#this was meant to be fully fluffy so i apologise
leclerity · 3 months
that's who i'm racing for
Charles Leclerc x Fiance!Reader count: 1k words summary: Charles and you talk before a big race, sad because you're having to call instead of sleeping in the same bed. a/n: it sounds like angst but it's mostly fluff. i promise!
If you’re not in bed, by his side, he will call you before every race. He likes to say that not hearing your voice lull him to sleep brings bad luck, and that’s the one thing he won’t risk. You’re convinced it’s just a nice little gesture, but you cherish it nonetheless.
“Baby,” Charles mumbles into the phone, looking at the camera with weary eyes. “Turn your light on. I want to see you.”
“It’s late. I’m heading to bed, too.”
“I know, but I miss your face.”
You know he can see you as well as you can see him—the light from your phones is bright enough—but you turn on your bedside lap, anyway. “Happy?”
“Much happier.” Charles shifts around until his hands are wedged under his pillow and he’s staring at the phone with a lovey-dovey smile. “I can’t believe you had to stay at home.”
“Duty calls,” you say.
“I should be your duty.”
“You will be. Soon enough.”
“Show me.”
Dutifully, you bring up your hand, moving it so that the diamond ring is visible over the camera, as butterflies fill your stomach. It’s been months, yet you’re still not used to it – you don’t think you’ll ever get used to it, it’ll just have one more ring added to it.
“Ah, I can’t wait for you to be mine,” he says.
“I’m already yours.”
“Not officially. And you’re not here.”
You turn the light off, knowing he’s seen what he wanted to see, but your smile still shows on the screen. “I know. I’ll be there for the next race, I promise.”
“The bed feels empty without you, you know,” he murmurs. “Without my fiance.”
“I’ll warm it up soon enough.”
“You better.”
You hear him playing music in the background – sometimes he does that when he can’t fall asleep, when you’re not there. Your heart tugs at its strings but there’s nothing you can do. His eyes are getting heavier, even though he’s trying to keep them open to look at you, and you can tell that he’s not far out from completely falling asleep.
You decide to take the initiative. “I’ll head to bed, I think.”
“You’re only saying that because I’m tired.”
“Maybe,” you say. “Does it make a difference?”
Charles thinks about it. “No. But I wish we didn’t have to sleep apart.”
“I know. Me too. But you need your sleep, my love.”
“I know, I know… I’d just rather be with you.”
“Me, too.”
He looks at you and you see his face soften, even with all the tiredness. His hair is messy and falling over his eyes, a far cry from how he likes to present himself, but this is how you like him best – at his most genuine, most vulnerable. Where he’s not the driver, the Monegasque, but just Charles.
Just yours.
He sighs. “Oh, what would I do to sleep in your arms tonight…”
You feel the pain in his voice as if it were your own. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“Don’t apologise. Don’t even think it’s your fault.”
The thing he won’t admit, not to himself and let alone to you—but you can see it—is the reason why he’s still up, way past his bedtime on race day. It’s almost halfway through the season and he’s doing good in the standings, and maybe Ferrari’s luck will turn for the better this year, but Lando’s right behind him and the race tomorrow has to be good if he wants things to stay this way.
The pressure is intense. You can see it in the weariness under his eyes, in the way he’s felt just a little bit aloof in the past week, especially since he landed in Spain. It breaks your heart to watch him like this and not be able to hug him, to hold him, to kiss the fear away.
So you fluff up your pillow and lie down, propping the phone up against what is usually Charles’s pillow. “We can pretend I’m there.”
“Stay on call. Fall asleep together. I’ll hear you snoring and it’ll be like I’m there.”
“I don’t snore,” he says, but you can tell that his voice has picked up a little. “Okay. Just falling asleep?”
“Yeah. It’s late.”
You wait as he props the phone up, too, and the camera is half-covered by the pillow, but you don’t say anything. You can just about make out his hair and his eyes, even with his mouth out of sight.
He’s beautiful, no matter what, and you can’t wait to be finally his in every way that matters.
“You’re going to have an amazing race tomorrow, mon cheri.”
Charles kisses his finger then presses it to the camera, whispering sweet nothings to you in French. You feel yourself drifting off, but stay up—just in case—until you hear the familiar snoring, and you were right – it’s almost like you’re right there, right next to him.
When you close your eyes, you can still hear him snoring, and you find that you can easily pretend that you’ll touch him if you just reach over. Sleep takes you with your hand stretched out, lulled into dreams by your fiance’s snoring, and maybe the world won’t fall apart just because you’re not together.
You wake up and he’s gone, the call has ended, but there’s a text message thanking you for last night and telling you how much it helped give him a good night’s sleep, and how much he can’t wait to get back to you on Monday.
Later, some half an hour before the race, you get another text from him: 72 days until you’re mine. That’s who I’m racing for.
You clutch your phone to your chest, praying to all the gods you do and don’t believe it to keep him safe. To let him win without having to sacrifice anything. To bring him home safe, to you in one piece.
Soon enough, you’ll be lying in bed together, falling asleep with your arms wrapped around each other until it gets too hot, and just a little after that, you’ll be doing so while sharing the Leclerc name.
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blossombriefs · 6 months
Legendary | Chapter Six
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As the ship sliced through the endless expanse of space, an awkward silence enveloped the cabin, broken only by the gentle hum of the engines underneath. I stole a glance at Broly, his gaze was fixated on the stars as they raced by the viewport while we continued our journey. His fluffy hair hung over his face as I could see him trying to take in what he could see. I sighed heavily, knowing his silence could be attributed to Frieza revealing my mission to him. I wasn't sure. In a rather newly learned display of empathy, I reached out a hand to him and rested it on his large shoulder, asking him softly, "Broly? Are you okay?"
Broly turned, his gaze meeting mine as his expression stayed unreadable. His reply had a slight warmth to it, "I'm here. Aren't I?"
I nodded. I was thankful he had followed me onto the ship. If it wasn't for him and his steady reassurance he offered in the face of unknown danger, I probably either would've followed Frieza back onto the ship or I could've even been killed. "Thank you Broly, for everything. I'm sorry that-"
"If you're going to apologise for Frieza revealing that your mission on Vampa was to kill me then hold your breath, I don't need to hear it." As he interrupted me, he shuffled back in his chair, resting his hands behind his head as he tiredly closed his eyes over.
"No Broly I-"
"You called me simple back on Vampa." He started, "I don't have the intelligence that you do Flora, I know that, but I'm not stupid."
I listened on as I turned in my chair so I faced him fully, giving him my undivided attention as I crossed my legs. He sighed, opening his eyes after a brief moment to look up at the ceiling. "You wouldn't have had it in you to kill me."
I paused to contemplate his words. Broly's insight struck me off guard, however, it was clear I was underestimating him. I politely disagreed, not letting it damage my pride or knock my abilities, "No I definitely could've done it."
"You couldn't have Flora. I could sense that you didn't have it in you. When I get angry I get in that rage and I just wipe out everything. I don't ever remember it when I get out of it. I would've hurt you if you tried but you seemed scared. You wouldn't have hurt me. If you wanted to, you would've killed me after I saved your life."
I sighed, "Maybe you're right Broly. Maybe I have lost my sparkle."
"Or maybe you've gained something much better, you're becoming more of a person and not a machine." His expression turned into a reassuring smile, "Captain Four Alpha One's mission was to kill me, not Flora's."
"Thank you, Broly," my smile unapologetically matched his. I nodded as I sighed happily, it felt like the right time to confess, "It's nice not to feel alone anymore."
Broly shared the same feelings as me in a mutual agreement, he too was isolated but he was cast off to a faraway land away from his home planet. I had so many questions I wanted to ask him but I knew it would be rude to pry. We had spent several hours cooped up on the ship together trying to figure out a game plan on where to go next. When the plans weren't really going anywhere on either of our parts - mostly due to a lack of knowledge on where to go - I decided that it was time to change into some more comfortable clothes as my current outfit had seen better days. Once I was on my feet I headed to one of the lockers we had near the cockpit, pulling out some black sweatpants and a baggy black shirt to match. We usually had these on hand for training. It was lucky that we carried extra sizes for the crew, it meant I had some that I could give to Broly. 
"C'mon," I stated, tossing the clothes to him. "I'll do some laundry while we figure out where the hell we're going."
Slowly, I gripped the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head. I stood looking at myself in the mirror, my chest covered by a black bra. My eyes slipped down to my taped ribs as I undid the bandages. The bruises had healed pretty well, only a few spots of yellow and purple remained. I ran my fingers over them, they weren't sore to the touch anymore. Glancing back in the mirror, I saw Broly looking in my direction with widened eyes. As my eyes met him in the reflection, he started to look around frantically. His cheeks were pink with a blush. I rolled my eyes and let out a playful laugh, covering up my upper body with the fresh shirt. "Is everything okay?"
"I-I don't know," Broly stuttered nervously in response.
"Not used to seeing a girl get changed are you, big boy?" I jested. I turned with my back to him again, preparing the load the machine with some of the clothes. The way Broly got flustered was comical to me, almost kinda cute. "I'm used to getting changed in front of my crewmates."
"Wait... what is that?" Broly suddenly questioned as I could see him point towards my lower back. I twisted my body around to look at my lower back, accented with the large brown mark that Broly had questioned.
"Oh, the mark?" I asked, "It's just a birthmark. It's always been there."
Broly stood up, his shirt forced over his head to reveal his muscular physique. I noticed his body was covered in scars, similar to the ones that decorated his soft face. I caught myself drawn to him for a moment, feeling lost in thought as I gazed at every dip and curve in his muscles. He then slowly turned around his body, his back in clear view. I gasped, catching sight of an identical mark in the same place on his back. I dropped the basket, rushing over to crouch at his side. I ran my fingers over his back gently, and hearing him wince as I touched the tender patch made me pull back. "Careful Flora."
"That mark... that's..."
"I don't know," Broly responded. "It's been on my body for as long as I can remember too."
I sat in awe, allowing my hand to trace the contours of his back where the mark was again, just a little bit more gently than I did before. I felt a rush of confusion and wonder. The similarities of the marks - the size, the colour and the shape - felt like they couldn't just be a simple coincidence, could it? Broly turned to face me, our eyes matching with the same look as astonishment. "What does this mean?"
"I don't know," I responded, shaking my head as I wasn't able to give a definitive answer. "Perhaps it signifies something, I just don't know what. That or it's a pretty creepy coincidence."
The silence settled between us both, accompanied by the solo sound of the engine's lulling buzz. It felt like this was something else drawing us together in a moment of profound connection. I kept my gaze on his eyes, feeling a sense of undeniable kinship. Whatever lay ahead on my journey, I knew now I wouldn't be alone in it. We got changed, I did the laundry with Broly and showed him how to work the technology on board. He marvelled at how foreign these concepts all were to him. As we laughed over a quick meal, my instincts snapped into gear as the loud screech of an alarm broke up the moment. I rushed to the control panel, tapping the screen to see our ship had been sent an urgent distress signal.
"To the Captain of this ship and the Saiyan on board, we need you. Please come to our coordinates..."
"Buckle up!" I smiled to Broly as I strapped myself into the captain's chair, switching off the autopilot as I pinched in the coordinates. Again, this was a planet I had never explored. 
"Planet... Namek?!"
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strugglekin · 1 year
Hi, so i was thinking for awhile might switch this to a more closed off account from the rest! If i do so could i make a small request? I never fully got the idea down of what I could've looked like i know it was
eastern dragon but more cat like and VERY big claw paws, bigger ears (Not to long but also really fluffy around the base) and a tail that has fur at the beginning goes skinny and puffs out at the end like an eastern dragon.. patterns like a snow leopard pattern mixed with a fox But on the green scale of colors?? (paw claws) that go up to the knees these are mostly from dreams, and i know it was in space since it was usually connected- i also think it had dark green bug antenna, it was some space- dragon, cat thing hybrid alien?? I dont remember much.. but yeah thats what i know from my dreams!!
hey there anon! I RACED to fulfil this request because this was one of the most unique and awesome descriptions of a dragon kintype I have ever heard, and I haven’t met another space dragon yet!! I tried my best to follow all your requests but I may have misinterpreted (and i’m not sure what you meant by the paw claws that go up to the knees, sorry!) so i apologise if not everything is accurate! I also had to take some creative liberties on stuff like the eyes that were not specified, but i can change the colour of anything incredibly easily so feel free to message me for a correction!
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I really hope you like it! 🐾❣️
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crazygalore · 3 years
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TW: mentions of dysmorphia, NSFW
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Surprisingly, Gabriel actually NEEDS it, after each lovemaking session - no matter how gentle or how rough he was with you. He’ll draw the both of you a hot bath, and help you wash yourself. If you return the favour, this boy will positively melt, and let out tiny noises that sound suspiciously similar to little purrs. Afterwards, once he has patted your dry with a fluffy towel and dressed you in your favourite pyjamas, Gabriel will carry you to bed, and place you under the covers. Then, he will bring your favourite snacks and beverage, to enjoy while you huddle together to watch a movie before falling asleep.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Gabriel could never pick just one thing he loves about you - because he practically worships you body and soul. You are infinitely beautiful in his eyes, and the fact that you love and accept him for who he is feels like a miracle to him.
Since he doesn’t actually have a body of his own, he expresses his identity though clothes that he wears, which are different than the ones owned by Madison. Although they’re not body parts per say, he sees his leather coat and makeshift gold dagger as extensions of himself, and he enjoys donning them whenever he takes over his twin’s body. He will, sometimes, remain fully clothed during sex.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
His pleasure is your pleasure, and he will make you cum as much as possible, if only to enjoy your desperate moans and whimpers. 
Being transmasc and trapped his Madison’s body, he suffers from severe dysmorphia and doesn’t really enjoy being touched intimately. And, as stated HERE, he did communicate with his sister when the two of you decided to become intimate, because he felt like this specific situation called for his sister’s consent. She doesn’t have access to his memories regarding his sex life, though - which is for the best.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
It’s not a secret that he loves watching you pleasure yourself. The first time he witnessed it, you weren’t aware he was there, lost as you were in the act, so he quietly enjoyed the show from the door, a smug smirk playing at the corners of his mangled mouth.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
You are Gabriel’s first and only love, and the only person who ever saw him as a human being, worth of respect and adoration. So he doesn’t have that much experience, but he did his research and tried to learn as much as possible about the human body’s erogenous spots. That makes up for his lack of actual physical experience, at least most of the times. But since your guys’ relationship is based on trust, respect and communication, Gabriel is never ashamed to ask what works for you, and what doesn’t.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Missionary, since he usually uses his mouth, fingers or a strap-on to pleasure you - and he wants to be able to look at your face, kiss your lips and hold you in his arms during sex. Gabriel is a very tactile person, and extremely touch-starved, so he actually NEEDS to be held, caressed and comforted. It’s the main reason why he enjoys making love to you so much, because the physical intimacy is something he’d never experienced before.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
I wouldn’t say he’s particularly goofy, but he isn’t very stoic either. If anything awkward ensures during sex, he will try to make you laugh about it, so that you can relax and move on.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He doesn’t actually have a private area of his own, and its pretty much Madison’s business as to how she grooms her nether region. He doesn’t actually care about those parts, since he never uses them.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Very intimate, very romantic and very needy. As stated above, he craves physical contact, and he melts whenever you treat him with gentleness and affection. Hold him, kiss him, caress his scarred cheeks, and tell him how good he makes you feel, and Gabriel will be putty in your hands.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t actually partake in this act, as he doesn’t enjoy looking at, or touching the private parts of the body he shares with his sister. But sometimes, he fantasizes about what he would do to you, if he had a body of his own.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Gabriel is surprisingly vanilla, but he can be pretty dominant in the bedroom. He will pin your wrists above your head, as he fucks you into the mattress, or guide you into touching yourself, his voice a mere growl coming from your phone’s speaker. Knife kink, maybe, but only when it comes to cutting off your clothes. He doesn’t wanna hurt you, so unless you insistently ask him to, Gabriel won’t hold his makeshift dagger to your throat, or drag its blade across your skin. After all, he has other ways to let out his violent frustrations, so he feels no need to bring that to the bedroom. He was hurt by people who abhorred him, and he returned the favour years later. Love and violence do not cross paths in Gabriel’s mind.
Also clothed sex, because he enjoys wearing his leather coat and gloves, as he teases your naked body mercilessly.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere inside the house, but the bedroom is his favourite, because it’s more private and safe. Plus, he enjoys taking his time, so the bed is the most comfortable option when it comes to lengthy lovemaking sessions.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Whenever you treat Gabriel with kindness and love, he will feel the need to bring you pleasure, and show you just how much he covets you. For him, sex is a means of expressing his affection for you - it’s an act of adoration and gratitude.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will NOT hurt you, ever, no matter how much you insist. You are the only person who has ever treated him right, and he cannot bear the thought of harming you in any way.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Enjoys giving, and is very enthusiastic about it. This boy will eat you out for hours, and has become fucking expert at it. He knows just how to angle his face, and use his teeth and tongue to cause you maximum pleasure. Your taste is heaven to him, and your needy moans and whimpers are music to his ears. He will edge you, he will overstimulate you, he will play your body like a violin, using his mouth and fingers alone.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on the mood. Slow and sensual is his go to, but he can be rough if you ask him to. But regardless of the pace, Gabriel is ALWAYS very passionate, and completely dedicated to your pleasure. Also, this boy is inhumanly strong, so he may end up becoming rough without even realizing it - but in case it becomes too much, all you have to do is tell him, and Gabriel will apologise and treat you more gently.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Not opposed to them, but he prefers taking his time.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s willing to try anything, so long as it doesn’t cause you any actual harm. Hickeys and faint finger-shaped bruises happen a lot, since he doesn’t always calibrate his strength properly all the time.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Oh, he could go on forever. Remember he experiences pleasure exclusively through you, so he never gets tired of it.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Oh, yes, 100% a fan of toys, all of them meant to drive you utterly insane with pleasure.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
The most unfair and maddeningly patient tease to ever walk this Earth. He will edge you until you’re crying and begging for release - and only then will he CONSIDER to maybe let you cum.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Low growls and muffled moans are the best he can do - although he may use your phone’s speaker to talk dirty to you.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Gabriel really enjoys sucking on and playing with your nipples. And, yes, he has actually made you cum by solely teasing and fondling your chest.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
As I said, he uses a strap-on, which is just the right length and thickness to bring you maximum pleasure. In fact, the more I think about it, the more inclined I am to believe he consulted with you before buying it.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
I would say his sex drive is medium to low, so unless you initiate it - case in which he will be delighted to take you to the bedroom - he will rarely bring it up. But he does have his moments, when he simply craves your passionate embrace.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It depends. Sometimes he falls asleep as soon as aftercare has been performed, and sometimes he stays awake a little while longer, just to watch you sleep peacefully by his side.
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legends-of-apex · 3 years
If you're still taking those prompts, could I please request 32 with Liu Kang, maybe with his s/o being the one saying it. I also really loved those headcanons you did for him, they were so cute and fluffy.
32. It’s just a scratch.” “Don’t lie to me. Show me.”
Liu Kang x Reader (fluff, angst)
Thanks so much for your request! Hope you like it 😊
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Training was always hard. You were always sore, stiff and covered in sand by the time Raiden or Liu Kang brought it to a close. But that day? That day you were thoroughly beaten. You’d never felt exhaustion like it.
You were so tired that by the time it came for you to spar with Kung Lao at the end of the day, you didn’t have the energy to fully evade one of his flurrying bladed hat attacks. And it cut you.
He hadn’t meant for it to at all, thinking you’d easily evade the sharp edge. So when you felt your stomach burning from that blade, you fell and he was too shocked to even catch you.
You were so tired that you couldn’t even clutch your stomach, everything hurt and that was just the cherry on top.
Liu Kang was at your side and on his knees before you in an instant, Lao a moment after. They helped you to your feet, Lao apologising all the while but Liu Kang stayed silent, eyes dead set on you, watching for any indication you might pass out.
“Go and ready the nurses.” He affirmed when Lao tried apologising again and he did, wordlessly, his jaw clenched. He knew he was pushing you too far that day and despite Liu Kang asking him to ease off you given how you were visibly exhausted, he hadn’t and now you were hurt. His pigheadedness hurt you.
His hand in yours, prayer beads digging lightly into your palm, Liu guided you towards the sandy steps at the edge of the fight pit and helped you sit down.
“I’m fine Liu, really. It’s just a scratch.”
“Don’t lie to me, show me,” his voice was stern. More stern that you’d maybe ever heard it. But that usual softness still settled around his eyes. He was just worried about you, you’d never been hurt under his watch before.
“May I?” He asked and you gave him the go ahead to lift your shirt just a little to see the damage begotten from Lao’s hat. His fingers were gentle as they bunched up the material and ran over your stomach a little, brushing off any sand from your skin.
It wasn’t deep at all. It was just a scratch and a nasty one at that. But you were alright, Lao hadn’t accidentally gutted you because he was working you too hard.
“I’m okay, Liu.” He nodded, you were thankfully genuinely alright. But by the gods, Lao was going to get an earful.
“I’m sorry, my love. I should have ceased your training much earlier than this.” But Lao had insisted you continue, all in the name of unlocking your arcana.
“It’s alright. I should’ve spoken up.” You reassured him, seeing the worry still swimming in his beautiful brown eyes. He held your hand a little tighter and brought your knuckles to his lips.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.” His voice was soft, barely even a whisper. So soft that the breeze had to carry it towards your ears.
The sudden realisation that the tournament drew ever closer dawned on you both just then. You might lose each other or Lao or the entire planet if you weren’t careful. That was why you were training so hard in the first place. In a way, Kung Lao was only trying to help even if he did push you too hard sometimes.
You cupped his cheek, wiping a smudge of soot from his nose, “And you’ll never have to find out.”
It wasn’t a promise, for it wasn’t something you could promise in the lifestyle that you both lead. But it was affirmation that you would do everything in your power to make sure that situation never came to a head.
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covenofwives · 3 years
Old Friends
Despite how fond DreamXD has grown for the mortal life, he still returns to the Godly Realm every once in a while to visit his other sibling, and catch up with an old "friend". Things take a turn when DreamXD decides to show this friend exactly what the mortals have taught them.
Small disclaimer: I apologise for just a small mention of Distra and nothing else from her. I don't fully know her boundaries or if she's comfortable with people putting her/her character in fics. If she's said anywhere she's not, pls tell me so I can delete/edit this.
Has anyone else written about GeorgeHD? I feel like there's missed opportunities for this. I've searched in the tags for them but found nothing.
(pls see the end of the fic for some notes)
There used to be a time when DreamXD was hardly in the mortal realm. They’d check in every now and then since they took it upon themselves to be the protector of the world but they tried to keep distant as possible. Attachments meant unfair judgement and XD wanted to keep themselves as a neutral God. But, in complete fairness, they could never be completely neutral. Dream, their more mortal brother, founded and lived on the SMP which meant XD would always have a tie to it. In their failed attempt to keep distant, they had grown close to George as well; Dream’s best friend.
XD had made attachments even to the other members of the SMP though they only had a few interactions. XD had broken their promise, and as such was spending more time on the mortal realm to be close to the ones they cared for.
But as much as XD wanted to spend time with his friends, he had leave. He gave himself a time limit, something to ground him and remind him that while he loved these people, he had to keep neutral. He’d spent almost up to two months on the mortal realm watching the people on the SMP and spending time with his brother and friend, and then he’d take a half month away, and walk in the land of the Gods.
The realm of Gods was an indescribable place that could morph and shift to a small thought, never having a set perception. There were many powerful beings here, greater and lesser Gods alike, but the realm was endless and gave more than enough space. As such there were very few conflicts.
DreamXD did always like coming into the realm even though his time here was growing less and less. While being amongst the mortals was nice, as soon as they stepped into the beyond it was like taking a breath of pure fresh air. XD always felt invigorated and energised walking through the shifting surroundings.
One of the biggest reasons for XD visit, was to visit his youngest sibling, Drista. Unlike Dream, who chose to live with the mortals, Drista wanted to lean in more to her Godly powers, so she still lived in the Gods realm. She’d sometimes visit and make friends with the mortals, and DreamXD always tried to visit her as much as he could. XD adored visiting her, but time with her was always short. Drista was always excited to see him but then she’d be zipping away like a rocket to the next exciting thing, and XD carried on his wanderings.
There weren’t many others XD would visit. If they passed another God they would greet them but never staying long enough to chat. XD never made a connection to the others here outside his family, but there was always one he would find himself wandering to every time he visited.
DreamXD wandered further until the field they walked through faded and the world became a blanket of dark blue. They kept walking forward, not put off by the growing darkness until reaching a spot where the darkness was broken up by an ocean of tiny stars. The wide expanse of the night sky seemed endless and lonesome, but XD could see their target not far ahead.
They lay in a heap of soft, dark blue blankets and pillows, completely engulfing them. The only part XD could see of them was a stay leg sticking out from the blankets, and a small tuft of their fluffy brown hair under one of the pillows. When XD approached, they heard the soft snores and felt a moment of pre-emptive guilt before nudging into the lump of blankets with their foot.
“Get up.” DreamXD spoke, pushing away the blankets and some of the pillows covering the other God. “I came to visit.”
A very unappreciative groan came up from the blankets and then the heap of soft pillows moved, breaking away as the figure pushed themselves up. The dark blue night sky and endless stars slowly faded, overtaken by a soft pink and orange glow.
“Oh good…” They grumbled, in a voice that did not sound like it was good at all. “My day just isn’t complete without your gracious visits.”
The last of the blankets was kicked away, revealing more of a mess of blue robes tangled around the figure. Their thick brown hair was more ruffled with their bed head. Their white goggles were hanging lopsided, not enough to show their eyes though and the God quickly fixed them as they sat up.
GeorgeHD was the near spitting image of his named counterpart; so it was very strange to XD that neither of them seemed to know of the other’s existence. When XD had first met George, they’d asked him if he had any siblings, or some relation still alive, but George denied it. They tried to ask the same question to HD, but the God responded with a “nope” and the conversation was over.
HD stretched himself up, raising his arms over his head as his back popped with a satisfying groan. There were dark red circled under his goggles, a sign of oversleeping which XD always found odd that Gods could suffer from such a thing.
“How long have you been asleep for?” XD asked, and watched as white ethereal hands began to appeared around HD.
As XD had four arms, HD’s extra limbs were ghostly white hands that appeared for GeorgeHD’s whims. XD had only ever seen the hands preen or groom HD, or give him extra help when the God was too lazy to do it himself. They seemed to be made for comfort to HD rather than giving him any powers.
The hands unfolded and fixed the God’s robes and tried to get some order to the hair before disappearing, realising it was a lost cause to try and fix that birds nest of hair.
“Hmm…” HD hummed, his thoughts sounding far away as he brought a hand up to rub under his glasses. “When did you last visit?”
XD frowned. That had been near 3 months ago.
“Don’t you think you’re sleeping too much?”
XD knew it was a mistake to approach the topic by the look on HD’s face. His lips curled up into a near snarl as he spoke. “Aren’t you spending too much time in the mortal world?” GeorgeHD mocked, as though doing a bad mimic of XD’s voice. “You can’t judge my sleep patterns when you’re not even here!”
It was a mistake to argue with them, but XD felt a protective defence well up in his chest. “I’m protector of the world. It is my job to be there and guard them.”
“You’re the protector of the End.” HD corrected annoyingly and lounged back over to the pillows and blankets that the ethereal hands had quickly made up for them. “Just because your brother is with the mortals doesn’t make you the protector.”
XD felt the fight rise in them, but they let it go. A fight with HD wasn’t worth it. How two people could look so similar and yet elicit such different feelings in XD baffled them.
George was cocky, sassy and a brat. He radiated a feral energy and kept up an air of royal detachment; but there was a deep kindness in him. It was only for his closest of friends, but he was caring and soft to those he cared for. George was a terror, but he was kind. GeorgeHD was nothing like that.
He was every bit as sassy and bratty, but he had the godly powers to take it further and suffer no guilt or consequences. He didn’t need or seem to want to form connections. There was no sweet closeness to HD or if there was it was at a level XD was not at yet. And XD was pretty sure he was the only “friend” GeorgeHD had. He was pretty sure he was the only one who ever spoke to HD.
The clam orange glow around the Gods faded off to a pale blue the more awake HD came, though XD could see the edges of the blue starting to darken and shimmer with stars.
“Don’t fall asleep again.”
“I’m not asleep!” HD snapped. “And even if I was, what business is it of yours?”
“You sleep too much.” XD felt they shouldn’t have to point it out. They tentatively sat down by the blankets and pillows, close to HD but still giving him space. HD shot him a look, but he never said anything about how close they were.
“Oooh, someone cares now~” HD brought on his high taunting voice. He raised his head and slowly grinned, showing his fangs. They were much smaller than XD’s but no less vicious looking. “Are you all soft now? Spending time with the mortals made you all soft? Are you going to ask me to cuddle next?!”
“Forget I said anything.” XD grumbled.
“Yes, maybe I will.” HD lay back into the pillows and blankets. One of the white hands appeared again, preening over his hair before disappearing. “Why do you give so much care to my health all of a sudden?”
Because you look like him. XD thought, but they wouldn’t say it out loud. XD was convinced George and GeorgeHD must have some connection. If they weren’t related did that mean mortals just had a Godly counterpart? Was Dream and DreamXD just lucky to be related? Would their be some Godly version of Sapnap out there somewhere? Did a mortal Foolish exist somewhere in the world?
DreamXD and Dream looked similar because they were brothers. There was no way GeorgeHD and George just happened to have the same…everything! Their hair colour, the shape of their face, even their name for nether sake! The only slight differences were their bodies and even then it was slight tweaks.
GeorgeHD was taller, their cheeks were a darker red; while George always had a light blush from his sleep, HD’s looked more darkly and sickly. One of the key points that XD was sure they must be connected was even HD had the white sunglasses but instead of the blacked out glass, HD’s held static, like switching to a wrong television station.
They also weren’t always…in focus. Sometimes, if XD was paying attention, they could see parts of HD shudder, breaking away and then coming back like nothing happened. It would never be a huge spot and it never seemed to bother HD.
“I should be asking about your health.” HD scoffed, pulling XD from their thoughts. “You spend so much time in the mortal realm now, I’m surprised you’ve still got your powers.”
“You should try going there, sometime.”
HD scoffed and even XD cringed to the idea. Probably wasn’t the best idea to send a bratty all-powerful God to a plane of mortals. They’d probably smite anyone just for looking at them wrong. The only thing probably saving the mortals from HD’s wrath was because they found the mortal realm boring and dull.
“As if I would ever.” HD yawned, and gave another stretch. The pale blue was being broken up by a few soft white clouds floating around. A few were gathering around XD’s ankles and they gave them a slow kick.
“You might like it.” XD mumbled, moving his leg through another cloud. You might meet someone related to you.
“Of course I wouldn’t!” HD seemed offended by the very idea, lifting his head up slightly. “What could they possibly have that I couldn’t get or do here?” His voice had more venom now. “What wonders have your little pets shown you that you haven’t ever experienced before?”
A coil of anger tightened in XD’s chest, making them growl. “They’re not pets…”
“They’re certainly not equals! Even if one of them is your brother, they’re beneath us! Either you’ve got a soft spot for mortals or you just like going there because you want to feel like the most important and powerful one among them.”
It took everything XD had not to raise his hand and smack HD right there. XD always considered himself calm and collected but HD always had some way of just getting under his skin and pushing all his buttons. He always left, angrily mumbling to himself he’d never come back, and yet XD always found his way back again.
