mayrph · 2 years
Homeless Survivor (2019-2022)
Dear Joe and Laura,  This is May Alomari, Pharm.D. Pharmacist.  I have enjoyed your programming for the past 1 year.  Now that our new L.A. City Mayor, Karen Bass, is now our new Mayor of our great city of L.A.;  Homelessness has been identified as her number #1 Priority.  Having been homeless myself, and having the D.M.H. really help me “psychological ” rehab myself out of that despair, I think…
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mayrph · 3 years
My New Life in Los Angeles, California
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mayrph · 3 years
I am Better today.
Today, is March 13, 2022. It is 11:45 pm. I read my 7-7-17 post, my hotel neighbor asked me in 2017 “will you ever get back to pharmacy?” 2022 – That is a question NOT for me to answer. That is a Question, that a white man should answer: WHY WON”T YOU EVER FUCKING HIRE ME IN PHARMACY? White men pushed me out. As a white woman, I DON’T have the power to get a pharmacy job. The WHITE MEN took…
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mayrph · 3 years
My Truth
Facebook Live. U-Tube Live. That is my TRUTH!!!
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mayrph · 3 years
April 19, 2021
I am really well today. This weekend was heavy and emotional. My life has turned finally into studying, tasking, eating, and resting. I do walk for grounding. I am grateful for that. People have calmed down. Babies are in their mother’s arms, husbands with their wife, preachers preaching, and me studying. Psalm 23: I shall not want. My needs are met by the Lord. Turn to the Lord for your…
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mayrph · 3 years
I was Suicidal.....Many Years....4-26-2021
I was Suicidal…..Many Years….4-26-2021
Hello, my name is May Alomari, Pharm.D. and this is my story. I was suicidal most of my life. I struggled with not being ENOUGH for anyone, not my mom, my dad, God, siblings, boy-friends, school, work, bosses, and all people in general. I am today, 54 years old and really free to be myself. I don’t need any person’s label of who I am. I am God’s wonderful creation by my mom and dad, and that…
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mayrph · 3 years
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Today is a wonderful day in Diamond Bar, California. I am in a place that reminds me of my Hajj! Ramadan Mubarek! Thank you Diamond Bar for the “Ramadan Mubarek” sign. I know it’s allot to ask, but can you acknowledge the Iraq Genocide. As an Iraqi pharmacist, I am really tired of USA in Iraq killing all my people, for 30 years, since George Bush, invaded us. Can’t you just accept islam as a…
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mayrph · 3 years
Strengthened by the ENEMY!
I am a PHARMACIST. I am also white. I am Iraq. I am from a Muslim Family. I follow Jesus Christ. I am a HOSPITAL PHARMACIST. I love the P.D. I am praying for vindication, this RAMADAN. GO, GO, Go! I do NOT want you in my life. You may have won, but Allah (God) will have the final say. Fuck YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Signed, May Alomari, Pharm.D.
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mayrph · 3 years
Beware of the "INE" Addict
Beware of the “INE” Addict
“INE” drug addict is methamphetimine, nicotine, and cocaine. They lie, pretend it’s you (when it is them), steal, rob, kill and destroy. INE causes mental aggression, the point to “harm”. My “do no harm” oath is at risk around them. I don’t have to “read” about it. I lived it my entire life of having nicotine drug addicts harm me to the point of my own “killing of my dreams”. Now, I have life…
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mayrph · 3 years
April 19, 2021
I am really well today. This weekend was heavy and emotional. My life has turned finally into studying, tasking, eating, and resting. I do walk for grounding. I am grateful for that. People have calmed down. Babies are in their mother’s arms, husbands with their wife, preachers preaching, and me studying. Psalm 23: I shall not want. My needs are met by the Lord. Turn to the Lord for your…
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mayrph · 3 years
Sexual Slavery - April 14, 2021
Sexual Slavery – April 14, 2021
Hello, my one person opinion. George Floyd died on May 25, 2020: Memorial Day, Vietnam War: ended with America losing. Memorial Day: honors those lost lives in America lost (to death) during the Vietnam War. Did George Floyd take drugs to die to end sexual slavery on women? Was Officer Chauvin used to employ that? God does have something to say about sexual slavery. Sexual Slavery comes in…
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mayrph · 3 years
Better Today Thank YOU!
Hello, I am finally at my HAPPY pleace, GYM OPEN inside, CR step study with women who are KIND, and my electronics not holding me back. At the hospital, I guess I was really spoiled! I.T. would do everything and ANYTHING to help me stay employed. NOT so much, here in California. I.T. is very SLOW. No one helps and they operate on DOS systems. As a healthcare practitioner, we expect you in I.T.…
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mayrph · 4 years
My Testimony March 2, 2021
Hello, I am still un-employed. I really hate being un-employed. The employers have gotten so vicious, that they make these 2 validations to even submit an application. The problem is the 2nd validation is an old phone number I haven’t used for 2 years and is no longer in service. Now, they told me they extended the application time. BUT, that doesn’t matter, because they added a 2nd validation,…
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mayrph · 4 years
I am so Happy.
Gosh, finally I have come to acceptance, this is whete I am and to be happy. I made it to some “things”, that gave me my joyful attitude back. I am so grateful. I will be patient. Thank you for being human.
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mayrph · 4 years
It's 100% Fixed!
It’s 100% Fixed!
Thank You. She repented and relented. Finally. Today, I am still good, in-fact very good! I watched our Governor give us news on the Covid-19 Vaccine, our Governor speak with Dr. Fauci, from the White House, that was live and awesome! And, I also watched some t.v., and it brightened my day. I was ABLE to leave the compound safely, found a trail and walked 3 miles just talking to God and…
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mayrph · 4 years
Today, mexican woman attacked me. PLEASE MAKE THEM STOPPPPPPPPPPPPP!
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mayrph · 4 years
People “here”, sell “drugs” to the “in-mates”. African American 67 year old female to some 35ish african american male tonight, about 10 pm.
Sarah, leader here confronted them, BUT, did no investigation. I witnessed the whole thing.
“They” are probably the ones whole stole my medications, to “sell” to these “in-mates” drug addicts. Room 234.
The “DISTRACTION” – keep me monitored for 4…
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