#this narrator sure had a hard time having his life go as planned thats for sure. but was it his own plan when so often he is
misterradio · 2 years
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["And the mind that has concieved a plan of living must never lose sight of the chaos against which that pattern was conceived."]
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whumpurr · 3 years
Adrien and Sawdust part 6
cw: pet whump, whump recovery, bodily mutilation, self harm, brief and vague mention of past noncon, dehumanization, conditioned whumpee, unreliable narrator, brief mention of dissociation
Sawdust was searching for his bag the second Master was gone. He hopped out of bed, punctuated with a fit of dizziness as he got to his feet, and crawled around the room looking for his duffel bag. The bright blue bag was nowhere to be found, and Sawdust wasn’t great at seeing in the dark either.
He started to wonder, to second guess himself. Did Master put the bag somewhere in the room and Sawdust just isn’t seeing it? Is he overlooking it? Did he even have a bag at all? Did it come with him to this new house, or was it left with his previous master? No, no, he remembered seeing it next to his kennel with those other people.
If he left the room now, Master would surely hear it and question him, or worse, punish him for disturbing his sleep. As much as Sawdust wanted his ears back, he just had to trust that Master would return them in due time.
Sleeping was difficult without the familiar squeeze of his headband around his head, but with a full stomach he managed to eventually fall asleep even if it took a while.
Sunlight came all too soon for Sawdust. The light peeked through the curtains and he couldn’t physically sleep any more. He was dreading going downstairs and having to face his master, having to eat beside him. He could only imagine what his master was going to do to him. Would he record him? Bring his friends over and show him how pathetic and stupid he looked eating out of a bowl on the floor? Sawdust shook himself out of his thoughts; he was just a dog anyways, he shouldn’t have enough of an ego to be embarrassed.
He was getting himself out of bed, going down onto his hands and knees when he heard a soft knock on the door, followed by Master’s quiet voice.
“Sawdust?” Master said from the other side of the heavy wooden door. “Come on, let’s go get some food.”
Sawdust got to the door and opened it with his paw, stepping out and following Master.
Master gave him a bowl of dog food once he was downstairs. Sawdust half contemplated asking Master about his ears, but really, if Master had taken them away then it was because Sawdust did not deserve them any more.
“Master,” Sawdust murmured, “Is- is there anything your pet can- can do? To assist?”
Master looked thoughtful for a moment then laughed, laughed at Sawdust.
“I think my work stuff is a bit advanced for you,” Master took a bite of his own food, “I want you to focus on… recovery, for now. Okay? That means you rest up and come get me if you want anything, food, water, whatever.”
Sawdust nodded, “Yes, Master,” before he continued eating, the hard kibble crunching satisfyingly between his teeth. He couldn’t work up the courage to ask Master about the ears or his bag, or where they’ve gone.
Lunch and dinner went similarly, with Master coming, getting his pet, and taking him downstairs to eat. Each time Sawdust couldn’t work himself up enough to ask Master about his ears. The lack of his ears made Sawdust feel… Wrong. Like he wasn’t a real dog, like he was a subpar pet. He wasn’t good enough to this new Master who had otherwise been so kind to him. What had he done to deserve this?
Night eventually fell, and Sawdust did his best to do as Master said and get to sleep. He curled up in the nest of blankets and pillows that his Master had made in the corner for him, and let himself begin to drift off. As he was doing so, he couldn’t help but wonder why his Master was withholding his belongings from him. Nevertheless, his eyelids grew heavy, and he eventually fell into a deep sleep.
Adrien was still getting accustomed to feeding someone using a dog bowl, with dog food, on the floor. It was a strange experience, and doing it made him feel dirty, but it was all Sawdust was going to accept so if it was between that or making the pet starve again, he would have to go with the former.
He was still very aware of just how lost he was in all of this. He searched the internet and scoured his social media for something that could give him some kind of life preserver in all of this. Finally, finally, he found something. A chatroom for pet owners. From the looks of it, it was heavily moderated and geared more towards pet liberation activists, and pet rehabbers, and people who actually cared for their pets. He requested to join and was accepted within the hour. He immediately sent a message to the ‘help’ section.
Adrien: >> Hey guys, I’m a new owner and I didn’t do as much research as I should have. >> Long story short, I didn’t keep as close an eye on my pet as I should’ve, and he ended up not eating because I wasn’t giving him dog food. Is that a normal thing? How can I help him?
It wasn’t five minutes before one of the other owners responded,
1Y4N4: >> oof, thats no good dude.. definitely watch him harder and probably just stick to feeding him what he wants for now. u said hes new right? let him stay in his comfort zone for a little bit probably
Adrien: >> Thanks. I’ll do that.
1Y4N4: >> np, im a bit more experienced as an owner but i dont think mine were as conditioned as urs >> at least not in that way
Zo: >> Bro wtf? You’re the source of your pet’s whole life and shit, you really should’ve done more research.
Adrien sat and watched as this ‘Zo’ person continued to rip into Adrien for his irresponsibility, though the ‘1Y4N4’ user at least tried to defend Adrien. It wasn’t long before Zo quieted down and 1Y4N4 was able to speak up again,
1Y4N4: >> lots of actual dogs eat things that arent dog chow >> maybe show your pet some videos of people feeding their dogs other stuff, maybe hell be more open then
Adrien thanked the user, and used the rest of his evening compiling some videos and researching, finding the outer bounds of what dogs could eat in hopes that he could convince Sawdust. It was far from exactly what he wanted, but he felt some semblance of satisfaction that there was at least a way to progress forwards.
Sawdust finally came up with a plan when he was coming out of the bathroom the next morning. It was before Adrien had gotten up. As Sawdust was leaving the bathroom, he caught sight of himself in the mirror.
His hair was all matted, and the fringe at his forehead was beginning to grow to hide his eyes. He looked lacking without his ears. There were deep circles under his eyes. At least the peaks of his cheeks and his lips were starting to regain some color now that he had a steady supply of food which he undoubtedly did not deserve. The scratched scar across his nose bridge and cheek that one of the other dogs gave him was still there. He looked at that and followed it across his face to his second ears.
His dumb second ears, the ones on either side of his head that his last master hated so much. His previous master had always told him that they made him look less like a dog, less like a pet, when a pet was all Sawdust ever wanted to be. Because if he wasn’t a pet, then he was a toy for both Master and the other dogs, and that was one step above the most reprehensible thing he could be. He had been downgraded to ‘toy’ for a short amount of time previously, and he was eternally grateful that he was never dropped even lower, to being nothing but food for the other dogs.
Master threatened that sometimes, chopping him up and feeding him to the other dogs.
Whenever Sawdust looked at himself in the mirror, he couldn’t help imagine it. Being cut up and thrown to other animals to eat. He found some part of himself that felt that- even if he could never do anything else right- he could do that right. He tried to halt that train of thought as quickly as he could, before his mind shunted him off to some dark, foggy place where he couldn’t think or feel until the bad thoughts went away.
But at the root of those thoughts, he found the problem, as well as the solution. He scrambled down to the kitchen as fast as he could go, wanting to work quickly before he could stop himself.
He got to the kitchen sink, and stood up on trembling, unused legs. They could hardly support his weight, he had to lean onto the granite countertop with his elbows as he reluctantly removed the tape from his paws using his teeth. He would need his fingers for this.
Sawdust’s breath was quick in his throat, the edges of his vision grew blurry as he tried to focus on this and only this. He had one task and he was not going to fail it. He wanted his ears back. He wanted his master to be happy with him again. Maybe this way he could earn his master’s attention and... Maybe even his affection, if a pet was allowed to hope.
Sawdust’s paws were shaky and clumsy as they took out the biggest knife out of the wooden blog. It was heavy and cold in his paw. With one paw he held the tip of one of his second ears and pulled it as far away from his head as he could.
The cold edge of the blade rested on his skin, at the valley between his second ear and his head. He squeezed his eyes shut, he couldn’t break down now, he couldn’t stop now. He took a deep, sharp breath and pressed down on the knife as hard as his feeble paws could.
Adrien shot out of bed to the sound of a piercing, howling scream from downstairs.
taglist: @starnight-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi@neuro-whump @whump-me-all-night-long @cupcakes-and-pain @whumpzone @whumpcreations @dancinglifeboat @pinkraindropsfell @looptheloup @cowboy-anon @meetmeinhellcroutons @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @firewheeesky @maracujatangerine
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low-budget-korra · 3 years
Lets talk about Korra (again)
i already made this analysis, and it was well received but i dont know, i wanna do it again. Why not right? My english is better now than was when i made that analysis so i think  this one will be better written
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What a way to introduce a protagonist. This line and this scene tell us everything we need to know about Korra at that time and everything she knew about herself.
In book one Korra is a 17′s old teenager who have no idea how the world, how life is outside the training center she grew up in and had been locked up since ever. So she is not only naive but have lack of social skills
Oh, and not everyone who lack’s social skills will act like Zuko and Azula okay? Korra can be confident, expressive and outgoing and still have problems when it comes to social skills.One thing dont exclude the other.
“I’m the Avatar and you gotta deal with it” did you guys notice that only for that line we can see the entire opposite on how she treat her role as avatar in comparisson with Aang? And im not here to judge because is two very different contexts.
As far as we know, Korra grew up without friends or romantic partners. Of course, she had her training partners but i believe that they are just that. 
So her entarely perception of herself was around her duty as Avatar, she didnt have personal life, she barely was Korra...She was The avatar and thats that.
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So she came to Republic City, it was a mess. 
Its funny to see that she have no touch when it comes to simply talk to people, i guess when you grew up away from society, this happens. And yes, she is cocky and had to learn that people arent there to somewhat please her, and she learned that quicky. 
Thats why the Pro Bending was important for her character, not only for training but also as means of socilization.
Now lets talk about the villains: Amon and Tarrlok
The two of them represents two differents threats to Korra. Amon represents a threat to her duty as Avatar while Tarrlok represents a threat to Korra as a person.
In episode 4 we have what i still thinks is the darker episode from TLOK. In this episode Amon ambushes Korra in the final moments... Even knowing that they did their best to make Amon’s power and control be non-sexualized as possible still...He have her down on her knews, totally helpless and he even invades Korra’s personal space by touching in her face forcing her to look at him. He didn't have to sexually touch her to violate her.
And right after, the fear in Tenzin voice when asking what happened after seeing her laying in the ground like that, and how Korra is sobing in his arms teeling him how powerless and helpless she felt. I mean...Oh, and she keeps terryfied by him until he takes her bending.
Tarrlok in the  other hand doesnt do much different from his brother and started to harass Korra because he cant take ‘no’ as a answer when Korra didnt wanted to join his task force.
Whats interesting is that if it wasnt for Tarrlok harassement and maniputation, Korra wouldnt have joined his task force and wouldnt have confronted Amon and wouldn't have gone through that terrible encounter.
The thing is that Korra is caught right in the middle of a politcal power dispute over the city, something that she for sure wasnt prepare for it. And both Amon and Tarrlok woud hurt or kill her without think twice about it if that means gain  power. And that was exacly what happened
Tarrlok tried to manipulate her and keep her on leash where he could, and when his tatics didnt worked anymore he alreay had a plan B. Yes that whole metal box in that cabin in the middle of nowhere was made especifically for her and maybe Tenzin if he also get in his way.
In the end Korra lost the physical battle against both but won the ethical battle also against both. She was the responsable for expose both of them as corrupted and hypocrites. But at what price? Amon was able to remove the bends of the Avatar. And without them, how could she be the Avatar?
Remember that her entirely conception of herself was built around her duty as Avatar, be the avatar. After all, everything she was, everything she'd trained so hard for, had been destroyed in minutes. Thats why i still strongly believe that she was thinking about killing herself at the end, nobodys goes all sad and crying to in front of a clifft without thinking about jumping from it. 
But she, i think given up the idea and just sit and started to crying when Aang appeared and help her, giving her bendings back in one of the best scenes of the show. So after have everything solve and still managed to get the boy she was in love with, things where great and she “move on”
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In that first half, Korra is unbearable. Everything she learned in Book 1 how to be more mature, less spoiled and all, was thrown in the trash and she was the same "child" of the book one only worse.
Until I stopped and realized that I was also unbearable and childish like this when I had my bad phases of anxiety and depression, as defense mechanism and keep people away. Returning to Korra, and if this way of acting of her was nothing more than this defense mechanism?
Because guess what, i dont think she “move on” from all that happened in Book One that fast, and for add more drama she discovered that was her father idea of keeping her locked up training in that training center we saw in book one and not traveling like avatars before her. No wonder she felt betrayed. And for adding even more drama, people still keep treating her like child, so she was despered for some validation. Something that she found in her uncles arms but she was betrayed by him after.
In the end, Korra again goes through a traumatic experience when she has her connection with past lives destroyed. We see how it affected her when she apologizes to Tenzin, through tears. And Tenzin, as the excellent master he is, tries to motivate her to face Vaatu again (now merged with Unalaq, her uncle) and again she saves the day even after go throught a traumatic event
In the final moments, we see the innocent decision to reconnect the world of spirits and the world of men. And we also see Korra and Mako permanently end their turbulent relationship.
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Book 3 begins in a more mature, we see all the characters being presented in a more mature way and it seems that Korra now has overcome everything that has passed. We have the relationship between Korra and Asami deepening as well
In Book 3, called "Change" we have a great sacrifice from Korra. Her life goes down a notch when she decides to save the new airbenders from Zaheer and the Red Lotus, the only villain until now that really threat her life since their sole goal was to kill the avatar.
Korra won again but this time victory costed way too much. Yes she save the day again but now she was  physically and psychologically defeated. It was too much, she broke.
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Book 4 begins and we only saw Korra in the final minutes and she is unrecognizable. We see that, once proud and courageous avatar, in someone depressed and cowerd. We never have saw Korra like that, even when she was afraid of Amon she wasnt like that.
Korra is afraid of being the Avatar again and her fight against PTSD is still one of the most sensitive, responsable and honest representation of Mentall Issues that i saw, and it was before this subject gain more space on media. It was before people started to give attention to this
I also think that she was having flashs from her other fights and not only the one against Zaheer.
Another thing I think is worth mention is that Korra took 3 years to feel safer and re-embrace her duties as Avatar. It was not 3 weeks or 3 months, it was 3 years. And anyone who suffers from some mental illness knows very well the stigma that is, the fight that is, because everyone wants you to be well faster as possible  when the truth is that many times you spend years fighting against this.  And this is a pressure that falls on you.Imagine, seeing all your friends moving forward while you continue "stock in the same place"?
Only after Korra confronts Zaheer, I think that was a way to show her coping with the trauma, she improves to the point of returning to be the great Avatar we know. I personally still struggles with this scene because put the victim in front of her agressor may not be the best idea but i understand that she needed to see that he was just a man and not the invencible monster her mind was telling her
One of the lines that stuck with me the most was in the TLOK version of the ember island players, the one that made a recap of the show before the finale. When Korra said “I was so naive” just before we watch her narration of her journey, we can feel pain, sadness and strenght. Janet was amazing in the way the delivered this line.
And this fucking quote i saw here on tumblr still is the goat: “The Last Airbender is a story of a boy who becomes a god. The Legend of Korra is the story of a goddess who becomes a girl "
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And I still get really pissed when someone comes to talk shit about  Korra because she is such an incredible heroine and her journey is also so incredible.
The story of how life can be hard and unfair, how it can hurt and paralyze, but there is always a reason to move on. We should always move on.
Korra is definitely not weak, quite the opposite, she is one of the if not the strongest heroine I have ever seen. Korra inspires overcoming 
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inknose · 4 years
mdzs read diary part IV, the end
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It’s inspiring how much self care wwx is gonna finally get now that his husband will go along with whatever he does, so he’s gotta look out for lwj’s well being if not his own. that is emphatically the STUFF
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dragging my hands down I face as I read this, after all these chapters of getting up close and personal with ghouls bleeding from every orifice, slaying ancient beasts, rebelling against the entire cultivation world, the two of them are absolutely paralyzed by middle school crush sleepover math
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he actually drew kissy doodles .... he....
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IDK I THINK I JUST DOCUMENTED THIS PART CUZ I WAS STILL SCREAMING you cant expect me to have very useful things to say at this point
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this is torture you are both so mushy you are so GONE
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This part really stood out to me, it’s an attitude I feel like wwx implies with his inner narration a few times but most clearly says here: he’s not one for allowing himself to exaggerate how bad his circumstances are/could be even a little bit - he’s already lived through some extreme low points and found a way to keep going, so he never makes sweeping statements about what he couldn’t live without (Inner JingYi: you’re supposed to say you’d be lost without him here!!!) Instead he seems to accept as a given that being alive doesn’t guarantee him any pleasantness or joy at all, and as a result his feelings toward being in TRUE LOVE are surprisingly pragmatic, but also colored with such gratitude. There are a lot of things in the novel that struck me, like this, as being just a little to the left of familiar tropes/sentiments, and were more touching for it. Whether it be the influence of culture difference as opposed to what I’m used to reading in most western romance stories, or MXTX’s unique outlook, or a combination of both, it was really refreshing and made me pause over it. Not “I can’t imagine living without you” but “I could be living without you, but instead I get to be with you and I think that’s the best thing that could happen.”
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it was at this moment that I realized we were doing this Now... I’m still recovering. What a scene. I am so glad I saw the most incredible fanart soon afterwards, bc the fact that someone has already drawn a perfect comic of this part means I don’t have to
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I love you so much, you are so annoying, you are perfect... I like how he’s been experiencing openly requited love for all of ten minutes but he’s already figured out how to weaponize it to piss people off
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doing!!! his!!! job!!!!!
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ahh... it’s a really good story. JGY is a great character. One of the most interesting differences for me between drama watching vs. novel reading experience is that without an actor to bat his vulnerable doe eyes at you and smile faintly with his cute dimples, the book does not go much out of its way to try to lull the reader into a false sense of security around him or *endear* him to you the way the show does. But just by seeing events through wei wuxian’s POV, its still enough to evoke pity or understanding towards him. The overall impression is a bit more detached though, there’s less emphasis on the spectacle of how he could manipulate everyone closest to him and more of a general feeling of resigned tragedy that everyones the worst on this bitch of an earth.
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I clearly paused to take note of less and less parts at the end & the extras due to: a) too excited to reach the end b) too spicy to photograph and c) too sleepy cuz I kept reading in the middle of the night. but I absolutely took the time for Bro We Are Teens appreciation corner:
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I’d absolutely read 40 more extra chapters of their monster-of-the-week field trip antics.
