#thistle tc
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onesmallbagel · 1 year ago
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Thistle from Dawn Of The Clans. Thistle belongs to Clear sky’s camp and then later on Thunder’s camp or ThunderClan. Thistle is the son of Milkweed and Splinter. He is the brother of Clover and Bramble and half brother to Morning fire, Shivering rose, Beech tail, Hazel burrow and Patch pelt. Thistle is first seen when Grey wing catches a rabbit but it turns out to be catch that Milkweed was stalking and a kit Thistle complains. Grey wing apologises and gives them back the rabbit and after suggests for them to join Clear sky, which they do. Milkweed soon changes to join Thunder. Most of his interactions are about hunting or food which makes me think he’s still quite traumatised from being a rogue. He’s fiercely protective of his family but bickers a lot with his siblings and seems to have no fear, wanting to learn to fight as soon as he can and sleep near the camp edge to listen for foxes (Info gained from the wiki)
ANNNND we’ve caught up to the designs I’ve done recently and not months ago!!! He’s so spiky!! I don’t have a lot to say about his design because I feel like the choices are obvious but his story I do!
It’s not mentioned in HIS wiki but he has a father called Splinter who is apart of a rogue group called Slash’s group (wow so cool) and there is a scene where his dad is seen getting the best prey for being friends with Slash while others get the crappy remains. I feel like Thistle becomes a foil to Splinter in the way that he asks to be trained as soon as possible so he can hunt and watch out for foxes. Most just just wanna fight but Thistle specifically just wants to provide and protect in a way most kits don’t think of. I’m not sure if Thistle would ever know of his dad/interact with him but he grows up to be a well respected warrior that can and will beat a fox to hell.
I do commissions! Dm me for more info!
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demigirlvioletshine · 2 years ago
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skuffypaw · 2 years ago
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burning-thistles-bt · 2 years ago
i’ve been wondering, how does windflight feel about two of his sons (tawny and thistle) grooming cats much younger than them into a relationship?
he.... probably doesnt care/thinks its weird people care?
okay so. first of all- most cats never really put two and two together for Tawnyspots and Willowpelt. Willowpelt was a warrior when she gave birth, meaning she was "basically a warrior" when they mated. he was also a pretty respected deputy so... no one wants to think of him as wrong/creepy.
the sad reality is Tawnyspots got off-scot free aside from his own minimal guilt. because at least he has some sort of regret, and its a mix of "i shouldnt have done that (but i wanted to)" and "i wish i had an actual mate and kits (if only i could have lived longer so Willowpelt could have been my real mate)"
Thistlestar on the other paw. caused a bit more stir- if he hadn't have chosen Spottedpaw, whose father was overprotective, and who became a medicine cat, or if she had been a warrior first- he likely would have gotten away with it, sadly. it wasnt to say cats thought it was okay for adults to date young apprentices, just that it was easier to brush aside as "oh but theyre in love so" or "oh but they're almost a warrior so" or "oh well nothing bad happened so." but Adderfang caused quite a stir and didnt let it be brushed aside, then Thistlestar joined RiverClan and became leader and suddenly his drama and what he did was blasted everywhere, where no one could just ignore it/pretend it didnt happen, because it was fact
and then a generation of cats are being raised seeing Thistlestar scorned by his birth clan for this, raised by cats who were raised by Adderfang and others to see that as wrong, undeniably
so... a lot more cats are understanding that what Thistlestar and others did was/are doing is wrong.
