-white face was born and that probably sparked the "naming all of them after his old friends" thing.
Thorn: tom (and flamboyant af)
Fire: trans tom
Half: she-cat (and mute!)
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I think there should be more friend groups in the DF. No romance, just pals who are ride or die for each other
The kittypet (likely named Astro) would be one of them and I feel like he and Thornbloom would be buds
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catstumps · 8 months
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@ thornbloom the inspired home
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hetalia-club · 15 days
Alright I'm ready to start showing off my Hetalia GOT CK3 mod set up.
Going to start off with: The Tyrell Family
Their goal: Take the seven Kingdoms with fire and blood, but with style. The Tyrell family have the best dragons in the game, they jut got really lucky. and as to not cheat I didn't nuke their stats any I felt it wasn't fair to nerf them, they just got the luck of the roll. Like if they die no one is re-taming these dragons they will just have to go wild no way they will be caught again. All Dragons were given garden inspired names.
First off for our dynasty head/ playing character we have France, AKA King Francis Tyrell, first of his name, King of the Mander & High Lord of High Garden.
King Francis is a: Diligent, Trusting, Lustful, Diplomat. Who is Chivalrous, fashionable, Loyal, Beautiful and of course a dragon rider. He is married to Queen Lady Teora Hightower. He is a Reachman and follows teh Faith of teh Seven, has with the father as his Patron cosuing on Law and Order.
His Dragon is a red and black dragon named Roseheart. Roseheart is an Imperious, voracious, calculating and feral dragon. It does not like taking commands and is very mean. Will kill people who wander too close to it and is happy to go into war. But he/she get along very well with Francis.
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Next up: Ser Prince Lovino II Tyrell (Romano) Ser Lovino is: Stubborn and Gregarious. He is gallant, a rough terrain expert, a Knight, a twin (with Itay), Handsome, a trained fighter, a tourney knight and of course a Dragon rider. He is a Reachman and follows the Faith of the Seven and is heir to High Garden and the Kingdom. He is best friends with Alfred Lannister and is currently living at Casterly Rock as the ward to Ludwig Lannister.
His Dragon is name Orchidshadow and is a pitch black dragon with bright purple wings and blue eyes. Orchidshadow is a magnificent dragon known for its beauty, aggressive, defiant, Imperious. Orchidshadow is bad tempered but a trained dragon none the less it will take a command but not without some push back. Because his dragon is so beautiful and feared Lovino receives a monthly bonus to his renown. (This is a male dragon)
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Next up: Prince Feliciano Tyrell (Italy) Prince Feliciano is a : Gregarious, Cowardly, Trusting and Forgiving. He is a Scholar, an Open Terrain expert, fashioned, a twin, handsome, a fighter, a squire, a tourney knight and a Dragon rider. Feliciano is a Reachman and follows teh Faith of the Seven.
The largest and most vicious dragon house Tyrell is a light pink dragonwith white wings and pale blue eyes ridden by Feliciano named Thornbloom. Thronbloom is a Titanic Lavithian, Impulsive, Accepting, Aggressive and is a Wild Dragon. This Dragon does not like anyone but Feliciano, if it goes wild it WILL stay that way. He will not go in the dragon pits but spends a lot of time with Feliciano who he is very protective over. He will eat you if you upset Feliciano. He goes into battle with Feliciano happily keeping him safe in the air while he burns everyone on the ground. On my three start ups I've done I was killed by this dragon twice once on the ground and the second time it bit my dragon in half in a sky battel. A great secret weapon for house Tyrell. (This is a male dragon) on my third go I have decided to just not fuck with house Tyrell yet… idk what I’ll do about them but they are the biggest challenge and it’s these two right here. The reason I say it can’t go in the pit is because in the first play thought it killed France when he went in there and the second it killed all of Romanos kids who were in there for other reasons.
