#this seems to stem from a hatred of men
silvergreenseraphim · 2 months
The First Soldier’s/Glenn Lodbrok’s Relevance In Rebirth
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Time for translations regarding the Glenn Lodbrok subplot in Rebirth.
Note: Once again, if anyone spots errors in my translations, please let me know!
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Hello everyone! It’s been some time. Rebirth was amazing and Ever Crisis has been such a thrill to see unfold shortly after with so much new lore.
As it turns out, Mr. Glenn was very important! Our mystery hooded man was him all along.
Or was he? 🤭
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This is an interesting side story in Rebirth that I can’t stop focusing on. The translations have been helpful. The Ultimania as well. I will reference both for this post.
For right now, a mix of these sources and the hints in the game all imply that it was Sephiroth revealing his will through one of the black-robed men. This would not be the first time he relied on “a vision represented by the cloaked figures.”
These extensions and visions of Sephiroth “stem from the will and conscience of Sephiroth that is at play here.”
He uses this ability to torment Cloud in Remake. In Rebirth, we can see him extending that power towards Rufus Shinra too.
Some debate this point, but let us take a look at Glenn’s introduction to Rufus where a very strange interaction occurs.
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Tseng introduces “Glenn” to Rufus in Junon here:
“A messenger of Governor Suhur (Sufur) of Wutai would like to visit. Colonel Glenn Lodbrok.”
Rufus is startled, but lets the messenger in. We see what appears as Glenn Lodbrok. He is older than he looks in Ever Crisis and worn down. He also does not seem to wear much besides his heavy black cloak. Rufus sits up quickly with a surprised look. He is hit with a memory of shooting this same man in the back. Notably, the Glenn from the flashback features his Wutai garb and face. He is the Glenn of Ever Crisis.
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Rufus: You’re alive?
Glenn: Most certainly dead.
Ultimania translation below:
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When Rufus questions Glenn’s survival, the latter has a fit of laughter and responds with the evident truth. He is dead. Rufus can only presume this to be a joke, but the Ultimania questions this bit of humor.
Looking at this through the lens of it being Sephiroth’s will in front of Rufus, we could chuckle at his honesty. He tells Rufus the truth from the moment they meet.
But that can wait! Onto business:
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“Glenn” begins to speak on the matters of Wutai and Shinra. I must note that the Japanese VA’s performance is perfect. This is not the rugged and brash Glenn of Ever Crisis. He is a theatrical announcer and speaks to Rufus as though they are planning a grand show.
He says,
“Now, President Rufus. I assume you will be taking over the vision that my Governor and the President shared?”
Rufus responds, “I intend to.”
And here are Glenn’s plans to set the stage. He gestures with flair.
“The theme of this next era will be the war over Huge Materia. Shinra and Wutai maintain tensions as through repeating clashes in various places.”
An acknowledgement of the pointless war of Wutai and Shinra, but Rufus has other plans.
“That’s fine for a while. However, the president died…and the situation has changed. We need a new vision.”
At this, Glenn sneers,
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“You still love (drawing your visions), Bocchan (young master). Do you still believe in the Promised Land?”
Glenn is saying that Rufus prefers to run his own show, craft his own visions. He knows Rufus long and well for a defective colonel of Wutai.
Side note:
The term “bocchan” is explained here. In the context with Rufus, it is used to refer to a rich young master.
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Glenn continues,
“Shinra’s father and son only think about pumping up Mako. If you don’t return it once in a while, the planet will die.”
Glenn returns focus to the war between Wutai and Shinra, along with its benefits. He says,
“The rage, sadness and hatred that war brings forth will spark the ultimate sense of solidarity and optimism. This spirit inspires the world, enriching the planet…”
I cannot say strongly enough that the ways that Glenn moves and his VA speak feel like direct mockery of how Shinra plots their political movements. Nothing is real or sincere. War is a show and tool that is used to create unity. Shinra and Wutai are actors on a stage that battle for audience favor.
All of the pain that war brings will cause people to rise up in unity together! This spirit of solidarity will enrich the planet’s life. Rufus looks uncertain and nearly bewildered in this scene, as if he cannot tell if Glenn is serious.
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“It’s for the future of the planet. Let’s take this step before calamity.”
Glenn declares this with zeal, but Rufus protests.
Glenn cuts him off.
“You started this. You’re not a kid anymore. You can’t just stop whatever you want.”
This line is difficult to translate with the correct nuance, but Glenn is saying that Rufus must grow up and face the consequences of the events he sets in motion. He cannot stop them because he feels like it. Glenn’s VA also loses his care-free charm for a moment. There is a dark, aggressive and dangerous tone here that betrays the deeper anger in these words.
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That venom disappears after some silence and Glenn returns to his theatrics.
“Let’s deliver justice together.”
Before he leaves the room, Glenn turns with a mocking bow and congratulatory message.
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“Aahh, I almost forgot about the message from Governor Sufur! Congratulations on your appointment as president! I wish you increasing growth!”
Glenn laughs at the transparent joke about Rufus being honored by a man of the same name spelt backwards and exits the room. Rufus is left feeling upset and humiliated.
This next scene I would like to include a video clip of because there are more hints about Glenn’s true identity here.
“(Your) dreams are still cute.”
Glenn sneers and laughs at Rufus for dreaming of the Promised Land. Rufus begins to see that “Glenn” is not what he seems. A figure wreathed in purple haze and darkness that appears from nowhere.
“What/who the hell are you?“
Glenn mock-pouts as though he is offended Rufus does not trust or know who he is.
“Don’t say it like that! (Don’t say mean things). I can see everything inside your head, Mr. President. You’re scared of me?”
With this, “Glenn” leans forward as if to peer inside the mind of Rufus. He points at what he detects.
“Uh oh, I can still see it! What’s that?”
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“Glenn” lists the weaknesses inside Rufus.
“Fear, hatred, an inferiority complex in relation to your father….and the loneliness behind it all…”
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“I won’t deny it. It’s all my driving force.”
Rufus is honest about his negative feelings and admits they are what motivate him. Glenn is pleased with this. After all, he had earlier mentioned how the painful spirit of war would strengthen the planet.
He says,
“Hey, that’s good! The planet needs a little bit of that bite right now. Enliven it with that power.”
Rufus is baffled and mutters to himself,
“Do you care about me that much?“
He can only wonder why this figure wants and needs to stir up his driving emotions so much.
(I have skipped Glenn’s TV speech because the dialogue was basically the same).
In our last scene, Rufus remembers his father and finally admits that the man was masterful.
“You were…amazing…”
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Rufus is not alone. “Glenn” once again appears at his side. To Rufus’ statement he responds,
But no, “Ha. How could that be?”
More mockery. Moving on,
“So, you know Governor Suhur? (Sufur). He neglected an important press conference and we were humiliated.”
Rufus is cold and responds,
“The Governor will not stand on such a poor set.”
“Glenn” is annoyed.
“I see. Growing up a rich kid must be so difficult. Well, hey, it worked. The anti-Shinra warriors are on the move.”
Rufus has had enough. He ignores the theatrics and says something astute and strange.
“Hey Glenn…isn’t this war a toy/plaything to keep me away from Sephiroth?”
