Jennie 제니
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definitelyseven · 3 years ago
hurts so good | twelve (final)
summary: growing up with Park Jinyoung was never easy and things are about to get worse when you’ve been asked to marry him
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve - final |
You sat down quietly across from him and next to your attorney. It had been three weeks since you last saw Jinyoung, three weeks since he agreed to the divorce. You only heard from him when he asked to meet to sign the papers.
“Thank you Mrs. Park for coming to meet us. My client said the both of you mutually agreed to sign today’s papers. Is that correct?” 
“Yes that’s correct,” you responded as Jinyoung’s lawyer slid over some papers. Your lawyer intercepts the papers and begins scanning the document. 
“My client is generously offering $20,000 a month for the next 40 years or a one time check of $10 million,” he revealed. You stared at Jinyoung in shock.
“No,” you denied. “No, I don’t want your money.”
“Mrs. Park, I urge you to reconsider this. It’s his responsibility to take care of you,” your lawyer reminded you.
“It’s Y/N and I can take care of myself,” you argued.
“How?” Jinyoung finally said. “You have no job, no house. Your father still gambles,” he exposed. 
“That is none of your concern. I will figure it out. I will find a job. I don’t want your money. I don’t want to owe you anything,” you continued to explain.
“Just take the fucking money, Y/N! Don’t be so stubborn,” he exclaimed. You glared at him. “I’m sorry,” he sighed, knowing he’s going to lose this battle against you.
“Moving on to the next thing-,” his lawyer began to speak before you interrupted him.
“I don’t want a single thing from him. I’m not interested in what else is on that list.” 
His lawyer looked over a Jinyoung, who had his arms crossed against his chest. He sighed again, nodding in agreement. He leans over to the table, “I want to talk to you alone.”
“No. My client will not be speaking with anyone without me present,” your lawyer declined.
“Don’t worry, we won’t be negotiating anything. My lawyer will leave to fix these papers, won’t you?” he instructed.
“Yes, that’s right. Mr. Lee, please follow me.”
“It’s alright. I’ll be okay,” you assured your lawyer. He nods leaving you alone with Jinyoung as he helps prepare the divorce papers. He stares at you in silence as you avoid his gaze. 
“You wanted to talk?” you asked him.
He sighed lightly before leaning forwards once again. “This may be the last time we ever speak to each other like this - face to face.”
You gave him a subtle smile, nodding in agreement. “I will always be thankful for you and your family. You saved us and that will never change, no matter what happens between us.”
“I appreciate that,” he said. “Father loved you, no matter how harsh he was.”
You smiled weakly, “He loved you too.”
There was another long silence between the both of you. Now that you think of it, you and Jinyoung never had a peaceful conversation before. If he wasn’t being mean to you, he was yelling at you. 
“I know Jisoo came to see you. I know she told you some stuff,” he said softly. “I should’ve been the one who told you and I’m sorry I never did. I’m sorry I never showed you.”
You held your breath. Never in a million years did you expect him to apologize.
“I hope the next person you love, you’ll be better to her than you were to me.”
His eyes began to swell, slightly turning pinkish. “She told me you thought I always loved her.” You looked down at your lap because you knew it was true even if they denied it. “Do you still believe that?”
“Look at where we’re at, Jinyoung. It doesn’t matter what I believe.” 
“It does! It does matter. I may have never showed or told you that I loved you but I never loved anyone else. Not once,” he confessed. 
“Every time we fought, you always ran to her. You always picked her, sided with her and I was the one in the way. What else was I supposed to think?” you questioned. 
Jinyoung sighed. “February 14, 2013.”
“W-what?,” you stuttered with tears in your eyes.
“It was our senior year of high school.” 
You remembered now. You had finally mustered enough courage to confess to Jinyoung. You hand-made heart shaped chocolates for him but he rejected you brutally even front of all your classmates.
“The night before - Jaebum stayed up all night making you chocolates. I overheard him confessing to the housekeeper that he was going to ask you to be his girlfriend. What gave him the right?” he asked, rhetorically.
“He never told me about this. I never received his chocolates,” you said, confused. 
“I was so angry at him. He took my father away from me and now he wanted you! He wanted to take everything...everyone away from me!” he shouted. “I knew I couldn’t let him have you so I had to beat him to it. I had to tell you I liked you before he did.”
“Then why did you reject me?” you asked. 
“I had this elaborate plan - to make you fall in love with me, to be together until Jaebum couldn’t handle it anymore and leave. But the moment I looked into your eyes that day, I didn’t have the guts to do it. I couldn’t confess to liking you out of spite,” he revealed. “But what I didn’t expect was for you to confess first.”
“You broke my heart then too.”
“I didn’t know if I liked you because I actually liked you or if I liked you to get back at Jaebum. You would’ve never forgiven me if you found out I confessed out of spite,” he said almost in tears. “I tried so hard to differentiate the two but I couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried. I didn’t know what to do and it drove me nuts. A couple of days later, it finally came to me. I thought if I was meaner to you, maybe...just maybe I would stop having those feelings for you. Maybe I could finally stop thinking about you.”
You stared at him quietly, taking in every word he said. Tears rolled down your face as the droplets of tears landed on the table. 
“It worked,” he chuckled, bitterly. “The meaner I was to you, the easier it was to forget you. And every time I did something nice for you, I had to do something ten times worse the next time. Seeing how much pain you were broke me but it always reminded me that my intentions were never pure to begin with. That’s why I always went to Jisoo. I confided in her.”
“Why did you ask me to marry you then?”
“He had already beat me at marriage - marrying the girl Father chose. Nothing would hurt him more than knowing I had you and he could never. I admit I ended up using you,” he revealed as tears fall from the corner of his eyes. You lifted your head up, staring at the ceiling as tears continued to fall down the side of your cheeks. “I’m so sorry,” he apologized. 
“H-how can you say you love me when you used me?!” you sobbed. 
“I knew it was wrong! I regretted it instantly but it was too late. You needed the money...” he whimpered. “If I could go back and change it I would. I would’ve loved you properly, cherished you..” he begged. 
“God!” you whimpered to yourself. “Why did you do this to me?! I was happy! I had a boyfriend!” you cried, angrily.
“I know. I know. I’m so sorry,” he continued to apologize.
“I’m not some fucking reward you can claim when you feel like it! I loved you! I thought if I worked harder, tried harder, that you would start to love me! I was praying you’d change for me!” you continued to shout. “Are you that damaged that you had to break someone else to make yourself feel better?”
“I was 16! I never felt the way I felt for you with anyone in my life! How was I supposed to react? Tell me! What was I supposed to do?!” he shouted back.
You sobbed into your hand.
“I know this doesn’t justify all the shitty things I’ve done to you. You endured things no one should have to experience,” he explained.
“Why are you telling me this now?”
“Y/N, I’m telling you not because I want you to forgive me! I’m going to sign the papers regardless. All I wanted was to be honest about my feelings for once in my goddamn life,” he said. 
You blinked slowly, letting the remaining tears in your eyes fall. You took a deep breath in. “When were you able to tell?”
“Our wedding night,” he answered. “Watching you walk down the aisle in that white dress. You took my breath away and in that moment I knew. I knew I loved you this whole time. It was never about competing with Jaebum. I was just afraid to let myself fall in love.”
“If you loved me so much, why did you sleep with other women? Why did you cheat?”
“Because with them, I never had to worry about falling in love. They mean nothing to me,” he explained.
“But they don’t know that! They think you like them that’s why they sleep with you, Jinyoung.”
“They know I’m married.”
“To someone you don’t love. They think they can Mrs. Park one day,” you sighed. “Stop playing with people’s feelings. Don’t hurt anyone else,” you asked, nicely. You paused, “If there’s one last thing you can do for me is learn to let go. What your Father did to your Mother was unfair and cruel but you don’t have to repeat the pattern. Learn to love the people you’re supposed to love. You’ll find that you have more people on your side than you know.”
“Will you be?”
“Oh Jinyoung…” you called out as you reached for his hand. You gripped it tightly. “I will always be on your side even if I’m not physically there with you.”
There was a light knock on the door. You let go of Jinyoung’s hand and wiped the leftover tears on your cheeks away.
“Come in,” he called.
“The papers are finalized. All that’s left is your signature.” The lawyers handed you each a pen. You scanned through the document until you reached the bottom of the page.
“I know you don’t want money but it will always be here if you need it. You just call me, okay?” Jinyoung asked, softly. You nodded but you knew you would never be calling him.
You uncapped the pen and began signing with Jinyoung following suite until you reached the final page. 
This was it. No more Jinyoung.
“If we can do this over again, would you?” Jinyoung asked, spontaneously. “If you knew what you know now, would you still have said yes to me?”
You looked up from the papers and stared at him - taking in all his features one the last time. “Yes.” You scribbled your signature on the last page before standing up. “Goodbye Jinyoung. Take care.”
Four months. Four months of no pain, no tears, no Jinyoung. You moved away from the city to get away from the fast pace lifestyle, the busy streets and the people. You were content here. You spent your days helping an old couple sell fruit and pies in a small shop by a rest stop. The pay wasn’t nearly as much as a corporation but it didn’t matter to you. You could finally be yourself. You didn’t have to worry about being the perfect wife or worry if your husband loved you enough to come home that night. All that seemed trivial here. 
“How much are the apple pies?” you hear someone asked. You scurried out to the front to greet the customer. 
“They’re $5-” you began to respond before coming to a stop as you laid eyes on the man in front of you. “I- how did you know I was here?”
“I didn’t,” he responded. “I was taking your advice and finally letting go. I gave up my position at the company and decided to move here to live a more simple life.”
“Why here?”
“I-I don’t know...this was the first place I thought of,” he mumbled. “I guess I remembered you saying how much you wanted to move here when it was time to retire.”
“You remembered that?”
“Of course I do. I remember everything you told me even if it seemed like I wasn’t listening,” he explained. “So how much are the pies?”
“$5 each,” you said hesitantly as you handed him a pie.
“I honestly didn’t come here to purposely look for you. I know the last thing you wanted was to see me. I can leave if it bothers you,” he offered.
