#//starter game? weak
yusuke-of-valla · 6 months
The thing about mean rivals is that like there's kinda a reason we stop having them the second the plots started getting world-ending in scope and that's because you do not have time to deal with some whiny asshole who you've beaten over and over again's shit when a space chinchilla is about to suffocate everyone in the region
Like if they're a dick to you the entire way through they quickly become all bark and no bite because narratively they're going to keep losing to you, and again progressively destroying the ego of a small child is second to whatever this year's eldritch abomination is (and if they went so far as to help the eldritch abomination it raises questions about why they're friendly enough to battle you in the post game).
So like. It's simpler if they're just nice? And have arcs where the fact that they keep losing to you is the point? Your rival isn't the final boss anymore you don't have to build up to finally being able to defeat them for good (except not really) (I guess Hau in USUM arguably but LBR the final boss is Ultra Necrozma)
Like I guess I get annoyed when people don't acknowledge there's a point to how the rivals have been handled since gen 3. You don't have to like it per se but there's a reason the rivals are like this and it's not just the devs don't want to upset little kids.
The fact that the adults care about your safety on the other hand...
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lunarharp · 1 year
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happy scriblings & playing games (VERY LIGHT new zelda spoilers btw i guess lol)
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wetsocksinbed · 1 year
me playing Gotham Knights, seeing Red Hood in his mask: baby, smol boy, precious, husband material, loml
me when he has no mask on: demon, ugly man, mortal enemy
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dvsconocvdo · 2 months
closed starter for Brielle @cantfightmoonlight during: Ro & Jo wedding dinner
"I'm really glad we got our bouquets to match." Amrita said as she offered Brielle a small smile. "I didn't think it would make a big difference, but it definitely did. You have an eye for this stuff." She sniffled. It had been a while since she last cried, but her nose still felt congested. "Do you feel better now that we're not on the beach?"
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ajsmins · 2 years
i'm not usually the type to dabble with social media much, but during my holiday my brother introduced me to tiktok and that was the biggest mistake he could have made. i stumbled across that whole viral meme that's going around about the dog that says 'let me do it for you' in that silly little voice, and ever since anytime my mum tries to do something i tend to cut in and say that to her. i'm pretty sure i've done it so much in the last three days that she's ready to kick me outta the country and send me back to los angeles. what's a viral meme that has completely taken over your life? / @cityofdreamsstarters​
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cliffordsaucex · 2 years
I’ve reached this point in my life when I need a hobby or something.  I don’t want to take up golf, or surf.  I grew up on an island.  If I wanted to do that, I would have started already.  I’m newly divorced and I should be exploring this new freedom, but I’m also not the guy who used to hit up the clubs and party all night.  Ideas, suggestions, thoughts of randomness?  I’m here for it.  @gonehollywoodstarters​
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ashtonfletcherxo · 2 years
for a moment there, i thought i was really losing it. i got a giant amazon package delivered and for the life of me, i could’ve remember ordering it. i’m not much of an online shopper and as a rule, i try not to give into over-consumerism. however, ashton on weed clearly doesn’t agree. i’d ordered all the usuals; tapestries, incense, crystals and... a stripper pole? oh, one of these is not like the others. i was going to return it but i got such a mocking from my mates that i’m keeping it out of pure spite. brb, going to google all the exercises i can do on it. what’s been your worst spur of the moment online purchase? or, what’s something that you’ve bought on a whim and it turned out to be the best thing ever? gimme all of your wildest shopping stories, while i try figuring out how to get ready for swimsuit season with my new stripper pole. / @gonehollywoodstarters​
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austin-cartwright · 1 year
WHO: providencepeakstarters (4/3) CLOSED WHERE: Bonfire Bash
She'd been looking forward to the comfort of her own bed, the soft pillows and fluffy blanket, after spending a week camping in the jungle in Cambodia but it seemed like her hometown had other plans for her. Having completely forgotten about the End of Summer Bonfire, she'd shown up at her parents' house just as they were leaving to join the festivities. Sure, the Cartwrights weren't planning on spending the night but you'd be hard pressed to find a town event that didn't have the two Texas transplants in attendance. Even if it was only for the s'mores. So Austin tagged along, catching up with her mom and dad for a few hours before breaking off to set up her own tent before beginning to search for people she hadn't seen since she'd been home for the holidays.
