xolliwritez · 1 year
Duel Wielded Duo - Master's Of The Pyro And Electro Visions With A Theraputically Fun Time || Genshin Tk Fic
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A/N: omg this fic was way too fun to make!! These two are just the goodest for boy's qhzhwhshws I'd give anything to make these two happy! I hope you enjoy! <3
Summary: Bennett and Razor have shared a few things, and whilst this happens, a playful fight ravages amongst them.
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fluffi-dragon · 1 year
Lee Razor and ler Bennett? I love their friendship!
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My babies!! I love them sm
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lilianlay · 2 years
Oo I think that you should write something about Razor x Bennett
Hello! Thank you so much for asking, I love Razor and Bennett and I wanted to write something fluffy, I hope you like it. And I'm sorry it took so long to reply as I was working on Tickletober and took a short break after that, but I'm back to work again^^ Hug❤
New discovery
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Razor x Bennett
- Ahhhh, it really was a very difficult day. - Bennett stretched and yawned.
- It was fun. - Razor looked at his partner and repeated his move.
- Do you think so? - the blond smiled softly.
Today, the adventurer Bennett decided to go on a treasure hunt and invited his wolf boy boyfriend, who immediately agreed.
The whole day they walked around different places of the Mondstadt, fought with the monsters that came across them on the way and of course Bennett received several wounds and abrasions due to his failure, but he got used to it and explained to the worried Razor that everything was in order.
Now they decided to set up camp, as it was getting dark. The gray-haired brought firewood and began to build a fire, and the green-eyed finished with the tent and started preparing their dinner.
- Bennett - Razor distracted him from the case.
- Hm? - he looked at his boyfriend, or rather at the direction of his index finger, which pointed to a small wound on his side. - Oh, I didn't even notice it.
- Are you hurt? - big red eyes looked at the adventurer.
- Oh, no, it's fine hehe. - the blond scratched the back of his head and reached into his bag for a bandage.
- I want to help.
- I can handle myself. - Bennett smiled. - Thanks.
But wolf boy didn't hear him and took the bandage from his hands.
- Okay, you can help me. - the green-eyed giggled and lifted his shirt a little to make Razor more comfortable.
The gray-haired took off his gloves and ran his finger gently around the wound, which made Benny twitch and bite his lip.
- Did I hurt you? - the red-eyed looked at his boyfriend.
- Oh no, it was just unexpected. - he smiled.
The user of the electro element nodded and began wrapping a bandage around the blond's torso and periodically touching his sensitive sides and tummy. Bennett could no longer contain his quiet giggles, and when the claw ran several times over his side, he laughed out loud and began to squirm.
- Hm? Bennett has funny? - Razor tilted his head to the side.
- Ahahaha, thihihis is juhahast vehery tihihihicklish - the blond was selling a giggle.
- Is it ticklish? - he stop.
- Umm, that is, when someone touches a sensitive spots and wiggles their fingers, you start to feel like you want to laugh. - the user of the pyro element blushed a little.
- Interesting. Was Bennett ticklish? - he looked at the adventurer.
- Hehe yes. - Benny scratched the back of his head. - I'm quite ticklish and my fathers tickle me a lot, but it's funny.
Razor sat closer to him.
- I want you to be ticklish again. - he rested his chin on his boyfriend's shoulder.
The sword user blushed even more, but how can one refuse such a cute and innocent wolf boy. He nodded and decided to lie down on the sleeping bag, even raising his hands up, though they didn't shake much in anticipation.
- What exactly are your spots? - Razor stroked the blonde's tummy.
- Heeeeek - he squeaked. - Y-you hahave to fihind thehehem yohourself. - Bennett giggled.
Wolf boy smiled and decided to stroke the open armpits of user the pyro element.
His hands began to tremble violently, but the green-eyed still held them high above his head.
- Am I doing everything right?
- Yehes, buhat you cahahan also wihihiggle your fihingers. - Benny showed him this with his fingers, which began to wiggle in the air and he signed his own death warrant.
The gray-haired nodded and his claws began to wriggle gently in the hollows of the blond's armpits. Bennett threw back his head and laughed out loud. Who would have thought that Razor, who had never tickled anyone, after the very first advice, would tickle his boyfriend so well.
- Yehehes, thahahAHAt's it, greheheat johohOHOHOB - he squeaked.
The user of electro element giggled softly and proudly continued to play with his armpits. But Benny could no longer cope with these sensations and lowered his hands to hide his armpits.
- Too ticklish?
- Yehehehehes - the sword user continued to giggle.
Razor smiled and began to tickle his side, where there was no wound, and also drew with his claws on his tummy.
- Ohohoho, yohohour clahahaws - the blonde's legs wiggled.
- You're very cute.
The user of pyro element turned red and snorted.
Wolf boy giggled and lowered his head to gently bite Bennett's side.
- RahahaHAHAzor ahahaha dohohon’t - the boy shook his head, but tried not to squirm at all so that his boyfriend could have some fun.