Windflight was not raised in that generation. He was raised in the generation of "dont do it but its not really that bad just frowned upon." Windflight himself had two mates: Rainfur, presumably around his age, and Poppydawn, who was a kit when he was a warrior (though if he was a young warrior or not is unclear; additionally, he never expressed interest in her when she was a kit/apprentice)
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wc-confessions · 2 months ago
Gonna toss a stick into fire by saying this but I think people react too strongly toward Bluestar. I see tons of people bashing her for her behavior towards Snowfur/Brightheart especially and while I do agree that yes she.. Didn't treat them the best I can totally understand why. She fucks up pretty badly but I think that's what makes her so interesting and why her plot is so enjoyable to me. Her life was horrible since the beginning, with her mother dying at an early age, her father barely being present in her life, having such a heavy prophecy thrown onto her back, Sunfall pushing her out of her grief so soon, always put in this stake to be a fit warrior for her clan. And then Oakheart happened, which again I can see why. Her giving up her kits in the middle of winter is something I don't think is justified at all, especially since they were so so young (and Mosskit ended up dying along the way which was horrible), but I can feel sympathy for her because it was an act out of desperation, even if a terrible one. Snowfur was the only one she had left, and yeah she did behave immaturely towards her and Thistle's relationship, but I see it as her just being overprotective of Snow over it. She was genuinely shaken when she died. Also, Brightheart and Swiftpaw. Unfortunate sitation, but not entirely her fault. She was going through a mental crisis- which again, doesn't justify her actions but really gives insight as to why she acted that way- and I understand both sides. Swiftpaw wanted to prove himself worthy, Brightheart followed after, but as that point they were old enough to know not to leave camp all alone, especially since they weren't aware of how massive the issue was in the first place and when their leader was obviously unwell. I don't think Bluestar giving Brightheart the name Lostface was targetted towards her in specific or entirely with malicious intent, more so as an act of rebelty towards Starclan with her as the receiving end of it. It did have an undeniable horrible effect on Brightheart though, which is why I repeat that while her mental issues do explain how she acted, her actions did injure others and that isn't excusable. This is getting extremely long but my point is; Bluestar's story is far from black and white and while she isn't a saint, she isn't absolutely horrible either. She suffered, she suffered a lot, and she ended up expelling that to everyone around her. I can understand people who hate her, people who love her, and she is one of if not the most interesting TC leader to me. You can enjoy a character without having to absolve them of their flaws.
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bonefall · 1 year ago
wait, finchflight? does that mean tc finchflight will get a rename? unless shc finchflight isnt relevant
You're probably thinking of FinchLIGHT of ThunderClan. No one has been renamed and there are no conflicts here. ShadowClan has a FinchFLIGHT and ThunderClan has a FinchLIGHT
The names in Clanmew are also utterly different. FinchFLIGHT is Green Finch-Lifting off, and references his bizarre, unpredictable nature. FinchLIGHT is Gold Finch-Glowing like fire, referencing a Goldfinch's ability to destroy thistles.
So basically Joker-Helicopter and Fascist-Eater. Very different vibes.
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exocynraku · 2 years ago
deerstar and cloudberry (TC) or if you’ve done them before ivypool and thistleheart?
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woolflower (doe x cloud ) and skyclaw (ivy x thistle)
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marmotclaw · 11 months ago
Renames for duplicate cats
Applefur (tf) -> Applestem
Bee (cotp) -> Cicada
Beechfur (tc) -> Beechpelt
Birchstar (skc) -> Elmstar
Birchstar (wc) -> Hickorystar
Branch (hj) -> Sprig