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Next up: Prince Romeo Tyrell (Seborga) Prince Romeo is Trusting and Forgiving. He is a Fashionable, Handsome, a trained fighter and a dragon rider. Romeno is a Reachman and follows The Faith of the Seven.
Ashbloom; a Dusky Purple and pale green dragon is the dragon ridden by Romeno Tyrell. Ashbloom is a younger dragon but is an asset in battle. Cooperative, Supporting, Friendly and Voracious yet is feral. Though only ten Romeo is not afraid to fly along side his brothers into war on teh back of his small yet fearsome dragon. (This is a male dragon)
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Next: Prince Ser Roderich Tyrell (Austria) Prince Roderich: An Arrogant and Temperate Diplomat. He is Chivalrous, Fashionable, beautiful, a Trained fighter, a Knight, A war Logician and a Dragon Rider. He is married to Lady Tesha Tarly, is a Reachman and follows the Faith of the Seven.
Breaking the tradition of naming Dragons after Garden themes Prince Roderich rides Requiem: A Pale purple and white dragon. Requiem is Accepting, Voracious and socialized. He likes being ridden and he likes being around other people and Dragons. (I don't know the gender of this dragon)
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Lastly: Lady Laura Tyrell (Belgium) Lady Laura is: Charming, Honest, Gregarious and a Dragon Rider. She's a Reachman and follows the Faith of the Seven.
Laura is too young to have a dragon but is set to train Ivy dancer: a Green and lime dragon located in the pits of High Garden. Being Born in the pits Ivydancer is the most well behaved and socialized dragon owned by the Tyrells. She is young yet she is Friendly, Accepting and is a Nobel dragon meaning She will take any command even fly straight into certain death if her rider commands it. (This is a female dragon and laid eggs in one of my play throughs)
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The three claimable dragons placed into the pits: Petalwing (Dusty Pink and Black): Blood Thirsty, Cooperative, Supporting and Trained. Lilacfyre (Lilac and Gold): Reserved, Aggressive, Imperious, Trained and Spindly Vineclaw (Olive Green and Orange): Friendly, Supporting, Defiant and Fearl
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supergeniuskidd · 4 months
Today has been insane. We went on like a mini mission to a planet called VerderaVale to look at the planets natural flora and fauna. During that I found a lot of cool new plants I intend to do research on in the future.
One of these plants is (what I now know to be) a Luminothorn!
When I tell you these flowers are STUNNING!! UGH. You literally just had to be there. Anyway.
I’m trying to get closer to this flower to take some pictures of it, and suddenly I’m being tossed around like some sort of human volleyball!
Turns out the flower is gaurded by a sentient carnivorous plant called a ThornBloom (equally as pretty by the way. Just a lot more terrifying) , and the plants vines have the ability to act in many different ways.
TLDR: I almost died to a plant, keep a safe distance from Luminothorns.
I did manage to get a decent picture of it before my near death experience, so I count this as a win.
-Genius kid, signing out ✮
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sas-soulwriter · 1 year
Queen of shadows (first chapter)
Here is a part of the fantasy story I am currently working on. I apologize for any spelling mistakes; English is not my native language. I would greatly appreciate comments.
When Arina first entered the Winter Garden hundreds of years ago, she despised it. The Fairy Mother had explained that this would now be her home, but Arina, born in the South as a child of the sun, found it hard to imagine. However, the more she got to know her future wife and her new world, the more the coldness grew in her heart.
Above all, it was the Winter Garden with all the trees and flowers she had never seen in the South that fascinated Arina. It amazed her how in a land of cold and ice, where summer had not appeared for ages, t beauty could still take shape. She reached out her fingertips to a flower named Thornbloom, with its pale blue stem. Truly, one could make the best tea from this flower. There were many tea flowers in the Winter Garden, mainly because Katarina believed there was nothing better than a good cup of tea. However, what Arina liked most about the garden were not the plants and trees in various shades of blue, white, and purple but the silence. She had come to appreciate the silence only after arriving in the North. She loved the wind that always sang a whispering song, and she cherished the gentle fall of the snow, even though in recent decades, it had become very lonely here in the Black Castle, here in the garden.