I still must praise Rufus for his intelligence, but…I do not know why he would assume Glenn was trying to aid and distract Shinra from Sephiroth. This bit is a mystery.
“Glenn” begins to clap proudly. He says,
“I was sure you’d find out.”
And then we see him. The true culprit and architect.
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The voices of Sephiroth and Glenn meld together,
“But it’s already happening. Our “promised land” will be born. Good for you. You’ve surpassed your father.”
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Sephiroth even sneers now about Rufus completing the dream of his father. The father he hated. Rufus stands his ground.
“I want the real thing.”
(A sentence with double meaning. He wants the real Promised Land. Not a fake. Just like how Sephiroth is playing a fake Glenn).
Sephiroth morphs back into Glenn and only says,
“Oh, don’t you think it’s fitting?”
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When Rufus shoots “Glenn” in the back, history repeats. Sephiroth turns back one more time and uses the now-clear black robed man to get in the last word through Glenn’s voice.
“As good at shooting people in the back as always.”
Rufus empties his gun into the ghost.
Extra details from the Ultimania on the scene:
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Dialogue from the Shinra board meeting scene on Glenn:
Scarlet: Then what about that Glenn-whatever?
Tseng: Glenn Lodbrok. 15 years ago, he participated in a geological survey on Rhadore. He left the army after the mission failed. 
Heidegger: Hmph, he has the air of a deserter. He’s spewing out lies!
Tseng: After, he traveled to various places. He seems to have made connections with people with anti-Shinra ideology around the country. 
There we are! After the conclusion of The First Soldier’s episode 1 arc, we now know what caused Glenn to defect. The death of Rosen and the Rhadorans was a crime against humanity too great for Glenn to ignore. He became an anti-Shinra warrior and politician. But how did he first meet “Sufur” and when did this same person (Rufus) shoot Glenn dead?
There are questions here we do not have answered. However, Sephiroth is a voice that provides a bitter commentary on what happened. Through Glenn he relentlessly mocks Rufus. Even in the Japanese translation. He succeeds in posing as Glenn and starting fresh fires between Wutai and Shinra to stir up the planet’s energy.
And on top of that there is a personal undertone to how Sephiroth behaves around Rufus. He mocks Rufus on a level equal to how he torments Cloud. It’s all very interesting.
I will share more analysis at another time!
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g-xix · 8 months
Okay, so, hopefully you all know TheBurntChip (Josh Larkin), and his lovely jovely gf Sabina:
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Beautiful couple, seem happy together, no problems there.
One thing i think im seeing with the YouTubers' Girlfriends (let's call them YTer gf's, abbreviated) is that there's a certain trend in assets for which fans pick and choose to determine whether or not a YT gf is "per standard" and collectively liked.
For example, Faith and Talia have gone through shitloads of hate from fans because they actually speak their mind and are consistent with their own personal ethos within whatever content they produce and share online.
Like the whole Mia-sat-on-Ethan's-lap incident which resulted in Faith making a TikTok and speaking out on social media multiple times to call out the fact that yes - she's unhappy about it - and also the fact that it's a very valid thing to be unhappy over
Aaand this created a lot of backlash and hatred from Sidemen fans, because they don't like hearing anything that's inconsistent with what is a stereotypically immature male opinion, generally consistent with patriarchal societal roles... And this is shown through a lot of Talia and Faith's comment sections by the adolescent male SDMN fans
Hence the assumption can be made that Sidemen fans dislike YTer gf's that are too vocal about problems they've faced which aren't relevant to male audiences.
Thing is, there's obviously some YTer gf's that these fans really like, but...
Why do they like them so much???
Well, I think that both Sabina and Tennessee are two YTer gf's that can be used as examples of wamen that are completely adored by these adolescent male SDMN fans.
But their reasons for being so liked to much are so very contrasting.
Tennesse is loved because she's beautiful. We've been through this quite a bit when i went through the whole "I can't believe Danny would put his ex through that" pipeline following Locked In... But it's worth pointing out that (as far as I know), the toxic Fifa fanboys seem to love her because she's a clearly good looking woman who's undeniably got personality too (watched the saving grade pod w her on it last night) and i don't think she's said anything too inconsistent with male opinions yet, sooo... Makes sense why she's liked; imo she plays into the ideal woman from a man's perspective very well
Alternately, Sabina seems pretty reserved on social medias - not really speaking that much as a social media personality, rather just sharing her life on insta n tiktok, whatever - nothing wrong with that.
I think that the fanboys like Sabina quite a bit though, as she posts cooking content on TikTok, and idk why but there's an agenda on social medias atm, that a woman who can cook is wifey material... This woman-must-be-good-at-cooking culture ofc stems from historical patriarchal roles for women to fulfil the duty of housewives, thus being able to cook n clean - but i really have no idea why this still exists in a modern day society considering there's been so many changes within the world which now enables women to work equal jobs as men
I don't know whether this belief of cooking-women being a blessing is a toxic sorta concept though, because there's a certain tenderness and nicety to having someone cook you a meal - regardless of whether it is a male or female tbh
Either ways, Sabina does make meals and does her cooking thing on TikTok really well - like - honestly? Some days I'm jealous that I'm not the one able to eat some of the stuff she can bake n make... Back on track - yes - Sabina bakes/cooks her things n films Chippo's reaction to trying them out
Male audience love this ofc, bc it fulfils the whole woman-cooking-for-partner thing which is favoured amongst males
What's this big whole rant about though?
Well, the male fans hate Faith. Love Sabina.
Okay, cool.
These two facts weren't directly correlated until Sabina's recent post though...
Sabina chefs up some tacos for Chip, and whilst some of the comments are normal cooking TikTok comments, a lot are a bit more... targetted towards Faith:
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First time Faith's ever been slewed in Sabina's comment section n the point that i made this whole rant for is that:
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Perfect response imo, not just disagreeing and leaving it open ended, but also pulling Faith up when Faith's been demeaned by these weirdos online
I'm a big supporter of the "you can big someone up without pulling someone else down" notion, and big up Sabina for pulling Faith the fuck up when someone's tried to reduce Faith to praise Sabina
So much respect for Sabina for this one negl - didn't really have any idea about what she was like as a girlie - but this reply's firmly sold me into believing that Sabina is one for the girlies 🙏
(post-writing, blooody hell i realise there's a lot of unecessary waffle here... apologies everyone)
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antiracist-tolkien · 1 year
Harad Through Fandom Eyes
Plenty of people acknowledge that LOTR's Haradrim, Easterlings and Variags are racist. However, I've seen less discussion about how fandom adds even more racism into the mix. This seems to be mostly because many people have very little knowledge about West Asia and North Africa, aka WANA [Why say WANA/SWANA instead of Middle East?] and what anti-WANA racism looks like.
I'm going to focus on Harad because this is the region that we know the most about. If you need a brief refresher:
Harad, or Haradwaith, is the region south of Gondor. There's a long history of violence between Harad and Gondor which dates back beyond Gondor even existed, to when Numenorians colonised Harad and repressed the people. Since then there were multiple wars and for long periods of time Gondor occupied parts of Harad. The Haradrim fight for Sauron in LoTR, partially due to their hatred of Gondor.
