#this was supposed to be a short answer!
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obsessedwithstarwars · 6 months ago
Okay you can’t tell me that Vlad doesn’t have an organ somewhere in his mansion. Upon learning of this, Danny would teach himself how to play the Haunted Mansion theme on the organ and play it at 2am.
Vlad Masters is away on business in Gotham, and the Fentons are coincidentally there for a symposium on ecto-activity. So it’s perfect! Except he goes to the wrong house, er mansion.
Honestly, Danny thought it was one of Vlad’s many mansions. Scaring the old man is his favorite activity after all. There’s a higher amount of ectoplasm here, so it has to be Vlad’s place right?
When Bruce comes out (on one of his few nights off) and sees his carbon copy playing the organ, all thoughts fly out of his head. Danny finally looks up and also blue screens. They stare at each other for what feels like an eternity until Danny’s cell phone rings (the ghostbusters theme??) and he panics. He jumps up and makes a break for the other door rushing through apologies “SorryWronghousegottagobye!” And runs out of the room. “Wait! Who are you?”Bruce exclaims as he rushes after him. They’re on the second story in one of the rooms he rarely uses. How did he know where the organ was? No matter. He’ll catch the kid on the stairs.
Except the kid is already almost at the bottom. How did he get down so effortlessly? The kid practically floated down the stairs.
Bruce gets to the foyer just in time to see the kid realize the door was dead-bolted in multiple spots. He won’t be able to undo them all before Bruce catches up to him.
He slows down and stands behind a pillar, assessing his next move. He needs to be careful here. This is a child after all, no need to spook him any more than he already has. He needs to slowly approach, and ask his questions.
But then the kid does the unexpected. After looking around frantically, he takes a deep breath. Two rings form around his middle and travel up and down his body. His black hair turns ghostly white. He looks back, almost directly at Bruce. His eyes widen as if he realizes he’s being watched. He whispers, barely loud enough to hear, “I’m so sorry, please don’t follow me.” Then, he backs through the locked door and vanishes.
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raavenb2619 · 3 months ago
Can you talk more about aromanticism in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep :o But yeah as someone who read the book before watching the movie, I thought it was weird they didn't include how animals were super important in the world as a sign of empathy and showing empathy was a status symbol.
Yes, I would love to talk more about this! I have a bunch of incomplete thoughts rattling around in my brain about Blade Runner and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, including about the interesting parts of the book that were cut, like Mercerism, the importance of animals, the empathy boxes, the emotion dialing machines, the spider scene, the other police department, the use and non-use of the empathy test, the fact that multiple androids can share the same face, and the narrative/story treatment of Rachel. I'd like to organize and share my thoughts with other people, but first: I need to watch Blade Runner 2049 because I've heard it's got things for me to analyze, compare, and contrast with the original film and the novel; then I need to decide how many versions of the original film I need to watch and analyze (so far I've only seen The Final Cut, which seems to be the version most people like and recommend, but I think that having Deckard narrate sections could change the worldbuilding and potentially add roboticism that I felt was lacking in The Final Cut); then I probably need to spend some time piecing my ideas together into something coherent that other people can read and understand, but then I'd love to publish my thoughts (probably as an essay on Wordpress, though maybe something a bit more informal) and let people read it and have a conversation about it.
How long will that take? I don't really know. My Frozen essay took four months; DADoES + BR + BR 2049 might take longer because there's more material to analyze. But by asking for my thoughts, you've somehow given me the motivation and inspiration to actually write something about this. (So, thank you for that :).) I'd also like to try to share some of my progress, thoughts, realizations, and questions as they happen on Tumblr, because I'm interested in doing media analysis with other people (and because that might reduce the risk of me losing motivation while working on this), so I may end up rebranding my blog a bit at some point.
Here are some other media analysis/writing things that I'd like to do some day. It turns out that other people asking what my thoughts are on a thing is a really good motivator for me to write down what my thoughts are on a thing, so if anyone wants to encourage me to write an essay or blog post about any parts of any of the following topics, feel free to send me an ask:
Wicked (the musical). One angle I'd like to explore is looking at the musical through an aromantic lens, and reading Elphaba as alloaro/alloaro-aligned. I might broaden the scope to look at other Wizard-of-Oz media, and maybe also aro-aligned villains and aro-aligned anti-heros in media, but maybe that would be better served as a series of essays/blog posts and not an essay so long it should be a book. There's also so much musical/motivic analysis I need to do of Wicked, it has so much depth and I still find more things when I relisten to the music.
The portrayal of robots in fiction. One angle I'd like to explore is, "why are robots and aromanticism linked?" And I'm not happy with the shallow answer of "robots don't have emotions and people think aromantic means you don't have emotions"; I want to actually know "why are robots and aromanticism linked? How did the portrayal of robots evolve for there to be a link? Was that inevitable, or could robots have turned out differently so that they weren't liked to aromanticism? What does the linking of robots and aromanticism say about society and fictional depictions of humanity and lack thereof?" I also need to rewatch and actually finish Battlestar Galactica, though I think that might be more interesting through an ace lens than an aro lens.
Isaac Asimov's fiction and related works. I've been reading a lot of his fiction in publishing order in part because of my interest in the origin of robots and aromanticism, but there's definitely interesting things to be said about his novels and short stories, and also the Foundation TV series, such as how they treat love. (I also want an excuse to rewatch all the episodes just to answer nerdy music theory questions about Demerzel and does she have two musical motifs and why is one very legato and lilting and the other is staccato and halting and is that representing an inner struggle between her humanity and her roboticism?)
An analysis of @kernsing's aromantic sonnet #1 (this is still on my todo list, I got busy but didn't forget, but I have Things to say and I want to Find even More Things to say about this poem)
"Why Beauty and the Beast (1991) is fundamentally arophobic and can't be fixed." Okay, I haven't thought about this in a while so it's possible my perspective has changed and I'll find a way that the story could be changed to not be arophobic, but I know that the conclusion I came to a while ago was that the story structure itself was fundamentally problematic and that changing it enough to make it no longer be arophobic would require changing the story structure so much that it would be a fundamentally different story. This would not exactly be a fun essay to read or write, because I can't imagine many people enjoy someone digging into why a movie so many people love is arophobic to its core, but I'd still like to do it, some day.
Is "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" a distant relative of "Beauty and the Beast"? (I mean the story structure, not genetics/family trees.)
An analysis of Walt Disney Animation Studios films over the years. After my Frozen essay I spent like a month watching almost every Walt Disney Animation Studios film and tracking how the films treated a bunch of different aspects (e.g. sex, romance, marriage, third wheel, kissing, jealousy, love, true love, meet-cutes, queerness, gender, sexism, transmisogyny, homophobia, multiple concrete aspects of amatonormativity, queercoding). But I never really tabulated or aggregated my notes.
