viktrkovalenko · 5 years
The fading blue and black eye of Eric Kim was still slowly fading from a night he tried to forget. The mugging that took place seemingly spiraled into a series of unfortunate events. A BUTTERFLY EFFECT. 
Circumstances of that night would inspire his little sister to continuously press for Eric’s ownership of the car. Despite his feelings towards being behind the wheel. In her defense, what happened to Eric would not have happened if he’d just waited for him to pick her up, or driven himself home. Since he wasn’t fond of driving, he tried to put off those arguments with a silent treatment. Which would result in a pair of keys, and a bitter note about how the car needed an oil change. That’s what caused him to wonder into the establishment, however, he was regretting immediately. Eric placed the wrench back down, causing a loud CLANK which wouldn’t help his case.
“  I was left specific instructions to show up for an appointment .  I suppose I’m in the wrong place?  ”
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viktor still questioned why the stupid owner made appointments when the place was always empty enough that anyone could walk and have their car checked. it was an extra waste of time. another moment where he could be focusing on car and was instead having to waste minutes of phone calls. 
he tried to protest to the decision. refused to answer the phone at all when he was, but alas, there were other employees, other shifts, other people who did not share his force of will and opinions on phones. “ you are probably in the right place. ” 
the small apologetic smile was the closest thing to an apology the guy would get, the closest thing to an apology viktor would offer. he simply moved closer as though he hadn’t said anything mean, made sure the wrench was in the right place, that it was intact, before being willing to give any attention at all to the stranger. “ how can i help ? old car is giving you trouble ? ”
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
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“not happening.” malia shook her head, after viktor shot the arrow it had been her turn to do so– it sailed through the air almost effortlessly and hit the cup dead in the side. years of PRACTICE and concentration. not in the slightest bit rusty, and it showed. a look of being unimpressed on her features as she turns towards him. “i call bull, no way is someone better at shooting arrows than me. find another target, this time I’LL go first.” was she suspicious ? no but didn’t think anyone could be better at her than that. and no way was she giving up, too competitive for that. “next, you’ll tell me you can sonic scream too. i’d pay to see that one though.”
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“ i’m sorry, it must be really hard to lose, but i don’t know what that is like, i am the best at everything i do. ” with a small laugh, viktor turned his attention elsewhere, found a garbage can a good distance away from them, atop of it, half hanging out, there was some subway wrapping. “ there, through the paper. i’m sure you can’t get that. ” he chuckled. with a tiny shake of the head, viktor stretched out his arm, yawned as though it was effortless. “ no need to sonic scream when i’m already the best person at shooting arrows in this city. ”
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
Sully blinked. 
Three times, his eyes lidded with confusion as he held a socket wrench between his fingers, looking it over with general curiosity. He’d been spinning it around as he waited for someone to appear for some time now– though, not in the same place. He’d wandered around, picking things up and inspecting them, making notes and googling. Sully, today, had a particular interest in learning how to put together a new bookshelf. Since he had little to no idea how any tools worked and didn’t really understand anything he was being presented with on youtube or the instruction manual, he figured someone who worked with tools and things would be able to point him in the right direction. 
“I wanna put together a bookshelf.” He said, plainly. 
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viktor paused. a second, a beat. the frown settled on his features as he stared. “ this is not ikea, man. i fix cars not put together bookshelves. ” although he probably would for the right amount of money. — moving closer, taking, or rather, seizing his wrench out of the other’s hands, viktor set it back in its place, fixed whatever he thought was messy. annoyance sparking his anger. — who the hell did this kid think he was to just walk in and touch his things ? — “ you already bought one or do you wanna build it from the ground up ? ”
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
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The sudden shout forced Atticus to drop the spanner that he had been inspecting. It fell with a clatter, disrupting the serenity of the space. Atticus’ features spoke of his regret. His inquisitiveness, at times, was a definite flaw. “Yes, yes, noted! Sir, I offer you my profound apologies.” The smells that lingered here were quite peculiar, but Atticus found that he liked them. There was something comforting about this place that harboured such a militant individual. “I want to obtain my driving license. Do you teach?”
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“ your profound apologies ? oh, wow, i humbly accept them, my lord. ” a small sarcastic chuckle rolled off his lips. with a sneer, viktor moved closer, took his spanner back, and set it on in its previous place. — he did not like when people touched his stuff, he did not forgive people willing to putting their hands on what was his. — the only real reason why he didn’t kick out the man that second, was the laugh that resulted out of the stranger’s weirdly formal speech. “ sure do, buddy. aren’t you a little old to be getting your driver’s license though ? ”
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
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“I’m a nosey bastard, sue me,” Ender remarked. Although that very trait came in handy with the job, so he viewed it as more of an asset than anything else. Then at the same time, he could also understand why it might be an annoyance to other people. “And not really a five year old, just a simple dude who enjoys 80s music. Then proceeds to get distracted easily,” he fired back with ease. He managed an eye roll at the thought of himself - of all people - looking for a weed guy. While he had no problems with those who used it for one reason or another, he was as straight laced as he could be when it came to things like that. “Not really the local stoner or one of them really. Not to mention that I haven’t worked in narcotics or anything affiliated with that department for four years.”