Just as XD was starting to consider leaving, HD’s words replayed in his head again. “What wonders have your little pets shown you that you haven’t ever experienced before?”
A slow grin pulled at XD’s lips. Another thing that came from spending time with the mortal world was they were keeping their mask up more to show their expression. Quickly as they could, XD pulled back his grin and kept their voice calm as they could when they spoke again. “Actually,” XD swallowed back his giggle. “They have shown me something new.”
“Oh yeah?” HD responded but they sounded disinterested. They were already lounged back onto their pillows, one of the ethereal hands playing with a strand of their hair.
“Yes.” XD nodded, keeping as calm as they could. “They actually surprised me.”
Something in that caught HD’s attention. XD saw them raise their head slightly from the corner of his eye, giving XD a look over. There was a long moment of silence, XD waiting patiently until HD’s curiosity got them.
XD held back their laughter, giving a cool look over to HD. “Oh, you’re curious what the mortals can do?”
HD gave a grimace. “No!” They snapped. XD could have sworn the red under their eyes started to glow a pink. “I’m just… I want to know what surprised you so much.”
XD had them. They sat up straight, keeping their voice level. “Do you want me to show you?”
They could see HD trying to work it out in their head. They sounded hesitant. “I’m not going there…”
“You don’t have to,” XD quickly said. “They showed me how to do it.”
HD’s expression twisted with their thoughts before they pushed themself up straight as well. “Yes! What’s do these mortals have that’s so great?”
XD had to wait a moment to hold back their laugher. They had him. HD was almost pouting with his intense look. XD too  a moment to control themselves and shuffled to face HD. He had to control his voice to keep himself from giggling as he spoke.
“Put your arms out to your side.”
HD actually recoiled from the request. “Wh-What?”
“Put your arms out.” XD nodded to the God’s arms, which were now curling around himself as a sort of defence mechanism. “It’s part of it.”
HD looked like he wanted to back out, but his pride at getting this far wouldn’t let him. He gave a pouty huff  before slowly raising his arms out to his side. “Oh what is this? Are they so weak that holding their arms out is a challenge?”
“The challenge is to keep your arms out.” XD shuffled closer which HD was clearly not expecting. XD could see they wanted to shrink away but their pride stubbornly kept them up. XD felt a small pang of sympathy and and made the offer. “If you want to back out, you can.”
“No!” HD snapped. “I can do it!”
“Alright.” XD shrugged.
“W-What do they even do?” HD’s tried to hide the quiver in their voice and XD felt a moment of feeling bad before excitement took over.
XD jumped forward and HD squealed. The smaller God was already pulling their arms down before XD even touched them but they were too slow. XD’s hands were already in HD’s armpits, kneading his thumbs into the hollows.
It was a gamble to take, unsure if HD was even ticklish or not, but to XD’s utter delight HD snapped his arms to their arms to their side, and a stream of cackles fell from his lips.
HD struggled, shaking from side to side as XD’s hand kept latched onto his armpits and ribs. XD worked down, slipping from the God’s armpits to knead down his ribs, turning HD’s cackles into high pitched squeals.
“They call this tickling!” XD responded gleefully. HD tried and failed to get away, but all that did was tangle him up in the blankets and his own robes as he fell back. XD followed, leaning over the tangled mess of struggling limbs as he scribbled up and down HD’s ribs. “Interesting isn’t it?”
“Stohohohop!” HD kicked and flailed his arms. Without needing to protect his underarms anymore he went mad with his arms, trying to grab hold of XD’s wrists and bat his hands away. “Gehehet ahahahaway!”
The colours around the two God sparkled like fireworks. Reds would spike before fizzling out into a warm orange and yellow. XD kept note of the colours around them as he carried on.
“Oh but there’s more to show you!” XD’s voice jumped in excitement. “If you laugh when someone tickles you, it means you’re ticklish!”
“F-Fuhuhuhuhuck ohoho-OHOHOHOFF!!!” HD brought their leg up to kick, with XD just avoiding it.
“And people are ticklish in different ways! For example, you’re absolutely screaming being tickled here on your ribs. But what are you like being tickled here?”
XD lowered their hands, squeezing and vibrating over HD’s sides. The laughter died down, but the disappointment of HD not having ticklish sides didn’t stay for long as HD jumped, not exactly laughing but they gave out high pitched squeaks and giggles every few pinches.
“S-St-OHO-op i-IHI-it!” HD made an attempt to turn on his side. He just about managed it but XD’s hand were stuck on him like they were glued. They found HD was most ticklish on the middle of his sides and focused their kneading and vibrating his fingers into the spot. Their grin widened as HD threw his head back in squeaky laughter.
“STHAHAHAP! K-KehehEHEp yohohour hahahahAHANDS OHOHOHOFF M-Mehehehe!”
“Look how much you’re smiling though!” XD cooed. They crowded over HD, bringing his head down closer to HD’s. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile this much! In fact I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh!”
HD’s face was red, not like their usual sickly red but it was glowing with a soft pink colour. Their lips pulled back into a wide smile as their arms were fighting between trying to fight XD off or hide his face.
Just like George. XD thought fondly.
“Yohohohohour mahahahaking me-EHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!”
XD drilled his thumbs into HD’s side, pressing in on their most sensitive spot and watching the smaller Gods body spasm like they were shocked with electricity. HD squealed, kicking his legs out and XD was too focused with tickling and watching HD’s expression that he could dodge it in time.
XD was kicked back, landing just over the edge of the blankets and pillows with a thud and quick groan. The kick didn’t hurt much. It was just more in surprise than anything.
HD tried to use his freedom to push himself up, but his arms were shaking and he was still giggling, moving too slowly.
“Oh no you don’t!” XD growled. They crawled up, grabbing the back of HD’s robes and giggling as the God yelped. HD was pulled back onto XD’s lap. Before they could try and escape XD crossed their legs over HD’s waist.
“NO!” HD shrieked like their very life depended on it. Their hands went to XD’s legs, clawing at the limbs like a trapped animal but that was quickly ended when XD grabbed their wrists and pulled them up by their head. “NO! GE-ehet yohour hands ohoff me!”
“Aw but you were loving it!” XD cooed and watched with delight as the God’s ears started to turn red. “You were laughing and everything!”
“Yohou were making me lahaugh! That doesn’t count!”
“You’re still so giggly too! You can’t wait to laugh again!” XD pointed out. HD tried pulling at their wrists, but XD wasn’t budging. The blonde God gave a wide grin as they unfolded their extra arms out from their robe. When they touched over HD’s sides again, the smaller God squealed.
“It’s very fortunate I have the perfect amount of arms for tickling!” XD spoke gleefully, giving a squeeze over HD’s wrists. “I get to keep these pesky things out the way and still give you all the tickles with these!” He drummed his fingers up HD’s side, making them giggle.
“N-Nohoho!” HD pushed himself as far back as he could go into XD’s chest as XD stilled his fingers again. “D-Don’t! I’ll never speak to you again! I swear it!”
“You never speak to me anyway, it’s always me speaking to you.” XD gave a half scoff. “Besides you’ve not even tried to stop me.”
“I hahave!”
“No you’ve not.” XD’s voice went soft. “You could easily get out of this. Your little helper hands could have stopped me at any time, but you don’t let them.”
HD opened their mouth to speak, but it closed when they realise they had no argument against that. Their cheeks burned, their whole face turning red. XD felt them pull on their arms, trying to hide but without their hands to do so, they scrunched their neck and tired to hide in the robes bundled up around their shoulders.
XD felt soft watching them. It was so easy to see the comparisons between them and George, but before XD was lost in that thought they got to work. His lower set of hands beginning to spider and scribble up and down HD’s sides and ribs, occasionally raising higher to tickle into his armpits but never staying for long.
XD watched as the laughter literally rose up HD, starting as a shudder from a surprised yelp and giggle before climbing up his chest and bursting out into full blown laughter.
“EHEHehex Dehehehe!!! S-Stohohohop! NOHOHOHOHO!!!”
HD arched their back, wiggling as much as they could from side to side but it was like XD’s hands were attached to him, never leaving or letting up for a moment.
XD tried to map every squeak and laugh HD made, finding out if he was more ticklish on his ribs or side. How he reacted to XD kneading over his ribs compared to softly tickling in the divots. They’d already memorised the spots on his sides, where if XD pressed in just right he could make HD squeak and giggle.
“S-Stohohohop thihihihis! STOHOHOHOHOP!” HD tried burying his head back into his robes, but when that didn’t hide him enough he pushed back to XD’s chest again, turning his head to hide in the crook of XD’s neck. The blonde God’s skin started to tickle just from HD laughing into their neck.
“Ihihihihi cahahahan’t tahahake ihihihit! Stohohohop!”
XD slowed down his tickling more in surprise than any concern. He knew HD was fine. The God had near the same stamina as XD, and the colours swirling around them were still mixes of warm orange, with a hint of blue now blanketing over the top of them. All soft and comforting.
“Awww, does HD want to admit defeat?” XD cooed, watching the words hit a nerve into HD’s brain. Their ears twitched and body jumped, like something tasered into their spine. “Is the mortal game too hard for you?”
HD made a soft whine, still pressed into XD’s neck to hide and XD had to hold back his giggling. HD’s breath was tickling him.
“N-Nohoho… T-Thehere’s n-nohohoho wahahay thehehey dohoho thihihis!” HD almost sounded like he was pouting.
“Oh believe me they do. It’s a game between friends, and it helps bring them close together.” XD’s tickling had lessened to light kneading along the deity’s ribs. The orange glow surround the two had lessened, less of a warm orange and more pale, like a sunrise more than a sunset. It made everything look very soft and set a warm feeling in XD’s chest.
“You know you can tickle people in different ways.” XD’s voice dropped, low, quiet and soft as if he was talking to a timid animal. “I’m tickling you with my fingers now, but I can use my nails and you could have a totally different reaction.”
“W-Whahat? Yohohour n-nahahails?!”
XD had already positioned his hands down, at the end of HD’s sides were they met his hips.  HD were in layers of robes, probably couldn’t even feel anything until XD pressed in, feeling the tips of their claws press into HD’s sides. That’s when HD jumped.
“N-NAha! Ehex Dehe! D-Dohon’t- S-Stohop!!!”
XD slowly grinned, feeling mean for taunting but when HD was making it so easy for them, they couldn’t not take it. “Don’t stop? Well if you insist HD…”
“Whahat?! Wahait! N-nO! Ehex Dehe!”
XD started running their nails up and down HD’s sides, stopping just under his ribs and then trailing back down. The smaller God jumped and shuddered like electricity was running through him, laughter squealing out of him. “N-NAHAhaha! Ehehehehex Dehehehehe! N-Nohohoho! Th-Thahahahahat sohohohohoho muhuhuhuch wohohohohohohohorse!!!”
XD smiled though he felt a pang of disappointment. When George had nails running over him, he’d giggle and melt into it. GeorgeHD was jumping like a fish out of water, squealing and kicking his legs.
“Awww, but you asked me not to stop.” XD cooed.
“Y-Yohohohou knohohohow whahahahat I meheheant!” HD shook his head into XD’s neck. “S-Stahahaha-! Hohow-Hohohohow lohohohong dohoho thehehehey dohoho thihihihis fohohor?!”
There was an idea XD stored for later. Offer a contest to Dream and George and see who could last the longest. They kept that thought in the back of their mind, focusing now on the God in front of them.
“You’re doing well for your first time being tickled.” XD praised. He slowed his nails down, coming to a stop at HD’s ribs and went back to softly kneading. The laughter died down to light giggling and they nuzzled into XD’s neck. The taller God chuckled. “I think you like your ribs being tickled…”
The nuzzling stilled before quickly turning into head shakes. “N-Nohoho! I dohohon’t…”
XD felt his own cheeks heat and was more thankful for his mask than ever before. GeorgeHD was never this cute or soft before. XD had only known him to speak in cold words, and now he was giggling into XD’s skin and making the cutest little squeaks.
Maybe that’s why XD felt a small pang of sympathy and his tickling died down to a stop. “Well, there is one more thing to try…” XD offered, immediately catching the other God’s attention. HD sighed softly, coming down from their giggles while pulling themselves back to try and regain some composure.
“We have one more to do, and if you can last it, you’ll have lasted much longer than the mortals.” XD continued, laying into HD’s pride in hoping he would take the bait. Surprisingly, HD seemed unsure. Instead of a snapped comeback, they were hesitating, lips pursed in thought and eyes wandering down to XD’s hands still hovering over their ribs. XD pulled their hands away, giving HD a moments peace to think. Their hands holding over HD’s wrists loosened as well.
“You don’t have to, though.” XD reminded them. “You can stop here.”
“No!” HD snapped with some of his sass that XD was used to. “I-I can do it! If they can last it then I can.”
DreamXD felt the urge to praise HD, but they knew the God wouldn’t accept it. They already felt luckily HD was letting them get away with so much. By now HD would have sent them away, or simply fallen back asleep.
“You’d be better lying down for this one.” XD explained. He untangled himself from HD, and smiling as the brunette God moved to follow XD suggestion.
HD lay back over their nest of blankets and pillows, taking in the small rest while they had it as XD carried on. “This one is one of the hardest to withstand. If you say stop this time, I will.”
HD gave a worried look, masking it as a huff. “Whatever. J-Just do it…”
XD resisted the urge to coo over GeorgeHD’s tough act. They could switch back to their sassy quips so quickly despite how giggly and desperate they were just moments ago.
“You ready?” XD asked, shuffling himself to sit by HD’s waist. Even with those static goggles covering his eyes the taller God could tell their eyes were following him.
XD moved quickly, pulling up the robes of HD’s tunic that was tucked into their belt, revealing a soft pale stomach. HD squealed, his hands suddenly coming to XD’s arms but it was too late when XD took in a deep breath and pressed the longest raspberry he could at the top of HD’s stomach.
“WHAHAHAEHEHEHEHEHE!!!” HD squealed, his laughter mixing with his surprised babbling as he tried to curl up and protect himself. He couldn’t cover his tummy though as XD’s head was perfectly positioned to block him. “EHEHEHEHEX DEHEHEHEHE!!!”
The blonde God grinned before taking in another breath, blowing another raspberry but this time lower and shaking their head so the vibrations tickled more.
HD kicked his legs in his struggle, wiggling and turning on his side. Anything to dislodge XD for a small second of relief. They couldn’t push the other God of them, but they could just managed to turn on their side, curling and protecting their stomach. It worked for a moment, but proved to be so much worse when XD just pressed their lips to HD’s side, and blew another raspberry.
HD stretched out with their kicking. One of their fists battered on the ground while the other was pushing at XD’s head but doing nothing to stop the second raspberry blown into their side. They squealed again, shaking with laughter and babbling out pleas. XD waited for the word ‘stop’, listening out for anything even slightly sounding like it but the God never said it.
With a cruel grin, XD decided HD had earned the next level.
They stopped blowing raspberries, letting HD calm down for a moment before slowly opening their mouth. The could feel their fangs growing, getting to a decent size before they went in again to nibble over the soft skin instead. They could feel HD jump underneath, shaking with new laughter but to XD’s complete surprise, it was softer than the raspberry laughs had been.
“E-Eh-Ehehehehex Dehehehehe! Whehehe-! H-Hohohohow cahahan yohohour fahahangs ti-tihihihickle!!!”
HD curled up only slightly, and the hand that had been pushing against XD’s head was now still, resting over the blonde locks of hair. The laughter fell to small giggle and XD panicked for a moment he’d pushed HD too far with laughter, but he gave a glance up to HD’s face and it wasn’t in the screams of silent laughter. The God was softly smiling, giggling gleefully into his arm.
XD was almost stunned in shock. No-one has ever lasted their nibbles.
“Ehehehehex Dehehehehe!”
DreamXD pulled themselves back slightly. The shock had gave way to a warm bubbling feeling and they grinned down as HD was just calming down from their giggles.
“I think you like my nibbling, HD.” XD almost purred. “You’re the first one who’s ever been able to stand my fangs.”
The smaller God curled up tighter, giggling into their arms. “N-Nohoho… ihihit…mmm.” Their words fell into a slow slur as the colours in the room started to dim. The vibrant sparkle of reds and oranges faded to a deep red and orange fading into a dark blue.
XD saw the little sparkle of stars on the dark blue edge and gave a fond chuckle as they rubbed over HD’s side. “Tired?”
GeorgeHD gave a small moan of agreement. He stretched himself out and muffled into his arm. “Always tired…”
“I think you’re a little more tired.” XD teased and HD gave a small snort.
The pile of blankets and pillows were in a mess from HD’s struggling and kicking. While he had no obligation to help, XD felt the mess was partly in his fault. He gently spilled his arm under the brunette and pulled them up to his chest, getting a whine in response.
“Calm down.” XD soothed. “I’m trying to help you, hold on.”
XD shuffled HD into their left arms, hugging the smaller God close into their chest as his right side of arms were pulling up the blankets and setting the pillows right.
“Stop moving…” HD mumbled. He sounded nearly half asleep and XD huffed.
“I’m doing this for you.” He pointed out, fluffing up one of the pillows. “Where’s your little hands now to help? They should be doing this.”
HD hummed something but quietened down, letting XD get back to work. When the nest of softness was set right, XD looked back down to HD. They were pressed into XD’s neck, breathing slowly and almost asleep.
“You can sleep now.” XD spoke softly and lowered HD down to the blankets. While he expected the brunette God to fall asleep instantly, they actually whined.
“What?” XD managed to get HD onto the blankets. “Your bed is fine now. You can-”
HD’s hand gripped on to XD’s robe. He tugged the blonde God down, pulling them into the blankets and pillows. XD was so surprised as HD’s softness that they just let themselves be lead, laying beside the other God as HD shuffled closer and cuddled up into XD’s chest.
The words to refuse were on XD’s tongue. They had more than enough strength to push themselves up again, but something stopped XD. They felt like if they dared to move or disturb HD from his comfortable cuddle, it would be like committing a terrible sin.
Instead of getting up, XD just slowly curled his arms around HD. “I can’t stay for long.” The taller God mumbled. Even despite his reasoning he can feel the tiredness wash over him as the colours around them faded out to the dark blue, and the night sky lit up above the two with a thousand stars. “And I’m not sleeping the whole time here. This is just a nap.”
GeorgeHD mumbled out something in response, but as far as XD could tell it was nonsense. The smaller God was already asleep, curled up into XD’s chest as one of his hands was up by XD’s shoulder, his fingers curling around one strand of XD’s hair.
With the playing on his hair and the warmth pressed up against his chest it didn’t take long for XD to fall asleep. Part of him wanted to be awake in his moment, amazed that the prickly God was being so soft and cute with him. This felt like a once in a lifetime moment.
But XD was lulled to sleep, fading off to the sound of HD’s gentle snores, and his own purrs which started to rumble from his chest.
It's very obvious GeorgeHD's mood is reflected in the colours but i just wanted to put a guide to clear up anything.
Dark/Night Sky = Sleepy or sleeping
Orange = Comfortable
Red/Bright orange and yellows = Excitement
Pink = Fondness
Blue = Trusting/Secure
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band--psycho · 4 years
Late Night Confessions-George Weasley x Reader
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“Y/n/n you won’t believe the prank we just-” George halted his words when he opened the door to see Y/n/n curled up in a fetal position, peacefully fast asleep. A small smile crept on his face as he quietly walked over to her sleeping form and carefully draped her fluffy blanket over her. It was moments like this that made Georges heart melt in his chest. He’d always had a little crush on Y/n/n, since the first time he laid eyes on her on the Hogwarts express, laughing away at something her friend had said. She had one of those infectious laughs, one that you couldn’t help but join in with and when she smiled or laughed her beautiful eyes just lit up. But as George grew closer to Y/n, the more scared he got to tell her the truth of his feelings. He didn’t want to ruin the friendship they’d built over the years if it didn’t work out, nor did he want to face the awkwardness that would follow them if she rejected him….he didn’t want to lose her from his life, even if it meant keeping his feeling a secret. Sure, he’d had other relationships but he could never fully commit to any of them because of his feelings for Y/n/n...he thought if he started dating other people the feelings might fade, but they didn’t. If anything, they just got stronger. George knelt down lightly brushing a few stray strands of her y/c/h away from her face, completely awestruck by her beauty. Taking a deep breath, George decided that he was going to admit his feelings for her, even if she wasn’t going to hear it nor have any memory of it...he just needed to say how he truly felt to her once, without any fear of rejection or awkwardness. 
“Y/n/n,” he whispered, his hand moving to her face to caress her cheek softly. 
“There’s...uh...there’s something I need to tell you...something that I probably should’ve told you years ago but it was never the right time and I was scared that-” he closed his eyes briefly before he could say anything else, he realised he was just babbling out everything he’d felt in all the years he’d known her. 
“I love you, Y/n/n..so much and I know you’re never gonna feel the same and that’s okay, I just..I needed to say it to you,” he admitted, placing a delicate kiss on her forehead before quickly leaving the room, making his way back to Fred. As soon as Y/n heard the door close, she opened her eyes trying to work out if what she’d just heard George say was real or if it was all just a dream her brain had made up...but it all felt so real, his delicate touch on her cheek, the warmth of his breath on her neck as he whispered those words, the touch of his soft lips on her forehead...it had to be real.
“What’s wrong?” George asked, practically collapsing down next to her on the sofa.  
“Nothing,” Y/n/n said bluntly with a little harshness to her tone, clearly frustrated by the question, not that was any surprise, Hermione and Ginny had been trying to get an answer out of her for hours with very little luck, that’s why they went to George, hoping that he’d be able to get the truth from her and help. 
“Something is, you’ve got that face on  you,” his emphasis on the word that was enough to make Y/n/n furrow her eyebrows in confusion. 
“What face?” 
“Your ‘something’s wrong but you’re not gonna say anything because you don’t want to burden anyone’ face,” George explained lightheartedly, nudging her arm slightly, an action that would normally make her giggle or at least smile..but this time, it didn’t. 
“I hate how well you know me,” She let out an exasperated sigh, running a hand through her Y/c/h hair. 
“We’ve been friends for years, what else would you expect?” He joked, desperately attempting to make that infectious smile grace her lips again but to no avail. She looked stressed and scared and George only wanted to know what it was so he could help. That’s all he wanted to do. Normally even if she was a bit reluctant to say what was wrong it never normally took long for George to find out the truth but this time was different. For a while, the pair sat in a somewhat awkward silence; George knew Y/n/n well enough to know that pushing her wasn’t going to help the situation but his attempts to try and cheer her up weren’t working either. He was lost for words.
“Those things you said yesterday, did you mean them?” Y/n/n asked, her eyes locked on her hands that were nervously fiddling with her knitted jumper. Those words were enough to make Geroge’s heart stop. She’d heard him?  
What...what things..? George stuttered out, suddenly feeling his cheeks go red in embarrassment as he attempted to remain calm and just brush off the words she’d said. 
“The things you said last night when you thought I was asleep…” Damn it….she heard it.. All of it...George thought to himself.
“Y/n/n...I…I’m sorry..I thought you were asleep,” George apologised, his voice soft as he tried to work out what else to say. Terror running through his brain that he’d just ruined his entire friendship with Y/n/n. Y/n/n moved her body slightly, so she was closer to George, tentatively she moved her hand to his face, softly caressing his cheek before pulling him in for a sweet and delicate kiss. As soon as their lips touched, it was like everything in the world finally made sense. Time seemed to melt away around them, but when Y/n/n finally did pull away from the kiss, she kept her mouth close to his chuckling slightly as she whispered “I love you too, you idiot,” and that was all George needed to connect their lips again, smiling into the kiss.
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narisjournal-blog · 4 years
These Nights
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Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Chuck x Reader
Words: 1685
Notes: This was a request from honestly years ago and I’m such an asshole for only just posting this - I’m so so sorry. I haven’t included the name or request as it was quite personal. You know who you are :) This is of course a soft, fluffy, loving Chuck from before The Twist in Supernatural. 
Thanks for reading!
Warm water cascaded over your hair and your shoulders, soaking you in a chaotic, relentless stream. 
You had long finished your shower but still you stood unmoving in its grasp.
It was cold out there and dark. You held onto the reprieve a little longer.
You gave a heavy sigh.
‘I wish you would show your face,’ you said. ‘I wish... I need...’ 
you sighed again, shaking your head. 
Standing up, you turned off the shower and stepped out. 
You grabbed a towel and quickly wrapped it round you, shivering. 
Once in your pyjamas you sat heavily on your bed and towelled at your hair. You gave up quickly and curled up on your bed, letting the tears flow. All you could see behind tightly closed lids was his face. Those big blue eyes, both gentle and stern at the same time. Chuck- the god you never knew you needed. 
What would he think of you now? You so desperately wanted to see him, but not like this. He would be so disappointed, you thought. 
‘I wish I could be what you want me to be,’ you choked out. 
You always intended to pray before bed; to check in, pay respects and show you were thankful. Like in the movies, knelt by your bed, peaceful and worthy. 
But it never worked out like that. The more you thought about what you wanted to say, the more overwhelmed you became and realised he would never have the time to sit and listen to all of that. 
You began to shiver, partly from your damp hair but mostly from the despair that was taking hold of you.
You felt the mattress dip and you gasped. Then you felt a warm hand on your back and his calm took over you.
You looked up into big blue eyes, full of concern. 
‘Do you really believe that?’ Said Chuck softly. ‘That I don’t have time for you?’
‘It’s not... I mean... I’m just a giant waste of your time. I’m sorry,’ you cringed. 
‘Please,’ He said. ‘Don’t ever apologise for existing.’ Chuck gave your arm a squeeze. ‘And no, you’re not.’
You wiped your eyes and sat up.
‘You have far more important things and I’ve dragged you here.’
‘With all due respect, y/n, you don’t get to tell me how to spend my time.’
You couldn’t look in his eyes long. They broke you. There was so much love that you just couldn’t handle. 
Your shame made you wish you were alone again. 
‘But you don’t really want me to leave, do you?’ He stated softly. 
You continued looking down at the bed.
After an abnormally long silence you gave the smallest shake of your head and sighed. 
‘Is there anything you want to talk about?’ He said, hand resting on your back just below your damp hair.
You shrugged and stuttered. ‘I ... there’s...’ 
So much, you thought. But I can’t even begin to wrap my brain around it. 
You knew he could hear you.
You know what, sometimes I’m just so tired of trying to figure this all out or having to figure out what I mean or where I belong. Sometimes I need you to just tell me! Sometimes I need...
‘Sometimes words are hard. I understand.’
You held your forehead in your hands, as if in some desperate attempt to hide your face. The man was infuriating. You wanted to scream at him, but all you could do was huff out a breath. He could feel you shaking by now. 
‘But you know sometimes the best way to figure things out and understand your needs is to talk. Even if it seems stupid or redundant to you in this moment.’
‘You’re God,’ you almost whispered. ‘You know everything. It is redundant.’
This is why you were better alone. You drew your knees up to your chest and buried your face in your arms.
‘Look you can just go,’ you mumbled. ‘I’m sorry.’ 
He obviously knew what you were going through but was choosing not to help and you felt embarrassed you had even thought about bringing him here. 
After a long silence you realised his hand had not moved from your back. 
‘I’m not going anywhere.’ 
You lifted your head and chanced a glance sideways at him. Your gaze was met by the brightest blue and a rush of warmth and love flooded you again. You looked away.
‘Ok, here’s a deal. You tell me about one thing that’s on your mind and then no more talking, I promise. Deal?’
You sighed heavily. You spoke as the words formed in your mind, slowly and broken up.
‘I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. I feel like...’ you swallowed the lump In Your throat but it didn’t stop your voice from cracking.
‘I feel like I’m not ... not good enough at anything... like I just...’ your voice dropped to a whisper. ‘Take up space.’ 
Chuck rested his head against yours and pulled you into him closer with a sigh. 
He kissed the top of your head and pulled back, brushing hair from your face. His eyes connected with yours and you felt a weight lift of your chest before he had even spoken.
‘Y/N, you matter so much to me. I created you and I have no regrets. I am proud of you every single day because of how strong you are.’
You looked away. ‘I’m not.’
‘Don’t argue with me,’ he said, his voice firm and authoritative now.
Your head whipped back up, surprised by his tone.
Piercing blue charged right through to your soul when he looked into your eyes now.
‘You are strong,’ he affirmed. ‘Strong doesn’t feel easy. You’re stronger than you know.’
Tears began to spill once more, but this time it felt like freedom. For that moment as he held you, you felt truly safe. Loved.
He continued. ‘It might not be clear now. You feel a little lost, I can see that. Trust me. I’ve got you, and you have so much purpose.’
Your shoulders shook as you cried, and he squeezed you once more. Without speaking, he helped you dry your hair, holding you when you shivered.
‘Can you make it warmer?’ you whispered, teeth chattering. He chuckled, pulling the bedcovers back and helping you into bed.
You lay down, curled up on your side and felt Chuck’s warmth move through you as he lay next to you.
You didn’t need to say anything else. You just lay there, allowing yourself to feel safe and relaxing fully for the first time in maybe years. Chuck stroked your hair and said softly, ‘You haven’t been sleeping too good.’
His hand rested on your forehead and you felt a peace radiate from his palm.
‘Goodnight,’ he whispered as you felt your eyelids close and the calm of sleep envelope you.
It was already light when you woke, which hadn’t happened for a very long time. Your cheeks flushed with warmth and you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. Your mind slowly uncoiled itself and you rolled onto your back to find the bedsheets beside you cold. He was gone. Of course he was gone.
Had he really meant all those things, or was he just trying to get some peace away from your spiralling thoughts?
You breathed in deeply, trying not to let your mind poison the calm you had felt with him and – was that cinnamon you smelled? You sat up. It was definitely cinnamon. Sweet cinnamon, and you could hear music. No, singing. You could hear singing.
Pulling a hoodie on, you stood up and made your way downstairs towards the sound.
And there in your kitchen, pulling something out of the oven and humming to himself, was Chuck.
He turned as you entered and beamed. ‘Right on time,’ he said.
‘Did you make cinnamon buns?’
‘I know how much you love them, but never have the energy to make them.’ He placed the tray down on the heat proof mat on the side. Mixing bowls lay strewn clumsily about the sink. Of all the thoughts you could have had in that moment, you honestly wondered if God was going to wash the dishes.
‘You’ve made a mess,’ you added, nodding in that direction.
Chuck raised an eyebrow and folded his arms across his chest.
‘I mean… Thank you,’ you garbled. ‘I- thank you. I love them.’ You surveyed the kitchen once again.
‘But couldn’t you just, you know…’ you pointed your finger, indicating using his powers.
‘Ah, that’s no fun,’ he shrugged.
Chuck leaned across to the cafetiere you had forgotten you had and pushed the top down.
‘I thought you’d have gone. I was expecting you to be gone when I woke up.’
Chuck smiled again. ‘I’m never really gone, you know,’ he said. He poured coffee into a mug and handed it to you, the heat sharp against your palm. ‘I’m always here. Next time you taste coffee, remember this moment.’
You sipped the strong liquid and savoured the taste.
‘Next time you lie in bed feeling alone, remember me there next to you.’
‘Next time I wash the dishes, I’ll remember when you used my kitchen,’ you said with a smirk.
‘Next time you taste a cinnamon bun’- you cut him off.
‘I get the idea, Chuck. So are those ready to eat, or what?’
He chuckled as he divided them onto plates and guided you over to the kitchen table.
And for the first time in forever, the day ahead was filled with hope and the promise that you were not doing this alone.
(I hope I’ve got my list right, I may have missed a few changes people have requested - if I have I’m sorry. My list is a clusterfuck tbh.)
