#this one drained me
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starlight-write · 6 months ago
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Master Escape Artist
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Finished this in a sleep-deprived haze but wanted to get this one out before starting on Tickletober this year. This fic is heavily inspired from these headcannons from @cloudysfluffs
Also, I'd like to issue a formal apology for going MIA for literal months on end as I've been focusing on schoolwork and getting my certification but I'm hoping to get back into writing for this blog.
Anyways, hope you enjoy and feel free to send in any suggestions or prompts you'd like to see!
Pairings: Ler!Wendy, Switch!Dipper, Switch!Mabel (All Platonic)
Word Count: 3.5k (JEEZ)
Summary: Mabel has a reputation for being a ruthless tickler, dishing out tickle attacks to her friends and family whenever possible. To make matters worse, Mabel prides herself at being a so-called 'Master Escape Artist' as not a single person has been able to catch her. However, Mabel might've pushed her luck a bit to far when inadvertently challenging a certain friend who is more than ready to put her to the test.
Warnings: This is obviously going to be a tickle fic. Don't like? DOn't interact.
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"AAAAHH-!! MABEL!- MABEL DOhohohoHOHON'T!! PLEHEHEHAAHAHAHAHA!!!-" Dipper squealed from his place on the floor where his twin had him pinned by the waist, as she ruthlessly dug her claws into his overly sensitive ribcage.
Dipper pushed, and screamed, and squealed as he fought frantically to escape even though he knew it would do him no good...he had been on the receiving end of his sister's cruelty enough to know that the moment she set her sights on you, it's over.
"Tickle, tickle, tickle! What's so funny, Dipper? I know you think that rude little joke you just made was hilarious, but you gotta get a hold of yourself!" Mabel said as she smiled through gritted teeth and dug in harder.
The twins had been hanging out in their room not five minutes ago when the topic of Mabel's weekly crush came up. Some boy she made eye contact with at the diner who was organizing stickers or something. This one's different! It's love at first sight...again.
Dipper just flipped through the pages of his journal as half-listened to Mabel's love-sick rant. He might've had a passing thought to himself that wasn't as silent as he had hoped. Something along the lines of making sure that boy didn't make out with his stickers or something like that.
And that little slip-up was what had got him chased all throughout the Mystery Shack until he was finally tackled to the floor of the gift shop, where Soos and Wendy happened to be no less, and was now getting the snot tickled out of him.
Wendy had long put down her magazine as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. Resting her chin in her hand and leaning over the counter as she watched her friends play. Soos, on the other hand, seemed to be avoiding eye contact at all costs, still sweeping as he pretended not to notice what was happening.
Eventually, Dipper's frantic squealing died down when Mabel had slowly gotten off of him once she decided he'd had enough. She offered a hand, but the boy opted to curl into a ball instead as he worked on recovering from the attack.
Mabel bent down to poke her brother's head condescendingly as she spoke, "Next time, think twice about poking fun at my love life!" The girl laughed playfully.
"Dang Mabel, you're pretty ruthless. Honestly thought you were trying to kill him for a sec." Wendy commented from her spot behind the counter.
"Oh, that?" Mabel laughed. "That was nothing. Couple nights ago Grunkle Stand and I got him so good he was hiccuping for at least ten minutes after we stopped!"
"Mabel!" Dipper hushed from his fetal position still on the floor.
The boy forced himself to at least sit upright and save at least some dignity. He turned away to grab his hat he had shaken off during the tussle hoping it would help hide his burning face from Wendy.
The older girl just chuckled at the scene before turning her focus back to Mabel.
"Y'know, I'd watch my back if I were you. Push your luck too far and Dipper's bound to get revenge sooner or later."
Mabel barked out a laugh before chucking herself, as if what Wendy had just said had been the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard.
"HA!- Hahahahahaa. Oh Wendy, Wendy, Wendy, you're hilarious! But I'll have you know Dipper, and everyone else for that matter, has already tried their luck and failed miserably. I'm a master escape artist and way to slippery for Dipper's sweaty little hands." Mabel giggled at hearing another hushed protest from her brother.
"In fact, I don't think I've been tickled in years! Guess everyone just gave up trying since they know it's pointless, that and the fact that I always get them back for even trying!"
Never in her life had Wendy seen so much cheek from a single person before now.
"Oh? I wouldn't say that if I were you, squirt. You might jinx your luck and test the wrong person." Wendy said looking down at the other.
"No. Mabel's right, unfortunately." Dipper chimed in, picking himself up off the floor with a small huff. "She's impossible to catch, not just for me and Grunkle Stan but our parents, Candy, Grenda, it really doesn't matter. No one stands a chance at catching her unless she wants to be caught."
"See!" Mabel smirked and gestured towards her brother. "I got tons of references! This master escape artist had yet to be defeated! My perfect streak remains unbroken and I dare anyone who would try to break it!"
Mabel boasted herself with the upmost confidence anyone would expect from a naive twelve-year-old. However, what she didn't notice was the older girl in front of her stretching her muscles during her entire rant.
"Welp, guess that settles it then." Wendy honed her eyes on her friend. "You ready?"