Harad is divided into two. Near Harad is strongly North Africa coded, and Far Harad is sub-Saharan Africa coded.
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(Image description in alt text.)
Tolkien uses multiple different names to refer to the people of Harad (Haradrim, Southrons, Swertings, etc.) However, these seem to be the people of Near Harad, who he differentiates from the people of Far Harad. (There's some serious anti-blackness in this next quote, so skip over it if you need to. I only put it here as evidence that the use of Haradrim/Southrons in LOTR refers to Near Haradrim.)
[...] Easterlings with axes, and Variags of Khand, Southrons in scarlet, and out of Far Harad black men like half-trolls with white eyes and red tongues. - Return of the King
There is more to say on this than I would be able to fit into this post. There's a discussion to be had about Tolkien's textual and real life relationship with Black people. There's also a discussion that needs to be had about how Tolkien's racism is often excused with the idea that he was a 'benevolent' or well-meaning racist, a product of his time. It's an excuse that ignores the violence of quotations like this and the way that he wielded his whiteness against Black people in academia and writing.
I don't have time or space for those discussions in this post, but I want to acknowledge them.
What I want to discuss here is fandom portrayals of Haradrim. I'm not going to talk too much about the in-text racism, because that has been extensively covered elsewhere. But in summary:
The idea of the good white guys conquering the lesser brown 'Men of Darkness' is inherently racist
Tolkien's description of the Haradrim, such as repeatedly describing them as a cruel and warlike people, is also racist
The one paragraph where Samwise feels empathy for a dead Haradrim soldier does not lessen the racism.
With that out of the way, let's talk about fandom.
There's a gaping void in the information we're given about the Haradrim, so of course fandom attempts to fill the gaps. Fans often take inspiration from WANA. But many fans don't actually know that much about WANA and don't realise how much of their perception of it is based on racist and imperialist propaganda.
In fannish depictions, Harad all too frequently becomes an exotified fantasy that pulls from Western perceptions of WANA. Orientalist ideals of a mystical, magical, and yet dangerous place predominate the fannish idea of Harad.
The first thing that you should know about WANA is that it's an extremely culturally, religiously and geographically diverse place. If your depiction of Harad is entirely desert, or made of a culturally homogenous people with a narrow range of skin tones and features, you need to expand that. Equally, depictions of Harad as more 'socially backward' than other areas of Middle Earth stem directly from racist propaganda.
Too many stories write Harad as misogynistic and homophobic, often in direct contrast to other areas of Middle Earth. As many WANA people have pointed out, these kinds of sweeping generalisations are often specifically targeted at WANA because of racism.
Mysterious cursed objects from the 'far away lands of Harad', decadent sultans, the fetishization of cultural practices like belly dancing; these are all forms of Orientalism. Female characters may be sexualised, shown as seductresses or members of harems. (By the way, Westerners tend to have a very incorrect understanding of what harems actually are/were. They were the part of a Muslim household reserved for women and pre-pubescent boys. It was outsiders who perceived them as fundamentally sexual spaces and created the modern tropes of sexual harems.)
Male characters may be violent, cunning, greedy, dangerous and strange. There may be public executions and enslaved peoples, regardless of the complete absence of a textual basis. All of these things stem directly from racist ideas of WANA as 'barbaric' and 'uncivilised'.
In fact, Haradrim were once enslaved by Numenorians. They were victims of violent colonisation that continued into the days of Gondor. They have every reason to hate the 'Men of the West' and fight against them.
On a final note, the most major and dangerous WANA stereotype is the portrayal of WANA people as terrorists. This isn't a trope seen in Tolkien's works because it's primarily a post-911 phenomenon. But it's something that you must be conscious of if you're writing about Harad or other WANA-coded regions.
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James Norrington x male pirate reader? Maybe the pirate got caught by James, heading to the gallows, but James free them instead?
Hello dear, thanks for your request.
James Norrington x male pirate reader 🏴‍☠️⚔ A matter of time⚓
Synopsis: James frees someone from his past from the gallows
Warning: mention's of hanging
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The prison of Port Royal was rustic and unkempt; all the cells were lined in an orderly set of rows. Many men within the cells screamed and cursed names that shan’t have been brought to light. The officers at the entrance door wore red regimental coats and white shirts. Over the shirts were cross belts and grey breeches held by braces. They both wore black naval tricorne hats whilst their long hair was tied back with black ribbons. They held their Brown Bess muskets upright, gazing at a man formerly walking down the hall. The man wore a blue, full-skirted royal naval uniform made of wool fitted with very deep boot cuffs. He wore a white powdered wig with a black tricorn adorned with white feathers around the top. He held his hands behind his back, looking stern yet pristine, ignoring the prisoner's squabbles. The two lower-ranked officers saluted him, allowing him passage. He kept walking past all the cells while the prisoners shouted, “Oi, get’s me outta ere’!”, “Aye, I’m beggin ya”, “Lad, Lad, I’ll give ye three shillings fer tha keys”. He scowled at the sight of them, ‘good-for-nothing filthy pirates’ he thought. Scoundrels that held no honour or morals did all they did was steal, pillage, plunder, and commit the most treasonous crimes. His hatred for pirates stemmed from his childhood, ever since his father taught him. He despises any mentions of their names; to think anyone foolish enough to become one deserves a short drop and sudden stop.
The commodore halted in front of a particular cell, his eyes gazing coldly at the pirate seated in the corner. “I trust you’ve saved your prayers, for you shall hang at the gallows on this day”, he spoke with a deep, strict voice. The pirate in question was relatively quiet, unlike the others, he held no regard to acknowledge the commodore's presence. He was quite an untidy fellow, his hair in a mess, wearing a brown tricorn clothed with a brown frock coat and poet blouse. He wore black pantaloons and brown boots for shoes. The commodore had no care if the buccaneer wished to speak or act like a rapscallion. He was set to hang. “Do keep you’re your spirits high Mr L/n, I do believe your worthless life might just end quicker after all”.
The pirate, in turn, glanced up at the austere man with cold eyes. It seemed unfounded how a man had a deep detestation over one's life because they deemed themselves pirates. Had he known what true freedom was, one might say he would turn too. “Aye, keep yer knickers on, I know tis be me day of death, least I get ta visit fiddlers green in the afterlife”. James sternly spoke, “I believe where you’ll wind up, they’ll be no ‘fiddlers green’ but only your sinful damnation”.
The commodore ordered the naval officers to drag this scoundrel to the gallows. “Before ye send me ter me grave in Davy Jones’s locker, I ask why ye betrayed em’ commodore”. The statement in general, made James curious and halted the officers from opening the cell. “And what business do you wish to pry of mine, Mr L/n”.
“Cutler be at large, and ye stand thar a prideful man tha betrayed sparrah’s crew, hell, ye betrayed er—”.
“Whatever nosy rumours you’ve heard of is none of your concern.” The commodore furrowed his brows as his voice grew harsher.
“Aye but tis is, fer I recall a lass and lad back on that island searching fer a coffer” The pirate’s voice grew louder. “Why, don’t-che remember James, I was thar when ye ran wit tha chest, I saw ye leave Jack, Will and Miss Swann”.
“Don’t!” James growled.
