#jaebum fan fic
kissmejae · 5 years
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PAIRING: Im Jaebum × Reader
GENRE: fluff, relationship
SUMMARY: As Jaebum is completely worn-out from work, Y/N babies him on their day off.
WORD COUNT: 1.3k words
A/N: I’ve had this idea with Y/N drying her boyfriends hair and massaging his shoulders so here you go 💌
“I want to make you feel good.”
“I said I want to make you feel nice. Go get a shower and come back out here baby.”
You and Jaebum were laying on the couch, almost ingrained by now, as you had been doing absolutely nothing for hours.
“Will you join me?” he asked with a smirk.
“No you fool, that’s not what I meant,” you laughed.
His head was resting on your lab while you were playing with his hair.
“Ugh, I’m already feeling so good I’ll never get up…”
“I promise it’ll be worth it, and besides you smell!”
“I hate you.”
You couldn’t blame him for not wanting to get up, your poor boyfriend had been really overworked and worn-out these past weeks. That’s the thing about being an idol – he was always in the middle of a big project, preparing for comebacks or concerts, or he was traveling. No such thing as a dull period a work. You saw the bags under his eyes turn more and more navy every day, his muscles got more sore, his mind more jaded. That’s why you thought he deserved a little extra care today.
His hooded eyes revealed that he was seconds from falling asleep, so you tickled his sides ever so lightly to make sure he wouldn’t – desperate times call for desperate measures.
“Hmmm, I hate you more,” he grunted, twisting his body to avoid your teasing fingers.
This allowed you to get your hands under his back and push him up to sit.
“Off you go you big baby, and don’t dry your hair too well!” and thus he shuffled towards the bathroom, moments later you heard the water flow from the shower.
Now, the livingroom was actually quite cozy already, but you were certain that you could do better. You lit a few more candles, put on some relaxing music, and made your way to the kitchen to brew a pot of tea for Jaebum. Lastly, you threw away some of the pillows scattered on the couch so there was room for your boyfriend to lay down.
You only just finished before Jaebum came out from the bathroom. A dark t-shirt clung to his damp torso,  his body was steaming just a little and droplets of water occasionally dripped from his black tufts of hair.
“Good boy,” you smiled, caressing his cheeks with your velvety hands and asked him to lay down on his back.
You snugged your softest blanket over his warm body before sitting down on the couch yourself. Facing the exhausted boy in front of you, you sat in a cross-legged position, placed a towel on your lap, and guided his head up on your lap.
“Close your eyes my love.”
And so the did.
You took each end of the towel and began stroking his wet locks, slowly removing the remaining water from his head.
“Isn’t this exactly what you needed?” you asked. He could only hum in a positive manner. He honestly looked so adorable and peaceful that you had to bow down and place a kiss on his forehead. As you rose your head he opened his eyes for a moment. His gaze was so full of love.
You continued to dry his hair, making sure to massage his scalp gently. Some time went by, and you noticed that his skin was becoming a little matte.
“Did you remember to moisturise?”
Again, he was too tired to speak, so he only shook his head a little. Luckily, you were prepared and had a lotion waiting on the coffee table.
“Thought so.”
Letting go of the towel, you took the tube and applied a dollop to your fingertips. It smelled very fresh and lovely. You spread it out a little and started to press it into his clean skin. Cheeks, chin, forehead, temples, nose. Your fingers moved in featherlight circles on his face, making sure to cover every inch of it.
He managed to mumble something about how he didn’t deserve you, and you could only chuckle in response.
You could stare at his serene face forever. Especially when you thought about how much stress he had endured lately, it was a pleasure to care for him like this. Making sure he felt good and safe.
Not forgetting to take care of his drying lips, you applied some balm to his lips with your index finger.
“Why are you using your finger?”
“What do you mean?”
“Use your lips… Please…”
“You’re so dumb,” is what you said, but you still submitted to him and kissed the corner of his mouth.
“One more…”
So you gave him another kiss.
Your hands found the towel again, focusing more on the massage this time as you dried his hair. Running your fingertips along his hairline. The hairline that you rarely saw because Jaebum always wore his hair down, so you could only catch a glimpse whenever he was frustrated – that was when he’d always sweep his hair back over and over again.
“I like it when you look this peaceful…”
“So do you.”
“I do?”
“Yes… I’m almost suspecting you of doing all of this for your own sake,” he joked.
“Maybe you’re not wrong. It makes be happy to do this for you,” you smiled back.
“I love you.”
It always felt like a soft light running through your body when Jaebum said this. Every time. You let go of the towel and caressed his cheeks, bowing down to rest your forehead gently on his. Taking in his presence, his smell, his warmth. Just staying like that for a little while. Feeling a complete sense of serenity.
“Are you feeling good?”
“I think your hair is dry now. Do you want a bit of shoulder massage?” you whispered.
“Oh I thought you’d never ask,” he said and you could feel how he glowed at your request.
And so you sat up once again, slipping your hands underneath his shoulder blades. Feeling every inch of his upper back, pressing a little to find out where he was tense and sore. Detecting every little knot that had build up from all those hours practising. Moving your thumbs up along the back of his neck, noticing the evident stiffness. You lightly massaged him all over, warming him up. It wasn’t the first time you did this for him, his neck and shoulders tensed up within a week if you didn’t help him. There was a professional at the agency, of course, but Jaebum insisted that no one did it as well as you. So Jaebum knew that your massage wasn’t all cuddles and tender touches, but he also knew that he’d feel so, so good afterwards. When you had finished giving every muscle a little love, you returned to the knots you had found earlier. You firmly pressed down on each one for a long time, softening the tension. Rubbing in circles. Jaebum frowned a little at the pain, but you assured him that you’d be done in a minute. You could feel how every nodule calmed down to your touch.
It was no lie that your hands were getting weary from the work they had done, so after a while you continued to massage his shoulders softly like you did earlier. Your hands found their way to his ears, giving them a gentle rub as well.
Just as the candles were burning out on their own, you recognised that you were just as sleepy as your boyfriend, so you asked him to scoot a little to make room for you. You slid a pillow underneath his heavy head, and laid down next to him, finding your way under his blanket and curled your arm around his torso. The soft music was still playing as you both dozed off, feeling completely content and safe.
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moonbelt · 7 years
»mind over matter
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↳ neighbors to lovers au
⇢ pairing: jaebum | reader
⇢ genre: fluff + slight angst + sexual themes
⇢ word count: 9.704
⇢ description: as it turns out your cat loves your neighbors apartment more than yours. consequently it happens to belong to the new neighbor dude that’s stuck comforting you after a measly break-up.
author’s note: born out of this request, and the sheer need to read a neighbor au fic haha. i hope you enjoy it anon! i really hope i did this justice!!
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It takes only a moment for your life to change right before your eyes. And although you had never been one to abide or listen to corny quotes ripped off the internet, your step-mother had framed more than half of them around your apartment. In an attempt to bring "life" into your dingy residence. You hadn't even realized that they could, in fact, be true. Actual facts.
You had long since accepted the fact that there were always greater things at work. You were in control of your life but not that of others. Everything had a cycle, a plan, and that didn't by default make it any fair. Nothing in life ever was, your mother had drilled into your head, but that didn't stop you from resenting it.
You resented the things you could not change and loathed the things you could. Like how you could've prevented this whole shit-show from happening if you'd opened your eyes a little wider and seen all the thorns beneath the roses. The thorns being your ex-boyfriend. Major emphasis on the ex because you wouldn't be caught dead crawling back to that bastard, Theo.
Theo. It all led to him.
Well not necessarily everything, more like anything that had to do with your romantic and, in a long round-about, extended way, your social life. A deep shudder racks through your body as you begin to think about him. Oh God, you wanted so badly to run out of your apartment and back to his and smack his head so hard he saw the stars all the way from the Upside Down.
So maybe you're being a bit overdramatic when you say: All the moments that have happened so far in your life were, inevitably, leading to shit. But in no way are you not entitled to say it.
Your boss had nitpicked everything you'd done all day, creeping steadily up your already tensed nerves. One of your colleagues — René — was always within earshot when this happened, like glue you couldn't scrape off no matter how hard you tried. Always ready to throw a sly remark your way every time your boss had something to complain about. The only thing stopping your fist from connecting firm with her jaw was the fact that you prided yourself on having more class than her.
This decision that you wrongfully, and albeit naively, made came back to bite you deep in the ass.
Reason one as to why you're cooped up in your small apartment alone on a Friday night. Keyword in that sentence is: alone. You suppose that the blame doesn't lie with René alone. It's more eighty percent Theo and twenty percent René. Theo. Even his name begins to remind you of quickly decomposing poop. You would never have guessed him to be a cheater, but then again you had been blinded by whatever the heck it was you'd seen in him.
You shudder for the nth time that night as you bring your blanket closer to your chin and sigh into your chest. This whole situation is stupid and you're positive that in three months you'll look back at it and laugh. But not now. Now you'd rather throw yourself into watching your favorite French melodrama titled Piégé.
At first, you'd only started watching it in a bid to get more accustomed to the language as you were taking a French course in college and you did not want to fail. But it had been approximately eight months since you'd graduated university and you were under no obligation to be watching it anymore. In fact, you have no idea how you even got into Piégé in the first place, but at least it's helping you attempt to forget what a shitty boyfriend Theo had been. Never mind that the series is filled to the brim with unnecessary drama. But, hey! You'd rather watch the drama about other people's lives than dwell on the drama brewing in yours.
Turning your attention back to your laptop that's gingerly placed on your lap, you try to get immersed back into the film. The main character — Alphonsine Vernoux — is saying, no screaming, at her boyfriend to get out of her apartment because she "can't be with him because our parents would never approve." Her boyfriend, a man named Jean-Louis refuses and long story short — because there's a lot of back and forth squabbles that ultimately mean the same thing; Alphonsine and Jean-Louis have really hot make-out sex.
The scene though is disrupted by your phone beeping off with the arrival of a new text message. It's from Youngjae, your best and only friend from work. For a moment, you're tempted to ignore it and watch Jean-Louis push Alphonsine up against the wall in sexy frustration. But alas, you decide against it, Youngjae probably has a really good reason for seeking out your companionship, even if it does come in the form of a text and my actual speaking.
Youngjae: Did you know a Tarantula spider can survive for more than two years without food?? [9:32 pm]
You fight a laugh as you think of an answer. And you'll admit, you had no idea this particular breed of spider could survive that long. You figure he must be watching another documentary because this is a reoccurring theme. Almost every(?) night, Youngjae sends you threads of rapid-fire texts narrating the things he found out from animal documentaries, that he's definitely already watched a thousand times but still is beyond fascinated by. Usually, you also sent him texts about Piégé but today you weren't feeling it.
You: really??? thats cool. maybe i should hope to be a tarantula in my next life? [9:33 pm]
Youngjae: lol who says you even have a next life? might be ur last one right now [9:36 pm]
Youngjae: oh hey, i was gonna ask you. are you and theo down to go watch a movie tomorrow? that new horror movie you were wanting to see is playing [9:36 pm]
You stare at your phone for a good ten minutes wondering what exactly you should send as a reply, berating yourself for having not yet told Youngjae about the things that transpired between you and Theo. That you caught Theo in bed with René roughly a week ago and you doubt you even want to tell him.
You know he won't pity you, Youngjae would most likely feel saddened by the events but not pity directed at you. Maybe pity directed at Theo? Because he damn sure lost the second-best thing that happened in his life, the first best thing being Ara, your cat. And it's not like you're heartbroken and devastated by what happened, you feel more sad about it than anything. Sad and tired. Five months with that dude and it all amassed to absolutely nothing.
The only thing that seems able enough to break you out of your trance state is the loud blaring of your alarm clock as it reads you the time. Nine forty-five. Time for you to feed your cat. Your cat that always seems to magically disappear once you get home from work. You groan. Ara had always been fonder of Theo than you, after all, he had been the one to pick her out. You had wanted a dog but as always, Theo had convinced you. And even though at first, you'd hated how Ara scratched almost everything in sight, she'd grown on you and now you wished she'd done the same.
Pushing yourself off the sofa, you make your way to your apartment searching for Ara. Usually, she likes to hang in dark places, ergo your closets, but after you make two rounds of opening and closing every drawer or door without finding her, you begin to think that something has gone amiss.
Alphonsine Vernoux is still going on whatever new drama has befallen her. She talks in rapid French that you don't understand completely because of the lack of your trusty subtitles. Well not talking, more screaming than anything. She always seems to do more screaming than actual talking, but maybe that's just you.
"Merde!" She cries now, and if the broken understanding of the language is anything to go by. Fuck! is the translation.
Fuck it really is. You can't lose a cat. Correction: you can't lose your cat. You love Ara too much and although the love isn't reciprocated in the same way you want, you can't be responsible for the death of a good ole cat.
Okay, so maybe the 'good' is an oversimplification but you don't want the blood of anything on your hands, with a little exception for Theo, you're not above getting into a catfight with him (which you technically already did, although the damage was mainly done with words.) Calling Theo a bloody bastard and airing out all his dirty laundry (mainly his nauseating habits that you'd pushed to the side) to dry in front of his new fling, René was as much metaphoric blood you were willing to have sprayed on your hands. Maybe you were being more influenced by your dramas than you thought?
But back to the real point at hand, you do not want ill to befall anyone (apart from Theo). And especially not your cat.
You're so far gone with searching every nook and cranny of your little apartment for a hint of Ara that you don't notice the incessant knocking that has started tapping up your door. Quickly, you drop the pile of clothes you'd thrown out of your wardrobe, as you had raided to look for Ara, and head over to your front door.
Peering up through the peephole, you try to decipher who's there. Hopefully not Theo. He'd tried stopping by twice since you broke up with him and it always ended in you telling him to get the hell out and he claiming to have made a "grave mistake" and all that jazz that you do not believe which leads to you yelling at him to leave again. Jesus Christ, you were turning into a miniature Alphonsine, the only thing missing was the hot sex. Which you weren't getting any time soon and even if you were, it sure as fuck wasn't coming from Theo.
But regardless of this new discovery, you're still in no mood to see him today. You already have to deal with him every day at work and you'd rather not bring that hell of a mess home.
So, when you pull the door open the door, you're somewhat already preparing yourself to clash face-to-face with your ex. Ready to send him away again because, for the love of God, you're not going to hand him a second chance even if your life depends on it. But instead of Theo, it's someone completely different. Someone that's holding a sleepy Ara in his hands, scratching her head lightly.
"Oh my god," you say, reaching for Ara and taking her cautiously into your arms. You know better than to try and disrupt her sleepy state. "Thank you so much. I had no idea she even left the apartment."
The man waves away your gratitude with a shrug, smiling in a blithe manner. "It's no problem at all. I'm not sure if you noticed but she likes coming to my apartment a lot."
This is news to you but you don't want to seem as incompetent as you feel in front of this stranger, so you force a smile unto your face and try to relax the tensions in your shoulders.
"Really? I'm sorry but I have to ask, who are you?"
A look of embarrassment washes over his features as he soaks in your words. Maybe you were too harsh, calling him out like that? But you truly didn't know him at all. There was no way you'd ever forget a face like his, you don't think. He didn't have rough around the edges, rogue looks like Theo (or any of your exes, to be honest) but he had a sort of laidback and soft vibe with black locks falling short off his shoulders in smooth bouncy waves.
Clearing his throat, he replies. "I'm your neighbor, Jaebum. You can call me Jae for short. I moved in about four weeks ago? Sorry I wasn't able to introduce myself earlier, but yeah, your cat likes to come over to my place and at first I really did think she was a stray, that's why I've been taking care of her anytime she showed up but had I known, I would've never tried to impose on you like that, that was—"
You have a feeling that he's not going to stop rambling unless you do the honors of helping him. So, you interrupt.
"It's okay, don't worry about it... Jae. She can do that sometimes. I really should get her a collar or something."
Since she'd mostly stayed at Theo's place and not yours, you hadn't thought about getting her one before. Theo didn't want it on her and you hadn't really thought about the possibility of losing her. Mainly because the events that surrounded you bringing Ara to your place had been unnerving. You'd found Theo in bed with Rene and subsequently, you had stormed out of there (after giving him a full piece of your broken mind) with Ara in your hands and your car keys already fumbling with trying to open your car.
"What's her name?"
Jaebum — Jae — is the one to shake you out of your thoughts, looking genuinely curious to know the answer to his question. You figure there's nothing wrong with telling him, especially since he'd been kind enough to take care of her in your negligence.
"Ara," you finally say, giving him a dry smile. "Thank you for taking care of her for me in my absence."
He shrugs again, running his hand through his hair and you watch as Ara meows as she stretches her body towards him. You still in your movements of scratching the top of her head. She never does that. At least, she's never done that to you, she'd always craved Theo's attention and now you see, she craves Jaebum's.
Maybe she's going through a phase where she only wants male attention?
You think it'll be rude to send him on his way without making small talk so after a while of restraining Ara in your arms, you fix your gaze back to him and say:
"So... do you have any cats?"
"Yeah. Three but one is staying over at my sisters for the meantime."
Wow. You don't think you could ever be responsible for more than two lives, you could barely remind yourself to have three meals a day and had to set timers to feed Ara because, god willing, you are bound to forget to one way or another. So, for that reason alone, you begin to hold this neighbor of yours on a higher pedestal. Taking care of three cats doesn't sound as comfortable or easy, you admire him for that.
"You must really love cats then," you snort to yourself at how obvious you're being. Of course, he loves cats, he has three.
He nods his head, probably realizing that this is his cue to leave. "Cats are amazing. Anyways, it was nice meeting you..."
"y/n," you fill in for him.
Jae smiles at your name as he continues on. "It was nice meeting you, y/n. If Ara ever needs to hang out with other cats or anything like that, mine seem to love her more than me."
Oh, how you can relate. Ara seems to like everyone else on the planet but you, her caregiver. You frown. Maybe you're feeding her food she doesn't like? You make a mental note to research more on cat food before you turn in for the night.
"Nice meeting you too, Jae. Hopefully, we see each other sometime."