In the South ,which she remembered, there was always something loud. Both in the small desert villages and the magnificent gold cities, especially in the capital Carran, people knew how to celebrate. And they did it often.Anyone with a hint of magic in them or who believed they deserved some of the luck, wealth, and power flocked to the South. They all wanted a piece of the glamour, wealth, and power. Whether they were wealthy businessmen or shady characters, Carran welcomed them all. People were constantly reveling and indulging. There was a pleasure house on every corner.
In contrast, the North was literally colder. There were no pleasure houses for lonely souls, no magic. Hard work and hot tea were meant to satisfy the Northern soul. In the old days when the North still thrived, this was more evident. They too had their celebrations and drinking games. However, unlike the South, where everything ended in meaningless excess, the Northern people conducted themselves simply but with more significance. Deals were not made lightly, oaths were not easily broken, weddings were not arranged out of sheer lust, and children were not conceived carelessly.
Arina missed the old days. She missed when the Fairies were still embodiments of beauty and progress. She would prefer to go back in time, indulge once again in the excess of the South, and then return to the quiet and reason of the North. But she did not possess that power. The North was lost. She knew it was said, even though she had not left the North for centuries. The North was dead. The North was cursed by all the witches. Snow began to fall. Arina pushed away her melancholic thoughts. She knows she is not evil; they all are not witches. Her wife, her siblings and she are fairies,the only good thing the old gods had ever created.
Arina began to search for Katarina. She knew that if she didn't find her wife in the castle or their chambers, she would be in the garden. Perhaps mentally mourning the old times, even though Katarina never showed it. Just before she reached the area of the garden with the Winterheart tree, the image of Katarina flashed before her, just as they had met for the first time. Pale as if she had risen from the dead, with full red lips and hair as white as snow. She appeared like a nature spirit made of pure light. Although Arina had been afraid of the North and Katarina, the most powerful Fairy in the universe, when they first met, she could not deny it even then. "If you are my downfall, then I am glad I could at least capture your beauty," she had said to her, and Katarina had laughed out loud. She had come closer, placed her warm hand on Arina's cheek, and whispered softly as if it were a secret: "There will be no downfall. I have seen it in the stars. We will change the world."
Back then, she had believed it, and even shortly after the fall of the North, she still had hope. By now, she wondered if what Katarina had seen in the stars had not been her own wish. The world had changed, and the Fairies were not allowed to participate for their own protection. The few Northern people who still existed and had not fallen in the great war had withdrawn. Perhaps also in the hope of being the only survivors.
Arina found her wife in the middle of the garden. She sat in the snow, dressed only in a simple, plain black dress. Since they had lost their kingdom, Katarina had worn only black. She mourned for her magic. She mourned for every fallen soul. The cold did not seem to bother her. "A skin cannot feel something like cold or warmth. I am immune to it," she had explained once with impenetrable bitterness. Katarina did not look up, yet she knew her beloved was there. "My heart, you are up early at this hour," Katarina said. Arina did not respond. Katarina often said such things, whether it was morning, evening, or midday. Over the years, she had lost all sense of time, as if she were in an eternal winter slumber after her loss.
"How are the children?" Katarina asked. She always asked that. By that, she meant the Red Ravens that had been flying in and out of the castle for a few years, feeding on the Winter Garden's Cold Roses. They had never had children. Fairies could not have children. It was impossible. "I saw a few of them this morning," Arina said. Katarina nodded. She seemed far away. Her mind had long been clouded, yet she sounded clear as she spoke her next sentence. "The Ravens are restless. I can feel it. Something is changing."
Arina laid her head on her wife's shoulder. "Nothing ever changes."
"But, my love, I am beginning to dream again. The stars spoke to me last night. Something dark is afoot, something strong. Something that calls names and absorbs the fear of humans." Arina remained silent. Over the years, she had learned to simply listen.
