#this took roughly 900 years to make^^'
bebemoon · 5 months
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"90's bitch", requested by anonymous . | fornarina technical denim overall dress, unif "imp" baby tee, tank girl (issue #3, 1995), paperback copy of "sybil" by flora rheta schreiber, heaven by marc jacobs double-headed teddy friendship necklaces, demonia "pace-01" wedge platform sandal, sandy liang "ninety" bandana in flower grid, ultimo cosmetics (on etsy) "jade monkey" loose green shimmer eyeshadow, peace sign silver-tone toe ring, heretic "poltergeist" eau de parfum, ashley williams "cute" crystal hair pins, yoshitomo nara zippo lighter, baggu small nylon crescent bag in lemongrass, bikini kill buttons, bonne bell: lip smacker "lip sparkles" clear vanilla-scented glitter lipgloss, bonne bell: nail gear nail polish "lucky-scented" top coat, & vivienne westwood "jasha" safety pin earrings
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spencersssockss · 9 months
Not roller coasters
Summary: it's yours and Spencer third anniversary, the two of you go to the local fair, and you try and pretend you don't despise roller coasters.
Warnings: a little fluff, roller coaster, mentions of food…
Word count: 900
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It was your three-year anniversary with Spencer, the two of you went to a local fair.
It was littered with food and carnival rides, the food ranging from elephant ears to pizza, and the rides ranging from swings to roller coasters.
Spencer had no idea, but, you were terrified of roller coasters. He loved them though, so you decided that for the sake of Spencer's fun, you would completely ignore your fear for the night and ride one with him.
The first ride the two of you went on was just a regular old Ferris wheel. It was romantic and the two of you shared a kiss before getting off.
Right across from it sat an incredibly fast and long roller coaster, which of course caught Spencer's eyes.
“We need to go on that one!” “But we should probably get some food first that loop looks like quite the stomach purge,” Spencer said excitedly grabbing your hand and walking over to the concession stands.
“Yeah, that'll be fun,” you replied smiling nervously luckily going unnoticed as Spencer was much more invested in what he was going to get to eat.
“Do you wanna get French fries to share, so we're not too stuffed for our reservation tonight?” he asked looking up at you.
“Yeah that's good, you order that and I'll grab us lemonade from over there,” you say pointing to the lemonade stand across from the food.
“Okay, I’ll save us seats,” Spencer smiled getting in line and watching you walk to the lemonade.
The line was huge for the lemonade, you swore it took forever to finally make it up to the window, but when you did it was pure heaven. The lemonade was freshly squeezed and came in a pretty bottle. You ordered and went back to Spencer at the table he grabbed for the two of you.
He patted the seat next to him and smiled, “That took forever that lemonade better be worth it,” he joked grabbing a French fry and tossing it into his mouth.
“Oh it will be, I watched them make it, they put like four fresh lemons in it,” you replied handing him it and grabbing a fry. He sipped it carefully and his eyes went wide as he swallowed it.
“Oh my, that is good,” he mumbled raking another drink before sitting it down.
“Are you excited about the roller coaster?” he asked smiling again making your stomach churn.
“Yeah, it looks super cool!” you say masking your nervousness by taking a drink of the lemonade.
It took roughly fifteen minutes for the two of you to finish your drinks and fries, but it felt like an eternity to you.
Spencer grabbed your hand after throwing the empty cup and tray away and the two of you began walking to the roller coaster.
There was practically nobody in the line so the two of you got to get on immediately.
The seats were regular-sized and they had a buckle and a bar, making you wonder about what made them put both there. You shivered at the thought of someone flying out and getting hurt.
“The ride will begin in a minute, please keep your arms and legs inside the ride,” the operator spoke making you look over at Spencer.
He had the biggest smile on his face, but as soon as he saw the frown covering yours he asked, “What's wrong?” grabbing your hand once again gently.
“Nothing,” you replied quickly, looking away.
“Y/n, you don't like roller coasters do you?” he asked his gaze on you softening. Before you could get any words out the ride started, flying across the tracks and making you scream.
Spencer's hands wrapped around your waist gently and he comforted you. You, you were just hanging on for dear life.
The ride went around for what seemed like forever, Spencer felt bad the whole time.
He wanted to know why you didn't tell him, he though maybe you thought he would be mad, or make fun of you, but the truth was he just wanted you to enjoy the day just as much as he was.
The ride finally came to a stop and the two of you say in silence for a minute until the bar lifted.
“You may exit the ride on your left,” the intercom spoke you and Spencer got up from your seat and walked off the platform.
He immediately wrapped you into a hug, whispering in your ear, “Why didn't you tell me?”
“I was trying to give you the best anniversary ever,” you responded your eyes beginning to water.
“This is our anniversary, not mine, we're both going to enjoy it, not just me,” he said his voice full of sympathy. “You didn't have to do that,” he added frowning.
“I know, I just felt bad, your eyes lit up when you saw it and I didn't want to take that joy away from you.”
“I would've been happy doing something you would've enjoyed too,” he smiled softly, pecking your lips gently. “Promise me you'll never force yourself to do something like that again?” he asked holding his pinky finger out.
“I promise,” you reply wrapping your pinky around his and walking out of the fair to your dinner reservation.
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ms-kio · 3 months
Ningen: Beauty
Korekiyo Shinguji X My Hero Aka! 900 Words
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Reincarnation was a strange thing, Korekiyo decided, his four-year-old body holding hands with his nanny. Ever since he had been able to talk, Korekiyo requested to take walks in order to observe people. It was fascinating! With the addition of quirks to society, people behaved wildly differently. Some people - if not most - even took on behaviors adjacent to their quirks. A girl with a deer Quirk seemed quite timid, a boy with an explosion Quirk had an unsurprisingly volatile temper, and another boy with extendable fingers had a knack for pickpocketing. Kiyo’s own fiber control quirk was the same as his ‘fathers’, to Tsunagu Hakamada. Otherwise known as the Pro Hero best Jeanist. 
The duo were on their way back to the heroes mansion, via limo, as it was getting a little dark to walk back. “So, Kiyo-san. What did you observe today?” Oh, Kiyo couldn't wait to tell her.
~ ~ ~
Hanrim Na had been Korekiyo's tutor and nanny for 9 years, and had very quickly understood why. As a top Pro Heroes child, she needed to be able to protect him at every turn, and teach him how to defend himself. And the boy was wicked smart, almost no one understood him as he went on those almost mad ramblings about people and their “beauty”. Which Hanrim’s quirk: Perception, was perfect for. No matter what anyone said, she would be able to understand what they meant. Which was crucial, when it came to the boy.
The now 14-year-old protege was battling it out with one of Jeanest's more experienced sidekicks, his sharp eyes analyzing every move and behavior. A general rule of thumb for the boy: if you fought him once, he would beat you next. Kiyo understood everything about a person to a T once he met them, albeit only the things that could be perceived without a quirk.
 Roughly a year ago, Kiyo had met with another boy, Midoriya, and immediately hit it off. The duo would meet every other day to analyze, whether that be heroes, villains, or just people they saw on the street. Once Hakamada had caught wind of this, he had forbidden them from writing anything down outside of the Musutafu police department, where all their work was stored under lock and key. Heck, the kiddos had a whole ass book on Hanrim herself.
“Kiyo, it’s time to go!” Hanrim called out.
“Of course, one moment!” The boy replied, calling off the sparring match and making way to the doors.
~ ~ ~
When Korekiyo and Miss Na had made it to the precinct, the boy spotted a familiar mop of green hair. Midoriya was sitting on one of the precinct lobby chairs, muttering over a notebook. Oh? Did he not notice him? That needed to be fixed.
Kiyo strolled up to the greenette, towering over him as he leaned on the arms of the nervous boy's chair. "Ignoring me, Izuku-kun? " He asked, dragging a finger up his friend's chin.
“What? No! I was -!" Kiyo pulled Izuku out of a seat, forming a harness around the boy's shoulder/chest area and pulling them close, wrapping his free arm around the greenette’s waist. 
“You were what now?” The sultry boy prompted. It had been a while since Kiyo had gotten the boy so flustered, but that could probably be chalked up to the bodysuit and surprise. Plus, they were in a public area. “I’m waiting~” The two boys both had zero romantic interest in each other, their unique relationship stemming from both of their desires to study, as well as their own fascination towards each other. Not to mention Kiyos own personality, and the fact that Midoriya was about as straight as a circle.
The boy’s brain was still rebooting, his heart thundering as Kiyo leaned in to murmur in his ear: “Go on…”
“I didn’t notice you, I was distracted.” The greenette finally blurted out. Kiyo, satisfied, released his friend as the bush boy went off on a muttering spree. And the older of the two, having been around Midoriya’s muttering for quite a while, answered his near incoherent questions.