"Wait what-"
Mabel barely had time to blink before Wendy had effortlessly jumped over the counter meer inches from grabbing her. The girl shouted in surprise as she scurried away to the opposite side of the room.
Not wasting a second, Wendy ran towards her. Mabel shouted again, completely caught off guard by this turn of events which had unfortunately cost her a few precious seconds.
The younger girl managed to slip past her attacker and jump over a pile of merchandise which she toppled over in hopes to trip the other.
Mabel sprinted towards Soos, who was frozen and staring in shock at what was unfolding in front of him. Already flustered and feeling awkward from being in the same room as someone getting tickled, he did NOT want any part of what was happening now.
"AH-Dude! I really don't think you guys should be doing this-!" Soos exclaimed nervously towards the kid who was now behind him. Mabel managed to run behind her friend and grab onto him and was now using Soos as a human shield.
Soos grew even more sweaty and awkward as Wendy faced him and attempted to reach around to grab Mabel. The two kept this up for almost a full minute and Soos thought he was about to die of embarrassment.
Dipper, however, was having a blast! Never before had he seen his twin struggle this much to outrun somebody! Not to mention she actually looked nervous! Oh, how Dipper wished he had a camera on him right now! Mabel may have actually pushed her luck too far this time.
Realizing the human-shield plan wasn't working out to well as she'd hoped. Mabel climbed up on her friend's shoulders and managed to slide herself on top of the vending machine.
Unfortunately for her though, Mabel forgot she was being chased by an actual lumberjack.
Wendy followed her up with no difficulty and with no other places to climb, she managed to grab the girl around her torso.
Dipper gasped, thinking his sister had finally gotten herself caught. Until Mabel raised both arms above her head and slipped out of her sweater and off the vending machine with a surprising amount of grace.
Wendy grunted in frustration and tossed the sweater on Soos's head before jumping off herself and resuming their little chase.
Mabel sprinted towards the door of the gift shop. There's no way Wendy would be able to catch her if she'd managed to get outside. Almost there...
It was at that moment that Dipper had made the split-second decision to sabotage his sister's escape by lifting his leg up to trip her up before she ran pass him.
The girl fell to the floor with a loud oomf, eyes going wide as she realized what had just happened.
Dipper felt a pang in his chest at the utterly betrayed look on his poor sister face. But that was soon forgotten as Wendy caught up to them and used her weight to pin Mabel down to her spot on the floor.
"Nice one, Dipper!" Wendy have him a thumbs up and a wink which of course caused the tween to stutter and blush.
"Oh! W-Well y'know, I-I just thought th-that I m-might as well try a-and-"
"LET ME GOOO!!!! AGH-NOOOO!!" Dipper's Stuttering was interrupted by his sister's panicked wailing.
Mabel fought and thrashed and shrieked as she struggled to wriggle herself out from under Wendy, who was now scrambling to catch Mabel's arms in order to pin them down.
Oh God, Mabel was losing it. She must've already guessed what was coming if that utterly panicked laughter was anything to go by. Dipper couldn't remember seeing Mabel this nervous over anything!
As she'd mentioned earlier, it had been years since Mabel was on the receiving end of one of these attacks, so safe to say that she wasn't at all prepared for what was no doubt coming her way.
"Dipper! Ack- A little help?!" Wendy grunted as she dodged Mabel's flailing limbs.
"Oh! Right- Sorry!" Dipper said awkwardly as he shook his thoughts away and seated himself right above his sister's head.
Mabel's desperate protests doubled down as she watched Dipper approach her. She bargained and apologized and begged her brother not to do this to her as her thrashing continued.
Dipper just huffed out an apologetic laugh at her dramatics. "Heh. Sorry sis, but you've had this coming for a while now. Plus, you did tickle the snot out of me just now so I don't think begging is gonna get you outta this one..." Dipper said as he playfully ruffled her hair before reaching out to grab her wrists.
Oh she was so screwed...
Mabel screwed her eyes shut and threw her arms down over her torso and locked them around herself with an iron grip, suddenly realizing how exposed her upper body was without her sweater.
"Alright, you wanna play that game, huh?" Wendy let out an evil chuckle. "Well then, let's see how long you'll be able to keep that up." The older girl said before pinching what little she could reach of the younger girl's sides.
The answer was, apparently: not long at all.
Mabel broke immediately at the overwhelming tingling sensation the fingers brought to her sides. The girl howled and shot her arms down to grab at the offending hands. To which, Wendy twisted her wrists out of the girl's grip and finally managed to get a hold of the appendages.
"Dipper!" Wendy called out for the other to take the girl's wrists which the tween struggled to pull back above her head, eventually managing to pin them down although it nearly his entire body weight.
Wendy leaned back and wiped the sweat off her brow. "Phew! Gotta say kid, I underestimated you! You definitely weren't lying about being a, what'd you call it? "Master Escape Artist"?" The teen chuckled. "Luckily for me though that your latest victim was right here ready to sell you out, huh?" Wendy laughed and she shot Dipper another thumbs up.
The teasing only served to darken the girl's already pink face as she frantically shook her head. "You guhuhuhuhuys cheatehehehed! I'll get you guhuhuys bahahahack fohor this, I swehehear!"