“Yer guilty, tis written in yer deadlights”. It was impossible to reason; the pirate was a part of Jack’s crew and had pledged his loyalty to the captain. However, it all changed when the commodore came along, looking like a lost sod. He was a mess in a heap; his rank had become soiled. How could y/n not care for him? He was lost at sea in his state of well-being, drunk. Over time the two had formed a kindred relationship; they both bonded over the loss of their adventures and their devotion to their loved ones—James with Elizabeth and Y/n with Jack. Everything was going well when James betrayed the crew and turned y/n in. Left and set to hang for dead.
Albeit twas y/n’s fault for falling into such a bittersweet lie. Indeed, y/n cared for the commodore more than he should have. Oh alas, and ruin, a man’s yearning heart set on the beating beauty for a lass he is not.
James inhaled and quickly exhaled, displaying a sign of annoyance. He ordered the guards to open the cell and drag y/n out. With both on each side with one arm latched roughly around y/n’s, they began to head toward the gallows—or what should’ve been that way.
Upon exiting the building, the gentle pitter-patter of raindrops could be heard around Y/N. The individual took a moment to inhale the refreshing scent of the precipitation, relishing in its natural aroma. The droplets cascaded down from the sky, creating a stunning display as they contacted the pavement and pooled into small puddles. Y/N couldn't help but feel immensely grateful for the opportunity to stand in place and bask in the mesmerising allure of the rain. As they moved, he savoured every moment of his freedom, relishing every breath of air inhaled and exhaled. Closing his eyes, he felt the raindrops caress his cheeks, cascading gently down his face. As the naval officers led him to the gallows, Y/n took in his surroundings with a sense of calm. His last breath left him, and he opened his eyes to the sight of the rolling sea, gently lapping against the docks of the bustling port. The sound of waves crashing against the shore was soothing to his ears, and he imagined himself on a grand galleon, sailing towards the mythical Fiddler's Green with the wind in his hair. The view of the vast horizon was breathtaking, and he took it all in as he walked towards his destination. Every adventure he had flashed before his eyes, Jack Sparrow, Joshamee Gibbs, Elizabeth Swann, Will Turner and—
Suddenly, the naval officers stopped and pushed the rogue before them. Y/n opened his eyes, feeling disoriented by the new surroundings. He expected to see the gallows and an angry crowd chanting his name in hatred, but instead, he found himself somewhere else, without the Hempen Holter.
They stood by the wooden dock where a schooner was anchored. All the sailors were carrying cargo onboard. As Y/n swivelled around, they were met with a rather grave countenance on James' face. His hands were firmly clasped at his back, and his brows were knitted together in a manner that suggested deep concern. Y/n, perplexed by his demeanour, approached the admiral's chains that were still attached to their wrists and legs. "Care ta enlighten me, James? Are ye tryna hornswoggle me mind?” y/n asked. The admiral swiftly ordered the naval officers to be dismissed, leaving the two of them alone. James drew closer to Y/n and removed the chains from their arms and legs, freeing them from their constraints. Y/n exaggeratedly stretched his arms while moving his arms from side to side. “I must admit, yer surely an odd one James”.
James grasped y/n by his shoulders and revealed his true expression of genuine worry. “Quickly, you don’t have much time, get on while you can—I don’t expect you or Elizabeth to forgive me but I can at least atone for my sins by saving you”.
As Y/n fixed his gaze upon the magnificent schooner, his eyes were brimming with a sense of purpose and longing. "Come with me, together we can break free from our current constraints an’ embark upon a new path," he suggested with a hopeful tone, inviting his companion to take the leap of faith with him. “Our paths may intertwine in the future y/n, but I mustn’t let Beckett know of Elizabeth’s whereabouts—neither your own.
"Go, now” "Please understand," he stated firmly, his expression stern and unwavering. In a sudden surge of emotion, James took hold of the pirate's shoulders and pressed his lips against his with an intense force, leaving them both gasping for breath. Y/n found themselves wrapped up in James's embrace, feeling the softness of his admiral's coat against their skin. "Tif fate allows us to reunite in Fiddler's Green, each and every treasure chest will bear your name, and I shall cherish em’ with all me heart."
As Y/n stepped onto the ship, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness in his heart as he left James behind. They hurriedly made their way through onto the ship as they prepared to set sail. Meanwhile, James watched from a distance, his eyes locked on Y/n's retreating form, his hands clasping behind him, wishing desperately that Y/n could stay with him just a little bit longer. The helmsman shouted, “Prepare to set sail”. With one last look, y/n locked eyes with James and nodded as a departing gesture. “Aye, cap’n!” y/n shouted to the helmsman.
With a heavy heart, James gazed upon the ship as it slowly drifted away from the harbour, carrying away the one person who had captured his heart completely - y/n. As he watched the vessel shrink in the distance, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of worry and fear creeping up on him. He prayed fervently, hoping that his beloved would reach his destination safely and unharmed and that he would be able to find a new life filled with hope and happiness. Despite his own pain and despair, James knew that he had to remain strong and focused, no matter what challenges he might face.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨
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witheredoffherwitch · 10 months
if aemond rape alys, do you agree with her sending him to his death?
what's so special about her that you people ship it so much... when aemond can get someone better.
Hi nonnie,
Based on my reading of F&B, one could come to either of two conclusions: one, Alys is an obvious victim; or two, they were in a mutually advantageous relationship which eventually dissolved into both obsession and love. The second interpretation stems from Alys having autonomy in that partnership... and being someone whose opinion carries significant weight for Aemond. She isn't portrayed as a helpless damsel; rather, she is powerful and influential. If you need a more detailed answer as to why I find this duo intriguing, here is another link.
Now, coming to why I like them? They are captivating! As a gothic fan, I can't help but be drawn to them. Some of my favorites are Bynden/Sheira, Duncan/Jenny, and Night's King/corpse bride.. but if I have to pick one favorite, it's definitely Alysmond. It is fine if you don't like this ship - I have stated this shit 100 times over! BUT what I can't comprehend is why people like you are so full of hatred when it comes to her? Words I've heard y'all say about her reveal such misogynistic attitudes.. most of you are beginning to sound more and more like these femcels. Even others who don't like this ship have noticed that there seems to be animosity against Alys, no matter the context. I apologize, but some of you sound like 4chan members who often resort to labelling every male whom they don't favour as either a 'beta male' or a 'cuck'. A noticeable disparity is shown when you look through the Reddit threads and observe how men perceive her character vs how y'all do.
When you ask "What is so interesting about her?", the answer is the same as what makes any other gothic heroine interesting. She is a witch, the lone survivor of her family with questionable motives. She becomes the prince's paramour during his stay in one of the most gargantuan and obnoxious castles out there. They carry out some dubious deeds and cause chaos together. She watches him battle one last time, then gives birth to his son. She declares herself the 'witch queen of Harrenhal' and starts practicing dark magic. When compared to the other dull, uninteresting contenders for potential partners, Alys is far more interesting. It's amusing how much you have to invent or modify character arcs in order to create a believable ship with Aemond — whether it's with an existing canon member or an OC —but still, Alys somehow manages to remain boring for y'all! 🙄
If anyone needs more perspective on why people find this ship appealing, I have two additional links: link 1 and link 2.
