Zero’s T-word Blog
38 posts
...do I even have to explain? Zero || 16 || He/They || —I’m finally ready to get this blog going — whether or not this is a good thing will be shown in.. the future. I write for all sorts of things, just take a look down below to see what I write and maybe pop in a request? Please and thank you! :)❌I don’t RP❌
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
thankkk youuuu ✨💓💗💖💘💝
you have a wonderful rest of the day too <333
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@ my friends!
@anzynai @danibby @ticklygiggles @tickly-trashcan @fluffy-writes @fluffy-ami @wertzunge @ragewerthers @yanfei-is-my-career-goals @otomiya-tickles @aethish @darknessawaitsyou @justanotherticklishweeb @kittyfluffies @xiao-ism @naegiristan-deactivated20210804 @maybee-lee04 @evievanilla @valenni @tastybluesprite @ticklystuff @lovelynim @teaficsx @eulafan420 @kitzytickles @dazaibanzai @fandomsnfluff @gigglykenma
This was originally supposed to be a silly little appreciation post but there’s so many amazing authors in this community, it ended up being longer then I expected! I hope no one minds being tagged in this.. have a wonderful rest of the day guys!
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
also i need to post SOMETHING since i said i was gonna do it and never got around to doing it because i’m procrastinating a lot of things plus school sucks!!
anyways,, ever since i got like 4+ new siblings, tickle fights are always very common (with me winning sadly …. LIKE I WANNA BE WRECKED HOW DO I LOSEEEE?? /j)
so i can name a couple of times where i’ve felt extra ‘sensitive’ *ahem* when they’ve done it
i’m not naming names because holy shit if they found this blog I’d fucking cry and never come out of the house again 😭😭 /gen (i actually told my brother that i liked tickling and i was like ‘it’s so weird, i know’ and he told me ‘it’s not weird’ my heart melted. he’s also very respectful about safe-words too and not wanting to overstep boundaries which is <333333333333 lovely. couldn’t ask for a better brother.)
the oldest younger brother is very clingy and really likes to hug me late at night when everyone has gone to bed and it’s cute because i’ve never really had someone do that. ever. so ofc i’m happy to indulge him. but to fit on his bed, i have to curl my knees inwards (like a ball position) and he’ll sometimes rest his hand on the back of my knees and i cANT EVEN-
like it tickles so badly that I literally start giggling (and normally i’m not super ticklish on the back of my knees but holy fuck) and he’s like “sorry..!” and the moves back to tickling me 😭😭 and it’s not even on purpose either that’s what really gets me.
it’s also the same deal with my lower back. like holy hell i can’t!!! he’ll wrap his arms around me for a hug and rub his hands on my back and i have to bite my lip to keep from laughing and he’s just smiling like ‘oh’ ‘OH’ 😏
ALSO they literally found my death spot after i prayed that wouldn’t (would) find it !! so that’s fun. my cousin tickled me there and i literally screamed so that’s great !! now my brothers know. and my little sister too. she tries to get me but since she’s 5 it really doesn’t work 😭😭 i still love her though. (and no i am not telling you guys my death spot!!! maybe soon tho…)
anyways ! it’s mostly my siblings and cousins that i feel most ticklish with which is…
idk i haven’t really figured out my emotions yet fufu
question of the week ;
oooh okay so this was kind of inspired by a dream i had and then i was thinking about it: do you get extra ticklish when certain people tickle you ???
bc like i’m super ticklish but for some reason it’s like extra ticklish when my best friend tickles me akdnakd
why does this happen lmfao
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
gahhhh it’s been a long month at this point
i’m so sorry that i haven’t been posting - i’ll explain more of what’s been going on because i feel like you all deserve an explanation (and thank you for being so patient with me, i love you all /platonic)
- my sister has come to live with us after her divorce because she stopped taking her meds and developed acute psychosis which means i’ll have to live with someone who is the complete opposite of me (neat, wants me to be a responsible adult blah blah blah)
- school is also in the way, and I’ll be getting a job soon so i might not even have time to get on my phone.
- speaking of time consuming things, a stray dog wandered into my yard and now we are keeping him for the time being. <3 one of the more positive things that’s happened today.