“No...who am I to not allow you to be here.”
“Okay then. I’ll see you around then,” he smiled before waving goodbye.
You returned the smile and watched him drive away. You thought you would be angry seeing him; maybe even feel hurt. But nothing. You didn’t feel any of those things. In fact, your heart raced at the sight of him. 
Maybe this was fate. Maybe it was God’s way of telling you this is your second chance. 
Whatever it was, no matter how it ends this time, you knew it wasn’t going to hurt as much as the first. 
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definitelyseven · 3 years ago
final chapter of hurts so good will be uploaded this weekend. sorry i’ve been gone for so long. i’ve been so busy at work and i recently got promoted. i appreciate all the messages checking in on me. i’m alive and well! i hope you all are staying healthy too!
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definitelyseven · 4 years ago
hurts so good | eleven
summary: growing up with Park Jinyoung was never easy and things are about to get worse when you’ve been asked to marry him
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve - final |
“What’s this?” you asked your father, starring at the big box in front of you.
“This is from your father-in-law,” he said, handing you the envelope. “It’s his birthday this Saturday. He wants us both to attend.”
You opened the envelope - a formal invitation and a nice gown for the evening. 
“You don’t have to go sweetheart,” you father assured you. “He’ll understand.”
“No, no I should go,” you said, hesitantly. “I owe him an explanation.”
Your dad held onto your hand tightly as you entered the ballroom. All eyes were on you. It’s been awhile since you and Jinyoung showed up at an event together. “Let me know whenever you want to go, okay?” 
You nodded, making your way through the crowd. 
“Y/N,” the two sons called out at the same time. You looked at Jinyoung. His eyes lit up when he saw you. You immediately dodge his gaze, unsure of what to say to him.
“Y/N,” a deeper voice called out. You recognized that voice - it was your father-in-law.
“Father,” you greeted. 
“I’m so glad you could make it. Come, it’s time for the announcement.”
“W-what announcement?” you asked, following him towards the stage with Jinyoung following behind. He stands next to you. 
“I didn’t think you would come tonight,” he said.
“It’s your father,” you responded. “He practically raised me. I had to come.”
“I thought that maybe it was because of me-”
You cut him off, “It is because of you.” You looked up at him. “I owe him an explanation.”
“Thank you all for coming tonight,” your father-in-law said, raising his glass. “Before the party begins, I’d like to announce that I will be retiring.” 
You along with everyone else gasped in shock. 
“I will hand all my responsibilities over to my eldest son - Jaebum,” you turned to Jinyoung, searching for a reaction. But he wasn’t surprised. You always thought he was going to take over the business. He worked so hard for it. “Until my youngest son, Jinyoung bares his first child with my beautiful daughter-in-law.”
The whispers only grew louder as your father-in-law continued to speak. 
“What is he talking about?” you whispered to Jinyoung.
“You haven’t been home in weeks. You don’t think my father is suspicious?”
“So this is how you react? By retaliating against me? Getting your father to stick up for you?” you asked in disbelief.
“Retaliate? Y/N, I love you.”
You scoffed before walking away from him to a room more private. You knew he was going to follow you. 
“Do you really think that getting your father to say that will make me come back?” you questioned. 
“No! Do you really think I would do something like that?” You remained quiet. The Jinyoung you knew would never do something like that. “I know we were never on the best terms but I would never do that to you.”
“No, you would only cheat on me.”
“Stop,” he demanded, grabbing onto your arms tightly. You could see the pain in his eyes. It was the same look he had when his dad brought Jaebum home. He wasn’t begging you to shut up. He was begging you to not remind him of the man he resented the most - his father.
“Is everything alright?” Jaebum asked as he opened the door to the private room.
“Yeah, we’re done here.”
You pushed Jinyoung off you and walked back to the party. You had to talk to your father-in-law alone. 
“Father, may I have a word?”
He leads you to the dance floor. He grabs your hand and the both of you sway, side to side to the slow music that was playing in the background.
“Jinyoung knew nothing about this,” he said. “He doesn’t know I know.”
“I know. He wouldn’t dare to tell you the truth,” you agreed.
“But you will.”
“I can’t do it anymore,” you whispered, your voice almost gone. “I can take his silent treatments, his coldness but I can’t take his betrayal. He cheated on me,” you whimpered. 
“Y/N, you knew who you were marrying. A powerful man - money, resources, women who willingly throw themselves at him,” he explained.
“Wondered where he learned that from?” you commented, bitterly. He looks at you in disbelief; appalled that you would say such a thing. “A real man would never cheat on the women he loves.”
"I loved your mother-in-law.”
“I am not her,” you continued to whisper. “I will not stand idly by and watch my husband betray me,” you said through your teeth. 
“Jinyoung loves you,” he reminded.
"I respect you and I will be forever grateful for everything you’ve done for my father and I. But I can’t stay with Jinyoung just because of I’m grateful,” you explained. 
“Even if you know he loves you? Even if you know why he acts the way he acts?” he asked. You remained quiet because you once hesitated and thought about going back to Jinyoung. “I was the one who told Jisoo to meet you. I felt that you needed to know.”
“Jinyoung doesn’t know I know...” you whispered to yourself. His father shakes his head. 
“I was never a good father. I never taught him how to love, how to respect women. You can blame me for that. Don’t blame him.”
“It doesn’t change anything,” you said with tears in your eyes that were struggling to fall. You knew you couldn’t cry in front of everyone - not here, not today. You pulled away from your father-in-law and took a deep breath. “Convince him to agree to the divorce. I don’t want a single thing.”
“I can try to convince him but it’s entirely up to him.”
“You’re not objecting?” you asked, surprised. 
“You were never happy. I know it may not seem like it but I always loved you like a daughter. I may be hard on you guys but-”
You cut him off, “I know. I never blamed you for how things turned out. I agreed to marry him on my own.” 
“Think about it some more, okay?” 
You didn’t respond. You thought and thought about it. No matter how many scenarios you played in your head - it all ended bad. There will never be a happy ending between you two; no matter how much he says he loves you.
“Y/N,” you hear him call as you opened the car door to leave. You turned to face him. 
It was like time froze. The both of you stared at each other. You could see him let out a big sigh.
“I’ll sign it,” Jinyoung said. “If that’s what you want, I’ll sign it.”
You nodded slowly before getting in the car. As soon as Jinyoung’s figure disappears from the rearview mirror, you break down into tears - sobbing.
This was it. This was the end.
a little note from jennie: i’m sorry this took so long. i know you guys have lots of questions. i promise it will all be revealed soon. the next chapter will be the last of this series. 
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definitelyseven · 4 years ago
it’s been awhile. i’m sorry i haven’t posted. but next chapter coming soon.
hurts so good | ten
summary: growing up with Park Jinyoung was never easy and things are about to get worse when you’ve been asked to marry him
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten |
“Give me a reason to stay,” you said. “Something, anything!” you practically begged.
But he doesn’t say anything. He just stares at you, blankly. You feel your tears roll down your cheeks as you rolled your eyes at him. 
You sniffled before wiping them away. “You can’t even tell me a lie and ask me to stay, can you?” 
He keeps quiet and you continued to stare at him. You looked at him from head to toe - taking in every single detail on his face. This will be the last time you look at him this way. You grabbed your things and walk past him. Jinyoung follows you downstairs to the garage. 
“Goodbye Jinyoung,” you tell him while putting the last piece of luggage in the car. 
“I’ll call you,” he said. 
“Once I’ve settled down, I’ll have my lawyer give you a call.”
“Will you think about it for a couple of days?” he asked, softly. “I think you’re making a mistake.”
“My decision won’t change,” you said, firmly. 
“What decision?” Jaebum asked as he enters the garage. 
“None of your business,” Jinyoung responded. 
“Y/N, will you come with me to visit Chaewon?” Jaebum asked. You hesitated, knowing how mad she will be if she sees you. “Don’t worry. It’ll be okay,” he assured you. 
Jinyoung decided to follow you both to the hospital. “Will you stop looking at me like that?” He immediately turns away to look outside the window. You never understood him - how he can be hot to you one minute and cold the next. 
“What are you doing here?” Chaewon said bitterly. 
“Stop it,” Jaebum immediately shuts her down. 
“Jae!” you called out. He has no right to be mean to her - not now, not ever. 
“Are you fucking serious? I’m the one that lost a baby. I’m the one that’s hurting and you’re blaming me?” she said, teary. 
“No. No, he’s not blaming you. He’s just as hurt as you are,” you tried to help explain.
“Shut up! Shut up! You have no right to explain for my husband! He’s my husband,” she said through gritted teeth.
“Enough!” Jaebum shouts, startling the both of you. “I know what you did,” he said to her, angry. 
“W-what do you mean?”
“You got an abortion,” he revealed. Your eyes widened, shocked at what you just heard. You immediately turn to Jinyoung and then to Jaebum. “The baby wasn’t mine but you made me believe it was.”
“No…” she cried. “Baby, I really thought it was yours. I really did,” she tried to explain. 
“When you found out the baby couldn’t have been mine, you decided to get an abortion. You needed someone to blame and you picked Y/N. You wanted to punish her for my wrongdoing.”
“She’s your brother’s wife for God’s sake,” Chaewon cried. “I’m your wife,” she whimpered as she reached for Jaebum’s hand. He moves it away from her. You knew he was disappointed. “You love her - you always did. You always will. You don’t think I know? That’s why I drank so much that night - that’s how I got pregnant with someone else’s baby.”
“You still shouldn’t have blamed, Y/N.”
“God, even now…you’re on her side!” she shouts through her tears. “She’s the reason this happened!”
“She’s my wife,” Jinyoung interrupts. He grabs your hand and waves it in front of them. “She will never be with him. You have nothing to worry about.”
You stood there frozen. You never knew Chaewon felt that way. You never thought that your existence would cause so much pain to everyone around you. 
“She’s my wife,” Jinyoung repeated. “Do you know how much pain you’ve caused her?” You could tell he was starting to get angry. 
“Do you know how much pain she caused me? I do one little thing to her and the both of you come to her rescue. What about me? What about me?” she asked, sobbing. 