Everything list:
Rob/chuck list:
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turinn · 3 years
hi !! for rinnes birthday, no.34 from the touch prompts? (this request isnt meant to be a nsfw one btw, i fully mean an angsty or fluffy one, whatever you want lol)
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I made it angsty because I love writing angst and I don't do it enough hehe it does end fluffy tho. it's also WAY longer than I intended? and kind of ran away from me. I hope u like it!!!
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34. washing each others body
"I can't believe got into another fight." You mumbled, not really speaking to him as opposed to just thinking out loud. "I thought you were smarter than this. No. I know you're smarter than this."
"Clearly I'm not." Rinne muttered, voice laced with discontent. You sighed. You knew what he was doing, knew why he kept doing this. And still, you gave in. Perhaps you were the stupid one?
"Jeez, lighten up!" He hissed as you pressed the cotton swab to the cut on his neck.
"No. Stop getting into stupid fucking fights." If he was going to get himself hurt just to get your attention, you didn't see why you had to be so lenient with him. It was petty, perhaps, but so was the fight that had caused him to break up with you, the fight he still hadn't apologised for. The reason you still slept in the guest room, and barely said a word to him unless he needed something. Which was what landed you both here, once or twice a week. Rinne perched on the edge of the bathtub, half-drunk and drenched in blood, and you kneeling in front of him, features icy as you treated whatever wounds the fight he'd gotten into to get your attention tonight had left him with. He did it because he knew it worked, and you let it work because you loved him too much to let him bleed out in what used to be your bed. You wanted to forgive him, you didn't even remember why you'd been fighting now- but if you did.... he'd never learn not to be so fucking stubborn, not to be such a petty asshole. "Sorry" isn't that hard to say. It's far easier than nearly getting yourself killed 3 times a damn week.
You bit back tears thinking about it all, as you had to often, and stashed the first aid kit back under the sink. Turning back to Rinne, it was clear he was a little dizzy, and you had to put a hand out to stop him from falling back into the back.
"You're still covered in blood.... Take your pants off and- don't give me that look, or I'll just leave you bloody all night. Take them off and sit in the damn bath, will you?" It took him a moment, you couldn't tell whether the blood loss or the alcohol had him more disoriented, but you felt the concern you'd been forcing down welling up in you. Once he was properly situated, you pulled the showerhead down, waiting until the water had heated up before aiming it at his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know it hurts, but I've gotta get the blood off of you somehow. You're lucky the wound is shallow, it's scabbed over already. If that bottle had gone any deeper I'd be taking you to the hospital, not washing you off in the bath." You sank into a comfortable silence as you washed all the dried blood away. Water alone wouldn't wash away the smell though, of either blood or beer. "Just sit there for a moment longer, okay? I'm just gonna give you a proper wash."
Rinne sank into your touch as you lathered shower gel into his skin as gently as you could, and you realised this was the first time either of you had properly touched each other in months. You wanted to cry, but apparently he beat you to it, hiccoughing slightly between sobs. It was that that finally broke you, and you let your own tears run freely, even as you continued to wash his body.
Eventually, you turned the shower off and ushered him out of the bath, both of you still crying while you patted him down with a towel. You were just about to hook an arm around him to lead him to the bedroom when he latched onto you, head burying into your shoulder.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled into your skin. "I don't even remember why I yelled at you but I'm so fucking sorry I did- I don't want to be without you... I'm sorry for the fights and the yelling and the-" Here he hiccoughed, and pulled back, "everything. I'm sorry for everything. Please don't hate me."
He'd cried once or twice after you'd fought before, but never this much. You knew that on some level it was alcohol driven, but Rinne had always been at his most sincere while drunk, and that meant that this apology was as truthful as you were going to get out of him. Your own tears had just been beginning to slow, but they started up again in an instant.
"I don't hate you, Rinne. I never could. But when you're an asshole I need you to admit that, rather than waiting for me to run back to you and pretend you weren't. But... let's talk about it tomorrow, yeah? We need to get you into bed." He nodded, following you down the hallway to the master bedroom, but he hesitated at the door.
"Stay with me. Please?" And when he looked at you like that, how could you refuse?
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 4 years
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“Uh... what the fuck is she doing here?” Taichi lazily turned his head to the side, in the direction his bandmate was facing. Despite pretty much everyone’s protests, their manager had decided to make the boys travel early, meaning it wasn’t even light outside yet and they were already preparing to board the tour bus.
However, at the sight of you, he perked up dramatically, a smile reaching his face as you waved over in greeting. Semi clearly wasn’t happy with your arrival, the scowl plastered on his pretty face making that painfully evident, but deep down you felt the satisfaction of annoying him, especially after everything he had put you through recently.
You clearly knew what you were in for, dressed in simple sweats and a t-shirt for the ride, a fluffy neck pillow adorning your shoulders. And even with the ungodly hour you had been summoned at, you still seemed as perky as ever; your usual smile decorating your face providing some sort of domino effect as the others began to relax at your demeanour.
“Good. You’re all here.” The boys’ manager popped up behind them from out of nowhere, making Semi jump as a hand was placed on his shoulder.
“Y/N? You sure you’re good to go?” Holding your hand to your head in mock salute, you giggled at the man.
“Yessir!” He smiled back at you before ushering you and the boys over the bus, helping you all place your bags in the back. As far as you knew, the majority of the band’s equipment was being transported separately and would arrive the day before the first concert.
Miyagi was a place you had tried to forget about, and yet had willingly accepted to join the band on a two-week trip there, where you were no doubt about to face a few demons from your past, no matter how much you didn’t want to.
You rolled your eyes as you caught Semi’s gaze, the singer attempting to muster up his most hateful glare, although, he couldn’t pretend that he was actually as bothered by your presence as he was trying to let on. It was just the only way that he could hide the excitement building in his chest at the thought of spending two entire weeks with you. Of course, he still had to apologise and make up for everything that he had put you through over the past few weeks, but he was sure that he’d have plenty of chances, seen as you couldn’t exactly run away from him in Miyagi.
It was easy for you to ignore him during the drive, seen as all three of the boys used the opportunity to catch up on the sleep they had missed by getting up so early, meaning that it was a very quiet four hours for you and their manager.
On the way, said manager gave you quick run-down of the schedules and events that the boys were taking part in, as well as the ones you needed to attend and the ones you needed to stay away from at all costs.
Apparently, the promoters had loved your idea of making a tour diary and tasked you with filming and editing the entire thing, meaning you needed to be at every show and interview. However, because of the scandal, interviews and press conferences weren’t the most ideal place for you to be, the risk of getting caught being the highest at events like that. Some other team members would get those clips for you, so you just needed footage from before, during, and after the actual concerts.
While you were elated at having something to do during your trip, it meant that you would have to be around the band a lot more than you had expected to be. It wasn’t the worst thing in the world; you needed to confront your fake boyfriend at some point, you just didn’t expect it to be so soon.
Thankfully, the drive didn’t seem as long as you had expected it to, and you were soon pulling up at the hotel you were to be staying in for the next two weeks. You were really only needed to help the boys settle into their rooms for today, meaning you had the rest of the day to yourself.
“Where are you off to, y/n?” Looking across the hall, you saw the boys walking out of their room, ready to head off to their sound check at the first venue.
“I have a date with a police officer while I’m here.” It wasn’t really a date, and Shirabu already knew about who you were going to meet, but it didn’t hurt to make a certain someone a little jealous while you had the opportunity.
“Are you a criminal now?” Giggling at Taichi as he wiggled his eyebrows at you, you shook your head.
“You don’t have to be a criminal to end up in handcuffs, Chi.” With a final exaggerated wink at the boy, you took your leave, not wanting to be late., leaving Semi practically vibrating in anger, catching Shirabu’s attention.
It was going to be a long sound check.
“Sawamura-san!” You waved over at your senior, as you approached, a bright smile decorating your face. It had been years since you had last seen him and the others, having been forced to move to Tokyo in your second year. While you had stayed in contact and made trips to see each other when you could, both of your lives were extremely busy, and it just got to the point where you couldn’t anymore.
“You know not to call me that y/n.” You giggled at the blush forming on his cheeks, already holding your arms up to hug him.
“So how have things been in Miyagi over the years?” The both of you fell into step beside each other, reminding you of the mornings spent walking to school together.
“Buy me a coffee and I might just tell you.”
“So you know people on the national team? Seriously? That’s so cool!” Life bustled around you, filling your senses with the welcomed aroma of the café. The man across from you chuckled at your excitement, having missed your bubbly personality.
“It’s a shame you never became Nekoma’s manager. You could have met us at Nationals.” With a sad smile, you shook your head.
“It was a rough time for me that year, I wouldn’t have been able to handle it.” He nodded in understanding, taking another sip of his drink.
“Speaking of which, I don’t think I ever watched your famous match against Shiratorizawa.” You watched his eyes twinkle at the memory, already preparing to give you the entire rundown of the match. You listened eagerly, having never lost your interest in volleyball, even if you never had time for it in the end.
It wasn’t until Sawamura pulled out his phone to show you the newspaper article that the realisation kicked in.
“Wait… is that…” A familiar head or silver hair stood out from the rest, Shiratorizawa’s number three catching your eye.
“You mean Semi Eita? He’s the lead singer of that band you like right? You never knew?” You stared at the picture with parted lips and wide eyes, having never even thought about asking the boys about their high school years.
“Look, there’s Shirabu Kenjiro, and Taichi Kawanishi as well.” He pointed the two boys out to you and there they were, clear as day on the picture.
“I heard that Shirabu replaced Semi as the main setter in his first year, so I’m surprised they were good enough friends to start a band together after high school.” All of a sudden, the unspoken tension between the two boys made perfect sense. You’d never dared asking about it in case it brought back any painful memories, but apparently it was common knowledge, something that apparently everyone except you knew about.
After the initial shock of the revelation wore off, the two of you continued your conversation, choosing to focus on something else other than high school for the remainder of your time together. However, soon it was time for Sawamura’s night shift at the station, and you really needed to get some rest after your early morning.
With one last goodbye, you parted, leaving you to walk back to the hotel alone. You chose to take the long way, revisiting the familiar streets of your hometown once again, having been away for maybe a bit too long this time.
The scenery hadn’t changed, and that was definitely the thing you were most grateful for. It had always been your favourite part of the town, having spent many a time getting distracted with the view on your way home from school, the evening sunset only emphasising the beauty of the greenery.
What should have been a twenty-minute walk ended up turning into over an hour, and it was almost dark by the time you approached the hotel. You passed a figure lent under a streetlight, your step faltering as you caught their face in your peripheral.
Slowly turning around, you gulped, a sudden fear in your heart that you hadn’t felt since you left Miyagi.
“Long time, no see, babygirl.” The man stepped into the light, fully illuminating the face you knew all too well.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* updates every monday *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
ITS ACTUALLY MONDAY YAYA! I wrote this on a coffee high so please point out any errors if there are any and I'll fix them asap! :)
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 namjoon x reader x hoseok x taehyung || 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 20.5k || 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆 smut, surprisingly enough this is literally pwp
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 in an effort to tame their increasingly bratty girlfriend, namjoon and hoseok take their sexual exploits to a new level and hire a professional dom to run a session with them in a bdsm dungeon
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 HELLA smut, dom Namjoon, dom Hoseok, dom Taehyung, sub + bratty reader, roleplay, BDSM, mxm, overstimulation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, unprotected sex, protected sex, foursome, oral (m receiving), spanking, BDSM furniture, degradation (name calling), gagging, electrical play, orgasm delay and denial, use of sex toys, possessiveness, use of safewords, BDSM machines, fingering, masturbation, multiple orgasms, choking, squirting, sensory deprivation, fucking machine, vaginal sex, anal sex, creampie, double penetration, triple penetration?, nipple play, i guess tae is technically a sex worker, pet names, sexual hierarchy, fully consensual slave-owner dynamic (not between the main characters)
a/n: this is a sequel to Hot Fuzz (namseok x reader) but can be read on its own. also, this contains other members wink wonk but i’m keeping them a secret to save the suspense. a million thanks to @hobiandcoffee​ , @jhspetitegf​ and @honey-boyyoongi​ for their help. couldn’t have done it without your help! also happy early birthday @jamaisjoons​ i hope this ruins you xxx
“Alright, he’s coming over. Remember our rules, princess?” Namjoon’s fingers wrap around your chin, digging in just enough to press your bottom lip into a pout. You do your best to nod, but his grip doesn’t waver. He raises an eyebrow at you.
“Yes, Daddy,” you murmur, feeling your heart warm when he smiles proudly at you. It’s relatively cool in the large space, and the contrast of the air with Hoseok’s warm body pressed against you makes you shiver.
The three of you had been waiting at the bar for the past ten or so minutes. Both you and Hoseok are practically vibrating with nervous excitement. The latter is on the bar stool next to you, looking very on-brand in black pants, combat boots, and a thin white tank. As always, his fingers are laden with rings, but it seems this time there’s a theme of silver bands, some with engravings or textures, others plain. You can’t help but wonder what pattern they’d welt on your ass if he spanked you. Perhaps today was a day for testing their limits as well as yours.
Namjoon, however, is the epitome of calm. Although both of your boyfriends had always been the ones in control, it was Namjoon who took charge earlier tonight when you were all getting ready. It was him that bought you the black lace bralette and matching miniskirt you were currently wearing; it was him who picked out what panties you were allowed to wear, before deciding nothing was better. It was him who booked you an appointment for waxing a few days prior so that you would be bare for him, able to feel everything. And now, as he kept your eyes fixed on him, he retained that composure. Going for a more subtle getup to Hoseok and you, he almost looked like he could walk into a high-profile business dinner and fit right in. Deep grey pants cinched at the waist with a belt were paired with a simple dress shirt, complete with expensive gold cufflinks.
The room is loud enough that you don’t hear the third man approaching until you hear his voice. You turn to look, but flush when Namjoon only lets your chin go after a moment, patting you condescendingly on the cheek. The newcomer, as he stands beside Namjoon and looks over the three of you, is decked out in leather, latex and buckles. A shot of anxious energy runs through your body as you look over how professional he looks. Leather pants, lace-up boots, and a latex top that is unzipped all the way to the middle of his chest, exposing a deep triangle of golden flesh. When he reaches out to shake Hoseok and Namjoon’s hands, a buckled strap around his bicep flexes slightly. You clench your thighs together, wishing Namjoon would’ve let you wear panties, anything to stop you from leaking onto the vinyl of the upholstered barstool.
“RM, Jay,” the man greets cordially, a surprisingly smooth-toned voice accompanying his fine-boned face. “My name is V, the sub will call me Master. Pleasure to meet you.”
“Oh, my name is Y/N,” you supply helpfully, but V turns to glare at you with narrowed eyebrows. Your smile drops.
“I was under the impression you read the email, sub,” he says steadily, words just sharp enough to provide a threat. “The scene was to begin the moment I arrived, which means you shouldn’t be speaking out of turn.”
You blink, turning to Hoseok for back-up, but he shoots you a salacious wink and looks back over to V. “She did read the email, yes. We’ve been having problems with her not following our rules, actually, so it’s great that you could fit us in for a session.”
You pout and jab Hoseok playfully in the side. On a normal night, your boyfriend would teasingly warn you, or perhaps you’d get a light spanking, but now he goes tense, eyes past you. You frown, and twist around, only for your blood to run cold.
“Did you just hit Sir?” V asks coldly.
“I just poked him,” you defend.
His eyes flare. “You aren’t making this very easy for yourself, little sub. I wouldn’t be testing my patience so early on in the evening if I were you.”
You pout and hunch over in your seat. “I’m sorry, um, Master, but I didn’t hit him. I just poked him,” you repeat petulantly.
His lips stretch into a disbelieving smile, sharp at the edges. “You’re right,” he affirms, “there is a difference between hitting and poking. Tell me, little sub; if I bend you over that bartop right now and flip up your skirt, which one do you think you’ll be getting?”
Namjoon intervenes, placing a hand on your knee and squeezing it gently. “Just apologise to Hoseok, baby girl. That was your first strike, but we know you must be nervous.”
His touch calms you, and you turn to your other boyfriend with what you hope is a cute pout. “Sorry, Sir,” you mumble, “I won’t do it again.”
“Good girl,” Hoseok replies warmly. “Now, we have some things we’d like to discuss, so just sit nice and pretty for us, hm?”
“And remember our rules,” Namjoon reminds you firmly. You nod dutifully and wriggle around on the stool a bit, getting comfortable as the three of them begin discussion.
For a while it’s admin stuff - payment, prior experience, limits - and you let yourself zone out, eyes curiously roaming the room that’s laid out in front of you.
Never having been to a BDSM dungeon before, you had sort of expected some sort of medieval, dimly-lit basement, but it’s comfortingly clean, tidy, and in fact to one side of the room there seems to be a social area where a pleasant hum of chatter fills the air. Some are dressed like V, others more incognito like Namjoon. There are women with fluffy tails between their legs, men wearing nothing but a jockstrap. On the far side of the room, a lady old enough to be your grandmother rests her feet on the bare back of a middle-aged man, whose arm muscles tremble violently.
But of course, this isn’t just a social gathering, and the majority of the room is taken up by what almost seems like an open-space office. It’s a large room, with two hallways at the far end that lead into what you know are the private rooms, available by booking. You had tried an interrogation room with your two boyfriends as a way of branching further out into BDSM, and only now are you realising how much of a baby step that was. The sights in front of you are far more intense and varied, and you shift in your seat, feeling Namjoon’s hand still resting on your knee, as you wonder which of the toys you’ll be using tonight.
Although the room is fairly loud with pleasured cries and sounds of impact, vibration, and electricity, it’s not terribly packed or crowded. The larger pieces of equipment are spread out around the room, and there are plenty of free spots. Men and women in plain black clothing rush around cleaning stations between uses, and even more keep watch over the crowd, stationed throughout the room. Each one has a little neon badge on their breast, and white lettering stamped on the back of their shirts that say DM. From the induction pamphlet you three had received when signing up, you knew this meant Dungeon Monitor, and they were the staff there to take care and keep an eye on the scenes. It reassured you to see just how many of them there were.
Occupying yourself with watching floggings and fucking machines and elaborate bondage only entertains you for so long, however, and you tune back in to the conversation, kicking your feet lazily back and forth. One rule of the dungeon was that all subs had to remove their shoes, since they’d be the ones getting up on the equipment and it was easier to avoid property damage that way, but you feel strangely vulnerable feeling the cold metal of the bar stool’s legs against your skin.
“Oh, wow, that long, huh?”
“Well, she was trained and had experience with suspension before that. Besides, there were two different spotters at the event to…”
You huff, feeling boredom make you restless. You only had the guy for one evening and here Hoseok and Namjoon were having a chat with V like they had all the time in the world. You glance up; nobody heard your noise of frustration, so you subtly inch your foot out to where Namjoon stands across from you, running it up and down, hitching his pant leg a little. As V continues to describe some encounters he had, Namjoon turns his head to you slightly and gives you a questioning stare. You pout at him, enough that he’ll notice but not so much that you’d draw unwanted attention from V.
His face clears out into an encouraging smile, and you perk up, expecting him to play with you a little or at the very least suggest to V that you properly begin the session. But, to your horror, he simply clears his throat, interrupting V mid-sentence. “What is it, baby girl?”
You shrink back, feeling three sets of eyes heavy on you. “I’m bored, Daddy.”
“You’re bored,” he repeats with a gentle tone that you would hear an adult use on a small child. “And what do you want me to do about that, hm? I was in the middle of a conversation, baby.”
“It’s rude to interrupt,” Hoseok pitches in.
Your mouth drops open. “I didn’t interrupt, Namjoon did!” The man in question tenses his jaw at your lack of a title. You swallow nervously, turning back to Hoseok. “I just don’t get why we’re still just sitting around at the bar, Sir. Isn’t chatting a waste of time?”
“Do you always speak to your doms that way, sub?”
You huff and stare at V. Needy for attention, boredom has always made you reckless, and so far he hadn’t done anything except empty threats. You shrug.
With his dark hair swept back off his forehead, you see the disapproving lines as he narrows his eyebrows at you. “That’s not an answer.”
You shrug again, with more emphasis. You do your best to stop from flat-out rolling your eyes, simply casting them upwards in frustration. “No, Master, I don’t. Because normally by now we’d actually be doing something.”
Namjoon sucks in a breath, and Hoseok tenses. You know you’ve fucked up by the way V’s back naturally straightens and his shoulders drop, slowly shaking his head.
“I warned you,” the master chides, “but little brats like you don’t listen. It’s clear that whatever I do will be a ‘waste of time’ as long as you have that attitude. Get off that stool and bend over it.”
Your stomach swirls anxiously, though it’s not entirely negative. You swallow, mutely shaking your head.
Undeterred, V turns to your boyfriends on either side. “Jay, bend her over and push up her skirt. RM, hold her torso down.” You squeak out in surprise as Hoseok doesn’t hesitate, picking you up and dragging the stool out further into the room before pressing you down onto it. V follows you with a languid pace, and you hear him cracking his knuckles. “It’s no wonder you called me, boys. Your sub is completely out of control. You have to teach her discipline if you expect to get anything out of this.”
You wriggle under the palm that pins you against the upholstery of the bar stool, Namjoon crouching so that his face is in your eyesight. His mouth is hard but his eyes are muted with sympathy. “You’re making us look bad, baby girl. Maybe if you take your punishment well, we can give you a reward, hm?”
The cool air on your ass as Hoseok lifts your skirt to rest on your back has you hissing in a breath, and with dawning horror, you realise the area around you has gone quieter. You make a noise of discomfort in your throat, and Hoseok gives one of your cheeks a light teasing pat.
“Everyone’s watching you, kitten,” he reveals with an edge of humor to his voice. “They wanna see your pretty little ass get lit up.” When he speaks again, it’s further away and in such a low murmur that you can’t make out what he’s saying. He confers quietly with V for a few moments, and you curl your toes into the carpet, unsure how you feel about your body being on display to so many strangers like this.
After a few moments, it goes silent, and you hold your breath, getting a fright when a stinging hand comes down upon your right cheek. “Ah, Sir,” you cry out in surprise.
“Wrong,” a voice says flatly, an unfamiliar hand brushing over the mark. You gasp and try to wiggle away, rising on your tiptoes to escape the touch. Namjoon gently shushes you, brushing your hair back from your face as V chuckles, his voice low with satisfaction. “Where’s that foolish confidence gone now, hm?”
When his hand comes down again, it’s on the other cheek and twice as hard. You whine at the sting, expecting another soothing rub or snarky comment, but he doesn’t give you the chance, instead raining down hit after hit, palm cupped slightly to increase the noise. Namjoon and Hoseok hold you down as you desperately shift away, trying in vain to tuck your ass away or twist out of their grip, but he doesn’t stop. You lose count sometime past eight, and your flesh heats up with each one, but still he continues. You feel the warmth spread; hits on your ass are spread evenly around but you also feel smacks that land on the tops of your thighs and, when you part your legs slightly to adjust your position, one lands right on your bare pussy. Though you can’t hear what he’s saying through your whimpers and cries, you can hear him laugh every now and again, kneading your tender flesh or giving you a pinch. He’s showing off.
When the air stills, you’re trembling. Your cheeks are on fire, not only your ass but also your face as you blush violently, tears running in hot tracks down your face. Vaguely, you hear your boyfriends praising you, hands lifting you up off the stool. Your vision swims with being raised so suddenly but Namjoon lets you lean on him, wrapping his arms around you and burying his chin in your hair.
“You did so well, baby,” he promises. “So well. Do you understand why he had to do that?”
You sniff and nod weakly.
“Good girl,” he croons, and your heart swells.
After a few moments, you feel another pair of hands on you. You turn, standing on shaky legs, and see Hoseok squeezing your shoulder. “We’re ready to play now, kitten. You still want us to play with you?”
Nervously, your eyes slide behind him to V, but instead of the disapproving hard stare you were expecting, you’re faced with sparkling eyes. Pride. The look of a teacher when their student finally grasps a difficult concept. It’s a look that you hope to see again. You turn back to Hoseok, blink away the last of your tears, and nod. “Yes, sir.”
“That’s my girl,” Namjoon praises warmly, and pats your extremely sore ass to get you moving.
You jump at the contact, but quickly hurry forward to follow the two men in front of you as they wind their way deeper into the room. You realise zoning out during their conversation perhaps wasn’t the best idea, since you now have no idea what they’re going to do and, being in the scene, have no way of asking.
The smell of arousal is heavy in the air, along with faint wisps of various scented lubes and wax play candles. You bite your lip as the modest crowd of people that had stopped to watch your punishment slowly return to what they’re doing, not after eyeing up your ass, which no doubt is bright red if the stinging heat is anything to go by. Your fingers itch to pull your skirt back down, but you’re unsure if you’re allowed to, and while you wish to continue poking and prodding your doms throughout the evening, you want to wait until your flesh isn’t so tender. Besides, a little reward for being a good girl sure sounds nice right about now. You keep your eyes low, conveniently resting them on the sight of Hoseok’s ass in those tight black pants, and try to ignore the slickness of your inner thighs as you walk.
You’re stopped suddenly when that ass halts in front of you, and you stumble to prevent yourself from smacking right into him. You look up as Namjoon comes around to stand beside them, a hand resting gently but possessively on your shoulder.
“I’m excited for this, baby girl. I know it’s something you wanted to try, and I can’t wait to see you up there.”
Up? You swivel in the direction he’s looking, where a massive contraption is bolted to the wall, two long, skinny blocks crossed over in a narrow X. Heat floods to your core as you recognise the equipment.
“A Saint Andrew's cross,” V explains easily, like he’s given the spiel a thousand times. “Named after Saint Andrew, who got crucified like this rather than the traditional way. Although I’m sure you’ll be having a lot more fun than he did.”
While you had done all this research before in anticipation of this evening, there was something far more electric about hearing it while the cross itself stood before you, especially since you knew you were about to be on it. Your mouth opens to breathe out a curse, but you snap it shut quickly.
V notices this and his lip twitches at your obedience. “Alright, little sub. Undress now.”
You blink. Somehow this hadn’t occurred to you. Taking a surreptitious glance around the room, it seems nobody is paying much attention to you; everyone around you is either a DM or actively engaging in their own scene. Still, you hesitate, before reluctantly slipping down your skirt and unhooking your bra. You cross your arms over your breasts and press your thighs as close together as possible, avoiding the eyes of the three men around you.
“For someone that was so concerned about wasting time, you sure did take a while to obey me, sub. Next time I expect you to do as I or your other doms say the moment we say it, understand?”
You stare at the way your toes curl between the fibres of the charcoal carpet. “Yes, Master.” You say it quickly, forcing the words out, and he sighs in displeasure.
You can feel rather than see his dark gaze on you. The tip of one of his boots taps impatiently in the corner of your vision. “Your two options are obedience and the use of your safeword. Anything else and you will receive due punishment. It’s clear to me your doms are soft on you; I can assure you, I am not. I won’t hesitate to discipline you without mercy.”
As much as your mind screams not to, you can’t help the grin that twitches at your lip at the thought. You duck your head down further, hoping he missed it.
Of course, no such luck. “Oh, it seems the sub likes the sound of that,” he muses in a humored tone. “Maybe you gentlemen picked a good one after all.”
Hoseok hums, reaching forward to squeeze one of your ass cheeks. You gasp, biting your lip at the heat that flares up under his calloused fingers. “Our pretty little painslut,” he confirms. “Get up on the cross, kitten.”
“Yes, sir,” you reply, embarrassment curling in the pit of your stomach at how throaty your voice is already. You feel wetness smearing all the way down to the bottom of your thighs now, and if your core doesn’t get some attention, you might just go crazy.
With shaky legs, you step up, the bottom of each plank having a narrow platform just wide enough for a foot. The distance isn’t too far, with your feet spread apart a bit wider than your hips, but the waft of cool air causes you to clench. Like always, when approaching something new, you feel your heart seize up in equal parts arousal and anxiety.
With your back to the cross, you’re faced out onto the crowd, and you feel yourself go weak, all too aware of just how many people in the room there are. It’s filled up a bit over the past half hour or so, and while nobody actively ogles you, there’s nothing to stop them glancing up to catch you, naked and with thighs glossy. You buckle at the knees slightly, crouching to close the gap between your legs slightly.
Hoseok tuts. “Don’t go shy on us now, kitten. Arms up.”
Instinctively your hands lift in the air, but you pause. “Sir?”
“Yes, kitten?” He steps forward, close enough that you can just about feel the heat radiating off his body, giving the feeling of confidentiality - even as your two other doms watch you like a hawk behind him.
You swallow hard, lowering your voice to a whisper. “What are you going to do me?” Even asking the question sends a delicious shudder up your spine.
He grins, eyes bright. “That all depends on if you behave for us. Are you gonna be a good slut?” You nod quickly, though a part of you is already planning how you can rile them up while tied down. “Say it, kitten.”
“I’m gonna be a good slut for Sir.”
His grin sharpens into a sneer as he steps back, joining the two others. “I’m not the only one here, remember? Say it to them, too.”
Your hands find each other, wringing them to vent your embarrassment. Namjoon has slipped his hands casually into his pants pockets, and he tips his head to the side with a slight smile, expectant. V maintains his stoic posture as usual and just cocks an eyebrow, arms crossed. You clear your throat, eyes darting once more around the other patrons of the dungeon. “I-I’m gonna be a good slut for Daddy…. And I’m gonna be a good slut for,” your gaze lands on V, too far away for you to be sure, but you think you see his eyes dilate. “Master,” you finish. He gives you the most miniscule nod, you would’ve missed it had you not already been watching him.
“That’s right,” Hoseok affirms, and steps forward again. “Now I won’t ask again. Arms up.”
This time you don’t waste a moment, holding them up in the air over your head, feeling the cold metal of the buckles lightly brush the tops of your hands. You look up with a frown, only to see the fastening points too high up. You look back down with a disappointed pout.
Hoseok is staring at you in bemusement and Namjoon has delicately covered his mouth to laugh, but V just pushes past the two, crouching down suddenly to crank a lever on the cross beside your left foot. You squeak as that platform begins to lift, and to save yourself from tipping over, your hand flies down and steadies yourself on his shoulder. You manage to catch your balance and quickly go to lift off your hand, wary that he might’ve considered it breaking the rules, but his hand darts up the second your fingertips slip away from the leather, wrapping tightly around your wrist.
You freeze in uncertainty, but he simply switches planks and adjusts the other platform so that the two are even, with you higher up than before. Once he’s done, he tips his head up to look at you, and you feel yourself shrink back at the heat of his gaze. Somehow, even though you’re above him, he has a way of exerting his power over you with that one look.
Suddenly, your awareness is brought to the heat between your thighs, and how close he is to it. As if he can read your thoughts, his eyes slip down to stare openly at your exposed pussy. A hot strike of shame makes your toes curl on the wooden platforms as his nostrils flare, and he looks back up at you again with a slow grin.
You take a shuddering breath, bracing yourself for a scathing comment, but he just stands up in one smooth movement, silently taking your wrist up to hold it against the corresponding post, nodding to himself when your wrist slips nicely into the leather cuff. He buckles it efficiently, and you feel your heart pick up when the natural weight of your arm pulls on the tight circlet of leather, reminding you of your vulnerability. Your other arm is hoisted up and attached before you even realise it, rendering you spread-eagled on the cross. Your ankles remain free, but the wrist attachments are still high enough for you that your body is completely stretched out, heels barely brushing the platforms.
