#this topic is... whew
chrrygioss · 2 years
speaking of bondage, i feel like spidey!kazuha would, like the last anon said, tie you up with the "webs" (we'll call 'em cords) and he'd be rough with you. i think it'd be because you can't see his face — the little bit of anonymity he has left is preserved by his mask, so you won't know that it was him who fucked you so hard. of course it stings a little because he wants you to cry out his name, but that can wait.
cause with the mask, he'd be letting out any pent up lust that he's been holding back for god only knows how long... so the sex is so wet, so messy, and he's not holding back many noises of his own and i'm gonna fucking melt
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nattikay · 1 year
confession: look, on the one hand, I like Spider, I do. He’s an interesting character and I agree that the hate he gets in some corners of the fandom is absolutely ridiculous. He’s not a backstabber or villainous or a flip-flopper or whatever other bullcrap, he’s an orphan kid in an alien world trying to find somewhere to belong, the hate is silly.
I’m growing equally tired of seeing posts with an attitude of trying to guilt-trip people for not viewing him as a member of the Sully family. Canonically, he simply isn’t (sorry, but the movie directly, explicitly stating “he wasn’t part of our family” outweighs concept art with an “unofficial adoption” songcord bead).
The Sully family is very personally meaningful to me right now, so naturally I want to focus my energy on them. Spider is of course a close friend of the family, so sometimes he will be included just like Norm or other characters are sometimes included, but I’m not going to go out of my way to shove him in every single time...and quite frankly, the more I see folks acting like it’s somehow problematic to not consider Spider a member of the Sully family (which again canonically he isn’t), the less I want to do stuff that includes him :/
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ouppyjamie · 1 year
mentioned this in my royjamie fic but i love learning about the relationship between trauma and BDSM. first important to acknowledge that enjoyment of BDSM is not conditional on trauma and trauma does not cause an interest in BDSM but there has been research into how trauma relates to BDSM
this article in particular was really interesting in looking at how survivors of childhood trauma use BDSM to “heal from, cope with, and transform childhood abuse or adolescent maltreatment”
some of the themes they found were cultural context of healing (using bdsm and therapy to reframe kink and trauma), restructuring self-concept (self-image), liberation through relationship (learning to be valued by intimate others), reclaiming power (setting and maintaining boundaries), and redefining pain (transcending painful memories through masochism)
*this is getting long so jamie / royjamie interpretation under the break*
i think this is super fascinating when looking at jamie since he canonically was abused by his father and seems to engage in kink on-screen (puppy play with keeley, EVERYTHING he has going on with roy)
i know others have probably said this before but i think BDSM and kink would genuinely be very healing for jamie! like kink itself is not a substitute for therapy but it can be helpful in the aforementioned themes
just pulling some more stuff from the article, having safewords is a prime example of having control and it is such an important aspect of safe kink that when someone wants to stop, their wish will be honoured. and we can see with jamie how this is not something he gets with his dad (repeated “don’t speak to me like that” yet his dad doesn’t stop)
also looking at restructuring self-concept, we have jamie specifically acknowledge how much he hated his dad calling him soft and we see his dad calling him a bitch when he tries to set boundaries. i think if jamie were to engage in a BDSM relationship with roy, name calling and degradation would be something they would have to be very careful with but it could also help jamie change his perception of those words and thus himself (like ideal scenario for me is roy calling him soft but in a super fond voice or just praising him in general) i also think feminization would be fun for them and a nice way for jamie to reshape what it means to be soft or girly or “weak”
since BDSM requires a lot of trust, it can allow a person to let go if they feel safe in their partner’s hands. we see jamie really listen to roy when they start their personal training since he knows roy is doing what is best for him (besides almost getting his dick ripped off lol) so i think this would translate well into a kink relationship with jamie as the submissive partner since he trusts roy to take care of him
being able to set boundaries that are respected is also really important, something he doesn’t get from his dad (“i’d rather them not” repeated). being able to set limits that roy respects would let him reclaim a sense of power
repurposing behaviours i think would play into the physical abuse jamie experienced, so being able to “re-enact” that in a sense with someone he trusts could help recontextualize that, especially since these experiences are about centering pleasure which can actually help survivors “salvage their bodies” and view that as a vehicle for pleasure, thus redefining pain
plus, aftercare would definitely fulfill jamie’s desire to be taken care of and pampered
i think engaging in kink and bdsm (specifically masochism, praise, power exchange, bondage, puppy play, and more) with roy would be very therapeutic and also a lot of fun for both of them!!
