#this will have to suffice i guess :P
dancingbirdie · 1 year
This feels more like a character study of Astarion than anything else, but it's part of the series I'm working on called "The Planets Bend Between Us."
Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, Part 4 here.
Everything on Ao3 here.
My Astarion Spotify playlist here.
I hope you enjoy! Comments always appreciated and hoarded like shiny magpie trinkets.
Only You. Only Me.
Rating: Mature (for descriptions of sex/fantasizing)
Pairing: Astarion x f!Tav
Word Count: 2.4K
Warnings/Tags: Astarion's trauma responses, mental health, coping mechanisms, self-degradation, discussion of sex/physical intimacy, angst, fluff.
Summary: Halsin propositions Tav, prompting another important conversation between her and Astarion. Astarion works through more of his feelings about Tav, physical intimacy, and recovering from the torture he previously endured.
Astarion had always enjoyed reading. It was one of the very few discreet pleasures in which he could partake when skulking about Baldur’s Gate at night. He would read by the light of the lamp posts dotting the main thoroughfares, slouching against them and perusing texts at his leisure. He could even justify the habit to Cazador and his siblings, as on numerous occasions, it captured the attention of unsuspecting passersby who considered his behavior intriguing enough to strike up a conversation. It was a more passive means of gathering victims, true. It felt akin to fishing for prey as opposed to stalking them. But, still, it got the job done, especially on nights when his skin and bones still ached from his master’s beatings. 
Suffice to say, when he pilfered an armful of books from the druid’s grove several weeks ago, he was excited to finally indulge in the familiar activity once more. He had just selected a worn edition of Traveller’s Guide to the Sword Coast Vol. IV: The Risen Road and begun reading the author’s note when Tav barged into their shared tent with an audible huff. 
“Honestly, I was only making conversation…” she grumbled under her breath as she began aggressively rummaging through her pack to retrieve her night clothes. 
Astarion peered at her over the top of the tome, quirking a brow. 
“Is there something you want to talk about, my dear?” he casually intoned. 
Tav scoffed before turning to look at him over her shoulder. “You wouldn’t believe the conversation I’ve just had with Halsin,” she grimaced. 
Ah, so it finally happened, he thought to himself. He was grinning wickedly as he closed the book and laid it next to his bedding. 
“What’s that smile for?” Tav accused. 
A true, hearty guffaw burst from his mouth at that. Tav would have found it delightfully endearing if she weren’t so flustered. 
“I was wondering when you were going to ask me about this,” he replied, still chuckling. 
“What? How could you tell? Did he say something to you already?”
“I guessed! The man can’t stay quiet about ‘enjoying the freedom of Nature’s gifts’,” Astarion said, adopting a low, throaty tone to mimic the First Druid’s voice before cackling again. “Why, I bet he’d outlaw clothing if he could.”
Tav clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “It’s ridiculous. I was trying to make conversation with him a few days ago, because he seemed lonely and out of place. I mean, at least we all sort of know one another now. Tadpole business and all that. I thought he could do with a friend. So I merely asked if he had someone special waiting for him back home. And, apparently, that’s a coded question for ‘I’m interested in you?’ Honestly,” she scoffed. 
Astarion continued to watch her with obvious amusement. 
Tav turned back around and began undressing. He swallowed thickly as he watched her shrug out of her armor and begin untying the laces of her chest binding. The fabric fell to the ground with a muffled thump. He caught a mouth-watering view of the side of her breast as she bent over to fetch her nightshirt. 
His nightshirt, to be more precise. She’d taken to wearing his clothes (with permission, of course) soon after they had begun sleeping together. Said article of clothing was long enough to serve as a nightgown on her.
His eyes followed the curve of her waist and hips as she slid her breeches over the peaks and dips of her legs. His chest began to feel a little tighter, his breathing a touch ragged. He knew he should turn away. Be a gentleman. Give her some privacy, even if she wasn’t asking for it. 
Tav had grown increasingly casual about her nakedness inside the confines of their tent. She wasn’t doing it as a means to tempt him, he realized. Experienced as he was given his former… raison d'être… he would have picked up on the first whiff of it had her intent been to cajole him into sleeping with her again. 
No, her behavior stemmed entirely from a place of trust. She let her guards down - physically and emotionally - with only him. It was a pure thing. Borne out of a sense of security that Astarion hadn’t thought anyone would ever feel with him. The thought alone was enough to send a surge of blood toward his groin. The tent suddenly felt a lot warmer than it had before she’d entered. 
They hadn’t slept together since the night of tiefling’s celebration. It wasn’t because he didn’t desire her. He did, much more than his conscious self possibly cared to admit. He was especially reminded of that truth during moments like these, when she undressed in front of him as though she had done it a thousand times before. Like she’d do it a thousand times again. The way she shared her body with him, even non-sexually, was enough to kindle fire in his blood.
But he still felt tainted, no matter how many times he scraped and scrubbed his skin clean. The sense of it was still there, like an invisible grime marking him as unclean. Unworthy. And the act itself was still tainted in his mind. It wasn’t an easy place to return from – that cognitive hellscape where sex was a weapon, a vulnerability to exploit, a means to another’s end. 
He would frequently picture himself filling her to the hilt, wrapping her legs around his waist, thrusting into her with all the passion he could muster. And at first, it would bring him nothing but unbridled feelings of pleasure. Of yearning. But then the vision would be overshadowed by other thoughts, memories of previous trysts. Reminding him of who he was. What he was. What he’d done to others. What had been done to him. And by the time he was able to beat back those intrusive thoughts, the urge to ravish her would be lost. And he would be left loathing himself for even thinking of touching her, or having her touch him, in that way. 
You don’t deserve it. You don’t deserve her. That’s not meant for you. The thoughts would taunt him like crows circling a dying animal.  
He knew she wanted to be with him again. Of course, she never asked for it, the polite and empathetic sweetling that she was to him. They had discussed the subject thoroughly, and she had resolutely accepted his boundaries. He knew she’d never overstep them unless he permitted it. But he could feel her wanting in the desperate way she kissed him. In the way she touched him, so reverently, when they curled up in their bedding to rest. It caused his heart to flutter and fracture simultaneously. Because no matter how desperately he wanted to give her what her unspoken actions craved, he couldn’t figure out how to bypass those horrible memories and thoughts that plagued him. 
Things had gotten better, he had to admit. His aversion to touch and intimacy was slowly but surely fading. There were many nights he and Tav lay together in each other’s arms, lips moving together in perfect, glorious synchrony. They explored each other’s bodies – fingertips ghosting along skin, leaving heated trails of gooseflesh in their wake. 
“Tell me to stop,” she would whisper against his neck, her hands roving the planes of his body, as she peppered kisses along his jawline and the column of his neck. “Tell me to stop, and I’ll stop.”
“Keep going,” he would murmur in return, touching her just as desperately. “Please. Keep going.”
It would continue like that for some time, until it became too much. Until her touch stopped feeling like an analgesic to his mind and more like an agonist. He would tense, and she would feel it. He would quietly whisper “stop,” and she would halt immediately. He would clutch her in his arms, and they would lie still as he recovered. 
He wished he could give her more. Give her everything. She said she never minded. That she wanted them to take this slowly. And he believed her. But still. He knew he was a different sort of lover than she likely imagined her first to be. 
Which was why he had resolved to accept the possibility that she might want physical pleasure with someone else. Someone like Halsin, who could give her that attention immediately. Without the additional baggage and self-loathing that he came with. 
Under Cazador’s enslavement, the question of whether he preferred monogamy versus polyamory was just a cruel joke with an even crueler punchline. And before that, well, he couldn’t remember how he’d preferred his relationships. It was disorienting, to be so unsure of himself. Not knowing whether his decisions and preferences now were a reversal of his former personality or an exact alignment. Maybe some craved that sort of clean slate, but to Astarion it was terrifying. And enraging. 
But matters of self-identity aside, he had pondered long and hard about how he would respond were Tav to express interest in someone else. He had seen the way the gazes of some in their party lingered on her, knew they were curious about his little hellcat. Knew it was only a matter of time before someone became brave enough to proposition her. And he’d resolved to tell her, should she ask, that he would be all right with it. If she wanted to be intimate with another. He wouldn’t mind. 
Because it wasn’t her body he wanted, he had realized. While, yes of course, she was exquisite and beautiful and incomparable. She had a feral sort of beauty that drove his senses stark-raving mad sometimes. But what he really wanted – what he craved from her – lay so much deeper within. He wanted her heart. Her trust. Her pride. Her love. Even if he wasn’t entirely sure what that meant. He wanted to know it, wanted to learn. 
“It’s all right, you know,” he murmured finally. 
Tav turned to face him, tying her hair up in a tight bun for sleep. His nightshirt inched up her long, taut legs as she stretched. 
“What’s all right?” she frowned. 
“If you do wish to be intimate with him. I wouldn’t mind. I’m happy for you to have as much… Halsin as you wish.”
Tav just stared at him, her expression unreadable. 
“I just have one question, though,” he continued, pressing on while he still had the courage and vulnerability to ask. “It wouldn’t be because… you know… we haven’t… in a while?” 
The answer mattered so much to him. It was all he could think about for some time now. It made the defensive, self-preserving part of his mind absolutely seethe with rage, but try as he might, he couldn’t shake its importance.
Objectively speaking, he knew it was reasonable if she did respond with yes, it’s because we haven’t in a while, and I really do want to have sex. She was free to feel how she wished. He wouldn’t dare try to force her to stay with only him. He wouldn’t take her agency away from her like that. 
But still, he couldn’t deny that it would gut a part of him, if that would be her reason for taking the First Druid up on his offer. Astarion knew his penchant for misery and self-loathing would seize that answer like a prized jewel. Taunt him with the reality that he wasn’t good enough, wasn’t worth the effort, wasn’t deserving of anyone’s sole focus. 
“Astarion. Look at me,” Tav intoned, interrupting his frantic spiral. 
He hadn’t realized he’d dropped eye contact, his unfocused gaze instead directed somewhere to the side of her head. 
She knelt down before him, her knees pressing into his thigh. Gently, she took his hands in hers. 
“I don’t want to sleep with Halsin. I don’t want to sleep with anyone else,” she said resolutely. He could hear the conviction in her tone.
He stared at her, stunned into silence. In all his pondering and fretting over this, he hadn’t prepared for that answer. Once again, her response left him feeling flat-footed. 
“Listen,” she pressed forward, scooting closer into his side. “I’m fairly new at this, at all of this really. There’s a lot I don’t know about relationships and… physical intimacy… But I do know myself. And I know that sex doesn’t mean nearly as much to me as our emotional connection does. 
“Really?” Astarion whispered, his eyes darting rapidly across her face, desperate to suss out the truth.
Tav nodded seriously, squeezing his hands in hers. “While, yes, I want you in that way… it’s you I want, Astarion. Not the act itself. Just you.”
He wanted to break down in sobs at her words, at just how much they meant to him. That she just wanted him. Astarion. No gimmicks, no quid pro quo, no expectations. She had said it to him before in a different manner of phrasing, but he wasn’t sure if he would ever tire of hearing it. 
She couldn’t possibly understand how her simple truth, her sincere love for him, was upending his entire concept of life and relationships, like a meteor obliterating the ground beneath it. And out of that obliteration, something new and wonderful and terrifying was arising within him. 
Marvelous as it may be, it was still too much to process. The self-preserving part of him reared up in desperation, anxious to shield him from the unknown. He slipped into his costume of confidence and ease once more, although a distant part of him noted how this façade was beginning to chafe. 
“I know,” he chuckled with an offhanded shrug. He could sense the false bravado in his voice and wondered if Tav could discern it as well. 
“I was being foolish,” he continued. “But thank you for saying it.” 
Tav gave him a warm smile and squeezed his hands one last time before releasing them. 
“Of course, my star” she replied lovingly. “Let’s get some rest then, yes?”
“Yes, my darling. Let’s,” he returned.
He gathered her up in his arms as they burrowed down into their bedding. Tav sprawled on top of him, her head on his chest, a leg hitched between his, an arm banded across his waist. 
Within a matter of moments, she was fast asleep. Careful not to shift too much and wake her, Astarion picked up the previously discarded tome and resumed his reading. 
Astarion had always enjoyed reading. Although, he had to admit, the surroundings and company had dramatically improved since the last time he cracked open a book.
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mini-ism · 6 months
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paring: gallagher x gn!reader (female anatomy, no use of “breasts”)
words: 3.1k
synopsis: gallagher meets a companion that he invites on a smoke break.
warnings: MDNI! intoxication, p in v, dubcon, alcohol, semi-forced smoking, smoking, cigarettes, kinda OOC?, choking, wrist binding, cunnilingus, light degradation, spanking.
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flick, flick…,
the haze of fresh smoke covered his face as he leaned against the stone wall. the golden hour of penacony was ever-bustling. gallagher took a long drag from the cigarette, taking it out of his mouth with his index and thumb, ashing it slightly, and exhaling the smoke.
a cigarette every so often was refreshing, sometimes soulglad can be sickening. or at least to gallagher, though he might be the sole believer of that. damn near every night was the same, “can i get uh… soulglad?” another drunken patron slurred. the face of this patron is just as muddled as their voice. likely because every night, every person asked for a bottle of soulglad. gallagher obliged, as it was his duty, finishing wiping a glass, then uncapping a fizzy bottle of the drink, and passing it to them without a complaint or a mere word.
he took another puff, a longer one. he sighed, murky grey clouds leaving his mouth and nostrils. he put the cigarette back into his mouth, brushing his long, brown hair out of his eyes, savoring every intoxicating breath. he crushed he butt beneath his shoe, tobacco smearing onto penacony’s smooth pavement, watching it fizzle from existence. another benefit of the dream, one could assume.
he scratched at the stubble on his jawline, walking back into one of the many bars he frequently bartended at, bracing himself to serve more damn soulglad for the nth time tonight.