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god... poor Jin Ling now basically has to deal with divorced parents that talk shit about each other to him whenever he is saying with one of them. except they are both his uncles. just a disasterhood of all uncles from start to finish. AUUUGH wei wuxian and jiang cheng have fucked me up completely, I dream of them reconciling but I also REFUSE to believe it would ever be easy. let me know if theres a fanfic that absolutely tortures you for decades before they hug
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HAHAHA oh no this man ain’t making it to immortality thats for damn sure. HE’S JUST GONNA TRY AS HARD AS HE CAN HIS WHOLE LIFE NOT TO LOOK AT HIM BUT THEYRE *MARRIED* SDLKFJSF ohhhh it’s too funny, like... the mundane domestic family drama IN the fantastical swords and sorcery setting is what really ratchets up these things from amusing to fucking hilarious I think
aaaa the end... final random thoughts? No not final, I would like to please keep discussing at length and exhaustively, all the time please - CQL has gotta be one of the best TV adaptations I’ve seen. ANY adaptation of anything would be lucky to be so good!! reading the novel has just made me appreciate it even more.
- I don’t think I can do justice to what I find most fascinating about comparing the two versions briefly, to do that I need to get drunk and ramble at my friends for hours but... the condensed version is something like this. Really all the significant differences between the two versions (besides the ones which can be attributed to censorship and therefore aren’t worth discussing) are a side effect of the structure of how the story is told - there’s barely anything changed arbitrarily. Aside from having a cold opening, the drama sticks to a very linear version of the story, and I think for a TV show or film, that’s probably the best way to do it. We see everything, we get shocked and tricked and betrayed and surprised along with the characters, we feel the biggest impact at the climactic scenes having experienced all the build-up. The novel on the other hand is not only much more non-linear in WHEN we learn bits and pieces of information, but that information is also obfuscated under wei wuxian’s multiple layers of Unreliable Narratoritis, which are as follows: 1) difficulty remembering things because of personality/avoiding painful memories/actual memory loss, 2) No Homo Goggles still on, and 3) a wry sense of humor that makes the reader unsure of how much they can trust his attitude toward things, especially near the beginning. The experience of reading is a puzzle the reader has to mentally piece together through all of the above listed camouflage, and the puzzle itself is a three-sided mystery: One - How Bad of a guy was Wei WuXian really, and how exactly did all the bad stuff in his life go down; Two - wangxian epic pride & prejudice gambits; Three - political murder mystery. (I love stories like this btw... though I fully admit I’m glad I watched first this time bc it might have taken me a long time to tackle otherwise.) Because of this, where the drama wants to pull you in and submerge you in all the most potent emotional parts, the novel in direct contrast deliberately side-steps around these things and asks that you hurt yourself by filling in the blanks. In fact the more intense emotions and painful memories involved, whether it be his relationship with jiang yanli, his DEATH, the darkest days of war times etc, the more the novel evasively withholds details. I actually really like both styles of storytelling but each one is obviously way better suited to its medium. ANYWAY.... THATS BASICALLY WHERE MY BRAINS AT WHILE IM READING GAY SWORD WIZARD BOOKS
- The extras are so saturated with domestic married bliss that it’s a good thing I stopped taking pictures because I’d just take a picture of every page. this is too much for me to take... I did jump the gun a few times and read a few fanfics while I was still mid-read of the book (I tried to hold out but alas I am mortal) and at one point after finishing I was like “wow what fic was it in where lwj says something cute and wwx kisses him in public but they’re in the corner of the restaurant so no one really sees... OH NO WAIT that was actually in there.” and ... and that’s the LEAST OF IT... *stares into the distance* theyre married wow
- I ofc couldn’t help but see a few vague blogs beforehand so honestly I was braced for something like, wildly ooc for the sake of porn to happen in the extras... I definitely appreciate how the incense burner porn interludes could be uhhh a lot for many people and not my personal cup of tea in terms of smut however [here follows the words of a poisonous frog who has dwelt her whole life in the rainforests of BL] the concept is also surprisingly SWEET SDFLKJF like wwx sees lan wangji’s darkest mixed-up violent teenage fantasies and he’s just like aww babe you had a crush on me!! just... good for them
- I swear I’m not gonna rehash every cute married thing they do but wei wuxian grading papers in the tub........................rEALLY GOT ME
- I want to Draw - ok thats enough if I keep going I’ll just write “wei wuxian grading papers in the tub” seven more times probably
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(Open Rp) Summer, Romance, ToonTown Au, And Drama in " Cartoony Summer Shore Of Love"
"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CABIN PUNK!!" The Sound of the Inflamed Fox woman outside of her cabin where the Blonde haired, freckle face Guy runs out from her cabin as the Frying pan got thrown fly to hit his head real hard as he took cover as The angry Kitsune emerge from the cabin holding another Frying pan out of anger and the Time pause..
Saphira narrating: This is me,...I know your Wondering why I was So angry and Chasing my "Sorry excuse" For a Boyfriend with a frying pan for No Reason.  Ok, Lets go back where it all happens Shall we?
*rewind sound and stopped the Middle school part*
Saphira Narrates: AS you can see this is The young of myself... when Kim got braces and Me and My "Ex" Were a Couple at the time..I mean Sure.. he treats me right and Thought he was a Prince Charming and Love me for me Right? WRONG! You See after Middle School and going on Highschool...But Apparently.. My Love.. Just Turn Rotten Like Corpse.. I mean First of all he was Acting strange while at Camp Wannaweep twice.. and Missions.. oh yea.. Same thing.. after I Sacrifice to Protect ron and Others Every time.. But No matter what I Do Though.. They have the Glory and "I" was the One who's in the Hospital Paying my Price here with my Life... I mean.. I got No Visitors whats so ever..I mean its kinda sad though, I mean my friends were busy and all.. and I thought the World was Really a cruel things you know Believe it Or not. But During my Highschool time, I was pregnant Twice with my Twins.. and always Died when I was 5 Months pregnant.. I mean I don't get it why they died that Instant but I realized something after I went to the Hospital about I Don't know 115 times and Notice that the Abortion Serum was Missing and I had really Suspecting and the Doctors Doesn't know where it goes or so.. But I decided to Planned my Childrens funeral and decided to Find the Suspect So I Said to the Fellow Middleton Highschool student "If you Didn't come or come in late.. Someone is a Suspect of my Childrens Murder." And I knew Something was wrong because I Found that Abortion Serum container in the trash can and knowing that Someone Did it to my kids.. and If I really Found out about it.. Someone is going to be Hell to pay. Then My Childrens Funeral Came in and everyone except 3 of the guest who was coming in late was : "Ron Stoppable, Kim Possible and Bonnie Rockweller", I Had Suspecting Ron Coming in being late after the ceremony and I was asking "Where the hell have you been?" And telling him the ceremony was over and I have a Small Funeral party, i-it was Nothing Big or so and Then Out of Nowhere Ron Spoke very harshly about me Being A bad mother by Sleeping with other men.. I Could not believe what he was Saying to me was Unthinkable. I was Embarassed and I told him that he is clearly embarassed me. I said to him Clearly "Don't you ever say that infront of these "Good" people in the Funeral,  "If" and Only If I Did cheat on you with another man, What Kind of Mother Would the Hell I be?" I was Stern you know, very Stern... I knew he was Hiding something and Using this "false accusation" As an excuse For being late to the Funeral.. but then Month pass and he abused me during that time  and he Put me into a coma..for 5 months.. Oh god.. 5 Months..It was My Final Straw on me..After I came back from the Hospital by myself..and I Standing there, Being  really really angry at him for Doing such heinously on me and then before he Open His Mouth, I Spoke out "Thats Quite Enough from you Stoppable! I can't Believe you abused me and put me into the Coma For 5 months! This is my Last Straw From you! If I ever Hear you Bitching, Complaining and False accuse me again, So Help Me Goddess that I Will Make you Sleeping in the backyard Or a basement Because I'm Putting my Big Fat Foot Down." And Ron Knew He was In Deep trouble, He went Down on his knees And begged me Forgiveness....But I said I may Forgive you but I Don't Completely trust you at all and you know I meant Buisness with him.. But then it was Prom time..and Yes... I March my ass there waiting for his ass..because he Forgot to pick me up with a fancy limo as promised..but.. I found out that all girls was pregnant and told me that it was rons...I wouldn't believe it until well.. they were right.. I saw ron and kim Came in and Holding hands and my Goddess it was horrible.. the news grouped me and asking me sort of question.. So.. I was Flared up and Stormed to ron and Slapped him right on his face and all I ever do is Scolding and Chewing his ass up..and told him How much hurt and alot of Sacrifice that I've been through alot..and when I got home and I ask him a serious question and He confess and I made him sleeping in the basement till the babies is born because all these girls including kim and Bonnie are 9 months pregnant.. and I was Pretty Furious about it..after that the babies was rons...and now.. Here I am throwing frying pans at Ron out of my cabin for good.. and yes.. I kicked him out in the Harshful Violent Mannered.. Lets Continue Shall we?
*play the presents*
Saphira chased him away as she is growling and Slammed the Door. She was upset and Hurt at the same time.. She hears the News all over the World in internet, She was embarassed and Humiliation...But now.. She knew that She had to do...She wanted Revenge and Fake her death..She asked herself How.. But Simple, She can Falsify Her Murder by Ron..The only can do it is to use the Sleeping potions.. When she sees ron and Kim had finally happy together.. She use her spell to make them sleep.. She and her clones grabbed ron and kim and dragged him to her cabin and Saphira use Her Real Clone as herself..and then She Possessed Ron and other possesed kim.. where He decided to vandalized her unborns urns and her "real" clone confronted ron and kim and he pulls out a Knife and then killed her..and he said that he loved her money more than Saphira herself and her clone was dead...and then they disappeared covered in blood and then drives the car and went to the makeout point where the camera is Already filmed the murder..Then She took pictures as evidence and all...and then She packed her stuff and got her unborns urns and all and then She got on her Car and she change into her human version and then She calls the police as she is crying and she told the police that saphira was Murdered and knows who killed her.. So she gathered the evidence and voice thing..and then She rides off to the Police station and give them the tape and evidence of what they've done to her.. And then She Left Middleton for good..and head to toontown where She lives in the Life of Luxury but...Sadly..She was Lonely and Sadden But then She began to find a Nice Blind date and she found someone..and he wanted to meet her at the Lovely Restaurant called the Golden Dragons at the Good Side of the toontown at 6 O'Clock tonight..Then that Night, 
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Saphira Dressed up so Lovely and head there..and then She was waiting For him when she was sitting in the Lovely Private Booth with the aquarium and then She sees him and waves at him and then he....
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softforcal · 5 years
Writing Tips
I get a lot of asks about tips on writing so i figured i’d just make a huge ass post for ya’ll :)
this shit covers: character, plot, motivation, past vs present tense, 3rd vs 1st verson, oneshots vs multi chapter fics, moodboards for character building, dialogue, oc’s vs reader inserts, face claims, the grocery store test, the meme test
okay i want to start by saying: i used to write imagines so writing in character was like MY THING for like 6 years so i have a LOT OF PRACTICE with watching something and picking up on characters and i’ve spent THOUSANDS of hours watching shows. so like, i’ve spent a lot of time on this you know? so don’t feel bad if you have a life and havent had as much practice :)
so at the moment, i’ve been doing character mood boards to help figure out a character? but the thing about that is im picky about face claims and it can be hard so this is an easily skippable option and i’m not even sure if i enjoy it yet you know?
so first: i think of a story. i think of the type of OC that’s involved, i think about what they’re like, (i sometimes find a face claim), i give them a name
for me, as soon as they have a name and sort of a face in my brain, they take on a life of their own. a character knows when you’ve found the right name and face for it and it comes alive when you do. like for me, Birdie was originally ‘Cherry’ but she was like ‘bitch no’ and wouldn’t let me write her until i found her name.
to be honest. i don’t plan things. like. when i write, the character just takes over. i have no control. they do what they want. fucking Valentina and Harry in Trouvaille, i had a whole angst scene for them and these assholes decided to go on the terrace and tell each other they like each other instead and then the story just ended. like. i had a pLAN and they RUINED IT.
you can’t be afraid if letting your characters do what they want to do. when you plot, a loose outline is good but i just throw my characters into a situation and see where they go.
like for my final gang au chapter, did i want Michael to leave town? no. but he needed to take Dove and get the fuck out of there you know?
i don’t make playlists really, sometimes certain songs stick to people, like one of my characters, his song right now is Girlfriend by Anderson East and that song was sort of inspiration.
I don’t know where my inspiration comes from. obviously i write a FUCK ton so let me see if i can explain a few past stories and where they came from.
Gang AU was born from a post by @hereforlukescruff​ about the song ‘Or Nah.’
Cromulent was based off a tumblr post about enemies fake dating
Wild one was legit just me figuring out how to work all of @glitterprincelu​s fav things into one fic
Floral was based off of looking at my favourite tattoo artists floral tattoos
Trouvaille was originally pompous New York! Calum but as i developed it, it was Harry and i couldn’t stop him from pushing Cal out of the way and being like ‘this is my apartment you wanker get the fuck out of here and let me smoke and paint in peace.’
Noise was originally based off an idea by @palliddark​ that i was blessed enough to receive, she also had influence in Cromulent because months ago she requested a post about the boys recording having sex for a song.
So i think what we’re realizing here is a lot of it comes through interacting with other creators. one of my new pieces is based off of 2 5sos songs and one is based off of a person in Love Island. so inspo can hit from anywhere
the fic im working on now came from me talking to @harryforvogue​ about the new Gucci ads Harry did.
i started a Greaser Cal that i dropped cuz im a whore, but it was inspired by @calsangel​ and hopefully it gets completed sometime soon
like. talking to other creative people is just a breeding pool for ideas. people you trust and love, people who you can bounce off of. listen for stories in music, study people and characters and who knows where it might lead you :)
i hope this helps. but yeah. my number one piece of advice: talk about writing, talk about stories, talk about the guys you want to write about and inspo WILL hit.
also to all the people i have tagged i hope you know how much you guys mean to me. like. i really appreciate all you guys do and how much support you’ve given me and continue to give me. i hope i can offer the same support in return and i love you all with my whole heart.
****** Moodboard and Character (final thoughts)
So basically since i wrote that OG advice, i’ve begun to realize: moodboards are a good tool because if you can easily come up with 9 pics for a character they’re pretty well thought out. 
for example, my easiest moodboard to make was for Birdie in my gang au
Birdie: likes scrunchies, reading, classic stories, ice cream, bubblegum, lollipops, acrylic nails, having her hair in a bun
my worst moodboard was for a character named Annabelle from Noise
i started and was like... who is Annabelle: she’s blonde... she uhhhh is doing psychology?
and that’s all i could get because Annabelle was a mostly dialogue driven character with no actual mentioned likes or dislikes, in my eyes, Annabelle was not a well thought out character.
so moodboards can help because they show you how well you’ve got your characters figured out.
so plot is tough. i tend to gravitate more to character driven plot because characters are my #thing. i’m going to start by going through some of my plotlines and going over the good and bad and hopefully have an answer at the end of it after picking apart my writing. should be FUN.
long fic plots
Noise plot: Annabelle gets a new neighbour and he keeps fucking girls and waking her up and they have banter, he’s a hothead and invites her to psychoanalyze him and it leads to some tension but he is soft for her right away and they a little awkward with each other but finally give love a try.
Floral plot: would renowned tattoo artist Calum chooses a new apprentice, socially awkward and anxious Lily, they’re attracted to each other but the confines of a boss and pupil relationship are tight and evident, creating tensions. Calum struggles with being professional while falling for the cute apprentice, especially when pressure is put on them by their friends, after slow burn and anxiousness they finally get together.
Cromulent plot: Calum has a new PR relationship with Chlo and he hates her, he thinks she’s fake and does everything he can to piss her off, finally deciding to fuck with her emotions by being a GREAT boyfriend which ends up hurting her and he realizes maybe she’s not so bad after all, things are a little confusing but they finally sit down and talk it out and address some of Calum’s insecurities about her past relationships and PR stunts, they agree to give love a try.
so, from these 3 long fic outlines we can see i usually go for character based turmoil which works well for fics between 10-15k (or longer, Trouvaille fits this format and it was 19k) I just think, relationships take time and people struggle to figure themselves out enough to enter a relationship. if you have some fiery characters and banter (Cromulent and Noise) or perhaps awkward anxiety and tip toeing (Floral and Trouvaille) shit works out you know?
for smaller oneshot fics plots can be easier and more situational i think.
Movie Snack plot : Cal goes to Luke and his GF’s place for movies and Luke gets bored and eats the reader out in front of Cal which leads to sex.
Road Trip plot : Luke and reader are dating and on a road trip they’re horny but end up having to share a room with Cal who has always had a thing for the reader, smut ensues. 
Stay Still plot : Tattooist!Cal is the readers fuck buddy and she goes to get her tits pierced, ending up with Luke as her piercer, but Calum shows up and angst leads to smut.
so yeah, for smaller 1-5k little smut pieces it can be more relaxed, smut is just smut, not love, and sex is a hell of a lot easier than love you know? 
yeah, so that’s all my plot advice
3rd person, 1st person, what the fuck person
when it comes to HOW you write your fic (what person, what tense, etc...) that’s up to you. it’s honestly whatever you feel best in. i’ve dabbled with a bit of everything. you just have to find what feels the most natural to you :) that’s the only advice i can give on this because no one thing is better than the other, it’s up to you.
one tip for 3rd person i have is to generally focus on one character. i’m a fan of doing the thing where for example, in Cromulent, we focus on Calum and why he doesn’t like Chlo. if we switched to Chlo a lot it would take away from the unreliable narration and bias Calum has. the good thing is to stay with Calum and be angry at Chlo and realize with Cal that she’s not so bad.
but that’s just me.
you can do switching when characters are together or on a phone call, like if you’re with Calum but he’s calling (for example) Chlo and then you want to see her reaction you can do
Calum groaned, staring at the ceiling, “bla bla cal saying shit”
“bla bla Chlo answering” she held the phone tighter etc...
and just like that you’re now with Chlo not Calum. 
*********** OC’s vs Reader Insert
i’ll be real here: for some reason, i feel like reader inserts are more read on tumblr and i started out doing reader inserts to build a following. 
personally, i prefer writing OC’s because you can go more in depth with EVERYTHING. 
it’s honestly up to you what you want to do. i’ve decided to do my short smuts at reader insert and longer fics as OC but it’s whatever works for you at the end of the day.
