beelzebvbs · 5 years
// *    ofobservctions.
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rosella hadn’t been paying that close attention, gaze focused out the window and the brunette noticed out of the corner of her peripheral vision an open seat. she’d gotten better at looking at things whilst not entirely, she could thank being a speedster for that. she gets up from her seat, slinging her satchel over her shoulder. “huh?” she inquires, eyebrows furrowing in slight confusion. “sorry i wasn’t really paying attention, can you repeat that?” as she offers that of a friendly smile, as she slid into the open seat.
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            ‘   this is   EXACTLY   what i’m talking about!  ’     he suddenly lurched forwards,     as if he’d just sat on a pin.     running a hand through his tangled hair,   he turned to the woman,      ‘ nobody listens anymore. ’  though,  in all honesty,    jai wasn’t really listening to himself.   words were just falling out his mouth,   his brain unable to stop them.     &  rather than stop talking,    he just had to keep going.    ‘  for all you know,    i could’ve just had a verbal  BREAKTHROUGH,   spoken about a cure for cancer  or  some shit like that. ’    he shrugged his shoulders, letting out an exasperated sigh    ‘ but now,  you’ll  never  know.     oh well .... c’est la vie. ’  
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beelzebvbs · 5 years
//  *    ofobservctions.
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“uh, thank you?” malia questions a look of bewilderment across her features, right about now she was expecting to be asked how it happened– not be told it was impressive. a look of amusement sparkles in her green eyes. “..now someone tells me, i literally bought a bottle of water for it.” it was hard to tell whether or not she was kidding. but she was probably kidding. “what would you recommend to keep it from turning into an ugly swollen mess?”
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             there weren’t a whole lot of things that jai could give advice on      that weren’t drug related.        so naturally ,   those few times the opportunity presented itself he   had   to jump at it.     he’d had a fair few black eyes in his lifetime,     usually caused by his own   STUPIDITY   &  doors slamming back in his face.    he was convinced that doors as a species were out to get him.      ‘  you want something colder,    ice pack  or  frozen peas.   i don’t know why it’s peas ... just what they do on tv. ’    maybe it didn’t work with other vegetables.  ‘though my best advice for black eye prevention is to    not get hit.  ’
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beelzebvbs · 5 years
// *  owlpuer.
       “   it’s biology.   genetics.   i   APPRECIATE   your attempt,    “   she laughs.   she hadn’t been flirted with in a while,   not since william.   huh,   she   MISSED   him.   whatever,   hardly the time to think about him.   pandora lent back in the chair,   looking the stranger up and down.   honestly,   MEN   .   always so confident in themselves.   “   you think so,   though,   you think i’m interesting    ?   “    edges of her lips then turned   HEAVENWARD   ,   in a keen smirk.   head tilted,   fingertips played loosely with the tips of her ponytail.
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SURE   ,   she’d play this game with him;   she was never one to back down from a bait.   “   oh you’re gonna ask about   HOBBIES   before i even get your name   ?   shocking.   what kind of manners were you raised on,  huh   ?   “   she winked as she finished talking.   “   gods,   i’m   KIDDING   ,   honestly   -   work keeps me really busy.   when i’m not at work,   i’m at home.   hope   KIDS   don’t put you off.   “
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            ‘   close enough. ’           there hadn’t been any point in jai’s life where he’d had to know the difference between those two things so far.    it just wasn’t   USEFUL   information.    so it went through one ear  &  out the other.     interesting,   yes she was,    not interesting enough for him to remember every little word she said.      ‘  well,    yeah.   because you’re all alone .... not that women can’t be  FIERCELY  independent. ’     pumping a fist in the air,   he awkwardly cleared his throat.    ‘ power to the uterus! ’
             this conversation was going south    & just as jai thought he might be able to save it,    she  continued talking.      whilst he appreciated a woman who could be as  sarcastic  as he could,    he didn’t tend to spend much time around   kids     ‘   ahh,    what do ya take me for,    some puny guy scared of a little respons-- ’    before he could finish his sentence,   the word that had just come out of her mouth hit him in the gut.    ‘ w-wait a minute did you say    KIDS ... as in  plural ...  meaning  more than one?  ’
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beelzebvbs · 5 years
//  *  krvsene
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‘          your  mere  existence  is  giving  me  a  headache ,  and  your  big  mouth  is  not  helping .  dear lord .    ’   surely ,  his  tone  was  provoking ,  but  on  the  inside ,  changmin  was  practically  fuming ; his  tempter  never  having  been  his  strong  suit .   he  wanted  silence .  silencio .  complete  and  utter  void  of  sound ,  and  this  piece  de  resistance  was  ruining  his  zen .