“No… Yes, actually… Never thought of that, I’ll try it later.” That’s another reason Kiyo liked hanging out with Izuku. The greenette often spotted things that he didn't even think of when it came to himself. Kiyo grabbed Izuku's wrist, waving goodbye to Miss Na as he dragged his junior friend to their assigned room. “So, Tsukauchi?”
~ ~ ~
Izuku Midoriya was… Uncomfortable. He had felt eyes on his back since school started, and they had yet to leave. “Ah, a nice medium-sized skinsuit.”
Those eyes were still watching him throughout the canon event, Izuku finding himself completely shattered on the rooftop. No one, not even the hero who said anyone could be a hero, believed in him. 
Izuku felt pavement beneath his feet, leaning over the rail. The sun was beautiful… Midoriya didn't realize he was falling until he was caught, a harness- like contraption framing his chest and torso, circling his shoulders.
Izuku guessed this was what ‘snapping out of it' felt like, because now he was terrified. The boy was hoisted back onto the roof, into a pair of arms, one around his chest and the other over his waist and hips. "Can you tell me… exactly what happened?” A sultry voice sounded, directly next to his ear. The boy's grip was gentle, yet firm. Grounding.
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biggestdev · 11 months
Converting a battery backup to Lithium because I hate myself
I've got a whole bunch of battery backups in my home, one on each computer, and a big one in my server rack in the basement. I've also got a few out "in the wild" at some of my family's places. They're great, where I live in the northeast US, the power grid is stable enough that most outages are only minutes long, and these backups (technically called a UPS - Uninterrupted Power Supply) do a great job keeping computers running through them.
My issue is the batteries. They all run on lead acid batteries, aka the same kind that's in your car, and they dont last long in this kind of environment, I'm lucky if I get 3 years out of one. On top of that, their battery life detection is terrible, It's about a 50/50 shot whether I get a warning about a dead battery pack before the next power outage takes it down without warning. Keeping track of that with just one or two is annoying, let alone 10 of them!
Lithium UPS's exist, and theoretically last many years longer, but they are many times more expensive than a normal backup. I'd like to not spend new-car money replacing a dozen UPS units, so I did some math instead.
I have a husk of a ups (no battery), and I tested it out: the open circuit voltage on the battery cable is 27.6 volts, which just happens to be almost the exact voltage needed to float charge a series of 8 Lithium-iron-phosphate (LiFePo4) batteries!
Why is that exciting? Usually when you think of lithium batteries, you think of lithium-ion (also can be called lithium-polymer) batteries. These are the batteries in your laptop and phone... And also Tesla cars. They hold more energy than a LiFePo4 battery, but are very sensitive to temperature, over and under-voltage, over-charging, and over-current conditions. Abuse them too hard, and they swell up and pop! That's why Teslas seem to catch fire more often than other cars: most other companies gave up range for a battery chemistry that isn't a ticking time bomb, like LiFePo4.
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These LiFePo4 batteries can take a beating compared to Li-ion ones. Most importantly, they can be "float" charged, that is, left on the charger 24/7, without worrying about overcharging it and blowing caustic smoke everywhere. This is critical, because I'm attempting a direct drop-in swap for the old lead battery in this UPS, because float charging a lead battery is basically a requirement, and doing that to a Li-ion battery is asking for a fire!
Using a Li-ion pack would require a custom charging circuit, as the UPS's 27.6V is not correct for any configuration of Li-ion, and would either under charge the pack, losing me 50% of my capacity, or overcharge it, and make it explode. It would also have to stop the batteries from being float charged, again to keep the battery from exploding, while fooling the UPS into thinking a battery is still attached so it doesn't beep at me all the time, and my head is spinning just thinking about how that would work. Much easier to give up capacity for a simpler, and more robust battery.
This UPS can deliver 900 watts of power on battery, that equates to roughly 30 amps of current from the 27.6V battery pack. Adding a safety factor, I bought a BMS (Battery Management System) rated to 50 amps. A BMS is essential, as it offers extra protection against short circuits, over and under-charging and temperature cutoff. Also cell balancing, which keeps all the cells at the same level of charge during use (if they go out of sync-that's bad, is all I'll say for now). The batteries are rated for 120 amps continuous draw, so I am well under the limit where the cells would self-immolate.
With all that said, here's the guts:
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Looking close, you might see that I had to cut some plastic out to make it all fit. That's an error on my part-I didn't measure right. If I make more, I'll definately be using a smaller cell, so it will be a proper "drop in" mod. Lots of drilling, cutting, and filing to make this all fit!
It took several hours to link up the cells, terminate the balancing wires (the small red spindly ones), and and stuff them in the battery box. That's a LOT longer than I was hoping it would take, but the on-the fly mods took a lot of time. but eventually, it all fit in, and I was able to test it:
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It works! I unplugged it from the wall, and it stayed on! For now, I am in full helicopter parent mode, since I don't want to deal with a lithium fire, even though my math checks out and the UPS should never get the the point that these cells are ever "abused". I only leave it on when I'm in the room, and when I leave, I unplug from the wall, and remove the red lead from the battery, so no charge enters or leaves while I'm not there to watch it.
In theory, the only issue with this retrofit will be a useless runtime meter. The "minutes of runtime" meter is measuring the voltage of the battery as it discharges to estimate how much longer it will last, and the voltage drop over time is different for lithium and lead, so the meter won't be measuring accurately. Once I'm confident it won't explode randomly, I will likely install it permanently somewhere in one of my compters.
Wish me luck!
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cynicalmusings · 5 months
being slightly delusional and thinking about yiju (and jing yuan) again and how their backstories sort of parallel each other’s, yet are different enough to give them vastly different views of the world (and themselves)…
(get ready for a tangent incoming)
the thing about both them and jing yuan is that they both lost the people closest to them in very short succession; jing yuan with the high cloud quintet, and yiju with their family after 1) the cangcheng was destroyed, which killed their parents, and 2) the time it took for them to be accepted onto the luofu as refugees, during which both their siblings (older and younger) died. as jingliu’s character story says, “The Cangcheng fell in calamity with very few survivors. I don't know what you experienced before the rescue team arrived...” but yiju never received any sort of master or guidance to help them cope with ‘what happened before the rescue team arrived’.
the main difference between yiju and jing yuan is that yiju was much younger relative to losing their family than jing yuan losing the high cloud quintet. the hcq dismantled ~700 years ago, and jing yuan was around young adulthood when it happened, so let’s estimate he’s roughly… 200 or so when that happened, making him roughly 900 years old in total.
meanwhile, yiju barely has any childhood memories left of the cangcheng; they were probably around 50 when the ship was destroyed (let’s just ignore this means canonically they’d be around 1,800 years old because the cangcheng disaster happened in the year 6,300 of the star calendar and it’s currently 8,100 in the present day… shhhhhhh. maybe they got frozen in ice march/aang style and didn’t age during half that time), so when they experienced their trauma clump, they were much less equipped to fathom what was happening to them beyond ‘i don’t know where i am and the people i love aren’t waking up’.
obviously, this doesn’t mean it was any easier for jing yuan to lose the hcq just because he was older when it happened, but i suppose the point i’m trying to make is that a life of not trusting others, keeping personal emotions and information to oneself, etc. is practically the only life yiju remembers living, meaning it’s had a more profound impact on their worldview as opposed to jing yuan, who at least had some grounding in life before things got ripped out from under his feet. he was experienced enough, i think, to begin accepting what happened even if it still hurt, whereas yiju is almost perpetually stuck in those moments of childhood when they were forced to shut their vulnerabilities up because they’ve barely ever known a different way of living.
jing yuan keeps quiet in the present about the hcq and his mourning because his character story implies that although it’s still painful, he’s wise enough to make some peace with what happened. part of it is likely some degree of not being willing to talk about it—he strikes me as the kind of person who’d rather suffer in silence than inconvenience others because of his problems—but, again, he’s been able to come to terms with it enough that mourning alone is at least bearable.
yiju keeps quiet about their past because they’ve convinced themselves that it doesn’t matter, that they don’t care about it, etc., but below the excuses they know they’re simply absolutely terrified of being vulnerable. since the cangcheng’s destruction, they were forced to harden and stifle down their emotions just to survive. vulnerability got their siblings killed and them most likely discriminated against when they first got onto the Luofu for being a foreign child who wore strange clothes and spoke with a strange accent—one they definitely taught themselves to lose. not to mention that the way they acquired funds for to start their tea house, and the business they do in it now, makes it actively dangerous to share personal information or anything at all which could be used against them.