The discarded best friend trope (this is an arophobic trope I noticed and came up with a name for), and some examples and subversions of it.
Why does High School Musical (and HSM 2 and HSM 3) lack romantic love songs despite being a loose retelling of Romeo and Juliet that allegedly preserves the central romance? What are the queer things that can be found in the movies? What would I do if I could remake it as a multi-season TV show that was overflowing with explicit queerness that touched on things that weren't shown in the movies? Can I be normal about Kelsi? (I absolutely can't)
Why does Heartstopper (the TV show) make me read Tao as aro all the time?
Fairy tales! What is a fairy tale? Fairy tales through an aro lens! Do fairy tales have a distinct musical sound/style/identity? Has the musical sound of fairy tales changed over time?
Why do stories typically have room for a heroic love interest, but not a villainous love interest? (I'm not happy with the shallow answer of "because of amatonormativity/arophobia". I want to know, why are stories like this? Does it have to do with the structure and pacing of stories? How do pure narrative reasons interact with societal forces and expectations?)
"Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games has always felt aspec to me, and here's why." The last time I read through the trilogy, I felt she came across as demi I think? It might be interesting to compare the books to the movies and look at what and how the adaptation changes, especially with regards to romance, relationships, and aspec coding.
Something about how you can have in depth discussions about aspec politics without using aspec terminology, and maybe using too much aspec terminology makes conversations in the aspec community less accessible to new aspecs as well as well-meaning and open-minded allos who would be better allies to us if they could more easily understand what we talk about. When it comes to things like amatonormativity and allonormativity and the societal norms and issues we face, the more people who understand us and agree with us, the easier it'll be to shift society to be better for aspecs. So, sometimes it makes sense to try to talk about complicated, in-depth aspec issues using as little specialized terminology as possible.
Something something aro Celeste. A while ago a friend joked that I should do an aro analysis of Celeste, and then I started actually thinking about it and saying words and they realized they'd made a mistake, but I never wrote down any of the thoughts I had. Just brainstorming here, but there's probably something I could say about Crystal Hearts as collectibles that gate access to more difficult content and have three different art styles depending on where they appear and how they push you away unless you dash into them and break them and how you can die after collecting a Crystal Heart, Madeline's ex, Madeline and Theo's friendship and Grannie and Theo's grandfather's friendship, Madeline and Badeline's story arc through a "Show Yourself"-like aro lens, and Theo's instagram photos of Madeline doing archery. (This essay would be more on the silly side of things, basically proving that given enough disparate pieces in media I can cobble them together with thumbtacks and red string to make shapes that don't exist. And yes, I came up with the brainstorming list in about 5 minutes off the cuff while writing this bullet point)
An aro reading of Homestuck. I would need to finish Homestuck first, and I'm going to start from the beginning at...some point. I remember really liking and getting excited by the "troll QPRs", and I'm probably going to get nerd-sniped by trying to build my own understanding of how leprechaun romance can make sense. (Yes, I know this might be another thumbtacks and red string essay. No spoilers please)
Something about Gravity Falls, The Owl House, She-Ra, Steven Universe, or other similar TV shows?
Tron and Tron: Legacy? Idk I rewatched them semi recently, and expected to dislike the sequel because I had been listening to the album totally wrong. But then I disliked the original and liked the sequel a lot. There's potentially a music theory lens here, but I'm not sure if there's a queer lens here. But that's okay, maybe someone will suggest one, or maybe I'll just write up my thoughts even though there isn't any queerness to speak of, because my media analysis doesn't always have to be through a queer lens.
Something else that I haven't listed here because I don't have an actual list of things anywhere and I've probably forgotten multiple things?
Something I haven't thought of? If you want to know my thoughts on something or want me to analyze something, feel free to send an ask or a reblog or something. No promises I'll answer in a timely fashion (or ever), but I might
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ganondoodle · 3 months ago
Kinda in regards to the Empress & BodyGuard 2-
Is Zaphira (sorry if I spelled her name wrong) an elf or do humans have pointed ears in your universe? If no elves, how do the pointed ears happen? Are there different length of ears and if so do they mean somethin?
Love your art & use of colours!
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Thank you! and thank you for asking! (this sketch took me way too long .. and the colors still look washed out on my desktop screen but im not editing a third time ..)
Zaphira is human, there are no elves, as such, in this world, though humans tend to live longer than IRL and have differently shaped ears-
the shapes are rather diverse (example above) and culturally (so far) they have no significance, they are merely a trait just like different nose shapes or fantasy hair colors
the worldbuilding reason is that these are extremely diluted demonic influences- in the past demons were frequently in the human world, though largely in secret/disguised, and long time exposure to demonic presences can have varying effects, the most immediate and common being a longer life or wounds healing faster than normal; there might have been other long time effects but the only trait that stayed even after their disappearance is the ear shapes
(there was a mass extinction event of demons that wiped out all above a certain age, since demons generally dont die of natural causes their life neither depends nor revolves around reproduction so there were extremely few left and those were too young to keep most of their knowledge and culture alive, as they rarely wrote anything down; Shargon is of the current oldest generation and witnessed it happen, just like most now adult demons, Thor and Eadrya are both a bit older than him and thus the oldest living demons, which doesnt mean much considering the technically endless lifespans of them)
and to explain me including Shargon in a human appearance- hes the only demon that spends as much time in the human world as at home, largely to escape the others since they are not interested in going there and would otherwise attack him any chance they get (the human world is rather uncomfortable for demons to be in and they have better things to do than to chase him that far), while hes generally very weak compared to them, something he is very good at is shape shifting, mainly the speed of which, being able to shift between full demon and the smaller more humanoid form extremely quickly, or even mid forms that are a mix of both - even in motion! while for the others it takes them quite a bit and forces them to stop which is the main reason he keeps escaping them not able to keep up with his rapid shape shifting (though it does take its toll .. also a reason hes so skinny)
he is the first (only?) one that at some point will learn how to shift into a much more human looking one (depicted in the sketch) too, but its rather dangerous since it involves supressing and compressing his demon heart and system... which is what keeps demons alive (its somewhat like holding your breath for way too long) so the only time he would make use of it is in extreme situations, like avoiding detection by maschines that can pick up demonic energy or escaping shackles made of celestial silver (which drains their energy and can scar/hurt them permanently, like silver to vampires(?werewolfs?) in a way)
....the point is that if he shifts into a human form he has very long ears, meaning that is basically the extreme form that doesnt occur in humans and hints at the origins for those ear shapes being demonic exposure in the past
#ganondoodles#art#original characters#original art#oc#ocs#oc lore#man i cant ever keep it short can i#its 1am again ............#welll i hope that answers your question njdflndflnjlsd#also as a sidenote- zaphira and midas are siblings but not biologically#she was adopted into the royal family and is good chunk older than midas as he was born a while after shes been there#he was supposed to take the throne after their parents died in an allegedly accidental fire but he was like ... 6 at the time#and begged her to take up the throne instead despite the people not being very fond of her due to her agressive nature#.... which was proven correct in a way given she waged war for many years after taking up the crown#(.. bc she found out their parents were killed by a neighbouring country and the fire placed to get rid of traces)#(no one but her and a few officials knew of that being the real reason she attacked that country and not just a lust for power)#(midas still doesnt know -even now)#( though it got out of control and she ended up taking over multiple countries .. hence her title)#(after her wife died she swore to never engage in war again and been spending the last .. 20?30? years trying to repair the damage she did)#just adding that again bc its kinda central to her entire problem of everyone and their grandmother wanting her dead#and her being determined to do as much as she can before midas has to take over and pick up the pieces#..............though none of it goes as planned of course#ANYWAY i need sleep#sorry for the long text spam#i cant help but yap about my special lil guys
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noturlondonboy · 6 months ago
Or 40 kisses on the tummy like you prefer :) I like both of this prompt and I am curious to read what you will write!
