#tho since I've seen this coming for a while now I've thought about what it might be like dating him and
major-fukkup · 5 months
Ahhhhhhh there's this guyyyy at work and I've been like 97% sure for a lil bit now that he LIKES likes me and we friended each other on FB recently n he just messaged me asking if I'm married or have a boyfriend and AHHHHH now I have anxiety I told him no bc it's the truth but I don't know what to say next if he asks anything else 💀
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choccy-milky · 6 months
bruh i need to vent about a rude comment i got on my recent chap and also about clora, cuz its something thats been on my mind for a while now. it has spoilers to my most recent chap tho so im putting it below
so in my most recent chap clora gets hit by the killing curse but thanks to seb sacrificing himself for her, it doesn’t work/she survives. and I got a rly rude comment about how that’s super cringe and that clora is a "shoe horning of every possible manifestation of Mary-Sueism I have ever seen." theyre dropping my fic after almost 500k words bc apparently THAT’S where they draw the line and that "just somehow pulling it out the bag and surviving a killing curse from the power of love. In simpler terms, it’s absolutely cringe worthy" and "forgive me if I rolled an eye at the yet again invincible nature of Clora Clemons-the-one-eighth-Veela-extraordinaire"
BUT LIKE LMAO TELL ME U DIDN’T READ/WATCH HARRY POTTER WITHOUT TELLING ME. that’s literally what happens to harry??but its only cringe when it happens to our "mary-sue" clora? like yeah sure love magic might be a bit cringe but IM LITERALLY JUST PULLING FROM THE SOURCE MATERIAL. of all the things to take issue with in my fic and interpretations, theyre taking issue with something that’s canon BAHAHA.
and since im on the topic of clora being mary sue can I just say I hate the misogyny/internalized misogyny that i've seen some people (NOT A LOT, THANKFULLY) treat her with. like i get it, im not pale and blonde and as conventionally pretty as clora is, but even if I was, is that a reason to hate me?? and does being beautiful and well-liked = mary sue? bc as far as I know, mary sue is a chara who is just naturally amazing at everything and doesnt need to try hard and theyre just inexplicably great for no reason (like mc in the base game BAHHAA) if anything the mary sue in MY fic is seb LMAO (but hes a boy so its ok). like clora has worked hard and studied magic all her life due to being a squib and wanting to make up for not being able to DO it. she isnt good at flying, seb is still better at her than duelling, shes really short sighted when it comes to doing/thinking whats best for others and can be a huge idiot.... and like. the only guys that have even shown interest in clora on a real scale have been seb and leander (and then lawley for blackmail purposes, and also bc he hates seb) so its not like literally everyone is falling over themselves for her?? like her interactions with the main cast of boys (ominis, garreth, amit) theyre all indifferent to her LMAO but still, the fact that shes pretty and guys here and there might look at her and go o shes cute! doesnt make her a mary sue SORRy thats just called being attractive idk its just annoying that ppl automatically see a nice kind beautiful female character without any VISIBLE flaws and go SHES TOO PERFECT!! MARY SUE!! WAH IM JEALOUS! and like I get it bc when I was younger I probs would have been annoyed by clora as well due to my own insecurities and internalized misogyny but hey, how about u just realize that’s ur own problem and your own jealousy, and not a real one HAHAH anyway ive since evolved bc I used to be a ‘not like other girls’ type girl back in highschool. trying to be super tomboy-y bc I thought being feminine was cringe and too basic but now ive embraced it and love girly things and dresses and charas like clora who are still strong and showcase their strengths and weaknesses in subtler ways, and I want to smooch her and make out with her. get behind me clora ill protect you🤺🤺🤺
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dulceackles · 3 months
Ambivalent Part two - The brother
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Previous part: (x)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader
Warnings: angst, strong language, sex, violence, enemies to lovers, alcohol, all that. Mention of dead body, a little bit of horror. English is not my first language, so sorry for typos. Also, it is a Y/N, but I've created a background story and a fictional place around it for creative and storytelling reasons. Will not be describing exterior characteristics, tho!
Summary: Dean used to be really important to Y/N but ever since he suddenly left her without telling her why, she's been avoiding even mentioning him. Now, after years, he's back in town, but not because of her. There's a case. The only things she's certain is that she doesn't like him being back.
Word count: 1.8k
There was this playground that Y/N had spent quite a bit of time playing in when she was a kid. It was worn down and kind of abandoned already. She hadn't seen any kids play in it for years. After all, there were new and more modern playgrounds in the town. But sometimes she came to sit on the benches of the park to drink a coffee or read a book. After all, an abandoned playground without a single kid was way more calm environment to drink a morning coffee than a busy café that was buzzing of cranky adults and their illegally excited kids that just wanted to get to their friends already.
Y/N was just about to take another ship of her coffee when she heard a warm voice she still didn't like, "The café house had no available seats, huh?", It said.
She lifted her eyes to meet with Sam's. He took a seat right next to her on the wooden bench. Y/n tuned back to her coffee, ignoring him and hoping he'd just give up with whatever small-talk he was trying to make.
"Well, good morning to you, too." Sam let out a faint laughter and looked down at his hands.
There was a brief silence between them. Sam wasn't fully sure why he had decided to come over her, as he had seen her sitting alone. Maybe he had wanted to set things right between the two of them, if that was even possible. After all, he had done literally nothing and wasn't sure where all this hatred towards him was coming from.
Y/N had never been that close, not even friends if we're honest. He had known Dean had some girl he frequently visited and with who he kept calling even during the hunting trips. Honestly, sometimes Sam had gotten a bit annoyed with Dean. Dean had always been the advocate of how family came first and how mixing relationships into hunting life but innocent people in danger, but then all of a suddenly he was all over some girl living in a small town in the middle of a forest he met while driving through. Dean had told her he and Sam had a family business of building engineering, which caused them to travel a lot because apparently they were the best in the business. As time had gone, he had become glad that Dean had someone caring outside the hunting life. It really balanced him, and Sam knew how it felt. After all he had had Jess and never ever would have he become in a way of Dean having someone special in his life. Sam, Dean and Y/N had even gone on a couple drink together as Sam had insisted that if Dean was going to keep being with her, he also wanted to meet the girl his brother was so keen into. Sam liked Y/N, and he thought that if they were giving a bit more time, they maybe had become friends even, but then, as fast as the relationship had started, it was over. And Sam had no idea what had happened between them and All Dean told him was that it was done, and he didn't want to talk about it.
"You know, I find this town funny. Under 10000 citizens and still, every morning the coffee shop is full of people like it's an only place open in a metropolis. It's like this town is addicted to coffee." Sam observed, he wasn't sure if she was even listening and to be honest he did feel a little bit stupid talking to himself on an abandoned playground.
"Okay, leave then." Y/N hissed, still trying to ignore him. It did make her a bit uncomfortable that he had walked over to her. She barely knew Sam, but there was a time she had thought he and Dean were like the coolest and funniest people she had ever met. She had hoped, fantasized even, that she and Sam would have become good friends. The first time she had met him, she had been extremely nervous. He was Dean's brother after all, and it had meant lot to her that Dean had invited her to meet with his family. She had wished more than anything that Sam would have liked her, even though she would have never openly admitted to such a desperate behavior. It made her feel stupid of how desperately she had wanted to be part of Dean's life and accepted by people close to him just for him to drop her like an old toy. And now she wanted that both of them knew nether of them had any business with her ever again.
"Yeah, well… We will. After... We have a job here, but after that," Sam struggled again a little bit. He was not used to her being this direct and cold. He had always viewed her as a kind and a little bit shy girl, not cold and unapproachable. "I really don't know what happened between you and my brother, but I am sorry," Sam tried to start the peace negotiations.
"Sure. Go be sorry somewhere else, tho," Y/N stood up and started to walk away. She was annoyed she didn't get to enjoy her morning coffee in peace, but her shift was about to start in an hour, and she had to start making her way towards her workplace. It was friday morning and it was usually busy one. She should head to the cafe early.
Sam let out a frustrated sign and went trotting after her, "Look, all I'm trying to say is that I don't enjoy this ongoing trench warfare between you and us."
"And all I'm trying to say is fuck off, you stupid assclown." Y/N rose her voice at him, and she could fell herself getting uncomfortably anxious. She regretted calling him names immediately, tho, and she could tell he was little hurt by her outburst. But before she have time to gather her thoughts and apologize, she heard another voice behind the two of them.
"Sam...SAM?" Dean calls his brother like he was his dog with a bad recall wandering around a public park. His voice rose the little hairs in Y/N's arm while she turned to look at him walking towards them. For a moment she had an urge to start running away, but she fought that urge. Sam lets out yet another frustrated sign.
"What are you doing?" Dean asked from Sam, but before he has time to answer, Dean turned to look at Y/N, "And what are you doing? Don't you ever talk to my brother like that."