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Against your own words, you do not, in fact, see each other sometime after that. If not for the fact that you're mainly preoccupied with due dates from work, you think you would have gone out of your way to make sure it happened because contrary to what your heart was telling you, you thought he was kind of cute. Well, not kinda. You really thought he was cute.
And if it had been of your own will, you would've long ago tried to ask him out on a date because hell, your single and ready to move past your ex. But your boss has ridiculously been on your case the past few weeks and by the luck of your fate, you've been paired, for the latest project, with René. René that refuses to let a day go by without rubbing into your face the "amazing" sex she's having with Theo, not that you even care. Fuck, you really want to deck her. How can someone be so un-classy about having your sloppy seconds? You'd never know.
Either way, René doesn't seem to be any help with the project. You've tried to work with her, although you really want to shove a stiletto heel through her eye for always going on and on about your fucking ex, she is adamant on not being productive or helpful. You wonder how she even got her job as a secretary in the first place. If you were the boss you'd never hire her. But in any case, you're stuck with her unhelpful ass for the next two weeks until the presentation to pitch a new update would be held.
"Ugh," you sigh to yourself as you lay on your living room floor, staring idly at your laptop. "This isn't going anywhere."
True to form, René had forgotten to send you the age demographics of people that had been using your company's app in the last six months. And without that vital information, you were stumped with how to prepare your speech. You wish you could call her and ask her to email it to you ASAP, but you know from experience that she would either ignore it or send you something completely irrelevant. What did you ever do to warrant such unprofessionalism from her, you wonder.
Flipping on your back, you stare absentmindedly at your ceiling. Maybe you should go out? It is a Wednesday night and you're almost certain that you're not going to clubbing today but you want to get out. So, after minutes of deliberating, you decide that you would go jogging. It's been a long time since you'd done anything active, you preferred to stay inside and watch stuff. But Piégé isn't scheduled to release a new episode until tomorrow, and you're bored.
Quickly, you go back to your room and try to find your exercise clothes that are hiding behind more used clothing. When you open your closet, you're met with the piercing blue eyes of Ara and your skin jumps off your bones.
"Oh my god, Ara," you say after catching your breath. "Why do you always do this."
These days she seems to be sulking. Maybe she's finally realizing that Theo is a no-show and you're all she's got. She refuses to allow you to carry her anymore and you think she's going through some kind of withdrawal phase. The only time she comes out of her dark places is to eat or to sit in front of the front door. Waiting for what? You don't know. But you guess she might be waiting for a long time.
Gingerly, you lift Ara up and make fast work with finding your clothes. Once you do, you strip out of your pajamas and change into your athletic leggings, a long-sleeved shirt and tie your shoes. Ara has made her way to the living room and once again has resumed her spot in front of the door. Christ, maybe you should call Theo and have the two of you work out details about the rearing of Ara.
Maybe two weeks with him and then two weeks with you? But then again, he hasn't actually asked about Ara at all since the breakup, so you wonder if he even cares that she's gone. You check to make sure her collar is on her neck before you grab your phone, keys, and earphones. Even though you're sure she won't care, you blow Ara a kiss right before you close the front door and lock it.
As you're walking past the apartment next to yours — room 321, to be exact — their door opens and out comes Jae. He has a leash connected to two collars that are respectively connected to one white cat and another black one. You still have at least a few seconds to dash down the stairs without him seeing you but you find your feet remaining where they are and you find yourself saying:
"Oh, hey!" There's so much excitement in your voice that you inwardly cringe at it. "Long time no see."
He makes a loud noise of surprise when his gazes rests on you, his hands reaching out to clutch his chest. "Shit, that scared me."
You laugh at him. His hair is hidden behind a gray beanie and it helps you see his face clearly and you notice the little black dot above one of his eyes, it's cute — you think.
"Sorry," you say, not sorry at all.
He knows this and his mouth breaks into a low smirk. He makes a move to run his hand through his hair but stops halfway when he remembers that he cannot because of the beanie. "Are you heading out?"
You nod your head. "Yeah, this body isn't going to work out itself."
"I'm taking Kunta and Odd for a walk, mind if I join you?" He points at each cat when he says their name and they perk up when he says it.
You suddenly feel like going back to your apartment and hugging Ara, but you know she'd probably scratch your face against the skinship. So, you grit your teeth and focus on the cats in front of you instead.
"Not at all. Do you have a route you usually take?" You ask as the two of you walk down the stairs, Kunta and Odd in Jaebum's arms.
"It's a pretty simple one. From here to the park and back."
Fucking hell. The park is at least thirty minutes away by car, imagine how far it'll be by walking? You groan at the thought. This is the first time you're going jogging in months and by god, you need to take it slow or else you'll end up passed out before you even make a round trip. Jaebum must realize your distaste about the prospect of making a fifty-minute walk because he offers to cut it short. Faster than you'd like, you agree to his adjusting. Maybe in a few weeks, you'd be able to, but right now in the state that you're in, you doubt you'll last.
Outside the August air is not as hot as you thought it'd be so you're thankful that you had enough sense to wear a long shirt because if not, you'd be tempted to run back inside your apartment and watch reruns of Piégé in the comfort of your bed. Jae sets his cats on the ground, oblivious to your internal turmoil, and begins to lead the way. Easily, you fall into step with him.
You find out that he's a very fast walker as you try to keep a conversation going. You ask him about his job and find out that he owns a pizzeria, to your astonishment. You'd always wanted to be your own boss, sadly that was a bust. He tells you that running his own place is pretty fun minus a few exceptions but it was a family business so, once he graduated college his father passed it on.
He asks you about what you do for fun and you tell him about your obsession — love — for Piégé with a pride in your voice. Although you tell him that you can't really watch it without subtitles since your French is still lacking, he seems blown by it regardless and you feel satisfied for some reason. Like you've impressed him a little.
After almost a good fifteen minutes of keeping the same pace and you feel as if you're finally getting the hang of things, he breaks into a run. You think you can keep up, you're not that out of shape but before you know it, you're struggling to release a breath and you're about ready to collapse on the concrete ground in defeat. Even his freaking cats have better stamina than you, damn.
"You okay there, y/n?" Jaebum asks when he catches a glimpse of you almost knocking your knees against each other. Fuck, this is embarrassing.
Struggling you manage a response. "Definitely. I'm a just a little... peachy."
Jaebum snickers at you, folding his arms across his chest and halting his steps to allow you calm down. "Really? Wouldn't have guessed."
You're tempted to throw him the finger because you know he is mocking you but instead, you squat down and place your head in between your hands. It hasn't even been thirty minutes and you already want to quit, how the hell is he doing it? You raise your head and give him a once-over. In his black t-shirt and matching basketball shorts, you think, he definitely looks the part of a healthy runner.
"Are you checking me out?"
Whoa, you are most definitely not. Okay, maybe you are. But it's not like you can help it. He has pretty defined muscles and his smile sort of does something to you, you're not exactly sure what, but you'd be a fool to deny how sexy he looks. He doesn't come off as cocky or overbearing. His looks are more soft and easy on your eyes, a good kind of feeling.
"So, what if I am?" You cock an eyebrow at him.
He doesn't expect your reply. You know this because, after a few seconds of him looking out of his element, he clears his throat and says:
"I was not expecting that."
You scoff lightly at him, standing back to your full height and dusting imaginary dust off your leggings. He's cute, you think for maybe the second(?) time that night.
"I'm ready to continue if you are," you pull your hair strands together and tie them into a ponytail.
"You're telling me," Jaebum laughs softly at the smirk dancing on your lips. "Bet you'll need another break in fifteen minutes."
Rolling your eyes, you pat his shoulder playfully. "Try me."
And try you he does. If you thought he was running fast before, he turns into damn sonic in front of your eyes. Holy shit, he's fast. You know now that he's toying with you, making you eat your own words. You kick yourself in the shin because of this, if you had kept your mouth shut, none of this would have happened and you wouldn't be begging for another rest-stop not even ten minutes later.
Jaebum guffaws at you as you crash with a heap onto a wooden bench littering around the plaza. Your muscles are crying for help, you think you might need to order an Uber to take you home because this running thing just isn't going to work out.
"Try me," he repeats your words but with a mocking undertone. "You're way too cute, you know."
Apparently, you don't know because you can feel your ears getting hotter by the second. Keep it together, y/n! You scream to yourself. You're not some high schooler. You've successfully graduated university; you are an adult. Being called cute should not get you lightheaded, goddamn! But your words fall on deaf ears because your body is still heating up, you effectively blame it on the lack of oxygen reaching your head and nothing else. Of course, nothing else.
"Shut up," you mumble mainly to yourself but he hears it and breaks into another fit of laughter. "I'll have you know, I'm usually a good runner. I'm just not in the mood today."
Jae raises his hands up in faux surrender. "Hey, hey. I believe you."
You want to chuck your sneakers at him but restrain yourself because you know there has to be something that he's bad at and when you find it, by gods, you would never let it go. You laugh to yourself. Yep, all you have to do is survive this one embarrassing moment and you're sure the world would be kind enough to repay back for your deed.
After all, life was all about the moments. And contrary to how the moments in your life were adding up about two weeks ago, this time the moments in your life, you were sure, are going to lead to you getting sweet, sweet revenge on Jae. He can have his laugh right now but you know in the end, you'll be the only one laughing... you hope.
It takes a while for him to sober up but when he does, he squats down and gives his attention to Kunta and Odd. He treats them tenderly and talks to them in a voice akin to what someone would use on a baby. You're not paying any mind to what he's saying until you hear your name fall from his lips. Much to your dismay, he is telling his cats all about your blunder and how he thinks you'll probably "pass out any minute now."
You huff out a breath and repeat your mantra to yourself. The universe was going to slip up and let you see the thing he was bad at, but until then you resign yourself to instead try your best at catching your breath.
You watch Jaebum interact with his cats and a small portion of your resolve fades away. You can tell that he really does adore them and for a moment you long for Ara. She's soft and cuddly whenever she allows you to hug her, you feel at peace thinking about it. Definitely one of the only good things that came out of your past relationship.
Contrary to the laugh bubbling in his chest, Jae is the one to suggest that the two of you head back to the apartment building without completing the route. You guess he's taking pity on your exhausted state because you simply can't do it anymore. The walk back is better and you're somewhat thankful that he doesn't start running halfway through.
He asks you, tentatively, about your job and it takes you several moments before you decide to tell him about your position as a management and research officer at a fashion wear company. The brand is considerably popular and you've seen more than a handful of people wearing the outfits your company produces. It fills you with joy that you're able to work there, although these days that joy has been replaced by laced displeasure, courtesy of Theo and René.
You don't tell him about them though, it's not like you want to air out all your problems, but you tell him about Youngjae — your silver lining of sorts. You tell him about the days where Youngjae is the only thing that keeps you smiling with his new discoveries from animal documentaries. Youngjae and you have been friends since your freshman year at college and you think it's a miracle that the two of you managed to get accepted into the same workplace.
Jaebum points out his favorite coffee shop as you near the apartment complex. It's a big one, the biggest store on the block, and you know this because you pick your late coffee fix from there when you're heading to work every morning. He likes his coffee black, no sugar and you gag over-exaggeratedly.
"What? It tastes good," he says incredulously.
You shake your head remorsefully, appalled by his lack of quality coffee taste. "It tastes like liquid shit and you know it."
He concedes. "Okay, maybe it does. But it keeps me awake at least."
Smiling smugly at him, you revel in your win. "Still tastes like shit."
The two of you keep talking about seemingly irrelevant things; his favorite genre of music, your love for ice cream in the winter, his favorite author — which happens to be William Shakespeare. You were tempted to laugh at him and call him pretentious until you saw the admiration glowing in his eyes; it was enough to make you reevaluate and let him go on a full expedition of his favorite works by him.
You don't realize you've been listening to him describe this love for at most eight minutes until you're in front of your apartment door and it's time to say goodbye but you kind of want to keep listening to him. It's something he really cares about, you can tell and for a reason, you don't know, it fills you with a sort of contentedness watching him talk about Shakespeare with such fervor.
Leaning on your apartment door, you're about to pitch in your own opinion to something he's said when your gaze catches someone walking up behind Jae. Oh, fuck shit. Groaning, you close your eyes. This cannot be happening. Not now, not here. You aren't starring in a melodrama, so why does it feel like you've been assigned the role of the main character?
"y/n!" The last person on earth that you want to see says with so much excitement in his voice you want to hurl yourself at the sun.
You can sense the confusion rolling off Jaebum in waves. You don't want him to be caught in the crossfire that's bound to happen between Theo and you. You're not very good with confrontations, blame Alphonsine for teaching you it was best to scream it all out when push comes to shove. You peel open your eyes and focus them unwaveringly on Jaebum.
"It was really nice hanging—"
"y/n! It's me, Theo," he repeats, coming closer and sidling up to you. "I came with flowers."
And what the fuck are flowers supposed to do? Flowers aren't going to keep his dick from finding the nearest trash can and dumping his load in it. God, you wonder, whatever you had ever seen in him?
Jae furrows his eyebrows in concentration, trying to piece who Theo is to you. Kunta and Odd are quickly becoming restless, wanting nothing more but to go into their home already and you take this as your cue.
"It was amazing hanging out with you Jae," you offer him a smile, ignoring Theo. "But I have to go now. We should hang out soon though, yeah?"
You don't wait for an answer, instead, you grab Theo's wrist roughly, because you're furious at him, and drag him into your apartment. You're about ready to pounce on him, ask him why the hell he's here — you thought you'd made it clear that you didn't want anything to do with him, apparently not clear enough.
"Jae? Who's Jae?" He asks once he's in the solace of your apartment.
"That's what you're asking me?" Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable this fucker is. "How many times do I have to tell you that I fucking hate you?"
"You don't hate me, y/n. Right now, you're angry, I get it. But we can work through this—"
You can't bear to listen to the bullshit that's coming out of his mouth. The way he says your name like you’re some kid that's throwing a non-deserved tantrum, makes you clench your fists at your sides. How, the ever-loving heck, had you dated him for five months? You can barely stand him now.
"Shut up! God, just shut up and get out. Why do you keep embarrassing yourself? Go back to René. The two of you deserve each other."
"I love you," he says and you know he's pulling out all the stops tonight directly out of his ass.
"Oh, fuck your love," you push his shoulder and direct him to the front door. Suddenly you're very angry, boiling even, and you can swear a vein in your neck is about to burst. "Go. I'm not playing Theo. If you don't leave, I'll call security."
There's a shift in the air and suddenly Theo is too close. You've never been afraid of him before; Theo's all talk and no bite. However, right now the feeling that slithers through your body is unadulterated anxiety. You're not backed against a wall but you feel like your safety has been compromised and you want him out. Out of your house, out of your hair, out of your life.
"Get out. We're done." You manage to say without your voice shaking, but your heart is pounding furiously in your chest. "I don't want you here."
"But you want Jae?" His already rough face contorts to something uglier. "What does he have that I don't, huh?"
For starters, he hasn't cheated on you, not like there's much competition there. Theo isn't the smartest cookie in the box, he thinks more with his sexual body parts than he does with his brain. You could swear that if you knocked on his head a shattering hollow sound will echo out, can't say you'd be surprised.
Alphonsine Vernoux, you think to yourself, watch me and be proud.
"His dick is pretty impressive, not going to lie."
Even when you're shaking in your boots, you can't really resist the urge to engage in a catfight with him. Your step-mother had always told you to go down screaming and by god, you are not going to allow Theo to intimidate you for something you don't need to feel bad for. Because you don't.
"You are a fucking slut!" His voice is loud and you can't help the incredulous laugh that falls from your lips.
"Me? Newsflash Theo; we're not together anymore. I can do whatever the hell I want."
He doesn't deserve an explanation because it doesn't matter. If he can do it when he's in a relationship, what's stopping you from doing it when you're not?
"It hasn't even been a month, y/n," he says this like it would matter to you if it has been a year or three. He doesn't own you, he ever did and he never will. Moreover, did he expect you to wait a fucking month to get over his sloppy ass?
"Are you seriously saying this right now? You're the one that screwed somebody else when we were dating! Are you fucking stupid or what?"
Theo blinks a dozen times a minute, not quite understanding what you're saying. A pig, that's what he is. So, he was allowed to go around sticking his small as fuck dick in anyone he pleased, but god forbid you do the same? (let's not even put into consideration the fact that you're single as a circle sure as hell isn't straight.)
Oh, how you want to reach up and smack him so hard he fades to dust on the spot but you're not crazy and you don't want to abuse him, you just want him to leave you alone.
"You know what? Just get out." Without waiting for him, you pull open your door and push him out with as much force as you can gather. "If we're not at work, I don't ever want to see your sexist, disgusting ass ever again. Take your stupid flowers and go give it to a bitch that cares because it sure as hell isn't me."
And then you slam the door with so much fervor it shakes on its hinges. You pull at your hair, agitated and tired because you hate him so much. Why did you even think it was a good idea to date him? The selfish prick only thinks about himself and must be some different type of delusional to think flowers were going to do anything to salve your relationship. Christ, you'd basically left Jaebum standing like a fool outside and for what?
You are pretty sure that he probably heard all that just happened. The walls in this apartment complex are thin and it's not like you weren't screaming at the top of your lungs. Ugh, you doubt he'd even talk to you again but you truly can't bring yourself to care anymore. All that you want to do now is sleep. Sleep and forget about everything. Never in your life have you ever felt so humiliated. If you could go back in time and erase meeting Theo from your history, you wouldn't even bat an eyelid.
Furiously, you punch the air and imagine it's Theo's face. It feels good to do it, like your dishing out his own medicine. You truly can't believe he thinks you were going to turn celibate because you dumped him, did he really have no sense? You keep going at it, punching the air until it feels like you've connected with his jaw because frankly, it's helping you release all your pent-up tension and annoyance.
A set of knocks proves to be the only thing able to bring you out of your punching galore and without missing a beat you yell:
"Go away, Theo! I mean it when I say I'll call the police. Don't try me."
"It's not Theo."
Indeed, Theo, it is not. Scrambling, you rush over and jack open your front door for the third time that night and through your eyes you see a glassy and blurry silhouette of Jaebum standing at your doorstep. Oh, he's not what you're expecting.
