#this wasn’t even an anon ask
toiletpudding · 3 months
Hi, Eve! <3 You're so pretty! *pat pat*
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Thank you 🙏
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noodles-and-tea · 5 months
I love how you draw Mario characters. They’re so adorable :)
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Thank you mwah!!!
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autumnblooms · 8 months
may i request some blushy mountain in pretty lingerie?
Oh anon, you absolutely can 🖤 full version below the cut so tumblr doesn’t nerf me
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delisocks · 2 months
what is jesse's go-to gatorade flavor? he got orange vibes to me
dude anon coming in here with a full save for me a bored bored teenage girl 😭 thank u so much man, we are 🫂‼️ also sorry this took like 1 million years, my executive functioning is shit and i have been working on the gooby woobie list which. will be coming out Eventually and is a Production, but then i realized oh hey i can do the smaller ask first!! division of labor or whatever.
and for the actual question i definitely see the jesse orange propaganda. like he just has those Vibes, i don’t know how to explain it but he is the tall lanky hyper guy in a cartoon… and his jack-o-lantern swag… jesse pinkman is an orange dude. i can also see him drinking red gatorade, like yeah it’s fuckin mainstream or whatever but i feel like he was one of those kids who wasn’t allowed to have red dye, so he’s gotta get his licks in as an adult!! also i think in the early days of cooking he would’ve enjoyed the like. glacier blue flavor. to stay on brand. like it’s just cheesy enough to be believable for me, that is some half-baked sentimental bullshit that walt would’ve called him a junkie and a girl for.
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happyheidi · 2 years
Since when did cottagecore become submissive obedient tradwife?!?! 😭😭 My family has a farm and a cottage and it’s everything BUT THAT. Women work as hard and as much as men and everyone‘s cooking together and helping each other out. That’s the most ignorant and sexist thing I have read in a while and it’s obvious that the person never left the city or put their phone away for an hour. It‘s pathetic to assume that everyone with a cottage lived or lives like a sexist American commercial from the 60ies.
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atopvisenyashill · 1 month
HELLO pls pls share ur aegon and carl thoughts 😭😭😭 but only if u want to..
okay because the lil fandom joke is they’re both the last man standing right? they get put through insane physical injuries - aegon suicide swan dives TWICE and lives, carl gets shot in the face - they outlive most of the other characters in the story, and live through it with cockroach like luck until the very ending of their conflicts, left physically scarred by what they’ve been through, with nothing but a daughter they can’t connect with and a world that is already forgetting about the danger & horror aegon & carl have just lived through. and before they can really figure out what the good thing to do is, the story ends.
i think there’s a lot to be said for how both of their violence is enabled as children for different reasons. obviously talking mix of shows & comics/books here but we get alicent, viserys, & criston (probably otto too tho we don’t see that as much) modeling abhorrent behavior, and rick, shane, to a lesser extent lori, all modeling Heroic Violence, then smothering aegon and leaving carl unsurpervised so when they start acting out the violent behavior they’ve had modeled, no one tries to stop it from continuing. aegon is enabled by the fuedal society he lives in, carl’s by the apocalyptic breakdown he’s living through. To see the world as Us vs Them and to react with violence at any threat to Us by Them.
the main difference here being that both lori & rick are vastly superior parents than alicent & viserys are, and carl’s violence & callousness scares the shit out of them (rightly, he’s out here murdering unarmed kids!!!) and carl is eventually in a place (like a literal place, the prison specifically) where other adults (again vastly superior parents & people than the ones aegon is with) like hershel, maggie, daryl, tyrese, and glenn, are all at least attempting to keep an eye on him while rick loses his mind and lori, ya know, dies.
but most notably, the thing that carl has that aegon doesn’t, can’t ever have, is a parent who actually parents him. carl’s saving grace, the thing that saves carl’s soul is his stepmother - obviously in the comics it’s andrea but i’ve always found the michonne/rick/carl story line in the show to be superior in this case. michonne who has all this maternal love and nowhere to put it, carl with the desperate need to be a child and no one to look after him. like, michonne literally entering the story holding baby bottles and formula so rick’s child doesn’t starve to death. rick can only trust michonne once carl gives the okay, michonne can only start to love rick once carl accepts her presence at the prison. “if you’re okay then i’m okay.” michonne has to become carl’s mother and best friend before she can become rick’s lover and partner. it has to happen in that order because even though rick is the main character, carl is his reason for existing. and michonne, already a mother, can see that. many people see carl as a tool to get to rick but only michonne sees carl as a child in need of love. but no one ever looks at aegon and sees a child in need of saving or a young adult in need of help. so while carl ostensibly gets to live in the new world and help make it better, aegon has to die because no one ever gave him the tools to ensure he could live. he doesn’t have a michonne. he can’t for the story to work.
