felix-ravinstill · 1 day
I saw your rat it’s in the possession of the girl from district 7, I advise the use of lethal force.
Tanner from District 10
Oh, Pup Harrington's former tribute? I wonder how Max got from the District 4 boy to her?
Anyway, thanks for the information. Expect a wiring of funds soon!
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felix-ravinstill · 2 days
Felix, what's the naming scheme behind your rats?
Well, some are named after what they like to do! For example, Aesop, the first ever rat that I rescued from the halls of the Citadel, loves reading bedtime stories with me, so he's named for Aesop's Fables.
Those are a collection of Old World stories. I recognize that some are not as fortunate as I have been to have a family who has retained such a robust collection of literature.
Many of my rats, however, are named for my deceased family members. Some find it rather morbid, but I think that it's an excellent way to keep them in my heart and memory! I think Abyssalis wrote out a rather rough outline of my family tree to help her remember their names.
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felix-ravinstill · 2 days
Hey, it's Felix. Um, I'm really upset about Max Ratvinstill's disappearance, and I'm just not handling it well... Abyssalis had to stop me from accidentally wandering into oncoming traffic. We're by another one of those fountains (not the one in the screenshot User Tumblingghosts provided).
Anyway, slipping away from her and my security detail probably wasn't the most responsible thing to do. I will conduct myself in a manner more befitting of my station in the future...
Abyssalis is actually crying a lot right now. It's good thing she brought all these tissues with her (?).
I'm actually getting kind of worried. Does anyone out there know if she has asthma or any other medical conditions? She keeps saying that she's going to die?
hi felix i heard persephone’s tribute stole one of your rats. care to comment?
One moment...
Aesop. Ascanio. Albanus. Metaneira. Kass. Gaia.. Sabina. Turnus.
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felix-ravinstill · 2 days
Hello, User Tumblingghosts! Sorry, this is Felix's PR manager, Abyssalis. He's checked his couches, and unfortunately, didn't find Max Ratvinstill.
Now, he's staring at the reference picture you've provided. I won't say more for the sake of decorum, except he is very emotional right now.
hi felix i heard persephone’s tribute stole one of your rats. care to comment?
One moment...
Aesop. Ascanio. Albanus. Metaneira. Kass. Gaia.. Sabina. Turnus.
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felix-ravinstill · 2 days
Hey Felix, I heard that some of your rats enjoy lemon rinds, is this true?
Yes, Max (who I am still looking for, by the way), is quite fond of them! How did you know?
Wait! Is this about that time Livia called Max... Well I won't repeat what she said...
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felix-ravinstill · 2 days
The spreading of misinformation is considered dangerous to the safety and well-being of the country, especially specious rumors involving the President, his advisors, and his family.
If any such poison should reach the ears of Capitol's loyal and upstanding citizens, please report the source to a Peacekeeper or the administration.
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felix-ravinstill · 2 days
Sources indicate that he was last seen in the possession of a child from District 4.
All information is appreciated and will be rewarded.
hi felix i heard persephone’s tribute stole one of your rats. care to comment?
One moment...
Aesop. Ascanio. Albanus. Metaneira. Kass. Gaia.. Sabina. Turnus.
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felix-ravinstill · 2 days
hi felix i heard persephone’s tribute stole one of your rats. care to comment?
One moment...
Aesop. Ascanio. Albanus. Metaneira. Kass. Gaia.. Sabina. Turnus.
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felix-ravinstill · 2 days
Felix, do you have any comments regarding the president and the head game maker? Strange rumours have been circulating. For fear of losing it, I will hold my tongue.
My PR manager is staring off into the middle distance. I think she knows something... Okay, she's just not going to say anything.
Anyway, I'm sure Gaul has a plethora of rumors circulating around her head. Her laboratory practically cooks them up! But I don't think I've heard any involving my uncle?
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felix-ravinstill · 3 days
Asking for a friend, do you know who Magnus Ravinstill is?
Hmmm, I don't think I do? Is this some historical ancestor of mine? No one that I know... Hold on, I just got a message saying that this pertains to some rumor about letters. Something about the Dovecotes?
Would someone please enlighten me? I haven't heard anything about this?
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felix-ravinstill · 3 days
Felix! Why are you build like that?
Built like what? Is there something wrong with my build?
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felix-ravinstill · 3 days
I heard you were dating Coriolanus Snow. Is it true?
I shall neither confirm nor deny. :)
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felix-ravinstill · 3 days
How do you feel about the accusations that members of the capitol partook in cannibalism during the dark days, and did your family indulge???
To ensure that the head of this nation did not err in judgment, neither I nor my closest relations starved. My family was lucky in many regards. We were, of course, unlucky in others. With our great privilege came great danger. Many Ravinstills died during the course of the war, including my own parents.
As for these accusations that you speak of, I find such speculation unnecessary. We all endured hardship at the hands of the rebels, but it is behind us. There is no need to dig up painful memories.
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felix-ravinstill · 3 days
How you do feel about being assigned the girl from District 11 as your tribute?
Dill? Is she doing well? I heard she made it back to Eleven after the incident. I hope she's doing well. I don't suppose that you know if she received my letter?
I admit that with some hindsight. I could have done more for her during her time here.
If my letter didn't make it to her, tell her that I'm sorry. It was unbecoming of me to treat her so indecorously.
I suppose that I let my own insecurities influence my interactions with her— or my lack therefore of.
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felix-ravinstill · 3 days
I heard a rumor that Festus and Persephone are dating. Do you have any thoughts on that?
No comment.
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felix-ravinstill · 3 days
felix what would u do if ur family ptu u in an arranged marriage with LIVIA CARDEW
I WOULD KILL MYsekfdhusjklkgfr
Sorry, the public relations manager that my great-uncle assigned me is currently trying to drag me away from thee keuboad hujlk;
It's funny fkjhde l,.k This is the mos reactupm I've gotten out of her since she started working for mehgjkl
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felix-ravinstill · 3 days
Thoughts on the Capitol’s security system?
[̷̡̘̙̑S̶̄͜è̴͓̤͗͝n̷̡̮̟̭̳̋̂͋̎̊t̴̫͈̚ ̵̺̞̦̬̼̈́̃̏̈́͌B̷͓͇̄͜y̵̦̣͉̲͓̓̔͊̆͘ ̴̛̗̥̠̬͎̹̐͒̀͊͘Ç̴̤̺̬͖͍̆̓̓͝͠i̷̧̞͈̭̫͆̽̔͆̌͝r̷͚̦̭͎̂̕c̷̳̗̻̳̹̱̃ ̴͉̰̫̎a̵̡̢̛͋ͅn̴̡̛̤̥̣͕̱̎̃̇̊d̶̛͚̏̆̒͝ ̷̛̜̝͛͆̈́̀T̷̖͋̐́̀̏̿e̵̖̬͉͆̀͐̕s̵̹̱̄̋͘l̶̢̺̺̰̺͙͛̐̋̈̕ĕ̶̺̤̱͌͜ë̴̫̮̻́͊̆]̴̤̐̄̅͋́͛
The Capitol security systems aren't something I'm really privy to, but I trust that what measures my great-uncle has in place. Whatever happened during the 10th Games was unfortunate, but the rebels got lucky. It won't happen again.
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