#genshin impact tickles
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✨Thoma’s Troubles✨

Idk why Itto is so low-res bro
⚠️This fic focuses mainly on tickling. Please do not read it if that upsets you.⚠️
Thoma is sad until Itto makes his day better :)
a/n: the word “muzzle” is mentioned, but it refers to the body part of a dog. I’m pretty sure the nose / face area is called that? Nobody is wearing a muzzle, English isn’t my first language. Also, some swears appear.
Word count: 2908
It was a rather gloomy day in Inazuma. The sky was cloudy, the weather was cold, and the air smelt of rain. Most people preferred to stay indoors today, so the streets were emptier than usual. Unfortunately, mother nature wasn’t alone in her sadness; it affected some of the people as well. Especially Thoma…
He let out a sigh after the last customer of the day left Komore Teahouse, relieved to no longer need the customer service mood. He was meant to assist the loyal pooch Taroumaru today, as Ayato had noticed he needed a break from his usual duties.
“Won’t this rain ever end…?” He mumbled, petting Taroumaru’s head to distract himself. He felt grateful for the break, though he still had a lot on his mind.
“Woof!” replied the shiba, his tail wagging as he received pats. The two of them wouldn’t receive customers for a while, so they could just chill.
“Haha, you sure are cheerful today, buddy…” Thoma said with a small smile as the doggo gave his hand a reassuring lick.
“Hm? Ah, it’s nothing, don’t worry about me.” Thoma said, trying to smile in spite of his mood, but he still felt that nagging pain of Sadge™️ in his heart.
“Woof woof!” This clever dog saw right through him, and he was having none of his lies.
“Hey, I’m not-…!” But before the shiba could scold him further for lying, footsteps quickly approached the teahouse’s entrance.
“Hoo! Phew, finally some shelter! C’mon, buddy! Hurry!” The door opened, revealing a slightly drenched Itto with his little bull companion Ushi, both wet from the heavy rain.
“I-Itto?! Oh my! You’re- You’ll catch a cold…!” Thoma exclaimed, surprised to see them entering like that.
“Heh! Oh don’t worry, this is nothin’. Mind if we crash here?” Itto said with confidence, shutting the door once Ushi was in. “I’ve been through worse!” he added with a chuckle.
“L-Let me get you some towels. I’ll be with you in a moment!” Thoma sprung into action right away, leaving the room for a moment while Taromarou went to greet his guests.
“Hahaha! Thanks, man! You’re a real one.” Itto replied, chuckling as Ushi tried to shake himself off. “Hey, hey, be still. Gimmie a sec.” he said, kneeling down to remove the bull’s armor.
“Mooo…” Ushi moo’d with satisfaction, stretching a little before walking towards Taromarou, who had hopped off the counter to play with him.
“Woof woof!” he barked, happily wagging his tail as Ushi replied with another moo.
“Hah! You two sure get along well, huh?” Itto said, chuckling at their cute communication. “Aww, hello, boy! Workin’ hard today, huh? Such a good boy!” He knelt down once more to pet Taromarou, before being “attacked” with puppy kisses.
“Woof woof!” The shiba was happy to see him, licking the oni’s face affectionately, which made him stumble a little.
“Hahaha! Easy there, pal! It tickles.” He said, laughing as he played with Taromarou. “Mooo…” Ushi watched and yawned a bit before he looked around, wondering when the retainer would come back. He preferred to be without chaos for now, wanting to sit beside his master after he’d calmed down.
Meanwhile, Thoma had found the towels, but struggled to leave the room to join the others. He knew they needed to dry themselves, but unfortunately he felt like he couldn’t go back just yet. He knew he should, but the moment he felt tears in his eyes from all the built up sadness, he just wanted to hide. Hearing the fun Itto was having, he didn’t want to spoil it. He knew deep down the oni would understand, being as kind as he was, but he chose to stay to finish crying first.
The playful chaos in the other room lasted for quite a while before the trio realized Thoma hadn’t come back yet. Taromarou had calmed down by then, laying in Itto’s lap with a content expressionon on his widdle face while Ushi huffed to get their attention.
“Hm… hey, shouldn’t Thoma be back now?” Itto asked, petting both animals on their heads.
“Moo.” Ushi agreed, looking to the direction the human had gone.
“Uh-huh… Hey, Taromarou? Wanna earn yourself a treat?” Itto asked with a smile. The shiba perked up and wagged his tail. “Go find Thoma for us, alright?”
“Woof woof!” Taromarou barked with some excitement before he hopped up and sniffed to pick up his master’s scent. He didn’t really need to do this, since he knew where the towels were, but he did it anyway just to be sure.
“Damn it…!” Thoma muttered to himself, wiping his tears away to stop crying. Hearing the door be pushed open by Taromarou startled him, and he almost dropped the towels onto the floor. The loyal dog whined as he walked up to his human, sensing something was wrong.
“Ah-.. what’re you doing here, boy?” Thoma tried to act normal, but couldn’t hide his slightly dampened face from man’s best friend. Taro let out a small growl before barking, basically telling Itto to get over there. “Ah- shh, sshh, don’t-!”
“Woof! Woof woof!” Taromarou huffed and looked at him with big puppy eyes, his tail resting behind him as he felt worried. Thoma was about to say something, but Itto came in just then.
“Aha! You found him! Good boy!” Itto praised, chuckling before he noticed the lack of excitement in the shiba.
“Ah…! S-Sorry for the wait.” Thoma tried to act natural, smiling slightly as he handed a towel to Itto. “You must be cold by now. Please, take this.”
“Ah- thanks, heh!” Itto focused on drying his hair before anything else. He had to be careful not to rip the towel with his horns as he rubbed it against his head.
“Moooo…” Ushi closed his eyes and Thoma knelt down to dry him off. It felt good, he thought.
“There you go, lil- ah, I mean, big guy. Hehe.” Thoma chuckled at his error, but to his dismay started to feel sad again. Emotions are complicated, he thought. He couldn’t hide them from Itto, especially not when knowing he’s so kind and caring. The oni was talking about the weather, but Thoma wasn’t paying attention, trying to control his tears and distract his mind.
“…and it was cold, man! I usually try to brush it off… real men don’t carry umbrellas, I say. I’m starting to reconsider that, though… ugh…” Itto rambled, messing up his hair with the towel as he tried to dry it quickly.
Taromarou whined at Thoma while Itto combed his hair to fix it. The oni glanced at the housekeeper and noticed a sniffle. “Hey…? Are you okay?” he asked.
And that’s when the floodgates opened, of course, at that simple question. He trusted Itto, so his brain was simply wired to let go of his emotions now. He couldn’t say much as he wiped his tears.
“Thoma…” Itto knew Thoma liked hugs, so he sat down next to him on the floor and invited him into one. Ushi wiggled away from the towel to comfort the worrying shiba while the men hugged one another.
“There there, I got you…” Itto comforted, patting the other’s back. Thoma’s cries were mostly sniffles and hiccups. His voice was barely heard. He rested his head against the other, melting into the embrace as he sought comfort. “I’m just so tired…” he said, sniffling and wiping his eyes.
“I get that…” Itto couldn’t remember if he’d ever seen Thoma cry before. It worried him, but he kept focusing on comforting the other. Poor guy, thought Ushi as he stood by and watched, trying to comfort the whining shiba. Thoma calmed down after a while, feeling much better after letting his frustrations out. He wanted to pull away, but simply couldn’t as he rested against Itto, so tired from such a long day.
“You okay?” Itto asked, patting his back as he loosened the hug.
“Mm… it’s been a long day, I guess…” Thoma replied, wiping his eyes again.
“Yeah. Maybe it’s the weather? I mean, it’s pretty shitty today, isn’t it?” he said with a light chuckle, pleased to hear a snicker from the other.
“Heh, yeah. It’s been raining all day. I’ve felt down since I woke up this morning.” Thoma said, sighing. “I guess I got up on the wrong side?”
“Mm, maybe. I know how it feels. It sucks.” Itto replied, adjusting himself as Thoma pulled away.
“Yeah… one thing lead to another, and-… here we are.” Thoma said, hinting as if something else was wrong.
“Mhm? What happened?” Itto gave him a curious look.
“Ah, just… minor inconveniences building up.” He didn’t want to talk about it and hoped Itto wouldn’t pry.
“Ah, dude, I hate when that happens! And it’s always when we’re already upset- THAT’S when our clothes get caught on door handles.” Itto ranted, crossing his arms.
Thoma laughed, and Itto felt glad for that. “It’s true! It really is…!” the pyro wielder agreed, chuckling at Itto’s attitude.
“For real. Ugh!” Itto rolled his eyes before smirking and laughing it off with Thoma. They were still sat on the floor, allowing Taromarou to come cuddle his master.
“Y’know you can tell me anything, right?” Itto asked, patting Ushi who’d come over to join.
“Yeah… I just… I heard some whispers around the estate, and all… I kinda miss Mondstadt, too.” Thoma took a breath and explained as best as he could. Sometimes, certain estate guards were not kind to him. They didn’t think a guy from Mondstadt belonged there, working for such an important family in Inazuma. Their distasteful jabs really stuck with him today, since his mood was already down to begin with.
“It’s not the first time… I’ve already told Master Kamisato about it. Again.” he sighed as he said this, petting Taromarou while he spoke.
“Psh, then you gotta tell them to fuck off! Stand up for yourself, man! Those guards ain’t shit!” Itto said, angry that someone would be so mean to Thoma. He was such a kind soul! He didn’t deserve that!
“Ah, I know… but- well, they’re kinda intimidating, heh…” Thoma chuckled slightly, a bit embarrassed. Ushi huffed in response.
“They’re pussies, actually! What, they can talk smack behind your back, but can’t say it to your face?” Itto questioned.
Thoma chuckled. “They do, sometimes. It’s pretty back-handed.”
“The audacity! Ugh, when I catch them-…” Itto huffed angrily, clenching his fists.
“L-Let’s not escalate anything, okay? I’ll talk to Ayato about it…” Thoma said, smiling nervously.
“You still need to stand up for yourself and tell those guys to buzz off!” he said, now censoring his swears for Thoma’s sake.
“I-… I can’t do that, Itto.”
“Yes you can. Ayato wouldn’t fire you for that, y’know. He’s a chill guy.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about. Those guards just scare me too much…” Thoma frowned and looked away, getting nudged by Taromarou.