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viktor raised one eyebrow. shot a serious pointed look at ender. “ not with that department, hun ? ” it wasn’t really fear that coursed through his veins at that moment as much as it was excitement. the idea that something could go wrong, that could end up in a fight, an argument, arrested. viktor’s first instinct was to look around the room, find something that he could use as weapon in case that was needed. the second one was tease the man into attacking him. he wasn’t going to do it, no, no, of course not, he just liked the propensity for chaos a little more than the idea of coming home without a scratch. “ right, so, oficer, the song is over, the tools are still shining. are you just gonna stand there or can i help you with anything ? i might be a good upstanding citizen, but i’m pretty sure you can’t just take my shiny tools because you think they look nice. ” 
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
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“I promise you that my hands haven’t touched anything,” Ender vowed as he held up his hands to show that they were empty. Then for good measure, he took a couple decent steps back from the toolbox. He could only hope that would be enough to show that he didn’t want to come off like a dick. “Just came closer to hear what was on the radio then I kind of got lost admiring the set you got here, ridiculous as that sounds,” he continued. And it was the truth because he was always a sucker for identifying songs, plus he had a way of doing it so quickly that he called it a party trick. Then the tools caught his attention in the same way they might have called a crow over to them. They were shiny, but unlike crows, tools also carried plenty of memories for the detective. But he cleared them out of his mind and kept his hands held up for a few more moments until they dropped to his sides.
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two seconds. he had spent a total of two seconds around that human being and already viktor hated him. “ so what you’re telling me is that you walked in here because you were hypnotized by some 80′s song ? and then you got distracted by the pretty tools ? ” there was a beat, a pause, a second. viktor raised one eyebrow as he stared. his best attempt at genuine annoyance and feigned confusion splattered across his features. “ are you five ? i mean, i’m genuinely asking, this city is weird as shit. 'cause i don’t really got any juice box here, kid. the wallmart is down the street. ” with a shake of the head, viktor crossed his arms in front of his chest, fixed his posture as a sigh rolled off his lips. “ look, if you are looking for the weed guy, you came around at the wrong time. that dumbass takes the morning shift. ”
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
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“ hey, dumbass ! how about you don’t touch anything ? ” viktor’s eyes hadn’t landed on them for longer than a second and he was already annoyed: at their unannounced presence, at how closer they were to his tools, at the fact that they existed at all. — the day at the workshop had been mostly empty and quiet. he had his little old radio playing 80s rock, the same car hood propped open as he worked on the motor. the sweet calmness that only reclusiveness seemed to gift him. — viktor had only left for five minutes to feed the stray dogs that lingered in the back, and still somehow the moment he came back there was someone invading his space. “ what the fuck do you want ? ”
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
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malia shakes her head letting her blonde hair cascade down her back, a wide smile on her features. all dressed up in her the archer outfit which was a dark black. ironically or not so her favorite color. she also knew it wasn’t good looking forward to mayhem. being the one to cause it. but it somehow, someway made her feel better for what life had done to her. she grabs an arrow out of the quiver, and prepares to line up a shot. but not just yet, not when she wanted to make sure she hit it first. “ hope you’re prepared to lose. this is nothing for me. “ she also liked competition, so to say she was EXCITED too was true. “ and man do i love some competition. so i’m in, of course i am. you had a good bargain from the start. no way you could make this any BETTER than that.”
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“ oh, please, ” his arrows were decorated, because of course, they were. red and painted with flames. a childish version of destruction objectified. he pulled them out of the quiver and played with it for a second, playing imaginary drums, getting used to the weight of it in his hands again. “ you are gonna have to change your name to worse than noir after this, ” — after he took the right stance, it took viktor, maybe a second or two too long: holding the bow, pulling the string until it touched his cheek, adjusting his aim until he was sure it was going to the right direction. — it had been years since he had held any bows at all and still, somehow, confidence engulfed every inch of his movement. “ i’m good at everything i do. ” he shot. the arrow pierced through the air, quivered in its movements. a slight nudge from his telekinesis made sure it stayed in the right track. less than a second later, it pierced right through the cup. “ goddamn ! am i good at this ! ”
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
( @ofobservctions​ )
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arrows with explosives were— something else, a whole new level of destruction, and chaos, a whole new possibility for fun. after enough tries on that stupid group chat, someone finally took him up on his constant offers to stir up mayhem, and there was viktor: standing at a rooftop, dressed in his noir suit, holding an old bow to play a more destructive version of competitive archery. “ okay— ” the excitement in his voice was palpable. clear in every movement of his even if the suit didn’t allow a glimpse at his expression. viktor could picture it already: havoc caused by little arrows, the citzens of crystalline standing in disarray. he liked that image maybe just a little too much. “ you see that starbucks cup on the car dashboard down there. i say whoever gets it, wins first round, what do you think ? ”
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
( @oblame​ )
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He’s wine drunk and stupid. Peppering kisses around her jaw and neck, ignoring whatever song his spotify playlist had turned into, switching between laughing and kissing, and joking with her. The world was a chaotic, lonely and terrible place, but this close to Jude— It all seemed to wither away. It was only them. In the middle of his small apartment, his smaller living room, surrounded by sleeping dogs, and the warm buzz of alcohol, floating in that continuous cloud of bliss.