all  he  had  wanted  was  to  sit  down ,  read  his  book  (  in  silence  )  and  get  home  without  picking  a  fight ,  but  this  obnoxious  idiot  was  begging  for  it .  literally  asking  for  trouble .  yet ,  changmin  had  made  an  oath ;  for  one  week  he  needed  to  keep  his  cool ,  manage  his  tempter ,  and  it  was  only  monday.  and  changmin  may  be  a  disappointment ,  but  he  was  not  a  quitter .      ‘          may  i  be  frank  with  you  ?  does  your  big  mouth  compensate  for  something  ?  because  it seems  to  me  that  someone  is  acting  like  an overgrown  toddler  and  disturbing  the  peace  to  make  you  seem  bigger  than  you  are ,  little  man.      ’  
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             did he have a big mouth?          most people tended to think it was the lack of  filter that was jai’s issue,   rather than the size of his mouth.    constructive criticism was good though,      very helpful.     though jai had little clue as to what the lord had to do with anything.       ‘  woah,   now!    no need to bring our   LORD  & SAVIOUR into this.’    he made awkward eye contact with a woman a few feet away  wearing an obnoxious orange t-shirt with a bible quote on.     leaning in to the other,   he whispered subtly,  ‘ don’t wanna upset grandma over there.’
            jai let the other rant for a moment,    grateful that he was no longer the only person talking.   sometimes he enjoyed    ACCIDENTALLY    picking fights with people.    it made the days a little more interesting.      ‘ what?    oh you’re talking about my dick!    cool,   cool. ’    his voice was again,   louder than it had to be.   he shot jesus lady an apologetic look before leaning in once more,   lowering his voice to a normal speaking volume.    ‘ well,    i’d get it out to show you    but   i get the feeling that too would fall into the category of ... not subway etiquette. ’
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beelzebvbs · 5 years
// *     whirledpool.
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between college, a part time job, and hero stuff, shiloh was at his limit. he was certain that if someone even so much as looked at him today, he’d go utterly bonkers. so maybe the subway wasn’t the best choice today, but he sure as hell wasn’t about to walk all the way back to his apartment. as he stepped into the subway car, he purposefully increased the volume of his headphones. 
with a quick scan of the relatively crowded car, he was surprised to find an empty seat. perhaps there was a reason for that, but his feet were tired. without a second thought, he settled in and placed his backpack on his lap, fidgeting with the charms that were attached to it. 
a voice filtered in through his music, and he cursed at the cheap quality of the headphones. if he ignored the other person, they’ll stop talking to him, right? right. shiloh gave him a disinterested look and a roll of the eyes for good measure. better to not engage. 
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              jai wasn’t always the  BEST  at reading social cues.         or rather,    he read them,    he just   elected   to ignore them.    inside every awkward caterpillar was a   social butterfly,   just waiting to come up and announce itself to the world.   so headphones that clearly said      fuck off,    i want to be left alone    did little to deter jai from speaking.   in fact,    they made the challenge seem more appealing.
             he narrowed his eyes,     ‘  i get the feeling you’re  IGNORING  me ... ’    the whole situation was insulting to him.  he’d be less insulted if the kid were to move away from him.   at least that showed initiative.    no,    this peculiar boy didn’t want to listen to him   but   also didn’t want to move.     that seemed more like his problem than jai’s.   so of course,    jai was now even more inclined to talk.      
            ‘ what are you listening to?    must be pretty good to drown me out. ’    he was expecting an answer but didn’t give much time for one,   ‘ if you don’t tell me i’ll have to guess ... ’     &  jai was  ALMOST  certain the other would not like his guesses.
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beelzebvbs · 5 years
//  *    eunjaeisms. 
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It didn’t happen often anymore that Eun Jae had to rely on public transport, now that he had a boyfriend who insisted on trying to drive him everywhere. Of course, he was grateful for Maxxie’s dedication and totally understood why his boyfriend didn’t like the idea of letting the student travel by himself, but he also felt like a burden by making Maxxie leave his work every time he had somewhere to be or when he simply didn’t feel good and needed to be picked up to go home. 
His other biggest support, his black and tan Pomeranian, was currently pressed against his chest as he stumbled through the train in search for a seat. Unsurprisingly, the boy was void of any extra energy and his short walk to the subway station had been quite draining in itself, let alone the extra walk around the park, just to please the pup in his arms.