Clearing your throat, you attempt to correct your previous words. "I'm sorry about that. You're obviously not Theo and I'm sorry again for being so rude earlier, I don't—"
You're not really sure where you're going with your apology because even though you know what you want to say, the words keep mangling and choking up in your throat before you can say them.
"You're crying," he states softly and you realize now how wet your cheeks have become and why your vision is all muddled up.
"I'm not," you lie because dammit, you shouldn't be crying over that douche. You hastily try to wipe the tear marks away with the back of your palm but oh boy, they keep on coming.
He hesitates for a second before he raises his palm up and uses his fingers to rub at the tear stains. "You are. I heard what he said earlier."
You stomp your feet in annoyance because this is so unfair. How dare your ex just waltz in here and make you regret one of the best nights you've had in a long, long time. How fu—
"I for one, think your ex is the dumbest donkey on the planet. Not that I meant to eavesdrop or anything because I'd never do that but fucking hell, does he really have no filter? I've never been more inclined to use my fists and punch the light into someone as much as I want to do it to that dude. He deserves it, I think."
You crack a smile at his ramblings. God, it's endearing when he goes off tangent. Especially when you can see that he's trying his best to stop you from crying — he's doing a phenomenal job because you've been reduced to irregular sniffling.
"I'm sorry that you didn't get to finish what you were saying about how Shakespeare should be treated in modern society." You refer to your earlier conversation before everything had blown bigger than you could contain it.
"y/n," he sighs out your name. "I honestly don't give a flying shit about that right now. Your ex-said some really rude things and I hope you know it's not true."
"I know. I don't even know why I'm crying, I guess I'm just frustrated because I should have known he wasn't the smartest or the loveliest. God, how could I have been so blind?"
Jae shakes his head slightly, releasing your cheek and instead grabbing your elbows to keep up grounded. "What's done is done, so it doesn't matter but I just couldn't stand to listen to him degrade you like that. You're an amazing person y/n."
"Thank you," you say and you mean it. "I probably would have gone and cried myself to sleep if it wasn't for you."
Truthfully, you think you still will. At this point, you want to rush to your bed and collapse into a deep sleep for at least ten years. Like you've said again and again; you're not devastated. But you're so tired. Tired of it all.
"Or you could show me that French TV show you like. I wouldn't mind staying up with you and watching it if it means that you won't cry yourself to sleep... obviously, don't do this if you don't want to. I mean, I wouldn't hold it against you. Your stupid ex just came in and ruined your night, I don't want to impose on you and make you uncomfortable or anything like that because uh, you know that would suck. So—"
Watching him ramble on, you imagine the gears in his turning. On one hand, you could take his proposition as a move on a very vulnerable person but on the other you can take it as someone, a very nice someone that your body and mind seem to be keen on keeping around longer than you want, trying to console you. And you don't know why, but you think it wouldn't be a bad idea to allow him to do that.
"It's okay. You can come in," you cut him short as you step aside and push your open door wider, flashing him a watery smile. "I'm not exactly sure if you'd enjoy Piégé though. Loads of drama."
His eyes flicker between your face and then the floor, you believe he didn't quite expect you to accept his offer. But then he shoots you a slow smile in response. "Good thing I love drama then."
It is because it turns out that Jaebum loves Piégé more than you. Gradually but surely, it becomes somewhat of a ritual for the two of you to go for a run (something that you definitely got better at) and come back home to your apartment and watch the newest episode together. Something you never thought would be happening when you first met him.
You don't know when exactly the switch came but it did — slowly. You couldn't really deny the sexual attraction brewing between the two of you, not you wanted to, but this time you didn't want to build a relationship only on the physical. This time you wanted to actually know the person you were becoming accustomed to. And although we, as humans, can never know all there is to know about another person because we do not even know all about ourselves, you at least want to try. Especially since he lets you do it.
Finding out that Ara becomes way less irritable when Jae is around is a golden opportunity that you don't miss, and hence use it to keep him at your apartment longer because screw it, you feel something with him.
So, it comes as no surprise to you when he texts you in the middle of your workday — three weeks later — telling you that he has successfully binge-watched the first four seasons of Piégé in two days and he finally was up to date on the happenings of Alphonsine Vernoux and her love, Jean-Louis, so by association, you were finally able to gush and rave about the newest additions along with him and god, that was a good feeling.
It's not the same kind of feeling you had with Theo or Seongwon or any of your exes. This is different. It's calm. Being with Jae is calm and relaxing. It's more of a slight-tingle-that-washes-all-over-your-body-until-you-can't-think-straight kind of feeling. It's not explosive or counterproductive and it doesn't make you want to tear your hair out by just thinking of it. Instead, it makes you want to flow with the waves and enjoy the seasons because you know no matter what, you feel warm.
He makes you feel warm. When he remembers that your favorite time of the year is Halloween and hence helps you prepare two months in advance so the two of you can coordinate costumes for Youngjae's annual Halloween party. When he listens to you rant on and on about how much you hate René for making some otherwise snarky comment about your love life and when he rejoiced with you when she finally! packed her bags and moved five states over to marry the dude you hope will last with her for a long time because you know nobody else on this goddamn planet will.
When you introduce him to your rather small friend group and he makes it a sole duty to try and get in their good graces, which to be honest wasn't hard. He makes you feel warm when you listen to him talk about his dreams and his hopes or when he listens to you talk about the new things your attention has latched onto.
He makes you feel proud whenever you stop by his pizzeria and watch him handle his business in a cool, organized fashion. Most times trying to impress you and most times you leave there fully impressed. You listen to him talk about how much his dream of wanting to write and get something — anything, published. His parents had been against it. But then you encourage him to do it because fuck, life is too short to not do the things you love. And you can tell he loves it; in the way, his eyes light up every time you ask him about it.
"It's all about the moments," you tell him as you pretend to not see the corny grin lacing his lips as you do so.
He pushes you over the edge when he challenges you to do the things you're too afraid to. You never admit your fears but somehow, he knows them and proceeds to drag you out of your shell. You would say you hate it, but not really. You hate how he knows you like the back of his hand. You're not sure how you feel whenever his arms wrap around you at night and pull you closer to him, filling your emptiness with something more.
There's so much to be said about the way he holds you. Like you were made for him. He tells you he believes "loving one person for a long time is enough." And as the days add up to weeks that add up to months, you begin to believe them too. Being with him makes you believe in the corny quotes ripped off the internet that your step-mother has ingrained into you. It makes you wish you'd believed in them sooner.
He makes you feel content with everything every time his lips come in contact with your skin. It wraps you whole and makes you want to choke out "I love you," again and again until he believes it and burns it in his mind because it's true. When he doubts whether he is enough for you because he believes you're too good for him, you want to scream it aloud at him. Oh, how you want to but, you're scared. It's been months — eight to be exact — and you're not particularly sure if it's enough time for him to believe your words.
But after several weeks of trying to get Jaebum out of this stalemate that he's in, of him thinking that you deserve better than him when really all you ever want is him, you decide that you've had enough.
You corner him after work. A few hours after you've already gone back to your apartment to grab Ara for her nightly jog, you'll be damned if you allow her only to sit on her ass and eat all day, and left her to fall asleep soundly in the living room.
He's wrapping up the last things left to do at his store — telling one of his workers, a girl named Haru, to leave for the night and that he'll close up — when you find him. Instead of walking in like you'd usually do, you wait outside.
You're nervous. More nervous than you've ever been in your entire life. You've known for quite some time now that you love Im Jaebum. You love him so much that it seems almost stupid to not let him know. You know he loves you back, if not for the fact that the two of you have been dating for the past eight — almost nine — months, his little nickname for you "my love," was enough to tip you off. And at this point, you don't care. You just want to let it all out.
When he comes out of his store, wrapping a scarf tightly around his neck, you think to yourself: this is it. Looping your arm through his, you watch as an affectionate smile automatically slips onto his face. God, this is so incredibly corny but you feel your stomach do flips.
"How was your day?" He asks you first, maybe because he can tell how nervous you are. "Anything happen?"
You shake your head. "Not really. I did pitch in this really good idea though and my boss actually liked it. I thought I would cry."
"Bet you did," he chuckles out, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
"Did not. I would never cry in front of that woman. She'd probably fire my ass because of 'disruption or negligence of duties.'"
Jae snorts at that but doesn't say anything in response. Instead, his fingers rub slow circles on your shoulders and you think maybe he knows something is up with you. You know it's not that big of a deal, truly. You've told him how much you love him by your actions every day since the day the two of you got together but it still feels oddly different trying to get the words out because you feel like they'll come out wrong.
It's not till you reach the big coffeehouse, the one Jae adores, that he finally stops to ask you:
"Babe, what's wrong?"
And before you can stop yourself or even think through your next actions, you throw your arms around his neck and flush your lips against his. For a moment, he's stunned into stupidity but soon enough he's clasping one of his hands around your back and threading the other one through your hair and you're sighing into you him. "I love you." He laughs into your neck because it's so obvious.
"I know."
"No, no," he doesn't. Not in the way you're trying to say it. You break away, dazed. "I love you. I love you no matter what. I love your stupid bets to get me out of bed in the evening to go running with you, I love your writings and the little post-it notes you have stuck everywhere in my apartment. I love how you don't make me feel weak for crying when I get so frustrated, I love you for attempting to sing a lullaby for my niece that one time but instead made her cry the whole night.
"I love you for always knowing what you want to do but never trying to force it on me. You don't understand, Jae. I love you. And I hate that you think I deserve someone else because you're the best possible thing that's happened to me. You're my best moment and fuck, I hate seeing you doubt yourself so much and—"
"I know," he says again and this time you think, he really does. "I know and you don't have to force yourself to say it when you're not ready. I know you love me and I'm sorry for making you think that I didn't believe in it otherwise."
Without much words, he laces his fingers through yours and rests his forehead against your own. You think you finally understand why your step-mother went/goes through so much trouble to remind you that the moments you make in life are beyond important. They make you. They teach you about love. Not the love you thought you had or knew about but real love. The kind that fills you up and makes you a better person. The kind of love that's just waiting to consume you.
With his breath fanning against your skin, you feel everything at once. The connection you have with Jaebum, the guy that you were blessed to have as a neighbor. You suppose you should be thanking Ara for the two of you being where you are today. But then again if fate really wanted the two of you together, it would have happened with or without Ara's help anyway.
You can hear your heart pounding ridiculously loud but you take a deep breath and say it again.
"I love you."
And this time he doesn't say he knows, he says it back. "I love you too, y/n."
You wonder what passersby are thinking about the two of you. Two grown adults professing their love for each other on the street like they've run mad.
He raises his head and looks at you, eyes so intense and burning, like he'd been waiting for you to say it in this way. Not in a rush to get all the words out because you and he have all the time in the world, but slow and understandable. You squeeze his hand tighter.
Regardless of the moments that led up to the two of you being here together and the circumstances that surrounded it, you're thankful. So, fucking thankful, because it means more to you than you'd ever thought possible.
"So, I was thinking," Jae's lips tilt up after several moments. "Do you want to move in?"
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A/N: hey! it would be super cool if people gave me feedback on this :) i hope you liked it! thanks so much for reading !!
⇢ masterlist
©️ 2017 kai, moonbelt [aka high-on-food]
2K notes · View notes
definitelyseven · 4 years
liability | thirteen
summary: reporter meets mafia boss, Park Jinyoung
one | two | three | four | five | six (m) | seven (m) | eight | nine (m) | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen (m) | fifteen | sixteen (m) | seventeen | eighteen - final |
It’s been two days of being tied to a chair with little to no movement unless you needed to use the bathroom. You felt disgusting. You were exhausted and all you wanted to do was to lay down. 
“He’s here boss,” one of the men in black said to Jaehyun. You never thought you’d be so happy to see Jinyoung and Mark. 
“Bring him in,” Jaehyun said. You were sitting behind him with two men on each of your side as if you were going to run away. You locked eyes with Jinyoung. He looked like he hadn’t gotten much sleep either. “I told you to come alone.”
“Not a chance,” Mark responded as Jinyoung took a seat across from him. 
“She’s hurt,” Jinyoung spatted as he grabbed Jaehyun by the collar. “You son of a bitch, you touched her!” As fast as he grabbed Jaehyun, the guards were already on your neck with a gun pointed at your temple. You whimpered in fear. 
Jaehyun turned to face you, “Tsk tsk look how much he cares about you.” He pulls a gun out of his back pocket and points it at you. “Which one laid a hand on you, my dear?” he asked. You stayed quiet, frightened at what was going to happen next. “Him?” he asked again, pointing to the man on the right. He doesn’t wait for you to respond this time and shoots the man next to you. You feel his warm blood on your skin as you screamed in fear. Jinyoung lets go of his collar and pushes him back into his seat. He tries to make his way towards you, but Jaehyun’s men won’t let him. “Not him? What about him?” he questioned, pointing the gun at the man on the left.
“N-no, no one did this to me. I did it to myself,” you said shaking in fear. He smirks, turning to Jinyoung. 
“The things we do for love,” Jaehyun teases as he fixes his collar. “What happened to the cool, calm and collected Park Jinyoung?”
Jinyoung chuckles, “I thought you were better than this. Didn’t think you would stoop this low to get what you want.”
“We both know the business we’re in. I tried to come to you nicely, but you rejected me so I had no choice. Plus,” he turns to you. “She’s beautiful even when she’s distressed.”
“Shut up,” you and Jinyoung both said at the same time resulting in a loud chuckle from Jaehyun. 
Mark slides a manila envelope across the table. Jaehyun smirks opening the folder and quickly scanning the document, “75 / 25.”
Jinyoung chuckles, “No. No way. That’s way more than you even proposed!”
“I don’t think you’re in the position to argue,” he said crossing his arm. “How much is Y/N worth?”
“You don’t have to do this. Leave,” you begged Jinyoung.
“50/50 split for the new land I just auctioned from the government,” Jinyoung proposed.
“Tell me why you left her and then I’ll consider your offer.”
“I don’t want to know,” you whimpered with tears in your eyes. “You said you wouldn’t do this...”
“No I said I won’t tell him your secret,” Jaehyun corrected.
“What secret?” Jinyoung turns to you. You look down at your lap, not wanting to reveal anything to him. “Y/N!”
“Hey! I asked you something. Tell me why you left her,” Jaehyun repeats, slamming his hand on the table. 
“That’s none of your business. You got what you wanted! Now give her to me!”
“No I actually haven’t gotten what I wanted,” Jaehyun said unmoved. “We can do this all night, but doesn’t Y/N look so tired covered in all that blood?” 
“Please...please don’t,” you begged again with tears rolling down your cheeks. Part of you was begging Jinyoung to just leave you here, and the other part was begging Jaehyun to stop pushing for an answer. 
Jinyoung looked pissed. His eyes were watery and his hands turned white from holding it in a fist so tightly. “I left cause I didn’t love her. I used her for sex. End of story,” Jinyoung explained. You always knew that was the reason, but it hurt a thousand times more hearing it out loud. 
Jaehyun hissed, “I didn’t peg you as being such a dick.” He turns to you again, “Why don’t you be with me, baby? I promise I’ll never leave you.”
“She’s leaving with me tonight,” Jinyoung spatted through his teeth. 
“Should we tell him what happened?” he snickered. 
“Why are you doing this? If you want to hurt me, you’ve succeeded.”
“My plan was to never hurt you baby. It’s him and you just happen to be in the line of fire,” Jaehyun explained, his eyes softening. He clears his throat, “I made a promise to Y/N and I’m guessing it was because she didn’t want you to know, but seeing how big of a dick you are to her, I want you to feel her pain. I want you to know what you did to her.”
“Stop!” you screamed. “Jaehyun, if you cared about me like you said you do, please don’t do this.”
“Tell me what I did to her,” Jinyoung demanded. 
“Me 75, you 25,” Jaehyun proposed. “Then I’ll tell you our secret.”
Jinyoung hesitates, but picks up the pen. Mark reaches forward, stopping him from signing. “We worked hard for that land. You can’t just hand it over,” Mark reminded. 
“Go away you lap dog. This is our business,” Jaehyun taunted. If it wasn’t for Jinyoung holding him back, Mark would’ve attacked Jaehyun. 
“I’ll sign, but I want to add another condition to the contract.” Jaehyun gestures for Jinyoung to proceed. “The condition is you can never lay a hand on my family ever again. You stay on your side and I will stay on mine. We work together, we’re partners.”
Jaehyun chuckles, “Deal.” 
Jinyoung picks up the pen again,“Tell me what I did to her.” Jaehyun doesn’t say anything, but points at the contract. Jinyoung bitterly agrees and signs the contract first. Jaehyun reaches forward to grab it, but Jinyoung holds onto the contract tightly. “Tell me.”
“She was pregnant,” Jaehyun revealed.
“No...” you whimpered. Your biggest secret was out.
“W-what?” Jinyoung turns to you. “You were pregnant? You never told me...” Jinyoung said in disbelief. 
“At what point was I supposed to tell you?” you sobbed. “Tell me Jinyoung! When out of all the months you were ignoring me was I supposed to fucking tell you?!” you screamed at him as tears rolled down your cheek. You finally broke down. 
“I didn’t know.”
“Of course you didn’t. How could you have? I was never going to let you know,” you cried. 
“Where’s the baby?” Jinyoung asked shamelessly. 
“That’s the fucked up part about you ghosting her Jinyoung,” Jaehyun scoffed. “She came to your building and waited for you all day in the freezing cold, but she couldn’t even get inside. She passed out nearly freezing to death outside your building.”
“I lost the baby,” you cried silently. You could see the look on his face. He was just as devastated as you were when you first lost the baby. 
Jinyoung exhales slowly, “Can we leave now?”
“I’m not stopping you.” 
Mark runs over to release you from the chair. “Thank you,” you whispered as he helped you up. The three of you walked quietly back to Jinyoung’s car. Mark sat in the front seat, leaving you and Jinyoung in the back. Needless to say, it was awkward between you two. You were exhausted and you didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Jinyoung reaches over to grab your hand, giving it a squeeze. You turned to look at him. His eyes glistened in the dark. You watched him inhale and exhale slowly as if he was controlling his emotions. You returned the gesture by squeezing his hand back. The first time showing him any friendly emotions since you’ve reunited with him. Jinyoung gives you a small smile before bringing your hand to his lips. 