I am SUCH a whore for tummy kisses so I will ABSOLUTELY be doing both
Kisses #40- tummy kisses
Nsfw warning: starts spicy but goes soft like literally right away, Yelena has a slight oral fixation if you squint real hard
Angst warning: Red Room, mention of the forced hysterectomy
“Kate, Kate, wait, please- wait-”
Kate freezes the moment her girlfriend utters her name with that tone, her eyes wide as she looks up at the blonde. She has her hands on Yelena’s hips, her body slotted between the woman’s legs. She takes her mouth from where she had been pressing featherlight kisses down her hip and meets Yelena’s panicked gaze, slipping her fingers out from under her waistband.
“Hey, baby, hey, you’re alright,” Kate coos gently, carefully taking her hands from Yelena’s hips. The blonde lets out a distressed whine and quickly slaps them back into place over her waist, her fingers digging into Kate’s knuckles.
“No, no, please…”
“Yelena, my darling.” Kate frowns softly, her brow furrowed as Yelena’s pupils go from blown with arousal to fear-induced, shrunken pin pricks. “Yelena. Sweetheart. Can you breathe with me?”
Yelena doesn’t respond immediately, tears slipping down her cheeks as her bottom lip trembles. Kate bites down against the anxiety brewing in her gut, forcing her hands to stay still underneath the assassin’s palms as Yelena’s keep them settled over her hips. This wasn’t a new occurrence- every time a small kiss or a long hug started to turn steamier, into something more, Yelena would panic, and was only recently learning how to properly articulate that to her girlfriend.
After a few long, frightful moments, Yelena’s breath starts to match Kate’s, and the two women slowly come back down together. Kate is careful and slow and oh-so patient, her eyes open and understanding.
“There you go, baby, you’re doing such a good job,” she murmurs gently, rubbing small circles into Yelena’s hips with her thumbs. The touch seems to bring the blonde back, because she blinks harshly, shoulders jerking and eyes refocusing to zero in on Kate.
“I’m sorry-”
Kate silences her with a gentle kiss, something they had talked about before as an option for grounding her. Yelena’s words fall away and she melts into the archer, her trembling hands pressing harder into those of her girlfriend on her waist. “You don’t ever need to apologize,” Kate whispers against her lips.
Yelena whimpers softly, her hands finally coming away from Kate’s and cradling her face to hold her closer and kiss her harder, her lips salty with tears. Kate holds her tightly and indulges, her mouth gentle.
“It’s okay, you’re okay. Just breathe with me. Can you do that, sweet girl? Can you breathe with me?”
Yelena whines softly in response, her body pressing closer as desperation thickens her accent on her sluggish tongue. “Ekaterina.”
“I’m here, I’m here. You’ve got me. We’re safe. Not goin’ anywhere, baby.”
They end up fully back on the couch, Yelena clinging to Kate as the archer settles her weight comfortably over her. They murmur gently to each other, Yelena in low, nonsensical Russian, and Kate in the most soothing tone she can muster up.
“I’m sorry,” Yelena croaks again after some time, her lips dry and chapped when they brush over the skin of Kate’s neck. She has her arms wrapped tightly around her girlfriend’s shoulders, nose pressed into her jaw to inhale the steady scent of cinnamon and winter.
Kate coos gently to silence her again, running a gentle hand through the choppy length of her hair. “You’re alright, sweet girl. We’re okay.”
“I thought I was doing good,” the blonde whines softly, the tears returning to her eyes as she squeezes them shut. Kate frowns and leans back a little to better see her face.
“Darling, you are doing good, you’re doing so well,” she murmurs, brushing a strand of hair from Yelena’s face. “Getting scared or needing a break doesn’t ever take away from the beautiful progress you make every day.”
The blonde’s pout is in full force. “But I… I don’t want to keep this from you,” she whispers.
Kate feels her heart shatter, and it takes an effort to keep her own tears at bay. “My love. Yelena. Please look at me?” Yelena reluctantly does so, and her irises are a shade of hazel-green Kate could easily lose herself in. “You are not keeping anything from me, baby. All I ever, ever want, is for you to be happy, and safe, and comfortable.”
“But I-”
“You’re perfect.”
Yelena’s words fall away in a weak sob before she buries her head back into Kate’s neck, and the archer lets her, holding her tightly.
“It’s because of my scars. And my… body.”
The confession is seemingly out of nowhere, and so quiet that it takes Kate a moment to realize what was said. When she does, however, she gently scratches her short nails over the sweet spot on Yelena’s scalp. “You don’t have to explain if you don’t want baby-”
“But I do, Kate, I want to, please,” Yelena pleads, her body trembling underneath her.
Kate is silent for a moment before she nods and encourages her to continue.
“My- in… in the Red Room, when they sterilized me…” She stops for a moment, and Kate uses the silence to press her lips gently to her cheek. “It is done with very little care, very little precision. The damage left behind is… disgusting. My body is ruined.”
Kate’s arms tighten around her then, her chest squeezing painfully at the bitterness in Yelena’s tone. “You are not disgusting.”
“You are not ruined.”
Yelena is silent, her throat tight as tears stain her cheeks. She stays where she is, tucked into Kate’s shoulder, until Kate leans away in order to look at her.
“Yelena, you are the singular most important thing in my life to me.”
The blonde’s responding sob is choked.
“Every day, when I wake up next to you, or with a text from you waiting on my phone, or with you downstairs making me breakfast, I am more and more grateful that I get to call you mine. You have no idea how much that means to me. How much you mean to me. Even though I know I say it a lot. I’ll never stop telling you, not till you get it. And even then I might not shut up. You just… you’re perfect.”