"What am I doing?? What are you two liars doing? I know for a fact there's not a single so significant building being build in this old rotting town that'd need an outsider engineers, so what are you doing here after seemingly disappearing for two years? Just came to bother me for leisure activity?" Y/N spat out angrily. Sam stood next to Dean quietly, he could tell his brother was not very happy with anything going on.
"If you think that us being back here has anything to do with you, then you're delusional about your importance." Dean looked down at her with a dull expression on his face. He could see Y/N's soulful eyes starting to tear up and felt like hitting himself in his calves. He needed to come up with something better right now, but before he had time to take back any of his words, she was already going.
"Jackass! Play with your fucking self while on that decomposing playground, you son of a bitch." Y/N screamed behind to him one last time before nearly running off the old playground.
"That went well," Dean glared at his little brother before starting to head towards impala, "What did you say to her?"
"I feel like the problem is not what I said, but what you said." Sam followed behind his headstrong brother.
"I KNOW, but what did you say?" Dean huffed.
"I don't know, I just tried to make up with her, you know. It's bothering how she looks at us like we killed her dog." Sam rose his shoulders to his ears.
"Well, don't you care about how she looks at you. She's like being a bitch to you because you keep poking her. You're like an easy target. Let's just let her be, do our job and leave." Dean gave Sam a brotherly tap to his shoulder.
"Yeah, and she'll like to curse us to hell for the rest of her life." Sam raised his hands, it wasn't his relationship, but he felt like this needed closure for both of them.
"She'll forget." Dean was slightly shocked how into this Sam was. Sam had met her like, what, two times? Four, if we count yesterday and this one right here.
"It's been two years over an under a year long undefined relationship, Dean! Seems like she has a quite good memory. I'm just saying, avoiding problems is not the same as solving them." Sam rolled his eyes.
"Oh, okay lover-boy. Just remember I was on the field when you were still scared of talking to girls." Dean smirked.
"Coaches don't play." Sam opened the car door and hopped in, "Anyway, called Bobby and here's what he got. This town has higher amount of disappearance cases than any other town of the same size. Most of the missing persons are women and the record goes back to 1940s. Yet there's only been 2 bodies found, the woman in 1947 and now Sandra, but I'm just saying, something iffy has been going on for a long time." Sam decided to let the whole Y/N situation go.
"So what, the Schnabel von Rom-lookalike just got sloppy all of a sudden?" Dean turned to face Sam. This whole thing made no sense to him. Why no other hunter had never looked into this?
"Well, we're about to find out. We should talk to Victor, He was there, maybe he saw something he didn't tell to the police."
"You're right, he goes to this bar every Friday. We should meet him there tonight, have a couple beers, etc. I mean, we can't just show up to his door as FBI because he knows who I am." Dean started the car and hit the road.
"Wait, what, you know this guy?" Sam looked at Dean, confused.
"C'moon this is a small town and I used to visit it frequently due to some "under a year long undefined relationship". I don't know him, I just know about him and he knows about me. But he'll talk, I promise, they are awfully trusty in this town." Dean imitated Sam while quoting him.
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Y/N had just changed into her work clothes when she heard her phone ring. It was a text message from one of her closest friends.
Joselyn: girl's night tonight?
Y/N: sure! Mic's bar at 11pm?
It was a Friday night, after all. I mean, Y/N didn't go out that much, but it was a nice once in a while.
"One coffee please!" Her thoughts were disrupted by the nasty snarl of a middle-aged woman, clearly in a desperate need of a morning coffee.
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Next part: (x)
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n3ptoonz · 10 months
mk1 dialogues with the outworld guys!
a/n: only some characters will have flirtatious lines, while others i can't stand so they WILL get made fun of (i'm looking at you shao.)
i get reiko has fans, so i pander A LIL BIT🙄i can't with havik tho im sorry i didn't grow up w his character so 🧍🏾‍♀️
for syzoth reader is a demon that can shapeshift cause he clearly got a type (ashrah is so freaking pretty)
enjoy ;p
you: i like wizards
rain: i don't like being called a "wizard"
rain: you couldn't handle the son of a god.
you: if you mean in a fight, probably not, otherwise, absolutely
you: i don't mind getting a little wet from rain
rain: you earthrealmers sure are painstakingly persistent.
rain: i would never court a commoner.
you: you won't be saying that after this match, i guarantee it (wink sound effect).
syzoth: if you're from the netherrealm...do you work for quan chi?
you: when i was brain washed yes, now i am reformed and seek redemption
you: do not be afraid, i am kin to ashrah and share her ideologies
syzoth: never thought i would meet so many demons in this life
syzoth: you see what you like? i mean like you- see-
you: demon got your tongue?
you: i find you adorable in both forms, syzoth
syzoth: hey, that's my line!
Shang Tsung
shang tsung: how could I bring harm to such a fine specimen?
you: the same way i'm about to
you: stop flirting with me, sorcerer
shang tsung: not until you consider my offer of ruling the realms by my side
shang tsung: i wouldn't fight me if i were you, i could split your body into eighths
you: tough talk from a man with a silk press
you: you wanna kiss me so bad
shang tsung: kiss, kill, life is all about wonder
reiko: you dare poke fun at the ways of an Outworld warrior?
you: uh, you should've seen how you looked shadow boxing at Raiden, I had to laugh
you: come here often?
reiko: wha- you came to my house!
reiko: you just won't quit, will you?
you: there's just something about meatheads that do the trick
you: kiss me, k-k-kiss me, infe-
reiko: it was ONE drunk night!
General Shao
you: just big and greedy
shao: careful, kung lao might overhear you.
shao: ha! you think your puny little self could win against me?
you: you were bested by a farm boy with a sleeper build. nothing about you scares me
you: reiko did not get his looks from his father
shao: soon you won't live long enough to compare!
shao: if i win, you serve as my consort
you: you actually have to have power first to have such imagination
baraka: your flesh smells amazing.
you: thanks, new fragrance I made mys- oh you meant as food.
you: so like, does your mouth ever get dry?
baraka: that is the stupidest question i've ever been asked since my affliction
baraka: every day i wake up in aguish.
you: i asked you what time it was...
you: i would ask you to dinner, but you'd run straight for the civilians
baraka: i cannot help what i've become- wait, ask me to dinner?!
you: what in the actual fu-
havik: continue and you won't be having a mouth either!
havik: why are you looking at me like that?!
you: i'm trying to figure out just how the hell you and baraka pronounce your M's and P's
you: impressive you didn't die from getting a face full of lava
havik: it's probably the only thing liu kang did right!
havik: don't tell me to relax! i lost half my face!
you: hey, you could chill on the whole realm domination and killing a god thing, just saying
a/n: this was so hard to write omfg i don't even like half this list😭let me know if y'all want kameo dialogues either in comments or ask box
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the-kr8tor · 11 months
Ooh or instead of the adventure req what about hobie x fem reader where they go trick or treating and the reader obviously pretends to be a kid (the disguise works well) and hobie pretends to be the parent (cause yk he's so tall) and in the end they get a bunch of candy
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Hi, angel! I decided to combine them both since I've got an idea, hope that's okay. Thank you for the lovely request! ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (Hobie is mentioned taller than her tho). CW food mentions, FLUFF.
"Trick or treat!" You emphasize the sentence by making your voice small and pitched to trick the homeowner that you're a little kid asking for candy.
The white bed sheet draped over your form, the small eye holes Hobie cut off for you doesn't help much with your vision. Hobie stands next to you with the most polite smile he could muster whilst trick or treaters run around the posh neighborhood, little kids with their own chaperones roam around– excited squeals from across all angles.
Hobie convinced you to go and actually go Trick some people off their candies. With him looking much taller than you looking like your adult chaperone for the night and your entire body and face obscured, hiding the fact you're the same age as Hobie just smaller in height, it's the perfect crime. No harm no foul, right? It's not like you're stealing their candy, just tricking them, that's the essence of the holiday anyway. Besides, these rich neighborhoods got the good kind of candy, the full sized ones not the single bite ones.
The lady at the door doesn't look all too convinced though, she squints her eyes, perfectly shaped brows knitted to look closely under your sheet.
Hobie shakes your basket full of candy impatiently, he holds it for you just in case someone has the bright idea to peek under your sheet when you hold it up.
"Wow, a classic ghost. Haven't seen that one in a while" she stops scrutinizing, surrendering two full sized candy bars to Hobie.
"Thank you!" You say in a higher voice. "Say thank you to the nice lady, dad" You don't miss the opportunity to tease him more.
You've been going back and forth with Hobie for ten houses now, he kind of regrets convincing you with how you keep calling him your dad instead of what you've discussed that he's supposed to be your big brother. He stops himself from rolling his eyes at your comment.
"Thank you" Hobie says with the fakest smile you've ever seen him make.
"Bye bye now!" The woman waves. You make your way down the porch, your heavy boots peeking from under the hem of the sheet, making the woman tilt her head in question.