Once you got back to Jinyoung’s place, he leads you back to his room and into the bathroom to help you clean up. He draws the bath and helps you sit on the sink’s countertop. Jinyoung dampens the towel and begins cleaning the blood of your cheeks. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I thought leaving you was the right thing.”
“Jinyoung, it’s the past. I don’t want to talk about it anymore,” you tell him.
“No, it’s not the past. Not to me,” he argued. “If I knew you were pregnant, I would’ve never left you.”
“But you did and that’s all in the past. Like I said, there’s no forgiving needed because all I want is to forget you,” you reminded him.
Jinyoung looks up at you, “If forgetting me can take away your pain, I’ll never show my face in front of you again, but I can’t. Not if I want to protect you.” He pauses again, swallowing the lump in his throat, “Let’s get married.” 
“Let’s get married,” Jinyoung repeats.
“N-no,” you answered. “No, I will not marry you.”
“Please, Y/N! You heard my deal with him. He will never lay a hand on my family again,” he explained.
You chuckled lightly with tears in your eyes, “So in order for me to stay alive, stay safe I have to marry you?” 
“I know it’s not what you wanted, but I couldn’t think of any other way,” Jinyoung justified. “We can get married and if you want to be with someone else,” he pauses, sighing. “If you want to be with someone else, I won’t stop you.”
“But legally, I’m yours.”
“Yes, you’ll be Mrs. Park”
“No, I’m not agreeing to this,” you said jumping off the counter and walking away from him.
“Y/N! Stop being so stubborn!” Jinyoung yells, following behind you. “I am trying to save you!”
“I’m not being stubborn and I don’t need saving! I will not marry you just because you feel guilty about our child!”
Jinyoung reaches out for you to pull you close to him. He cups your cheeks in his hands and leans his forehead against yours. You don’t object to him holding you because honestly, you missed it. You missed him. “Everything I did was because I love you! Goddamn it, Y/N! I fucking love you. I have never loved anyone as much as I loved you!” he confessed, wiping your tears away. “I fucked up and I know you’ll never forgive me, but please don’t push me away. Please don’t make me stop loving you,” he whimpered. You reached up to grab his hand that was caressing your cheek. You cuddled your cheek closer to his hand as he leans down to kiss you for the first time in two years.
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kpopyourcherryy · 7 years
No More (A)
Genre: Angst 
Length: 1,800+ words
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There was so much more to him than what he allowed others to see. Jae always tried to make the world, his friends, his fans- everyone- perceive him as this cool, chic, and sexy man. And he was. But, that wasn’t everything he was; he was one of the most complex, misunderstood human beings you had ever had the pleasure of meeting- let alone being able to call him your boyfriend. 
11:30 pm
Work was more than exhausting. it was absolutely soul sucking. Being a nurse was one of the worst yet most rewarding things ever, but finally being able to go home after a 14 hour shift was absolutely heavenly. 
As you walked into your boyfriend’s place, you breathed a sigh of pure relief. “Jae~” You loudly called out as you removed your shoes. 
As you made your way in the living room, you could hear the sound of movement followed by hushed sniffling. “Babe?” You cautiously called out as you turned the corner into the room the two of you shared. 
Immediately you could see your boyfriend trying to hide something underneath one of his burgundy towels. His eyes were red and puffy, his nose was runny. 
Was he crying? 
“Oh- Hey baby..” He said, quickly sniffling as he almost struggled to find his voice, “I- I didn’t hear you come in.” 
You took a step further into the room, slowly inching your way towards him. “What’s wrong babe?” You asked, concern and worry coating your words. “Why do you have a towel?” 
Jae’s eyes darted back and forth from you to the towel covering his arms, “Oh- I um..” He stuttered, his sentence trailing off as he tried to find some sort of excuse to throw you off. “I dr- drew on my arm and I was trying to wash the ink off..” 
A soft, yet suspicious smile painted itself across your tired face. “Lemme help then.” You sweetly replied while making your way over to him, “I used to draw on myself all the time, I’m an expert at this.” You joked in a weak attempt to break the obvious tension in the room while kneeling down in front of him.
As you reached to grab the towel, he suddenly yanked it away; still covering himself. “No- No Jagi.. It’s okay, I’ll do it myself.” He replied in protest. 
You stood slightly, pulling his arms back towards you. “Just let me help babe it’s not a big deal.” You gently gripped the towel in your free hand. Before you tried pulling off again, you peered up at him threw your lashes; more than prepared to show off your fatally adorable aegyo, but it wasn’t playfulness in his eyes- it was panic. 
With your hand still gripping the fabric, you stayed there for a moment. “Babe..” 
Jae didn’t respond. He seemed so distant- so disconnected from everything, yet so panicked. 
Deciding not to waste anymore time you, once again, attempted to uncover his arms, but it almost seemed futile as he yanked it back still trying to keep whatever he had done a secret.
Almost instantaneously flashbacks to your middle school and high school years flooded your mind. You remember how utterly miserable you were- the horrid thoughts that constantly invaded your mind every second of the day, even when you thought you were at your happiest. 
Your heart sunk as you remember the day you cut yourself a little too deep and your mom walked in on your with a blood soak towel covering your arms. 
Please don’t let it be that.. You silently prayed as your lower lip quivered in fear to what he might be hiding. What if he had been fighting those god-awful thoughts you had been all those years ago? Were you about to find out how your mom felt that night she found you?
Tears welled up in the corner of your eyes as you continued to think of the worst. You glanced up at him, “Baby please..” Finally he responded in his own little way, his eyes meeting yours- the moment he saw your tears, he gave in. 
You sighed in relief as he allowed himself to relax, “Good job baby, I’m so proud of you..” Despite the situation occurring, you knew how important it was for him to know he was doing a good thing by letting you help. 
Anxiety rushed throughout your body as you slowly began peeling the towel off his forearms, and immediately your worst nightmare had come true. As you finally pulled it off and dropped it beside you, your stomach knotted up and your words seemed to choke you. 
The mix of drying and fresh blood caused tears to flood your eyes and pour down your cheeks. “Baby why?” You spoke in a hushed tone as you questioned him, carefully hold his arms in your hands. “Why would you do this to yourself?” 
Jae sat there, his arms laid in your hands as he sniffed. He cleared his throat with a broken cough, then looking up at the ceiling in an effort to blink the tears that threatened to break free away. “Y/n..” He spoke softly. You could hear just how truly broken he was, though he still tried to hide it- you knew. 
“Yes baby?” You replied shakily, the grip on his arms loosening as you attempted to avoid hurting him. 
He slowly turn his glazed over eyes down to you, tears formed in the corner but this time he didn’t blink them away. He left them, he allowed them to break free and roll down his cheeks. “I’m not good..” He weakly spoke, “I’m not good enough. I’m boring, I’m not handsome, I’m mediocre compared to the others.. I’m nothing..” 
You had never once seen him so hurt and torn apart in the two years you and him had been dating, not once had he ever let his composure slip. “No, Jae..” Just before you could finish your sentence, he cut you off. 
“Y/n, why did you choose me?” He asked airily, tears came down on his cheeks faster. “Why? I’m not good enough for you. I see the way Youngjae looks at you. He loves you too, why not him? Why me?” 
The fact that he asked you questions like that shattered you, “Jae.. I love you. I always have. You had me the moment we met.” You replied, “There was just something about you that I was so drawn to. You always put up this cool, chic front. You had this wall around you, and I could see right through it. I know it sounds stupid, but I could see how fragile you really were, babe. I could see how insecure you were, how frightened and anxious you were- but you didn’t want the world to know.”
Your words left him speechless, he just sat there silently allowing his tears to fall. 
“Not only did you try to hid how you really felt to the world, but you tried hiding it from me to.” You added, the sadness in your voice was more the apparent. Releasing one of his arms from your hand, you brought your free hand up to his face. “Jae look at me..” You said, gently wiping his tears away. 
He cleared his throat once more, then glanced over to you. You beamed a delicate smile up at him, “You don’t have to hid anymore..” Your voice was warm and comforting. “You don’t have to hid- at least not from me. I love you for you, for all of you Jae.” 
“I love you so much, y/n..” He shakily cooed, burying his face into your hand. “What did I do to deserve someone as amazing as you?” His rhetorical question eased the sadness that overwhelmed you inside. 
You looked back down to his wounds, “They don’t look deep, so you won’t need stitches..” Your nurse mode kicked in as you examined his arms, “Let’s go to the restroom, I have that first aid kit in the cabinet. Let’s go clean you up.” 
Jae nodded, and followed you as you stood from your spot. 
Once the two of you made it to the restroom, you locked the door behind y’all and sat him down on the toilet after closing the lid. As you opened the cabinet, you quickly scanned it, “Ah here it is..” You whispered to yourself, pulling out the medium sized white plastic box. 
After almost 10 minutes of concentrating on cleaning up his wounds and patching him up, your attention turned back to your boyfriend. “All better..” You said light-heartedly sighing after. 
Jae brought his hand up to his face, then wiped his nose with back of his hand. Looking down at the bandages he sighed heavily, “I’m not crazy for doing this am I?” 
His question made your blood run cold, again you remember saying the same thing to your mom at the hospital. You rapidly shook your head, “No you’re not..” You replied gently, “I know what you’re going through, babe. I never told you this, but one night after coming home from school- “ The words seemed to get caught in your throat, you were getting all choked up just remembering what had happened, but he needed to know he wasn’t alone. 
“I used to hurt myself.. a lot and often.” You confessed weakly. Jae’s eyes darted over to you, all color from his face disappearing. “One night, I cut a little too deep. My mom walked in almost ten minutes later.. I was sitting on the bathroom floor slowly bleeding out and limp. And since I kept coming in and out of consciousness, all I remember was being rushed to the hospital and then waking up in a bed all bandaged up and my mom sitting there crying her eyes out.”  
The tears you so desperately tried fighting back escaped and streamed down your cheeks, “I asked her if she thought I was crazy, and she just shook her head and hugged me while apologizing. She had nothing to apologize for, but she did anyway. That’s when I decided- no more, I couldn’t hurt the people that loved me.” You quickly wiped your tears away and sniffled.
Your eyes locked with his once more, “I’m telling you this because I want you to know that I am here for you. You’re not alone Jae, not anymore. I promise you that.” 
Jae immediately stood from his seat, his heart ached the entire time he heard your story. “I’m so sorry..” He wrapped his arms around you, tightly hugging you; holding on to you like his life depended on it. Slowly releasing you from his tight embrace, he held you less than a foot away from him. His eyes meeting yours, “I love you... I don’t want to you hurt you anymore. I can’t do this to you, so no more okay? Seeing how broken you were killed me. I won’t do it again..” 
Hearing his words caused pure relief to wash over you, you practically threw yourself back in his arms and tenderly planted a soft peck in the middle of his chest. “No more..” You faintly breathed as you buried yourself into him.
Burying his face into your hair, then kissing the top of your forehead. He gently ran his fingers through your hair, hoping it comforted you in some way. “I’ll get better for you. No more.. Never again..” 
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White Satin Sheets | Ch. 4
→ Preview  Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3
→ Pairing: Spoiled Rich!JB/JaebumXReader
→ Author’s Note: The previously is in Jaebum’s POV, Jaebum’s POV is in italics. Also, the story has sort of taken a turn because I wanted to give Jaebum some character development. I know it him being nicer is a bit random but I wanted to add it to the story. 
→ WC: 2.5K
→ POV: First Person
→ Rating: Def rated G/PG like there will be smut in later chapters tho
→ Contains: My hard work and me finally overcoming a serious case of writers block.
→AU: Playboy!Jaebum, Spoiled rich boy!Jaebum, Student!Reader, Heir!Jaebum, and contract marriage AU.
→ Requests: Open
→ Masterlist
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I sat up out of bed, my alarm going off what felt like too soon, but that was normal. I got up and began dressing. I walked downstairs as I continued to fix my hair and walked into the dining room to eat breakfast.
“What do you think of Y/n?” I asked Mr. Choi, someone, who had served as my butler/driver for years. “I think she is a fine fiancee, sir. Quiet the young lady.” He said as he set down a drink for me and I nodded slowly as I slowly ate my breakfast. “What do you think of her sir?” He asked as he stepped back from the table.
“I think she’ll be fun to mess with,” I said as I let a devilish smirk stretch across my face.
Once I woke up I changed my clothes, something comfortable yet something that was not my pajamas. I walked downstairs, being greeted with bows from each and every staff member I walked by. As I made my way into the dining room I was met with the sight of a rather large breakfast that seemed fit for a king. I walked in on Jaebum sitting at the head of the table, scrolling on an iPad and drinking coffee, steadily taking bites of his food. I hesitantly formed a small smile as I walked to the table and glanced at the selections. 
I reached to pull out my own chair quickly being moved out of the way before a server pulled out my chair for me. I slowly sat down and a server began preparing my plate with the food I had previously had my eye on for more than just a few seconds. I smiled while mumbling a small thank you as I took the plate. 
“Good morning Jaebum,” I said quietly as I took a sip of my coffee and I glanced at him. He hummed softly and looked down at his work, not even caring to glance up at me. One of the older servers walked in and Jaebum sat up a bit, closing the cover of the iPad and handing it over to a server. 
“Good morning young master Jaebum.” The older man said as he bowed with his hand covering his abdomen. “Good morning Geun.” He said softly and respectfully. I looked at Jaebum out of the corner of my eye, shocked, this was the most respect he had given anyone, other than his parents since I’ve become his fake contract bride. 
“You have yet to introduce me to your fiancee...” the man said and stood facing a space between me and Jaebum. “Ah~, this is Y/N. Y/N this is Geun, he has been by my father’s side since they were both young-” He said, obviously about to say more before cutting him off and bowing as he spoke. “Good morning young miss.” He said before he stood with a smile. “My family has been taking care of the master’s for generations, a very proud and loyal craft we have.” He said laughing slightly. “I’ve known the young master since he was a newborn, my son is actually training in the main estate to become Jaebum’s butler alongside Mr. Choi once he becomes of the respected age.” He said and Jaebum made a face, showing his dislike for his son at a simple mention at the fact he would be serving Jaebum in just a few months.
“Hi, I’m Y/N, I’m Jaebum’s fiancee. Although I assume you already were aware of that.” I said and he smiled with a small nod. “If you ever want to know anything about the young master, from petty secrets, embarrassing photos, how he did in school, even his many previous partn-” Geun attempted to continue speaking before Jaebum coughed loudly and purposely. Geun let a wide smile spread across his face. “What is the reason for your visit Geun, I thought you were coming with mother and father the next time they decided to come to visit,” Jaebum asked as he cut his food. “Well, I’m just here to grab something for the master of the house, he left it in the study last we visited. He has an important meeting today and you know he is beginning to become forgetful of small things such as these.” He said and smiled before Jaebum nodded and Geun excused himself to fulfill his duties. 
“Left a file?” I asked softly and I looked at Jaebum, “I thought all files for huge companies like yours were all online now.” I said and Jaebum scoffed slightly. “My father doesn’t trust the world of technology when it comes to the most important things. Money, Family, Health.” He said listing them on his fingers. “Since it is a file for the company...” he said as he looked at his fork and twisted it in his hand, “It isn’t health because neither him or mother are sick. The family would only come up if it was about the official heir. So I assume it has to do with money, probably some random overseas client finally coming to the main office that he wants to impress.” He said and took a bite of his food, the server who had taken the iPad in Jaebum’s place attempted to hand it back to him, Jaebum waved his hand, mumbling something about being at the table for a meal with work would not sit well with Geun. 
“So... Geun has been taking care of your family for a long time huh?” I asked as I began to eat, slowly chewing my food and appreciating the chef’s work. “Yeah, he is my father’s best friend and he and his wife basically raised me while my parents were busy.” He said and took another sip of his coffee, still not having looked at me once other than when he introduced me to Geun. I looked down a bit as I began to sense a small bit of tension from Jaebum when he mentioned his parent’s being busy. “Does his wife also work at your parent’s estate?” I asked and he nodded, almost sadly as his shoulders moved to slump over slightly. “Mr. Lee Geun and Mrs. Lee Eun Jung, while Geun has been by my father’s side since he was a toddler, Miss Eun Jung has been by my aunt’s. When my father took over the company and Geun and Miss Eun Jung got married, Miss Eun Jung became the official nanny for our family. She didn’t raise my brothers, but she is basically my mother.” He said and looked down again before he slowly pushed food around his plate with his fork before setting his fork down and pushing his plate away. He stood from the table after wiping his face and hands with the cloth napkin. “I think that is enough of my past for you to hear today, I have some work I have to get to.” He said and finally looking at me, his eyes no longer gleaming with playfulness, rather they were dark with a type of sadness I couldn’t even comprehend. 
I nodded and took a sip of my drink, glancing at him when he began to turn away. “I’ll be down around lunch if you’d like to join me...” he said softly “we can sit on the terrace and talk more.” I smiled at him softly, shocked to the point of freezing when he shot one back before making his way out of the room.
When I could no longer hear Jaebum’s steps and those of the servants who followed his every move, I heard heavy footsteps coming down the hall towards the dining room. “Young master, I will be leaving now,” Geun walked slightly into the room as he stated his farewell. He smiled at me and moved to my side of the table quickly. “I know the young master keeps a lot of secrets and seems like a problem child, but please be patient.” he smiled and grabbed a note before quickly writing something on it, setting it next to my hand mumbling a ‘look at it once I am gone’. I nodded in response and as I heard the front door open and close I looked around the dining room, making sure none of my assigned servants were looking over my shoulder or spying on me. I opened the sheet of paper to find beautifully trained handwriting and a phone number.
‘Miss Y/N, please get in touch with my lovely wife, she never asks about the young master but I know she would like updates on his well being and to know that he has finally found someone who will stay by his side and make him happy a way none of us could. Thank you. 258-xxx-xxxx Lee Eun Jung’ 
I stared at the note, reading the same line over and over, I wanted to know more about Im Jaebum, the life he has led to this point, if the articles were true, and what happiness he wanted, and what he needed to fill the void he so obviously has in his heart. 