“Then scare them back. Tell them the big bad oni will come get them if they don’t stop!” Itto said, grinning with some amusement at his idea.
Thoma chuckled. “Itto, they’d arrest you on sight if I threaten them with that!”
“So what? I’m not going down without a fight!” Itto chuckled too, enjoying their newfound banter.
“And how do you think Ayato would react seeing you beat up his guards?”
“If his guards are asshats, they deserve it.” Itto shrugged. Thoma snickered and started laughing at Itto’s goofy arguments.
“Hahaha…! Oh you’re impossible to reason with~!” he teased.
“Pfft, so are you!” Itto struggled to contain his giggles.
“Touché. Hahahaha..!”
Once they had calmed from their shared giggles, Thoma felt the weight on his heart lighten. Taromarou wagged his tail and nuzzled him to comfort further. Thoma giggled at the shiba’s antics, feeling ticklish from the way his muzzle rubbed against his neck.
“Aww~ such a good boy!” Itto cooed, smiling at the cuteness. Ushi agreed, giving a small nod he’d learned from the bipedals around him.
“Pfft~ Hehehey!” Thoma protested half-heartedly as Taromarou excitedly pawed at him, licking his face and wagging his tail. “I-It tickles!” Thoma giggled more as the dog managed to push him over.
“Hahaha! Yeah, get him!” Itto joked playfully, laughing along at the scene.
“Itto, help me~! Hehehehe!” Thoma laughed playfully, putting little effort into escaping.
“Haha, fear not, I’ll help ya out!” Itto said, with a rather devious expression which the housekeeper didn’t see.
“Ahahaha! Hurry!” Thoma laughed as the playful shiba licked his ear, trying to push the doggo away.
“Heheh, do I have to?” Itto took his time, giggling at the scene before scooping up Taromarou and placing him aside.
“Hehe…! Thank you…” Thoma chuckled, about to sit up before he suddenly found himself laughing out loud again as Itto betrayed him, tickling him instead. “WhAAHAHA!! Wahahahahait- nohohohohoho!!” he squealed with surprise, weakly pushing at his tickler’s wrists as he laughed and wiggled.
“Instructions unclear, couldn’t let him have all the fun!” Itto teased, playfully wiggling his fingers all around, gently but quickly tickling the other. Taromarou hopped around playfully as he watched, happy to see and hear Thoma smiling and giggling.
“Ihihittohohoho!! Ahahahahahaha! Plehehehease!” Thoma laughed, not squirming around as much as Itto had hoped he would. The tickly sensation of those nails combining with his shirt’s fabric was simply maddening, yet strangely fun.
“Heheh! You want me to stop?” Itto asked, targetting the other’s sides and ribs for the funnie.
“Ahahahahahaha!! N-Not thehehehere!!” Thoma squealed, his eyes squeezed shut as he laughed and wiggled. Despite how badly it tickled, Thoma didn’t squirm too much, but the teasing made him want to roll away and curl up. Itto snickered, finding him oddly adorable while tickling his tummy, making him laugh and flutter his legs. “Mhm? You want mercy yet?” he asked.
“Ahahahahahaha!! Y-Yehehes, plehehehease!!” Thoma finally pleaded, giggling his head off. He was a really ticklish guy; a fact both Kamisato siblings knew well before Itto found out.
“Hahaha! There ya go~ was that so hard?” Itto teased playfully as he stopped tickling. He reached out to help Thoma, pulling him up to sit.
“Haha… huff… haha… that was mean, you know…” He said, too shy to admit he’d needed it.
“Heh! Ya better keep on smiling now, or the tickle monster might getcha!” Itto joked, laughing at the playful shove he got in response.
“Don’t be so childish! Hahaha…” Thoma joked back, chuckling with amusement. Boy, he sure was lucky Itto had shown up.
“Hahahaha! I’m not being childish, I’m just warning ya.” Itto replied, sticking his tongue out in a playful expression.
“As if, you goof.” Thoma chuckled, feeling a lot better than he did earlier today. He was really glad Itto showed up, relieved to no longer have to cry. “Heh… thanks for cheering me up, though…” he said, a bit sheepish since he’d been tickled.
“Ah, no problem. I’m just glad I could help out!” Itto replied, grinning proudly. “And besides, it was really funny seein’ you giggle like that.”
“Oh, don’t even mention that!” Thoma blurted out, embarrassed by his teasing.
“Heh! Or what? What’re you gonna do ‘bout it?” Itto taunted playfully, giggling at the playful banter.
“Tch.” Thoma had to think of something…
“I’ll just tickle you agai-”
“Taromarou, get him!”
“Woof woof!” Itto’s confidence was short-lived as the shiba sprang up, wagging his tail as he unleashed his nuzzling attack. Ushi huffed and sat a bit further away from the chaos, knowing dang well his master wouldn’t last without squirming.
“Pfft- that’s not fair!” Itto protested, giggling his ass off already as he tried to gently push the dog away. The affectionate nuzzles and licks against his jaw tickled real bad.
“That’s how it started for me, so it’s plenty fair.” Thoma replied, chuckling with amusement. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the courage to tickle Itto himself, so he let his pupper do it instead.
“Hahahaha! Make him stop~! I- hahaha! I cahahan’t-! Hehehehe!” Itto struggled to speak through his giggles, and Taromarou pushed him over just like he’d done to Thoma.
“Hehehe, that’s so cute~!” Thoma cooed, adoring his dog’s antics. It was also really funny how such a small dog could bring such a powerful oni down like that.
“Hahahaha! C’mohohon! Stahp it!” Itto snickered and finally managed to convince Taromarou to let up, giggling as he caught his breath.
“Are you really that ticklish, Itto?” Thoma teased with amusement. He was genuinely curious, though.
“Tch, am not! Shut up…” Itto protested, though he struggled to act grumpy because that moment was simply too sweet not to smile at.
“You sure about that? Taro sure had you fighting for your life there.” Thoma said with a chuckle.
“Psh, that was nothing! It’s not like I was dying from some puppy love.” Itto scoffed, trying to save his pride.
“Mhm, sure…” Thoma chuckled and shook his head before standing up from the floor.
“I’m not lying!” Itto retorted, standing up as well.
“I didn’t say you were!” Thoma replied.
“You-…! Pfft-…”
Neither of them could continue their banter as they laughed at the situation. Itto never failed to bring joy and sunshine wherever he went, even on the gloomiest of days. Thoma felt grateful to have him as a friend; he was always so kind and loving to him.
Perhaps he should seek him out more often…
#tickle fic#genshin tickles#genshin tickle#genshin tickling#genshin impact tickles#genshin impact tickle#genshin impact tickling#lee!thoma#ler!itto#ticklish!thoma#ticklish!itto#my private twashcan
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Counter attack @rand0m-s1nner!! I hired Childe to pay you back for the ear tickles~✨️😌
Though he seems more than happy to not just stay at the ears...
No text version under the cut!♡
#taf2024#tickleartfight2024#taf2024feathers#chu draws#genshin impact tickles#ler childe#ler tartaglia#get childed~
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Tickletober 2024
Day 4: Question
Lee!Razor x Ler!Bennett

Bennett was helping Razor study in the library of the Knights of Favonius, a task that Lisa herself had entrusted to him.
“Make sure he completes two worksheets and reads at least one chapter of the book, okay cutie? If he’s done when I get back I’ll take you both out for a treat with Captain Kaeya, okay?” She had explained to him, showing the blond the worksheets she wanted the wolf-boy to complete, as well as what chapter of what book he was to read, as well as instructing him to help whenever Razor was in a rough spot.
Only about half an hour in and Razor had finished the worksheets – he was learning fast thanks to Lisa, quickly filling in the blanks and writing out definitions for words he rarely hears, it was clear just how smart the boy actually was.
So that brings them to now, almost an hour with Razor sitting in his lap on the floor reading his book. He quickly read the chapter Lisa wanted, but was apparently far too engrossed in the story to put the hardcover down. Bennett was dozing off with his arms wrapped around his friend when he heard him ask his first question of the day. “Bennett, what is…tickling?”
They boy’s eyebrows creased together, quite confused by the question. Well, not the question, per say, but what the question was about. Razor had certainly been tickled before, he’d seen the boy get tweaked in the sides or scratched on his stomach by both Kaeya and Diluc, not to mention Lisa, Aether, Lumine, or even himself. Perhaps he just never knew it had a word?
“Oh? Is that a word you just saw in your book? You know what it is, right? This?” He answered with a slight smile, his fingers ghosting over the boy’s bare side, nails fluttering from his waistline up to his ribs and back.
Razor jumped, the book flying out of his hands as he began to giggle, flinching away from the bandaged fingers and into Bennett’s other leg. “Thahahat ihihis tihihickling?” Razor asked in astonishment, all of the dots connecting in his brain.
“Rahahazor lihihike ihit!” He giggled, almost leaning into the touch until Bennett added his other hand, lightly scraping his nails over Razor’s other side and making the boy yelp.
“Yeah!” The blond giggled to himself, a slight blush adorning his cheeks as he watched his friend laugh – he had to admit, he was pretty adorable. “See, you know what it is! I don’t know how you never knew, I thought Miss Lisa or even Sir Kaeya or Master Diluc would have explained it to you by now!”
Razor shook his head as he leaned back into Bennett’s chest, his hair splaying over his shoulders as he threw his head back, cheeks pink. “Nohohoho! Thehey just cahahall Razor cuhuhute!”
Bennett giggled, sliding a hand into Razor’s shirt to claw at his soft, scarred tummy, the boy’s laugh getting hysterical. “That’s because you are cute!”
“I’d have to agree, he is a cutie, isn’t he Bennett?” Lisa smiled from above the two. Bennett and Razor were both far too engrossed in their fun to notice the clicking of her heels or even the door shutting behind her as she entered the library. Bennett quickly let go of the boy, coughing up an excuse.
“O-oh, Miss Lisa! I-I didn’t hear you come in…” He trailed off, scratching the back of his neck. “He finished everything! Even read a few more chapters of the book! He just got to a point where tickling was mentioned so I, uh…I showed him what it was…” He said sheepishly, Razor letting out residual giggles as he leaned into the other.
Lisa herself chuckled, picking the book from the ground and placing it neatly on the table next to the finished worksheets. “I see. Well, since it seems like you two finished everything, some with me, Sir Kaeya is waiting outside. We’ll treat the two of you to some sticky honey roast.”