That's all!
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yakool-foolio · 5 days
Hmmm, how about 18, 19, and 20 for DR ask game?
18. Favorite rare ship?
May I introduce you to Kirumugi? They're the definition of acts of service as a love language. While Kirumi n Tsumugi's interactions are very light in canon, I love thinking outside the box... or should I say, outside the screen for this pairing. I believe in my heart and soul that these two worked together on costume design for Danganronpa season 53 and they enjoyed every minute of it. Tsumugi admired every little detail of Kirumi's form as she sewed the perfect dress for her. Kirumi joyfully modeled with all the different outfits, able to forget her monotonous life and get a taste of the thrills and chills being a part of Team Danganronpa would gift her. In a perfect world, they'd be villainous partners and co-mastermind the game.
19. Who do you think is an underrated character?
Tenko Chabashira, underrated and overhated, oh how I love you. I haven't yet gone through all her FTEs myself, but just reading through her wiki makes me love her even more. Her hatred of men stems from a sheltered early life and fighting to protect other girls against predators and cheaters. Her bias is strong, but her actions are genuinely honorable. I definitely wish the explanation behind her wrath against men was brought up somewhere outside of her FTEs, but that's a problem affecting more than just her in the cast (stares directly at Korekiyo). She's so god damn sweet n fun and I wish more people would take the time to learn about her background. Textbook example of not judging a book by its cover.
20. Who do you think is an overrated character?
To be honest, I dunno. I don't really think any character is unrightfully held on a higher pedestal than others that doesn't deserve it. But if I had to give a name, the closest to being deemed overrated is probably Kokichi. Mostly just because a lotta people seem to argue over him being 'Nagito 2.0' or how 'he did nothing wrong'. I think it's important to have discussions about Kokichi's morality but that doesn't mean we need a civil war on our hands. I think he's a neat rival, but like, c'mon, Nagito ran before Kokichi even walked. Respect your predecessors.
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empowerherchronicles · 2 months
Unexpected Harmony
In the bustling city of Aurora, two souls lived in starkly different worlds. Jason, a staunch member of an online incel community, spent his days in the dim light of his small apartment, surrounded by the echo of resentment and frustration. His posts were filled with anger towards women, whom he blamed for his loneliness and failures. His world was one of isolation and bitterness.
Across town, Emma was the face of the feminist extremist movement, leading rallies and writing passionate articles. Her life was a whirlwind of speeches, protests, & campaigns, driven by a fervent desire to dismantle what she saw as an oppressive patriarchy. Her anger towards men was palpable, fueling her relentless activism.
Their paths seemed destined never to cross until a fateful day at a bustling coffee shop. Jason, seeking solace in a book, and Emma, taking a rare moment of respite, found themselves seated at adjacent tables. A spilled coffee cup sparked an awkward and initially tense conversation. Their mutual disdain for the opposite sex was evident, but beneath the surface, something unexpected began to stir.
"Why do you even bother with that book?" Emma snapped, noticing the title that suggested a romantic plot.
"Why do you care?" Jason retorted, his tone defensive. "It's better than wasting time shouting at people."
Their sharp words cut through the air, but neither walked away. Instead, they found themselves inexplicably drawn to continue the conversation. As days turned into weeks, Jason and Emma began to meet regularly, their debates fierce and unfiltered. They challenged each other, pushing past the superficial hatred to the deeper roots of their pain.
Jason's anger towards women stemmed from repeated rejections & a deep-seated insecurity. Emma's rage towards men was fueled by personal experiences of discrimination and hurt. Through their heated discussions, they began to see the humanity in each other, recognizing the wounds that shaped their views.
Jason admired Emma's passion and determination, her unwavering commitment to her cause. He found himself questioning his own beliefs, realizing that much of his anger stemmed from a place of hurt and misunderstanding. Emma, in turn, saw Jason's vulnerability and the pain behind his harsh exterior. She recognized that beneath his tough facade was a person yearning for connection & acceptance.
Their friendship blossomed into something deeper. Jason learned to listen and empathize, while Emma discovered the power of compassion and patience. They navigated their differences with respect and an open heart, finding common ground in their shared humanity.
The world around them watched in disbelief as their unlikely love story unfolded. Critics from both sides questioned their relationship, but Jason and Emma remained steadfast, determined to show that love could bridge even the widest chasms. Their bond became a testament to the power of understanding and acceptance, proving that two people, no matter how different, could come together & create something beautiful.
In the end, Jason and Emma didn't just find love; they found hope. They showed the world that change begins with a single step, & that by embracing our differences, we can create a brighter, more compassionate future. Through their journey, they learned that even the deepest hatred can be transformed into love, healing the wounds of the past and paving the way for a more united tomorrow.
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sluttyminghao · 2 years
omfg- hi um idk if youll see this but ilysm like u make my day fr <3 ur blog>> if you have the time, could you do svt n how they'd feel abt nipple play heart hehe
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loves it, would do giving and receiving willingly: jeonghan, junhui, soonyoung, mingyu, seungkwan
i think that the men in this category would try it once with you, would want to try it on themselves, and then would never look back. it seems like they would enjoy the feeling of pebbling nipples and even would be willing to go as far as clamps, pumps, etc.
ehh, he might try it with you and might like it, but also might not: seungcheol, joshua, minghao, chan
the ones in this category would be a bit hit-and-miss, and it really depends on how they're feeling, if they're feeling dom/sub, and also they might just try it and simply hate it. other times, they may be really feeling it. you never know with them
would try it and hate it, a no go forever: wonwoo, jihoon, seokmin, vernon
they would try it with you just to see what the hype is about and immediately wouldn't like it. they aren't quite sure what the hatred stems from, but the feeling either drives them insane in the bad way, or overstimulates them too much and they cant concentrate
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grimescum-2 · 10 months
other jan hcs (ft. luke) :o3
- him and luke are from new york, born to a lower class family
- both are mixed to some degree (black n white), luke is just the lighter skinned of the two
- jan got the extroverted behavioral issues adhd and luke got the introverted withdrawn adhd
- both have depression. i think luke in particular would have an inflated ego and low empathy. jan denies having depression and feeling sad at all while luke handles it pretty well, even if he internalizes it.