The gray-haired began to nibble the soft skin and make funny sounds, as if he was eating his own food with the apparatus.
But then thunder rumbled and lightning flashed. Razor twitched and stopped the tickling. Benny can finally open his eyes and see his boyfriend trembling. Although the red-eyed lived with wolves, he always clung to them when he heard thunder, and the wolves tried to calm the baby.
Nothing has changed with age, he is still afraid of thunder and now he is snuggled against the blond.
- Let's go to the tent. - the user of pyro element helped him and once they were in a warm place, Bennett closed the tent. - That's it, we're safe.
After these words, thunder rumbled very close to them and Rizor squeaked, cuddle himself against his boyfriend and hid his head under his shirt.
- Oh, Razor, it's okay, I'm here. - he stroked his head and back.
Wolf boy calmed down a bit, but was still trembling. Benny continued to stroke him and gently ran his finger along the ribs of the gray-haired, which made the red-eyed twitch.
- Awww, someone ticklish too~ the blond smiled and began to slowly tickle his boyfriend's ribs and sides and enjoy his beautiful laugh.
- Behehehehennett - he heard a cute squeak.
- Yes, Razor?
- I cahahahan't stohohohp lahahaughing - the wolf boy wiggled weakly.
- Hehe, of course, because I'm tickling you. - the adventurer giggled and tickled his tummy.
The gray-haired got out from under Benny's shirt and lay down on his sleeping bag, at the same time the blond continued to tickle him and as soon as he squeezed his hips, he heard squeaks and snorts.
- Aww - Bennett melted at how cute his boyfriend was. - You're not afraid anymore?
- Nohohoho, Bennehehett helpehehed. - Razor squirmed and laughed out loud.
- Excellent! - the green-eyed smiled and hugged him. - I'm very glad.
- T-thahank you, I likehed it. - the wolf boy also smiled. - And I liked to tickle you so I can hear your laugh.
- You can hear it without it. - Benny blushed and giggled. - you can always tickle me.
- I'm happy. - Razor yawned.
- Time to sleep. - the user of the pyro element hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. - Goodnight.
- Goodnight. - the red-eyed cuddle to Bennett and smiled.
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fanfic-chan · 2 years
Hello~ I hope number 9 of your tickletober haven't been taken yet, because I have an idea of lee itto and ler bennet + razor, where itto got stuck while on an expedition with benny and razor, and they decided to tickle hihi (but please no foot tickling if possible), I hope you succeed in your fics!
Day 9: Trapped
Lers!Razor and Bennett/Lee!Itto
"Ahahaha nohoho!! Behehehennett! Rahahahazor! C'mohohohon you twooo!! Thihihihis is tohohotally not a fahahahair fihihihihight at ahahahall!!"
Itto complained through his laughter as he desperately tried to resist the urge to squirm, for fear of ruining the surprisingly well done mermaid tail sand sculpture that the two young Mondstadters had built around him while he was asleep.
It had only been about a week now since Itto had first met the two of them upon their first arrival to Inazuma after they'd tagged along with the traveler on her adventures, and already he had already begun to view them as if they were his own little brothers.
Admittedly, Bennett had been a little intimidated of him at first, most likely due to his large size and loud nature, but it honestly hadn't taken very long at all for him to eventually warm up to him. Which was far more than could be said of most people, who would often write him off as a delinquent or some kind of monster at first glance.
And Razor, well, he'd barely even reacted at all upon meeting him, not so much as a flinch even when he was standing right in front of him. "Smell trouble... But not, bad trouble." He'd said at the time, in that strange simple way of his that Itto had gradually begun to grown fond of despite how confusing it could be, "Smell like... Fun, and warm. Razor like."
Since then, the three of them had already hit it off exponentially, so much so that the oni had even decided to invite them out to a beach day, since they'd mentioned before that they'd never been despite having one available. Razor because he mostly preferred to stick to the forests surrounding Wolvendom back home, and Bennett because he was afraid he might unintentionally set off a tsunami with his bad luck somehow.
It took a bit of convincing, but eventually Itto had been able to talk the two boys into it by promising that there would be lots of yummy crabs and fish there (Razor), and that if a tsunami did come, Itto would just "Knock it back into the sea with my bare hands, no problem!!" (Bennett)
And it seemed that their decision had been a good one so far. Sure enough, there had been lots of delicious food to enjoy alongside their new friends in Itto's gang, and more importantly, no tsunamis!!
Well, unless you called the current mischief the boys were unfairly subjecting the poor oni to while he was stuck a tsunami of sorts.
"Hehe! I never would have imagined someone like you would be ticklish Itto!" Bennett giggled as he continued to scribble at his sides, and Razor nodded in agreement.
"Mm. Almost as ticklish as Bennett, but... Bennett is still worse." He stated bluntly, making the other boy splutter in panic when Itto seemed to perk up in response to this bit of information.
"Ihihihihis thahahahahat sohohoho?" The oni laughed, finally sitting up in the sand and grabbing hold of one of said boy's wrists before he could even think about running.