Kate’s words are soft but firm, with no room for argument. Yelena is grateful for it. She’s grateful for Kate. Everything that she is, everything that she stands for. When she finally meets the archer’s gaze again, she hopes that message shines through the tears in her eyes. It must, because Kate’s expression softens and morphs into something so tender Yelena could start crying again.
It’s a few moments before Kate speaks again. “Can I try something, baby?”
Yelena is nodding before she even really thinks about it. “Try what?”
“…Can I kiss your stomach?”
Something ugly wraps around Yelena’s spine, and she stiffens, but at the same time, there’s a heat in her cheeks and in her chest that makes her want to say yes to anything Kate Bishop ever says.
“You can say no, baby. Absolutely no pressure. Literally none,” Kate rushes, her eyes wide again when she sees the tenseness in her girlfriend’s shoulders.
Yelena shakes her head quickly and presses a rough kiss to Kate’s lips, the anxiety in her body making her a bit clumsy. Kate is gentle with her, she always is- kissing her back slowly and leading her to calm back down just a little. When they part after a moment, Yelena keeps her forehead pressed to Kate’s.
“Just my stomach?” Yelena murmurs, the trembling of her bottom lip betraying her nerves.
Kate is nothing if not attentive. She brings a hand up to brush her thumb over the blonde’s pout, breathe catching slightly when Yelena softly clamps her teeth down onto the digit in a sudden need for something else to ground her. Neither of them mention it, but Kate nods.
“Just your stomach, baby. Or more. Or less, whatever you want. Genuinely, I don’t want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”
“I know, Kate Bishop.”
The brunette nods, adjusting them so that she’s laying between Yelena’s legs, her head resting on her diaphragm and arms wrapped under her waist. Yelena relaxes after a moment when she realizes that Kate intends to rest this way for a bit, letting both of them adjust and to give Yelena a chance to say no.
The assassin rests her hands on Kate’s head, threading her fingers into soft, dark hair and carding through it slowly. A purr rumbles in Kate’s chest, vibrating into Yelena’s skin and soothing the buzzing in her body. The archer lets her eyes close and smiles softly, nuzzling her nose into her girlfriend’s tummy. It warms Yelena even further, and there’s a soft, comfortable blush on her cheeks.
Kate starts slow, meeting Yelena’s eyes to check her reactions every couple of moments, her hands gentle as she pushes the hem of Yelena’s shirt up her midsection. This was nothing that she hadn’t seen before- Yelena had a habit of walking around in just sweatpants and a sports bra (which Kate would never complain about) but this setting was still new. Being so close to her body like this was new.
And dear lord, Yelena Belova had fucking abs.
Kate tampers down the heat in her spine before it can fully start when she presses her lips to her girlfriend’s skin, but she can’t help but love the way the assassin shivers under her touch. With her eyes trained carefully on Yelena’s face, she starts at her belly button and kisses up the line of muscle and soft tissue, hoping that the love and devotion and adoration burning in her gut is pouring into the action in a way that Yelena can perceive. Her girlfriend doesn’t stop trailing her hands through Kate’s hair, fingers tugging gently here and there and nails scratching softly at her scalp.
“I like this, Kate Bishop,” Yelena whispers softly, her eyes heavy-lidded as she lets out an awed breath through parted lips. Her pupils have darkened, taking in the way Kate seems almost reverent, her motions reminiscent of worship. Yelena supposed it may very well be exactly that.
“And I like you,” Kate murmurs, closing her eyes and pressing her nose into the center of Yelena’s stomach like she wants to inhale her very being.
Yelena’s heart is thundering in her chest, and she’s silently grateful that Kate isn’t closer to a pulse point where she could hear it from.
The assassin raises an eyebrow, the expression of self-assuredy on her face far from how she actually feels. “Only like, Kate Bishop?”
Kate’s eyes snap up to her quickly, the blue of her irises deep and stormy. The intensity catches Yelena off guard, and she can do nothing to protest when Kate kisses a little rougher up her entire stomach and chest, ending with her mouth on the dip between her clavicles. “I love you,” Kate whispers between kisses, her eyelashes brushing over Yelena’s skin. “I adore you. I revere you.”
Yelena is sure her entire body will explode when Kate brushes her lips over the pulsing in her throat.
“Yelena Belova, you are my item of worship. I would fall to my knees at your feet and paint your body in liquid gold if you let me. I would paint the ground you walk on with blood, should you ask me. You are perfection.” Kate’s face is unreadable, but her eyes hold so much to be perceived. “All of you- is perfection.”
Yelena is stunned into silence, her doe eyes wide and mouth parted as she stares with burning cheeks. There are tears on her face, but they don’t distress her. She shudders when Kate kisses them away.
“Ekaterina,” is all she’s able to whisper, and Kate has her in her arms again, their bodies pressed tightly together. “Ekaterina.”
“I love you so much,” the archer whispers. Her strength is warm and sure. “No scar could ever change that. Not in any lifetime. Not in any timeline.”
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frogsinflannel · 1 month ago
for the make me write, if you're still doing that: 🌊🌊🌊
Oooh yes, always! I actually just rewatched Pacific Rim today, so the timing is perfect, thank you!
The sun burns behind him, stamping the edge of the earth in fiery gold. Everything is waking up, shaky-limbed and bright-eyed at the dawn of a new day. Not just a new day, though, a new world. Everyone who wakes up today will wake up safer, the threat of the kaiju finally eliminated.
The breach is sealed.
And beside him on their raft, Tommy lays still and cold.
He is gold-lined, too, the pale skin of his face burnished bright and rosy. But he won't move, and the little breaths coming from his barely parted mouth are getting harder and harder to detect.
Buck fists a hand into Tommy's suit, right over his heart. Everyone who wakes up today will have a new world, and he'll be damned if that doesn't include Tommy.
"Come on," he tries again, crawling onto Tommy's body. "Wake up. Y-you gotta wake up." Buck's face is snotty and the hair at his temple is matted with blood. His blood, he thinks, though he can't be sure. "Tommy please." He presses his face into the juncture of Tommy's neck. He smells musky and sweet, with sweat and adrenaline clinging to his skin. "Please." His eyes squeeze shut, and Buck feels something swelling in his chest, a bubble that's about to burst.
They did it. They completed the mission. They saved the whole fucking world and this is what they get in return? The ocean around them is dark but never still - there's a gentle rocking as they move further and further away from their last drop zone. Someone should be coming for them. Maybe. Comms were lost long before Zephyr Rhea was, but if anyone can find them Buck knows that Bobby can.
Exhaustion presses down on him, heavy and oppressive. His whole body hurts, except his leg. He can't feel anything there, can't move it, and maybe he should be concerned but right now all he cares about is waking Tommy up.