Hobie feels for your hand underneath the sheet, finding it after a few seconds of blindly looking. "D'you think we've got enough?"
"Hmm? Here I thought we're gonna bleed them dry?" You poke his side without lifting the sheet to reveal your face. "Or is it because you don't want me calling you 'dad' anymore?" Poking him relentlessly, you snicker.
"I prefer 'daddy' instead" he teases back with a smirk.
"Fuck off" you say with a chuckle, eyes narrowing at his quip.
A group of costumed teenagers pass you, they excitedly chatter about a party in the woods. A boy dressed as a mummy, covered in toilet paper harshly shoves his friend in a knight costume. You perk up at their loud voices.
"Heard they have free booze! Come on, don't be a pussy!"
The knight shoves back, "it's a party in the woods on Halloween. That's how horror movies starts"
His friend dressed in a homemade Doc Ock outfit chides in, "he's right, I don't care if they give out buckets full of candy. I ain't goin'"
They continue to argue amongst themselves, walking briskly away from you and Hobie.
"Did you hear that?" Your eyes widen, almost filling the eye holes of your costume.
"Who the fuck wears a Doc Ock costume?" Hobie wonders out loud.
"Someone who loves science or a psychopath in the making" you click your tongue. "But did you hear the party going on in the woods?!" You jump on your tippy toes to get his attention away from the wannabe Doc Ock. The cloth bounces by the hem, Hobie thinks you look so adorable right now.
"You wanna go and see? Someone's probably pranking those kids, but it won't hurt if we just popped in and out"
"Yeess!" Fueled by sugar, you tug at his arm, directly heading towards the dark woods.
"We're lost" you mumble, almost tripping on a tree root if not for Hobie's hold on you, you would've fell face first on the mossy soil. Your boots are covered in mud, the hem of your sheet is muddy instead of the pristine condition it was before.
With only a single torch from your phone guiding you both, there's no trace or sound that indicates there's a party somewhere around the woods. Save for some owls hooting on tall trees, looming ominously over your forms. Critters slither by your feet, tiny legs tap tapping on the wood. The full moon shines overhead but the thick leaves on top of the tall oaks and pine trees block the light, only a sliver of it peeking from the leaves.
"We can always ask that owl where we are" Hobie looks nonchalant with his hand tucked warmly inside his pocket, he still looks cool even with leaves stuck in his hair. His other hand is clasped tightly around yours, making sure you don't wander on your own.
You groan, feet aching from the walk, your sugar high waning from your senses. Still determined to find the party for the free booze. The sheet is now tied over your shoulders, you look like a superhero who's transformation to their costume was abruptly cut off.
"You're very funny. Think of the free booze, Hobie"
"'m thinkin' it's not worth it anymore, we still need to count our haul" he points at the bag clutched tightly in your hand.
"But" you whine, "free stuff" a leaf gets crushed from under your boot.
"I want free shit too, love. But you look fuckin' tired"
"I can handle it" you stick out your tongue tinged in blueberry blue from one of the candies you've been munching on.
"Are you–" his sentence gets interrupted by a sharp howl coming from a distance. Hobie instinctively huddles you closer to him, shielding you from whatever made the sound.
"Do you have a werewolf nemesis?" You ball his jacket in your fist, ears perking up from a twig snapping.
Suddenly fast footsteps seem to run towards your direction, Hobie's senses go haywire, he swiftly takes you in his arm, free hand aiming to swing you two away from the supposed danger.
"Divide it equally! No skimming from my stash" you sit on Hobie's lap, legs curled comfortably around his waist, he doesn't seem to mind though, even if his ass feels like it's gotten flat from sitting on the floor way too long.
You hold a damp cloth over his temple, wiping his skin clean from dirt accumulated through swinging. Your face is still moist from how he cleaned it a few minutes ago, your 'costume' now lay discarded on the floor, dirty and muddy from your excursion. Boots left by the door so it doesn't track mud inside your shared living room.
"'m not, I'm taking the ones you don't like" he lifts up a caramel candy, "you don't like this one, right?"
"Hmm" you think about it, "it's a maybe" curling around him like a python, you whisper your answer in his ear.
"That 'maybe' is the reason why we're still not done yet. You plannin' on hoarding them all?" he looks down at you, eyes softening when your doe eyes stare right back at him.
You smile sweetly, "Don't be mad" puckering your lips up. "Kiss?"
"Not mad" Hobie kisses you gently for a second. Too fast for your liking, it has you concerned.
"You okay?" You scratch his nape affectionately. "We're fine, Hobie. It was probably just an animal, a coyote or even a bunny"
"Or a werewolf" he kisses the knot in between your eyebrows, skin softening under his lips.
"Please, werewolves aren't real" you roll your eyes. Hobie holds your waist tighter, fingers playing with a loose thread from your shirt.
"Got my powers from a radioactive spider, there's a lizard man prowling the city's sewers and a magician with a fishbowl on his head. Werewolves aren't so ridiculous"
"Oh" You thump your head on his shoulder blade, you both sit there with a lot to think about.
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nightwngz · 6 months
im still thinking about those Hal and Kyle fics you wrote....changed my life fr 🤞🏽omg tho I had such a romantic and lovely dream about Kyle last night so I'm feeling extra fuzzy over him rn...what would non hate sex with Kyle be like? 🙈 (as much as I also love mean Kyle 🤷🏽‍♀️) i need your thoughts...
I hope you're doing well 🥰 xoxo - nightjarwings
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kyle rayner x fem!reader
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀… fluff and smut. porn without plot. dirty talk. oral sex.
𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁. . . no copying of my work is allowed. Free translation is allowed as long as I am credited.
𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲. . . as I said in my other posts, English is not my first language. I have tried to make corrections with the translator, but as you all know, it is prone to making mistakes, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes or if anything sounds weird.
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲. . . Aside from my fantasies about Kyle being mean, he is such a sweetheart! So I feel like he would be super dedicated to making you feel comfortable. I hope you like what I've written. <3
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Since your boyfriend confessed he was a Green Lantern, the first thing you asked was: which one of them? And you didn't ask because you thought Kyle might be that beautiful alien girl with lovely blonde hair, but because you hoped he would be that handsome dark-haired man in the distinctive white and black suit different from the others. You were right.
Because of his job, Kyle wasn't often at home, which made you suspect possible infidelity. What kind of artist would suddenly leave his home for days, even weeks, without even telling his partner? His actions made you suspicious, so when he returned, you confronted him, and he eventually confessed.
Fortunately for him, you felt relieved for a moment understanding that if he wasn't home, it was precisely because he was serving as an intergalactic law enforcement, which reassured you. However, as the weeks passed and the days without Kyle accumulated, you began to wonder why a large part of the universe had your boyfriend serving, while you waited for him at home with food ready in the fridge in case he decided to return. It was unfair.
Were you being selfish because you wished that he wouldn't save the world for just one day, but that he would lie down with you and hold you in bed instead?
What you wanted most at that moment was to be accompanied, as you sat bored with a bowl of soup in front of the TV, about to fall asleep. When people entered your apartment, they noticed pictures of you and Kyle everywhere, which forced you to face questions about why you live alone or if your boyfriend is even still alive, since he's never around the neighborhood like you are.
Just as your eyes are about to close, they quickly snap open as you hear the sound of keys turning in the door lock. Your heart begins to beat wildly, unable to believe that he has finally returned.
— Baby, I'm home... — You don't let him finish as you jump into his arms, kissing him as deeply as if millennia had passed since you last saw each other's faces. — Hey, hey, I missed you too, sweetheart.
— No 'I missed you, sweetheart' — you warn. — Fuck me now.
Kyle laughs. If he had seen how desperate you were, he would have come back much sooner. Still, he doesn't object to your request and blindly walks with you on top until he manages to place you on the table.
He is gentle when he kisses you, probably because he hasn't done it for a long time since he left. However, you apply pressure and surrender to his lips with devotion, enough for both of you to enjoy.
— I saw you on the news. — You gasp under your breath. — You have no idea what it's like to masturbate to a fucking picture on TV, a real horror movie.
Devouring your neck, his lips awaken sensations. His warm, calloused hand slides over your body, parting your thighs without removing any clothing, except your panties, of course. No matter how much time the two of you had together, it might never be enough until Kyle was needed for another mission.
— Do you want to talk about horrifying things? — he asked, tugging at your underwear. — Imagine me touching myself on an unknown planet with only a picture of you in my head. You have no idea how much I missed you, sweetheart; I was going crazy.
You melted under his touch, his kisses and his compliments. He kissed and caressed you as if it were the last time, in the warmest way anyone had ever bothered to do. It was even adorable how he took the time to lovingly caress your body while you could only think of reciprocating after such a long time.
His fingers entered your pussy. He looked at you in surprise, he had never felt you so wet before; you had practically soaked his entire hand. But he just smiled and decided to take responsibility for it.