essentially, jing yuan took the wisdom and growth from loss, whereas yiju took the cynicism. they took some degree of kindness and selflessness as well—they don’t want to see the unfair suffering they faced repeated in others, hence why they protect marginalised people and groups in their tea house as long as the discrimination they face isn’t a result of that person’s own actions—but potentially being ‘kind’ is something they will never admit to themselves.
and really, the only possible way i can only see them opening up to somebody is if they got drunk with somebody, and weren’t quite as in control of themselves as usual, and they caught some whiff of their old life back on the cangcheng—maybe a smell which reminds them of a dish, or some image which reminds them of something they saw—and most importantly somebody (cough cough jing yuan cough cough) made the first move in showing them that they’re not the only one hurting because of the past and extending a hand to them to tell them know they don’t have to be so afraid of other people—not everybody is going to twist yiju’s emotions to their advantage—and for one night, just maybe they can admit to themselves that they’re lonely and that feeling that way is okay. and i think that jing yuan would be willing to take that first step, because he has healed at least enough to share a bit of his experiences to them, and at the same time he can see that yiju—a person he does care about—is in dire need of a figure they can actually feel safe around. i can imagine yiju’s original accent would also slip out while they’re drunk.
also, from a preventing-mara point of view, i feel like it would also be good for both of them to share and make peace with their experiences instead of keeping them locked up.
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Genesis 11
11:1 This verse contradicts the statements of the previous chapter. In the previous chapter, nations were split by language.
11:2 Who is "they?" It could potentially refer to man in general, as he started off in the east part of the world and slowly migrated westward. A counter to this point is that they found a plain in the land of Shinar. If Shinar was previously an established land, then "they" could not refer to humanity but rather a specific party. But it could also be interpreted as if Shinar was established later and was used in the story for reference purposes.
11:3 Bricks were made. Presented as if they were familiar with the brick process; indicates the level of advancement of humanity.
11:4 The first suggestion was to create a tower that exceeds all, to reach heaven; the purpose was to create a name for themselves and to never be forgotten.
11:5-6 God sees what is going on, knows that humanity is in harmony for this selfish goal, and knows that they are so united in their blindness that they will accomplish what they have set out for.
11:7 God says He will confuse their language as an obstacle for their goals.
This verse is the second time we see God use the plural form of "Us" to describe Himself. "Let Us go down there and confuse their language, so they may not understand one another's speech." If this is an allusion to the Trinity, it does not specify "which" of the parts of God are contributing.
11:8-9 From that moment, all people were scattered through all the earth and the building project was ceased. City to be called Babel.
11:10 Shift to the genealogy of Shem.
11:11 Shem lived 500 years. This is less than the initial 900 of the first humans, but is not quite the 120 years of the command of God. Is this because Shem was blessed by God? Or was the command of 120 years only for those who were killed by the flood?
11:12-13 Arphaxas (Shem's son) lived for roughly 500 years. This could mean the 120-year command was not intended for survivors of the flood. Continuation of genealogy.
11:13-25 Continuation of genealogy. The lifespan of individuals gradually decreases as time continues. The later generations, such as Nahor, lived to roughly 200 years.
11:26 Terah begets Abram, Nahor, and Haran. Terah is the only individual in this list to have 3 sons explicitly named. This might be foreshadowing their importance soon.
11:27-28 Genealogy of Terah. Haran had Lot. Haran dies before his father.
11:29 Nahor took his niece (Haran's daughter) as a wife. I assume they did not have many choices back then?
11:30 Abram was with Sarai, but Sarai was barren.
11:31 Terah had Abram, Sarai, and Lot (son of Haran) go from their homeland to the land of Canaan, a place called Haran. This city of Haran was probably named by Terah or Haran (while he was alive) and Terah probably had Abram, Sarai, and Lot run the land.
Other Remarks:
The building of a tower is not wrong, the intention behind it is. The Tower of Babel informs us that our intentions can have consequences aside from our actions. Thus we must have and display a sense of humility in our actions. This requires us to understand our place in this world and our limited power compared to the greatness of God.
It's interesting to see when and how God intervenes with humanity. It seems He only does so out of necessity when all/most of mankind has gone astray. For example, we have Adam and Eve after the fruit, Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, and now the tower of Babel (where all the earth was "one language and one speech"). This makes sense as God makes explicit signs/interventions when there is a potential threat that humanity might forget God forever. In other words, as long as God's commandment lives with at least some people on earth, then there is no need for Him to explicitly intervene. This informs us of our Christian role to be the preserver of the Faith. To be the preserver of the Faith we are capable of being, and must be, mirrors of God. If we did not possess such ability, then God would have to make explicit appearances in modern times. Another reason we do not need constant appearances from God is because we have all of His teachings and examples in front of us in the Bible.
Previously, it was stated that the earth split under Peleg. It would be reasonable to assume that the story of the Tower of Babel occurred during the time of Peleg.
11:7 is another depiction seen with a plural God.
The OSB has an interesting point about when this chapter mentions God coming down or God came to see. The OSB states, "God condescends to our weakness that we might understand something about Him and His works."
Were the nations not previously split by language in Chapter 10?
Who is the "they" referred to that decided to make the tower of Babel?
Who was the command of 120 years of life for? Or is it a general statement that man shifts to that value as generations pass on?
Things to Add to Prayer:
Help us to always uphold the right intentions and to execute our works in humility.
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jadejedi · 1 year
Fantasy Book Review: The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
JJ’s rating: 4/5 
How feral did it make me: 2.5/5
My book reviews
I read Priory of the Orange Tree early this year based on the pitch “sapphic stand-alone fantasy with dragons” and it definitely checks all of those boxes. The world building is rich and immersive; sometimes it feels like an author is just throwing out random names of places without anything behind them, but you do not feel that with this book. The romance, though not the main point of the book, is well written and easy to root for. The characters are all great (even Niclays! Fight me!), and the story and mythology are engaging. 
A quick summary: in this retelling of St. George and the Dragon, Queen Sabran of Inys must marry and bear a daughter to keep an ancient evil dragon from returning. A secret magical organization from the South doesn’t believe that Sabran is actually the force holding back the dragon, but they have sent the spy Ead Duryan, to protect her just in case. She gets promoted to lady-in-waiting and grows close to the Queen. In the East, Tané trains to ride a dragon for her nation’s army, and exiled alchemist Niclays Roos, who is totally 100% doing FINE, searches for a way to restore his good name. Also, good bean Arteloth Beck who has also been banished from court, sets off on a quest (it’s been a few months and tbh I’m a bit hazy on the details). 
The main flaw of this book, in my opinion, is that it is a bit slow in the beginning. And when the book is 252,000 words (roughly 900 pages), the beginning lasts a LONG time. I listened to it on audio book, and out of a 25 hour book (at normal listening speed), it took me at least 5-6 hours to really get into it. But, I think it is definitely worth pushing through, because when it does eventually pick up, it does not let up. The different threads of the four different POV’s start to really interconnect and draw closer and closer until they all meet during the climax of the book in a very satisfying battle. 
Ead, as the primary protagonist, is absolutely wonderful. She is stubborn and unyielding, and clings desperately to her beliefs and principles while in a foreign land. The relationship between Sabran, a queen believed to be a holy, mystical figure, and Ead, a magician from a group that doesn’t really quite believe in Sabran’s divinity, is delicious. 
This book is definitely a fantasy story with some romance sprinkled on top, so if you are looking for more of a romance heavy story this might not be for you, but there is definitely a reason this one is so popular. It is high fantasy done extremely well, in my opinion. The way the world building and the plot perfectly intertwines is *chef’s kiss*. 
If you like slow-burn sapphic romance, examinations of chosen one narratives, dragon riders destined for greatness, and asshole alcoholics, then this one's for you. Also if you just like pretty books on your shelf, because the cover of this one is SO SO PRETTY. 
