Apologies for my lack of activity these past few months! Been settling down in a new place and new job, hopefully will make this blog more active.
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Reblog if you think it’s okay to platonically say “I Love You” to your friends
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The baby boy. 
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Literary Devices Similar to Foreshadowing
There are a number of literary techniques and practices that have some overlap with foreshadowing. Here are a few to keep in mind.
Chekhov’s gun: is a writing best practice often confused with foreshadowing. Russian playwright Anton Chekhov famously said, “If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off.” The refers to the idea that every element in a story should contribute to the whole, and that every detail that “sets up” an outcome should “pay off” in some way. In the example of Chekhov’s gun, that could mean one character shooting another, but an author may also choose to defy that expectation—say, by filling the gun with blanks.
Red herring: Unlike foreshadowing, which is designed to hint at something that will happen in your story, a red herring is a literary device that is designed to mislead the reader, distracting them from the eventual twist. Red herrings are often used in mystery novels, with characters suspected of a crime turning out innocent. (Learn more about red herrings here.)
Flashforward: The opposite of a flashback, a flash forward (also known as flash-forward or prolepsis) brings your reader forward in time for a glimpse at the future. This is different from foreshadowing, as you’re explicitly showing your readers what is to come. Stories that employ flash forwards derive their suspense not from readers wondering what will happen, but rather how it will happen.
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Ey can you add Sky Zelda to that ask?
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I sure can @twilightpoison ~
(Also reader is nonbinary in this scenario)
(Y/N) calmly waited at the doorsteps of the apartment, looking at their watch. Sun and Sky said that they'd be there soon at 4:00 pm, and they wondered what they were doing.
"Hopefully Groose isn't bothering them too much...it shouldn't take too long to find his bird,"
They sighed and shook their head. (Y/N) met both Sky and Sun through their mutual friend Time. All three have bonded close after word, enough to form a...poly relationship. Luckily, in this area most relationships are accepted without question.
A noise made their head look up, seeing Sun come walking down toward them. She smiled and gave (Y/N) a small peck on the cheek. "Hello dear, I see you got here first per say,"
"Yep...where's Sky?"
"Still..helping Groose find his duck," Sun said. "Even Time joined in to help out,"
(Y/N) peeked outside. She could see Groose yelling for 'Ducoose,' as the duck was named, Time looking about in the bushes, and Sky on a tall rock looking. He paused to wave at you and Zelda before continuing on.
"Oh boy...we should help too then," (Y/N), Sun giggling a bit. "I suppose so,"
As the two of them headed down, an excited shout from Groose got their attention and the two ran out then.
"There's Ducoose! He's up in the tree!!" Groose pointed up. Somehow, poor Ducoose got suck up in a maple tree and was looking around, as if to say 'How do I get down from there?'
Sky walked over to the tree. "Okay...anyone have any ideas how to get him down?"
"Well the ladder's in use; Warriors and Wind are using it to help Lana out with some house project," Time said.
(Y/N) looked up. From their calculations, it seemed like three people if joined together could get it. Hm...
"Sky, Sun, come here, I got an idea." (Y/N) called over then.
Both Sun and Sky came over then. "You have an idea (Y/N)?" Sky asked. "Yep..."
Few minutes later, (Y/N) was sitting on Sky's shoulder's, and Sun sitting on (Y/N)'s shoulders, Sky supporting them both as Sun tried to reach for Ducoose. "Come now Ducoose, this way..."
Ducoose made a crooning noise and waddled forward before stopping to rest a moment. "Ducoose, no! Go to Zelda please," Groose begged his pet.
"Go to Sun you dumb bird...Sun and (Y/N) are heavy," Sky joked a bit. "Hey, I'm not heavy!" Sun puffed as (Y/N) gave an indifferent 'meh'.
Ducoose seemed to take offense to being called dumb though, because he flew down and pecked at Sky. "Woah woah hey!"
"Ducoose over here, come to papa!" Groose called as Ducoose finally relented his attack and flew over, landing in his papa's arms as Groose proceded to fuss over him.
"Well, at least we got him-" Sun was cut off as Sky, unbalanced from the duck attack, fell back on the soft grass, taking her and (Y/N) with him.
"!!!" "Waaah!"
Luckily, as grassy hills was behind everyone, nobody was harmed. Groose and Time did look over in concern.
"You three okay?" Time asked. The three loves looked at one another before beginning to laugh aloud.
"Yeah Time, we're fine...just the same types of crazy per usual," (Y/N) chuckled then. Just another day with their loves~
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Hey, can we have some Time headcannons?
Of course~
Time Headcannons;
He is the most responsible of the Links (Legend is a close second)
He has two jobs; a ocarina musician and a cashier in Walgreens
He has the two jobs because it helps with his PTSD and ADHD
His roommates are Twilight and Hyrule
Enjoys forest walking if he's not too busy
Knew (Y/N) since when they were young kids; it's how he was able to get the apartment through them
Without a doubt is the dad of the group
Also worries a lot for (Y/N) because he knows of their anxiety and pressure they feel from past issues
Like the other Links, he can see fairy folk
Call him an elf though and you WILL get the death stare
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Some stuff about (Y/N)
In general;
1. They are 5′5 ft (unless requested to be taller or shorter)
2. They were born in March 10, so they are a Pieces
3. They inheirited the apartment from their grandparents in their will
4. They knew Time and Twilight before they rented in the apartment
5. Every Sunday they like cooking food for the Links
6. Despite some threats to get the Link’s act together (and money on time) they’d never actually kick them out and the thought of harm on them horrifies them
7. Has no clue yet that Twilight and Wolfie are the same being
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hello stinky I'm here for my revenge >:0
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-bestie anon
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The Four Swords Link and Zelda - slightly older versions, his clothes based loosely off of his dad's in the manga, hers off of the game.
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Where my main account is
My main account for stuff is @maid0evil.  If anyone is interested in following me there as well. 
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