"We did it, so you... you gotta help us celebrate. That's what we were gonna do, right? When we got back? Breach is sealed, no more kaiju, we're all having a party. Hen was going to get us a cake," he says, his face wet. He's getting tears on Tommy's neck but he can't bring himself to care. One arm worms it's way under Tommy's chest, and he presses their bodies together as tight as he can. "You think Eddie's going to forgive me if I don't bring you back? He's going to be so pissed. Chim, too. You promised..." He sniffs and buries his head further into the crook of Tommy's neck, mashing his nose in and getting his mouth as close as he can to his skin. "You promised Bobby and Maddie and... and everyone. You promised them that I'd be safe. That I'd make it back okay. Well fuck that, Tommy, because what about you? How'm I supposed to be okay without you?"
There's a cough that shakes the raft beneath him, the body beneath him, and a ragged, half-conscious voice says "Okay with... Me? You really have to raise your bar, kid."
make me write
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teecupangel · 9 months ago
The assassin's including haytham and Shay as witches or warlocks?
Considering how I wrote about Desmond as his ancestors’ patron god a while back, I like the idea of making Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton warlocks under an unknown patron god.
This is doubly funny for Altaïr who actually believes that what people consider as gods are simply beings more powerful than them that can be surpassed once their full capability is studied.
So Altaïr would actually be more a wizard, using knowledge to further his magical research, with a healthy dose of alchemy at the side. (He would also be the one to further advance the development of magical forgery but his way is intricately connected to alchemy since magical forgery regularly need materials created via alchemy, making it easier to augment magical properties into the materials itself that will remain during the forging process).
Then he got the Apple and learned that he now has a Patron God.
He is absolutely not happy about this, especially as his Patron God is only known as “The Reader”. He grows fond of his patron though because his patron never demanded anything but kept giving him whatever he needed to further his research.
The Reader becomes well known as Altaïr’s patron god but no one knows his real identity.
The only time the Reader demanded something from Altaïr was when an eagle made of gold and white light (his patron’s preferred way to send him things) left him a rolled up piece of paper that could fit in his palm.
‘Investigate Abbas Sofian and deliver judgment.’
Ezio, on the other hand, never thought of becoming a warlock or a witch. The Auditores weren’t magic users. They weren’t even combatants. The most they had was the required swordsmanship for their own safety and defense.
And then…
They tried to arrest his family and…
He heard it.
A sound he could not describe. A sound he had never heard before.
An eagle made of light appeared before him and delivered him a box.
A change of clothes that was more durable than his current outfit. A sword with wings for a crossguard and an eagle head for a pommel. Some kind of gauntlet with a blade hidden on its underside.
And a letter.
From his patron.
The Reader.
It was thanks to his patron that he was able to save his family and that they were able to leave Firenze without being ambushed, the light of the eagle becoming their guide.
The Reader was known as Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad’s patron. An unknown god who was as capricious as Altaïr himself, only appearing at whim and acting more like a distant supporter than an actual deity demanding loyalty and worship.
But it was during Ezio Auditore’s time that the Reader became a patron god of the Brotherhood. The unknown god did not bless everyone. Only Ezio. But that was enough. Because Ezio worship him as both his god and his family’s savior. As Ezio became more legendary as time passes by, so too did his patron god.
The Reader.
The Patron God of Freewill and Choice.
The Kenways were complicated (as usual).
Edward Kenway was a swashbuckling rogue, there was no denying that.
He had always been a rogue and, as far as he knows, he will always be a rogue.
Even when he started getting in the middle of this Brotherhood versus Order mess, he was still a rogue.
And then…
When he died, he saw the golden eagle.
Just watching.
It was always watching.
And all Edward could think about was how he needed to save Jenny and make sure Haytham and Tessa were safe.
Haytham still becomes a Templar. He studies witchcraft and developed his skills to combat the stealthiness of the Assassins and any and every magical devices and spells they may have.
His witchcraft is one focused on canceling other magic. His main weapon is still the sword and the hidden blade he took off from one of the people he killed.
Ratonhnhaké:ton is born to be a warrior. His grandmother taught him a few spells and rituals here and there. A few concoction to strengthen and heal his body.
One day, he saw an eagle made of light and followed it.
His village burned that day.
But he was able to save his mother.
But his mother was captured by the men who burned his village and he tried to follow them until his legs gave out.
The eagle appeared before him once more and guide him.
To Achilles Davenport.
Ratonhnhaké:ton’s patron was the Reader. His eagle appeared with gifts and short letters of suggestions. Achilles calls him bless.
Ratonhnhaké:ton thinks of the Reader as someone with an agenda of his own.
Every time Ratonhnhaké:ton feels the desire to go out in the world to find his mother, the Reader would send him a letter that always says the same thing. It’s not yet time. You must grow stronger still. Patience.
And Ratonhnhaké:ton realized why when he first met Haytham Kenway and his many magical devices and potions to keep Assassins away.
The only thing that can combat him and take down Haytham’s Order was…
The blessings that his patron god had given him that he had nurtured all these years.
Shay was trained to be an Assassin. It was only when he studied under Haytham Kenway that he learned witchcraft. Shay had never really been interested in it. When he was still an Assassins, Hope had been the one to always push him into trying out witchcraft. Even giving him potions to heal him or to invigorate him. Which was funny because Hope was ‘hopeless’ in the arts of being a witch. Liam was the best witch in the Brotherhood and Hope’s potions had been made by Liam.
Liam had fun telling Shay about that.
When Shay became a Templar, he learned witchcraft because it was the best way to counter the Brotherhood.
Then he got his familiar.
It was a wolfhound with light gray fur.
Liam had a wolfhound familiar as well.
It looked exactly like Liam’s familiar. But that was impossible. Shay had been the one to throw the potion that burned Liam’s familiar to ashes.
Arno only knew a bit of witchcraft. Ones that Élise taught him. It’s only when he started training to be an Assassin that he learned he was taught the very same witchcraft that Haytham Kenway developed and modified to combat the Brotherhood. That Élise was teaching him the ways of the Templars. He makes it his own though and used what he knows to combat the Templars’ own witchcraft.
By this point, the Brotherhood makes use of both witchcraft and spells. Traditionalists focus on spells that are said to have been used by those blessed by the patron god. They’re not warlocks though since they were not graced by the patronage of their god. They’re more akin to wizards.
Arno, himself, combines both and learns a bit of alchemy to make his own tools which is a requirement to all Assassins since they would never always have the money or be safe enough to buy more tools out in the field.