Throughout the time leading up to lunch the servers following me around and tending to needs I didn’t even know I had, had switched out several times in order to have their meals or work on other household duties. I made my way to the terrace, although I knew this house was big I didn’t expect it to look so ethereal every time I stepped into the view of the back garden. The terrace was one connected to the library, marble pillars and railing lined the sides. The railing all the way to the top of the terrace was covered in calming blue moon wisteria vines. I looked out over the railing and in the garden, every color and kind of flower was placed almost too perfectly, but just enough out of place to look native to the ground they were planted. I jumped slightly as the glass doors to the terrace opened, this time being held by door stops as Jaebum walked towards the table followed by servers with our food. Once they set it down he quickly waved them away. As the doors to the terrace closed Jaebum took off his jacket and tie, setting them to the side on another chair. He unbuttoned the top button to his white dress shirt and sat down. I slowly followed his movements as I looked at him, waiting to know when I could begin making my plate. 
“I’m sorry about earlier.” He said softly, “Which earlier?” I giggled slightly as he poured my drink for me and handed me the glass. “All of them,” he smiled back at me, “I know I’m not the nicest and when Geun comes around it brings something else in me out. So I’m also sorry for getting slightly deep in my emotions earlier.” He said and gulped slightly as he looked down at his plate. “It's fine, I found it interesting...” I said softly and he looked at me confused, “your past I mean, not you changing.” I said as I began to help my self to the food laid out in the middle of the table. 
“I’m still going to tease you” he laughed, “don’t think I won’t.” he smiled as he cut into his food, looking at me while he took a bite. “Really? I thought we were finally becoming close,” I said jokingly causing us both to laugh, “We are.” He said, at his words I almost choked on my food, forcing it down my throat so I didn’t. “I’m happy to become friends with you, since we will  be around each other all the time and we are technically engaged, it wouldn’t hurt to be nicer to you.” He said and smiled at me.
“Can you tell me more about how you were as a child? I don’t really have anything to tell you because I know you did some pretty in-depth research about me before we signed our contracts.” I said causing him to grimace at the word research. “What do you want to know?” He said softly and looked at his food, focusing on his food. “Your happiest memory,” I said and he smiled slightly, setting down his knife and fork and sitting back in his chair. He smiled at me “You know, my previous fiancees never asked me things like this, it was more of ‘how much money do you have?’, ‘how much of it is mine once we get married?’“ He said and his smile turned into a smirk before he sat up straighter, still leaned against the back of his chair. 
“My happiest memory...” he said and looked around slightly before looking at the garden, “I was probably around the age of 7, my parents threw a garden party to celebrate Jinyoung becoming first in his class. I wasn’t allowed to invite any of my friends because they were too young and ‘unpolished’ I guess is how you would put it. The garden at my parent’s house is much bigger than this one, but this one holds a lot more depth for me.” he said and stood up moving to the rail and looking over it a bit before he turned and leaned against it, closing his eyes. “I remember my caretaker at the time wouldn’t let me walk around in fear I may mess something up and embarrass the family, this was all under the orders of my father of course. I got so mad I ran away while they weren’t looking, I ran through the garden to this small area that had a bench under these beautiful vines that when you looked up at the top it looked like stars. The vines covered the top of an archway that the bench was beneath and the vegetation was so thick that when you looked to the sky the sun hardly was able to get any light through.” He said and positioned his head to look upwards, I assumed to relive this moment. “I was crying my eyes out, wondering why I was always pushed out of the way when it came to everything else, why a child was something that didn’t even come second, but third on a list of priorities. Then, my nanny, Eun Jung rushed through and fell on her knees in front of the bench, out of breath. I started crying because I knew I had made it hard for her by running away but all she did was come to me and hug me.” He said and finally opened his eyes, his head still looking upwards. “She hugged me so tight I felt like I couldn’t breathe, but the pressure wasn’t from her strength it was from the amount of care she had for me. We sat there for hours after I explained why I was so upset and she said that this bench was also her favorite spot, telling me a story about why the sun can only come through so much and why the flowers at the top were so thick.” He said and smiled before he grabbed his jacket. 
“But that story is for another time, I’ll finish my lunch later. I have to go now.” He said and I smiled slightly as he made inside. I looked up at the ceiling trying to see what made his eyes gleam as they did when he was looking towards the sky. The wisteria vines. Covering the top of the ceiling, blocking out the sun and only letting little bits of it through causing it to look like the night sky in the middle of the day when the sky was at its brightest. 
Wisteria, a beautiful flower that symbolizes devotion, vitality, and new beginnings.
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k-fiction-therapy · 5 years
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Moodboard by Admin Scar
[Flash Fiction, 04:30:32 AM]: /JaebumXReader Mini-Fic/ – Jaebum slammed harder and harder into you from behind, showing no signs of relenting. His body curved perfectly over yours, his nose against your hair and breath ragged as he pummeled into you. You had already orgasmed enough times to have lost count, and the hard contractions of his cock gave warning to what was about to happen, but Jaebum was so lost in pleasure, he didn’t realize just how close he was. When he fell apart, he would arch hard over you, growling loudly before shouting, forcing himself as deep as he could manage, cock pumping hard, thick ropes of cum, filling you and then some. Shattered into reality, stunned and with wide eyes, he exhaled, “…Ah, Jagi…I’m sorry…” He breathed heavy, nuzzling at your hair, “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to–I’m sorry.”
Admin Death
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imaginespplwrite · 6 years
GOT7 FicRecs
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Jaebum (JB)
Ripped jeans (M) ✎ @softforimjaebum ✎ Jaebum had been thinking about a certain kink all day long, even when he shouldn’t have been
Playing forward ♔ ✎ @yehet-me-up ✎ College!AU, Jock!AU. After a flying soccer ball knocks you over on your morning run, the player behind it aims for your heart as well
Poets and Parties (M) ✎ @kpopfanfictrash ✎ As part of the campus little buddies program, you’re bringing Abby trick-or-treating. When she runs up to the GOT (Gamma Omega Tau) fraternity house though, and Jaebum opens the door - everything that once was sensible flies out of your brain.
Sext (M-ish)  ✎ @flawless-7 ✎ Jaebum makes a mistake.
I’m yours (M)  ✎ @kpurereactions ✎  Mafia!au. y/n becomes a personal chef for the mafia group got7 (10 parts)
Dating lessons Part2(M)  ✎ @parkhabits ✎ You never imagined that you would request help on your dating game, especially from the random bartender you barely knew. Could he do it? Would he be able to transform you into a tempting seductress who would have men falling at your feet? Jaebum always liked a challenge when it came to women, he just never thought that this sort of challenge would arise. He closed himself off from love, but would he be able to help you find it?
Like a virgin (M) ❀ ✎ @tuanyiems​ ✎ When Im Jaebum catches you in a lie when you attempt to preserve your reputation during a game of Truth or Dare, you know you’re in big trouble.
Control ✎ @kpopfanfictrash ✎ On a night out with your friends, you accidentally text the wrong number for advice. The guy on the other end of the phone is abrupt, harsh and kind of an ass - but he also happens to be right. Which explains why you keep texting him. Right? (3 parter)
The Friendly Hostage (M)   ✎ @inyournightmares97 ✎ Park Jinyoung is the strategist and a core member of GotSeven, the dangerous gang that practically owns all the other gangs in your locality. When he is kidnapped and you are put in charge of his care, you find that your hostage has other ideas on his mind, and keeping him happy is not easy. 
 Chances Taken (M)♔  ✎ @parkhabits ✎ Your life hit a rut. Your relationship ended, you quit your dead end job and are in need of soul searching, but house sitting? When you take the chance to do something you would have never considered doing before, you wind up living under the same roof as a man who needs a break from his every day world. 
Breaking your Rule (M)  ✎ @parkhabits ✎ You had your rules. No dating or hooking up with any of your brother’s friends and that included housemates. You learned your lesson from the last time you were burned. But you saw no harm in flirting with his housemate Jinyoung and keeping up the sexual repartee.
The noisy neighbours (M) ❀ ✎ @chickenkooks​ ✎   I live in a house full of stupid men and their dirty underwear except there is an angel in their midst and he cleans up after himself and does everyone’s laundry and we share the same neighbor who likes to have wild sex every night and the hot boy hates confrontation but i guess not when his dick is in my vagina
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hancnvs · 6 years
Unrequited Love
Pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 557
Author’s Note
I’m back with my second fan-fiction, I was planning to write a Jaebum smut at the first place but I always end up writing some angst. I need to edit this over and over again but I was running out of words, I don’t even know if I made my story line clearly but I’m still glad that I made this successfully (in my own opinion) 
I’ve put the link of the song on its own title, read this while listening to it so that you would be able to feel the story more since the story line is quite confusing. But anyways, I hope that you guys will enjoy the story. God bless! xoxo
(Now Playing: I Can’t Make You Love Me by Adele)
“Turn down the lights Turn down the bed Turn down these voices Inside my head Lay down with me Tell me no lies Just hold me closely Don't patronize Don't patronize me “
You stared at the man who’s in front of you. So this is how it hurts when you see the man that you love with the woman that he loves. You smiled bitterly by the thought that last night, you were just under him but tonight... he’s with someone else. Not just someone else but the woman that he builds his future with, the woman who holds his dream and the woman who became his world.
“Cause I can't make you love me if you don't you can't make your heart feel Something' that it won't And here in the dark, in these final hours I will lay down my heart And I will feel the power but you won't No you won't.”
So this is how it feels when you thought that you own something but reality hits you that he wasn’t yours to begin with. This is what it feels when reality hits you that Jaebum only needs you when he became needy but the woman that he truly love can’t give what he needs, you were just a replacement. 
“I'll close my eyes 'Cause then I won't see the love you don't feel when you're home with me”
And as the stupid you, you already know that Jaebum can’t love you, that he can’t be with you but you know what the saddest part is? You’d still end up waiting for him no matter what he put you through.
“Morning will come And I'll do what's right Just give me till then To give up this fight And I will give up this fight”
You wiped those tears that keep on racing down your cheeks; you are not prepared for this moment to see him so deeply in love with someone else. You know at the first place that you’re not just the only one, that you weren’t the first one but you still choose to love him. 
“'Cause I can't make you love me if you don't you can't make your heart feel something' that it won't and here in the dark, in these final hours I will lay down my heart I will feel the power but you won't”
You were the one who’s there through his sleepless nights; you were the one who’s there through his lonely nights. It was too stupid for you to think that he can love you the same way that you loved him. You weren’t the reason behind his smile and his happiness.
“No you won't 'Cause I can't make you love me when you don't when you don't”
And now you just need to pretend that everything that happened between you and Jaebum was just pure hallucination, that everything wasn’t real. 
You took a one last glance at Jaebum again as you wipe your tears away, you smiled bitterly as he look at you deeply in return before you went down the stage.
You just broke your heart for someone who wasn’t even there because you loved someone whom you can’t have.
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markstunafish-blog · 7 years
Got7 reaction when their crush agrees to stay over, please
Sorry it took a while dear, hope you like it✨
Mark // Mark would be so excited and nervous at the same time, like he’d think it was a really risky move to have asked you to stay over in the first place, but then when he finally persuaded himself to do it, he couldn’t believe that you said yes and how quickly you replied. He’d make sure that there was a bunch of movies to watch ready, along with plenty of snacks, drinks and blankets, the lounge would be like an adorable fort full of blankets and cushions lit by the TV, it’d be so cute and welcoming
Jaebum // He’d try and act chill about you saying yes, but like no doubt he’d be like crazy excited and squealing on this inside, but the most you’d ever see of this would be a little smile creeping on his face that comes across more as a smirk. The whole evening would be very chill and he’d make sure that whilst it wasn’t an over-planned night, there’d be lots of fun stuff to do so that you want to come round again
Jackson // Would probably panic so much when you agreed to stay over and would immediately ask the guys for advice on how to make it a fun night that makes you see him as more than a friend. He’d be so excited and would constantly need to take a moment to calm down and breathe whilst waiting for you to arrive and even when you’re there too lmao
Jinyoung // Jinyoungie would be so nervous and worried that he’d do something wrong or come across as weird or too forward, so he’d probably keep you at arms length all night so you don’t think he’s greasy and would just wanna stay up all night talking about literature and art with you, you’d probably end up staying up so late just lost in conversation with each other
Youngjae //He’d plan the cutest night ever, it’d just be perfect, there’d be the best snacks, a couple of fantastic films that he’d carefully picked out and there would be like fairy lights and blankets creating an enchanting fort for you two to spend the night in, before you arriving he’d be making sure that everything was perfect and that he looked good, but didn’t look like he was trying too hard, he’d be so worried that it wasn’t all sorted, but it would honestly just be such a lovely pure night
BamBam // BamBam would definitely have silly things planned like face masks and he’d be so goofy and cute, which would just make him so like adorable and ten times more attractive, beforehand he’d be messaging Yugyeom about all the things he had planned and if it was good enough or not because he’d just want to impress you as much as he humanly could so that you could fall for him like he had for you
Yugyeom // Yugeyomie would be adorable!! He’d plan out all the little details perfectly, like going for a little late night walk to a nearby park so you two could stargaze and play on the swing set together, it’d be so mushy and adorable, but he’d make you feel so safe out at night with him too, with his cool and calm demeanour, but beneath that, he’d be so worried that you weren’t enjoying yourself or that he was doing something wrong, he’d just want to make the night amazing for you
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huihuiheart · 3 years
Goretober 2021
October 2021 Schedule
Please read before continuing: A new fic drops at 1am EST everyday. There will be specific warnings on each fic and below, so you know just how intense each piece will be. Some are more intense, but almost all have themes not safe for all readers! Please consider this a warning!!! If you would like to block all posts regarding that they will be tagged: Goretober 2021 
Continuation Requests: 0/3
Key: 💜 - Gender Neutral 💗 - Female Reader 💙- Male Reader
1. Taken Over - NCT - Summary: All they wanted was a relaxing vacation after their busy schedules, not for the city they were visiting to get an unexpected and very unwelcome surprise.......... especially when they couldn’t even find each other. - Warnings: inanimate objects coming to life, chasing, violence, kidnapping (kind of), cursing. - 💜(no mention of reader)
2. Red Nose - Mark (Got7) -  Summary: Blacking out at the bar this was the last place that Mark thought he would end up, but now this might be the only place he would ever be. - Warnings: Drinking, spiked drinks, clowns (god I hate clowns), threats, kidnapping, violence, aggression, cursing, knives, blood, stalker themes. - 💜(No mention of reader)
3. Time’s Up - Vernon -  Summary: The grandfather clock had been a staple piece of the family decor for decades, never ticking. Only now that it started up again it was going the wrong direction... - Warnings: Kind of apocalyptical themes at the beginning, time travel themes, I think that’s it for this one, lmk if I miss anything. - 💜
4. Price - Wonho -  Summary: He had finally found the fountain of youth, but he hadn’t headed your warning. - Warnings: He doesn’t intentionally try to die, but like he does take unnecessary risks, no aging, no death, addiction of sorts, tears, pain. - 💜
5. Below - Jaebum -  Summary: You’d never really been a fan of heights, but now it seemed like you didn’t have much of an option but to deal with it. - Warnings: Heights, claustrophobia, elevators, being trapped. - 💜
6. Dreams Do Come True - Hoshi - Summary: He couldn’t shake the feeling of deja vu, but that might just be what saved your lives. - Warnings: Apocalypse themes, guns, chaos, cursing. - 💜
7. Omen - Youngjae - Summary: Everyone told him it was a sign, but of what he just didn’t know. Until you showed up anyways. - Warnings: Birds (yes, this needs to be a warning, some of us don’t do birds okay), witch themes?, semi angsty themes, semi creeper/stalker themes. - 💜
8. Music to Your Ears - Xiaojun -  Summary: Music held a special place in your life, and apparently in someone else’s as well. - Warnings: Ghost themes, haunted themes, mentions of drinking (a glass of wine). - 💜
9. Murky - Seungkwan - Summary: Seungkwan knew something was up, but he’d never imagined he’d find his soft spoken neighbor in the mess that they were in and now his fate was in their hands. - Warnings: Murder themes, lots of blood, cursing, crying, kind of kidnapping themes, some yandere themes (reader’s um...ex shall we say), mentions of yelling, dead bodies, crying. - 💜
10. Twins - Joohoney - Summary: Perhaps he was losing his mind...perhaps he just couldn’t see the outline of the mirror...or perhaps he was seeing another of himself...and it seemed like his double was not very happy. -  Warnings: Stalker themes, mentions of kidnapping, threats, guns. - 💜(no mention of reader)
11. One Day - Kim Byeongkwan (ACE) - Summary: You’re the only one who knows of his curse, but that doesn’t mean you’ll help him break it. - Warnings: Kind of witch themes? I don’t quite know how else to describe it, curse themes, waking up in another body, cursing. - 💜
12. Stalked - Sungchan (NCT)- Summary:  Sungchan was tired of being alone, but he was patient enough to wait for the perfect moment to make his move. - Warnings: Yandere themes, stalking themes. - 💜
13.   Breathing - Chanyeol -  Summary: What started as a peaceful day shopping together, quickly turned into you not making it out in time. - Warnings: Inanimate objects coming to life, stalking themes. - 💜
14. Reality Check - Hendery - Summary: You were certain your son was just doing something kids normally did, have an imaginary friend. Only what happens when that friend turns out to be real? - Warnings: Serial killer themes, murder, cursing, blood. - 💜
15. Stolen - Jimin (BTS)- Summary: Jimin is tired of waiting for you to finally come to him, so...he goes to you. - Warnings: Yandere Themes, kidnapping, mentions of drinking, mentions of drugging. - 💜
16. Down the Well - Eric (tbz)-  Summary: Eric didn't mean to fall, but now that he had how was he going to survive long enough to get back up? - Warnings: Kind of teleportation themes (think Alice in Wonderland vibe), kind of being hunted, having to survive, cursing, mild violence, being trapped. - 💜
17. Devil in Disguise - Kino -  Summary: You knocked on the wrong persons door, and now all he wants to do is lure you into his trap. - Warnings: Devil themes, mildly suggestive. - 💜
18. Just my Luck - Junhui -  Summary: The only people who can recognize him are the only people he doesn’t want to. - Warnings: Being lost in a way, living on the street, faceless beings. - 💜
19.  Accidentally You - Yugyeom -  Summary: This wasn’t what you had planned for, but you weren’t going to get caught now. - Warnings: Body swapping, experimentation themes, murder themes, stalking themes, knife themes. - 💜
20. Guilty - Chenle - Summary: Chenle’s case of wrong place, wrong time worked out really well for you. - Warnings: Crime themes, guns, threats, police. - 💜
21. Once In a Lifetime - Hanse - Summary: He had been alone for so long it was hard not to fear that happening again. - Warnings: Graveyard themes, ghost themes, themes of loneliness. - 💜
22. Family - Hui-  Summary: Hwitaek swore to protect his family no matter what, and he would do so with a vengeance if necessary. He was going to ensure people knew not to mess with him. - Warnings: Vampire themes, kidnapping themes, some violence. - 💗
23. License to Kill - Shinwon -  Summary: His system was flawless, until you came along and had to figure him out. - Warnings: Serial killer themes, undercover agent/detective themes. - 💜
24. Sleepover - Victon - Summary: Everyone saw the signs, it was obvious the family that had just moved into the previously abandoned lot wasn’t normal. Yet, you were intrigued and they seemed to feel the same way about you. - Warnings: A tad bit flirty(if you squint), sleepover (innocent) themes, vampire themes, cursing, blood. - 💜
25. Muddied - Lay -  Summary: You were sin itself. Temptation embodied. Everything he knew he needed to avoid and yet he couldn’t pull himself away. -  Warnings: Angel themes, fallen angel themes, demon themes, alcohol, implied smut, strip clubs, cursing, very light vampire themes. - 💜
26. Inescapable - Junhee -  Summary: It was meant to be a normal road trip, how you ended up here you didn’t know. Now the question was just...how to get out. - Warnings: Kidnapping (using drugs), guns, blood, torture themes (most phycological), being trapped, cursing, insults, forced labor, hair pulling. - 💜
27. Bloody Beautiful - Namjoon -  Summary:  You should have known your new house was too good to be true, or perhaps your fate was just inescapable. - Warnings: Ghost themes, haunting themes, blood, crying. - 💜(They are parents.)
