#this was the best episode EVER so much firework happened
sprinklesharkie · 4 months
cubs giant firework has finally launched !!!
37 notes · View notes
kithtaehyung · 2 months
lollipop (3tan) (m) | myg
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title: lollipop (m) | part one: summer bbq pairing: 3tan!yoongi x reader(f)  series: masterlist | three tangerines | fireworks | house party | basketball | stay | sidewalk talk | friends | dalo | like that | anytime | sundress season | yoongi’s interlude | forfeit | flutter | video call | busted | broken (pt. 1) | broken (pt. 2) rating/genre: m (18+) ; fluff , smut ; brother’s best friend au, implied age gap au summary: after the summer cookout ends, you say goodnight to your brother and his best friend. but the latter just had to have a lollipop in his mouth… and had to make you aware of it hours later.  note: this is part two of the three tangerines drabble summer bbq! undisclosed whether these are in the main storyline or not, so it’s a standalone for now. note 2: also..... hope y'all read this in private :))) hahahah  warnings: yoongi is the biggest warning, but reader almost inches him out here🤭, no joke we may need to form a new line for reader, kissing, hella kissing, a mirror makes an appearance.. 🫣, tense situations, tender moments, lollipop gets its own warning i’m so serious, cocky yoongi lolll explicit warnings: under the cut! drop date: july 22nd, 2024, 7:17pm est word count: 7.3k💀💀💀
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explicit warnings: food play (just roll with it😂), oral sex (m/f rec), masturbation, the struggle to keep quiet is real, mirrors are involved lord have mercy, spanking, breast play, multiple orgasms, yoongi hands, choking, fingering, face f*cking, titty shotsss, a little bit of manhandling and roughness but we love it🤭🤭, aftercare and cute cute reader afterwards
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It’s not long until you’re snuggled under your covers, every limb in your body relieved to be at rest. From getting ready, cooking for hours, to general host duties—all while trying to avoid sin in human form—you’ve completely exhausted your living battery. 
But for some reason, sleepiness is out of reach. 
Tiredness? For sure. But sleep seems to elude you, and you toss and turn before giving up and turning your television on. 
It’s after you get through two episodes of something random and endless doomscrolling that you get a text. 
From the last person that should be texting you right now.
And your heart slams on every brake it has.
Yoongi [2:37am]: You up?  
Why is he asking you that? It’s quite possibly the worst time and type of message to receive right now. 
Don’t overthink it. He probably just needs extra hands to drag your brother back to his room again.
You [2:37am]: mmhmm 
You [2:37am]: you need me for something?
With a sigh, you rest your phone by your side.
The last time that happened was so long ago. Back when you were fighting off sickness and absentmindedly grabbing tangerines to snack on.
You wonder what that man wants this time around.
Yoongi [2:37am]: Haha nah
Yoongi [2:37am]: Just curious
Well that’s interesting.
Is he still in the backyard? Somewhere in the house? You knew he was staying over, but is he in the guest room with Jimin lying down like you are?
Why is that making your soul squeeze? 
You [2:38am]: yeah i am. can’t sleep :\
After hitting send, you feel more awake than ever, staring at your ceiling changing hues from the light of your tv. 
It kinda hurts knowing Yoongi’s the closest he could be tonight. 
On one hand, you still remain feeling safer than ever, having all of them here. But on the other, you’d much rather Yoongi be right next to you, heart beating under the same covers and eyes covering you in moonlight.
He’s so close and yet… 
So damn far. 
Yoongi [2:39am]: Same. 
Your arm slings right over your eyes.
How is one word from him enough to make your legs shift? That is something that needs to be studied, but alas, you would only be the subject if someone paid you for it.
What do you say now? You miss him so much it practically hurts? You want him to be lying next to you even though it’s the riskiest thing in the world?
Maybe start slow.
You [2:40am]: did you have fun today? 
Shit, was that a little too slow? Abnormal? It’s not like you two have as much small talk as other people. Though you wouldn’t mind any type of talking with him at all, casual small talk just isn’t on the list of defaults.
When you check the next text you get, it’s hard to keep your phone from falling onto your face.
Yoongi [2:42am]: I’ll tell you if you open the door :)
So much for starting slow what the fuck! 
You [2:43am]: ???
You [2:43am]: front door? 
Yoongi [2:43am]: Yours
There have been many times in which this man has made you speechless. Some just for being so heartstoppingly handsome; others for being the most considerate person you’ve ever met.
But this time?
You can’t even form all the reasons why you can’t form words.
You [2:44am]: ?????
Yoongi [2:44am]: 🤨
Yoongi [2:44am]: Feel like this is pretty easy stuff, doll 
What is happening? What possessed your brother’s legitimate ride or die to stand at your door while still in the same house? When other people are also staying over?
You’re so close. He’s right there. You can see a slight shadow underneath the wooden frame and it’s making your stomach silly.
But you have to be sure.
You [2:45am]: is he asleep? 
Yoongi [2:45am]: Yeah he’s out 
Getting up, you already miss the warmth of your sheets as you tiptoe towards the only thing separating you from the man you’ve yearned for all day long.
Fuck. If this isn’t the worst decision you’re ever gonna make in your life.
But damn it, you already knew you were gonna let him in as soon as he asked.
After checking what you’re wearing before knowing it doesn’t matter, you open your door while fearing what it reveals. 
And Yoongi slowly enters through the night—freshly showered, still studded with jewelry, and decked in clean clothes while dirtying your mind to hell.
Because of the goddamn lollipop in his mouth.
“What’s going on,” you whisper, knowing your brother could wake up at any second. Maybe. Possibly. Everything bad is always possible when you’re paranoid about it—especially since Yoongi is in your room! “What are you doing?”
Your secret wastes no time as he quietly shuts and locks the door, hair shifting down his head in damp waves as he takes out the sucker,
Silent, he pulls you in slow for a kiss, melting you down with ease. When he presses you into one of your walls, you know the only thing propping you up is his pelvis molding with your front. 
Already, your senses are on high alert, wondering how long Yoongi plans on staying because as much as you want him here forever, you still want him in one piece. 
But it’s getting hard to concentrate on consequences and scenarios when this man is infiltrating your every thought. His lips feel like summer and his fragrance reminds you of spring, and you immediately know it’s that subtly scented body wash you picked to put in the guest bathroom. 
Strange. You both have now used each others’ soap and showers. That has to mean something intimate, right? How many people can say that about one another and not look into it too much?
Well, he technically hasn’t used the shower in your bathr—
“You looked great today,” Yoongi whispers into your neck. 
His kiss there renders you speechless for what seems like eons. Today. Uh huh. What were you thinking just now? “Thank you,” you finally sigh, relishing in the way he’s holding your side. “So did you.” 
“I mean.. You always do, so. Nothing new there.”
Yoongi quietly huffs a laugh before tugging your hips. But he doesn’t say anything in return, and you wonder if he didn’t have an answer or just didn’t feel the need to. 
So your nerves fill the space again. “Is it weird that I missed you? You were here the whole time.” 
“Mm.” His kisses traverse up your shivering throat, and his raspy answer has your eyes fluttering shut, “I get that.”
Fuck, you can’t deal with him. “Is.. Is that so..”
“People miss me all the time.”
A snort. “Ass.”
Yoongi immediately laughs into your skin. “But they aren’t here now, are they?” When you don’t respond with anything substantial, he squeezes the side of your ass. “Are they.”
“No,” you hitch out. “But you shouldn’t be here, either.”
“Tell me to leave then.”
Shit. You can’t. You both know you can’t. You try so hard to stifle a moan when you feel Yoongi grip an asscheek, his lips finding your ear at the same time he gives a firm smack.
“Do it, doll.”
“I…” Fuck, he’s surrounding you and there’s no way no way out. “I can’t.”
“Good.” Yoongi then slides your hand from his side down to his legs, placing it on his very big, very hard length. “Cus I can’t fucking stay away from you.” 
You grip him through his pants, pleased when he moans deep. “What if he wakes up?”
“He won’t,” your handsome rebel purrs. “Drank for hours.”
“You sure?”
“Course I am.” Yoongi slides a finger along the outline of your breasts. “He tried to keep up and lost.”
He keeps doing exactly what you want him to do. It’s quite scary how well he knows your body now, but you’d also like to think you have a good level of knowledge with his.
Especially when you reach up to twist his nipple. 
A groan mixed with dark chuckles has your knees shaking, and you prolong it by doing something else you know—or think you know—he likes,
“I think you’d like it if I kicked you out now.”
The volcano inside Yoongi rumbles. “Is that so?”
“It is,” you huff out in mock triumph, loving how his cock twitches against your hand. “Or am I wrong?”
He flicks his eyes to yours before holding a gaze. A look so telling, and full, and searing. When his mouth flicks upward, he admits,
“I’d love it.”
Laughing as softly as you can, you stop to simply hug him. Leaning forward until your head rests, feeling the most at home and happy hearing his own amusement vibrating through his clothes. 
And just like that, you’re conflicted. 
What the hell are you doing? Even though passed out and sloshed, your brother could still wake up. It’s not like he’s totally gone. And if he catches his best friend in your room? There’s no telling what damage could be dealt.
Actually, the damage could be told in gruesome detail.
But the way Yoongi’s filling the distance from today, you really don’t want to stop. In fact, you don’t even want to pretend to shoo him off.
So this is your first step onto a precarious, unpredictable tightrope. A step you are very okay taking. 
Shit, you got lost again. When you find your way back, Yoongi’s concern materializes at once,
“If you really aren’t down—”
“Fuck it.” 
Your kiss digs into his face so hard you strike gold, rewarded with a growl so potent it disrupts your core. Lightning zaps through your veins at the hands squeezing your hips, and you buck with a desperation that’s been stockpiling all day long.
Sliding along the wall, you notice that Yoongi tastes like alcohol and sugar, and you wanna lick every crevice you can reach, drunk off his cockiness and audacity alone. 
It’s no use fighting this. He’s really in your room, making out with you like a demon while the house is filled with your brother’s sleeping friends.
Fuck, you two could really get caught here.
The swirl in your belly keeps you on your toes, transforming your movements into sharp, hasty tugs on his clothes, hemlines, hair. You’re practically acting like you’ve never had him before and want to make up for all those missed opportunities.
Not like it’s any different every time.
But you’re quelled by a calm hand on your wrist. “As much as I like you like this,” Yoongi whispers across your cheek, “You can’t be too loud, baby girl.”
Your silent question must’ve escaped past your teeth. Because you hear a deep chuckle before shivers run down your spine,
“If you aren’t quiet enough I’m gonna fix that.”
Oh. Fuck.
“I didn’t even know I was talking,” you admit, body creasing in embarrassment and a bit of nervous laughs. Your grin cannot be contained by the fingers you slide up to cover it. “Oh, my god.” 
“What?” Yoongi’s devilish look is even more potent in the flashing lights of your television. “You serious?”
When you scrunch in deeper admittance, he flashes teeth with a wider smile than yours. It’s a prelude to the way he launches your heartbeat, his scent mesmerizing and his fingers lethal on the back of your neck. 
You groan into his swooping kiss, the rush of a thousand rivers carrying you to bliss. Breaths intertwined, the pair of you can’t seem to part until Yoongi accidentally shoulders something at his side.
Your mirror? When did you both travel so far that you got here? 
He lets off with a pop to steady the wavering furniture piece, pausing to make sure it’s stable before looking at the movie playing nearby.
And you watch in curiosity as he backs further into your room, eyeing himself in the mirror while slotting the sucker back into his mouth.
God. How did you forget he was still holding that?
And why can’t you move even as he turns around, even as he glances at the tv, even as he sits on the edge of your bed?
Move. Walk. Do something!
In the end, you can’t.
Because Yoongi’s stare alone gives you first time jitters, like you’ve never even conversed or much less slept with him before. 
How the fuck are you gonna get through the night? 
Swallowing and shooting one more look at your door, you pad your way to him, knowing he sees your nipples poking through your shirt and assuming there’s not much else you’re wearing. 
And he’s right. 
As you stop at Yoongi’s knees, you watch as he gives the lollipop another slow suck, groaning at the red smeared across his tainted lips.
That’s it. It’s decided. There’s no way you’re making it out alive.
“Get up here.”
Obliging but unhurried, you mount his lap, your heart skipping at the way he enjoys your shirt riding up your thighs.
So that damn sucker is gonna stay in his mouth? 
Min Yoongi is your enemy tonight.
Your nemesis, in fact. Even if he slides both free hands up your ass like that fuck he squeezes so expertly. Fuck. 
It’s keeping everything in you to hide your moan, your head falling forward as he slightly lifts you to drop you onto his comfy sweats.
When he chuckles in your ear, your muscles lock. And when he pops the lolly out of his mouth, you crumble at his mercy. “You were lucky to be off-limits today, doll.” 
“What…” You tense at another grip to your ass. “What do you mean.”
As you eye the silver around his neck, Yoongi’s smirk pours weight on your legs. “If you weren’t? There’s no telling what I would’ve done.”
You don’t think you’ve ever gulped so deeply. What toe-curling secrets is he hiding? Today could have gone a much, much different route depending on what he’d spill. “Tell… Tell me anyway.”
“You sure?”
The man below you huffs quick, and you watch the corner of his mouth lift at a dangerous angle. “Would’ve kept you in that bathroom,” he divulges, voice dragging across the rattled surface of your brain. “Bent you over the sink.”  
Your breath hitches when he gets close, lips caressing your ear but words striking through your chest, “Just so you could watch me fuck you in that sundress.” 
“Uh uh,” Yoongi coos, chuckle so, so deep. “Quiet, baby girl.”
“I just…” It’s already hard to think around this demon of a person. But it’s even more difficult when he’s got your ear in his teeth. “Wait.” 
As he pulls away, the light of your television highlights his features. And you find that this specific, comforting look of attentiveness is what attracts you the most. 
Now that you can think clearly, you remember exactly what you were gonna do. It’s simple but significant nonetheless. 
Because your dress from today is in the laundry already. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have another one. Another very particular one he may remember, in fact. 
“Go over there,” you whisper, smile wide as you dismount. “Turn around.” 
When he wordlessly asks what you’re up to, a single finger presses against your lips before you assure, “Just trust me.” 
The way his brows scrunch makes your cheeks hurt as you watch him get up and swivel, endeared by the casual lean on your wall and the lollipop stuck in his cheek. Just as his head falls in waiting, you slip into your closet, darkness getting even darker as you enter.
Due to an afterthought, you pop your head out. “No peeking in the mirror.”
“Uh huh.”
Satisfied, you go back to your lightless search. 
You know exactly what you’re going for. It’s too easy for you to locate your chosen piece of clothing before stripping and changing as orderly as you can. 
Okay. This is okay because you’re alone, right? No one else is here. Technically. Okay.
As you make your way out, a million nerves pop and fizzle under moonlight. The air surrounding your bare shoulders proves charged. Electric enough to send shivers down to your pedicured toes.
Composing yourself before you break, you softly catch his attention as you eye the sucker poised in his fingers,
The moon waits.
Your breath follows.
And when Yoongi turns, you know you’ll never forget this moment. It feels exactly like the time in that restaurant long ago, but more potent. Shimmering. 
Because you’re wearing the same sundress he witnessed you in on the night of Dom’s party. 
And you’ve never been so delighted to see the stars in his eyes go dark.