"A war is coming. We must wake up again."
Continuation follows ( if u´d like one)
Please tell me your feedback
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talonslockau · 1 month
It's basically the last Wednesday of the month, which means it's time for another name poll! This time we're doing the last of Frostfur and Goldenflower's kits, Thornpaw. In canon, his name was Thornclaw, and he was apprenticed to Mousefur. However, things have ended up a little differently this time around, with Thornpaw being mentored to Tigerclaw instead! No cat is eager to see him named after his former mentor that betrayed the Clan - least of all himself.
I'd planned to have his new mentor revealed in story by now, but the betrayal arc ended up being a bit longer than I expected, so that won't go down until next month. Still, I don't consider it a serious spoiler that his next mentor will be Lionheart, his uncle. Thornpaw's going to have a bit of a subplot that runs underneath everything going on, which involves his mentorship to Tigerclaw and how that (albeit brief) time has affected him, which I'm very excited to get to!
For now, though, let's focus on Thornpaw himself. He's a light golden tabby tom with white feet and pale blue eyes, who looks very solidly like a mix of both his mothers. His favorite type of training is battle training, but he's also surprisingly good at tree climbing despite his fairly large size. He's also very independent compared to his siblings, though he's probably closest to Cedarpaw out of all of them - they used to playfight a lot as kits! He still loves everyone in his family, though he's not quite so eager to be around Lionheart now that he's his mentor...
Thornheart is a legacy name referring to his new mentor, Lionheart, while Thornfrost could be seen as a legacy name for Frostfur; same with Thornbloom with Goldenflower. Thornflight and Thorntalon are just names which I think would fit him well!
For the first time, I'm going to put names that would be good for him, but which are banned: Thornclaw (He will NOT be named after Tigerclaw), Thornfang (Bluestar has a thing about the -fang suffix, for some reason), Thornstrike (His brother will be named Cedarstrike), and Thornblaze (For secret reasons). Otherwise, as always, feel free to suggest names you think might fit him but which I might not have considered in the tags or comments!
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michaelcosio · 9 months
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Civilian contractors maintain Naval Station Great Lakes clock tower
GREAT LAKES, IL, UNITED STATES 04.15.2008 Photo by Scott Thornbloom U.S. Navy
Brad Shields, right, and David Ceay work on one of the four faces inside the clock tower of historic Building 1 at Naval Station Great Lakes. Ceay is owner and operator of Regulator Time Company in Manhattan, Kan., and has been repairing, renovating and refurbishing clocks in towers for more than 25 years. He is one of a handful of tower clock repairmen in the country and the only one in the Midwest. He was sub-contracted for the job by Blinderman Construction and the Naval Facilities Command as part of the 17 million dollar renovation project for the nearly 100-year-old building.
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poprocktiara · 6 years
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I made some OCs in Pastel Girl! 🌹 They’re all based on flowers! 💐
Okay so I’m legit thinking of maybe making some one off comics with these girls, and maybe making some more flower girls in the future so stay tuned? Here’s what I got for each girl: 
Rosalie Thornbloom: A sweet and gentle girl, Rosalie loves her friends and loves spreading the love! She is incredibly generous and empathetic to a fault as she might get herself too involved in other people’s affairs to the point where she’ll put others before herself. Rosalie is always grateful for any acts of kindness shown her way and always makes sure to repay the favor, she insists. She may seem soft and can be a bit passive when it comes to herself, but say something about her friends and out come the thorns!
~Based on a Pink Rose.
Lillian Stargazer: Lillian is a very studious girl, but is lacking in social sense. She is usually the first one to unravel a puzzle, but the last to get the punchline. She often spaces out, even in the middle of a conversation! Her favorite subject is science and she especially loves to study astronomy. She could go on for hours about the stars and the universe if someone would let her, although most of her peers tease her for it. She doesn’t let it get to her, as her optimism is as high as the stars!