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the chestnut-brown hair on his shoulders bounced as he strode back inside, music blaring a bit too loudly for his liking. he cracked his neck, then his gloved knuckles, and made his way behind the counter.
“how was your break?” a coworker inquired, “you smell like smoke.”
“it was alright, i guess. nothin’ too special.” he spoke, “is that a bad thing?”
music rang in his ears as he wiped down a few more glasses. the same coworker tapped on his shoulder after a few moments, “gallagher, look to your left. total cutie over there.”
gallagher wasn’t the type to pay attention to anyone’s looks. he listened. that was simply his job. he just so happened to look to his left, grumbling slightly. “i mean, they’re alright. what’dya want me to say?”
“come on, man, just have fun for once. i get that this is your job, but it never hurts to bend the rules a lil’, huh?” they responded, “i’ll give you like, 200 credits if you talk to them.”
“make it 500 and i might.” he joked, watching as his bartending partner pulled exactly 500 credits out of their breastpocket, slipping it into his pocket.
“do it,” they snickered.
he watched as you settled into your seat at the bar, waving to your friend from across the club. “anything i can get you tonight?” a voice rung from behind you, slightly raspy, yet smooth, and tired.
he was just as tired-looking as his voice led you to believe, “well, firstly, are you okay?” you asked curiously, hands resting on the edge of the marbled countertop.
“yeah, i’m alright. is there anything i can do for you?” he asked again, his amber-colored eyes focused on you, accented by his eyebags that happened to be deeper than oceans. he was visibly aged, and had scars littered all over him.
in the quiet moment you were investigating his appearance, he too was “checking you out.” you looked nice, now that you were in front of him. his vision wasn’t the best nowadays, but it suffices well enough to delineate all the delicate features painted onto your skin and your face. he liked that.
“could i get a crimson sunset?” finally, something that wasn’t a fucking soulglad.
“sure thing, not a problem.” gallagher grabbed a glass with his hand, pouring a mixture of syrups, drinks, and spirits into the glass masterfully. he smiled tiredly at you, passing the drink to you on a red napkin. the drink itself was a pretty red-orange color that faded into a deep purple.
“mind if i get myself a drink?”
“are you allowed to do that?” you replied.
“well, i mean, never hurts to bend the rules a lil’, yeah?” he answered, unintentionally charismatically.
his accidental confidence made you laugh slightly, “go ahead, mister…?”
“gallagher,” he said, pouring himself his own drink. he isn’t mixing it with anything, just straight alcohol from the bottle into the same type of glass you have in your hand, “no need to be so formal. you can just call me gallagher.”
“alright, gallagher, it’s nice to meet you.” you grinned brightly, taking note of the faint smile painting his features and lighting up his dull eyes.
“it’s nice to meet you too… ah…” he trails off.
“(your name).” you replied, giggling slightly as you take a sip from your drink, admiring the complex profile of gallagher’s mixing skills, “by the way, this is really good.”
“thanks,” he shuffles awkwardly, mimicking you by taking a swig of his own drink, “it’s really nothin’ though, just a lil’ bit of gallagher magic.”
he watches as you sip from your drink again, raising his glass again and finishing the rest of the liquid inside. he can feel the alcohol burning in his throat as he drinks it down hungrily, blurring his own mind as you start to talk again. he’s listening, but not a word is registering in his head. gallagher refills his glass with a more potent drink, leaning over the counter and propping himself up with his toned forearms.
“…and that’s how i ended up here, with my friend,” you finished off, the mix starting to get to your head too. he has no idea you could be such a talker, it almost makes him want to shut you up, but that’s not nice and he should play fair! he never does anyways.
“well, ain’t that a story!” he laughs, sipping on his own concoction again, flashing a grin, “here, lemme getcha another drink, it’ll be on me, hun.”
“thank you, gallagher!” you smiled drunkenly, watching him show off his mastery of mixology like it’s a performing art, pouring the beautiful mixture into your new glass.
“mmmn, what? you like the way i do that, eh?” he teased, leaning over the marble counter again, sliding you the glass, “so what if i do?” you teased back, your words starting to slur together to form one big super-word.
“i can do it again for ya, if ya like,” he breathed, his tired eyes starting to look more like bedroom eyes.
“really? can you?” you nearly begged, awe-struck at his sheer skill.
“yeah, i can show you everything i can do. ‘m not jus’ good at mixin’ drinks, y’know?” he said, sending a shiver down your spine, making your back nearly arch with just a single sentence. he looked at you again, greedily sipping his drink, his eyes imploring you to do the same without a single word from him. you do just as they say, watching the spark ignite within his pupils like a flick of a lighter. his lips curl into a smile as he finishes his mahogany colored concoction, a marvel of alcoholic creativity. you cough slightly as you finish up your own drink, the burn in your gut rising like a flame. it travels from your tummy all the way up your esophagus, tickling your lips with a sting.
“do you like it, babydoll?” he collects the glasses, putting them in the sink for later, “i hope you did. i worked really hard on making you a nice drink.”
you nod sloppily, words caught in your throat like the eager blaze that’s simmering within your body. words are barging into your mind, but you cannot decipher, nor string them together, properly. “that’s wonderful. would’ya mind joining me for a smoke break?”
“sure, we can do that…” you smile, your cheeks hot and your skin prickly with fire. gallagher walks out of the bar, helping you walk out of the bar with enough stability. he leads you back to the wall he stood against before, the golden hour much darker than before. you leaned against him within the alleyway.
“have you smoked before?” he asks, taking out a cigarette from the carton in his pocket, where the credits from before lie.
“nooo…” you slur, giggling against the wall as gallagher helps you up, the unlit smoke between his lips.
“…wanna try?” he asks again, lighting the cigarette, flick, flick, shielding the flame with his free hand.
you considered it for a moment. you never thought you’d touch a cigarette, nevertheless smoke it, yet here you are, “uh… sure…?” you said with a hiccup.
gallagher takes a long inhale of the cigarette, his lungs filling with smoke before he takes it out, filling your own mouth with smoke as he puts his lips on yours, gently cupping your jaw with his other hand.
he exhales the rest of the smoke, watching you cough with a weirdly sick pleasure, “you like it?”
just as you were about to whine and say ‘no,’ the rush of nicotine blurs your mind, you can barely muster up a whimper, let alone nod your head weakly. “thas’ good, hun.”
he passes you the lit cigarette, watching you take it between your fingers as you take a small puff, the paper that wraps the tobacco burning up. again, you cough, but the menthol soothes your throat a bit more this time.
“feels real good, don’t it?” he breathes on the junction of skin between your collarbone and your neck, the burn boiling over as you exhale, feeling his hot breath against your prickly skin.
gallagher takes the cigarette from you again, taking a long drag from it, and exhaling in front of you, a bit of the smoke tingling within your throat.
“gonna feel better sooner or later,” he murmurs, taking the cigarette out of his mouth and kissing the intersection between your carotid artery and your clavicle, tickling your skin with his raw, swollen lips.
you whine as his hands crawl up your body, feeling your chest and your covered up nipples. he’s getting handsy as he finishes the rest of the smoke, holding it in for longer, then exhaling in your face with a sinister chuckle, “you’s needy. i gotcha babydoll, don’t worry.”
you fall into him as he crushes the butt-end of the cigarette, the orange menthol filter dissipating out of existence. his gloved hands feel all over every inch of your torso, from your collarbones, to your low abdomen. gallagher plants more rough kisses onto you, picking you up and leaning you against the wall, your back facing him as your cheek presses against the cold, hard surface of the wall.
your vision is spinning as your intoxicated state seeps deeper into your mind and body, watching as he unties his pretty magenta-colored tie. gallagher binds your hands with the tie, keeping your hands behind your back, in place and secure.
“you wanna stay here like this? i’m not gonna ask you again, so you’d best tell me now if you don’t wanna go through with it.” he commands, his grip tight, but loose enough not to bruise flesh.
truthfully, you want to do this, your body does too. your words are failing you as you make little noises, your cheek scraping lightly against the ragged surface. you mustered up a meager, “wannit, gall… ger…”
“yeah, hun?” he whispered breathily, heat radiating against the shell of your ear, “you gonna be good f’me?”
“yessss…” you whine in response, shuffling against the wall, your mind buzzing with every possibility.
“thas’ good, so good already.” he smiles, you can feel his lips curl against your neck as he gives you another little kiss, his raw, rough lips grazing against your tender, needy flesh.
gallagher was buzzed himself, he’s always had a high tolerance for things like alcohol and nicotine, being high off life was almost entirely new. something he hadn’t felt in so long, and here you were, back arched, being all obedient. all for gallagher, bartender and bloodhound (that of which you were unaware of).
in a swift motion, he tugged your at your clothing, moving it out of the way, so he can paw at your undergarments. you looked so cute like this, wrists bound and legs spread. all of this just so he can see what awaits him, “my, my, you’re all wet.”
“nnnmh, yeaaah…” you heaved, you’re dizzy, needy, you’re hammered, and you’re vulnerable. how much more adorable can you get? his fingers traced circles around the dampened spot in your underwear. you’re soaked already.
gallagher pulled your underwear to the side, tucking it in the crevice between your lip and your asscheek, working his fingers on your wet slit. he took some of your slick on his finger, rubbing your clit with his dominant hand. he gave your pussy a self-indulgent slap, before teasing your entrance with a thick finger. wordlessly, it slipped in with relative ease, eliciting a loud moan to pass through your swollen lips. he chuckled at your reaction, pulling it out, then slipping the digit back inside.
another moan fell from your lips, throaty and whiny. his finger started to move inside you, at first unbent and quickly fucking you. you slid against the wall, knees buckling slightly, before gallagher’s free hand pinned you to the wall, keeping you in your place. his single finger curled inside you, hitting your spongy g-spot. you mewled, crooning at the sensation, practically seeing stars. your vision started to blur as black splotches started to cloud it, but all you could feel, think, understand, want, smell, need, was him. he continued fucking you with his finger, watching your legs shake and your juices drip down his finger and onto his gloved palm.
“feels real nice, don’t it?” he cooed, slipping in another digit without warning. his scarred, toned arm flexed with every movement, curling and slipping inside and outside of you. his fingers made their way to your clit, rubbing it with vigor and passion, before he spread your other lip with his thumb and put his lips to your pussy. he gave it a rough, sloppy kiss, pulling away to listen to you cry out. nobody could care any less, they were experiencing the dream. in all actuality, this feels like a dream within a dream, if that makes sense. you were just so amazing, you were alluring. definitely worth more than 500 credits. he gave your pussy another sopping wet kiss, his scratchy stubble rubbing against your skin, creating friction. his tongue darted to your clit, licking and sucking it between his lips and teeth. his thumb still held your cunt open. gallagher gave you a couple more long licks and kisses for good measure, savoring your every drop, relishing your taste, before standing up.
“ready, babydoll?” gallagher rhetorically asked before unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants (which happened to be the same magenta color as his tie). you nodded, drooling and zoning out. all you could understand was the pleasure he was giving you, all you could care about was how much more pleasure he could give you, “great.”
he pulled his thick cock out from his boxers, lining it up against your entrance, savoring the difference in size. your small, little cunt and his big, fat dick. how cute. gallagher re-adjusted you, spreading your legs just a bit further, then putting some pressure on the lumbar portion of your back, causing you to arch more instinctively.
without warning, the burning within your body had boiled over again between your legs, the stretch to accommodate his girthy dick nearly destroying you. you screamed, but nobody gives a damn, “scream all you want, babe, you gonna take it.”
gallagher pulled out again, just a little, to slam back into you, watching your cunt stretch as much as it could. he savored how warm and tight you were, tight as a vice could get. your eyes rolled into the back of your head, saliva dribbling your chin and onto your clothing. a loud crack, followed by a searing pain, flooded your senses. his palm made contact with your asscheek again, slapping it roughly for a second time, pushing himself into you with as much force as he could use before breaking you in half.
“you takin’ me so good, ‘m proud of ya, doll,” he chuckled, smiling again. gallagher had found a pace inside you, his hand snaking up to your throat and wrapping around it. he applied pressure to your jugular and carotid with his thumb and his other four digits on their respective sides. he sped up slightly, gripping your hips as air flow lessened.
gallagher continued to slam-fuck into you, speeding up with every thrust, chasing his high. his breath was hot and heavy, huffing in your ear as your vision and hearing fizzled out like the cigarette butt on the pavement. your breathing became ragged as he bullied your pussy ruthlessly, “you ever been fucked like this, huh?”
air rejuvenated your senses as he let go of your throat, you heaved a weak, drunken “no.”
“ain’t no dick good as gallagher’s, huh? good as mine, mmm.” he groaned, his hips colliding with yours faster and faster andfasterandfaster…, “gonna cum, babydoll. i ain’t pullin’ out, though.”
you hoarsely whined, your fucked-out brain needing more of him, any morsel of him is good enough, and it just feels so good, and youreabouttofuckingcumtoo…
“mmn, i’m cumming, hun. i’m gonna fuckin’ cum in you, you needy bitch. fuuuuckyeah…” gallagher’s grip on your throat tightened the moment the burning hot coil in your stomach loosened, allowing you to orgasm and scream out his name just as soon as he came. he groaned and huffed in your ear, his brown hair messy and clinging to his sweaty face, “feels so fuckin’ good, fuuuck.”
you let out a choked noise, prompting him to let go and pull out of you. he leaned over you, resting his forehead against his forearm, that of which was supported by the wall you leaned against. your knees wobbled, and before you could fall, gallagher instinctively held your abdomen with his other arm, tucking you against his chest. you stared at his scars, which littered his arm, as you came down from your intense orgasm.
