#anyways… gatorade me bitch!!! and thank u so much for coming on here to give me things to jabber about ur awesome 🫶
delisocks · 3 months
what is jesse's go-to gatorade flavor? he got orange vibes to me
dude anon coming in here with a full save for me a bored bored teenage girl 😭 thank u so much man, we are 🫂‼️ also sorry this took like 1 million years, my executive functioning is shit and i have been working on the gooby woobie list which. will be coming out Eventually and is a Production, but then i realized oh hey i can do the smaller ask first!! division of labor or whatever.
and for the actual question i definitely see the jesse orange propaganda. like he just has those Vibes, i don’t know how to explain it but he is the tall lanky hyper guy in a cartoon… and his jack-o-lantern swag… jesse pinkman is an orange dude. i can also see him drinking red gatorade, like yeah it’s fuckin mainstream or whatever but i feel like he was one of those kids who wasn’t allowed to have red dye, so he’s gotta get his licks in as an adult!! also i think in the early days of cooking he would’ve enjoyed the like. glacier blue flavor. to stay on brand. like it’s just cheesy enough to be believable for me, that is some half-baked sentimental bullshit that walt would’ve called him a junkie and a girl for.
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matsbarzal · 7 years
Repressed Crush - Mitch Marner
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Note: lol bois its been like 6 weeks since I’ve been productive, so sorry. But here’s the long awaited imagine, love yall. also pls enjoy my meme.
Mentions: Auston Matthews, JVR
Warnings: like idk man, rude mitch
Requested by Anonymous: Hey can you do an imagine where the reader and auston are best friends but the reader and marner act like they hate eachother but they actually love each other? Maybe they figure out that they love each other by auston teasing them that the reason they act like they hate each other is because they both secretly have a crush on each other? Maybe Marner kisses her to prove that there are no feeling but there actually is? idk if that makes sense but thank u :)            
Up Next: Man, who knows. Probably Jesse Puljujarvi
Teaser: “cOnGRaTUlaTe hIM oN tHe gOaL (Y/N).” Your mocking tone inspired the glare that your best friend sent to you, as a few of the surrounding Leafs chuckled.
“So, you wanna explain where your hatred of Marns stems from? Cause I don’t get it, it’s like you looked at the kid one day and decided that you’re just gonna hate him for the hell of it.”
You knew your hatred of Mitch bugged your best friend. Auston constantly made it clear that one day the two of you would have to get along, otherwise you wouldn’t be invited to his wedding. Which quite frankly, if Mitch was gonna be there, you didn’t give two fucks if you had to go.
“Well, first of all, he’s Canadian, Auston. It’s like he has fucking maple leafs in his eyes and syrup in his Gatorade bottle. Second of all, he acts like a four year old, like I just want to put him on a time out and never let him out. Third, he looks like a puppy that’s been squished and loved and thinks that everyone’s his owner. I hate it.”
Auston’s slight smile grew on his face at your words, a laugh erupting from his throat as it did. “You don’t like him for the absolute stupidest reasons. Give me a valid reason and I’ll understand.”
“His personality is trash.” You pouted, crossing your arms over your chest.
“He’s one of the best guys I know. Mitch would give his seat up to a woman two weeks older than him on a bus, he’d probably clear the world of every bad thing if he could.”
Auston made a rational point, deep down you knew that Mitchell Marner wasn’t that bad of a person. But that was deep, deep, deep down, pushed down by your absolute hatred of the Leafs forward.
“He could fucking end world hunger and adopt all the children he can afford, and I will still hate him, Auston.”
“Congratulate him on the goal, (Y/N).”
“cOnGRaTUlaTe hIM oN tHe gOaL (Y/N).” Your mocking tone inspired the glare that your best friend sent to you, as a few of the surrounding Leafs chuckled.
“And we thought Matts was the walking meme, but apparently it’s satan over there.”
Even just the sound of his voice sparked your internal annoyance. It was like anything Mitch Marner did just absolute grated on your nerves and ruined your day. Absolutely everything.
“Well excuse me, Bitchell. We all know that you’re always wrong anyways, so don’t feel bad.”
A few of the surrounding people grimaced as the argument between the two of you broke out.
“I’m always wrong? Have you heard half the things that come out of your mouth? It’s all bullshit, honestly. You’re literally wrong about half the things you say!”
His waving arms and exasperated face spurred you on, copying his hand movements and facial features you turned to him.
“Blah blah blah, I’m Mitch Marner and I think I’m so great and know everything because I’m 5'2 and look like a teenage girl who wants to sleep with half the local hockey team, blah blah blah.”
“I AM NOT 5'2!”
You felt a pressure on your arm, looking up to your best friend as he glared between Mitch and you.
“Okay, enough. We’re leaving now, children.”
He turned you around and began army marching you towards the car, “all you had to say was ‘good goal, bitchell’ that’s literally all you had to say.”
“That’s too easy, silly.”
“She’s so insufferable, all I have to do is look at her and I feel all the anger seep into my mind.”
Auston internally rolled his eyes while rubbing his hand against his forehead while Mitch continued, his hand moving to turn the music down which Mitch just turned right back down with the steering wheel.
“Like, explain to me why she thinks everyone adores her. She’s such a bitch and like, she’s gonna be an old dog lady. Not a cat lady, cause no one wants to cuddle her.”
“Mitch just shut up.”
“How are you even friends with her, honestly?! I would’ve given up the moment I had a conversation with her.”
Huffing, Auston leaned against the window as the other man in the car continued.
“Like, she’s so pretty but her personality just ruins it. Dylan says it’s because our personalities clash, but I think it’s just cause she’s a straight c u next Tuesday, ya know?”
“Holy fuck, Mitch, just shut up.”
“Have you ever thought that maybe you two hate each other so much is because you like each other?”
James Van Riemsdyk had an absolute death wish with those words, receiving the horrid glares of two occupants in the family room they were all currently in.
“Ew, no!” “Definitely not, I’d rather die.”
“That makes so much sense! It’s repressed love, I see it.” Auston smirked, looking between the two of you. “Like I completely see the two of you secretly being in love with each other.”
“I feel nothing but hate for him.”
“The feelings mutual.” Mitch stated, waving his hands around with emphasis.
Quirking an eyebrow at the two of you, Auston laughed. “You’re both liars. I can see the love forming. You two are gonna get married and I’m gonna tell everyone all these stories about this stage of your relationship.”
“Honestly, Matts, I have no feelings for her. Except hatred.”
You nodded your head in agreement, pointing your head towards him as you did so. “I think you’re crazy, Aus.”
“You’re lying.”
“I’ll prove I’m not wrong.”
Before you could protest, Mitch was pulling you towards him and pressing your lips against his. You stood shocked for a moment before you began to kiss back.
It was like your stomach had completely erupted with butterflies, his hands wrapping around your back as you tried to calm down the feelings in your stomach currently jumping around like crazy.
The two of you pulled away from each other, a look of shock evident on both your faces.
“Holy shit.”
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