Cloudberry (rc) -> Darkberry
Coco (dk) -> Coconut
Darkstar (cotc) -> Puddlestar
Darkstar (skc) -> Murkstar
Dew Nose -> Dew Grass
Dovestar -> Wrenstar
Eeltail -> Eelfang
Emberdawn (stc) -> Emberlight
Emberkit (dotc) -> Ember Sparks
Feather (gc) -> Quill
Fernleaf -> Fernear
Flower (lo) -> Dahlia
Flower (ro) -> Aster
Flowerstem (cotc) -> Flowernose
Frecklewish (skc) -> Freckleface
Fritz (rp) -> Freddie
Gorseclaw (tc) -> Gorsebush
Gorseclaw (wc) -> Gorseflower
Gorsetail (tnp) -> Fawnfoot
Greywing -> Greyfeather
Hareflight (fq) -> Harewhisker
Heronwing (tc) -> Heroncrown
Ivytail (rc) -> Ivypelt
Larchkit (mv) -> pecankit
Larksong (bp) -> Larkcall
Larkwing (fq) -> Larkshine
Leaf (dotc) -> Stem
Lily (fq) -> Tulip
Max (kp) -> Maxie
Milkfur (wc) -> Milktooth
Milkfur (rc) -> Milksplash
Minnowkit (cotc) -> Lushkit
Mintfur (skc) -> Mintleaf
Minty (ro) -> Mint
Mitzi (kp) -> Jodie
Molewhisker -> Moleleap
Mossheart (tc) -> Mosspebble
Mudclaw (sc) -> Mudlegs
Nettle -> Spurge
Night (hj) -> Spore
Nightstar (dotc) -> Duskstar
Nutmeg (ro) -> Pistachio
Oatwhisker (tc) -> Oattail
Patch (kp) -> Patchy
Patch Pelt -> Patched Fur
Petal (Sister) -> Pond
Pouncetail (sc) -> Pouncepuddle
Quailfeather (cotc) -> Quailwing
Rabbitleap (tc) -> Rabbitfoot
Rain (dotc) -> Monsoon
Rainfur (skc) -> Rainmask
Redclaw -> Marshclaw
Reedshine (cotc) -> Reedear
Rippletail/Buster-> Rippledawn
Robinwing (rc) -> Robinspots
Robinwing (skc) -> Robintalon
Robinwing (wc) -> Robinswoop
Rose (fq) -> Rosa
Rowanstar (cotc) -> Crimsonstar
Rushtail (wc) -> Rushseed
Shade Pelt-> Shade Nose
Shadepelt (avos) -> Shadeclaw
Shimmerpelt (cp) -> Shimmershade
Slate (ih) -> Wedge
Sloefur (rc) -> Sloeberry
Snaketail (tot) -> Snakeeye
Snaketooth -> Snakecatcher
Sparrow (ro) -> Wren
Sparrowfeather (stc) -> Sparroweye
Sparrowpelt (skc) -> Sparrowcrest
Spider (trr) -> Tarantula
Stagleap (tc) -> Stagsong
Stoatfur (bs) -> Stoatsnout
Stone (dotc) -> Cobblestone
Stone Song (dotc) -> Stone Speckle
Swallowtail (rc) -> Swallowheart
Thistle (ro) -> Cleaver
Thistlepaw (cotc) -> Barbpaw
Thrushpelt (wc) -> Thrushthroat
Velvet (sd) -> Silk
Wrenflight (skc) -> Wrenbeak
Warrior names for kits, apprentices and leaders
Acornpaw -> Acornpounce
Adderkit -> Adderbite
Adderpaw -> Adderpatch
Beechpaw -> Beechspring
Beechstar -> Beechdust
Bellkit -> Bellsong
Birchstar -> Birchbloom
Blossomkit -> Blossomtail
Brindlestar -> Brindlestorm
Brownpaw -> Brownthorn
Brushpaw -> Brushroar
Buzzardkit -> Buzzardcry
Carpkit - Carpwhisker
Cedarstar -> Cedarfall
Cherrypaw -> Cherryspark
Chestnutkit -> Chestnutsnap
Copperpaw-> Copperleaf
Cricketkit -> Cricketchirp
Crimsonstar -> Crimsonroot
Curlypaw -> Curlytail
Cypresspaw -> Cypressmulch
Dandelionkit -> Dandeliontuft
Darkstar -> Darkmist
Dawnstar -> Dawngaze
Deerpaw -> Deerwhistle
Dewkit -> Dewflower
Dewstar -> Dewfern
Dovestar -> Dovethroat
Downkit -> Downstream
Dragonflykit -> Dragonflytail
Driftkit - Driftmouse
Drizzlekit -> Drizzleflake
Duckkit -> Duckpuddle
Duckpaw -> Duckfeather
Duskpaw -> Duskflint
Duststar -> Dustmask
Eaglekit -> Eaglefoot
Elmstar -> Elmleap
Emberkit -> Emberfall
Emberstar -> Emberdance
Fallowkit -> Fallowfeather
Fallowpaw -> Fallowfoot
Fallowstar -> Fallowhare
Featherkit -> Featherbreeze
Featherstar -> Featherdust
Fennelstar -> Fennelfrost
Finchkit -> Finchberry
Finchstar -> Finchtail
Flickerkit-> Flickersong
Flowerpaw -> Flowerpool
Flystar -> Flyswarm
Fogpaw -> Fogwhisper
Hatchkit -> Hatchshell
Hawkstar -> Hawkeye
Hazelstar -> Hazelbranch
Heatherstar -> Heatherpad
Hickorystar -> Hickoryheart
Hillkit -> Hillbreeze
Hollykit -> Hollybark
Hollystar -> Hollyseed
Hopekit -> Hopeflower
Houndstar -> Houndtooth
Ivystar -> Ivyneedle
Juniperkit -> Juniperberry
Larchkit -> Larchwood
Lavenderkit -> Lavenderheart
Lightningpaw -> Lightningstrike
Lilystar -> Lilyfall
Lionstar -> Lionfang
Littlekit -> Littlelight
Lushkit -> Lushstone
Lynxkit -> Lynxwish
Maplestar -> Maplewhisker
Marigoldkit -> Marigolddrop
Marshkit ->Marshbelly
Marshpaw -> Marshstep
Minnowkit -> Minnownose
Mintkit -> Mintcreek
Mintpaw -> Mintheart
Mistkit -> Mistmoon
Mistlekit -> Mistleclaw
Molepaw -> Molerye
Morningkit -> Morningdew
Morningstar -> Morningwhisper
Mosskit -> Mossflight
Mosspaw -> Mosslog
Murkstar -> Murkfoot
Nettlepaw -> Nettleleaf
Nightkit -> Nightfall
Oakstar -> Oakthorn
Oatkit -> Oatspots