Bennett and Razor’s eyes both lit up at the mention of the sweet and savory dish, their mouths practically drooling as they quickly got up and followed the librarian outside. Perhaps the others will ‘teach’ Razor what tickling is at Good Hunter.
#tickletober 2024#lee!razor#ler!bennett#genshin impact tickles#genshin impact tickle#genshin impact tickling
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l.. lee aether *has a fucking stroke*
i wanted this to turn out a bit better, but idk 😭
Aether laid comfortably in his bed, curled up in the white blanket that was definitely too big for the mattress itself. After staying up late in Liyue doing the simplest things people could have done themselves, he was tired out. But so tired that he slept all the way to lunch? Paimon wasn't so sure..
To be fair, Paimon had only woken up around an hour before.. but that doesn't count! She was used to Aether being her personal alarm clock. She had decided that he could sleep until she got some food for a late breakfast.. But when she came back into the room, he hadn't shifted in the slightest bit.
“Traveller!” She huffed, floating over just above his figure and shook his shoulder. “Come on, up!”
Aether groaned, swatting her hand away and pulling the covers over his head. “Ugh, stop..” His floating companion unfortunately didn't give up, but took a different approach. She sat on the side of the bed, tilting her head at him.
“Paimon’s disappointed! But.. there's no other choice. Paimon’s gonna do the unthinkable!” She exclaimed, standing up on the bed proudly before screeching out her next words;
“Shut up, shut up!” Aether gasped, jolting awake and slapping a hand over the other's mouth. “Paimon! He's probably busy!”
“It got you up though~” She teased after Aether removed his hand, smirking smugly. “Well.. lucky, I don’t think Xiao heard Paimon anyways.”
“..Huh. I guess so. ..well, in that case–” The blonde flopped back onto the pillows, turning away from the now floating Paimon. “Hey!! Traveller! Get up, or Paimon’s gonna-”
“You called..?”
She gasped dramatically, her whole body jolting around in a panic. When she realised who it was, she sighed in relief. “Xiao! You always pop up so randomly, you know that?”
“But.. you're the one who called my name. I don't see how that's very ‘random’, Paimon..” He replied, his arms crossing over his chest in the familiar stance.
“Whatever! Just- help Paimon already! The traveller’s being lazy again!” She whined, tapping where Aether’s shoulder would be under the blanket. “He was awake just a few moments ago, Paimon doesn’t know how he does it.”
Xiao took a few steps over, peering over at the other’s sleeping state. “..Why don’t you just do it?” He asked softly, gently taking ahold of the blanket and dragging it down just so Aether’s face was visible.
“Oh believe me, Paimon’s tried.” She sighed softly, shaking her head. “Well.. This is your problem now. Tell him that Paimon’s in Mondstadt! Bye Xiaaoo~”
Before he could object, Paimon had disappeared into the hall and out the teapot. He huffed quietly, sitting on the edge of the mattress with his legs crossed. He stared for a few seconds, before gently nudging his arm. “Traveller.”
With no response, he repeated the motion. “It's late..”
“..I saw you last night, you know.” Be began, after realising that small movements weren’t doing anything. “Running around for people you don't even know. It's.. admirable, I suppose. But you shouldn’t be doing it. If mortals like yourself don't take the breaks they require, things like this happen.”
He perked up at the small breath the other huffed out, rubbing his eyes with the back of his knuckles. “..I know..” He mumbled, a soft giggle leaving his lips. “You're so poetic without realising it.”
“A-Ah.. I have little knowledge, nor talent for poetry.” Xiao spoke, his hands moving absentmindedly to sit in his own lap.
“Uhuh..” Aether mumbled in response, yawning softly before stretching his arms up. “..Hey, what are you doing here? Did- ohh..”
Seemingly just processing the events that happened, his eyes fluttered open to look up at the adeptus. “Sorry that Paimon called you. I didn’t.. I guess I was being slightly stubborn.”
The claim made Xiao huff a chuckle out, shrugging. “It's fine, I wasn’t particularly busy.”
“That's good..” He whispered, moving to lay on his back. He let out a few sleepy noises, his eyes drooping back shut. He should be getting him awake and out of bed.. but..
“Half an hour, okay?” The adeptus sighed, softening slightly at the pleased sound the other expressed.
And soon that half hour passed, causing Xiao to enter back into the warm room. He was slightly tempted to explore the house Aether resided in, but decided against it after some thought. Instead, he spent the time taking a look around the nature of the realm.
“Aether.” He called quietly, leaning on the door frame before fully welcoming himself in. “Come on, up.”
“Ugh, no..” He whined, turning around to face away from the other figure. “Later.”
“It’s almost two in the afternoon, and figuring Paimon’s been out for a bit..” he trailed off, returning to his previous position on the mattress. “What I'm trying to say is.. would you rather wake up to me or a screaming Paimon?
“..Good point.” Aether mumbled, “But I really, really don't want to.”
“Just come on. It's not the end of Teyvat y'know.” He replied, nudging the traveller somewhere on his torso, it was hard to tell under the blanket.
To Xiao’s surprise, he felt the other jolt away from his hand huff. “Mmph, dohont.. come onn, im tired~..”
“..Are you hurt?” He asked, gently moving the blanket to his upper thighs and poking around the area he had before. Considering the crop top, it didn't provide a lot of protection.
“hah.. noho, Xiao-” Aether giggled, shifting his position on the bed. “stop it..”
“You don't seem hurt.. you're laughing, after all.” Xiao thought out loud, tilting his head to the side. “Are you just pretending?”
“Xiao, it tickles.” Aether finally whispered, his knees curling in at the thought of it. “..Oh.” The adeptus said with a now understanding tone. “Good.”
“Good?” Aether repeated with a playful scoff, “How is that good?”
“Good because you're not in pain, like I previously expected.” He corrected himself. “Now.. Up. You have your daily commissions, don't you?”
The traveller groaned, crossing his arms over his face to block the sunlight from his eyes. “ugh, don't remind me..”
“Aether.” Xiao repeated sternly, “Last chance until I have to get you up myself. It’s too late to call this just ‘sleeping in’.”
“Boooo,” He mumbled, “Do your worst..”
Aether didn't really expect Xiao to do what he did.. After all, he didn't really have a great understanding of it, he forgot what it was just a few moments ago!
..So which is why he was surprised when he felt cold fingertips skitter up his side.
He yelped, his arms immediately shooting down and reaching for the attacker's hand. Of course, he was too sleepy to remember that Xiao was a literal adepti, and stopping his hand from reaching his own was probably the easiest thing in the world. “Xiahahao-” He whined, kicking his legs out from their previously curled position. “Cohome ohon!”
“If you just sat up, you could prevent this.” Xiao mumbled, pressing the said fingers into his lower tummy. The movement resulted in a loud yelp, rapid giggles flowing from the other’s throat.
“Yohou could prevehent this too! ju- jehesus chrihist!” He gasped, his hands still on a futile attempt to push the other’s away.
“Jesus who?” He asked, a confused look on his face. “You must be delirious..”
“Ahahm nohot!” He claimed, pushing his back into the mattress like that would do anything to ease the sensations. “if ihi am, ihits yohour fahault!”
“Hm. If you say so.” Xiao shrugged it off, seemingly careless. He began to move his hand down the side of his torso, latching onto his hip and squeezing softly. “Is this convincing you?”
“Ihits nohot!” Aether exclaimed, “Ihits- ihits making… yohou..- ugh, yohour impohossible!”
“I'm impossible?” He asked sarcastically, “Well, I'm not the one who overworked himself all night.. Honestly, Traveller.. I wish to know your thought process when you decided that was a good idea.”
“Cahan yohou shuhut uhuhup?!” He bucked slightly into the other’s hand, a small gasp leaving his lips before another round of giggles.
“Can you get up?” Xiao repeated, feeling an unusual amount of playfulness in the moment. Unusual.. but, welcomed. Especially when it turned the oh-so powerful Traveller into mush.
“Buhut I dohont wahant too!” He repeated himself, his head leaning back into the pillow, digging his heels into the bed. Xiao looked up, catching a glimpse of Aether’s face.
His fingers slowed to a stop as he stared at him, taking in his expression. “Hah.. x-xiao? What's wrong?” He asked in a giggly tone, his arms moving to cross over his tingling torso.
“..Nothing.” Xiao mumbled, blinking his gaze away from his face. “Your blushing~” He smiled smugly, tilting his head down. “What happe- xihihao!”
“You seem to have forgotten your current position, Aether.” He chuckled softly, letting his hand squeeze up from his lip to his stomach.
“Have you had enough yet? I trust you’ll get up eventually.” He mumbled, using his nails to scribble just above his navel.
“Ihi wihill, ihi wihill!” He whined, small breathy giggles leaving his lips at the aftermath of Xiao stilling his fingers.
“..In a second.” He finished his sentence, feeling a genuine laugh escaping him at the look Xiao gave him.
Without a second thought, The fingertips travelled up his ribcage and gently scritched in between the bones.
"You- ugh.."
“I was kidding-!”
#syns stuff#lee aether omg.#lee!aether#lee!traveller#lee!traveler#ler!xiao#ler xiao#lee aether#genshin impact tickles#genshin impact tickle#genshin tickles#genshin tickle#could be taken romantically but idk
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A Magician's Trick || Genshin Tk Fic

A/N: Hello!! I have just finished the Fontaine story quest and qidjjwd I'm so dearly inlove. That is all. also it's semi rushed but SHHHH-
Warning: Spoilers on Fontaine Act One, if you haven't finished it and wish not to be spoiled, do NOT read!
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After winning the trial thanks to Paimon and Traveler's help, Lyney and Lynette had headed home. As they made it towards home, they couldn't help but feel slightly worried for Ferminet, after all, the poor guy had rather bad anxiety.
After a long trip, and the amount of people riding the aquabus, having to rudely barge through them like a stampede, and the rain from the previous trial almost making them slip in each turn, the two eventually made it back home. Lynette had opened the door using their spare key's, and the two finally set foot inside.
They were met with silence, as Ferminet was, as usual, in his room, looking out the window as he snuggled up against his penguin toy. The two had to hold back an awe before being met with a pout.
"What took you two so long?" He asked, not budging from his position on the bed at all, as Lyney searched for word's.