The older girl just tutted and shook her head down at her. "There's that cocky attitude again. Well, maybe you'll learn to have a bit of empathy for you little victims once you've had a taste of your own medicine..."
And with that, Wendy's fingers found their way back to the poor kid's sides. Slowly spidering up to the bottom of the girl's ribcage and down again to the top of her hips.
Up...and down...and up...and down...
Mabel couldn't hold back the shriek that punched its way out of her throat.
The poor kid began kicking her feet out frantically and arched her back and the torturous feeling. Practically growling as she gritted her teeth and pressed the back of her head to the floorboards. Hoping to relieve at least some of the unbearable tingling in her stomach.
The gentle gliding of the older teen's fingers absolutely threw Mabel for a loop and did absolutely nothing to quell the swarm of butterflies that had followed her ever since the beginning of their little chase.
She had expected Wendy to go ham on her right off the bat just as she'd done to Dipper not even five minutes ago, but nope. Wendy's fingers just continued to glide their way up and down Mabel's sides, never straying from that agonizingly slow pace. Over and over and over again...
Eventually, Mabel's frantic thrashing had died down and the shrieking protests from before had dissolved into a stream of high-pitched cackling.
"Still feeling all high and mighty ya little brat?" Wendy playfully chuckled down at her friend. "Jeez, I wonder how this 'Master Escape Artist' is gonna get out of this one."
Mabel gritted her teeth at that comment, managing to stifle her laughter for a moment.
"Y-Yohohou guhuys are thehe wohohohorst!"
Dipper couldn't help but laugh a bit at his twin's predicament. "Aww, what's the matter Mabel? You not enjoying this game now that you're on the other end of the stick, huh? Maybe now you'll think twice before dishing out what you can't take."
Wendy and Dipper both laughed at Mabel's dramatic outburst. Their teasing seemed to really be doing a number on her. Dipper made sure to remember that for later...
"Y'know what?" Wendy chimed in. "Maybe I'm being too nice...we really need to drill this lesson into her."
No sooner had the word left her mouth had the gentle gliding stopped, before Wendy's fingers began mercilessly drilling into the younger girl's hips and the frantic shrieking started up again.
The absolute switch from zero to a hundred left the poor tween scrambling to form any sort of coherent words, completely unprepared for the sudden attack.
Dipper, being the good brother he is, had been keeping close watch on his sister's reactions during this entire ordeal. He had already guessed that Mabel wouldn't cope as well as he did being on the receiving end of their little game and although it felt good to finally get some revenge, the thought of pushing his twin past her limits worried him a bit.
So it was no surprise that he'd noticed the little hiccup Mabel's breath took as she was shocked with the sudden rougher tickling, and how she was struggling to accommodate for it through her frantic laughter.
With that, Dipper had motioned for Wendy to stop. The older teen had retracted her hands almost immediately, worried she'd gone to far until Dipper gave her a thumbs up along with a reassuring smile as the two of them waited for Mabel to catch her breath.
The girl kept her eyes squeezed shut as she gulped in air, refusing to look at either of them right now.
"Hah...you guhuhuys...are...evil." Mabel complained, which only earned her more chuckling from her tormenters.
"You still makin' it, squirt?" Wendy asked, ruffling her hair. "You looked like you were struggling there for a second."
Mabel scoffed, finally opening her eyes just to roll them at that last comment.
"Oh please! As if you guys would break me that easy! A little tickling isn't gonna make me curl up and die, I'm not Dipper after all!" She said as she shot a defiant grin up at her brother. One that definitely said that she'd get him back for this later.
Dipper and Wendy stared at one another, completely shook at the utter audacity of this bi-
"Wow. This really is her first time, huh?" Wendy asked as she cracked her knuckles.
"If it weren't obvious enough already, yeah." Dipper responded, adjusting his position on her upper arms. His expression was a lot less amused than the older girl's at that last jab. "Flip her over."
"Wait, what?!-" Mabel's smug grin was immediately replaced with confused panic as the two of them quickly flipped her over on her stomach faster than she could react.
"Hey!" Mabel protested as her thrashing picked back up once again and the other two struggled a bit to regain their grip on her.
Once they steadied themselves, Wendy shot her friend a questioning look, asking where they were going with this.
Dipper struggled a bit longer but eventually regained his footing even as his sister tried to bite him twice.
"Finally." Dipper sighed before acknowledging his friend's questioning look.
"Well okay, uh so...this is j-just a minor d-detail I've noticed a uh...a while back-it might not even be true, b-but I- uh- figured it'd be worth a shot..." Dipper struggled as he tried to cough out an explanation. Suddenly feeling very nervous about exposing this information to his crush.
"So uh...t-there's this one sp-spot I've noticed t-that is pretty...bad for uh- pretty much o-our whole family so I...I- uh- thought that-that might be something we could uh- t-try."
Wendy chuckled a bit to herself as she sat back and watched her friend stutter hopelessly through his word vomit. "Aaaaaand? What spot might that be, Dipper?" The redhead asked with a smug smile plastered on her face.
On the other hand, Mabel was a lot less amused by her twin's pathetic stuttering as a new wave of panic dawned on her when she realized exactly where Dipper was about to take this. And if this little hunch of his was right, and that this spot was even half as bad as it was for Dipper?...