there’s also the gender thing too - i tag carl as “carl grimes patron saint of agender children everywhere” i feel so seriously about carl the they/them. aegon’s whole life “being a force fem” but the thing is so is carl’s. aegon is the ignored daughterson being puppeted by his family forced into a marriage he doesn’t want and to have children he doesn’t want all so his family can social climb, but in order for rick grimes to be the hero of the walking dead with this world ending, all consuming, death defying love for his son, his son needs to be the damsel in distress forever. so bad shit just keeps happening to carl so rick can be the hero and rick can grow as a person and carl is beaten down over and over again-until rick has this world built on The Terrible Things He Did For Love and therefore can’t exist in this world of love, and finally carl has to live with the one brutal trauma he can never get over - his father’s death.
because carl isn’t the main character in his own story, it’s rick. and aegon isn’t the main character in his own story, it’s rhaenyra. so once rhaenyra & rick die, they have to keep going to make the tragedy go on because the tragedy is the point. they can’t even be the tragedy of their own stories! because aegon usurps his sister then is left with just a daughter he can’t name as his heir, and rick builds a haven made out of corpses to save his child only for someone else’s child who he orphaned to make an orphan out of carl, and now carl can’t even show his daughter his entire face out of fear and grief.
rick dies and carl’s story has to end soon after, rhaenyra dies and aegon’s story has to end soon after. they are the last man standing but they are not the main character, and they do not get to have catharsis. they just get to be over.
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music-orthemisery · 6 days
Hi! First of all I wanted to say how much I love reading your posts on p2 and fob in general, blogs like yours are MY happy place 😊
Second of all, I’m genuinely surprised, that nowadays with Pete being a family guy, for the lack of better term, is focused on his projects and his band, and his children, doing pretty tame things, like playing golf with his dad, for love’s sake! And some people still find some things to shitpost about??? In that case, I hope he’s not so much of an online presence anymore and things like this don’t get to him.
Aw, thank you so much! Like I said, I come here for fun. If my silly yappings make it fun for someone else too, then yay!
I’ll be honest when I say the stuff re: Pete doesn’t surprise me. I think Patrick said it best in the Zane Lowe interview - Pete is an interesting dude, and how people react to that will vary.
Obviously Pete has faults, and pre-h Pete…kinda sucked sometimes. PETE even recognizes this. He has said multiple times that he did not like who he had become and had to do a lot of work on himself during the hiatus.
However, Pete is also a human being, so OF COURSE he is going to have faults. Everyone has regrets for things they did/thought/believed. It’s a universal human experience. People don’t just…magically lose their humanity when they become famous.
I was a counselor for many years, and I wonder how my client’s would’ve progressed if I told them, “Well, you sure have fucked up. And it doesn’t matter what you do now because all that matters is what you’ve done in the past.” Like, who deserves that?
Obviously nuance is important here because, sure, there are some actions that are worth continuing to acknowledge. But Pete has not done anything that warrants that, and anyone who claims he has is basing that off of highly unreliable narrators, and/or cherry-picked sensationalist “reporting,” and/or applying current social norms onto the past, and/or slapping labels on things that do NOT apply, and/or racism, and/or lack of understanding/empathy toward mental illness.
Again, who deserves that?
Also worth mentioning - what a huge insult to Patrick to say that all of his success and art he has created was because Pete manipulated him. What an insult to Joe and Andy to reduce them to just tagging along for the paycheck despite secretly hating Pete.
What a miserable experience to be a “fan” of a band you actively despise.
I don’t get any sense that Pete allows internet shit to get to him these days. I think it’s safe to say that we are seeing him genuinely happy and content, and that came with years of learning who to actually listen to. <3
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robotsandjunk · 12 days
There's so little Shockwave work on the internet in terms of him being loved and cared for it maketh me sad :c
I've recently gained interest in MegaShock cus those two are muv more opposites than MegOp is and I like to think that Megatron likes to take care of Shockwave after he was left stranded on Cybertron for so long and rationing so strictly to ensure his survival
Shockwave knows he should stop accepting all the pampering and care and food from Megatron, but it's too tempting to reject because being alone for so long was terrible, even for his solitude ass (that has grown too big for a soldier of war to be carrying around). So when Megatron calls him for a private discussion his will is weak to the snacks and extra cubes their lord offers him. And when Megatron stands close, trying to share his EM field with him, Shockwave can't help but press closure and feel the warmth of their frames nearly or absolutely touching when they hope no one can see
Now he's fat. Round and soft and plush and jiggly with a lot of fat. It's undeniable that Megatron enjoys his soft form, and Shockwave can't deny he loves to feel his own fatness, yet it's undeniable that Megatron's attention has majorly shifted from the war to him...
Idek if this is your type of thing so apologies 🙏🏾
Ok so I’ll be entirely transparent I don’t know much about the feederism scene, but I think Megatron taking care of his soldiers like a good leader is pretty sweet. And you’re right Shockwave deserves to be loved and taken care of
I’d imagine because of his beginnings Megatron gets a sense of satisfaction from being the kind of leader who can provide for his men, especially when they’ve gone through something, to him it’s the ultimate ‘up yours’ to the old government that everyone under his rule can be provided for. Because energon scarcity was such a big thing before the war Megatron has an investment in making sure his closest are well and fed at all times. I also think Shockwave being unable to resist Megatrons affection despite not seeing the logic in the extra attention is cute too
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looney-mooney-studio · 7 months
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Okay guys get ready for a long-ass scribbly webcomic about Pheonix/Phineas’s Teenage Gender and Sexuality crisis full of self-indulgent headcanons that are never gonna be canon that I made mostly all in one night and am posting before season 5 comes out and concretely disproves everything. I was gonna post it as one long comic but then I ended up with more than ten pages so now y’all gotta suffer with me! Image ids in alt text!