"Ah!" Bennett yelped, a sheepish grin making it's way onto his face as he began to realize the trouble he was in, "Err... Truce?..." He tried, but Itto merely chuckled in response. He gulped.
"Heh. Nice try little dude!" He smirked before tugging the younger boy into his lap, grabbing onto Razor too while he seemed distracted.
"Now I think it's about time I taught you two a valuable lesson; Never start a tickle fight with Arataki Numero Uno Itto!"
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chibimochii · 1 year
First ever commission (1/3) for @wertzunge is done✨
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Thank you so much, I really did have fun making this- aaaand I may have gone a little overboard with details but oh well~ starting off my Ko-Fi with a bang!✨
Love some fluff between two babs 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
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valiantphantomangel · 2 months
Ahh more people need to write for TVD!!!!
Could you please do Stefan x Human!Reader where they are newly dating and he finds out reader is ticklish by accident? (Reader can know he’s a vampire and maybe set in Season 1?)
Thank you! Have a nice day/night 💕
A/n: thank you so much for this request!! This was so much fun to write and I hope you enjoy.
I present to you tooth rotting fluffiness and my first ever vampire diaries fic.
The cutest
Deciding to date a vampire was probably the weirdest, craziest and the most unpredictable decision that you ever made.
But it also was the best one ever.
You have had a crush on him ever since you saw him at school when Bonnie was talking about him having a 'hot back' which she wasn't wrong about at all. Soon after you guys spoke a few times in the hallway or in the mystic grill, you figured out that he and his brother Damon were vampires.
Well it wasn't that hard to figure out after you heard about all those 'animal attacks' and the tragic passing of Mr Tanner.
Anyway moving on, you had always had this distaste for Elena, especially when it became clear that she was playing both of the brothers against each other by playing the victim, not much after that did Stefan and Damon figure out that all doppelgangers were the same and they both lost interest in Elena.
While Damon decided to stop dating for a while, His brother realised that he had feelings for you. Something that you returned immediately after he asked you out.
And yeah, that's my sappy love story so to say. Or at least that's what I call it.
Right now you were making some breakfast for you and your boyfriend (although he of course didn't need the food but he loved your cooking) at the Boarding House when you heard a gust of wind behind you and arms wrapping around your waist.
You let out a squeal which resulted in a deep chuckle coming from behind "Didn't know you were ticklish sweetheart" you could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
"Stefan don't you dare, or i won't give you food" you warned him as you felt his arms tighten around you.
"Lair, you always want to eat your cooking" He said with a laugh.
"You love my cooking"
"Yes i most definitely do" he said before sneaking his arm around you to turn off the gas and then suddenly tasered your sides.
"STEFAN"!!! You screeched before falling back into him.
He guides you down on the ground and immediately sits on your legs, squeezing your hips "Right when I thought you couldn't get more adorable I find this out, why would you keep this from me?" He asked with faux offense as he spidered up and down your sides.
"Because I knew you were going to do something like thiHIHIHIHI" you erupted in giggles as your back arched off the ground.
"Oh your physic now too?" Stefan teased as he slowly brought his hands to your armpits.
"Shuthihihi upHAGHHAH"!!! Your loud belly laughter came out as he wiggles his hands in your armpits.
He full out laughed with you as he continued his ticklish attack until your laughter turned silent and your face became red.
"You really are the best girlfriend I could ask for" Stefan said with a sweet smile as he pushed a stray hair behind your ear and helped you to your feet.
"You're the best boyfriend I could've asked for" you smiled with a light blush which reached up your neck before giving him a quick peck on the lips.
"You two are disgustingly cute together" you heard Damon grumble behind you as he stole one of the pancakes that you were making before and race up to his room.
"Damnit Damon you ruined the sweet moment and stop stealing my food"!!! You yelled after him.
The only response you got back was a laugh.
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lindszeppelin · 1 year
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Polly Bennett just now posted officially two of my favorite pictures of Austin BTS from the Elvis movie.
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pink-tk-a-latte · 4 months
FISCHL HCS bc she’s so lee but I can’t think of a fic for her rn 💜
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A LOT of people tickle her when her tyrannical yapping becomes too much. Mona especially, bc she’s sick and tired of Fischl’s chuunibyou tomfoolery and thinks it’s funny how she screams and gets all indignant with one pinch
Traveler (Lumine in my case) just likes being a nuisance and will tickle her while she’s loquaciously orating, and they'll keep playing along with her act just to be a tease ;)
Like "Oh? Seems the element of laughter is super effective against the Prinzessin der Verurteilung!"
Or the Traveler remains mostly terse while Fischl is babbling and screeching her head off so it becomes silent ler vs. chatty lee tehe
When she's tickled Fischl absolutely loses all ability to form words, even German and fantastical ones, like it’s BAD and the contrast is HILARIOUS
She'll go from "Retreat, perverted miscreant! Mine eyes of darkness behold thy villainous intentions and exhort thee to stay away! S-Stay away..." to "STAahfahfhsahaHAf NAOOOOO!!"