“…you okay?” he asked with a newfound gentleness. he helped you back up as he untied your wrists and pulled up his pants, fixing his belt. he chuckled, “i bet you’re tired.”
“very,” you panted back in response.
“how ‘bout i clock out and carry you home, how’s that sound?”
“sounds amazing, gallagher,” you leaned against him as he lit another cigarette before walking back into the nightclub.
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silentsneezes · 1 month
HC that Remus is allergic to peppermint (smelling it makes him sneeze all day and eating it gives him hives) and super embarrassed about it bc he doesn't want to be seen as “weak” but Sirius didn't know and made their shared flat smell like peppermint for the Christmas holiday
thank you for the prompt anon! i’ll (hopefully) write another fic eventually that’s more specific to your request, but for now i hope you enjoy 2.1k of a very sneezy R/emus L/upin at the P/otter’s Christmas party
The Potter’s have always been known to throw extraordinary parties. Between James’s charisma as a host and Lily’s beautifully charmed decorations, every ‘Potter Party’- as Sirius calls them- is extravagant. Their Christmas party this year is no different, despite the ongoing wizarding war.
Their house is filled with enchanted garlands that drift through the air, shifting colors through a spectrum of festive hues. A few paintings have been charmed to sing carols when people pass by, whereas others wish people ‘A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.’ There are candles suspended mid-air, casting a warm, flickering glow in every room. The candle’s soft, elegant glow is accompanied with the scent of peppermint. A sweet, sharp aroma with a hint of menthol.
The guests- who are mostly members of the Order- have forgotten about the chaos existing outside of the Potter’s household. Tonight is a night for celebration, nothing else. They’ve all lost so much to the war, and refused to lose Christmas to it too.
Which is why Remus Lupin is walking hand in hand with his boyfriend Sirius, approaching the Potter’s home with an expensive bottle of wine. He’d thought about bringing a different gift, but he and Sirius had both been too busy with missions to get something in time. So he supposes a bottle of Chardonnay will suffice.
Remus lets Sirius knock, watching his boyfriend’s excitement with a little grin. He isn’t necessarily looking forward to spending the night at a party only a few days after the full moon, but he rarely gets to see his friends anymore. Besides, seeing Sirius so happy is reason enough.
As soon as James opens the door, Sirius pulls him into a hug, smiling ear to ear, “Prongs! It’s been too long.”
Remus can’t help but grin, especially when James drunkenly exclaims, “Pads! Moony! My old friends, oh I’m so glad you could make it,” keeping an arm slung around Sirius’s neck.
“Well, I guess you won’t be needing this,” Remus jokes, holding up the bottle of white. James guffaws at the joke, proving Remus’s point as he hiccups after laughing.
Remus steps into the bustling home, smiling as he looks around. It’s relieving, seeing all his friends celebrating and happy; he’d become accustomed to only seeing people at meetings for the Order of the Phoenix, and those were downright depressing.
Tonight, however, is quite the opposite. James pulls Sirius away to get a drink, leaving Remus by the entryway. Remus walks to the kitchen, setting the bottle of wine on the countertop and admiring the decorations.
As a candle floats by, Remus is greeted with an overwhelming scent of peppermint, mingling with the warmth of the festive atmosphere. His eyes immediately start to water, and he can’t help but cough lightly, a telltale tickle forming in his throat.
“Remus! It’s good to see you,” Lily exclaims as she makes her way through the crowded room, “How’ve you been?”
Remus smiles, his discomfort temporarily forgotten as he sees Lily. He accepts her hug, replying, “I’ve been well, all things considered. How are you?”
“I’ve been good, honestly,” Lily says with a smile, a hand placed habitually on her stomach, “We’ve almost finished the nursery, and…”
Remus tries his best to listen as Lily keeps talking, but his body has other ideas. He ducks against his shoulder slightly as he stifles two quick sneezes, “ngt! ngk!”
“Oh, bless you!” Lily says before continuing on, “It really is lovely seeing everyone again.”
Unfortunately, the stifles did nothing to relieve the itch in his nose- an irritating, persistent buzzing. Still, Remus tries to reply, “It is, it’s not often we- hh.. hHngk! ngxt! Excuse me. It’s not often we get together anymore.”
“Bless you Remus,” Lily says with a hint of concern. Sure, Remus sneezing isn’t uncommon, but Lily’s well aware of the full moon cycle and how frequently he falls ill after his transformations, “You’re not sick, are you?”
Remus offers Lily a wry smile, “No, not sick. Just a little sensitive after the full moon, I suppose.”
Lily nods, seemingly buying Remus’s quick dismissal. “So, what’ve-,” she starts, but then Marlene McKinnon spots Lily and shrieks happily.
“Lils!” Marlene exclaims, and a moment later Lily is frisked away into an embrace.
Remus doesn’t mind. In fact, he’s rather grateful for the opportunity to slip away into an unoccupied hallway. His nose has already started twitching again, and he can feel the sharp scent of the peppermint coating his throat.
Remus pinches his nose between his thumb and forefinger, his head bobbing towards his chest as he stifles a series of sneezes in quick succession, “hhnGxt! hd’gsh! ngxk!”
He waits a moment, releasing his nose and taking an experimental breath. Wrong choice.
“hgXxt! hngt! nkXT! hh…. hhGDsxh!”
Remus lets out a little sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose before searching through his pockets for a handkerchief. He almost always carries one, especially leading up to or following the full moon, when his nose is particularly sensitive.
“Hey love. You hiding out over here?” Sirius teases with a smirk, “Or is this just an especially interesting hallway?”
Remus turns around to see Sirius leaning against the wall, a drink in hand. He looks undeniably beautiful, his hair pulled back in a bun and his shirt partially unbuttoned.
Remus rolls his eyes, “Why, are you trying to escape the spotlight Pads?”
Sirius grins, about to quip back when Remus cups a hand over his nose, his shoulders shuddering as he stifles another little fit of sneezes, “hhNGxt! hnxt! hhN’gxt!”
“Bless you, bless you, bless you baby,” Sirius says in a slightly sing-song tone.
“Thanks,” Remus mumbles, but he’s more preoccupied with holding back. His nose is twitching, and he turns away from Sirius slightly as his breath hitches.
Sirius’s smile fades a little, replaced with concern, “You alright Moons?”
“Yeah just- hngt! j-heh-hgt! hxkch! Snf, just a little itch,” he dismisses. Admittedly, it’s much more than that. There’s a constant tickle in his nose and throat, his eyes are itchy and watery, and he can’t keep his nose from twitching.
Sirius raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend, his expression making it evident that he doesn’t believe Remus’s dismissal, “C’mon love, what’s up?”
Sirius moves closer, resting a gentle hand on Remus’s back, “You feeling okay?” He murmurs.
Remus bites his tongue for a moment, debating between admitting his allergy and potentially ruining Sirius’s Christmas, or powering through. Unfortunately for him, his nose chooses something else entirely.
“tschHh!-kKTSch! hh-hNgxt! hhN’Kgtsch!”
“Bless you,” Sirius murmurs as he rubs Remus’s back, “Something setting you off?” He asks, knowing Remus well enough to recognize an allergic reaction.
Remus just nods, knowing he won’t be able to deny it. He keeps a finger curled under his nose, hoping to dissuade the itch.
“How bad is it?” Sirius asks, his worry evident.
“I’m okay, just… c’mon, not agaihhhnGXt! nnG’DSch!”
“Bless you, bless you,” Sirius blesses each stifle as he wraps an arm around Remus’s waist, guiding him towards the backyard to get some fresh air.
Unfortunately for Remus, they pass by not one but two of the floating candles on their way out, and the finger curled under his nose becomes useless in preventing another fit.
“hh- hDtsch! hn’Gxt! hhHGDsch!”
Remus stifles against his finger, letting out a little cough after the triple. On top of the persistent itch in his nose and throat, his eyes are starting to become increasingly irritated and watery. He resists the urge to rub them, knowing it’ll only worsen his discomfort.
“Bless you love,” Sirius says as he opens the back door, keeping his other hand on the small of Remus’s back.
Remus feels a little relief as he steps into the brisk air, a flurry of snowflakes drifting downwards, but he knows the damage has already been done. He’s had a few encounters with peppermint in the past, and he has no doubt he’ll be sneezing all night.
“Better?” Sirius hums, wrapping an arm around Remus’s waist. The werewolf nods, pressing his handkerchief to the base of his nose and sniffling.
“So, are you going to tell me what’s setting you off?” Sirius asks, smirking at his boyfriend, “or are we going to have to play Guess That Allergen.”
Remus rolls his eyes, but he can’t help but grin a little, “You’re an ass.”
“Now now, Moony, we were talking about your sneezy predicament, not my ass,” Sirius teases, “So, what’s-”
“n’Gck! hngXt! hhHDTsch!”
“Bless you, bless you, bless you. What’s setting you off?” Sirius asks, not minding the interruption.
Remus hesitates before letting out a little sigh, realizing there’s no use in trying to dismiss the reaction or imagine an excuse, “The peppermint,” he answers simply. His nose twitches, as if his body is even sensitive to him saying the word, “hhHGXt! hNG’tsch!”
“Bless,” Sirius says with a little frown, suddenly remembering Remus’s last run in with the scent of peppermint at a potions store- it’s safe to say Remus doesn’t go to that store anymore, “Baby why didn’t you say something when we got here? You must’ve realized right away you were allergic.”
Remus lets out a defeated sigh, shrugging and answering, “It’s Christmas, and you’ve been looking forwards to seeing everyone for ages. I figured I… hh… could dhhdeal with-hhGNSxch! hhHtschew! ktsChh! with a little allergic reaction.” Remus lets the last two sneezes out unstifled now that he’s only in Sirius’s company, catching them in the folds of his handkerchief.
“Bless you love,” Sirius murmurs, gently rubbing circles on his boyfriend’s back, “You do realize this is more than a little allergic reaction, right? You look downright miserable.”
Remus doesn’t have the energy to argue with that, and he’d only be lying. The effects of being in the peppermint filled house have already set in, despite him only being inside for eight minutes.
“Let me guess: itchy eyes, itchy throat, and incessant sneezing?” Sirius asks, grinning at the way Remus’s eyes narrow in annoyance, “I’ll take that as a yes. Any rashes?”
Remus shakes his head, holding the handkerchief over his nose again as he feels the itch return with a vengeance, “Not y- hhKTsch! hhtxchew-tscCHh-kkDSch!” The last triple comes too rapidly for him to draw a breath between each of the sneezes, leaving him slightly breathless, “Not yet,” he finishes lamely.
“Bless you,” Sirius says as he presses a kiss to Remus’s cheek, “Why don’t you wait here, I’ll let Lily know we’re heading home,” he suggests gently.
Remus frowns, looking at his boyfriend with a guilty expression, “You don’t have to, I’ll just stay out here for a while. Go enjoy yourself.” He insists, gesturing to the festivities inside.
Sirius grins, rolling his eyes playfully, “Remus Lupin, if you think I’m going to leave you sneezing outside in the cold on Christmas, then you’re poorly mistaken.”
When Remus’s guilty expression doesn’t change, Sirius softens a little, “C’mon, we’ll pick up some food on the way home and we can watch a movie. I’ll even let you pick which one.”
“Sirius-” Remus starts to protest, but Sirius is already opening the door to go back inside, “Don’t move. I’ll be back in a few minutes and then we can head home.”
As guilty as Remus feels, it’s hard to ignore the flush of affection he feels towards his boyfriend. He knows Sirius has been looking forward to this party for ages, but here he is, ready to leave in an instant all because of Remus’s discomfort. Sure, it’s not an ideal situation, but to be loved so unconditionally is something Remus can’t help but cherish.
Before Remus can even reply, Sirius slips back into the bustling house, on a mission to find the hostess. The door remains open for a moment, and Remus is hit with a waft of the intense, biting scent of peppermint. To anyone else, it might be perfectly sweet, but to Remus, it means a night of incessant fits.
“hhTSxchew!-ktsxch! tsxg’t! Ktsch-etschiew!”
Remus’s shoulders shudder as he lets out a series of rapid sneezes into the handkerchief, grateful he’d remembered to bring one with him. Each sneeze is itchy and desperate, tumbling out after one another with no hesitation.
Remus spends the next few minutes caught in a cycle of hitching breaths and little fits, his nose becoming increasingly pinker as he waits for them to subside- though he knows they won’t, not yet, at least.
Luckily for him, Sirius returns before long, leading Remus around to the front of the house and apparating the two of them home.
They spend the rest of the evening curled on the old sofa in their living room, watching Christmas classics and sharing a bottle of wine- Sirius insists that it wasn’t really Christmas if he doesn’t at least get tipsy. Remus keeps a handkerchief in hand the entire time, sneezing every few minutes in quick, rapid fits until they finally start to die down. Sirius, of course, blesses him each time.
All in all, it’s not a terrible Christmas for the couple. After all, they have each other.
The End
i hope someone enjoys this, sorry for the rushed ending and any grammatical/spelling errors!