EDIT: Link to next pages:
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f1-stuff · 10 months
Carlos doesn’t forget to play his turn in chess, Charles finds ways to umm… distract him until his time is up. It’s strategy
A good strategy, altho alternatively -> it could be carlos’ method of annoying charles bc he sees that charles is gonna win and wants to piss him off by not finishing the game lol
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httpiastri · 9 months
Opinion on Lando telling the team to let him go past Oscar? 👀
uhhh honestly i don’t have a lot to say. lando had better pace, and it all worked out in the end, didn’t it? and oscar did a good job at keeping charles away. idk oscar p2 would’ve been great but would it be realistic? cant we just be thankful about what we got??
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
From what I remember, Bad only said to stop spreading lies about statements and that it didn't help any victims (true) and that he didn't believe Dream was a groomer (all evidence points to true on this) and that he wasn't defending or speaking about any other aspect or issue with Dream, simply the grooming allegations. That he had behind the scenes info that made him believe Dream wasn't a groomer. Why is he,, wrong or weird for that?/gen
did i like miss something with all of this or what I'm confused why people are so mad at him
Checks clock. Sees it’s 9 in the morning. Remembers getting so harassed the last time I talked about this man that I had to close my inbox for two days because of the hate and death threats I was getting. Is confused because I haven’t even been talking about him, just about the nasty parts of his fandom.
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gloomforrestrunes · 4 months
Laxo looks so done. And Aiden looks like he's thinking of murder just before Laxo comes
hahaha, all i’ll say is that the expressions in this entire scene were fun to work with!
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stewykablooey · 10 months
just re the ask about kendall sleeping with older men: im a bi kendall truther but imo kendall's general attraction to men is 100% packed tightly in the big box in his mind where he puts all the shit he compartmentalizes. i truly think the only guy he believes he's ever been attracted to is stewy and that's just because he rationalizes to himself that "it's just stewy and it's undeniable that stewy is hot". i find it hard to imagine that he would feel remotely safe or comfortable enough to allow himself have sex with any other men (even while high/drunk), let alone someone who could have the tiniest potential to remind him of logan. your point about it traumatising him is spot on
totally heard, i flip flop between the two a lot. i feel like i can definitely see kendall compartmentalizing gay sex so much that he PEMDAS’s himself into some weird ‘this isn’t gay sex because im not gay. im just getting off’ thinking. but also kendall would aaaaaabsolutley love the brand of homophobia that is ‘im not gay i just like ✨you✨’ or ‘im not attracted to stewy because he’s a man im attracted to him because it’s stewy’
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apostaterevolutionary · 6 months
Wholly agree Duolingo isn't great any more but it's the only fully free site so it's all I can use...:(
I totally get it anon, it’s a tough situation. For what it’s worth, I believe most of memrise is free, so it might be worth taking a look to see if it has your language. And I mentioned this in the post, but your local library may give you free access to other apps. Tumblr library propaganda has taught me many things about what libraries offer!
And even though I’ve been mad at duo for a lot longer (since they rolled out that stupid path, even though I managed to dodge it for over a year by not updating my app, they did eventually force it onto my ancient and crumbling version lmao), I kept up with it for a long time just because I couldn’t find an alternative I liked. And tbh I’m still not sure what I’m gonna do now, cause it turns out I like casually learning languages, it’s fun and I don’t want to stop, I’d love to get at least conversational in several, but I’m not exactly sure where I’ll go from here yet
Even disregarding the ethical issues, I do worry about the future for duo learners because machine translation simply cannot compete with the real thing. I think anyone trying to read something from another language knows from experience lmao. But I think it will be a while before the app really dies, because the idea of learning for free is a good one. It’s just sad the ceo sold his soul and made duo publicly traded, because it’s been going downhill since (completely changing courses when you’re halfway through, the path, the loss of the forums, the removal of notes, the loss of typing practice, and now severe staff cuts for a cheaper but inferior option)
It sucks ass but it is what it is and I won’t necessarily judge anyone for sticking with it if it’s your only option. I also saw some statements from people who worked on the original duo courses as volunteers upset about these developments, but also distraught that all this work and effort and love they put into the courses would be for nothing if duo eventually does shut down. The courses were originally made by people, for free too, and most of their work is still there, I can’t blame them for being upset at their love letters to the world getting twisted but also not wanting their work to disappear forever because everyone quit. There’s no winning for them at this stage
Idk this is way more rambling than was necessary lmao, but anyway let’s summarize by saying I feel you, it sucks, but I also understand if people keep using the free version duo because, and especially depending on the language you’re working on, sometimes there really aren’t feasible alternatives
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
i never liked sophie as sansa lol she doesn't have 5% of book!sansa's charm
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