“I-I’m sorry,” you whimpered. This is all your fault. “I never knew my existence would cause you so much pain,” you cried as you ran out of the room. You can hear Jinyoung run after you but you don’t stop. 
“Be careful!” he screams at you before pulling you out of the road. “Are you trying to kill yourself?” he asked, angrily.
“I wish it killed me!” you shouted back. "Every bone in my body hurts and I just want it to stop! I want it to stop!” you sobbed. 
“Tell me how I can make it stop baby,” he said stroking your hair. “Cry it all out,” he whispers against your temple. You shut your eyes tightly, letting the tears fall.
“S-stop,” you pulled away from him. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Don’t be so nice to me,” you hiccuped. “Don’t pretend you love me.”
“I’m not pretending,” he said cupping your cheeks. You shake your head. 
“It doesn’t matter,” you said pulling away from him once again. “None of it matters anymore.”
It’s been a week since you told Jinyoung you wanted a divorce. Before you left, you made sure he knew that you were never going to change your mind - you’ve had enough. 
“Don’t forget to water the tomatoes,” you father shouted from the other side of the garden. 
It was relaxing, peaceful to be away from Jinyoung and his family. You didn’t realize how exhausting trying to please his family was until you left. You felt like you could finally breathe again and the air was so much nicer here.  
“Y/N,” you hear someone shout from behind. You turned around and to your surprise it was Jisoo. She was the last person you ever expected to see here. 
“What do you want?” you said coldly. “How do you even know I’m here?”
“Jinyoung told me.”
You scoffed, “Of course.”
“I’m here to convince you to go home-”
“I am home,” you interrupted. 
“Home with Jinyoung,” she clarifies. “It’s like he’s gone mad without you.”
You let out a loud sigh before turning the hose off. “I can’t imagine him being that upset without me.”
“What do you mean? He loves you so much,” she said.
“Really? How come I never knew that?” you asked, jokingly. “Or even felt it?”
“He was never good at showing how much he loves someone,” she continues to explain for him.
“Why are you here Jisoo? You can finally have him now.”
“What are you talking about?” she asked, approaching you. 
“Jinyoung loves you - he always has and always will. You say he doesn’t know how to show he loves someone but I always knew he loved you. I felt it. You were the one he should’ve married,” you said. 
Isn’t it ironic - this is exactly what Chaewon is feeling. You should know better than anyone else how she’s feeling. 
She chuckles, “Hearing you say that - I know 100% you misunderstood Jinyoung and my relationship with him.”
You looked at her confused as she continued to approach you. 
“Jinyoung never loved me. He always loved you and only you,” she revealed. 
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definitelyseven · 4 years ago
risky business | three
summary: you were hired to be with everyone else but Park Jinyoung
one (m) | two | three |
“Good morning Mr. Park. Coffee and breakfast?” you offered as you set the sandwich and coffee in front of him.
“What is this?” Jinyoung asked, surprised. 
“A thank you for last night,” you tell him. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you.” 
Jinyoung smiles at you before getting up from his chair. “Sit,” he ordered. He ushers you to sit in his chair as he leaned down towards your face, catching you off guard.
“J-Jinyoung,” you stuttered. He has never showed affection towards you in the office. He wanted that part of his life private. 
“This is for you,” he said, pulling a velvet box out of his drawer and opening it for you. You gasped at the shiny object in the box. “Happy Valentines Day,” Jinyoung whispered. 
“It’s...beautiful,” you gaped. “I can’t accept this.”
“Why not?” he said, taking the necklace out of the box. 
“I owe you too much. I don’t deserve this,” you explained but he doesn’t listen to you and puts the necklace around your neck.
“I will not take no for an answer,” he said sternly. You smiled at him before getting up from his seat. 
“Thank you. I love it,” you tell him, playing with the shiny diamond on your neck.
He smiles before sitting back down. “I need your help,” Jinyoung asks. “Yeri keeps calling me.”
You nodded slowly, understanding where this was going. “I’ll take care of it.”
Jinyoung smiles at you. “That’s why you’re my favorite person.” 
“I got a call from the jewelers this morning. 50 grand?”
He looks up at you and then back down at his papers, “I trust you.” You nodded before leaving his office. 
You waited for Yeri for 45 minutes now - almost your entire lunch, waiting for her. She was the one that wanted to meet. 
“Yeri,” you waved her down as you watched her strut towards you. “I’ve been waiting for 45 minutes. I only have 15 minutes left.” She casually orders herself an iced americano as if she has all the time in the word. “What did you want to talk about?” you asked her again.
“Don’t worry, you’re Jinyoung’s favorite person. You can be a little late,” she said passive aggressively. “I know he was with you last night. Can you explain to me why he was spending Valentines Day with you and not me?” she interrogated.
You don’t know how she found out but this was between you and Jinyoung. “There’s nothing going on between us. I work for him.”
“Do you think I’m stupid?” she spatted. “He gave you that necklace, didn’t he? I saw it in his office.” You subconsciously reached for it.
“Like I said - there’s nothing going on between us,” you lied. “If you’re so curious, you need to ask him.” 
She scoffs at you, “Of course. So why did you agree to meet me if you’re not going to answer my questions?”
“Actually, I’m here on Mr. Park’s behalf.” She rolls her eyes at you. “Mr. Park would like his credit card back.”
“Does he really want it back or do you not like me spending his money?” she interrogated again. “You know I actually liked you. I thought you were going to help me become Mrs. Park,” she said. “I will return the card to Jinyoung myself,” Yeri tells you, getting up to leave. 
“You know I can’t let you leave without the card,” you said standing up with her. You stuck your hand out, waiting for her to hand you the card. “I don’t want to ask you twice, Yeri.”
“Do you know who I am?” 
You did. She was a famous model that met Jinyoung at an event. She’s been head over heels for him ever since. “I do which is why you shouldn’t make a scene.”
She scoffs at you before taking the black credit card out of her purse and slapping it in your hand. “You’re quite an obedient little dog, you know? You think just because you sleep with him, you get to manage his finances; his entire life. You’re wrong. You’re nothing to him but a little whore. Once he’s done with you, he will kick you to the curb.”
You smiled at her, not caring for a word she says. “Mr. Park thinks that 50 grand for a pair of earrings is way more than what you’re worth,” you explained to her. You reached into your purse for the small box and slid it over to her. “10 grand for a pair of earrings is better suited for you.”
“Are you fucking serious?” she shouts at you, making everyone in the cafe turn towards your direction. Yeri grabs her drinks and throws it all over you.
The waitress rushes over to your table. “Miss, are you alright?” You waved your hand at her, assuring her that you were alright before dismissing her. You were glad the drink was cold. 
You let out a small chuckle as you wiped the drink off your cheeks and chin. “You’re a smart girl, Yeri - have a little respect for yourself and don’t make a bigger scene. Peacefully take the earrings, if you ever want to see Mr. Park again.”
“Who are you to stop him from seeing me?” she snickered. 
“It’s your choice,” you said, staring at her blankly. Of course, you didn’t have that power but it was nice knowing you threatened her. 
“You little slut,” she mumbled before throwing you the expensive earrings. She grabs the small box before leaving. You waited a bit before leaving the restaurant and getting inside the company car. “Mr. Yang, how many years have you worked for Mr. Park and his family?” you asked while watching him through the rearview mirror.
“About 10 years,” he responded. 
“You would think after 10 years of service, you know where your loyalty stands.” He was Jinyoung’s driver, only he would’ve known where he was last night. “Why?” you asked, softly. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. My daughter is sick and her father is the Chief of Surgery. I needed her help and this is what she wanted,” he explained. “I didn’t think much of it since they were a couple,” he paused, looking at you with regret. “I didn’t know she would do this to you.”
You gave him a small smile, thankful that he didn’t turn against Jinyoung. “It’s okay, I understand. We’ll keep what happened today between us,” you assured him. 
“You’re late,” Jinyoung  calls you out in front of everyone. You cleared your throat, tucking your wet hair behind your ears.
“My apologies,” you said before taking a seat next to him. Jinyoung watches you carefully. “Please continue.”
He knows something is up but decides to question you later without everyone. 
“So are you going to tell me why you were late?” Jinyoung questions as he enters his office with you following behind. 
“Traffic,” you lied. 
“I don’t believe you,” he argued, taking a sit in his chair. “You changed your outfit and your hair is wet.”
“I had a little accident at lunch. Don’t make it a big deal,” you continued to lie. He doesn’t believe you but decides not to pester. 
“Come over tonight” Jinyoung proposes. 
“Can’t - I’m meeting with Mr. Kim.”
“Come after,” he insisted.
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definitelyseven · 4 years ago
risky business | two
summary: you were hired to be with everyone else but Park Jinyoung
one (m) | two |
six months later
You wrapped the silk robe around your body, tying a small knot in the front as you walked downstairs. From a distance, you see a figure sitting by the kitchen island. 
“Jinyoung?” you called as you made out his figure. 
“Oh is someone upstairs?” he asked, afraid you had company tonight. 
You shook your head, “What the hell are you doing here?”
“This is my condo,” he reminded you as he laid his head on the counter.
“No you said I can stay here if I had one of my appointments,” you said. “What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here.” He groans, gently bumping his forehead on the counter over and over again. “Jinyoung! I booked you a table at the most expensive restaurant in the city, the nicest suite in the biggest hotel on Valentines Day. What happened?” you asked.
“I was getting annoyed,” he complained. “So I left.”
“You can’t leave just because you’re annoyed! Do you know how hard it was to get a table today? Do you know what kind of mess you’ll be leaving me?” 
Over these last few months you and Jinyoung have gotten close, especially after that night. You were getting better and better at your job. 
“She’ll be fine. I gave her my credit card,” he whined, making you roll your eyes. “I didn’t see Mr. Jeong’s car in the driveway. Where is he?” 
“Mr. Jeong is married and needs to be with his wife on Valentines Day. Mr. Kim, though - he’s single,” you smirked. 
“Who’s Mr. Kim?”