Yeeeeah...Maybe that latest jab at her brother wasn't the brightest idea.
Mabel couldn't see her twin gesture towards the small of her back as she let out her own string of stutters that rivaled her brother's.
"W-Wait. Guys, c-come ohohon! P-Please? I was j-just joking around! L-Let's go do something else...I'm g-getting bored of this already..."
Mabel also couldn't see the truly evil grin Wendy flashed as she looked down at her once again.
"Oh, alright...if that's really the case then you can just apologize to Dipper for that little insult and for that cocky attitude of yours. That last one shouldn't be too hard, considering you've finally been defeated..."
"-AND you have to promise not to try to get either of us back after this!" Dipper made sure to add that little detail, more for his own sake than Wendy's as Mabel would surely go after him first.
But as always, Mabel's pride got the best of her...
"No way! Nuh-uh! Nada! You guys cheated and deserve whatever I- EEEEAAAAAAAA- AAAAAAHAHA-WAAAAAIT!!!- WAITWAITWAIT- NOHOHOHOHOOOO!!!"
"Welp, we tried." Wendy snickered as her fingers scribbled relentlessly on the tween's lower back.
Okay, yeah. Mabel definitely regretted that statement.
Oh gosh, it was so much worse than she thought...
Mabel had completely flipped out the second those fingers began wriggling on her back. Shocks of ticklish energy zipped throughout her entire body as her worst spot was tormented. The poor girl absolutely howled with laughter as she struggled harder than ever before to escape.
Her mind spun at the absolutely torturous feeling. The ruthless tickling left her brain to scrambled to even get a word out through her screeching fit, unable to apologize even if she wanted too.
Mabel wasn't sure how long this went on or when exactly she had been freed from the weight of her tormenters because the moment she regained consciousness, she found herself curled into a fetal position on the floor...
Dipper and Wendy groaned painfully as they sat up from the floor, where they had landed after Mabel had bucked and thrown them off during her struggle.
Mabel had survived a whole eleven seconds (Dipper counted) of back tickling before gaining some kind of god-like strength and was able to throw both of them off of her from sheer force of will.
"Hey...you ok?" Dipper asked as he made his way over to his twin.
"What...happened?" Mabel huffed.
"You LAUNCHED us dude!" Wendy laughed as she stood up and made her way to her friends. "Would never have guessed you had that kind of muscle in you! Girl doesn't know her own strength 'til being tickled to death, huh?" Wendy teased, giving her friend a playful punch to the arm. "You alright though?"
Mabel sat up as she regained her bearings. "Yeah...just uh...slightly traumatized." She said with the most shell-shocked expression she could muster, earning a laugh from the two on either side of her.
"Well, I guess this means that you've gained a bit of perspective and you'll go easier on us from now on, huh?" Dipper asked a bit hopefully.
Mabel slowly turned towards her brother. Fixing her gaze on him as she remembered he had betrayed her not once, but twice in the last half hour.
"Yeah. You'd like that wouldn't you?" Mabel said coldly before launching herself at her brother the second time that evening.
Dipper had barely managed to dodge as he scrambled off the floor. "W-Wait! Mabel we can talk about this!!"
And with that, yet another chase had broken out that evening. Wendy laughed to herself as she watched the two twins sprint frantically throughout the Mystery Shack, deciding to leave them to it before clocking out and going about the rest of her day.
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A/N: Whew, okay I'm absolutely exhausted after this one and I'm not to sure if I stuck the landing or not. Either way, hope you enjoyed and lmk what you think!
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maximumkillshot · 1 year ago
"I Can't Lose You" Part 3
Warnings: This one is bad... Like bad bad. Uhm so please pay attention to these warnings. *Brings out a scroll with a solemn face.* Descriptions of Blood, Emergency medical procedure explainations, Shock, Grief, Chan gets shoved once, (IF YOU WANT NO SPOILERS AND KNOW YOU CAN HANDLE THE FIC CONTINUE) Child Loss, Descriptions of miscarriage.
Pairing: Bangchan x Reader
Characters: OC Doctor, Stray Kids, Reader
A/N: I know the cut is very high up but I needed to be sure that it wouldn't trigger someone would get triggered by the story. I am so sorry I am doing this to y'all. But here we are. Enjoy getting your heart ripped out? I guess. IF YOU WANT MORE TELL ME!
Also remember, this is a fan fic. All of the boys are so sweet IRL.
Stray Kids! Masterlist
Overall Masterlist
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You looked at Bin and Han and begged them to stay. Both of them looked at the doctor and said that whatever was happening, they weren't leaving. The doctor could see that you really needed them and as long as they were not in the way, it didn’t matter whether they were here or not. 
After the nerve block and the procedure, the doctor cleaned you up and draped a warm blanket over you, while the nurses hooked up a transfusion and closely monitored you. The doctor asked for Bin in the hall while Han went right back to your hand without the IV in it, so he could hold it properly.
Bin tried to ignore it during the procedure but the look that the doctor had on his face when he was doing the preliminary exam was haunting. Whatever he was called out here for… it wasn’t good.