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#finishedbooks 2666 by Roberto Bolaño. Got this from @shinefive back in 2018 after completing some of his other books in 'The Savage Detectives', 'Monsieur Pain', and 'By Night in Chile.' Can't say I was a fan of any of them as I think I likened him to the South American Murakami. I got all of those books from @srny btw who she still has my Kazantzakis book. If you see her in NYC be like, "Jesse wants his book sucka!" Then say you kidding but then make a serious face and see what she does before proceeding lol. With that this was slated to be his magnum opus in not only being the longest novel of his life (and most expansive) but one he wrote awaiting a liver transplant and dying before its release. So its theme centers on death...with an emphasis on violence. Much widely it was lauded to explore 20th century degeneration from between WWI and WWII to the late 90s and the femicide cases in Coudad Juárez, Mexico...something I will get into later. The book itself is divided into 5 thematically loose related parts: The Part About the Critics, The Part About Amalfutano, The Part About Fate, The Part About the Crimes, and The Part About Archimboldi. I took various breaks while reading this, although I didn't find the 900 pages particularly daunting, but read 5 other books in between. I just tried to pace it, while doing a little book club with @cai before I finally just felt I needed to finish it and n fault to her, I shouldn't do a book club and recommend such a work at the pace I am used to reading. With that the opening chapter caught my interest then the subsequent three for the most part lost it. The opening about the critics who discover a mysterious writer and bring his work to acclaim was solid. Then once it gets to Mexico it bogs on Amalfitano and the Part About Fate in who is an African American reporter from Harlem in Mexico who never once felt convincing...haha I am biased. But it was the bulk of the book in The Part About the Killings that really turned me off as it is 400 pages of a rather dry journalistic writing style on the femicides in Mexico. So what it equated to was during my Tokyo commute reading day after day of horrific rape/torture/killings of women from as young as 12 (so girls really). Cynically the style kind of worked because it didn't allow him to characterize as much since most of the characters felt the same and I really didn't understand why he had to forcefully inject his cinematic knowledge in every part. I could say in my lifetime of being around drug dealers never once would they launch into diatribes about the Misen-en-scene of a Michael Rodriquez film or Dziga Vertov's montage theory. This is where the Murakami likening comes into it because he tends to fill the mouths of his characters with the same forced references and they all come off the same. But also like Murakami who's only novel I enjoyed in The Wind Up Bird Chronicle, did eventually win me over. The final part of this book was phenomenal! It managed to tie all his extreme digressions, and fucking and killing together to make an overall statement on the degeneration of the 20th century from the gas of WWI and concentration camps of WWII to femicide phenomenon in Ciudad Juárez. Quite a feat to tie so much together. This novel will age well (written in 2004) and even on those femicide killings...if you actual research and look at it now...it is roughly 135% times worse last year alone then it was in the 90s...and like then no one cares, seeing his overall indictment on humanity as relevant as ever.
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bharathjoseph · 2 years
Everything A Cryptocurrency Business Should Know About AML Regulations
Crypto ScamsRansomware PaymentsMoney Laundering
Crypto exchanges enable transactions between users in countries all over the world. It helps grow financial institutions for both individuals and companies. 
However, what will happen if criminals use the speed and secrecy of cryptographic technology to escape regulatory constraints and perpetrate financial crimes like money laundering and terrorism funding? 
Here comes the demand for deploying anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. Get our experts' best cryptocurrency exchange development services to be on the safe side.
Are you a cryptocurrency exchange business? Then you should be aware of AML/CFT regulations' significance in identifying high-risk consumers.
Significance Of AML Regulations
Let’s understand in what ways AML regulations are crucial for crypto-related businesses.
The Federal Trade Commission claims that fraudsters took over $1 billion from 46,000 victims in cryptocurrency scams. However, blockchain cryptocurrencies are founded with privacy-enhancing features. It makes them a perfect environment for money laundering and cybercrime.
Blockchain analytics businesses track ransomware payments made by cryptos. According to the company’s 2022 report, over $692 million in ransom money was extracted throughout 2020 on ransomware payments. It is nearly twice as much as was reported in the previous year.
According to a blockchain analytics business, the amount of crypto that was laundered through decentralized financial protocols increased by 1,964%, or roughly $900 million. Regulation of cryptocurrencies would be advantageous even if cybercriminals didn't use them.
AML performs extensive inspections to avoid utilizing cryptocurrency platforms. They frequently include KYC checks. AML platforms use artificial intelligence to stay ahead of fraudsters. Thus, AML always proves necessary for a crypto organization to flee from money laundering. Reach out to us for further assistance and reliable cryptocurrency exchange development services.
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Milestone Celebration Part 2: Lookout
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Deleted scenes from Lookout
Summary of Original Fic: You and Sy have been married for ten years. About 18 months ago you split up to protect yourself and your two boys after he refused to get help with his issues. Sy agreed to get help and it seems to have worked and now he wants to get back together. He recently got back from a 12 month deployment and you decide to go on a date to see if you can reconcile.
Pairing of Original Fic: Captain Syverson x Female Reader
Word Count: Approx. 900
Warnings: smut, fluff, angst
Authors Note: These snippets will be presented pretty much as I left them, incomplete and unedited. I’m bloody nervous about posting these, I guess because they are so unpolished, so please be gentle with me!
This story doesn't have so many rewrites but, it kept veering ways I didn't want it to go so these are the parts I took out to keep the tone of the story and characters consistent.
Milestone Celebration Masterlist
Original fic link: Lookout
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Snippet One
You do know what you need, but you can’t ask for it, it would be impossible. No one can promise that it will never happen again, that he will never shut you and the kids out, and it wasn’t fair of you to ask him to. You look down at your summer wedge heel sandals, distracted by a small chip in the pale pink polish on your big toe. “I don’t know what else there is to even try.”
“So what?” Sy’s voice is hard with a venomous edge. You look up and see the anger in his stance. “Is this over then? Is it pointless to even try?”
You have no answer. Maybe it is hopeless, but the thought of never being kissed by Sy again, never waking up with him again, never holding his hand again, fills you with so much grief you have to look away again.
“Don’t do that,” Sy says, closing the distance between you. “Sugar, look at me. We’ve gotta…” he hesitates as you turn your face back to him and whatever he reads in your expression isn’t good. “Shit.”
“Sy, I…” you start, but he interrupts you.
“Just tell me if I’m wastin’ my time here,” he says with a spitefulness that nearly breaks you. “Just be goddamn honest with me, woman. Do you even wanna be together, or is all this because you don’t have the goddamn guts to tell me you don’t love me anymore? Because if ya don’t, then this is just fuckin’ cruel.”
You feel stunned. You don’t know if you want to scream at him or burst into tears. You clench your jaw, and feel your chin start to wobble as you breath roughly through your nose. You don’t want him to see you cry, but you don’t think you can stop the tears.
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Snippet Two
You wish you could see his face clearer, so you had some idea what he was thinking, but it’s so dark on the porch.
Sy goes still, he doesn’t move for a few seconds, and all you can hear is the sound of his hard breaths and your heartbeat in your ears. He slowly brings his forehead to yours while his hand slips under your shirt and he traces your spine with a gentle finger. He makes you shiver again and he growls, “I love you.”
He waits, but you don’t say it back, you can’t.
“I wanna come home, Sugar,” Sy says. Before you can reply, he kisses your cheek gently. As he speaks he keeps kissing you, inching closer to your mouth and his voice is just as tender as his lips. “I want that more than I want to sleep with you. I wanna be home with you, with the boys. Even if ya never touch me again, that's ok, I just wanna be there.”
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Snippet Three
“Did I say that?” You vaguely see Sy nod. “I guess I’ve changed my mind.”
“You can’t resist me, is what you’re tryin’ to say,” Sy teases, rolling his hips as he kisses your neck. His mouth is hot, his lips are firm and urgent as he sucks hard at your skin.
“Sy,” you whine, “Stop being a dick and take my pants off.”
“Fuck, woman,” Sy growls in your ear, then sinks his teeth into your ear lobe.
Sy moves you like a rag doll, sliding an arm under your back, forcing you to upright just long enough to pull your shirt off before you flop back on the mattress. Then his hands are at the waistband on your pants and you hear him grunt as he pulls them down your legs. You expect him to lay back over you, but you feel Sy move his weight and the room is suddenly bright.
“Sy!” you cry, squashing your face up and covering your eyes with your arm.
Sy chuckle’s and you feel his hands on your knees as he slowly spreads your legs apart. Cautiously you remove your arm and watch as Sy slides his hands firmly down your thighs.
“I wanted to see you,” Sy says, sucking his lower lip into his mouth. He continues the path of his hands over the sides of your hips before he settles on your waist. “What’s the point of havin’ such a hot wife if I don’t get to look at her?” he grins at you, and you see the mischievous lust in his eyes.
“I love how fuckin’ wet you get for me.” He flattens his hand over you, pressing the heel of his palm against your clit and thrusting two fingers straight into your core.
“Please Sy,” you say as you rock against his hand. You have missed this, missed his rough touch, missed the way he made you feel both beautiful and dirty at the same time. “Please just fuck me.”
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Snippet Four
“I didn’t think I’d ever be with you again,” Sy murmurs. You know he doesn’t mean it as a rebuke, but you can’t help feeling like it is.