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deadeyeedangel · 6 months
trial run - moira o'deorain x intern!reader
˚✩ ⋆。˚ ✩ hi ! it's my wife's birthday today, so naturally i thought i'd finally get around to those hcs i was planning on writing! these posts will probably never be formatted with those pretty little headers i see around and i'm pretty unapologetic about it, i can't lie i kiiiinda care a lot less about the presentation and more about the actual writing and i'm a pretty busy person, soooo... sorry i guess? anyway sorry for yapping and i hope you all enjoy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOCTOR O'DEORAIN!!!
˚✩ ⋆。˚ ✩ TAGS: sfw, reader was meant to be fem but tbh no gendered terms are really used so reader can be seen as gender-neutral, age difference (reader is implied to be a doctoral student in early 20s), canon-divergent/au because i'm projecting my own internship problems here i cannot help it, moira being moira but it's way tamer than usual, actually kinda really fluffy i needed some comfort oops, mayyy make a part 2 with the date if you guys reeeeally want it :p
✧˚ · . suffice to say she wasn't a fan on your first day- to be honest she wasn't a fan even before then. the doctor preferred to work in solitude and silence, and hearing that she would have to practically babysit a doctoral student for a whole summer? forget it.
✧˚ · . she very begrudgingly opened up to the idea of having a shadow, however, after she found out her lab would be receiving more funding as a result of the research you were being hired to do. unfortunately that still didn't mean she liked you, though.
✧˚ · . you were young, fresh-faced and naïve, and when you shuffled in through the doors to her lab you were met with a cold presence that you didn't necessarily care for at all. it was what you were expecting when you were told who you would be working with, though, so it didn't come as a surprise. after all, no matter how much better you thought you would fare working alongside your sweet professor dr. ziegler, there was only one in the facility that could find even some use in a bioinformatics student.
✧˚ · . you barely had a moment to introduce yourself before the lanky irishwoman waved off your extended hand.
"wasting time will get you nowhere. unless you wish to bring me my coffee and just sit there every day, make yourself actually useful."
you were silent after that, doing exactly as she said and leaving her alone. no words were exchanged for the rest of the day.
✧˚ · . your first week was pretty unremarkable, but you were easing into the schedule you had made, making a small dent in the large workload you had to do for your thesis. moira was always just moira, working silently in her own corner of the lab and occasionally taking a break to examine your own work but saying nothing at all. by week two, however, the silence was beginning to drive you insane.
✧˚ · . your first real conversation was initiated, surprisingly, by moira. the older woman was hovering over your shoulder as usual, examining your catalogs of the dna structures and compositions of the various modified rabbits she kept in the lab, and she decided to snarkily point out you had missed a section. expecting that to be the only thing she had to say, you sighed and corrected it before moving on but she kept speaking, pointing out areas that you missed in a tone that you could only describe as pointed and patronizing.
✧˚ · . in certain... other situations, you'd find being talked to in this manner by a quite attractive older woman to be much more pleasant, but this was your hard work she was critiquing.
✧˚ · . don't worry, though, it's her love language. she might not say it but she wants you to succeed.
✧˚ · . expect more conversations about your work and hers. you begin to speak more in the mornings when you first walked in, and at nights when you left.
✧˚ · . as the days went by and your final deadline for your thesis was approaching quicker and quicker, you ended up spending nearly all 24 hours of each day in the lab, and of course, moira had noticed.
✧˚ · . she leaves small things out for you that she'd usually leave for just herself: two mugs of coffee now, two plates with some small meals, two shot glasses in case things got rather dire... but don't ask her about them, she'll shut down that it was her doing quite quickly.
✧˚ · . one very early morning she returns from the bathroom to find you slumped over your desk, fast asleep. your face was smushed against your keyboard, keying in a constant and ever-growing string of the letter h into your catalog. if you ever found out and asked, she would have simply said she didn't want the data to be messed up. however, that was most certainly not the case as she gingerly lifted your head up carefully to delete the keyboard smash, saving your work and turning off your computer before leaving you back to your rest.
✧˚ · . she was back at her work for a good five minutes before she decides to take her lab coat off, draping it over your still-sleeping form like a makeshift blanket. you woke up that morning confused but grateful, with a slightly flushed doctor o'deorain saying she simply didn't want you to get sick, as it was cold in the lab anyway.
✧˚ · . your thesis was due the day before your last day of work, and moira was quieter than usual. you've been stressed and working dilligently all day, but when you finally submit it right before the clock struck midnight, moira got up from her side of the lab, and retrieved two glasses and a bottle of champagne.
✧˚ · . you never thought she'd be the type to celebrate this sort of thing, especially when it took her away from her work, but when she motioned you to come over, you couldn't help but listen.
✧˚ · . clinking your glasses together, moira congratulated you on your work, and over the alcohol, conversation brewed quickly. you spoke of your plans for the future, your research, her research, discussion flowing for hours, as if it were meant to be. a well-received moment of relaxation for the doctor, you assumed, surprised she'd spend it with you rather than alone.
✧˚ · . she never got the chance to ask if perhaps the two of you could see each other... outside of the lab, maybe for dinner or a coffee. a trial run if anything, she said.
✧˚ · . or- well, she didn't really say it. angela came up to you after a class and told you on her behalf. nerd with a crush doing nerd with a crush things, i guess.
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transgenderer · 6 months
okay so i was reading about the crazy rat parabiosis experiments (they gave a rat a brain lesion to make it obese and then hooked its blood up to another rat. and the other rat didnt eat at all and starved. science) and i noticed this crazy diagram
Tumblr media
so i checked the paper it's from, and...
The moth was deeply anesthetized with carbon dioxide. The antennae and the fore and midlegs were excised and melted wax was applied with a drawing-pen to cover the entire head and prothorax. Then, with a single transverse cut, the head was removed to leave a collar of wax at the anterior open end of the prothorax. Crystals of an equal-part mixture of phenylthiourea and streptomycin sulfate wer placed in the wound along with enough Ringer's solution to fill the cavity
The pupal partner was deeply anesthetized with carbon dioxide and a disc of integument, about 4 mm. in diameter, was cut from the mesothoracic tergum. Th underlying epidermis was trimmed away with microscissors, care being taken t avoid any damage to the aorta which extends beneath the midline at this point. Melted wax was applied to the integument around the margin of the wound Crystals of phenylthiourea and streptomycin were placed in the wound and the cavity was filled with a few drops of Ringer's solution
The two animals were oriented in a cradle of plasticene and the wax-coated openings were brought into juxtaposition. The pupal abdomen was compressed until the pupal blood filled the narrow opening between the animals, all air being thereby displaced. The junction was then sealed with melted wax to yield a parabiotic preparation such as shown in Figure 1
The preparation was then removed from the anesthesia funn 25? C. Under this condition, the moth commonly initiated ener its wings. In order to prohibit this activity, the wings were pl jaws of a spring-loaded clothes-pin.
okay. so they stuck some moths and pupas together. insane, but like. whatever. i guess. EXCEPT heres what happened
Forty preparations were assembled, of which ten soon died and Table II summarizes the several types of experiments that were p each of the 30 viable preparations the pupal partner initiated adu within ten days at 25? C. Attention is directed to the effects of on the course of this developmen
When the headless partner was a male or female Polyphemus underwent normal adult development. The same was true in 7 of 8 preparations in which the headless partner was a female Cecropia moth. But in all ten prepations in which the headless partner was a male Cecropia moth, the pupa metamorphosed, not into a normal moth, but into a creature which retained lar of pupal cuticle (Fig. 2). It seems necessary to conclude that a male C moth, though headless and without any corpora allata, can somehow favor release of juvenile hormone within the parabiotic preparation
In the analysis of these experiments we have centered attention on the effe the parabiosis on the pupal partner. But, what about the developmental of the other half of the combination-the headless moth? For present purposes suffice it to say that in about a third of the preparations the developmental re of the pupa spread to the adult partner and caused the latter to molt. Th extended over both the thorax and abdomen, but never included the win old adult cuticle was detached from the underlying epidermis and replace smooth new cuticle which was of adult type, except for the generalized of scales or hairs.
this is fucked up huh. the pupa and the moth fucked each other up. neither of them metamorphosed right. also apparently the moths lived longer. moths...
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doubledyke · 3 months
How do you believe Eds' childhood was like? Like since the moment toddler Edd meet Ed and Eddy until the events showed on the show? I guess the first half of their childhood were more peaceful and softer, where they were mostly playing games, they were less hated in previous years, and Edd and Eddy's relationship was better (they were certainly less hormonal and confrontational in that time).
i'm not sure how long ed and eddy were friends before edd arrived, but they probably became friends after eddy tried to bully ed and was taken aback by ed's response. i'm picturing their first interaction being something along the lines of "nice pamper there, stretch!" and ed takes it as a genuine compliment and offers to let eddy try it on but only if he can wear eddy's "dress". eddy's embarrassed and is about to run home to mommy but then ed eats a rock or a shoe or something and eddy gets an idea for his first(?) money making venture, bottomless ed.
as far as what they'd get up to before edd comes along i imagine it being pretty similar to stuff we see the two do in the show. roughhousing, gross pranks, eating junk food, watching movies, and eddy making ed do weird stuff for his own entertainment.
at home idk, i mean given the fact that not only is ed still wearing a diaper at such a late stage, but that he's allowed to leave the house without pants kinda tells me all i need to know and confirms that his parents just don't care. i generally think that baths are a sensory nightmare for ed (and that he's probably unknowingly allergic to whatever soap his family uses) and that his parents just gave up trying after a while. it could be the same with clothing for him at that age? regardless, its still a dereliction of duty on their part not to address those things.
eddy's still under bro's thumb whether literally or proverbially. i could be wrong but it seems like bro would either be just about to leave or would have recently left by the time the eds meet. i tend to think he'd still be there but the theoretical timeline is a bit confusing to me. anyway, eddy's home life is the most outwardly normal of the three and i'm not sure i have much to say about them at that time that wouldn't send me into a 3 page nonsensical ramble about eddy and my weirdly specific ideas about his family. suffice to say, he's repressing a lot and has zero insight about what happened to him (he's like 5). he's probably still physically healing from the last game of 'uncle'.
edd's family comes along and no one even knows the new couple on the block has a kid till someone notices a strange little child peeking out the upstairs window from time to time. anyway, i guess it's canon that edd meets the other two when he ends up being a mark for the bottomless ed thing. when i think of tiny edd i imagine the opening for matilda (1996) where matilda basically caring for herself and is already going out on her own, like to the library. that's what edd is up to before he meets ed and eddy. going back and forth to the library and occasionally venturing outside to catch butterflies and look at rocks and stuff. he just happens to cross paths with tweedledee and tweedledum one day and being that he's freshly traumatized (dodgeball incident) and naturally shy and anxious, he's easily swayed by someone like eddy who's always had a strong personality. edd's also likely intrigued and even charmed by his and ed's irreverence and their unabashed childishness. both of which are foreign concepts to him, even at that age. i picture him just sort of tagging along with them for a while in the beginning, hiding behind a tree or something when things get a little too rambunctious. but with the help of eddy's constant ribbing and ed's frequent comparisons of him to some kind of alien species he saw in a movie, edd slowly learns to let loose a little. hanging out with edd and eddy gives him a weird sense of rebellion since the pair are certainly not the upstanding fellows his parents would prefer he spend time around. alright alright i'm cutting myself off here.
as far as any activities the tiny eds do together, like i said they're pretty much doing the same stuff but spending more time playing rather than looking for ways to make money. sadly i think eddy didn't get much of a chance to play with other kids when bro was around since he'd either be too busy placating bro and/or other kids were too scared to come around. so he might take the opportunity to do more kid stuff once bro is gone and now that he has a couple of pals. ed's just happy to be out of the house where his parents are constantly bickering and his baby sister is constantly crying and already wreaking havoc.
edd and eddy's relationship (and ed and edd's for that matter) takes a while to develop because eddy is low-key weirded out by edd, but can tell he's smart so wants to keep him around. like i mentioned, edd is very reserved around the eds early on and doesn't really know how long he's even going to be allowed to spend time with them. luckily for him, his parents are never home and are none the wiser to some of the trio's more hazardous escapades. if anything he'd just deceptively plead amnesia in the event that he was confronted.
i will say i think the eds would still already be ostracized by that point. eddy for his relation to bro, ed and edd for their association with eddy. i do like the idea of eddy and kevin being friends at some point early on, but i haven't given much thought to what that would look like. so for the purpose of this goofy post, we'll assume that was not the case.
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ellieeatsnot · 24 days
Didn’t weigh this morning because yesterday turned into a small binge.
At first the day started with my 2lb drop in weight alongside having breakfast to help with my super low energy.
Breakfast didn’t suffice and i must’ve looked ill at work because ppl were asking if i was okay/needed to go home early. So i ate a protein pop tart and felt a little better.
i decided after work i needed another meta day and i think my period has stripped me of my iron this time around which explains the dizziness and low energy.
so i got a poke bowl and a few other snacks WHICH I REGRETTED IMMEDIATELY.
ate dinner and walked. but then after dinner my 1.6k binge began. i thought about trying to pũřğ£ but i had already taken my meds and one of them smells like absolute ass so i didn’t.
pũřğ3ing update ⬇️
This morning i woke up with some more binge thoughts. i wanted to clear my house of my trigger foods (again why the hell did i buy them in the first place!?).
So i started to skim tumblr for p// tips. obviously!! isn’t that what everyone does!? found some really useful ones, however one of my friends here, her tip is what really did it.
i ate/drank some protein oats and a half my coffee. and about 5min later went and tried. ladies and gents it happened!! for real this time!!
i don’t know exactly if i got it all out. but i can say i feel emptied ish. i also don’t want to binge anymore, my stomach hurts a little and my throat.
so yeah! message me if you wanna know more in depth i guess. this is my first time doing it for real so obviously i’m not entirely knowledgeable on the topic, but i’m learning and it’s working.