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the-nysh · 6 months
given that Saitama accidentally hurt blue I feel like genos may be put in a similar situation where he hurts someone he didn't want to hurt ( or kills them)
[webcomic only] Given that the focus of his rage - and urge to kill Bofoi, has become ever darker and obsessive lately, to the point Genos even momentarily feels resentment towards Saitama of all people, his teetering mental state is increasingly cause for concern. It's unknown how stable he'll be or whether he'll be explosively driven into a corner making a horrible mistake he'll regret and can't easily undo......basically that's all up to ONE and we've got our eyes peeled awaiting on the edge of our seats to see how all this could possibly resolve 👀;; Hopefully the worst doesn't happen to him, but whether Genos makes the active choice or involuntarily happens to cross the line or not, ironically becoming the same as that of his sworn enemy, well....whew truthfully I just wish Genos wouldn't have to suffer anymore; ONE pls give him a break and allow the poor kid to actually heal for once!
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inverse-problem · 9 months
ooooo so much cool ultragift art to look at I have had a busy day though so I may not get around to it for a while zzzzz
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dramatic-dolphin · 10 months
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kithj · 2 months
kit have you seen love lies bleeding i want to know what you think!!!! that ending!!!!
NOO i haven't seen it yet!!!! it's on my list..... i only just finally watched bones and all this past month so you can see i am very far behind. maybe i'll try and watch it today
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merakime · 8 months
hello everyone!! aheemheem.. little blog update post—!
there's been a theme change 🎊 i thought to honor the lingering echoes rerun and my specialest special boy.. so here we are. if there's any issues with readability, please alert me! ♡
i added and changed some rules here and there now that i've settled in more, it's nothing drastic—but please, take a look. i'll put the tag-system up soon as well, so you may browse specific tags. additionally, i also made a google form for feedback! i've done this before on a different blog and it helps me adapt my blog to your wishes as well. this'll be up in my navigation post. i'll respond to feedback on this blog when there needs to be change! :D
on a less.. bureaucratic note, how would you guys feel about a seasonal event? i'm thinking valentines day or something spring themed in march. 🌷 if you have any suggestions, please tell me! ^_^
i'm hoping to write a lot more this year! and be here more consistently. my output has been a kinda mid for how long i've had this blog, and i have a Lot of requests piled up in my inbox—i will try to get to some! you have waited long enough, aha...... ♡
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Saw someone say that the chief emotion Tuvok struggles with is anger and boy? That made me struggle with anger
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opia-jpg · 1 year
congrats on the new pronouns! (are they new? your post made me check your bio and idk how long you've had he/she there lol)
yeah the he/she set used to be he/she/they set but i did some thinking over the course of uhh. a few months at least? and realised i'm fine with neutral pronouns like 'they' (though i don't like any neutral options in polish) but it just doesn't spark joy? it feels like a right choice, for now :)
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moonspower · 1 year
normalize not apologizing for blog content... this is rp. this is writing. different topics crop up depending on the person and muse. like yeah... this blog has drug use and abuse mention and all sorts of other crazy shit
fuck off if you don’t like it and leave me alone and grow up. its the internet.
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peachfruitcake · 1 year
Omgg how have I not see that they finally implemented a tag filtering system after all this time Help I’ve lived under a rock all this time cuz here I still thought we had to use chrome extensions to do that still 😭😭😭
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coloursofaparadox · 1 year
im listening to a playlist i made like 8 years ago and getting sappy abt my friends rip me
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pinejay · 2 years
thinking abt how much i hate israeli gymnastics and how daria atamanov stands out because she doesn't have any of the standard israeli rg qualities except speed (the only positive trait). clean lines as in actually pointed toes + high releve + straight knees, square hips, none of that excessively bouncy bullshit that makes all the dance steps and transitions look like prancing and hopping around, the ability to display a range of artistry including elegance, she rly has it all (that other israeli gymnasts don't have)
like this? this is art. ok maybe she does the bouncy thing a little bit but not nearly as bad as others. if only she would complete her 180° pivots (this in my opinion is her biggest weakness and main reason why she loses to sofia and others sometimes despite a higher execution), stop traveling in her fouettes in the last few rotations, hold and fix the form of the side inclination balance in her combo DB, and have a bit more interesting/unique/difficult apparatus handling, she would be golden. yes i have like an encyclopedic knowledge of every major international gymnast's specific flaws
btw there's a footnote under all my rg posts that says all nations are evil so i'm not gonna bother explaining why i hate israel right now
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ikr? they didn't invite me either! >:( they just gave me a photo to show me what happened :( BUTTT, here's kitty kat childe to cheer us up <3
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~Volkov (not my art work!)
they give us a photo but don't invite us- they're TAUNTING us i tell you!!! taunting us!!!! >:O
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