— Baby, damn, you're dripping. Did you miss me that much, babe?
He lifted one of your legs and brought it up to his shoulder to get better access to your pussy. His thumb applied gentle pressure to your clit, first stimulating it, then circling around it, just as he knew you liked.
You groaned out loud, dropping your body onto the table. You couldn't see what Kyle was doing, but from how it felt, you were sure he was doing it right.
— Do you want me to eat you? — He asked, coming up for a kiss.
You nodded repeatedly, biting your lips to keep from making a loud noise. You're aware that your apartment is too small and that any neighbor could easily hear you.
Kyle pressed his lips against your folds, slowly sliding his tongue in and giving little licks so you could get used to the texture of his tongue again. You almost cried when you remembered that it had been long enough that you had forgotten how his tongue felt inside you.
But you pushed all thoughts aside and tried to enjoy the moment. Just as you bit down hard on your lip to stifle a moan, you nearly bled. Kyle was exploring a sensitive area of your body with his tongue and making gentle sucks with his lips.
Your hands intertwined with every strand of his black hair, gently pulling his head toward you. You looked at him with his mouth completely submerged between your legs, and the sight seemed glorious.
— Kyle, Kyle... — You sobbed softly with pleasure. — Don't stop, it feels amazing.
You could feel his lips curl into a smile over your pussy. Blood rushed to your cheeks, something that used to happen to you when you were close to orgasm, and he loved it so much that he couldn't think of anything else to do but kiss you all over.
A few minutes passed, but it felt like an instant. You filled Kyle's mouth with fluids and let out a moan that you couldn't contain and that the whole neighborhood probably heard. Still, he didn't stop until you were completely clean.
— I love you so much, sweetheart. I want to be as close to you as possible.
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rinadragomir · 6 months
My thoughts on the couples included in Better in Black for those who care
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I expect you to write down yours so work work
You know, as a dedicated Jessa stan I wanna say that it's okay~ Because these two were together for 50 years or sth, there's still some things to add. We might watch them in their 30s, 50s, 60s. I guess at this point both camps have around the same amount of content. Plus I'll have Jessa in twp so I'm in peace 🌱
All my first thoughts are over here. I'm a Clace defender, I'm their oldest stan, I'm a veteran👩‍🦳 So I feel like I have a right to say that...it was kinda unnecessary. We've witnessed every step in their relationship so far, beginning of it in TMI, gentle transition to adulthood in TDA and Tales of Shadowhunter Academy, adulthood in SOBH and proposal. So if the story isn't about their wedding then WHAT THE HELL IS IT ABOUT REALLY? And we know that they won't get married until twp.
📍Anna & Ari (Arianna!)
Hey🥺that is nice, we've seen so little of them in chain of thorns and I've loved them since their debut in 2018 in that short story. I'm very biased when it comes to TLH, cause I'm their mother. So YAY🌱they have a long way to go, Anna still needs to change a tiny little bit for them to be healthy, so I'd love to witness it
We all have known about it, because Cassie kinda promised us their story a while ago. Wedding runes scene, honeymoon, kids, mortgage etc. Go kids, slay, serve, eat and so on, I'm excited for u!
📍Sebastian & Seelie Queen
Yeah... That famous Sebastian &Fanbase. Like... I'm conflicted, because it's useless and doesn't make any sense even tho it might slay. Listen up, I'll show you.
Lots of people defend it by saying that it might be important for Ash's background in TWP. But... No it's not. Because this is exclusive book made for few people who were lucky and financially stable enough to get it. It won't be posted online. So most people won't read it unless someone leaks it. So there's no point for that story to be important for the plot, therefore it has nothing to do with it.
And it's definitely not "one of the most beloved" couples. BUT LIKE... WHAT IF IT SLAYS? Toxic, unhinged romance, what if I'll love it? 🤡
So you see the problem? Because it's the same as Clace. What else might she add, because there's nothing. SoBH ended like yesterday. We know exactly where they live rn, their daily routine, their plans. So there's nothing to add between SOBH and twp. What will it be about? Hard to say, but I hope Cassie will come up with sth interesting for them.
📍Thomastair (why did Cassie say Alistair instead of Alastair, I'm lost help me)
Yay🥺slay, serve, eat and leave no crumbs, go, kill it idk you're doing great boys, there's so much to add and explore because they've just started dating. I'm so excited ^-^
That is fine. No matter what I think about their relationship, because in my point of view Cristina and Kieran fell in love because Cassie said so apparently, I still don't mind them being there. Because there's also lots of things to discuss and explore. I hope the story will be soft and warm☀they've just started their advantage so it definitely makes sense
Even though we've had lots of them in TMI and Shadowhunters Academy I still think they deserve to be here. They are famous (I guess? 👁👁) and I'd like to know more about their plans for future. Simon was still a teenager in the stories collection and now I'd love to see him as a grown man being in relationship with the woman he loves.
📍Luke & Jocelyn
Well... That was... Unexpected. I guess... I've just never met their fandom but I hope it's huge af, because I don't know why else would they be here. Sophideon, Gabrily and Charlotte with Henry were supposed to be here, let's be honest. But since they're here, I do think Cassie is able to make a decent story. I expect it to be bittersweet, angsty and somehow heartwarming. I think there's nothing to say except let's wait and find out.
OVERALL I think it's pretty fine. Maximum 7/10 from me. I was ready to face the worst, but it turned out to be... Fine. So it's fine☺🌱
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Hihihihi requests are open omg never seen that before okay so can I please rq pjsk boys hcs x reader and like how they’d confess. You probably did this before so if u have you can make it so reader confesses first? Or just ignore it idc. Have a great day fhdjdjjd
I know it's basic prompt but I don't think I did neither of those! So I did two versions right here~
confessions with Akito, Toya, Tsukasa, Rui
TagList: @vodka-glrl @yulikesminori @kuzui5201314 @miya-akane @alicewinterway18 @indi-has-fallen @bleachtheidiot
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⊱ Akito prepared for his confession for so long... and in the end, he needed someone to force him either way
⊱ he's the type that tries to act all tough and like it's really nothing to him but inside, he already died at least 3 times
⊱ he doesn't go with ant long speeches and just says everything instantly
⊱ he's SO awkward. He tries to act tough but it only adds onto it and it's noticable he's stressing even if he's trying to hide it
⊱ if you accept his feelings, he'll act like he was expecting that but small relived smile shows on his face, showing his stress just evaporated
⊱ if you reject him, he'll act like he doesn't care at all and just leave with small "okey" or so
"I kinda like you... a lot. So... how about you?"
⊱ if you're the one that's confessing, his first reaction is stand is shock just to clear his throat and act all tough again
⊱ if he doesn't feel the same, he'll try picking the most gentle words but he's still very straightforward with his answer so it has 50/50 chances of being gentle...
⊱ if he does feel the same, again he'll be just straightforward but he blurts out his answer way faster than needed which tells you how much he indeed likes you
"Yes I do. Ehem... I mean... yeah, yeah, we can try this. Why not..."
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⊱ Toya's the type to go ages with his feelings just to make sure what he's feeling is real and forever, and to think of some confession that can charm you
⊱ he'll probably try to be a bit romantic but neutral at the same time, he'll most likely invite you for friendly hangout in the park just to ask you for a bit more of time when you're about to leave
⊱ he thought that it'd be the best to confess when you leave since meeting wouldn't be so awkward (Tsukasa most likely helped him with that)
⊱ if you accept him, he won't hesitate to show you how happy and relieved you just made him, and that's already obvious by big relieved sigh he let out
⊱ if you reject him, he'll give you a small smile while assuring you it's alright and asks if you can still be friends despite that, he'll try to get across his feeling for the sake of your friendship
"Y/N, since around 9 months, I've felt stronger feelings about. I stopped seeing you as just a great friend and started hoping for future with you."
⊱ if you're the one confessing, it's easy to say that you catched him off guard because of the way he suddenly stopped moving and his eyes went a bit wide
⊱ soon tho, he's back to his normal state even tho he's more shy than usual
⊱ if he doesn't feel the same, he'll pick gentle words and you may not even realize what he's trying to say at first because of the words he uses
⊱ if he does feel the same, he'll let you finish before trying to give you some speech himself but it ends with him just saying he loves you back
"I can't believe it... you're also the... most perfect... person I met... I... I mean that... I love you as well."
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⊱ Tsukasa was trying his best to charm you by showing off and being really kind and nice to you but the moment of his confession had to come either way it seems...