“I’m sorry,” you say, not surprised when you hear your voice waiver. Sy looks down at you alarmed, and lifts your chin to see your face better.
“You ain’t gonna cry are ya, Sugar?” he asks, as he gently wipes below your eyes. “I didn’t mean it was your fault or nothin’.” He chuckles without any real humour and adds, “I thought I’d fucked up too bad.”
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nattikay · 3 years
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le concepts for my headcanoned redo of the Titans battle (tl;dr it takes place around 10-15 years further in the future and characters don’t make as many stupid decisions). aka aged-up characters, plus babies
Because some folks have asked, none of the kids have a single “official” age. They are whatever age I feel like drawing them at for a given image/scenario. The ages listed here are roughly where they should be at the time of the battle. Those on the left of the line spent the battle in Jlaire’s house with Barbara and Nana; those on the right weren’t born until later. 
also Ruby and Emmie are twins as per my Simsverse, but I miiiight change that for this version? simply because it’s kinda weird for one pair of twins to be immediately followed up with another; idk it just feels unlikely to me? ^^; but w/e
idk if Claire would actually have her own staff by this point, given just how long it took Douxie to get his (though to be fair, his master was a little preoccupied taking a 900-year nap), but I thought it’d look cool so I threw somethin’ in there
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itskateak · 3 years
Okay so I’m working on I new piano piece (much to my teacher’s dismay because I’ve finished a total of 1 (one) piece in the two years I’ve been her student) and it’s Shinzou Wo Sasageyo (but dark and depressive) and it’s making me think about Levi head canons I have so
Levi Ackerman Headcanons (That No One Asked For)
Levi can play the piano. The brothel where his mother worked had one and he started trying to play when a woman started to teach him. Eventually, when Kenny took him in, a woman down the road offered to continue teaching him. He originally earned money by playing in bars and he became a regular at one. Thieves burned it down and no other bar had an opening. So, he turned to crime.
Speaking of crime: We know he was a thug. He stole things and didn’t hurt people when he could. BUT - he has NEVER killed someone. People have approached him with contracts of the sort and although they paid nicely, he refused to take them. Erwin’s contract was the first and even then he would kill him as a very last resort.
If he laughs hard enough, he snorts. And it’s adorable. Not the deep snorts. They’re higher pitched and happen when he breathes in. He didn’t even know that happened until Hanji made a really bad joke and he couldn’t stop himself from laughing.
TW: Sexual Assault/Harassment - Levi absolutely refuses to let anyone feel unsafe in their barracks. With every new wave of cadets, he tells them: “If something happens or you unsafe, come to me. I’ll deal with it. No one deserves to feel unsafe here.” It’s only happened once and it was to a man - who thought Levi wouldn’t believe him but he rolled up his sleeves and was out the door the second he said the guy’s name.
Levi sometimes bumps into cadets who can’t sleep when he’s still up. If they’re distressed, he gestures for them to follow and he makes them some tea and sits with them. If they want to talk, he’s willing to listen.
Eren and Levi actually have a good relationship. After the 57th, they bonded and talked a lot when they had time. Especially when Eren found Levi in a hallway, sitting on the floor, waiting for his ankle to stop hurting enough to walk. He sat down next to his captain and they talked. Eren helped him back to his room.
Levi is easily flustered, surprisingly enough. You just have to know the right way to do it. Call him beautiful/pretty and he’s blushing like a fool.
He reads and keeps every letter other cadets and citizens send him. He responds to each of them individually. He sits down twice a month and writes a batch in return. There’s a few he regularly corresponds with. Eren still has his returned letter from Levi.
Yan - the friend from the underground who Lobov brought above ground to treat his legs - lives in Wall Rose now and has a wife and kids. One is named after Levi. Levi visits occasionally when he can and checks in.
Levi. Cares. For. His. People. Erwin realized that their budget was badly managed and he gave Levi the opportunity to look at it. He managed everything perfectly and has been the budget manager for years. He listens to what people need. Someone needs a specific medicine because of a condition? He shifts things around to get that for them. Everyone has an iron deficiency from lack of meat? Shifts things to get food that can help.
If there’s no enough money in the budget to shift and reorganize, then he uses part of his own salary to substitute. At one point, he was only collecting $100 (roughly) of his $900 monthly salary. No one knows about it except Erwin.
Levi is bisexual. Fight me.
He’s also a switch. He’s submissive with men and dominant with women. Usually. Sometimes things shift depending on the partner.
He has his mother’s ring and is saving it for the right person. He hopes to marry eventually, but no promises.
I have a lot more but these are just a few :P most of my others relate to my OC - Kailani Wilde.
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demonslayedher · 3 years
An Attempted Timeline: Kibutsuji, Tsugikuni, Ubuyashiki
Compiled as much as possible in chronological order from canon, Taisho Secrets, and fanbooks, which a few general facts thrown in for additional interpretation. Also, a little comparison of the amounts of humans consumed by different demons. Please feel free to let me know if I’m missing anything or made any mistakes. 
We begin with Muzan’s birth in the Heian Period...
It’s the Heian Period (794-1185), and since Muzan is side to be over a thousand years old, I’m placing him born around the year 900-ish.
Muzan is born into what would be the future Ubuyashiki Clan, likely in the Heian capital (modern day Kyoto). Assumed stillborn, he is barely rescued from cremation (a sign of being born very high class nobility).
Muzan grows up sickly and has never had much regard for other people, seeing them akin to bugs, and from around the time he was human to shortly after turning into a demon, five of his wives committed suicide due to his harsh tongue.
A doctor who lived around Mt. Kumotori in the Kanto region (modern day Tokyo area) uses the blue spider lilies that grow there to try to create a medicine to treat Muzan.
Muzan, thinking the medicine isn't working, kills the doctor partway through treatment. It works, but he is no longer able to go in the sun. No qualms about satisfying his cravings for blood, but he is really ticked out about the possibility of the sun killing him.
The Ubuyashiki clan's children keep getting ill. They are told their family carries a curse for Muzan having come from their bloodline, they swear to eliminate Muzan.
No one is safe when born into the Ubuyashiki name (which may have been chosen with origins in ancient Shinto mythology, perhaps with reference to no matter how many of them you kill, they will stubbornly keep birthing more). Girls must marry out and change their surname by age 13, or no matter how careful they are, they will die young by illness or accident. There is only ever one surviving boy per generation, the others all die. 
Heian period ends, the Genpei War (1180-1185) sweeps Kyoto and many other parts of Japan into violence, over the centuries thereafter the seat of power switches from Kyoto to Kanto (it’ll switch back later for a while). At some point Muzan has moved to Kanto (likely in search of the blue spider lilies, but possibly because Muzan likes being among those in power too). Swordsman in the Corp do not yet use Breaths and fight in whatever method they can, at some point they began using Nichirin blades because the ore soaks the sunlight. While their sword forms are already in reference to the basic Breath forms we’d know later, they are not yet using Breath techniques. The Pillar system is already in place.
(Rengoku family already practices Kankagari, hence the hair color.)
We get a little fuzzy here. Generally then Tanjiro and company make reference to Yoriichi’s era, they say “over 300 years ago” but according to Kokushibo’s recollection, he last met Yoriichi 400 years ago. That makes us a little too early for the Warring States/Sengoku period, defined as 1467~1615. It’s also possible Kokushibo was rough in his estimation, so I’m splitting the difference and putting them at early Sengoku, giving Kokushibo 370 years since last meeting Yoriichi.
The Onin War occurs 1467-1477, plunging Japan into the Warring States period as it is more technically defined, so we can assume a lot of the important events in the twins’ early life take place in this period of chaos. I’m assuming based on the demon attacks at Mt. Kumotori that they, Muzan, and the Ubuyashiki clan are already based in the Kanto (future Tokyo) region, but a lot of the early, heavy violence of this war took place in Kyoto.
Around the early 1460s, twins are born to the Tsugikuni Clan. Their father, worried about succession disputes, wants to have the second-born twin with a flame birthmark killed (in order to avoid some tragedy that may strike their clan before they are the age of 2), but their normally very quiet mother Akeno puts a stop to that. She names that baby Yoriichi so that he may value relationships, their father names the older one Michikatsu to value victory.
The boys are raised in separate conditions, the illness on Akeno's left side slowly progresses. Michikatsu feels bad for Yoriichi and brings him presents, including a handmade flute that doesn't work well. For years Yoriichi is quiet so as not to trouble his father, so he is assumed deaf. Akeno gives him the earrings when he is seven and prays to a sun god to open his ears, at which point he says his first words, informing her that he can hear. Michikatsu is beat by his father for going to play with Yoriichi, which Michikatsu insists he doesn’t mind, but this leads to severe arguments between their parents.