“My next target,” you revealed. “I’ve done my research and I think he’ll be the best investor for Park Real Estate.”
“How come I didn’t know he’s your next target?” he asked, raising his eyebrow. 
You chuckle at him. “I’m getting better at my job, don’t you think?” This time it was Jinyoung’s turn to roll his eyes at you. He makes his way towards you, trapping you in between his arms and the counter.
“If he’s your new target then why isn’t he here?” he says through his teeth. 
“He’s single but has a very needy daughter,” you tell him, turning around to face him. “One call and he ran back to her arms.”
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous of his daughter,” Jinyoung teased, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I can only pretend,” you whispered, leaning in towards his face. Jinyoung flashes a smile at you before leaning in to kiss you. You instantly kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck. He lifts you up onto the counter as he deepens the kiss.
There’s no doubt that you and Jinyoung’s relationship was complicated. You worked for him but he didn’t necessarily treat you like the rest of his staff. You were more than that to him. You were “special.” But no matter how special you were to him, he would never be caught walking out in public with you. 
You slowly pulled away from the kiss. “I haven’t eaten yet,” you whispered against his lips. “I’m hungry,” you revealed, earning a laugh from him. 
“What should I make you?” he offered, rubbing his nose against yours. 
“You cook?” you asked, surprised. 
He scoffed, pretending that he was hurt by your words. “I know how to make a delicious ramen,” he teased. You laugh at him while nodding. You watched him carefully as he prepared the ramen - dropping the instant ramen into a pot of hot water and stirring it. “The secret is the egg,” he said proudly, making you giggle. He chuckles at his own joke. “Come on. It’s almost ready,” he tells you as he helps you off the counter. Jinyoung pulls your body against his as soon as your feet land on the floor. He leans down immediately planting a kiss on your lips, making you giggle. 
You sat down on the couch and waited for Jinyoung to bring the ramen over. He sets the bowl on the coffee table and you immediately smelled the deliciousness. “I’m impressed,” you tell him as you moved closer to the table. 
“Try it,” Jinyoung says taking a seat next to you and instantly pulling you on his lap. You slurped some noodles into your mouth.
“Mhmmm,” you exaggerated. Jinyoung opens his mouth, signaling you to give him some noodles. You brought the chopsticks up to his lips and watched him slurp up the noodles.
“Shit I did good,” he joked making you laugh. “Let me,” he said as he takes the pair of chopsticks out of your hand. He brings the noodles up to your lips to take another bite occasionally wiping the soup off the corner of your lips. “How do you like it?”
Before you can respond, your phone rings. “Hello?”
“Unnie, where are you? There’s a bunch of men downstairs looking for father. I’m scared,” she cried.
“Wonyoung, listen to me. Lock the door to your room and don’t come out unless you hear me. I’ll be right there,” you promised her. You quickly hung up and got off Jinyoung’s lap. “I’m sorry, I have to go.”
“I’ll take you,” he offers. He holds your hand the entire car ride home. “Don’t worry,” he gives your hand a light squeeze before bringing it up to his lips. 
“We’re here. Thank you. I’ll call you tomorrow,” you tell him before rushing out of the car. You run inside your house and see your father on his knees. Your house was a mess. 
“Who the hell are you people?” you asked even when you knew who they were.
“This must be your eldest daughter. She’s pretty,” the angry man, smirked. “Your father owes us $200,000.”
“W-what?” you glared at your father. “How could you? We don’t have that kind of money!” 
“Don’t lie to me!” the man spatted. “Look at the purse you’re carrying - that’s easily worth $10,000.” You looked down at the purse Jinyoung got you. 
You scoffed before dumping everything out of your bag. “Take it. There’s two more like this upstairs but that’s all I have,” you said with tears in your eyes. “You’ve practically searched everywhere, you should know I’m not lying.”
“That won’t do,” he said shaking his head. “That won’t do!” he repeated, slamming his hand on the table, making you jump. He walks up to you, scanning you up and down. “Is your little sister upstairs? I heard she’s pretty too,” he smirked again.
“If you touch her, I will kill you.”
He wasn’t scared though. He only laughed at your words. “I’d like to see you try baby,” he said reaching for your chin. You quickly moved away from his filthy hands. 
“Don’t touch me,” you said sternly. “What do you want?”
“I want my money,” he said through his teeth. “Or you can give me your body. I bet I can sell you for a lot of money,” he whispers as his hands wander all over your body. 
“She’s more than what her father owes,” Jinyoung said as he enters your house.
“Jinyoung, no. Don’t get involved,” you warned him.
“Is that so? And exactly how much is she worth?” he said getting in Jinyoung’s face. 
Jinyoung scoffs and pulls a check out of his pocket. “More than your pathetic little life. Here’s your $200,000. Leave,” he demanded.
“Jinyoung-” you called his name before getting interrupted. 
“This is your last chance to take your money and leave. If I have to tell you again, you’ll be walking away with nothing.” 
The man glances down at the check and then at Jinyoung. He hesitates for a moment before grabbing the check and instructing his men to leave. You let out a sigh of relief as soon as the last man leaves your house. You immediately rushed upstairs to check on Wonyoung. 
“Wonyoungie, it’s me. Open the door.”
Your sister opens the door. “Unnie,” she calls before bursting into tears. “Are they gone?” You nodded, pulling her in for a hug.
“It’s going to be okay,” you assured her. 
You made your way downstairs after Wonyoung fell asleep, thinking Jinyoung had left already but he was still there. Your father was talking to him - asking for more money.
“Have you not learned a single thing?” you screamed at your father. “How many times do you have to put us through this?” you continued to shout. Jinyoung makes his way over to you.
“How dare you talk to your father like that?” he shouted back. 
“Start acting like our father if you want to be treated like one!” you yelled as tears fall from your eyes. “If you really want to be our father, you would stop gambling. If you cared about us, you’d stop,” you sobbed. You let out a light laugh, “But who am I kidding? You would never do that for us. This is the last time I’m cleaning up your shit,” you warned.
“Walk me out Y/N,” Jinyoung asks, interrupting your conversation. He was trying to calm you down. 
“I’m sorry about that. I’ll find a way to pay you back,” you apologized.
“Hey, you have nothing to be sorry about. Don’t worry about the money, okay?” he assures you, stroking the hair out of your face. “You can always come to me if you’re in trouble.”
You gave him a weak smile, “I appreciate it.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said before giving your forehead a small peck. “Get some rest.”
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definitelyseven · 4 years ago
risky business | one (m)
summary: you were hired to be with everyone else but Park Jinyoung
one (m) | two |
You stared at yourself through the mirror, watching the half-naked women behind you rush to get ready to go on stage. Tonight was your first night at the club and you were extremely nervous. It was obvious you didn’t fit in here but you had to do this. You didn’t have a choice - not when your mother left you with thousands of dollars of medical bills and you father thinking he can pay it all off by gambling. You were millions of dollars in debt and there was no way you could pay it off without doing this; without selling your body. Your sister was still young and you couldn’t put her through this. She didn’t deserve it. She was innocent. 
“You should put on some lipstick,” the woman behind you suggested. 
“Thanks,” you smiled weakly as you took the lipstick from her. You twisted the cap off to reveal a bright red lipstick; a color you would never wear. 
“I’m Momo,” she introduced. “This doesn’t seem like a place for a girl like you.”
“Y/N. You’re right, I don’t belong here. But I need to be here,” you tell her without revealing to much detail. 
“Don’t worry. Most of them are nice and great tippers. Just follow my lead out there.”
You quickly patted some lipstick onto your lips and followed her out. The club didn’t open for about another hour but there was a special guest today and all the girls were requested to come in early. 
“Mr. Park, these are my girls. They’re all very good,” the manager of the club said before handing the attractive man a portfolio which you assumed was filled with pictures of all the girls here.
The man seemed disinterested though. He was busy scrolling through his phone, didn’t even bother to take the portfolio out of the manager’s hand. The manager eventually set the portfolio down on the table. It was awkward - all the girls were standing there half-naked, ready to shake their asses off for random men but the men standing in front of you was unbothered. It was like you didn’t even exist to them. But then again, how could you? These men were well-dressed, handsome and obviously wealthy. They could get any women they wanted so why were they here? 
“Are these girls not to your liking Mr. Park?” the manager spoke again. 
The man finally looked up from his phone and towards you and the other girls. He was attractive, really attractive. He looked like one of those models in the magazines - not one single flaw. He watched the girls carefully, mentally picking out which girl he didn’t want and then his eyes met yours. 
You held your breath, feeling awkward. This was the first time you revealed so much of your body to anyone, let alone strangers. You wrapped your arms around yourself, rubbing them up and down to keep warm. You could feel the goosebumps on your skin. 
“Her,” he finally said. You looked up from the ground and see him pointing at you. The girls around you began to whisper - you were just as shocked as they were. “I want her,” he repeated. 
After the man selected you, the manager rushed the other girls out of the room. You don’t know what you were selected for but he chose you. He picked you. 
You continued to stand there awkwardly until another man ushered you to come closer. You slowly made your way over to the men, taking a seat next to them. 
“You’re perfect.”
“I’m sorry but what am I perfect for?” 
He chuckled at you before speaking, “What if I can offer you another job that pays more than this one?” 
“How much?” you asked interested. 
“Two, three times as much. I’m willing to pay for something that’s worth the price,” he smirked. 
“W-what do I have to do?” you asked, scared. 
“Don’t be scared princess,” he continued to smirk, making you blush. Even his smirk was attractive. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Jinyoung. Park Jinyoung,” he introduced himself. “I have a proposition for you.” You raised your eyebrow at him, curious as to what his offer was and how much money you could make from this. “You work here because you need money. I work with a lot of rich, powerful and secretive men. Men that are willing to pay anything to have their fun.” You chewed on your lower lip as you listened carefully. “You’ll be doing what you’re doing here but during the day you’ll be in an office - something you can eventually put on your resume.” 
“Why me?”
“These men that I work with have seen all types of women but the type of women that is the hardest to find are the innocent but kinky ones,” he teased, tipping your chin. You gulped, nervous from his touch.