I’m a fan of dialogue driving story, Noise was so much fucking dialogue it’s insane. finding your characters voice is important and sticking with that makes a huge difference. if you’re character can kind of be seen based JUST on what they’re saying, thats a good sign.
i hate to say it but imma say it: when doing 5sos it’s important to know they’re Australian. some countries have different mannerisms and such, for example, i’m Canadian but i can’t have Calum out here saying “it’s a nice day eh?” you know? so, i would advise to try to get a handle on accents and word choice specifically to make them more believable. as is said in the iconic movie Tropic Thunder 
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so this is probably one of the biggest issues writers are facing and i’m about to get REAL AS FUCK.
on tumblr, it can feel like once you gain a following you CONSTANTLY need to be pumping shit out for them.
back in the day, i was posting a HC a day and a lot of it was for hogwarts!5sos. it felt like a job, which wasn’t anyone elses doing per se, i just think a lot of fic writers get caught up in this pressure whether it’s imposed by anons or not (im lucky that i’ve never had anon pressure and i’m very grateful for my amazing followers tbh)
Tumblr is not a job. if you’re writing, write for you. you are blessing tumblr with you’re writing. please don’t feel pressure to put stuff out or write a new chapter or anything.
if you ever feel like you’re under a lot of pressure, take a few days away, find the root of your writing joy. always do what you want to do. if you have to turn off asks to feel sane, do it. if you gotta block mean anons pressuring you, do it. you don’t owe anyone anything.
your writing is a gift graciously bestowed on this hellsite and this site shouldn’t make you feel pressured to write and give content FOR FREE. it shouldn’t make you lose your passion and make writing feel like a chore or job.
motivation can be hard. i’m a fucking psycho so don’t use me as a base for what you should be doing. i put out a fic a week which i really shouldn’t be doing, it’s not practical. but i can type fast as fuck and writing 1 or 2k in 10 minutes is normal for me so don’t use me as an example you know.
go at your own pace. write what you love. write au’s or for the characters you love and hopefully the rest will come.
******** Multi Chapter vs oneshots
ok more realness, pros and cons of each
-its one and done, no need to worry about putting out more
-they can be fun
-it’s all in one place which a lot of readers like
-can be long af
-take longer to write since a oneshot is probably like 10+k depending on who you are as opposed to perhaps 5k chapters of a multi chapter fic 
Multi Chapter
-people are excited for more
-cliffhangers are fun
-people interact with you more about chapters to come
-more pressure to put out new chapters
-with each new chapter you’re probably losing likes because people get bored or forget about it because people sometimes don’t have the attention span or whatever to continue reading whenever you update
-usually tend to be longer than a oneshot (5k chapters means that in 2 chapters you have probably surpasses a oneshot length of 10ishk)
So i will be real. i prefer oneshots. i adore my gang au which was long as fuck and super multi chaptered but it’s tough to see the likes go down and down. plus, i wrote all of Penumbra (the main multi chaptered part) before i started putting it out so i had no pressure to write more cuz that shit was done before i started posting.
which does help. if you want to write the whole thing before you start posting it takes off the first con but you’re still left with the other 2. 
Face Claims
i feel like for some characters they’re born without a face claim but i totally get it if you want to use a face claim before you even start. finding face claims can be hard so you have to get ready to go creep on insta and look at models and figure out who you like. a lot of insta models follow each other so once you find a model you like, look through their following list or recent likes to see other models.
another thing you can do is go for brands or photographers who link their models. Fashion Nova for example, if you’re scrolling through and like a girl the link is there. and the same goes for some photographers. there’s a lot of accounts that are just for hot girls with links to their instas so (even if it feel weird) you should go check those out :)
The Grocery Store Test
next, for making characters, i think for me name is a big part of it. once a character finds their name that character comes alive in my mind. i was thinking about this yesterday and i said to myself, ‘you know you have a good grasp on your character when you can imagine them in a grocery store and know what they’d do.’
for example:
Birdie (from Gang AU) would go look at nail polish and candy, Luke would legit have to put her in the cart to get her out of there and if there’s a book section? good luck man
Valentina (trouvaille) is just gorgeous. she and Harry would go and he’d push the cart and she’d have a nicely written notepad of things to get and she’d look so pretty, head bowed, crossing things off, and Harry would be such a melt for her. he would crash into things cuz he’s so busy paying attention to her. she’d be a fan of picking up boxes and reading out nutritional values just to point out to Harry that eggos are not good for him.
so, Valentina and Birdie are probably my best OC’s if i’m being honest and because of that, these were easy.
now, take a character i didn’t work on as much and suddenly it’s different
Annabelle (noise) never really talked about anything but school and shitting on Calum so, i mean, i guess i can think of what she’d do in a store but.. like, i’d have to think about it you know?
so to me, we can see the difference between a fully fledged OC and one that needs to be worked on.
but, Noise still got a lot of likes so i dunno, i’m just self critical i guess.
i think, when it comes to characters, everyone has flaws. Annabelle is too critical of Calum and has a stigma about wealth, Valentina… she’s flawless not gonna lie but she’s a little too afraid of stepping on other people’s toes and she should probably be less anxious, Birdie is way too sentimental and cries over everything, plus she’s way too trusting and naive at times.
it’s balance. but once a character is born in your brain, you just gotta give them love and hopefully others will as well :)
The Meme Test
my most recent advice is: if you can meme a character or dynamic between characters, you know you’re gucci. imma leave a meme here for a fic i’m working on and ya’ll will have no clue what it means but whatever it’s a point
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so hopefully this has answered any questions you have. this is all just my opinion and if you disagree with what i’ve said thats chill. at the end of the day this is what works for me and i urge you to find what works for you. there’s no one clear way to write.
good luck writer bubs :) 
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Im not sure where to start although i feel like i alwyas start with that.My mom says i seem to be doing  alot better and inn truth i am. I feel more myself and joyous and mre personality, and than theres still an emptiness that creeps in. The sort of weird shame feeling i used to get in mornings or without a shirt on, i got it today after grabbing clothes from my moms. maybe this is just a personal issue but im trying not to isolate myself in my emotions. TI appreicate and find it hard to understand the idea of common humanity. It is true humans all epereince these emotions and it is only to ones disadvantage when we tell ourselves were the only ones who have ever felt these emotions. In truth we are the only ones who experience things given we all have different perspectives, childhoods, personalities, and biology of our brains.. yet i think that an important to try to find the common humanity. empathy, relating to one another. we are more alike than we are different. YOu know when your on the freeway and you wonder where are all these people going. Myabe some are picking up there kids, going to a booty call, stopping to grab bananas at the store, and we wont ever know, everyone is all doing there own thing, eveyone is jsut driving just going to work doing things and im wo dering if anyone else is freaked out about what is happening. Why the hell are we here?n why iseveryone not freaking out with the little time we have, i want to make the most out of what is happeing i dont want to waste any more time not being  where i want to be, i wanted to be skinny so i can go on with my life. But i geuess thats alos the point of life. ive been so worried about living that i havnt actually been living. Im failing at an attempt to handle my shit. I look back on the past and how come i can only think, mostly think of the bad things. The relationships that i shouldve ended sooner cuz i didnt really lvoe them as i thought love would be. THey were all merely a disspointment. That sounds rude but to put it this way i alwyas thought there was something better for me. MY parents used to say at times “its never enough for you katie” maybe that is true. maybe im never satisidef. Maybe it was because they were tired and had tried there best and i failed because my needs wernt meant. not that they were needs. I think back to guys ive hooked up with and wish i had higher standards. why did i find satisfaction in attention from people that didnt even care about me. WHen guys used me and i was glad to let them. Especailly when i had previous ly had crsushes on them. FUCK BOYS WITH J names. i dont know why im writing as if im writing a story. maybe it makes it easier maybeim trying to articulate my thoughts into something there not. I think about things that have happened and hope i can maybe use them as a testimony maybe ill meet the love of my life adn get to share all these stories... but i dont things play out like that and thats a weird perspective to have on things thsat occur. Like as if im a narrator. I would get so ecited to send cute pictures of myself when i was  baby and show my boyfriends, or share things with them but then i realized something. they dont care, well definlty not like me. That ecitement about it is not the same as the one im epereiecning and when i was sent baby pictures of them, i didnt feel that warmth in my heart. maybe that makes me a bitch or emotionally disconnected. but how do i know if im feelin. what connections have i made. I used to want to be under the influence and gina my therapist said that people go to substances to feel connection. When i was on coke, life was beautiful i could talk to anyoe and everyone adn words flowed so well. In my head, looking back i probably looked like a crack head and thats the reality of it. I can manipulate my reality but to what is its value if its a lie. if no one else feels or sees what im seeing. ona  nother thought  i think we can make up these sotries in our heads that arnt even true. like somone tells us something or we feel a certain way about ourself so and it ends upso our whole olives our affected by this painting in our head only to find out no one sees what were seeing. my dad said that we can change the past, welll we can change our past by changing how we look at it. and i think if we could grasp it it would change our lives. I think that i could look back and not feel that shame, or not feel that embarressment. But am i not a sum of all the words thoughts and actions ive done or had uot o this point? thats depressing, but if it were something i was proud of then yes i would like to be. but the truth is all wehave is the now and you can start now being a totally different person, but you cant run away from all the consequences of the past i guess they jsut dont matter if you decide to change. but then what about bridges burned. i guess my plan b ina  sense is to run away to another country. but then theres legal issues and this whole system and ates and bad guys and tso m8uch to worry about that i dont feela  sense of freedom. my information is online and under a sytem and i undertsadn why i just wish everything could be quiet for sa sec. mayeb i dont want to be aktie stowers anymore. I get jealos of girls born and raised pretyy. all ive done is starved myself in the process of becoming what i want to be but thats not even me. if i have to starve to et there then i feel as though i dont actuallyl deserve to be skinny. and i fee l so vain for obsessing over this fucking thought. iw anted to be skinny this is what ive said from the beginging can someoine please help me do it. the probelm is that im in treatment for anoreica sub purge type and the reality is that i cant lose weight withought going to etreme measures. it became the most important thing in my life and ive been strung up on the same thought since fucking march of 2018. talk about time wasted. although i know thats no way of looking at it. ive learned lessons and have ad so many beautiufl things happpen. I get told very kind things about myself. i wonder if im actually a kind person or i only do things simply to be a kind person. if eel kinda selfish but i guess we all are. i mean think about how amny bad things are happening in this world and children starving and here i am buying things i dont need anf focuing on myself. but im not doing anything about it. i mean i try to tip etra give to homless ifi can i just feel guilt because i could be doing more but ijalso know that im not responsibly to save the world. jsut seems wrong the way things are. thats why i believe everyone goes to heaven. maybe because i cant wrap my head around the possily fact that barrett wouldnt and also becasue the idea of eternal damnation dosnt seem like the character of a god i want to serve. i see so much bullshit in the church and i just dont know . am i jsut angry. I became so jdugemntal of those judging me and thats just as worse but when theres almost a cluba nd you dont fit into there critera it fucking hutts. and that dosnt feel liek jesus i think jesus wouldnt let us be seperated by rleigion or if you drank last weekend. I think we should all unite and love each other and thats what reallly matters. yet here i am obsessed over being skinny. im down to 4 hour as of yesterday and i feel so much better i do. i just wish i could have one long 2 day therapy session whre i fucking figure out all my shit. ive gone to so much therapy and its been etremly helpful i jsut dont wanna waste anymore time with this baggage. I dont wanna go a minute longer when i could giure all this out. i guess what im saying is i want my life tp be an open canvas and not be unravveling and my childhood issues poopping up.. i want to go into the fututre knowing what i know adn epeireicning my life as it plays out. but i am 18 ishouldnt be thinking this much into things huh i should just let it be and lvie my life. i should be doung homework an teting my frienfds or going on a date. but thats not ther eality of things and alos i think ill look abck and things will be different. IOm also int reatment rn so oviously my situation is not exactly normal. i really do love to write i used to always want to be an author. but i dont kno0w anymore. i jsut dont really like how the sytem works i hate how we all have to go to college amd study things i dont give a fuck about and then some struggle at there 9-5 to merely surve eand ig uess i dont like the thoughr of that. and i know were suppsoed to find joys in the little things i think things are jsut freaking me out. iw ant to quit smoking nicatine but everyday i go out and do it. ig uess that meanns i dont really want to stop because if i did i would. i  and then i feel slightly guilty and opackiy because his is the only boduy im given. like does that not freak everyone out. this is the only way we are able to eperience life. think about how quickly it can be ended. i think that is too much pwier overmyself. nmot that im suicidal but i do think i hgave the power to find out super son what is after this life. judgment day, pure nothingness, maybe ill become a=one of the many ants i ahev enjoyed killed as a punsihemtn for msyelf. or hoe[fully and maybe ill entire a heaven with a lovuing god. a state of being with loved ones. I think thats why people like the idea of heavn the idea that you will see people later. but that discount the factof pain. when someones child dies they dont feel any less pain because a verse about being reunited with the,. because the truht im scared to tyee is that theres a possibility heaven isnt rela. and the loved one that is lost will never be in your reaach again.i feel sad for how ome peoples lifeves go. i hope they get a chance in the after life to have what they wanted. but then i think abotu abd guys. i wouldnt want them in my heaven. i guess maybe who we all our at our core is who would be in heaven beyond all the nasty. yet i dont believ flesh is nasty and i dont believ trying my whole life to not be something i was made to be. if my flesh is evil adn mankind is doomed what the fuck is that. i dont think god would set us upnto fail and i believ ehe understands we are human. and gpd is god and god knew everything that was going to happen up to npw. u know whats crazy is that on the time line we are on the edge of what is to come. being aluive rn. and its crazy that i wont be here in 100 years. ill be merely history. but rn we are whats happneing 7:12 november 11th. we are up to datebecause we are merely aliver. unless there is different universes and this is m,erely a simulation. but besides the point. barrett was talking about just how many books songs and information there is. that makes me pancik there is so many people so many things i could learn and musici could listen to that no one can listen to it all. maybe theresa song out there that is my favorite son that ill never get to lsiten to but i gues si jsut have to trust that the universe ligns up as it should and my life will happen as it should. and alll these things are happneing and were floating in the middle of space and yet i feel like people arnt freaking out. like what hthe actual fuck is happneing. and why do iu want to soedn my one life doing shit that dosn matter or something i dont even love. but thats how life works because you have to have moneya nd i do love bying things. and i jsut need to relax. because when people look back on there past they think if i could only tell msyelf its going to be okaya nd to have fun. why cant i do taht i mean i can but tehn these thughts come in. iwant to be skinny i also love food. starving was easy and i like d seeing my bones show,. i wanted people to see me and know i was hurting but people dont wanna be sround sa dpeople i guess i just wanted o be rescued. and at the same time it was nice to focus on the thingsd because even if all went ot hell if i restricted enought hat was okay my eating idsorder would tell me that  everything was going to be okay because i was taking care of the one thing i actaully wanted. writing this makes me sound crazy to msyelf. i have so many things i want to larn and do and so having an eating disorder makes me feel limated. amd truly it does limit me. it dosnt allow me to worry and think about these tihngs. i just really want to be skinnya dn i dont know where this started or why its so impiortant but i just am not a fann of my boyd. and i know tis terirble because im more than m y body and i know i cant stave mtyself and i know that this makes me self cenetred i know that it didnt pkay out as the damsel in distress that i wanted i know wthat i pushed loved ones away and made desisions taht really arnt alligned with my values because truly i didnt care i just wanted to get skinny i know i didnt look healthy bu in my mind that s the best ive eever looked. i know that the husband i meet is going to lvoe me for whats beond my appreance so it dosnt matter and getting atention from others isnt satisying and only leaves me feeling empty i knwo lifes to short to count your calories, to walk around feeling fraila nd loung every seconds. to reach 109 and not see a body close to what was at 116. to talk about numbers because they w]makr improtant parts of my life adn to allso swear that i dont care that much about the numbers. i care about the look. but if what they say is true and i ahve body dismprhia thats impossible. they say the eating idpsrder says itll never be enough. it will nevr be satisiuded. “ its never enough katie” never enough
and so maybe its me maybe im just this warped person. why do memories come back so weird and hwy did i have su h weird thoughts a s f\child. why do i get filled with so much rage. somtiems i think im the most grogeous girl and others i want to killmsyelf because i fel worthless. imm not suicdial but i can remeberthe first time i thought about killing kmyself i was in the abck seat of the car my brothers wre all teasing me about soething but for whatecer reason i was upset by it. i remebr crying and thinking how bad thye would feel if i killed myself. i carried this idealation iwht me later on. gina says i used this as a coping skill.w whenevr someone was mean, didnt say the right thing, didnt invite me, or a aprent said something hurtful. o thouhgt about it as if i were a ghost. watching how sad they were that they had not done better with me. that they said those angry words last to me instead of teeling me uhow much they lvoed me. that when they gossiped ghey felt so bad after because i was dead. i sometimes wish i could watch this unfold. but thats demented and evil. my ghost smiling with satifdaction as she watches loved one who id love and people who were simply lvingnthere life be affected by this. what good would it do to me or them. it would ruin them, does thaa amke mf evil. and then i realzie thats not how death wokrs. ill go to  wahtevr is after this.a dm why would i waste my eistence on a disguestingnromantizsm of revenge.  shpuld move on better msyelf and make connections and share with my lovedones hwen theyve hurt me or that i need more love.  i love treamnt. i love the lif3 im having. besids hating my body i love doing art and larning life skills and if eel like pooeple love me for me there and i can really be myself and support others. but i cant live my life in treatment. i want to relapse theres a few pros to this. one i get skinny againa dn can take pcitures while im skinnya dn try to do it a healthier way. 2 i can jsut go back to treatment and 3 thats a big fuck you to insuracne and theyll realize i coudlve used more help. my ancupucture lady said i need to let people help me adn its tru. i can read boooks hae copnversations go toa therapist but what goofd does it do if its not evn sticking with me. if i dont allow it to change me. im so stuck in that i want to be skinny. but im also tired of haojng my body, the thought about being okay iwht my body is sad to. ill jsut be ugly and not care? amd i wont be ablr to beas beautiful as i want to be. the law of attraction streases me out to because what if everytihng im writing is manif3sting as we speak. hut io cant just iugnore all thse thoughts. its good to journl ane write. i smoked the other night and told susan and brooke but lied to my treatment team. but honestly i was anxious the whole time and outside of playing with myself and dougna  trippy spiritaul mediaiton itwasnt the best time. it ,made me realize i enjoy beig sober bcecause i can do lall the things i want to do and not be stupid and i can be mindful. but then i feel a little desperate at the idea of not having anys ubstances. i sjsut need to create a good ralit y formyself. also i just don tfeel like im the little blon girl in my baby photos like me and her arnt \even the same person but i am i am her in 18 year old form. i jsut dont even know who i am or whats happening. iw ant to chilla dn i need to find balance. maybe this is because my brain has more room oto think about thoings. it kinda hurts me that my mom dsont know that much about eating disorders but yet she says she knows how bad these thionhd can get. likes he can talk so much about me needing help and this and that and yet she hasnt veen taken the tiem to udnerstand what it is im goi g throug. but i shoudlnt epect her to i dont evn knkw what is happneing. cons of relasping is more time wwasting life farther form my hoal. what is my goal all i can think abou t is working on my body bye cercising and eating healthy after treatment. iu dont underdstand why people dopnt think this is a huge thing for me. it makes it so i cant wear what. im so tired of caring. i want to get out of my head. but reality is i am katie and i have to deal wiht whats going on it dosnt do any good whining about it. another con is that my family would be disapinted. im kinda scared i ahev cancer ir im going ot die and jus stop breatinh. its probaly jsut anxiety . nbut i think about the drugs ive done and all that ive smoked and when ive starved and i wonder if im jsut shutting gdown. but i guess were all shutting down. but you cant tell kids these tihngs they dont care and they wouldnt undertsnad. i guess im jsut freaking out at my very eistence. im also very thankful to ebe alive. the fact were all ehsiting rn is crazy i think everything happens for a reason and theres a beautiful lessona nd “work of art called love” desinged by the creator. i ksut dpnt think itds what people think its actaully is. julian is just dsigusing why was i ever ino him. but i cant stop 16 year old me by being into him. but he really wasa dick adn oi dont think hes aw the value in me. my idea of him thinking that was because hesa  lot uglier than me or the line in fredys song where he says “ why would a girl like you fall for a guy like me” and he saud thatr eminded him of us i thought that was so sweet. MO that dosnt mean he values me. why was i so okay with accepting bullshit.a nd nathan. i really liked nathan we were bestfriends. but i got really cazy jealous. i was supposed to eat2 and ahalf hours ago and im not rally hungry. hence my hunger ques are off. i lost 4 lbs over the weekedn and im on weight restoration i was given till friday before i have tonadd even more additions because im not supposed to be lsoing weight. but i dint feel sad baout it. i felt eciteed i guess my bodys ina  place where it can lsoe weight easily. i feel like i should take advantage of it. is this litterally the eating disorder tuyping as we speak am i poseed. it is katie stowers. i guess thats what an eating idorder does. i think i ought to steer clear of caffense and weed. make things a little less harde.r and truly i shuld try to quit nicatine. ots just so nice to do but i think i ought to just not do it. i think idts a porblem because i can already mpciture me going outside after break and smoking. “evntually ill quit shes aid” when i quoted julien baker in her song ahppy to be hee to esther it says “ i miss you the way that i miss nicatine” she waled away after. felt a little judged honeslt and i dont think it was cuz of me but i am better than to smoke nicatine. i think im gonna not do it tomorow. adn if i succeed well see about friday. but it is a hbit i shoudl break. but anyways theres a lot to worry about and be ecited about to and im having a hard time manging it all. and i opuld go on times ten of whats been happneing in my brain ina  therap y session but it dosnt happne.