Still the age of 7, Yoriichi has been watching Michikatsu's sword lessons and is allowed a shot at one of their father's retainers, whom Yoriichi very swiftly defeats. Yoriichi has little interest in swordsmanship but because Michikatsu asked, he explains how he sees the see-through world. Michikatsu's jealously begins.
Because the retainer was so impressed, Yoriichi and Michikatsu's roles change completely, Michikatsu is then the one fated to be sent to a temple at the age of 10 to follow a monk's path. When they are 8 (1470, give or take), Akeno dies at the age of 24, Yoriichi says farewell to Michikatsu, and says he's going to the temple.
Their father loved Akeno very much and he becomes distraught, for he never knew of her illness. As it was her wish to have the boys raised as equals, he tries to amend his ways and goes to the temple to try to bring Yoriichi back, but Yoriichi is not there. (To Michikatsu, this looks like their father is desperate to bring back the more powerful heir.)
Instead of entering the temple, Yoriichi runs a very far distance and encounters an orphan named Uta. They soon become traveling companions, and it's thanks to Uta that Yoriichi learns his ability to see the see-through world is not normal.
10 years later, (roughly 1480, Yoriichi is age 18), Yoriichi and Uta wed and settle on Mt. Kumotori.
By or around this time, Michikatsu is also wed. Their father dies shortly afterward at age 35. Michikatsu goes on to have 2 children.
When Uta is soon to give birth, she is killed by a demon and when Yoriichi finds her, he stays by her corpse for about 10 days. He is found by a Rengoku ancestor, who invite him to join the Demon Slayer Corp. (By the Taisho period, blue spider lilies grow at the spot where Uta was buried. He never falls in love again.)
Yoriichi begins teaching Breath techniques to other Corp members, their demon fighting abilities rapidly get stronger. He gets along very well with the Pillars, who improve their swordsmanship rapidly. They cannot quite manage Sun Breathing, but make the five basic off-shoots: Rock, Water, Wind, Thunder, and Flame. Rengoku keeps many records of this time which are handed down throughout his family.
Yoriichi rescues Michikatsu from a demon. Michikatsu is so taken by Yoriichi's Sun Breathing that he abandons his family to enter the Corp and dedicate himself to learning that technique. He does not pick it up, but develops Moon Breathing. He attains a mark like Yoriichi's, and many other slayers have attained marks as well. Michikatsu is concerned about being the best and passing on his legacy, Yoriichi still doesn't care about these things.
It's very likely that Tamayo is a demon by this time.
Muzan lays low a while, but Michikatsu brings him the head of Oyakata-sama (it is unclear from Gotouge’s notes whether this was immediately upon his becoming a demon, or if it was a few years later and this is the head of the child who oversaw Yoriichi being exiled). The Corp henceforth enacts much stricter secrecy, and this is also around the time Kakushi are organized. 
The young Kamado newlyweds, Sumiyoshi and Suyako, come across Yoriichi's empty former home on Mt. Kumotori (early 1480′s-ish now). It’s a little run down, but they tend to rescue a lot of people who try to pay them back later. As they refuse the money, the people insist on fixing up the house for them. (More specifically, they rescued a Daimyo’s wife and her son who went into hiding in the mountains when they were under attack in a succession dispute.)
The young Kamado couple (including a very pregnant Suyako) is attacked by a demon, but Yoriichi, who happened to be passing through and wanting to stop by the place he lived with Uta, rescues them. Yoriichi is also the one who fetches a midwife (extremely quickly) for Suyako to give birth to Sumire. Shortly after Sumire is born the following day (in early spring), Sumiyoshi already insists that he’ll tell future generations about Yoriichi, but Yoriichi sternly tells Sumiyoshi that he hasn’t been able to save anyone, and not to see him as any kind of special person, and disappears. ***THIS MAY TAKE PLACE LATER.***
Those with marks begin to die off by the age of 25 (according to ancient practices for counting age, this may have put them around age 23 or 24 as we think of it today. This would also have made Yoriichi around age 6 when he beat the retainer and left home). Michikatsu is distraught, and Muzan approaches him, declaring that he is curious about what will happen if he makes a demon out of a Breath user, and giving him the choice to live on forever or die early because of his mark. Michikatsu choses to become a demon, and he maintains a loyal and open relationship under Muzan ever since. This is likely still around mid-1480s, or roughly two years after Yoriichi saves the Kamado family (if this indeed happened in advance).
Shortly after that, Yoriichi encounters Muzan, Muzan declares he no longer has any interest in Breath users (after all, he didn’t master the sun, dang it). Yoriichi feels he was born to defeat this man, delivers a stunning display of Sun Breathing, but the little pieces of Muzan that get away altogether form roughly the size of a head. Tamayo is freed from Muzan's curse and tells Yoriichi as much as she can about Muzan, including that he probably won’t appear again in Yoriichi’s life. Yoriichi lets her go.
Yoriichi is then informed by Corp members (including Rengoku) that Michikatsu has become a demon.
This, in addition to Yoriichi failing to kill Muzan (give him a break, guys) and letting Tamayo go, makes some Corp members demand Yoriichi's suicide to atone, but the 6-year-old Oyakata-sama (whose father is still alive, but likely incapacitated) puts a stop to this. Yoriichi is exiled from the Corp and told to kill his brother. Some members of the Corp (in particular, Rengoku) stay in touch with Yoriichi with Oyakata-sama's tacit permission.
After being kicked out of the Corp, Yoriichi visits Sumiyoshi one fall, wanting to tell someone about his life. After sharing his story, he receives flowers from Sumire, and at Suyako's request, he performs Sun Breathing. Sumiyoshi memorizes it by watching, and promises to pass it down. Yoriichi leaves him with the earrings his mother Akeno gave him, and keeps the toy flute from Michikatsu and a scrap of Uta's kimono.
***It’s also possible Yoriichi’s first visit back to Mt. Kumotori was after explusion from the Corp, and it was after two years of being out on his own that he sought out Sumiyoshi again.***
In 1545-ish, Yoriichi is over 80 years old and finally finds Michikatsu/Kokushibo. Yoriichi barely fails to kill him and Breaths his last. Kokushibo cut the flute in half when cutting Yoriichi's standing corpse, but keeps the pieces with him.
After Yoriichi’s death, Muzan goes on the offense again, eliminating anyone with knowledge of Yoriichi’s Sun Breathing techniques. The Corp is essentially erased for a time, and thereafter, they no longer find themselves as strong as they were in Yoriichi’s time. According the Rengoku records, this is because there was never any teacher as good as Yoriichi after that.
Over two hundred years pass of Muzan trying to find the blue spider lilies or create a demon that can master the sun, and swordsman polishing their Breathing techniques as they slay demons. By this time we can assume most of Muzan's activity is based around the Kanto area in the bustling Edo period. (Fun aside, lots of popular kabuki plays would be developed with themes of demon slayers.  Also, based on his tastes and fashion choices, Muzan likes to be among the affluent and influential people of society.)
Around the later decades of the Edo period, Muzan gets the idea to make the Twelve Moon Demons with a large amount of his blood. Hantengu might had been one of these first experiments, and Akaza, meh, I'm putting his formation any time between 1785 and 1800, put that’s really loose.
Douma's formation was after this (and he probably got busy eating lots and lots and lots of nutritious humans right away) and Gyutaro's still later. All of the Upper Moons were in place by no later than 1802, as they have not been called to the Infinity Fortress all together in 113 years. 
My assumption is that once Muzan got the idea, he went around and made the Upper Moons in a very short period of time, and Kokushibo likely already had a lot of Muzan's blood in his "Maybe a Breath user will master the sun" experiment. There isn’t much indication if the Lower Moons were also formed around this time, or if they came later on a second whim.
The following hundred years is full of a cycle of Pillars and the Twelve Moons pit against each other while the common riffraff fight the common riffraff. While the Pillars kill Lower Moons as a rite of passage and they are constantly changed out as openings occur, the unchanged Upper Moons routinely kill and eat Pillars. Even at the bottom rung, Daki has eaten 7 and Gyutaro has eaten 15. For each of those Pillars, at least one Lower Moon or fifty demons has died. 