- also been trying to connect with my actual family more but that’s hard because the only time i can go see them is on the weekends. which sucks.
it’s just been a hectic month and i apologize for how long i’ve been away!!
i’ll start posting more on Monday (i’ve got some ideas running through my head already) but for now, I’ll continue just going on with my day.
i hope you guys who see this have a good day and i’m sorry once again !! :)
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
💗send this to 10 people who you think are wonderful💗
✨Zero the Wonderful✨
omigosh thank you so much - i know i haven’t really been doing anything but being a lurker lately but still getting this brightened my day a little <3
i think you’re wonderful too ! :)
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
thanks for the tag <3
i’ve been absolutely dead to the world these past few weeks so i’m surprised people still know about me lmfao
(also tagging anyone who wants to do this, don’t be shy :3 )
1. my real name is based on my favorite kingdom hearts character. (more like straight copied except for one letter). take a guess if you’d like. i only would like people i’m close to calling me that, however. if you don’t know for certain, just message me and find out !
2. i have 5 siblings. 4 brothers, and a little sister. i won’t reveal their names because i feel like one of them (cough cough 2nd oldest) has tumblr and i’m NOT ready to explain why this is what they see. i’m also the oldest!
3. i have social anxiety and adhd. i tend to put on a front when talking to people and get really tense when people talk to *me*. despite my cheerful personality, i’m so much more different face to face.
4. i’m a compulsive gambler. i spent 500 dollars on Genshin in a single month. ... i’ve got problems. and 5 star characters. :)
5. i own most gaming consoles. xbox, ps4, Nintendo switch, 3ds, gamecube, gameboy, and some others that I used to have like a wii, and a Wii U.
anyways that’s my five !!
✨ Get to know your mutuals!! When you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. They can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done, send this to 10 people if you want to get to know them better!! 🌼💕
Well um sorry, I dont know ten people soooo
@thodimusprime @iamthelosingdog @musiksbrainrot
1. I am a percussionist
2. I have always had a very unhealthy sleep schedule since I was little
3. I was in the Undertale fandom from 2015-2019, not my best moment, haha
4. My birthday is August 7th
5. My favorite type of candy bar is Hershey’s Cookies and Cream
Now you know some things about me!😊
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
just talked to my mom
thought she died (lmfao that’s a joke, my adopted mom is dead not my real one)
pls help i can’t control these feelings
i just found out i’m adopted /srs
what a week this has been
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
i just found out i’m adopted /srs
what a week this has been
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
just broke things off with my best friend because even after 3 years of knowing him, he refuses to treat me with human decency
he’s even told me i’m “annoying” and that i’m “obsessed” with stuff (like kingdom hearts when i was *really* into that). he even went out of his way to tell me that he “was losing interest in me” and then claimed it wasn’t what he meant
but obv?? it kinda was (cause he would rather hang out with other friends instead of me when i really wanted to which was fun)
and i know i can’t control people’s lives, but like?? he’s continuously called me a girl at some times, then was like “i’m sorry, it won’t happen again” and then proceeded to do it anyways.
i can’t tell if i’m the jackass or if he is..
pls someone help me 😞
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
A Sweet Adventure
This is the first fic I’ve ever written so… be gentle, I guess >.<
I love Razor so much, and I can’t help but find myself daydreaming about him… so I figured that would be a nice place to start for a fic! He’s already my best buddy in the game - I’d love to be best buddies with him for real! 
I had a few people mention that they liked the idea of teaching Razor about s’mores, so yeah… I hope my fic can make someone smile!
Characters: Lumine & Razor Relationship: Platonic
The sun sparkled in the sky above Mondstadt as Lumine stood outside the gates to the main city. She waited with a backpack full of supplies in preparation for a night of camping in the Whispering Woods. Soon, Lisa and her companion crossed over the bridge. Razor smiled excitedly, carrying a backpack of his own, and raced ahead of Lisa. “Lupical!” he said, reaching the traveller. “I am ready! … excited!” “‘I am ready AND excited’,” Lisa corrected the wolf boy’s grammar as she reached the two. They exchanged hellos and Lisa double checked Razor’s backpack one last time. She was his main caretaker, and the two were seen together often now that Razor was spending more time in the city. “I would remind you two to be safe, but I know you can protect yourselves! The knights cleared the Whispering Woods just yesterday, too, so I doubt you’ll run into any trouble.” Lisa said sweetly. “Have fun, Razor, Cutie!”
Keep reading
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
you know what? honestly? i’m gonna start making fics about my ocs at this point 😭
idk it seems like a good idea but my irl friends know my ocs so i’m kinda scared but ya know
(but zero, you actually have to write it instead of just thinking about it. you can’t just keep your thoughts in your head- i mean, i can but ya know it’s not as much fun)
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
haha guess who just spent 50 dollars (75 in total but ya know i wanted some other stuff) on kazuha and instead got rosaria and razor ? 😭
just give me kazuha mihoyo 😭😭😭
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
lolol just sprained my ankle after running from my neighbor’s house, and *ahem* attempting to jump for the ground all the way to the third stair of my front porch.
i fell straight on my face
my ankle is swollen to all hell
:,) everything hurts
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
i main klee + razor !
question of the week ;
who do you main in genshin impact ?
if you're not into genshin impact, what's your favorite video game ???