- jan was a sweet, albeit obviously troubled kid, and the least favorite child because of the problems that came with it. he was smart, shown by his grades, but the problem was how little he turned in assignments. he didn't see why he should and felt as if he was forced to because of it
- he often felt jealous of his brother since he seemed to be the one getting all the praise and attention. they were still close despite this and did damn near everything together (usually because of jan's insistence)
- luke ended up doing a lot of his schoolwork for him. jan still feels indebted to him after all this time, but luke just tells him not to worry about it. jan doesn't know luke cheated most of the time
- jan felt like nobody really cared for him other than his brother. developed an intense hatred for other people and, specifically, those who're in a position of power for not doing anything to help him or people like him. a lotta his violent tendencies probably stems from that alongside bottled up rage and jealousy
- has heavy trust issues because of this and doesn't immediately believe people when they say or try to show that they care
- jan went to jail for theft and some other minor charges in his youth. he still commits crimes obviously, he's just much smarter about it now. luke has always been much more meticulous and planned with his crimes
- didn't have a lot of luck with relationships if they lasted long enough to even be considered one. thinks romance is just buy thing for girl and do the sex and dismisses everything else as "corny". ironic considering his surname
- luke is very much the opposite but still had trouble in relationships due to the fact that he just didn't care for any of his partners, being mostly in it for the compliments and the benefits to himself. he'd end up cheating a lot of the time
- jan probably wouldn't even recognize any genuine displays of affection. if he did, he wouldn't know how to react, defaulting to insults and awkward laughter. he doesn't shut up often but telling him "i love you" would do it real quick
- luke isn't phased by compliments; it's just telling him stuff he already knows. he knows how to pretend to be flattered, though. would probably be the type to say "thank you" to someone confessing their undying love for him. you'd honestly have more luck earning his fancy by insulting him (NOT BECAUSE GHES LIKE A MASOCHIST,, idk thats up to you BUT because it's something new and different)
- jan still thinks men shouldn't cry and seriously beats himself up for it when he inevitably does. luke thinks the same, except he just doesn't. he can recall very few occasions past childhood where he actually cried
- jan's thoughts are faster than his mouth, luke thinks before he talks. jan will say the most out of pocket uncalled for shit ever heard by another human being and act like it's a normal thing to say
- jan's handwriting is only legible by him and his brother due to luke learning from the little schoolwork jan did do. luke writes almost exclusively in cursive, the one exception being if jan is going to read it
- jan drew those shitty S signs everywhere. luke dabbled in writing as an emotional outlet and jan would draw those fucking S signs all over his work
- when jan read his writing (usually without luke's consent) he would read it aloud and yell about how good it was, embarrassing luke in the process
- jan says shit JUST to make people mad. his ass would start an argument only to be like "haa u mad u mad". luke just naturally gets under peoples skin
- jan plays stuff like gta, metal gear n silent hill. has a few video game consoles and he plays with luke sometimes (w jan's temper he's admittedly not the best person to play games with)
- jan stole a motorcycle once, got all excited to ride it and immediately crashed bc he doesn't know how to ride one. luke let him ramble on about whatever and snuck in cigarettes and liquor for him while he was hospitalized
- luke does love his younger brother, he just doesn't like the constant noise; it overstimulates him and most of the time he's not interested in what jan has to say. instead shows his love thru small things and being overly protective. if you manage to stress jan out in any capacity luke will NOT let that shit slide
- jan frequented those shock/gore websites as an emotional outlet. consequently became desensitized to stuff of that nature and interested in weapons, particularly guns
- jan is extremely reckless with his stolen money. enjoys gambling and placing outright dangerous bets that luke often has to talk him out of despite him doing the same
- jan impatient as shit. if he isn't immediately good at something he gets mad and loses interest. luke is patient but significantly less so with people
- i think jan is chill with the lgbt community. he'd be one of those allies who have no clue what any of it means but r supportive anyway. luke does not give a single shit
- neither are inherently bad or evil!!!!! but i think luke would be the more morally incorrect out of the two. jan knows what it's like to go through tough shit while luke doesn't— and even if he did, he wouldn't care.
- regardless of jan's beliefs he'd always say "no homo" before giving anything that's even remotely a compliment to another man
- likes hardcore, hard rock, metal, metalcore, punk rock and old-school rap. luke isn't much of a music person in comparison, but he did manage to get jan into smooth jazz
- jan would blare his music loud as fuck and turn it up louder whenever someone tells him to quiet down
- jan does care about how people perceive him, he's just good at pretending like he doesn't. luke only cares about his perception for the social benefits that come with looking and acting more refined. he does actually enjoy the fashion aspect quite a bit, but he probably wouldn't say that (unless its to brag about how expensive his suits are)
- both's fashion sense is "whatever makes me look cool" but for different reasons. jan leans a little more towards whatever is comfortable
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goddamnwebcomics · 1 year
My Not-so-Brief Review of Gene Catlow (Part 6)
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In the final part we wrap up the characters talk, as well as talk about my overall thoughts on the comic as a whole.
Characters (Part 5)
And then we have Cydnee. Cydnee starts off good, she is a matagot whose powers were repressed by Jeremy because he is an asshole, and Matt ends up allowing her to become his bride as they take over the planet under Feline Empire. Cydnee and Matt have their differences, Cydnee can sometimes be bratty and even overestimate her influence with Matt, but Matt often keeps her in her place. It’s odd because it’s supposed to be a complete opposite of Gene and Catwhis’s relationship, but it never crosses to the point of abuse. It’s more like a student-mentor relationship than a romantic one, outside of the fucking. And then out of nowhere, Cydnee becomes fucking turboracist against dogs. It starts off as playful banter with Dorzoi, but it becomes more and more violent until Cydnee just straight up wants to murder every dog on Earth. Thankfully Matt finds her racism and her obsession with it very discomforting and it even costs them a mission. Cydnee’s racism really doesn’t make sense in this universe when there are dozens of other species in the universe. It is implied she would become a cat supremacist with her background, but why not make her turboracist against other species as well? Also there’s the whole thing where Cydnee randomly turns into Catwhis, which is implied to be Cydnee trying to predict Matt’s desires, but then we see Catwhis turn into Cydnee and really the whole thing just seems to discomfort Matt.
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And speaking of, let’s finally talk about the shining light of joy and happiness, the best character in this comic and my favourite character in all of fiction, Praetor Matthias. Matt starts off as an ambiguous figure Gene has nightmares and flashbacks about, a really ugly cat who once abused Catwhis in their youth. He returns during Friendship Island arc and tries to assassinate Gene, but fails. It is implied Matt desperately wants Catwhis to come back to his life, but why though. Eventually we see more of him during Borzoi arc and there we finally see his true nature in full glory, he is a manipulative and powerful yet charming bastard who understands nature of reality better than any other character. He also manages to come up with a plan in a minute no matter what setbacks he faces. He is intelligent and also very handsome and both men and women want his D. He is also a really good boss, he treats his employees fairly, he lets them leave if they disagree with him, he compliments people when they do good job. He has bad temper sometimes but that seems to stem from his hatred of backstabbers, which is 100% justified, because earlier in this part of the review I had an ENTIRE SECTION dedicated to them. Why would anyone want to backstab such a charming and intelligent hottie? Well, it’s not what he is, but what people SAY he is. Every character that isn’t part of Matt’s group sees him as an evil demon, a monster, a tyrant, a turboracist, an irresponsible and incompetent moron who shouldn’t exist, but who also shouldn’t be killed because “he has already been punished”. Every character knows exactly what he is up to at any given time, whether it’s Gene, Catwhis, Simmy, Friendship Island, Toothy, Jeremy, one of the bodyguards, Dawn and Dusk, Borzoi, Dorzoi, Forzoi, Michelle, Big Cats and even Diane. He doesn’t get ONE FAIR SHOT, his plans are always instantly exposed and figured out. Matt really comes across like an underdog, he is eternally trapped in a game he can’t win because all of his opposition is OP. It would be different if Matt was stupid but he’s not. He’s extremely intelligent, it’s just that his luck just fucking sucks and all his enemies know everything what he is up to. He even gets his powers taken away from him, almost all the members of his group consider leaving at once and his girlfriend becomes a racist that seems to use Matt mainly for dog genocide rather than any real goals. And yes, Matt has done some morally corrupt things but he is more or less 100% justified, because Matt hates, hates, FUCKING HATES Backstabbers. Borzoi backstabs him, he reduces him to a bloody pulp, Webcats consider backstabbing him, Matt sends one of his CGI cat puppets to assassinate them, Dorzoi implies he knows about Matt’s assassination attempt of the webcats, Matt fucking kills him. And when you think that I’ve ranted about his enemies for half of this fucking review, you know that Matt is right, and the universe is out to get him. And yet many characters still think that Matt might CHANGE. I am glad that we will never ever know how Matt would’ve been defeated.