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incomingalbatross · 11 months
Trick or treat! (Stargate SG-1 edition, especially any fic ideas or headcanons)
Okay so I don't know if this will turn out as a headcanon, a fic idea, an outline, or something in-between BUT what it mostly is is an Excuse. :P So here goes
The first time Teal'c watches Star Wars, the team's been grounded for a week. Don't ask me why - maybe the Gate's shut down, maybe Jack and Sam have leave, maybe Daniel's been exposed to a strange space pathogen and is in isolation while they wait to see if it's deadly. Important thing is, they don't have missions and Teal'c (it's early days still) isn't allowed off-base.
Sam pokes her head in his room with a set of VHS tapes and says, "Hey, I brought some Earth culture you might be interested in!" Explains that Star Wars is a classic and even if he doesn't like them, it'll still be useful to know the references.
Teal'c, very bored and always willing to hang out with one of his comrades, agrees.
He likes Episode IV. There's good vs evil. They're fighting an evil space empire! He gets to see what kind of space combat the Tau'ri have made up for their stories.
He thinks it's kind of...charmingly idealistic? Like, there's an Evil Oppressive Space Empire but there's still enough freedom for Luke to have his ideals and Leia to have a government position (they HAVE a government?) and even Han gets to choose whether he wants to fight the Empire or just slip under its radar. It's a little hard for Teal'c to relate to, but he enjoys it. It seems very much like his friends' views of the world.
Obi-Wan reminds him of Bra'tac. :) Vader reminds him of Apophis. >:/ Teal'c sees something of his team in the main characters.
Episode V! Sam is Very Excited.
Vader is still alive? Teal'c is disappointed by what, honestly, seems like an incursion of reality. Why won't the evil galactic rulers ever ACTUALLY die when they look like they've died.
He's invested in all the action on Hoth, though. These heroes still read as very Tau'ri to him, with their emphasis on loyalty to their friends and their hope and all that. He wants them to succeed.
He does guess the Yoda reveal. A little too similar to the Nox. :P
Then it's back to Darth Vader on his evil spaceship and
Darth Vader goes down on one knee and asks "What is thy bidding, my master?"
And they've taken plenty of pauses before while watching these movies, so Sam can answer questions about effects or plot conventions or other things lost in cultural translation, but this time when Teal'c says "Pause," he doesn't really have anything to ask. Just, "That...is the Emperor?"
Sam says, "Yeah," and they keep going. But suddenly the fun Tau'ri escapist fantasy is a little harder to watch, as Teal'c processes the fact that the villain of the piece to date isn't actually a System Lord.
Darth Vader is a First Prime.
Everything Vader does now leads to new questions Teal'c isn't sure the story even thinks it's raising. Like, does he want to be doing this? and Does he think he has a choice? and Why is he doing it? and How did he get to this position?
Teal'c watches Vader torture Han and tries not to think about his own past.
And then. AND THEN. You know what comes next.
(Turns out the movie did want him to be asking at least some of those questions about Vader.)
Turns out the evil Emperor's right hand is also a FATHER. He's the HERO'S father. But he also cuts off Luke's hand because the only option he'll apparently countenance is for Luke to join him in the darkness.
But he's a FATHER. He IS a person, not just a faceless villain. But does that make him better or worse?? If he's a person and he chooses to be part of the Empire, then all the questions Teal'c has about him have bad answers.
But also how is LUKE - the idealistic, hopeful shining figure of a Tau'ri hero - going to deal with his idolized father turning up on the Empire's side.
...Suffice to say, Teal'c is glad to see Han rescued and all at the start of Episode VI but he is REALLY REALLY waiting for expansion on the Vader plot.
Luke thinks there's still good in his father. Luke thinks he can SAVE him. Luke sees his father and he BELIEVES in him.
Listen. I believe in Teal'c's right to be a nerd, in general. I also believe that watching Vader say it's too late for him and Luke point-blank refuse to accept that is the MOST INVESTED Teal'c EVER is in experiencing any fictional story, ever.
Vader breaks free!! For his son!! Darth Vader hears his son's cries for help and is able to LISTEN and CHANGE and he is LOVED AND FORGIVEN AND ACCEPTED and he DIES FREE
The Emperor's enslaved right hand is REDEEMED and DIES FREE. That was the story all along
Anyway this is why Teal'c has watched Star Wars nine times. In conclusion.
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geralt-of-baevia · 2 years
Happenstance: Part Six
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Story Summary: Henry is about to go to bed one night when he suddenly gets a text from a random number he doesn’t know. What happens when you accidentally text the star actor of The Witcher? Memes apparently. Lots and lots of memes. Part One | Part Two |  Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC (Lizzy Moore)
Word count: 5k
Warnings: Not to ruin it, but LOTS of sexy talk.
A/N: aLRIGHT GUYS. Let's address the elephant in the room. It's been TWO AND A HALF YEARS since I updated this bad boy. This chapter has been sitting in my drafts for like, a year and a half. But HERE I AM TO POST IT FINALLY YAAAAAAY. I promise, it's VERY worth it. :P
A/N #2: So, I just wanted to remind for this chapter that this is written in a world where the pandemic is still FRESH and everyone is home in hardcore lockdown. That's all. Enjoy!
Beta: Thank you @midnightswithdearkatytspb for betaing this chapter and for helping me get the motivation and excitement to post this damn thing! You're amazing.
(Lizzy:) Um, Joey. 
(Joey:) Um, Lizzy? 
(Lizzy:) Did you know that Henry was sending me something? 
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(Lizzy:) Okay, but before or AFTER I asked you for HIS address to send mine? 
(Joey:) Before. 👀
(Joey:) But I shit you not. Henry asked me the same day for your address. It was so cute.
(Joey:) It's like a movie. 
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(Lizzy:) But like, why? Why would he send me a gift? 
(Joey:) Well, why did YOU send him a gift? 
(Lizzy:) Because I wanted to apologize, and I hadn't heard from him in over a week and felt like I should make that reach. 
(Joey:) Hmm, maybe he's feeling the same way? 
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(Lizzy:) I mean, I guess so? 
(Lizzy:) I just feel so fucking terrible about the whole thing.
(Joey:) Trust me, I think Henry is feeling the same way, Liz. 
(Lizzy:) Why do you say that?
(Joey:) Um, HELLO ELIZABETH. He sent you a gift in the mail. Have you opened it yet? 
(Lizzy:) No. It's just sitting on my coffee table. I've been sitting here staring at it for a good 10 minutes. 
(Joey:) Oh GOD, you two are perfect for each other. You're both so melodramatic. 
(Henry:) Joey. I just got a package in the mail from Lizzy. Did you give her my address? 
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(Henry:) Do you know what she sent me? 
(Joey:) Nope. Lizzy just said she wanted to send you something as an apology gift. 
(Henry:) Do you know if she's gotten mine yet?
(Joey:) It’s funny you ask that. She just texted me that she got yours—what a coincidence. 
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(Henry:) She did?! Did she say if she opened it? What does she think of the gifts?
(Joey:) She hadn’t opened it yet when I just talked to her. Also, can you two just text each other instead of using me as a middle man? As much as I like being updated at every instance on this drama, I don’t want to be like, DIRECTLY in the middle. 
(Henry:) I don’t know if she’ll talk to me, though, Joey. 
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(Henry:) Hey Lizzy, I just got your package. I heard you got mine?
(Lizzy:) Hi! Yes, I did. I haven’t opened it yet, though. 
(Henry:) I haven’t opened yours yet either. 
(Lizzy:) You know, you didn’t have to send me a gift Henry. 
(Henry:) I could say the same thing to you. I’m the one who messed up. 
(Lizzy:) Are you sure? Because I’m pretty sure I overstepped and made you uncomfortable and made you think I was using you? 😔
(Henry:) Yeah, but I accused you of that, and I shouldn’t have. I completely overreacted. That’s why I sent the gift. I didn’t think a ‘I’m sorry’ would suffice for that. 
(Lizzy:) Well, that’s very sweet of you. I appreciate the apology. And honestly, I’m glad that you’re talking to me. 
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(Henry:) I am, too. I’ve wanted to text you this whole time. I just didn’t know what to say. I honestly kind of thought I might have scared you off. I know you said you’d be waiting, but I didn’t know if that waiting period had an expiration date. And I was kind of embarrassed, I'm not going to lie. 
(Lizzy:) Henry, you're just being cautious. It was dumb of me to tell you about a freaking sex dream that I had. 
(Henry:) Liz, don't say that. You're not dumb, please don't call yourself that. 
(Lizzy:) No, it's just that I felt dumb because I'm so good at rushing into things and I thought it had finally caught up with me and I sabotaged a good thing. 
(Henry:) You didn't sabotage anything. If anyone did it's me. 
(Lizzy:) Why do you say that?
(Henry:) Because I had a beautiful, amazing, sexy woman who I am very much into telling me about the sex dream she had with me. Who doesn't want that?
(Lizzy:) But still. it's understandable, Hen.
(Henry:) Is it though? Even though since we talked last I've had a sex dream about you and felt even more guilty afterwards?
(Lizzy:) Oh, Hen. It's totally normal to have sex dreams about people you know so please don't feel guilty. 
(Henry:) I like it when you call me that btw 😏
(Lizzy:) What? Call you Hen? 
(Henry:) Yeah, I think it's cute. 😏
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(Lizzy:) Well I thought it was adorable when you called me Liz earlier. 
(Lizzy:) Now, should we open our presents? 
(Henry:) We should.
(Lizzy:) I'm so nervous!
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(Henry:) Why are you nervous? 
(Lizzy:) Oh I don't know Henry... the guy I like got me this gift that is literally taking up my ENTIRE coffee table. 
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(Henry:) I was just going to get you a couple things but then I think I went a little overboard. Please open it! 
(Lizzy:) Can I call you while I do? Would that be okay?
(Henry:) Absolutely. I would really like that. 
(Henry:) "Hi there Lizzy."
(Lizzy:) "Hi, Henry." 
(Henry:) "So, are you going to open it or what? My anxiety is off the charts now."
(Lizzy:) "Okay, okay! I'm opening it right now...oh my god. Henry..."
(Henry:) "Do you like it?" 
(Lizzy:) "What do you mean 'it?' Which thing?! Henry there's so MANY things in this! When you said you went overboard you really did."
(Henry:) "Yeah...is it too much? I'm sorry if it's too much-"
(Lizzy:) "No! Henry, this gift basket is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. God, what is all in here anyway?" 
(Henry:) "There's a little bit of everything."
(Lizzy:) "You could say that again! Henry! There's bath salts in here and a bath bomb, and is this a robe?! Henry this robe is so fucking soft. And slippers? Henry!"
(Henry:) "So you like it?" 
(Lizzy:) "Henry! Why wouldn't I like this?! Oh-oh my god Henry. You didn't."
(Henry:) "Oh no. Did I get something bad?" 
(Lizzy:) "No, just Henry. These face masks." 
(Henry:) "Are they not good? Do you not like them?" 
(Lizzy:) "Henry, stop. These are amazing! They're also like almost $100 each! This is too much. I-I can't accept this." 
(Henry:) "No! Please don't. I just read that those ones were really good and I know you like doing face masks so I thought you would like them." 
(Lizzy:) "God this makes me feel like shit about my gift. Like, you got me this giant spa themed gift basket that apparently I don't want to know how much money you put into." 
(Henry:) "I just figured it was the least I could do. Help you relax after all the stress I put you through." 
(Lizzy:) "Henry, this is literally the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. You're too kind." 
(Henry:) "No, I'm just the right amount of kind to you, Lizzy. Now it's time for me to open yours." 
(Lizzy:) "God, I'm so nervous. I should have had you open yours first. I can't follow this." 
(Henry:) "Oh hush, Lizzy. I'm sure I'll love whatever it is." 
(Lizzy:) "God I hope so. It's not $300 worth of fancy face masques but I hope you like it." 
(Henry:) "Wait, Lizzy. Are you serious? Did you make this shirt?" 
(Lizzy:) "I did. I stole your measurements from work and made it for you. I um-I put reinforced buttons across the chest for you so there's no cleavage gaps. And then I made sure to put in a little extra room into your shoulder and bicep area, hopefully without making you look too bulky. Do you like the color? I know it's just like a super light grey but I figured it'd be versatile." 
(Henry:) "Liz, this is amazing. Wait, what's this?" 
(Lizzy:) "Oh yeah, I made you something else for you too." 
(Henry:) "Did you make me brownies?" 
(Lizzy:) "I did! You said you wanted some that one time I told you I was making them when we were talking, so I thought I'd make some just for you."
(Henry:) "That's so kind of you. Wait, what's this other one?" 
(Lizzy:) "Oh! Um, those are treats for Kal." 
(Henry:) "You made something for Kal?" 
(Lizzy:) "Yeah, I figured he should get a treat, too! And I promise it's dog friendly. I got the recipe from my aunt who works with dogs. It has banana, zucchini and carrots. And then almond milk, chia seeds, oat flour. All things that canines can have and are good for them."
(Henry:) "Liz, I'm just in awe. This is all amazing. I know you said that my gift was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you, but I can tell you that this is also the sweetest thing anyone has done for me."
(Lizzy:) "Oh it was nothing, I just made you brownies and a shirt."