He steps back, bends over to murmur something in Namjoon and Hoseok’s ears one at a time, then promptly leaves. You feel an odd stab of disappointment as you watch his receding figure snake through couples and small groups at different stations, until he goes out of sight. “Where’d he go?” you murmur unhappily.
Hoseok frowns and surges forward, raining a sharp swat down on your breast. Your eyes squeeze shut and your hands instinctively jerk, but you’re unable to cover yourself. You startle when he gives the same treatment to the other breast. “What an ungrateful little slut,” you hear him say. “So desperate for another man’s cock. Filthy.”
Another voice from slightly further away, softer. “Are we not enough for you anymore, baby girl?’
You open your eyes and shake your head adamantly. “No, Daddy,” you plead, “I was just curious.”
Namjoon has on an expression he rarely gets. Normally the softer of the two, he now presses his mouth into a tight line and furrows his brow. “And now you’re lying to Daddy,” he comments flatly. “If that greedy pussy of yours isn’t satisfied with two cocks, you should just tell us.”
Your pout deepens. “It isn’t that, Daddy! I was just having fun with three.”
After a moment, the tension in his face clears. “Ah, baby’s just having fun, hm? Special occasion?” You nod sulkily. “Oh, well there’s nothing wrong with that, baby girl. Daddy wants you to have fun. But if you wanna have fun you need to learn to follow the rules. And you didn’t even ask nicely.”
Your chest eases, the crisis averted. “Thank you, Daddy, I’m sorry. Please can you tell me why Master V left?”
Hoseok barks out a quick laugh. “He didn’t leave, kitten, he’s gone out back to get some toys for us to play with.”
You mouth opens and closes, unsure whether you’re allowed to talk back. You take the chance, curiosity getting the better of you. “But Sir, there are so many spare trolleys with toys on them here already.”
“I thought you deserved my personal collection,” a third voice says from your right. You glance over quickly, sticking your face out to see past your forearm, as V returns with what looks like a massive toolbox, metal painted black, and sets it down beside you. “Employee perks,” he explains shortly. “Some of our equipment isn’t safe to be used with untrained individuals for safety reasons. Others I just have a personal preference for.” He’s not speaking to you anymore, rather your two boyfriends. “Has the sub behaved while I’ve been gone?”
Hoseok raises an eyebrow but Namjoon beats him to it. “She most certainly has. Waiting patiently for her reward.” You blink at Namjoon, surprised, but the dark glimmer in his eyes just tells you that you’ll pay for his generosity later.
“Well, then,” V begins, flipping open the catches on the top of the chest, flipping the lid up, “let’s begin.”
You watch in anticipation, muscles in your upper arms twitching as he digs around. You can’t see anything from the way the lid blocks your view, but after a moment he pulls out a bottle of...lube?
“What’s that?” you ask curiously before you can think better of it.
V lets out a bitter scoff, passing the bottle - unlabeled except for a faded E written in Sharpie- to Namjoon, before turning back to his toolbox. “That mouth,” he remarks harshly, “will get you in trouble, little sub.” He lets out a low growl as he rummages around more hastily, and the sound rushes straight to your core, heat flaring. “I don’t even have a gag for you, normally my subs know not to run their mouths around me. Guess I’ll have to make do.”
He straights up, pulling out a long trail of thin rope, soft red nylon looking positively sinful as it runs over his tanned fingers. He loops it a few times, before collecting the bunch, one thick cylinder of rope, about two fingers wide. His lids are low when they focus on you, that proud glimmer long gone. “Open up.” You obey him without thinking, scrunching your nose as he fastens the rope around your head, strands of hair getting pinched between the individual lengths. The girth is enough that your jaw hangs a little open, and you curl your lips and bite down on the rope in an effort to prevent drooling.
“Now, I won’t give you another strike because you were asking a question. But that better be the last time I hear you speaking out of turn. This isn’t fucking Sunday School, I don’t need you asking questions. Look at where you are right now, princess. Tied and gagged, naked with your dripping pussy on full display. We could do whatever the fuck we wanted with you right now. Your pretty little boyfriends could leave right now to get an early night and leave you in my hands. Maybe I’d get sick of your attitude and walk away myself, leaving you available to anyone who wanted to play with you. How long do you think it would take a DM to notice the sub that was getting fucked by everyone in the room, hm?” You shudder, core clenching, as you remember the pure arousal that hit you when you felt V’s unfamiliar hands on your ass back at the bar. Your eyes slip shut at the thought, and you hear a chuckle. “You continue to surprise me, little sub. It seems that no matter what I say or do as punishment you go weak at the knees. I’ll have to think on how I’ll discipline you properly. In the meantime,” he breaks away from you to walk back to your boyfriends, patting Namjoon on the shoulder. “Like we discussed?”
You tilt your head at this comment, though Namjoon and Hoseok both nod, the latter biting his lip with a dark look in his eyes. As the two approach you, V falls behind, using the toolbox as a stool, legs splayed across the carpet lazily. You turn your attention back to your boyfriends, who have stopped at the foot of the cross, one to either side.
Namjoon lazily thumbs the cap open and closed; with every plastic click, you feel your core clench. He smiles at you, eyes glittering. “Most patrons of the dungeon don’t get to play with the toys we’re gonna play with, baby girl. We had to come here last week for a safety briefing.” You lower your brows in confusion and your boyfriend stays in character, tipping his head to the side innocently even as his eyes glitter with amusement. “What, did we not tell you that? Jay, did you tell our girl what we were preparing for?”
Hoseok’s eyes are nearly black. He doesn’t turn to Namjoon when he’s addressed, eyes heavy on you. “I guess I must’ve forgot,” he replies flatly, not even attempting to convincingly lie. “Wanna guess where we’re gonna put it?” His lip curls in amusement as you stare it him, hands tied and mouth gagged. He laughs darkly. “Oh, that’s right. You can’t. I suppose you’ll just have to sit back and take it, hm?” He takes the lube back off Namjoon and steps even closer, until you can see the shimmer of sweat on his temples and some strands on his hairline sticking to it.
You groan around the rope, steadily growing soaked with your spit. Tentatively, you push your hips forward as much as you can off the wood of the cross, whimpering in question. Hoseok, head ducked as he cracks open the bottle and squeezes some lube onto his fingers, misses it but your other boyfriend just chuckles.
“Not that greedy pussy of yours, baby girl,” he teases, “it’s so sloppy we wouldn’t need any lube at all. No, this is for those pretty little nipples of yours.”
You shudder, ass falling back to smack against the planks again. You moan out a word around the gag, though, as Hoseok’s slicked-up hands latch around your stiff buds, you know they all understand you. Why?
Namjoon’s eyes light up. “Do you know what the E on the bottle stands for, baby girl?” When he says the next word, he enunciates every syllable, the harsh sounds of the consonants cracking in his mouth, sending shivers down your spine. “Electric.”
As if rehearsed, V stands up off the chest, swinging his leg aside to open it back up, digging in deep and pulling out what looks like an electrical cord; the flat, black ribbon splitting off into two and ending on either end in delicate peg-like contraptions. Nipple clamps. You take a deep breath, chest soaring. Nipple clamps were one of your favorite toys to use in the bedroom. Many a time, even in your more vanilla forays, you’d bat your eyelashes and press out your chest and ask one of your boyfriends to pretty please put on the clamps, even just for a little bit, but you were used to bright silver, not this sleek black. You watch in curiosity as V ducks down again, pulling out what appears to be a remote - a rounded, roughly egg-shaped device that fits comfortably in his hand. Electric. Your jaw goes slack around the spit-slick ropes in your mouth. Your eyes are heavy on those two black pegs as they sway loosely in the air, and you feel yourself tremble, the muscles in your thighs weaker than they were before.
Hoseok’s fingers, still slightly cold from the air in the room, feel even more stimulating as they tweak your buds, coaxing them into stiff peaks as the lube makes it difficult for him to get a grasp. You suck in a harsh breath through your nose as he slips and scratches a fingernail across the top of one, your eyes finally breaking from the nipple clamps and onto him as he apologetically pats your breast with a rakish grin.
Without looking, he accepts the proffered toy, wrapping ring-laden fingers around the remote as he jokingly snaps one of the clamps in his other hand, opening and closing it like a tiny set of jaws. Slipping the black device into his pocket, he stands directly in front of you, slightly taller than you even as you’re raised on the platform of the cross, and licks his lips teasingly.
“This is how it’s going to go, kitten,” he instructs in a sultry tone, “we’re going to put these on, have a little fun. But you’re not allowed to cum, okay? A good girl always asks first.” You narrow your eyebrows at him, huffing around your makeshift gag, and his eyes light up, tip of his tongue remaining just past his teeth as he chuckles. “Mm, you can’t exactly ask if you’ve got that thing in your mouth, now can you?” You shake your head obediently, hoping he can read the pleading look in your eyes. “Maybe I’ll take it off later.”
Your shoulders droop. You let out a disappointed whine, but your boyfriend just laughs at you, shifting his focus down to your breasts as he palms one roughly, a thumb stroking over the nipple before he’s bringing the toy up to it without ceremony.
You crane your neck down, moaning as the sight of him affixing the black clamp to your glistening nipple is paired with the delicious pressure it brings. Your head tips back again, eyes falling shut in bliss as, for the first time in the evening, you receive some decent stimulation. You let out a groan, hands balling uselessly into fists high above your head as your other nipple receives the same treatment. You can’t help but whimper, back arching to follow him as he deftly tugs on the electrical ribbon between the two, ensuring they’re fastened correctly, but no doubt also doing it just to watch you squirm.
“That feel good, kitten?”
You garble affirmation and nod, moaning again as he continues to play with the cord, a dozen teasing flicks of his wrist to keep the warmth of pressure on your nipples rising. All is still for a moment, and you crack your eyes open to see Hoseok falling back to stand beside V, letting your other boyfriend take his place.
Your attention is immediately caught by the object he’s lazily tossing back and forth between his hands. A slender, curved vibrator. Your eyes light up, and it’s clear he sees the apparent joy on your face as he approaches.
“I did say this was a reward, baby girl,” Namjoon reminds you, looking sharp as ever in his dress shirt. His straining erection is clear to see even through the black pants, and a quick glance to Hoseok shows you he’s faring the same. You had hoped their desperation would have led to their cocks being inside you already, but you would happily settle for a vibrator, as long as something was filling you. Surreptitiously, you sneak a look over to V’s crotch as well, a dark glee lighting up inside you when you see the outline of a bulge running halfway down his thigh. Holy shit.
You swear your heart stops for a second when you look away, only to be faced with V himself as he stares you down, clearly having seen you ogle him. You sigh, muffled through the wet rope, as you feel smooth silicone slip between your soaked folds, but you can’t break your gaze from the man sitting atop his box of toys.
Languidly, like he has all the time in the world, the dark-haired man rests a hand on his thigh, and lets a single finger lay right where his head sits underneath the fabric, and swirls it, gently outlining his own erection, a promise of what could be to come. Your mouth waters even more, and the only thing that pulls you back is a sudden onslaught of sensation; somehow, as though they were timing it while you were distracted, Namjoon plunges the vibrator to the hilt inside of you just as an odd yet intense tingle in your nipples makes your very nerve endings shiver.
You let out a surprised yelp, smothered by the gag in your mouth, and flinch as the cord between your breasts is yanked roughly, very nearly dislodging the clamps with how vigorous the motion is. Your gaze shoots in front of you to Namjoon, the normally reserved demeanor alight with something deeper, something more possessive.
“Do we need to take him away?” Namjoon asks in a sharp tone. Without looking, without changing his stern expression at all, he flattens his palm against the base of the vibrator and presses, twisting it inside you, as deep as it can get. You whine lowly, attempting to rise on the tips of your toes to escape the sudden stretch, but he simply reaches out and grips your chin tightly. “Yes or no,” he spits out, “do we need to take him away or will you start behaving for us?”
You sniff as the base of his palm barely misses your clit, but articulate a vaguely disyllabic answer, asking for the latter.
“You promise to behave?” he confirms, and you hum your agreement. “Well then, I’m sick of your eyes being on him when you should be focussing on me. On us. Understood?” He releases your jaw so that you can nod in response. “Good. Now, before we continue, I want this gag off. I’m sick of you blabbering like a baby when I ask you a question.”
Simultaneous rage and humiliation flare in you at the statement, but you stay silent, all too relieved to finally be freeing your mouth. The ropes have been getting heavier as your spit is absorbed, and when he finally undoes the knots, accidentally ripping out a few hair strands with them, your jaw aches as you close it again, muscles sore from being held wide for some time. You lick your lips to soothe them and swallow the saliva that’s been pooling in your mouth, but your relief is only enjoyed for a few moments before Namjoon continues.
This time, instead of grinding the vibrator inside you - sadly still turned off - he begins thrusting it, gently tugging at the nipple clamps one at a time, or flicking them with his finger to get you to whimper. Your sounds are so much louder without the muffling, and you find yourself trying to keep your mouth shut, moans bubbling in the back of your throat as he strikes your g-spot with each thrust, the gentle curve in the silicon rubbing against that spongy tissue.
“Good?” he asks simply, picking up the pace as your abs clench with the urge to grind against the intrusion.
“Y-good,” you make out between pleasured whimpers, whole body shuddering when the sparks of electricity return, a lower intensity level but in regular thrumming instead of a single pulse. The stimulation merges with the vibrator inside you, warming your whole body with pleasure, but something is missing. “Turn it on,” you breathe out desperately, before adding a belated, “please, Daddy.”
Namjoon’s lip quirks in satisfaction. “My baby girl is so needy. Can you promise not to cum for me?”
You pout in disappointment. “Daddy…” But he doesn’t back down. “Yes, okay, I won’t cum, Daddy. Can Hoseokie come over too?”
“Ask him, princess.” While Namjoon waits, he takes out the vibrator with a wet noise and you hum unhappily at the emptiness in your core.
You bite your lip, turning to the man behind Namjoon with a glint in your eye. “Sir, please come touch me. I need you.”
Hoseok, always the one to be a little more susceptible to begging, makes his way forward, absentmindedly tapping the bulge in his pocket where the remote is. He smiles softly at the puppy dog eyes you send him, as you arch your chest enticingly.
You return it, though your smile quickly turns mischievous. The cool varnished wood of the cross has calmed down the sting in your ass, and you’re feeling like you could do with some more punishment. Besides, your arms are starting to ache from being held up so long. “Good boy.”
The warmth in his expression drops in an instant, and his lip curls. Like lightning, his hand dives into his pocket and you yelp as a sharp bite of electricity runs through your nipples and through your whole chest, making you tremble violently as your muscles contract.
“Okay,” you hear V say quickly, standing up off the chest and rushing over to you. As your shivers continue, you feel him firmly grab a hold of the black electrical ribbon between your breasts and tugs roughly, yanking the clamps right off your overstimulated nipples. You howl and instinctively try to curl in on yourself, the leather cuffs digging painfully into your wrists. You can see the hard lines of anger in his face, and duck your head, turning your face slightly to the side as you await punishment, but it seems the leather-clad man isn’t annoyed at you.
He stalks over to Hoseok, who has stepped back a little in confusion, and shoves his hand without ceremony into the other’s pants, drawing out the remote and chucking the two items back into his chest, kicking it shut with a metallic slam. Whirling back around, he draws his chest up, looking unbelievably intimidating even over your boyfriend. “Never,” he spits, “ever take your anger out on a sub,  no matter how bratty she may be. Yes, she deserves punishment for acting out and we’ll give it to her but that doesn’t mean you can use her as a punching bag.” With a jaw clenched bitterly, V shakes his head. “This is why I don’t let non-professionals use my equipment. Lesson fucking learned, I suppose.”
You watch with wide eyes as he approaches you slowly, hands on his hips. “Colour,” he requests quietly.
You swallow, eyes darting to your boyfriend, whose eyes are on you, rueful. Namjoon stands beside him, hand on his shoulder, and leans in to whisper quietly. “Green,” you say after a moment. “Yellow then, but green now.”
V nods after a moment, gaze running over every inch of your body thoroughly, paying close attention to the angry red of your nipples. “Alright. We continue, without any electric play.” Taking the slick vibrator off Namjoon, he chucks it into a plastic bag inside the chest that you can just make out a label on that reads ‘to be cleaned’. He stands over the box of toys for a moment, considering, before turning back around, glaring at you. You gasp, feeling that the scene is back in full swing now. “And the sub. It’s clear to me no matter what equipment I use on her, she drips for it.” You push your lips into a scowl when you realise, though his eyes are heavy on you, he’s addressing your boyfriends instead. “Maybe the problem here is that she enjoys the punishment she gets from you so much that she acts out constantly to receive it. Of course punishment can be fun, but when she’s as out of line as she is now, you need to teach her a lesson. So, if toys won’t work, we’ll try something else. Someone else.”
Your back straightens and your gaze trains on him warily. You have to bite your tongue to hold back a retort, and his eyes dance gleefully at the way you clench your jaw.
“Jay, RM, it seems to me that your sub likes being punished so much because you’re the ones who will give it to her. So, with your permission, we’re going to be changing it up.”
Your mouth drops open in indignation as the two nod calmly. “What about my permission?”
With a dark glare, V reaches out and grabs tightly onto one of your abused nipples, making you wince at the pinching sensation. “This far into the evening and you still can’t stop running your mouth. If you recall, sub, involving other individuals in play was something you ticked off on your application.”
You can’t help yourself. “Not for punishment, though,” you counter in a low whine.
His eyebrows lower. “I’ll keep the play safe, but beyond that I have no sympathy for you, you little brat. Use your safeword, otherwise it’s in your best interests to start following the rules.”
You smother your pout with another scowl and turn your head to the side, biting hard on the inside of your cheek when he releases your nipple with a final tweak and the blood rushes back in achingly.
He waits for a moment, letting out a heavy sigh when you remain silent. “Fine, then. We’re going to go find someone who wants to play, and you can just wait right here.”
In shock, your head snaps back and you look out onto the room, at all the people playing and watching. If your doms left, you wouldn’t be able to fend them off. Your heart rate increases, and you send your boyfriends a concerned look.
V catches it, and grins. “Don’t worry,” he remarks smugly as he reaches into his back pocket, “we won’t leave you up here alone. My friend Jimin over there is a DM, he’s been supervising us all night in case you hadn’t noticed. He’ll come stand by you while we’re gone.”
You look off in the direction the dom nods in and see a blonde-haired young man in the black shirt and neon badge, strolling over from the corner of the room closest to your station. He sees you staring and throws you a rakish grin, lifting an arm to run a hand through his hair cockily. God, you think, he better not want to make conversation while I’m stuck up here.
A plastic click draws your attention back in front of you, where V has what looks like a felt pen. “Washable ink,” he explains, “just to be safe.” You go completely still as he brings it forward to draw it in swoops across your chest, over the tops of your breasts. The tip of the pen tickles, and the ink is cool, a bright purple. Once he draws back and caps the pen, you draw your chin into your chest to try and make sense of the large block letters. It takes you a moment to reverse them in your mind, but you suck in a breath through your teeth when you work it out. TAKEN.
As you try and read, he speaks once more. “Wiggle your fingers,” he instructs calmly, and you look up, doing as he asks with a tinge of confusion. “And make a fist.” You do that two, feeling the very tips of your fingers are a little numb, otherwise the rest of you is fine. You realise he’s checking in to make sure the blood hasn’t completely left your extremities from being held above your head. As always, he manages to uphold safety without impairing the scene. Without further comment, he turns from you, converses quietly with the DM, and leaves, your two boyfriends in tow.
Left alone with the stranger, you watch warily as he sighs out and takes a seat on the carpet in front of you, kicking out his legs. “Ah,” he hums happily, stretching his arms in front of his chest. “This is the first time I’ve sat down all night. Standing sure gets tiring.” With a cheeky smile, he glances up at you. “Although I don’t need to tell you that.”
You simply stare at him quietly, unsure if you’re still on the ‘don’t speak unless you’re spoken to’ mode. Though, to be fair, you haven’t exactly been following that much tonight. “So, your name’s Jimin?” you ask after a moment.
He lets out a surprised laugh at your attempt at small-talk. “You know, normally the subs Tae gets me to supervise- ah fuck, V - normally the subs V gets me to supervise are way more timid than you. You a sucker for pain or something?”
Looking out onto the multiple stations in front of you, you shrug as much as you can within the restraints. “When in Rome.”
He runs his tongue over his teeth, eyes roaming over you. “God, the one day I’m DM-ing...” He looks out and perks up. “Fuck, that was fast. I guess they had no problem finding someone interested.”
Your eyes dart out into the crowd, craning your neck to glance around a few people watching a nearby scene, searching for your boyfriends or V. In front of you, Jimin is standing up hastily and brushing the seat of his pants, and you curse the fact that you can’t get up on tippy-toes to look over him.
“Nice to meet you,” he farewells cordially. He holds his arm out for a handshake and then realizes his mistake, shaking his head in embarrassment and turning away, quickly rushing back over to his corner. Your eyes widen as he leaves prematurely, glancing around to make sure no strangers approach, when you see the familiar broad frame of your boyfriend returning to you, his grin big even as his eyes are lidded with lust.
You smile at him warmly. Even five minutes without Namjoon makes your heart swell when you see him again, and you wiggle your hands in a grabby motion, making his dimple pop out when he smiles. There’s something else though, a sly quirk to his lips, and it makes you pause.
Behind him is Hoseok, wearing a look of satisfaction and contained excitement, and you can’t quite see past the two to see who might be following them.
As they get closer, you see V, but he’s a decent few paces back, and you don’t understand the distance, until you see a glimpse of bleached hair just past Hoseok’s shoulder. Your two boyfriends split up once they break through the lingering people, and step inside the station, one on either side of you, but further away than you’d like.
The owner of the pale hair is revealed as he walks through the two of you and you gasp in shock. Not at him, but at the man behind him. You have to lower your gaze quite a bit, because he’s crawling on his hands and knees, neck craned up to look at the light-haired man in adoration.
The two of them make quite the pair; the dom is wearing slick clothes, tight pants, a black turtleneck and leather jacket, and his hair is brushed back to reveal darker brows, undyed. Though he’s much smaller than any of the men around him, including the one that follows him like a dog, he has an undeniable presence, with the borderline apathetic yet critical gaze he adopts as he looks over you, head tilting to the side. He comes to a stop in front of you, and his sub remains slightly behind him and to the left. With thickly corded muscles in his arms and shoulders, he looks physically like he could pick any one of you up one-handed, yet he waits patiently on his hands and knees, looking unexpectedly soft with a baby face and a delicate garter set for underwear that accentuates his delicate waist.
“Position,” the standing man says in a barked command. Like clockwork, the sub sits back up to kneel, hands resting gently on his thick thighs and head bent down respectfully. As he waits, you can see a band of leather around his throat, studded with what almost looks like diamonds. “Good boy,” he praises, even though he doesn’t lift his gaze off of you. Still, the sub visibly trembles at the praise, toes wiggling happily on the carpet behind him.
V arrives last, and rests a hand warmly on the stranger’s shoulder. “Sub, pay attention.” The young man kneeling glances up, and a fond boxy smile rises on V’s face, one you only saw once after you took your spanking. A strange unfurling of jealousy opens in your chest. “Not you, slave. Eyes on the floor.” The slave quickly drops his head, trembling again when the dom reaches out to pat his cheek, like a sign that he’s not in trouble.
Master V keeps his gaze on you as he squeezes the shoulder of the man beside him. “Sub, this is Master Min, and his slave Koo.” Turning to your boyfriends to include them as well, he addresses the doms. “As discussed, I think the sub could benefit from a positive example of a good sub. Of course, she doesn’t have to do all the things Koo does, every dynamic is different, but she could learn a lot from his behaviour. More than that, Koo is much like her in what he likes, but he and Min have incorporated it into play so that it doesn’t require punishment to get what he needs. Perhaps your girl is such a brat because she’s feeling unfulfilled. RM, Jay, you can get her down.”
“Down?” you mumble without realising, luckily quiet enough that the others don’t overhear. With a confused frown on your face, you let your boyfriends unbuckle you from the cross, wrists first. Your shoulder muscles ache when you lower your arms, and thick red bands line the skin of your wrists, which you thumb at with a smile while they bend down to undo your ankles.
“Lean on me, kitten,” Hoseok instructs softly, and you wrap your arms around him tightly, letting him grip your ass and pick you up off the cross gently so you don’t fall. He lowers his torso so that your dangling feet drag on the carpet, but you whine and lift them, linking your ankles around his back so that you’re latched on like a koala. He laughs softly at your whine. “You don’t wanna walk, hm?” You shake your head, thriving at the physical contact even as your bared pussy soaks the bottom of his white tank top. He pats your hair, and your heart warms. Especially after he was so angry at you earlier, the intimacy feels more than comforting. “You might want to stretch your legs, though, before we move on…” He trails off teasingly, and you draw your face up, seeing the mischief in his eyes.
With a pout, you let your legs lower to the ground, supporting your weight steadily before you take your arms off of Hoseok’s shoulders. You look around at the others, awaiting further explanation.
Namjoon steps forward, sharing a glance with V and then Hoseok before cupping your face softly. “We’re gonna go watch Min and Koo play, okay? They’re gonna show you how to be a good sub for us.”
“Where do you want to do your scene?” V asks Min.
The dom glances down at his sub, who still has his neck bent, dark hair glossy from the lights overhead. “Koo,” Min calls softly but firmly, and the young man looks up immediately. “Do you want to pick which station we go to?”
With doe-like eyes, Koo shakes his head. “No, Master. Wan’ you to pick.”
“Uh-uh,” the dom chastises with a tut, “we talked about this. Big boys choose when they get offered. Don’t make me regret my generosity.”
“Sorry, Master,” he replies quickly, “Kookie would like the bed tonight.”
“Alright, then. Go check if it’s free for us first. You may walk.”
Almost reluctantly, the sub stands up, and you widen your eyes at just how tall he is, rising above his master to almost match Namjoon’s height. If it wasn’t for the way he clasps his hands together and ducks his head so submissively, and if it wasn’t for the collar around his neck and the garters on his thighs, you could easily mistake him for a dom. Physical appearance wasn’t everything, you supposed.
As you wait, V disappears too, mentioning something about more equipment he needed, and by the time a DM comes over and lets you know that Koo has found and reserved a bed on the second floor, he still hasn’t returned. Min offers to flick him a text, and after you’re allowed to put your skirt and bra back on, the four of you walk through the middle of the room to reach the set of stairs at the far corner beside the bar. All of upstairs is like a mezzanine floor around the edges of the room, with doors that go off into separate rooms. With Namjoon on your left and Hoseok on your right, you ascend the stairs, taking the left path to walk around the mezzanine. Each door is labelled: medical A, medical B, dungeon A, filming A, and so on, but you’re taken by what you can glimpse over the protective barriers, looking down onto the first floor.
You can see all the different stations from up here, all the people who occupy them. The bar reaches out in a semicircle, with curved rows of stations flowing out like petals or ripples, the smaller ones closer to that social area, and the biggest ones along the walls. There are more people than before, probably close to capacity, so it’s a wonder Koo managed to find exactly what he wanted without it already being taken.
As you walk, you can feel the obscene slick between your thighs, wetting all the way down to the sides of your knees. It feels uncomfortable, though nothing like the remaining fire of your nipples as they rub slightly against the fabric of your bra. More than anything, though, you still feel so needy, so wanting. Though there aren’t any clocks in the room downstairs, much like a casino, you managed to glance at Min’s watch as he strolled, and see that it had been over two and a half hours since the three of you first arrived, and you still hadn’t been even close to cumming. And now V was making you sit down and watch other people fuck instead of you. You were starting to realise just how clever he was with his punishments.
Distracted, you almost bump into Min as he halts in front of a door, which has a plaque at eye level reading ‘domestic’. He knocks, and instead of Koo answering the door like you expect, it’s V. You widen your eyes and follow the men inside the room in curiosity, wondering what equipment it was exactly that he had left to retrieve.
It’s immediately obvious. In the soft, romantic, bedroom-styled set, one thing stands out like a sore thumb. Past the foot of the bed, closer to the opposite wall, is a chair covered in undone leather straps. The black leather and silver buckles are totally at odds with the warm neutral shades of the room, and the soft, freshly washed linen and blankets on the large bed. More so than that, however, what really draws your attention is the hole cut out in the base, and the dildo that sticks through, attached to what can be described as nothing else but a machine, a motor which is plugged in to an electrical socket on the wall. The two back legs have wheels attached to them, so that should you tip the chair back, you can roll it around rather than having to lift it. All-in-all, it looks extremely expensive and extremely intimidating. You swallow down the saliva that collects in your mouth at the sight of it.
Other than the fucking machine, the other notable accessory is the sub kneeling beside the bed. He doesn’t look up when you all file in the room, even as his fingers curl into the lush carpet when he hears his master’s voice.
“Good boy, Koo,” Min praises warmly, “such a well-behaved slave tonight. Are you being extra good for our guests?” His eyes crinkle in satisfaction as the boy’s thick hair bobs with his enthusiastic nodding. Min approaches him, placing a hand on the sub’s cheek to lift his face up. He runs his fingers over Koo’s lips, who obediently opens his mouth, tongue flat. The dom places two fingers inside, slowly sliding them deeper in, up to his knuckles. “Are you gonna keep behaving for me?”
Koo’s eyes are wide, and you can see the way his nostrils flare as he breathes in through his nose, trying not to gag. Instead of nodding, he gargles out an affirmative hum, and Min’s lip curls proudly, drawing his fingers out and wiping the spit off on Koo’s cheek, the younger boy’s eyes fluttering shut even as his mouth still hangs slightly open.
“Kitten,” you hear Hoseok say, drawing your attention back to him. He has an evil glint in his eye as he grins. “Don’t you wanna rest those pretty little legs of yours? You must be feeling so weak. Why don’t you take a seat?” He gestures grandly to the elaborate contraption across from the bed, and although he’s stating it as a joke, you know it’s nothing less than a command.
With shaky legs, you walk over, hovering uncertainly. V steps forward, manually rotates the wheel so that the dildo lowers past the base of the chair, and lets you sit. Your skirt is so short that there’s no cover at all, and you can feel the very tip of the cold silicone brush over your folds. Once you put your back directly against the chair, and let your feet loosely rest on the carpet, you adjust your hips slightly so that it’s pressing against your entrance, and you glance up at your boyfriends for approval, feeling the budding excitement and nerves in your chest.
Namjoon comes over to help V do up the buckles, starting to bind your legs to the chair. “Now, baby girl,” he says conversationally, “Master Min and his slave are very kindly letting us watch them, so you better be a good girl and enjoy the show quietly. I’m sure you can learn something from Koo here.” He stands back up again, leaning over to fasten your left arm as V does the right, and soon enough you’re completely immobile for the second time in the evening. Namjoon grips your inner thigh, massaging the flesh with a humored smile. “And don’t forget, no cumming without permission.”
He reaches behind you, lifting something off the back of the chair, attached by a cord. You look over, to see something akin to a half-sized TV remote, with several settings and options. He winks at you, and presses one, watching between your legs carefully.
You gasp and tense up when the dildo begins to move, pressing up into you unbelievably slowly. Even though it penetrates you at a glacial pace, clearly just to make sure you’re at the right angle to take it safely, it’s an odd sensation having something push up into you so unforgivingly. No matter how hard you clench, it breaches your walls deeper and deeper, until just when it’s about to be too far, it begins to recede again. You let out a heaving sigh as it slowly pulls out of you, before coming to a stop.
“Good?” he questions, though you know by the way you’re already angling your hips better against it that he can see you are enjoying it. Nonetheless, you nod, and he hums happily. “Alright. Now we’re gonna sit quietly and nicely and watch these two gentlemen, okay?”