Jacob and Evie are… complicated. Jacob was trained to be an Assassin so he’s like Evie, knowing both witchcraft and a few spells. He also doesn’t use them, pretending to be just a rogue as a way to get back to their dead father. People actually assume he’s like an Arcane Trickster or something similar. Evie, on the other hand, is a master of both. She prefers spells though. The pressed flowers she gives Jayadeep in canon? She used them to create potions for him instead that will help him. He never uses them though because he sees them as too precious to be used.
Ah, Desmond.
Desmond knows a lot about witchcraft and spells but he has no patron of his own.
They actually thought he would be blessed by the same patron as Altaïr and Ezio but that god never even looked at him.
But he has access to the spells only a warlock has.
People believe it’s because of the Bleeding Effect.
But Desmond knows that’s not true.
The patron god of his ancestors never looked at him but his Bleeds were too… real. There was something divine about them.
Something that tells him that he has made a pact with them that goes beyond life and death.
Bayek and Aya have been warlocks before they founded the Brotherhood but their patron god had not been Amun at first. They both renounced their god after Kemu’s death and Amun took them in. Amun, however, is not the patron god of the Hidden Ones. The Hidden Ones though would sometimes have patrons because, during that time, the gods were much more fascinated by humans (or have plans). This would continue on until the Hidden Ones become the Brotherhood and the Brotherhood (especially the one under Al Mualim) would rather be Rogues than be spellcasters.
Basim knows a bit of witchcraft because of Nehal but he only started actually training for witchcraft and spells when he got to Alamut. It’s there that he shows he actually has access to the spells granted to him by a patron god but it’s not one of the gods that usually bless the Brotherhood. He only realizes it later on when he receives Loki’s memories but the spells he can use are the very same spells that his wife, Sigyn, uses. He never acknowledged it though and his patron never contacts him.
When he reunites with Aletheia though, his patron god gives her very first order.
“Destroy what remains of the woman you love”
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kevin-day-is-bi · 5 months ago
i just saw that halloween ask game you're doing for this month 👀👀
so trick or treat, dealers choice on ship 🥰🍬
- mel 💜
Dick absentmindedly pressed on the cut on his arm as he watched his target. The man was standing in a small office in a warehouse, talking on the phone. He didn't look happy. Dick could relate.
"Nightwing, report. Your tracker is offline."
Ah, that had been an argument and a half. Of course, if Bruce would stop sneaking tracers onto Dick's suit, Dick wouldn't have to keep ruining them. They couldn't be cheap.
"I'm on a case."
"Your tracker should be online. I need to know your location."
In the window, the man hung up the phone. He was smug now. He had never made that expression, before.
"No, you don't," Dick responded, before pulling the comm out of his ear. He glared at the device in his hand before gently tucking it away in a pocket.
The man was gone. Dick straightened. This could be a chance to place a bug in his office. Not really Dick's style, honestly. He preferred the physicality. But with any luck, he wouldn't have to get physically near the man ever again. Without fully meaning to, he pressed on his wound again.
He heard the footsteps a split second before the voice spoke.
"You're getting awfully snoopy, dick."
Dick stood from his crouch slowly, hands out and low. He turned head first, the sight of the white streak of hair still sending a wave of shock through his heart.
Jason had a gun aimed at his head. Not particularly surprising. Dick had been trained out of being startled by guns a long time ago, but that didn't mean he was stupid. It was still a loaded gun.
"You have ten seconds to say what you're doing here."
"I wanted to...to see you." Dick was a little unhappy to be so truthful so early. He wanted to fire a quip off, maybe some clever wordplay.
Jason cocked the gun. He wouldn't shoot Dick. Maybe.
God, Jason looked...he looked exactly how he was supposed to. The rage that had been present in his fifteen-year-old self had looked so out of place, but now the hard line of his mouth fit him perfectly.
"I want you to-"
Come home. No. Dick didn't, really. The Manor hadn't been his home in a while, longer than it hadn't been Jason's. And what would that achieve? An argument ending in a fight ending in a trail of bodies. Dick didn't want Bruce to have Jason. He wanted to have Jason.
"I just needed to-to make sure it was..."
Jason tilted his head, looking every inch the villain that the Red Hood's file painted him out to be.
"I'm sure the old man ran a dozen tests to make sure it was me."
No, that wasn't what Dick meant. He couldn't find the words, didn't really want to find the words. Jason had sliced open Dick's arm. Dick had felt him, felt the warmth of his skin, the solidity of his body. Dick...missed that, maybe? Having Jason close again had felt like a drug, and now Dick was pretending he wasn't craving it.
He hadn't touched Jason all that much before his death. Too much teenage angst, not enough clear roads between Blüdhaven and Gotham. There was no precedent for this.
"I missed you," Dick said, aiming for honesty. As close to it as he felt capable of getting.
Jason laughed. It was a creepy sound that died too soon in the cold air.
"Last time you saw me I beat your ass. Time before that you didn't know it was me. Time before that I was fifteen. You either have a death wish or haven't gotten the message yet. Robin doesn't exist anymore." Jason's shoulders stayed low and his voice remained even. He sounded a little bored, actually. It felt like there was a hook behind Dick's ribcage, yanking him forward. He needed to be interesting. He couldn't have Jason leave again.
"The first thing," Dick said before he had really planned to say anything at all.
Jason scoffed. Dick kept going, distantly aware of the fact that he was tripping down sentences without actually knowing where he was going. "Maybe you're just really good at fighting. All my bad guys this week were too easy."
Jason's chin dropped. Dick had been rubbing the bandage on his arm against his hip without realizing it.
The gun wobbled. Jason's chest rose and fell.
"Take off your mask."
Dick blinked. This felt like a test. Slowly, he reached up and peeled the mask off. It hurt like hell, and he was left blinking in the altered light. Jason kept the gun trained on him.
"Say it again. Look at me and tell me again why you're here."
This was Dick's chance. Honesty could win. He still wasn't sure what winning meant, but whatever. He would make it work. He stared at Jason's mask and said,
"I miss you."
"What's your goal here?" Jason sounded amused, which wasn't what Dick had been aiming for at all. Annoyance and frustration mixed in his stomach.
"I don't know, okay? I just-" Dick gestured helplessly. Jason's face, half amused and half blank, was no help. "I want...I want you..."
He had nothing else.
Jason's face was doing something complicated. His mouth couldn't seem to agree with what his forehead wanted to do.
"Will you do anything to have me?" Jason's voice was a little too loud now.
Dick hesitated. He imagined Jason pressing the gun into his hand and shuddered.
"No," he whispered.
"No, you wouldn't...let's say for example, shoot a drug dealer for me."
Dick felt sick. There was something about that for me that made him want it horribly. He wanted to do things for Jason.
"Oh," Jason said, and then he started laughing so hard that the gun wavered. "Oh, if only Bats could see you now. That's pretty damn pathetic."