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
                                                                                    ━ ♕. ‹    𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎   ╱   𝐕𝐈𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐑   ›
hello !! beautiful people !! my name is ella, i like memes way too much, my intros usually get way too long and i am very excited to throw my babies at you guys !! 
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tom hardy + cis male + he/him.┊ ❛ ━ hey, is it just me or do you hear kill our way to heaven by michl playing in the distance ? oh, thats just noir, a lawful evil member of the league of villains. i suspect they might be viktor kovalenko, a thirty nine year old mechanic with the ability of telekinesis. according to my sources, he can be intelligent, but also opportunistic, which is probably why they remind everyone of blood stains everywhere but his clothes, detailed organized files missing key information, the need for revenge so blinding it makes it hard to breath so much. anyway, a supervillain or not, crystalline city is keeping a close eye on them !  
                       ( tw: kidnapping, violence, murder )
                                                                                                                ╰        *           𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓
kill our way to heaven by michl
leave me alone by nf
5:3666 by machine gun kelly
jesus in la by alec benjamin
                                                                                                                  ╰        *           𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌
a fan of silence. if no one talked to him, he would probably spend days without uttering a single world 
thinks it’s funny to stare at people who are uncomfortable with silence until they leave
loves all doggos. has a weakness for all of them. will kill anyone that hurts them.
there are probably lots of strays doggos that stuck around his house, after he took care of and he’s been too weak to let them go. 
carries bullets and instead of shooting the gun he uses telekinesis to send it flying through people’s heads
doesn’t break promises
please read all his internal monologue as a dramatic noir narration, it’s all i ask.
                                                                                                          ╰        *           𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘
personality type: istj ( the logistsian )
moral alignment: lawful evil ( the dominator )
strengths: intelligent, observant, diligent, practical, direct, adaptable, dynamic, patient
weaknesses: opportunistic, manipulative, vengeful, ruthless, closed off, rigid, detached, judgmental.
fashion: loose t-shirts, oversized hoodies, leather jackets, dark t-shirts, boots.
                                                                                                             ╰        *           𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘
at some point viktor kovalenko was set on helping people, protecting them, making the world around him a better place. not only that, but he and his sister worked together as a superhero duo in their small town.
every since they were children, they pushed each other forward, helped one another develop their powers, become stronger, better. their dream was to become legends, to be able to turn the world into a better place.
they stopped their first robbery together, arrested their first criminal only after an effort to use their powers at the same time, depended on each and each other only to achieve their goal.
the plan was always, should have always been to do it forever, until there wasn’t any evil left.
life ( away from all that ) moved on as usual, as it should have. viktor found a girl that made the whole world shine with her smile alone and married her. the two of them had a daughter, nicknamed her lizzie.
he had never seen his heart beat so fast as it had the day she was born.
he never stopped. how could him ? people’s safety were in his and his sister’s hand, the certainty that they would be alright resting on their shoulder.
but time made viktor weary
what was once making sure the least amount of people got hurt, slowly turned into maybe that one bad guy deserves it. what was the need to keep everybody safe turned into a punch in the name of that one person that got hurt, a few hits too strong because of that. what should have stayed as only enough to stop them became a harder hit, a stronger one, just a little more.
his wife died at the hands of armed robber.
viktor didn’t sleep until he found the guy. every second that followed, every moment after that, lost to that goal alone. avenge her, avenge her death. he found the guy, but that wasn’t enough, no. 
viktor moved on to find the security guard that was around that night and didn’t stop it, the police officer parked a few streets over that could have gone to her aid, the men and woman working at that night at the hospital that didn’t do enough. all 
of them were corrupt, all of them contributed to her death in his mind all of them were evil too in a way.
his sister watched his descent into darkness, the ruthless of viktor’s actions and made what she thought was the best decision. took his daughter and left, somewhere where viktor couldn’t find her, where he couldn’t hurt them.
he was blinded by hatred after. nothing else mattered anymore. no other life. no else’s well being. he just needed to find his sister, get his daughter back, exert his revenge on her this time. she didn’t understand how everyone was evil deep down, how every action corrupt in a way or another, but she would, after him, she would.
city after city trying to locate her, he stopped at crystalline. her trailing leading only to the city and dying down in it.
he joined the syndicate to try and use its resources to get to her, got a job as the least possible suspicious thing. 
                                                                                                           ╰        *           𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍
someone else that is part of the syndicate and gets under his skin ??
some real nice civilian/hero that makes him question his ‘everyone sucks’ pov
honestly whatever you are thinking could work, could probably work.
𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 ;; disgust so strong it makes it unbearable to stay still, blood stains forming a perfect circle around him, detailed organized files missing key information, conspiracy boards taking up an entire wall, the need for revenge so blinding it makes it hard to breath so much, 
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woodsbane · 6 years
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Have you been apart of the sterek fandom forever? Do you want some nostalgia? Well here are some fics that if you’ve been around you have probably read over and over, and here they are again. AKA the sterek fic rec thats been a long time coming. If you’re relatively new, I suggest these as they have kind of been the top sterek fics since the relationship began. Enjoy!
 Fireman Derek’s Crazy Pie (Cheeseburger Baby) 17,698 | Teen and Up
“He can't blame me for the fact that I live in a building full of people united in the singular effort to ogle Hot Fireman as often as humanly possible."
Laura laughs, loud and echoing in the empty restaurant.
"Hot firemen can make a girl do crazy things," she agrees, nodding towards her brother's name on the menu. "Derek won't let me date anyone from his company, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the eye candy."
"Send them my way," Stiles suggests, finally loading up a forkful of pie. 
"Apparently I'm incompetent enough that I need to be babysat at all times, because it would be cheaper than dispatching a truck every time I try to use a kitchen appliance."
 According to Plans  72,744 | E 
Five times Stiles and Derek pretend to be boyfriends, and the one time they didn't have to pretend at all. (Or: in which Stiles' plan for senior year is completely ruined by a supernatural creature stalking him.)
By Any Other Name 33,090 | E
He doesn't know his name, he doesn't know who he is, and neither does the werewolf he's on the run with. But he's pretty sure they hunt monsters, because they seem to be really good at it.
Moonwalkers  531,781 | E
Stiles had his entire Seven Years of Hogwarts all planned out:
Prank and Prank Hard. Woo Lydia Martin. Avoid detention and Potions at all cost. Have crazy fun.
Enter brooding werewolf to send this plan to the bottom of the Black Lake.
(Sacred) In the Ordinary  (THIS IS MY PERSONAL FAVORITE) 78,759 | E
The Pack, after college, graduate school and the starting of careers, comes back to Beacon Hills. Nothing's gotten less complicated after all this time. Based on a kink meme prompt that grew legs and got serious. Note: This is a whole lot of pack!fic with a very slow build Derek/Stiles.
 There’s Monsters at Home  83,575 | E
“How did you get past the wards?” Derek had put them up, with Peter’s grudging assistance, after the Alpha pack had made themselves at home a few times too many.
The guy pulled a face. “You mean the wards a five-year-old girl with the mental ability of a goldfish could deconstruct?” He blinked wide eyes at Derek. “Gee, I don’t know. It’s bound to go down as one of life’s great mysteries.”
Derek despised him.
 Hide of A Life War  26,102 | E
“We have received confirmation that there is a hostage situation in progress at a warehouse compound two hours out of Los Angeles, following a multiple-vehicle pileup on Highway 101 this morning...”
The one in which Stiles has lived to (legal) adulthood and, along the way, become a bit of a badass himself.
 Baking My Way Into Your Heart  178,630 | M
Derek is an uptight college student, all work and no play. His carefully scheduled life is thrown kilter when his regular barista is replaced with someone new. 
 Living With Lycanthropy 44,905 | E
AKA: The Sterek Rival Bakeries AU
Wherein they both own bakeries, Stiles tries not to run his grandmother's legacy into the ground, Laura wants to be a better alpha, and Derek can't seem to get Stiles' attention the regular way - so naturally, he accidentally initiates a prank war.
(Or, if Teen Wolf was more like Gilmore Girls, with everyone far too invested in whether the Hale boy and the Sheriff's kid will work it out, and Laura Hale wrote a handbook for alpha werewolves.)
Pack Dynamic for Dummies 36,682 | Teen
Stiles isn't sure how a Pack is supposed to work, but he's pretty sure that this this disorganized jumble of people and events doesn't quite qualify. He has to hand it to Derek though, he keeps trying. And Stiles has never been one to stand quietly on the sidelines.
Gravity’s Got Nothing on You  83,979 | E
“Three weeks,” Derek says.
“Still don’t want to,” Stiles says.
“I’ll pay you,” Derek says, and that… that has Stiles interested. Alf’s Antique’s may be a great job, but it’s not a high-paying job, and half of Stiles’s tuition is coming from financial aid, so…
“How much,” Stiles asks, “are we talking here? Because I know your family, dude. And it’ll be kind of awkward after.“
“My family thinks you’re some sort of fucking gift to the world,” Derek seethes, like he’s jealous, “they’ll probably be pissed at me when we break it off, so don’t worry about that. Five hundred bucks.”
“A thousand,” Stiles says, because screw ethics. Also, the Hale family is loaded. Derek can deal.
There is a brotherhood 21,004 | E
So far, college has taught Stiles three things:
1) Eight am classes are cruel and unusual and should be avoided at all costs, even if it means having to enroll in something truly hideous instead, like Econ 101.
2) Dorm security is just as tight as Stiles’ orientation leader had promised it would be, and the dude guarding Scott’s dorm in particular does not respond well to bribes.
3) Mrs. McCall clearly had no clue what she was talking about when she’d insisted that Scott and Stiles needed to branch out and room with strangers, so it’s all her fault that Scott ended up with a total dick of a roommate and Stiles got stuck all the way across campus with some guy who has a girlfriend two towns over and is thus never around.
Or, the one where pledge brothers Stiles and Scott start a prank war with Derek Hale's fraternity.
 Hope is the thing with feathers 28,959 | Teen and up 
Stiles is ten when he saves the Hales from their burning home and Derek from a wolfsbane bullet, and this establishes a pattern that seem to continue indefinitely.
"Then he's facing a burning home, and he wraps the hood of his sweatshirt around his mouth before he pushes the door open and steps inside. There's Mr. Hale asleep - he hopes asleep - on the couch, next to - Stiles thinks that's his brother but there are so many Hales, who can keep track. He rushes over and starts shaking him, can see the rise and fall of the man's chest so he knows he's alive, but he's not waking up. He shoves away his hood so he can shout, "Mr. Hale! You have to get up, there's a fire! Mr. Hale, get up!" Nothing, he's not even twitching, both of them taking in deep even breaths like they're having the most peaceful of rests, and Stiles is going to cry. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" There's a moment, where all Stiles can hear is the blood rushing in his ears and not the roar of the flames or the creak of wood, then with a violent, silent pop it's all back and both of the men are gasping awake, eyes open and jumping to their feet. "
 Lead You Home Again 49,962 | E
The first time Derek meets Stiles, the kid’s brown eyes are wide, and he’s staring up at him with a mischievous grin as he tugs at the arm of Derek’s first ever Batman figure like he’s trying to separate it from Batman’s body.
An alternate take on Teen Wolf, wherein Stiles and Derek are childhood friends, and things unfold from there.
 Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble 13,363 | Teen and up
When potions prodigy Stiles blows up one cauldron too many during one of his ‘experiments’, he gets assigned to making Wolfsbane Potion for the new groundskeeper. Which wouldn’t be so bad if the guy wasn’t you know, terrifying.
This is Ridiculous 35, 818 | E
There's a unicorn in Beacon Hills. A fricken' unicorn. In fricken' Beacon Hills, California. And it turns out that unicorns aren't drawn towards virgins in a happy-go-lucky let-me-lay-my-not-at-all-metaphorical-horn-in-your-lap way. No. They kill them. And guess who's the only virgin idiotic enough to get sucked into the Beacon Hills supernatural scene? Stiles, that's who.
 Mating Habits of the Domesticated Werewolf 35,458 | M
Derek doesn’t do pining. He doesn’t. So when it becomes clear that Stiles is much more interested in having Derek as a new best friend than a boyfriend, he puts on his big boy pants and makes it fucking work. He becomes the best goddamn friend a spastic teenager could ever hope to have.
 Wayward and Down  32,331 | E
Pack is family. Family is everything.
This is Stiles' senior year, and it's nothing he could have imagined.
That time it took not one, but two separate troll attacks and a malevolent coven of witches for Stiles to figure out how he felt about Derek.
Tremble  58,990 | E
Stiles may be cursed but that doesn’t mean he’s going to lay down and die. He’s going to fight. He won’t stop, he can’t stop. If he does, they win.
Permanent Fixture 80,777 | E
Derek is Scott's older brother. Stiles is Scott's best friend. Derek is falling in love with Stiles. This is a bit of a problem.
Bogarted 3,126 | M
Alternate Title: "Dick Failwolf, Private Eye."
(Or, Derek's hit with a Film Noir curse, which forces him to narrate his own life in luridly-detailed prose.)
DILF  30,871 | E
"Today is Scott's first day of kindergarten and Derek is terrified."
 A Thousand Fiery Suns of Angst- Just Press Play 20,934 | Teen and Up
All Stiles wants from life is to learn to control his magic, keep his grades up, and not die horribly while saving Beacon Hills from supernatural threats. It's all going pretty well until Derek Hale, werewolf extraordinaire, has to go and ask him on a date. That asshole.
 Stilinski’s Home For Wayward Werewolves 35,197 | Teen and Up
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.” 
“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly. 
Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding: 
DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
I Can’t Get Enough (Of You)  10,480 | Teen and Up
Fact: Derek Hale hates Potions.
There are a number of reasons why this is so. For one thing, Potions is really not Derek's strong point. (There's a reason he's banned from using the kitchen at home.) For another, the Potions classroom is dank and dim and spending more than an hour down there at a time makes Derek’s skin crawl.
And then there’s Stiles Stilinski.
He doesn’t need an explanation.
The Socioeconomic Repercussions of Mutually Assured Destruction 15,285 | E
"The trouble with having the kind of brain that likes to write essays on male circumcision for an Economics class, is that it also likes to turn PowerPoint presentations for Biology into odes on the perfection of notorious bad boy Derek Hale’s backside."
 Linski’s Late Night Antidote to Lame 13,865 | Teen and Up
Where Stiles has his own college radio show, and the mysterious, faceless Derek is his number one fan.
Also there's this really hot guy he keeps meeting in the library who totally hates his guts.
28. Every Step You Take 49,347 | M
Stiles accidentally ends up magically bound to Derek. It’s super.
We’ve Written in Volumes (In Blood and Scars and Ink) 25,935 | E
Stiles is on his back on hard-packed dirt. He's cold and there are leaves stuck to his neck and there's a four inch gash in his side that he thinks he can feel his ribs through. There's so much blood around him he feels like he's floating on a pond and everything is so much dimmer above him than it was a minute ago, which is saying something because he's in the dark center of the forest in the middle of the night. And the worst of it is that he's alone, totally alone with the smell of his own blood drowning him and the soft side of him run through by a tree.
As his eyes slip shut, the last thing he thinks is, "This is going to kill my dad."
Electricity in the Contact 27,067 | E
In which Derek has been invited to the Greater Pacific Northwest Alpha Symposium (that's not what it's called, Stiles, stop saying that), and showing up unattached would mean an arranged marriage. When the rest of the pack objects, he agrees to let Stiles come along to pose as his mate. Derek is reasonably sure that he's not going to make it out of this weekend alive.
here is the deepest secret nobody knows 22,322 | Teen and Up
“Derek,” Stiles groans. “You have me. You’ve always had me, you absolute moron, how many physically impossible feats of life-saving heroics do I have to perform before you get it?” 
can’t be hateful gotta be grateful 6,260 | Teen and Up
"Be cool, Dad, we've decided to con Grandma."
(Or, the one where the Stilinski men drag Derek to Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma's and she gets the right wrong idea.)
Noticed 35,179 | Teen and Up
Stiles left on a Tuesday. Nobody noticed. 
Losers 34,234 | E
Where Derek is new to college, eager to spend his time learning, and Stiles is everything he didn't want in a room mate. He's loud, he's into sports, and he keeps trying to make Derek do things.
Or, the one where Derek falls for a jock, Erica will cut you if you disturb her studying, and Jackson is a closeted romantic who pretends to hate everything.
35. Under Your Skin 12,207 | E
"So you decided hepatitis would be fun"; or the one about tattoos, waffles and ghouls.