“How do you know I’m innocent and kinky?” you asked, mumbling the last word. 
“Just by looking at you. That’s why you’re perfect,” he reminded. You looked down at your lap, debating whether or not to take the offer. Jinyoung was right - you’d be doing the exact same thing here anyways but you’d be in an office. It looks so much better on paper.
“O-okay,” you agreed. “What do you want me to do?”
That night you met Jinyoung was almost three months ago. He saved you from working at the club, from stripping for random men. At least now, your sister won’t have an older sister who strips for money. These past few months Jinyoung and his team worked hard to train you into the perfect secretary by day and the perfect seducer by night. 
Today was your final test.
“I’ll wait here,” Jinyoung said before taking a seat by the fitting area. Your last test was to pick out an outfit that would make any man swoon for you. It seemed easily enough but if someone would have asked you to do something like this three months ago, it would be nearly impossible for you.
You were different now. Three months of hard work to change you into someone completely different; someone that exuded confidence, someone that can speak various languages, manage another person’s entire day, and most importantly seduce anyone that laid eyes on you which was by far the hardest thing to do.
“What do you think? you asked Jinyoung as you smoothened out your tight dress that accentuated your curves and revealed just the right amount of cleavage that would make any guy look twice.  
Jinyoung looks up from his phone and at you. He smirks in satisfaction as he shifts in his seat, spreading his legs slightly apart at the site of you. You could tell from the tent in his pants that he enjoyed what he saw. “Stunning,” he said proudly, making you blush. He made his way over to you before turning you around to face the mirror. He stares at you, scanning your body from top to bottom while he licks his lips. His hands made his way to your sides, his fingers dancing against the fabric of your dress. Jinyoung gives your waist a small squeeze. You hissed at his touch. He brushes your hair to one side, revealing the nape of your neck to him. He runs the back of his hand up and down your neck as he plays with your ear. 
“Like what you see?”
“Mhmmm, the confidence,” he hummed, giving the back of your neck a small squeeze. That was lesson #1 - confidence is attractive. Jinyoung reaches inside his pocket and takes out a diamond necklace. “Last piece to make this outfit perfect,” he whispered in your ear before putting the necklace on you. 
“There’s one last thing you can teach me,” you tell him. Jinyoung looks at you surprised as he has nothing left to teach you. “I’ll eventually have to sleep with them, don’t I?”
Jinyoung turns you around to face him. He strokes your cheek gently. He didn’t want to lie to you. “There’s a possibility that could happen.”
“Then teach me.”
“Teach you?” Jinyoung repeated. 
“Teach me,” you paused. “Jinyoung, I’m a virgin.”
“Oh…I didn’t know. If you-”
You shake your head, “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want it to be the reason that I couldn’t do this.” You paused again, waiting for his response. “I want my first time to be with someone I know, someone I trust.”
“I can’t do that,” Jinyoung rejected softly. 
“You can,” you assured him. “I need you to do this for me. If you want this to be successful than do this for me. Please.”
Jinyoung nods slowly, finally agreeing to your suggestion. He lets out a light sigh before pulling you into his arms.
“Do you live here?” you asked once you entered into his luxury condo.
“It’s one of my many estates,” he explained, taking off his tuxedo. You were nervous but you knew Jinyoung will take care of you. He always does. “Want a drink?” You nodded, watching him pour the drinks. 
“Expensive,” you teased as you took a sip out of the beverage. 
Jinyoung clears his throat before setting his drink down. “Show me what you got,” he demanded.
“W-what?” you almost choke.
“Show me what you got,” he enunciated. “Pretend I’m like those men.” You didn’t know what to do. You’ve never done this before. You slowly set down your drink, running different scenarios in your head on what to do next. “Don’t think, just do it.” Jinyoung takes a seat on the couch, carefully watching your next move. You swallowed the lump in your throat. You could do this. You have to do this well. 
You slowly made your way towards Jinyoung, your eyes on his as you gently bit your lower lip. You stopped in front of him before taking a seat on his lap. You run your palms up and down his chest, stopping just below his collar. You leaned in close to his face, feeling his length poke against your thigh as you pressed your body against his. Jinyoung’s hand rubs your lower back, fiddling with the zipper on your dress. 
You got off Jinyoung’s lap and kneeled down in front of him. You licked your lips before looking up at him. He was eager, desperate for you to do something; anything. You rubbed his thighs up and down, inching closer and closer to his length. You stroked him through his pants, feeling it grow harder by the second. You licked your lips again while you unbuckled his pants. His cock was pressed tightly against his pants, aching to be released. You bit your lip, nervous about touching him. 
“Don’t think, just do it.” You pulled his pants lower until his cock was fully exposed. It sprung up almost automatically. He was hard; the tip of his cock bright red with a large bead of pre-cum threatening to fall. You gulped before rubbing your thumb over the tip. Jinyoung lets out a low groan, attempting to hide his moan. His tip now wet with his own pre-cum, you opened your mouth and twirled your tongue against the tip of his cock. He hisses at your touch. You opened your mouth wider, slowly taking in his length. He moans feeling how wet your mouth feels against his cock. You didn’t know any techniques but you did know that sucking was the right thing to do - so you did. You sucked him hard like a lollipop while wrapping your hand on the base of his cock, stroking him long and hard. You bobbed your head up and down until the tip of his cock hits the back of your throat. You kept bobbing your head up and down, hearing him moan and swear under his breath. You had one hand on the base of his cock, stroking him slowly while the other hand massaged his balls. You feel him twitch in your mouth as he groans in pleasure. Jinyoung gets lost in pleasure and thrusts his hips forward. His cock slams into the back of your throat making you choke. “Fuck…” Jinyoung runs his fingers through your hair, gripping tightly onto it. He guides your head up and down his cock, each time harder than the next. “Shit baby…” he moans loudly before pulling away.
You pulled away from him, saliva dripping down your chin. “Did that feel good?” you asked him, staring up at him. 
He chuckles out of breath, “Yeah….” You get up off your knees before wiping your lips. 
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definitelyseven · 4 years ago
hurts so good | ten
summary: growing up with Park Jinyoung was never easy and things are about to get worse when you’ve been asked to marry him
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve - final |
“Give me a reason to stay,” you said. “Something, anything!” you practically begged.
But he doesn’t say anything. He just stares at you, blankly. You feel your tears roll down your cheeks as you rolled your eyes at him. 
You sniffled before wiping them away. “You can’t even tell me a lie and ask me to stay, can you?” 
He keeps quiet and you continued to stare at him. You looked at him from head to toe - taking in every single detail on his face. This will be the last time you look at him this way. You grabbed your things and walk past him. Jinyoung follows you downstairs to the garage. 
“Goodbye Jinyoung,” you tell him while putting the last piece of luggage in the car. 
“I’ll call you,” he said. 
“Once I’ve settled down, I’ll have my lawyer give you a call.”
“Will you think about it for a couple of days?” he asked, softly. “I think you’re making a mistake.”
“My decision won’t change,” you said, firmly. 
“What decision?” Jaebum asked as he enters the garage. 
“None of your business,” Jinyoung responded. 
“Y/N, will you come with me to visit Chaewon?” Jaebum asked. You hesitated, knowing how mad she will be if she sees you. “Don’t worry. It’ll be okay,” he assured you. 
Jinyoung decided to follow you both to the hospital. “Will you stop looking at me like that?” He immediately turns away to look outside the window. You never understood him - how he can be hot to you one minute and cold the next. 
“What are you doing here?” Chaewon said bitterly. 
“Stop it,” Jaebum immediately shuts her down. 
“Jae!” you called out. He has no right to be mean to her - not now, not ever. 
“Are you fucking serious? I’m the one that lost a baby. I’m the one that’s hurting and you’re blaming me?” she said, teary. 
“No. No, he’s not blaming you. He’s just as hurt as you are,” you tried to help explain.
“Shut up! Shut up! You have no right to explain for my husband! He’s my husband,” she said through gritted teeth.
“Enough!” Jaebum shouts, startling the both of you. “I know what you did,” he said to her, angry. 
“W-what do you mean?”
“You got an abortion,” he revealed. Your eyes widened, shocked at what you just heard. You immediately turn to Jinyoung and then to Jaebum. “The baby wasn’t mine but you made me believe it was.”
“No...” she cried. “Baby, I really thought it was yours. I really did,” she tried to explain. 
“When you found out the baby couldn’t have been mine, you decided to get an abortion. You needed someone to blame and you picked Y/N. You wanted to punish her for my wrongdoing.”
“She’s your brother’s wife for God’s sake,” Chaewon cried. “I’m your wife,” she whimpered as she reached for Jaebum’s hand. He moves it away from her. You knew he was disappointed. “You love her - you always did. You always will. You don’t think I know? That’s why I drank so much that night - that’s how I got pregnant with someone else’s baby.”
“You still shouldn’t have blamed, Y/N.”
“God, even’re on her side!” she shouts through her tears. “She’s the reason this happened!”
“She’s my wife,” Jinyoung interrupts. He grabs your hand and waves it in front of them. “She will never be with him. You have nothing to worry about.”
You stood there frozen. You never knew Chaewon felt that way. You never thought that your existence would cause so much pain to everyone around you. 
“She’s my wife,” Jinyoung repeated. “Do you know how much pain you’ve caused her?” You could tell he was starting to get angry. 
“Do you know how much pain she caused me? I do one little thing to her and the both of you come to her rescue. What about me? What about me?” she asked, sobbing. 
“I-I’m sorry,” you whimpered. This is all your fault. “I never knew my existence would cause you so much pain,” you cried as you ran out of the room. You can hear Jinyoung run after you but you don’t stop. 
“Be careful!” he screams at you before pulling you out of the road. “Are you trying to kill yourself?” he asked, angrily.
“I wish it killed me!” you shouted back. "Every bone in my body hurts and I just want it to stop! I want it to stop!” you sobbed. 
“Tell me how I can make it stop baby,” he said stroking your hair. “Cry it all out,” he whispers against your temple. You shut your eyes tightly, letting the tears fall.
“S-stop,” you pulled away from him. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Don’t be so nice to me,” you hiccuped. “Don’t pretend you love me.”