In a nutshell, Matt is a fucking great character, but a terrible villain, because he is the hero in the greater context of this comic. Why else would he share a name with one of the disciples?
And that was all the characters worth talking about in Gene Catlow, and only one quarter of them are likable.
Gene Catlow is a comic I will never forget, I encourage anyone who thinks they’ve seen it all to read it, and try to comprehend it’s themes and messages. Maybe they will find its themes to be genius, and its story to not be as batshit as I thought. Either way, more people should read Gene Catlow.
Albert Temple may not be the most perfect storyteller in the world, but he was very passionate, and seeing him die before his epic could be finished, is tragic to say the least. Nobody deserves it, not Kentaro Miura, not J.R.R. Tolkien, not him. I found myself getting invested in the world he had created, his characters may be many things but boring is not one of them…even if one of the characters was literally named Mr. Boring. I hear stories about Albert Temple being a very sweet and nice guy who was always talking with people. Sure, he may have pulled a harmless long con, but nobody really felt betrayed or angry by that revelation. The more I hear what a kind person he was, the more bad I feel for dragging on his flaws. Yes, you can make bad art even if you’re a good person, but Albert is a special case. His works do deserve to be read and studied by a lot of people. I want his works to receive a fanbase. He will always leave a hell of an impression no matter what he does. That alone makes him one of a kind.
Rest in Peace, Albert Temple. You were loved.
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beigepillow · 11 months
Do you think Yashiro is having a hard time accepting that Doumeki has feelings for him because of Doumeki telling him to make due with him for now. Before the time skip he struggled with D and sexual activity out of duty to the boss. Maybe he sees it the same way he did before. This time pacifying him with sex to keep him safe and not leaking info.
I think it is exactly that. Doumeki made it seem like he doesn’t trust Yashiro to not give out info just to have sex. It is a low opinion to have of someone. I don’t think Doumeki intentionally hurts Yashiro but certain things he has said to Yashiro can be interpreted extremely badly. I don’t either wants to hurt the other basically. Both struggle with low self esteem and self hatred stemming from trauma and don’t seem to realize the effects they have on each other. Both also need the other to explicitly state what they want and how they feel lol. I think it is easy for us as readers to think it is so obvious how they feel but the truth is both have acted in ways that don’t exactly show love. Yashiro has constantly insulted and rejected Doumeki while actively seeking out sex with other men and actually saying he doesn’t choose Doumeki. Doumeki has said things to suggest that he thinks Yashiro will betray him just to have sex and has implied that all Yashiro cares about is sex plus considering everything that happened 4 years ago which is provides good reason for Doumeki to hate Yashiro. I wouldn’t believe someone loved me if they acted like how either is acting.
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buffysummers · 1 year
Can you elaborate more on what you said about Spike's misogyny stemming from his mommy issues? Thanks if you do!
Hi! Sure.
So, in the episode "Lies My Parents Told Me," we learn that after William was turned into a vampire by Drusilla, he wanted to also turn his mother into a vampire because she was sick. He wanted to travel the world with her and Drusilla, much to Drusilla's chagrin.
In that same episode, we learn that he was VERY close with his mother. He read her his poetry, discussed his love life. There were definitely aspects of their dynamic that Freud would have MUCH to say about, and that was very intentional, considering what happens after he bites her and turns her into a vampire.
Once she is turned, she becomes very cruel. She mocks him for being weak, mocks his poetry, and even suggests that he has always wanted her sexually. You can read this as her "rejecting" him. We know that women often laughed at his poetry (see: 5.07), and now the one woman he thought truly loved and admired him seems to feel the same way, but I digress. This is another instance where the vampire's bite is meant to be perceived as something inherently sexual. Her words traumatize and horrify William, and he stakes her.
I believe this is where his hatred for women begins, although there was always an element of entitlement to him that seemed to be instilled in all men at the time. (It was 1800s England, after all.)
But what is REALLY telling about this is that the song "Early One Morning," a song his mother used to sing to him, is weaponized by The First to trigger Spike into becoming a violent, women killing monster, despite the pain from his chip. After Giles' spell, Spike is able to relive that traumatic moment with his mother. It would seem that Spike always felt that it was really his mother saying those things to him, that she really felt that way about him. This shattered his perception of her and their relationship that was obviously very important to him. He spent over a 100 years living with that trauma, and it is clear that he never got over it, or else it wouldn't be his trigger.
After confronting Wood (who is also reeling from the loss of his mother, who Spike murdered years ago), Spike realizes it was the DEMON saying those things to him, and that his mother actually did love him.
It's also important to note that Spike is one of Joss' self-inserts, and Joss himself had a very complex relationship with his mother. I also do believe that a lot of men who ARE raging misogynists tend to have some longstanding mommy issues, and Spike is a great example of this, for the reasons mentioned above.
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lettucedloophole · 1 year
hi apologies if youve alr made a post abt this (if u have, then maybe u can add a link to that specific post?) but i just wanted to ask for ur perspective bc this is smth i keep getting hung up on and i rlly only trust u to answer:
why would abolishing gender be harmful to trans ppl if transphobia stems from emphasis on traditional gender roles, and the abolishment would further their focus on relieving dysphoria thru physical sex change instead of relieving it by having to conform to sociological femininity and masculinity as a means to adapt in this patriarchal society?
thank you for taking the time to read and answer this <3
no worries! i haven't made a post about this before since no one's asked, but i'll answer it right here for you.
the answer is, it wouldn't be harmful. abolishing gender would ultimately be the best for everyone, but especially lgbt people & women. however... the contextualization of this point is what makes or breaks it. let me explain--
trans people have a negative reaction when people discuss abolishing gender not only for the same reason cis people might (a kneejerk reaction to protect the status quo), but also for the very valid reason of wanting to defend transness in a transphobic society. it's the same reason why some gay people will react negatively to the fact that homosexuality is a social construct, and therefore cannot be innate; most people use this argument to justify homophobia & patriarchy.
the thing is, to abolish gender, sex must also be abolished as it's the primary method of naturalizing gender. sex is a social construct-- it's not natural. however, terfs and any garden variety conservative will reify gender through the naturalization of sex. they'll say, "cis women and men are natural, but trans people aren't. therefore, they must be eliminated." similarly, "heterosexual people are natural, but gay and bi people aren't. therefore, they must be eliminated." eliminated can mean killed or, forcibly dissolved into the "natural" categories via bullshit self-loathing propaganda.