You go to nod again but let out a surprised yelp as he steps right behind you and tips the chair back. You feel your chest lurch as the legs slip out from under you, but they stop when you reach a 45-degree angle, and slowly you’re rolled a little closer, facing the two men directly. More chairs are pulled up; Namjoon and V on one side of you and Hoseok on the other.
Your hands grip the arms of the chair tightly, fighting the urge to reach out to your boyfriends, who barely give you a second glance, though Namjoon’s hand slips behind your hair to rest on the nape of your neck, the weight of it as both a comfort and a reminder of who was in control here. You tilt your head back and hum happily as his thumb lazily rubs back and forth, keeping you calm.
In front of you, Min takes one last look out to make sure you’re all seated, before turning back to look down at his slave. “Koo, why is that mouth of yours still open?” The younger shuts his mouth quickly with a barely-audible pop, and swallows, eyes as wide as ever. “Does it feel empty, hm? Want something between those pretty lips of yours?”
The sub nods, thighs clenching with visible excitement as Min sits on the edge of the bed beside him and spreads his legs. Though you notice the way his tongue darts out to wet his lips, he remains still kneeling patiently. All it takes is a nod from his master, however, for Koo to dart forward, hands fumbling eagerly at Min’s belt, tugging it through the belt loops of his pants so voraciously that Min’s hips almost get pulled off the mattress. You widen your eyes at just how spirited Koo is about sucking someone else off. As much as you didn’t mind giving your boyfriends blowjobs, you would always much rather their cocks somewhere else. But as you sit tied to the chair, the threat of the blunt tip of the dildo resting dormant between your outer folds, you feel a heat build in your stomach at the display of total devotion.
As Min lifts his hips to help Koo pull down his pants and underwear, not a moment is lost before the submissive wraps his lips around him and sucks him down as far as he can manage on the first go. Min’s chest heaves with a surprised huff, and a lazy grin tugs at his lips. “That’s it, good boy,” he breathes through a sigh of pleasure, and even though the comment is clearly not directed at you, you feel yourself dripping with need.
You turn your head to the side, towards Namjoon. As you do so, his hand comes around to brush fondly at your cheek. Rather than verbalising it, you wiggle your hips slightly against the chair and the dildo below and pout pleadingly at him. He flicks you a genial smile and takes his hand away from your face to fiddle with the controls.
Your mouth drops open silently when you feel the dildo push up into you, at least twice the speed of the tester run, though still slow enough that it makes no noise.
A violent shiver breaks goosebumps across your arms as you feel a warm breath waft against your opposite shoulder. “Don’t forget to keep quiet,” you hear Hoseok remind you. When you look over to face him, your noses bump, and even as your heart skips a beat at the proximity, you’re leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips.
Half-expecting him to pull away, you feel your insides go weak when he indulges you, slipping a hand around your neck where Namjoon’s was earlier to pull you closer, grounding you with deep swipes of his tongue even as the dildo fucks up into you on it’s slow yet insistent cycle. If you arch your back just right, you can get it to brush against your g-spot when it enters you, and your breath picks up, kisses growing sloppier as you begin to regularly grind against it, quiet moans smothered by Hoseok’s mouth.
When he finally pulls away, you blink open your eyes in just enough time to see a fat string of saliva between you, which stretches until it breaks, spattering on your chin. Hoseok gently shifts his hand to grip your jaw, guiding your attention back onto the two men in front of you.
You suck your slightly swollen bottom lip into your mouth to muffle a groan at what you’re greeted by. Min has a hand firmly bunched in Koo’s hair, holding him down onto his cock as the sub writhes and clutches at Min’s knees, whining. After a moment of struggling, Koo is pulled off him by the grip on his hair, and he sucks in heaved gasps of air, eyes watering. Through the involuntary tears, you can see the same hazy look in Koo’s eyes that you sometimes saw on yourself when you went to the bathroom to clean up after a scene with your boyfriends. It’s clear to you that even as he gurgles and trembles helplessly when he’s pushed back down, he’s loving it, and his gaze doesn’t leave Min for a second. Above him, though lidded with pleasure, you can see the adoration and fondness in Min’s eyes too. It’s undeniable just how much they love each other.
Your breath catches in your throat as the pace is suddenly picked up on the machine, a gentle metallic whir piercing the lull on your end of the room, and your gaze shoots over to Namjoon as the dildo rocks up into you fast enough for you to begin to shiver. When you do, you see it’s not Namjoon that has the remote, but V beside him. With one arched eyebrow, like he’s testing you, V holds a single finger up to his lips and mouths ‘shh’.
Your nails dig into the wood of the chair, and you bite down harshly on your tongue to prevent any moans escaping, nodding shakily. His eyes sparkle with mirth as he smiles, handing the remote back to Namjoon. Your eyes follow the transfer and look up at your boyfriend’s face, but he’s more focussed on what’s going on in front of you, a confused turn to his lips.
You stare forward, and see that the two have changed positions slightly. Barely coherent with the fucking machine driving up into you at an infuriatingly regular and unforgiving pace, you do your best to focus in to what’s going on.
Min is still on the edge of the bed, however he’s leaning down as Koo whispers something in his ear, ducking his head shyly once he’s done. Min sighs, but gives his sub a warm smile and gently pinches at his nose and pats his cheek, looking up at the four of you.
You let out an involuntary guttural whine when the dildo comes to a sudden stop, halfway inside you. Your walls clench around the couple of inches still inside, too shallow to get any real pleasure, but too deep to be able to rock your clit against it. It seems Namjoon has turned it off while V stands up and consults with Min.
You stare, thighs clenching and unclenching at the strange and unsatisfying sensation of the dildo. After a moment, V returns, walking leisurely over to the wall and unplugging the machine. Your mouth drops open in confusion.
“Sorry it’s such a quick show, folks, Kookie is apparently getting a bit shy.” Min tucks himself away and crouches down to press a soft peck to the younger man’s pink cheeks. “We don’t get to come here that often, I think he just wants all my attention on him, isn’t that right?”
Koo’s teeth come out to bite at his lip, failing to suppress a sheepish smile. Caught out, he nods cheekily.
Min weakly slaps his cheek, a playful scolding. “Well, you’ll get your wish, Kookie. The others are going to leave now. You wanna give them a kiss goodbye and say thank you?”
The sub is granted permission to stand up, and bounds over to press a quick kiss on V’s cheek, then Namjoon’s, before he reaches you. His eyes widen at your state, eyes hazed with pleasure and bare pussy leaking down the opening in the chair, and does a double take like he hadn’t noticed it before. Lightning fast, he ducks down and quickly presses his lips against the top of your cheekbone. You turn your head slightly to receive it, his lips unbelievably soft and still a little wet from saliva. He murmurs a quick, “thank you for watching” in your ear and moves on, doing the same to Hoseok before returning to his master, standing until he’s given the command to get on the bed beside him.
Koo quietly leans into Min’s clothed-chest and lets the older one wrap his arm around his shoulders, keeping him close. The two stay entwined like that, conversing under their breath, as your doms stand up and begin to unbuckle you from the chair, carefully lifting you off of the dildo.
You let out a grateful hum as Namjoon effortlessly lifts you into his arms, one hand under your ass, where your arousal has totally soaked the back of your short skirt. You feel more than hear him speak with the others, as his chest rumbles against your ear, and you let your eyes fall closed, wrapping your arms and legs around him tightly and snuggling in. Perhaps it was seeing the tenderness between the two men you had just watched, but you felt your bratty streak begin to settle down, just wanting to be close with your boyfriends.
You hear a door open, and suddenly you’re moving as Namjoon walks out. You let out a groan. “‘S it over?” you mumble into the warm skin of the crook of his neck, breathing in his natural musk paired with the simple cologne he had put on earlier in the night.
He chuckles. “No, baby girl. We’ll find somewhere else to go. Do you still want to keep playing? It is getting quite late.”
You sit up, blinking at your surroundings as they lurch around him, making your way back around the mezzanine towards the stairs. “I wanna keep playing, Daddy. Where’s Hoseokie?”
“That’s Sir to you,” you hear a voice from over your back call out. Hoseok must be leading the group. You clutch onto Namjoon tighter as you begin to descend the steps to the main playroom. “I don’t know if we’ll be able to find a station, kitten. It’s closing time soon so most of them are taken or blocked off for cleaning.”
“Let’s just fuck on the floor,” you quip back, reveling in the hearty laugh that shakes Namjoon’s shoulders.
“As much as I liked seeing you at our mercy, I have missed your snark, princess,” your boyfriend admits. “Bear with the no-speaking rule when V is around for tonight, and we can rework our rules tomorrow.”
You hum, wiggling your toes as the strength gradually returns to your limbs. “Where is V?”
Hoseok’s voice is thick with humour. “Weren’t you listening, little sub?” He laughs as you kick out weakly at the pet name your ‘Master’ had chosen to use. “He got called away. Something about helping out a sub that came alone or something.”
“Oh.” You can’t quite work out if what you’re feeling is dissatisfaction at still not having cum the entire night or disappointment that the other man left without saying goodbye. “Where are we gonna play, then?”
Namjoon grunts with exertion. “Okay, down you hop.” You do as he says, joints stiff as you slip in front of him to follow behind Hoseok. Namjoon’s voice continues from behind you. “We’re going to find that Jimin dude and ask if he knows of any free spots. Keep an eye out for him, baby girl.”
The use of ‘baby girl’ rather than just ‘baby’ gently reinforces you that the roles are still in place. Although having to move locations, your two boyfriends - as well as you - clearly want the scene to continue. “Yes, Daddy,” you affirm compliantly.
It takes a couple of times circling and winding between stations before you spot him. He’s not in that same corner from before, but instead you find him at the bar, nursing a glass bottle of coke. He looks up in mild interest as you approach, before widening his eyes once he recognises the three of you.
“V’s studious apprentices,” he greets warmly, eyes lingering on the wetness on your thighs visible past the hem of your skirt. “How may I be of assistance?”
Like it’s choreographed, Namjoon and Hoseok both reach out to touch you; Hoseok, slipping his fingers into yours, and Namjoon placing his hand possessively around your shoulders. You smother a smirk at the way Jimin’s eyes dart up and waver back and forth, sizing the two doms up before his shoulders lower in defeat.
“We just wanted to see if there were any free stations,” Hoseok explains. “I figured if your job is to supervise, you’d know.” Hoseok takes another glance at the languid curve of Jimin’s body as he leans against the bench, and the coke bottle dripping condensation over his fingers. The unspoken implication of Hoseok’s statement hangs in the air, as your two boyfriends share a look over your shoulder.. When he thinks your boyfriends aren’t looking, the DM flicks you a cheeky wink. The moment the two men turn back, his face falls frigid again.
“I’m on break,” Jimin explains petulantly, gesturing to the neon badge which has been unclipped from his shirt and is resting beside the cardboard coaster. “But no, sadly there aren’t. The last hour and a half before closing is our busiest time since everyone figures it’s their last chance to get in a scene. We do have five different stations in the process of being cleaned, though.” Using the neck of the half-empty bottle to point, the DM indicates a few different spots that are cordoned off with orange tape, the same neon as his badge. “That one just began a minute or so ago, so that’s out of commission for the night, that one has been being cleaned for a good twenty minutes but it was wax play which is quite difficult to get out of the furniture without damaging it, and those two on the far side have been reserved already. Your best bet is the sawhorse down past the restrooms, but you’re looking at a good fifteen, twenty minutes for them to finish up.” Spiel done, he lowers his eyebrows and quirks his lips smugly. “So yes, I suppose I was the right person to come to. And if I was on duty, I would’ve been able to go over and reserve it for you, but since I’m not, you’ll just have to fight to be the quickest to snatch it up. Pity.”
Hoseok’s grip tightens around your hand. “Thank you for your help. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” His nostrils flare, and you feel a tug on his wrist as he begins to pull you away.
Jimin holds his defiant stare for a moment longer before breaking out into a cheery grin, giggling at the matching looks of confusion. “I’m just messing with you! I’m not even on break, us DMs get one free drink a night to keep us going. Come on, while you wait I can grab you a spare trolley and you can use some of the toys at the bar if you want. We actually aren’t allowed to reserve stations, though; so sadly you will still have to snag the spot when it opens up. Come with me, I spotted a free trolley down here.”
As the four of you make your way through the gatherings of people, you remark at how quickly you’ve accustomed to the place. The smell of sweat and arousal has increased over the evening, but you barely notice it, and it’s easy enough to tune out pleasured cries and cracks of whips even as you walk right past them. As your two boyfriends mutter behind you, you hear Jimin murmur to you and jog to catch up and walk beside him.
“2 years,” he starts with a self-satisfied grin, “2 years I’ve worked here and I still marvel at the way I can one-up even the most hardcore dominants. I swear this job has increased my confidence like nothing else.”
You laugh. “You do that often, then?”
“God, yeah,” he admits easily. “Gotta make things fun when you can. As long as I’m serious whenever a scene is taking place, or there’s a situation, the owner kinda lets me take some liberties.”
“Who is the owner?” you question curiously. You can’t help but wonder what type of person would open a business like this.
Jimin smiles with mirth but doesn’t answer. “Well, here it is,” he states instead, reaching out and grabbing an unclaimed trolley that was previously sitting abandoned by a set of stocks. “Looks like there are some things missing, but it’s the best you’re gonna get this time of night. People aren’t meant to hog them for more than two hours but it’s kind of a courtesy thing, not a hard rule, so there’s not much we can do.” He looks up as your two boyfriends join you. “You folks need anything else?”
“That’s all,” Hoseok says shortly, still clearly not over the jig Jimin pulled. “Come on, kitten, let’s go find a table.”
Rather than the bar, which Jimin returns to to finish off his drink, you’re tugged unceremoniously down to the small socialising area, which is all but empty by now. They’ve even lowered the lights, and your eyes are happy to have a break from the brightness of the main play area.
In the far back, there are a couple of booths, all vacant, and Hoseok sits on the side in the corner, gesturing for you to sit across from him. You slide in, sighing at the plush upholstery that soothes your still slightly aching ass. Once the trolley is pushed up beside the outer edge of the table, Namjoon slides in beside you, moving over to the middle of the seat so that you’re pressed snugly between him and the wall. You gasp at the sudden warm of his body flush against yours, and feel need wash through you for the thousandth time this evening. Your mouth opens to plead for something, anything, but he beats you to the punch.
“Baby girl, we know you’re probably feeling pretty desperate, hm? You want our cocks?”
You let out a moan at his words. “Yes,” you croak, “please.” A violent shudder runs through you when you feel the tip of a shoe run up your shin, and pushes at the knee closest to the wall until you’re parting your legs. You glance over at Hoseok, who’s leaning back languidly in his seat, though his eyes are predatorial and his grin is sharp.
Namjoon’s eyes dart over to Hoseok, then at you, and finally down past the edge of the table, where your skirt is rising up dangerously high as Hoseok keeps you spread open. “We should get you ready to take us, then.” Your mouth drops open in a silent moan, incoherent as Namjoon reaches down in one smooth movement and cups your pussy, two fingers dipping in automatically with how sopping wet you are. “Fuck,” he hisses, but you just bite your lip and try and rock your hips forward, wanting him deeper.
Hoseok feels you shift and tuts, pinning your leg more firmly against the wall. “Careful, kitten,” he warns, “do you really want to risk punishment when we only have-” he breaks off to consult his watch, “twenty-three minutes before closing?”
You swallow and force yourself to stay still, but that doesn’t stop you from clenching tightly around the tips of Namjoon’s fingers, drawing another hiss from the man.
“Besides,” Namjoon drawls, massaging his palm against you slightly so that your clit got the slightest hint of friction, “if you want both of us we better prepare you first.” His eyes don’t leave yours, a caramel smile tugging at his lips as those fingers slip out, only to seek another entrance lower down. “Will you be good for us?”
You nod hurriedly, shakily, as a single finger teases at your rim. “I’ll be good, Daddy.” Your voice cracks on the last word, but it just makes him grin, flashing teeth wolfishly.
You exhale roughly when suddenly he pulls away from you, sliding to the outskirts of the booth. With glossily wet fingers, he slaps your bare thigh, pinching lightly at the flesh. “Face down, ass up,” he commands, “we can’t prepare you properly if you’re sitting down.”
You open your mouth to protest, but Hoseok’s foot leaves you too, and the dark impatience in his eyes as he cocks his head forces you into action. As you scramble to bring your knees up on the cushioning, you cringe at the audible wet noises and the slipperiness of your thighs. You groan at how empty you feel when you arch your back obscenely for them, cheek planted against the seat.
Your face is below the table, and it takes your eyes a moment to adjust to the darker setting, sighing in relief as you feel the calloused palms of your boyfriend roam over your ass, hips and thighs. About fucking time.
You let your gaze rest lazily on Hoseok’s ringed fingers as they rest on his thighs, framing the tent in his crotch that you can barely make out in the shadows, eyes falling to half mast as you feel Namjoon collecting your slick on a single finger, before beginning the first press into your puckered hole.
You take deep breaths, forcing your muscles to relax, and let out a high whine as it sinks suddenly to the base knuckle, crooking inside you exploratively.
“Good girl,” Namjoon passionately praises, placing his free hand on your lower back to keep you arched for him as he fucks you on his one finger until you’re relaxed enough to take a second.
Your jaw is unable to close and you feel drool gathering in the corner of your mouth, and you squeeze your eyes shut at the intense sensation after so much deprivation. It’s not until he works his way to three fingers, curling and scissoring them inside you, that you hear a masculine grunt and crack one back open. The sight that greets you makes you clench violently around Namjoon, and he has to lightly smack your ass for you to relax again.
Across from you, with legs splayed wide, Hoseok has reached into his pants, tucking his cock out so that just the head peeks out past the waistband of his underwear. Even in the dim lighting, you can see how flushed it is, a deep purple-red that glints with precum when the lazily thumbs at the slit, just enough to keep himself on edge but not nearly enough to get close to cumming.
Automatically, your hand slips off the seat and stretches out to reach for him, but you cry out when Namjoon’s hand snakes around your elbow and roughly tugs your arm away, pinning it to your back. You feel the muscles in your thighs shiver uncontrollably as he plunges his fingers repeatedly into your tight hole, almost too much at once.
After an uncountable amount of time, the three of you are made to pause when the electrical crackle of a loudspeaker resonantes through the room. You let out a frustrated groan as you hear it declare the club to be closing, instructing all patrons to make their way to the exits or the showers, Namjoon’s fingers slipping wetly out of you moments later. Bonelessly, your hips fall to the side and bang on the tabletop.
“Dammit,” you whine hopelessly. “Please, Namjoon, I’m gonna go crazy, just fuck me quickly now and we can finish at home, please.”
“All this time,” a familiar voice calls out in bemusement, “and the sub still hasn’t learnt to refer to her doms by their appropriate titles.”
You jump, hustling to push your knees back down and twist, sitting down normally again to look past Namjoon. Master V stands just past the booth, hair more tousled than when you had last seen him and dark red lines across the exposed skin of his sternum where someone had clearly scratched him. “What are you doing here?” you ask automatically, mind not even comprehending the fact that you’d broken protocol yet again.
V simply raises his eyebrows at you warningly before turning to your boyfriends. “If you wanna stay longer, you can. Employee perks,” he explains. “The one catch is that you can’t use the stations because they all need cleaning at this point.”
Hoseok purses his lips together in thought. “That’s fine,” he dismisses. “We can find someplace. Anyone thirsty?”
You blink, not understanding the statement, but clearly the others do. Namjoon wraps a strong arm around your torso, just under your breasts, and pulls you off the seat so that your back is pressed against his chest and the tips of your toes barely brush the carpet. “Hey-!” you squeak, feeling even more worked up now that the time restraint on the club had interrupted your fun yet again.
Without missing a beat, V and Hoseok reach out, latching tightly onto one ankle each and lifting you so that you’re swinging horizontally between the three, dipping at the waist.
You grumble as they carry you away from the tables, following the edge of the room to arrive at the bar. Jimin has left, as have everyone else, only the last few stragglers making their way to the exits. “Are you finally gonna fuck me then?” you complain in frustration. You swear to God if you don’t get at least one of them inside you in the next five minutes, you’ll go insane.
V, not even turning back to look at you, scoffs. “You haven’t learnt a fucking thing, have you?”
“What?” you fire back, too consumed by a lust-driven haze to care about consequences.
“Right now, little sub, your body is ours. We get to decide whether you get fucked or not, so this whole time you’ve been making trouble when you should’ve been sucking up. If you don’t get what you want, that’s nobody’s fault but yours.” His nails dig into the sensitive skin around your ankle, and you feel it raise, as you’re lifted higher in the air and unceremoniously dumped on a surface taller than a table, and narrow. You crane your neck up, eyes wide as you see where you are. As V temporarily lets go to walk around the edge and rejoin on the other side, you realise they’ve splayed you out on the bar, one man on either side to keep your legs wide open, and Namjoon’s hand rising up your chest to wrap lightly, warningly, around your throat, pushing your head back down so that you can only see him and the high ceiling above. V’s voice comes from below, a stern growl. “So far tonight you haven’t done a single thing to earn one of our cocks in that messy pussy of yours, understand? Now you have to lie back and take what you’re fucking given.”
“This isn’t fucking fair,” you cry out in frustration, tears pricking at your eyes. “I just need to cu-um.” Your core feels neglected, almost painful in its longing for sensation. As you attempt to kick your legs out, you realise something. Your hands are free.
As fast as you can, you shove both between your legs, one plunging three fingers deep into your pussy, the other rubbing frantically at your swollen clit. You let the tears fall, sobbing at the relief, but it’s short lived. With a disappointed shout, Namjoon grabs your hands together with his free one. You howl as he rips them away from you, keeping them captive pinned to the middle of your torso.
Hoseok slaps you sharply right on your folds, making you jump. “This is our pussy, kitten. Paws off.”
“Please,” you scream, “I’ll do anything, come on!”
Driven half-mad by need, you barely hear V as he mutters to the other two. “Okay, she’s there. It’s time.”
You look up in confusion, as much as you can with the weight of Namjoon’s hand around your neck, and immediately your eyes roll back into your head with relief. A steady thrum of power reinforces what you saw. V holding a battery-run Hitachi vibrator.
The second he places it against your clit, you see a white-hot flash behind your eyelids as the powerful vibration sends you violently into your first orgasm after what must be over four hours of waiting.
“That’s it,” V coos, voice dripping with pure satisfaction, “take it all.”
You moan, a low garble in your throat, as the pleasure ripples through you, tingling in your fingertips and the skin of your calves where Hoseok and V hold on tightly, keeping you prone on the benchtop even as your muscles seize and tense as much as they can, feeling like you need to curl up into a ball around the epicenture of your orgasmic euphoria.
“Tha-ank you,” you sob out desperately, hands digging into the soft flesh of your stomach, the only part of your body you can really move as you’re pinned down by the strength of your three doms.
“Thank Master,” V commands shortly.
Tears pool in your temples as the pleasure begins to slowly settle, even as the vibrations continue. “Thank you, Master,” you praise mindlessly.
“Thank your other doms too,” he reminds, twisting his wrist so that the vibrator pushes your hood aside, resting against your bared clit, and you let out a weakened scream as the pleasure begins to prickle, overwhelming you.
“Thank you, Daddy, thank you, Sir,” you make out through shudders, your eyebrows knitting, unsure whether what you’re feeling is pleasure anymore or just pain. “N-no, too much,” you protest, swearing colorfully when V simply runs the Hitachi back and forth across your clit, sending sharp spikes of stimulation through you.
“No?” Hoseok questions rhetorically. “I thought you wanted to cum, you greedy slut.”
“Too much,” you repeat weakly.
“I don’t care,” he counters, “cum again.”
You let out a loud sustained moan as pain returns to pleasure in a hot flash, and you’re pitched over the edge again, tensing up and trying to grind your hips into the sensation as you gush over it, and all over V’s hand. You hear him laughing at you as you go fully limp, energy gone as your nerves run alight through your body.
“Not so brave now, are you?” he remarks dryly, chuckling again when you simply let out an incoherent moan.
You expect he’s made his point now that your body has given up the fight, but instead all you get is a warning click before he’s turning up the power of the vibrator to another level.
You hear yourself yell out, louder than you’ve been all night, unable to stop from screaming and shouting in stuttered moans as you’re wracked with blinding, overwhelming pleasure. “Not again,” you beg, “no more, I can’t-”
Your protests are cut off by a strong call coming from far away. The vibrator is clicked off immediately, and you go lax in relief, though your pussy continues to tremble uncontrollably as you pant on the sweat-soaked bar.
You don’t have any energy to look up properly, but you tiredly turn your head to the side to see an unfamiliar figure approach.
He’s dressed somewhat like Namjoon, with dress pants and an ironed shirt, but a deep navy suit jacket finishes up his outfit, hair carefully styled so that even as he stomps over, it stays in place swept to the side to reveal some of his forehead and brows. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, making a racket after closing?”
Master V pauses, his grip on your calf instinctively loosening. “You said we were allowed to, Jin.”
“I didn’t expect you’d be bringing so many friends,” Jin defends, “normally your subs are so quiet that it’s never been a problem.” His gaze falls on you and you hiccup as the last of the shivers run through you. “What are you doing to this poor girl?”
A tired smile plays at your lips in relief. Sure, it was a little embarrassing having what must be the owner of the place walk in on you, but at least Hoseok and Namjoon would have no choice but to leave with you. You’d have an Uber ride to recover, and then by the time you reached your apartment they’d be so desperate that they’d give in straight away and fuck you. You just about hum audibly at the thought.
“I thought I taught you better,” the stranger criticises with a disappointed look as he approaches to stand at the edge of the bench.
V bites his lip, placing the Hitachi on the counter in resignation, flicking your boyfriends an apologetic look. “Sorry, Jin, I-”
“If you’re gonna overstimulate a sub, you need to make sure she won’t wake the neighbors,” Jin interrupts, picking up the toy himself. “And for fuck’s sake, use one of the pulse settings so her clit doesn’t get used to it. You in the white shirt, tighten your grip around her throat.”
Your eyes widen and you open your mouth to protest, but Namjoon effectively cuts you off by pressing you more firmly to the bench, thumb and forefinger on either side of the column of your throat, intruding on your airways enough to make you groan gutturally.
You jump as you feel a sharp pinch on your inner thigh. “Alright, sub, your safeword is now making two fists and shaking your hands. Do it know so I know you can.”
The pressure on your throat eases slightly as you suck in a breath and follow the owner’s command, relaxing your hands again once he grunts in affirmation.
The pulsating whine of the vibrator fills the air after he clicks it back on. “Good, now lie there and shut up while I show these men how it’s done.”
The brief respite on your poor clit clearly isn’t enough as the second the toy is placed back on you, you let out a shriek that’s cut off midway as Namjoon tightens his grip around your throat again. You thrash as much as you can, but now that Hoseok and V both have two hands on you again, there’s no way you can overpower them.
“Bend her knees,” Jin commands, “open her up for me.”
You moan, drooling unwittingly as they obey, feeling your pelvis shift up so that you’re fully vulnerably to the attack on your abused clit.
“This way,” the boss instructs, “no matter how much she wriggles, she can’t escape it, and you’ve got free access to everything else too.”
Crying out as incomprehensible stimulation is forced on you by the flickering of the toy over your bud, you scratch and grab and bat at the flesh of your stomach, careful to make sure you don’t curl your fingers into fists.
When your third orgasm tears through you, all sensation cuts out for the briefest second, everything going black for one blissful moment before you’re taken over by the warm rush, feeling release like you never have before. Namjoon releases his grip on your throat, and the sudden return of oxygen pitches you into euphoria, too far gone to do anything more than whimpering.
Jin holds you there, in that totally mindless state for a few more trembling seconds before he flicks it off and dumps it on the bartop. “Got my fucking sleeve wet,” he mutters to himself, before reaching out and massaging your inner thigh reassuringly, relaxing the muscles. “Have you ever made your girl squirt before?”
Namjoon’s voice is reluctant. “Not yet.”
“Looks like you have some more learning to do yourself, then. Sub; are you still with us?”
You’re shaking like a leaf, but Hoseok helps prop you up, letting your leg flop weakly off the edge of the bench. You look down and see the wet shine of the table between your legs, and the dark splotches covering Jin’s suit. “Wh-why would you do that?” you question, your voice wobbling from sheer exhaustion. “Aren’t you meant to be professional?”
His eyes darken, a brow arching delicately. “You seem to forget what my profession is, young lady.” Lifting his gaze to include the three other men, he lets out a patient sigh. “The night cleaners will be arriving in a couple of minutes, and I will not be fronting a late fee if they have to wait around for you jokers to get your rocks off.”
Namjoon nods understandingly. “That’s alright, we can be out of your wa-”
“So if you’d like to fuck her,” the owner continues on, “you’re going to have to come do it in my office. It gets cleaned last, so you’ll have more time.”
Your mouth drops open.
Namjoon and Hoseok share a glance with each other, then at V. Finally, Namjoon reaches down and brushes back some of the hair back that had gotten stuck on your face. “It’s up to you, baby girl,” he says with a fond smile. “Either the two of us can take you home and fuck you there, or you can stay here and have all of us.”
Your mouth waters, eyes lingering on V, how sinful he looks with black locks low over his brow, tanned skin beaded with sweat. Your gaze lowers, taking in the way his erection strains under his pants. This whole time, he had been calmly in control, always composed, even when you had acted out more than you ever had before. You wanted to see him how he’d seen you; out of your mind with pleasure. You wanted to see him let go. “I wanna stay, Daddy.”
“Then we’ll stay.”
The way to Jin’s office is longer than expected, and your legs tremble so violently that the group of you move at a near-glacial pace up the stairs to the second floor, going to the right instead of the left like last time when you reach the mezzanine. There’s a side corridor that you hadn’t noticed earlier, the entrance partly concealed by a lube-and-condoms refill station. You take that, the five of you winding down single-file with the owner himself taking the lead, down to V at the rear.
Upon arriving and being let inside, you loiter uncertainly just inside the doorway beside your two boyfriends as Jin walks behind the desk and takes a seat. Even if it wasn’t for the fact that the evening’s protocol forbids you from speaking out of turn (as if you ever really followed it), you can’t bring yourself to form a single sentence.
Luckily, Hoseok can. “Aren’t you gonna leave?” he asks brusquely.
Jin smiles patiently, holding his palms out in a broad gesture. “This is my office. I said you could use it, and you can.” He lets the statement hang in the air as he loosens his tie with a shit eating grin. “Whenever you’re ready.”
You swallow hard and look over to the other men.  Even though you had been seen by an entire club of people downstairs in your most vulnerable moments, they were all occupied, and there were so many that it didn’t feel real. Now, with Jin’s eyes heavy on you, waiting, there’s something far more intimidating about it.
Hoseok has a glimmer of something in his eyes, and murmurs in Namjoon’s ear, grin stretching across his face as he whispers, until Namjoon shares that same look. Without speaking, your younger boyfriend makes his way over to one of the chairs and sits down in it. It looks expensive; deep maroon upholstery with a mahogany base. He spreads his legs wide, and silently pats his thigh, eyes locked onto you.
You bite your lip and walk over, feeling a strange pressure in your chest at the silence. All eyes are on you. You just wish someone would say something. You bump knees with Namjoon still standing, but pause.
“Have you gotten all shy on us now, kitten?”
You mentally sigh in relief, turning to Hoseok and nodding. He doesn’t smile but his eyes crinkle as he steps forward, flattening your hair with his palm and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“I think I know what you need,” he answers, “to take the pressure off.”