Eun Jae’s eyes lit up as he caught sight of someone vacating a seat and when it appeared like no one else was eager to take up the empty chair, he finally stepped forward and slowly sat down on the edge, placing Hwan on his lap. “Lots of things wrong?” He asked curiously, happy to engage in conversation. “I think there’s also lots of really nice things. Like, um… like the aquarium! Or the park! Don’t you think so, Hwannie?” His attention briefly drifted to the fluffy animal, who was busy sniffing the passenger next to him.
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             RESULT!        not only did he have a   new friend   but  it seemed like this person wasn’t afraid of disrupting the   subway status quo.      even if it was just for some idle chat about daily life,   which couldn’t have bored jai more.    the point was,    his voice was no longer the only one echoing throughout  the entire car.
            ‘ aquariums are just prisons for fish. ’      spoken like the true animal rights activist he was  NOT.   he’d just once had a   drug induced hallucination   fever dream about being trapped in an aquarium.  from that point on,   those places had just given him the creeps.      ‘ as for parks,    they’re just full of kids  &  ... animals. ’    he paused,    looking down at the dog whom he’d not realised was sitting there until he felt his nose brush up against his hand.     
            jai’s first reaction was to physically recoil,    his eyes widened,      ‘  back up buster ... ’  turning his attention to the owner,  he peered over his sunglasses,   ‘ he’s not like a police dog or anything right? ’    
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beelzebvbs · 5 years
//  *    mccnhcseck. 
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Allure? The boy blinked, hit with a sudden feeling of fatigue, even if it was very faint, which momentarily left him a little taken aback and confused. Though his initial reaction was quickly replaced with embarrassment and shyness. “O-Oh..” He stammered, unsure of how to respond to someone with such confidence, especially compared to his sure lack thereof. “O-O-O-Of course…” He nervously pushed his lips up into a careful smile, hoping he wasn’t being too much.
As if that was possible, but he still had a constant fear of it.
The only strange thing he really noted about the stranger’s appearance, was that they were wearing sunglasses in October, despite the rainy weather in Crystalline. Then again, he could relate to being sensitive to light and one of his best friends was a vampire, so at this point he figured he shouldn’t question anything. Demons, superheroes, robots, people who could see ghosts – suddenly being less than ordinary was a bit of a blessing.
“Um…” Shut up, shut up, don’t do it, don’t– “Are-A-Are you… al-alright?”
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            awkward people were so adorable.          they reminded jai of his sisters teenage years.    nasally voice,   glasses   &  the overbite to match.     thank god she grew into her face.    he gave the boy a minute to find his words.    based on the amount he was stuttering,   it was possible he might need a  LITTLE  longer.   thankfully,  jai was feeling rather patient that day.     or,   as patient as he could be.
             it was rather obvious that the stutterer was taken aback by jai’s appearance.    like most of the people he’d passed on the street today had been.     usually,   jai would keep some sunglasses on him,  just not today.   hence the need for a little  IMPROVISATION.   he found that sunglasses came in handy,    partly because bright lights  &  pounding headaches weren’t a good combination   but   mostly incase the situation arose that he needed to possess someone.    without glasses he wouldn’t be able to hide how his eyes blackened when that happened. might freak out the humans.
            ‘ am i alright? ’    snapping back into the focus of the conversation,    jai looked up,    ‘ as far as i’m aware.  FINE & DANDY. ’     he clasped a hand over the males shoulder,    ‘ how about you kind sir? ’
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beelzebvbs · 5 years
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             ‘  what do you mean i need to  brush up on my  SUBAWY ETIQUETTE ? ’        he spoke loudly,    so much so that his voice was heard over the rumbling of the train car.     so far,    three people had move away from him.    he was starting to think it was something he said.     maybe he smelt bad.      
              pulling his hand out of his pocket,    jai waved a finger in the strangers face,   ‘ no , no,  no,    let me tell you something ... ’    he was beginning to ramble,   one of his  greatest  talents.     ‘ how is it impolite  to make casual conversation to my fellow   HUMAN   as we ride this   mechanical wonder   together? ’     he turned the conversation to the rest of the train,    hoping someone would jump in to explain it to him.   all he felt was the seat next to him empty.    now    another one bites the dust    was stuck in his head.    no wonder he was so biased against non-mutants.      ‘ y’know,    this is one of the many things that’s wrong with this city. ’    feeling a new victim take up a seat next to him,    he smiled,       ‘don’t ya think? ’
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beelzebvbs · 5 years
//  *  owlpuer
         “   can i   HELP   you,   darlin’   ?   “   pandora had noticed they had seemed to be lingering for a while.   laptop was   CLOSED   instantly   ;   didn’t want her research falling to the wrong hands,   after all.   if the   MUTANTS   got wind of what she was   SO   CLOSE   to finding out,   she was sure it would somehow,    miraculously,   end up disappearing.   she was    PARANOID   ,   said her therapist,   so maybe she should accept this as nothing.   but shouldn’t   GUT   FEELINGS   be listened to   ?