(Henry:) "Listen to yourself, Liz. You made me a shirt. From scratch! And made sure to modify it to fit me. That's so kind, and means so much to me that you'd do that. And can I be honest with you?"
(Lizzy:) "Of course you can, Hen." 
(Henry:) "When you told me that you made a treat for Kal, god I could kiss you. I still want to kiss you for all of this." 
(Lizzy:) "Is that so?"
(Henry:) "You have no idea. The fact that you didn't just think of me but Kal, too? I'm just- god Lizzy." 
(Lizzy:) "What?"
(Henry:) "You just keep doing more and more things to make me fall for you, aren't you?" 
(Lizzy:) "I mean, this time it wasn't on purpose, I promise."
(Henry:) "Oh? Just this time?" 
(Lizzy:) "I mean, yeah. I don't send pictures of my ass to just anyone." 
(Henry:) "Well, I guess that's good to hear?" 
(Lizzy:) "Oh shut up, you. You know what I mean." 
(Henry:) "Right now I'm wishing I could see that ass in person." 
(Lizzy:) "Henry, we can't be talking like this." 
(Henry:) "And why not?" 
(Henry:) "Because the last time we did we didn't talk for a week and a half and it killed me the whole time." 
(Henry:) "Yes. But that's because I was being an idiot."  
(Lizzy:) "Henry...no you weren't." 
(Henry:) "Okay, let's just agree to disagree on that?"
(Lizzy:) "Fine...I guess so." 
(Henry:) "But it's because I let my emotions get the best of me, and let past relationship troubles get in the way. Someone who just wanted to just shag me wouldn't make me a shirt from scratch, brownies and treats for Kal. I can tell you really care about me." 
(Lizzy:) "Well good. I do care about you, Henry. A lot."
(Henry:) "And I care about you, Lizzy."
(Lizzy:) "Can I tell you something really pathetic?"
(Henry:) "I doubt it's going to be pathetic, but yes please tell me." 
(Lizzy:) "No, it really is. I missed you enough that I watched some of your movies this week."
(Henry:) "Oh? Is that so? Which ones did you watch?" 
(Lizzy:) "I watched Man of Steel and The Man From Uncle and Immortals. You know, I remember thinking how buff you were in Immortals. But seeing you now? You look puny there!"
(Henry:) "Haha, I guess you could say that." 
(Lizzy:) "Also, I have to ask something." 
(Henry:) "Yes?"
(Lizzy:) "How often did they have to wax you? Was it like a daily thing? Were you terribly itchy the whole time?" 
(Henry:) "Hahaha, oh Lizzy. Well, all of us shirtless men initially waxed, a lot. But then we all started breaking out from the waxing, so they switched to shaving us." 
(Lizzy:) "Did you hate it?" 
(Henry:) "Eh, it has its perks. For instance you could see the definition of muscles better."
(Lizzy:) "Oh you don't have to tell me that. Also, I’m sorry, but did you have an eight pack in that movie?" 
(Henry:) "Uh, yeah. I did, I did, haha."
(Lizzy:) "That's incredibly impressive. I didn't think that was actually achievable." 
(Henry:) "Oh it is. It was a lot of work. Eight hours of training a day. And I did only body weight exercises so I wouldn't gain any mass, just muscle."
(Lizzy:) "Hen, that's insane. Impressive, but mostly insane. Also I like you better now compared to that movie." 
(Henry:) "Is that so? What do you like better about me now?" 
(Lizzy:) "I dunno, I just think you look better bulkier is all." 
(Henry:) "Well I can definitely say that this is a lot easier to maintain than that." 
(Lizzy:) "Oh I bet. Also, there's something you said that I can't stop thinking about." 
(Henry:) "What's that?" 
(Lizzy:) "That you said something about you having had a sex dream about lil’ old me."
(Henry:) "Yes, yes I did, haha. What about it?" 
(Lizzy:) "Would it be too forward to ask you about it?" 
(Henry:) "No, no I don't think so. But, before we get to that we need to get one thing settled."
(Lizzy:) "What's that?"
(Henry:) "Do you forgive me for being a complete and total ass to you before?"
(Lizzy:) "Henry, there's nothing to forgive-"
(Henry:) "Lizzy, please."
(Lizzy:) "Alright, alright, haha. Whatever I can tell you to help you sleep at night. Yes Henry, I forgive you."
(Henry:) "Thank you, I've been getting awful sleep. I'm happy to know I'll sleep well tonight now"
(Lizzy:) "Oh gosh you're such a shit."
(Henry:) "Yeah, but you like it." 
(Lizzy:) "You caught me, haha."
(Henry:) "Well, now you can ask your questions."
(Lizzy:) "I mean, I didn't really have any specific questions about it. I just wanted to know what happened, that’s all."
(Henry:) "So, you want me to tell you about the sex we had in my dream?"
(Lizzy:) "Mmhmm."
(Henry:) "You want me to describe in graphic detail the things we did to each other?" 
(Lizzy:) "I mean, it’s not required but it would be greatly appreciated. You’d probably get extra credit even."
(Henry:) "To tell you how we were sitting on my couch kissing? One of my hands in your hair, the other on your neck. How once things got heated you got on top of me to straddle my lap?"
(Lizzy:) "I mean, that does sound like something I would do." 
(Henry:) "And then how I wrapped my arms around you and pressed you close to me as we made out like teenagers? It was actually really adorable because you started to grind against me, and you got so embarrassed because it was instinctual that you did." 
(Lizzy:) "Oh see, now that doesn't sound like me. I would have done it on purpose."
(Henry:) "Oh?"
(Lizzy:) "I mean, yeah. I don't usually grind on someone by accident." 
(Henry:) "Is that so? Well, I guess that's good to know."
(Lizzy:) "Sorry, sorry. I'll stop interrupting. Continue, continue." 
(Henry:) "Well so, then after you started grinding on me I let my hands slip under the back of your shirt and unclasp your bra. You take it off under your shirt and your bra and toss them to the side. And god, you looked so perfect sitting there on my lap."
(Lizzy:) "Henry..."
(Henry:) "Do I need to stop?" 
(Lizzy:) "No, no. I want you to continue." 
(Henry:) "Haha, are you sure about that?"
(Lizzy:) "Henry, I'm pretty sure this is the hottest thing that has ever happened to me." 
(Henry:) "Is that so?"
(Lizzy:) "Henry, please please keep going."
(Henry:) "Can I ask you something?" 
(Lizzy:) "Mmhmm." 
(Henry:) "...are you, touching yourself?" 
(Lizzy:) "Are you?" 
(Henry:) "That all depends on what you say."
(Lizzy:) "Oh my gosh, fine, haha. Yes Henry, I'm currently touching myself to you describing us having sex because hearing you telling me those things in your velvety voice is the hottest thing ever. You know I love your voice and this is just, amazing. So if you could please tell me you are touching yourself too so I don't feel embarrassed that would be great." 
(Henry:) "Haha yes Lizzy, I am too. And you think my voice is velvety?" 
(Lizzy:) "Henry, I could get off listening to you read the phonebook." 
(Henry:) "You know, there actually is a video of Armie and me doing just that."
(Lizzy:) "Oh? Well, I know what I'm listening to before bed tonight." 
(Henry:) "Well I mean I could just let you listen to that instead of finishing..."
(Lizzy:) "Oh Henry, don't be a fucking tease."
(Henry:) "But for some reason I feel like you like being teased."
(Lizzy:) "That's beside the point. Now please, please continue." 
(Henry:) "Or what?" 
(Lizzy:) "Or I'm going to hang up this phone and finish by myself." 
(Henry:) "Fine, fine. Now where was I?"
(Lizzy:) "I'm sitting on your lap and grinding on you, and you just took my bra off. Under my shirt you said? That doesn't make sense to me. Why wouldn't you just take my shirt off and then my bra?"
(Henry:) "Lizzy, haha. Do you want me to continue or are you going to just over analyzing a sex dream I had?"
(Lizzy:) "Sorry, yes, hehe. Please go on." 
(Henry:) "So, you were sitting on my lap, grinding against my now very hard cock and fuck Lizzy, you felt amazing."
(Lizzy:) "How so?"
(Henry:) "You just fit in my lap so perfectly, and you grinding against me."
(Lizzy:) "Mmmm fuck Henry... I can't tell you what I wouldn't give to be sitting in your lap right now, grinding on you." 
(Henry:) "Me, too Lizzy. God. So then you took your shirt off, and fuck. You just looked incredible. I took a moment to look you over before taking both of your breasts in my hands and massaging them." 
(Lizzy:) "Mmmm, mmhmm. Go on, please."
(Henry:) "And then you - ahh - you, you got up and stood in front of me, undid you jeans and pulled them down along with your panties and just stood in front of me naked. And god Lizzy, you were so beautiful." 
(Lizzy:) "Well I hope I can live up to your expectations, Hen."
(Henry:) "Oh I have no doubt in my mind that you will."
(Lizzy:) "What happened next? Or did I just stand naked in front of you and then you woke up?"
(Henry:) "Haha, oh no. I spread your legs out, slid down off of the couch to sit in between your spread thighs and hovered my face right in front of the place I'm sure you’d want my mouth the most." 
(Lizzy:) "Shit, Henry." 
(Henry:) "Use your words, Lizzy."
(Lizzy:) "God, I'm so wet right now." 
(Henry:) "You were in my dream, too. I spread you out just a little and took one long swipe of your pussy with my tongue." 
(Lizzy:) "FUCK, Henry. God, I'm a fucking mess right now."
(Henry:) "I mean, that's kind of my intention."
(Lizzy:) "Is it now?"
(Henry:) "Since I can't have you here grinding on my lap, it's the least I can do." 
(Lizzy:) "Goddammit Henry. You're enjoying this too much." 
(Henry:) "Oh? Are you not enjoying this?"
(Lizzy:) "I never said that. You're just enjoying torturing me a little too much." 
(Henry:) "Torture? Hmm, that's a strong word there Lizzy..."
(Lizzy:) "So it's not torture to lay here on the phone, telling me things you want to do to me while we're in a lock down and we can't do anything about it? Also like, fuck, Henry all I can think about is you stroking yourself right now and god, it's really fucking with my brain."
(Henry:) "What, and you don't think me knowing that you're touching yourself as I'm telling you these things isn't fucking with me? Lizzy I want to be the one touching you so badly." 
(Lizzy:) "Yeah? Where do you want to touch me, huh?" 
(Henry:) "I see what you did there..."
(Lizzy:) "What did I do, hmm?" 
(Henry:) "I'm going to ignore that, haha. But to answer your question, I literally want to touch you anywhere. I'm at the point where it doesn't even need to be sexual. I just want to hold you, hug you, embrace you, something. I just want you." 
(Lizzy:) "Hen-Henry. That, wow. That's not what I was expecting you to say, at all. But, I feel the same way. I know that we're literally in the middle of having phone sex, but I just want to hug you...so badly. Or cuddle with you even." 
(Henry:) "Exactly. But if I was given the chance? Absolutely I want to touch you everywhere I can get my hands on. I want *my* hand to be touching your cunt right now, not yours." 
(Lizzy:) "Fuuuu- Henry, fuck. I want that too." 
(Henry:) "Tell me, how badly you want me to rub your clit right now, Lizzy." 
(Lizzy:)  "Hen, ugh, so bad. I wish you were here on top of me with your head between my legs." 
(Henry:) "God, Lizzy. I want to taste you. I can't wait until I finally get to."
(Lizzy:) "Speaking of which, I think that's where we left off on your dream?" 
(Henry:) "You really are smooth aren’t you, Miss Elizabeth?" 
(Lizzy:) "Ohhhh...you saying my name like that, Henry, I can't..."
(Henry:) "Oh, so do you not want me to tell you how I ate you out in my dream?" 
(Lizzy:) "Oh, no no I do. I just have never heard my name said like that before. And I think I just had a minor stroke. That's all. I’ll be fine. But um, please-please continue...please?" 
(Henry:) "...are you begging Lizzy?" 
(Lizzy:) "Hnnn, Henryyyyy." 
(Henry:) "But yes, I licked up and down your pussy while you quite literally sat on my face. I eventually moved us back so I could rest my head against the couch so I had a place to kneel because your legs kept giving way." 
(Lizzy:) "I have no doubt about that." 
(Henry:) "And then I looked up at you and I apparently hit just the right spot and you came all over my face. And fuck, your first orgasm was glorious."
(Lizzy:) "...wait my first? Henry, my first?! You made me orgasm more than once in this dream?!" 
(Henry:) "It was actually three times." 
(Lizzy:) "Henry. I've never orgasmed more than once in one sitting before. That both intrigues and terrifies me." 
(Henry:) "Only once? Oh Miss Lizzy, if you'd like, I could make you orgasm until you can't see straight or walk." 
(Lizzy:) "Again, I don't doubt that. And again, I’m both intrigued and a little scared, haha." 
(Henry:) “Well, now I'm even more excited at the prospect of us being together." 
(Lizzy:) "So, how did you make me come the second time?"
(Henry:) "On top of you." 
(Lizzy:) "Hen, I need you to elaborate if I'm going to get anywhere right now." 
(Henry:) "Are you getting close?"
(Lizzy:) "I might be if you keep telling me about this dream."
(Henry:) "...are you going to cum for me Lizzy?" 
(Lizzy:) "Yes, Henry. But please, please keep talking."
(Henry:) "God, I bet your pussy feels so good-"
(Lizzy:) "Henry, I would literally make you come in five minutes if I was on top of you right now. I would ride you like you've never been before, and I would blow your fucking mind. But I need you right now to. Keep. Talking." 