You blink in confusion as he leaves your side, strolling around to desk to the owner, who’s seated at his desk chair, aimlessly swivelling back and forth. Jin stops when Hoseok plants himself between the man’s knees and reaches down. With wary eyes, Jin waits as Hoseok fully loosens the man’s tie, slipping it off completely and bringing it back to you.
“Turn around,” he commands firmly, and you obey without thought, feeling comforted in his guidance. The fabric falls down sideways over your eyes, and you gasp silently in realisation as he fastens the makeshift blindfold with a knot at the back of your head. “Better?” he questions, and you nod hastily, already calming down and not feeling so exposed. “Then go sit on Daddy’s cock.”
You shudder, feet stumbling as Hoseok’s hand on your back guides to to the chair, almost tripping over one of Namjoon’s shoes. The seated man reaches out and grips your hips and you let your knees buckle, straddling him in the armchair. The feeling of his hard crotch rubbing against your still-sensitive core is enough to make you let out an unconscious whimper, and he chuckles lowly in your ear as you let your head rest on his shoulder.
“Joonie,” you mumble. Immediately, a sharp swat  lands on your ass, and you jump. With no other context, you don’t even know who did it. It didn’t feel like Namjoon’s arms moved at all. “Daddy.”
“Right,” he states with a squeeze to your hip. “Sit up, Daddy’s waited for that pretty pussy long enough.”
You whine and comply, raising yourself up on your knees, tilting your chin as your ears desperately train in on the delicate sound of a zipper being lowered. You hiss in a breath when you feel his cockhead run through your folds, catching the overstimulated tip of your clit, before pushing it back to rest snugly at your entrance. Your thighs ache with the need to sit, but you force yourself to wait, fingers gripping the fabric of his shirt over his shoulders tightly.
The guiding pressure of his hands on your upper hips are your only instruction before you begin to sink down onto him. Even if you weren’t blindfolded, you wouldn’t be able to see a thing anyway with the way your eyes squeeze tightly shut, eyebrows knitting together as your mouth drops open. He’s big, thicker than the dildo on the fucking machine but just about as hard, swearing profusely when your wet heat envelops him inch by glorious inch. You’re so wet from the previous teasing and orgasms, and so needy to be filled, that the moment he bottoms out in you, you’re steadying yourself on him for leverage and beginning to ride him, head tipping back in ecstasy.
“Good, baby girl?”
You bite your lip and nod, feeling him strike nerves deep inside of you with every bounce. “So good, Daddy, fuck.” He rewards your compliment by propping his feet on the floor and beginning to thrust up into you, grunting with the exertion. A warm curl of pleasure begins to build deep inside you at the satisfaction of finally being fucked properly, and you work your thighs, meeting him halfway on every thrust, deepening his reach.
Your body stiffens when he suddenly pushes down heavily on your hips, halting your thrusts and holding you pinned fully onto him. “No, Daddy, please, don’t do thi-”
“Sh, don’t worry,” Namjoon soothes quickly, palms gripping meaty handfuls of your ass and massaging them reassuringly, spreading you apart. “We aren’t going to tease you anymore, princess, but you don’t want Daddy cumming before anyone else has joined in, now do you? Who do you want next? Who’s gonna fill that tight little ass of yours?”
You shudder, but your answer is immediate. “I want Sir.”
“Ask nicely.”
You turn your head blindly around in the direction you vaguely remember Hoseok last standing in. “Sir, please, I need you inside me. I’ll be good.” You startle, clenching tightly around Namjoon when you feel a hot breath on the back of your neck, and Hoseok’s hands - cold where the rings touch you - run up your back to rest on your waist.
“Okay, kitten. Ass up for me.”
You whine and obey, tilting forward so that your back arches forward onto Namjoon’s solid frame and your hips are tilted back for better access. You can’t help but clench when you feel the blunt head of his cock pressing at the tight right of your ass, muscles fluttering around the attempted intrusion. Namjoon swears as his cock is milked by your walls, but Hoseok simply swats you on your ass, matching the sting of the strike from earlier.
“Take it,” he hisses, before you hear him spit, the fluid landing on you, some slipping in as you fight to relax your muscles. He pushes in again, and this time you accept it, crying out as he thrusts forward, fucking up into you in one smooth motion. As you adjust to both men inside you, you feel the lubed-up rubber of a condom around Hoseok. Almost delirious with the sensation of fullness, your mind cooks up the image of Hoseok fiddling with a condom packet, trying to be quiet as you bounced on Namjoon’s cock. A smile tugs at your lips, but it’s dropped when Hoseok suddenly draws away and snaps his hips, plunging in to the hilt at the same time that Namjoon bends forward and begins to bite at your nipples through the fabric.
“Is something funny to you?” Hoseok asks through a tensed jaw.
You wince at the feeling of teeth around your sore nipple even as deep pleasure makes your toes curl. “No,” you protest weakly, another moan being ripped from your throat as Hoseok begins a regular pace. With every thrust, you feel the wall between Namjoon and Hoseok, the two of them filling you in a way you had become addicted to over the years. “God, don’t stop.”
“I know something that’ll wipe that smirk off your fuckin’ face,” he huffs out, and your heart skips a beat until you hear a third voice.
“Open up, little sub,” you hear V mutter, and you moan when you feel his cock tapping teasingly on your cheek.
You open your jaw wide and stick your tongue out, turning your head to the side his cock was on, waiting for it. You hear him chuckle and pat your tongue with the head, salting it with his precum before sliding down. Your mouth closes around him and sucks, and he lets out a low groan, his hand on the back of your head as he guides you.
Even though it was a relief earlier, now you curse the blindfold. There’s nothing you want more than to watch V’s face as he finally comes apart on your tongue, and the image of it alone makes your mouth water, deepening your bobs as you strain to take him all in. While most cocks feel large when they’re spreading your jaw, you know he’s long, so long that even as you gag and splutter around him, your nose doesn’t once touch the skin of his stomach.
“God, look at you,” he praises, a thumb pressing at the corner of your lips to wipe away drool that had slid down, before jerking his hips so that you choked on him once again. “Do you finally feel satisfied, you greedy girl?”
You gargle around him in agreement, and he curses, fingers tightening on the crown of your head. Although they’d lain dormant while you were adjusting to a third cock, your boyfriends’ hands are all over your torso, lifting you up so that they can simultaneously fuck into you, and you let out an inhuman whine around V’s dick, one hand flying off Namjoon’s shoulder and behind you to push at Hoseok.
V tugs you off his cock with a handful of hair and you gasp in lungfuls of air, feeling the cold air on your wet chin and cheeks. You take the chance to use your already-battered vocal cords. “Too fast,” you complain, gripping Hoseok’s wrist as he grabs your ass, keeping you spread. With that, V’s cock is thrust unceremoniously back into your throat and you cough around it, but hollow your cheeks and flick your tongue on his underside, moaning when your boyfriend heeds your words and slows down, opting to grind into you, slow and deep.
“This better, kitten?” he questions, rutting himself against you.
You go to whine enthusiastically, but a new noise takes you by surprise. An unfamiliar groan. V pulls you off him again and as you gasp to catch your breath, light pierces your eyes. You wince, panting, as the blindfold is ripped off. After adjusting to the brightness, you let him guide your gaze across the desk, where on the other side Jin sits, legs spread, gaze heavy on you with his eyebrows furrowed in focus.
He’s breathing heavily, and a flash of movement attracts your eyes downwards, where an angry red cock lies up against his stomach, a fist firmly running up and down it in indulgent tugs. His knuckles are glossy with precum and his pupils are blown wide, and you feel your mouth water at the fact that the image of you alone was enough to make him this desperate.
That thought lights a fire within you, a need, and you bend down to take V in your mouth again, freeing a hand to reach out and jerk off what doesn’t fit in your mouth. He swears at your renewed efforts, gathering your hair into a ponytail so that it doesn’t cover your face. As you do this, you grind yourself between the two cocks you’re impaled on, moaning wantonly at the way they shift inside you, alternating.
Namjoon groans and slips his hands around your hips more firmly, keeping you steady so that he can begin to fuck you, frenzied and desperate. “I’m so close, baby girl, keep that pussy open for me.”
You moan around V’s dick and his hips stutter at the vibration, clearly near his end too by the way he begins to lose control. You blink up through teary eyes, taking him down your throat and breathing through your nose so that you can finally watch him. The crease in his brow and the slackness of his jaw as he’s overcome by pleasure sends hot pleasure straight to your cunt.
Every time Namjoon or Hoseok thrust up into you, that spark of pleasure is ignited further and further, until you can’t even suck off V properly anymore, taking him out of your mouth to suckle at the sensitive skin instead, reaching lower to massage his balls.
The moment Hoseok reaches around to thumb at your clit and Namjoon lowers his mouth to your neck to suck a violent hickey, you’re gone. Your orgasm takes you by surprise, and you collapse, forehead knocking on Namjoon’s shoulder as the two men continue to fuck you through it, moaning sinful nothings into your ear as you gush over them, shaking bonelessly.
Above you, you hear the slick sound of V jerking off and you force your head up with the last reserves of your energy, groaning as you feel Hoseok and Namjoon release inside you; Hoseok into the condom and Namjoon painting your walls. V looks like he isn’t too far off, and he reaches down to tug at your bra, pulling it down to expose your breasts.
“You better not fucking cum on her tits, kid,” Jin warns, “I just had this carpet deep cleaned. Sub’s mouth or the trash can.”
V twitches his eyebrows with a salacious grin, not stopping for a moment. “You heard him, little sub, open up.” You lick your swollen lips and stick your tongue out, humming around the rush of cum that fills your mouth, swallowing it down. After wringing the last few spurts out, he sighs in satisfaction and draws himself out, tucking his slowly softening cock away.
You tremble violently when Hoseok pulls out of you, leaving you empty, but nothing can prepare you for the void inside you when Namjoon follows suit, immediately cupping his hand over your soiled pussy.
“Keep it in, baby girl,” he commands, “you’ve been so good for us.”
You hum warmly at the praise. “Tired,” you mumble mindlessly, letting him bundle you up on his lap as Hoseok took off the condom, knotting the end and leaving to discard it.
Namjoon pats your hair down, smoothing out the mess. “Come on, princess,” he murmurs in your ear as he looks out across the desk. “This kind young man let us use his office. Are you gonna let him use your mouth?”
Your eyes darken with exhausted lust as Jin stands up, one hand holding his pants up and the other still jerking hurriedly at his length. You nod, opening your mouth in submission as you wait for him to come over.
“Good girl,” Namjoon mutters, “you’ll let anyone take you, won’t you?”
Jin stops in front of you, gripping your hair and tipping your neck back so that you’re at the right level. You whimper as Namjoon palms your breasts possessively, rolling your nipples between his fingers as you take Jin into your mouth as deep as you can with your aching jaw. You work to bring him to the edge, knowing your energy will be fully depleted any minute now, and the owner groans at the effort.
“But whose tits are these, princess?” You gargle out a response around Jin’s thick cock, tears pricking your eyes. “And whose mouth is this?” Namjoon moves a hand up to wrap his fingers around your jaw, holding it open so that Jin can thrust inside. You groan, your reply trapped in your throat by his dick. Namjoon’s other hand leaves your tits and slips down, swiping his fingers through the cum that seeps out of your abused core. “And whose pussy is this?” You scream your reply, choking and sputtering as a hot wave of cum runs down your throat, soothing the rawness. You swallow it down and collapse back against Namjoon, spent.
For a few moments, the only sound in the room is your collective panting. Finally, V speaks. “Well; that was fun. Did you enjoy yourself, little sub?”
You let an exhausted smile tug at your lips as your eyes flutter shut. “Yes,” you sigh. “Thank you, Master.”
He chuckles warmly. “Guess you learned your lesson tonight, after all.”
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siriannatan · 3 years
Beeduo Oneshots - Technoblade and Foolish interjection #1
Technoblade spends a lot of his time napping. Naps were nice. No voices, no governments, no people trying to use him. Steve and all the other bears and wolfs were enough to keep the place safe from monsters. Between his naps, he would catch up on rare news with Philza, gathered more firewood, chucked some snow at Ranboo, remove some snow from the roofs. The longest he was up was when Quackity recruited him to help with the Egg, and as much as he didn't like the guy he didn't like the Egg even more. He just regretted they couldn't save everyone the eggheads lured in with that party.
That day Techno said 'hi' to Phil who seemed a bit distracted, and in a hurry, he said something about having to check something in Manberg. He would have to ask about it later. The plan for that day was to gather some firewood, he bid Philza farewell and went out with his axe, not his combat axe he got from Ranboo... It was weird that he was suddenly moving in with Tubbo, not that it was Techno's business, he was still part of the Syndicate and the last president of Manburg seemed to be very much against governments and formal wear on anyone but Ranboo.
It wasn't all that cold that day, for a cold snowy tundra it is, anyone not used to cold would have a bad time but Techno was used to it.
Foolish wasn't having a good time. After the trip to Tubbo's mansion, he made the genius decision to visit 'Philza', he wasn't looking for Phil, he was looking for Technoblade. Everyone was afraid of him and if Foolish managed to befriend the anarchist maybe they wouldn't mess with him and his building projects... Why was everyone living in snowy tundra's can't they live in a nice warm jungle or even better, a dessert. It was far too cold.
As far as wood gathering trips go this one wasn't so bad. Just half an hour was enough to gather enough wood, no lost monsters under the trees, hiding from the sun. Some wild wolves run away as soon as they saw him approach. On the way back, in the corner of his eye, he caught a flash of the sun reflecting off of something. Turning around he saw a person? Should the sun be reflecting off of people's faces? Walking closer he poked the person with a long stick. No response. It was a person, with golden shining skin, both his piglin side and the voices were screaming in his head, conflicting, agreeing. Gold! GoLd! EEEE Help. help. Foolish... Shark-man, Blood for the blood god. EEEE GOLD help Technoblade just pushed it all to the back of his mind. With a heavy sigh, he dropped the bundle of firewood he carried, took off his cape, wrapped it around the person, threw them over his shoulder and after picking up his wood again began the march towards his a little more distant than he thought buildings, plumes of smoke from chimneys and fluffy warm Steve. He really should get over how tall Ranboo is and stop wearing high heeled shoes. At least the golden person wasn't heavy. Techno soft GOLD EMERALDS SOFT Technosoft Philza PHILZA EEEEEEE At least no one was home to mock him in person as he came back with ab unconscious person.
The last thing Foolish remembered from before he passed out was cold. What he felt now was warm, fluffy and was tickling his nose "Achoo".
"Let's hope the cause was Steve and not cold," he hears an unfamiliar voice. It wasn't hard to see who it was, the room was small and full of furniture, Chests, alchemical stands a table and two chairs. Very shabby craftsmanship, Foolish was close to screaming at how simplistic it was. By that table sat the Blade.
Long pink hair let loose reached way past his waist adorned with a golden crown decorated with gems. Narrow thin shoulders devoid of the red cape he heard about, high heeled knee-high boots. Every part of Foolish screamed that this man was dangerous. Especially the red eyes focused entirely on Foolish, he could feel them moving between his forehead and eyes. Foolish didn't want to look him in the eye, instead, he focused on the emerald earring hanging from his ear.
"Steve?" Foolish asked. He could barely feel his limbs.
"My emotional support bear," The Technoblade said, little pig ears in his hair twitched as his jaw pointer a little to Foolish's right. With barely a move of his head, Foolish noticed what was the fluffy thing keeping him warm. A fully grown polar bear, softly breathing as it slept, "he likes ear scratches, I blame Philza and Ranboo for that. I'm Technoblade, but you probably know that," the host introduced himself as Foolish slowly moved his arm to scratch the bear behind his tiny ears, discovering that Thechnoblade's famous cape was currently wrapped around him, helping him keep warm.
"Foolish G. The God of Immortality, Sky and Oceans," he introduced himself, "I've indeed heard about you, Technoblade."
"And what is a god doing in my little anarchist commune?" The blade asked suddenly getting up and moving out of Foolish's eyesight, the right of his vision was just Steve, who was indeed rather happy with behind ear scratches he was receiving.
"Looking for help?" Foolish had nothing but two of his lives to lose, he could as well say it.
"Is there an anti-god government here now?" Technoblade almost sounded amused.
"Not really, it's just... even though I'm a god I'm not good at fighting, I swore off my violent days and people are kind of taking advantage of that, messing with my hard work, with me..."
"And you thought you'd ask me to kill them for you?" that sounded rather threatening.
"Not kill, just hang out around from time to time to spook them? Like if they think we're friends they might leave me alone?" This conversation was going bad way "I can... build something for you? I'm good at building. You saw Tubbo and Ranboo's mansion? I build it. If you need like... a separate house for Steve? Orafakemarriagetoavoidtaxes?" the last part was said very quickly and not necessarily was meant to say.
"Haeh?" Technoblade looked shocked, for the first time since he woke up Foolish saw him lose confidence. For a split second, he wasn't that threatening.
Once the confusion passed Technoblade laughed, loudly, and for a while. Steve gave his master (?was he ever tamed or did he enjoy the warmth and free food?) a puzzled look.
"That beats everything anyone ever used to get me to help them, I haven't laughed that much in a while. A marriage for taxes? There are no taxes here and I pity anyone who would try to tax me o my friends." That was it Foolish was going to lose his second life while trying to protect himself. "Achoo," suddenly the Blade sneezed. "Sorry, so why now? You've been here for a while."
"Ponk moved into my dessert, build a big red eyesore and put a cursed pumpkin on my head. At first, I was planning to take Sam out for a date but apparently, he isn't safe, at least that's what Tubbo said when I went for advice to him."
Techno laughed a bit more. "Why Tubbo? I never heard of him having any dating experiences."
"He and Ranboo are married aren't they?" Foolish asked still petting Steve. Techno's confused face was enough to answer "You had no idea?! It makes sense why they would... with Tubbo being a former president... I messed up. Please don't tell them I told you, knowing Tubbo he'll want another mansion, I can't do it, I hate chandeliers because of the last one I build him!"
"I won't tell them." Techno seemed to be confused at this reaction "I had my suspicions anyway, they spend too much time together for me to not be suspicious. What is your stand on governments?" the pink-haired warrior asked standing up and again disappearing behind Steve.
"Don't like them," Foolish said with a sigh of relief. "I destroyed a few back in my God of Death days..." he smiled fondly at old memories. No one would dare to put a pumpkin on him back then.
"Why did you stop fighting?" Techno asked giving Foolish a mug of tea. "I'm out of sugar, sorry. I would ask Phil for some but he went out and Ranboo is with his husband. Don't feel like going through their stuff."
"There is a limit to how much bloodshed one can handle, how many friends you can die because of your action, how many towns you can raise to the ground," he muttered looking at the dark liquid, it was warm, warm was nice, "I wonder, what is the Blood God's limit?"
"What is any other man's limit?" Techno said, "I know people call me that, I don't mind, it keeps some away  on its own, but in the end, I'm just a man, I may not age but I can still be killed."
To say Foolish was shocked would be an understatement. He took nearly on everyone Dream brought to his realm, almost alone not counting an army of Dogs and Philza. He fought them amongst a rain of TNT and Wither's. That was beyond anything any mortal was supposed to be able to do. "I think there is a God who very much enjoys your actions," he said sipping the tea, it was bitter but warm. Steve was snoring again.
"You were there at the Red Ball of whatever?" Technoblade asked ignoring what he had said.
"Yes, I...."
"I'm sorry we couldn't stop them earlier," that was surprising. hearing the most feared person apologise...
"It's okay. I'm not a fan of dying but it's okay, everyone else survived and that's all that matters, the Egg cult is scattered to the four winds, some have left it even. In the end, I'd call the day a win."
"I see..."
For a while, they sat in silence, crackling of fire and Steve's snoring being the only noises in the room until Technoblade sneezed again.
"Do you want your cape back?" Foolish asked, "Steve's plenty warm."
Techno just nodded as he was passed the garment. "I take it you don't like cold."
"Not really, I prefer my summer home, it's in the desert, it's warm there."
"I see... do people often miss with your building projects?"
"Not recently, I don't think many people know where I live and I like it that way. Nice builds don't last long in these lands. But I'm glad I'm here. I made some new friends meet some old friends. It's not all bad here."
Techno just nodded, He looked a bit more like a fearsome warrior now that he had his cape on. "So you need help keeping it that way?"
"And maybe keeping people from requesting outlandish stuff, if possible." Now that the main subject was back the atmosphere turned awkward again.
"So I'll just need to hang out around you sometimes, glare at people if they bother you and be an 'I'm sorry I have a plan with Techno' excuse?"
"Yes?" Foolish muttered into his mug.
"Any relations I need to be aware of? Friends, enemies, family members?" Techno asked.
"Puffy is kind of my father, Eret I used to know a long time ago, we once faked a marriage, destroyed some cults together, doesn't seem to remember me, Tubbo... we're kind of cousins and Ranboo is his husband... most other people I'm rather neutral towards, don't like eggheads... Sam creeps me out lately... Tubbo said he cut off Ponk's arm, don't know if it's true. Dream... Dream is in prison so I guess we won't have to worry about him. Dream XD tends to avoid me." Foolish never really thought about his connections to people on the server. "I'd rather we not cause much bodily harm unless necessary."
Technoblade just nodded, voices were rather quiet ever since Mr God of Immortality Sea and Sky woke up, it was like they were coming to him through a lot of water, and they were much less intensive. That was a nice change. "Okay, so I help you and you build my dogs and bears a nicer kennel? I don't mind what Phil build but the herd outgrew it rather quickly. I hope we don't have to be too showy about it." he finally said.
"I hope you're not agreeing because of what happened at the Ball," Foolish looked at him rather seriously, at least as much as someone buried in blankets, leaning on and petting a bear could be.
"I'm doing it so Quackity stops flirting with me, and to gave bragging rights over Dream," Techno said mate factly, "Look at me chat, I have a Husband and the Teletubby is in prison..." Techno forced a joke out "a warning, I owe Dream a favour. That and voices are quieter near you, is it some part of you being a God?"
Foolish blinked, he didn't know many people with voices like Technoblade's. "I don't think so, I can bring down lightning, enrage the sea, cause sandstorms, nothing to do with voices."
"Hmm, it's getting dark." Technoblade noticed, "want to stay here or should I walk you back to your dessert?"
"I can stay here with Steve and start on that new kennel tomorrow," Foolish shrugged, he wasn't ready for another trek through the snow, "We can go to Eret when coming back to do Ranboo and Tubbo and sign wedding papers."
"Okay, I'll try to figure out somewhere to sleep for you," Techno said with a bit of a laugh at the last part, "and you better tell me about those governments and cults and cities you wrecked."
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
Much love to you and your writing dearest!! I was scrolling the internet the other fine day and came across an animal called the Maned Wolf, researching it, it looks like a fox but it’s not a fox NOR a wolf, but why I bring it up, is because I see Jaskier as one. If you look at pictures, the maned wolf is quiet long, very long legs, and because of the fox appearance I would think it’s rather playful, any who, I love your work and I hope you’re having a good day sweet pea!!
Two things Nonnie, firstly, I’m sat here grinning because I don’t think anyone has called me ‘sweet pea’ before and that is just delightful. Secondly, Jaskier as a Maned Wolf is so spot on! You have the mind of a genius. Alas, an idea has run away from me and I wish to apologise for the silliness in advance.
Everyone had an animal form. Children first shifted around the age of five and often enjoyed extended periods discovering their animal form. There was such a variety of forms, everything was a possibility from soft lamb to fierce tiger. A few unlucky were butterflies or guppies. Birds were also quite wide spread, it wasn’t unusual to see a flock of mismatched birds learning to fly together. People often travelled in their animal form, it was often quicker and easier than as a human. There was no taboo around forms and people shifted between human and animal as it suited.
Despite this, witchers didn’t shift. Rumours split opinion as to why that was. Some people believed that the mutations made their animal forms monstrous. A dog morphed into Cerberus, a gorilla into a drowner. It was quite common to believe only the fiercest of animal forms got taken as witchers, mutated so they could fight their own kind, monster against monster. However, other people thought witchers didn’t shift because they couldn’t. They believed the mutations whisked away the animal form but pulled the mentality of the animal form into the human body.
Neither theories were quite right, as Jaskier learned. He had followed Geralt up The Killer on four legs, finding it easier and warmer to navigate the path as a maned wolf. His long legs certainly helped with that. It was a shame Geralt didn’t shift, he’d promised he would when they got to Kaer Morhen but no sooner. Jaskier could be patient, he curled up against Geralt during the nights, basking in the warm touch.
Kaer Morhen was strangely full. From the stories Jaskier had managed to draw from Geralt, it used to be just the four wolves wintering together if they all made it. However, they were greeted by an additional witcher and a human too. Plus Jaskier himself. Which meant Kaer Morhen was as full as it had been since the sacking.
They were all settled in and heading down for dinner. Frustratingly, Geralt hadn’t shifted yet, something about a time and place. Jaskier was too busy watching him to pay attention to where he was going and he almost fell face first as he tripped over a large rabbit. It was huge and so very angry, cute little brows pulls down and back leg thumping to express deep displeasure.
“Sorry Vesemir,” Geralt called as he righted Jaskier.
“Wait!” Immediately, Jaskier was peering down at the giant rabbit. “That’s Vesemir?”
In the blink of an eye Vesemir was standing in front of them and rubbing his hip where Jaskier’s foot had caught him.
“That a problem, bard?”
It was unexpected, a Belgian Giant as a witcher’s animal form. Jaskier couldn’t quite get over it but he shook his head. Not that things got any better. They walked into the dining hall and there was the most adorable creature sat on the table.
“What is that?”
“Aiden,” Lambert said as he strolled in. “Oi, brat! What did we say about butts on the table?”
The quokka gave a smiling glare and Jaskier was mesmerised. A rabbit witcher was surely a fluke. But with another innocent looking animal, maybe there was something going on. Turning to ask Geralt about it, Jaskier gasped. Geralt wasn’t behind him. Well, he was but not as a human. Instead, a roe deer stared up at him with large, dark eyes. His hooves clopped on the stone ground as he walked towards the kitchen, head held high.
“No animals in the kitchen!” Eskel’s voice called. Before Geralt could turn around, an alpaca bounded over. It was Cahir who had to chase them from the kitchen with a wooden spoon wielded like a weapon. Geralt had a cucumber in his mouth and he dutifully shared his spoils with Lambert in the corner. Even Aiden clambered closer and snatched some of Lambert’s portion. Jaskier had so many questions.
Vesemir stood by his shoulder, watching. “The first attempts were a miserable failure. The witchers were too violent, too aggressive. They were selected based on their animal forms, tigers, sharks, bears. But it was too much, they were uncontrollable. Something softer was needed. The meekness of gentle animals, lambs, sloths, chinchillas, they could weather the mutations without losing their humanity.”
Which left a question about Eskel. However, Vesemir shook his head and promised they would show more in the next couple of days.
It seemed that witchers loved spending time in their animal forms. As the most dangerous one there, Jaskier felt responsible for the witchers in their animal forms. Not that Eskel or Cahir ever shifted. They kept very much human and seemed content. When the weather allowed, they went on excursions. Lambert and Geralt happily bounced through the undergrowth, playing some intricate game of tag and leap. Vesemir and Aiden were more content snuffling around, close to Jaskier. While it seemed that Jaskier was the predator guarding his herbivores, the reality was very much the opposite.
On a sunny afternoon they made it up to the lakes. Jaskier watched as Cahir and Eskel happily waded in, clothes discarded on the shore. One blink and Eskel suddenly disappeared. There wasn’t a ripple on the surface to suggest he had dived down. Puzzled, Jaskier stood on the edge of the lake and stared at the water. He almost missed the oranda goldfish swimming up to him. Such a decorative fish was do out of place in the wild and Jaskier blinked. He shifted back to human form out of surprise.
Next to him, Lambert sat on the ground and reached into the water to poke the fish. If fish could scowl, Jaskier was certain he had just seen it, the goldfish looked pissed off and pushed away from under the questing finger. A splash drew Jaskier’s attention and his jaw dropped. Where Cahir had been was a giant freshwater stingray. He was magnificent, spanning several meters in size. But absolutely useless in terms of an animal form.
“Our little water babies.” Lambert almost sounded proud. “I had an aquarium for Eskel but then we found Cahir and, well, he can’t exactly fit in a large jar.”
Suddenly, Jaskier was so very grateful for his form. He could protect himself if needed but didn’t look threatening. Hell, he was even quite pretty, if he was honest with himself. Nobody started anything funny when faced with a snarling maned wolf. Add in the bonus of it being practical, he didn’t shift and suddenly find himself drowning in air, Jaskier found a new peace with his form. And, he knew he would guard the witchers’ secret with his life. Cute, fluffy and inoffensive. There was more of a chance someone would choke on Eskel as a fish than him doing and damage. It wasn’t like he could slap his opponent hard with a flick of his tail. Then again, Jaskier didn’t make a habit of fighting in his animal form. Geralt almost always stepped in when needed, fully human and imposing. Though, some part of Jaskier wanted to know what the reaction would be if a soft, harmless looking deer butted into a fight. He made sure he’d never find out though, too protective of his innocent witchers to betray them like that.
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monokyokyo · 3 years
♔There's just something about Secretary Park♔
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I edited this just for you Tumblr.
And yes. I am fully aware that this is the 5th fic I've posted featuring Wooyoung but I can't help it. He's so fun to write.
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There was something strange about Secretary Park Seonghwa. Or at least, Jung Wooyoung thought so. At first, he paid the older man little mind. The general manager would often see him going about his day, filing papers, writing emails and doing fetch quests for their boss. It was nothing out of the ordinary and the two didn't engage much outside a casual morning greeting.
As time went on, however, Wooyoung found that there was something off about him. His mannerisms were strange in a way Wooyoung just couldn't explain. That is, until today.
The day had only just begun and it was Wooyoung's turn to get coffee for the office. He made his rounds, sluggishly asking his equally sleep-deprived coworkers their requests. At last, he arrived at Secretary Park, who was shuffling through his papers, muttering incoherent finances under his breath. "Secretary Park," Wooyoung called, earning his attention.
"A-Ah! General manager," Hastily, he stood to bow but Wooyoung was quick to stop him.
"Relax," He chuckled. "You've been here for months yet still you act as though it's your first week." Although, he did think it was funny that someone who was meant to be his hyung rushed to bow to him. Seonghwa placed himself back in his chair, mumbling an apology. "No need to apologise. It’s cute how you’re still so respectful.”
His comment made the older man blush and Wooyoung took his flustered state as a sign to tease him further. He leaned across his desk, dangerously close to his face as he smirked. "I'm going to the coffee shop, anything I can get you?"
The lack of distance between them made the secretary lower his head, embarrassed by how red his face had become. "An Americano, if it's alright." He mumbled, hastily grabbing papers to look through in order to distract himself.
Wooyoung chuckled at him and shook his head. "I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't."
Secretary Park’s eye twitched all of a sudden. He pushed himself out of his seat and quickly apologised before sprinting away. Wooyoung watched him disappear down the hall, furrowing his brow for a moment before shrugging the strange occurrence off. Maybe he just had to use the bathroom?
With that, he grabbed his bag and left the building. There was a quaint coffee shop just down the road, roundabout a ten-minute walk. A fresh, spring breeze blew by, bringing a small grin to his face while he examined the building. Wooyoung never had much of a reason to visit since he wasn't really a coffee drinker so he wasn't as familiar with it as some of his coworkers. It was nice inside though, very closed and comfy.