You expect him to call you over. Whether with words or not, you’re gonna do whatever he wants—because it’s what you want… too…
Yoongi’s aura billows as he closes the distance himself. No words. No gestures. Just step by breath-taking step, air around him so charged and commanding that your knees threaten to buckle. 
For reasons you won’t admit, your mouth can’t even create sounds. All you want to ask is if he likes the dress, or if he even cares you aren’t as dressed up as before. 
Of course he wouldn’t give a single shit. But you can’t stop yourself from these thoughts just yet. 
Swallowing, you stare as he rolls the sucker in his mouth, eyes in no other direction but yours. “You, umm. Does this one work instead? The other one is in the—”
Quick isn’t fast enough to describe what’s happening, your shoulders pressing into the nearest wall as your lips get consumed by lust and possession. Everything in your body tingles, and for a split second you wonder how Yoongi managed to swing you around so swift with barely a sound. 
Stars fly from your eyes before they slip shut, pouring want onto his veins as he circles strong arms across your waist. Sparks erupt the scant distance between your hips and his, and you are once again reminded why you feel so high-strung. 
There are so many people staying over. Not just Yoongi and Jimin. From what you can recall, at least ten people are passed out around the house, any of which could wake up for a bathroom break or something at any second. 
And yet. You will not tell this man to leave. Truthfully, this is exhilarating and all you’re doing is ki—
“Get down there.”
Oh, fuck. 
This is the new point of no return. 
If you do this, not only will Yoongi be a goner, but so will you. Both of you would never, ever come back from this. 
But that fucking lollipop…
Screw everything to hell.
Your smile grows with his, lip bitten in the throes of your newfound excitement. You already feel how rock solid he is through his pants, and you make it a point to stroke him on the way to the ground. 
There’s so little room that your ass skims the wall, your chest the second part to slide along his covered length and causing him to groan out a curse. 
Is there a shift here? Did you change the whole dynamic with one move? Maybe you’re the one with the power now. 
“Look at me.”
Ah. Maybe not.
Obedient, you stare upward, catching the fire in Yoongi’s eyes as he gives the sucker one more pass in his mouth. 
God, he makes it look so enticing. It’s just a piece of candy but you’ve never been this desperate to have one, too. Or be the one treated with his tongue like that goddamn does he have to make it seem so erotic?
With a pop, Yoongi releases the stick, lips shiny and tainted in the television lights. When he lowers it, you realize it’s descending—farther and farther—until it stops in front of your face. 
And shivers overtake you.
Well. You’ve never done something like this before. In all the relationships you’ve been in, you have never experienced anything like this. Much less in your own house. 
Which makes your eyes flare and the monster in your belly rumble, fire hissing from its nose and prying your mouth open to do exactly what you were told. 
“That’s my girl.”
Sugar coats your tongue immediately. Glowing, the heat in your core stokes embers, warning with each loll, each cave of your cheeks. You treat the candy so tenderly Yoongi will deny jealousy, and your lips pucker and puff with a sheen. 
Are you glistening as much as his eyes? Are you causing him as much grief as he has put you through?
You damn well hope so. Yoongi isn’t the only one that’s gonna unleash his needs from the whole day. 
So you keep sucking with closed eyes, swirling your tongue around the lolly and licking it just how you would his tip. It tastes like sweet rebellion, but also late nights with your friends. And with a fleeting thought, you know said friends would grill you if they ever found out this was happening.
Maybe Tae would just laugh his ass off. 
Fuck, this is so unbelievably risky. Your door is locked, sure. But the guest room is still very much missing an occupant and one look in there and at Yoongi’s car in the street would cause an eruption.
Through the haze of your thoughts, you hear shuffling and a low droning grunt. 
With one glance, you know Yoongi is crumbling. The shadowed promises under his bangs make you preen, and you remain on the precipice of anxiousness and glee.
“Keep that tongue out for me.”
Clearly, he doesn’t give a shit about risk.
So gladly, you oblige, flinching when the lollipop is replaced by something you’re much more familiar with, and your eyes bat on instinct as you know exactly what to do with this one.
When did he shove his pants down? Were you that lost in your sticky treat that you didn’t even notice? 
Doesn’t matter. You feel his beautiful weight on your stained tongue and it’s second nature to pleasure. When you grab hold of his base, you give one more suck before popping him out of your mouth to lick down.
For someone that’s been shushing you, Yoongi’s groan is not quiet, and you pause just in time to see him grit his teeth with a nose scrunched to hell.
And his attention is sideways. What is he…
Oh. Fuck.
You can see yourself in your mirror on the other wall. 
Is that… you? The one looking back with a visage so arousing your breath stops? If this is the person that Yoongi brings out you actually feel your confidence inflate like a parade balloon.
“So fucking hot.”
When you laugh in shyness, his eyes slide shut in agony as he rakes through his hair. Crumbling inside, you offer a compliment of your own, 
“You’re so unfair when you do that.” 
Yoongi has the audacity to grin wide as he grips his long strands. “This?” 
“Ugh. Whatever.” You wanna smack that smirk right off his face.
So you keep going, loving the way his walls and defenses are back to shattering at your knees. From your inappropriate level of experience with his cock, you go for what you know. Licking his underside, swirling around the tip, sucking just the first bit, gathering spit all over before taking him in deep. 
The smells around you coalesce into something potent. With the fruitiness of the lolly and the headiness of Yoongi, it’s pure bliss in your nostrils and you soak it all in. There’s no pause in your sucking, licking, tugging him rough. You’re giving it your all and feeling the effects between your legs. 
Huffs litter around your sundress as Yoongi yanks himself out, sticking the sucker in your mouth again while holding your head. And his smile puts devils to shame when he scoffs, “Unfair, my ass.”
You giggle, sliding the pop up and down your outstretched tongue before slowly pushing it in. When you watch one of his veiny hands grip his cock, your brain resets and rewires, prompting you to be a little bit more daring.
As if this whole situation wasn’t daring enough.
You coyly slide one of your sundress straps down your arm, slowly revealing the top of a breast before going for the other side. Not enough to show everything. But enough to give him a much better view from above. 
And the sound you hear in response causes pulses between your legs,
“What the fuck.”
Satisfied, you ride this high of praise and keep diligently sucking on the lolly, watching him pump himself until you can’t can’t can’t take it anymore.
It all happens in quick succession, your hand outright slapping the lollipop out of his hand before grabbing for him, shaky fingers knocking into his slick ones before slipping his dick in your mouth.
His scent captures your nostrils as he bucks forward, knocking your throat and causing your gag to hit the wall. When you keep sucking, Yoongi grabs your chin, chains swaying as he rocks in, out, in, out again.
Drool and spit cover your neck, seeping onto his fingers as he keeps them where he wants. Imagining how you look in the mirror makes you moan, and imagining Yoongi watching everything from his view makes your cunt leak onto your thighs. 
Fuck you wanna watch, too. What does that say about you? You’re legitimately jealous that you can’t see yourself taking Yoongi so deep he’s cursing in strings. 
When you choke, it’s disgustingly loud, so he has to pull out once again just to command, “Quiet.”
He’s shoved back in before you can finish one syllable, back out after a single suck before he drives his point home, “Understand?” 
Your words are pushed down your throat again, the intensity Yoongi’s exuding rolling your eyes back and shaking your muscles. Spent and unable to speak, you nod around him, and your arms are suddenly gathered against the wall until you’re fully flushed, held up by one of his strong hands.
“Good girl.”
You brace yourself for his complete control, dick sliding down your throat and pushing tears out of your eyes. Breathing through your nose, you keep your tongue flat, taking him in until your full body gag alerts him to pull out. 
As soon as he does, you buckle straight towards the mirror, eyes bursting with shock as you drink in the man watching your heaving, shimmering chest.
“This is what you do to me, doll.” When you shift your attention upward, you gulp at his smile of pride. “Can you stand?” 
“I…” Holy shit, he fucked the voice right out of you. “I think so.” 
You place your hand in his, muscles in your legs stinging at the change in position. When you go slow, Yoongi lets you, and your lips curve tenderly at the way he kisses you at your peak. 
“You almost made me come,” he whispers, chuckling when you watch his eyes. “Fuckin’ hustler.” 
“You didn’t want to?” 
“Not yet.” Winking, Yoongi gives you another peck before getting close. 
As you look in the mirror, you catch the way he kisses along your neck, his hair tickling your skin and his arms bent as he holds yours. It’s almost enough to make you feel higher than royalty, now knowing what it looks like to be feasted on by a king.
“Promise me something,” he rasps. 
“Anything,” you whisper in confidence.
“It’s your turn now.” Another kiss to your ear makes you flinch. “But if you’re too loud that’s all you get.” 
Bold statement coming from the guy that couldn’t stay silent. But you’re far too gone to dwell on the past so all you can do is nod in understanding. You need this. After today? You really fucking need this.
Yoongi tucks himself back in his sweats before kissing your neck again, lips leaving a trail along the tracks left by your own actions. When he gets to your chest, he gets to unwrap another treat, slowly peeling your dress down to suck on a nipple. 
You almost cut the whole thing short. 
A hand flies up over your mouth, and you watch your face twist in anguish in the glass. Sparks tingle from where Yoongi slides his tongue, and seeing this man in action from another viewpoint launches you across the edge instead of right to it. 
You’re gonna get yourself caught. There’s no way you aren’t crying out by the time he’s done but goddamn you’ve got to keep it toge—
Deft fingers rub your other nipple, causing your body to jump forward and Yoongi to chuckle into your chest. After he squeezes, you watch as he pops off your tit. “What’d I say.” 
This is the hardest thing you’ve ever done! 
You can only shake your head, hand still preventing your mouth to move and your throat stinging from suppressed screams. 
“That’s what I thought,” Yoongi quips before kissing the rest of your dress downward. 
And the fucker didn’t even look back at the mirror. Like he already knows exactly what he looks like or doesn’t care in the slightest. All he’s focused on is you and you alone, and you’re so enamoured that you watch his head below you, too. 
Calmly and surely, Yoongi lifts one of your legs over his shoulder, kissing along your skin and gripping you tight. When he lifts a brow upward, you nod downward, bracing yourself for him to notice something else you had planned to show.
Works like a sinful charm. His reaction could be felt better than seen. 
Because as soon as he notices that you don’t have any underwear on, Yoongi pours out dark amusement before giving your cunt the deepest kiss it’s ever felt.
A mewl smushes into your fingers as you cave, eyes shutting so tight as he eats you out like a man starved and never satiated. 
His licks hit just right, and the way he tongues you causes stars to pierce your eyes through. Over and over and over, Yoongi is merciless in how he pleasures, and your esophagus burns and burns and burns. 
Both your legs quake as he slips a finger under his tongue, and your eyes fly open just in time to see yourselves in the mirror again. 
Holy fuck.
You’ve always known this man was attractive. Overwhelmingly so, in fact. But seeing him on his knees and knowing it’s not a dream makes you so dizzy your brain can’t keep up. 
Yoongi’s hands flex on your skin with each minuscule grip, and his hair bunches as he moves between your legs. Your thigh covers his face, but maybe that’s for the best, because you don’t think you could handle watching his tongue while feeling it inside. 
“So fucking wet,” he hisses out before diving in again, and you use your other hand to grapple a chunk of his drying hair. “Fuck.”
Yes, keep going. He’s so close to making you come you squeeze even harder. By now, your whole upper body is burning with unreleased yells and your lower body is suffering just as much. He’s too good. Way too good for a quiet house.
You can’t hold it in. You can’t you can’t you can’t.
“Yoongi, please”—your legs start to twinge with want and pending release—“Gonna come, I—”
Everything snaps as soon as he reaches to grope your ass, tugging you forward to lick a spot that has you vibrating like mad. 
And your orgasm is so potent that your knees legitimately buckle, your body slipping with no purchase before you catch yourself on the wall. Waves hit you from all directions and you let out one yelp before you feel a moist hand clamp over your lips.
Oh, he’s standing now. Oh, he’s fingering you. Oh fuck, he’s talking you through your orgasm and you can’t understand him but your body reacts either way. 
“—another one for me.”
Your pulses wreck your body into angles, each one shifting into another as your mouth is still covered. Yoongi’s fingers prove fatal as he leads you into a second paradise, and you cry into his hand as you come into his other—harder, stronger. 
“Just like that, doll, fuck.”
Tears stream down your cheeks again as you lift, soaring into the summer skies and leaping over sleeping souls. It’s too much to keep inside. Too powerful to not let out all at once. 
“—this fucking dress.”
You don’t know what’s being said. Nor do you care. Your body is so spent from the vicious tempest and all the energy leaves you at once. 
“Uh uh.”
“One more for me,” Yoongi goads. “And you’re gonna watch this time.” 
Your chest beats and beats as his fingers pump slow, and your head lolls to the side as you catch sight of your salacious act in the mirror. 
Immediately, you know exactly why he said that. Watching the way his arms bulge with effort is encouragement enough to stay upright. With each thrust, you can see your dress hitching with your arches, and Yoongi dives into your neck to strike lightning. 
“Baby—” You feel it. You feel a third wave incoming and its crest seems higher than the rest. 
“Come for me,” he whispers, his dark bangs peeking from behind your neck in the mirror and his throat stretching out. “And don’t fucking scream.” 
Fuck! Your hand grips your mouth so bad it will leave soreness. But water pulls you under and twists you like a ragdoll. Unlike the other times, this orgasm quivers your legs to the point where Yoongi teases. And he can’t stop praising you for being naughty, for letting him in here, for letting him destroy you while everyone’s here.
“I love it,” you whoosh out into his throat, voice cracked and chipped. “Fuck, I love it.” 
“I know you do.” Another deep set of laughs. “You’re a problem.”
Head lolling forward, you slowly slip right into Yoongi’s arms before he helps you stand. “Come on,” he leads, walking you a short distance to your bed before chuckling at your cartoonish collapse.
Some moments pass. One, two, four or five more. Even the room seems to swim a little in your vision when you struggle to open your eyes. 
Finally, after breathing hard, you can only manage a gravelly, “Holy shit.” 
Yoongi laughs soft before wiping your forehead. “You okay?” 
“Yeah,” you exhale, chest heaving and heaving. “I’ll be good.” 
Fingers still wisping across your face, he praises, “So beautiful.” 
You finally calm your pulse before you slide your hand over his cock. “Did you come?” 
Looks like you aren’t done. “Mm,” you whisper, trying your best to prop yourself up. “Lie down for me.” 
“You sure?” 
You nod with heavy eyes, and he slowly occupies your bed while you caress him again. So smooth and so tender before squeezing just right. 
It’s already almost enough because Yoongi throws his head onto your pillow. “Goddamn.”
When you slip his sweats down, you use willpower alone to consume him again. You will not rest until he’s fully content, too. With this in mind, your cheeks and jaw work overtime. 
You want this, want this, want this. He gave you the world and then some, you can run on fumes to make him a mess. After all, you’re drunk off the pleasurable cocktail he just concocted with his tongue. This will carry you despite your functioning levels in the trenches. 
For a split second, you forget where you are. Your eyelids droop so low and your body twinges with aftershocks as you spit right onto his cock, sliding your lips along his pretty length before you feel him tug your sheets.
He’s close. He doesn’t even have to tell you. You can tell by the way his body reacts and bends and folds, and you quickly decide what that means for you.
Because you could swallow. 
But you instead make your way to the floor, commanding him before realizing just how authoritative and raspy you sound, 
“Sit up.”