⊱ he tried to make you confess first by giving you hints he likes you but now he's not sure if you didn't saw them or just don't like him so he prepares to make final move
⊱ he wants to make the confession a bit special so he'll most likely take you to your favorite place and then find a bit more quieter spot there where he confesses
⊱ you can literally mistake him for acting out some romance drama... but he's really just putting his heart into confession
⊱ if you accept him, he won't be able to hold back anymore and will hug you close with big smile on his face while saying how happy you've just made him
⊱ if you reject him, he stand there stunned, his speech failed... he really starts to feel awkward and is quick to start rambling to cover up for this and he ends rambling with "goodbye", not really giving you a chance to say something
"The moment our eyes met, I knew you're the one I want to share my future with... so please... let me make my dreams a reality."
⊱ if you're the one confessing, you'll be able to see his shocked and flustered expression at once!
⊱ but if he doesn't feel the same, he'll immediately spoil you with compliments and just explain that he sees you like a family
⊱ if he does feel the same, he'll go extra mode and start rambling onto how long he was waiting for this moment and of course how your feelings are returned
"That's the best day of my life! You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment... I love you too! I loved you since a long time and I'm glad we finally get the chance to be together!"
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⊱ Rui was declining his feelings and to confess the moment he saw how serious he sees you...
⊱ it's not that he hated you, he was just scared of ruining your relationship
⊱ but in the end, he needs to face it and so he does... he prepares mentally for a long time so there's a lot of chances that he avoided you for some time
⊱ he wants to make it quick so one day he just invites you to school roof or to calmer part of corridor, where he tells you how he feels
⊱ he picks words carefully, to not be too blunt but to also make it end quickly
⊱ if you feel the same, he'll be so surprised and so relieved at the same time, he might even cry a bit from happiness!
⊱ but if you don't, he'll give you a small smile before explaining that he just wanted to tell you how he feels
"Y/N, I don't want a more of time, I just wanted to say that you're very dear to me and that I have serious feelings for you. I have fallen for you..."
⊱ if you're the one confessing, he's stunned... he never expected anyone to like him!
⊱ and if he likes you too, he can't believe it even more. Of course he gladly accepts, even with small tease despite his face being all red
⊱ if he doesn't feel the same, he feels bad but he knows nothing good will come out of forced relationship so he gently rejects you while reassuring you'll find someone better one day
"You love? Oh would you look at that~ I have strong feeling for you too, my dear."
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bubblewrapsnek · 3 months
Phantomarine Live reread: Prologue
I'm anticipating the reread before the chapter finishes cause I want to read it now again, altho I wanted to wait the chapter to be over to have a cleaner finish line for mental order and to avoid posing questions to things that would be maybe have more ground to speculate on or outright be answered in a few days This is my first time rereading Phantomarine, so if anyone is actually goint to read these posts expect me to come to realizations about stuff that everyone knew ages ago probably, also it's my first time liveblogging something since a friend suggested it could be appreciated, I am not convinced there would be interested but it can't hurt I guess. That said I hate the idea of clogging with posts and like keeping stuff a bit more tidy, so I'll post one post per chapter with my thoughts, silly ramblings and whatever comes to my mind that I feel like sharing while trying to put my thoughts in order
So uhh if you exist and are reading, have fun and feel free to interact!
First thing I'll not here with a few examples and try to not say everytime, but I can't help seeing how the royal family brands EVERYTHING with the Manta, I swear you could fill a where's waldo book by searching the mantas in Phantomarine's pages at this A manta hat, manta drawer, manta desk, and a manta polo in just the first pages, I swear they have a disney park-esque gift shop outside the palace
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A manta hat, manta drawer, manta desk, and a manta polo in just the first pages, I swear they have a disney park-esque gift shop outside the palace
Bonus neat things, the candle has the same pattern as Cheline's dress and there is what I guess is a samoyede on Irving's shirt
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Next thing is something I hadn't noticed before but I've seen already people point out in the comments now, Irving having very clearly pink eyes, at first I thought it might have been lighting but in the pages where he is alive they are very clearly pink, and even when in shock the characters get drawn with pinprick irises, while the others get black dots he has pink and is even more blatant in the shot with the Fata morgana stabbing them where he is eye to eye with a Fata with the same eyes
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Bonus: alive Lani is very cute
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I pointed the next thing in another post but I love how Cheline wanted to be sure to scapegoat the Fata Morgana so much she painted the arrows and bow too with Cheth's name bands(confirmed to be painted on by the transcript too altho it was the only possible reason they had those bad with what we know now), also I love that the cyan outline was faintly on the Fata Morgana's eye from the beginning
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I am also getting suspicious about the ghosts being blue and the veins(referred as such in the transcript) that spread from the bite being purple, tho I don't have a concrete or sound thought about this
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Also, something I love a lot in comics is paneling so some of this won't be thoughts but just panels that are really pretty or fun or creative here I love how the action flows very well, having many details making what happens readable such as the "magic" squares making phae's body on the bottom edge of the silouhette in the middle also appear on the heart, showing the wound being "repaired"
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Love the veins snaking behind her
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Something I had completely glossed over was Phae's middle name being Augusta, and I do find it possible to have a reading on it, as Augustus was the name and title that Octavian took as the first emperor of rome, the member of a what can be considered a royal lineage establishing the name for himself and becoming a key turning point in the history of an empire, just as I can see Phae become the turning point for the history of her reign, a change of the guard and of the status quo of the kingdom she watches over
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End in the end, to finish the prologue of this reread, a funny typo Cheth appears, tipping his fedora: "M'Phaedra"
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queerbatboy · 9 months
Jegulus drabble, maybe a minific?
Thinking about Biker James Potter... him and Sirius would be really into motorcycles and i can totally see them being besties who post abt their bikes like they're actual ppl.
ALSO besties Remus and Regulus who like to meet at the local cafe that Lily owns and gossip about books and people walking by when James parks outside to grab some coffees and pastries on the way to meet up with Sirius-
Remus and Reg are doing one of their favourite activities which is judging passerby's as potential dating options because Regulus is always whining about being lonely and hating seeing happy couples bc eww 🙄🙄[Remus is just as bad, only less vocal abt it.] When James walks in, Regulus is immediately VERY unsubtle about looking him up and down. Remus is now judging him bc "Mate you cant even see his face."
"Shut up. just the other day you got a glimpse of some guy at the club and have been waxing poetic about him since. i mean, honestly? all you saw was some black curly hair and a leather jacket dude."
"That's different! there was something about him i swear! and his dancing; oh the way he moved was fucking sinful you dont understand-"
"Yeah yeah i get it he looked like an angel who moved like a devil; you've told me a million times in the past 48 hours I swear. -Wait shut up shut up hes taking off the helmet look!"
"Oh? yeah i guess hes good looking, pretty face. not really my type though" Remus looks over to Regulus whose jaw is now hanging open while his eyes look as if they'll fall out of his skull if he strains them any further. "Reg, you're drooling."
"Am not."
"You so are. Go ask him for his number" Remus nudges Regulus, trying to get him to go over to the counter where James was.
"Fuck no. i'm not just going to go over there and talk to him! 'oh hi i've been staring at you since you came in because you're so hot i feel like i'm going to die if you don't look at me' i mean are you kidding?? Remus? rem- NO. nonononono don't you DARE! oh i'm going to fucking kill you."
Remus calls out and waves at James to come over, smiling at him. "Hey, my friend here was wondering what model your bike is, it looks sick."
Regulus is so fucked. Not only is the handsome stranger even hotter now that he's facing them, big brown doe eyes looking at Regulus with curiosity and, maybe, interest? shit. But the gorgeous stranger is looking at him, waiting for him to say something, and Regulus knows absolutely fucking nothing about motorcycles.
should i continue this? definitely not my best writing as its just me getting thoughts out of my head but oh boy does this AU have a chokehold on me. I'm also thinking artist reg for this au, because duh, ofc im projecting onto him. not sure what remus is doing with his life tho... open to suggestions.
Ps. btw in this AU sirius and regulus are still brothers, but they don't talk much and havent really seen eachother in a few years after a big argument about how sirius left him alone with their parents as a teenager etc.
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doukeshi-kun · 10 months
a promise is a promise
daddy's home 😘
🌃-anon here ^^ hooray!!
okay okay phew it's been so long i forgot how to write anon ask but, a comeback is desperately needed to save the day. I'm here to talk about professor!nikolai agenda. your girl started uni and i need to cope.
while collegestudent!nikolai has been eating my brain like crazy, professor!nikolai is as needed. i might hit you up with college student nikolai someday tho cuz my classmates are all weird and i need that daily dose of delusion that someday, i'll meet a student as awesome and as fun as nikolai is in my head
little disclaimer to anyone reading this: dark content ahead. we dont do any of that irl it's just fiction, so if you're sensitive to prof x student shit keep scrolling. i say reader is 20-ish and papi nikolai is pushing 30 😁
random prof!nikolai headcanons ahead 🗣️
prof kolya is definitely one of the cool teachers on campus yk? the type that's loved by all of the students because of how laid back he is and how much he doesn't give a shit yk??? like "prof we didn't study for the test tomorrow can we postpone it?" "we will. i havent put the text either" 💀 that type you know?