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blaperile · 5 years
Homestuck Epilogues - Meat - Page 19 (Epilogue 4 Page 2)
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ariesbilly · 6 years
i already have a question was that jessica lucas playing an extra or just like... her twin lmfao
this whole game is so stupid i cant deal with this like we get it ras, you saw jumanji
the scene hasnt even started but alice already being pregnant is stupid. ras is stupid. alice is stupid. madchen is stupid cuz she ultimately led us here and i will never forgive her
also alice is an unreliable narrator and nothing she says is fact except for all the gay fredsythe shit. thats canon
why are we doing 80s when theyre in the 90s god..... i hate this show i had a whole soundtrack ready in my mind. it was mainly nirvana but ... its what fp wouldve wanted
alice had no friends gee... i wonder why...
lmfao fp blew alice off ok ya know.... im dying that they try so hard to set up flice as some epic romance meanwhile they could not give two shits about each other. obviously my boy was going around fucking every girl how else was he supposed to convince his dad he wasnt getting plowed by fred on the daily
alice and penelope.... gay. lesbians. gay lesbians. in love. always. OH COME ON YOU HAVE THE NERDY BITCHY CHICK WITH THE ASSHOLE FROM THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? HELLO??? 
fp would bring up his arm being in a cast for literally no reason what does that have to do with streaking fp? hes always been a dumb bitch at least thats consistent
fred really just wanted to get detention with fp so they could have a date im cry
ras really loves his saved by the bell references huh
alice no one wants to hear your hoe stories unless theyre gay or with hal
is fp asleep with his hand over his face lmao ok thats my son
of all the time i spent talking about fp carving his initials all over the school... and they give it to alice.... fuck you. anyway riverdale high is littered with fj + fa in a heart thanks for coming to my tedtalk
tom and sierra did not date in high school. but also thats not tom so
penelope would love heathers ok.... thats my mom
and shes in love with sierra wow we stan
wow fred the gay just keeps jumping out
fred really went to look at fp before talking about how he wanted to stay in riverdale his whole life.... god he already had their wedding planned i know it
ok fred literally had no reaction to hermiones hand on his knee so... guess the feelings come later? or its bad acting idk 
oh... hmm.... so... was fred too living on elm street at this time? or is it just coincidence fps dream life takes place on the street fred will eventually settle down on.... we dont know..... either way... gay
yall + alice think her life wouldve been better if she married fp and had chic but like... even she herself is saying fps gonna end up a drunk like his dad so ???? next
ok so like.... on the one hand fp wanting to be the first jones to go to college makes me emotional but like .... forsythe senior being a serpent? makes no sense.... i mean... i guess? if we’re rewriting history. but uh.... literally last season fp said he joined after his dad threw him out but i guess that never happened now so whatever. but why as an adult would he want to go back to the serpents? i get desperate times blah blah but.... and then to lead the gang? idk.... and then to have your own son lead it? nah
so sierra been knew about the sisters and never did anything?? ok
ok i will say this level of stupid drama is right up there with 90s soaps so like... kudos to that lmfao
fred gave fp half his sandwich just like julia and i have been saying get... out... :’)
alice carved fp and freds initials next to each other lmfao even she knew! bitch!
fred draping himself over the desks is gay culture
i literally cannot handle all the subtle fredsythe happening in this episode ras really came for my whole fucking scalp
penelopes so fucking gay... so fucking gay. good for her
fp and hermiones season 1 interactions are suddenly making so much sense they... were in love we just need to accept this and move on with our lives
hermione: so fp what went down between you and alice. fp: not me thats for sure!
fp putting on the crown and fred immediately going into a sword fight... so anyway they fucked!
they really trying to force this heterosexual nonsense down our throats like im sorry its too little too late fred and fp are gay i can never buy anything heterosexual interaction again. besides the ones i deem appropriate. i am the gatekeeper. 
why are they in the same outfits all the time ???
michael sounds so much like his dad but like just with maybe a deeper register. i love baby hiram hes the only son i claim. besides gay fredsythe. but the flice and fremione scenes are when theyre dead to me. ok i can forgive fremione. kinda
interesting how fp was supposed to tell alice freds dad died. fp had to console his boyfriend he didnt have time to call alice ok
penelope and alice, fred and fp, sierra and hermione sitting across from each other. these are riverdales endgames.
also i know fp was running his foot up freds leg soothingly under the table dont play with me. he couldnt do much more than that they were in public he had to comfort his boyfriend somehow
penelope essentially: WE TAKE THIS TO OUR GRAVE!
fp..... honey... no.... spit is not necessary
everybody wants to rule the world is a fucking bop tho so ill forgive them this
hermione spent the whole episode talking about how she wanted hiram and now at the end she gets with him but doesnt want it? lies
also fp.... won them the state championship senior year so.... he... didnt give that up omfg i hate this
yall.... they did hal so dirty i cant believe. i mean... ugh whatever i dont care
but fred and hermione went on a date senior year.... ok
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moonbelt · 7 years
»mind over matter
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↳ neighbors to lovers au
⇢ pairing: jaebum | reader
⇢ genre: fluff + slight angst + sexual themes
⇢ word count: 9.704
⇢ description: as it turns out your cat loves your neighbors apartment more than yours. consequently it happens to belong to the new neighbor dude that’s stuck comforting you after a measly break-up.
author’s note: born out of this request, and the sheer need to read a neighbor au fic haha. i hope you enjoy it anon! i really hope i did this justice!!
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It takes only a moment for your life to change right before your eyes. And although you had never been one to abide or listen to corny quotes ripped off the internet, your step-mother had framed more than half of them around your apartment. In an attempt to bring "life" into your dingy residence. You hadn't even realized that they could, in fact, be true. Actual facts.
You had long since accepted the fact that there were always greater things at work. You were in control of your life but not that of others. Everything had a cycle, a plan, and that didn't by default make it any fair. Nothing in life ever was, your mother had drilled into your head, but that didn't stop you from resenting it.
You resented the things you could not change and loathed the things you could. Like how you could've prevented this whole shit-show from happening if you'd opened your eyes a little wider and seen all the thorns beneath the roses. The thorns being your ex-boyfriend. Major emphasis on the ex because you wouldn't be caught dead crawling back to that bastard, Theo.
Theo. It all led to him.
Well not necessarily everything, more like anything that had to do with your romantic and, in a long round-about, extended way, your social life. A deep shudder racks through your body as you begin to think about him. Oh God, you wanted so badly to run out of your apartment and back to his and smack his head so hard he saw the stars all the way from the Upside Down.
So maybe you're being a bit overdramatic when you say: All the moments that have happened so far in your life were, inevitably, leading to shit. But in no way are you not entitled to say it.
Your boss had nitpicked everything you'd done all day, creeping steadily up your already tensed nerves. One of your colleagues — René — was always within earshot when this happened, like glue you couldn't scrape off no matter how hard you tried. Always ready to throw a sly remark your way every time your boss had something to complain about. The only thing stopping your fist from connecting firm with her jaw was the fact that you prided yourself on having more class than her.
This decision that you wrongfully, and albeit naively, made came back to bite you deep in the ass.
Reason one as to why you're cooped up in your small apartment alone on a Friday night. Keyword in that sentence is: alone. You suppose that the blame doesn't lie with René alone. It's more eighty percent Theo and twenty percent René. Theo. Even his name begins to remind you of quickly decomposing poop. You would never have guessed him to be a cheater, but then again you had been blinded by whatever the heck it was you'd seen in him.
You shudder for the nth time that night as you bring your blanket closer to your chin and sigh into your chest. This whole situation is stupid and you're positive that in three months you'll look back at it and laugh. But not now. Now you'd rather throw yourself into watching your favorite French melodrama titled Piégé.
At first, you'd only started watching it in a bid to get more accustomed to the language as you were taking a French course in college and you did not want to fail. But it had been approximately eight months since you'd graduated university and you were under no obligation to be watching it anymore. In fact, you have no idea how you even got into Piégé in the first place, but at least it's helping you attempt to forget what a shitty boyfriend Theo had been. Never mind that the series is filled to the brim with unnecessary drama. But, hey! You'd rather watch the drama about other people's lives than dwell on the drama brewing in yours.
Turning your attention back to your laptop that's gingerly placed on your lap, you try to get immersed back into the film. The main character — Alphonsine Vernoux — is saying, no screaming, at her boyfriend to get out of her apartment because she "can't be with him because our parents would never approve." Her boyfriend, a man named Jean-Louis refuses and long story short — because there's a lot of back and forth squabbles that ultimately mean the same thing; Alphonsine and Jean-Louis have really hot make-out sex.
The scene though is disrupted by your phone beeping off with the arrival of a new text message. It's from Youngjae, your best and only friend from work. For a moment, you're tempted to ignore it and watch Jean-Louis push Alphonsine up against the wall in sexy frustration. But alas, you decide against it, Youngjae probably has a really good reason for seeking out your companionship, even if it does come in the form of a text and my actual speaking.
Youngjae: Did you know a Tarantula spider can survive for more than two years without food?? [9:32 pm]
You fight a laugh as you think of an answer. And you'll admit, you had no idea this particular breed of spider could survive that long. You figure he must be watching another documentary because this is a reoccurring theme. Almost every(?) night, Youngjae sends you threads of rapid-fire texts narrating the things he found out from animal documentaries, that he's definitely already watched a thousand times but still is beyond fascinated by. Usually, you also sent him texts about Piégé but today you weren't feeling it.
You: really??? thats cool. maybe i should hope to be a tarantula in my next life? [9:33 pm]
Youngjae: lol who says you even have a next life? might be ur last one right now [9:36 pm]
Youngjae: oh hey, i was gonna ask you. are you and theo down to go watch a movie tomorrow? that new horror movie you were wanting to see is playing [9:36 pm]
You stare at your phone for a good ten minutes wondering what exactly you should send as a reply, berating yourself for having not yet told Youngjae about the things that transpired between you and Theo. That you caught Theo in bed with René roughly a week ago and you doubt you even want to tell him.
You know he won't pity you, Youngjae would most likely feel saddened by the events but not pity directed at you. Maybe pity directed at Theo? Because he damn sure lost the second-best thing that happened in his life, the first best thing being Ara, your cat. And it's not like you're heartbroken and devastated by what happened, you feel more sad about it than anything. Sad and tired. Five months with that dude and it all amassed to absolutely nothing.
The only thing that seems able enough to break you out of your trance state is the loud blaring of your alarm clock as it reads you the time. Nine forty-five. Time for you to feed your cat. Your cat that always seems to magically disappear once you get home from work. You groan. Ara had always been fonder of Theo than you, after all, he had been the one to pick her out. You had wanted a dog but as always, Theo had convinced you. And even though at first, you'd hated how Ara scratched almost everything in sight, she'd grown on you and now you wished she'd done the same.
Pushing yourself off the sofa, you make your way to your apartment searching for Ara. Usually, she likes to hang in dark places, ergo your closets, but after you make two rounds of opening and closing every drawer or door without finding her, you begin to think that something has gone amiss.
Alphonsine Vernoux is still going on whatever new drama has befallen her. She talks in rapid French that you don't understand completely because of the lack of your trusty subtitles. Well not talking, more screaming than anything. She always seems to do more screaming than actual talking, but maybe that's just you.
"Merde!" She cries now, and if the broken understanding of the language is anything to go by. Fuck! is the translation.
Fuck it really is. You can't lose a cat. Correction: you can't lose your cat. You love Ara too much and although the love isn't reciprocated in the same way you want, you can't be responsible for the death of a good ole cat.
Okay, so maybe the 'good' is an oversimplification but you don't want the blood of anything on your hands, with a little exception for Theo, you're not above getting into a catfight with him (which you technically already did, although the damage was mainly done with words.) Calling Theo a bloody bastard and airing out all his dirty laundry (mainly his nauseating habits that you'd pushed to the side) to dry in front of his new fling, René was as much metaphoric blood you were willing to have sprayed on your hands. Maybe you were being more influenced by your dramas than you thought?
But back to the real point at hand, you do not want ill to befall anyone (apart from Theo). And especially not your cat.
You're so far gone with searching every nook and cranny of your little apartment for a hint of Ara that you don't notice the incessant knocking that has started tapping up your door. Quickly, you drop the pile of clothes you'd thrown out of your wardrobe, as you had raided to look for Ara, and head over to your front door.
Peering up through the peephole, you try to decipher who's there. Hopefully not Theo. He'd tried stopping by twice since you broke up with him and it always ended in you telling him to get the hell out and he claiming to have made a "grave mistake" and all that jazz that you do not believe which leads to you yelling at him to leave again. Jesus Christ, you were turning into a miniature Alphonsine, the only thing missing was the hot sex. Which you weren't getting any time soon and even if you were, it sure as fuck wasn't coming from Theo.
But regardless of this new discovery, you're still in no mood to see him today. You already have to deal with him every day at work and you'd rather not bring that hell of a mess home.
So, when you pull the door open the door, you're somewhat already preparing yourself to clash face-to-face with your ex. Ready to send him away again because, for the love of God, you're not going to hand him a second chance even if your life depends on it. But instead of Theo, it's someone completely different. Someone that's holding a sleepy Ara in his hands, scratching her head lightly.
"Oh my god," you say, reaching for Ara and taking her cautiously into your arms. You know better than to try and disrupt her sleepy state. "Thank you so much. I had no idea she even left the apartment."
The man waves away your gratitude with a shrug, smiling in a blithe manner. "It's no problem at all. I'm not sure if you noticed but she likes coming to my apartment a lot."
This is news to you but you don't want to seem as incompetent as you feel in front of this stranger, so you force a smile unto your face and try to relax the tensions in your shoulders.
"Really? I'm sorry but I have to ask, who are you?"
A look of embarrassment washes over his features as he soaks in your words. Maybe you were too harsh, calling him out like that? But you truly didn't know him at all. There was no way you'd ever forget a face like his, you don't think. He didn't have rough around the edges, rogue looks like Theo (or any of your exes, to be honest) but he had a sort of laidback and soft vibe with black locks falling short off his shoulders in smooth bouncy waves.
Clearing his throat, he replies. "I'm your neighbor, Jaebum. You can call me Jae for short. I moved in about four weeks ago? Sorry I wasn't able to introduce myself earlier, but yeah, your cat likes to come over to my place and at first I really did think she was a stray, that's why I've been taking care of her anytime she showed up but had I known, I would've never tried to impose on you like that, that was—"
You have a feeling that he's not going to stop rambling unless you do the honors of helping him. So, you interrupt.
"It's okay, don't worry about it... Jae. She can do that sometimes. I really should get her a collar or something."
Since she'd mostly stayed at Theo's place and not yours, you hadn't thought about getting her one before. Theo didn't want it on her and you hadn't really thought about the possibility of losing her. Mainly because the events that surrounded you bringing Ara to your place had been unnerving. You'd found Theo in bed with Rene and subsequently, you had stormed out of there (after giving him a full piece of your broken mind) with Ara in your hands and your car keys already fumbling with trying to open your car.
"What's her name?"
Jaebum — Jae — is the one to shake you out of your thoughts, looking genuinely curious to know the answer to his question. You figure there's nothing wrong with telling him, especially since he'd been kind enough to take care of her in your negligence.
"Ara," you finally say, giving him a dry smile. "Thank you for taking care of her for me in my absence."
He shrugs again, running his hand through his hair and you watch as Ara meows as she stretches her body towards him. You still in your movements of scratching the top of her head. She never does that. At least, she's never done that to you, she'd always craved Theo's attention and now you see, she craves Jaebum's.
Maybe she's going through a phase where she only wants male attention?
You think it'll be rude to send him on his way without making small talk so after a while of restraining Ara in your arms, you fix your gaze back to him and say:
"So... do you have any cats?"
"Yeah. Three but one is staying over at my sisters for the meantime."
Wow. You don't think you could ever be responsible for more than two lives, you could barely remind yourself to have three meals a day and had to set timers to feed Ara because, god willing, you are bound to forget to one way or another. So, for that reason alone, you begin to hold this neighbor of yours on a higher pedestal. Taking care of three cats doesn't sound as comfortable or easy, you admire him for that.
"You must really love cats then," you snort to yourself at how obvious you're being. Of course, he loves cats, he has three.
He nods his head, probably realizing that this is his cue to leave. "Cats are amazing. Anyways, it was nice meeting you..."
"y/n," you fill in for him.
Jae smiles at your name as he continues on. "It was nice meeting you, y/n. If Ara ever needs to hang out with other cats or anything like that, mine seem to love her more than me."
Oh, how you can relate. Ara seems to like everyone else on the planet but you, her caregiver. You frown. Maybe you're feeding her food she doesn't like? You make a mental note to research more on cat food before you turn in for the night.
"Nice meeting you too, Jae. Hopefully, we see each other sometime."
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Against your own words, you do not, in fact, see each other sometime after that. If not for the fact that you're mainly preoccupied with due dates from work, you think you would have gone out of your way to make sure it happened because contrary to what your heart was telling you, you thought he was kind of cute. Well, not kinda. You really thought he was cute.
And if it had been of your own will, you would've long ago tried to ask him out on a date because hell, your single and ready to move past your ex. But your boss has ridiculously been on your case the past few weeks and by the luck of your fate, you've been paired, for the latest project, with René. René that refuses to let a day go by without rubbing into your face the "amazing" sex she's having with Theo, not that you even care. Fuck, you really want to deck her. How can someone be so un-classy about having your sloppy seconds? You'd never know.
Either way, René doesn't seem to be any help with the project. You've tried to work with her, although you really want to shove a stiletto heel through her eye for always going on and on about your fucking ex, she is adamant on not being productive or helpful. You wonder how she even got her job as a secretary in the first place. If you were the boss you'd never hire her. But in any case, you're stuck with her unhelpful ass for the next two weeks until the presentation to pitch a new update would be held.
"Ugh," you sigh to yourself as you lay on your living room floor, staring idly at your laptop. "This isn't going anywhere."
True to form, René had forgotten to send you the age demographics of people that had been using your company's app in the last six months. And without that vital information, you were stumped with how to prepare your speech. You wish you could call her and ask her to email it to you ASAP, but you know from experience that she would either ignore it or send you something completely irrelevant. What did you ever do to warrant such unprofessionalism from her, you wonder.
Flipping on your back, you stare absentmindedly at your ceiling. Maybe you should go out? It is a Wednesday night and you're almost certain that you're not going to clubbing today but you want to get out. So, after minutes of deliberating, you decide that you would go jogging. It's been a long time since you'd done anything active, you preferred to stay inside and watch stuff. But Piégé isn't scheduled to release a new episode until tomorrow, and you're bored.
Quickly, you go back to your room and try to find your exercise clothes that are hiding behind more used clothing. When you open your closet, you're met with the piercing blue eyes of Ara and your skin jumps off your bones.
"Oh my god, Ara," you say after catching your breath. "Why do you always do this."
These days she seems to be sulking. Maybe she's finally realizing that Theo is a no-show and you're all she's got. She refuses to allow you to carry her anymore and you think she's going through some kind of withdrawal phase. The only time she comes out of her dark places is to eat or to sit in front of the front door. Waiting for what? You don't know. But you guess she might be waiting for a long time.
Gingerly, you lift Ara up and make fast work with finding your clothes. Once you do, you strip out of your pajamas and change into your athletic leggings, a long-sleeved shirt and tie your shoes. Ara has made her way to the living room and once again has resumed her spot in front of the door. Christ, maybe you should call Theo and have the two of you work out details about the rearing of Ara.