Once both Bin and the Doctor were in the hall and closed the sliding door separating you from the bustling main hallway, Bin got that feeling again. That sick feeling that something was wrong. The doctor looked like he was trying to stay professional. 
It was then that Bin noticed the doctor's wedding ring. He wondered to himself if the doctor was like Bin. So deep in love that seeing anyone else doesn’t just feel blasphemous, but it’s so out of the question it’s nauseating. The doctor began.
“Are you her husband?” He asked.
“No…” Bin replied. He could feel the bile rising in his throat with that one question. He immediately thought, If I was this never would’ve happened.
“Are you family?” The doctor looked at him.
“Yes. Are they okay?” Bin looked at the doctor.
“She lost a lot of blood, through something called a hemorrhage. It’s a rare complication especially this early on. She wouldn’t have made it if this happened at home. But it’s under control now.” the doctor said. He seemed to be trying to be as sympathetic as possible, making the next question sting more.
“Okay, and the baby?” Bin asked as he was trying to hold on to the possibility, some shred of hope that you and the baby were okay. He didn’t want the answer to be…
“I’m sorry.” The doctor slowly shook his head as he bowed his head slightly. The doctor looked guilty, like this was the worst part of his job, not being able to save someone. 
“How? Why?” Bin asked as it felt like his heart twisted. He didn’t know how you were going to get through this. He knew you too well. He knew that the pain you were about to feel, the emotional pain, would spell your demise... Bin couldn’t wouldn’t let that happen. 
“There is a cause-and-effect relationship that stress, extreme traumatic stress, like what you described, can cause a mis--” “Please don’t finish that word.” Bin pleaded with tears in his eyes. That word. He’s never hated a word in his life, until now. A word like that, even the word Death is kinder. To die you need to have lived in the first place, breathe air, feel emotions, like happiness, fear, love… None of those things happened for your child, through no fault of their mother. The same woman he’s staring at, the very same woman he always stared at. 
“The fact that she went through the shock as well as the prolonged stress after that shock, and didn’t have any previous symptoms of that happening prior to that, rules out all of the other options.” he paused and looked at his ring. Bin could tell what he was thinking, the doctor’s jaw tight, I could never dream of doing that, then continued, “You know her better than I do. Will she need something to calm her down?”
“Yes… but I don’t think she’ll accept it.” Bin looked back at you and Han. You looked so out of it. Like you were and were not there simultaneously. He has never seen you like this. From what he could see it looked like Han was doing his best to distract you. He was playing with your fingers as he joked. 
It was convincing enough to relax you, but Bin knew better. His eyes are always so expressive, if he's genuinely relaxed, his eyes show it. Bin could tell that Han was many things at this point in time, and worry free was not one of them. 
“Would you like to tell her?” the doctor asked. That question made Bin think a little bit. If he did tell you, he didn't know if you'd believe him. It's easier to ignore reality when the person breaking the news isn't a doctor. You'd accept it if it came from the doctor. 
“She’ll believe it if you say it… Just have the medicine on standby. Also, what do we do to help her? What’s next?” He asked.
“Well like I said her bleeding was extensive... I want to keep her for at least a full 24 hours, in case the bleeding starts again. I’ll also arrange for her to meet with the OBGYN during that time as well, to make sure we got all of the tissue out, that way there’s no chance of another hemorrhage or infection. Sounds like a plan?” The doctor asked.
“Yes… thank you." Bin took a deep breath before he went in, the doctor trailing behind him. 
The doctor closed the sliding door as Bin looked at you, then at Han briefly. He lowered the guardrail and made eye contact with Han, who mirrored his actions shortly after. 
“Mrs. Y/L/N” the doctor began but you cut him off. 
“My baby. Please tell me my baby’s okay… please,” the urgency written on your face. 
Han's eyes were set on Changbin. The minute you asked that question, Bin lowered his head, jaw tight, and tears were already beginning to form. When Bin looked at Han, he already knew. 
The doctor looked at you and said “I...I’m so sorry.” 
Your face showed nothing but confusion… you had just gotten the first ultrasound. You had it done a week ago. No, you saw your baby.
“Y/N” Bin asked gently. He saw the look on your face, and it killed him. Seeing your brain reach for any other outcome other than the one right in your face. He tucked some stray strands of hair behind your ear as he watched and waited for the understanding to reach your face, it didn’t.
“No, it can’t be, I just got the ultrasound done. No,” you replied.
Han and Bin looked at each other. Han's eyebrows dipped, as he processed and tried to brace for impact. Bin on the other hand, was willing himself to take a step back, knowing that you needed to hear this. It had to get through, that's the only way you could start healing. 
The doctor looked solemn as he said, “Mrs. Y/L/N I could tell that you were and still are contracting. The reason why your body is doing it, from what I can discern, is because your body went through extreme stress and emotional trauma, when that happens this early, your body rejects the pregnancy. That does not mean that this is your fault, it's the opposite. It’s completely out of your control.”
Bin could see the cogs turning in your brain as you slowly started shaking your head. Reality starting to seep in. Bin wished that you didn't have to go through this. That you got the fairytale ending without the heartbreak. That you didn't have to face the death of your own child. That pain, anguish, and suffering. 