Also her laugh is squeaky, girlish, whiny, and snorty and not at all dignified or macabre.
Bennett prob doesn’t tickle her as much, mostly cuz he never thinks to, but when she unleashes the onslaught of a thousand fingers once again one day he FINALLY thinks to tickle her back.
Ofc, with his luck, he gets all the wrong spots and gets wrecked as a result. It’s probably Razor accidentally sweeping his hair across her neck that reveals it to him.
She's on the ace spectrum. That's not tk-related but it's still an hc!!
Occasionally Fischl will ask to be tickled but because of her verbose language no one can understand what she's saying TT
Lisa I bet tickles her whenever she comes to the library, especially when she would come alone and shrunken in on herself and in such strange attire. She also quotes lines from Fischl’s favorite storybooks and theatre scripts while wrecking her lmaooo
(SUMMER FANTASIA WAS EPIC anyway) Xinyan would sporadically poke her or “strum” her sides whenever she seemed down or distant, leading to a lot of tk fights. Kazuha too, except his attacks would be more deliberate and malevolently soft.
Fischl also def babysits Klee sometimes and tickles her when reading or telling her stories cuz Klee is adorable ♡
Fischl and Xingqiu would be such good friends ANYWAY I'm sure it came up once when they were reading together. Fishxing are both so competitive and prideful so their attacks often end in fights often end in begrudging draws.
Oz definitely rats her out to anyone who seems affectionately exhausted with her antics. Whatever happened to loyalty??
There seems to be a common hc that Genshin characters with skin exposed in their outfits are more ticklish on those spots, and who am I to change that? Anyway, she’s most ticklish under her arms, in the crooks of her elbows and knees, and on her legs, sides, and back/shoulder blades (also where her vision is!) like she has so much fishnet and nylon in her ensemble she’s got to be so tickly (haha get it fischnet??)
On the ler side of things, she’s got long nails, archers’ hands, and an electro bird, so… >:)
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jleaguedarkfanfic · 11 months
8. Miles
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MILES - O momento em que o personagem percebeu que estava apaixonado
Miles conseguia ficar horas lendo livros que jovens da sua idade achariam entediantes e complexos, e por isso tinha facilidade em entender magia. Ao contrário de Zoe, que aprendia bem mais na prática, ele precisava aprender lendo os milhares de livros que haviam na Toca para poder usar seus poderes.
Sua concentração era muito boa em momentos críticos, mas ultimamente estava tendo dificuldade em terminar seus estudos por causa de alguns problemas com a Liga da Justiça Sombria. Constantine havia deixado um item muito poderoso cair nas mãos dos seus inimigos e toda a equipe tentava encontrar uma solução, sem sucesso. O que levava a grandes discussões entre os herói mais velhos.
As brigas e vozes alteradas de Zatanna e Bennett ecoavam pela sala de estar, mesmo longe do local, debaixo da escada, Miles ainda não conseguia terminar de ler o primeiro parágrafo do capítulo. Ele suspirou e fechou o livro, só então percebendo dois olhos azuis o encarando ao seu lado.
— Que susto, Zee! — ela deu uma risada com a reação dele.
— Vem comigo, quero te mostrar uma coisa — a jovem segurou sua mão e o puxou para fora da Toca, também pegando o livro que ele havia deixado no chão.
Eles andaram pela floresta ao redor da base, deixando o círculo de proteção criado por John e Zatanna para manter o local indetectável e seus inimigos longe. Isso o deixou um pouco inquieto, mas confiava que ela sabia o que estava fazendo.
Chegaram a uma enorme árvore no meio de uma clareira, nela havia uma belíssima e pequena casa na árvore. Havia uma escada de cordas que levava até o topo, e algumas luzes suaves penduradas ao redor da casinha.
— O que é isso? — ele se virou para a amiga, que parecia observar as reações dele.
— Você vive reclamando que não tem um lugar tranquilo pra estudar, então eu meio que construí um — ela apontou.
Miles ficou algum tempo encarando a construção, sem acreditar que ela havia feito tudo aquilo para ele, só para ajudá-lo a ter um ambiente tranquilo.
— Podemos subir? — ele não conteve o sorriso em seu rosto e ela assentiu, o puxando para o topo.
O lado de dentro era extremamente confortável e caseiro, mesmo que pequeno, só tendo espaço para no máximo quatro pessoas. Haviam algumas almofadas no chão, uma lanterna a óleo, alguns enfeites de espelhos e amuletos da sorte e uma foto dos dois presa em uma das paredes.
— O Andy me ajudou a encontrar a melhor árvores e a montar o piso, por isso parece bem seguro e melhor que o resto — Zoe deu uma risada nervosa. — Eu montei as paredes e o telhado, então não tá muito bom, fiz tudo no instinto.
— Está incrível, Zee! Eu não acredito que usou o seu tempo para fazer isso pra mim — ele se aproximou da foto deles e seu sorriso só cresceu.