(Henry:) "Fuuuuck Lizzy. Okay, well the second time I got up, took my trousers off and sat down on the couch. You came over, told me 'I was too overdressed' before taking my shirt off. It was very sexy." 
(Lizzy:) "Woooow. Dream Lizzy was very bold. I'm proud of her. Get that cock, dream Lizzy. I live vicariously through you." 
(Henry:) "Oh I'm sure it won't be vicariously soon." 
(Lizzy:) "So, can I try and take a guess at what happened next?" 
(Henry:) "Weren't you just practically begging me to keep talking?” 
(Lizzy:) “Maybe, haha. I never said I wasn’t fickle. Do you not want to hear what I want to do to you then?”
(Henry:) “Be my guest.”
(Lizzy:) "Well, I know I would come over and straddle you, but not take you inside of me just yet. I'd tease you first. Maybe arch my back up and place my tits in your face, because I can only imagine you'd be just as skilled with your mouth on those as you are on other places." 
(Henry:) “Fuck Lizzy…" 
(Lizzy:) "Oh, is that labored breathing I hear Henry? Is someone picking up the pace on their cock?" 
(Henry:) "Considering what you're describing is better than my dream was, yes, yes I am." 
(Lizzy:) "Well then I should continue shouldn't I?" 
(Henry:) "You're such a shit, Miss Elizabeth." 
(Lizzy:) "Yes, but I feel like we've already established that. And that you like it. Maybe have even called me a tease?" 
(Henry:) "Lizzy...please..."
(Lizzy:) "But yes, I'd live up to the term and tease you. It's what I like to do: tease until you can't take it anymore. I'd slip your cock in between my folds and just grind against you, rubbing my clit up and down the underside of your cock right where that vein is. Fuck, it feels so good and I know it'd drive you crazy. Being so close to being inside of me, but not being able to feel where you really want to." 
(Henry:) "Lizzy...shit...oh fuck..." 
(Lizzy:) "Henry, Henry please say something. I know you're close and so am I." 
(Henry:) "If you did that for too long I would grab you by the hips and guide you down onto my cock, slowly, giving you a taste of your own medicine. But once I got completely inside of you, I'd slowly start moving your hips, and I’d finally get the sweet reward of knowing what your pussy feels like." 
(Lizzy:) "Hen-Henry...Henry I'm so close..."
(Henry:) "Are you going to come for me, Lizzy?" 
(Lizzy:) "Hen..."
(Henry:) "Just think about how good it would feel straddling me and bouncing that sweet little pussy of yours up and down on my cock until you come. Grinding out those hips, my fingertips digging into your skin..." 
(Lizzy:) "Shit, oh fuck...oh my god..."
(Henry:) "Come on Lizzy, come for me."
(Lizzy:) "Oh FUCK..." 
(Henry:) "Are you doing okay there, Liz?"
(Lizzy:) "Fuck, fuck I'm great. Oh my god."
(Henry:) "Yeah? You being out of breath would say otherwise.” 
(Lizzy:) "That was, wow. Like, I'm still having mini aftershocks." 
(Henry:) "Not to be too personal-" 
(Lizzy:) "Henry we're literally having phone sex. You just heard me have an extremely intense orgasm over the phone. Nothing is too personal at this point." 
(Henry:) "Haha, well when you put it that way..." 
(Lizzy:) "But what is your question?" 
(Henry:) "Are you someone who shakes and convulses when they orgasm?" 
(Lizzy:) "Um, yes. Very much so. Not to talk about past sex during current sex, but I've made someone orgasm just from watching me orgasm."  
(Henry:) "I would be one of those people." 
(Lizzy:) "Yeah? You like the idea of my body shaking, my back arching against the bed as the room fills with my moans and shouting your name as I come?" 
(Henry:) "Lizzy, shit...I would kill to see that." 
(Lizzy:) "Just imagine me doing that...but with your head between my legs. My hands tangled in your hair... pulling at it slightly as I grind against your face with my orgasm-" 
(Henry:) "FUCK, Lizzy! Oh-oh, Lizzy-" 
(Lizzy:) "Yeah? Are you coming for me Hen?" 
(Henry:) "God, Li-Lizzy. Holy shit...holy fuck." 
(Lizzy:) "That good, huh?" 
(Henry:) "Lizzy, I just- wow I'm a mess. Literally and figuratively." 
(Lizzy:) "Hen, you can't tell me that." 
(Henry:) "What, the fact you've made me come so hard that I'm now a mess?" 
(Lizzy:) "Yes, you can't tell me that. Between your heavy breathing now and imagining your beautifully muscular abs a 'mess' because of me makes my brain all sorts of fucked up." 
(Henry:)"Haha, and you don't think that hearing you moan, which is the hottest thing I think I've ever heard, knowing how wet you are now just laying in your bed because of me doesn't have me all sorts of fucked up?" 
(Lizzy:) "I mean, at least the feelings are mutual, haha." 
(Henry:) "Which, I know we just did that but just with our recent history I just want to make sure that everything is okay with us with that just happening." 
(Lizzy:) "Haha, Henry, I was going to ask you the same question. But is everything okay? I'm perfectly fine with what just happened. Like, elated. I'm probably glowing. What about you?" 
(Henry:) "Same. I absolutely feel the same. As someone who's been on the road and away from my significant other often, phone sex isn't unfamiliar territory but, it's never been like that before. Wow." 
(Lizzy:) "I've also had my fair share of phone sex and yeah, never has it been like that. Fuck, I can't wait until we can see each other in person."
(Henry:) "Me too, Lizzy. Like, right now I wish that you could be cuddled against me with your head on my chest." 
(Lizzy:) "Henry...that's the sweetest thing. I'd also love that. A lot. I would definitely fall asleep because I'm practically falling asleep to your voice right now." 
(Henry:) "Should I let you go? So you can have a nice post orgasm nap?" 
(Lizzy:) "Mmm, maybe. I want to nap but I don't want to stop talking to you. I really like talking to you..."
(Henry:) "Well, how about we make a deal? We can get off the phone now so you can take a nap, and then you can call me when you wake up?"
(Lizzy:) "Mr. Cavill, I think that sounds like a wonderful idea." 
(Henry:) "I've been known to have those from time to time."
(Lizzy:) "Oh I'm sure you have. Well, I suppose we should hang up. I always feel so awkward hanging up after phone sex." 
(Henry:) "Should we start in a sickening back and forth of 'no YOU hang up first?'" 
(Lizzy:) "Oh my god Henry, I'd rather someone slap me in that face than be that annoying." 
(Henry:) "I mean, I could do that if you're into that..." 
(Lizzy:) "HENRY. Okay, I'm hanging up now. I'll talk to you soon." 
(Henry:) "Talk to you soon, Lizzy." 
(Lizzy:) "Bye, Henry." 
(Henry:) "Bye, Liz." 
(Lizzy:) I miss your voice already. 🥴🙈
(Henry:) I miss yours too. 😏 Now go to sleep Miss Lizzy, I’ll hear your voice soon. 
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lunaloomer · 1 year
Kiss the Sun (prelude)
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Pairing: Sam Kiszka x Danny’s Cousin!OC(Grace) Warnings: None (yet *wink**wink*)
Summary: Sam Kiszka, finds himself entangled in an unspoken love for Grace, the cousin of his bandmate Danny Wagner. Before the band's departure to follow their dreams, a fierce argument erupted between Sam and Grace, the origins of which remain shrouded in mystery even to the members of their families. This left their once-close relationship shattered and their true feelings buried even deeper within. As fate would have it, circumstances bring Grace and Josie to Los Angeles for an eventful summer with the band. The reunion triggers a whirlwind of emotions, with old feelings resurfacing as they are once again in each other's presence.
Grace was bored out of her mind in her dorm, wasting time until her last exam in an hour and then she could finally go home, back to Frankenmuth where she’d be bored all summer. That’s what life was since her two closest friends moved on to their big lifestyle, she was just bored, all the time.
A ring sounded through her dorm as she grabbed her phone, seeing Josie’s smiling face pop up on the screen. Sliding to answer she heard Josie yell, “Guess what?!”
Grace had barely any time to respond with a brief “What?” before Josie kept going.
“I just got off the phone with Danny and he said that we can go down to LA and stay with him and the guys for the summer!” She was overtly excited as she was probably jumping up and down on the other end of the phone.
“You’re kidding?”
“Nope!” She replied, popping the P. “I know you’ve been struggling with going to a new college and all and the guys being gone but I already talked to mom and she said I could go as long as you did, just so I wasn’t alone when they’re working.”
“You’ve really got this all planned out?” Grace laughed out.
“Of course!” There was a brief pause, “So? Are you coming or not?”
“Oh come on!” She drug out her last word. “It’s been months, it can’t be that bad.”
“Listen, I would love to go see Danny, really, but I just don’t know about…” She trailed off.
“Ok well unless you’re finally going to tell me what happened between you and Sam then you have to come with me.”
“Josie, it’s really none of your business.”
“So you’re going to let me miss out on good quality time with my big brother just because you and Sam got into an argument?”
“Josie…” She sighed, hoping and praying she’d give her a way out.
“No. Unless you’re gonna tell me what happened that was sooooo bad then you have to come, end of discussion.”
There was some on Grace’s end as she tried to think of a lie that would suffice but none came to mind.
“Alright! It’s settled! You and I are flying out of Saginaw on Tuesday!” Grace dreaded her cousin’s words as she spoke excitedly. “I’ll let Danny know! Ahhh! I can’t wait! Bye, love you!”
Grace mumbled a brief “Love you.” Before she put her phone back on the bed, trying not to think about having to see her best friend after what happened.
Author’s Notes: This is obviously not the first chapter but there is more to come soon!!!!!
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timedealerhotmail · 2 years
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Sorry I could not be at Watches and Wonders 2023 due to my deteriorating health. But here’s some updates: At first glance, this is nostalgic, new markers are more like 16520 than 116520. I guess Chromalight (blue) is so powerful and bright it doesn’t have to be a big blob (116520 & 116500LN) anymore. Thin stripes are suffice and they look more refined and elegant. like 16520 El Primero Daytonas (my favourite!❤️ Ditto with thinner hands(?). The “bomb” is the sapphire crystal see-through caseback on the “Platona”. Knowing Rolex so well, obviously in a few years’ time all material Daytonas will have a see through caseback. Those introduction would ensure Daytona mania for years to come. My prediction? 2024 See through caseback Everose Daytona. 2025 Rodium and Yellow Gold’s turn. 2026 Rolesor; and 2027 126500LN. Can you imagine the waiting list for the Daytonas in the next few years? Rolex Daytona 126506 at Watches and Wonders 2023. #116520 #16520 #rolexcollectorsaustralia #platona #platinumdaytona #rolexcollector #daytona #126506 #submariner #rolex #collectingwatches #watchesandwonders2023#rolexwatches #moderndaytona #4131 #watchfam #126500ln #watchcollector #perpetual #newrolex 2023 #101031 #timedealer #watchesandwonders #rolex2023 #elprimero #horology #watchenthusiastmelbourne #panda #rolexmania #andychanrolex @mondanibooks @mondaniweb @mondanidoc @hodinkee @phillipswatches @rolex @rolexcollectorsaustralia @andychanrolex @wristporn @wristwatchporn @timedealerhotmail @rolexinformation @rolexknowledge @rolexdiver @christieswatches @sothebys @sothebyswatches @bobswatches @watchesofinstagram @wristporn @netaporter @mrporterwatches @watchbox @watchesandwonders @rolex @rogerfederer (at WatchesandWonders) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSN7dBrsbR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
Weekly Book Recs: 10/6-10/13
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Pride and Protest by Nikki Payne
Easily one of the best Pride and Prejudice retellings I've read, this takes our prickly leads and turns them into an activist versus a billionaire (who has a lot more going for him than "billionaire", believe). It's socially conscious, funny, and touching--and it captures the more melancholic aspects of P&P more than most reboots I've read. There's a real old school 90s-2000s romcom vibe to the fallout aspect of the book. Pick it up! #23for23
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Jana Goes Wild by Farah Heron
I blogged a bit about this one as I was reading it--and suffice to say, I was impressed. It's a risky premise--Jana and Anil have a two week fling during which she falls head over heels, finds out he's married, and, after blocking him on every platform possible, discovers she's knocked up... Cut to five years later, and they're co-parents of a daughter while seeing each other as little as possible. Until they end up a part of the same wedding party. At a destination wedding. In Tanzania. It's a big swing of a story, and with a charming hero (Anil and his daughter... my heart) and a heroine who's so hesitant to take a risk after being burned (but so drawn to her baby daddy) it really impressed me. I know this one is polarizing in romance circles; and if you're familiar with romance circles, you can guess why. Cardinal romance rules broken! The heroine isn't perfect and she's a woman of color so the standard has to be impossibly high! Whatever, man. This shit is good. #23for23
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Sinner by Sierra Simone
I read this a year ago and wasn't really feeling it, but gave it another shot when my mood shifted--and liked it a lot more this time around. I'd call this perhaps the most "approachable" Sierra Simone I've read so far--it's really a sex lessons/age gap/brother's best friend book, with the added bonus of the heroine being thisclose to becoming a nun. I won't lie--if you wanted to dip your toes into Sierra Simone's work, I think Priest is probably a more... accurate... representation of her standard fare (Sean Bell keeps going "I'm a bad man, my good brother Tyler over there on the other hand" and like. My guy. Sean. Tyler is OBSCENE.) but this one is quite good. And very, very hot. TW: Sean is a primary caretaker for his mother, who has terminal cancer. That is a big part of the book, and while I thought it was done beautifully, it is very sad.