a really easy way to understand why this is so upsetting to trans people is just comparing their situation to gay people or women's, really, as they are so similar. if you walked up being like "wow i cant wait for gays to be abolished<3" ofc people will assume you mean it in a homophobic sense rather than a complicated, radical feminist sense, and if you're focusing on the abolition of minority groups in particular, it does likely stem from bigotry. not saying that you've said anything like that lol, but those examples are the best way i can illustrate the point.
also, everyone on the internet hates radical feminism, so regardless of how eloquently you explain your point & how sensible it is, if you associate it with radical feminism people will ignore what you say, misinterpret you so severely that it seems deliberate but could very well be internet stupidity, and also throw tomatos at you. 😭 radfems, matfems & a handful of marxist, anarchist, intersectional fems + womanists are the only ones i trust to not be covert antifeminists.
last p.s.: we don't know what a society outside of patriarchy looks like. assuming people will continue getting sex changes assumes the existence of a natural sex binary, though it's possible people may change "sex" characteristics as they please. trans people's issue is not only being forced into gender roles, but a hatred of transness which puts them into a catch-22 regarding survival under patriarchy-- they're "reifying patriarchy" if they transition, but plagued with dysphoria, martyrs to a post-patriarchal world centuries away from us if they don't. perhaps, a similar scenario would be if you told a gay or straight person to simply see people as gender/sexless and to experience attraction, to give affection as though we lived in a post-patriarchal society-- it just wouldn't be possible, and for the gay person who is particularly vulnerable under patriarchy, it would more likely be traumatizing. dworkin put it so succintly in woman hating...
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i hope that wasn't too repetitive or long, i just wanted to be thorough. admittedly, this is kind of a loaded answer if you aren't familiar with sex as a social construct, so if you have anymore questions, feel free to ask!
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
Hi there. I'm not sure how reliable this is, but I think we might already have our Nettles. Check this Twitter post here.
If it really is her, I'm glad they casted someone visibly of black descent. In my imagination though, she looked a little different. Darker skin, for instance.
This is strange to me since they don't seem to have a problem casting darker skin men for their roles, yet for Nettles especially, her defining trait being her skin tone to make the part of Rhaenyras hatred for her that clearly stems from racism probably now falls short and won't quiet hit and frame the reality of what has become of true Rhaenyras character the way it should. And if they try to keep it up like in the books, it will feel a bit off considering there people who are darker than her (Adam for instance), especially with that one line Rhaenyra said with clear distaste, using her skin tone as jeer to mock her. I don't know though, maybe I'm over thinking things?
It's just with all the illustrations and what have you, it felt like it was building up to a promising portrayal.
I'd like to know your thoughts on this as well..
Yeah, I know. Colorism is a huge problem when it comes to casting Black women(actually scratch that, they barely like to cast light-skinned mono-racial Black women anymore).
Playing devils advocate, the photo of Nettles potential actress is taken from afar and very very blurry.
For all intents and purposes, she could be brown-skinned (more the actress who plays Baela’s color) instead of just light. I don’t think she is dark-skinned though. If you’re thinking in the vein of Corlys or the guys playing Alyn and Addam she doesn't appear to be as dark as them.
People think(and I’m leaning towards that way as well) that the actress Anna Jobarteh is playing her and she’s obviously light and biracial.
All that being said, Rhaenyra mocking her and looking down whether she’s light, dark, or in between still makes sense to me(I mean you do have white women irl who date/marry Black men and then turn around and bad mouth Black women, but I’m not really going to get into that can of worms here). I do understand your concern though due to how the writers have handled things in the past, but they can make it work if they try (and they need to hire more Black writers because how they are treating certain characters hasn't been great🫠).
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disabled-dean · 1 year
Not to ketch-post on main but I'm gonna be rotating this joint thesis with @butch--dean in my head until the end of time--
Re: the blatant but objectively WEIRD tension between dean & ketch-
I feel like their sexually tense, deep hatred for each other stems from like.... dean's weird desire for toxic masculinity bumping up against his need not to be needed by other people.
At this point dean is recognizing his feelings for cas, who represents a much softer, nurturing form of male intimacy. Cas who wants and needs him- which scares the shit out of dean.
Every time cas dies dean is 100% devastated. He's broken, and he's already lost so many men he deeply loved at this point- romantically and/or platonically. You've gotta imagine that carnally desiring someone he doesn't have to worry about dying- someone he actively wants to kill- must be very theraputic.
Bonus content:
On the flip side, for ketch- who has obviously caught the kind of feelings for mary winchester that he's never experienced before in his life- his relationship with dean is much more straight forward. It's simple, it's safe. It's based in the kinds of manipulation and social chess moves that he's built his entire life on.
There's none of the obvious uncertainty or vulnerability we've seen him display with mary.
I almost feel like being close to dean is a way that ketch can be close to mary that doesn't make him feel confused or weak. The two are obviously linked in his mind ("you're both killers"), and he seems to be drawn to them for similar reasons.
But at this point mary has undeniably shown that she doesn't need ketch, and this has obviously hurt him. Ketch- a weapon- can still be useful to dean. Dean who hates him but is willing to work with him, who can't hurt him.
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edenpoise · 6 months
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headcanons for fun <3
eve goes through spurts of being affectionate to being downright cruel to people, this mostly stems off her time in hell which has twisted her personality. being surrounded by humanity's worst has put a major damper on her personality. her affectionate side mostly stems from being the mother of humanity.
eve still truly loves her own children with all her heart. she didn't play any favorites and attempted to do her best with the circumstances that were given to her, she grieved deeply when abel was killed by his own brother but she still grieves over cain's punishment as well.
eve can often reflect the abilities of those she has under contract. almost like a 'copycat' system.
the necklace she bares has the ability to change her appearance, for the verses that imply that she takes over lilith's role to exact revenge and get a ticket into heaven.
while eve has a festering hatred for lucifer, this doesn't quite follow the same way with his family. she doesn't distaste lilith and charlie the same way she does lucifer. in the end she sees charlie as 'the only thing good that came from the devil' sorta thing- and lilith simply being an obstacle. no outright hatred but not exactly on her good side.
eve enjoys being in control, especially over men. due to the centuries of being told she had to do everything for adam ( in her perspective ) and ultimately how earth had place women in the lower status towards men, she only sees it fair she does the same to them. ( this isn't healthy but she does it more towards powerful figures than just a random man )
while adam ( in canon ) had been the one to declare the extermination idea, eve would be on the opposite side of the opinion. eve still sees humanity being apart of her family in some way, and thus while she can be cruel in her actions, while she can enjoy exerting control over them, she ultimately uses people but never seems to threaten death to them.
the younger a person is, the more likely eve is to be affectionate and motherly towards them.
she is pretty much desensitized towards a lot of sins of humanity, even the worst sides of them. being as old as she is, there is almost nothing new to her. however she does have a certain hatred for people that go after children, this seems to be the ultimate 'no return' for her.
she gives animal based nicknames to people 'close' to her, example being alastor is 'bambi', charlie is 'little goat', things that could be taken both affectionately but also mockery. all depends on her tone.
eve is fantastic at 'faking it till you make it'- this can be used for the verse where she takes lilith's identity and uses it until she gets what she wants.
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