— Ufa, ainda bem que gostou, eu teria que te jogar daqui de cima se não gostasse depois de eu passar dois meses escondida na floresta construindo isso — ela deu um soco leve no ombro dele. — Ah, e pedi pra minha mãe fazer um círculo de proteção aqui também, só para você não ser morto por monstros aleatórios.
Miles se sentou em uma das almofadas e aceitou o livro quando Zoe o estendeu em sua direção. Ele acendeu a chama da lanterna com um estalar de dedos e se aconchegou ali, ainda sem conseguir parar de sorrir.
— Agora que meu trabalho tá feito, vou deixar você sossegado — ela fez menção de passar pela porta, quando algo pareceu ficar claro na mente dele.
Miles não queria que ela o deixasse, a companhia dela era algo que apreciava desde que se conheceram. Ela foi a primeira pessoa que o tratou como um ser humano, que demonstrou se importar com ele. Era a única que o fazia sentir uma sensação quente e confortável no peito sempre que sorria, ou dava uma risada. No mundo sombrio onde eles viviam, ela era a luz que ele seguiria até o fim.
— Você pode ficar! — ele disse, sem esconder a ansiedade em sua voz e tentando controlar os batimentos agitados do seu coração. — Eu gosto quando você tá perto.
Zoe arregalou levemente os olhos, mas logo sua surpresa deu lugar a uma expressão brincalhona.
— Awwwn, você me ama e não sabe viver sem mim! — ela falou em um tom nada sério, porém ele não pode deixar de engasgar com o ar ao ouvir o comentário.
— Como você é modesta — ele rapidamente enfiou a cara em seu livro para esconder seu rosto corado, apenas sentindo ela se sentar ao seu lado depois de dar algumas risadas.
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ticklystuff · 1 year
Adventure Squad: Kokomi, Bennett, Chomgyun and Razor
Hurt Squad: Kokomi, Wanderer, Venti and Fischl
- Tenta-tickles (Thanks for accepting both :] )
no longer accepting teams, thanks!
omg what does "hurt squad" mean in this context?? also your teams are cute hehe thanks for sending them in!
who’s the most ticklish character
A: It's baby Benny boi! It really doesn't help that his unluckiness leads him to ticklish situations, like falling out of a tree and ensnaring himself in some vines, leaving himself exposed for easy ticklings hehehe
H: Definitely Wanderer, but I think Fischl would give him a run for his money! They both get into bickerings over this, but neither can handle tickling so the answer doesn't matter anyway alkdsjf
who’s the character that most people would assume isn't ticklish, but actually is
Not gonna lie, both squads scream ticklish lol I guess you can make an argument for Kokomi because she seems too mature for this stuff, but she's also one of those people that will giggle and try and run if someone wiggles their fingers at her
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles
A: Kokomi! She's the mom friend of the group and is constantly making sure the other three don't get into trouble. Oftentimes, she needs a reminder to take a break and the boys are happy to help her with that. She can also be kind of overprotective and some tickles can usually help lighten her up in certain situations
H: Fischl because it's funny to watch how long she can stay in character while laughing. It doesn't help that Oz will often join them and although he doesn't directly tickle her, he has no problem giving the others her tickle spots, especially when she's acting a bit too high and mighty, and she often shrieks angrily at him through her laughter
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others
A: Okay, so I don't think he'd know everyone's tickle spots right off the bat, but I think Razor would have a good memory when it comes to these kinds of things and he'll accidentally reveal people's tickle spots when he goes up to them and asks them how come he doesn't laugh when he tickles his own sides, but Chongyun will shriek if someone tickles him in the same spot and it's very unintentionally flustering to be confronted with stuff like this aslkdfjkl
H: This is a Venti answer lmao maybe he doesn't know every tickle spot but there's nothing stopping him from revealing them and the others usually try to stop him with their own tickles lol
who’s the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about
A: Omg so not really a specific spot but Benny is a naturally warm person (literally because he's a pyro user) and Chongyun can't handle being tickled by him because Chongyun is constantly trying to keep himself cool, so the heat against his cold skin just amplifies the tickles
H: What if archons knew every single tickle spot for everyone that shares the same elemental energy with them (I know this is a very specific ability but just go with it shhh) so Venti knows exactly where he needs to tickle Scara to easily wreck him, or he'll clue in the others where Scara is ticklish and whenever Kokomi or Fischl get him in a specific but well hidden spot, he's just like hOW???
