chxoticpulse · 5 years
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Robin flops on the seat next to the other, his fingers anxiously fiddling with something hidden between his hands and he bites his lower lip nervously, dying to tell someone about this so they could tell him he was just seeing things, that it was still part of the trauma, that this wasn’t real.
                       “...can you keep a secret?”
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ghculishscn · 5 years
Open Text → Ender
Ender: On the one hand, I feel terrible.
Ender: On the other, it was so much fun.
Ender: I should prank my coworkers more often.
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hankroosevlt · 5 years
he knocks twice. calmly waits at the door. hank knew already which group of criminals was responsible for setting the city on fire. they piratically signed their names at the end of the chaos, virtually claimed ownership of the wreck they had turned crystalline in. ( he failed to see how to someone could attach themselves to that group and still think they were in the right. ) but it didn’t really matter.
not what he knew, not how proud the criminals were of it, not how unfit to deal with the situation his officers were, none of it change anything at the end of the day. what was right was still right. the law was still the law. and so, he opened an investigation, all the same, as if it was any ordinary crime. worked to follow clues, get people on the case, take accounts from any and all witnesses they could find. the personal need to stay at the top of it all instead of letting other officers deal with it was mostly due to fear. hank could take a hit from a mutant, he could end up at a hospital. his officers, on the other hand, had families, girlfriends, boyfriends, children, lives that would be could wrecked, ruined. he wouldn’t let that happen.
all the clues led to that place. hank made sure to be the one there going there, by himself, so no one else would be harmed in the process. —— when owner of the place finally opened the door for him, he removed his glasses, attempt a small smile. “ hello, hm, good morning, i’m sheriff roosevelt, i was wondering if you could answer a few questions ? i’ll try not to take up too much of your time ”
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ofobservctions · 5 years
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malia has a large bruise underneath her eye, and she’s holding a bottle of water to it. her attempt at least trying to care for it. “oh this?” the blonde gestures towards her eye, as she removes the cold bottle of water. “it’s nothing. it’ll heal.” i’ve dealt with worse. but that much went unsaid, as she tries to offer that of a reassuring look.
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viktrkovalenko · 5 years
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“ hey, dumbass ! how about you don’t touch anything ? ” viktor’s eyes hadn’t landed on them for longer than a second and he was already annoyed: at their unannounced presence, at how closer they were to his tools, at the fact that they existed at all. — the day at the workshop had been mostly empty and quiet. he had his little old radio playing 80s rock, the same car hood propped open as he worked on the motor. the sweet calmness that only reclusiveness seemed to gift him. — viktor had only left for five minutes to feed the stray dogs that lingered in the back, and still somehow the moment he came back there was someone invading his space. “ what the fuck do you want ? ”
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eunjaeisms · 5 years
“Sir, your card has been declined.”
“What about this one?”
“This one, too.” 
“Even that one?”
“That one had insufficient funds.”
“But I come here lots and I’ve paid every time, maybe I can pay tomorrow?”
“I’m sorry, we can’t do that.”
“I just forgot to bring cash, it’s just a coffee and-”
“Listen, kid, you’re holding up the line here.”
The student was close to tears, his voice already bordering on whiny as the temptation to just use his power of persuasion to make the barista give him the coffee for free. It wasn’t like he wouldn’t come back later to pay for it, he just wasn’t used to not being able to rely on his cards. Being broke sucked.
(Not that he really knew what it felt like, even now that he’d been cut off by his parents. His boyfriend had enough money to his name to provide for the both of them. He just didn’t like the feeling of having to rely on his partner to pay for things that he used to be able to afford.)
With a trembling bottom lip, he turned around to look at the person behind him, eyes wide and pleading. “Could I borrow some money? I can give you my number and I can pay you back as soon as possible? I promise I have it and I’m not lying or trying to get a free drink, I just--”
Got recently disowned.
“Um... I have a problem with my cards...”
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xbvmbi · 5 years
His head lolled back, a smile on his lips for a moment as he gazed over the room. There were so many people, and had he been more sober he would have been trembling from the nerves that came with being in such a loud, cluttered place. 
But this was his place.  And for the first time in a long time, he really felt like it was. 
He stood up from the blush, soft pink sofa that was situated in his own section of the bar, and wiped his hands down white skinny jeans. It only took him a few steps before he was stumbling into another body, his own inebriated form landing firmly on his ass. “Ouch,” A soft whine as he sat on the ground, a pout pulling at his lower lip. “You need to watch where you’re going-- do you know who I am?” His tone had meant to be more threatening than it was, but Bambi just slurred through it all. 
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wisdomfish · 5 years
When the Word of God is read and explained, the first response of the people was to weep. “All the people wept as they heard the words of the Law...” (Neh. 8:9). We have seen this pattern before. When Josiah heard the Word of God, he tore his clothes, (2 Kg. 22:11). When Isaiah saw the holiness of God, he said, “Woe is me! For I am lost...” (Isa. 6:5). When Peter first saw the glory of Jesus, he said, “Depart from me for I am a sinful man,” (Lk. 5:8) The instinctive reaction of godly people to the Word of God and the presence of God is to feel our own unworthiness.