"Ferminet, we know you're upset, but it really is a misunderstanding." Lyney said, Lynette nodding beside him. They both walked closer to him. "May we?"
Ferminet gave them each a glance before nodding, as the two climbed atop his bed on each side of him, wrapping warm, yet soaking appendages, around him. Ferminet shivered from the wet touch, yet leaned into them anyways, having missed them for what felt like an eternity.
"The Traveler and Paimon told me everything, so don't worry, I'm not that mad." He mumbled, making Lyney sigh aloud, resting his head ontop on Ferminet's, making him look at the two.
"Oh? But you're still mad?" Lyney asked, and as soon as Ferminet nodded, Lyney exchanged a mischievous glance towards his twin sister, who immediately got the message, and coiled their arm's around him slightly tighter, making sure he was still cozy.
"Oh Ferminet, you know we can't accept that! Now, give your big brother a big, wide smile!" He asked, smiling widely himself, however, when Ferminet ever so rudely ignored him, Lyney took action. "Fine, the hard way it is."
And with that, the elder nrother started, his finger trailing up and down the younger's back, dancing underneath his shoulder blades and trailing down his spine. "I have a new magic trick, and it'll make that frown - disappear into thin air!"
At Lyney's teasing, Ferminet's cheeks flushed a rosy red, yet he refused to give in so easily, which both Lyney and Lynette knew would happen, causing Lyney to use two daring finger's. What became two quickly became three, and what became three became four, until five finger's were gently fluttering the younger's back, making their way towards his ribs.
"My dear assistant, would you be ever so kind to keep count with me? After all, our dear Ferminet's ribs must be all over the place from how hard he's trying to keep that adorable pout in line!" Lyney keot up his teasing, his both sets of hands rested at his lower ribs. Ferminet's eyes opened up even wider, as his hands went to grab Lyney's, only to be stopped at Lynette caught hold of his wrists, holding his wrists slightly over his head.
"Sure." Lynette said plainly, yet her tone showed amusement. Lyney went right back into character as his thumbs wiggled over each rib.
"1.. 2.. 3.. 4.." The two counted, and at each wiggle against his ribcage, Ferminet ended up wriggling himself, that pout being replaced with that awfully adorable yet wobbly grin. His rosy cheeks popping out his sprinkled over freckles, as he shook his head slightly.
"9.. Uh oh, I seem to not recall my last number, what about you, dear sister?"
"No, I cannot remember either, do you, Ferminet?"
Ferminet could only whine as they teased him, after all, they all know how bad it was for him whenever they started heading towards the peak, his upper most ribs being more sensitive then his lower one's. "It's five! Count from five!" He spoke out.
Lyney smiled, "Aww, so you were counting with us? I didn't think you'd be the type to play along, even when you're already so sensitive! Kitchi-kitchi-koo!~" The magician chippered at his teases, giggling mischievously as he darted towards his highest set of ribs, thumbs gently massaging at the bundle of nerves.
Ferminet's eyes shut tightly, as his face contorted into an extra wide grin, laughter spilling out for the first time during this entire session, Lyney, and even Lynette, giggled alongside him, as the younger squirmed under their touch.
"L-Lynehehehey! Plehease, nohot thehehere! Mohove spohohots, plehease!" The diver helplessly curled up, legs kicking slightly, he almost hit Lyney, but he swiftly avoided the unintentional attack.
"Opting to hurt me now, are we? Fine, I'll move spots, I'll almost change my positioning!" The magician smiled, before moving himself so he was sitting on Ferminet's waist, he made sure both himself and Ferminet was comfortable, and as the diver showed no discomfort, he gently petted his head, assuring him he was okay.
"If it's too much, just shout 'stop' alright?" Lynette reminded, Ferminet nodding slightly. Lyney looked at the younger brother and thought, wondering if he should get this over with, after a bit of contemplation, he opted for his first toughts, as his hands hovered over the younger. His hands hovered between his hips and sides, being Ferminet's weakspot, as he finally descended down.
Ferminet's breath hitched, yet his smile widdened, despite Lyney's hand just resting on the spot, a large smirk enlaced his features. "My final trick is quite the tricky, I like to call it.. hm, I don't quite know, lets say a magician's trick, hm?" He winked, before taking his gloves off, and finally ending it all.
His fingers wriggled up and down, darting from his hips to his sides, making the younger buck and scream, his face hiding into the sleeves of his arm to not make so much noise. Lyney was skilled, persistent, as his gentle fingertips danced across these two spots rhythmically. While he wasn't paying attention, his arms were finally released, as Lynette joined in on the fun, her manicured nails gently teasing the side's of his neck and even scribbling under his chin. The younger kept his arms in place, this time over his chest, as his troso wriggled and his legs kicked behind Lyney.
"WahaAHAIT! NOHOT THAT! Lynehehette! NohoHo! AhahAHAHA! LYHEHENY!" He yelled at the two, as they both traded smiles.
"Oh? You're keeping your hands to yourself? How cute! Our little diver has some restraint~" Lyney smiled, giggling as Ferminet shoved at him weakly, only to shriek as Lyney kneaded between his hips and sides permanently, making the younger cackle his hardest yet.
And with that word, both stopped immediately, arm's wrapping around him with a warm embrace, the magician chuckling.
"Awe, did you enjoy that?" Lyney smiled, only to hold his own chest as Ferminet nodded, giggles still spilling.
"So, you forgive us yet?" Lynette asked, her hand rubbing against his back, as Lyney just hugged him close, looking up at Ferminet with puppy dog eye's.
"Ugh.. fine." He smiled, giggling as Lyney cheered. "Now.. please take a shower, you'll both get sick."
And with that, the three decided to huddle up and snuggle until they all fell asleep, their apology accepted, yet definitely going to be given back tenfold someday.
#natalie writez#sfw tickle community#sfw tk community#tk community#sfw tk blog#tickle content#tickle fluff#tickle fic#genshin impact tickle#genshin tickle#genshin tickling#genshin impact tickles#genshin impact tickling#lee!ferminet#ticklish!ferminet#ler!lynette#ticklish!lynette#ler!lyney#ticklish!lyney
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breathes can i ask "and what are you gonna do, tickle me" w arlefuri...or any other furina pairing i just crave lee furina ty 🙏🙏
Mischievious Prompts [Still Open]
It wasn’t often that Navia left Furina and Arlecchino alone in a room together these days – but, admittedly, Furina had grown more comfortable around the Harbinger with time, so when Navia double-checked that she’d be okay before leaving that morning, Furina insisted that she’d be fine.
And, to be fair, most of the morning had actually gone very pleasantly between them, with a morning spent in the Hearth household after checkin with Arlecchino’s charges.
It was only when walking back to Furina’s apartment that a small argument broke out – a really one-sided argument, honestly – when Arlecchino made an offhanded comment about Furina’s spending.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“Simply that I believe you haven’t quite adjusted to a frugal lifestyle,” The taller woman replied coolly; “You seem to be relying quite a lot on Navia and I’s wallets.”
“How dare you! I’ve been making plenty of my own money with directing work as of late!”
“And yet you’ve been spending more of ours…”
“Ooh, so help me, if you don’t stop making these slanderous accusations, I’ll make you eat your words!”
Arlecchino almost laughed, her eyes alighted with amusement as she stared down at Furina, puffed up and angry like a little bird; the ex-primadonna was hardly threatening, least of all to her, and with a brief glance around to ensure nobody else was looking their direction, she changed course, pushing Furina against a wall. The girl wasn’t pinned, of course – after their history, Arlecchino knew better than to hinder her ability to escape in such a threatening way, but the closeness was enough to make Furina’s anger change to pure fluster, a bright pink in her cheeks as she stared up at Arlecchino.
“And what, exactly, are you going to do,” The Harbinger questioned; “Tickle me?”
“I… I…!”
This time, Arlecchino did let loose a rumbling chuckle, watching Furina’s pink cheeks level up to a brighter red at the notion. It was enough to make her fingers itch, and she gave another glance down the street. The apartment wasn’t too far away…
“… Hm. Actually, that gives me an idea.”
“Wha – hey!”
With a squeak, Furina flailed, finding herself suddenly swept up in the Harbinger’s arms and held bridal-style, freezing only as two pointed claws dug threateningly light against her side.
“You –! People will see!”
“We’re not that far away. Besides, I think someone needs to be humbled.”
Her tone made Furina shudder, though she didn’t make a scene, allowing Arlecchino to carry her to the apartment and disappear inside; after all, they both had their images to keep. Best to keep the nonsense behind closed doors.
Not that it mattered, when the diva’s squeals and laughter poured out through the open window minutes later.
#mine#genshin impact tickles#arlecchino#furina#navifuri agenda#technically. bc I'm going with arlenavifuri rules. this is my house#these two are cute ngl...#my fic
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Tickletober Day 2 - Chase
Genshin Impact - ler!Kinich, lee!Neko
After Neko finally got Kinich to join their party, they were in high spirits. But then they remembered the rules…and bolted. How will this game of chase end, I wonder?
This pairing is implied romantic, but can be seen as platonic!
Kinich was chasing after Nekoma, and gaining speed. Nekoma was concentrating in front of them that they didn’t notice the tree root beneath them and tripped right over it. They face planted into the ground, Kinich slowing down to straddle their waist. When they tried to stand up, it was already far too late. Kinich’s fingers dug into their hips, expertly, as if he’d done this a million times before. Nekoma squealed before letting out bouts of high pitched laughter. It was unlike their usual low and monotone voice. Kinich would compare their laughter to the word ‘cute’.
He got bored of not being able to see their face and stopped. Thinking it was over, Nekoma took in greedy gulps of air. But then they were suddenly flipped over onto their back. Their face was covered in dirt and some stray pieces of grass while their hair in the front was messed up, some strand sticking up here and there. Kinich took hold of Nekoma’s hands, pinning them above their head with one hand. Their wrists were quite small, so it was pretty easy for them to be held in place by one hand.
Kinich held one hand up in a claw shape, sporting a small smile. Nekoma closed their eyes, waiting for him to strike…but they weren’t expecting the next move he made. Kinich slowly traced around their stomach, causing them to giggle a little. Nekoma said they hated when he did this, but they didn’t hate it as much as they let on. Nekoma finally got a word out, “Kinihihihich, yohohou meheheheanihihie!” Kinich smirked, mischieviously, “Oh really? I can show you mean if you’d like me to~” His hand turned into a claw shape a skittered over their lower stomach.