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars
A: Looking at this team, I honestly do not know aslkdjflk I cannot imagine Kokomi being an experienced ler (she might have the strats but can she execute them in practice??) and Benny's bad luck would get in the way. Maybe Razor? He seems like he'd be physically strong due to living in the wild for almost his whole life and would have enough strength to take on three people
H: There's no way Scara would let himself lose something like this lol I also don't think Venti and Kokomi would be actually serious when it comes to winning a tickle fight and I feel like Fischl would be a bad ler, so this kinda just goes to Scara by default
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them
I think Kokomi for both teams because she has always been busy with taking care of matters for Watatsumi Island, or just studying war tactics, that she's never been tickled by anyone before and is just too occupied to engage in something like tickling. For the first team, tickling is like a rite of passage for them and Kokomi is still confused to this day as to why that is. For the second team, Venti definitely snuck up on her while she was on the verge of falling asleep to keep her awake
Also, I think Razor might have been accidentally tickled by his pack in the past, but he wasn't sure why he was laughing and Benny had to explain to him what tickling is
which two characters have tickle fights all the time
A: Benny and Razor because they're adorable together and because Benny taught Razor what tickling is and Razor just likes seeing Benny smile asdklfj they're so cute Also, I think Benny and Razor would team up on Chongyun, especially when he's sad about missing out on exorcising another ghost. The two will sit on either side of him and just poke him simultaneously till there's a smile on his face
H: FISCHL AND SCARA because both can have quite the ego and they'd definitely develop a rivalry between each other and one of them usually starts a tickle fight with the other over stupid shit like if Fischl keeps talking too much or if Scara is constantly talking down to the others and Fischl feels the need to bring down her own form of justice on the evildoer SCARA AND VENTI because one is a real god and the other is a wannabe and Scara would try so hard to wreck him. I don't think Scara would lose in a tickle fight, but Venti would not directly engage in one with him, or he might giving passing tickles that are just enough to annoy Scara. I can definitely see Venti wrecking him, though, if he were to enlist someone like Fischl's help because Venti knows he can't win a one-on-one
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tklpilled · 1 month
daily genshin hcs, day thirteen:
real ogs know that i LOVE the 'doesn't know what tickling is' trope
and he is one of the if not the only character who fits said trope
i don't think he'd be super ticklish? he doesn't strike me as the type
but he'll admit that he likes it bc he doesn't have the sense to be embarrassed about it lol
yknow how dogs want you to constantly pet them and they'll pout if you stop no matter how long you've been petting them already? thats razor but w tickling
specifically gentle tks because it doesn't overwhelm him
i think he has the potential to be a decent ler bc he has long-ish nails and dexterous fingers but he has no idea what he's doing so he's more of a danger than anything /j
did not have a single clue what tickling was until bennett introduced him to it
but speaking of bennett. he doesn't normally tickle people because he's scared he'll somehow end up stabbing them or something LMAO
(but that's to be expanded upon another day....perhaps even tomorrow.....)
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nataliedrawz · 2 years
Coping Technique (lee!Asahi ler!Nishinoya)
Teen Toddler (lee!Oikawa ler!Iwaizumi)
Genshin Impact
Mora Trails (lee!Zhongli ler!Childe)
Christmas Prompt #8 (lee!aether lers!Bennett, Albedo, Amber & Eula)
Where Did You Hide My Book? (Lee!Hu Tao Ler!Yanfei)
A Year To Remember (Switches!Albedo & Klee)
My Little Kabuto (Lee!Reader Ler!Itto)
Our One & Oni (Lee!Itto Lers!Childe & Thoma)
Silly Churl, Giggle Girl (Lee!Yanfei Ler!Hu Tao)
(Lee!Reader Ler!Venti because I didn't name it😭)
Lupical? (Lee!Razor ler!Itto)
Electro Therapy (Lee!Reader Lers!Baal & Yae Miko)
Final Gambit (Lee!Childe/Tartaglia Ler!Aether, Lumine & Paimon)
Lovebirds (Lee!Diluc Ler!Reader)
Obey Me
(Lee!Belphie Ler!Beelzebub also unnamed😭)
A Sorcerer's Way (Lee!Simeon Ler!Solomon)
Take A Break! (Lee!Barbatos Ler!Diavolo)
A Books Embrace (Lee!Satan Ler!Reader)
Cactus (Lee!Hyakkimaru ler!Dororo)
Kitchi-kitchi-cure! (Lee!Rui lers!Tuskasa, Nene & Emu)
Stage Fright (Lee!Reader Ler!Emu)
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
Ticklish? Here? (Lee!Hanako Ler!Yashiro)
Demon Slayer
Massage Madness (Lee!Muichiro Ler!Tanjiro)
(Lee!Sanemi Lers!Tengen & Shinobu)
Adding more soon!!