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“   can i buy you a   COFFEE   ,   how much did you read of it   ?   and don’t lie to me,   i want to know what you might think about it.   it’s for school,    OBVIOUSLY   .   biology major,   you see.   “   she only hoped that they hadn’t noticed her lies,   the obvious tells being the   ID   she had from her work laying on the table.   didn’t matter anyway,   who would question a city official like her,  right   ?
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            ‘  i’m not sure    ANGELFACE. ’           lips curving into a devilish smirk,    jai let his eyes wander from the laptop,  to the woman.    the   nearly  opaque lenses that covered his eyes,   a mask for what he was really looking at.   sometimes he just couldn’t help but put his nose where it   didn’t    belong.     jai had a desire to know everyone’s business.  unfortunately,   he’d spent most of his high school science lesson stoned.   perhaps if he had paid more attention,  the stuff he’d caught a glimpse off wouldn’t been more to him than just     swirly lines.
            sensing a desire to cover his  VERY  obvious tracks,     jai turned on the charm.    ‘ oh,   you think i was lookin’  at your computer?    nah  all that science shit bores me --- you’re much more interesting.  ’   without an invitation,    he grabbed a chair from behind him,   planting it at the table before straddling it backwards.    because he was cool like that.         ‘  now,   tell me ...  when you’re not in you chemistry class,    what do you like to do? ’
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beelzebvbs · 5 years
//  *  ofobservctions
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malia has a large bruise underneath her eye, and she’s holding a bottle of water to it. her attempt at least trying to care for it. “oh this?” the blonde gestures towards her eye, as she removes the cold bottle of water. “it’s nothing. it’ll heal.” i’ve dealt with worse. but that much went unsaid, as she tries to offer that of a reassuring look.
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                jai was much too used to sporting black eyes to be surprised when he came across one.        that didn’t stop him  physically  recoil in a mixture of shock  & ...  an odd sense of pride.  squinting,  he moved into the girls personal bubble to take a better look,      ‘ that’s    INTENSELY   impressive. ’    his words curled his lips into a smile as he lifted a finger in the air to offer his extensive expertise,     ‘ might i offer a suggestion? --- you need something a little colder to stop it from turning into an    ugly swollen mess. ’
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beelzebvbs · 5 years
//  * mccnhcseck
Being back in Crystalline after his visit to South Korea to see his mom was definitely surreal. Partly because it felt like he’d never left and partly because there was a voice in the back of his head that tried to convince him he didn’t belong here. It had been weird to be home, to see his family, to speak his first language and get sucked back into the natural flow of his childhood, even if it was tainted in many ways. But Crystalline had also grown to become his home. A second home, but home nonetheless. He had friends, a girlfriend, loving foster parents, a job. Two completely different worlds, a fifteen hour flight apart. It was confusing.
Though he usually tried not to pay too much attention to his surroundings, he was unsuccessful in distracting himself with the loud music that played through his earphones. His anxiety was generally fueled by his paranoia towards everything and everyone around him and though he tried to avoid getting lost in big crowds, it was pretty inevitable in some parts of the city. It was stupid to admit, but he hadn’t meant to reach out when he caught someone tripping and threatening to fall. It was on instinct that he grabbed them, leaving him a little bewildered as soon as his brain registered his own actions. “S-S-S-So-Sorry.”
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            sunlight  was  such  a   bitch!         jai didn’t even feel that strung out from the previous nights events,  yet somehow the incessant rays of the   HIDEOUS   ball of fire in the sky were making his temple throb.    so he’d scavenged himself a pair of pink sunglasses from an equally as  bright  &  headache inducing boutique he’d passed.    he didn’t know who   claire  was,   but he was sure she wouldn’t mind him borrowing them.    based on the strange looks he was getting,   some people seemed to though.   catching his reflecting in a store window,  he smiled.       just because they couldn’t pull of such a  statement  outfit.