28. Beastly - BamBam -  Summary: Sometimes being in the wrong place at the wrong time means you have something you can hold over other people. - Warnings: Werewolf themes, mentions of nudity, kidnapping themes. - 💜
29. Glitch - Yeoone -  Summary: As if finding out that your whole life was a lie wasn’t bad enough, you then find out that it was all thanks to the person you loved. - Warnings: Robots (not like a take over, but just pretty much all that exists anymore), science experiments, some angsty themes, uncertainty, blood (but it’s fake from the robots so..). - 💜
30. In Control - DK -  Summary: Dokyeom had unleashed something powerful upon this world and now your only goal was to survive. - Warnings: Artificial intelligence themes, semi-apocalyptical themes, electrocution (not resulting in death). - 💜
31. Lone -Sehun -  Summary: He was the last of his kind, just trying to blend in among those who were not like him. - Warnings: Vampire themes, mentions of death, graves. - 💜
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hoodiejaebum · 7 years
I Can’t.
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Pairing: JB x Reader
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 532
A/N: I don’t really know what happened, but here’s an angsty drabble! Enjoy! My ask is open as always, and my masterlist is here as per usual!
He sits with his head in his hands at the table, not looking at me. “I need to hear you say it,” he says, his words muffled by his hands. I pour myself another half-glass of vodka, not looking at him, and throw it back without a word. Wiping my mouth on my sleeve, I sit up and we make eye contact--finally. “Jb... I just... I don’t...”
“You don’t what?!” Jaebum is practically screaming in my face, his eyes narrowed and his expression harder than a diamond. He’s on his feet, I notice with chagrin.
I shrink into myself, tail stuffed between my legs. I pause for a moment, staring at the cracks in the table. The paint is starting to bubble into rings where our glasses sit, the condensation starting to take its toll, much like my cheating. “I don’t love you anymore.”
He recoils like I’ve slapped him, the look on his face softening into pain as his lower lip starts to tremble. “Who is it?” he sobs. I haven’t told him... he must’ve just figured it out.
I pause, my eyes falling to the table again. “I don’t think I should--”
“I can take it,” JB cuts me off, acid lacing his tone.
I take a deep breath, let it out slowly, trying to get the tension in my shoulders to ease. “I--” I start, but the words won’t come. Everything in my head goes blank, except for the look on his face, and Bambam’s face in my own mind. “It’s Bambam...” I whisper.
At first, I don’t think he heard me. He doesn’t move, doesn’t say anything. He just stares at me, his face a stone wall. “How many times?” It doesn’t come out like a question, more like a sentence, but I suck in another breath and let it out slow.
“At least ten in the last month.” These words fall out of my mouth like a terrible waterfall that I can’t stop. “He wanted to tell you,” I say. Like that makes it better. Like that excuses me.
He stands up from the table, walks around to my side, gets down on his knees in front of my chair. “Look me in the eyes. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t love me!” he yells, the tears now pouring from both of us.
I take his hands in mine, desperate to comfort him even though I’m the one causing his pain. “JB... I can’t...” I say.
“Then... Then it’s still there,” he says, desperation overtaking him as he holds on to my hands. “I love you, and you love me, right?”
I shake my head. “It’s not in the same way anymore,” I say, and a sob wracks my entire body as he holds tight to me.
“Please don’t do this,” he whispers. It takes all my strength to get up, to bypass the love of my life, and walk out the door. I hear glass breaking as I walk away. The vodka bottle and the glass I poured it into. The shattering was followed by a heartwrenching cry. “PLEASE COME BACK!” he yells, and I leave another heart shattered in my wake.
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whereisten · 4 years
ghouls just wanna have fun (A Creature Feature Story)
A Taeil fic that’s part of our Halloween Series! 
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Summary: After your date ends up being a dud, you stumbled upon an unusual movie theater and its most appealing visitor, Moon Taeil. 
Pairing: Ghost! Taeil x female reader
Genre: romance, angst, pinch of smut, drama, fantasy, horror
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: gore mention, death mention, smut: masturbation mention
(A/N: Hi! Special shoutout to the Creature Feature readers. I love you...It’s almost one year to the day that I posted Part 1 (I know: where the hell is the rest of it?). Rest assured, the series will continue in November. This Halloween series has gotten me out of my funk. I hope you enjoy this story. And to newcomers, welcome! This story can be read alone, if you'd like, but I think you’d enjoy this more if you read my Creature Feature updates! Anyways: SHOUTOUT TO MY BEST FRIEND AND PARTNER IN CRIME/WRITING KRYS. SHE CREATED ANOTHER SPECTACULAR MOODBOARD FOR ME. SHE’S MADE SEVERAL FOR ME. AND I AM SO SPOILED. HER BRILLIANT BRAIN AND VISION DESERVE ALL OF THE LOVE. SEND IT HER WAY. We hope you enjoy this installment and our upcoming posts! Thank you for all of the love in our stories so far!
“Jaebum, I’m not going. Let me off here,” you demanded.
Well, tonight was just fantastic. Fan-freaking-tastic.
Your date that your friends set you up with ended up being a bust. He wanted to take you to a house party so he can get high and you could be his side piece for the night. Your friends were all in committed relationships and they thought you were bummed because you felt single and bitter.
No, you were just bummed at the fact that your friends had blown you off too many times for their significant others. That was the actual problem.
But they were doing better with you, you had to admit. They spent more time with you as their honeymoon stages with their significant others had finally dwindled. The set-up was supposed to be for fun.
They even thought that this date could open doors for you.
Doors to what? Well, it ended up being to the stench of weed in the back of Jaebum’s old Sonata.
Jaebum’s car, which included his two stoner friends Jinyoung and Yugyeom, came to a halt at a red light near a plaza.
“You want to leave, y/n? Then here’s your stop,” Jaebum said.
You raised your eyebrows. “You’re kidding me, right?”
Jaebum shrugged. “Take it or leave it. I got places to go.” His friends muttered over how uncool you were. The least this jerk could’ve done was take you back home.
You rolled your eyes. “Fine. Go to hell.”
The car sped off as you stood near the plaza entrance. It was getting colder as midnight approached. So you decided to wait outside of an abandoned Spirit Halloween store so your Uber could pick you up from there. You walked towards the plaza and suddenly…
Bright lights appeared before you that you quickly shut your eyes. You blinked them open, wondering what just transpired when you realized...
There was an active movie theater there, with a giant sign surrounded by bright light bulbs. It read “Sinema”.
What the hell, you thought.
You walked closer and closer and saw people coming in and out of the theater. And then...oh, wow, you really had lost your mind. Little human-like creatures of different colors were flying around the entrance...They were fairies! Their pixie fairy dust landed on your shoulders. You picked off the dust that had fallen on the shoulder of your dress. The texture reminded you of Cheeto dust. It was hard to get off. You were certain your black dress was permanently stained.
Then, a man walked past you and transformed into a large purple dragon before your very eyes. He blew out fire within a few feet from you, you yelped. He set off for the sky and vanished. After, another group of men walked past you, flashing their vampire teeth as they laughed about something. They were all stunning but the one with wavy electric blue hair was the real showstopper. You couldn’t think that too long as people that looked bright and transparent walked towards you.
You thought they were going to bump into you so you said. “Hello? Watch where you’re going!”
But they walked right through you and kept going. Seemed like they got that kind of comment a lot.
You blinked a few times. Did that just happen? Were those...ghosts?
A young woman in her red and navy blue uniform appeared before you. She smiled. “Welcome to Sinema, the premier theater for the supernatural! My name is Haseul. You look like you have a lot of questions. Is this your first time here?”
“I...I…” You started. “Is this really happening?”
She laughed. “Yes...All supernatural creatures and their approved companions are welcome here!”
You frowned. “There must be some mistake. I’m not a supernatural creature.”
Haseul pulled out her phone. “Your name?”
“Uh...y/n y/l/n…” You said. “Wait, why did I say that?” You answered her without even thinking. It was like she compelled you to do what she asked.
She winked. “It’s a special little skill of mine. It’s a part of the job.” She scrolled through an app on her phone. “Well, you’re not a part of the approved human companions list so...You have to be supernatural!”
You gaped. “That’s funny…This is a joke, right? Some kind of Halloween event? Well, you’re a few months too late…”
Haseul shook her head. “Oh, no, this is no reenactment. This is the real deal. Allow me to escort you inside.”
You weren’t sure if that was a good idea but you were curious. You followed her inside.
The movie theater was elegant and modern. The latest video games were available at the arcade. The concession stand was huge. It had to be with the number of creatures that were lined up for snacks. The theater was three stories high. Posters for the latest movies were up. The music that played overhead consisted of songs from the 70s, 80s, and more. Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” was playing.  Sinema seemed like any regular theater.
Well, except for the supernatural creatures, of course.
“What is this place?” You asked Haseul. “This can’t be real...I’ve been drugged. Jaebum got something in my system and I’m hallucinating. That has to be it.”
Haseul gave you a confused look. “This place is very real, y/n. I know it might be a hard pill to swallow but you belong here. To the supernatural world. A part of you is connected to this world. I’m not sure why it took you so long to discover that but...you’re here now.”
Haseul’s phone rang and she answered. “Yeah, boss?...Okay, I’ll stop calling you that...Oh? I see. Well, have fun with your boyfriend…” She teased. She hung up and she continued, “Well, y/n, I must be going but if you need anything, you can reach out to anyone who is wearing this uniform.” She showed off her uniform. She looked like a very casual flight attendant. The navy blue skirt was very flattering on her. Her white blouse had a red tie over it. Her name tag had her name written in her own elegant cursive.
“W-wait…” You started.
Haseul gave you a reassuring smile. “You can stay or leave, y/n. No one is keeping you here. But know that you’re always welcome here at Sinema. We hope to see you again.” She walked off to resume working, you thought.
You stood there, confused over what to do. Going to the movies hadn’t been in the cards for you tonight. Much less finding out that the supernatural existed in the same world you did.
Unless this was a parallel world, which just made your head spin even more.
Deciding to stay, you went back out to the main entrance to buy tickets. You heard growls among the chatter of people that stood in line before you. All kinds of creatures stood in front of you: werewolves, selkies, fairies, kitsunes, and more. You felt like the only outsider. For everyone else seemed to know their place…
According to Haseul, the only reason you could access this place was because you were a supernatural creature. And that...that just couldn’t be true. Sure you were adopted but you never displayed any kind of power or ability that would indicate you were a creature.
It was impossible, you thought. A striking young man with long silver hair stood behind you and you could feel his eyes on the back of your head. He was tall and muscular. You wondered what kind of creature he was or if he was actually a companion like Haseul described. You turned to him and his stare never wavered. “Can I help you?” You asked.
He blinked a few times to snap out of it. “I’m sorry...I zoned out…” He tipped an imaginary hat. “It’s your turn.”
“Miss?” The employee at the ticket stand asked. Like the young man behind you, she seemed human. However, the red tint in her eyes told you otherwise. You wondered what she could be.
“Oh, uh... A ticket to ‘Spider-Man: The New Kid’, please,” you said.
“That’ll be 12.50,” the employee replied.
Even if this was a movie theater for the supernatural, they certainly charged like a regular theater did. You paid the employee and got your ticket. The ticket stub was actually very beautiful. It was holographic so you could collect these stubs like trading cards, if you wanted.
You hung around too long so the silver-haired boy approached you.
He smiled at you. “Hello.”
You smiled, a little uneasy. “Hi…”
“First time at Sinema?” He asked. The man was stunning with his high cheekbones and dangerous dark eyes. A devil-may-care smile that must have won over a few women.
You nodded. “Is it that obvious?”
“The look of horror on your face hasn’t faded,” he said, chuckling.
You sighed. “Yeah...Well, I’m still pretty stunned.”
He said, “Well, you’ll get used to it eventually. Something about you makes you belong to this world, right? Do you know what it is?” His eyes widened.
It was almost as if he knew the answer. But if you didn’t know, how could he?
You sighed. “I couldn’t tell you. Maybe I’m just a fluke.”
“Oh, I have to disagree…” He started.
A ghost materialized right beside you. He stood closer to you and stared down the silver-haired man. Even if he was a ghost, he was the most alluring man you’d ever seen. Although translucent, his features were striking and not to be ignored. His undercut that accentuated his face so well was bright red, like rubies. His ears were decorated with crescent moon studs. He wore a navy button down and black slacks, like he was dressed for a hot date. His tan skin cast an ethereal glow. “Yuta, give the girl some air. She just discovered she’s not human.”
The silver-haired man named Yuta sighed. “Do you ever stay out of people’s business?”
The ghost rolled his eyes. “Do you?”
You averted your eyes from them and looked at the concessions menu. Hmmm, the Sour Patch Bats looked promising, you thought. You started, “I’m gonna go.”
Yuta was about to call your name again but the ghost boy raised his hand to stop him. “You’re already messing around here too much. Leave her alone.”
Yuta rolled his eyes. “I don’t have to listen to you. I’m the alpha.”
The ghost boy made faces as he imitated Yuta’s voice. “I’m the alpha. I eat the hearts of my enemies for breakfast. I’m Yuta.”
Yuta growled and it was so animalistic that you wondered if he was going to transform into the creature he most likely was. Your money was on him being a werewolf.
Yuta stormed off and returned to his posse of gorgeous and muscular people. They all watched you and you wondered what was so fascinating about you.
The ghost boy followed you as you got in line for concessions. “What’s your name?”
“Y/n...Yours?” You looked into his soulful eyes.
He smiled. “I’m Taeil. The eyes and ears of Sinema. And you’re new.”
“Yup...And I have no idea who I am or what the world is anymore…Well, it’s time for a snack.”
Taeil chuckled. “The Sour Patch bats are really popular but they sell out fast.”
An employee at the concession stand announced over the intercom. “Sorry, folks. The Sour Patch Bats are sold out.”
Everyone groaned and moaned and growled and wailed. Even you couldn’t help the tiny huff of disappointment that escaped your lips.
Taeil sighed. “Well, lucky for you y/n. I’m friends with the manager of this joint.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Oh, are you?”
He smirked. “I know where she keeps her secret stash of Sour Patch Bats. Now she normally hides those away for her boyfriend but I’m sure she won’t miss one bag…”
Taeil led you upstairs to the manager’s office.
You frowned. “Are you sure we can be here?”
Taeil winked. “Nope. But she owes me.”
Taeil moved himself through the front door and unlocked the door from the inside. You entered the office and found a bouquet of flowers on the manager’s desk.
“How did you touch…”
He cleared his throat like he’d debated what he was going to say. “With most of my strength, y/n...Anything to impress the prettiest girl to set foot in Sinema.”
Although your concept of ghosts was completely debunked (ghosts could indeed touch inanimate objects), your face warmed up at that comment. You tried changing the subject. “Taeil, maybe this is a bad idea…”
He shook his head as he stuck his hand through the manager’s desk drawer and rummaged around before he grabbed a bag of the popular candy. He threw it over to you. You caught it.
You opened the bag and ate the bat-shaped sour gummies of lime, orange, lemon, and cherry. They were the best candy you’d ever tasted and until tonight, you’d been deprived of their existence.
Your eyes grew. “These are...Oh my God.”
Taeil smiled knowingly. “I knew you’d like them. See, the supernatural world isn’t so bad, is it?”
You were touched. He was being so kind and attentive. So quickly, too. “No, I guess not…”
His beautiful lips curved upwards as he watched you enjoy the candy.
“What movie are you going to see?” He asked.
“Well, Taeil, I thought you were the eyes and ears of this place. You should know,” you teased.
He laughed. “Well, I don’t. Is it an oldie? Sinema plays throwback movies every week to appease the masses.”