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
A/N: this was started a month ago, but i never got around to finishing it. but now i have obviously, since i’m deciding to post it hehehe. have fun reading this silly thing ! slight spoilers for chongyun’s hangout event.
A/N: the ending was kind of rushed 😭 ik ik, i’ve been in and out of creative impulses and this was one of them and i decided to finish it while i was out of one. i’ll post a couple more throughout the week, but i hope you enjoy.
A/N: ughhh just noticed the writing styles are separate 😭😭 it looks so chopped ughskawkdbshan anyways
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Don’t Be Nervous
Summary: Chongyun really wants to see those kids from before once again but he’s way too nervous about it. Fortunately, they know just the thing to help him calm down. With Aether’s help, of course.
chongyun wasn’t usually a social person. anyone who took a couple of glances at the young man would understand in a heartbeat - the way his mannerisms showed themselves seemed to indicate a calm and composed manner, and yet, his mind was always focused on the wrong things. it was like he was unable to read the air in front of him until someone pointed it out. that’s just how he was raised, being the son of an exorcist and all.
but after hanging out with the traveler, his mindset started to change. the world was opened in front of him but he had no clue what to do. social interactions with ... “normal-enough” people, like his good friend xingqiu, was already quite a handful. but there was one thing that was especially on his mind: the children that he gave some of his popsicles to. there was nothing wrong with them - he actually... kind of enjoyed their company. despite that, he was unsure of how to go with asking them. it’d be weird if he went by himself, and who knows what other people would think of him.
“you seem a bit troubled, chongyun. are you okay? ...you’ve been like that for a couple of minutes now..” the cryo user nearly jumped out of his skin upon hearing the voice of the male traveler right beside of him, but was strangely relieved at the same time. he had been so lost in thought that he had forgotten that he was even there, helping him create another batch of popsicles since xiangling was also out today. “..ah, i’m fine. i’m just... unsure of something. it’s nothing too bad, so there’s no need to worry about me.”
aether’s head tilted slightly. “is there anything that I can do to help?” the sweet smell of fruit lingered in the restaurant - seemed like he was making one of those fruity batches that he had made a few days before when he had originally first ran out. the other sighed softly, shaking his head. “if I’m being honest, i’d... like to go see those kids again. ... it was, uh, fun being with them. but ... I guess I’m.. nervous to be around them. is it weird to like younger people’s company? is.. it a bad thing? i.. don’t want to be a bad person-“
chongyun’s mumbling grew softer and softer, until it became incoherent sounds. then suddenly, the bright sound of aether’s laughter filled the restaurant, snapping the exorcist out of his thoughts. “..eh? what’s so funny, traveler? ...did I say something weird..?” the blonde shook his head. “you didn’t say anything weird. i think it’s kinda cute that you want to go back to them. especially since they were asking about you earlier. it’s the reason i came over today, actually. other than ... y’know, making the popsicles,” he said, pointing to the fresh batch that was finished and sitting in his hands. “why don’t we take some of the excess and give it to the kids?”
chongyun’s eyes grew bright almost like a holiday tree, his mouth growing into a small smile that quickly faded away as he turned to the side. “..okay. that sounds good. uhm, are you sure it’s not a big deal? i don’t want to cause you any trouble, you know.” the traveler grabbed him by the hand, the other holding the popsicles.
“hush. you’re not causing me any trouble. i enjoy your company too, you know. And playing hide and seek was fun last time. even though.. you chose a .. terrible place to hide.” aether snickered to himself as the cryo user pouted softly. puffing out his cheeks as he let out a small sigh, the other responded, “well, it was my first time you know! and you don’t have to hold my hand..”
“whoops, sorry. guess i got caught up in the moment,” he admitted, letting go of the other as he continued walking beside of him. the bustling area of liyue was always a nice surprise whenever he visited, especially since it differs so much from mondstadt. “they should be up ahead if they’re still where i talked to them.
chongyun’s mind was racing all the way there. what if he screwed up right then and there? what if the children didn’t like him anymore? he was already feeling lightheaded from the lack of popsicles but now his nervousness amplified the hell out of it. “t-traveler, can you.. g-give me a moment?” the other stopped, face as pale as a ghost.