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dcvasso · 2 years
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the family ,
nome: vincent cresswell king apelidos: vince, v, viking (como tiração de sarro dos amigos) local de nascimento: nova iorque, eua data de nascimento: 12 de agosto de 1998 idade: 23 anos signo: leão gênero: homem cis orientação sexual: heterossexual ocupação: estudante de relações internacionais na columbia university e gerente no king hotel & resort ny qualidades: protetor, responsável, bondoso, corajoso, determinado, confiável defeitos: explosivo, desapegado, rancoroso, orgulhoso, cabeça-dura, sentimental
august king (pai, 53); teresa cresswell (mãe, 47), harper cresswell king (irmã mais nova, 19); margaret ‘maggie’ bennett (governanta, 65).
pode-se dizer que vincent tem duas famílias: aos sete anos, viu os pais separarem-se, e enquanto a guarda das crianças ficou para o pai, em nova iorque, a mãe partia mundo afora por trabalhar como modelo. entretanto, também pode-se dizer que august king tem três filhos: vincent, harper, e também a tão querida rede de hotéis internacional.
com o pai sempre ocupado, vincent cresceu sendo bastante próximo da irmã mais nova, com quem é extremamente protetor, e praticamente sob a tutela da governanta, quem considera como sendo ‘da família’. durante as férias, vincent e harper visitavam a mãe onde quer que ela estivesse no mundo, o que certamente garantiu-lhe algumas boas memórias e experiências diversas para contar aos amigos quando voltava. apesar de não ter tanto tempo para dar atenção e carinho aos filhos, august sempre tentou ser um bom pai, e por isso a relação com os filhos não é a típica amargurada pelo abandono em troca das responsabilidade.
entretanto, vincent despertou realmente o interesse do pai logo que estava prestes a sair do ensino médio, pois o homem pretendia treinar o primogênito para herdar o grande império da rede de hotelaria. não sendo nada bobo, vincent aceitou de bom grado a tutela do pai, e após sua entrada na universidade e seu consequente amadurecimento, os dois ficaram ainda mais próximos.
about him ,
engana-se quem pensa que por ficar majoritariamente sob a tutela da governanta, vincent criou-se solto ou sem regras. pelo contrário… teve uma educação até que bastante rígida, o que rendeu-lhe uma fama de comportado. entretanto, também teve bastante liberdade, e soube aproveitá-la bem para sair com os amigos, com garotas, e ir em festas.
na escola, sempre tirou notas boas, especialmente porque tinha bastante auxílio de professores particulares para o que não entendia. nunca foi o mais inteligente da sala, mas também não ficava abaixo da média. de extracurriculares, provou diversos esportes, mas os que continua praticando até hoje são basquete e boxe.
como herdeiro de uma franquia de hotéis internacional, sempre foi prezado que vincent aprendesse o máximo de idiomas possível, com o fato de sua mãe viver constantemente mudando de país ajudando-lhe bastante a treinar. assim, hoje é fluente em inglês, espanhol, alemão, francês e italiano.
tal feito casou bem com a escolha de curso de ensino superior: relações internacionais. na questão universitária, era uma exigência de seu pai que o rapaz entrasse para uma da ivy league, e como ficar em nova iorque (especialmente para manter-se próximo da irmã) era um desejo seu, vincent optou pela universidade columbia, na qual, felizmente, foi aceito.
fun facts ,
tem um golden retriever chamado scott;
gosta bastante de ler livros e ver séries/filmes de romance, mas não deixa ninguém saber;
malhar é praticamente sua meditação, então sempre pode ser encontrado na academia;
sabe tocar piano, violão e guitarra, e canta só para si mesmo no chuveiro;
vive em um loft na cobertura do hotel do pai;
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lilianlay · 2 years
Tickletober day 12 - invisibility
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Pyro fatui agent and Bennett
Thank you @fresh-thomato for this idea^^ Love you❤
- Attack! I'm not scared of you! - Bennett was on a new mission and along the way he met a pyro fatui agent and so he took out his sword and prepared for battle. Even despite his bad luck, the boy was good at his fighting skills.
But fatui didn't give up so easily and used his best attacks. His main trump card was of course invisibility, which he took advantage of and for Bennett this was a problem.
He was still standing in a pose ready to attack, but nothing happened.
- I know you're here! - the sword user began to slowly move forward. Suddenly he felt a slight squeeze on his side and from this he squealed.
- S-show yourself! - hhis time his voice owed a little, but he continued to wait.
From every little rustle and sound, he spun in every direction, but the agent was nowhere to be found.
The blond decided that fatui had escaped and put away his sword. After a couple of seconds, he felt a strange sensation next to his tummy and jumped up.
He rubbed the spot and moved on. But he feels the tickle on his sides again, and this time he folds over and squeals.
- No, nohohohoho anythihihihing buhahahat thahahahat plehehehease - the boy laughed louder and tried to catch the invisible hands, but it was useless.
Skillful fingers slid under Bennett's clothes and tickled his tummy. The pyro element user laughed out loud and tried to run away, but those fingers were all over the place. And when he once again made an attempt to escape, because of his bad luck, he stumbled and fell on the grass. And then the tickling returned. His legs writhed in the air, and his hands again tried to catch the invisible fatui.
- Plehehehehehehehease, I cahahahahan't tahahahahake ihihihit anymohohohore. Sohohoho tihihihihicklish. - he felt a tickle under his knees and yelled.
Finally, the tickling stopped and Bennett opened his eyes. He was breathing heavily, his cheeks burning with shame and long laughter. And in front of him sits fatui. The boy was trembling, but didn't know what would happen next and quickly closed his eyes. The sword user felt his tears being wiped away from laughter and his head being patted. He looked back at the agent.