The doctor continued, “There is an even rarer condition in which the body rejecting the pregnancy ends in a condition called a hemorrhage. It’s a technical term for excessive bleeding, in this case, it happened because your body is trying to expel the tissues in your cervix. Because it was so sudden, your cervix didn’t have time to open. When I examined you, you weren’t even at half a centimeter dilation, and all of that tissue was trying to be expelled. That was why I had to do that procedure, to get the tissue out so bleeding could be minimized. I’m so sorry… but you had a miscarriage.”
Once that word was said the scream that you let out was something that Han nor Bin have ever heard in their lives. It was soul-crushing. Both of them could hear your heart breaking, shattered on the ground. Bin and Han wanted nothing more than to pick up those pieces and fix it. They knew that they couldn't, this is a hurt they can't fix.
Han held you as you screamed, begged, pleaded… You looked at Bin. “Bin please, look at me. Please tell me it's not true… Please you don’t lie to me, I know you'll tell the truth pleeease.”
Bin looked at you, “I can’t tell you it’s not true. I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.” The look of devastation on his face only sealed the fact. Bin has never lied to you so why would he start now? Especially with something as serious as whether or not you had a miscarriage. 
The look that painted his face, brows upturned as his eye contact was nothing short of empathetic. You could tell he wanted to lie. 
He wanted it to be false, that it was just some freak minor bleeding… that the baby was okay…he wanted it so badly… but you can't want something into existence. 
That realization hit you in a split second as the monitors that were connected to you, measuring vitals, started going off. You could feel nothing but pain. The involuntary gnawing, pulling pain. The blood, the cold from lack of blood in your body…The physical agony was nothing compared to what you felt in that split second. 
Your heart rate was literally too fast for you to register, pain surging through you as comprehension slammed into you like a tsunami. The baby is gone. Your baby. Your heart rate was through the roof and the doctor went to your IV.
“Y/N I’m going to give you something to calm you down okay? Your heart can’t take this stress, it’ll give out.” The doctor pushed the medication. 
“I want my baby…Bin I want my baby… Han please, my baby.” You sobbed as you held on to Han. 
All Bin could do was say, “I know you do, I’m so sorry. I’m here. I’m sorry.”
Han got on the gurney with you and cradled you. He cried with you. Prayed that it was just a nightmare. Han looked to Bin, only to find him trying to fight the tears that were falling down his face. Bin's soul was hurting for you, bargaining with whatever powers out there, to give himself up for you and your child. He knew it was irrational but if he could've, he would've. 
As soon as the medicine kicked in your breathing started to slow. You still whimpered and cringed as you felt your body bearing down, still shaking slightly and cold to the touch. Han draped his jacket over you, resting you against his chest, singing to you, to calm you. 
Every once in a while reality would crash into you again, you’d reach for Bin. You knew why you did, he was always there. He always understood you on a deeper level. Sometimes he knew what you needed when you didn’t even know you needed it. 
Eventually he pulled up a chair and laid his head on his forearm, hand in yours and close to his lips. as he gently rubbed circles into your hand with his thumb. As soon as you’d squeeze that hand he’d squeeze back as he nuzzled into your hand. His way of letting you know that yes, this is the reality, but he is still here. Wordlessly, endlessly, he’d be here. Sometimes you’d comb your fingers through his hair, the feeling somewhat comforting.  
You were so tired it went down to your bones. Sometimes only mustering a long blink at the pain. Eventually your vitals started looking good enough to transport.
The doctor came in with solemn reverence, like he was intruding on a funeral.“Y/N, we’re going to keep you overnight at the least, you’re going to have a visit from the OBGYN in the morning, okay? We have your bed ready so soon someone’s going to come to transport you.”
You just looked up at the doctor and nodded, “T-thank you” you hiccupped, “Hannie and Binnie are staying with me.”
“I’ve already put a cot in the room for them. I wish I could’ve done more,” he said with a sad smile. Bin got up and shook his hand, thanking him.
As soon as the transport nurses came to get you Bin said “I’ll see you in a bit. I just need to do something really quick.” you nodded and Bin kissed your forehead. He had to go back to the house. He didn’t know why immediately, just that he had to. 
He was on autopilot the entire ride to the house, except for the red lights.  He didn’t need to be strong at those lights. He’d scream where no one could hear him. Letting the pain out as images of you flashed. Smiling, then flashing to the scream you let out. Laughing, then sobbing in that hospital gurney. Cooking with him, to crying on Han. 
His screams were from mourning, pain, and frustration. He mourned the baby and you. The pain for you, the pain of realizing all of the things that you won’t experience. The frustration of not being able to see it before. To protect you, guard you. He wanted to rip something… someone… apart. There. That was the impulse that drove him back to the house.
At the last red light, he breathed deep, not even wanting to. He used whatever force that was left over as he screamed one last time. Everything he did, your child would never experience. Every scream echoed, redoubling the anguish he had for the both of you. Culminating into this, silence as he turned the corner to the house.
To his surprise, all of the other member’s cars were still at the house when he pulled up. When he parked, he looked at the clock on his dashboard, it was 2 a.m. Had it been 6 hours already? 
