tendermuses · 7 months
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Favorite Anime Openings / Closings - FRUITS BASKET: Chime
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tendermuses · 1 year
“You didn’t think this was gonna work, did you?” Chuuya asks.
Dazai’s quiet. Chuuya sighs, thinking he won’t answer.. Then —
“No.” It’s a hushed admission.
❥ soukoku
❥ 9k
❥ relationship study, angst with a happy ending, ch101-109
❥ mostly chuuya pov
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tendermuses · 1 year
Determined to never get into Bungou Stray Dogs simply so I never lose the ability to innocently google a famous novelist and get caught off guard with search results like this
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tendermuses · 2 years
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"Hello darkness, my old friend"
Izzy Hands as the only human in a muppets film is one of the best descriptions I've seen of a character's energy
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tendermuses · 2 years
its been months and i simply cannot get over how FOR ONE, stede was so immediately willing to share with ed, like as soon as there was even a hint of a shared interest, homeboy was ready to show him everything, even though we know he had a history of rejection, ridicule, and trauma. he was open, generous, and eager from the moment they met
AND TWO, how ed met him at every turn with only positivity, like being fascinated with him before they met, then being delighted and full of wonder at everything he was shown, even though he was blackbeard, and anyone would think he would have no interest in any of that. 
like can you even fucking imagine going your whole life getting burned every time you show your heart, and still being a kind enough person to hold it out again for a stranger because they might like what you like, and then that person takes it carefully and tells you its amazing and that he loves it? i’m going insane
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tendermuses · 2 years
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Happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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tendermuses · 2 years
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back on it
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tendermuses · 2 years
Thinking about that one time in JL TAS when Batman thought Wonder Woman was buried under rubble and literally dug through it with his bare hands until she climbed out and then proceeded to hide his hands from her. Thinking about how it took Flash (2) minutes of talking to get him to go to Flash Appreciation Day and drag Orion along with him. Thinking about how Batman, literally he squishiest and most vulnerable member of the team, shot Martian Manhunter and the Flash away from the Watchtower so he could crash it into the enemy’s doomsday weapon, KNOWING he was far more likely to die than those two. Thinking about how on Superman’s birthday he personally delivered cash, knowing it was a shit gift, to him in the Fortress of Solitude because  he didn’t know how to give it otherwise. Thinking about how Batman is aware that he probably won’t ever fix Gotham, but still goes out and does it anyway because every life he saves is another life that won’t end up like his. Thinking about how Batman’s greatest strength is not his intelligence, or his skill, or his willpower, but his compassion for life even at its ugliest.
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tendermuses · 2 years
here's your regular reminder that if you consistently, regularly get headaches, you are almost certainly having migraines, not regular headaches.
MOST recurrent headaches are migraine headaches.
"migraine" does not mean "extremely painful headache." it is a type and source of pain, not a degree of pain. migraines can also include some or all of the following: fatigue, sensitivity to light and sound, visual auras, nausea or vomiting, dizziness, cognitive impairment, etc. these symptoms can be mild or severe and it may actually be difficult to determine if you have them. (who wants a bright light in their eyes during a headache?? i thought that's just how headaches were lmao.)
this is important because while aspirin, NSAIDs like ibuprofren, and other over-the-counter pain meds can effectively alleviate migraine pain, getting diagnosed with migraines allows for a wider range of treatments and preventatives.
it's also important because, in my opinion, your average general practice doctor is not equipped to diagnose you with chronic migraine. don't go to one expecting them to. a neurologist with migraine specialty is a better option, although a regular doctor can still be useful if they listen to you lol.
my life would be miserable and unmanageable without sumatriptan. and i never would have gotten a prescription for sumatriptan if i hadn't gone to my GP and said, "i have migraines and want to try migraine medicine," even though at the time i wasn't 100% sure that was true.
if you have chronic headaches, they're almost certainly migraines. if no one has said that to you before, let me be the first. start treating your migraines.