Right as he does, you pump him right above your exposed chest, shocking him so abruptly his low groan shakes your core,
“Oh, fuck—”
Hot, thick spurts land all over you, his release your only focus and not the pain in your knees from hitting the floor in round two. As his head rolls back, you watch with heightened pride, loving the way he looks lost in delicious, honeyed ecstasy.
And just like that, both of you are satisfied. Both of you got what you needed and wanted from this… hot summer… day…
There was a sound outside your door, further down the hall but fucking close enough. 
And holy shit his cum is on your tits.
Holy shit holy shit this is the absolute last thing you should’ve let him do what the fuck what the fuck! 
If anyone sees you like this you are both finished. Cooked. Banished.
You glance at the door, body locking and hands massive weights at your side. 
One second. 
Two seconds. 
You’re fully awake now. 
Four seconds. 
Nothing else happens. Your ears strain wildly but you don’t hear any noises in succession, and you wonder if it was just a snore or something similar. 
Sighing, you breathe out relief before peering straight up.
And the look you get in return is pure, primal hunger. 
Yoongi’s never looked like this. Maybe he’s come close that one time before, but this is much different. 
What is this? His pupils are magnified and his lids are lowered in fire, stoking the heat within you and clutching your cunt with his eyes alone. You’re so wet that you can come again if he so much as touched you. “Baby?” 
Yoongi simply grazes your cheek with his knuckles. “Just want this in my phone so fucking bad.” 
Oh. Well, fuck. 
You blink at his shamelessness. But it makes you so exhilarated and shy that you resort to your default—cracking jokes. Of all the things he could’ve mentioned like the sound outside or possibly getting caught and dragged to hell he decides he wants your pictures in his phone. Right.
“Happy you painted me like Picasso?” You laugh before you can even finish, but so does Yoongi as he throws his head back. 
Immediately, the atmosphere calms. “You heard that earlier?” 
“He’s an idiot.” 
“He is.” Yoongi helps you up and onto your bed before he asks, “Towels in your bathroom?”
“Yeah,” you whisper. “Under the sink.”
You watch as he goes to fetch them, heart pulsing extra hard at his consideration. When he bustles around in a room you use everyday, it’s surreal to witness. Both unnatural, but so natural at the same time. 
He’s careful not to make loud sounds, gently closing your cabinets and coming back with a cloth he ran under water.
A sudden pang hits your chest and you have no clue why.
Is it because you’ll never see him in there again? Or is it because of the conversation you just brought up? 
Maybe both. The convo from earlier today still rings in your ears, everyone hounding Yoongi about the scratches you left on his back. They were old but still very visible. You need to be more mindful of what you can and can’t do right now. 
As Yoongi wipes your shivering chest, you ask something that’s been weighing on your mind, “Did I get you in even more trouble?” 
He just looks at you before finishing his cooling task, raising straps back onto your shoulders. “Course you did.” 
Ah. He didn’t seem bothered, but your apology follows him as he goes to pick up the abandoned candy from earlier. “Sorry. I didn’t think about it at the time.” 
“S’ok. Hope you’re fine being some chick from outta town, though.” 
Your chuckle hurts your throat on the way out. Not from disappointment, but from the very man you’re talking to. “I can deal with that. Is she nasty?” 
It takes a bit for him to discard everything. When he comes back, he bends down to answer, 
“So fuckin’ nasty.” 
You giggle right into his kiss. Fully spent, your arms around his neck pull him in close, and his rough laugh makes your legs even weaker. “Can’t believe we just did all that.”
“Guess you like the dress, huh?”
A hand comes up to squeeze your thigh. “Dunno. Might have to see it again when the sun’s out.”
“You get it.”
Yoongi hisses amusement, shifting to lay beside you across your bed. When he does, light from the window hits him just right, and you fall silent at once.
So perfect. So unfair.
“I think this is my favorite,” you admit, not giving him full context. So when he wordlessly asks for it, you reach up and caress his cheek. “When you look happy.”
“I am,” he says after a pause. “Cus of you.”
You feel starlight in your own eyes. “I’m happy, too.”
For this, Yoongi doesn’t need to ask for more context at all.
The lingering fear of being caught is still there, but it’s not as present now. Maybe it’s because you’re both content again, but you don’t feel too stressed. 
Did you want to get caught that whole time? Surely not when things were going down.
But what about now? If someone saw you lost in each others’ stars, would you care if they plucked you from the sky? 
Staring into this man’s eyes, you can’t bring yourself to say you would. 
“When will I see you again?” you blurt out of nowhere.
At this, Yoongi props his head up with an elbow. “When do you want to?”
His chest bobs with his laugh. “I’ll make sure to see you before I head out then.” 
You nod, eyes shutting when Yoongi goes in for another kiss. 
Another kiss is how you frame it. Because a final kiss is too painful to think about. 
Yoongi has to leave. You know he literally cannot stay.
But facts and logic don’t make this parting any easier, and your heart breaks when he slips out of your bed.
It’s too soon. Yes, it’s also way past the time he should be in your room, but it’s too fucking soon. 
Your chest burns. Sears make fiery ridges along your ribs until they overtake your heart, creeping closer and closer.
Until Yoongi bends to kiss you again, fingers slotting into yours and squeezing some liquid out of your eyes. 
But his rasp gives you pause, “I did, by the way.”
Blinking, you feel him swipe at oncoming tears when you ask, “You did what?”
“Have fun.”
Oh. Wait, he’s answering the text you sent? You already forgot about that. Ages ago. “Good,” you say with a slight ghost of a smile. “It looked like you were having a good time. And I.. Really liked seeing you laugh.”
Yoongi just stares, thoughts and emotions skimming across his eyes. When you reach up to cradle his cheek, they then slip shut, brows dipping as he presses into you further. “You were the reason,” he admits with no hesitation.
Don’t cry more. Not now.
He gives you one more hug, and you cradle his head into your skin. “Good night, baby,” you whisper so softly, planting a kiss on his cheek. 
When he does the same to yours, you wonder if his reaction was also reminiscent of tiny sparklers on a summer night. 
“Night, doll.” 
The steps he takes all stomp on your heart. 
But you find solace in the hopeful future. One where you can stand next to him at summer barbecues, or host them with him, or just simply be anywhere with him. 
But mostly, you’re yearning for a future where you don’t have to keep watching him leave through a door. 
But come back through one.
fin. :)
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a/n: thank you to everyone that has stuck around while i took my huge rest! it was a little strange to not be here everyday talking to you all, but looking back, the resting and step back was needed. although it looks like some people left - whether the blog or in general - i am happy to see so many familiar and new people! let's keep having fun with the 3tanverse and beyond, yeah? a/n 2: thank you for also being here despite the highs and lows! i'll be here to talk and scream with y'all whenever, and it should be more frequent now. also be on the lookout for some physical copy interest checks! we are getting closer to 3tan copies being A Real Thing! ++ feedback box: ⇥ of course, any reblogs/comments/messages are appreciated! ⇥ for the ones that are too shy to reblog with a review, comment on this, or send a message, i went ahead and made another anonymous form where you can send in what you think! ⇥ no emails collected, no need to put in a username. it’s literally just a comment dropbox :D feedback can be as short/sweet or as long as you’d like! ⇥ here! ++ more links: ⇥ masterlist  ⇥ three tangerines masterlist
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aloneinthehellfire · 9 months
The Introduction
A (possible) brand new series featuring Robin Buckley x Reader set in ST4
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Summary: When Vecna comes to town, Robin and her friends need all the help they can get in the final battle. The gang searches for an old friend she's never met before. But what Robin didn't know, was that the help would catch her attention in more ways than one.
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: canon deaths (mentions of vecna killings), reader appears at the end it is mostly a set up for the series, nothing really to report here tbh
[A/N: well hello there. I have *finally* storyboarded a new series that would be an episode by episode ST4 fic where Reader and Robin are endgame. It's something new and something I've been dying to create for a while now so I wanted to test the waters and see if anyone would be interested in reading this? I will literally take one person's yes and go with it, I am very persuadable]
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The Introduction
Since when was it too much to ask for a normal spring break?
Robin had enough of the excitement in Hawkins last summer when she ended up in a secret Russian lab, tortured and shot full of some serum she was sure was unsanctioned.
The horrors of that day were flushed down that bathroom toilet along with those drugs, some kind of wave of reality hitting her hard when she realised she didn’t want to be alone anymore. She confided in her new friend, her closest friend, and hoped that it would end a horrible day with a weight off her shoulders.
And then she was crashing a car into a possessed guy and hurling fireworks at some freaky flesh monster. So, nothing good lasts forever.
But after that, it all had been pretty quiet. Robin worked Family Video every other evening and weekends, had Steve drive her to school for the first couple of weeks before it became a habit, secured her place in band and forgot that anything ever really happened. She didn’t want to remember. She wanted to graduate, to have that silly little crush on her bandmate, to save enough money to get out of Hawkins for good.
Then the first day of spring break hit. The first day. And she was stood there staring up at that TV, feeling nauseas in her uniform, knowing that the brutal death of a high school student wouldn’t be as simple as murder.
“So we got, uh, some good news and some bad news.” Dustin says awkwardly and Robin’s lips tighten, looking at where Eddie sat munching through Honeycomb cereal like it was his first meal in days. “How do you prefer it?”
“Bad news first, always.” Eddie responds with his mouth full.
Robin shifts on her feet. It would be dishonest to say that Dustin and Max dragged her into this. All they had done really was show up demanding their computers and a name. She didn’t have to help, or find the address, or go with them anywhere.
The urge to be a part of something always had been a habit of hers. The only reason she joined the marching band was because she figured she’d be safe there. The Russian radio communication was only of interest because she craved involvement. And now she had Steve, her best friend. Where he went, she followed. Which is why she was stood here now, contemplating her decisions.
She was scared, afraid that last year would have only been the baby of all problems she would have to face in Hawkins. And it was understandable, she wasn’t built for pressure situations. If anyone could take a look inside her brain, they’d be questioning why she was even here in the first place.
She has this theory where her mind and her body act completely differently. She’ll rethink everything until she’s overthinking it, but her body will never not react immediately. Whether its her mouth rambling or her legs running, her mind and body haven’t been in sync for a while now.
“Alright, bad news.” Dustin shifts in his seat and Robin exchanges a wary look with Steve. “We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they’re definitely looking for you.”
Eddie’s face falls and Robin hates seeing the way the light in his eyes dim even darker.
“Also, they’re, uh, pretty convinced you killed Chrissy.”
“Like, 100% kind of convinced.” Max chimes in.
“And the good news?” Eddie looks for Dustin’s answer but Robin spoke first.
“Your name hasn’t gone public yet.” She says, resting her arm against a shelf. She really felt for him. He didn’t deserve this. “But if we found out about you, it’s a matter of time before others do, too. And once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you.”
“Hunt the freak, right?” Eddie spits and Robin feels that little stab in her chest. Hunt the freak.
“Exactly.” She says and Eddie curses under his breath.
“So, before that happens, we need to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence.” Dustin tries to bring a positive note, Eddie’s face remaining unswayed.
“That’s all, Dustin? That’s all?”
“Yeah, no, that’s pretty much it.” He concludes, the older boy looking very unconvinced. Robin can’t help but think that Dustin almost was as bad as she was in these situations.
“Listen, Eddie, I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we’ve actually been through this kind of thing before. I mean, they have... a -a few times, and- and I have… once.” Robin adds, hoping that somewhere in her ramble there was a coherent message that he shouldn’t be afraid. “Mine was more human-flesh-based, and theirs was more smoke-related, but bottom line is, collectively, I really feel like we got this.”
“Yeah, see, we usually rely on this girl who has super powers.” Steve follows her direction and Robin nods, “But, uh, those went bye-bye, so…”
Everyone’s faces start to scrunch in realisation.
Robin searches for words. “So, we’re technically in- in more of the…”
“Brainstorming phase.” Max decides and they all hum in agreement.
“Brainstorming.” Steve snaps his fingers.
“There… there’s nothing to worry about.” Dustin splutters and Steve nods along with him.
If Eddie had been following on at all before, he was completely lost now, looking at them like they were maniacs. They tried their best, Robin thought just as a high-pitched noise started approaching in the distance. Sirens.
“Tarp.” Robin immediately says, pointing to Eddie. “Tarp. Tarp.”
Everyone starts scrambling to their feet and rushing to the windows, Robin’s heart rate unusually high. She hadn’t even experienced what she would assume to be the worst of it yet and she was already hating every second.
Her eyes follow the police cars and the ambulances drive directly past the boathouse, further down the road. Towards the trailer park.
“Trailer park.” Steve mutters, on the same page as her.
“They might have found something new.” Max suggests, looking at her friends in worry.
“Or someone new.” Robin grimaces and they all frown. “The ambulance.”
“Shit, okay, we need to-” Steve turns around, “Hey, Eddie.”
The tarp comes flying off once again, his hair looking a little dishevelled as he still tightly hugged the cereal box.
“You gonna be alright here?” He asks, and the boy simply shrugs.
“We’ll be back when we find out more.” Dustin promises, nodding. “With food.”
Either he didn’t mind or was too freaked out to argue, but Eddie remained impartial on their decision. It was a matter of time before they’re all clambering into Steve’s car, following the same route the police had taken earlier.
“What if the place is completely cornered off and we can’t see anything?” Robin voices her worry, Dustin’s eyes flickering to hers in the rear view mirror.
“It’s too early for that. Plus Max lives there, we can just say we’re dropping her off.”
The girl in question nods her head, her bottom lip stuck between her teeth.
“Doesn’t look like we need to worry about that.” Steve says and everyone’s heads turn to look ahead, focusing on a familiar girl stood among the cops, looking like she wanted to be anywhere else.
Once the car stops, their doors are opened and they all stand, patiently waiting. Even from a distance, Robin could see Nancy’s face light up with gratitude that she wasn’t alone.
Just as Nancy makes an excuse to walk over, Robin’s eyes are already scanning the place, actively ignoring the sheet covering something on the ground. There was this pit in her stomach, an unsettling mix of regret and panic. Whatever they were dealing with this time, she knew it was going to take more than an array of fireworks.
They were alone now, any help shipped away to California, and she was still barely caught up with their previous battles.
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Robin really didn’t remember life before sitting around a picnic bench discussing freaky incidents that always seemed to link back to the Upside Down. Maybe that day in the lab had ruined her brain chemistry in a way that reduced her life before as meaningless. Or maybe her life before just wasn’t any better. Either way, a police report of a dead student wasn’t normally followed by a theory of some weird mind wizard from an alternate dimension. Then again, anything was possible in Hawkins.
“So you’re saying that this thing that killed Fred and Chrissy, it’s from the Upside Down?” Nancy asks, but it wasn’t the same scepticism Eddie had.
“If the shoe fits.” Steve raises his brow with a sigh.
“Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell, or... a curse.” Dustin says, “Now, whether or not he’s doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer or just loves killing teens, we don’t know.”
“All we know is this is something different.” Max frowns. “Something new.”
“Doesn’t make sense.” Nancy mutters beside her, looking down.
“It’s only a theory.” Dustin defends but Nancy shakes her head.
“No, Fred and Chrissy don’t make sense. I mean… why them?”
Dustin shrugs. “Maybe they were just in the wrong place? They were both at the game.”
“And near the trailer park.” Max cuts in.