BUT simultaneously, he can also be really strict depending on the context yk? while he's chill, he can't tolerate disrespect like, not at all. he jokes around with his students but with limits and boundaries.
clothes-wise i feel like he dresses super well 🤔 as opposed to headcanons I've seen, i dont think he dresses weird or in an eccentric way like canon nikolai is, he wears casual clothes :3 fashionable? yes. but nothing weird. he's tall, broad with really unique features (i imagine nikolai with one of them typical european noses and plump looking lips. this part is totally up to you tho)
prof kolya was a really unproblematic physics professor (yk in canon he has teleportation abilities so uh) that is until y/n took a course with him,
we're met with two cases: y/n is calm and quiet in class, y/n puts herself out there. now let's be for real, teachers love good students so the higher the grades the better the sex more you'll get attention from him (god imagine nikolai praising you😮‍💨)
now if you're quiet- OMG since he gets along well with students i feel like he'll openly joke around with students except for you (if you're quiet) he'll just talk with you in a low voice (btw i imagine classes like, small classes not amphitheaters or any of that) let me elaborate: you're in class yk he's explaining quantum physics or some shit and occasionally interacting with his students. his gaze falls on you once he's standing right in front of your desk and lets a small question slide like "is it ok?" "do you get it?" or flashing you a small smile or so 🤭 he's not mocking you or anything he's being genuine (for once) bc you're openly his favorite
and by that, and as someone who's a favorite for nearly all my professors so far the privileges i get isnt anything like grades or whatever but more like validation? im a good student i dont need their crusty dusty extra credits. one of the privileges i get is for example, during exams, the prof tells me "so, [name], we're scoring an A+ in this test too?" yk and it's genuine so nikolai i that type too.
(i leave anything sexual or suggestive for you to develop bc im really bad and awkward at that)
conclusion: he shamelessly favorites you in front of other students.
though you two would become a thing faster if reader is on the more loud type in his class: always participating, asking questions, joking around maybe.... i feel like when you have a question thats a little long to explain, he'd ask u to come to his office and what happens there is up to your imagination dear bean
will quickly become your number one emotional support throughout college 🥱 imagine not doing well in the exam and you go to his office to talk to him about it and he comforts you by [redacted]
anyways i could go on and ramble forever. i'd love to hear your dirty thoughts on this nikolai au :3 what i wrote is hella long and messy but we're mere disciples beanie, you're the writer here hehe
as usual, have a good/day night!!
I REALLY LOVE YOU SO MUCH *sloppily kissing slop slop*
first of all, yeeee goodluck with college and don't die bcs i almost did 😎👉 and secondly, no let's NOT get nikolai pushing 30s. HE IS 35 ATLEAST IDC HAHAHA im gonna reply to each one headcanon bcs you deserve it girlie 💋✨
yes! he totally gives me the vibe to be laid-back at his work. he's so gonna do something like that lmao. also, despite his laid-back persona and he's always like “ehh~ just answer this easy ass quiz and i'll take it as your assignment mark”, i do think he does his job greatly. there's a time where he needs to get things done and while it doesn't seem like he's doing shit, he actually GETS. SHIT. DONE. that's why he isn't fucking fired 💀
strict prof. nikolai.... ugh *spreads legs*😝 i agree. he does have limit and i feel like he wouldn't scold people or raise his voice but certainly when he's being colder and quieter, oooh you fucked up big time
i do think he wears classic style to go to classes! i'm thinking... dark academia. and yes, he's tall and broad and so big✨ i feel like it also depends on the subject. if prof nikolai is teaching theatre or drama... those kind of things, he will wear something maximalist, if that makes sense? imagine a mad hatter-themed suit but formal. unfortunately, i can't draw for life.
physics professor hmmmm why don't he come here and expand the space of my quantum pussy😏😏
i can imagine raaaaaaa :barkbarkbark: him praising you in front of the whole class because you got quite high marks for physics ahakss😝
HMMMMMMM SOFTY :feral: i can't fucking breathe😩 yes he'd totally be loud to those who are loud with him but if you're quiet and serene, he'll be soft as fuck rrrrrrrrr imagine him noticing you not understanding something and he takes the initiative to come to your desk, teach you with the softest (yet deep) voice ever. NOT MOCKING ME TOO? woah what a green flag 💚
lmfao i can totally relate with you😭 honestly, validation is too pressuring, stressing and overwhelming for me. i hate when teachers are like “so, elie, you can score A for this right?” bih i just barely got the B-grade fym (burnt-out gifted kid be like;). anyway, i'm half-half on this. but i do think if he makes such comments, and he notices you aren't uncomfortable, he wouldn't go put his way to directly say that. maybe he just makes comment that implies he does have certain expectations on you
(i'll develop the sexual things myself *takes off his pants and develop his wood*)
conclusion: he becomes my favourite subject😝❤️
i'm honestly thinking that he prefers it if you are an active student. idk, for me, nikolai (in general) likes challenges and fun. so if you're actively questioning this or that, he'd take interest in you really quick. also, i will invite myself into his office tyvm
definitely get emotional. lmao imagine ranting about other professors with him and he just supports you
well my dirty thought is that he becomes my private tutor. HA HOW BOUT THAT HUHHH but in all honesty, i love the thought of him riling and teasing you instead of yk, playing favourite and get you alone in his office. he likes edging people and he'd surely likes it if you tease him back too ayy papi😝
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
Hello! Rumor is you want some Ominis ideas lol
Idk if this is any good, but I've had this idea where after Sebastian killed Solomon, Anne moved to London in with the reader. The reader hears all about the trios adventures together before Anne was cursed and loves hearing about it. When Anne is ready to reconnect with Sebastian, the reader goes with her and chemistry begins to boil there maybe as Sebastian and Anne want privacy to talk, and the reader hounds Ominis for more stories.
Just an idea, you're free to do what you want with it lol
I'd love to see a fem!reader tho 😊
Hope you have a great day!
Oh this is very good!! I loved this idea, hopefully this turned out at least a bit like how you pictured it! I really wish we had gotten to see Anne, Sebastian, and Ominis interact in the game---it would have been so much fun!
Warnings: none, pure fluff
Word Count: 1.6k
As Anne paced the floor of their London flat, Y/N was reminded how similar she and her twin truly were. She had seen Sebastian pace in the Undercroft many times during her fifth year--now, as the summer before her sixth year drew to a close, she could hardly count the amount of times Anne had done the same.
"Anne, you're going to wear yourself out before they even arrive," Y/N said imploringly. "Come on, sit down."
The brunette sighed, but continued pacing. "I can't help it. Am I sure I'm ready for this?"
"Will you ever be?"
Anne chuckled. "Probably not. I... I have missed them, rather terribly."
Y/N gave a small smile. She had missed her friends, too. Perhaps one especially... but she would see him soon enough. Anne had told her countless tales of their old adventures from before she had been cursed. It had seemed to comfort her to reminisce on the good times---and Y/N, by her part, was absolutely enthralled in the stories she shared.
It was through these stories she learned that Anne had a real knack for picking pockets---"Never to steal or keep anything for my own," Anne had been quick to clarify. "Just to mess with people." And mess with people she had---hiding wands and pocket watches to drive others mad, while she and her companions watched on in amusement. The targets always deserved it, she assured Y/N. Common ones included Leander or Imelda; they'd even managed to hide her broom once, levitating it high above the Quidditch pitch so she had to use one of the rickety school brooms to retrieve it. She'd complained the whole way up and down, threatening every person she saw that if they had any idea who had messed with her broom, they'd better tell her or they'd get a wand up their arse. Somehow, they'd never been found out.
Sebastian, as she had more or less expected, had always pushed the limits. He'd been familiar with the restricted section since his first year, determined to learn every outlawed hex he could get his hands on. When occasion called for it, he'd use them, mostly on older Slytherin students who got on his nerves. He'd usually get away with it, too; that was the power of having an ally like Ominis on their side.
And Ominis---well, Y/N would be lying if she didn't admit that it was any tale involving him that intrigued her the most. Compared to Sebastian, her friendship with the Gaunt boy was slower coming. Because of this, she savored every opportunity to get to know him better, even if just through stories. The image of him slyly breaking rules made her all the more curious about him---of course she knew he was a trouble maker; he just seemed to do it in a sort of style neither Anne nor Sebastian could achieve. Apparently he had a way with nonverbal spells the others hadn't yet ben able to master. With his blindness, he was the image of innocence, able to cast spells left and right without anyone suspecting him. It had led to plenty of lovely stories that Y/N could only dream to witness.
There was one other fact about the boy that she couldn't wait to question him about.
The thought that he would be there soon sent a flutter through her stomach. If she was honest with herself--which she tended to avoid when it came to this topic--she was a bit more fond of Ominis than she probably should have been. There was something different about him, something she didn't feel when Sebastian was around. It frightened her, but excited her all the same. The more she thought about his beautiful eyes, his well-kept hair, his lovely lips---well, maybe she should join Anne in her anxious pacing.