Fatui didn't say anything, just got up and left.
Bennett lay on the grass for a while and analyzed what had happened. As long as he can say one thing, he liked it and would like to meet this strange fatui again.
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fanfic-chan · 2 years
I think chase would be a cute one for Bennett and Razor! Only if you want tho
Tickletober Day 18: Chase
"Razor~, you better run! Or else the hunter is gonna getcha!"
Bennett called, smiling at the happy light-hearted giggles that were pouring out of his best friend's mouth as he continued to flee from him, running just a few short paces ahead of the unlucky adventurer despite the fact that he could easily have outrun him with his wolflike speed and stamina long ago if he'd really felt like it.
"Hehehehe!! Hunter cannot catch me! Razor is wolf! And wolf is much to fast for hunters!" Razor shouted back in response, not even bothering to look back as he focused on dodging around the various trees, rocks, and other obstacles that were scattered across Wolvendom.
Eventually though, once the sounds of his friends footsteps had faded into the distance, he stopped, ducking behind a fallen log and peeking over cautiously. Perhaps if he was careful enough, he could turn the tables on the 'terrible hunter' now that he'd lost sight of him.
Sure enough, it wasn't long after that before Bennett finally seemed to catch up, looking just a tad lost now as he tried to track him down, completely unaware that his target was hiding just a few short feet away from him now, and Razor couldn't help but smile a little at the perplexed look on his friend's face. Oh well. Not everyone could have his exceptionally good sense of smell.
Once Bennett had his back turned on him, he very quietly crept his way out of his hiding spot, sneaking up on the unsuspecting teen as he crouched down to examine one of his footprints, trying to figure out where the other boy had gone.
Once he was close enough, Razor made his move. Leaping out of the bush with a playful growl, he pounced, causing poor Bennett to scream in both surprise and terror as he was tackled into the grass.
"WAAAAAHH!!!! W-Wait!! Razor?! What are you-?! AHAHahahahahahaaa!!! No!!! Nohohohohot thahahat!!" He cried, bursting into a frantic fit of giggles when the wolvendom boy suddenly started clawing at his sides and nibbling at his tummy, as if he were pretending to 'eat' him like an actual wolf.
"R-Rahahahazohohor!! It tihihihickles!!!" The poor adventurer whined, taking in huge gulps of breath when his friend finally stopped and looked up at him, though his 'claws' were still resting on his sides ominously. Bennett couldn't help but squirm a bit nervously at the feeling.
"Tickles?" Razor murmured slowly, eyes widening as the word finally seemed to process in his mind. He hadn't actually meant to be tickling Bennett originally, but now that the idea was there...
"Razor is the tickle wolf now!" He roared playfully, deciding to imitate a similar game that purple teacher had used on him just a few days prior whenever he was beginning to grow frustrated by one of his lessons.
"W-Wait what?! T-T-Tickle wolf?! What is-?! Ahahahahahahaha!! Nononoahaha wait!!" Bennett screamed, clearly not having expected the clumsy raspberry that the other boy suddenly blew against his stomach, arms flailing as he tried to shove him away, but to no avail.
Feeling encouraged by his friend's hysterical reaction, Razor continued, blowing raspberry after ticklish raspberry against his stomach as he clawed up and down his sides, and if he weren't already giggling so hard, Bennett would have laughed at the sheer amount of determination on the other teen's face even for such a silly activity as this.
Granted, Razor's technique was still fairly clearly sloppy and uncoordinated, having only just been exposed to this strange new human custom known as 'tickling' recently, but this little detail hardly seemed to matter much in the case of someone who was as ticklish as poor Bennett, and it didn't take much for him to send the other teen into frantic fits of laughter.
His face was getting a little red now though, so perhaps it would be a good time to stop now.
"Ah... Hehehe... Ha... Well... Thahahat wahahas fuhuhuhuhun..." Bennett panted, fanning at his reddened face a little as he sat up and reached for the offered water canister that Razor held out to him.
Taking a quick drink, he turned back to Razor and smiled innocently.
"Mind helping me up?" He asked, reaching a hand out expectantly and waiting for the other to take it. Once he did though, rather than letting the other boy help him stand, he instead gave his arm a strong tug, making him topple into his lap with a startled yelp before bursting into his own giggling fit when the 'hunter' finally caught him up in his arms and started tickling him as well.
Ah, well.. Atleast he hadn't gone down without a fight?
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chibimochii · 1 year
May I humbly request lee Bennett ler Kaeya and ribs?? 👀
Of course you may!! ( i _ i )
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Because I was asked twice, the second one from the precious @italeean here we go~ this one was one of the cutest ideas and I almost died when drawing this ;-;
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I love these two, favorite four stars right here( ; ; )✨
I have so many soft headcanons of Kae just being a great role model/ older brother figure to Bennett… but I won’t get started,, because if I do I won’t be able to stop
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