The line he had to wait in was short but he still pulled out his phone to keep himself preoccupied until he was called to the counter.
"Okay, I've got a big order. So prepare your..." Wooyoung found himself trailing off the moment his eyes met the barista's. "S-Secretary Park?"
Fluffy hair, round glasses, rosy cheeks and suspenders that peeked just out from under his green apron. Despite all of this, his face hadn't changed. Wooyoung was sure it was him. The barista, on the other hand, looked at him with confusion. "Secretary who? Sorry, I don't believe we've met before. My name is Mars." His voice was soft, nearly a mere whisper. Opposed to the secretary, despite his stutter, spoke clearly at a relative volume.
“Mars?” He muttered incredulously, speaking his name as if it was foreign. Wooyoung shook off his surprise when he saw the way the secr- Mars, stared at him. Clearly uncomfortable with the way he gazed at him. "R-Right sorry… May I place my order?"
When he arrived back at the office, his mind was plagued with thoughts. The first person he sent coffee to was Secretary Park. Sure enough, he was in the same position as before. Much to his bewilderment. "Thank you," He said with a grateful smile when receiving his drink. Wooyoung searched his eyes, as if looking for some sort of lie, even though one hadn't been told.
How could he have gotten here so quickly? His gaze then wandered across his desk and low and behold, just at the edge rested the very glasses Mars wore.
“Hey, Jung! My coffee please!” The weary yells of his coworkers snapped him back to reality and he rushed to deliver everyone their orders.
Wooyoung sat with his hands laced under his chin, wondering if it was just a coincidence or perhaps something more. His thoughts were interrupted when his phone started to go off and he pulled it out to read the new text.
Yeosang: Going out tonight. You in?
Sure. See you tonight 💕💕💕
Wooyoung let out a breath of relief. At least he could distract himself by getting drunk with a friend. Looking up at the clock, he sighed before gathering his briefcase. It would be a good few hours before he had to meet Yeosang. What to do? He thought about going back to the coffee shop but was creeped out by the idea of seeing Mars again. So he figured he would just change and talk a stroll around town.
The weather was lovely. Nothing but clear skies and a pleasant atmosphere, why waste the day with worry?
Wooyoung shoved his hands in his pockets, earbuds blasting calming music as he walked about the quieter part of town. He smiled up at the sky, feeling the warm sun on his face. He wasn't looking where he was going, too busy enjoying himself to think of who was in front of him; and screeched when he suddenly rammed into someone.
"Ow..." Wooyoung gasped and crouched down to the woman rubbing her head.
"I'm so sorry miss! Here, let me help you." He gathered her scattered belongings and helped her to her feet. "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, checking to see if she had been bruised anywhere.
She finally looked at him and smiled. "Yes yes, I'm alright." Yet as the woman brushed herself off, Wooyoung's breath hitched. She had long black hair, with a little flower on the side, pretty pink lips and a pair of white rectangle-frame glasses. To anyone else, you would assume she was just some random lady on the street but Wooyoung was sure it was:
"Secretary Park?"
"Pardon me?"
"Ah, I'm sorry. You um… just remind me of someone, that's all." He passed the woman her things, grinning to hide his pure confusion. "If it's not too much trouble, could I get your name?"
The woman giggled at him, a blush creeping across her pale cheeks. "What do you think this is? A drama? My name is Seonghwa." Catching him completely off guard, she yanked Wooyoung's phone out of his pocket and began typing on it. "Give me a call. I'd love to get to know a handsome boy like you~" With that, she sent him a cheeky wink before strutting away like nothing had even happened.
Wooyoung was left with his mouth agape. He glanced down at the saved name on his phone and simply blinked. What the hell did I just witness?
The second Wooyoung entered the bar that night, he ordered a drink and downed it within seconds. "Relax Wooyoung," Chuckled Yeosang. "Have a rough day at work?"
"You have no idea," He opened his mouth to explain the absolute perplexity that was his day, yet was cut off when he heard Yeosang squeal.
"Oh my god, he's here! How's my hair? Does my make up look good? He's coming over here!"
"Hello you two," A new voice said. Wooyoung rolled his eyes at the way he swooned at the man and even stuck his tongue out.
Yet Yeosang ignored his groans completely. “Hi Sannie~” He giggled. The younger male smirked at him and it wasn’t long before Wooyoung's friend was swept off his feet and taken to the dance floor, leaving him alone with nothing but his alcohol and his issues.
"Looks like your friend ditched you. Care for some company? I know a great spot and can make it worth your while babe." Wooyoung growled and turned to the new person who had sat beside him.
"Listen, buddy, I'm not in the mood. So find someone else to-" Dirty blonde hair pushed to the side, predatory eyes and a smooth smirk. Topped off with a pair of slick black shades that went well with his low cut shirt. Wooyoung gulped at the sculpted figure that was just underneath but quickly shook those thoughts out of his head. Not again! Not again! I must be going insane!
"Suite yourself. But if you change your mind," He took Wooyoung's phone, which was laying on the bar counter, and typed his number into it. "Give me a call. See you later babe." And he walked off to hit on the next person in sight.
Frantically, he swiped through his contacts to the newest one. 'Hwa' the new name read. It was the same number as Seonghwa. Wooyoung shoved his phone in his pocket and raced out of the club, not even bothering to pay for his drink. He had more important things to worry about.
The next day at work, he kept a close eye on Secretary Park. Every so often, Wooyoung would see him shift uncomfortably, twitching or muttering something that definitely wasn't work-related. However, within the brief moment he took his eyes off of him to chat with someone - he had disappeared! Wooyoung shot up, looking around the room like a mad man, earning several questionable glances from his colleagues.
He excused himself before sprinting out of the office room. He turned each corner, trying to figure out where he may have gone off to. Finally, Wooyoung ran off to the bathroom. He sighed in defeat when found that there was no one there. Just before he turned to leave, the bathroom door flew open. In shock, Wooyoung raced to hide in an empty stall.
Though he nearly left the stall at the thought of how ridiculous he was probably being, the male soon halted dead in his tracks.
Frantic breaths and quiet curses were all he heard before someone finally spoke.
"G-Guys… Can we not do this now?" It was the secretary. "I have to get back to work!" Wooyoung heard him shuffling through his pocket before he spoke again.
"What about me? I have a shift in thirty minutes..." Wooyoung's eyes widened. It was the same soft voice from the coffee shop.
"You're not the only one with things to do, Mars! There's a new eyeshadow line at the mall that I've been dying to get my hands on!" He sounded exactly like the woman Wooyoung had bumped into before.
"The makeup won't make you look any prettier," That one had to be Hwa. "What you need to work on is that flat ass of yours. That's something I could get behind."
"You pervert!" Miss Seonghwa shouted before switching back to the secretary. "Everyone please! Calm down. My boss is waiting."
An idea snuck into Wooyoung's head. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialled the number the female Seonghwa had given him. He heard the secretary's phone buzz, the man muttering something in confusion. "Who would be calling me at this time?" Before he could answer, Wooyoung hung up. Then he called the number Hwa gave him. The secretary's phone went off yet again. That was all the confirmation he needed.
This time, the secretary just scoffed and put the phone back in his pocket. "Must be a prank…” That was the last thing he mumbled before walking out of the bathroom. Wooyoung waited a few moments just to make sure he was truly gone, before letting out a breath of relief.
How could this be? How could he be four different people… in one person? Wooyoung decided to find out.
While everyone else in the office said their goodbyes and retired for the night, Wooyoung stayed as late as he could, waiting for the right moment to make a move. Secretary Park had turned in for his final meeting of the day, allowing Wooyoung to snoop around his desk. He examined everything closely, trying to find some sort of answer as to what was going on.
Finally, he may have found the answer. Wooyoung pulled out one of the drawers, his brow furrowing at what he saw. The glasses of everyone he met just the other day were there. He eyed them curiously. They all seemed fairly normal, nothing special about any of them. Wooyoung examined Mars' glasses, going as far as to try them on. Nothing.
How strange...
"Now, just what do you think you're doing?" Wooyoung flinched and quickly took the glasses off, dropping them back in the drawer.
"Secretary Park!" He exclaimed following a nervous chuckle. Though the secretary was hardly laughing. His gaze was stone-cold, looking over Wooyoung and the state of his now disorganised desk.
"You have no respect for people's belongings, you know that General Manager?" The secretary sighed.
"I deeply apologise. I… thought I dropped something over here!” He laughed. “Silly me. I'll just be on my way then!" Secretary Seonghwa stopped him, blocking him with his arm. Wooyoung gulped. Slowly, he backed away from the older man, who was stepping towards him. He yelped when he slipped into the desk chair, Seonghwa caging him beneath his arms.
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that," He murmured.
"W-Why not?"
The secretary chuckled at him, leaning just before his ear with a smirk. "Why should I? Not when you know my little secret. We wouldn't want word getting out about it. Now would we?" His hand inched towards Wooyoung's throat, tightening around it and making the younger wince.
"I-I promise! I w-won't tell anyone!" He sputtered. The secretary hummed at him, feigning a thought until he simply shook his head. Wooyoung gagged in his grip, feeling his breath become ever more restricted the longer he was in Seonghwa’s grasp. As futile as it may have been, he attempted to tear his hand away but he was slowly beginning to lose consciousness.
"How can I be sure? After all, I've seen the way you run your mouth. I've been watching you, you know? I see everything.” A finger trailed his jaw as Seonghwa cooed at how uselessly he struggled. “You’re cute. Why don't I take you home with me? I promise we'll have lots of fun. You, me and the others."
Indeed. There was just something about Secretary Park but Wooyoung would never live to tell you what it was.
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Req: fluff + smut with Kyungsoo by @johnniverse​ Pairing: actor!Kyungsoo x baker!reader Words: 10,609k Genre: fluff, friends to lovers, smut Warning: cursing, smut, mature Summary: Your close friendship with Korea’s favourite actor is suddenly strained when he begins acting strange after returning home. Three nights of disappointment and several drinks later, the memory of a rhubarb Eton mess lingers in the air as you find yourself finally seeing your best friend in a different light. Tags: actor!Soo, slightly chef!Soo, baker!reader, cursing, flirting, sexual tension and fluffy smut A/N: To the req, I hope you like it and it isnt too cringy lol, I always struggle with fluff. Also P.S, I’m never doing the fake texting image thing ever again, I had to use both my phone and laptop to edit/upload the pics in order and it was a pain in the ass especially for a fic this long (and on a side-note, props to all the text-message fic authors, this sHIT IS HARD JFC SERIOUSLY Y’ALL ARE AMAZING AND DEDICATED AF, I APPRECIATE THE EFFORT)
The smell of butter and dough that surrounded you usually helped calm your nerves but tonight could perhaps be the first time that was an exception. After all, it had been months since you last saw your best friend, Kyungsoo.
There weren’t many people around at this late hour of the night and you were thankful for the silence, for the peaceful atmosphere that was usually a rare occurrence at the bakery’s kitchen. Only when your nerves had crept into your worried thoughts as the silence prolonged had you finally scrolling to the playlist of soft instrumentals that you usually had playing at the bakery during work hours, letting the music fill the empty kitchen while you worked.
You hum softly to Billie Eilish and Khalid’s ‘lovely' as you place the tiny specks of edible gold foil atop the chocolate tart. Kyungsoo didn’t love the gold foil—he called it “too bougie”—but you knew that he didn’t hate it either. Besides, you couldn’t help the dramatic flair that you always brought to your desserts; it was what you were popular for, after all.
You’d met Kyungsoo as a customer at your artisan café almost three years ago when he’d dropped by late in the night to ask for a full-sized cake. You’d heard your co-worker Yixing apologetically inform him that there weren’t any such cakes readily available just a few minutes short to closing hours and that customers usually pre-ordered them in advance but you’d stepped out of the back-kitchen then to ask the desperate-sounding customer whether a red velvet cheesecake was fine with him.
You can still recall how you’d stumbled over your own words as your eyes finally fell on the late-night customer—Do Kyungsoo, the upcoming handsome actor who had swept over the nation with his popularity after his latest movie. Your first thought had immediately been, ‘Holy hell, he looks more beautiful than he does on the screen’.
It was only much later that you’d revealed to him that the original recipient of the cake was a little girl turning eight the next day. Kyungsoo had been stunned at the revelation and even to the present day, he still wondered why you hadn’t turned him away to find another bakery instead of going to the hassle of giving away a pre-baked cake that resulted in you pulling an all-nighter to bake another for the actual customer.
But how could you have refused? With his warm earnest brown eyes that reminded you of the pools of dark chocolate batter that you’d been whisking back in the kitchen, his cheeks that shone like freshly glazed pastries with the sheepish heart-shaped smile that put even the sun to shame, you couldn’t help but relent and give him the red velvet cheesecake that you’d been preparing for a client to pick up the next morning.
Although Kyungsoo had left in a hurry after accepting the box that night, he had visited the bakery around brunch hour the next day to thank you personally—and “properly”.  Both of you had introduced yourselves and you’d been surprised at how down-to-earth and friendly he’d been, taken aback by his genuine interest in your bakery and all the desserts that you’d had. After conversing, there grew a mutual admiration—you’d never imagined that such a famous actor was also an incredible cook with an intense passion for food while having such an avid interest and genuine fascination towards your baking.
It had been the initial blossoming of a beautiful delectable friendship. You’d never thought you’d grow as close to him as you did but there was an instant connection after that first conversation at the kitchen of your bakery, a way in which both your personalities perfectly complemented each other and fit together just right. Of course, your mutual interest for food only fuelled the friendship further.
That was three years ago. Back then, it had started as a friendship but slowly bloomed to an unhealthy crush on your part. And who could blame you? Kyungsoo was unbelievably perfect—with his charming smile, his friendly and kind nature, his heart of gold and just by being an absolute sweetheart, you struggled to keep your emotions at bay as you got closer to him. He set the standard entirely too high and there was a small part of you that even blamed him for never being able to find a boyfriend. Every blind date and man that your friends introduced you to all paled in comparison to Kyungsoo, multiple meals and walks spent with them feeling extremely dreary when you spent the entire time drawing analyses of them in your mind based off of Kyungsoo as the yardstick.
However, it was a secret that you were certain you’d carry to your grave. He already had hordes of fangirls and half the country pining for him, he didn’t need to worry about you shooting heart-eyes at him too.
Besides, you cherished your relationship with Kyungsoo entirely far too much to risk losing all of it with a silly confession. You were close with his mother who called you more often than she even called him sometimes to chat with you idly about recipes, you knew how he hated parsley a lot more than he let on, how he’d admitted that your lemon meringue pies were his favourite dessert in the entire world and how he hated early morning shoots the most and could never get used to them no matter how many times he did it.
It wasn’t one-sided—he knew you like the back of his hand too. Kyungsoo knew about your coffee addiction that he always called unhealthy, how much you loved crafting recipes in your kitchen late into the night until you got it perfect, how you absolutely hated thunderstorms and could even tell whenever you were upset even from a mere text, prompting him to call you as soon as he could to talk about it.
It was too much to risk such a great friendship for a stupid crush. He meant too much to you which is exactly why you’d settled for never ever confessing to him.
You hum softly as you finally pulled your face away from the table, a satisfied smile coming upon your face as the finished tart lay atop the marble counter, gold flecks glinting in the yellow lights of the kitchen.
You picked up your phone then, frowning as you noticed the lack of texts. Kyungsoo had finally completed the premiere and tour for his latest movie, arriving back home early today morning for a well-deserved break, albeit short. You knew that his friends would most probably throw him a party—as per their tradition—but he’d texted you earlier that he would definitely drop by the bakery around midnight, at the latest.
Which was your tradition. He’d visit his mother, have a meal with his parents and then come straight to you, loudly yelling that you’d better have his favourite pies waiting for him, “or else”.
You stare at your phone, contemplating if you should send a picture of the tart and fully utilise his weakness for sweet treats against him but the screen suddenly lights up with an incoming message.
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You sigh as you place your phone back on the counter and glance dejectedly down at the tarts. Pursuing your lips, you wondered if there was something wrong and if Kyungsoo was okay—it was the first time that he’d cancelled on your tradition of meeting you on the day that he got back itself.
He’s at home, probably well-fed, pampered and completely spoiled rotten by his mother so you decided to not dwell further on it. You place the tarts into airtight containers and placed them in the fridge then, yawning softly as you decided to call it a day and head home.
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You were positive that you could see the colour red as you glanced at the clock hanging over the paintings on your wall, feeling more livid than you’d ever been.
It had been three days. Three days since Kyungsoo had arrived and your stupid “tradition” was in shreds—the both of you hadn’t met at all.
The day after the night he spent at his parents’ place, you waited for him all morning at the bakery before texting him. He’d called you immediately and apologised profusely, saying that he had to meet his manager at the company and that something urgent had come up. You’d let it go again but he hadn’t contacted you at all after that and you’d waited all day until finally calling him right before bed.
The conversation had been short, his words muted and seeming tired so you’d hung up without pressing too much.
But then you’d went over directly to his parents’ place yesterday. You’d been stunned to find that he wasn’t there, his mother cheerfully mentioning that he had left early in the morning “because of some work” and you didn’t have the heart to tell her that you’d lost your appetite. After stuffing yourself full with an entire lunch that his mother had not let you leave without, you’d called him. He’d apologised again, “another work thing” and finally ended the call after mutually agreeing that he’d come over to your place early the next morning, eat breakfast with him and heading back to the bakery later in the afternoon.
It was the next morning, the pancakes you’d made were cold and soggy now, the clock read 10:19AM and Kyungsoo was nowhere in sight.
“I’m going to fucking kill him,” you hissed murderously, grabbing your phone and pulling up your messages to text him.
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You shoved your phone away in fury, grabbing the plate of pancakes and hurriedly storing them back in the oven before grabbing the keys to your car and heading out of your apartment. You had half-a-mind to drive over to the company and ask his manager which goddamn hotel he was staying at before taking a deep breath, muttering a string of curses lowly to clear your head and pulling out of the parking space.
The entire day was a mess. Chanyeol, your commis baker, was surprised to see you head in earlier than you said you would, all of the kitchen crew and bakers flinching as you glared and yelled at them to get their shit together. You busied yourself in the kitchen, feeling Johnny’s wary eyes on you as you punched the dough like a possessed madwoman. Perhaps you weren't as good at masking your emotions as you thought you were, the entire staff catching onto the fact that their usually-cheerful patisserie chef was perhaps not seeing dough for fresh bread but instead visualising the mochi cheeks of the man whom Korea had lovingly dubbed as the actor with the most perfect heart-shaped smile.
Perfect, my ass, you thought derisively.
The day passed in phases. By 4PM, you’d baked way more puff pastries than necessary, waving off Chanyeol who meekly suggested to stop making so many since there was already a piling excess which would most probably be wasted if not sold by tonight. You told them all to just take some home, that there were your treat and involuntarily, your hands started to slow down as evening dawned, your upper arms beginning to ache slightly because you didn’t pace yourself in your rage.
You sighed as you headed to the back of the kitchen, walking through the smaller door that was alongside the pantry—a smaller space that was solely for you, a place that you lovingly called your own and was the birth of many of your sweet creations.
The anger shifted to the second phase in the evening, one that infuriated you more because at least you were productive with your fury. Now, you just slumped at the marble countertop while staring at the small fridge in the corner that still held the gold-leafed chocolate tart from two nights ago.
You sighed as you buried your face in your flour-stained palms. This has never happened and it was stressing you out in levels that you had never expected it to—because you’d never had a fight with Kyungsoo. Petty arguments, sure, but nothing that couldn’t be solved with his spaghetti or your macaroons.
Then again, he’d never been like this. Never had he avoided you, never had he cancelled multiple times on you repeatedly, never had he broke the sacred tradition of meeting you as soon as he was back. It had been too many times now to be a mere coincidence, he was definitely avoiding you. You could tell that he was lying and your anger from today morning had subsided to just an intense worry that felt like cramps in your lower abdomen, sighs falling from your lips as you wondered what was wrong.
You thought about calling his mother for a brief moment but you could already guess that she was just as oblivious as you, maybe even more. She hadn’t seemed fazed when you’d went over yesterday, hadn’t noticed the distress on your face as you realised that you’d missed him yet again.
The rest of the day seemed to drag on forever. Your limbs were sore and you knew your bed would be nothing short of welcoming right now but you didn’t want to go back home in a state like this where your thoughts would be louder than ever.
Around 9PM, you decided to call it a day and closed up early. You could see the relief in everyone’s faces, especially Chanyeol who looked like he wanted nothing more than to go home and pass out. Once the entire crew had left the bakery with a box of all your rage-fuelled treats—Chanyeol had been right, there had been way too many puff pastries, cake pops and enough cookies for the entire neighbourhood—you sat alone in your workspace with nothing but silence echoing around you.
Sighing softly, you stood up and connected your phone to the small Bluetooth speakers placed at the corner of the room, putting on your Coldplay playlist. You washed your hands in the sink before setting out to make the lemon meringue pie.
There was a reason why Kyungsoo loved it the most amongst every other dessert you made—it was your go-to dessert whenever you were upset. Although the recipe wasn’t challenging nor was it particularly difficult to make, it does require a lot of patience and dedication to get a flawless pie every time. Kyungsoo loved watching you create it; you’d lost count of the number of times he’d walked in to see you furiously whipping the cream filling for the pie. The amount of concentration it took at each step usually helped calm your nerves, distracting your noisy thoughts enough to focus on the dessert at hand.
Initially, you’d thought he called it his favourite only because he’d seen first-hand how much effort it took to bake it but then Kyungsoo had explained that he could taste the effort, that the tarty tanginess of the lemon filling which would first wash over his tongue slowly morphs into the subtle sweet aftertaste of the creamy meringue which was addicting enough to make you crave for more.
There was a small part of you that didn’t believe him when he’d said that and an even smaller part that had been too flattered to believe it, unable to even form a coherent response to it but baking the pie now made your chest ache as it occurred to you that it’d probably join the tarts in the fridge from two nights ago.
The lemon meringue pies tasted best when eaten immediately and he knew it—which was exactly why he often sat around to watch you make it.
You decided not to dwell on it. Once you were done with the pie, you’d call him one last time to ask if he could meet you wherever possible tonight itself. You’d use the pies as an extra leverage, perhaps as a ruse to just lure him out. Just so you could yell at him for being an idiot right at his face instead of at the phone.
You’d just lined the pastry base into the pan and chilled it for an hour before baking it in the oven while you whisked the lemon filling. The humming of the oven had involuntarily made your shoulders loosen up as you lost yourself in making the lemon filling and you were softly singing along to Yellow as it echoed around the small kitchen space.  
The song suddenly stopped and your hands froze reflexively as you turned around to see your phone lighting up with an incoming call.
You dropped the whisk immediately and grabbed the dishcloth, wiping your hands hastily as you strode around the counter. You threw the cloth aside, hands still feeling slightly sticky as you grabbed your phone and disconnected the Bluetooth connection.
Your voice was slightly breathless as you finally answered, “Soo? Hello? Kyungsoo?”
There was dull music faintly thumping in the background but at a distance, as if muted. You frowned as the pause on the other side of the call lasted for almost three seconds before finally hearing an unfamiliar male voice.
“Hello? Y/N? Is this Y/N?”
“Yes, yes, it’s me,” you said loudly, furrowing your eyebrows as you felt a sense of dread creep into you. “Who is this? Where’s—?”
“You were the first on his emergency contact list,” the man interrupted, making your heart drop to your feet.
“What’s going on?” You asked hurriedly in a panic, your eyes widening as you felt your stomach twist. “Where’s Kyungsoo? Is he okay?”
“Ma’am, my name is Woo Shik and I’m the bartender at Club Exodus. Your friend is really really drunk,” the man replied, sounding slightly exasperated. “He came in around 7PM and got a room alone although we told him that he can’t do that singly but he insisted and said he’d even pay more for it. And now-now he’s just really drunk. He’s been yelling your name for the past half hour and crying something about rhu.. rhu something? Itaewon mess?”
“Rhubarb Eton mess,” you deadpanned, sighing. “I’m… I’ll be there as soon as I can. Could you just text me the address of the club, to this number?”
“Yes, ma’am, I’ll send the location right now.”
“Okay, thank you, I’ll be there.”
You hang up quickly and your limbs feel like they’re frozen, uncoordinated from your brain as you will yourself to move. You feel disoriented, a thousand thoughts flying through your head as you quickly pull off your messy apron and grab your phone. You don’t bother fixing yourself much, knowing that you probably smelled like fresh dough and lemons as you hurriedly shut off the oven. You pause as you notice the halfway baked pie shell, wondering if you should call Chanyeol and ask him if he could clean up in here as a favour.
The large grandfather clock in the main lounge area of the bakery suddenly sounded, echoing softly in the back-kitchen and you glanced down at your phone.
He’s been drinking by himself for three hours.
“Fuck it,” you mutter, snatching the oven mitts and not even bothering to put it on as you use it just to shield your hand whilst grabbing the hot pie tray.
Your legs seem to move faster than your brain then, your body moving almost robotically as you threw the half-whisked lemon filling in its large glass bowl, the pastry shell and the cream for the meringue into the small fridge. It only held a few failed recipes and a couple of disfigured-looking pastries that you usually snacked on, along with Soo’s dark chocolate gold tart from two nights ago that you hadn’t had the heart to throw away, having expected him to walk into the bakery at some godforsaken hour and claim the dessert.
You felt a slight ache now as you stashed everything into the fridge, knowing how many ingredients that you’d just wasted because there was no way even you could resurrect or save this disaster after leaving this kitchen now.
Knowing that there was no time to regret it, you quickly cleaned up the counters and the rest of the workspace, grabbing your car keys and the lock to the bakery. You closed up the store and hurriedly got into the car, pulling up the location that the bartender had just sent you as you started driving to the club.
Your worry finally had a chance to fully materialise through the drive, your anxiety not allowing you to even play the radio as you raced to Club Exodus. It briefly occurred to you that there probably was a huge problem, something big that was worrying Kyungsoo if he was willing to go to the extent of booking a hotel room away from his parents and even avoiding you.
If there was anyone besides his mother who could read and see through him as well as she did, it was you.
God, Kyungsoo, what is going on?
You pulled up to the front of the club in almost half an hour, quickly jumping out and hurriedly gesturing to the car at the valet service guy standing at the entrance before heading in.
You approached the woman at the reception, your voice low as you asked, “I’m looking for Woo Shik? He’s with a friend of mine…”
“Oh yes, ma’am, hold on.” You weren’t even looking around the place, your senses almost numbed with tension as you followed the uniformed man to whom she gestured, one step behind him as he lead you away from what sounded like the main hall with its booming music that you could feel reverberating through the walls.
He showed you to a door and you could already hear Kyungsoo’s deep laughter even before entering. You pushed open the door and your eyes immediately fell on your best friend, his cheeks appearing redder than you’d ever seen them as he laid back on the black leather couches. A man in the dark burgundy uniform of the club who you assumed to be Woo Shik was trying to clear the table alongside the couch in a desperate attempt to save the bottles and glasses of alcohol from falling onto the floor.  
“Kyungsoo,” you said flatly and Woo Shik looked up from the couch towards you, wide eyes filled with exasperation.
“Y/N?” He asked hopefully and you nodded, sighing.
“Did he drink more after we called?” You asked, stepping into the room fully and scrunching your nose in disgust at the way the place was reeking with alcohol.
“No, but he’d been chugging for a while and they’re all settling in now, I think,” Woo Shik explained tiredly, stepping away to let you walk around the table towards your drunk best friend.
You forgot what to even say as you looked at Kyungsoo who was giggling giddily on the couch, his eyes closed as his hands flailed mindlessly. He looked almost smaller in the way that he was curled up on the leather seats and you could see that he’d grown thinner since the last time you’d seen him. His cheeks were very flushed and that’s when you realised that this was the first time you’d seen him so shit-faced drunk. Of the both of you, he was the one with the higher tolerance and he’d seen you blackout drunk more times than you’d seen him in the past three years and it occurred to you that he must have definitely had way too much than usual tonight to be like this.
“Soo,” you heard yourself mumble, your hands reaching for his that were still blindly reaching for something in the air. His eyes snap open when he feels your hands clasp around his, dark shining gaze shifting towards you. You watch as his eyes widen and even before you can react, his grip tightens fiercely around your hand as he yanks you to him with a high-pitched squeal of your name.
You curse as you almost collapse on top of him on the couch, feeling his body beneath yours that was radiating so much warmth that you would have mistaken him to have a fever if it weren’t for all the alcohol lying around.
“Hiiiiiiiiiiii,” Kyungsoo slurred, smiling happily up at you as he wrapped his arms snugly around your middle while staring down at you. You felt your heart slightly melt at his elated expression, your anger and worry momentarily dissipating as you gazed back into his shining eyes.
“Hi,” you replied softly, feeling almost shy from the way he was looking at you as you realised that Woo Shik was still in the room and probably waiting for you to collect the mess that you had in your arms who had caused him enough trouble.
“Okay, can you sit up?” You ask slowly like you’re talking to a child as you pull away enough to help him sit upright. He’s still gripping one of your hands tightly and you let him use your other arm as a support to pull him upwards slowly so as not to make him dizzy.
You look up at Woo Shik then, your tone apologetic as you ask, “How much is all of this?”
“He already paid, ma’am,” Woo Shik replied, shaking his head at you.
“Okay, I’ll just take him away then, I’m so sorry for the trouble,” You quickly say as you grab Kyungsoo’s arm and throw it around your neck. You put your own arm around his waist, holding him to your side while trying not to inhale the alcohol-stench reeking off of him. Woo Shik offers help but you shake your head at him as you help Kyungsoo out of the club. He suggests the back entrance then, mentioning that it’d be safer because of his actor status and quickly hurries to tell the valet to bring your car.
You manage, with much difficulty, to finally seat Kyungsoo inside your car and strap him in safely. Once he is settled, you sincerely thank Woo Shik for all his help and make a mental note to send him some treats tomorrow and finally get back into your car. After driving away from the club, you slow down at a secluded alley and turn to Kyungsoo whose head is turned to face the window.
You gently shake his shoulder, wondering if he’s asleep as you softly call out, “Soo? Kyungsoo?”
His eyes blink open slowly and he turns to you, appearing almost woozy. You watch then as his eyes widen and the same elated expression from earlier washes over his face, his arms reaching out to wrap tightly around your frame as he again exclaims, “Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii.”
“Yeah, yeah, hi, hi,” you mutter, rolling your eyes in exasperation as you try to pull away from his death-grip. Any other time, you’d have been taking videos of him like this to use as precious blackmail later.
“Soo,” you call out his name again as you try to get his attention on you. Once he is blinking at you while still grinning like an idiot, you enunciate slowly, “Your hotel. Where is it? Which hotel are you staying at?”
Kyungsoo blinks incomprehensibly and you see his grin widen, mouth opening excitedly to squeal your name again and you manage to grab his arms, stopping him from hugging you yet again.
“Kyungsoo!” You call out loudly, watching him flinch and you instantly lower your tone as you slump back in your seat while staring at him helplessly. There was no way you could take him back to his parents’ place when he was like this and you knew that his mother didn’t know the hotel that he was staying at either since she hadn’t mentioned it the last time.
Sighing, you turn with resignation towards the steering wheel and start up the car again, deciding to just take him home.
It wasn’t like he’d never been to your place before—he’d slept over on your couch multiple times but this would be the first time that he’d be doing it when absolutely wasted.
Kyungsoo hums softly beneath his breath as you drive and you’re quiet, listening to him as you chew on your lip nervously while wondering if you should talk to him. You knew he was drunk as hell and by the state that he was in, you guessed that his chances of remembering any of this tomorrow morning would probably be extremely low.