“We’re at the trailer park.” Steve comments, looking around. “Uh… should we maybe not be here?”
A shiver rolls down Robin’s neck as she peers around, the wind picking up at the worst moment. It was eerie here, even without the knowledge of two murdered kids.
“There is something about this place.” Nancy shares, “Fred started acting weird the second we got here.”
Robin’s heart jumps. “Acting weird as in…?”
“Scared, on edge, upset.” Nancy explains, her brows permanently scrunched together.
“Max said Chrissy was upset too.” Dustin looks at her.
“Yeah, but not here.” She frowns. “She was crying in the bathroom at school.”
Robin’s mind began flittering around with theories, nonsensical ones for the most part until she pulled out something that felt comprehensible to their case.
“Serial killers stalk their prey before they strike, right?” Robin begins, forcing herself to reduce the speed of her words to ensure they were properly heard. “So, maybe Fred and Chrissy saw this Vecman.”
“Vecna.” Dustin corrects and she represses the urge to roll her eyes.
“I dunno about you guys, but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone.” Steve expresses.
“Maybe they did.” Max theorises, “I saw Chrissy leaving Ms Kelley’s office. If you saw a monster, you… you wouldn’t go to the police. They’d never believe you. But you might go to your-”
“Your shrink.” Robin finishes and the younger girl nods. “They keep files, right? Maybe something in Chrissy’s file will point us in the right direction of who, uh… Vecna is.”
“It’s worth a shot.” Max says and Dustin nods.
“But how are we meant to get it?” Steve frowns, “It’s the counsellor's office, wouldn’t they be locking that thing up tight? The whole school, even.”
“I can get the key.” Max says with confidence, “Ms Kelley said I could come to her house out of hours if I need it, maybe I can find where she keeps her keys and sneak out before she realises.”
Rather than question her alibi, it seemed like everyone was in agreement. They were off that bench in a second flat and following Steve to his car. Robin was trying to push away that fear of the unknown, the anxiety that they would find an answer they wouldn’t like.
She always loved puzzles, brain teasers, classic crosswords. Solving that Russian broadcast was a riddle she enjoyed, assuming it would be nothing but a small summer project to cure her boredom of the ice cream slinging world. But beyond games and word scrambles, she felt completely useless.
“Woah, woah, Nance.”
Robin snaps out of her haze to turn back around, her hand still steady on the passenger door.
“Nance!” Steve calls out and Nancy guiltily turns around from where she was straying from the group. “Nance, where you going?”
“Oh, there’s just something I wanna check on first.” She dismisses, her footsteps still leading her back to her own car. She looked like a woman on a mission.
“Something you maybe wanna share with the rest of us?” Dustin says and Nancy scrunches her face.
“I don’t wanna waste your time, it’s a real shot in the dark.”
“Yeah, okay. Are you out of your mind?” Steve expresses and Robin’s eyebrow raises. “Flying solo with this Vecna creep on the loose? No, it’s too dangerous. You need… you need someone to…”
There’s a pause and Robin’s mind is already drifting when keys are suddenly being hurled at her, only catching them in the last second.
“Here. I’ll stick with Nance, alright? You guys take the car, check out the shrink.” Steve says and she blinks at the metal in her palm.
“I don’t think you want me driving your car.” She points at it.
“I don’t have a license.”
“Why don’t you have a license?”
“I’m poor.”
“I can drive.” Max suggests and Steve is quick to protest.
“No, no, never again. Please. Anybody but you, no.” His eyes drift to Dustin’s smile. “No chance.”
“Look, if it helps, I’m not gonna be alone for very long, okay?” Nancy interjects with a smile. “I… I need to call in a favour.”
“Call in a favour?” Steve frowns, “Who?”
Nancy purses her lips and looks down, shrugging. Robin notices Steve’s stance shifting into one she had labelled ‘the annoyed babysitter’; hands on hips, a slight furrow in the brows and a pouty lip. She had to refrain from pointing it out as she had done many times before, usually resulting in a random object thrown at her head.
“Y/n.” Nancy eventually says and Steve groans.
“No, come on. Literally anyone else.” He protests, shoulders dropping in defeat.
“What’s wrong with Y/n?” Dustin frowns, shaking his head.
“She’s just…” Steve sighs, not bothering to finish the sentence. Robin mouths your name, no familiar face ringing a bell.
“Whatever she is, she’s saved our asses on multiple occasions.” Max spoke up, Dustin nodding in agreement.
“It’s…” Steve starts, shaking his head. “She’s not even in town, is she?”
“She’s visiting her grandparents.” Nancy shrugs. “Look, we don’t have time to argue about it, I’m heading to the library.”
“And what if you don’t make it there, huh?” Steve objects, “What if Y/n is busy? Do we really want to drag another person into this?”
“We need all the help we can get.” Nancy says.
“Do we really want to drag Y/n into this?” He rephrases and Robin watches Nancy’s eyes dart away. Whoever you were, you were a sore subject it seemed. But they didn’t have time to be arguing about this.
“All right, okay. This is stupid.” Robin finally breaks, snagging the exposed radio from Dustin’s backpack and thrusting Steve’s keys back at him. “Us ladies will stick together. Unless you think we need you to protect us.”
Steve pulls a face at her and she laughs, already walking away.
“Be careful!” He shouts after her and she throws up a peace sign.
In all honesty, she was relieved to be heading to a library instead of sitting around in a silent car with her own thoughts. Anything but that.
“So, um… who’s Y/n?” Robin queries as Nancy starts up the car.
“An old friend.” She explains briefly, waiting until the others had driven off before following them out.
“She wasn’t at Starcourt, right?” Robin frowns, repeating your name in her head over and over.
“Uh, no. I don’t think you would’ve met her. She was with me and Jonathan, at the hospital, and…” Her voice trailed off, lips tightening.
“And?” Robin prompts but Nancy simply shakes her head with a smile.
“It doesn’t matter.”
As she looked over, she could just read a hint of guilt on her expression, a hard stare on the road ahead as she turns towards the public library. Robin wasn’t always the greatest at reading social cues, only when she was rambling and paying more attention on getting her thoughts out than how people were receiving them. There was something different about the way they were talking about you, however, like there was something unspoken.
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The first thing Nancy did was find a phone.
Robin could just make out Nancy’s expressions in the payphone as she stood waiting by the car, her brows scrunched and mouth constantly moving. When she finally hung up, she wrapped her arms around herself and headed back to the Robin, nodding.
“She’s meeting us in a few minutes.” She explained, and Robin figured she didn’t want to talk about it any further. So, as she made a turn to the library, Robin decided on a different bugging query.
“Okay so, help me get this straight.” She starts as they climb the steps, the bell tolling above the building. She was recalling Nancy’s brief summary on the drive over. “Eddie’s uncle, Wayne, thinks that Victor Creel escaped from Pennhurst Asylum and that he’s the one running around Hawkins committing all these murders?”
“Pretty much.” Nancy responds with a tight-lipped smile. Robin wasn’t finished.
“But Victor committed the eyeball murders, like, way back in the ‘50s.” Robin frowns and Nancy pulls open the door.
“Well, ‘59.” She says.
“So, that means these murders predate Eleven in the Upside Down by about 30 years?” She continued as they walk up to the librarian’s desk.
“Yeah.” Nancy responds bluntly.
“Which makes spooky Victor Creel like 70 years old.”
“Yep.” She reaches out and dings the bell.
“So…” Robin keeps talking, occupying her brain with this theory so she didn’t have to worry about anything else. “He’s a grandpa murderer who can turn invisible and lift people into the air.”
Nancy takes a breath. “It doesn’t make sense. I know. That’s why I said it was a shot in the dark.”
She rings the bell again and, once again, Robin doesn’t catch the hint Nancy’s throwing her way.
“I know. I just thought that by ‘shot in the dark’ you were being modest or hiding something super solid up your sleeve that you were gonna wow us with later.”
Nancy rings the bell twice this time but Robin barely registers it.
“But this is really, truly a shot in the dark. Like, we are snipers with blindfolds on who’ve been spun around 50 times.”
She starts ringing the bell rapidly and Robin looks down at it with a frown, finally realising she’s yet again talked too much.
“Coming!” The librarian calls out, carrying a stack of books.
“Hi, sorry, we’re in a bit of a rush.” Nancy smiles apologetically at her, “Could we get the keys to the basement archives?”
“Of course. Give me one sec.” The woman nods, turning away.
Robin stares down at her hands before the anxiety takes over.
“Did I come off mean or condescending or something?” She blurts and Nancy hesitates.
“Right.” Robin sighs, still staring at her, “Sorry. It’s just, you seem annoyed. You don’t know me very well. I don’t really have a filter or a strong grasp of social cues.”
“Okay.” Nancy whispers.
“So if I say something that upsets you, just know that I know it’s a flaw. Believe me, my mother reminds me daily.”
Nancy nods quickly, pretending to be interested. “Got it.”
“Alright, ladies.” The librarian returns with a smile, holding out a set of keys. “Here you go. Have fun.”
“Yep.” Nancy accepts them, forcing a smile. “We’ll… try.”
She starts walking away while Robin remains there frozen, earning a grin from the woman opposite. Robin simply shrugs and begrudgingly follows Nancy.
The archive room was… dusty. A little too dusty to Robin’s liking. Everything was old and smelt weird. Nancy starting looking over some books, inspecting the covers before spotting the Microfilm Readers.
“We should probably get a start while we wait for Y/n.” Nancy says, sitting at the machine and Robin hesitantly leans against it, pursing her lips. Nancy notices and looks up at her, already anticipating another ramble. “Yes?”
“So… Y/n?” Robin holds out her hands, “I don’t want to keep being nosy but, uh… how does she fit into all of this?”
Nancy reluctantly turns towards her with a smile. “She’s been a part of our, uh, group for a while now. Since Will was possessed.”
Robin blinks. “Right.”
“She was the one who figured out heat was their weakness – the things that live in the Upside Down. I’ve known her since we were kids and she’s always been amazing at…” Nancy searches for a term, “Detective stuff.”
“Detective stuff, right.” Robin nods and Nancy slowly turns back to what she was doing. “So, like…”
Nancy sighs and Robin shuts her mouth.
“Sorry, I’ll shut up.” She raises her hands in surrender and Nancy scrunches her face.
“No, I’m sorry. It’s just… I haven’t seen her in a while so I… I’m not trying to be rude, there’s just a lot going on.” She explains apologetically, surrendering her attempt at scrolling through the machine. “I can’t believe I’m dragging her into this.”
“Why are you?” Robin asks genuinely and Nancy tilts her head in contemplation.
“She did a project a few years back on the Creels.” Nancy begins, resting her chin on her hand. “She was researching into small town murders. Y/n was obsessed with the unexplained ones. She likes uncovering truths, solving the mystery. I don’t remember how far she got with this but she’ll have more than enough information to get us started.”
“Right, right.” Robin slowly nods, thinking it all over. You weren’t the new addition she assumed you would be. In fact, she was the only one here who was really new to everything.“Should I be here?”
“Sorry?” Nancy frowns.
“I mean, it sounds like you two are pretty close. And I- I don’t want to ruin the reunion or whatever, I don’t even know how to- I suck at meeting new people, basically.” Robin stresses, holding up her hand when Nancy tries to protest, “I already know. Everyone I meet pretty much hates me from the get go. I’m already ruining it with you and we’ve literally met before. Briefly. But still, I- I don’t know this Y/n and I don’t want to annoy her out of helping you-”
“Robin.” Nancy laughs, “It’s fine. Y/n isn’t like that. To be honest… you’ll probably get along.”
“What does that-”
Her words are cut off by the sound of the door opening and slamming shut, the wooden steps creaking beneath the weight of descending footsteps. They both whip their heads to the noise to see someone stood there with a folder in their hands.
“Got here as fast as I could.” You say, letting out a breath and smiling Nancy. You quickly notice the girl standing beside her with a startled look on her face. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“No, you- we were, just- I’m Robin.” She stuttered, her face flushing with embarrassment before she turns away from you. Calm down, she begs herself.
Nancy looks at her in confusion, “Are you-”
“I’m good.” She insists and Nancy shakes her head, getting up from her seat.
“Hi, Y/n.” She smiles, walking over to you. “Thank you for coming.”
“Of course.” You say, but your heart didn’t really feel in it. “I brought the project you wanted. It’s got the newspaper reports from the original killings. If that’s of any help.”
“It is, thank you so much.” Nancy takes it from your hands and starts flipping through, carefully reading each of your headings and findings.
You shift on your feet before glancing at Robin, her eyes widening slightly when you look at her.
“I’m Y/n.” You offer and she nods quickly.
“Yeah, I, uh, I know.” She laughs awkwardly, “Nice to put a face to the name.”
An incredibly gorgeous face, Robin screams inside. Of all the problems she was facing today, this shouldn’t be one of them. Monsters, Russians, that was pretty much up her alley right now. Sudden introductions of pretty girls that literally took her breath away? Not on her bingo card.
Robin noticed the tension in the air between you and Nancy, that same unspoken theory recycling in her mind. What happened last year? Why weren’t you there at Starcourt? Why were you back?
She didn’t really know if she would regret knowing the answers. All she knew was that you had been here all of two minutes and Robin already felt like you were going to change her life.
Because, you were. In more ways than one.
Update: The Pariahs That Saved The World
[if you want there to be more chapters, pls comment below or leave it in my asks to be added to a taglist, i don't want to post something no one wants to read <3]
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ninadove · 1 year
As a (very niche portion of the) fandom, our collective attention has been captured by how much Felix adores Kagami — which is true and good and beautiful and pure. But we’ve been sleeping on how much she loves him, and today, I want to shine a spotlight on her side of the most beautiful love story ever written.
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Before we begin, let me get the obvious out of the way: yes, she did try to crush his skull with a chair in Pretension, and she was iconic for that.
This is only how their relationship started. What truly matters is how the story unfolds from then on.
And boy does it unfold fast. By the end of the episode, Felix has shaken Kagami’s worldview so much that she:
Stands up to her own friends and fellow heroes in an effort to not only protect him, but also ensure that he can keep the Peacock Miraculous;
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Actively challenges her mother’s teaching that emotions (in this context, romantic love) are a weakness that should be eradicated from the face of the Earth;
Is planning secret dates with Felix, even though as far as she knows Tomoe has her amok (because you can’t tell me this little genius didn’t figure out the entire Sentilore in the sewers);
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Trusts Felix with said amok despite his extensive criminal record, as illustrated by how quickly and firmly she takes his hand — with a little sigh if happiness, might I add. This is especially significant compared to previous instances of hand holding between the two, when he had to make all the effort while she remained completely limp.
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And then Representation rolls around. And oh, boy.
Kagami instantly calms down from her TV-induced rage upon seeing her boyfriend on her balcony — a major improvement when you consider how big of a role anger and frustration play in her akumatisations.
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Tangent 1:
Something similar happened in Ikari Gozen, when Mari protected Kagami from her mother, causing her to narrowly escape Hawkmoth’s influence. More on the Marigami-to-Feligami pipeline in another post, coming to your dash someday in the not-so-distant future.
Not only does Kagami instantly relax in Felix’s presence, but she laughs — something that previously only happened in the context of Adrigaminette, and we all know how that ended. Felix is the one to mend her heart and make her laugh again, for the second time since the dance.