Dick needed to leave. He had well and truly lost control of the situation, and he needed to get the hell out. But when he started to take a step back, the gun went back to being steadily present.
"Don't. I will shoot you." Dick froze. Jason started moving forward, each step solid and loud. "I think we should play a game. You want me, huh? Then let's see what you're willing to do to get me."
Dick contemplated what would happen if he hurled himself off the roof.
"On your knees."
Dick dropped to his knees. This was a very bad idea.
"Take out your escrima sticks and toss 'em over here."
Dick hesitated for half a second before doing so.
"Unzip your suit. To your stomach." Dick's pause didn't go unnoticed and Jason sighed. "You used to wear that stupid suit where the neckline when halfway down your torso. Don't get shy now."
Dick undid the hidden catches and pulled the zipper down. And then, for good measure, he pulled his arms out so he was topless. He needed some sense of agency.
Of course, now Jason was masked, armed, fully dressed, and standing above Dick. Dick obviously could fight like this, but there was something...
Jason kept moving until he was right in front of Dick, so close that he had to bend his elbow to keep the gun trained on him.
"Tell me again why you're here. The full reason."
It was so cold. Dick's stomach was churning.
"I miss you. I...I want you."
Jason's breath hitched. He was shaking. The shock of it made Dick's mouth drop open.
"Please come back to me," he whispered, barely knowing what he was saying.
Half certain Jason was going to blow his brains out for it, Dick reached out and laid a hand on Jason's knee. The nearness of him was intoxication. Dick wasn't really sure he would tell Jason no to just about anything right now. He wanted to see Jason's eyes.
The gun moved and Dick shut his eyes. Several seconds after a shot would've happened, the knee under his hand moved, and he opened them again. The gun had been sheathed. Jason crouched in front of him, face inches away. Dick could still feel the shaking.
"Are you cold?" he asked. He needed Jason to see that he cared about him, noticed the shivering, wanted to help.
"Always," Jason said, barely an actual word. Dick's heart broke, and then his thigh felt like it was on fire. He yelled, unprepared for the sudden pain, suddenly leaning on Jason as the pain spread. Jason's mouth was parted slightly. Dick looked down to see a knife embedded in his thigh. Jason wrenched it free and Dick made a breathless noise of horror. Jason ripped one of his gloves off and sliced the knife across his fingertips. Dick hadn't processed what was happening yet, his brain still stuck on "Jason stabbed me?", so he just watched as Jason shoved his bloody fingers into the wound. Dick screamed, the pain mounting and spreading in waves. He hadn't been prepared, he was usually better than this.
"You want me?" Jason asked, fingers still pressed into the gash. "Fucking have me."
His other hand came up to pull Dick closer, digging his face into Dick's neck, and then just as suddenly he stood, leaving Dick hunched over and breathing unsteadily. He held up his bloody hand.
"I'll treasure this. Maybe make a painting with it. The Failure of Yet Another Robin. Every time I see it, I'll remember how the original came crawling to me, thinking he could fix me."
Dick didn't understand what was happening. Jason's blood was inside him.
Jason brought his hand up to his face and his tongue flicked out, tasting the blood. Dick's stomach roiled. He was really beginning to think that wasn't disgust.
"Mm." Jason grinned. "Taste's like B's disappointment. I can't even tell our blood apart now."
He turned and walked away. Dick was starting to hyperventilate a little. He heard Jason's steps pause, and then, from a small distance away,
"Next time you come a-stalking, I'll see if you look this pretty with a bullet hole inside you."
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sarafangirlart · 2 months ago
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Oh hey did you guys know that someone made a superhero Medusa comic? And that she killed Zeus? And that she cares about humans? And that she’s a monster slayer? And her mask is made out of Perseus’s shield? Well you do now!
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fake-ascension · 7 months ago
people who scream 'dan heng is NOT dan feng whatsoever' yet always tag any dan feng content as 'dan heng'
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simpingforcys · 3 days ago
Have you ever had the same kind of insane crush on another character like the one you have for KC? If so, what character was the latest to be like that?
So I was actually thinking about this yesterday. The way I fell for King Candy, genuinely I believe borderlines on devotion. Not an obsession or addiction, or a high to get off on. But I think I genuinely, fell in love, with King Candy. Not in a "I need to protect him" or "he's my top favorite, my blorbo, my hyperfixation!" way. More in a kinda, "I would let the world burn for you" kind of way. It's probably not healthy, IDK, but I know when to differ from fictional and real life, but just by glancing at him, hearing his voice, his laugh, even the jingles when he moves, my heart just melts.
As I was telling my friend last night. I've struggle with romantic relationships irl. I've dated but never truly knew if I was able to actually love someone else like a partner should. I came to accept I was incapable of loving someone else romantically. Of course, like anyone else, I had fictional 'crushes' over the years, two were more of a "My son!/My boy!" type of favorite, the most recent being Scarab from Fionna and Cake.
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Just something about his voice, his determination, relentless pursuit captivated me so much, I was melting at the sound of his hot voice just 😩 (Doesn't help he's also a bug/turns into a big bug at the end, I swear that wasn't even PLANNED).
Then when I was younger, I had developed such a huge crush on Baxter Stockman from TMNT 2012, and not even his human form, more specifically, his Stockman-Fly form.
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He was such a dork and I remember cheering as a kid whenever a character said "Get me Baxter Stockman." And... yes, also a bug. Again, NOT PLANNED. It's a complete coincidence they all share.
I guess my short answer is, no. This was suppose to be short but I ended up rambling. But to be honest, I really don't think I mind. It feels weird, but I don't think I mind feeling like I'll never love another person the same way I love King Candy. I fantasize about him, fawn over him, want to appreciate every aspect and detail and trait of him. I just adore him. In every aspect of the word.
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falyakonsdiary · 29 days ago
With all the emotional chaos of THAT reveal, it’s easy to miss, but…
Dennis told John he didn’t want to be an actor, just to work in the park as a server to support his family, and ALREADY had a meeting to go to right before he died…
His mother recently passed and made her own recipes - which have supposedly been lost…
Archie who is the head chef in said park has an entire subplot focused on cooking and a food-oriented/ex-agents of state secret society who researched him before they met…
Peppermint screwed over the last guy he worked with, specifically on a restaurant venture…
I’m either connecting the dots or ruining the equivalent of several pages in a delightful Sherlock Holmes themed children’s activity book.