~Based on a Stargazer Lily 
Cynthia Hyatt: Cynthia’s a playful kid with energy to burn! She loves the outdoors and playing a variety of sports, but her favorite is frisbee (because it’s her dog’s [Kenny] favorite). She lives in the moment and doesn’t like to dwell too much on her past or future, which often leads to acting on feelings or impulse rather than reason and gets her into her fair share of trouble. Cynthia comes from a wealthy family, and is often wary of those that befriend her for their sole benefit; she hates dishonesty and places great value in fairness, good sportsmanship, and sincerity. However she certainly isn’t stingy and loves to share with her friends, often spoiling them with treats or lavish hang outs. 
~Based on a Hyacinth
Maggie Noyola: Actions speak louder than words and that’s no exception for Maggie. She’s a rather quiet and reserved girl and is intimidated by crowds. It isn’t like she prefers to keep to herself so much as she doesn’t really know how to approach others. Because she’s so quiet, people often forget she’s around, or they simply doubt she’ll be a snitch because she’s so quiet; as a result, she’s usually up-to-date on the latest gossip. She retains a great sense of dignity and values her authenticity and character, never being one to tolerate the company of those she considers foolish. Maggie has a great appreciation for her friends because they make her feel like she is visible without making her feel as though she must announce her presence. She loves to write in her spare time and aspires to be a journalist.
~Based on a Magnolia
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sundove88 · 2 years
The Linkers of Cooler’s Armed Squadron (Shonen Jump Power Linkage)
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Thanks to @amiz06-certified-b1mb0 for inspiring me to make Cooler and his squadron’s linkers a college band!
Herb Nefario (Cooler): “Seriously… why me being hardened and in the workforce over my love of music?! You should support me!” (Chilly Relationships) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Herb Nefario is Victor’s older brother, and has a passion for music, but especially metal. His linker is Cooler because Victor got linked with Frieza. He loves practicing the electric guitar and playing with his band. He lives in NYC, and attends ThornBloom College nearby (Half an hour away from Prisma Middle School). His fave food is surprisingly pineapple! He and his band linked with Cooler when the latter and his armed squadron were walking around NYC and stumbled into them.
His band is called Umbral Snowstorm, and he named it in honor of his late mother Winter (She sadly succumbed to cancer when Victor was only just 4 :( ). To Victor, he is a father figure. Plus, Victor is the one to help him get out of his comfort zone and get his first tattoo (It’s an ice dragon, located on his back)!
His way of taking care of his brother and his bandmates is much better than his abusive loan shark father Johan (King Cold’s Linker), who not only abused anyone who got in his way, but his own two sons. However, the situation got so severe, Herb’s bandmates had to reason with him. But (Spoilers) he later then became their band manager as an apology for his ways.
Hayley Fleur (Salza): “Guys, it’s almost time to take the stage! We’re gonna be so good out there.” (Shining Indie Metal) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Hayley Fleur is the keytarist for Umbral Snowstorm, and actually comes from Chicago. She loves the deep dish pizza from her home, and is skilled at riding a motorbike. Like her bandmates, she has a tattoo- it’s on her shoulder this time, and it’s a raven. Her Partner Character is Salza.
She is also the band stylist, helping out with makeup and outfits. Her favorite patterns are plaid, stripes, and 90’s carpets. Bright colors and dark shades always go together in her eyes! Like the others, she attends ThornBloom.
Her father is actually French, while her mother is German. She also plans on having the band take their first tour over the summer break across the United States and major cities around the world in general, so they can perform for the gang,
Jay San-Wook (Neiz): “As the band’s bassist and therapist, I will admit your dad as band manager is pretty wild!” (Your Dad The Manager) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jay is Umbral Snowstorm’s bassist as well as the band’s very own therapist. He is Neiz’s Linker, and is of Korean American origin- his home is Sacramento, and he often considers fresh banana milk to be his fave food, like a certain K Pop Star (I’m looking at you, Jungkook!). His tattoo is a gecko, and on the front of his right leg.
