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twoeyy · 1 month ago
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super filled aggie w new mootie.. @itsthenull SO MANY LIL GUYS
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milkyway247 · 2 years ago
‘’…waz that guy wearing stockingz??’’
‘’I thought it was a female?’’
‘’No it waz obviously a guy! Didn’t you see ‘is physique??’’
‘’I thought they were compression aids.’’
‘’…compression aidz?! Why would zey need such a thing!’’
‘’Dunno… maybe their species can’t do space travel well?’’
‘’…zey were definitely stockingz.’’ 
The door to the suite swished open and Lord Cooler walked in raising a dark purple eye ridge. ‘’Who was wearing stockings?’’ he asked the three conversing members of his special squadron.
‘’Thiz guy in the canteen, he was definitely wearing stockingz!!’’ replied Salza with a slightly alarmed tone to his voice. ‘’Judging by the armour ‘e waz definitely one of Frieza’z!’’
‘’I still think it was a she. It had that long braid of hair too’’ chipped in Dore around a mouthful of crisps.
A sudden flash of realisation flashed across Coolers face.
'‘Green skin and hair?’’ he enquired.
‘Uh, yes boss!’ answered Dore.
Cooler closed his eyes and let out a sigh before looking up and addressing his men directly. ‘’None of you are to pick a fight with him. He was one of father’s top advisors for years. He was gifted to Frieza along with Dodoria and several others when he took over the empire as the Frieza Force. He is dangerous and not to be challenged. Do you understand me?’’
‘’Yes… yes Lord Cooler!’’ answered the three subordinates in unison loyally.
As he turned away, Salza rubbed his chin in thought and frowned. Just how strong was this guy??
... ... ...
The next three days went incredibly slowly. Both Cooler and Frieza had attended their fathers planet to work though some politics in their intergalactic trade. Although it was a necessity to make such a huge network run as smoothly as possible, it was a headache for all involved. Cooler and Frieza always insisted on bringing a band of their own men, and the rivalry didn’t stop with the two brothers either; their workers were always getting into fights over who served on the strongest force. There was not much to do either; if they were not accompanying their bosses in a meeting (which King Cold was always against) there was little to do except for hanging around in their guest sleeping quarters, the guest communal room or the canteen, and due to the sub freezing temperatures outside the palace for even going for a walk was out of bounds.
In the evening whilst Cooler was caught up in yet another meeting Salza was walking around the palace, it was so cold he could see his breath and he was somewhat compelled to walk just to try and warm himself up. Down one corridor he saw a slightly open door that he hadn’t noticed before, and knowing that the Cold’s were in another part of the palace he decided to be nosy and pushed the door open further, glancing inside. Strait away a warm flow of air hit his face, and it felt like heaven to the freezing soldier. Now even more intrigued he pushed the door open fully and walked inside, closing it behind him to keep the precious heat in. There were rows and rows of shelves which reached right up to the ceiling, all absolutely packed full of old looking books, he wound around them like a maze as he tried to find the heat source.
Finally an orange flicker appeared round the end of one of the rows, and Salza walked out into a little snug like area where there was a roaring open fire surrounded up a few comfy looking armchairs and a sofa. His steps faltered when his eyes settled upon the sofa; lounging across it was the green haired stocking wearing man from a few days before. His body lent up against the arm of the sofa, on which a large open book was resting on. The green man seemed to be studying it, a few loose strands of emerald hair had come out of his braid and hung loosely over his face giving him a slightly softer appearance. Salza wasn’t quite sure what he should do, but without even taking his eyes off his book the green man suddenly spoke.
‘’You feel the cold too, hmm?’’
Salza was slightly taken aback; yes, he was most surely a man with that deep voice, but the accent he spoke with was somewhat enchanting. Salza had worked with over a hundred different races with over a hundred different accents, but something about this guys voice just seemed… almost mystical. It was certainly very gentle on the ears.
‘’Urm yez. Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just saw the door waz open and felt the warmth…’’ he managed to force himself to reply before discreetly shifting over to peer over the green mans shoulder to look at the book he was reading. His thin blonde eyebrows raised when he saw It was an old book of Icejin origin, written in their almost extinct ancient language. ‘’Can you read ‘zat?’’
‘’Mostly. Although I can read it better than I can pronounce it’’ the man replied with some amusement in his voice. Salza nodded, he hadn’t heard the Icejins native tongue spoken often, but when he had it seemed almost impossible to even place the great variety of sounds, tones and tongue clicks they made. ‘’You can sit down if you want’’ offered the other man. ‘’I find this the warmest place in the palace to be.’’
Although still nervous around the apparently very strong, apparently cross dressing man, Salza was too relieved to have found somewhere to warm his bones, and bypassed all the chairs to sit on the floor right in front of the fire.
For the first time the green man lifted his eyes up from his book to look at the slightly smaller blue man on the floor in front of him. ‘’You shouldn’t sit that close. After being so cold for such a long time the sudden warmth might made you feel ill’’.
Salza snorted. ‘’What, are you ze doctor too?’’
‘’No… but all of Frieza's elites are trained in first aid and medicine. He likes to keep us… higher educated then other and rival troops’’ he said with an element of smugness in his voice. Salza frowned in distaste, but didn’t rise to the bait, nor did he move away from the amazing warmth. After a few minutes of silence Salza decided he was bored enough to try and coax this man into conversation, after all, it couldn’t be any worse than having to talk with Neiz.