As a point of comparison, the Hand Demon has been a demon for roughly the same amount of time, or a few years longer (he was locked away on Mt. Fujikasane around 1868). Although not granted any special amount of Muzan’s blood like the Lower Moons, it’s nursed a grudge and eaten 50 children (13 of which were Urokodaki’s), surviving and growing much, much powerful than most of the demons on the mountain who had only eaten 2 or 3 humans. On that note, former Lower Moon Kyogai seemed to find it difficult to consume any more humans, and wanted to consume Marechi (rare blood) to achieve the equivalent of eating 50 humans. While Akaza is allowed to be picky and focus on training, I have to wonder if it is generally a difficult part of many demons’ existence to have to consume human flesh. 
But I digress.
You know who doesn’t care about that? Muzan. 
If we take 1915 as the year Tanjiro’s Final Selection takes place and assumed modern age counting methods as opposed to the standard used until Meiji (which was still often used in Taisho), then Ubuyashiki Kagaya was born around 1892-ish. His father couldn’t take the sorrow of being in that position, so when he committed suicide at the age of 19, Kagaya assumed the role of the 97th generation Oyakata-sama at age 4 (his other siblings, all brothers, had died). He very soon married Himorogi Amane when he was age 13 and she was age 17. While this was her own volition, the Ubuyashiki family has long since married daughters of family closely associated with shrines as any means of trying to use this spiritual influence to lengthen the lives of their offspring. (We may assume Amane served the role of a miko, and she continues to perform daily spiritual ablution to pray for her family’s safety). Of the current Pillars, Kagaya first met Himejima in 1906 at the age of 14. The quintuplets, including Kagaya’s heir Kiriya, would had been born around 1907. 
It’s when he’s settled into a husband and (probably step-)father role that he is discovered by a member of the Demon Slayer Corp in 1915, possibly for the first time in roughly four centuries. He makes a clean getaway, but not without those hanafuda earrings freaking him out first. 
Muzan is busy being a Tokyo business man (among other things) with interests in foreign language and new contraptions. He is still motivated to discovered all he can about the blue spider lily, which is why he focuses his demons around the Tokyo area. In 1913 he takes a stroll to Mt. Kumotori and snacks on a family out there, tries making one of them into a demon for the heck of it (maybe or maybe not knowing anything about the Kamado lineage), assumes it didn’t work and she died so he forgets about her (giving Nezuko an opportunity to break free of his curse). He finds no blue spider lilies and goes back to Tokyo. 
Wanting to get close to business partners, he identifies a high society woman named Rei, kills her husband, and swoops in to be her new lover. At other times, he takes the form of some other power person when it’s convenient, or when he’s juggling multiple identities, like an adopted boy with access to medicinal research or a performer with who can boss humans around to search out the flowers in daytime, he may sometimes leave a piece of his flesh behind to assume his form when he’s busy elsewhere.
And the rest is basically as we see in canon. 
Of the Lower Moons, the former Lower Moon 2, Hairou, was a Shinsengumi member, and therefore became a demon sometime between 1863 and 1869. Than means he had been a demon roughly fifty years or less before Rengoku Kyojuro defeated him and became a Pillar. 
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formidxble · 3 years
Happy 900, lovey! Onwards to 1000 ❤️ i had a request for you--- Jisung, as angsty as possible, prompt #5 ( “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.” )
Thank you so much and congratulations yet again!!!🤩🤭
elliana !! thank you for the kind words and the request! 🧡 i hope i did it justice and that you enjoy reading it! <333
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𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 - H.J.
part of the drabble event !
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: absolute angst || best friend au
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 1.3k 
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the sound of keys rattling echoes in the empty apartment hallway, alongside the soft groans of your best friend, who’s clinging onto your side. the stench of alcohol reeks off of his clothes and you wonder what pushed jisung to this brink—getting drunk off of his face every single night of the week. it’s become a problem, his other friends have stated, but none have made any steps to stop him from going down that hole any further.
the thought forms a knot in your chest.
it makes you realize how much you’ve been absent in your friendship with him. no more calls, no more text messages, just the occasional small talk the both of you force yourselves to do for the sake of keeping the relationship.
you just never really noticed how bad it has gotten, how bad jisung has gotten.
it’s the soft mumble of your name that gets you out of your thoughts and you finally get the apartment door open. you pull jisung inside the room with a grunt. you make a few steps in before he’s pulling away from your arms to plop himself on his couch. he sighs when his head makes contact with the cushion.
“you need to get your shit together,” you state, gently closing the front door behind you. on the couch, you hear jisung chuckle dryly. he responds with a slew of words, all jumbled and muffled.
“i didn’t get any of that.”
he raises his head from the cushion, “i have my shit together.”
your eyes meet and it’s then that you see the true state of your best friend tonight—eyes as red as the entirety of his face with disheveled hair and dried vomit on the side of his mouth. your shoulders drop and the knot in your chest tightens even further. a lump forms in your throat, but you swallow it away. you weren’t here to baby him anymore. this is a problem that needed to be addressed and crying in front of him won’t help. he tries to give you a smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
“you’re drunk every night, jisung,” you sigh. “what do you mea—“
“it doesn’t hurt to live a little, y/n,” jisung interjects. “you should try it sometimes.”
a thick silence surrounds the room and it’s enough to suffocate the two of you. he coughs awkwardly and you shift in your position as you straighten your back. maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but isn’t it that alcohol brings out the parts of yourself that you’ve hidden? you clear your throat softly, your heart ringing in your ear as you cross your arms in front of your chest and you wonder when and where it went downhill between the two of you. just yesterday, the both of you were talking about meeting up again.
this wasn’t what you had in mind.
“i’m just concerned,” you mumble after the silence. jisung chuckles dryly again. “jisung,” you step forward, “i’m your best friend.”
“and that’s all you’ll ever be, right?”
the sentence stops you in your tracks, your eyes widening. “jis—“
“why do you think i’m doing this?” jisung questions. he opens his eyes, locking them with yours for the second time tonight. “i know you aren’t that stupid. i know you’ll figure it out.”
when it finally hits you, it starts on your chest, then it travels to the entirety of your body, wrapping itself around you enough to make you feel lightheaded. you absentmindedly take a step back, using the darkness of the apartment to shield you. meanwhile, jisung’s eyes don’t leave you and for the first time in your whole relationship, the gaze burns.
the friendship went to shit weeks ago. jisung became cold just hours after you introduced your new partner to him. days after, the drinking started and the conversations stopped. the phone calls became non-existent. suddenly, the both of you don’t have time for each other anymore. he faded away from your life as quickly as he entered it years ago and you were stupid enough to ignore it and brush it off as him being busy.
“jisung, you don’t have to—“
“i need to,” he sighs exasperatedly, standing up from the couch, though a little wobbly.
“it’s just going to hurt you, jisung. it’s not the rig—“
“do you think i don’t know that?” jisung scoffs. “do you think i’m happy doing this shit?”
you stay silent.
“because i’m not. i’m not happy. i haven’t been happy,” jisung huffs, voice breaking towards the end. “i fill the void you left with bottles of alcohol, with girls who have names i can barely remember, in apartments i’ll never go back to.”
the lump that has formed earlier has found its way back to your throat and you clench your fist as you take another step back, a sob threatening to leave your lips.
“i get so black out drunk that i don’t remember anything and…and i think that’s the fucking point, right?” jisung laughs bitterly, looking up at the ceiling as he puts his hands behind his head.
when your eyes meet again, jisung exclaims, “but why is it that when i drink to forget, i always remember you?” you hear your own heart crack and you wonder if jisung hears it too.
“your face, your lips, your eyes, your voice, your scent. fuck,” he sobs. “do you know how fucking hard it is to convince myself that i’m okay, that what i’m doing will help me forget about everything, but y/n,” he pauses as tears start falling down his eyes. “i can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.”
the silence that comes after is heavier and louder than the one that came before it. you don’t notice immediately, but your cheeks are now wet with the tears you’ve desperately tried to stop earlier. you unintentionally take a step toward his direction and it’s what breaks the silence, unfortunately.
“don’t,” jisung pleads softly. “just…”
“jisung, i’m not…” you sigh. “why’d you only tell me now? now that i have someo—“
“because you never listened to me!” he cries out. “you never took me seriously and it’s always the ‘jisung, you’re so funny’ shit! you never saw me as a man, someone you could love—“jisung runs a hand down his face”—instead, i’m just a best friend in the sidelines. just someone you can run to when you’re upset because that’s all i’ll ever be.”
“but you could say that i played the part well, right?” he continues. “because you never tried it with me. never. you shot me down every time.”
as you roughly wipe your tears away, you mutter shakily, “how could you say that?”
he doesn’t respond as he turns his back to you, crying softly to himself. the sound breaks you down even further and your hands ache to reach out for jisung, to take him into your arms and tell him that everything will be okay. but you knew, deep down, things won’t be okay. not after tonight, not after the words that have been exchanged. instead, you return to your previous position, hiding yourself in the darkness as you allow yourself to untie the knot that has formed in your chest earlier. you bite down on your lip to stop a sob from leaving it.