However, what should have been a simple twenty minute task tops, had Austin cursing out loud as one of the poles for the tent she'd borrowed from her parents house snapped, a piece of flimsy metal going flying. "Heads up!" She called out, standing to her full 5'4" height as she spoke in hopes it made her words more clear, before flopping back onto the ground with a huff. If she wanted to sleep on the ground she'd have stayed in Cambodia. At least there her tent was reliable. "Well looks like I'm taking sleeping under the stars literally tonight." She grumbled, mostly to herself, as she opened a beer and took a long drink from the bottle.
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milcstellcr · 1 month
i can't tell you how excited i am for football season to jump into full swing. i feel like this year the bengals are gonna make it all the way to the super bowl. make sure those chiefs don't swoop in and steal another ring from you. @joeburrcw
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dncinginthemccnlight · 10 months
Closed starter: Constance Seymour and Nazli Najafi (@frvgcleternty)
Location: English quarters
The English quarters were an odd mix of activity and quiet in the days that followed the princess' birth. Though the nursemaids were the most constant of visitors, the ladies of court all flowed in and out, bringing their gifts and fawning on their beautiful queen and her lovely little angel. In fact, so great was the love for the princess that the gifts began to overflow the nursery. Constance, though not known for her sweetness, knew what it was to be swamped in baby items so she found herself helping to organize the new presents. She held up a small dress, full of lace and frills, and remembered when her own daughter had been so small when the door opened and Nazli came in. "I was just thinking that I cannot believe the princess is finally here. Look at all these dresses. She will never have to wear a single dress twice," Constance laughed, hanging the dress and smoothing out the wrinkles.
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dxnielibxrra · 10 months
starter for: @aurorabaystarter / location: tidal wave
Daniel stood in front of the music shop, envisioning what decorations he wanted to set up or if he should at all. He could make Wren and Finnley put them up for him and take them down. Moments like this is why he enjoyed having people work for him. "What do you think about a giant tree by the record player and dangling ornaments?" His question was to anyone that surrounded him in the moment.
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steviekepler · 2 years
WHERE: bay farmer's market. WHO: [ open ] & stevie.
A reusable grocery bag hung off Stevie's arm as she made her way down the rows of vendors at the farmer's market. So far, she'd only snagged a few oranges, but she'd set her sights on the avocados from several rows away. Now that she was standing here, though, one slightly squishy avocado in hand, she realized she had absolutely no idea how to properly pick one. They were sensitive little things; not ripe enough and she'd have to wait to eat it, which... patience was a virtue, sure, but not one she'd ever know in this lifetime. But overripe and she'd be cutting into brown mush, which... gross.
Still glancing down at the avocado in her hand, she sensed the presence of another shopper standing a little off to the side. For just a moment, Stevie felt a small sense of shame that she had never learned how to do something as simple as shop for groceries like a normal person, but growing up like she had meant a dollar for a ten pack of ramen noodles was a far better deal than a dollar for a fruit with a very short shelf life. And then in LA, the only part Stevie played in grocery shopping was Venmoing her roommate.
She held up the offending fruit and humbled herself as she turned towards the other shopper, asking, "how do you when it's a good avocado? I know you don't want it to feel like a rock, and too much squish is bad, but how much squish is too much squish?"
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gleatherwood · 7 months
Random question: but did anyone make a New Year's resolution and if so how are you guys doing? I'll admit it I messed up royally a few weeks ago but I'm back on track and won't make that mistake again...I'm getting the impression it might just be me though?
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ofchrysoprase · 2 years
open event starter ( @shrikestart​ ) location: north pole station
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“Hey, hon? I might need some help here.” Aaron admitted, turning to the person next to him with a quiet sigh. After continuing their struggles for a good few minutes, they finally realized they should probably ask for a second opinion. It was a little embarrassing to admit that this was their first time putting together a gingerbread house, but it had sounded cute and simple enough for them to want to give it a try. Now they were by no means a good cook or baker and had no clue what they were supposed to be doing exactly, to their own disappointment.
The blond puffed up his cheeks in frustration and then slowly exhaled again. “I really, really hate to ask, because I see kids doing a better job. And I’m usually good with my hands. But the candy keeps falling off so I pressed it harder and now the whole house is starting to collapse.” There was a hint of panic in their voice and eyes, their body tensed up slightly, in contrast to how relaxed they had been just a few minutes ago.
“I’m really sorry to have to ask, I don’t mean to keep you from finishing your own house.”
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