She didn't get the chance. There was a knock on the door, causing Anne to freeze on the spot. Y/N stood from her seat at the kitchen table, moving to answer it. When she opened it, there they stood---Sebastian and Ominis. They were clearly nervous. Sebastian's jaw was clenched hard, and his eyes darted around the room behind her.
Y/N smiled at them, trying to calm them. She opened the door wider, then reached forward to take Sebastian into a hug. "It's so good to see you," she said. The letters she had sent to both the boys had been brief and far in between. She could hardly believe they were here standing before her now. Sebastian returned the hug. She could feel him relax a bit at the warm welcome. Y/N pulled away, then turned to Ominis.
She had to hug him now, didn't she? Not that she didn't want to---quite the opposite, in fact---but they had never---
She forced herself not to think of it and pulled him into a hug. He was stiff for a moment before returning the gesture. He was warm and smelled of fancy soap.
When they pulled away from each other, she found herself missing the contact. But she had other matters to attend. She ushered them both in, closing the door. Sebastian and Anne stared at each other, each unsure of what to do. Then, in a synchronized movement only twins could have, they moved forward to embrace one another. Y/N smiled---that was a good start.
The group shared pleasantries for a moment, but it was clear that the siblings needed to discuss things on their own. Anne lead Sebastian to her bedroom, shooting Y/N a nervous glance. She gave her a reassuring smile in return.
This left Y/N and Ominis alone. Ominis took in a deep breath beside her. "I suppose all we can do now is wait," he said.
"I'm just going to assume it's going well until I hear explosions," Y/N said. Ominis chuckled.
"Sounds fair enough."
She took them over to the kitchen table, both of them taking a seat.
"How's your summer been?" Y/N asked.
"Admittedly, not wonderful," he said. "Sebastian's been... in a bit of state, as I'm sure you can imagine."
Y/N pressed her lips together. "I can. I got as much from his letters. He's lucky to have had you by his side to get through it. Any more mentions of Dark Magic?"
"Thankfully, no. He seems thoroughly dissuaded from that path, having had time to process the results." Y/N was glad to hear it---she had worried about her friend. Ominis continued. "What about you? How has your summer been with Anne?"
"Difficult, at times," she said. "Obviously, she's been grieving, not only her Uncle but Sebastian as well... it's only been recently she's decided that he can't be completely lost." She smiled a bit. "However, I have had my fun in hearing her stories about you three before her curse."
Ominis chuckled. "I hope you don't think any less of us."
"As if I didn't do worse my first year there," Y/N said, grinning. "I actually found most of them very fun--I wish I could have been there. How come you never told me you were so good at nonverbal spells?"
Ominis shrugged. "You never asked."
"Well, you're going to have to teach me," she said. "Oh! And there was one more thing Anne mentioned I wanted to ask you about."
He smiled, intrigued. "And what would that be?"
"Is your puffskein impression as good as she says it is?"
Ominis's face flushed bright red. The reaction made her laugh---it also made her heart beat faster. His cheeks looked rather pretty dusted that shade of pink.
"You---she told you that?" he spluttered, obviously mortified.
"She did, with the utmost respect, too. Said you've probably shortened Duncan Hobhouse's lifespan by a few years from all the frights you gave him," she said through her laughter. "Of all your exploits, that is what I longed to see the most."
"In fairness, Duncan is absolutley dreadful. And a coward," Ominis said.
"So you're confirming it, then? You purr just like a puffskein?"
"I--" He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. "I suppose I am. But only to torture that good for nothing cowardly prick."
She grinned. "Whatever excuse helps you keep your dignity."
"You know, I didn't come here to find out Anne had given you material to blackmail me."
"I won't use it to blackmail you," she said. "Just to rile you up a bit. You look cute when you're flustered."
Her mouth closed quickly as Ominis lifted his head, smirk appearing on his face.
"Oh, do I?" he said, tone teasing. His face was still flushed, making it even harder for her to come up with a proper response.
"You---um... I---"
"I'll have you know, you sound rather cute when you're flustered," he said quietly, leaning a bit closer to her.
She couldn't have guessed what would have happened next, though she very much would have wanted to know. Unfortunately, the door to Anne's bedroom opened, and Ominis sat straight up in his chair. She couldn't imagine the pair of them looked like anything less than a couple of kids caught doing something they weren't supposed to do. That thought was confirmed when Sebastian narrowed his eyes, looking at them both.
"Are you both alright? You seem a bit flustered," Sebastian said. Ominis let out a small laugh while Y/N buried her face in her hands beside him.
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ecogirl2759 · 11 months
I'm glad people liked my 4コマ KINGS post so much lol. I love spreading the word about obscure lore :)
Under the cut I've responded to some of my favorite tags, given a little more backstory into the source of these pictures, as well as posted a few new ones :D
There's also a question at the very bottom that I'd love to hear opinions on, but no pressure if y'all don't feel comfortable answering ^w^
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You're welcome >:D
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Same, bro. I was basically thinking that the entire time I was reading these books lol
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I feel like I should give a little context to these comics and where they come from lol. I wasn't very clear about the backstory in my original post. I do agree, when I found these, I thought they were super important, too, particularly because I don't think a lot of the fandom knows about these books lol.
The Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS anthology series was published in the early 2010's featuring a bunch of different artists. The series is 4 volumes long and published by Spike Chunsoft, meaning, while these aren't necessarily canon, they ARE official :)
There is another series of anthologies in relation to both the first and second games, but I don't have those.
The first two volumes of this series is relatively well documented. There are sites where English translations have already been added to all of the comics in them (I'm pretty sure), as well as some screenshots popping up on places like Pinterest.
The third and fourth installments, however, are really poorly archived. The third has some content from it floating around, but it's hard to come by. The fourth had almost no information on it no matter where I searched.
I say this because a while ago I found the ONLY pictures of the Mastermind!Taka comic on this really old Tumblr blog from 2014 and REALLY wanted to figure out what it was about. (Didn't help that I couldn't read some of the bubbles in those photos.) First I searched for an English translation (there wasn't (so I'm working on one hehe)), then I tried to find which book it was even from, and NOTHING!
These books, since they were in circulation around 2014-ish, have stopped being printed, so copies of them are very hard to come by. Luckily, I was able to get my copies from a kind stranger on Ebay :)
Here are a few more pictures that I thought were funny/interesting that I couldn't add in my first post because of the picture limit lol.
Sorry for the really long post, I just thought it'd be interesting to share :)
Here's the page of artists that contributed to this anthology! Please go check them out (or see if they have any socials since it's been so long). Some credits change per volume, hence how many photos there are. (And sorry for my hand, it's hard to hold these open lol.)
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You've probably all seen the covers, but have you seen what's behind the covers? (Also including the opening illustrations. These have probably been posted online already as well, but they're worth including imo.) (Again, please excuse the fingers, I'm trying my best ;-;)
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^ Sayaka came with a smudge :( she still pretty tho
So, uh, remember when I said Hifumi made ship fodder? ......Here it is. Eat your heart out lol
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Also remember when I said that Mondo's hair was fluffy and bouncy? Here's the proof:
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Sakura has been de-buff-ified twice LMAO
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ALSO remember when I said Syo was a fan of BL? ...... :)
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ALSO remember when I said Kyoko was kinda socially awkward?
(Context: Kyoko sees Kiyotaka and Mondo calling each other bro and, thinking it'll strengthen their bond as well, calls Makoto "Makoto-oniichan," or "big brother Makoto" lol. Also, second picture says "I have come to save you, Makoto")
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Chihiro Shinji chair meme
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I'm at my picture cap, but there's a lot I haven't brought up lol
For a different thread, would people like me to find pictures of certain characters? (i.e. just photos of the characters looking cool/hot/stupid without a lot of the text.) Because I am totally willing to do that :)
I've already got a lot on Byakuya, Sakura, Aoi and Mondo for all you simps out there, and it's not hard to find even more lol.
So lmk :D
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
So I've seen you post a lot about Dick and Calvin recently, and I wanted to know how you thought Calvin would react, in this Calvin gets adopted by Bruce kind of au, to:
1). Jason's death, in the assumption Calvin can't prevent it (And subsequently what he would do to Joker for it.)
2) Damian's early childhood.
3) Tim's Tim-ness.
4) How Calvin would react to the Batman Robin situation, when he finally learns about it.
I haven't gotten the opportunity to learn much about Calvin, but you have me interested, I'm a sucker for overly traumatized characters, and I am looking for the comics with him!
We can never have enough Calvin Rose content, that boy is so underrated 🥺💚
1. Pfpfpfpf you know for ONCE I wanted to go with “Jason doesn’t die in this Au” but you asked and I shall deliver hehehe.