You decided to risk it.
“Soo,” you started tentatively and you were surprised when the humming stopped, knowing his attention was on you. You clear your throat before asking slowly, “Why didn’t you meet me?”
He frowns and you can hear the pout in his voice as he slurs, “Because you’re an idiot.”
You turn to look at him in amazement, eyes wide at the stupid response. “What?”
You turn back to the road as he continues, “It’s true. My mother says so too.”
“Your-your mother?” You sputtered, feeling more confused by the second. What the hell is he talking about? “She said not to meet me because I’m an idiot?”
“Nooooooooo,” Kyungsoo whined and you noticed him shift in his seat slightly from your peripheral as he explained, “I decided not to meet you. Mom told me that I’m an idiot. I think you’re the idiot but Mom says it’s me.”
You should just pull over and leave him on the roadside.
You take a deep breath, forcing yourself to remain calm as you reminded yourself to treat him like a child. He is a child and you need information so you tried again, slowly asking, “Why are we idiots?”
There’s a pause then and Kyungsoo mumbles something in reply, incoherent again.
You slow to a stop at the red light as you turn to face him fully now, squinting at him. “What? Why are we idiots, Kyungsoo?”
“Because I like you,” Kyungsoo sighs loudly and your eyes widen then, heart jumping to your throat.
Everything freezes around you and you stare at him, certain that you’d heard wrong as he leans back against the headrest, sighing dramatically again as he softly explains, “I’ve liked you for a long time but you’re an idiot to never see it. Mom told me I’m the idiot for never telling you but you’re the idiot for never seeing the signs.”
“S-signs?” You repeated, your voice cracking in your throat. Your heart is pounding in your ears as you ask quietly, “What signs?”
Kyungsoo sighs again, longer this time and you’re almost tempted to grab him by his shoulders and shake him angrily to get him to speak faster. You felt like you were going to be sick and this idiot was putting on the show of his life, acting dramatically like his rent was due the next morning.
“Sooooooo many signs, Y/N,” he slurs your name, dragging his words tiredly as he turns to you. He faces you and pouts childishly as he asks, “You think I run to all my friends’ arms whenever I come home on break? You think I cook with parsley which I hate with all my heart for anyone else? It’s only for you, because of how much you love it on your spaghetti. Most of my friends don’t even know I cook. I never even had a thing for sweets until you and I told you that but you’re an idiot. You thought its cause I love everything you make that much but that’s only a part of it. You idiot.”
You stare at him speechlessly and jump when you hear a loud honk behind you. Dazed, you look ahead and realise the traffic lights had changed to green, slowly prompting you to shift the gear and start driving again as the cars continued honking noisily behind.
You swallowed loudly, hearing an internal screaming in your head as you tried to gather your thoughts and process the words you’d just heard. You’re about to ask more, you don’t even know what, when you hear him murmuring softly again. You catch the word ‘rhubarb’ and start to ask why he kept ranting about your Rhubarb Eton mess custard and that’s when it suddenly hits you.
The last time that he’d come home for break, the time that he’d spent with you before leaving for the movie that he’d just finished shooting, you’d made him the Rhubarb Eton mess custard. The call to travel to Japan had been abrupt, causing him to have to leave on short notice and he’d spent the night before his flight with you at the bakery. It was after working hours, close to midnight and you’d been experimenting and crafting desserts with rhubarbs since they were in-season and had whipped up the Rhubarb Eton mess custard quickly just for him.
He’d watched you in his usual seat opposite the counter as you made it and after having his first spoon, he’d scooped a spoonful of the creamy custard and fed it to you. After taking the bite, however, the blood-red juice of the rhubarb had stained your lips with a bit of the whipped cream at the edge of your mouth.
Kyungsoo had reached out almost reflexively, his thumb swiping against your lip and you’d gone still, both of your gazes locking as you’d felt the atmosphere shift. You thought it had only been in your head, that it had only been you wondering what the expression on his face would be if you leaned forward and sucked the cream from his thumb, if his eyes would dilate watching your lips wrap around his digit the way that you were sure your eyes had when his hand had reached towards your mouth.
You could still recall how terse the silence had been then, both of you in a silent stare-off as you waited for the other to make a move and Kyungsoo had finally broken the moment by retrieving his hand, flashing you an innocent grin as he licked the cream from his thumb and quietly finished the rest of the dessert.
Your heart had been hammering in your chest that whole night and you’d never even known.
“Oh god,” you breathed out involuntarily as understanding finally dawned over you. Kyungsoo had been humming beside you again but at your words, he went quiet and you continued, “The rhubarb custard. You’re talking about—”
Kyungsoo groaned loudly then, confirming your suspicions as he huffed in annoyance.
“I wanted to kiss you so bad that night,” he almost whined and you felt your cheeks reddening at his confession as he continues ranting, “You were just standing there with your lips looking all glossy and red from the syrup and that stupid whipped cream on your upper lip! I was already upset cause I had to leave you so soon and you were just standing there like an idiot and I just wanted to eat you instead of that damn custard.”
Holy fucking hell. “Kyung—”
“I’ve been whipped for you forever, Y/N,” Kyungsoo admitted, shutting you up abruptly. “I’m whipped for you like your whipped cream. Like your Eton mess. Like your perfect custard. Like your pies. Like—”
“Okay, okay, I get it, I get it,” you quickly interrupt him, desperately wanting him to shut up because you were certain that you’d cause an accident with the way your heart was pounding right now, your entire body feeling like it was on fire as your thoughts were disorienting. You were driving mindlessly, taking longer routes because you didn’t how much longer this conversation would go, if it would last all the way to your apartment or if he’d sober up once he got home. You felt like you were dreaming, like this conversation was unreal and wondered briefly if you’d gotten drunk with him too back at the club and this was just some cruel dream.
“Why…” you croak and you clear your throat before trying again. “Why didn’t you meet me?”
“Because you’re an idiot.”
“I swear to god, I’m going to—” You loudly inhale through your mouth, knuckles almost turning white around the steering wheel as you grit out, “Did. You. Avoid. Me. Because you like me?”
“Min Ah…”
He trailed off and you frowned in confusion, pausing as you faintly recognised the name. “‘Min Ah’? Jung Min Ah? Isn’t that your co-star for the movie you just did?”
Kyungsoo nods and he mumbles sleepily, “She said she likes me during the wrap-up party but I could only think of you. I didn’t want to see you until I got my shit together and sorted out my feelings because I didn’t want to accidentally confess to you.” He pauses then and you’re surprised when he lets out a loud humourless laugh. “Maybe I am the idiot.”  
You hesitate before asking, “Why don’t you want to confess to me?”
Kyungsoo is quiet for a while after that and you glance at him, wondering if he’d fallen asleep but he appears to be deep in thought. His words are almost unheard as he finally mumbles, “Because I don’t want to lose you.”
You fall silent at his heavy words, the intensity of the underlying meaning getting to you as you feel something break inside of you.
You don’t say anything for the rest of the ride then and Kyungsoo dozes off, falling asleep cutely with his mouth hanging open as he lays his head back against the seat while you drown in your thoughts.
Regardless of your feelings and how much you liked him too, the words that Kyungsoo had just uttered terrified you. Friendships were stable, they endured even the ugliest of fights and lasted longer while relationships were fragile; one slip and you could lose Kyungsoo. He didn’t confess to you because he didn’t know about your feelings but now that you knew that he felt the same, you didn’t know if you were brave enough to take the risk.
It could be the end to something beautiful.
But it could also be the beginning to something more beautiful, a small voice in your head reminded you.
Or it could be the beginning to something even more beautiful that would soon reach its untimely but inevitable end and leave you with only heartache and the absence of a best friend that you’d have to burden forever.
You sighed softly as you finally parked your car in front of your apartment. You glanced at Kyungsoo and realised he was sleeping soundly, looking so warm and comfortable that it made you hesitate in awakening him. You got out of the car and walked to his side, throwing his arm around your shoulder while softly calling his name. He woke up enough to step out of the car and you helped him up to your apartment, panting by the time you finally reached your door.
You lead him straight to your bedroom, resigning to spend the night on your couch since you knew he could definitely use the entire bed in the state that he was in. You help him out of the thickly-lined trench coat that he was wearing, holding your breath to not inhale the stench of the alcohol as you decided to just throw them all with the laundry tomorrow morning.
You remove his shoes and pull off his socks but your hands hesitate mid-air before reaching for his pants. It’s not like you hadn’t seen his legs before or anything—god knows he’d helped undress you from uncomfortable clothes on multiple nights when you’d gotten too drunk—but your stomach was twisting now as if he was a whole new person who you were stripping.
God, stop overthinking it.
You force yourself to help him out of his pants, purposefully not letting your eyes go astray as you decided to leave him in the thin black sweater that he was wearing and his boxers. You grabbed your blankets and tucked it around him, smiling slightly when you notice Kyungsoo immediately snuggle to the warm sheets like a child, making himself comfortable as he closed his eyes.
You went to the kitchen then, grabbing a tall glass of water and some aspirin pills before heading back to your room. You’d just placed them on the small bedside table and was turning to leave when you felt a fierce grip on your wrist.
Your breath stopped in your throat as you looked down to see Kyungsoo holding onto you, half-lidded eyes gazing up at you as he whispered one word.
You step towards the bed then, getting on your knees on the floor so that your face would be at the same level as his. You raised the hand that he wasn’t holding to stroke his cheek gently as you murmured, “Sleep, Soo.”
He was quiet, his eyes still dark and intense as they remained locked with yours. Your heart thudded as you briefly wondered if he’d come to his senses and if he remembered everything that he’d just revealed to you but then he opens his mouth again.
“Do you know something?” His voice is hushed, like he’s telling you a secret and you shake your head quietly.
“You always smell like the bakery,” he whispers, smiling softly in a way that made your heart ache. “You smell like fresh bread and sweet vanilla and strong coffee. You smell like happiness. Like home.”
A soft sigh of disbelief escapes your parted lips at his words, his eyes having closed off while he spoke as he slowly fell into deep slumber.
You were so goddamn blind.
“We’re both idiots,” you snort quietly as you gently loosen his grip around your wrist and walk out of the room.
But you decided to be the bigger idiot.
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You heard Kyungsoo shuffling inside your room around noon the next day, making you glance at your bedroom door from where you sat on the couch.
The night had seemed to last forever. After putting Kyungsoo to bed, you’d spent the entire night tossing and turning on the couch restlessly. You briefly considered waking up and baking something or even heading to the bakery so that you could angrily complete that lemon meringue pie you’d left half-baked but your body was extremely exhausted and refused to even move. All the activities of the strenuous day yesterday had completely worn you out yet your brain refused to cooperate, unwilling to grant you the bliss of sleep as your thoughts grew louder with each passing hour of the night. Kyungsoo’s words, his drunken confession all echoed like a haunting melody within your head, forcing you to reminisce and reassess every moment that you’d spent together, viewing it in a light that you’d assumed to only be exclusive to you but had perhaps been the same light that he’d been seeing you in as well.
You didn’t know what to do anymore. You felt more conflicted than you did when he had stood you up and you began to wonder if it had even been a good idea to even go to the club last night.
Should you have even brought him back to your place?
You could hear the shower in your room then and you knew he was probably washing off the events from last night, the stench of all the drinks that he’d downed. You sighed as you grabbed his chopsticks for the Chinese take-out that you’d just ordered—both of your go-to hangover food—since you knew he’d probably be hungry. You hadn’t bothered with breakfast because you knew that he wouldn’t wake up by then so you’d just settled on brunch.
The door opens and your heart jumps as you look up, eyes locking with Kyungsoo. He’d found one of his tees that he’d given you—“you stole it,” he insisted—and sweatpants that he’d left here from a previous sleepover. He looked better than he did last night and you cleared your throat, ignoring the nervous flutter in your chest as you asked blankly, “How’s your head?”
Kyungsoo nodded, stepping forward into the room. “It’s a lot better now. I woke up in the night with a headache and had the aspirin before sleeping again.” He hesitated before murmuring, “Thanks.”
You rolled your eyes. “Why’d you drink so much then, idiot?” You snort as you start to stand up, grabbing your phone.
You gesture to the food on the table. “I ordered Chinese. Have lunch and take another aspirin before you head back… home. Or to the hotel. Or wherever.”
Kyungsoo frowned at you as you searched for your bag. “Wait, what? You’re leaving?”
“I have a bakery to run, Kyungsoo,” you snort, finding your bag and grabbing your car keys as you head for the door while muttering, “I can’t keep coming in late because of you—”
“Y/N, I remember last night.”
You stop, hand freezing on the doorknob as your entire body goes still. Your back is facing him but you can feel his gaze on your back, feel the weight of it.
Kyungsoo’s usual deadpan tone sounds more wry than you’d ever heard it then as he says, “I remember last night so you can stop faking it and talk to me.”
Shit, shit, shit.
You take a breath, forcing yourself to slowly turn around and face him. You relent, throwing the keys and bag aside, crossing your arms in an effort to not reveal the way that your hands are slightly trembling as you nonchalantly reply, “I’m not faking anything, Kyungsoo, I am very mad at you.”
He rolls his eyes, opening his mouth to answer but you cut him off by asking, “How much?”
His gaze shifts to you and you clarify, “How much do you remember?”
“Enough,” Kyungsoo replies, carefully watching you now. When you don’t falter, he concedes, “Enough to know that I confessed to you.”
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath as you uncross your arms. “Look, it doesn’t have to be—”
“Is this your answer?”
You stop then, looking up at him with wide eyes. You frown at the shift in tone, noticing the despair that he was trying to hide in his expression as you ask, “What do you mean?”
“The fact that you’re pretending that nothing happened,” he answered, stepping forward as he spoke. “The fact that you’re ignoring everything I told you last night. Does it mean that this is never happening? That you’ve never liked me the way I’ve liked you?”
Your eyes are wide, back pressed to the door as he stood in front of you. The words that you wished to respond—even though you had no idea what they even were—were stuck in your throat as you gazed up at him, your breath growing shorter as you felt him raise his arm beside you to place it on the door as if to cage you in.
“Y/N,” he whispered your name, his close proximity and husky voice making your head feel like it was going to spin. Your lips parted of their own accord, head slightly arching back to look up at him as his plush lips hovered over your own. His face was close enough that his warm breath was mingling with yours and you could smell the minty toothpaste—your minty toothpaste.
Your heart was hammering so loudly in your chest that you could hear it, your eyes greedily drinking in the close proximity as they ran over his face with enough scrutiny to commit every detail to memory—the way his long lashes looked against his pale cheek, the tiny almost invisible mole right over his upper lip and the way his eyes looked like they were shining from within as they gazed at you.
Your breath audibly hitched in your throat as he leaned his head slightly to the side, angling his lips to yours until there was only a fraction of space between your mouths. You held your breath as he murmured, the words brushing against your parted lips, “Stop me, Y/N.”
And then Kyungsoo was kissing you.
Your eyes seemed to refuse to close, your body frozen like a statue and your arms were immobile at your sides as you felt his plush lips press against yours. It was light, hesitant and tentative like he was waiting for you to shove him off any second but you could feel the blood pounding through your head and coursing within every vein at that moment.
Fuck it.
You raised your hands tentatively, closing your eyes and almost collapsed back into the door as you started kissing him back. You felt Kyungsoo move his hand from the door then to gingerly place it on your hip and his other hand took your raised one that was hovering between your bodies to place it on his shoulder.
You made a soft sound of approval as you finally melted into the kiss, closing your eyes and digging your fingers into his shoulder to kiss him harder. Kyungsoo grabbed you by your hip then, holding you flush against him as he started kissing you more passionately while you dropped cupped his face with both your hands. You traced your tongue over his lower lip slowly and he was instantly parting his lips, slipping his own tongue into your mouth. Your guess was right earlier, you could taste the mint and as corny as it was, it had never tasted sweeter.
The kiss grew tender as he realised how breathless you seemed to be getting, both of your pulling away slightly while smiling against each other’s lips. Your eyes fluttered open to see Kyungsoo was smiling so hard that his eyes had become little crescents as they looked at you.
“You didn’t stop me,” Kyungsoo breathed out, sounding incredulous enough that you let out a soft laugh.
“You’re an idiot,” you repeated his words from last night, thumb stroking his cheek affectionately before correcting, “Well, we both are. I wouldn’t have stopped you ever, Soo.”
He pauses, gaze shifting from both your eyes as he asks quietly, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“For the same reasons you didn’t,” you replied with a sheepish smile. You suddenly grin with the memory of last night as you say, “If only you told me earlier, I could have said that I’m whipped for you too.”
Kyungsoo’s eyebrows furrowed at that, nose scrunching cutely in confusion as he repeats, “Too?”
“You said last night that you’re whipped for me like whipped cream. That you’re whipped like my Eton mess, like my pies, like my custard—”
“Oh my god, stop!” Kyungsoo buried his face in the crook of your neck in embarrassment, making you burst out laughing aloud as you fully wrapped your arms around his back and held him to you. His voice was muffled as he mumbled, “Most of those things aren’t even whipped.”
“I know!” You laughed again and pulled him away enough from you to look at his face. His cheeks were faintly rosy and it reminded you of last night again.
His voice is grumpy as he asks, “What else did I say last night?”
“A lot of things,” you teased, grinning as you kissed the corner of his mouth. “Enough to torture you for at least a decade.” You gasp exaggeratedly, raising your voice dramatically as you wonder aloud, “Who would have ever thought that Korea’s favourite actor Do Kyungsoo who has an internal breakdown every time he has to do aegyo and act cute was actually so cheesy and corny? That he would look me in the eyes, with his chest out while proudly saying that he is whipped for me like my whipped cream, that he would rather eat me than my custard—”
Kyungsoo grabbed your face then and shutting you up by kissing you again. You grinned against his mouth as he wrapped his arms fully around your waist, lifting you up against the door so that your legs curl around his lean hips.
“Aren’t you hungry?” You murmured into the kiss.
“Yeah, for you,” he countered, kissing your jawline. His husky voice right in your ear made the small hairs on the back of your neck rise as he groaned, “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to do this?”
“Mm, show me,” you hummed, taking his face into your hands again as you kissed him harder. You thought Kyungsoo would lead you to the couch but he carries you to your bedroom instead, laying you down on the edge so that your legs are hanging off the edge of the bed. You blink up at him, pouting slightly as you clutch the front of your shirt—his shirt. Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow then, smirking slightly as he asks, “In a hurry, are we?”
“You think you’re the only one who’s been waiting forever?” You retort, using your elbows to push yourself back further up the mattress. You grab his hand and yank him harshly towards you, making him stumble slightly as he almost fell over your body while you started lifting his shirt off of him.
Kyungsoo raises his arms, helping you pull off the thin shirt and you immediately grab his shoulders, pushing him onto the bed beneath you. He blinks up at you in surprise as you throw your leg over his waist to straddle him, his gaze questioning as he looks at the blouse that you still had on.
“I’m going to be so late for work,” you muttered, pulling the blouse off your neck and throwing it across the room as Kyungsoo rolls his eyes at you.
“Chanyeol can hold the fort down for one day, Y/N,” he snorts as he sits upright against the headboard to grab your hips and seat you on his lap properly. You feel the growing bulge beneath his sweatpants brush against your clothed core and your lips part open of their own accord, making him smirk almost dangerously at you as he murmurs, “Has anyone told you that you’re a workaholic, babygirl?”
The word is so foreign from his lips, his expression so foreign yet familiar as he gripped your hips tightly to adjust you right over the tent in his pants. He leans forward and kisses you with an almost vehement fervour, trailing his hungry mouth over your cheeks, jawline and down the curve of your neck. You sigh softly, eyes closing and head arching back as you feel his plush mouth suck on the sensitive soft spot on your throat, his tongue licking incessantly.
Kyungsoo’s hands move almost unnoticeably, curving around your back to unclasp your bra as he marks up your neck. There’s a fire coursing through your body, making you feel as if you’d been plugged into a circuit—every place on your body that he was touching; his lips, his fingers, his firm thighs spread beneath your own, his warm breath were all sending crackles and tingles of electricity through your veins.
You could feel the outline of his hardness against your thin shorts now, your wet heat pressed right up against him and his fingers expertly pull the bra off your body. His cool fingers are cupping your breasts then, thumbs stroking your nipples experimentally as he teasingly thrusts his hips up into you.
A loud moan leaves your lips unintentionally at the sparks of arousal ignited by his touch and your eyes snap open as you hear yourself, feeling Kyungsoo still slightly beneath you at the very porn-star-like noise that you’d just made.
He pulls away from your neck to look up at your wide eyes and you’re already opening your mouth to apologise, feeling the embarrassment swallowing you but he grabs the side of your neck then, kissing you fiercely.
“You sound so fucking beautiful,” he groaned huskily, closing his eyes as he leaned his forehead against yours, his voice a breathy whisper as he said, “To think that I could have been hearing those moans all this time.”
Your heart swells with an emotion that you can’t quite describe, an overwhelming need to feel as much of him taking over your senses as you crash your lips to his heatedly. Kyungsoo responds immediately, kissing you back just as hard as his fingers continue playing with your breasts and tweaking the nipples while you moan just for him.
Your own hand that had been on his chest lowers down his torso and slips underneath the elastic band of his sweatpants. Your fingers immediately wrap around his length, eliciting a groan at the back of his throat as you smile into the kiss while stroking him up and down.
Lips latching onto the spot beneath his ear, you kiss and suck at the skin gently while pressing him back against the headboard. Teasingly, you explore his length leisurely with your hand and feel the way that it is already slick with pre-cum, using your thumb to spread the fluid around the slit.
You gasp against his neck when his hands tighten harshly around your breasts, fingers squeezing your nipple roughly enough that you felt it all the way in your throbbing pussy. Quickening the pace of your wrist, you continue circling the soft bulbous head of his dick with your thumb while he gropes your breasts. You pull away then to look at him, watching the way his chest heaves with the movement of your hand and his eyes flutter dazedly at you.
His gaze is unfocused and you lean forward then, kissing him as you start stroking his length with repeated up-and-down motions. Kyungsoo grabs your wrist then, stopping you and he pulls away from your mouth enough to say, “You’re going to make me cum like this.”
Kyungsoo’s hands find your hips then, tugging at the black shorts that you had on and you let him slip his hands beneath the waistband, pulling both your shorts and panties down your bare thighs. You raise your ass off his lap and yank the material from around your ankles hurriedly before straddling him again.
You grab his erection then, holding your breath and watch Kyungsoo’s face, noticing the awe on his face as you rub his head over your slit that was glistening with arousal.
“Oh fuck,” he curses lowly as you guide his dick inside you, the head parting open your dripping slit and your eyes were already fluttering at the immense pleasure you felt with just his tip inside you. You didn’t even realise the way you’d been whimpering until Kyungsoo shifts his gaze higher to watch your face, staring at you as you arched your head back while slowly pushing yourself down onto his length.
Your free hand is on his shoulder, his own wrapped around your wrist as you whimpered his name breathily when you feel his thick length stretching your tight walls open in the most pleasurable way. Kyungsoo’s arms wrap around your waist then as you begin moving up and down on his lap, riding his dick at an already speedy pace while you felt your lower abdomen tighten with arousal.
His plush lips latched onto your breast then and you moaned loudly, grabbing the back of his head and holding it to your chest as he sucked your nipple into his warm mouth. The wet warmth of his tongue and lips, along with the way his dick felt inside you as the tip brushed against your clit with every movement you made all had you soon trembling on his lap as you tried to reach both your highs.
Growing impatient, Kyungsoo grabs your hips then and pulls you off of his length, making you gasp at the sudden feeling of emptiness, your walls desperately clenching around nothing. He shifts you around so that you’re lying back on the mattress, hands quickly removing the sweatpants that he still had on before crawling back atop you and spreading your legs wide.
His eyes are dark and heavy as they watch your face clearer then, memorising the way your lids flutter when he pushes his dick into your throbbing wetness again. You mewl softly as he fills you up again, already addicted to the way he feels inside you as you wrap your arms around his back.  
You don’t get a moment longer to relish in the feeling as Kyungsoo immediately starts moving his hips at a quick and snappy pace against you, thrusting into you roughly enough that you can hear the echoes of skin slapping against skin. The wet squelching noises of your core become louder with every thrust, your walls tightening with the looming orgasm as he fucks you and you don’t realise how loud you are until he lowers his face to your chest.
Walls clenching around him tightly as if to suck him inside you, he groans at how utterly tight you feel as he thrusts faster. Your pussy convulses as his teeth sinks into your sore breast, Kyungsoo realising how sensitive you are over there by the way your body instantly reacts to him as you feel yourself finally fall off the edge.
Your nails are digging into his back and you groan as Kyungsoo’s hips stutter against yours, the rapid way that your pussy clenches and unclenches around him as you cum setting off his own orgasm. You gasp as you feel his warm heat flood into your slickness, filling you up as he continues sloppily thrusting to draw out both your orgasms.
You’re whining his name into his flushed neck as you slowly come down from your high, hand lowering to the small of his back as he collapses on top of you. He buries his face in your shoulder, breathing hard as you wrap your other hand around the back of his head while trying to catch your own breath. Feeling him soften inside you, he begins to pull away slightly but you wrap your leg around him and push him to his side so that he is still inside you with your body still pressed up against him.
You’d always thought Kyungsoo looked beautiful but you don’t think you’d ever seen him as radiant as he was right now, basking in a post-orgasm glow as he smiles at you. His gaze is filled with so much warmth and affection, the same expression that he’d had yesterday at the club when he’d first seen you and you feel shy all over again.
“Hi,” you mutter embarrassedly and Kyungsoo laughs softly, nudging your nose with his own.
“Hi,” he teases back, grinning.  
He wraps his arm around your waist then, pulling you to his chest and you snuggle in that familiar warmth, smiling when you feel him bury his nose in your hair and inhale, remembering his drunken words from earlier.
‘You smell like happiness. Like home’.
You tightened your arms around Kyungsoo then, finally being able to realise the emotions that you always felt around him, that you always felt with him and that you felt now when you held him. The way that your heart had always swelled with every touch and gaze of his, that indescribable happiness that took over your entire body every time that he came back from a shoot and you had your arms around him again.
Best friend or boyfriend, Kyungsoo was your happiness.
He was your home.
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buttercupbuckk · 4 years
At Hogwarts.
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Since first year, James always took the bed nearest to the window because it reminded him of flying - plus he always hated sleeping by the door.
When he got into Gryffindor, his mum sent him a basket of chocolate frogs and bottles of pumpkin juice - with a howler that screamed: 'Congratulations, Baby Boy! Mummy is so proud!', during the middle of breakfast the next day.
He would always do his homework as soon as he got it - so he didn't have to worry whilst having fun
Couldn't find a snitch to save his life
Adored Professor Sprout and McGonagall - simply because they reminded him of his mum
Despite pestering Lily for 7 years, he didn't actually develop proper feelings until 4th year.
He came up with their nicknames since Sirius was hell bend on calling him 'Bambi'.
He aways hexed people that picked on Peter and Remus - no matter how old or young.
Fantastic at Transfiguration, one of Minerva's best students to grace the halls of Hogwarts
Played mini games of Quidditch with the boys all of the time - and he was quite surprised to find that Moony was a decent Seeker.
When Remus told him he was Bi, he took it too literally and waved 'goodbye'. He then realised what he meant and hugged him
Mother-henning since 1st year.
Whenever he and Sirius fall out, he threatens to cut his hair off in his sleep.
He washes all of their sheets once a week - but takes extra care with Moony's because he knows the smells can overpower him.
Punched Snape in the nose for calling Sirius and Remus, 'privileged'.
His mum is a better Chaser than he is and that makes him jealous.
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Sleeps with his hair in pigtails from 5th to 7th year
Hates it when James makes puns - constantly threatens to throw him off the roof of the tower
Sirius would sleep walk constantly - the boys would find him the next morning in some weird places. 'Uh, is that Sirius asleep on the banister?', 'Why yes, i do believe it is Peter.'
He would always sneak into the kitchens to see how the house elves were - and always offered to share his midnight meals with them
When he gets sick, he always pushes himself to the limit. He would show up to class and then promptly pass out in the hallway getting to the next one.
He cannot sleep without at least 2 pillows and a blanket over his duvet. All of these things end up on the floor by morning
He once charmed James' uniform to change to Slytherin colours, no reason why - he just felt like it.
When they were trying to become animagi - he was the last to transform, and the form he took was much more fluffy puppy than grimm.
After full moons, he would always lie on Remus bed in the Hospital Wing as Padfoot - Madam Pomfrey had her questions, but she saw how calm it made Remus so she didn't bother him.
When they graduated, he forced all 4 to jump into the lake, fully clothed in their uniform.
In his first Quidditch match, he hit himself in the face with the beater's bat.
Wore nothing but neon socks to bed in 5th year, it was a spontaneous decision apparently.
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He sleeps with two jumpers on every night - no matter the weather.
On his first full moon at Hogwarts, he refused to talk to the boys for 2 weeks because he didn't want them to worry.
When they all found out in 3rd year - he cried when they told him that they still cared about him, and of course they were still friends.
He is the mastermind behind all of the pranks, he is the one who suggests the most extreme.
He is also the reason why the group had to clean the Prefects Bathroom for a week.
He has horrible hay-fever, and he hates summer because of it
He makes pillow forts in the dorm whenever someone is sad, and he shares his chocolate supply with them
Pesters the others to do their homework, but ends up doing his 5 minutes before the class. His ability to do this outstands James
Accidentally called McGonagall 'Mum' in 4th year - he turned so red he could've been confused for a metamorphmagus
When Sirius was disowned and moved in with the Potter's, they all decided to spend that Christmas at James' house to lift his spirits
Whenever he bumps into furniture, he apologises for it.
At the end of 4th year, he was much shorter than James and Sirius, he stood at 5 foot 5. When he came back in 5th year, he was 6 foot 1 and towering over the boys.
He met the boys on the train when he fell asleep and woke up to Sirius balancing quills on his face.
He goes to every Gryffindor Quidditch match without fail - and after they won their last one in 7th year, he pulled Sirius into a kiss when he flew by the stands.
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Most days, especially after a hard day in classes, he'd fall asleep infront of the fire in the common room
In 5th year, he stayed up all night on the 30th October waiting for Halloween so he could eat all the sweets he wanted but he passed out at 7 am on the 31st and didn't wake up till 6pm.
He always wanted a cat - but his mum was allergic and he didn't want to risk it
He got food poisoning from James' cooking in 7th year - safe to say he hasn't been near any of it since
He was the one who started the whole nickname fiasco when he told Remus he was 'looking a bit moony.'
He recommended that they make a map
He fell into the lake in first year and still refuses to go swimming to this day
He tried growing his hair out in 6th year, but he looked liked one of The Beatles
He didn't know what a 'period' was until he was 16 - when Lily had to explain it to him because the other 3 couldn't stop laughing when they tried to explain
Peter was the one to first call Snape, 'Snivellius' because he accidentally said 'Snivelling Snape' when he was handing out test results.
After the sorting, he looked up at McGonagall and said 'Why am i here? I'm just a whimp?' the woman frowned slightly before looking at the other 3, and said 'because you might be the smartest Gryffindor I've ever come across. Maybe not in lessons, but definitely in taking care of your friends.'
Every summer, without fail, he volunteered at a Rehabilitation Centre for Homeless Werewolves and when Remus found out, he hugged the boy so tight he turned into Wormtail
Peter was the first to produce a Patronus, and the first to turn into his animago form.
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