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tendermuses · 2 years
the problem with the spoon theory + chronic pain is that, like, i can wake up with 100 spoons! yeah, time to work! and then the pain hits and i’m down to 0 immediately. none, nada. oh, all that stuff i was supposed to do today? yeah, i’m just gonna lie down instead. and then the next day, maybe i’m still tired, and maybe i have a few spoons but it’s like…should i use those spoons to accomplish things? or is the pain gonna hit again and i’ll need to save them? and then maybe the next day i have no pain whatsoever, but i don’t want to spend that day being productive, i wanna rest and have fun because i’m finally not in pain! basically chronic pain is garbage and i’d like to return this body for a new one, thanks
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tendermuses · 2 years
do nondisabled people realize how petrifying it is to know that you will walk into an event and most likely be the only visibly disabled person there?
the only one with a mobility aid, communication device, service/guide dog, physical deformity/difference, etc.... you dont even step foot in the door and you already stick out. EVERYBODY stares at you, even the nice, accepting people. are you an attention seeker or someone they should pity? you dont get to make that decision; they already decided the moment they saw you. are you going to be respected, babied, or insulted? or will they completely ignore you because talking to the cripple is too awkward? if youre there with somebody else, are people going to talk to them and ignore you, like youre not capable of interacting with them? is the venue even accessible, or do you get left behind as people move elsewhere? does anyone hang back to walk beside you, keep you company, or are you left to trail along behind them, alone? are you even included in what's going on? what is even the point of being there?
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tendermuses · 2 years
i am BEGGING abled people to understand that when a disabled person says they can't do something, it means they cannot do that thing.
like. that is SUCH a simple concept but theyre all somehow convinced that we're lying or making excuses or that we're just not pushing ourselves hard enough or we dont know ourselves as well as THEY do.
i would much rather believe someone who says they cant do something and is lying than not believe someone and push them too far, sometimes to the point of injury. like... able-bodied people, what is not clicking with you.
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tendermuses · 2 years
sending love out tonight to everyone who is progressively losing their abilities, whether that's movement, ability to walk, eyesight, or hearing.
it's hard to come to terms with the fact that you can't do things that you used to be able to do. I'll be honest, it feels like you're losing control of your life. it can feel very isolating and hopeless. its scary and overwhelming, and it's so hard to deal with.
you are not less than just because you can do less. im proud of you for still being here, and i wish you ease with adjusting to new ways of life. please take care of yourself, i love you.
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tendermuses · 2 years
Something abled people really don't understand about disabled people is not only are we not able to do certain things, and have certain avenues closed to us, but we also have things go wrong a lot more often.
If I'm in a pain flare and miss my train, I'm not screwed, but now I have to wait until the next one comes - could be ten minutes, could be an hour and a missed appointment. I'm going to be exhausted by the time I get to my destination either way. If I spasm too hard while gripping a box of pasta and it explodes everywhere in the checkout line, I have to hike all the way back to the pasta, come back, wait in line again, and pay for my stuff. It's a Disabled Tax in energy and time we don't have.
It's exhausting, time and time again, to be blamed when our symptoms make us accident-prone and we have to use more of our limited energy to fix the problem, when really what we need at that point is even the smallest amount of compassion and help.
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tendermuses · 2 years
ableism runs so fucking deep it's a tool of every oppression we care about today and yet in nondisabled circles, esp academia, it's just not given ANY thought.
like there are theories of ableism, but they're created by disabled people and in every other discipline we just aren't paid attention to. medicine is focused on eradicating us. anthropology focuses on every intersection of modern oppression EXCEPT us, even though ableism/pathologization is a tool of all of them that works near-invisibly.
and as soon as you bring up fat disabled people, or intellectually disabled people, or disabled people of color, people begin to actively promote eugenics with a kind of glee i find deeply disturbing.
one million dead in a two year long pandemic, the majority of them disabled, and even liberals are telling everyone to return to normal and questioning mask mandates.
disabled people need to have incomes, families, and legal and social self-determination. we need to be included in mainstream analyses of power and capitalism. i'm sick of being ignored, isolated, and worrying about the future, knowing that i am immensely privileged in comparison to the majority of disabled people, especially disabled people of color, who are at the dead bottom of the totem pole. it feels like no matter how loud we scream they refuse to listen, and we need nondisabled people to pay attention.
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tendermuses · 2 years
"Pride month is over"
WRONG! Your pride month is over! Me and all the other disabled queers are having pride month two: disability edition
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tendermuses · 2 years
its always "i love you" and never "you laughed, and i fell in love with you, there. there: i wrote it down, i turned it into ink and made it something tangible (but you could burn this letter and i would still love you, so it must be something beyond matter). see it here in black and white. i love you, girl from the house on the hill, girl with the hair made of sunbeams. i love you, knot in my heart. i love you, hands on my hands, hands on my ribs, mouth on my mouth. i love you, stone in my shoe. i love only you. only you. only ever you"
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