He felt his adrenaline kick up as he opened the door. He found everyone still wide awake, waiting for answers, but one look at Bin and they gathered what they needed.
Chan walked into the room from the kitchen and his jaw dropped upon seeing him.
“Bin…what happened?” Felix asked gently, hand’s slightly raised, as if approaching a wild animal. The aura on Bin wasn’t his aloof, goofy, self, it was the opposite; dark, threatening, dangerous. Bin’s eyes were trained on Chan, the closer he got, the more Bin felt his resolve slipping… Chan looked at him up and down, concern and horror written on his face. It was only then that Bin noticed he was covered in your blood.
His resolved snapped at that realization, upper lip ticking into a repressed snarl as he breathed “I’m… going to kill you.” He made a B-line to Chan. Felix, Minho, and Jeongin had to hold him back. 
Once Bin realized he couldn’t get to Chan, he screamed, “Was it worth it?! HUH?!!” His veins were popping out under his skin as he struggled to get free, “Was it?! Tell me! You hurt and nearly killed the only person I’ve ever loved. She’s dead inside now, all thanks to you!” More flashes accompanied that sentence, him picking you up and watching you go limp, eyes fluttering.
Felix looked at Bin and said, “What?... Hyung..” Felix's voice trailed off, trying to process what he heard. Felix knew that if he heard Bin correctly…he couldn’t even complete that thought.
Bin’s eyes snapped to Felix and he relaxed to the point where all three let go.
“The doctor said that because of the severe stress and emotional trauma she endured her body rejected the pregnancy.” He bum-rushed Chan and slammed him against the wall, while everyone was either in shock or processing. Felix was the first and only one to try to get Bin off Chan. Changbin was just too strong for the younger man, he ignored Felix as he tried wordlessly to pry Bin away from Chan. 
Bin continued staring into Chan's eyes, “The miscarriage was so sudden, in fact, that she hemorrhaged and almost bled to death because her cervix couldn’t open on its own in time. They had to scrape the tissue out just to stop it from killing her! And she looked at me to see if it was really true because I don’t LIE to her. Then they had to sedate her because her heart was going to give out when she realized that it was true.”
At this point Bin tightened his grip on Chan, “You are lucky that she asked for me to stay with her… If not I would kill you, right here. You are going to stay AWAY until or even IF she ever wants to see you again. I mean it Chan, if you come near her, I will end you. It’s not a threat, it’s a promise.” With that, he dropped Chan and went to the washroom. He washed off as much blood as he could and went to his room to change into spare clothes. He wanted to destroy everything in his room. His keepsakes, his picture frames of the boys all together. There was only one picture frame that he did smash to dust before he left his room… the one of himself and Chan, on Chan’s wedding day. He picked up his bloody clothes, stalked back out to Chan, and threw the clothing at him. 
He was shaking with rage as he said, “To YOU… this could’ve been a game or a thrill, fucking with her heart. But THAT!” he pointed to the clothing, “that is the reality. A child is dead, your child and it almost killed Y/N too. Next time you want to contact her, look at what you did to both of them while you do it.”
Before Chan could say anything Bin was slamming the door shut behind him with such force that the wall itself vibrated. Right as he made it to his car Felix ran to him. “Can I go with you?” he asked.
“I’m not leaving the hospital for the whole night, you know that, right?” 
Felix nodded and got into the passenger seat. The whole ride over Felix couldn’t help but to stare at Bin. He has never seen him like this. So enraged that he was three seconds away from crushing Chris’ windpipe. 
He also noted how Bin didn’t seem to know that he was covered in blood until Chris looked at him. Even now he could see Bin’s grip on the steering wheel was so strong his knuckles were white. He didn’t know exactly what happened in those four hours they weren’t given updates, and Felix knows just by seeing Bin, he never wants to find out. 
As soon as Bin entered your hospital room he heard you say “Binnie?”
Honestly, he could melt every time you call him that.
“I’m back…” he chuckled slightly… “And I brought some sunshine with me…”
The minute he looked into your eyes, you smiled just a little. That was progress. He kissed your forehead as Felix looked you over. 
Felix is like your little brother, so the minute you saw him and he saw you, you both started crying. Han got off the bed knowing Lix would want to be with you for a bit, for both of your sakes. 
This gave Han and Bin time to talk out in the hall.
“How’re her contractions?” Bin asked.
“They’re slower but still strong. The doctor says that it’ll be strong for at least 5 to 10 hours.” Han reported.
“And you? How’re you doing?” Bin asked. He knows Han has anxiety, seeing all of this and being as strong as he’s been is not easy. 
“I’m… Out of all people, Bin.” Han shook his head. Han has known Chan the longest and he would’ve never expected him to do this. 
“I know”
“Please tell me you didn’t hit him.” Han said.
“Nah… She needs me more than I need to beat him to a pulp… I don’t think he’ll be bothering her anymore though.” That’s at least what Bin hopes. Everything is so raw. A little over 8 hours before this you were at a restaurant to celebrate your 3rd anniversary. Now everything was all wrong, a nightmare incarnate and no one can wake up from reality. 
“Hyung… She can’t go back to that house.” Han said as he took a deep breath.
“I know. All I know is that we'll do what she’s comfortable with.”