They shrieked, this being one of their worst spots, and their giggles became loud laughter. They were usually quiet, so seeing them like this was certainly a treat. “KINIHIHICH NOHOHOHO! THAT’S WOHOHORSE! SOHOHO MUHUHUCH WOHOHORSE!” Kinich slowed his hands back to tracing, still staying at their lower stomach, “See? I think I’m being quite nice, considering you practicaly begged me to join your party.” Nekoma’s giggles slowed down, but were still as high pitched as before, “Ahahare yohou dohohone yehehet?”
Kinich grinned, softly, “Oh please, you haven’t asked me to stop once. You’re enjoying this more than you let on~” Nekoma’s pale face flushed bright red, and they tried to hide their face in their shoulder. “Ah ah, don’t be hiding your face now, or the deal is off~” Nekoma begrudgingly turned their face back to where it was before. “See? This isn’t so bad now is it?~” Nekoma giggled out, “Stihihill kihihinda mehehean.” And if their shrieks of laughter were any indication, they were clearly getting a tickly punishment for that comment.
#tickletober 2024#tickletober day 2 chase#genshin impact tickling#genshin impact tickle#genshin impact tickle fic#ler!kinich#lee!nekoma#ticklish!nekoma#nekoma scribbles#genshin impact tickles#oc tickle#oc tickling#oc tickles#nekoma’s ocs#oc x canon tickles#oc x canon tickling#oc x canon tickle#oc x canon tickle fic#oc tickle fic
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☆ Tickletober 2024 Masterlist ☆

Fandoms: Honkai Star Rail, Zenless Zone Zero, Jujutsu Kaisen, Genshin Impact
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Day 1: Anticipation - Ler!Stelle, Lee!Sampo
Day 2: Chase - Ler!Dan Heng, Lee!Stelle
Day 3: Prank - Ler!Capitano, Lee!Childe
Day 4: Hide and Seek - Ler!Himeko, Lee!Caelus, Lee!March
Day 5: Boo! - Ler!Rina, Lee!Wise
Day 7: Fidget - Ler!Sunday, Lee!Reader
Day 8: Nuzzles - Ler!Fushiguro, Lee!Itadori
Day 9: Wake up! - Ler!Alhaitham, Lee!Kaveh
Day 12: Mischief - Ler!Ayaka, Ler!Ayato, Lee!Thoma
Day 13: Win - Ler!Stelle, Ler!March, Lee!Dan Heng
Day 14: Lose - Ler!Himeko, Ler!March, Ler!Caelus, Lee!Welt
Day 23: Sweet - Lee!Nirei
Day 26: Ticklish kiss - Ler!Jane, Lee!Seth
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
This is my first tickletober ever! Hope u guys enjoy (,,> ᴗ <,,)!!
all of these fics will also be available on ao3 here!
#tickletober#tickletober 2024#honkai star rail tickles#genshin impact tickles#zenless zone zero tickles#jujustu kaisen tickles
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Tickletober // day 15 ( August 's list ) : TICKLE FIGHT
- Fandom : Genshin Impact
- Switch!KidDiluc&Kaeya
----- Enjoy! -----
Aw i got so busy these days this looks so baddd aaaaa
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The stars
Summary: just a quick Drabble of mostly Tighnari and Aether playing in the moonlight later getting joined by general Mahamatra
Warnings: tickles
Characters: switch!Aether, switch!Tighnari and Ler!Cyno
„You‘ve been looking at the stars for quite awhile. Is something the matter Aether…?“ Tighnari asked and sat down next to the laying traveler.
Aether jumped at the sudden appearance of his friend and looked at him in surprise „oh— nothing really..“ he whispered and reached for the stars „I just wish I could travel with her again..“ he murmured barely audible for the normal ear.
Tighnari frowned at the tired and sad traveler. Yet the fennec knew Aether had every right to be sad. Even if people can get used to things they will eventually still miss the things they loved before they got used to their norm.
His ear twitched when he hard a whine and he looked down at the male „Tihighnari quit it!“ Aether giggled and batted at the tail which had been swishing on his side.
A light smile formed on his face and the fennec decided to play dumb. “Quit what Aether?” “NehEHEhe- THiHIS!” Aether announced before he latched onto the forest rangers waist . “BWAHA- Ahaehether!” “What’s wrong Tighnari? I’m right here~!” The traveler chirped and sat up.
Tighnari laughed and squirmed on his place on the ground for awhile before jumping up with Aether after him.
“AHAhahether! Leave ihit!” Tighnari tried to warn as the chase began. Aether chuckled as he followed the flink hybrid mix.
As the chase went on both got their fair share of pokes and squeezes, changing “it” whenever it was needed and when Cyno found them playing outside, Tighnari was chasing Aether.
Both of the two males were smiling and giggling from time to time- yet before he could say anything Tighnari finally tackled Aether. “Hah! Got ya~!” He grinned and finally wiggled his digits over the blondes tummy. “GAHAHAHA~! TIHIHIGHNAHARIIIIIIIIIHEEEEE!” The Traveller suddenly screeched when the other started blowing raspberries.
“Heh~ seems like I’m winning this.” Aether blushed and tried shooting his hands into Tighnaris armpits without luck. The boys hysterics lessened lightly- still he was cackling as his one armpit was attacked while the other was still tracing over his oh so sensitive stomach.
“Aether! The hips! The hips!” Cyno called and ran towards them.
Aethers and Tighnari eyes widened before the two started wrestling. “Hihips huh?” Aether grinned earning a warning grin “careful~ you’re still trAHA-!” Tighnari squealed when hands latched onto his hips and started squeezing there.
Cyno chuckled at the reaction. Tighnari was curling up into himself on Aether who joined in and tickled the fennecs ribs.
Aether smiled brightly. Tighnaris face was flushed in a bright pink and a wide smile played on his features as his body shook with his laughter.
Cyno chuckled and let up, letting Tighnari topple off of the traveler and fall next to him onto the ground.
Cyno joined them there and waited until the two caught themselves.
“You feeling better now?” Tighnari asked making Aether hum “thanks.” He smiled and looked over at the two.
“Don’t worry about it- oh and Cyno.” Tighnari suddenly had a terrifyingly playful aura- making even the General swallow “Yeah..?” “Don’t think you’re off of the hook just yet.” He grinned.
Just a quick Drabble I finished up in a few minutes to clear my mind~
#switch!aether#switch!Tighnari#ler!Cyno#Aether#Cyno#Tighnari#Genshin tickles#Genshin impact tickles#Drabble#genshin impact#berry’s hideout#berry talks
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❤️Squirmy Worm❤️

⚠️This fic focuses mainly on tickling. Please do not read it if that upsets you.⚠️
Yes I’m postponing my only requests to make a fic on a whim, so what? It’s my blog and I don’t get to choose my whims ✨🐊✨ just know, anon, they’re definitely in the works and have many words written, I just need to write more and proof read and so on. sorry for taking so long 🐀 I was depressed but I recovered 👍👍👍
anyways have this bite sized fic :3
Word Count: 890
Sometimes, when there’s nothing else to do, Gorou will seek out Itto to spend time with him. Usually they play some silly games, but this time they chose to snuggle, all nice and toasty in their cozy bed. Sometimes they would ask each other silly questions as a way to bond. It was a fun activity, and a real nice way to spend time together.
“Itto…?” Gorou laid snuggled up next to his lover, hugging him from the side while his head rested on his chest.
“Mm? What’s up, pup?” Itto smiled and gently squeezed him closer, nuzzling his cheek against the warrior’s head. The soft hair felt so nice brushed up against him like that.
“Mm… would you still love me if I was a worm?” Gorou asked with sincerity, glancing up at his partner’s surprised look. He was only joking around for funsies.
“Pfft, what? Of course I would, ya goober! I’ll love you no matter what!” Itto exclaimed, chuckling at such a silly question.
“Hehe~ really? Even if I was a slimey worm? Wouldn’t that be gross?” Gorou asked, grinning playfully as Itto adjusted his position.
“Yeah… heh, bet I could turn ya into a worm right now~ hahaha!” Itto teased, moving to hover over his partner with a mischievous look.
“Hahaha! How would you do that, hm?” Gorou chuckled when he got rolled to his back as a result, smiling at the oni while wagging his tail.
“Oh, just you wait. I’ll turn you into my favorite kind~” Itto teased, sticking the tip of his tongue out in a silly expression.
“Mhm? Heh… I-I hope you don’t mean the slimey one…” Gorou’s ears lowered nervously.
“Nah, it’s not... it’s a different one!”
“Huh? Wh-! Hey!” His relief was short-lived.
Itto snickered and grabbed the blanket, attempting to wrap Gorou up in it, but the canine had other plans and put up a fight instead, squirming and trying to wrestle his way out while laughing with amusement.
“C’mon! Co-operate, will ya? Hold still!” Itto complained, pinning the other down against the bed.
“Ack-! Let me go! Hahahaha!” Gorou laughed, having fun with their silly game even though he failed to escape.
“Ah, what the heck…” Itto dropped his previous plan and simply raised Gorou’s arms above his head, gently, but firmly, holding his wrists down with one hand.
“H-Heh…! Whoa, w-wait!! What are you doinnggg??” Gorou questioned nervously, giggling already as his shirt slipped up a little. His ears twitched and his tail wiggled with excitement…
“Heh~ Who’s my little squirmy worm?” Itto didn’t answer his question, deciding to tickle without warning instead, which made the general squeal loudly.
“EEK!! NahahahAHAHAH!! Stahahahahahahap!!” He exclaimed with surprise, squirming around like crazy. Itto laughed, tickling the other’s armpits one at a time, switching between them to make him squeal and wriggle in different directions.
“Ooh, look at you go! Hahaha! Tickle tickle tickle~” the oni teased, letting go of Gorou’s wrists to tickle his sides with both hands instead. If he hadn’t switched it up, the poor boy would’ve suffered. “Tickle tickle~!” Still, all that teasing was driving him up the wall.
“Nahahahahahaha!! Nahahat thahahahahat!!” Gorou’s high pitched laughter spread throughout the room as he wiggled and flailed, free to move wherever he could since Itto wasn’t sitting on his legs this time. He usually doesn’t, anyway, since Gorou is short (lol).