Maybe two weeks with him and then two weeks with you? But then again, he hasn't actually asked about Ara at all since the breakup, so you wonder if he even cares that she's gone. You check to make sure her collar is on her neck before you grab your phone, keys, and earphones. Even though you're sure she won't care, you blow Ara a kiss right before you close the front door and lock it.
As you're walking past the apartment next to yours — room 321, to be exact — their door opens and out comes Jae. He has a leash connected to two collars that are respectively connected to one white cat and another black one. You still have at least a few seconds to dash down the stairs without him seeing you but you find your feet remaining where they are and you find yourself saying:
"Oh, hey!" There's so much excitement in your voice that you inwardly cringe at it. "Long time no see."
He makes a loud noise of surprise when his gazes rests on you, his hands reaching out to clutch his chest. "Shit, that scared me."
You laugh at him. His hair is hidden behind a gray beanie and it helps you see his face clearly and you notice the little black dot above one of his eyes, it's cute — you think.
"Sorry," you say, not sorry at all.
He knows this and his mouth breaks into a low smirk. He makes a move to run his hand through his hair but stops halfway when he remembers that he cannot because of the beanie. "Are you heading out?"
You nod your head. "Yeah, this body isn't going to work out itself."
"I'm taking Kunta and Odd for a walk, mind if I join you?" He points at each cat when he says their name and they perk up when he says it.
You suddenly feel like going back to your apartment and hugging Ara, but you know she'd probably scratch your face against the skinship. So, you grit your teeth and focus on the cats in front of you instead.
"Not at all. Do you have a route you usually take?" You ask as the two of you walk down the stairs, Kunta and Odd in Jaebum's arms.
"It's a pretty simple one. From here to the park and back."
Fucking hell. The park is at least thirty minutes away by car, imagine how far it'll be by walking? You groan at the thought. This is the first time you're going jogging in months and by god, you need to take it slow or else you'll end up passed out before you even make a round trip. Jaebum must realize your distaste about the prospect of making a fifty-minute walk because he offers to cut it short. Faster than you'd like, you agree to his adjusting. Maybe in a few weeks, you'd be able to, but right now in the state that you're in, you doubt you'll last.
Outside the August air is not as hot as you thought it'd be so you're thankful that you had enough sense to wear a long shirt because if not, you'd be tempted to run back inside your apartment and watch reruns of Piégé in the comfort of your bed. Jae sets his cats on the ground, oblivious to your internal turmoil, and begins to lead the way. Easily, you fall into step with him.
You find out that he's a very fast walker as you try to keep a conversation going. You ask him about his job and find out that he owns a pizzeria, to your astonishment. You'd always wanted to be your own boss, sadly that was a bust. He tells you that running his own place is pretty fun minus a few exceptions but it was a family business so, once he graduated college his father passed it on.
He asks you about what you do for fun and you tell him about your obsession — love — for Piégé with a pride in your voice. Although you tell him that you can't really watch it without subtitles since your French is still lacking, he seems blown by it regardless and you feel satisfied for some reason. Like you've impressed him a little.
After almost a good fifteen minutes of keeping the same pace and you feel as if you're finally getting the hang of things, he breaks into a run. You think you can keep up, you're not that out of shape but before you know it, you're struggling to release a breath and you're about ready to collapse on the concrete ground in defeat. Even his freaking cats have better stamina than you, damn.
"You okay there, y/n?" Jaebum asks when he catches a glimpse of you almost knocking your knees against each other. Fuck, this is embarrassing.
Struggling you manage a response. "Definitely. I'm a just a little... peachy."
Jaebum snickers at you, folding his arms across his chest and halting his steps to allow you calm down. "Really? Wouldn't have guessed."
You're tempted to throw him the finger because you know he is mocking you but instead, you squat down and place your head in between your hands. It hasn't even been thirty minutes and you already want to quit, how the hell is he doing it? You raise your head and give him a once-over. In his black t-shirt and matching basketball shorts, you think, he definitely looks the part of a healthy runner.
"Are you checking me out?"
Whoa, you are most definitely not. Okay, maybe you are. But it's not like you can help it. He has pretty defined muscles and his smile sort of does something to you, you're not exactly sure what, but you'd be a fool to deny how sexy he looks. He doesn't come off as cocky or overbearing. His looks are more soft and easy on your eyes, a good kind of feeling.
"So, what if I am?" You cock an eyebrow at him.
He doesn't expect your reply. You know this because, after a few seconds of him looking out of his element, he clears his throat and says:
"I was not expecting that."
You scoff lightly at him, standing back to your full height and dusting imaginary dust off your leggings. He's cute, you think for maybe the second(?) time that night.
"I'm ready to continue if you are," you pull your hair strands together and tie them into a ponytail.
"You're telling me," Jaebum laughs softly at the smirk dancing on your lips. "Bet you'll need another break in fifteen minutes."
Rolling your eyes, you pat his shoulder playfully. "Try me."
And try you he does. If you thought he was running fast before, he turns into damn sonic in front of your eyes. Holy shit, he's fast. You know now that he's toying with you, making you eat your own words. You kick yourself in the shin because of this, if you had kept your mouth shut, none of this would have happened and you wouldn't be begging for another rest-stop not even ten minutes later.
Jaebum guffaws at you as you crash with a heap onto a wooden bench littering around the plaza. Your muscles are crying for help, you think you might need to order an Uber to take you home because this running thing just isn't going to work out.
"Try me," he repeats your words but with a mocking undertone. "You're way too cute, you know."
Apparently, you don't know because you can feel your ears getting hotter by the second. Keep it together, y/n! You scream to yourself. You're not some high schooler. You've successfully graduated university; you are an adult. Being called cute should not get you lightheaded, goddamn! But your words fall on deaf ears because your body is still heating up, you effectively blame it on the lack of oxygen reaching your head and nothing else. Of course, nothing else.
"Shut up," you mumble mainly to yourself but he hears it and breaks into another fit of laughter. "I'll have you know, I'm usually a good runner. I'm just not in the mood today."
Jae raises his hands up in faux surrender. "Hey, hey. I believe you."
You want to chuck your sneakers at him but restrain yourself because you know there has to be something that he's bad at and when you find it, by gods, you would never let it go. You laugh to yourself. Yep, all you have to do is survive this one embarrassing moment and you're sure the world would be kind enough to repay back for your deed.
After all, life was all about the moments. And contrary to how the moments in your life were adding up about two weeks ago, this time the moments in your life, you were sure, are going to lead to you getting sweet, sweet revenge on Jae. He can have his laugh right now but you know in the end, you'll be the only one laughing... you hope.
It takes a while for him to sober up but when he does, he squats down and gives his attention to Kunta and Odd. He treats them tenderly and talks to them in a voice akin to what someone would use on a baby. You're not paying any mind to what he's saying until you hear your name fall from his lips. Much to your dismay, he is telling his cats all about your blunder and how he thinks you'll probably "pass out any minute now."
You huff out a breath and repeat your mantra to yourself. The universe was going to slip up and let you see the thing he was bad at, but until then you resign yourself to instead try your best at catching your breath.
You watch Jaebum interact with his cats and a small portion of your resolve fades away. You can tell that he really does adore them and for a moment you long for Ara. She's soft and cuddly whenever she allows you to hug her, you feel at peace thinking about it. Definitely one of the only good things that came out of your past relationship.
Contrary to the laugh bubbling in his chest, Jae is the one to suggest that the two of you head back to the apartment building without completing the route. You guess he's taking pity on your exhausted state because you simply can't do it anymore. The walk back is better and you're somewhat thankful that he doesn't start running halfway through.
He asks you, tentatively, about your job and it takes you several moments before you decide to tell him about your position as a management and research officer at a fashion wear company. The brand is considerably popular and you've seen more than a handful of people wearing the outfits your company produces. It fills you with joy that you're able to work there, although these days that joy has been replaced by laced displeasure, courtesy of Theo and René.
You don't tell him about them though, it's not like you want to air out all your problems, but you tell him about Youngjae — your silver lining of sorts. You tell him about the days where Youngjae is the only thing that keeps you smiling with his new discoveries from animal documentaries. Youngjae and you have been friends since your freshman year at college and you think it's a miracle that the two of you managed to get accepted into the same workplace.
Jaebum points out his favorite coffee shop as you near the apartment complex. It's a big one, the biggest store on the block, and you know this because you pick your late coffee fix from there when you're heading to work every morning. He likes his coffee black, no sugar and you gag over-exaggeratedly.
"What? It tastes good," he says incredulously.
You shake your head remorsefully, appalled by his lack of quality coffee taste. "It tastes like liquid shit and you know it."
He concedes. "Okay, maybe it does. But it keeps me awake at least."
Smiling smugly at him, you revel in your win. "Still tastes like shit."
The two of you keep talking about seemingly irrelevant things; his favorite genre of music, your love for ice cream in the winter, his favorite author — which happens to be William Shakespeare. You were tempted to laugh at him and call him pretentious until you saw the admiration glowing in his eyes; it was enough to make you reevaluate and let him go on a full expedition of his favorite works by him.
You don't realize you've been listening to him describe this love for at most eight minutes until you're in front of your apartment door and it's time to say goodbye but you kind of want to keep listening to him. It's something he really cares about, you can tell and for a reason, you don't know, it fills you with a sort of contentedness watching him talk about Shakespeare with such fervor.
Leaning on your apartment door, you're about to pitch in your own opinion to something he's said when your gaze catches someone walking up behind Jae. Oh, fuck shit. Groaning, you close your eyes. This cannot be happening. Not now, not here. You aren't starring in a melodrama, so why does it feel like you've been assigned the role of the main character?
"y/n!" The last person on earth that you want to see says with so much excitement in his voice you want to hurl yourself at the sun.
You can sense the confusion rolling off Jaebum in waves. You don't want him to be caught in the crossfire that's bound to happen between Theo and you. You're not very good with confrontations, blame Alphonsine for teaching you it was best to scream it all out when push comes to shove. You peel open your eyes and focus them unwaveringly on Jaebum.
"It was really nice hanging—"
"y/n! It's me, Theo," he repeats, coming closer and sidling up to you. "I came with flowers."
And what the fuck are flowers supposed to do? Flowers aren't going to keep his dick from finding the nearest trash can and dumping his load in it. God, you wonder, whatever you had ever seen in him?
Jae furrows his eyebrows in concentration, trying to piece who Theo is to you. Kunta and Odd are quickly becoming restless, wanting nothing more but to go into their home already and you take this as your cue.
"It was amazing hanging out with you Jae," you offer him a smile, ignoring Theo. "But I have to go now. We should hang out soon though, yeah?"
You don't wait for an answer, instead, you grab Theo's wrist roughly, because you're furious at him, and drag him into your apartment. You're about ready to pounce on him, ask him why the hell he's here — you thought you'd made it clear that you didn't want anything to do with him, apparently not clear enough.
"Jae? Who's Jae?" He asks once he's in the solace of your apartment.
"That's what you're asking me?" Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable this fucker is. "How many times do I have to tell you that I fucking hate you?"
"You don't hate me, y/n. Right now, you're angry, I get it. But we can work through this—"
You can't bear to listen to the bullshit that's coming out of his mouth. The way he says your name like you’re some kid that's throwing a non-deserved tantrum, makes you clench your fists at your sides. How, the ever-loving heck, had you dated him for five months? You can barely stand him now.
"Shut up! God, just shut up and get out. Why do you keep embarrassing yourself? Go back to René. The two of you deserve each other."
"I love you," he says and you know he's pulling out all the stops tonight directly out of his ass.
"Oh, fuck your love," you push his shoulder and direct him to the front door. Suddenly you're very angry, boiling even, and you can swear a vein in your neck is about to burst. "Go. I'm not playing Theo. If you don't leave, I'll call security."
There's a shift in the air and suddenly Theo is too close. You've never been afraid of him before; Theo's all talk and no bite. However, right now the feeling that slithers through your body is unadulterated anxiety. You're not backed against a wall but you feel like your safety has been compromised and you want him out. Out of your house, out of your hair, out of your life.
"Get out. We're done." You manage to say without your voice shaking, but your heart is pounding furiously in your chest. "I don't want you here."
"But you want Jae?" His already rough face contorts to something uglier. "What does he have that I don't, huh?"
For starters, he hasn't cheated on you, not like there's much competition there. Theo isn't the smartest cookie in the box, he thinks more with his sexual body parts than he does with his brain. You could swear that if you knocked on his head a shattering hollow sound will echo out, can't say you'd be surprised.
Alphonsine Vernoux, you think to yourself, watch me and be proud.
"His dick is pretty impressive, not going to lie."
Even when you're shaking in your boots, you can't really resist the urge to engage in a catfight with him. Your step-mother had always told you to go down screaming and by god, you are not going to allow Theo to intimidate you for something you don't need to feel bad for. Because you don't.
"You are a fucking slut!" His voice is loud and you can't help the incredulous laugh that falls from your lips.
"Me? Newsflash Theo; we're not together anymore. I can do whatever the hell I want."
He doesn't deserve an explanation because it doesn't matter. If he can do it when he's in a relationship, what's stopping you from doing it when you're not?
"It hasn't even been a month, y/n," he says this like it would matter to you if it has been a year or three. He doesn't own you, he ever did and he never will. Moreover, did he expect you to wait a fucking month to get over his sloppy ass?
"Are you seriously saying this right now? You're the one that screwed somebody else when we were dating! Are you fucking stupid or what?"
Theo blinks a dozen times a minute, not quite understanding what you're saying. A pig, that's what he is. So, he was allowed to go around sticking his small as fuck dick in anyone he pleased, but god forbid you do the same? (let's not even put into consideration the fact that you're single as a circle sure as hell isn't straight.)
Oh, how you want to reach up and smack him so hard he fades to dust on the spot but you're not crazy and you don't want to abuse him, you just want him to leave you alone.
"You know what? Just get out." Without waiting for him, you pull open your door and push him out with as much force as you can gather. "If we're not at work, I don't ever want to see your sexist, disgusting ass ever again. Take your stupid flowers and go give it to a bitch that cares because it sure as hell isn't me."
And then you slam the door with so much fervor it shakes on its hinges. You pull at your hair, agitated and tired because you hate him so much. Why did you even think it was a good idea to date him? The selfish prick only thinks about himself and must be some different type of delusional to think flowers were going to do anything to salve your relationship. Christ, you'd basically left Jaebum standing like a fool outside and for what?
You are pretty sure that he probably heard all that just happened. The walls in this apartment complex are thin and it's not like you weren't screaming at the top of your lungs. Ugh, you doubt he'd even talk to you again but you truly can't bring yourself to care anymore. All that you want to do now is sleep. Sleep and forget about everything. Never in your life have you ever felt so humiliated. If you could go back in time and erase meeting Theo from your history, you wouldn't even bat an eyelid.
Furiously, you punch the air and imagine it's Theo's face. It feels good to do it, like your dishing out his own medicine. You truly can't believe he thinks you were going to turn celibate because you dumped him, did he really have no sense? You keep going at it, punching the air until it feels like you've connected with his jaw because frankly, it's helping you release all your pent-up tension and annoyance.
A set of knocks proves to be the only thing able to bring you out of your punching galore and without missing a beat you yell:
"Go away, Theo! I mean it when I say I'll call the police. Don't try me."
"It's not Theo."
Indeed, Theo, it is not. Scrambling, you rush over and jack open your front door for the third time that night and through your eyes you see a glassy and blurry silhouette of Jaebum standing at your doorstep. Oh, he's not what you're expecting.
Clearing your throat, you attempt to correct your previous words. "I'm sorry about that. You're obviously not Theo and I'm sorry again for being so rude earlier, I don't—"
You're not really sure where you're going with your apology because even though you know what you want to say, the words keep mangling and choking up in your throat before you can say them.
"You're crying," he states softly and you realize now how wet your cheeks have become and why your vision is all muddled up.
"I'm not," you lie because dammit, you shouldn't be crying over that douche. You hastily try to wipe the tear marks away with the back of your palm but oh boy, they keep on coming.
He hesitates for a second before he raises his palm up and uses his fingers to rub at the tear stains. "You are. I heard what he said earlier."
You stomp your feet in annoyance because this is so unfair. How dare your ex just waltz in here and make you regret one of the best nights you've had in a long, long time. How fu—
"I for one, think your ex is the dumbest donkey on the planet. Not that I meant to eavesdrop or anything because I'd never do that but fucking hell, does he really have no filter? I've never been more inclined to use my fists and punch the light into someone as much as I want to do it to that dude. He deserves it, I think."
You crack a smile at his ramblings. God, it's endearing when he goes off tangent. Especially when you can see that he's trying his best to stop you from crying — he's doing a phenomenal job because you've been reduced to irregular sniffling.
"I'm sorry that you didn't get to finish what you were saying about how Shakespeare should be treated in modern society." You refer to your earlier conversation before everything had blown bigger than you could contain it.
"y/n," he sighs out your name. "I honestly don't give a flying shit about that right now. Your ex-said some really rude things and I hope you know it's not true."
"I know. I don't even know why I'm crying, I guess I'm just frustrated because I should have known he wasn't the smartest or the loveliest. God, how could I have been so blind?"
Jae shakes his head slightly, releasing your cheek and instead grabbing your elbows to keep up grounded. "What's done is done, so it doesn't matter but I just couldn't stand to listen to him degrade you like that. You're an amazing person y/n."
"Thank you," you say and you mean it. "I probably would have gone and cried myself to sleep if it wasn't for you."
Truthfully, you think you still will. At this point, you want to rush to your bed and collapse into a deep sleep for at least ten years. Like you've said again and again; you're not devastated. But you're so tired. Tired of it all.
"Or you could show me that French TV show you like. I wouldn't mind staying up with you and watching it if it means that you won't cry yourself to sleep... obviously, don't do this if you don't want to. I mean, I wouldn't hold it against you. Your stupid ex just came in and ruined your night, I don't want to impose on you and make you uncomfortable or anything like that because uh, you know that would suck. So—"
Watching him ramble on, you imagine the gears in his turning. On one hand, you could take his proposition as a move on a very vulnerable person but on the other you can take it as someone, a very nice someone that your body and mind seem to be keen on keeping around longer than you want, trying to console you. And you don't know why, but you think it wouldn't be a bad idea to allow him to do that.
"It's okay. You can come in," you cut him short as you step aside and push your open door wider, flashing him a watery smile. "I'm not exactly sure if you'd enjoy Piégé though. Loads of drama."
His eyes flicker between your face and then the floor, you believe he didn't quite expect you to accept his offer. But then he shoots you a slow smile in response. "Good thing I love drama then."
It is because it turns out that Jaebum loves Piégé more than you. Gradually but surely, it becomes somewhat of a ritual for the two of you to go for a run (something that you definitely got better at) and come back home to your apartment and watch the newest episode together. Something you never thought would be happening when you first met him.
You don't know when exactly the switch came but it did — slowly. You couldn't really deny the sexual attraction brewing between the two of you, not you wanted to, but this time you didn't want to build a relationship only on the physical. This time you wanted to actually know the person you were becoming accustomed to. And although we, as humans, can never know all there is to know about another person because we do not even know all about ourselves, you at least want to try. Especially since he lets you do it.