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Our two lovebirds proceed to straight up RUN AWAY INTO THE SUNSET. Kagami presumably spent the following 350 km (300 miles) cuddled up in Argos’ arms, admiring how handsome he looks in his glittery cosmic suit which we don’t get to see because budget.
Later on, they casually discuss Ladybug’s identity, while fireworks go off in the background. Let me rephrase this: Kagami trusted the person who stole the Miraculous with her best friend’s most burning secret, not because she wants to defeat Hawkmoth per say, but because Gabriel has been getting in the way of their make out sessions and she can’t have that.
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Tangent 2:
Also coming to your dash in the not-so-distant future: an analysis of Kagami’s relationship to the concepts of truth and lies, and how dependent it is on what serves her and her loved ones in the moment.
Then, of course, the core of the episode: Kagami actively participates in the play, helping Felix tell his story in a way he feels comfortable with.
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Tangent 3 (lots of ‘em today):
This part is extremely important to me, because I’ve seen So. Many. People. complain that the play could have been boiled down to two lines of conversation.
And like.
Firstly, this is a show, not real life: we as an audience needed the confirmation to be as climactic as possible. If it hadn’t been, I can guarantee the exact same salters would be crying about the story’s “WaStEd PoTeNtIaL”.
But let’s delve into the real life implications of the Sentiplot for a second.
Abuse survivors do not owe you a brief, comfortable explanation of what they went through, neatly wrapped up with a pretty little bow.
The play is a beautiful illustration of how art can be cathartic and therapeutic, and I need you guys to understand that this sequence means something to many, many viewers — most of them children in similarly terrible situations. If I were to bet, I would say it very likely speaks to one or more members of the writing team on a personal level as well.
So you can pry these scenes from my cold, dead hands.
The kisses… All of them… During the firework show. As the sun rises to signify a new beginning. Disguised as Adrien’s parents. For context, this is the same girl who previously found a hand kiss to be too much for her broken heart to bear.
And of course, there’s the way she looks at him like he is her entire world, like she cannot understand how anyone could ever call him monstruous. Because Felix doesn’t get the monopoly of heart eyes.
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Finally, in Recreation:
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So what’s my point.
Because yes, I do have a point, apart from “KSSGDJDKSS Feligami SGDHDKLS 🥰🥰🥰🥰” (which, by the way, is a completely valid meta post in itself).
While we joke that Kagami is so far out of Felix’s league in every aspect — she doesn’t perceive him that way in the slightest. As far as she’s concerned, she has achieved every fourteen year old’s dream: dating the perfect cursed prince, tortured artist, evil-genius-on-a-redemption-arc combo.
She is just as enamoured with him as he is with her, and I think it’s beautiful. 🦚🐉
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katshelluvacritic · 7 months
Not sure if you've seen the finale of the show yet because I'd love to hear your thoughts on how absolutely useless Charlie was once again
I’ve pretty much all the eps for season 1 so you don’t have worry about the spoilers.
As for the ep, I’mma just immediately rip the bandaid off and say that I had to watch it again to remember what happened, yet my brain is still kinda processing it again so I’mma type this to the best of my ability and if I do miss some parts I do apologize.
To start off with one of the things I didn’t like that included Charlie (mostly a personal nitpick) was her “battle fit” (if you could even call it that)
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I feel like it should be self explanatory but I’ll explain anyway; for one, the fact that Charlie wearing what I like to call “the evil star butterfly cosplay” just doesn’t make sense to me. Like even though I don’t like Vicky’s fit either, at least she’s wearing something that could cover her skin to lessen the risk of cuts and injuries.
Charlie however is not only wearing a dress but also HIGH HEELS, which realistically would prob have her dead from the spot because for one, you can’t run in heels and two, like I said before she’s at higher risk to be injured compared to Vicky.
Like I’m honestly shocked that she only got a few rips from her clothing and a few bruises, like I get she’s the princess of hell but damage is still damage.
Not only that since Charlie is a princess then, wouldn’t she have access to wear royal armor??? Assuming she did (because there’s gotta be a reason to where she got that shield from), why didn’t she just wear that???? I feel like it would’ve been the most logical thing to wear since after all, YOUR GOING TO WAR AGAINST DEMONS.
Also speaking of the shield, why does she only have a shield and nothing else? You would think that since she’s the princess of hell she’d have some sort of weaponry but no.
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She just guards herself a shield while occasionally throwing up magical fireworks like if that’s gonna do anything. Like, I get all niffty did most of the time was stab already dead angels before she killed adam, but at least she actually tried to do some damage compared to Charlie.
And then Razzle and Dazzle.
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Listen, I can understand her not being able to save sir pentious because she was trying to protect Vicky and a lot of stuff was going on but why did she summon them? Isn’t she the daughter of lucifer? Wouldn’t she have transforming powers or something to get up there
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I mean we’re shown in this gif that he can transform into different animals as he so pleases and can EVEN GROW WINGS.
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Wouldn’t Charlie technically have those abilities? And even if she doesn’t have those abilities, these fuckers have guns and cannons with them that could shoot/blast Adam down.
Also gotta love the fact Charlie just stays on the roof of the hotel and watches the Lucifer and Adam fight happen UNTIL ADAM RAY BEAMS THE HOTEL IN HALF, ONLY FOR HER TO BE SAVED BY LUCIFER was so dumb. Women do SOMETHING WHY WERE YOU JUST STANDING THERE????
then like the ending. Omg the ending…
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And I just gotta say, I doesn’t entirely include Charlie but like these parts of the lyrics
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What???? Tf you mean redemption may take a while???? We’re still going with that??? After the war against heaven you guys just had??? Did Charlie forget what happened in episode 6, where like there was some shit about heaven being a lie and this evil place???? Why are you guys still trying to redeem sinners when YOU Charlie, realized heaven is evil???
But don’t worry, they rebuild the hotel guys! They can live happy ever after right?
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Even though like… let me check my notes…. Oh right! Angel is still stuck with valentino, husk’s soul is still taken away by alastor! Oh yeah, I guess viv forgot about that part I guess.
I know I’ve already said this to friends of mine but ngl this episode especially just reminded of this one page from sonichu where Chris and his chars execute a guy in an electric chair but make it viv’s characters and Adam/heaven.
But uh, yeah. I don’t like Charlie, I don’t like this episode, I don’t like this series. I don’t know anymore.
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quodekash · 3 months
okay bitchessss now for episode 12 we are thoughts/reactions
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look at his smile, hes so bbg
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im losing it
phum announced to peem that he likes him in front of the entire group, and so peem instructed phum to hit on him
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theyre so in love with each other
theyre dating they just dont know it I swear
im losing it
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Peem’s aunt being phum’s wingman is the best, I adore her so so much
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Im gonna cry. Weve had this conversation. It’s been fucking clear that you like each other for SEVEN FUCKING EPISODES ever since you KISSED EACH OTHER UNDER THE NIGHT SKY on an IMPORTANT HOLIDAY, and LITERAL FUCKING FIREWORKS WENT OFF
and since then, you both have, on average, kissed more than once an episode
last episode you kissed at least 5 times but it might be more than that. the episode before that, you kissed 3 times. phum said to you last episode that he wants to be water, because being around water makes you feel good, and he wants to make you feel good. if i recall correctly, at the end of episode 10, he asked if you liked him, and you didnt respond. he kissed you. and then i think you asked him if he liked you, and he kissed you again, and asked if that was good enough of a response. so its PRETTY FUCKING CLEAR that you guys are HEAD OVER HEELS FOR EACH OTHER, and you should FUCKING DATE ALREADY
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Then why have you INITIATED a kiss with him (checks notes) fIVE FUCKING TIMES??
this is genuinely so frustrating, it feels like we’re going in circles 😭
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okay that was fuckin smooth ngl
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tanfang 😭😭😭😭😭
they said ily to each other
they make me so ehrjgierubgsehgbr
theyre literally my ideal relationship
i cant explain it i just fucking want it
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the fact they're making out again after phum asked "when will you finally know that I love you" makes me hopeful that that means theyre boyfriends now and we can stop pretending the several makeout scenes and confessions didnt happen
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theres smomething about shots of hands that just gets to me
im full sobbing rn
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phum stole someone's horse
this is the first time ive seen a horse in a bl
its such a foreign concept to me that my brain is telling me the horse is cgi, even tho its obviously not, but like im so certain it is
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it jsut feels so out of place
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Its not real
no way is that horse real
okay welp. that was the episode.
we got barely any punchain, and there wasnt really anything of them in the trailer for next ep
they are THE friends to lovers, istg that was the cutest mv of anything ever theyre so sweet
kill me now
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lilac-hecox · 5 months
Hi! If you're still taking prompts, maybe something short and sweet with Ian and Anthony accidentally napping on one another? (Like on a car ride or while watching a movie or something)
Ian & Anthony - Pre-ianthony / platonic ianthony - Nap
They have a routine. Anthony will come over to Ian’s place on Sundays to watch the newest episode of whatever trash reality show Ian’s gotten Anthony hooked on. They sit together on Ian’s couch, bowls of vegan and gluten-free snacks on the coffee table in front of them.
It reminds Ian of when they were teenagers and used to eat pizza and drink soda while watching the newest episode of Lost. It’s comfortable and safe, the way that Anthony always makes Ian feel. So, they follow their routine, and they eat together and laugh at people whose lives are way more dramatic than their own and at some point, Ian feels his body sort of slide sideways, feels himself start to lean against Anthony, their shoulders touching.
Anthony says nothing about the lack of space and likely doesn’t even think about it. The length of Anthony’s body along Ian’s is a map of pinpoints of warmth where they touch from shoulder to hip, to thighs, and ankles. There’s a comfort that feels like Sacramento and a soft quiet that makes it feel okay for Ian to let his eyes feel heavy and droop closed. He can hear the sound of the ‘It’ couple on the show bickering about how one of them betrayed the other and Ian can hear the sound of Anthony’s steady breathing.
Before Ian knows it, he feels himself nod off.
Anthony feels Ian fall asleep. He hears the soft quiet sound of the other man breathing and the rise and fall of his chest as slips into sleep. What he’s not expecting is Ian to tip further sideways and rest his head against Anthony’s shoulder, warm and comfortable as he leans against Anthony, as if Anthony’s frame is the only thing supporting him.
Anthony glances over at his best friend, the way his hair tickles the skin on Anthony’s neck, the way his glasses are skewed just a bit on his face. Anthony resists every urge to pluck the glasses off of Ian’s face, not wanting to wake the other man. They work so hard, the both of them do, and any time to rest and recharge is valuable, the same for the time they spend together. Anthony feels blessed and grateful that Ian trusts him enough to let himself be this vulnerable and fall asleep beside him. It’s not something that could happen to just anyone and Anthony recognizes that.
In the quiet space, Anthony sets his hand on Ian’s knee, he lets his own head rest next to Ian’s as he listens to the breathing of his best friend, the soft downy of Ian’s hair on his cheek, the warmth exchange between the two of them.
Not for the first time Anthony feels that fondness exploding inside of him like a firework. He loves Ian so much. Maybe more than the other man will even know, but he does, and right now he loves Ian so much, loves this quiet space they both exist in, loves this peace they can have with one another.
Anthony wants to see the two of them from the outside, from someone else’s eyes. He wants to see how it looks for Ian to be sleeping against him, Anthony’s head resting atop Ian’s. Anthony feels a smile slide across his face as he lets his own eyes fall closed, the two of them resting against one another, like children, like they did so many years ago, but more and different, and Anthony feels he will never, ever take this feeling for granted ever again.
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eclvpses · 10 days
please be cautious, this intro has tw's such as: drugs, overdose, mental illness (depression/manic depression), and addiction!
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name: leopold kristoff fowler.
nickname: leo.
age: twenty eight.
gender identity: nonbinary.
pronouns: he/they.
sexuality: bisexual.
birthday: november 12th, 1996.
star sign: scorpio.
myer-briggs: entp.
occupation: florist.
place of birth: tallahassee, florida.
last played on spotify: nasty dog by sir mix-a-lot.
general disposition: reckless and carefree.
born to a southern former pageant girl and son of a business savant who was born into old money leo was literally the last thing their parents were expecting in a child frankly
he’s the middle of 5 other boys, their mom rly wanted a girl n it just wasnt happening n their dad eventually was like please. i can’t do this.
right after the 5th kid their dad ended up cheating w his assistant and pretty much immediately set off to new york after their mom kicked him out but honestly leo still laughs abt it……………
he was pretty much a horrendous child tbh and was tossed back and forth from tallahassee to manhattan bc if his mom cldnt handle him anymore she’d ship him off until his dad cldnt handle him anymore etc.
got expelled from a bunch of schools fr a variety of reasons, but the biggest one was setting off fireworks in the washroom of his school, so now he has a warrant out for his arrest in florida and never ended up actually graduating high school
overdose/drugs; he had a rly bad overdose when he was 18 n instead of his dad attempting to support him or get him rehab he pretty much said leo needed to move out asap
his aunt n uncle came to the rescue n let him stay w them in blue harbour………… which meant he also got to live w his cousin finn who quickly became more like a brother to him than his own brothers
overdose/drugs/mental illness/death; unfortunately finn eventually passed from an overdose of his own 3 years ago, which led leo into a bit of a depressive spiral that he tries to ignore all the time now with partying etc. but his aunt and uncle still care for him best they can……….
has the most barbarically thick southern accent one has ever heard
actually has. a bit of a tiktok following i call it pretty privilege they call it the hustle (just does stupid shit online that gains a lot of attraction also they're pretty)
their dad/uncle & aunt r all originally from amsterdam so they speak dutch fluently!! (ish, when they all get mad at them n start talking to fast he's always like can y'all SLOW DOWN!!!!!! pose n all)
got kicked out of his moms once for shaving one of his little brother’s heads when they got into a fight
and then in turn got kicked out of his dads like a month later for hiding his pet snake in his dad’s gf’s purse knowing she was deathly afraid
mental illness; suffers from manic depressive episodes n is supposed to take mood stabilizers to help with them bt :/
has never taken anything seriously in his life ever for one moment, everything is a joke n he’s jst a giant walking meme like the most easy going Weirdo
drugs/addiction; had a cocaine addiction tht eventually turned into more of a pill/MD addiction once he started partying more
social af n jst doesnt care what ppl think abt him
IS A GOOD FRIEND to clarify but they can b so mean for no reason tbh they just don't know. how to emote properly LKSDHGKLHSDGKLHDSG
sleeps around a lot literally just for fun. big slutty slut (said fondly we dont slutshame here)
just says whats on his mind n doesnt give a fuck abt the consequences
genuinely just a fkin idiot its just the truth i love him but wow is he unintelligent.
works at his aunt and uncle’s flower shop Fowler’s Flowers (need to like properly send in location to the lovely admins but ALL IN DUE TIME!!!!!)
exes?? on good or bad terms, he’s not a Terrible Boyfriend bt hes definitely been unfaithful in the past/doesnt. particularly do well with monogamy so
hook ups/fwbs mayhaps??? would have Quite A Lot
enemies………. he wld definitely have a lot of these bc of his Motor Mouth
maybe ppl who either works at the flower store w him or regular customers!!
ppl who were friends w finn (his cousin) that he got close with
ppl he grew up with when he came to blue harbor for visits?? summer flings or good friends that grew apart sort of thing
i want one Big Ex that leo attempted monogamy with but something went wrong probably. HIS FAULT
i'd love coworkers too if anyone has chars that need more occupations or something :D
or finn’s ex at the time of his passing, leo was always super close w them but now their relationship is. clearly tarnished n its never been the same
anything rly…………. i'm genuinely open for wtvr n the world is our oyster!!!