“Hahaha! You’re so cute~ I love your little giggles so much…” Itto said lovingly, smiling at the other with pure adoration on his face as his tickling slowed, his nails gently tracing the tummy under the canine’s shirt.
“Eheheeheheheehee!! You’re sohohoho mehehehean!!” Gorou hid his face in his hands, giggling up a storm while happily wagging his tail. Even though the sensation was very, very ticklish, he found the softness of it comforting somehow.
“Heheh! You love it~” Itto said, moving one hand to pet Gorou’s head and play with his hair.
“Who’s a good boy~? Who’s a good boy~??” Itto ruffled Gorou’s hair, pausing the tickling to rub his ears with both hands instead.
“Mhmhmhm~ hehehehe~! I-I am! Hehe…!” Gorou felt very brave for answering that. Usually he’d die of embarrassment…
“Oh yes you are! Yes you are! Oh, you’re so cute…” Itto struggled to contain his cute aggression, ruffling the other’s hair some more before growling and tickling him silly. “I just can’t contain myself! You’re way too adorable not to destroy!” he exclaimed, playfully scribbling at whichever spot he could reach, adoring each and every squeak, shriek, and hysterical laugh he got out of the other.
The tickling went on til Gorou’s squirms got less frequent, and they resumed their warm snuggles soon after. Gorou laid on top of Itto, resting his head against his chest as if it were a pillow. His cheeks were rosy, his tail was wagging gently, and his smile hadn’t left his face while he panted.
“Heh… ehehe… huff… hehe…” He’d had a lot of fun, now resting after so much silliness and laughter.
“I love you, my lil’ squirmy wormy~” Itto teased, adjusting their blanket and hugging his darling close, petting his fluffy hair and ears.
“Heheh! I-I love you too… but don’t call me that!” Oh, how he wish he could get proper payback for once… Perhaps that day would come soon.
One can only hope…
#my private twashcan#genshin impact tickle#genshin tickle#genshin impact tickling#genshin tickling#tickle fic#ler!itto#lee!gorou#genshin tickles#genshin impact tickles#ticklish!gorou
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Nothing better than getting your grumpy boyfriend to giggle in your arms~
My art, don't repost but reblog please!♥
#chu draws#genshin impact tickles#lee wanderer#lee scaramouche#ler kazuha#i love the pookies so much they deserve all the giggles and happiness and softness yes yes uvu#kept it sketchy to ease myself out of the long af artblock that's been hovering over me sjdfks#i hope i can start posting stuff a bit more often soon!!
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drunken antics
a bitch is BACCKK🙏 i remember writing the start of this fic before i had this blog omg
Aether hummed, his feet moving to the pace of the city. Friday nights in Mondstadt were especially busy, and even though it was half past 11, various lights and lanterns kept the village lit as people made their way around the place for personal needs and what not. His floating travel companion had tapped out this time, claiming she was too tired to go out on any favours.
The honorary knight walked down the paths near Flora's flower store set up, eventually reaching the lower levels of Mondstadt near the tavern. Glancing at the barrels in front, he quickly decided that going in for a few hello’s wouldn’t be too bad. With a quiet bell chime, the Angels Share noise set into his ears. With tables full and bard playing a lyre at the back. It set a nice ambiance, as he walked up to the ba-
“Traveller! Wha- *hic* Are you doing here?”
recognising the high pitched voice. He turned to meet the eyes of Mondstadt’s famous bard. Venti quickly spinned the chair around and stumbled off. Though, immediately falling into his dear friend wasn't quite what he was trying to do. But it didn't matter, he wrapped his arms around the knight tightly as Aether tried to pull him up to prevent him from falling.
“Ehe~! Aether..*hic* where.. Where have you beenn~? I haven- *hic* seen you in Mon- Monstadt for like.. ever. ehe..” he slightly rambled, huffing as the traveller finally stabilised his stance. “Venti.. who let you get this drunk?”
“I’m not drrun- drunk! jus- *hic* just happyyy~ ehehe.. Aether i'm all spinny.. you- can you pass my me-.. wait.. me my drink? yeah..” He giggled out, whining as aether threw their hand over his shoulder and led his arm around to their’s. “Come on, let's get you home okay?”
Venti gasped loudly, though not to be looked at twice with all the commotion in the tavern. “Whaaat? no!- nonono.. I still.. need to drink the rest..! Ae- tther.. pleasee? ill tell you a secret if you do!” he insisted, leaning over to the others ear and cupping his hands around his mouth as he spoke-
“I’m.. actually Barbatos. shhh.. you can't tell aannybody okay? its a secre- a secret.” He took his hands away and looked into his eyes waiting for a reaction. Aether couldn’t help but laugh a bit, faking a surprised expression. “Wow, really?” he gasped, his voice dripping in sarcasm. He reached into his back pocket and slipped a couple mora bills under the half filled glass. But knowing Venti, that wouldn’t be nearly enough to cover his tab. Poor master Diluc...
“ye- *hic* yeah! I'm like.. alot old. what's the word.. chemistry?” he mumbled, in deep thought. Which is probably why he didn't notice when Aether slowly led him out the tavern and got his own teapot out, because archons know where Venti spends his nights.
“Cen.. centuries! Yeah.. yeah that- that's the word. it means like.. centurie- oh! that was fast.. you're a fast walker..” he slurred his words, leaning his head on Aether’s shoulder.. “I’ll take you to bed, come on.” he insisted softly, leading him up the stairs and into his bedroom. Within seconds of noticing the bed, he tilted his head up all the way and reached out to it only for his arm to slump back down lazily.
Aether complied, sitting him up on the bed and reaching over to the side table to get a bottle of water. “..you- you're not gonna make me drink that. right?”
with a loud groan Venti flopped onto his back and turned away. “Nooo- sont- dont make *hic* -make me..”
“Come on, if you don’t drink this now you're gonna feel especially sick in the morning. Trust me, it's not fun..” he shuttered slightly, remembering the feeling of a particularly bad hangover.
“I don’t care! you- you're bad! you're a bad bad man Aether- you're the worst! i'm not- *hic!* touching your weird, clear, tasteless drink!!”
Aether sighed, setting the bottle back. “..You're drinking it, whether you like it or not. And if it means I have to take some drastic measures, so be it." He said, a serious facade on his face.
The drunkard bard seemingly taking it seriously had wide eyes and a small smile as he spoke;“Huh?! dr- *hic!* drastic! what are you gon- AH! Aethther! dohont- dohohnt yohou dahahare!”
In a swift motion, Aether hand gently moved his hands to scribble across Venti’s upper ribs, giggling softly along with him.
“Oh, I do dare. You know how to make it stop Venti~” The traveller smiled softly, his hands skilfully scratching in between the little bones all the way down to his waist. Venti dug his head into the mattress, kicking his feet out behind him as he squirmed. “ahahE!- noho! Ihi dohon’t wahahant to! goHo awahay!” His hands pressed into the mattress with all the strength he could muster up while like this (Which in all honesty wasnt alot, especially for an archon..) , his wide smile on display.
“Awh, Venti.. Has anyone ever told you that you have a very pretty smile?” He said softly, his fingers massaging into the other’s waist over the lazily tied corset. Venti let out a loud hiccup in between his giggling, shaking his head left to right. “eheno! stohhop teheasing meheee!”
Aether chuckled with a gentle tone in his voice, blunt nails dragging down to where his hips met his thighs, digging in between. “Oh, but I would never tease you, wouldn't even dream of it, Venti.”
Okay, now he was definitely teasing..
Venti’s legs continued kicking, his hands shot up at Aether’s shoulders with a tight grip. “What, you don't like it here? Right here?” The blonde spoke, scribbling his fingers along his lower hips.
“Aehetherrrr~! ihi am- I aham a archon!”
“Yeah, a very giggly one in your case.”
“Aham nohot!” He argued back even through the said giggles, denying any sort of claims. “A drunk one?” Aether counter-offered, his hands travelling down to squish at the sides of his thighs.
“Nohot druhunk! juhust hahappy! I alreheady said that, I thi- wahait wait!” He repeated his phrase from earlier before jolting, his knees trying to curl up to his chest. “What, hm? You're gonna drink some water now?” He asked, fingertips momentarily stilling but continuing to rest on the spot.
“Waihit- juhust wahait..” He insisted, letting out soft breathy giggles as he caught his breath. “Thahats- thats not fair.”
“Ihits not fair?” The traveller repeated, a slight laugh of his own leaving his lips. “And why is that?”
“Because- behecause I have my things on! And thats- its soho bad, so you can’t.” He explained drunkenly, a hand pulling at his own tights to give further example.
“Oh I can’t?” He pressed his finger pads into the small diamonds on the patterned tights, enlightening a giggly gasp from the other. “Are you sure I can’t?”
“..No.” Venti mumbled, a soft squeal escaping his throat when he felt the hands suddenly attach themselves onto his knees and squeeze.
“You're so stubborn, just give upp~ I need to get you to bed, yknow.” Aether shrugged, talking like he was completely oblivious to what he was doing.
Venti didn’t reply, maybe a few babbles about how ‘he wasn’t a baby’, which the blonde simply countered with the reminder that he had his head thrown back because he was just that childishly ticklish. He honestly had never seen him shut up so quickly.. he's definitely gonna use this for blackmail.
“Okahay okay!” He exclaimed dramatically inbetween his squeals, “Stohop, ihim gohonna die!”
“Dramatic, but okay.” He chuckled, rubbing the left over tingles away. “You're done with your little tantrum? You’ll drink it?”
“..I want apple juice.”
“I’ll take it.”
#genshin tickles#syns stuff#genshin tickle#genshin impact tickle#genshin impact tickles#lee!venti#lee venti#ticklish!venti#ticklish venti#ler!aether#ler aether#UGSHHSGSUWYW im such a sucker for lee venti#GET HIM.
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❤️Revenge of a Raven❤️

⚠️This fic focuses mainly on tickling. Please do not read it if that upsets you.⚠️
Ittosara content by yours truly! If Sara is out of character, please let me know. I’ve never written her before-
Summary: Basically Itto and Sara are wrestling in an act of play-fighting because Itto is hyperactive and bored and Sara could use some practice.
⚠️TW/CW: non consensual tickles at first, but it doesn’t last long and boundaries are set as an important lesson.⚠️
I wanted to explore the topic and I don’t have the language to explain why (sorry).