“too late. look.” aether pointed towards the two children who were already racing to them with shimmering eyes, excitement in every step they took. “hey! look! it’s the nice guy who gave us popsicles! he actually came back!” dalong, the little boy that was too nervous to talk to them when they first met, and his little sister, little le crowded around the young exorcist. aether only smiled as he backed up, giving him room with the people that he was craving to see.
“u-um, ..uh, i.. h-hello. i’m here to, uh, p-play with you once m-more.” chongyun’s light words were barely able to be heard, as his eyes darted back and forth between the children and the traveler.
“chongyun’s been thinking about you two a lot. he’s actually been looking forward to this. but he’s been quite nervous since i told him you’ve also been asking about him.” aether chimed in, setting the popsicles down on a table near them.
“you’re nervous? that’s okay! we can help you.” little le said with a bright smile, grabbing the edge of his shirt. “yeah, there’s a trick our mother does in order to get us to calm down! it’s very easy and gets rid of the nervous energy!” dalong continued his sister’s sentence, following beside her.
“uh.. r-really now? ehe, now what would that be?” chongyun tilted his head slightly, lightly patting their heads.
“you have to sit down on the ground and close your eyes. then we’ll do a magic trick!”
chongyun questioned this in his head, wondering what sort of voodoo magic they were about to do. but nevertheless, he decided to comply with their wants and sat down, his eyes shutting softly. even aether was questioning silently what they were about to do, especially with the look on his face. “okay, so what n-no—“ before he had time to finish his sentence, the children got to work using their ‘magic trick’. little le pushed him to the ground with all the strength she had, while her brother wiggled his fingers up and down his sides, slightly clawing at his stomach.
needless to say, it surprised everyone with the noise that came out of chongyun. he, himself, hadn’t even expected that they would try to do this. but here he was, his face entirely flushed as he turned away from them, embarrassment seeping through his skin. “no way, you’re ticklish, chongyun?” aether asked as he strode to where the kids had him basically pinned.
“n-no. you j-just.. ehehe- no! you just c-caught me.. by surprise.. that’s all..” though he was trying to put on an act, everyone could see right through it. he was breathing so heavily in hopes to keep his emotions under control, and to aether? this was the greatest moment of his life. the once calm, cool and collected exorcist getting tickled to death? this was something he had to see.
���oh really? just caught you by surprise, eh? then why don’t i help these kids do their magic trick? i’m.. well versed in the arts of magic, too.” aether’s grin had a sort of sadistic look to it, which made chongyun’s thoughts swirl. he was always incredibly ticklish, something he’s managed to hide for a long time - except for two moments. one with xingqiu, and ... right now. but now aether’s sitting right in front of him, about to exploit it in front of people that were traveling by. god, they were gonna think that they were killing him!
but alas, chongyun dug his own grave by denying it. of course, it wouldn’t have mattered either way - the outcome was still the same. “i.. sure hope not,” he muttered under his breath, slightly shaking from the kid’s soft and agile fingers gently caressing his sides. just keep calm, chongyun thought with closed eyes. little le sat on top of him, looking down at him with a bright grin. “are you feeling less nervous now? if not, we can always amp up our magic trick!”
“n-no! i’m fine-!”
“hmm, he’s stuttering. it doesn’t look like he’s fine. maybe we should amp up the ‘magic trick’,” aether hummed softly as he gently grabbed at the boy’s knees, squeezing them as gently as possible. arching his back slightly, trying not to hurt the little girl on top of him, he kicked his knee out, praying that he didn’t hit aether in the face.
“p-plehehease.. d-don’t..!” chongyun cried out, shutting his eyes as his whole facade was being torn to shreds. aether pondered the request for a minute, looking down at the now entirely red-faced boy before deciding on an answer. “don’t what, exactly?”
“t-tihihickle me!” his eyes grew wide as he realized what trap he just fell into. aether’s smirk only grew wider as he tilted his head. “oh? so.. you want me to do this? aww chongyun, i didn’t know you liked this~.” he quickly became a giggly mess, especially with the traveler’s teases. “nohoho- t-that’s n-nohohot whahahat i meheheant!” he managed to cry out, throwing his head back against the soft grass they were laying upon.
“cuhuhut ihihit ohohohut! ack-! ahaha-!” chongyun wanted to get more out before he continued dissolving into laughter but the words would not come out no matter what he did. man, this was worse than what xingqiu usually did!