You shook your head. “I’m watching the new Spider-Man. The new actor they picked is supposed to be above all of his predecessors so I’m excited.”
Taeil asked. “Can I join you?”
You pretended to deliberate. “Well, you have supplied me with sustenance so how could I say no?”
Taeil usually kept to himself, occasionally confiding in his best friend. He really was the eyes and ears of the theater. He knew of all the romantic entanglements that transpired. The current feuds between species. And more.
Typically, he was stuck facing his demons and never quite got past the last thing he needed to overcome in order to ascend to heaven.
He’d sought justice so what was holding him back?
And at the sight of you, he felt an ease in his heart that he hadn’t felt since he was alive.
Your first night at Sinema was the first of many where you and Taeil bonded and enjoyed each other’s company. You went to the theater every weekend and met up with him. You’d see a movie together and talk about it for hours on end. He’d even sometimes accompany you back to your dorm. And even if you could see him...no one else in the human realm could. So you would have to pretend you were on the phone when you talked to Taeil. Even as he sat closely beside you. Longing to hold your hand.
You wondered just how many creatures hid from you in plain sight. Some of them could masquerade as humans and you’d never know it. That terrified and excited you.
You loved Taeil’s sense of humor, how he showered you with free movie tickets and concessions (courtesy of his best friend’s connections), his wit, his smile, the goofy, fascinated look he gave you when you spoke.
You always wanted to push back his hair and slap his arm when he teased you. And you wondered what those soft red lips would feel like on yours.
But you couldn’t.
The most wonderful person you’d ever met.
And he was an apparition.
As for Taeil, well, he loved everything about you. Your mind. Your curiosity of the world. Your inability to shut away the unknown completely. The way you adapted to Sinema so quickly. The way you looked at him.
He was convinced that you also wanted to kiss him.
It killed you both, honestly.
You told him you were in your senior year of college. You were getting a degree as a nutritionist but you felt unsure about what you would pursue after college. You felt like nothing got your heart racing. You were just going through the motions, making your parents proud. They’d given so much to you so you didn’t want to disappoint them. So you figured getting a steady paying job was a step in the right direction and maybe one day you’d figure out your passion...and how to capitalize off of it.
Taeil could tell you were frustrated and lost and he wished you didn’t feel so down. He saw the light in your eyes. You had a whole future ahead of you. You would find your dream job someday, meet a man, settle down, have his children, and grow old together.
And him? Well, maybe at that point, he would finally have moved on.
Before meeting you, he was fixated on getting even with the man who murdered him and the woman who betrayed him and got the ball rolling.
He told you all about it...Originally, he didn’t want to because the details were too gruesome. But you’d been honest with him so it was the least he could do for you. He told you about his life in the west coast town of Luna, where he aspired to be a producer and songwriter. And he told you about how his life came to an abrupt end.
Taeil’s killer had been none other than Jung Jaehyun, the man whom his girlfriend had cheated on him with. Jaehyun was a member of one of Luna’s most notorious gangs and he detested Taeil. Taeil’s girlfriend, Lexa, didn’t know how to break up with Taeil so she could be with Jaehyun. She was frustrated because Taeil was so sweet and giving. He was so good to her that Lexa chickened out and never broke up with him. She was getting frustrated and Jaehyun was getting even angrier.
One of the nights that Lexa spent with Jaehyun, she let it slip that she wished there was a way she could get rid of Taeil. And Jaehyun was more than happy to oblige.
Jaehyun and his men cornered Taeil one night. He thought he was meeting Lexa for their 300 day anniversary. He got a text from her phone saying to meet her on the rooftop of the Nectarine Hotel because she had a surprise for him.
However, she was nowhere to be seen. Jaehyun took Taeil by surprise and pushed him off of the twenty story luxury hotel.
Jaehyun’s men lingered downstairs and made sure there were no witnesses on the scene. All evidence of Taeil’s death had been covered up. Taeil’s family and friends reported Taeil as a missing person. Lexa had also disappeared off of the face of the Earth. And many wondered if she and Taeil had disappeared to start anew.
That couldn’t have been further from the truth. Jaehyun, Lexa, and his men disposed of Taeil’s body off underneath an overpass. They’d buried his body and washed their cleans of him.
Taeil always thought about whether or not an afterlife existed. When he hit the ground from his fall, everything went black. The roaring pain all over his body that hit him for one moment...Quickly vanished at the next.
Taeil opened his eyes again and instead of seeing Downtown Luna...Only white surrounded him. Surrounded by golden specks.
An angel appeared before him with stunning peach-colored wings. The angel shined so brightly that Taeil couldn’t make out their face. They spoke softly… “Moon Taeil...Born June 14, 1994...Died October 22, 2018.”
Taeil sobbed then. “Please, is there any way you can save me?”
The angel sighed. “My poor child...You’ve been wronged. I want to give you the opportunity to seek justice...And once you have seeked justice and found peace, you can ascend into Heaven and join us. Our Heavenly Father awaits you.”
Before Taeil could respond, he became a ghost. He manifested into another town he couldn’t recognize. It was the city of Mystic. Jaehyun lived a life of luxury and terrorized the new city with his gang. And who reigned right beside him in a God-awful bubblegum pink wig?
The woman he’d loved and planned to propose to: Lexa.
Lexa played around with the buttons on Jaehyun’s designed shirt as she quietly thanked him for killing Taeil. And Jaehyun murmured back a thank you for giving him the idea and for suggesting a good hiding place for his remains.
Taeil felt sick to his stomach. The love he felt for Lexa had quickly shifted into hatred. And Taeil wanted revenge. He wanted to take them both down. But how, he wondered.
It took him a few more months to figure out how exactly he could enact revenge on them. Haunting them for a few weeks was a thrill but he wanted Jaehyun behind bars. And Lexa? Well, Taeil just wanted her to drown in guilt.
And then, Taeil found Sinema, a supernatural hub in the seemingly typical town of Mystic. Taeil struck a deal with the vampires to help them dig up his body. They in turn compelled the police to find his remains and track down Jaehyun.
Taeil owed the vampires a few months of haunting humans who had deceived them when they were once humans. So both parties were happy.
Taeil decided to spare Lexa from prison. Instead, her family, her friends, and everyone from Luna shunned her for having a hand in Taeil’s murder. Although she was never charged, she was as good as guilty as Jaehyun and his men.
Lexa remained in Mystic in a run-down apartment, barely making ends meet. The luxuries she was able to afford before, because of Taeil and then because of Jaehyun, were no longer accessible to her so she lived a life full of resentment.
But Taeil visited her many nights to remind her that more than anything, she should’ve felt guilt and remorse for what she’d done to him.
How she convinced him that he’d found happiness in her. How she made him out to be a fool. And how she discarded him like a piece of trash.
Lexa’s mind slowly unraveled over time and the guilt slowly consumed her each time.
Taeil ate it all up. This felt like justice and he didn’t want to ascend just yet. He wanted Lexa to get on her knees and pray to God for forgiveness for what she’d done to Taeil.
But that day hadn’t come. So Taeil frequented her apartment at night...Having Lexa think she dreamed of him as she slept.
One late Saturday night...going into Sunday morning, Taeil waited with you at the bench for your Uber to arrive to take you back to your dorm. Sometimes he accompanied you to the dorm and talked to you. You’d have to pretend you were on the phone so your Uber driver didn’t think you were talking to an imaginary friend.
Tonight, though, he wouldn’t be taking you home.
You asked, “Are you going to see her now?”
Taeil froze. “What?”
You wondered aloud, “Lexa...Do you haunt her on the weekends too?”
“Not recently, actually...I’ve been seeing her less.”
You smiled. “Taeil, that’s great. It means you’re getting over her.”
Taeil glared. “I don’t need to get over her. I despise her.”
Your smile vanished. “I know that. It’s just-”
He shot back, “Just what?”
You looked down at your hands and played with your fingers. “It’s just...You’ve sought justice...Jaehyun is rotting in a jail cell...Lexa is guilty over what she’s done...And...I hate to say this...But I think if you stop going to see her...There’s a chance you can finally ascend.”
He looked taken aback at your words. “I can ascend whenever I want.”
You lifted an eyebrow. “Really?”
Taeil looked even more annoyed as he sneered. “Absolutely. Excuse me for wanting to spend a little more time with you before I leave forever.”
His words infuriated you. “Taeil, you...I’m not the reason you want to stay...You’re hung up on your ex. Even if it’s not in the romantic sense...You’re fixated on terrorizing her until what? She begs for forgiveness?”
“And what the hell is wrong with that?”
“Taeil, you’re meant to find peace. You have to let her go.”
“Well, y/n, thank you for your opinion. I never asked for it but it’s certainly never stopped you...Have a safe trip back to your dorm.”
“Fine! Manifest yourself back to me when you get a grip.” You crossed your arms around your chest in anger. He was unbelievable. You were right. He just wouldn’t let go. He wouldn’t give up on seeing that...that wretched bitch.
Why did you let this piss you off so much and why were you overstepping...You had no right…
Perhaps it was because you’d fallen for Taeil and seeing him jeopardize his fate over this woman infuriated you like nothing else had.
The full moon was out that night and you couldn’t help but yell in fury at the sky.
Someone crept up behind you and with his claws, he scratched deeply into your collarbone. “Hey, what the fuck?!”
You turned around to find a werewolf before you. It was a literal wolf on two legs. His muscles protruded like that of a man’s but they were so large...You knew he could easily snap your neck with a quick movement of his hands. His tawny coat shined in the moonlight. His brown eyes watched you, expectantly.
You were about to get on your knees and beg for mercy.
You saw a group of people lingering beside the werewolf. You remembered them. They were a part of Yuta’s pack.
“Yuta?” You finally connected the dots and realized the wolf who scratched you was Yuta. You hadn’t seen him since that first time.
He had been a werewolf, after all. But why had he transformed? Why was he here? Why had he done this to you?
You winced slightly at the scrapes and monitored them as they quickly vanished. You couldn’t believe your eyes.
Yuta’s fur vanished as he transformed back into his human self. He was shirtless but his pair of jeans remained on. “Y/n, I wanted to confirm something…”
You frowned. “What?”
“The scratch of the alpha is borderline lethal to any outsider of the pack...So any pack member or...descendant of that pack member can heal from his bite…”
You laughed nervously, confused. You wanted to get the hell out of here. Where the bloody hell was your Uber? “Uh...That’s interesting, I guess.”
“Can’t you see, y/n? I’m the alpha of the Nakamoto clan. You’ve healed from my scratches...Which means…”
You demanded, “What does it mean?”  
“It means you are a descendant of this clan, y/n…”
You shook your head. “No...That’s...Impossible. I’m not a werewolf…”
“You were adopted at five months, y/n...Your parents perished in a war against the vampires...Your parents led normal lives as humans for as long as they could...Much to the disappointment of my father.”
“Yuta, you don’t know what you’re saying…”
“I do, y/n. The pack and I have uncovered everything about you and your family history. You’re a werewolf. An unawakened one.”
“Explain how your bite healed. The only way you could enter Sinema of your own accord is if you possessed supernatural blood. And werewolf blood is as supernatural as it gets.”
“Yuta, please, you’ve got the wrong person...I don’t know why you bit me and why it healed. Maybe it’s some magic trick you pulled off to please your pack...I’ve had a shitty night so if you don’t mind, I’d like to go home,” you said, checking your phone for the arrival of your Uber. It was arriving.
The Uber pulled up and you turned to him. “Just leave me alone.”
You visited your parents the next day. You asked them about where they’d adopted you from. They’d always been very mum about the details.
“Someone told me something crazy the other day,” you said to them as the three of you shared dinner with your adopted younger siblings.
Your parents both looked at each other, concerned.
“He said my biological parents were werewolves!” You laughed in disbelief. “How crazy is that?”
Your parents eyed each other again.
Your mom started, “Who is this man?”
“Mom, I believe the proper response is ‘That man is crazy. Where did he get that kind of story?’”
You knew your parents were hiding something and you wanted to hear the truth from them.
Your father scratched his neck as he took off his glasses. Your younger siblings all eyed each other uncomfortably.
“Why aren’t you guys saying anything?” You asked.
Your dad said, “Y/n...We hoped for you to never find out.”
You shook your head in disbelief. “Dad, you’re scaring me...Find out what?”
Your parents went on to tell you about the incidents you had when you turned eleven. After you’d had your first period, you began to experience terrible mood swings and throw tantrums left and right around the time the full moon occurred. And when you turned thirteen and the first full moon following your birthday occurred…
You’d attacked a neighbor who was walking their dog.
You’d grown teeth and hair all over your body that night. You’d become a wolf, according to your parents.
Once the night had ended, you’d transformed into a human again and fallen asleep.
Your neighbors never knew that it had been you. Your parents helped your attacked neighbor get to a hospital and they reported an animal attack in the neighborhood. Your neighbor couldn’t remember anything.
But her dog never forgot and hated you.
Your parents got a hold of the adoption agency and they had no information on your birth parents besides their names. Your parents then got in touch with a psychic, who referred them to a witch. They took you to the witch and she told them you were an unawakened werewolf. You were a fledgling. Unless you received the bite of an alpha werewolf and acquired your position in the pack, you were susceptible to these monthly full moon transformations and since you hadn’t been awakened, it would be even worse and dangerous for those around you. So the witch concocted a potion that would suppress your fledgling urges but it was critical that you consumed it each month.
Which explained why your parents were always so adamant for you to come home every month for dinner. They put the potion in your dinner. So you were able to suppress your urges up until this point.
Could this be the reason why you felt so unfulfilled? Because you never explored your true nature? Your parents never gave you the choice to control it.
Your parents had good intentions but you had the option to meet the pack all of these years...And you never knew.
You’d always felt like a part of you had been missing and your trip to Sinema had done the trick to lead you to the truth.
Back in your dorm and without having ingested the potion your parents had given, you’d only had a few days until the full moon. You were resolved to speak to Yuta.
You’d gotten out of the shower, letting out a shaky breath from all of the bundled up nerves you carried. You were shocked to find Taeil standing in your common room that you shared with your roommates. They were all away for the day.
“Taeil!” You started as you covered your towel more tightly around you.
“I heard,” Taeil started, worry etched all over his face, “If I could kill Yuta, I would…”
“Taeil, I’m going to him,” you started.
“What?” He asked.
“I’m going to be awakened by him.”
He looked at you in disbelief. “Y/n, what are you-”
“I’m an unawakened werewolf, Taeil. My biological parents were werewolves and if I don’t receive the official bite of the alpha, I’m going to suffer by the influence of the full moon.”
“Y/n, the full moon is in two weeks!”
“I know…” You said.
Taeil sighed. “Y/n, you have a chance to be away from the supernatural world. To avoid the dangers of these creatures. I know humans are terrible, deceitful, and cruel...But the supernatural doesn’t fare better. You didn’t grow up in this world. It could consume you and spit you right back out…”
You were resolved, though. You longed to explore more of the world and to embrace the part of you that had always been neglected. “Taeil, I’ve made my decision. My family has respected it. And I hope you will, too.”
A tear escaped Taeil’s eye. “Y/n, I’m so sorry. If I hadn’t left you alone…”
You shook your head as you wished to embrace him. “Taeil, this isn’t on you. This opened my eyes. My path is more defined now...Who knows what awaits me once I awaken? That’s for me to find out.”
Taeil extended his hand out and pretended to caress your face. “There’s nothing I can say to make you change your mind, is there?”
“No,” you said, as you leaned closer to his transparent hand.
He smiled weakly. “Y/n, I’ve thought a lot about it and you were right...I’ve given up on visiting Lexa.”
You opened your mouth wide. “Really?”
Taeil avoided your stare as he stared at the potted plant by the window. “I...wanted to stay longer but...we’re both meant to part ways...And I’m not happy...Terrorizing Lexa hasn’t given me any sense of fulfillment. Temporary pleasure? Yes...But I long to find that peace.”
You cried. “Taeil, I’m so happy to hear that. And you will find that peace, I promise you.”
“In the meantime, I’ll be by your side as you head into your next chapter.”
You smiled at him and didn’t realize your towel slipped to the floor.
“Y/n…” Taeil coughed as he quickly turned red and turned around.
“What?” You frowned.
Without looking at you, he pointed to the towel on the floor.
“Shit!” You exclaimed. But then, you watched Taeil...He was blushing…
“Did it hurt that much to look at my body, Taeil?” You asked, quietly.
“What?” He asked, confused.
“It’s okay...You can look…”
Taeil turned and was shocked to see you still unclothed.
You gave him a flirty smile. “I know we can’t touch...But it doesn’t mean we can’t have fun, right?”
You got onto your bed and slowly began to tease your clit and Taeil’s jaw nearly fell to the floor. He adored every inch of you as he scanned your body and worked his hardest to commit it all to memory.
You could see his member grow in his pants. He immediately gripped his gorgeous length and pleasured himself alongside you.
“I wish I could feel your heavenly cock on my clit…” You told him.
He grunted. “Heaven can wait...This is real paradise...Here with you.”
You muttered sweet nothings to each other and imagined that you made love to each other that day.
You and Taeil were more inseparable than before. Because you knew your days together were numbered.
The full moon arrived and Yuta had agreed that this was the ideal time for your initiation into his pack. You would be able to absorb the moon’s power as you transformed from Yuta’s bite.
Yuta invited you to his mansion in the woods not too far outside of town. His pack members were present and they’d arranged a massive bonfire at the center in honor of your awakening.
Taeil was right beside you, much to the chagrin of the rest of the pack members. But what could they do? Drag him out? When they couldn’t even lay a finger on him?
Yuta was dressed in his best tuxedo as he recited the pack’s code of conduct to you and welcomed you into their pack. He transformed into his wolf form and at the brightest the full moon had been, you’d taken on your fledgling form. You howled at the moon and became rabid. Yuta knew what he had to do.
Taeil watched you in concern but Yuta had sworn to protect you. For you would be one of his family soon enough. So Taeil had no choice but to trust him.
Yuta bit into your collarbone and your eyes shifted from their usual color and into a bright amber. You felt yourself regain consciousness and became aware of where you were.