Itto tries to tickle Sara because he wants to see her beautiful smile. But it turns out she hates being tickled and gets upset instead, resulting in *him* being on the receiving end. That’s when she finds out the punishment is meaningless since he’s having fun. In the end he apologizes and she forgives him, but continues tickling him until he’s had enough because he’s a cutie.
Word Count: 3360
It’s strange how times can change, isn’t it? That’s what Kujou Sara was thinking anyway. Who would’ve guessed she’d end up loving Arataki Itto of all yōkai? It was almost unbelieveable to her, and yet there she was, sharing a home with this lovable dork. They had been dating for some time now, starting a while after Sara had finally agreed to that street sumo match. It turned out Itto was a great partner, both in love and in sparring. Today was no different, as the energetic oni had initiated a playfight.
“This time I’ll win for sure!” Itto boasted with a confident grin on his face, playfully wrestling his badass girlfriend. He loved her to bits, which showed in his smile.
“Hmph. Don’t get too cocky.” Sara muttered with a smirk. She was usually the one winning their playfights thanks to her speed and precision.
“Just you wait! This time, I’ve got new tricks up my sleeves!” Itto taunted, looking full of mischievous.
“Oh yeah? I’d like to see you try.” Sara replied, challenging him.
“Oh, I will!” And try he did, managing to spin her around and hook his arms under hers in an attempt to win, holding her in place.
“Hngh…! Damn it…” she muttered, realizing he was too strong to pull away from. Well, she could probably just throw him, but this was a playfight, not a serious one.
“Heheheh! Looks like I’ve got the upper hand!” he taunted, holding her relatively tight.
“Hmph! Just you wait, I’m not surrendering yet!” Sara said with a serious tone, planning her next move.
“Well good luck getting out then, lil’ birdie~ hahahahaha!” Ugh, that teasing oni. Someone ought to shut him up to put him in his place, Sara thought. Then, she got an idea.
“Heh. You’re not the only one with tricks, oni.” Sara said with a smug smirk. The way Itto held her wasn’t too tight, and she had gained enough room from the struggle to summon her wings.
“Wha- you gonna fly? Indoors??” Itto questioned, soon realizing his fate was sealed. He’d made a crucial error of fashion choice today, as this was the wrong time to not wear a shirt.
“Not exactly~” Sara replied, quickly fluttering her feathery wings up against Itto’s torso, aiming to tickle her way out of his grip.
“Pfft~ ahahAAH!! Heh- eek! Ahahahaha!! Thahahat’s cheheheating!!” Itto protested and jumped slightly, immediately losing focus. He wasn’t expecting it to tickle so bad, giggling frantically already.
“Cheating? That’s too bad…” Sara replied, keeping up the ticklish wing flaps until the oni was weak enough to escape from. She didn’t try to break free right away though. In truth, she loved hearing that silly laughter, especially when it was confused and flustered sounding like this. Those squirms, snickers and surprised squeaks made her heart skip a beat. Who knew such a rambunctious oni could be so cute?
“Pssh~ heheheheheheh!! Stahahahahap~!” Itto whined, too stubborn to let himself lose in such an embarrassing way.
“Let me go and I might~” she teased, reaching back to tickle his neck with her fingers too, adding to the temporary torment.
“Eek!! Heheheheheh!! Gah, fihihine!!” Itto released Sara and covered himself with his arms, stepping away from those wings of hers. She turned around to face him with a mischievous smirk.
“Hmph, what’s wrong? Giving up that easily, are we?” Sara teased, wiggling her fingers towards him to tease.
“Pfft- don’t even think about it! Just wait til I- whoa!” Itto stepped back nervously, but tripped himself as he’d accidentally walked backwards into the bed and lost balance.
“Watch your six.” Sara teased with a soft laugh, dismissing her wings and taking a seat next to her boyfriend.
“Hey, c’mon! What’s so funny? You smug little-…” Itto asked, trying not to get too distracted by the smile on his girlfriend’s face. She looked so happy and carefree… so beautiful…
“Hahaha…! Looks like I win again, hm?” Sara said, smiling softly and stroked Itto’s cheek. She chuckled to herself, melting his heart. “Heh… it’s crazy how we ended up here like this, isn’t it?” she asked, admiring the oni’s rosy blush.
“Mhm… heheh, I feel like I’m the luckiest guy in the world~!” he said, pulling her down into his arms and hugging her tight.
“Hey! Haha..!” Sara let out a soft laugh, making Itto feel warm.
“I get to have the coolest, most badass girlfriend ever! All to myself~! Hahaha!” Gosh, that sweetheart…
“Pfft, let me go, you brute..!” Sara couldn’t stop smiling, lightly struggling against the other’s grip.
“Aw~ is the little birdie shy~?” Itto teased, giving her a kiss on the forehead.
“Don’t call me that…” Sara muttered, still embarrassed by such a nickname.
“Why not~? It suits you…” Itto said, easing up on his tight hug and switching to a gentler snuggle. Sara sighed and let herself relax, not saying another word as she cuddled closer to the oni.
Ah, what a cozy time. The sun shining in through the blinds, softly lighting up the room as the lovers enjoyed each other’s warmth. They could stay like this for the rest of the day if they wanted to. It was so quiet and nice. Itto held Sara close, his arms wrapped around her waist and her head resting against his shoulder. It felt like heaven to snuggle up with the love of her life. Sara was still surprised by how such a boisterous oni could be so relaxed and gentle. It truly warmed her heart…
“Hmm… so, are we napping now or…?” Itto asked, keeping his voice down in case she felt sleepy.
“Hm… not yet, sweetheart… Let’s just enjoy the moment…” she replied, indeed sounding sleepy as she closed her eyes. So cute…
“Mhm…” Itto agreed, letting out a satisfied sigh as he relaxed with her. All was well and soft until Sara started to get tense.
“Ah… h-hey, d-don’t do that…”
“Hm? What’s wrong?”
“Hmph… your hand…” Itto had been absentmindedly tracing her side with his nails, most likely in an attempt to do so on her back.
“Yeah…?” He didn’t notice it at first, but moved the hand to her back instead anyway. “Sorry~” Itto didn’t think much of it, keeping his tracings to Sara’s back for a relaxing sensation. The cuddles resumed in soft silence, until a surprised squeak came out of the woman.
“Eep! Itto…!” His hand had slipped down to her waist on accident.
“Huh?” That’s when it clicked. “What was that noise~?” Itto teased, amused by the sound his usually stoic girlfriend had made.
“Erm- ahem… It’s nothing, really. It-... it just felt weird.” Sara said, trying to sound serious despite her nervousness.
“Heheheh! Are you sure~?” Itto didn’t fall for her act though, giving a quick scribble to her waist.
“Eep! Don’t do that!” Sara protested, unable to keep herself from smiling.
“Whaaat? I’m not doing anything~” Itto taunted, chuckling to himself as his tracing slowly approached her side, making her tense.
“Pfft~…! I-Itto…!” Sara gritted her teeth.
“You’re ticklish? That’s so cute!” Itto said, smiling with love as he discovered this adorable trait.
“Sh-Shut it..!” Sara bit her lip, swatting at his hand in protest while trying not to laugh.
“Aw~ c’mon. Lemme see that smile!” Itto teased lovingly, poking at her sides.
“N-No, I- pfft-!” Sara covered her mouth, but didn’t stand a chance once she felt those pokes turn into scribbles. “Tickle tickle tickle~”
“Ihihittohohoho!! Gehehet awahahay!!” She couldn’t stand his teasing, pushing his hands away to prevent the tickling.
“Hehehe! Your laugh is so cute!” Itto didn’t seem to get the hint…
“Stohohop! Thihis is embarrassing!!”
“But we’re the only ones here! No one will know~ I promise I won’t tell!”
“Hahaha…! I said stop!!” Sara’s vision activated, zapping the oni and causing him to let go. “Ack- ow!! What are y-?!” She pinned him down before he could protest, glaring daggers into him before speaking up.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?!” she scolded angrily, a piercing gaze that sent shivers down Itto’s spine.
“I-I was just playing! C-Calm down..!” He stuttered, fearing the intimidating expression on his girlfriend’s face. He’d seen it before, but not like this.
“I told you to stop! I hate being tickled!” She replied, feeling betrayed by his ignorance.
“I-I’m sorry! I-I didn’t know..! I- I was just-…!” Itto trailed off as he saw the pain in her eyes. He felt the guilt in his chest upon realizing what he’d done. “I-… I’m sorry…”
Sara sighed, noticing the regret in Itto’s expression. She could tell he didn’t mean any harm, but this wasn’t the first time his excitement had overstepped a boundary. Her grip on him loosened.
“Sara…” Itto spoke up, feeling worried by the silence. “I’m really sorry… I won’t ever do that again!” To his credit, he always took said boundaries very seriously after the fact. He’d always do everything in his power to not make the same mistake again…
After another moment of silence, Sara sighed and spoke up after her mind cleared. “Hm… fine. I’ll forgive you this time.” she said, choosing to trust Itto. She gave him a friendly smile and stroked his cheek. “R-Really…? You’re not mad?” He was surprised, not expecting to have been forgiven so easily.
“Well… I’m not *as* angry anymore, but… I can’t let you off the hook just yet.” Sara said, giving him a small glare. Itto needed to be taught a lesson, and she already knew how. He gulped nervously. “W-What do you mean…?” he asked.
“Hm… well~ I think someone here deserves a punishment for being so mean earlier.” Sara said, a playful look on her face, but a menacing look in her eyes. Itto was still clueless about her intentions though. “Huh…?” He seemed a little spooked.
Sara sighed affectionately, finding his confused expression adorable as always. “Oh, relax. I’m not gonna hurt you, you silly oni. I’m just gonna give you a taste of your own medicine.” she said with a mischievous expression, lightly stroking his cheek to help him feel safer. “W-Wait, what?” Itto was now nervous instead, understanding the threat.
“Let’s see how you like it!” Sara smirked and started tickling Itto, assuming it wouldn’t harm him since they had fun with it during their playfight.
“AAH! WAHAHAHAHAIT!!” Archons, those nails… The way they scribbled across his torso tickled him like crazy already!
“Oh? You’re ticklish, huh? Predictable.” She teased, despite knowing full well already.
“Shuhuhut ihihihit-!! Ahahahahahaha!!” He’d managed to calm his laughter a bit after the initial strike, realizing it wasn’t so bad.