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pierrotdoesnteat · 2 months ago
is it normal to have this creeping fear whenever ur parent is coming up stairs? shes not like abusive or anything i just cannot handle her yelling at me again is this normal, im asking u because i think ur the oldest of all my moots so
okay sorry for talking a lil bit to reply to this, i really wanted to think of the right way to respond to this because obviously im not you and i dont know the relationship you have with your parents/household/etc and can only base my answer off of my own experiences and i want to answer it as carefully as i can i have believed that there is no harder time period in someones life than being like, 13-17 years old (even without the addition of mental and physical health issues) pretty much since i was 13 and im saying this as nicely as possible, we're on edblr rn. if youre here you probably struggle with some stuff and the combination of those with being in an incredibly difficult period of your life can be terrifying and i think that the further a lot of adults get from those years, the less they seem to remember what that felt like. you may have a good relationship (or maybe not) with your parent but its a lot easier for the negative moments to stick in your mind and come back when the emotions you feel are similar to what you felt then; my relationship with my mom was incredibly rocky pretty much up to the time that i was 20 to the extent that i willingly moved in with my incredibly distant father and stepmother for several months (which i can admit, i wasnt an easy kid or teenager), and there was a period of time where i knew how the stairway in the house creaked under different peoples footsteps (even the animals) and could prepare myself for whoever was coming, and i used to hallucinate my mom yelling my name when i would put my headset on. the older i get the more im able to seperate what was genuinely deserved, what was heat of the moment, and the things that i do wish she would apologize for and its stayed pretty important for mending that relationship now that theres space.
with that being said, even if a relationship is good a lot of the time, even if it isnt abusive, if you experience something over and over again, and in the same place/by the same person each time, like being yelled at, it can make the way you feel about that experience/person/place worse over time and it weighs a lot heavier on you each time, especially if its happening often enough that you dont really get to decompress or process the emotions, it can feel really hard to manage those emotions and i can entirely understand how you would feel fear because of that. if you feel like it would be a possibility, there have been times where ive written down a few moments that stand out more than others and asked my mom if she remembered them or what caused them and it helps to talk through them, but if you don't feel like that would be a safe option, try channeling the way you feel about it into hobbies. i personally find art journaling really helpful, or even just getting out of the house for a walk to have some space apart both physically and to let the emotion of both people and place settle, if that makes sense.
if all that got a little long/confusing im sorry and you are completely free to DM me or send asks with more questions if you need
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cafffine · 1 year ago
the family secret santa ring has been running since the 60s, and encompasses over 70 people on average just sent me the 30+ question google survey quiz about my interests that my santa will have access to when the time comes this shit is so dead serious there is nothing more stressful than a middle class american christmas
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falindankovsky · 4 months ago
i agree with you entirely... in a world full of 'daniil fucked hundreds of men in the capital' be a 'daniil holed himself up in his bedroom reading for 10 hours non-stop' ...
Literally! I have nothing against people writing him as having gotten around (because everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of a character!) however that being said he doesn’t strike me as someone who has that much energy to socialize often so I don’t see him going out of his way to have random hooks up, you’re lucky to even see the man leave his apartment more then once a week for something unrelated to his work.
Like the most you’re getting from the man in relationship is spooning and hand holding, there’s not gonna be any freaky kinky shit. And that isn’t me saying I dislike freaky stuff or being ew gross sex, my favorite film is Crongerberg’s crash trust i’m fine with freaky shit it’s just in relation to Daniil he seems very vanilla but also he just strikes me as someone who’d only cross the line of sexuality only once he’s in a committed relationship….ya know?
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pikkish · 5 months ago
idk if this is a good prompt but put doomguy in myhouse.wad I think he would find it enriching
Right, so I've been mulling on this one for a little bit now, n I'm not opposed to writing something for you, I'm just not... entirely sure what to write? Because the thing is, myhouse.wad doesn't actually really have anything to do with Doom as a story. Sure, Doom is important in that it's the vessel through which the story is told and one of the connections between the narrator and his dead companion. But as far as Doom itself goes, and the story about a man who was too angry/stupid to die, fighting demons and saving earth, none of that is at all relevant to myhouse.wad and its story. For all intents and purposes, Doomguy isn't actually a character in myhouse.wad. So I'm not really sure how exactly to fit him in there.
#pikspeak#bc like. ok so if u say write dg as if he is actually the character in myhouse.wad#then the problem is that theres a pretty huge meta element to myhouse.wad and having some of the outside context- even just the context tha#its supposed to be the creator's dead friend's childhood home- is important. youre not MEANT to 'immerse' yourself in it or pretend you are#the protag. part of the impact comes from knowing youre just an observer and this is just a videogame on your computer.#writing dg as a character inside myhouse.wad would rob it of a lot of context and therefore impactfulness. hed just be walking around an#old house looking at things that have no meaning to him.#so ok then not dg as the protag of myhouse.wad but what about just like.. him in the funky liminal space of myhouse.wad? the non-euclidean#reality breaking shifting house of leaves place of myhouse.wad? i *could* do something like that if thats what youre looking for#but then considering this is the character whose reaction to finding himself in literal hell was to go 'hey??? this is stupid???? anyway im#gonna kill everything here' he probably wouldnt be too exceptionally ruffled by finding himself in a sorta funky reality breaking space.#hed probably still just go 'oh weird. funky. anyway back to killing demons.' and that would be it. which yeah i CAN write if its what u wan#it just. yknow. doesnt quite seem like the right tone? just kinda flat by comparison#i have considered doing things in the right tone before. since it is also canon that on his way back to hell dg has to run through the#burned out ruins of his own hometown. something similar to the visiting an old place thats been twisted by time and grief and coming to#terms with its loss or something to that effect#but. if im being honest i dont know that i have the writing skill to pull that off well much less as a short fic for a prompt response#uhhh anyway where was i going with this.#im happy to write something for you; possibly even something myhouse.wad related if you want!! im just not sure how to do that hdfbhdj...#anyway sorry for letting this one sit for so long without an answer. have another fic prompt where the fic is getting a little longer than#anticipated n combining that with rotating this to try n figure out what i could write for it...#guess time got away from me a little bit. sorry about that!
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synthleeius · 1 year ago
lee albedo im on my hands and knees 🙏 i like the idea that he'll let people tickle him bc its for Science!!!!!!!
"thahats.. strange."
"strange?" aether confirmed with a smug smile, pressing his fingertips into the alchemist's ribs gently. "its science, isn't it?"
albedo wasn't quite sure when his eyes shut, but he opened them anyways to look aether in the eyes as he attempted to explain. "well, not exactly, its more psychological tha-hah.. aether.."
"albedo," he replied, giddiness visible in his tone. never in a million years would he had ever thought he'd be asked to do this. "ohh.. did you mean a little more like this? you weren't very specific when you asked me to tickle you."
"fohor research.." he reminded, giggling softly into his hand as two sets of fingers scribbled down his sides. "ihi juhust didn't thihink it'd behe so.."
"embarrassing? flustering, maybe?" aether finished his thoughts, focused mostly on the other's expression. "maybe you'll think twice before making me your test subject now, huh?"
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