The universe could be chaotic and careless and terrible on its own. It didn’t really matter as long as Viktor got to look at her eyes. “ Hm, wait, okay— ” His pause is only so he can take another sip of that overly sweet cheap wine. The smile is stuck to his lips, the hint of happiness attached to the creases at the corner of his eyes. “ I wanna know, when did you first find out you could walk into a wall ? Cause I mean, I was little darth vader, but If ran into a wall and walked right through it, I would have a goddamn heart attack. ”
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
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Graphic Design is My Passion 
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
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Big fan of this nasty bastard.
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
                  “   absolutely not true,   we find   MOST   people insufferable.   there are far few exceptions to that than you may think.   “   head shook quickly,   shutting down his next thought.   “   no.  my little sister,   two years younger.   we haven’t talked since my dad died probably.   she blames me for it.   she’s   NOT   entirely wrong,   but mostly.   he had it coming though,   he was a   RAT   .   “
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             “   i    DO   have a girlfriend,   though.   “   she laughed softly,   “   charming words truly,   well.   i suppose i made my appearance,   where are you thinking of going,  hm   ?   what’s fun for you   ?   “
          he shrugged, “ it’s the environment around you. money breeds horrible. ” the small nod of his head was the only true evidence that viktor was listening along. “ is this a fuck her kind of a situation or a you miss her kind of thing ? i mean, if he did have it coming, there is nothing really to be sorry about there. ”
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           he chuckled, “ just to make it clear, i’m not asking you out. i’m just bored. ” pushing himself away from the balcony, the smallest sigh leaves his lips. there is a smile. a tiny, almost non-existence of a smile, but the promise of one to come. “ i say we cause chaos. and then we go out for mcdonalds. ”
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
“So, earlier, during my shift, this guy brought in his dog and the poor thing seemed really out of it, but also nervous and my boss was asking questions about what the pup had eaten, because he could potentially be poisoned, you know?” A chuckle escaped Aaron’s lips as he crossed his legs and wrapped his fingers around the soda cup in front of him. “And this owner was really evasive about the questions and eventually broke down and confessed the dog ate his marijuana. So we assured him the dog will be fine and we won’t report him. I don’t want to say I wish all my work days were like this, but it definitely beats actual emergencies.”
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“ what the fuck ? ” the frown that formed on his features was way too blatant in its show of outrage. all his life, there had never been a single forgiving bone in viktor’s body. he sure as hell wasn’t willing to extend one to a guy dumb enough to get his dog hurt out of incompetence. “ is the dog okay ? why the hell aren’t you reporting this guy ? isn’t weed poisonous to dogs like coffee or chocolate ? that dumbass deserves to spend at least a few years in jail. ”
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
a frown marred an otherwise doll-like face, wide eyes staring at the screen of her phone. she pushed herself up onto the toes of her boots, even shifted to the side, but no. the angle still was not right. taking selfies was frustrating business. with a huff, she lowered her phone and was about to pocket it before her eyes landed on someone not too far away. she had her contacts in as well as a wig, which was platinum and ebony on opposite sides. her lips pushing up into a smile she walked up to them. “hello,” she greeted, her voice both smoky and melodic at once. “may i borrow your hand? i need it desperately.”
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viktor wasn’t staring, he was collecting information. it was the same brand of doing nothing, with a different ending in mind. his eyes hovered around aimlessly, found one person to stay on, memorized little details, small ticks in body language, attached a name to the face, and moved on to the next and then the next. he was gathering intel. he had no intention of talking to anyone that particular day, or at least he hadn’t until the familiar face came up to talk to him. “ that depends, are you going to cut it out or do i get to keep it after you are done with it ? ”
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
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“i don’t know that sounds amazing.” luna wasn’t into violence but even she had to admit, movies made things seem really cool. “westerns are really fun to watch though, just for that reason.” she admits with a laugh of her own. “i kind of just needed the money and i know the owner through my mom. so i got an interview almost right away. and then i gotjob. my childhood dream i think was being a doctor or something like that. but turns out i really do like what i’m doing now, and mixing drinks.”
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“ right ? ” there is an easy smile attached to his features. “ you think i can get a rise out of someone here before the bouncer catches up to it or should i distract them first ? ” viktor nods his head along to her words, raises one eyebrow at the end of it. “ so is the doctor thing done ...? i mean i’d trust you to take care of the black eye i’m probably getting after i punch that guy on the corner booth. ”
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
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viktor kovalenko ╱ noir + tv tropes
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