“you should leave,” jisung mumbles after some silence. you look up, hoping to catch his eyes again, but you’re only met with the sight of his back. the sentence rings in your mind and you badly wanted to say no, but maybe it’s in the best of both of your interests if you did.
so, without saying goodbye, you start to leave, retreating from the shadows of his apartment to grab the door handle of his front door and pushing it down. however, when the front door opens and the light from the hallway seeps through, you turn to look back at your best friend, only to find that there’s no one there anymore.
somewhere in the apartment, you hear a door close.
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speechlessxx · 4 years
Jealous (Clark Kent x Reader)
Request: Hello, lovely! How would jealous Superman react to someone hitting on the reader? 😏 from @navybrat817​
Word Count: roughly 900
Warnings: this is trash i’m sorry lmaoo, unfair fight bc superman
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Even with Clark’s busy schedules – whether he was reporting to duty as a journalist or as Superman – the Kryptonian found that withholding his secret from you was a challenge. As much as he wanted to reveal it to you, he knew that the news would only put you in harm’s way. He tried to sell the story that he was just an aspiring reporter trying to make his big break which is why his time was so divided.
You chalked up his repeated absences to his career. His schedules made it hard to find moments to be completely yours though you understood and were always so supportive. However, you wondered why almost every story Clark covered, Superman happened to be involved in some way. The pieces started to present themselves to you though you struggled to make them fit.
In the middle of a Daily Planet gala, you knew it was rude to be so preoccupied by your cellphone, but you were reading a new article about a bank heist that Superman managed to stop. You scrolled all the way up to the byline and – to no surprise – found that it was written by the one and only Clark Kent.
“Read anything good?” Clark asked you, breaking you from your thoughts. You smiled before shoving your phone into your clutch.
“Just some article this geek I know wrote,” you joked, shaking your head. “But no, it was really good, but am I surprised?”
“High praise coming from you,” he smiled, pressing a kiss onto your temple. “How about I get you a drink?”
“That sounds lovely,” you nodded before he walked away.
“Clark’s girl I take it?” You turned around and saw a man – probably a few years older than you.
You smiled and nodded. “(Y/N).” You introduced and offered him your hand.
He gladly took it, giving it a small shake. “Daniel Smith.” Your brow slightly furrowed – though keeping a kind smile – when he refused to let go of your hand. Instead, he brought it to his lips, pressing a kiss onto your knuckles.
You chuckled awkwardly, yanking your hand away. “So, you work here or you a guest, too?” You were glancing around the room, searching for Clark. You found him across the room at the open bar. When your eyes finally met, you saw that he was already looking over with a look of concern.
“Work here,” Daniel answered. “You know, you’re really pretty.”
“Beautiful dress to show off ‘em gorgeous legs – like wowza.”
You cringed before taking a step back. “Thank you, but um, I should – “
“No, no, come stay and keep talking to me, pretty girl.”
You babbled on, sputtering out excuses like you need to powder your nose or find Clark or Lois, a friend you made through your boyfriend, but Daniel was insistent. Every time you’d take a step back, he’d take a step forward – only when he was too close to you, you smelled the alcohol in his breath.
When Daniel became bold enough to reach out and grab you again, Clark was at your side immediately. Clark pulled you behind him before lightly shoving Daniel, causing the drunk man to stagger a few steps back.
“What’s your problem, man!” Daniel slurred.
“I’m sure her numerous attempts to flee from you went unheard, so I’ll make it clear for you,” Clark snapped. “Leave. Her. Alone.”
“Clark, let’s go,” you muttered, pulling at his arm. You didn’t want to make a scene – especially not at his workplace with all his superiors looking on. But he didn’t budge. It was as if his feet were cemented to the floor.
“Why, Kent? You afraid I can whisk your pretty little girlfriend away?” Daniel chuckled. He walked right up to your boyfriend. You found it quite odd how this man thought he could take Clark – who was over six feet tall, broad, and downright massive – on.
Daniel had shoved Clark’s shoulders, but again, the Kryptonian didn’t move. He just cocked his head to the side in a mocking manner. “I think you need to head home, Smith. You’re clearly drunk.”
For some odd reason, Daniel’s drunk mind thought it was a good idea to throw a punch at the Kryptonian. Without blinking, Clark caught it. Daniel’s second punch – aimed at Clark’s cheek – landed, you were surprised when a strange cracking sound echoed through the room.
What surprised you even more was when Daniel reeled his hands back into himself, bracing the fist that landed the punch. Your eyes widened in shock before you looked over at your boyfriend who had a slightly remorseful look – though his eyes held a twinge of mischief as if saying, you deserved it.
“C’mon,” Clark muttered to you, grabbing your arm, and leading you out to the elevator. You both stood in silence, staring at one another as the little jingle played through the speakers. “Go ahead. Ask it.”
“What was that?” His brows raised, slightly amused. He was positive that you would ask another question.
“Some drunk idiot making a fool of himself.” Well, that was the truth.
“Clark ... that guy’s hand  – “ 
“Sprained probably. Not broken. He didn’t hit me that hard.” 
“But your head didn’t even move.” You frowned. 
“Go ahead. Ask it.” He repeated. Am I dating Edward Cullen now? You wondered to yourself. 
“Are you... Are you Superman?” 
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amateur-author597 · 3 years
Everyone who said Blinky would die because of"and blinky" in the trailer
Fuck you
It was very fair but still I was so scared
Same to if those who said Archie died because he wasn't in the trailer
Again fair but I was terrified and anxious as hell
My heart could not have handled if he died or Douxie's grief but I'm still upset about what actually happened
And I wish Zoe showed up so they could give her some characterization
We find out she's known Douxie and been friends with him for over 900 years but she doesn't help with the Arcane Order?
And none of the hedge witches show up to help fight them to defend their home?!?!?!
Jim you stupid string bean, I love you though
Claire, good job, that was some hard magic
Toby, go duke!
Douxie my husband, YAAASS QUEEN, GET IT BABY
The Police Station
It was so funny
Everything about it I loved
Douxari confusing the officers and being neutrally chaotic
Claire trying to be tough and silent
Toby spilling ALL the tea and the officers not believing him
Archie just being Archie and enjoying the confusion of the humans
Keep casually listing just about every spy agency in order
and then just
"And your mum"
What a legend
Literal King 👑
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
Very unpopular opinion
I loved it, so fucking funny
I don't even like mpreg normally
But I loved it as a random side plot cause they probably couldn't find an import part for every character and still give them their deserved screen time
Also, funny!
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
I don't necessarily love her by any means
But still!
*key spams in frustration*
This began much irritation that just increased
I was sad
"Nor more running"
Simple line
Shattered me and my very being THE SWITCHING SPELL
Douxari was so chaotic and funny and pure in a very weird way
I was sad that THAT screenshot of Douxie and Archie wasn't actually Archie because he looked so happy chddling his familiar but it was still cute
Narxie was so fucking sarcastic when the Arcane Order realized the spell didn't work and I live for it
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
I loved it, so fucking funny
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
Dndndbebhsve hehr didjbdisbeurbvtisjbsgsneosbsyneyjsosnsjdbdynsvsidbfindbzhndhdushdhushdbud
*key spams in frustration*
Titan Nari
I was so scared when Douxie nearly passes out from lack of oxygen trying to save her
Claire did a great job and I like her but I feel like they're overpowering her without developing her
Nari and Skrael's battle was a cinematic masterpiece
Coach Lawrence seriously needs a break
"No more running" destroyed me
The 9th configuration
The Final Battle
I don't even know what to say
RIP Varvatos
Rip Douxie that fall would have really fucking hurt
He definitely had broken ribs from that
I'm surprised he could walk after even while being supported against someone else to stand
Jim should have just stabbed Bellroc instead of talking
Jim should not have been able to walk and run perfectly fine after being stabbed even with all the adrenaline
"Always was, always will be" hurt my entire soul
The Time stone
This frustrated me so much it took me 3 days to write just this bit
Go back in time and save everyone?
Yes! Awesome!
Go back to the start the start
Also, I love and adore Toby
I get that he was tired of being the trollhunter
Largely because he was tired of not thinking he would do a good enough job
But odds are Toby will make some of the same mistakes and they'll be right back in that same position except maybe Claire will die that time around
And if you're sick of the trauma and responsibility of it than why would you dump it on your best friend
Once again I say, it was an illogical and dumb decision
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