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The Professional by Kresley Cole
Kresley Cole is one of those authors whose style was kind of made for mafia romance--over the top, super hot, and alpha to the nth degree. This is the first non-IAD book I've read by her, and though I was surprised by some differences (it's first person POV, single POV at that) it's a fucking romp, the way I expect a Kresley book to be. There's stalking-is-love, our hero kidnaps our heroine after watching her masturbate to the memory of him in the bathtub, there's a lot of good bit of kink. And it's a bodyguard romance, which I personally love. It's a little softer than some of the mafia romances I've read--but I am more than confident that the next book will be... different.
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A Rake's Vow by Stephanie Laurens
In theory, there isn't a lot that's super crazy about the plot of A Rake's Vow--it's basically a rake/resistant virgin book, with a light, fun mystery. But it's just so fun. The tone is perfect. Vane just wants this woman to marry him, because Fate demands it, damn it! And Patience is resistant for a reason I don't know that I've seen a lot, or at all in historicals--her father was a rake, and she doesn't want to end up like her heartbroken mother. (Also, she's raising her little brother and very Practical and doesn't want Vane to be a bad influence on him, and it's all very amusing.) This is a house party book without the party, full of a cast of quirky characters. At one point, he starts putting the moves on her in the conservatory and she's like "what are you doing" and he goes "you followed me into the CONSERVATORY". Like I said, it's so much fun. And Cynster men are conquerors--don't ever forget that.
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Never Met a Duke Like You by Amalie Howard
A funny, sexy retelling of Clueless (which is a retelling of Emma, and it all works). Out 11/14, read my full review here.
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tiredspacedragon · 4 months
For that ask game thing you reblogged:
31 and 32. Three favorite male names and 3 favorite female names. I like hearing people's opinions on this.
Oof, these are both hard but for opposite reasons. There are so many women's names I think are gorgeous, so it's hard to narrow it down to 3 I like the most. Meanwhile men's names are just really, aggressively bland 95% of the time. I can't think up enough for them! Here we go though!
31: a) Conor. I like Conner and Connor as well, but I favour the Irish spelling in particular. I'm fond of the sound of this one in general, but part of why I like it is because it was almost my name. It didn't make the final cut of course (no actual name of mine will be appearing on this list for privacy reasons, but I do quite like my actual name), but in some alternate universe out there, my name is Conor, and I think that's neat.
b) Ambrose. This one has a long, complicated history that I honestly don't particularly want to get into, but suffice to say it's the name of an OC I've been carrying around for more than a few years now :P
c) Cal, or any variation thereupon. So Callum, Calvin, etc. I'm not crazy about this one, but it's one that I keep coming back to as one I solidly like. I'm just a sucker for hard C's I guess.
32: a) Forsythia, shortened to Thia or Thea. I don't honestly know why I like this name so much. The Forsythia bush is a very pretty plant, but I have no special connection to it outside my fondness for the name. I just really like the sound. If at any point in my life I have a daughter, this is what I would like to name her. I would love a little Thea.
b) Kira. Yet another where I can't articulate exactly why I like, but this one has always stuck with me since I first heard it. It has a good balance of elegance and sharpness to it, I suppose. And yeah, another hard C/K name, big surprise.
c) Any variant of Sab, so Sabrina, Sabine, Sabina, Sabryn, etc. Something about these is just striking to me. Maybe it's that it almost sounds like they were derived from saber, which I'm fairly certain they were not, but the point stands. I feel like they stand out.
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theretirementstory · 4 months
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19/05/2024. Does the photo above give you an idea of where I am this week? Yes I am still in Paris! Not as a tourist but as a patient in hospital. My third week here was “celebrated” on Friday, which just so happened to be Day 11 since the CAR-T cell treatment.
I don’t really know what to tell you about my week, without going into all the gories of this treatment. Suffice to say that after Pauline’s visit, I started with nausea and sickness. Then for five days I had said nausea, sickness, migraine and my temperature was up and down faster than a rollercoaster. I had bloods taken, one normal way and one through the PICC line. The culture produced from the blood from the PICC line showed bacteria so I either had an infection or CAR-T cell toxicity. I was put on antibiotics and the following morning I felt so much better that I managed some food. Fortunately, it was an infection, but for five days I had been feeling steadily worse and worse.
I really would not like to guess the number of transfusions I have had on this journey, which has now passed one year. Yesterday I had another two transfusions, hémoglobin and platelets. I have never given blood in my life, but to all those people who do, I want to say a heartfelt thank you.
Yesterday, Pauline messaged me with pictures of her visit to friends in Italy, one video showed her boarding a bus, she was heading for Rome, presumably for a couple of days before she returns to Barcelona. Her friend, who was pregnant, actually gave birth on Friday so there was also a photo of the new baby.
A friend in the UK, returned home from work on Friday to find her elderly Dad not too well at all. She rang the emergency line and a doctor was dispatched and it was recommended a trip to hospital. Early yesterday morning (after being up for over 24 hours) she messaged to say he was waiting for a CT scan. She messaged again last night to say still waiting news on CT scan 🙄.
It’s the music section and I just found this song purely by chance, it’s by Chris Rea, from 1989 and it’s called “And You My Love”.
The second song is from a lady who I have mentioned before in this section, the song is “No More The Fool” by Elkie Brooks from 1986.
Maud messaged me yesterday, she is still having problems with her family, hence why she hadn’t messaged.
Monique took the liberty of going to my home to photograph the garden, it looks in need of a lot of work to bring it up to snuff. I won’t be doing that straight away but at least I can do some little bits. The grass has grown quite lush and the gardener will be going to give it a cut this week.
Anie had messaged a couple of times, she had been visiting her sisters, one lives near Paris and the other one in Burgundy, where she is at the moment.
“The Reconnect Navigator” had another busy week at work. Then yesterday it was her Father’s birthday so it was all round to her parents house for a birthday drink. Still one day of the weekend left so I wonder how you are going to spend it?
“The Trainee Solicitor” was glad to see the start of the weekend but it has turned into an “action-packed” time again! Hopefully after a couple of meet-ups today you will get some time to relax.
“The Photographer” has signed a contract for a new job and will be starting mid June. This weekend he is busy with his children and hopefully I may get a video call. My grandson has had “slapped cheek syndrome” but has not really felt ill with it.
“The Jetsetter” has either left Vancouver or is due to leave today. However, that won’t be the suitcase being packed away when she gets home, there is still more to come!
A quick update: “The Jetsetter” landed in London earlier this morning and is currently making her way to the train station for the journey home.
That’s another week’s roundup at an end. I hope that this time next week I am able to look out into my garden, if not, I am sure there will be something I can pass onto you.
Jusqu’à la semaine prochaine.
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oh oh. sorry. so sorry. guess i kinda misunderstood that :p.
hmmmmm~ i would say i'm pretty good with poisons, but just nothing else in terms of combat. i've practice some hand-to-hand combat before, but not as much.
but who's to say, i love being as discrete as possible, so i might have some surprises~ up my little arsenal. would that suffice mister mister Nikolai?
That sounds like a very good arrange of skills, well, we can try it and see how it goes! What’s your name by the way?
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idk-wha-ahm-doin · 2 years
How about a birdrick kiss after a night out in alien bars?
Here you go:) Hope this was what you asked for! And sorry if it's a little short.
Also posted on Ao3.
"A-And you know what I said?" Rick drawled with a drunken grin, pausing for more drama. "Mind your own b-bee-siness!"
Birdperson downed his next shot, though he wasn't as gone as his once-best friend. "The queen wasn't offended?" He furrowed his brows, struggling to comprehend the story he'd just been told. "You do realize they aren't normal bees on planet Earth."
"Yeah, yeah." Rick brushed off with an unnecessary slap on the wooden table. His- less inebriated- friend slightly winced at the glare from a few people around. "They-they're sentient and their stings are pure poison, w-whatever man. All I hear is fuckin' baby noises." He spat out, smirking still. "Whah!" He then continued with his best impression of an infant wailing.
"Are you calling me a coward?" The hybrid raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "Rick, please keep your voice down. You will get us kicked out by the rate you are inhaling your shots." He said as-a-matter-of-factly.
The man huffed, but fortunately didn't seem to have the energy to argue about it. "Fine. Anyway, yeah. B-barely escaped death 'n all." Another shot. "Uh, another?" He called the Birdman behind the counter, who complied without a word.
"I'd imagined someone would be there to soften the rashness of your actions." Birdperson pursed his lips. "Now that we are not there to stop you."
"If you mean Morty, he's my p-partner in crime." Rick grinned, head unsteady even though he was sitting. "I do this dumb shit with him. Well, when he-he's not bein' a bitch." He loosely shrugged.
The other hummed almost absently. "Good for him."
His silence must've been odd, because Rick stopped in his tracks as well. "Y-you alright, B-Bird- BP?" Unfocused eyes concentrating on him. "I'm doin' almost all the talking."
"Oh, uh, yes." Blinked the bird-human hybrid. "Merely worried about my daughter. We left her alone at the nest if you remember." That wasn't quite what occupied his mind. But with their brittle relationship at the moment, perhaps it'd be best not to speak of it.
"Ugh, that megabitch-spawn?" Every time he made a reference to his daughter and former wife, Birdperson was more encouraged to keep his thoughts to himself. The drunken one still cringed, aware of his mistake. "Shit, I-I mean sorry- I'm-"
"That is, alright I suppose." He cut him off, tone slightly sharp. "I have come to the conclusion that this is just the way you speak. It is still more polite than hiding the fact that I had a daughter to begin with before it suited what you wanted."
The hidden tension felt between them was leaking into view, and it was a frustrating type of relief to acknowledge the elephant in the room.
What he didn't expect was for the other to avert his eyes in shame. "Jeez, I- I guess I should be sober for this." Sheepishly rubbing the back of his flushed neck.
"For what?" Birdperson narrowed his eyes, resisting the unreasonable urge to stare at it, which he failed at. "Is there perhaps another surprise you have for me?"
"Fucking Christ- no!" Rick Sanchez harshly shook his head know, face twisting in a scowl. "I'm an asshole, but not that much. I-I've been meaning to apologize." He stressed.
The knots in his brows unravelled to some cautious degree. "Apologize?" He echoed, having a tone of disbelief to it.
When they were quiet, the rest of the bar sounded dead to one's ears.
Silence had never bothered the feathered one like this.
Birdperson listened more than he spoke. He needed to hear in order to decide what to say next.
But right now, it felt like any word would suffice.
Rick was the one to volunteer and take the weight off his shoulders with an uncertain gulp. "Well, yeah. And don't-don't make me say it- we both know exactly what for."
One shared glare and he did know. "I won't." Faintly reassured the hybrid. He knew how difficult it must've been for his former best friend to put together words in this order. It was the most he could get out of the most fucked up man in the galaxy who could get away with anything if he wanted to. A part he secretly admired.
Looking away from his stare, Rick pretended to be interested in some television programme on air, tip of his ears tinted red.
A ghost of an amused smile sat on the other's mouth, eyes lingering on the skin. Did Rick seriously think he was subtle? This type of behavior made him question his IQ sometimes. "You formed a bond with Tamantha Jr." He got the scientist's attention again.
"I told you, that's not how it works- ugh." Rick groaned out, cutting himself off midsentence. "I mean- I guess? I-I'm good with children- I-I had one, remember? Now, can you just let me go back to whatever the fuck's-"
"Rick." Birdperson calmly demanded.
"Why are you running away from me?" He pulled his lips into a straight line. "Can you not put the past behind? Years have passed, Rick. Everything, changes." He dared address the actual elephant in the room. "Can't you?"
Running a distracted tongue on his lower lip, Rick's gaze rose to meet his, eyes more scrutinizing, looking like he'd sobered up. "Yeah, BP. Everything does change. Which is why Imma have my way with you if you don't stop fucking ogling me."
Blinking hard a few times, Birdperson tried to digest what he was accused of so unexpectedly. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me." Whispered Rick with a warning tone to it, towering over him as he rose from his seat. "Believe me, I'm trying to put the past behind. You're the bastard who's not letting me. What's your deal, BP? Don't break me."
With the way his best friend's voice broke halfway, for the first time in a while, Birdperson was uncertain. Unsure of whether Rick was threatening him or begging him. He swallowed the dryness in his throat. "I couldn't if I tried, Rick."
His face was closer now, his trembling snort blowing warmly on his face. "Right. Cause that's what you think, you gorgeous asshole."
"Y-your voice is shaking." Birdperson tried to frown, squirming in his seat, ironically finding their places to be swapped. Unreasonably, even his breaths betrayed him by coming out as ragged.
"Yes, Birdperson. It is." The man hissed, grabbing his chin. "Now look at me, fucker! Who's running away now?!"
As if only to shut him up, the other turned his glaring back to the center, but that stubborn part vanished from his mind in a flash when a nose roughly collided with his.
The pain from the collision stopped him from feeling the set of demanding lips sliding pressing into his and the hand that snacked around his neck at some point for a few moments. And when he did, it was too late. He pressed back and angled his head for a deeper kiss for the flutters in his lungs, but wasn't met with equal resistance, making him open the eyes he didn't remember closing.
"You have got to be-"
No snarky answer came, only a light snore.
Sighing in exasperation, he almost threw the unconscious body back in his seat.
"Are you sure you wanna keep him?" Questioned the bartender, nose scrunched up in distaste. "Just saying."
Lips pursed with strain, Birdperson's eyes lingered on the steady rise and fall of the man's chest. "I need more alcohol to answer that question."
"Coming right up."
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