‘’So… you were one of Coldz men?’’ Salza finally enquired without making eye contact.
‘’Yes. I served the king for many decades before being transferred over to Frieza, so I know my way around the palace quite well.’’
‘’Humf. I don’t think I’d like being taken from my position and gifted az a child’z play thing’’ mused Salza out loud without really thinking, but luckily the other just chuckled lowly.
‘’Yes, Lord Frieza was indeed very young; in both mind and spirit when I was first sent there. But those days are now passed, and apart from having to watch out for his temperament, things are quite alright.’’ Salza heard the man close his book and finally turned around to look at him again.
‘’Sorry, I didn’t get your name? I’m Salza, of Coolers Armoured Squadron’’ he tried to boast.
‘’I know who you are. I would hardly be any use as Frieza's top general and advisor if I didn’t even know his own brothers henchmen. And my name, it’s Zarbon. I prefer it much more then ‘that drag act of a prostitute’ that you called me in the canteen the other day’’ he finished rolling his eyes.
Salza stiffened as a sweat bead appeared on his forehead. ‘'Aww shit. You weren’t supposed to hear ‘zat’’ Salsa muttered quietly as he looked down at the floor. ‘’Although if it helps, I think Neiz waz quite taken with you…’’
Zarbon waved a hand and almost looked sickened at the thought. ‘’Oh gods, no thank you! He's most defiantly not MY type!’’
‘’So you... prefer your type to have… ze breasts..?’’ Salza tried to say without sounding crude; the man in front of him coming off as being quite refined despite his 'odd' clothing choices.
Zarbon’s golden eyes seemed to glow in the firelight as they met Salza’s and he smiled almost seductively at the shorter man. ‘’Oh, no. I like them… blue?’’
Salza swallowed and after a few shaky seconds shuffled slightly further away from the sofa, but Zarbon stood and took a step forwards, his plump and suddenly enticing looking lips pulling into a rather sultry smile.
Coolers words swarmed around in Salza's head; he’d said this guy was dangerous… but maybe he didn’t mean in strength?
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into-the-groove · 7 months ago
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favorite photo of all time not even joking
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redgbasp · 9 months ago
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I haven’t seen anyone post about this but here’s jerry’s original dialogue vs the remake!
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sepiamestus · 3 months ago
Give that character a big nose. Give that character freckles. Give that character moles. Give them dimples give them acne give them big eyebrows give them a tooth gap give them eyebags please its good for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its enrichment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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marzipanandminutiae · 1 month ago
Sophia, the Boston woman from 1875 who haunts a lamp I got at Brimfield: what is a stay at home girlfriend, if you please?
me: well, it's a woman who's financially supported by the man she's dating, and she lives with him and usually keeps house and cooks for him
her: and they're not married?
me: well, no; hence "girlfriend" rather than "wife." I know that may alarm y-
her: oh calm down I know about Kept Women. he has no legal tie to her, though? she has no sort of standing with him in the eyes of the law? only his word that he'll follow through?
me: yes
her: and remind me again- you don't have to be financially dependent on a man anymore, right? there are more than like three careers open to women that will let you support yourself at a decent level now? and society isn't pressuring you 24/7 to get married and stop working outside the home?
me: yes
her: so these women. CHOOSE to be dependent on a man. who could leave them at any moment without legal consequence. because they don't like their jobs. the jobs, while imperfect, that let them live on their own, answerable to no-one
me: yes
her: that had better be some absolutely amazing jewelry they can pawn off if he leaves them, then
me: it's usually not
me: oh by the way they blame feminism for "having to work"
her: I became fully dependent on my in-laws who hated me, after my husband died two years into our marriage, because I was a 23-year-old orphan with no marketable skills in any avenue besides Running A Household and the only men left unmarried in my social circle were widowers thirty years my senior. I also couldn't establish lines of credit as a widow because the merchants said my husband dying so soon meant that I didn't have stable enough income. and that was entirely legal
me: yeah
her: I'm going to go slam some doors please do not bother me
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phantomrose96 · 1 year ago
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Cant have fucking shit in Detroit
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sabertoothwalrus · 5 days ago
torn between wanting to dress more like a handsome sexy butch but also unable to stop dressing like this
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wizardnuke · 9 months ago
like you really aren't allowed to say shit about southerners until you have firsthand seen how people live deep in the appalachian hollers because it is fucking tragic. the poverty and the food desert and the lack of resources in general is so bad. the drugs. yall dont understand
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pangur-and-grim · 4 months ago
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Belphie somehow got out and into the neighbour’s yard yesterday. when they came to my door, they described him as a “short-haired cat” which I thought was really flattering
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twoeyy · 26 days ago
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early valentine's thing huehue
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vintage-tigre · 2 months ago
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mybreadsmybutters · 1 year ago
when i was a kid i wanted to be a famous youtuber like dan and phil so that people would gay ship me with my irl best friend and we would be sooo weirded out by it and laugh and make videos joking about it but secretly it would make her realize her repressed gay crush on me and i'd help her through her gay crisis and then we would have a sickeningly sweet sappy romance and read fanfiction about ourselves together... anyways just found out she's married to a guy in the mafia now so i probably don't have a chance
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rainboas · 1 year ago
my upstairs neighbor is so loud and annoying and all he does is yell and play video games but right now he's explaining the civil war and like the entire history of slavery and the prison industrial complex to some guy in overwatch voice chat so
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thatsbelievable · 11 months ago
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