Expanding on being the Band Therapist, he often brings others together and loves a good yoga session. Plus, he often reminds others to take care and love who they are, especially those who are low in confidence and such. Overall, he’s just one of the few lights in the darkness that is the villain team aka The Society of Shadows.
His parents teach self care classes and will even do meditation to help others. Plus, he will often bring aromatherapy and care products to the members of the Society of Shadows who are injured or are in a state of disrepair.
Larry Elrod (Doore): “Mr. Nefario, why are you even doing this to your boys! Stop oppressing them!” (For The Sake of Our Singer) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Larry is an African American from Baton Rogue, Louisiana- and the drummer for Umbral Snowstorm. Being Doore’s Linker, he is strong in not just physical strength, but for the power to stand up for others. His fave food of all time is blackened chicken Alfredo. The location of his bull tattoo is on his stomach.
He also is a huge dog person, especially in German Shepherds. He aspires to be protective as they are, as well as helpful and worthy of a friendly spar. Plus, he’s into exercise routines, mainly ones that Jay chooses for the group.
Surprisingly, he’s not the best at sports. He tends to stick playing his drum set (Which he got with his own money) and practicing with the gang. He also loves photo booths and live streams, mostly because he gets to express his true personality here.
Plus, their instruments (I got lazy so I colored some stock photos in on the internet)
In order: Herb’s guitar (Once Winter’s), Hayley’s Keytar, Jay’s Bass Guitar, and Larry’s Drum Set
Side Note: Victor sometimes joins his brother’s band as their personal DJ.
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sensoryserenity · 3 years
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Stimboard for @daffis-journal's OC Daffodil "Daffi" Thornbloom!
x . x . x | x . X . x | x . x . x
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for the story, Mallowblight's bio sibs have the names Fireclaw, Thornbloom, and Halfsong!
All after Gorseheart's former mates teehee
they were just friends but ngl that would be an amazing idea for an alternate universe
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Full list (in order of generation, alphabetical, and gender):
Birchflight (mother/grandmother)
Emberdawn (mother/grandmother)
Foxfire (father/grandfather)
Gorseheart (father/grandfather)
Choughwolf (daughter)
Chukarvole (daughter)
Cloudstep (daughter)
Doefire (daughter)
Feathergale (daughter)
Fressiakit (daughter)
Froststorm (daughter [adoptive])
Halfsong (daughter [adoptive])
Haretuft (daughter)
Lightswan (daughter [adoptive, formerly Brokenkit])
Maplefang (daughter)
Pasquelull (daughter)
Proteafang (daughter)
Tritoniafinch (daughter [mtf])
Adderclaw (son)
Ashmint (son [adoptive])
Fireclaw (son [adoptive, ftm])
Jaykit (son)
Larksnow (son)
Molechive (son [adoptive])
Shellmink (son)
Sootshade (son)
Thornbloom (son [adoptive])
Toadjay (son)
Mallowblight (kit [adoptive])
Nettlekit (kit)
Twitchkit (kit)
Ospreyflight (granddaughter [Doefire's kit, mtf])
Scorpionscale (granddaughter [Doefire's kit])
Coyotefire (grandson [Doefire's kit, ftm])
Ibexspots (grandson [Doefire's kit])
Ashytoes (granddaughter [Proteafang's kit])
Woolcardersteps (granddaughter [Proteafang's kit])
Cardinalember (grandson [Proteafang's kit])
Trillflea (grandson [Proteafang's kit])
Proteafang is mates with Tawnytrot (an adoptive FadingstarXFleathistle kit). Tawny is the bio mother to Ashy and Woolcarder, while Protea is the bio mother to Trill and Cardinal. The litters were born close to the same time. The couple's friend, Webfang (a bio LilywaterXWebstripe, adoptive ScaleearsXIvyspots kit), was the donor for both.