Patchkit -> Patchheart
Pecankit-> Pecancone
Perchkit -> Perchtuft
Perchpaw -> Perchsplash
Petalkit -> Petalstorm
Pikepaw -> Pikespeck
Pricklekit -> Pricklepelt
Primpaw -> Primfrost
Prongkit -> Prongclaw
Puddlestar -> Puddlefur
Quailkit -> Quailshell
Quickpaw -> Quickclaw
Quietkit -> Quietmew
Redstar -> Redwisp
Reedstar -> Reedfur
Ripplestar -> Ripplestripe
Robinkit -> Robincurl
Robinstar -> Robincloud
Rubblekit -> Rubbledust
Rubblepaw -> Rubblepelt
Rushpaw -> Rushsplash
Rustlekit -> Rustlekit
Sedgestar -> Sedgespike
Seedpaw -> Seedsong
Shrewpaw -> Shrewrunner
Shrimppaw -> Shrimptail
Silverpaw -> Silverspring
Smallstar -> Smallstep
Snailpaw -> Snailmask
Snipkit -> Snippad
Snowkit -> Snowblossom
Snowstar -> Snowstorm
Specklepaw -> Specklennose
Spiderstar -> Spiderfang
Splashkit -> Splashspots
Splashpaw -> Splashpuddle
Spottedpaw -> Spottedfeather
Storkkit -> Storkwing
Swampkit -> Swampswim
Swankit -> Swansong
Sweetpaw -> Sweettooth
Swiftpaw -> Swiftblaze
Swiftstar -> Swiftheart
Talonpaw -> Talonshade
Talonstar -> Talonfang
Tanglepaw -> Tanglefur
Tabsypaw -> Tansybeetle
Thistlepaw -> Thistletoe
Troutstar -> Troutshine
Tulipkit -> Tuliptuft
Tumblekit -> Tumbleweed
Turtlekit -> Turtlesnap
Vinestar -> Vinetail
Volestar -> Volechaser
Waterkit -> Watervole
Weaselkit -> Weaselbounce
Webkit -> Webhaze
Whitestar -> Whitehawk
Wildkit -> Wildheart
Willowkit -> Willowgleam
Willowstar -> Willowmane
Wishkit -> Wishseed
Woodkit -> Woodrattle
Wrenstar -> Wreneye
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harriertail · 2 years ago
I just came up with this AU that I meant to share with you. Basically, Firepaw IS Bluestar's biological son in this AU.
same litter or a later one? firekit being mosskit who survived/was rescued by a loner or kittypet while bluestar was at sunningrocks could be cool- firepaw would join TC while she was only deputy to Sunstar.... who only had 7/8 lives and had passed over Thistleclaw for deputy... who's the one to betray her here? Thistle or Tiger? does she find out? does Fireheart? Oakheart is still alive....
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notwarriorswiki · 2 years ago
Ooooo Rosetail as a sunstar kit is such an awesome idea. Sunstar should’ve had kits (hell even had Thistle be Sun’s in my au) and Rosetail as his daughter is so cute. Also, love the growing hc of Rose being RedSpottedWillow’s mom, it just fits.
Any other family changes so far?
I always smile when I get an ask from Dorito. I should really start sending my asks off Anon to his own rewrite lmao
Anyway, here are a list of some adjustments that are canon to my AU but are not canon to the book series themselves
Redtail x Runningwind = Sandstorm
Darkstripe x Brindleface = Ferncloud, Ashfur, Elderkit, and Tulipkit
Willowpelt x Whitestorm = Graystripe, and then 2nd litter Sorreltail, Sootfur, Rainwhisker
Abandoned kits Dustpelt and Ravenpaw
Applefrost x Hollypelt = Stormtail, Smallear, and Rockfall
Rosetail x Nightstar = Redtail, Spottedleaf, and Willowpelt
Hollyflower x (a Siamese show cat) = Blackstar, Fernshade, and Flintfang
Rabbitear mothered Ratscar and Snowbird, making them WindClan
Snowbird x Smokefoot = Ivytail, Owlpaw, and then 2nd litter Berryheart, Cloverfoot, Yarrowleaf, and Rippletail
Ivytail x Whitewater = Ferretclaw, Stoatfur, and then 2nd litter Gullswoop, Conefoot, Bluebellblink, and Frondkit
Leaftail x Dewspots = Whistlepaw, Songleap, and Flutterfoot
Skyheart x Pigeonflight = Thrushwing and Stoneclaw
Shrewclaw x Ryestalk = Tornear and Ashfoot
Berryheart x Starlingwing = Sunbeam, Spireclaw, and Hollowspring
Princess' kits all join the clans - Cloudtail (TC), Kinkfur (ShC), Tawnyfur (WC), Mosspelt (RC), and Harveymoon (SkC)
Former kittypet brothers Clawface and Nightstar
Abandoned kit Mudclaw
Morningflower x Mudclaw = Antpelt and Leaftail
Hollowflight x Duckstream (Troutstream) = Splashtail and Fognose
Ambermoon x Toadstep = Sorrelpaw, Fernkit, Larksong, and then 2nd litter Plumstone, Stemleaf, and Flipclaw
There's probably more, these are what came to mind though
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cryptidclaw · 1 year ago
Im back with more suggestions brain vomit
Weedwhisker bringing back baby Brindleface, and saying "I made this, lol" def after a one night stand with some girl who didn't want kits.