“I’m not pretending,” he said cupping your cheeks. You shake your head. 
“It doesn’t matter,” you said pulling away from him once again. “None of it matters anymore.”
It’s been a week since you told Jinyoung you wanted a divorce. Before you left, you made sure he knew that you were never going to change your mind - you’ve had enough. 
“Don’t forget to water the tomatoes,” you father shouted from the other side of the garden. 
It was relaxing, peaceful to be away from Jinyoung and his family. You didn’t realize how exhausting trying to please his family was until you left. You felt like you could finally breathe again and the air was so much nicer here.  
“Y/N,” you hear someone shout from behind. You turned around and to your surprise it was Jisoo. She was the last person you ever expected to see here. 
“What do you want?” you said coldly. “How do you even know I’m here?”
“Jinyoung told me.”
You scoffed, “Of course.”
“I’m here to convince you to go home-”
“I am home,” you interrupted. 
“Home with Jinyoung,” she clarifies. “It’s like he’s gone mad without you.”
You let out a loud sigh before turning the hose off. “I can’t imagine him being that upset without me.”
“What do you mean? He loves you so much,” she said.
“Really? How come I never knew that?” you asked, jokingly. “Or even felt it?”
“He was never good at showing how much he loves someone,” she continues to explain for him.
“Why are you here Jisoo? You can finally have him now.”
“What are you talking about?” she asked, approaching you. 
“Jinyoung loves you - he always has and always will. You say he doesn’t know how to show he loves someone but I always knew he loved you. I felt it. You were the one he should’ve married,” you said. 
Isn’t it ironic - this is exactly what Chaewon is feeling. You should know better than anyone else how she’s feeling. 
She chuckles, “Hearing you say that - I know 100% you misunderstood Jinyoung and my relationship with him.”
You looked at her confused as she continued to approach you. 
“Jinyoung never loved me. He always loved you and only you,” she revealed. 
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definitelyseven · 4 years ago
hurts so good | nine
summary: growing up with Park Jinyoung was never easy and things are about to get worse when you’ve been asked to marry him
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve - final |
“Get some sleep,” Jinyoung tells you as you take a seat on your shared bed.
“Why is this happening?” you said still crying. “This is all my fault.”
“It’s not your fault,” he comforted. “The doctor said her pregnancy was unstable, anything could’ve made her lose the baby.”
“No, not anything. This, this made her lose her baby. Oh god, what have I done?” you cried. Jinyoung takes a seat next to you on the bed before pulling you into his arms. “What did I do?” you kept asking yourself. 
“It’s going to be alright. They’re still young. They’ll have plenty of opportunities.”
“If that was our child, how would you feel?” you hiccuped. “I was wrong. She has every right to hate me.”
“She doesn’t hate you. She’s just upset. She’ll come around,” he said. You shake your head, not believing him. 
“This happened because I was selfish, because I wanted revenge. I wanted you to feel what I felt. I wanted you to hurt, but I hurt her instead. This would’ve never happened if I just let things be.”
“Then why didn’t you?” he asked.
“Are you seriously asking me that?” you asked in disbelief. “How exactly am I suppose to react after finding out my husband is cheating on me?” He remains quiet. “God Jinyoung, how many women are there?!” you cried out. 
“You should get some rest,” he suggested again before getting up to leave.
“I want a divorce.”
He immediately turns around. “What did you say?” he asked, surprised. 
You loved him. You always loved him. But because of your selfish behavior, you hurt another person. You stared at him with tears clouding in your eyes. You always hoped that one day he would love you - that maybe, just maybe he would feel the same way you always felt. 
“Divorce. I want a divorce,” you repeated.
He lets out a wry laugh. “You’re joking,” he comments but when he sees your face unchanged he begins to worry. “No, no you’re mine and I say when you get to leave!”
“I’m not an object, Jinyoung! Why do you want me around when you can have other women?”
“You don’t need to know why. I paid you to be here,” he reminded. 
“Is it because of Jaebum? You knew he liked me so you had to have what he couldn’t? Is that it?” you questioned. 
“I’m done with this conversation,” he said before walking away.
“Did you ever love me? Even for just a second?” you asked on the verge of tears. 
“Get some rest,” he said before leaving. You fall onto your bed sobbing - he couldn’t even lie to you to make you stay. He couldn’t even tell you he loved even if it wasn’t true. 
You woke up in bed with Jinyoung next to you. It was the first time in a very long time he slept in the same bed next to you. You wondered what you could’ve possibly done to make him hate you this much but no matter how hard you thought about it, nothing to came to mind. You turned to face him as tears escaped your eyes. If you could go back to the day he asked you to marry him, if you could do it all over again, you wondered if you’d still say yes. 
You and Jinyoung headed downstairs together for breakfast with everyone; except Chaewon who was still in the hospital. 
“Good morning,” you greeted, taking a seat next to Jinyoung at the dining table. 
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” your mother-in-law asked. “You look exhausted.”
She was kind and sweet but oblivious of anything that went on in the house. 
“I’m fine,” you smiled, weakly. “I was thinking about visiting my father for a couple of days,” you announced. 
“That’s a good idea,” your father-in-law said. “I’m sure Chaewon won’t want to see you any time soon.” 
Jinyoung tries to reach for your hand but you moved it out of his reach. 
“Father, stop it. It’s not her fault,” Jaebum explained. 
“Do you want me to come with you to your father’s?” Jinyoung asked you. 
“No, there’s no need for you to go. I can get there myself.” 
After breakfast, you went upstairs to pack. You’ve made up your mind last night that you’d be leaving - not only will you be leaving Jinyoung but you’ll be leaving this “family.”
Nothing here made you feel at home. It always felt like you were a visitor and you’ve overstayed your welcome.
“I have some time before work. Let me take you,” Jinyoung said standing by the door.
“No need. I can go myself.”
“When will you be back? I’ll pick you up then.”
“Jinyoung, it’s okay. Let’s end this here,” you tell him. “Let’s end this peacefully. I don’t want a single thing from you but the money you gave me when I married you.”
“What are you talking about?” Jinyoung asked confused. 
“I told you last night. I want a divorce.”
“No, no divorce.”
“I’m tired Jinyoung. I’m really tired. I don’t want to be here, be with you anymore. Do you understand?” you asked, rhetorically. “I tried loving you. I tried being patient and understanding but time and time you’ve shown me that it’s no use. I’m not worth it to you.”
“That’s not true,” he finally spoke.
“You can’t even lie and tell me you love me - how am I suppose to believe for a second you want me to stay?” you asked with tears in your eyes. “God, Jinyoung! Say something, anything!” you yelled. 
“What do you want me to say?”
“Give me a reason to stay,” you said. “Something, anything!” you practically begged. 
a little note from jennie: listen to bambam’s new album :)
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definitelyseven · 4 years ago
hurts so good | eight
summary: growing up with Park Jinyoung was never easy and things are about to get worse when you’ve been asked to marry him
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve - final |
You barely slept last night knowing where Jinyoung was. He didn’t come home after leaving the bar with Jisoo and you didn’t see him at breakfast this morning. 
You buried your hands in your face as you gently massaged your eyes to reduce the swelling. You don’t know how much longer you can take this anymore. 
It was killing you.
“Y/N,” you hear someone call you. You looked up from your hands and see Chaewon. You immediately flashed her a smile.
“Chaewon, what’s up? Please sit,” you offered. She smiled back and takes a seat on the couch. “Is everything okay?”
“You tell me,” she sighed rubbing her belly.
“What do you mean?” you asked, taking a seat next to her. 
“We’re friends, right?” she stuttered. 
“What? Of course, we are!” you exclaimed. “Why would you ask that?” 
“Then why?” Chaewon asked as her eyes started to water. “Why, my husband? Why does it have to be Jaebum?”
“I’m not understanding...” 
“You can pick anyone, why does it have to be Jaebum? I’m pregnant...” she questioned while rubbing her belly. 
“W-wait. I think there’s a misunderstanding. We were only pretending to piss Jinyoung off,” you explained.
“No,” she quickly dismissed. “You were pretending. Jaebum wasn’t and you knew that. You know how he feels about you,” she began to whimper. “You could pretend with anyone and it would piss Jinyoung off. Why did it have to be him, his brother?”
“I’m so sorry,” you apologized. “I knew it would hurt even more if it was with Jaebum. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Why can’t you be happy with what you have?” she accused. 
You looked at her confused. “Happy? What part of my marriage is happy?” you argued with her. 
“So you had to ruin mine because you’re unhappy?” she continued to accuse. 
“I didn’t ruin your marriage nor do I intend to,” you assured her. “Jaebum’s always been like a brother to me.”
“I saw you with him in the wine cellar. I heard what you said to Jinyoung.”
“It’s not like that. Nothing happened,” you tried to explain. “Our relationship is different. We’ve known each other since we were kids.”
“So what? My relationship with him isn’t as strong as yours?” 
You could tell she was panicking. You knew how much she cared about her marriage - it was her lifeline. 
“No, no. That’s not what I’m saying-”
“That’s what you implied,” she interrupted. Your head was pounding from the lack of sleep and you were saying all the wrong words.
“Okay, okay. Calm down,” you tell her. “I’m sorry.”
“Please Y/N. I’m begging you,” she said getting on her knees. “Jaebum means everything to me. I can’t have a broken marriage,” she whimpered. 
“Oh my god. Please get up,” you said trying to help her to her feet. “Jaebum and I will always be friends. I promise,” you assured her. 
“Promise?” she asked again with her eyes all red. You nodded assuring her once again. She finally gets up on her knees. “ stomach,” she complains.
“Chaewon?” you called. “Are you okay?” She shakes her head as she clutches onto her stomach. “Here, sit down.”
“Something’s wrong,” she continues to complain. “I need to go to the hospital,” she whines in pain, her face turning white. You quickly grabbed your phone to call the ambulance. 
You paced back and forth outside the operation room. Chaewon was rushed into surgery right when she got to the hospital. You immediately called Jaebum and then Jinyoung.
“Y/N!” Jaebum calls running towards you.