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medicallymercury · 7 months
I haven’t watched the full episode yet (I know what happened generally) because me and my mum watch it when my dad is at work and he isn’t tonight, but I have watched Teddy and Jan’s scenes, sooooo…
Teddy is, or least was, just a kid with a toy ambulance. And I mean that ‘was’ both literally when he was a kid, and in the very recent series 36 naivety-about-the-job sense. Which has survived a little bit up until this point but I think this episode might’ve killed it off. I actually like the idea of Teddy becoming very disillusioned with the job and still never leaving it. I don’t know if I’ve expressed this in a post before but Teddy has to be a paramedic - it’s the only thing he wants to do, it’s the thing he’s best at, it’s required to keep the tragedy of that family going - but it’s not really good for him. To give the writers far too much credit, he’s the heir to the throne in a Shakespearean tragedy, it’ll kill him and he has no choice but to keep going after it. Anyway, this a great episode for my Teddy Has To Be A Paramedic thoughts. All the horrible things that happened, the fact that he's clearly shaken up, and he's still trying to keep working. That is a kid with a toy ambulance standing too close to the road if I ever saw one.
Sometimes the spoilers focus on something largely irrelevant to what is actually happening in the episode, huh? I don’t really know what to say about Len beyond 'that’s gonna fuck Teddy up'. That’s horrifying. I am really looking forward to seeing how Teddy is doing in next week's episode cause that was……….......… There’s also kinda parallels between Jan (reasonably) telling Teddy he can’t stay with Len and Jan (justifiably) not telling Teddy about Gethin going to Switzerland if you're looking for them. Edit: they also highlighted (…I don’t like to assume the writers intended to anything they did well recently) the fact that Teddy and Jan have both been really alone for a long time, since before Gethin died they’ve only really had each other because Teddy stopped actually trusting Paige and Sah around the time that Jan and Ffion re-broke-up and since Gethin died they haven’t had each other, with that part where Len asks if he and Teddy can get a dog because Jan asked Ffion the same thing when they were planning their retirement-that-wasn’t.
Also, that’s another Jan and Teddy episode with a drugs based plot point (alongside literally everything they were called to in Is The Patient Breathing? and Kezzie, AJ and their mum in Break Your Heart). Probably unintentionally, Ross looms.
The scene where Teddy wants to go back to the explosion and Jan stops him is FUCKING GREAT. Another thing I think about a lot are the ways that their personal relationship inevitably bleeds into the professional. Jan as Teddy’s boss and Jan as Teddy’s aunt. That scene, first of all, has Teddy’s tendency to pretend he’s fine and deny that he needs help or to step back from work. An overlooked trait of his, if you’re asking me, but one that has been there a long time (and that we've also seen Jan sometimes has as well). Also, there is a clear moment where Jan switches from talking to Teddy as his boss to talking as his aunt and I love it. It’s from “I know how hard it is when…" to “I know how hard it is.” when her tone changes entirely and he turns to look at her after looking away. I appreciate that singular moment so much.
Generally? Di Botcher and Milo Clarke, you've done it again (made me feel physically ill about pretend paramedics).
Next week’s spoilers about them: how many times can I say that it’s not the storyline I dreamed of after Gethin, but that I am very excited for their stuff next week anyway? (Especially because “he’s got nobody to talk to about work” makes me foolishly hopeful for a Sah mention.)
I'm gonna go listen to Class of 2013 and Fireworks by Mitski and think things about Teddy until it's next Saturday.
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sissytobitch10seconds · 3 months
Fandom: Helluva Boss Summary: Blitz's shit day gets even worse when he sees a familiar face. It spurs him into something horrible that he can't really take back, but at least he didn't hurt anyone else this time. Warnings: Depression, PTSD, anxiety, binge drinking, explicit depictions of poverty, and manic episodes Word Count: 5,600 Ship(s): Blitzo Buckzo & Loona
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A/N: So I saw a post asking for a fic of Blitz scribbling his face out of all the pictures in his apartment and this is what it turned into. For those of you who don't know, I'm very into Blitz and all of his messy, messy angst so it was really fun for me to get deep into it. This fic is heavy, so make sure to read the tags and proceed with caution if any of those things could trigger you. Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
The streets of Imp City were overflowing with people, both sinners and other imps. It was hard to navigate them on a good day but it felt as though he were back in the circus when he tried to push his way through them now.
He’d had another shit day, which wasn’t exactly rare for him. He was good at beginning to dig a hole and then just never stopping, at least until he reached bedrock or the shovel was taken from him by someone that had more common sense. He’d been like that all his life, which was how he had ended up where he was instead of on top of the world like a lot of other imps from his circus had.
The billboard for Fizz’s newest show appeared just in time to remind him how much of a failure he really was.
The two of them had been best friends for years, ever since Fizz was left at the circus and the attempt to find his mother had been for naught. They had been joined at the hip from that moment onward, always practicing and performing with each other. When they got older they grew apart as they began to find the niches that fit them best. Blitz began to perform exclusively with Barbie because the twin angle was a really good selling point, but he was always right beside his best friend as soon as he was off the trapeze or highwire. Fizz had seemed to like it, sharing all the same interests as Blitz even if their interests became different as they grew up.
Then the fire had happened. Blitz still wasn’t quite sure why the tent had lit so quickly or why the fireworks had been stored inside of the giant canvas death trap they worked in every day, but he had lost everything on that day. He had been turned away from his best friend’s bedside not only after the fire, but every month that he returned to try and contact him. Eventually he had just given up trying, Fizz didn’t want to see him and now he knew why.
While Blitz had been shoved out of the circus and had no one to fall back on, Fizz had a massive corporate sponsor. He had gotten the best prosthetics and a place to live while he was recovering. Blitz had gotten the cheapest fake eye that money could steal and had lived on the streets for an entire year before he had gotten his first job at Loo Loo Land. Fizz had been able to pursue the dream that he’d had, getting hoards of adoring fans and billboards in all seven rings. Blitz was struggling to keep his business from closing and putting all of his friends and family out of house and home.
He knew that he deserved it, since the fire was his fault in the first place. His father had read him the riot act after he had woken up in the hospital, it was a lecture he was never going to forget.
He tried to shake those words off of his shoulders now. They were ringing through is head and falling out of his ears so that they doused his body with the uncomfortable memories of what his life had been like back then. But it had been almost fifteen years and he was an adult, not some kid that was desperately vying for any kind of adult approval that he could get.
The reminder that he was an adult and didn’t need the approval of those around him reminded him of the options that he had to deal with his bad day. The customers that had spat in his face to seethed too long about how shit their lives had been wouldn’t be able to stick with him if he scrubbed the wounds that they had created off with some alcohol. He was technically supposed to be heading down to the store so that he could pick up some dinner for him and Loona, but she had mentioned something about going out with some friends.
While Blitz was glad that she was getting to know more hellhounds, he wasn’t sure if he totally approved of the crowd that she was hanging out with now. They pulled her away from him whenever they got a chance, which he could understand since she was a young person still living at home with her adoptive father. It hurt him, though, because when he had first adopted her she had followed him around wherever he went just to make sure that he wasn’t going to send her back to the pound like her last couple adopters had. She had since learned that he was exactly the opposite and she wasn’t too keen on that either, so she was pushing him away so that she could have her own space.
With that being said, he knew that she wouldn’t be at home. The last couple times that he had tried to get her to spend some quality time with him, even just as friends instead of father-and-daughter, she had bailed so that she could spend time with people that were more her speed. He knew that he would have done the same when he was a teenager or young adult, if he hadn’t lost his mother to those damn hellfire flames.
The memories were piling onto his mind and refusing to leave him alone, which just hardened his resolve. He turned at the corner where he was meant to continue going straight and began to search for whatever skeevy dive bar he could drink dry and run out on. Most of the establishments like that in Imp City were run by sinners, so he didn’t really give a shit if they lost a bunch of money on him. They’d already had a chance at life and he was on his first, so they could pay to let him forget all of the shit that was haunting him.
He found one without having to do too much searching. The first bar he had come across was overflowing with drunk college-age imps, so he had passed it by and instead come to the one a little further down the block. It was only six o’clock in the evening so there were very few people inside, for Hell that was. Thirty people all drinking and talking amongst each other felt like something that he could handle in the bad mood that he was in. He hadn’t quite gotten to the point where he needed to drown his sorrows in the biggest bottle of alcohol that he could find, yet.
The establishment wasn’t the shittiest place that he had ever been, but it also wasn’t really nice in any sense of the word. The wood of the walls had peeling wallpaper around the seams and at the top, in a way that spoke of too many humid days and not enough upkeep. The wallpaper itself was a nice yellow color, likely to disguise all the cigarette smoke that he collected there in a way that the ceiling simply couldn’t. The ground was covered in a collection of peanut shells, hay, and sawdust. The seats were all made of the same dark wood as the floor, underneath all the clutter, but the stools had some dark red fabric on them that was beginning to peel away from the base of the seat. The walls were mostly barren except for a couple framed and signed pictures of the Sins of Pride and Gluttony.
He sat down on one of the barstools as far away from everyone else as he could get. He waited for the bartender to pop up from where they were down inside of the bar, fixing the soda machine. It was one of the only bad things about drinking that late into the evening, that being that he had to put up with the repairs and maintenance of the establishment before he could get served.
Blitz felt his heart stop and then jump into his throat when he saw that the bartender of this particular place happened to be a Fizzbot. They were colored according to the bar, with yellow colored skin instead of the white that was common on most other Fizzies and red clothing with the symbol of the bar on their chest.
“I thought that this place was run by a succubus,” Blitz blurted out before he could think of anything better to say. He had never had a good relationship with the robot versions of his childhood best friend, mostly because the first one that he had ever dealt with had been when he was working in Loo Loo Land. That job had been the worst thing that had happened to him because of when it had come into his life and the kinds of things that he had been put through while he was trying to earn enough money to stay afloat. At least with IMP he had some say about where he was going to be on most days, even if the deal with Stolas was beginning to get to be too much.
“What, you don’t want to flirt with me, Blitzo?” the Robo-Fizz asked with a wink of one of his red eyes.
A cold shot rang through Blitz all at once. He had thought that the Fizzbot in Loo Loo Land had heckled and jeered at him because that was what it was supposed to do. There was a show for the children that included a lot of jabs at the parents so that they would spend a lot of money trying to dunk the Fizzbot afterwards, not that they would ever be able to get that stupid paddle to move more than a centimeter backwards. He had assumed that the robot knew his  name because he worked there, it was a device that was made to remember the names and faces of the people that were in the park so that it could convince kids to come back again.
The fact that an entirely different model knew his name and was already trying to heckle him meant something that he wasn’t sure was going to sit entirely well with him. He had never come to the bar before, outside of peaking in so that he could collect M&M when they were getting ready to go on another job, which was how he had known about the other bartender. This robot knew his name and what kinds of things he liked without ever having met him before.
“How do you know my name?” Blitz managed to get out around the panic that was clogging his throat.
“I know all about you, Blitzo! After all, how can all of Hell not be aware of the firestarter that almost ruined their favorite jester?” the Robo-Fizz asked. He was speaking softer now, so that the other patrons in the bar wouldn’t be able to hear what he was saying. Blitz was beginning to regret coming to the bar at this time of night, if he had come later there might have been enough people that he could persuade someone to buy him a drink instead of having to deal with a being that hated him without even knowing why.
“I didn’t- It was an accident,” he got out around a choked voice.
“What? I just asked if you wanted the firestarter jester,” the Robo-Fizz cackled at him. “Are you sure that you didn’t already come in drunk, friendo?”
That was something that he wasn’t expecting.
Blitz was fully aware that he had spent most of his childhood daydreaming instead of actually paying attention to the world around him, but none of his daydreams had ever gone that far. He had heard about people regressing back into nightmares or memories when they were faced with something that triggered them back to a traumatic part of his life, but he didn’t want to admit that what happened to Fizz had fucked him up so bad he wasn’t even hearing people speak properly to him.
He slipped off of his seat and said, “Suddenly, I’m not thirsty anymore.”
He was once again glad that there was barely anyone else in the bar because only a few of them turned their heads to follow him as he stumbled out of the bar. He was so glad that he wasn’t in one of the better establishments where an underpaid bouncer would have to walk him to his apartment to make sure that he didn’t die on the way home. Even though they were in Hell and the sinners had lowered a lot of the moral values that the hellborn used to have, it was important to bars and restaurants that they be known as a safe place to come. All of the places where people went when they wanted it to be a bloodsport were in Wrath and Envy, not Pride.
Blitz stopped when he got a few doors down and placed a hand on his head. He couldn’t get Fizz off his mind, and not the way that he had been struggling with when he was a teenager. Instead of images of what their future might be like, what Fizz might taste like when they kissed, or the way that his body leached warmth when they cuddled together, the only thing that he could hear was the jeering from every person that he had ever loved. Fizz was the loudest, informing him that he was truly unloveable and even if he had managed to get himself together long enough to actually confess, there was no way that it would have been reciprocated.
Then came the image of his most recent girlfriend, the relationship that he had actually tried to sustain before he had given it up to try out hook-up culture. Verosika had been so pretty and so kind to him in the beginning, whispering sweet things every time he wrapped an arm around her waist when they were at a bar. She had gotten so mean towards the end when he was pulling away from her to try and save himself. He didn’t blame her for doing that, he had been the worst boyfriend in the entire world to her and no doubt deserved everything she had dolled out and more. The last thing that she had said to him had been over the phone when she was screaming at him for taking her car and maxing out her credit cards, which was the end of their last ever date.
You are completely and entirely unlovable, Blitzo Buckzo. 
He knew that it was true. The only person that had really loved him was his mother, and the only reason for that was because she was a good mom and he was her child. He couldn’t imagine Tilla as anything but a doting, adoring parent who would love him despite all his faults while also pushing him to do better and go further. She had loved him even when he had messed up his routine, even when he had flubbed some of the numbers on the accounts to try and get the circus a little bit of savings, even when he and his sister were in the worst spat they’d had to date.
Barbie might have loved him at some point, but she had left the same way that everyone he adored did. She had been his other half, his mirror in many ways so that she completed him the way that the reverse side of a coin did. The reason that they worked so well together when it came to performing on the high wire was specifically because of that bond they’d had together. She hadn’t ever put herself in the line of fire when his dad was screaming at him, but he wouldn’t ask her to. She was more delicate than he was and he had always been there to protect her. Until he had lit the only home that they had ever known and gotten their mother killed.
He hadn’t even realized that he was walking until he almost ran into someone on the sidewalk. The stout sinner turned to cuss at him in a language that he didn’t understand and he just took off. He knew the way back to his and Loona’s apartment like the back of his hand from anywhere in the city, so he didn’t have to think about that as he ran. He just focused on the way that his heart was hammering above the voices in his head and how his lungs burned while they tried to drag in the sulfurous air of his home.
He raced up the steps of the apartment as quickly as he could and then had to stop. He stood in front of the door with his hands shaking so badly that he could barely even separate his house keys from the clicker for the van. Finally, he shoved the key into the lock and opened it so that he could fling himself inside. He slammed the door shut and crumbled down against the finished wood, as if that would somehow make him less noticeable to the voices that were following him around in his own head.