“Y/n, do you know who I am?” Yuta asked.
You nodded.
Yuta continued, “Good. You are now a fully awakened werewolf. Harness your abilities with honor and know that you have a family in the Nakamoto clan forever.”
“Hear hear!” The pack members yelled out.
You’d reverted back into your human form through your own accord. You were shocked at how quickly you could turn back.
You ran over to Taeil and he beamed at you. “How do you feel?”
“I feel...whole...Fulfilled...I have no idea what will happen next but it’s a new kind of uncertainty...And I like it.”
Taeil said, “I’m glad, y/n…”
He started to pixelate before you and his voice began to fade.
Your smile faded. “Taeil?”
“I think God wanted me to stick around for this momentous occasion...Before he summoned me…”
You couldn’t help the tears that escaped you. “Taeil, I love you.”
He cried with you. “I love you, too. I will see you up there...Soon. I’d better be the first person you look up when you ascend, you hear me?”
You wrapped your arms around him and to your shock. To everyone’s shock at the party...You could feel Taeil. He was muscular and the warmth of his body was like the fuzziest blanket wrapped around you after the worst day. He felt wonderful. And you never wanted to let him go.
Taeil longed for the day he could feel your body around his...And it was only at this time when you two had to bid farewell when he could feel you against him. You were strong but at that moment, he held you tenderly. Like you would break at any second. Because this moment was the most fragile. It was fleeting. So you both soaked in the feeling of each other’s bodies as you held each other.
Taeil kissed you and you reciprocated. His lips felt just like you’d imagined them. Soft. Perfect against yours. His kiss was the euphoria you would treasure for the rest of your life.
You released each other.
“Goodbye, Moon,” you teased. You made a play at his last name. Since you were a werewolf now, you’d be highly influenced by the activity of the moon.
He joked back. “Goodbye, Wolfie. Don’t forget to howl at me once in a while. It’s kinda hot...” The cliche of werewolves howling at the moon was actually a common practice for them.
You shook your head and laughed as he faded away. You cried hard that night, missing him already.
Yuta and his pack comforted you as you cried. They celebrated you and they mourned with you. This pack had become your family.
Taeil finally ascended to Heaven. It was a lot like Earth but idealistic. Paradise had everything at his disposal. He could go to the movies and have an unlimited supply of Sour Patch Bats. He finally knew what they tasted like. He could get a foot massage whenever he felt like it. He could play his music and sing to his heart’s content. God was a big fan of Moon Taeil. 
But the thing he loved most was being able to look after the loved ones he left behind.
Now that Taeil had become an angel, he would accumulate power overtime in order to send blessings to the people he loved most.
Especially to you.
You’d gotten a better grip on your powers but you were still a long way from being Yuta’s right hand. You’d moved into one of Yuta’s apartment complexes that he owned. You were finishing up your last year of school, as well. Since you’d stabilized your powers, you could carry on with your day-to-day activities. It’s just nighttime that would be unaccounted for.
One day, Yuta visited you.
You greeted him as you welcomed him inside your spacious apartment. He sat down on your L-shaped couch in your living room as you gave him a glass of water. “To what do I owe the pleasure, boss?”
Yuta never visited his pack member’s homes unless it was important business. Usually, he summoned them to a common area, like one of his mansions in the city.
Yuta smiled. “I see you like your new place.”
You nodded. “It beats hearing my roommates screw their boyfriends every other night, I must admit.”
He laughed. “Well, I’m glad to hear that.”
“What’s up? You’re not usually one for small talk...Unless you want to sleep with them...And that girl isn’t here at the moment.” You knew about Yuta’s tumultuous relationship with Sinema’s manager.
Yuta blushed then. “You...Knock it off.”
You laughed heartily, then. You two had developed an older brother little sister relationship. Yuta was able to uncover more information about your parents and your extended family. He’d been extremely helpful during this time, providing financial support not only to you but your entire family.
When Yuta said the pack was a family, he really meant it.
Yuta was mulling over his next words and he gave you a solemn look. The light, breezy mood had quickly vanished.
The power the alpha held to control the room.
He said, “Y/n, prepare your things. The war is about to begin.”
[Fin...Or is it?]
Stay tuned for the next spooky story...
238 notes · View notes
definitelyseven · 4 years
deal | five
summary: when your step-mom unexpectedly offers you a deal you can’t resist, you decide to give her a taste of her own medicine by seducing her potential suitor, Im Jaebum.
one (m) | two | three (m) | four (m) | five | six (m) | seven | eight (m) | nine | ten | eleven | twelve (m) | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen - final |
The wind was especially strong today. It seemed like on the days you decided to go out, the nights were extra cold. You and your best friend, Minju, were standing in line to get inside the new club that just opened.
“Why is it so cold?” you whined. 
“Hoes don’t get cold,” Minju smirked, smacking your butt. You cursed yourself for wearing a deep v, mini dress that barely covered your ass. Your outfit garnered a lot of attention, catching people stare at you in every direction.
“How is there so many people at this club already?” you asked her.
“The club owner is one of Korea’s top producer. A lot of celebrities will be here tonight,” she squealed. The both of you waited for what seemed like forever before the line started to move and people started going inside. Everyone turned to look at the car that pulled up next to the entrance, hoping it was some kind of celebrity, but it wasn’t. It was Jaebum’s car.
He steps out of the car, looking handsome as ever, alongside with two other men. “Jaebum!” you called for his attention. You told Minju to wait in line for you as you walked up to greet him.
“How did you know I was here?” he asked crossing his arms in front of his chest. 
“You’re not the only one that’s allowed to go out,” you said raising your eyebrow. “You have your fun, and I have mine.” Jaebum chuckled, nodding. “Help me get in.” He glances over at the long line before looking at you. “You don’t want me to catch a cold, do you?” you pouted. He stares at you; up and down, before running his finger over his lip. 
“It’s like you’re begging to get a cold with that outfit,” he teased. 
“Please...” you begged again, tugging on his blazer.  Jaebum waves down security and tells him to let you in. “Thanks baby,” you smiled before grabbing Minju out of line. You followed Jaebum and his friends in the club. 
“Have your fun, but be safe,” he warned looking down at you as he pulled your body close to his before giving your ass a squeeze. You jumped at the sudden affection, hitting his chest in response. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll be safe daddy,” you whispered in his ear before walking away with Minju.
“Who was that?” she asked. “He’s hot.”
“I’ll explain later, but drinks now,” you said pulling her towards the bar. By your 5th shot, your cheeks were burning and you started to feel the alcohol kick in. You pulled Minju to the middle of the dance floor with you.
You glanced over to the man who had slip his hands around your waist. He wasn’t bad looking, but you didn’t want to dance with him. You grabbed the stranger’s hand and pushed it away, hoping it was a good enough signal for him to back off. 
But it wasn’t. 
“Come on baby, don’t play hard to get,” the man whispered in your ear. You moved your head away from him and stepped back.
“Don’t touch me,” you said disgusted. 
“You’re begging to be touch with your ass moving like that,” he said reaching for you again. 
“Fuck off,” you said walking back to the bar. Minju quickly followed behind.
“What’s wrong? He was good looking,” she said waving the bartender down.
“I’m going solo tonight.”
“Could it be because of that guy that helped us in?” she asked elbowing you. You bit your lip, non-responsive. “I knew it!” she jumped happily.
“Relax,” you tell her while handing her a shot of tequila. The both of you chugged it and slammed the glass on the table. 
“Y/N...” she whined. 
“No...” you looked at her in disbelief. “Don’t tell me you invited your boyfriend!”
“Don’t be mad,” she pleaded. “He’s here! I’m going to find him. Be careful!” she said before walking off. You scoffed, brushing off how your friend just ditched you for her boyfriend. 
You looked around the club and see Jaebum in the VIP area. He had his arm wrapped around a very pretty woman. Her hands stroking his thigh, her body pressed close to his, laughing at everything he said. You rolled your eyes annoyed - every women in this club wanted a piece of him. 
“Can I buy you a drink?” You turned around and saw the man that was groping you on the dance floor.
“No, thank you. I was just leaving,” you smiled subtly before walking away. 
He grabbed your hand, “I’m sorry, I just want to buy you a drink. Please...” he begged. “One drink.”
“Okay, one drink,” you don’t know why you agreed to drinking with him - maybe because you wanted him to stop bugging you. You walked with him towards the bar and patiently waited for him to grab you a drink. Your eyes kept wandering over to Jaebum’s table. He was certainly having his own fun. He didn’t even bother to look for you.
“Here you go,” the man said handing you a drink. “I’m sorry again.” You took a sip out of the drink, before setting it down on the table. It tasted weird, kind of bitter. “What’s a pretty lady doing by herself at the club?”
“I’m not by myself. I’m with a friend. She just stepped away,” you said taking another sip of your drink. You bit your inner cheek, soothing your tongue on the roof of your mouth from the bitterness. 
“That dress looks so good on you, baby. It makes me want to do things to you,” he said leaning in. You put your hand out in front of him, stopping him from moving closer. 
"Do you want me to pour this drink on you?”
“Okay okay,” he said clinking his glass with yours. You took another sip of your drink again. The more you drank, the thirster you felt. 
“I don’t feel so good,” you groaned, rubbing the temples of your head. 
“What’s wrong baby?” he said holding you up. 
“I think I feel sick...” you said trying to leave to get some fresh air. You felt his arms wrap around your waist, but you were too weak to push him away. Your legs went limp  and your body started to feel numb, shivering at the breeze outside.  “I need to get a taxi,” you whimpered. 
“It’s okay, baby. I got you,” he said in your ear. You felt him nibble on your ear, his hand reaching under your dress. 
“No...” you whimpered. “Stop,” you said trying to push his hand off your leg.
“Shh baby...” he said, sucking on your neck. You tried to push him away, but you couldn’t. It was like all the strength in your body was being sucked away. “I’ll take good care of you.”
You couldn’t do anything, but beg for him to stop. You hear your dress tear as you start to whimper, pleading for him to stop. You collapse onto the floor as you felt his hand rip off you. Your vision was blurred, but from a distance, you see two men fighting. 
The feeling of something coming up your throat woke you up. You sat up too quickly, feeling thick contents rush up into your mouth. 
“Here,” you hear someone say running towards you with an ice bucket. You released the contents in your mouth to the bucket before groaning. Your throat felt hoarse from the acidity of the vomit, tears falling from the side of your eyes. You looked up to see Jaebum.
“What happened?” you said laying on the headboard of the bed. 
“I told you to be careful,” he said handing you a glass of water. “That dick spiked your drink and you had no idea. You could’ve -” he stopped himself from speaking. “You’re okay now.”
“I-I didn’t know,” you said with tears in your eyes. He sighs moving closer to you. Jaebum strokes your head, gently wiping the tears that were collected in your eyes. 
“The doctor said you’ll be fine after throwing it up. Drink more water,” he tells you, bringing the glass towards your lips. Your stomach churned, not taking in the water. “Drink more,” he whispered. 
“Where am I?” 
“Hotel. I didn’t want to bring you home in this state.” You looked down at your ripped dress, pulling it down to cover your exposed thigh. “Please don’t tell me you were going to hook up with that guy.”
“I wasn’t!” you explained. “I don’t even know why I agreed to drink with him. I was stupid!” 
Jaebum sighs, “Don’t get with just any guy because of me. I’m not worth it.”
That was never your intention. You weren’t going to sleep around because of him, because he wasn’t paying attention to you. You weren’t that type of girl and he didn’t know that. 
“I would never.”
“Good, let’s get you cleaned up,” he said helping you out of the bed. He walked you towards the bathroom and sits you down on the toilet before handing you a makeup wipe to take off your makeup. You watched Jaebum draw you a bath, putting in rose pedals, and soap to create bubbles. “I think the waters good.”
You nodded, standing up in front of him. He watched you carefully as you removed your dress in front of him. “Join me?” you asked, standing in front of him in only your panties. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Jaebum said clearing his throat. 
“I just want some company,” you said holding onto his hand. “It’s just a bath,” you said helping him out of his shirt. He didn’t refuse. You tossed his shirt across the bathroom floor before reaching for his sweatpants. 
a little note from jennie: hi lovely readers! sorry for not posting during my usual days last week. i’ve been feeling unmotivated, and spent more time on this chapter than i should’ve. hope you enjoyed this one. :) 
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lovenlucky · 2 years
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hi there!! my name is evie, im 23, she/her, and welcome to my side blog for all things kpop and anime <3 ive been a fan of kpop and anime since around 2013/2014 so i figured it was time to make a side blog ~ you can also find me on my main @stxverandle or my greta van fleet side blog @cowboysamkiszka or on twitter @/lov3nlucky for more kpop and anime content :D
content u can find here (fic recs & rb of edits, art, gifs, etc)
ateez (bias: san / wooyoung)
bts (bias: taehyung / jungkook)
(g)-idle (bias: soyeon / yuqi)
got7 (bias: jaebum / jinyoung)
monsta x (bias: changkyun / kihyun)
nct 127 (bias: yuta)
riize (bias: wonbin)
seventeen (bias: dino / mingyu)
stray kids (bias: changbin / jisung / chan)
tomorrow x together (bias: yeonjun)
twice (bias: jihyo / momo)
wayv (bias: yang yang / hendery)
xeed (bias: jaemin / bao ??? undecided tbh)
chainsaw man
demon slayer
fairy tail
fruits basket
jujutsu kaisen
kamisama kiss
maid sama
my hero academia
sailor moon
seven deadly sins
studio ghibli
yona of the dawn
ikeman vampire (arthur / theo girlie)
twisted wonderland (cater / ace girlie)
obey me! shall we date? (satan / mammon girlie)
genshin impact (wriothesley/freminet main ~ massive itto simp)
for an easier search ~ all content tagged by full band/show name and member/character’s full name. fics will be tagged as #evieslibrary
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hancnvs · 6 years
The Wedding
Pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader
Genre: Angst
Music Recommendation: Read this while listening to Taeyang’s Wedding Dress
(a/n: I won’t make this story long since I’m not good with words, english is not my very first language and I’m just giving this story a shot. Hopefully you’ll enjoy!)
“It’s a beach wedding, where we exchange our vows as the sun tries to set. Where we enjoy the stunning scenery and the relaxing sound of the waves.”
You let out a very deep sigh as you scan the well-decorated place, it was perfect. The selected guests slowly filled in the venue, you can’t help but to smile bitterly. The ceremony will start in less than 30-minutes, you started rechecking the materials that’s being used, the bouquet that you once dream of holding while walking down the aisle, the sound system to make sure that everything will went out perfectly, just like he always wanted.
You stared at the man who stood at the front, patienly waiting for his bride. He looks fine, I mean, since when does Jaebum doesn’t look fine? Jaebum is always that type of man that every girl dreamed of having, you felt your heart sunk when you thought to yourself;
“He was once mine, why did I let him go?”
You were distracted by the thought as the music starts to play. (Music Recommendation)
There goes his soon to be wife, marching down the aisle. She looks so beautiful with that dress, the dress that you sketch.
The dress that you were supposed to wear.
The music continues to play, you look at Jaebum with who’s eyes are shining so bright. He look so in love, you know, because he used to look at you like that before. You can’t help but let the tears fall down on your cheeks, you are happy for him but not for yourself.
You never expect all of this to happen because for once, all you ever think was walking on the aisle with him while wearing the dress that you sketch for yourself, where you both exchange your vows as the sun tries to set. Where you happily enjoy the breath taking view with him. For once, all you ever wanted was to end up your journey with Jaebum happily but unfortunately, things turned out differently.
You slowly walk away from the venue as you wipe your tears away.
She ended up wearing the wedding dress that you always wanted to wear on your wedding day and Jaebum end up wearing the suit that you sketch up for him while you were still together for your supposed-to-be wedding day.
She ended up spending the rest of her life with Jaebum instead of you.
You let out a deep sigh while glancing at the happily-married couple, you smiled bitterly while saying;
“At least I made his dream come true.”
I was the one who supposed to wear that wedding dress, I was the one you’re supposed to exchange your vows with, I was the one you’re supposed to grow old with but I’m still glad because I end up witnessing you taking the very first step of married life..
Not as your wife, but as your wedding designer.
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markstunafish-blog · 7 years
How would got7 react to their friend having abusive parents?-SFB19
hey you, yes here you go, sorry for the long wait on it!!
Mark // He’d make sure to always be with you whenever you had to be at your parents house, but no doubt he’d have you live with him and he’d take the sofa, so you can have his bed. You’d become a member of the household and wouldn’t have to act like a guest, he’d just want to make sure you feel comfortable and safe
Jaebum // Would have to use like every once of strength he has to not go and fight your parents, he’d seriously be so pissed off and never let you anywhere near them without him there, if they even glanced at you in a way he didn’t like, he would shut them down immediately and get you out of there, along with having space set up for you living with him so you never have to return there
Jackson // Would be so heartbroken at the thought of anyone being so awful to somebody as lovely as you and would just want to be with you all the time as a personal bodyguard just to make sure nobody can say or do anything to ever hurt you again, of course like the other boys he would have you stay with him and would make sure that you know you are welcome to live with him as long as you need to
Jinyoung // He’d find it so hard to keep calm in those situations and not let his mouth run loose, but then he’d remember that he needs to be calm and composed for you, so that he can be strong for you and he’s make sure have you feeling as welcome as possible in his home so that you know as long as you have him in your life you’re safe and will be looked after
Youngjae //It would really break his heart to hear that you have abusive parents and if he ever saw it he’d get so wrapped up and emotional at how cruel they could be to somebody as lovely as you. He’d have you come straight to his place after picking you and your stuff up, so that you can come and stay with him for as long as you need so you’re in safe hands
BamBam // He’d come and get you immediately without even giving you enough time to get any belongings together, then he’d tell you that he’ll come back for them or buy you new ones instead because he’d never let you step foot in your old home again in fear of them being so awful towards you
Yugyeom // Yugyeom would be so upset at first, but would quickly bypass that feeling, going straight for anger. He’d have you stay with him and would let you know that you are always welcome to live with him for as long as you need and that you never have to see your parents again if that’s what you want, because he just wants you to feel safe
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