T4T Transmasc Twigbranch and Transfemme Finleap Sweetheart one-sided, unrequited love with Snowstorm for ANGST
Thrush/Sweet QPR kit that leaves and becomes Barley's parent #just spitballin
KEEP THE WINDCLAN TUNNLERS AND MOOR RUNNERS and give Blood Order a tree nesting position to honour Sky Order Some of the unnamed-dark forest cats get named so the Brokenstar-era Shadow Order, the Thistle/Tiger TC clique, Darktail's takeover (if that still happens), Lilywhisker's anti-stars group, Whatever war crimes Rushtooth did/Sliverhawk did since Sliver doesn't have a confirmed clan (assuming all Orders have a bad guy group so it isn't just like 3 guys)
I may need to use that Weedwhisker idea bec Brindle and Frost being sisters causes so many problems LOL
T4T Twig and Fin are cute though idk if they will show up in RoC since im not going past OotS!
I loove the Sweetheart one sided angst plus her and Thrush binding over being un love with one of the sisters and deciding to have a family together since they cant be with who they love??? love it! I will keep this in my pocket in case i need to give a cat different parents!
I do think I will keep the tunnelers it is VERY cool! though i might have it so Wind Order Caretakers are also the tunnelers, like it is their job to upkeep and explore the tunnels. maybe Wind also use the tunnels partially for camp and storage, which is another reason the Caretakes are also in charge of tunneling!
Also I will keep that list of possible DF cats for the future hehehe
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nade2308 · 1 year ago
Where do I start with the description for this story?
It all started a year and a half ago after rewatching "Did you see the sunrise?" for the nth time and one day Thistle excitedly started yeeting her thoughts at me, about the gum and that Nuzo chewed from the gum too, not just TC. So this plot bunny was born and I ran with it.
It's funny to think that what started as a story to explain how Nuzo was also brainwashed, ended up being a deep exploration about how Thomas feels about the whole situation and him wanting to help Nuzo out, because he will never leave his friends and family behind.
It was originally supposed to be for the Merry Whump of May 2022 event, but it got shuffled around for other events until I was trying to figure out this year's Whumptober prompts and suddenly it was the right time.
I hope that this story makes sense in the grand scheme of things and that you are going to like it.
Title is from Daughtry's "It's not over".
Thank you @thethistlegirl for all the help.
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richardmurrayhumblr · 2 years ago
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Thistle and Verse 2023 goals- free video to see, click the link https://aalbc.com/tc/profile/6477-richardmurray/?status=2316&type=status #rmaalbc
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gougarpaw · 2 years ago
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“You're just saying that to stop me from going.”
Thistle is a sleek ginger tom with green eyes.
- Son of Milkweed + Splinter, brother of Bramble and Clover, half-brother of Beech Tail, Shivering Rose, Hazel Burrow, Patch Pelt, and Morning Fire
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burning-thistles-bt · 2 years ago
You know. I was just like chillin and eating. When i suddenly remembered about the part of the prophecy going like “blood will rule the forest.” Then i remembered , as of now , Firestar is the leader of TC. Thistlestar is the leader of RC (probably not for much longer though but it sorta fits) , Copperleaf WILL most likely be leader of SC , Windclan has airleap in it but he probably wont be leader , And then fully assuming Lightningfur would sometime soon take over Bloodclan , its literally just Blood (or kin lmfao) ruling the forest 😭😭 also Creekflower’s somewhere in the mix idk bro but shes somewhere
;P Thistle's blood do be spreadin' far and wide
....actually, nah, no credit for him, Spottedleaf's blood do be spreadin' far and wide. soon she'll be grandma to all the clans
(...i guess she already is if you count Featherpaw and Stormpaw as Lightningfur's kits lmao)
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goatpaste · 4 years ago
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[Commission info] [Etsy]
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