#tho I’m pretty sure they will
jsvausvqbd · 5 months
I can’t shake off just how beautiful the confession scene was. Sun Jae, in the literal face of impending doom, learns not only when he’s going to die but why and although we see that he struggles to grasp the concept of dying, he finds a modicum of solace on Sol, and instead chooses to focus on her. Sun Jae understands that he died saving her/protecting her, and that this whole time she’s been there for him. She’s already seen him die and chose to literally travel in time to save him, what more proof of her love for him could he possibly ask for?
With this, he just says ‘don’t run away from me. Please just like me’ because truly that’s all he wants, Sol is all he’s ever wanted for himself and since now he knows that his feelings are reciprocated and that he’ll eventually die… why not just give in to their feelings while they can?
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Sun Jae writing Sudden Shower for Sol and fulfilling his unspoken promises to her over and over again in every timeline is extremely beautiful and gutwrenching to see. Their dating college era may be ephemeral but I’m sure it’ll only make Sun Jae want to wait for Sol even more. All I’m hoping for is a good ending for these two who have gone through a lot for each other
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chocostrwberry · 3 months
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Sentimonster designs I came up with bc I was thinking about Argos’s debut in my AU! Bc I’m dumb and I haven’t thought too deep about him as a character to the story yet-
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They were originally suppose to all be based on the seven deadly sins, especially Gasumptious (gluttony) and Elvy (envy). But I also wanted to branch into maybe Felix’s other hidden emotions, like his deep love for Kagami and his fear of being replaced by Adrien (Bride and Athazagora).
Argos becomes an official enemy when Dragonbug tells him they need to be destroyed. He defends them, saying they’re just “infants” and can learn how to behave properly with time. But a frustrated and exhausted Dragonbug she tells him they aren’t like humans and are created for one purpose: to serve and destroy. This hits home with Argos, and he develops a fear and hatred for Ladybug and swears his loyalty to Madame Morphisa afterwards in order to take her down and prove just how monstrous he can be.
I’m still kinda trying to find a way to make this concept work in my au. He promised to serve her in exchange for the peacock miraculous, and she wants him to use it to take Ladybug’s miraculous. In a novice attempt, he might have just starting creating multiple sentimonsters that he thought were harmless enough (something she did NOT expect), but they quickly spiraled out of control. It’s much easier to make sentimonsters based on others emotions, because you can predict which one you will create it off of. But instead, he chose his own, which makes it more difficult to tell how the sentimonster will act. I think it would show the aspect that these creatures do have a mind of their own, compared to previous Mayura sentimonsters who were easily controlled by their akumas!!
Red Moon
Red Moon is obviously already canon, but her power is instead hypnosis. If you get caught in her light, you stop whatever you are doing to stare at her. The streets of Paris become like a statue exhibit: countless of unlucky citizens are bathing in her glow, staring at the beauty of the red moon.
As he devours, Gasumptious grows bigger and bigger. He’ll eat anything, so beware! After finishing most of the city, Gasumptious sits atop the Eiffel Tower and gnaws on its metal posts.
Elvy lives in the sewers. She can control water and uses it to drain you of happy memories, which she keeps in floating green orbs and guards for herself.
It’s so silly to me how the manifestation of Felix’s jealousy of Adrien is fought and defeated by Chat Noir, who is Adrien ehehehheeh.
She also sounds like a Pokémon!! Probably like a Lapras, or the one that trills really pretty
A timid creature, Athazagora took over the catacombs, and hides in the shadows. You can hear the creaking and rattling of its wooden limbs in the dark as it stalk you. If you can’t escape, it envelops you in its cloak of darkness, never to be seen again.
The supposed advisor of Argos. She never leaves his side, and is always whispering something in his ear. To protect Argos, she showcases her ability to turn her arm into a long spear/sword, incredible strength and mobility, and that her body is made of an indestructible crystal.
Plus, he can make multiple sentimonsters bc he’s a sentihuman himself (Other people can’t. You can only make one, kind of like how the Butterfly miraculous can only Akumatize one person at a time, unless they share an object. Current excuse I’m going with that makes semi-sense HEHEHE) . So Lila totally wants to use that to her own advantage!
Ofc he fails, but she’s impressed with his resolve (and the lengths he was willing to go, albeit unintentionally), especially after sharing her goal of destroying Ladybug. Lila was feeling the effects of unification and now has a willing minion to do her bidding whenever she pleases.
If I decide to go with this plot, Lila has to end up forgetting Felix because of the curse. But she doesn’t care: all she really needs is Argos. I might need to retcon her revenge against Felix because of this but idm! It wasn’t very important to the plot anyways!
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I was considering having Dragonbug in this episode, since she could use Perfection to snipe Red Moon out of the sky! The lucky charm would be like a wand that creates a sticky translucent web to keep the sentimonsters secure so they can go find their amoks.
And a sentimonster I never ended up including, Ava. I just didn’t have a reason to put her in there but I liked the yin and yang style of her design!!
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 97
Danny as phantom storms a justice league meeting accusing Batman of magically sacrificing his son to be his (little sister/daughters) husband. Like I’m picturing Danny portaling and slapping Batman. To make matters worse both Danielle and Damian are only 9.