Finding out that Ara becomes way less irritable when Jae is around is a golden opportunity that you don't miss, and hence use it to keep him at your apartment longer because screw it, you feel something with him.
So, it comes as no surprise to you when he texts you in the middle of your workday — three weeks later — telling you that he has successfully binge-watched the first four seasons of Piégé in two days and he finally was up to date on the happenings of Alphonsine Vernoux and her love, Jean-Louis, so by association, you were finally able to gush and rave about the newest additions along with him and god, that was a good feeling.
It's not the same kind of feeling you had with Theo or Seongwon or any of your exes. This is different. It's calm. Being with Jae is calm and relaxing. It's more of a slight-tingle-that-washes-all-over-your-body-until-you-can't-think-straight kind of feeling. It's not explosive or counterproductive and it doesn't make you want to tear your hair out by just thinking of it. Instead, it makes you want to flow with the waves and enjoy the seasons because you know no matter what, you feel warm.
He makes you feel warm. When he remembers that your favorite time of the year is Halloween and hence helps you prepare two months in advance so the two of you can coordinate costumes for Youngjae's annual Halloween party. When he listens to you rant on and on about how much you hate René for making some otherwise snarky comment about your love life and when he rejoiced with you when she finally! packed her bags and moved five states over to marry the dude you hope will last with her for a long time because you know nobody else on this goddamn planet will.
When you introduce him to your rather small friend group and he makes it a sole duty to try and get in their good graces, which to be honest wasn't hard. He makes you feel warm when you listen to him talk about his dreams and his hopes or when he listens to you talk about the new things your attention has latched onto.
He makes you feel proud whenever you stop by his pizzeria and watch him handle his business in a cool, organized fashion. Most times trying to impress you and most times you leave there fully impressed. You listen to him talk about how much his dream of wanting to write and get something — anything, published. His parents had been against it. But then you encourage him to do it because fuck, life is too short to not do the things you love. And you can tell he loves it; in the way, his eyes light up every time you ask him about it.
"It's all about the moments," you tell him as you pretend to not see the corny grin lacing his lips as you do so.
He pushes you over the edge when he challenges you to do the things you're too afraid to. You never admit your fears but somehow, he knows them and proceeds to drag you out of your shell. You would say you hate it, but not really. You hate how he knows you like the back of his hand. You're not sure how you feel whenever his arms wrap around you at night and pull you closer to him, filling your emptiness with something more.
There's so much to be said about the way he holds you. Like you were made for him. He tells you he believes "loving one person for a long time is enough." And as the days add up to weeks that add up to months, you begin to believe them too. Being with him makes you believe in the corny quotes ripped off the internet that your step-mother has ingrained into you. It makes you wish you'd believed in them sooner.
He makes you feel content with everything every time his lips come in contact with your skin. It wraps you whole and makes you want to choke out "I love you," again and again until he believes it and burns it in his mind because it's true. When he doubts whether he is enough for you because he believes you're too good for him, you want to scream it aloud at him. Oh, how you want to but, you're scared. It's been months — eight to be exact — and you're not particularly sure if it's enough time for him to believe your words.
But after several weeks of trying to get Jaebum out of this stalemate that he's in, of him thinking that you deserve better than him when really all you ever want is him, you decide that you've had enough.
You corner him after work. A few hours after you've already gone back to your apartment to grab Ara for her nightly jog, you'll be damned if you allow her only to sit on her ass and eat all day, and left her to fall asleep soundly in the living room.
He's wrapping up the last things left to do at his store — telling one of his workers, a girl named Haru, to leave for the night and that he'll close up — when you find him. Instead of walking in like you'd usually do, you wait outside.
You're nervous. More nervous than you've ever been in your entire life. You've known for quite some time now that you love Im Jaebum. You love him so much that it seems almost stupid to not let him know. You know he loves you back, if not for the fact that the two of you have been dating for the past eight — almost nine — months, his little nickname for you "my love," was enough to tip you off. And at this point, you don't care. You just want to let it all out.
When he comes out of his store, wrapping a scarf tightly around his neck, you think to yourself: this is it. Looping your arm through his, you watch as an affectionate smile automatically slips onto his face. God, this is so incredibly corny but you feel your stomach do flips.
"How was your day?" He asks you first, maybe because he can tell how nervous you are. "Anything happen?"
You shake your head. "Not really. I did pitch in this really good idea though and my boss actually liked it. I thought I would cry."
"Bet you did," he chuckles out, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
"Did not. I would never cry in front of that woman. She'd probably fire my ass because of 'disruption or negligence of duties.'"
Jae snorts at that but doesn't say anything in response. Instead, his fingers rub slow circles on your shoulders and you think maybe he knows something is up with you. You know it's not that big of a deal, truly. You've told him how much you love him by your actions every day since the day the two of you got together but it still feels oddly different trying to get the words out because you feel like they'll come out wrong.
It's not till you reach the big coffeehouse, the one Jae adores, that he finally stops to ask you:
"Babe, what's wrong?"
And before you can stop yourself or even think through your next actions, you throw your arms around his neck and flush your lips against his. For a moment, he's stunned into stupidity but soon enough he's clasping one of his hands around your back and threading the other one through your hair and you're sighing into you him. "I love you." He laughs into your neck because it's so obvious.
"I know."
"No, no," he doesn't. Not in the way you're trying to say it. You break away, dazed. "I love you. I love you no matter what. I love your stupid bets to get me out of bed in the evening to go running with you, I love your writings and the little post-it notes you have stuck everywhere in my apartment. I love how you don't make me feel weak for crying when I get so frustrated, I love you for attempting to sing a lullaby for my niece that one time but instead made her cry the whole night.
"I love you for always knowing what you want to do but never trying to force it on me. You don't understand, Jae. I love you. And I hate that you think I deserve someone else because you're the best possible thing that's happened to me. You're my best moment and fuck, I hate seeing you doubt yourself so much and—"
"I know," he says again and this time you think, he really does. "I know and you don't have to force yourself to say it when you're not ready. I know you love me and I'm sorry for making you think that I didn't believe in it otherwise."
Without much words, he laces his fingers through yours and rests his forehead against your own. You think you finally understand why your step-mother went/goes through so much trouble to remind you that the moments you make in life are beyond important. They make you. They teach you about love. Not the love you thought you had or knew about but real love. The kind that fills you up and makes you a better person. The kind of love that's just waiting to consume you.
With his breath fanning against your skin, you feel everything at once. The connection you have with Jaebum, the guy that you were blessed to have as a neighbor. You suppose you should be thanking Ara for the two of you being where you are today. But then again if fate really wanted the two of you together, it would have happened with or without Ara's help anyway.
You can hear your heart pounding ridiculously loud but you take a deep breath and say it again.
"I love you."
And this time he doesn't say he knows, he says it back. "I love you too, y/n."
You wonder what passersby are thinking about the two of you. Two grown adults professing their love for each other on the street like they've run mad.
He raises his head and looks at you, eyes so intense and burning, like he'd been waiting for you to say it in this way. Not in a rush to get all the words out because you and he have all the time in the world, but slow and understandable. You squeeze his hand tighter.
Regardless of the moments that led up to the two of you being here together and the circumstances that surrounded it, you're thankful. So, fucking thankful, because it means more to you than you'd ever thought possible.
"So, I was thinking," Jae's lips tilt up after several moments. "Do you want to move in?"
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A/N: hey! it would be super cool if people gave me feedback on this :) i hope you liked it! thanks so much for reading !!
⇢ masterlist
©️ 2017 kai, moonbelt [aka high-on-food]
2K notes · View notes
chatlote · 7 years
This was a mistake
Ship: Keith/Lance Word Count: 2307 Read on AO3 
“My mom once beat up a robber.” Lance had said while they were sitting together on the couch. Keith hummed in thought. “Thats not a dumb story though, that’s pretty badass.” “Yeah it kind of is, but the thing is that the guy was dressed up as a clown, an actual clown, make up and all.” “What the hell.”
Or: Lance convinces Keith to dress up as a clown.
"Why was he dressed like a clown though?" Keith asks, honestly curious.
He and Lance are sitting together on the empty living room. Lance is on his lap with his arms around him and Keith can't help but notice how light Lance was. It's comforting to be close like this, it unbearably reminded each other of how they weren't alone. Especially on times like these where Lance was feeling homesick. He has been narrating about a silly story of how his mother had once beat up a robber dressed like a clown.
"Many people are terrified of clowns, and the makeup was truly awful so I assume it was to scare us?" Lance replies with a light shrug.
"Okay but like, wouldn't a black outfit work better to sneak inside?"
"Keith I have no idea, I didn't ask the guy if he had a PHD in robbing people. Do you have one, Keith? Were you trying to become a robber?  Do you know how the robbing life works? Maybe the guy was tired of the robber stereotype and wanted things to change!"
Keith chuckles half amused, Lance ramblings always end up in quite a few interesting places. Then Lance eyes are lighting up, just like they usually do before he comes up with an awful idea. "Oh no."
"Keith we could become robbers together! Like-"
"-No." Keith interrupts almost immediately, only because he knows that it won't matter and Lance will certainly explain his full train of thought.
"Just hear me out!" There he goes. "I have total amazing social skills to keep people distracted and you have like, your whole emo aura that makes people look away because it's just sad to look at another victim of the Black Parade."
Keith smirks, not even feeling offended. "You still look at me though."
"I am strong, loving and caring." Lance says placing a hand on his chest dramatically.
"And because you think I am pretty." Keith points out, and smiling as Lance doesn't attempt at arguing back. Going back to the topic, he decides to indulge Lance in his crazy ideas, once again. "So do you want us to dress up as clowns too?"
Lance eyes go wide, just as his smile, Keith thinks he might go blind because of how radiant it is. He should ask Pidge to try and create sunglasses. "Would you do that?" Lance voice goes high pitched, he is basically begging Keith to say yes.
He wants to refuse, he really does, it's a stupid awful idea, possibly the worst idea of the century, scratch that, totally the worst idea of the century. He hums in thought though as he stares at Lance, honestly considering his choices. It's so hard to say no to Lance when he gets like this. "If you dress up too, I might."
Lance gasps, clearly surprised but also pleased, and then turns into a giggling fit as he presses his face against Keith neck and tightens his hold. Keith can't help himself when he starts laughing too, his cheeks flushing because everything about this situation somehow just makes him think that he truly has it bad for this boy.
"I love you so much." Lance mumbles against his neck, happiness basically dripping from his voice.
"Love you too." Keith replies with a smile so wide that his cheeks are hurting.
Keith was one hundred percent certain that Lance had forgotten this whole conversation, and Keith realizes he was a fool for thinking that. For Lance would never pass up and opportunity to make himself look like a complete fool.
He honestly can't believe his eyes when Lance walks into his- well their room at this point, with a pair of flashy over sized clothes and a bunch of containers that seem to have white, black and red paint inside.
He also can't believe when he actually lets Lance sit down in front of him and cover his face in all those weird paints and then doing the same for himself with the help of something similar to a hand mirror.
And he can't believe either when Lance manages to make him wear one of the awful outfits he brought with him.
When they are finished and Keith is staring at Lance, does Keith finally regain a bit of his senses to realize their current situation.
Lance managed to put the two of them in clown outfits... in space.
"Wait, where did you even get all this?" He frowns looking at himself, especially at his hands covered in white gloves, he already misses his normal gloves, his poor fingers being suffocated by silk.
"Coran." Lance chirps happily as he admires his work on both of them. "I told him it was a human tradition a while back and he helped me organize. "
"Oh." Well that was one question answered. "And why exactly are we wearing this? There isn't exactly anyone to rob in space, also that would be wrong and illegal."
"Dear Keith, that's where you are very very wrong." Lance puts a arm around his shoulder pulling them closer. "We have the perfect victim right here, in this spaceship" He pauses as if trying to create some kind of suspension. "Pidge."
Keith blinks. "What exactly can we steal from Pidge?"
"My precious alien phone." Lance says, with an exaggerated sad tone as he wipes away a tear that isn't there.
"Doesn't that device belong to Pidge though? They made it right?"
Lance waves a hand in front of him, dismissing the facts. God, how did he end up with a boyfriend this extra. "That is besides the point! The point is that we have a treasure we need to get back and the perfect costumes for it!"
"I can't believe I agreed to this." Okay, so in a way he kind of can, if it meant to see Lance smiling when he is feeling down, Keith would basically agree to anything.
"It's because you love me, now come on Space Clowns have work to do." Lance starts pushing him towards the door.
"Never call us that again."
They are sneaking, well only Lance is sneaking, Keith refuses to do the same and is walking normally behind him. Either way, they are going through the hallways when they finally get spotted by someone, Shiro. Keith freezes in place as they share eye contact, expecting some kind of reaction, starting to feel like this really was an awful idea and feeling a bit too conscious.
Shiro looks at them up and down, then he just sighs and keeps walking. "I am not even going to ask." He mumbles more to himself than to them.
"We are robbing Pidge!" Lance snickers in a yelled whisper.
Keith sees in silence Shiro pass by them and wave a hand in the air. "I said I wasn't asking." Shiro says louder as he leaves their field of vision.
"Okay so here is the plan I will go in and speak to them, keeping them distracted, while you sneak behind and get the phone." Lance explains after they find out that Pidge is with Hunk in the living room. They are currently standing outside the door and can hear both of them speaking inside.
Keith is completely sure this is an awful plan that had no chances of working, and he is also too tired to argue so he replies with "Sure."
Not wasting a moment, Lance is slipping inside and before Keith can even think of attempting to play his part, a shriek and a loud thud echo through the walls.
Keith quickly peers inside, worried. He finds Lance holding his face and a very worried Hunk beside him apologizing nonstop. "Man, you should know I am terrified of clowns why the hell are you dressed like one?" Lance only laughs in reply, but the gesture must hurt because he winces afterwards. "Wait here, I will go get you some frozen goo."
Hunk quickly leaves the room running and Keith is just as quickly next to Lance. "You okay?"
Lance raises himself and pulls his hand down, to squint at Keith as if he was somehow guilty of this turn of events. "I am great, however, I am wondering why you aren't following our plan? Also concerned this might leave a bruise and ruin my beautiful face." Keith rolls his eyes. Yeah, Lance is fine.
Keith looks over to Pidge who had been silent the whole time, to find them with their phone turned to him and a huge grin on their face as they snap photos nonstop. "I am so glad you started dating Lance."
Seeing what game Pidge wants to play, Keith speaks up with a grin. "Unfortunately for you, when I started dating him I also threw any dignity I had away so you can't really blackmail me with those."
"Hey!" Lance pipes up, offended.
"Damn it." Pidge said as they dropped the phone. Then looked at them up and down, thoughtfully. "Seriously though, why are you two dressed like literal clowns."
"He wants the phone back." Keith replied nonchalantly pointing at Lance.
Pidge grins dangerously, the kind of grin Keith images on a wild animal looking at their prey. "Just so he can fill it with images of you?"
Keith quickly turns to Lance. "You do what?!"
"I do not!" Lance raises his hand defensively, "Well okay, I took a few because you looked really cute, I am sorry."
Keith feels the heat creeping into his face, he supposes the good side of all this is that the paint won't show his blushing. "You don't have to apologize but you could have told me."
Pidge is still staring at them, fairly amused, though they look at Lance with a frown. "I still don't get it though, I told you I was going to make you your own phone anyway?"
"Stealing yours sounded like more fun!"
"You got yourself hurt for nothing." Keith points out, still somewhat concerned considering Hunk strength.
"Unexpected events happen on robberies! This was all just part of the experience, now I know how the man who robbed my house felt and have become wiser."
Keith raises an eyebrow, not convinced. "What did you learn exactly?"
"That this is an awful costume to rob people with." Lance states as a matter of fact, looking proud of the discovery somehow.
Keith resists the urge to face palm himself, simply because of the makeup, while Pidge bursts out laughing.
All Keith hopes is that nothing else happens as they leave the room and start heading back, he has had enough of 'Lance Eventful and Disastrous Adventures' for the rest of the week, if not month. However the world hates him, a lot, because they cross paths with yet another person, and possibly the worst person to find them in this state.
As he sees her face light up in interest and delight, Keith is already trying to prepare himself mentally for what will happen next.
Shortly after, everyone is gathered on the Bridge. Everyone except Hunk, who refuses to participate in any of the 'Clown Activities' as Lance called them.
Speaking of Lance he is now putting his hands to work and slowly placing more and more paint on Allura face slowly turning the beautiful princess into... a clown.
Coran is on the side chatting excitedly as he asks more about 'Clown Traditions' to Pidge and Lance, who reply with the same vigor. Pidge is also busy snapping photos at Allura, Lance and Keith, because according to them 'this is a moment they need to remember forever.'
Shiro is besides Keith and to say he looks tired would be saying little, and Keith is pretty sure the only reason why he is still here is to make sure Lance stays in line.
Keith finds comfort that someone else is suffering. Okay if he is being honest, maybe he isn't having as bad of a time as Shiro, because Keith is a fool and he can't help but smile at the way Lance keeps giggling as he keeps on working.
Shiro mumbles besides him, frowning at the scene in front of him. "Why clowns though? Why not mimes? Like even mimes would be less terrifying to look at."
Keith smiles and shrugs. "It's a long story."
"Okaaay, I think I am going to join Hunk in the kitchen." Shiro announces as he makes his way towards the exit, officially giving up on trying to keep up with this tale.
After all is said and done, they do manage to reach their room without further events.
And as soon as the door closes, Lance is throwing himself around Keith, laughing as he buries his head on Keith shoulder, the sound vibrates through Keith and he is smiling. He still isn't sure whether he hated or loved this day.
"This was the best day of my life since I have been thrown into an intergalactic war." Lance says, holding him closer.
"I thought that was the day where we went to the planet that basically looked like a huge beach."
"Don't ruin the moment." Lance scolds but there was still a smile in his face. He really needs those sunglasses.
Then Keith notices that Lance is slowly leaning towards him, with his face full of white and red paint. The sight is horrifying and looks straight out of a nightmare, suddenly Keith understand Hunk to a deeper spiritual level.
He puts his hand over Lance lips without a second of hesitation. "No, nope, not doing that. I'm done, this is too far and I can't do this anymore. I won't kiss you like this. We are washing off right now and then we are coming back here and I will kiss you until I can forget that today ever happened."
im so sorry, i m not sure how this happened
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ferretphobos · 7 years
Ready Player None
So recently I started to really get into audio books, after going through the few freebies I got such as “Alice in Wonderland” and “Dracula” I actually started to purchase and listen to some bigger production books. “Ready Player One” is the third purchased book I decided to listen to, both due to the trailer release not too long ago and partly due to combination of not having read it for a while and nostalgia. The last part soon became my biggest problem. The first time I read the book I remembered loving it, how could I not? It was full of everything I loved, video games, the 80′s, and nonstop adventure. However, back in 2011 I was a completely different person. Yes I’m still very much childish and fun loving, but still I’ve matured. This cannot be said for Ernest Cline’s “Ready Player One”. As I said before I recently listened to the audio book version (narrated by Wil Wheaton) and I was surprised just how much I...hated the book. Im not sure if it was Mr. Wheaton’s monotone reading or the jankey jangled writing that was the book. At first listen the book seems to be quite interesting with a dystopian backdrop, but all centered in a virtual world where a Willy Wonka type contest rules all. Once you get past the first chapter then things take a big dump. The whole book can be chalked up as an 80′s how to guide. There are huge passages in the book that do nothing more then to go into explicit detail on some obscure reference such as discussing not only a songs title, but when it was written, when it was recorded, each member in the band back when it was written as well as who is in the band currently, what was on the artwork for the original album cover, ect ect. The whole book seems to be nothing but obnoxious references that do nothing more than push themselfs in your face. Remove the references, and you are left with a paper thin plot. 