Blitz brought his knees up to his chest as he placed his hands over his ears to try and drown out the thoughts plaguing him. He had been doing so well, putting on such a brave face to the people around him at work and coming into his office. He couldn’t believe that it was all crumbling down around him because of one shitty day at work and the bartender where he was going to drink his sorrows ended up being a Fizzbot.
At the reminder of alcohol, he tossed his keys down beside him and then got up so that he could find what was left in the liquor cabinet. Loona must have raided it recently because the only thing that they had was an entire vat of Millie’s awful apple cider from the year before.
He normally would have just rolled his eyes and instead chosen to eat nothing but dry cereal right out of the box, but he needed something to take off the edge so desperately that he was willing to risk the stomach ache he had gotten the last time he had tried it. So he wrapped his hand around the top of the massive bottle and yanked it out of the cabinet, not even bothering to close the door. He walked over to the kitchen counter and pried the stopper out of the top, which released the sickly sweet aroma into the air. Millie apparently used to make this with her parents back when she lived in the ranch in Wrath, but she had a specific type of apple tree that simply couldn’t be found in Pride back then. The type of apples that had been used for the cider were the wrong ones, far too sweet and thus making a much stronger alcohol than was comfortable going with the flavor.
It was exactly what Blitz needed right now, he reminded himself when he almost put the stopper back onto the bottle. He discarded it down to the ground and then took a massive swig from the top. It burned the sides of his mouth and along his gums before it warmed his throat and stomach. He felt like he had when the Fizzbot at Loo Loo Land had dared him to eat a chili pepper from earth on stage and he had spent the rest of the night in agonizing pain. He wanted that feeling again, wanted to be reminded that the anguish plaguing him wasn’t something that had to stay in the unphysical realm of his mind.
He drank from the bottle until he felt like he was going to puke and then set it down. He let the alcohol flow into his system and numb the pain in his mind, as well as the tips of his fingers and toes. He hadn’t even noticed that he was crying until he felt the water dripping off his chin and onto the counter he was standing in front of.
All he could think about was the fire, even though the pain felt different now that he was bathing in the last remaining alcoholic beverage in their home. He had thought that getting drunk would make his bad day better, and in some ways it had, but in other ways it had made it so much worse. 
He could still smell the burning flesh from his best friend, and the aftereffects that came with fireworks, stinging his nose. The scars on his hands and face ached with the reminder of when he had gotten them. He could hear Cash telling him that Fizz would never want to see someone like him, that he was holding his best friend back from the life that he really deserved. He could hear Barbie saying that she didn’t want to see him and that he was going to ruin her chances on getting out of rehab clean. He could hear Verosika, the most recent of the people he had driven away when they were trying to love him, reminding him that those around him would be far better off if they didn’t have to put up with him.
His body was moving on his own then, searching the house for the one device that would fix the problem.
His apartment was relatively barren despite the fact that he had lived there for over half a decade. The walls were painted the same shade of blue that they had been when he had first moved in despite his landlord’s offer to change the color when the other places around him were renovated. They had a couple of holes in the wall from accidents when he had brought his one night stands home before adopting Loona. Her door was the most decorated place in the main part of the house, with all of the caution tape and ‘do not enter’ signs plastered over it. The only thing that he had ever bothered to put up were the photos that he had collected or recovered.
A lot of them were the ones that he had taken when he had first started IMP. He had a set done with him and Loona were she was scowling and looking unimpressed at the camera or at him. The longer that he looked at the photos, the more he noticed that he was the only one smiling in them consistently. He had thought it was funny the way that his friends and family were scowling at him when he took the pictures, he knew that he was overbearing and overwhelming on a good day. Now all he could see was the moments that they were going to pull away from him, the actions that stepped over their boundaries and made them hate him like he had done with all the others.
He found the item that he had been looking for and then uncapped it. The smell of marker and cider mixed together in his mind and made him feel slightly nauseous, but he pressed on. He walked over to the wall and took the first photo off the wall, opening the back with his fingers until the tips were bruised and uncomfortable, so that he could remove the picture from the frame. He then flipped it over on the ground and scribbled out his face so that the smiling, grinning idiot staring back at him was finally silenced once and for all.
After the first one, a sense of mania took over him and he couldn’t stop. He took down each of the picture frames, one by one, and pried them open. He didn’t stop when he heard the wood or glass inside warping with his frenzy to get inside. A couple of the backs snapped when he was a little too rough with them, but all he did was wince.
His lungs burned again, like they had when he was running. In a way, he was running again. He was running from the pain that he brought people and the anguish that he would be plagued with when they left him again. He wasn’t literally running away from his problems, his legs were stagnant and his muscles weren’t aching from the exertion. He was running away from the future that was staring him in the face, just over the horizon and yet far too close. The words of the Fizzbot, of all the people that he had loved before the fire, and the imagined words of the people he loved now were ringing in his ears. It made him not want to stop even after his fingers had been cut open by the nails in the walls and the fixtures on the back of the frames. He couldn’t stop running, not until the future was nothing more than a blacked out abyss.
The marker had left black ink all over his hands and the alcohol sat heavy in his stomach. He got up from the floor where he had opened the last picture frame and then wandered over to the couch, collapsing down on top of it. He was still crying, his body making him more drunk by dehydrating him the entire time that he was going through his crisis. The blackness of the marker on his hands consumed his eyes and mind as he passed out.
Loona smiled awkwardly at her friends as they dropped her off in front of her apartment building. She didn’t really like them all that much, but she was desperate to have some connection back to the realm that she had come from. She was grateful to Blitz for adopting her and giving her a job so that she wasn’t put down by the pound for getting too old. She really was, even if she never showed it. Despite all the love he gave her and all the attempts he had made to make her feel comfortable, he would never make a pack. That was something that only other Hellhounds were going to be able to give her.
She wasn’t sure that the girls that she had been hanging out with were going to be able to fulfill that need either, though. It felt like they did genuinely want her around sometimes, they would invite her to things and make sure that they included her in the conversation which was a first. However, there were moments and things that the others did that made her worry that they didn’t really want her in their friend group and were just doing it because they took pity on her.
Her brain was full of stormy thoughts as she walked up the long staircases to her apartment. She found that the door was open, which meant that there had either been a break in or her adoptive father had made it home before her. After the day that he’d had at the office, she was surprised that he was home before two in the morning when even the scummiest of bars would begin to close down.
Loona opened the door and then immediately realized why he had been home before her. The entire apartment reeked of the cider that they had left fermenting in the back of the liquor cabinet after Millie had given it to them. Loona had been meaning to throw it out for months but only ever remembered that it was there when she was getting them both something to drink, which was never a time when she wanted to do physical labor in any sense of the word. The stuff was basically corrosive to anyone that tried to drink it, they had all gotten really sick after they had opened the first batch. Millie was the only one with the constitution to last through the bellyache that came after the first sip. Loona certainly hoped that the drinking experience had gotten better in the time that it’d had to stew in the cupboard.
The next thing that she spotted when she closed the door behind her was that all of their pictures had been taken off of the walls and were scattered outside of their frames on the floor.
She dropped her bag down next to the counter and walked first to the open bottle of cider. She placed the cap over it so that she didn’t have to smell the heavy alcohol as she worked. She then made her way back over to where the pictures were, the ones closest to the door ad picked the first one up.
Loona felt her heart sink low into her gut when she saw what had happened. It looked like a four-year-old had been released into their apartment with a marker and help. The picture was one that they had taken of the entier group when they had opened IMP for the first time, with all four of them standing in front of the brand new embossed door and grinning at the camera. She was standing further away from him than M&M were and wasn’t even smiling that much. She was pretty sure that she could even see her phone in her hand and her finger flipping through social media posts. 
Guilt began to creep up the back of her throat like bad heartburn. She knew that she had been tough on him as she searched for that fabled feeling of pack, but she had never thought that it was that bad. Something inside of her was broken, she knew that. It was why she had never gotten adopted when she was in the pound and why she had trouble genuinely keeping friends.
She tried to ignore the feeling as she collected the frames and pictures, placing them in the biggest open space in their living room. Eventually, the guilt eating her up became so big that there was no way she was going to be able to ignore it, so she had to do something that would satiate it instead of simply making it more ravenous.
She laid all the pictures down on the ground and then picked her adoptive father up, laying him down properly on the couch. She placed a pillow under his head and rolled him to the side so that his face was out towards the windows and the TV instead of directly up at their ceiling. She removed his jacket and button up shirt so that he was in nothing but his wifebeater and a pair of boxers. She wasn’t going to go so far as to put him in his pajamas, that felt strangely like it was invading his privacy and might also go poorly if they had to do extra laundry with their limited funds. So instead, she placed the horse blanket from the back of the couch over him and tucked a trashcan right next to his face at the side of the couch.
For extra points towards removing her guilty conscious, she plugged his phone into the charger next to his end table and then got a glass of water, some imp pain killers, and some crackers set out next to it so he would find them when he woke up.
“I don’t know why you did this, but I’m going to fix it for you, Dad. Lucifer knows that you’ve fixed my mistakes enough that this is basically just a simple return,” Loona mumbled to herself once the task was done.
She returned back to the stacks of pictures and frames. Every single one of them had Blitz’s face blackened by the marker she had found still clutched in his hands when she was cleaning them up. There was no way that she was going to be able to get that off the same way that she might have if it were pencil of even pen. She just tucked them back into their frames and then closed them up with the side of her claws to avoid pressure bruises on the pads of her fingers. She removed the negatives or extra copies that he had missed from the back of the frames and kept them in a neat stack that was to go in her bedroom as soon as she had finished.
By the time that her normal time to go to sleep had rolled around, each of the picture frames had been returned to where they had been when they left for work the day before. The pictures were never going to be the same, each of them with Blitz’s face and only his face, blacked out with the ink from his marker. The only one that had survived was the blackened photo of himself and two female imps inside of his wallet, so Loona took a picture of that with her phone to make sure she could have it copied if anything happened to it too.
One day she might know why her father had decided to do what he had done, she might understand why he had adopted her as well. One day she might be able to fully grasp why she felt such a strong pull towards him and the other IMP employees instead of just pushing them away by saying the rudest, brashest, cruelest things that she could to them. Today was not that day, but it was a step in the right direction.
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kierreras · 1 year
I just rewatched season 2 and it’s crazy because on first watch I remember thinking belly is actually pursuing Jeremiah but on second watch I have a totally different opinion. From episode 3 onwards he was essentially putting himself out there 100% always trying to speak to her and would make moves to show his intention. he was hesitant to start something but was also doing everything possible to send the message he wanted to start something at the same time. Super weird. He kept saying all season he didn’t want to get hurt but he still chose all season to interrupt or come between belly and Conrad up until the finale after belly and him had kissed, if it wasn’t for his interruptions all season there were some moments where belly and Conrad would have for sure figured things out etc the party store. I know he was vulnerable in the finale and was trying to make the right call for everyone but there is a big part of me that feels like he was doing it for his benefit. I really want to like jeremiah but he reminds me so much of Dawson from Dawson creek, the best friend that doesn’t allow them to be together and makes them feel guilty for loving each other, the certain smugness/ entitlement he has.
hey, sorry for the late reply! yeah, i think it was an intentional choice of jenny, but also jeremiah being present in many significant bellyconrad moments is a pattern. i can't say if it's intentional on his end, but it's a fact. starting from season one jeremiah is always an obstacle — the fireworks scene, the end of season one when conrad asks belly to deb ball, thanksgiving, not getting together for the couple of months. as for other thing, i think that jere's conflicting actions are an outcome of the inconsistent writing for this show. for example, jeremiah literally turned belly and then hours later he went "you don't have to hurt yourself to get my attention" (which is like the cringiest line ever). the inconsistency is showing with jere's character a lot, but also it can be blamed on unreliable narration cause when jere acted kind of noble (skye's dare for belly to kiss jeremiah, saying that all he ever wanted was for conrad and belly to be happy) are shown from his point of view or from no one's cause belly is not present in those scenes. so maybe it's a part of that unreliable narration story. but i understand what you're referring to, those scenes are conflicting for me as well. and as for finale, i will stand by my previous take and say that jeremiah acting decent in the finale was his way of doing a potential damage control. he's not stupid, he realised that no matter what happens he's going to either lose belly or lose his brother, so he tries to lessen the damage. at the end of the day, i believe that he does love both conrad and belly, he's not a villain. also, i think that belly and conrad are not good for each other right now, even if jeremiah was completely out of the picture and they were able to make up and talk things out, they would eventually hurt each other because of the mental state they were both in. i don't think that belly should be in relationship in the end of season two, the same goes for jeremiah and conrad. they all are traumatised and they all are grieving, so for conrad to actually be the only one who can properly deal with his grief by isolating himself is kind of a win.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Ok so initially I didn't want to make this ask because your blog doesn't allow anon, but I really need to get all these thoughts about the newest helluva boss episode out. This is gonna be very long and may be a bit confusing as I have a lot to say and English isn't my first language, so sorry about that
First of all I must say that I'm quite disappointed about this episode. I half expected it to be a continuation of the season 1 finale where Stolas would confront Blitzo about their relationship, reveal the purpose of the Asmodean crystal, tell Octavia the truth about his and Stella's marriage... basically get it all over with. But when I looked at the thumbnail, I saw that this was going to be about Octavia and Loona, not their parents. And you know what? I was ecstatic that it was! Those two are my favorite characters, plus I think we need a break from the Stolitz storyline to focus on something else, keeping things fresh y'know?