He can only sense Batman as the father of his new (hopefully temporary) in-law. Who thankfully is still actually human and not dead. The pits cover Talia scent. So he doesn’t know about her. Stinky waters do that you know.
Danny rushed to conclusions the moment frostbite told him what happened.
Bruce is very confused. For starters he doesn’t have a 9 year old son. Secondly he just had not done that.
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codgod-moved · 1 year
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phatcatphergus · 8 months
The bunny guy coming to fobo to see if it’s  suitable for kids is so funny bc imagine you go to do an inspection and find multiple overcrowded breeding pits, a crack slicer, random shit everywhere, and a shady ass family dynamic where one guy kills horses he thinks are useless and the other guy beat your ass in a chess game and says you owe him child support.
It’s so redneck coded
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fizzytoo · 5 months
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catndog gfs (pepper & sam) w @buttertrait🐱🐶
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vivianveil · 4 months
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Skins Unseen, 2007
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wangxian-the-zhijis · 9 months
Wwx: *hurts leg
Lwj: Wei Ying, are you okay? Can you walk or do you want me to carry you?
Wwx: I can walk.
Wwx: But I still want you to carry me.
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tojiscrack · 20 days
to my all little liars!! (edit: wtf happened to my english? 😭)
we’re at 24.6k words rn 😟 if you plan on reading it next week, i recommend you read it on the weekends when there’s no school or work for you waiting in the morning 😀
calling in the troops rn ‘cause there’s still one final scene i have to write and it’s gonna be LONG (this isn’t including the bonus scene btw) but it’s extremely important for the story to continue, and without it, the rest of the story literally cannot go on 😭
we’re locking in guys. it’s 100% gonna border 30k words for sureee. sm has happened in that ONE chapter and i literally cannot wait to release it for all of you, you have no ideaaa
gonna go to bed and then wake up, study, break, write for the fic, repeat. had to randomly drop an update here cuz i’ve been edging you guys for so long i’m sorryyy, but it really is nearly here <333
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edit: fck it guys i’m writing it rn (the immediate comments got me motivated)
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d4rkshad0w · 25 days
so i was rereading that part in tkm where Neil goes on court to tell Andrew to stop throwing the balls at Dan and Kevin’s feet and Andrew tells him “i don’t believe in second chances” at first i js thought it was because his lack of apathy or something but then i thought about the last time he gave someone a chance which was Tilda when he told her to stop abusing Aaron and she didn’t stop so he killed her
so maybe that’s why he doesn’t believe ins second chances? he gave Tilda a second chance and she didn’t care and ended up dead
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largemandrill · 17 days
Hey guys don’t worry about why I’m asking this but say I am in the process of drawing Elden Ring characters as Disney’s the Robin Hood esc furries and I don’t have an exact list of what character would be which animal. Allegedly I already have a few of them planned out (most of the roundtable), but I would love to have idea thrown at me like spaghetti at a wall.
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paimonial-rage · 8 months
wriothesley 3, 16, 17 :3 -- @milkstore
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
What is Wriothesley’s mbti/enneagram?
Wriothesley is a 9w8 ESTP sp/so.
What is the best way to win Wriothesley’s heart?
Wriothesley is a simple man, and simple men require simple methods. Simply put, the best way to win Wriothesley’s heart is to flirt with him. He doesn’t need much more than that. Challenge him, tease him, take him by surprise. Play hot and cold. Accept his invitations for tea, then spurn his advancements the next. Present yourself as a catch, dance right out of his reach, and let his instincts kick in. But make sure you’re having fun too. It’s not a game if both people aren’t having fun.
What are Wriothesley’s strengths in a relationship?
Of the many traits Wriothesley was blessed with, two that stand out are his level-headedness and his tendency toward action. No matter what you may go through as a couple, he will not be overcome by stress or fear. You can always trust him to be solid no matter the storm. Not to mention you can trust he will not take the backseat in your relationship. If there is anything wrong, he will address it. But more than that, if he sees the chance to make you happy, he will take it, whether it’d be bringing home flowers or taking you on a date to something you want to see. In a relationship, he won’t let you feel alone.
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coffentyme · 6 days
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My take on Shane during winter :)
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thatsrightice · 5 months
Before the war, Harry Crosby had started school for his master’s degree in literature at the University of Iowa. He was regarded as a very smart guy, “borderline genius” by some of the others he served with and yet infuriatingly humble.
On one particular training mission with the Just-a-Snappin’ crew, the weather was good and Crosby knew where they were at every second of the fight, so he pretended to be a tour guide of sorts.
"Navigator to crew, if you look out the right window you can see The Wash."
“Waist, here. What's The Wash?"
I told him. "It's that huge inlet on the coast." In a few minutes I hit the button again. "Now if you look on the port side you can see Robin Hood's hometown, Nottingham. That's Sherwood Forest right by it."
A string of Rogers.
And later on in that same flight…
I tried to keep the crew entertained. I pointed out some places with funny English names, like "Ribble" and "Barrow-in-Furness." I showed them Balmoral Castle, Gretna Green, and Newcastle.
The best part is, only Crosby was allowed to do such a thing during the flight. Blakely would get rather miffed if anyone else tried to initiate any funny business over open-mic.
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Taika et al really committing to the “Ed is Jesus, Izzy is Judas” bit huh
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