Look, Calvin adores children. And it’s no different with Jason, whom he basically helped Bruce raise from the moment he came to the manor. (Bruce is a good dad here but emotions are not his forte. Calvin picks up the slack.)
So we’ve got a former Talon basically raising Jason, sharing a lot of his interests, teaching him fun escape techniques and pranking the others…
Only for Jason to die in Ethiopia. Beaten within an inch of his life and then blown up.
Because his birth mother sold him to the Joker.
Look, there’s very few things that make Calvin snap. Canonically it only happens when his loved ones are in danger/threatened, or children are being hurt.
And this one ticks off both boxes.
Calvin doesn’t kill if he can help it. Hasn’t done so since that one time with the Court, and that instance still haunts him in his sleep. But this?
Yeah. He’s not losing any sleep over killing Joker. He’d hunt the clown and put him down like a rabid animal. Cold, clean, and efficient. No drawing it out.
2. As mentioned before, Calvin adores kids. I don’t think they’d meet before Damian comes to the manor though, so no early early childhood shenanigans. But when Damian arrives, all entitled and clearly having been conditioned from a very young age, he gives Bruce a very deadpan “You do know you don’t get a discount for the amount of traumatized kids you take in, right?”
Damian is a stabby little shit that tries to kill Calvin at every turn. Dick thinks it’s hilarious. Damian becomes progressively more angry because Calvin doesn’t break a sweat side stepping each and every attempt. (Talon training pays off)
Calvin just lets Damian “burn off his excess energy” (“You do know he’s a kid and not a puppy, right?”) and uses the time the boy isn’t actively trying to murder him to child proof the manor again. Just to piss Damian off.
Having the kid try to poison him at dinner that day is so worth it.
Damian reluctantly warms up to Calvin over the next few weeks when the former Talon proves annoyingly helpful at setting up his room and helping him with training. (Although Damian turns his nose up every time Calvin obviously handles him with kiddie gloves. But the man point blank refuses to do anything else.)
3. Calvin spends a week around Tim and all his alarm bells for “neglected child” are going off like autotune in his brain.
Considering it’s still very close to Jason’s death tho it would take him some time to truly warm up to Tim.
Tim wishes Calvin remained as distant as he was the first year or so (no he doesn’t) because now Calvin has strictly limited his daily caffeine intake, is forcing him to eat at least three healthy meals a day, and actually set a bed time for him.
Tim is outraged (flustered) about being treated like a kid (like the kid he is).
4. Depending on who’s Robin when he finds out the reactions would vary greatly, but he still wouldn’t be happy that Bruce is taking kids out onto the streets at night to fight criminals either way. It remind him too much of the Court for comfort, grooming children into the percent assassin.
After a while though he’d realize that Bruce would love nothing more than for his Robin(s) to hang up the mantle and just live their lives to the fullest, and that they’re simply too stubborn and determined to fight crime with Batman to stay at home. With our without permission.
It helps that Bruce is clearly distressed and close to benching Robin whenever Dick/Jason comes back from patrol with a bruise. Never mind an actual injury.
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polarmary · 9 months
Rating MILGRAM shoes because- what are those?!
Inspired by a post I stumbled upon talking about Kotoko's T1 shoes I decided to go to check all of them and rate one by one both the drip and how pratical they are for a prison. (This is satire please guys don't cancel me over shoe opinions)
1-Haruka Sakurai T1 Shoes
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Ok....bro has that psych ward drip. Honestly they look comfortable for a prison, I'll give him that. 7/10
T2 Shoes
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He's not even wearing one of them- how did I never notice that. He clearly doesn't know how to tie the laces either but anyways, still comfortable and to be honest, I like the shoes. He loses points for not wearing one of them so- 7/10 (Mu teach this poor kid how to wear shoes pls)
2-Yuno Kashiki T1 Shoes
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Typical school shoes, not bad but still boring, they also start to hurt after a while. I've seen how you dress girl, come on you can do better than this..... I'd say 4/10
T2 Shoes
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(Why did she have to split her legs so much....have one of them) There was an upgrade i guess, it's more stylish but still uncomfortable to stand on for days on end in a prison. 4/10
3-Fuuta Kajiyama T1/T2 Shoes (man didn't even bother changing shoes)
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What are these bulky ah shoes.....I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say they must at least be comfortable since they look like sports shoes. (can we talk about those socks tho-) 6/10
4-Muu Kusunoki T1 Shoes
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Ok first of all, who the fuck goes to a prison and wears high heels?! Like- out of everything you could wear, you use the LEAST comfortable or pratical choice possible?? She really said slaying first, comfort second alright..... 3/10 im not sorry
T2 Shoes
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.......I'm not even going to say anything.......it got worse. 2/10
5-Shidou Kirisaki T1 Shoes
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Uhm...ok grandpa shoes i guess.....still comfy tho. By themselves they don't look bad but with the actual fit- my guy what the fuck where you thinking.... 5/10
T2 Shoes
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My guy really looked at Kotoko's T1 shoes and thought they looked cool. Still better than hers but thats for later. What on earth are even these tho, they are like crocs but with normal shoe soles??? He's clearly one of those guys that get dressed by their wives and can't do it by themselves because jesus.... 4/10?
6-Mahiru Shiina T1 Shoes
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Ok, nails done, I see you. Grandma shoes mixed with platform shoes.....she's smol so I get it. They actually look comfy but what about winter girl- 7/10 No T2 because.....well....wheelchair (txs Kotoko)
7-Kazui Mukuhara T1 Shoes
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What are these shoes, they have belts on the side?? thats a belt right- From the front they look like fisherman boots, what is this man wearing. At least they don't look uncomfortable. 6/10
T2 Shoes
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Alright he got comfier, very solid. I'd wear those in prison, 9/10 great upgrade Dad!
8-Amane Momose T1/T2 Shoes (dam girl change a bit)
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School shoes same as Yuno but this ones.....I've worn that and god do they fuck up your toes.....Is she ok? 3/10
9-Mikoto Kayano & John T1/ T2 Shoes
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Ok my guy Vans i see you, he went for the comfy option but the color....could be better. 8/10 But can we take a moment to talk about how John can't tie shoe laces??
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What is that- He's going to trip on that thing and fall face first on the floor. Those look one step away from unlacing.
And finally, the one that started it all,
10-Kotoko Yuzuriha T1 Shoes
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(again, what are those socks) I don't even know what these are supposed to be?? Are these a normal version of those beach sandals or something?! They look ugly as hell (god that random ass circle on the side- it looks like a black and white pokeball tho) and uncomfortable too. 1/10 burn these things (you are lucky you are hot)
T2 Shoes
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Now we are talking, the biggest glow up ever!! They are literally just military security boots, go off queen, slay (perferably not literally, we've seen that enough) Comfy, fashionable, she can step on me with those- wait what? 9/10
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pengold · 5 months
Okay, so this is the anon that pointed out the gloria name (if its okay i just wanna refer to myself as "💚 anon")
I wanted to ask if you are comfortable with us asking questions regarding the AU? Like- The whole thing with Steven having "nothing to do" with Nacha's husband's death. Especially since said husband was his father's right hand man- does his father know? I'd imagine if he did, it was because of some double crossing or something, but then why would Nacha still be under protection? Would she ever find out? Would his father be upset if he didn't know and found out?
Thats just the first thing i wanted to ask. There's some thoughts/questions I've been thinking about regarding Angus, Izaack, Doppelgangers, and the Doctor. As i said. Your AU is tickling my brain in such good ways, but i want to know if asking is okay
And also, thank you so much for the Angus love- i feel the characters are so underrated compared to the milkman (still love him tho)
Hello 💚 anon and yes you can tots ask questions about the Au (and that goes for everybody)!! Angus and the Selenne are my 2 favs and I love that people like me drawing the “less” popular characters!
As to Steven and the situation with Nacha’s husband: he died in a police sting and Rudboys Sr. thinks there is a rat in his organization. He doesn’t know that it was Steven as he was the one that told the org what went down and he barely made it out. So Steven was put on task of finding the mole while hiding himself. He has seen that he has fooled his dad so he is seeing how he could take over sooner.
He is a naughty boy who is trying to get both the girl and the job.
This is were Izaack comes in, he knows something more went down at that sting and is trying to investigate it. He was best friends with Nacha’s husband when they were younger. Even though they went separate ways and didn’t agree with each others career choices, they kept an eye on each other.
So plan is Steven makes his move on Rudboys Sr., ppl think he does but Nacha saves him and brings him to Dr Afton. Nacha was starting to like Steven, thought him a gentleman and was there for her after her husband’s death. It’s her daughter who doesn’t like him that makes her keep a friendly distance from him. She stumbles upon the confrontation between the Rudboys and learns what happens. She goes to Izaack with the info cuz her husband always talked about him.
That’s all I’ll say on this for now but loving the questions makes me think more about it!!
((Also pls excuse and spelling and grammar errors. English is my only language and I’m bad at it))
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