Colin Smith
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xsvervn · 5 years
Saeran rested their head in their hands, obviously inebriated as they -for the first time in a very long time- sat at the bar. “Everything sucks.” They had mumbled, the surgical mask they always wore tossed down on the countertop rather than over their features. Things were stressful and they were tired. 
So. They were getting drunk. Which, when you’re undead, took a long time. 
“Everything absolutely sucks and I can't fix it so I give up. I’m going to... go live under a bridge with trolls or something. something really wild and far away. That would be better.” 
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yoonaaron · 5 years
“So, earlier, during my shift, this guy brought in his dog and the poor thing seemed really out of it, but also nervous and my boss was asking questions about what the pup had eaten, because he could potentially be poisoned, you know?” A chuckle escaped Aaron’s lips as he crossed his legs and wrapped his fingers around the soda cup in front of him. “And this owner was really evasive about the questions and eventually broke down and confessed the dog ate his marijuana. So we assured him the dog will be fine and we won’t report him. I don’t want to say I wish all my work days were like this, but it definitely beats actual emergencies.”
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ghculishscn · 5 years
Open Text → Ender
Ender: So, got a whole lot of family swinging in for Thanksgiving since the hubby and I are hosting this year.
Ender: And I'm pretty sure I've given myself a headache just thinking about all the planning and cooking that needs to get done tomorrow.
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
Being back in Crystalline after his visit to South Korea to see his mom was definitely surreal. Partly because it felt like he’d never left and partly because there was a voice in the back of his head that tried to convince him he didn’t belong here. It had been weird to be home, to see his family, to speak his first language and get sucked back into the natural flow of his childhood, even if it was tainted in many ways. But Crystalline had also grown to become his home. A second home, but home nonetheless. He had friends, a girlfriend, loving foster parents, a job. Two completely different worlds, a fifteen hour flight apart. It was confusing.
Though he usually tried not to pay too much attention to his surroundings, he was unsuccessful in distracting himself with the loud music that played through his earphones. His anxiety was generally fueled by his paranoia towards everything and everyone around him and though he tried to avoid getting lost in big crowds, it was pretty inevitable in some parts of the city. It was stupid to admit, but he hadn’t meant to reach out when he caught someone tripping and threatening to fall. It was on instinct that he grabbed them, leaving him a little bewildered as soon as his brain registered his own actions. “S-S-S-So-Sorry.”
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ofobservctions · 5 years
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“you know, that’s a good question.” luna began with a laugh. “i don’t get questions much about bartending. guess because it isn’t that interesting. i make good money, and people kind of.. exaggerate the whole ton of bar fights type of thing. i have seen a few people get kicked out though, for drinking too much and getting rowdy.”
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beelzebvbs · 5 years
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             ‘  what do you mean i need to  brush up on my  SUBAWY ETIQUETTE ? ’        he spoke loudly,    so much so that his voice was heard over the rumbling of the train car.     so far,    three people had move away from him.    he was starting to think it was something he said.     maybe he smelt bad.      
              pulling his hand out of his pocket,    jai waved a finger in the strangers face,   ‘ no , no,  no,    let me tell you something ... ’    he was beginning to ramble,   one of his  greatest  talents.     ‘ how is it impolite  to make casual conversation to my fellow   HUMAN   as we ride this   mechanical wonder   together? ’     he turned the conversation to the rest of the train,    hoping someone would jump in to explain it to him.   all he felt was the seat next to him empty.    now    another one bites the dust    was stuck in his head.    no wonder he was so biased against non-mutants.      ‘ y’know,    this is one of the many things that’s wrong with this city. ’    feeling a new victim take up a seat next to him,    he smiled,       ‘don’t ya think? ’
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xbvmbi · 5 years
Bambi gave a frustrated groan, tossing the device onto the table in front of him. He’d recently gotten a new phone after a... tantrum had left him without. And ever the softie for Aiden, he’d switched from his handy iPhone to some random Samsung that the other had suggested. He kind of hated it. 
“I wish I could kill you,” the blonde mumbled, picking up a table decoration with a threatening stance. “Fucking... ugh what’s the point?” He found himself mumbling. 
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xsvervn · 5 years
Saeran tossed a cigarette down, crushing it beneath their boot and a scowl set on dark features. It’d been a rough few days. They couldn’t even remember where they had been or what they had done, they just knew that it had left them feeling sour and itching with discomfort. the vampire almost wanted conflict. It would resolve the tension between their shoulders, the itch to their palms. 
They stepped away from the corner of the building they’d been leaned against, hoping-- wishing that someone would run into them. Give them a reason to snap. 
Saeran wasn’t sure what was wrong, they just needed a release. They could have clawed at their skin or cried. What had they even been doing before? The last time they couldn’t remember someone died. 
When the seas of people continued to part around them, Saeran couldn’t help the groan that parted their lips. They turned, kicking the closest trash bin over. It helped just a touch before the immediate guilt hit them-- littering was a really gross thing to do. 
So, they knelt down, picking up the mess they’d made. 
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