Doefire is in a poly with Weepingwobble (a FadingstarXFleathistle kit) and Lilyclaw (a bio LilywaterXWebstripe, adoptive ScaleearsXIvyspots kit). Weeping is the father to Ibex and Coyote, while Lily is the father to Osprey and Scorpion.
Kit order+ages:
--Lightswan (adoptive) 
--Molechive, Froststorm (adoptive)
--Ashmint (adoptive)
--Proteafang, Doefire, Jaykit, Fressiakit (bio)
They then become a poly with Foxfire and Birchflight.
Then Gorseheart has these kits with Birch:
--Adderclaw, Larksnow, Haretuft
only a moon before Ember has these kits with Fox:
--Cloudstep, Sootshade
Later, Birch and Fox have their own kits together:
--Maplefang, Feathergale, Toadjay, Shellmink
Gorse and Ember have a second bio litter:
--Chukarvole, Pasquelull, Tritoniafinch, Choughwolf
Mallowkit had younger siblings and harsh parents, and took those younger siblings somewhere they would be safe. They decide to take them to Emberdawn, who was nursing do to currently being a surrogate.
The family decide to take the kits in as well as Mallowkit, and name them
--Mallowblight, Thornbloom, Fireclaw, Halfsong
Finally, Birchflight became pregnant with Gorseheart's and Foxfire's kits at the same time and had:
--Twitchkit (BxG), Nettlekit (BxF)
Age Differences For The Kits:
1) Lightswan was adopted when she was roughly four moons old (this age could change as it is an estimation).
2) Molechive and Froststorm died five moons after Lightswan at age five moons, making her five moons older than them.
3) Ashmint died at two moons old twenty-three moons after Molechive and Froststorm died, making them twenty-six moons older than him.
4) Proteafang, Doefire, Fressiakit, and Jaykit were born one moon after Ashmint died and are three moons younger than him. Protea and Doe were adults when their parents became a poly and when both their younger siblings were born (Jay and Fressia died).
5) Adderclaw, Larksnow, and Haretuft are twenty-five moons younger than Proteafang and Doefire, and were born four moons after their parents became an official poly. They are also one moon older than Cloudstep and Sootshade (their mothers being pregnant at almost the same time).
6) Maplefang, Feathergale, Toadjay, and Shellmink were born thirty-two moons after 5 earned their full names, making them at least 44 moons younger
7) Chukarvole, Pasquelull, Tritoniafinch, and Choughwolf were born 376 moons after 6 was born, making them that much younger.
8) Mallowblight was 4.5 moons old when their younger siblings were born. When they were old enough to walk (waddle, more of), Mallowkit lead them to milk, and they joined the Tunnel family. This was roughly 142 moons after 7 were born, making Halfsong, Thornbloom, and Fireclaw that much younger and Mallowblight 137.5 moons younger.
9) Twitchkit and Nettlekit were born 27 moons after 8 were adopted, making them that much younger than Halfsong, Thornbloom, and Fireclaw, and 31.5 moons younger than Mallowblight.
Going with a big timespan for Ashmint because it’s odd to have so many kits go to the DF at around the same time, so want to spread it out a bit.
That's also why I stretched out their ages from the original: they have so many kits because they're dead for eternity, so why have all the kits born within a lifetime of each other?
The 7th litter was born so long after 6 because all the parents had a litter with the other (FoxXBirch, GorseXBirch, GorseXEmber, EmberXFox), so none of them felt a 'need' for another litter. It's possible they weren't planned.
The specific number, 376, was chosen because that is twice the age of Mistystar, who lived a long life.
@starfalcon555 @wills-woodland-warriors @ambitiousauthor @indigo-flightly-falls @frightnightindustries @elementaldeityoffood
Tagging you all just because this took a lot of effort ha
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sending flowers to greeknaive/slytheless! yurii is definitely one of my favourite writers to plot with and in the short time we've gotten to know each other, i've really enjoyed discussing and developing our muses together. i feel like our writing styles mesh so well together as well as our common interests! i really appreciate them as a writing partner & their willingness/ability to dive deep into their muses' psyche and darker layers.