“you’re very ticklish, mr. chongyun,” dalong muttered as his small hands continued exploring his upper body, making his laughter rise an octave. “d-dohohohn’t tehehease mehehehe-!! aCK! aETHER!” chongyun looked down to see the other scratching as his inner thighs, gently pinching on one side and scribbling on the other. normally he would’ve been kicking out in a futile situation, hoping that it would’ve done something but with his knees buckled inwards, there was absolutely nothing he could do but sit there and take it, his laughter growing louder with every agonizing touch.
“oh? bad spot?” aether mumbled softly as he looked up at the cryo user, watching the other’s adorable expression. the bright smile that he had never seen on him was a different change of pace. his flushed face and teary eyes gave way to a sign that maybe it was getting to be too much for him. especially since he knew about his pure-yang energy, and the difficulties with heat sources with him.
“hmm, maybe we should give him a break,” aether chimed in through chongyun’s loud laughter, slowing down his brutal attack on him. the other children quickly nodded, now standing over the other’s body as he covered his face, clearly embarrassed with what just went down.
“mr. chongyun? are you feeling less nervous now?” little le mumbled softly as she fiddled with her hands, hoping that their trick had worked. in actuality, chongyun was feeling a whole lot less nervous than he was before. their ‘magic trick’ actually worked, which brought him mixed emotions.
“i guess.. so,” he muttered, still trying to regain his breath back from the recent onslaught.
“yay! now mr. chongyun can play with us!” he turned to aether who was smiling softly at him, reaching out his hand to grasp the other. “c’mon, i think it’s time to get this play date started for real.”
chongyun only smiled back.
“as long as we play hide and seek.”
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
i’m so bored and i’ve got no creative energy so let’s just chill
ANYTHING that comes into my ask I’ll answer, no matter what it is!
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
😭😭 they’re so cute
Xingyun Hcs
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bro i was looking through my notes and realized i wrote xingyun hcs in APRIL like two entire months ago. i’m crying but now it’s finally being posted LMAO
anyways, enjoy!!
* xingqiu tickles chongyun A LOT, whether it be a few quick pokes or a full on tickle attack.
* wake up tickles are a thing with xingqiu whenever they spend the night with the other. xingqiu and chongyun both wake up late, but sometimes, due to habit, xingqiu wakes up earlier and will tickle chongyun awake.
* chongyun has only woken up xingqiu with tickles once. and that was because nothing was waking him up and he was getting desperate LMAO
* despite chongyun being tickled the most, xingqiu is much more ticklish than him.
* chongyun is still SUPER ticklish though. basically, both of them are just walking tickle spots.
* chongyun’s death spot armpits and his feet. he also has ticklish ears but not too many know.
* xingqiu’s death spots are his tummy, his sides, and his knees.
* xingqiu always gives quick scratches to chongyun’s neck bc he loves the way chongyun squeaks and tucks his head into his neck (not that he’d ever tell him).
* discreet public tickles with xingqiu. but omg he’s a nightmare when he decides to tickle chongyun in public and chongyun has to try not to laugh. like when they’re out to eat at wanmin, xingqiu will like poke him in the sides to make him squirm.
* xingqiu is an EVIL ler. chongyun does not get any mercy.. unless his congenital positivity acts up but even that’s only sometimes.
* chongyun is an awkward but somehow good ler and always has xingqiu snorting and shrieking ahh
* xingqiu is always really flustered when chongyun gets him to that point ahaha
* xingqiu found out chongyun was ticklish simply by reading a book which mentioned tickling and xingqiu was curious if chongyun was so he put it to the test.
* anddd chongyun found out by accidentally poking xingqiu in the side, who then let out a loud yelp. though nothing came out of it because chongyun was too embarrassed to go any further.
* it took years for chongyun to be comfortable with actually tickling xingqiu. but when he was, he often used it as a threat.
* “xingqiu, if you lie to me, i’ll tickle you!” “xingqiu, put the book down or i’ll tickle you!”
* xingqiu is a master teaser and gets chongyun more flustered than he thought was possible.
* chongyun isn’t the best teaser haha and anything he says that could be seen as teasing is unintentional.
* though, he’s gotten a lot better at teasing those he’s close with (specifically xingqiu)
* through the many tickle fights they’ve had, they both win a fair amount (chongyun wins a few more than xingqiu tho.. he’s just really strong ig, comes from being a claymore user LMAO and xingqiu wins sometimes because he’s always got tricks)
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darknessawaitsyou · 4 years ago
after days of dealing with mental illness, tODAY is the day i write a chongyun x aether fanfic -
and hopefully, i’ll post it too. it’s quite long so i’m kinda proud of it too 🥲
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