    The characters are no better. The lead, Wade bothers me the most, as a can do no wrong whiny nerd. Every obstacle he runs into is no obstacle at all. Sure the plot takes place five years after the initial contest is announced, but after that Wade blows through everything ridiculously fast. Its as if the whole book is one big ex-machina. Oh the character needs to know a specific guitar riff to reveal a clue? No worries, our hero can expertly play the guitar! Was this ever mentioned before? nope! Who is our hero again? A shut in nerd archetype who doesn't go outside and is only interested in the internet? Its weird things like this that make the book seem off putting and takes me out of the narrative. Wade has very much a God complex where he fails on very very small things, but anything bigger than that and he more than excels at whatever it is he attempts to accomplish. I think it would have been better if there was any reason for it, but no, he just seems to know everything that could ever have been known. his personality is another huge problem that leans into neckbeard territory. Unfortunately he sees himself the best at everything .The most cringe-worthy is romantically. That brings us up to his leading lady.
    Art3mis seems to have no real place in the book. I mean she is a huge supporting character and is supposed to have huge standing, but if removed nothing would have changed. She is only there to be “won” by our main hero, for him to pine over. It made me cringe in real life. Some of the passages were hard to listen to. Passages such as “ I’ve had a crush on you since before we even met. From reading your blog and watching your POV. I’ve been cyber-stalking you for years “ and “I  tried everything I could think of to reach her. I sent her avatar flowers. I made multiple trips to her avatar’s stronghold, an armored palace on Benatar, the small moon she owned. I dropped mix tapes and notes on her palace from the air, like lovesick bombs. Once, in a supreme act of desperation, I stood outside her palace gates for two solid hours, with a boom box over my head, blasting “In Your Eyes” by Peter Gabriel at full volume.” Her main point in the book is to distract our “Hero” from his main quest, nothing more, nothing less. A trophy for our virgin (As he likes to mention many a time) to win. All through the book she references a disability, something that was wrong with her. It would have been wonderful to have that go somewhere but in the end it turned out to be a portwine stain upon her face. It felt wrong...like saying that look there is something wrong with her there is! just look! Look at her face! 
Then there is Aech. Another supporting character whose only purpose is to be a trophy, to sit there and do nothing more than exist. Aech is wades best friend from in the Virtual reality, but in real life is ,shock, gasp, different.In game Aech is a huge straight Caucasian male but in real life  Spoiler alert SHE turns out to be a “Fat, black, lesbian” (his words not mine). Again, its more or less....ok? There seems to be no reason for this reveal except to say, look we have diversity! I promise! Its here! (Something the book always seems to be doing). It meant nothing in the end to have this character other then the reveal. and even after that the character meant nothing....did nothing...a huge waste. 
There is no reason to mention Shoto or Diaoto. To me they seem like nothing more than stereotypes, with “Wade-sans” and “Honor’s” all over the place. Like the author knew nothing more of the culture than that.
Last and least (which is not saying much) comes the bad guy. Sorrento is our one dimensional bad guy with what else? Plans to take over the (virtual) world! ...No joke, thats it. He is so one directional that he could take over for Harry Styles. It wouldn’t be hard to believe that he says muahahah and rubs his hands together. Again, nothing more to say. 
All in all, the book is not good. Everything is all about the author...and only the author. What he likes and what he wants, it stunts the characters and the plot by neutering characters that had potential. The lead is unlikable and way to “perfect” and cringy. The supports are more or less useless or there as trophies. I am upset. This is a book that I wanted to like so much, but in the end the Flaws far outweighed any good to be found. Like a bad fan fiction written by a middle schooler, this book was a hard read. Here is hoping that the movie will be better. 
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pelagaios-a · 7 years
How would you say your fandom views your muse? Do you agree? Why or why not?
hello nonnie, thank you for this essay prompt. I hope I actually answer your question below and it didn’t just turn into a salt fest by yours truly ( would you like it mla ??? apa ??? chicago ??? ). put under a cut since this got long rip.
going to be honest I don’t even know where to begin. I think just about everything Percy is is an aspect the fandom doesn’t seem to get? and it frustrates me because 1. I love fanfiction but can’t read pjo fanfic drives me nuts 2. entering his tag makes me want to quit ( then again, think that’s all the pjos ) and 3. I think the fandoms favorite past time is over exaggeration of qualities they’ve deemed characters have… all together not exactly the best mix. this also tends to bug the hell out of me because I then get people who want to thread who have not read my about or whatever and they follow fanon ( which you can say they don’t know better but I think every rper gets mad at fanon over something so one would think we’re more prone to being careful about it, alas ). anyway onto my rather brief writeup because I could literally write my dissertation on this with a chapter by chapter breakdown.
I guess a good place as any to start is the idea Percy’s an idiot. or oblivious. or both. or anything along the lines of those two ideas. bottom line is he isn’t. I know exactly where this idea stems from to — Percy is the narrator of the first books and he thinks he’s stupid. therefore, he must be stupid. no other option, right ??? wrong actually. how many times has Percy not only thought up an executed a plan, but has cleverly defeated enemies? he gets himself out of trouble using his own head so, so many times. hell, Annabeth calls Percy one of the smartest demigods she knows can we all please listen to a non self assessment here. like what happened to “judge someone by their actions” and not what they think of themselves ??? literally screaming. plus Percy is someone who, when not mid battle, thinks out what he’s doing and follows through with his goal. just look at the Last Olympian if anything. he collects and retains knowledge and is very ingenuitive solving problems. not only that but he is also very aware of his surroundings and other people. just because he doesn’t acknowledge something involving himself does not make him oblivious. stop.
 next can we talk about the “happy go lucky” thing ??? which I see so often. you know, Mr. Popular™ who looks cheery af and everyone loves. we can start with the basics here. first of all, Percy is not… happy. he never really was in canon? he had moments of happiness, sure, but consistently happy? no. throughout canon he has been incredibly hard on himself and doesn’t see much worth in his own actions and being. he is withdrawn ( literally look here ) and doesn’t actively reach out to others. inner monologue vs. outward action does not equal one answer. jokes are a good way to keep people off your back, a smile make people think you’re fine. other people don’t dig. considering how he grew up and considering what he has and continues to deal with, this boy ain’t a “happy go luck no problems living the dream” character. can we please acknowledge what he’s gone through and what he continues to face instead of erasing all of it to make him the clown ( though, I guess this title is falling more and more on Leo now which also no ).
mmmmm how about his powers ??? Percy canonically is scared of what he, himself, can do. he does not actively use them. I get that its cute or funny or whatever to have him do dumb things with them ( like, there’s all that potential ) but thats not a constant? Percy is incredibly powerful these aren’t some joke. not to mention he does not want this life and does not like everything that comes with who he is. his powers are a sign of his father and a sign of the first prophecy and a sign of how he can never be comfortable where he is since there will always be monsters on his tail. always someone coming after him. he’s not stupid. he may accept this is his life but it does not mean he’s comfortable in these shoes. I’d be hard money Percy actively does not use them in day to day situations ( minus say, dry clothes / breathing underwater / the subconscious stuff — what I’m talking about is like messing with the shower / doing the dishes with them / pranking people ) because he tries really hard not to bring any of this into his home. I’m just gonna stop myself here before I rant…
god okay what next. his anger. his loyalty. his bitterness. Percy as a character is someone vindictive and manipulative. he is not someone who lets people walk over him. he is not someone who “would never hurt a fly.” he is not someone who just moves on. can we please stop turning him into a two dimensional character and ignoring his very prominent flaws ??? he systematically and knowingly chocked a goddess on her own poison so she could feel his misery, he has more then once canonically wished more harm on those already dead, he and his mother planned out and murdered his stepfather with no remorse on his end. he may be loyal — it may be his fatal flaw — but if you aren’t someone he’s close to? bullshit. he’s suspicious, he’s distrusting. Percy may give people the benefit of the doubt but he does not do so without keeping an eye for trouble. he has been tossed aside all his life, bullied all his life. he grew up learning to read people and learning to keep his options open. don’t ??? ignore this ??? yells. he is angry he has always been angry he has trouble controlling his anger just…. puts face in hands.
that he’s straight. : )
generally, as you can see here, me and fanon don’t agree.
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thefreshfinds · 6 years
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Pen Soul: Jodie Jo’
There’s a story to be told and in Pen Soul Jodie Jo succeeds at doing so.
As quoted in the description on Soundcloud, "Jodie Jo' uses this double entendre to show that his soul is in his pen, or per-say, his writing. Everything comes from within, if looked at from a spiritual point of view, most would consider it God sent." He tells many stories from another's perspective in this 16 track LP, reeling out subconscious thoughts and pinned up emotion.
“The backstory of Pen Soul is just the experiences I've encountered in my day to day life.” says Jodie “The tracks on this project deal with a lot of internal issues that cause negative impact on relationships such as, holding grudges, miscommunication, judging, blaming, ignorance, and lack of leadership, but also it brings in the solutions to these issues that can be heard in various tracks, such as forgiveness, apologies, understanding, knowing self, vibrating higher, and finding purpose. So Pen Soul really derives from my soul, the things that I've struggled with, and how I overcame things, but I wrote the songs in a way where it's not telling my personal business, I paint scenarios of other people's lives and situations which can be related to, while giving a message that can't be heard unless dissected.“
Truly Pen Soul speaks on the problematics of our society, of Black America. It uses a range of beats that incorporate a jazz, nostalgic feel while taking you back to your roots.
Pen Soul starts off with Enter the Course (Intro) which gives us a sneak peek of what to expect next. Building up, the track starts off with a gun shot and then a British accented lady begins to speak as if she is giving a friend a word of advice. Afterwards, there is a bit of everything in the audio snippets from "Black Household" or "Church Sunday, Stripper Monday" to police sirens (to even some news documentations.) which adds a sweet touch to a transition.
The second track, Hard Heart (Part 1) drones into your ear sockets with a dash of ethereally, low drum kicks, saxophones, soft yet angelic singing and mellow back phrasing. He feeds the mind with a spoonful of knowledge about dealing with obstacles that life throws at you. Going even further, Jodie says that you shouldn’t let these same obstacles (like battle wounds) or past situations harden your heart. Life can flash before your eyes, so it’s best to just love with all you’ve got. Towards the end he speaks for the hurt by saying “How can I love someone who wants to do me wrong?” As a result, we begin to think of ways to get over those hurdles within ourselves and even though it can seem difficult, Jodie’s symphony makes it easier.
Black Household puts you at ease with its nostalgic yet soulful aura. In an instant the listener is able to understand what it’s like for those who live either with a single black household from the perspective of the mother and the kid. It really reflects on the deep emotion a mother must sacrifice in order to make ends meet but at the same time, she shouldn’t treat him the way she does because of stress and he seems to agree. Overall this track shows a strained yet loving relationship between a son and his mother.
Some shake it for the glory. Some for the gold. But in this women’s case, she does it for both. In the fourth track Church Sunday, Stripper Monday Jodie Jo’ is the narrator and he tells a brutally honest story about a woman who thinks she is rebuking her sins on the weekdays by going to church. His words are centered by an elevated production that has some passionate melodies, enticing saxophones and finger snapping snares. All in all the song gives off the feeling that it’s meant to: wise words and gospel thrown in with a pulsating tempo.
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With the ongoing daunted tone from the piano chords, fast paced drums, cymbals, passionate saxophone and clickers to follow, Mama Drama (The Tale of The Good Baby Daddy) bangs in as the fifth track and tells a story about a mother who keeps a loving man away from his kids (which can be surprising to some because it is usually the other way around.) The production and words that Jodie choose to use are hard hitting. These two elements also wring out the right emotion from your heart, making it easy to feel the fathers pain.
Announced as the sixth track Feminine Myocardium to me, is a man's proclamation of love towards a woman who just doesn't show him ordinary love. The track is followed by reverse tape effects, minor saxophone blares and guitar chords, making the listen more sentimental and in turn, easy to recall past experiences with an old flame.
The seventh track Yeah Yeah, Sure Sure is about the mindset one is in during an argument but shows that love always outweighs the flaws seen in one another. Jodie's floetry in this piece can be characterized to Andre 3000’s due to the structure of syllables and grammatical phrasing that he decides to use. The production has the same reverse tape effect and blaring saxophone as the last but it also includes some warm, splashy piano chords and muffled drums.
"And they fight, and they fuss", thats what Jodie Jo paraphrases in the chorus of the eighth track called Ignorant Love. As it starts off with some deep twilight effects, the track raises the tempo with some light tamborine play, 808's and the same blaring saxophone. The message in the song is told by Jodie Jo who uses duality in his delivery and flows. To sum it up, the character in the story just wants all the fighting to end. It's taking a toll on the relationship that the lovers have.
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As Ignorant Love fades out, the ninth track Aniyah's Melody is able to fabricate a cut of funk and soul. Backed up with melodious singing, spacey syntheziers and saxophones, Jodie Jo is able to spar out remorseful notations as the character to the woman that he loves.
The eleventh track Asthma & Pneumonia to me, sounds like The Way by Jill Scott except it's a little bit more slowed down and Jodie replaces the words "Is it the way.." with "Mama I can't breathe.." and adds "I got asthma & pneumonia" in as back chorus. As Jodie goes down the storyline about his asthma attack, Jodi tells us that we shouldn't take this life to granted. The lively saxophone and drums help from beginning to end, taking the track to a close and leaving some space for Puff, Pass to start.
The hardest to make for Jodie, Puff Pass wafts in as the twelvth track of the LP. As quoted by Jodie "It was one of the first tracks I started, but ended up being the last one I finished. Whenever I approached this track, my mind went blank. I didn't want to approach the song in a boring way, nor be too cliche with the topic about smoking.” Jodie’s smooth words are followed by some lighter flicks, spacious droning and low hitting drums. As a result the song transports the listener on a stimulating trip.
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In the midst of Puff, Pass fading out, the thirteenth track Vibrate Rendition zooms in the perspective of another who has a sincere apology to those that he has been a “burden to”. Frankly, the character doesn’t want to cause pain anymore.. he just wants to make things right. The powerful words that Jodie uses are followed by some deep soul and sultry jazz to stress the endearment he feels. Jodi even takes us back to the Speakerboxx/TheLove Below days as he chants the excerpt from the song Vibrate in the middle to end!
A continuation of Hard Heart Pt 1, the fourteenth track called Hard Heart Pt 2 speaks from the perspective of others who let their anger or grudges get the best of them. This track is relatable to everyone because we’ve all had those people who have crossed us, but Jodie assures us that we just need to let it all go in order to live a prosperous life. Getting the point more across, the drums and piano also add a “rise and fall” effect to the storyline!
Second to last, the fifteenth Death & Fear takes an nostalgic approach. The drums and piano give the song a warm feeling and gives Jodie some free room to speak on all of the things he plans to accomplish.
Last but not least, Dreamville Audition II is just a scenario of how his audition could go once he meets Mr. Jermaine! I won’t give out too much detail but, I will say that this track bangs! It really captures Jodie’s versatility, solid bar structure multi floetry and powerful cadence.
To conclude, Pen Soul is one of many projects that really reflect the hard work that Jodie puts into his craft (you can even see where his inspirations root from: J.Cole & Andre 3000.) Jodie is here to make the world listen and be aware of what’s going on around them. Every time Jodie Jo raps, it is always different and he is constantly showing growth. All in all the lyrics and soulfulness hold weight on your mind but after you listen to the full collective.. expect to feel uplifted.
After all, Jodie Jo is the teacher and we are just the students.
LINK: https://soundcloud.com/jodieraps2/sets/pen-soul
By Natalee Gilbert
* Additional information about Pen Soul & more:
1. What are the steps that you took to create Pen Soul?
Jodie: The steps I took to make this album happen was first and foremost to pray before I worked on anything. From beats to lyrics, to brainstorming, to looking for inspiration. God plays a big part in my creativity and creations. After that, comes preparation, I make about 3 beats in a day and just get in the booth and freestyle over the beat. Usually I find a hook melody first before writing verses, if that sounds like album potential, I write a song to that beat and see what I get. Usually 2 or 3 days later it sounds wack to me and so, that's how tracks get denied. So pretty much I followed that process until I composed 16 tracks, that I felt were fitting for my intentions for the album.
2. In your opinion, what is the best album that was made in history?
Jodie: In my opinion, the best album made in history would have to be Songs in the Key of Life by Stevie Wonder, that being after Pen Soul of course.
3. What’s the difference between Pen Soul & Big Ups to Tha Homies?
Jodie: The difference between Pen Soul and Big Ups 2 Tha' Big Homie first and foremost would be the replay value, Pen Soul I believe has more songs that can be put on repeat while "BU2TBH" has songs that you'll play once and then come back later and be like "Oh yeah, this was my song". Next would be the soulful touch, Pen Soul is considered my only classic in my personal accumulation of projects. Pen Soul is diverse in the production, it has saxophones adding to it's spice, and it all together is greatly put together and much more thought out than BU2TBH.
4. Upcoming Songs:
Jodie: Keep a look out for around Christmas time, that's all I'm gonna say there.
5. What advice would you give to your younger self?
Jodie: If I could give my younger self advice I would tell me to talk to God, take life as it comes, truly develop a belief that anything is possible, don't stress about society's idea of success, count your blessings, and tell your parents, siblings, and loved ones about your love & appreciation for them more often.
6. Who do you admire in Underground Hip-Hop?
Jodie: I truly admire my homeboy Jodie Jo', because he's so consistent and true to himself and those around him. I think he has potential to be a legend amongst legends.
7. Advice to artists working on a project:
Jodie: It's okay to hate your work for a period of time. Get true feedback from people who aren't just pumping you up. Get inspired, try to talk about something nobody is talking about, or at least in a way that nobody else has. Be creative with your voice. Don't create songs based on other people's taste, create your taste and you'll attract people who have your taste. Get an ear for your voice, and your sound. Speak with clarity.
8. Words to the supporters:
Jodie: Y'all are real as ever, God has his hand upon out unit, I am appreciative of everyone that reaches out, everyone who shares, everyone who goes the extra mile. And I will never take the love given to me for granted. We are headed to the top y'all, Dreamville finna come sign ya boy! I'ma make y'all proud
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