“Oh my god, Jae...” you sobbed once you saw him. “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault,” you whimpered.
“What happened?” he asked, calmly. You continued to cry, unable to speak. “Y/N, what happened?” he asked again, holding onto your face to look at him. 
“She knows about us,” you confessed. “She heard me talking to Jinyoung and she thinks something happened between us.”
Jaebum lets out a sigh, rubbing your arm up and down to calm you down. “It’s not your fault.”
“It is...” you continued to cry. “Oh god, what if something happens to her? To the baby? I’ll never forgive myself,” you whimpered. Jaebum pulls you in for a hug.
“Nothing will happen. Don’t worry,” he assures you. 
“Let go of my wife.” 
The both of you turned around to see Jinyoung. “Jinyoung,” you cried out, eyes watery, nose runny.
“Hey baby it’s okay,” Jinyoung comforted, pulling you into his arms. The three of you waited patiently outside. Jaebum was trying to remain calm but you knew he was just as scared as you were. 
“Mr. Im,” the doctor greeted, walking out of the operation room. The three of you rushed over. “I told you your wife’s pregnancy was unstable and that she shouldn’t be stressed out. After the last visit to the hospital, I warned you to watch her carefully. I’m so sorry. We did everything we could but we couldn’t save the baby.”
Your heart sinks to your stomach. You did this. This was all your fault. 
“I shouldn’t go inside,” you tell Jaebum. 
“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s not your fault,” he tries to convince. “She needs us to be with her right now. Come on.”
“He’s right. Let’s go in,” Jinyoung says, pushing you inside the room. You kept your head down as you walked into Chaewon’s room. Her eyes and nose were bright red and her lips were pale. You felt guilty seeing her like this. You did this to her and Jaebum and nothing you say was going to change that.
“What is she doing here?” Chaewon yells once she sees you. “You did this to me,” she blamed. 
“I’m so sorry,” you sobbed. 
“It’s not her fault,” Jaebum defends. “Your pregnancy was unstable to begin with,” he continues to explain.
“Stop!” she screams. “Stop defending her! I’m the one who lost the baby,” she continues to yell. Chaewon grabs one of the pillows and throws it at your face. 
“We understand you’re upset but don’t take it out on Y/N,” Jinyoung defends while checking to see if you were injured. 
“Do you know what she did with your brother?” she accuses. “She’s fooling around with him and you are still defending her! She did this to me!”
The four of you turned around and see your father-in-law. You gulped, afraid he had heard your conversation.
"How dare you disgrace me?” he spats at you. You kept your head down, knowing he was talking to you. He stops in front of you. “Look at me,” he demanded. You lift your head up to look at him. Your eyes immediately meet his. He was angry. He lifts his hand and slaps you across the face. 
“Father!” Jaebum and Jinyoung shouts rushing to your side. You held onto your cheek rubbing it gently to relieve the pain. Jinyoung pulls you towards him before Jaebum gets a chance to. He turns your face to one side to check on your cheek. 
“Are you out of your mind?” your father-in-law ask. “I don’t care how unhappy you are but you do not jeopardize our family name for your own gains, you hear me?”
“Father it’s not like that,” Jaebum tries to explain. 
You hear Chaewon scoff, “Stop defending her, Jae. I’m your wife.”
“Nothing happened between them, Father. It was a misunderstanding,” Jinyoung continued to explain. 
“S-stop,” you sobbed. “Stop defending me,” you said turning to Jaebum and Jinyoung. “It’s my fault. Let them blame me. I’m the reason this happened.”
“Don’t think that saying that will make everything better, make me forgive you. I will never forgive you,” Chaewon glares at you.
“Get out of my sight,” your father-in-law said. You nodded slowly before leaving with Jinyoung. 
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definitelyseven · 4 years ago
deal | seventeen - final
summary: when your step-mom unexpectedly offers you a deal you can’t resist, you decide to give her a taste of her own medicine by seducing her potential suitor, Im Jaebum.
one (m) | two | three (m) | four (m) | five | six (m) | seven | eight (m) | nine | ten | eleven | twelve (m) | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen |
“H-how could you?” you whimpered with tears in your eyes as you opened the door. Kai stares blankly at you, in shock.
“You didn’t think I was going to let Y/N marry you without a background check, did you?” Jaebum asked rhetorically.
“Y/N, I can explain. Please,” Kai begged, making his way to you. You shake your head at him as he grabs for your arm.
“Don’t,” you said through your teeth but he doesn’t listen and reaches for you again. “Don’t fucking touch me!” you screamed at him. “Did you always know about the money?”
He doesn’t respond.  
You chuckled in disbelief, “How long? Answer me!”
“The whole time,” he confessed.
“Did you ever love me?” you asked as tears kept falling from your eyes. “Or did you love my money?”
“Of course I love you!” he tells you. “Y/N, please.”
“So what? You want me to sleep with him to benefit your career? Is that what you think of me?” you continued to sob.
“He said just one night.”
You were never a violent person but you couldn’t control your anger anymore. You raised your hand and slapped him across the face.
“How could you?”
Kai runs his tongue on the inside of his cheek, scoffing at you. “Don’t play me Y/N. How is it that the richest businessman in Seoul willing to do anything you ask? You and I both know your relationship isn’t that simple.”
“It’s not like that,” you tried to explain. “I left him.”
“I WAS YOUR BUOY! You were dying and I saved you,” he shouted at you. "I saved you from drowning,” he said with tears in your eyes. 
“That’s not true,” you tried to convince yourself. “That’s not true,” you repeated. 
“It wasn’t always like this, you know?” Kai said. “I loved you since the day I laid eyes on you. Believe it or not, I already loved you on our third date when Eunbi saw me with you.”
”You were never my buoy.” It was like every time you spoke, you were trying to convince yourself he was wrong. 
But you knew he was right. 
He was your buoy and he saved you from drowning. He was the one that was there for you when you needed someone the most. 
“Enough. Get out,” Jaebum steps in. “I am perfectly fine with my own insurance agent.”
“We had a deal!”
“So what? Piss me off some more and I’ll make sure you’ll never make another deal again,” he threatened. “You should know I’m a very powerful man.”
Kai shakes his head in disbelief before turning to you. “And you expect me to believe there’s nothing going on between you two?” He rolls his eyes at you before gathering his things. “I’ll be gone by morning,” he said before leaving. 
“Now you know what kind of man he is. Don’t waste your time on him anymore,” he whispers as he strokes your head.
“W-why?” you sobbed, turning to face him. “Why did you have to expose him? Why did you have to tell me? I was happy...” you cried as you gripped onto his suite. Your knees felt weak and you could no longer hold yourself up. You fall to the ground.
“I was trying to protect you,” he said.
“Protect me? All you’ve been doing is hurt me,” you sobbed.
“I never wanted to hurt you,” he explains.
You scoffed at him, “Imagined if you tried.”
“I never said I was a good person but everything I’ve done for you was in your best interest,” he said. He strokes his thumb across your cheek. “I need you to believe me once more. Just like how I believed you when you said falling in love with me was never part of the deal.”
You looked up at him, tears still clouding in your eyes. "Do you know how hard it was for me to get over you?”
“Are you over me?” Jaebum asks. He picks you up from the ground and brings you over to the couch. He sits down next to you, “Are you?”
“Yes,” you lied, covering your face in your hands. Maybe it was unfair of you to be mad at Kai. He wasn’t entirely wrong. You did use him as a buoy to get over Jaebum and he stood by your side when you were broken.
“I know you hate me for what I did two years ago - for picking her; choosing her but I had too. I wasn’t just thinking about myself. I had to think about my company, the thing my father spent his entire life building. I couldn’t disappoint my family.”
“Please don’t explain,” you begged. Your heart ached with his every word.
“I did what I thought was the best way for you to get back your $20 million dollars. I’ve known Eunbi my entire life. I know her and I know she took your inheritance. I know she took your money and there was no way you would ever get it back. It was the only way I knew how to give it back,” he continued to explain. You looked at him. “You don’t think I could find you if I wanted to?”
He was right. You never left Seoul. If he wanted to, he could easily find you. “Please stop explaining,” you begged him.
“You have to believe me -”
“I do believe you,” you interrupted. “I believe you, Jae.” 
He lets out a sigh of relief. “I never stopped thinking about you,” he confessed. He grabs your hand in his. “I missed you so much.” You quickly pulled your hand away. He was still a married man. “What’s wrong?”
“Just because I believe you, it doesn’t mean we can go back to how we were. You’re still married,” you reminded him. 
“We don’t love each other. She lives her life as she wants and I live mine as I want,” he explained. “It’s all for publicity.”
You shake your head, moving away from him. “It doesn’t matter. She’s still your wife. She’s still the person you’ll link arms with in public. I don’t want to be the other woman,” you tell him. “I’m not the other women.”
“You’re not the other women.”
“Can you walk out in public with me? Are you able to break ties with Eunbi and never see her again?” you asked him. 
Jaebum remains quiet. 
“You and I both know you can’t do that - you won’t do that.” You wiped the tears off your cheeks before standing up. “I appreciate you helping me see what kind of person Kai is and helping me get my inheritance back. I miss Minguk too but I can never be with you again.”
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t love me. Tell me you don’t want to see me ever again.”
You sighed, reaching over to stroke his cheek. “I do love you. I will always love you,” you admitted. You watched as his eyes sparkle in happiness. “And that’s exactly why we can’t be together, why I have to leave you.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Just because you love someone it doesn’t mean you get to end up with them,” you explained. You could tell he was still confused. “Sometimes things aren’t meant to be,” you paused. “We’re not meant to be.”
“All this time, I was trying to protect you. I was on your side.”
“But if you had the option to chose again, it will be her. It will always be her!” you exclaimed, eyes clouding with tears again. “You will always chose her.”
Jaebum remained silent because he knew it was true too. 
“Now you know why we can’t be together. My heart won’t be able to take another heartbreak. I think it will actually kill me,” you tell him. 
“I’m sorry,” he finally says. “I’m so sorry.”
“Me too,” you tell him before standing up. You grabbed your things quietly before leaving. 