@greeknaive / @slytheless from @thornblooms !!!
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jonathanlegate · 5 years
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Deck the halls and the front door! Here’s an entrance I did for @east_coast_living magazine shot by @denisevans. We did this shoot closer to summer than Christmas but my dusting of artificial snow did the trick too add some chill to a hot day. #christmas #deckthehalls #hohoho #merrychristmas #christmasdrcor lanterns from @thornbloom #halifax #halifaxnoise (at Halifax, Nova Scotia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Atn7xpqMV/?igshid=161t2g9fxhb8t
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supergeniuskidd · 4 months
LuminoThorn research!
In the distant and verdant realm of VerduraVale, where flora and fauna exhibit an extraordinary blend of beauty and peculiarity, the LuminoThorn stands as a captivating symbol of both elegance and resilience. This alien flower, with its crystalline appearance, is not only a marvel of nature but also an essential component of the ecosystem, safeguarded by the sentient carnivorous plant known as ThornBloom.
**The LuminoThorn: A Jewel of VerduraVale**
The LuminoThorn is an exquisite flower that captures the light in a manner reminiscent of the finest crystals. Its petals shimmer with an ethereal glow, reflecting and refracting the ambient light to create a mesmerizing display of colors. This radiant appearance is not merely for show; it serves a functional purpose as well. The LuminoThorn's crystalline structure allows it to harness solar energy efficiently, which it uses for photosynthesis and other metabolic processes.
The flower's unique bioluminescent capabilities also play a critical role in its survival. By emitting a soft, pulsing light during the night, the LuminoThorn attracts nocturnal pollinators that are crucial for its reproduction. This symbiotic relationship with the pollinators ensures the continued propagation of the species, maintaining a delicate balance within VerduraVale's ecosystem.
**ThornBloom: The Guardian Sentinel**
In the wild and untamed landscapes of VerduraVale, the LuminoThorn faces numerous threats from herbivores and other environmental hazards. To counter these threats, nature has endowed it with a formidable protector: the ThornBloom. ThornBloom is a sentient carnivorous plant that has evolved to form a mutualistic relationship with the LuminoThorn.
ThornBloom is characterized by its thick, vine-like appendages covered in sharp thorns, which it uses to ensnare and deter potential threats. Its sentience allows it to recognize and respond to various stimuli, making it an effective guardian. When a predator approaches the LuminoThorn, ThornBloom springs into action, using its thorny vines to capture and immobilize the intruder. In addition to its defensive capabilities, ThornBloom derives nourishment from the captured prey, supplementing its diet and ensuring its survival.
**A Symbiotic Relationship**
The relationship between the LuminoThorn and ThornBloom is a prime example of symbiosis in VerduraVale. While ThornBloom provides physical protection, the LuminoThorn reciprocates by offering sustenance. The flower's bioluminescence attracts not only pollinators but also smaller creatures that become prey for ThornBloom. This mutualistic interaction ensures that both species thrive, each benefiting from the other's unique attributes.
Moreover, the LuminoThorn's ability to harness solar energy indirectly benefits ThornBloom. During the day, the flower's crystalline petals capture and store energy, which is then shared with ThornBloom through their interconnected root systems. This energy transfer supports ThornBloom's metabolic needs, particularly during periods when prey is scarce.
The LuminoThorn and ThornBloom exemplify the intricate and interdependent relationships that define the ecosystem of VerduraVale. The LuminoThorn's crystalline beauty and bioluminescent allure are safeguarded by the vigilant and sentient ThornBloom, creating a harmonious balance between protection and sustenance. This symbiotic partnership not only highlights the wonders of alien flora but also underscores the delicate equilibrium that sustains life in this extraordinary realm. Together, they form a captivating narrative of survival, cooperation, and the awe-inspiring complexity of nature.
-Genius kid, signing out ✮
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