“Well, that’s awfully rude, isn’t it?” She purposely targeted his weaker spots, tickling all around his midriff at a faster pace. “Is that really how you should speak to your girlfriend~?”
“EEK! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHA!!” Itto threw his head back and laughed loudly, kicking his legs against the bed.
“Tickle tickle tickle~” Ah, who knew vengance was so much fun? The way Itto laughed, the way he squirmed, the way he smiled and blushed so much; it was all so precious and adorable to Sara. But, after a little more of this so-called torture, she showed mercy and stopped tickling the oni.
“See what I mean? It’s not so fun when you’re on the receiving end, is it?” She questioned, hoping to have taught him a valuable lesson.
“Ahahehe… hehe… I- heheh..! It is~, a-actually..!” Itto admitted, still smiling at Sara as he caught his breath.
“… what?” Certainly not the response she expected, but she wasn’t too surprised.
Itto blushed, feeling a little embarrassed to have admitted such a thing. “Eheh… I- uh…”
“You like getting tickled?” Of course, Sara was expecting him to be silly enough for this…
“Aha, y-yeah..! I kinda thought you did too, for some reason…” It was all making sense now. “I just… I thought it’d be fun! Y’know? I thought we could, like… bond or something, ‘n’ have fun like that, but…” Itto felt a bit embarrassed with his own logic, even though his intentions were harmless. He facepalmed before saying “Ah, I should’ve known better! I should’ve asked first at least, I-… I’m really really sorry…” He felt so stupid for not considering Sara’s feelings. What if she was still mad? What if she felt violated? What if she-?
“Y-Yeah..?” His anxiety was through the roof until she spoke again, her hand on his cheek for comfort.
“It’s… it’s fine, I forgive you. Just promise me to not do it again, okay? I… I know you didn’t mean any harm.” She understood his intentions. He didn’t tickle her for his own amusement, he did it for her thinking she’d have fun. Of course it didn’t excuse his actions; it merely explained them.
“Besides, you already apologized earlier. I forgive you, okay?” Sara stroked his cheeks and leaned down to kiss his forehead.
Itto sighed with relief. “Oh, dude, I was scared for a moment there…! Eheh… thanks for forgiving me.” he said, rubbing his eyes, totally not wiping any tears that spawned from his little emotional rollercoaster.
“Hehe, it’s alright, Itto. You silly oni…” Sara found him endearing regardless, ruffling his hair a little bit as she ran her fingers through it. Their love really was powerful.
“Heh…” Itto smiled, grateful for her comfort. “I- I won’t do it again… I swear on my life.” he said, his serious tone making Sara laugh.
After a moment of fond silence between the two, Sara spoke up with a teasing tone. “So… you like tickles, huh~?”
“Ahah- eh-… w-well, I mean-.. uh…! I never say I hated it…!” Itto stuttered nervously, blushing like a cherry from the topic alone. He knew what was coming…
“Mhm.” Sara noticed some restless movements from her boyfriend, raising an eyebrow with a playful smirk. “You want some more? I’ve got plenty of tickles left just for you~…” she teased, wiggling her fingers at him.
“Jfhhdhd…! Don’t say it like that…!” Itto hid his face in his hands, dying of embarrassment.
“Yes or no, darling…?” Sara asked with a silly voice, thoroughly enjoying the exchange.
“… y-… yes…?” Itto replied shyly, nervously peeking at her from behind his hands. Sara felt like she’d been shot by Cupid’s arrow, seeing that adorably shy expression on the otherwise “tough” oni’s face. “Tch… you adorable dork. Hold still.”
“Wha- pff- Heheheh-! ACK- GWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Itto’s laughter returned the moment Sara started tickling him again, scribbling her tickly nails all over his ribs and sides. She thought to herself, is he actually enjoying this? It was hard to believe he’d be having fun, given how unpleasant tickling could be.
She observed his expression, noticing how happy he looked. She was one to notice little details like that… the way his face and his laughter were full of joy rather than discomfort… It was both confusing and adorable to witness. She loved him so much…
“Hm~… are you alright, darling?” Sara paused her tickles to admire his flushed smile and let him catch his breath.
“Eheh… heh… huff… m-man..! Why’d you stop..?” Itto asked shyly, looking all cute and silly. Sara’s heart melted in an instant. She didn’t say anything before tickling him more, making him laugh a lot again.
“Ugh… you’re too damn cute!” She growled, having cute aggression upon him and tickling his neck.
“Pfft~!! Ehehehee~! I’m nohohohot!” Itto protested through his giggles, playfully pushing her hands away.
“You are~! Gosh I could just squish you to death~” Sara teased, pausing to kiss his cheeks before squeezing his sides rapidly.
“ACK-!! Ahahahahahahaha!! Shuhut uhuhuhuhup!!”
“Oh? Watch your tone, mister!” Sara scolded, tickling him all over his midriff again, since that whole area made him laugh more.
“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Itto was having so much fun, getting tickled silly by the love of his life. It was a dream he didn’t know he had coming true, and he was having the time of his life.
“Say you’re sorry!” Sara demanded playfully. It felt nice to have power over him…
“PFFT~ NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Itto shook his head, refusing to give up, but Sara stopped anyway to give him a break.
“Oh? You sure you wanna keep that attitude~?”
“Aheh… hah..! Heheh…! Whuh…?” Itto froze, eyes widening as Sara’s free hand held one of her own feathers. It must’ve fallen from her wings during their little tussle earlier. “W-Wait a sec-..! D-Don’t you dare!” he squirmed nervously, giggling as her hand inched closer. She had yet to get off of him though, so he wasn’t going anywhere.
“Say you’re sorry~” Sara teased, using the feather to target his ears, making him swear and giggle his head off. “Shihihihihit!!”
“Watch your language~” Sara teased, tickling under his chin with her other hand to tease him, switching from ear to ear with the feather.
“SHUT UP!! Pfft~ hehehehe-! Fuhuhuhahahahack!! Nahahat the ears~!!” He wasn’t expecting to be so sensitive to that damn thing. It tickled worse than anything he’d ever felt! …well, not really, probably. It was hard to tell.
“Tickle tickle tickle~ Say you’re sorry~” Sara teased in that dreadful sing-song voice, switching to tickle both of his ears at the same time, the mixed sensation driving him crazy.
“EEK!! N-Hahahahahahaha!! STAAHP!! I’m sohohorrehehEHEHEE!!” Itto squealed, reaching his limit at this point.
“Yeah, you better be!” Sara responded, her tickles slowing down and coming to a stop, her hands resting on his shoulders.
“Ahaha.. hehehe…! *hic* hahahaha..! N-No more…!” Itto stuttered, giddy with giggles as he slowly calmed down.
Sara sighed fondly, stroking the oni’s hair. “Oh, Itto… what am I going to do with you…?” She was so in love… he looked beautiful like this, all red and silly…
“Eheh… heh… *hic*…”
“Awh… you okay, baby? I’m sorry if I went too far…”
“Hehe~… I’m-… I’m okay…!” Itto managed to catch his breath fully after a while, letting himself relax knowing the game was done.
“Hm.. you look tired. Why don’t we call it quits here and take a nap?” Sara suggested, cupping Itto’s face in her hands.
“Heh~… I’d like that… you owe me a kiss though…”
“A kiss? Hm… I can do better.” Sara teased, tender love in her smile as she leaned down to kiss Itto, planting gentle and loving smooches all over his face.
“Mmf~ hehehe! Hey~!” Itto protested half-heartedly, giggling softly as he felt flustered.
“Hush, pretty boy. Your face is my canvas~” Sara teased, kissing him some more.
“Hehehe! No it’s not~!” Itto giggled as he was kissed silly, half-heartedly complaining even though he loved the attention.
“It is~ You adorable dork!” Sara gently squished his face with her hands in the name of cute aggression before her touch became gentler. As she admired his lipstick covered face, she couldn’t help but laugh softly.
“Staahp…! It’s not funny~” Itto protested, giggling along with her laughter.
“Hahahaha~! Oh, you’re the cutest thing ever…” She chuckled, thinking to herself: “Gods, I wouldn’t be caught dead saying that a year ago. Time really flies.”
“You’re so mean! Heheh…!” Itto protested.
“Haha~ oh come on…” Sara rolled her eyes before she lightly moved off of Itto, reaching into her bedside table for a wet wipe. She kept a few there just in case. “Let me clean that off. Your face is a mess~” she teased, smiling at him.
“H-Heh… go ahead, princess~” Itto teased lightly, absolutely smitten by her. She gently held his chin, guiding him to tilt his head in certain ways as she wiped the kisses away. Lipstick, as the name suggests, goes on the lips, not the face like that. It’s not like such a small layer would do any harm of course, but… it couldn’t hurt to be careful.
The tender love and care didn’t stop there, though. After she was done wiping his face clean and tossing away the trash, the two switched their positions to get comfier in the bed, snuggling up to one another. Sara’s nails traced gently across Itto’s back, soothing him to sleep. The result wasn’t entirely intended, but he did need the rest regardless.
She’d totally wake him up with that feather later. Just… on his back instead so that he wouldn’t die.
#my private twashcan#lee!itto#ler!sara#genshin tickles#genshin tickling#genshin tickle#genshin impact tickles#genshin impact tickling#genshin impact tickle#tickle fic#ticklish!itto#ticklish!sara#ticklish!kujou sara#ler!kujou sara#tickle fluff
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Yesh yesh yesh this is amazing this is cute this is everything this is living rent free in my mind and heart this is pure gold this is the only thing I will ever dare to think about
When the ler is more flustered than the lee..
Finally did Aether getting tickled after I did that poll ages ago-,,, and a rare Ler Xiao? Wowie, honestly I don’t have anything else to add so.. enjoy
#genshin impact tickles#genshin impact tickling#Lee!Aether#Ticklish!Aether#Ler!Xiao#tickle art#rb go brrr
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if you stiill accept requests umm can i have a lee xiao n ler lumine?
He really does need to laugh more~
Thank you for the request!! Hopefully you're still here to see it, it's been a bit eheh
My art, don't repost but reblog please!♡
#chu draws#chu does requests#genshin impact tickles#ler lumine#lee xiao#guys what is a consistent art style and where can i buy one sfjdjfj#anyway yall REALLY love xiao and youre slowly but very surely pulling me into that pack too he's cute---#also is it 5am? no shut up♡
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