#this took like an hour to do
hinamie · 2 months
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some quick jjk eye paintings
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zosanbrainrot · 4 months
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meet cute at your local żabka
english translation and notes under the cut 💗💗💗
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żabka (froggy) is the name of an extremely popular corner shop chain in Poland, it's literally everywhere
My translation is not always literal but sometimes vibes based, like in PL version Sanji doesn't use "jesus" in the second page, but the expression "ja pierdole" doesn't have an english equivalent that would make sense in this contex, literally it means "I fuck" lmao
I now see I mixed up prepositions when Sanji asks Luffy for the sauces, uh oh ANYWAY
I also didn't translate the cans Zoro brings at the end, the writing on the cans says "potwór" which means "monster", so yup these are basically monster energy drinks but translated literally hence the capitalized P as the logo. Why does he drink that instead of some Polish ass beer? Good question, I just enjoy calling them drinks Potwór, and dont know much about beer
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cynicallyneutral · 9 months
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Day 1: Soulmates
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saintaviator · 4 months
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something something gman tommy something something gordon in stasis. you know how it is.
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dragon-spaghetti · 3 months
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Omg they match 😳⛓
(Please click for better quality!!)
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duckprintspress · 6 months
Urgent: Help Us Not Get Screwed
Anyone who follows us has seen us screaming from the hill-tops about our current crowdfunding campaign for Aether Beyond the Binary (17 aetherpunk stories! Outside the gender binary main characters!). We've only got 50 hours left...and we just got screwed.
Our Anthology Kickstarter is being scammed.
About two hours ago, with us still roughly $1,500 from our goal, we got a junk pledge for almost $2,000. This pushed us into being marked as "funded" but there is zero chance it's a real pledge, it's from a shell account marked as being in Turkey. This kind of money doesn't just fall like a miracle into the laps of small business like ours.
The timing on this attack is devastating. The final 48 hours of a campaign are absolutely critical, especially for one as close to meeting our goal as we are. We were very likely to hit our target, but doing so was going to require appeals to y'all that started with "hey, we're so close, please help spread the word." Further, the campaign has hundreds of followers who will get a notification at the 48 hour mark, and many who might have backed to help get us to the finish line will now think "oh, they're there, they don't need me," and not back. Meanwhile, one of two things will happen with the spam pledge: either it will get removed by Kickstarter, which could take hours or a day+, totally nuking us during this crucial window, or it won't get removed until the payment bounces post-campaign, at which point we won't actually have enough money to do fulfillment.
Either way, we are fucked.
Please, please don't let these dipshits ruin the love and passion that 30+ people have poured into this project for over a year.
Our campaign IS NOT FUNDED, and it won't be without help. I'm begging, help spread the word about how we're getting screwed, and help spread the word about Aether Beyond the Binary (visit the link for so much info!) so that we can get enough real pledges to fund this project we've poured our hearts and souls into.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 4.5: Morning Period.
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
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transmascissues · 4 months
“trans men don’t have any real safety concerns to worry about” i can’t wear a mask when i go into public bathrooms even though i’m higher risk and bathrooms are some of the easiest places to get sick because i don’t reliably pass when my facial hair is covered and i can’t risk not passing when i use the men’s room, but i also can’t just use the women’s room for safety anymore because i don’t reliably pass as either binary gender anymore. so my only options are to risk getting sick, take my chances with the consequences of not passing, or just never use the bathroom in public (which has its own health risks).
and today, it almost didn’t even matter that i was putting myself in danger to ensure that i passed because, thanks to a faulty lock and a man who didn’t think to knock, i came very close to having my half-naked body exposed to a bathroom full of cis men. if i hadn’t been holding my coat on my lap because there was nowhere in the stall to put it, every single guy waiting in the (very crowded) bathroom would’ve seen that i didn’t have a dick. how well do you think that would’ve gone for me? my money’s on Not Well At All.
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yourlocalabomination · 5 months
The darkness will spare my soul.
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collophora · 2 months
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"Let's fix this drawing" *redraw the whole thing*
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lilybug-02 · 8 months
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Bribed with Chocolate. The way it should be.
Part 22 || First || Previous || Next
--Full Series--
More to come as this is a two-parter. But you know how I am with schedules.
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I think this was an equally possible reaction from Chara.
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 12 days
It's june, you know what that means
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¡¡Festivity time!!
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arinmoss · 10 months
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i painted Astarion hehe :3c prints here
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seagull-scribbles · 10 months
All of my Out of Touch Turts-day for easy comparison 💕
Which one is your favourite?
[1987] [2003] [2007] [2012] [2018] [2019] [2023]
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suntails · 1 year
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zuzu-draws · 3 months
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[The Cursed, Unwanted Child: Ostracised by the Village]
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