So why was I disappointed? It because the episode ended up revolving around Stolitz anyway, yet somehow their story didn't gain an inch of progress. It seems that the show's writers forgot half-way through that they were supposed to focus on Via and Loona and tried to messily jam the plots of previous episodes into this one. The result was a rushed episode with no focus on any character whatsoever. It started out with we have to find Via because she could be in danger, but suddenly it switched to watching Blitzo pretending to be a good comedic actor, and then we have to see how obsessed Moxxie is with art... In the end we only get a little information about Loona's past, see a tiny bit of Via and Loona's relationship, and see how Stolas and Blitzo interact with each other after the events of the finale
Speaking about Stolitz, I don't know why the hell they act that way the entire episode. Aren't they and their relationship supposed to be at their lowest point? Did they just... conveniently forget about their first "date"?? Or pretend nothing happened??? Why did Stolas act all lovey dovey towards Blitzo when he realized that their relationship was "full of comfortable lies" just a few episodes back? Why didn't Blitzo try to stop him if the idea of Stolas being seriously in love with him was unthinkable? Why didn't both of them show any awkwardness or discomfort when being with each other if their last time hanging out was so disastrous??? Even if they're focusing on finding Via (and then got distracted anyway), the fear and worries of loosing her shouldn't interfere that much with the state of their relationship, and it definitely shouldn't be a miracle that magically bring them back together
Now let's talk about Via and how weirdly forgiving she is towards her dad. Despite Stolas' shitty parenting and him repeatedly hurting her emotionally, she keeps forgiving him for seemingly no reason. But I think there is a reason. I don't know if the writers intend to write her like this, but it looks like Via only forgives Stolas so that he won't leave her. Think about it, Via has had abandonment issues since she was little, and it's hinted that only Stolas cares enough to be with her and comfort her. This could lead to her forming a codependent relationship with him, and this episode kinda proved it with how she just happily watch the fireworks with Stolas after a whole day feeling angry, frustrated and hurt that he "hate(s) [Stella] more than he loves [her]". It also proved that while he does try his best and is better than Stella at parenting, he's still an awful dad and I don't think Via would ever be trully happy with him
Oh and that little speech Loona gave Via about how they both should cut their father figures some slack? I hate it. As someone who grew up with horrible and abusive parents who do care and do love me, I have to remind myself constantly that they are still abusers and what they did to me and my sister is wrong, even when they didn't mean it or didn't know better. Their lack of parenting skills and issues are explanations as to why they fucked up, but not excuses for them to get away with it. And while it's best for abuse victims to eventually forgive their abusers, they should only do that as a way to move on and absolutely not to (re)gain the abusers' affection. But considering that both Loona and Via depend on their dads, plus how Loona is stuck feeling grateful that Blitzo adopted her and is the first person in her life to care and love her, they're not gonna learn this lesson any time soon. I also have a feeling they won't get much development once the Stolitz story is done
Overall, this episode is... bad comparing to all others. To me it's probably the worst so far. For the first time ever I didn't get a satisfying feeling after watching helluva boss and it was thank to this episode. I'm a bit worry for the show's future now, I mean I know it has problems with inconsistency since the middle of season 1 but this has to be the worst case. I'd still watch it, I just don't think I can enjoy it as much as before
Never feel bad about ranting to me guys, I mean look at MY posts, they’re like….essay style long lol, I love hearing y’all out! 💕
And yeah, I agree with everything you said. I’m ganna say it now, this has got to be one of the worst episodes of the series ever. Like I didn’t think we could stoop lower than the Cherub episode and Ozzie’s (in my opinion) but HERE WE ARE lol. As for the writing as a whole, I’d say I hope the show gets better, but I really don’t know. I’m so tired of this show doing certain characters dirty, and only obsessing over this dumb toxic ship. To me personally, every time an episode releases I feel like we scale further and further down the hole, but I’m not going to say there’s 0 hope. It’s up to you as the viewer wether you’re going to keep watching or not, but yeah this episode was….not written well. I had some hope for Adam Neylan, but now that I know he wrote this episode, my faith is ruined, which I know is petty but it’s the truth.
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hazbincalifornia · 8 months
Hazbin Liveblog Episode 8
And the finale!
Oh yeah, I bet you'd like to see Alastor get fucked. /shot For real though, the animation here is so good.
Lilith mentioned again. Hmmmmmmmm.
Angel getting off the pole by flipping around like it's an actual pole is a nice touch.
I like Angel's little hat.
6/10 for going 'but if we don't win' during a pep talk, even if it's followed by something sweet. Cherri's unimpressed look is great though.
Oh, Niffty. I love not dying too, Vaggie. My favorite thing to do.
The animation on Alastor's little head-waggle is fantastic.
Alastor and Niffty moment, eeeee! Mimzy's right, he really is sweet if he actually likes you. He let her put a crown of roaches on his head and just laughed a little.
Oh, Angel is in love in love.
He's doing his best!!!!
Two dicks semi-canon, huh.....
Aaaaaand I'm tearing up at the soft ballad love reprise of More than Anything... love always matters, whether familial, romantic, platonic, or something in between.
And the kiss is lovely, not too quick but moving in at the same time and confident the other reciprocates. That's so sweet.
I never really noticed before, but why do all the exterminators have different horns? You think they'd all match either Adam (as the leader) or Lute (as the general that isn't Adam but is one of 'them'.)
The more intense Lute is, the more I like her.
So all exterminators are women? Wonder how that happened, if Adam decided he just wanted to lead an all-girl army or they were all made off one specific base.
Oh hey, cool outfits from Charlie and Vaggie! I like the Apple symbol on her mask/helmet thing.
Cherri looking butch and me looking Gay, mayhaps... I also love how Angel tore the middle off his suit and, although I can't quite tell from the style, hotpants. He's going down with his midriff exposed, by god.
Oh hey, Velvette isn't straightening her hair! Probably not worth it if they're laying low where nobody's watching. I love her dress too.
"Let the slaughter begin" I am going to rewatch that a few times. Just for me.
Niffty is definitely helping by stabbing the corpses. I love her.
I just noticed Charlie's in a cute little crown! It looks good on her, subtle but tasteful.
Ponytail Vaggie Fucks. And she WILL be fucking Charlie by the end of the week, I'm s. That's a look meant for eating pussy.
Adam coughing after taking down the shield... he's probably not used to putting in any real effort, just taking down helpless sinners like fish in a barrel.
"First man, next to die" is a banger of a line.
And the Alastor Swear tally is up to three!
"Jazz is for pussies" is nothing next to the first man line. Up your game, man, you're talking to a real wordsmith. Alastor's whole Thing is obnoxiously talking you to death.
I am like 90% sure whoever put in the 'edge-lord' line was snickering to themselves while writing it. He is, but we love him. (Viv's comic joking about how he's an edgy deviantart oc was just going around again the other day.)
I actually wheezed out loud at 'too much fucking red'.
Alastor absolutely pinned it- Adam's coasted for far too long and doesn't have any real, dangerous bite behind his bark. Alastor's probably fucked over dozens of overconfident pricks just like him.
See, 'radio is fucking dead' is a better line! Don't know how much sense it makes for Adam to know to say that since Alastor didn't really introduce himself as the Radio Demon, but still.
Oh. Oh he fucked up.
Alastor swear count is up to four, and the first one that's not carefully calculated.
On one hand: This is Bad. On the other, as a Favorites Getting Fucked Up Enjoyer: This is great.
I love how Velvette and Val seem to be watching Vox freak out over the actual screen.
And a thousand fic-writers cried out in anguish at Vagatha being decanonized. Was that ever canon or just a fanon thing?
You know, it makes perfect sense the fireworks thing from the pilot could be used in combat.
Yeah, you did walk right into that one.
Aaaaa big brother Angel is so good. Poor little eggy.
Oh fuck Charlie looks badass, and of course it would be like a magical girl thing.
I love how brutal Lute is- slamming her head violently against the table especially. There's no attempt to make the girl on girl fight 'sexy'.
Oh wait, she has a tail???? I didn't see it at first, but it's a good look on her.
Called Vaggie was going to pull a 'you only get to live because I let you'. Brutal that she lost her arm though, but deserved.
Okay, I actually shrieked out loud with laughter at 'I'm going to fuck you' and it went dead silent and cut to everybody's expressions and Angel has the fucking best smug grin. I sense as soon as I return to twitter at least five people I follow will have that as an icon.
"Wait, what did I say" and it goes right back to fighting. Comedy gold.
Niffty killing him is pitch-fucking-perfect. I never would have seen it coming but I also adore it. Niffty the king-slayer.
The switch between drama and jokes in this episode are really on-point. I do think Adam obliterating Pentious in half a second was... a bit much, though.
Charlie... they were never going to listen.
A reprise of 'happy day in hell' with a theme of 'the show must go on'... that's brilliant. I love Jeremy's voice, it's perfect.
Alastor looks completely fucking unhinged and I'm Looking Intently.
WHAT? WHAT????? Is he like..... replacement Adam now???? Or just proof redemption works?
So.... Lilith masterminding Alastor's deal not proven or disproven, but she did make a deal with Lute somehow to kill Adam. Iiiiiinteresting.
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[tv review] discovery 3x09 & 3x10 "terra firma" (2020)
3x09 “terra firma, part 1”
this is mostly setup for part 2, but it’s fantastic setup. saru and the others seeing georgiou off was surprisingly affecting, especially the unexpected respect georgiou and saru exchanged. we finally get to see captain killy and mirror burnham. the former is just absolutely joyful to watch, honestly? but as much as the episode allows us to enjoy some of the more indulgent aspects of the mirror universe, it also lets us feel their horror, and georgiou’s near-inability to conceal her discomfort really shows how far she’s come.
again, the real payoff is coming in part 2, but this is a great part 1, and in a great two-parter you really do hope that most of the fireworks happen in part 2. that’s kind of how it’s supposed to work! a-rank
3x10 “terra firma, part 2”
the ending of this episode left me a sobbing wreck for a second time, so, yeah. like, i was ugly crying and couldn’t stop until well after the episode was over. it just came in waves and there was nothing i could do about it.
mirror georgiou really gets to shine over the course of these two episodes, which are designed to show us how incredibly far she’s come thanks to her time aboard the discovery, and with prime michael. her interactions with mirror saru are incredible. it’s heartbreaking seeing her attempts to sway mirror michael to her side fail, but it’s wonderful seeing the attempt. it’s wonderful seeing her try to make things better. it’s the most like prime georgiou she’s ever been.
her asking the guardian if michael can come with her is gutting. their goodbye absolutely destroys me. this is just incredible television. and it’s worthy of the relationship between these two incredible women. it acknowledges what they are to each other, out loud, and it makes me feel all the feelings.
it’s still gutting that michael won’t ever have either version of her mommy domme in her life again, but it is probably the best goodbye star trek has ever done. the sweetest sorrow, if you will. s-rank
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Nana Episode 45 - Blast's First TV Performance
Oh man, I just realized... the end truly is in sight. It’s like, REALLY REALLY in sight. I wonder how this show is gonna end...
Blast is doing a talk show.
I can’t believe Nobu is getting wrapped into a love triangle with the ominous fish owner (MORE SCREENTIME!!!) and the porn star... this show has become About An Apartment Complex.
Hmm, I suppose it’s kind of poignant that the last lyric we hear as the audio fades out, while Pinkish Nanarrates about how she’s being forced to be fake, is “I’ll show you my everything”. I don’t know about audience members who have neither subtitles nor intimate knowledge of the English language. Or how this scene was in the manga. Maybe the poignancy is deliberate though, what do I know.
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Ah... even the baby now knows that PR is bullshit.
Pinkish Nana interrogates Ren about whether Takumi loves Reira. Ren’s like “he doesn’t lmao”. So now it’s time for them to see if they can actually get married for real. You know. If they’re allowed
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Also this happens
Pooch Nana wants to get together with Blast for some fireworks action. It’s everyone’s favorite pairing: The Protagonists x Some Fireworks! Will that happen, though? No. No one’s favorite anything ever happens in this show.
And indeed, Blast is super busy that day, much to Shin’s distress. However... the ominous fish owner points out that everyone’s favorite pairing actually IS totally achievable. God bless the ominous fish owner. She and her screentime are the two best characters in this whole thing.
We get imagery of a cup being rebuilt in reverse time. I still think that cup thing is dumb. Plus, rebuilding broken things and going backwards in time are two opposed Stand abilities that can never be combined, so this imagery completely breaks the rules of the lore.
The two Nanas’ future selves have matching wedding rings from their two Trapnest members, is what maybe gets impliEND OF EPISODE
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umbrellatte · 2 years
If I can request, I would like to ask if you could write a aidan or five where their girlfriend has schizophrenia and she has episodes where the voices get out of hand and they hurts her by giving her a very bad headache and she crumbled down on the floor with her back against the wall and she rocks back and forth trying to make the voices stop, and how she tries to make them to stop is by screaming out “stop” “go away” “leave me alone” “shut up” “no” and when the episode stop it’s like she’s emotionless because it takes a lot 9f her and Aidan or five has to help her with everything since it’s like her mind and body has shut down. If you think you can’t do it can you do one where Aidan finds his best friend and crush writing a poem and when he tries to see what it’s about she hides it but one day she left her poem notebook at his house and he looks through it to find most of the poems are about him and he plan out how he’s going to ask her out and he uses lines from her poems that’s he thinks fits her but he put them in a song and he plays it for her in his way to asl her out
ahhh omg, i loved the second idea, so i'll do that! unfortunately, i don't feel that confident or comfortable making the first one because i have so little knowledge on schizophrenia and i just don't feel comfortable writing about it at all, so i do hope you enjoy this one! dear lord, i'm not entirely sure on this, but hopefully you like it-
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Beautiful Poet | A. Gallagher
pairings: aidan gallagher x fem!reader
synopsis: you are aidan's best friend whom he likes a lot. you happen to love him and express your feelings through secret poems you write which you left at his house. he read them and decides to use some lines to write a song to ask you out.
notes: this is not any school au whatsoever! just aidan as an actor, singer, un ambassador and youtuber. and some poems here are from the internet, some from his songs, some by me! the song used here is dandelions by ruth b., i thought it really fit i didn't feel lile using aidan's songs, it felt weird for some reason.
disclaimer: aidan is above 18 in all my fics unless stated otherwise!
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You had created a bunch of poems, rhyming or not. Most of them made for your best friend and crush. Like this one,
That glint in your eyes—
Is my beautiful star.
You look of sunshine,
On a blue day.
(latte's poem)
Or like this one,
I don't think you will ever fully comprehend,
How you've made all my dreams come true,
Or how you've opened my heart,
To the love and wonders it can do.
or this one too,
A beautiful rose for you,
A love so true,
That i feel, when looking at you.
(latte's poem)
and another.
Something about your smile that just freaks me out
Can't help but feel that my heart will give out
Beating heart in my chest, it's gettin' louder
(4th of july, a.g)
again, another poem.
Fireworks in the sky,
Shining in those eyes,
Beautifully green,
As I've always seen.
(latte's poem, inspired by 4th of july and blue neon)
as usual, another one.
In a field of dandelions,
I wish on each one,
I wish for you to be mine, forevermore.
(dandelions inspired poem)
lastly, the one you wrote today in your notebook, they day you leave said notebook in aidan's house.
I've heard that love comes once in life,
I'm quite sure that you are that sweet love,
Cause breathing gets harder with you,
My dear Aidan, what I say is true.
(dandelions inspired poem)
Just to name a few of the poems you've made. There are more, obviously, but these were what caught Aidan's eyes. He saw the many hearts you drew below each page with a "For Aidan" with them as well.
He saw how you loved him as much as he did you. He loved you so much he decided to use your poems as a way to confess his long lasting love for you. Days turned to weeks, which turned into months. After a good one to two months, he had finished everything and had a concert planned.
Being the good friend and crush he was to you, he gave you a ticket himself instead of having you buy it. “Awe, thanks Aidan, you didn't need to do that.” you smiled, taking the ticket.
“No worries on it. You will be there, right?”
“I wouldn't miss it for the world.”
The day of the concert, he sang his songs, leaving that one song he wrote for you, for last. An hour or so passed and now it was time for that song. “Hello everyone! This song is dedicated to a special someone of mine!”
He began to sang the song, until the words sounded familiar. Those were the words on your poems. It hit you. He's read your poems.
“I'm in a field of dandelions. Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine” he sang out the last part.
The song ended and he started to speak. “[Name]! I love you! Could- could someone please bring her here? Thank you!” You found yourself being brought by concert people on the stage, people cheering here and there.
“[Name], i love you so much. For a long time now. You're my best friend and i don't wanna lose you, but I'm taking the risk. Will you be my girlfriend, [Name]!” he shouts into the mic, his voice echoing around the place.
You stare at him. “I...Aidan..yes! Yes, oh my god! Aidan what? I-” he comes close to you, and puts the mic down. He whispers, “Can i kiss you?”
You nod vigorously, and he does. He kisses you, with gentle loving passion as the crowd whoops and cheers. “My beautiful poet. I love you. And i loved your poems for me. I hope you don't mind that i used them for the song though.”
Laughing out with tears in your eyes, you shooke your head, showing that you didn't mind. “Thank you for those beautiful poems, [Name].”
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