            a sudden force of impact knocked him back to his senses   (  if his rambling thought pattern could be considered as sense  )   his head spun for a fem moments,    disturbing his balance.   one leg bent  behind the other   &  suddenly,   that extra  e  he popped last night was taunting him as he stumbled.  thankfully he had a  night in shining armour.       ‘ nah,   that was  m’bad. ’     somehow,  he found his feet   ‘  distracted by my own ALLURE.’      he tipped an imaginary fedora at the stranger,      ‘ thank you for saving my dignity. ’
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beelzebvbs · 5 years
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            avan jogia + cismale + he/him.┊ ❛ ━ hey, is it just me or do you hear ( i predict a riot by the kaiser cheifs ) playing in the distance ? oh, thats just ( beelzebub ), a ( chaotic neutral ) member of the league of ( villains ). i suspect they might be ( jai virani ), a ( twenty seven ) year old ( nightclub owner ) with the ability of ( living being possession ). according to my sources, ( he ) can be ( eccentric ), but also ( uninhibited ) which is probably why they remind everyone of ( unwashed hair, leisurely strolls at midnight & pounding drum and bass ) so much. anyway, a ( supervillain ) or not, crystalline city is keeping a close eye on them! ( jd, twenty one, gmt, she/her )            tw: substance abuse, death/murder mention, overdose
do you get bohemian rhapsody stuck in your head just looking at the word beelzebub?  bc i’ve had nothing else in my head since i wrote my app and hope you get  cursed with that same fate.    ur welcome.  
a little about me:  howdy, i’m jd. sadly no affiliation with the one from heathers. from the uk, uni student. have too much time on my hands so this happened.  i’ve been in my fair few rps but jai is a new kid for me so bare with me whilst i figure out his character a bit as i write him. but yeah, here’s what i can tell you so far.
his upbringing:   grew up with rich & strict parents. his mother is a lawyer and his father owns a real estate firm. he always had money but his parents were the kind of people who encouraged their kids to work for what they wanted.  his sister put herself through law school and got a job at her fathers firm through her own merit.  jai never liked work though so he planned on becoming a company boss like his father so he could just boss people about. didn’t factor in that he’d have to work to get to that point. 
discovering his mutation:   jai was fourteen when he discovered signs of his mutation. he’d had sensations relating to it before then but just assumed they were splitting headaches so he smoked weed to block out the feeling. it was when he was high that he ended up accidentally possessing his best friend ( as you do)  but just assumed he was off his face and forgot about the incident. over the years more and more incidents like that happened but he just took more drugs to cope with it until he overdosed at 17. in order to protect his consciousness, he possessed the paramedic who came to help him.  seeing as how, when he’s possessing something his eyes turn black, everyone figured something was wrong.  when the paramedic he questioned was clearly unable to do his job, jai freaked and went back into his own body. which is when it became very evident he was abnormal.
the aftermath:   for jai discovering he was a mutant made everything click, for his family not so much. his parents assumed it was a medical condition that could be fixed. as they worked on that, he worked on his mutation through online forums & stuff.  he found a way to split his conscious so he could stay in his own body as well as other peoples.  when the tension in his house got too much he possessed his own father to give him all his credit cards and cash then his car keys. so yeah, lil bit of grand larceny.
now:  jai fell in with other mutants when he started hanging round late at night. they helped him get his skills and eventually he strengthened his mutation. he bought one of the underground dingy clubs they used to hang out in with his fathers stolen credit cards and named it ‘luxor’ you’d think with a mutation to play with jai wouldn’t turn to drugs again but  nah.  he gets bored too easily so he ended up turning his club into what was essentially an ecstasy lounge.  bc why the fuck not?  the only reason most people go to his dingy af club is to lose their inhibitions.
personality:  jai can be a real dick.  he doesn’t bite his tongue for anyone. does whatever he wants.  has a stigma against humans due to his parents reaction to his mutation.  also thinks they are very weak willed.  he’s pansexual because his tastes are non existent.  likes to think he’s one of the key players in the villain world but is legit just a nuisance who needs people to tell him he’s the shit. 
mutation:  jai has the power of possession.   he can transfer & split his conscious into several parts and possess any living or formerly living thing.  it takes more energy to possess something dead though. at the moment he can split his conscious into six parts.  his power doesn’t tend to work on telepaths though.  he has better control over humans as well.  when it comes to making a person be violent, it’s quite simply to do but when it comes to actually killing, it tends to work better if the person is weak minded or has desires to kill someone themselves.  
i think that’s about it ( she says as if she hasn’t just written an entire essay)  i’ll probably harass a few of you for plots bc everyone here looks neato.  like this post or hmu if you’d like to sort something out. open to anything.  and don’t forget love my son.
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beelzebvbs · 5 years
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Avan Jogia as Ulysses Zane in The Rules of Attraction (Now Apocalypse 1x03).
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