“Agreed…Bin?” Han asked.
“It should’ve been you with her. From the beginning.” Han looked to Bin, a look of understanding and empathy for Bin. Han could always see the way Bin looked at you when no one else was looking. Everything you said would be committed to his memory, even the smallest things like which brand of sesame oil you like best for your bulgogi marinade. 
“I know. That doesn’t mean that I can’t be here for her from now on.”
Han just smiled and both of them went back into the room. 
Want to suggest something?
Want in on the tags? Shoot me an ask and consider it done.
@Fuckthinking, @feybin , @1-800-shedevil , @channiesbakery, @channieswhore , @hwangswhore , @seungminhour , @skzms, @angstraykids, @roseykat, @seventeenytiny , @dreaming-medium , @thunderous-wolf , @hanjsquokka , @moonjxsung, @diddybok, @fics-lovebot, @seungminssangel, @straykeedz, @tasteracha, @ven-fic-recs , @euphoric-univers, @camilagonzalex , @juskz, @antoniorhinothethird, @mariteez, @armystay89, @i-like-nougat, @yeonjunsfox
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spoopdeedoop · 9 months ago
king and harbinger, old and young
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coddda · 9 months ago
I wish we could have met in some other way.
Lawlight Week Day 2: Soulmates
If you saw me repost and re-edit this several times uh No you didn't </3
Still frames/Individual gifs:
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If you know what every frame is from you get a free cookie. by the way
#death note#dn#light yagami#l lawliet#lawlight#oh god here we go#death note jdrama#death note 2015#death note 2006#death note musical#lctw#l change the world#dntm#lawlightweek2024#my art#collapses i am NEVER putting this much effort in one piece ever again /hj this was the Only one i had mostly prepared in advance#ironically the most painstaking part about making this entire thing was converting the images into an animated file#that wasn't either horrifically compressed or just. wouldn't loop. why do gifs have to look so BAD it's so inconvenient#and THEN i realized I had to forcibly Stitch the two animations together so they would actually be synced and it wouldn't look dumb#and the end result is STILL so compressed. because Tumblr. uhhh just don't click on it it'll look so scuffed LOL. anyways#this is what i get for watching Every Adaptation of Death Note. i am a death note multiverse truther#usually i'd have something clever to say in the tags but. this drained the life out of me just uh.#yeah. they're doomed in every universe. this is the only way they could've met. they are doomed by their own natures and the#circumstances that surround them. there is no universe where light tries to prevent L's death. and even in the cases where L Doesn't die#there is no universe where L can save light. there is no universe where he can truly “catch” Kira and make him see where he went wrong#(<- if you read LCTW you know. :) )#in every universe and adaptation L will call Light his first friend. in some universes they'll take that notion more seriously than others#no matter what one of them will die due to the other. its the only constant. it's the only way it can ever be. they are the others downfall
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bulbabutt · 8 months ago
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rise leo does know whats going on with his brothers, dont you worry
previous part | all comics in this crossover (chrono) | tip jar (kofi)
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metamatronic · 9 months ago
I really like the "Champions get Resurrected" idea! I hope to see more of it in the future!
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how to piss of the Bird™ (any % speedrun)
(this was my practice pass on how to draw Rito, so forgive the inconsistencies, loll)
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starscream-is-my-wife · 4 months ago
Pt 2 and the final part of LL Megatrons conversation with an aware G1 Starscream
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this one wasn’t as dramatic as the first part but there’s only so much emotional vulnerability Screamer can do with his new free will heheh, thanks for all of the comments encouraging me! I’ve never drawn longer comics like these before and it’s pretty fun so hopefully I can improve with the next comic I make!
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equill · 6 months ago
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You missed the mark! (Time Travel)
Extra: Otsutsuki
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(they learn Kurama is willingly there)
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anndd more sketches to give
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undead-potatoes · 7 months ago
Even if you hate all of these, pick the one you hate the most
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rimatsu · 3 months ago
if tommy doesn't propose by asking buck "will you be my last, evan?" then what's the point of anything really
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thankstothe · 5 months ago
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paying it forward
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slaaneshisass · 7 months ago
While I'm thinking about it more space marine(chaos or not) should be fat.
I know that space marines are engineerd to not get fat but hear me out. Not only do space wolfs have feasts, but the blood angels use art to combat the red thirst i.e that chocolateter guy who goes viral every now and then. But it could also be a reason that a space marine fell to chaos after centuries of eating the same Nutrient paste I know that at least one space marine had a meat ball or something and was like "danm food is so good when its not just paste" and if slaanesh shows up promising more food that taste and feels good and more,I know I'd take it. But it would also give more protection for their internal organs and also I think space marines that looked like this but much bigger would be so hot
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Thank you for reading my rambling
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lil-lemon-snails · 7 months ago
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Showing up very late to the party but I couldn't let it pass without offering something to celebrate!!! I can't believe it's been a whole 10 YEARS!! I feel old aksjfhsd
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ricky-mortis · 9 months ago
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Hatchetfield @femslashfortnight Day 6: Protect
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chrisrin · 2 years ago
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amphibianaday · 1 year ago
Hello I would like to request your favourite little freak(amphibian) for day 1432
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day 1432
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