Just as you expected, by the time you got home, Kai was already gone. Everything that belonged to him was gone. You couldn’t believe the person you spent two years of your life with, can easily pack all their things and leave; as if they never existed in your life. 
But you were just about to do the same. If you stayed any longer, you knew you would change your mind. And this was a decision you couldn’t go back on. This was the only way to save yourself - without anyone else’s help. You need to move on. You need to find someone that will pick you 30, 40, 50 years from now; you need to find someone that will pick you every time.
Jaebum wasn’t that person. He was never going to be that person.
a little note from jennie: i was going back and forth on whether they would end up together but you can’t always have a happy ending and you don’t always get to end up with the person you love. sorry if you expected something different. hope you enjoyed this series. love you all to the moon and back. please listen to Jay B’s new song - switch it up :)
196 notes · View notes
definitelyseven · 4 years ago
hurts so good | seven
summary: growing up with Park Jinyoung was never easy and things are about to get worse when you’ve been asked to marry him
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve - final |
"I haven’t been in here since university,” you reminisced as you walked around the wine cellar.
“Yeah, I don’t let many people down here anymore. It’s my secret layer,” he joked while pouring you a glass of wine. 
“I remember hiding down here every time my dad and I would fight and every time Jinyoung was mean to me.”
“Jinyoung will always be an ass,” Jaebum said, clinking his glass against yours. 
“Tell me about it,” you mumbled not so softly as you followed him to the couch. 
“So tell me why you blew up in his face today? You were always so good at being oblivious,” he smirked, taking a sip of his wine.
“Are you trying to upset me?” you asked rhetorically. “I never knew about the other women until I saw those photos. I knew he didn’t love me, but I never thought he would cheat on me.”
“What did you think was going to happen, marrying someone you didn’t love?”
You stared at Jaebum, downing your drink. “Would it have been different if it was you?”
It was time to make your move. 
He gave you a weak smile, turning to his side to face you. “Yes,” he replied, firmly. You turned to face him, inching closer to his face. 
“Why didn’t you ask me then?”
“Do you know why Jinyoung and I never got along?” he deflected. You nodded. “Do you know the real reason?” he inched towards your face.
“You’re obviously dying to tell me. Spit it out,” you demanded.
Jaebum gulped his drink down before setting the empty glass on the table. “Because I love you,” he confessed. 
You froze at his words. Jaebum was always nice to you and you knew he cared about you very much. You just never imagined that he loved you all this time. 
“Surprised?” he chuckled. 
“I-I,” you stuttered.
“You always loved Jinyoung. What was I supposed to do?” It was as if you forgot how to speak. Jaebum reaches for your cheek, stroking it lightly with his thumb. He scans your face from top to bottom. “Even if I told you, would it have made a difference? Would you have changed your mind?”
“You were already married to Chaewon,” you whispered. 
“I guess not,” he said before taking his hand off your cheek. You grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a hug. 
“I didn’t know,” you whispered again. “I really didn’t.”
Jaebum lets out a light chuckle while stroking your head. “I never told you. It’s not your fault.” 
You pulled away from him slightly with your forehead on his. “I know if I married you, I would’ve been happy.”
“I would’ve loved you to the moon and back. We would’ve been happy,” he said, stroking your cheek again. “We might even have children,” Jaebum said inching towards your face. He traces his thumb across your lips. “We’d make pretty children, don’t you think?” 
You laughed, “I don’t think I’ll ever have children. Jinyoung won’t even touch me.”
“What a waste,” he flirted while staring at your lips. “He’s missing out,” Jaebum cooed, leaning in to kiss your lips.
You pulled back, lightly pushing him away with your hands. “We could say all these things but it will never happen,” you explained to him. “I’m sorry,” you whispered. 
Jaebum shakes his head, “No, I understand.”
“No, you don’t. I was mad at Jinyoung and I wanted to use you to get back at him. But I could never use you and hurt Chaewon. She loves you so much. She’s pregnant with your child.”
“I’m not mad. Use me,” he tells you. “Use me,” he repeated. 
You gave him a weak smile before getting up and leaving. 
“What are you doing?” You looked up from the floor and towards the voice. It was Jinyoung. “What are you doing in Jae’s wine cellar?”
“You don’t tell me everything you do so why should I?” you snapped, attempting to walk past him. He stops in front of you. “Yes, I was with your brother down there. Do you have a problem?”
“What were you doing?” he grunted. You ignored his question and walked straight to your room. “I asked you a question!”
“And I’m supposed to be the obedient little wife and listen to you?”
“Bullshit,” you spatted. “Your brother and I were having a drink downstairs, talking about how perfect it would be if I married him instead of you,” you provoked, inching closer to him. “I would’ve been happy,” you ridiculed. 
“You would’ve been married to a man that can’t take his own father’s name. You’ll just be mooching off my family like your dad always did.”
You lifted your hand up, on the verge to slap him across his face. Jinyoung grabs your wrist, stopping you from slapping him and pushes you onto the bed. 
“I own you,” he said getting closer to you. 
You let out a loud laugh. “You’re wrong. Your brother owns me now,” you lied.  You could see Jinyoung’s face turn red. He was angry. You knew nothing would piss him off more than him knowing that you’ve been with his brother - everything was a competition to him; even you. 
Jinyoung climbs onto of you as you struggled to push him off. “You’re mine,” he repeats before leaning down to kiss you. You tried to push him off but he was too strong. You felt his lips on your neck.
“Jinyoung, stop!” you screamed.
“Why? Don’t you want this?” he smirked. “Haven’t you been dying for me to touch you?” Jinyoung asked rhetorically. His hand inches up your dress and towards your panties. “Come on baby,” he tried to convince. 
“Not like this,” you tell him. 
“Like how then? All my women like it like this,” he smirked, leaning down to kiss you. “You are my woman, aren’t you?”
This time you let him. You wanted him to know that you could give him what those other women gave him and that you were a hundred times better than them. You wanted him to regret not loving you. 
You kissed Jinyoung back, catching him off guard. He pulls you closer to his body as he deepened the kiss. You felt his tongue slip in your mouth. Besides the little peck he gave you on your wedding day, he’s never kissed you. 
Jinyoung slowly pulls out of you and falls in bed next to you. His chest heaving up and down. You turned to your side to face him. His eyes were shut, arms behind his head propping himself up slightly. He licked his dry lips as you watched him catch his breath. You inched closer to him, attempting to lay your head on his sweaty chest. Jinyoung immediately pushes you away, sitting up in bed. He pulled the comforter off his lower body before hurrying to put his clothes on.
“W-where are you going?” you stuttered, hugging the blanket over your chest.
“Come on, Y/N. You don’t expect me to stay.”
“This is your bed. I’m your wife,” you reminded him. 
He smirks at you, pulling his boxers up. “You want to be like all the other women, right?” He leans down towards your face, grabbing a hold of your cheeks in his hand. “I never stay after sex.” He pushes you away from him before walking out. 
You quickly got dressed and followed Jinyoung. You wanted to know where he was going. Who was he seeing that was so important that he had to leave you? 
You swore for a second you felt that he genuinely cared for you; loved you. 
“What’s wrong?” Jaebum asked, seeing you rush out of your room. 
“Jinyoung just left. I need to know where he’s going.”
“Why do you need to see when you know where he’s going?” You didn’t know how to respond to Jaebum because you knew he was right. You knew where he was going so why hurt yourself even more by seeing yourself. “Come on,” Jaebum said dragging you to his car. The both of you followed Jinyoung’s car to a bar downtown. Jaebum parks his car across the street where the bar was. “Do you want to go inside?”
“No...” you said hesitantly. “I just want to wait here.”
“It’s been an hour, Y/N. Just go inside and see for yourself.” You don’t respond to him. Your eyes were glued to the door, afraid that if you looked away you’d miss him. “Y/N, cut your losses while you can!” Jaebum tries to persuade. 
“There he is!” you shouted. There he was - clearly drunk. But what you didn’t expect was the women he was with; Jisoo. He had his arms around her and she was helping him inside a cab. “It’s Jisoo...”
“I didn’t think-” 
You cut him off, “I didn’t either.” You threw your head back against the seat. “I’m so stupid...” you whimpered. 
“Hey,” Jaebum comforted. “Jinyoung’s an ass. This is not your fault.”
“No, you must be so disappointed in me,” you said. He immediately shakes his head. “I slept with him,” you confessed. “I slept with him because I wanted to prove to him I was better than the other women. I let him play with me...” 
Jaebum pulls you in for a hug to comfort you. “’s okay.”
“I wanted to be better so badly that I let him toy with me. But how can I compare to Jisoo? She’s not like his other women; not like me. He loves her...”
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definitelyseven · 4 years ago
liability | eighteen - final
summary: reporter meets mafia boss, Park Jinyoung
one | two | three | four | five | six (m) | seven (m) | eight | nine (m) | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen (m) | fifteen | sixteen (m) | seventeen | eighteen - final |
It’s been six months since your wedding; since that night. You remembered your white dress being covered in his blood. No matter how many times you called for him, he didn’t respond.
Without Mark, you don’t know how you could’ve survived these past six months. He trained you to take over the clean side of Jinyoung’s business while he took over the dirty side. He didn’t want you to get your hands dirty. Jinyoung wouldn’t have wanted that either.
“Jinyoung, baby. It’s been six months. Please wake up,” you begged by his bed side. The doctor said the surgery was successful but they didn’t know when he’ll wake up. You rubbed the wet towel on his face. “Who could’ve done this?” you whispered to him. 
“I’m looking into some people,” Mark responded. “But I don’t want you to worry about it right now. You need to take care of yourself and the baby.”
You instinctively rub your belly. While Jinyoung was in a coma, you also found out you were pregnant. His mother has been ecstatic and has been nicer to you ever since.
“Baby, please wake up soon. I could really use your help with the baby names. Your mother has some interesting ideas,” you joked. “Ow!” you winced in pain.
“What’s wrong?” Mark asked, rushing to your side. 
“The baby is kicking,” you whined as you held onto your stomach.
“Deep breaths,” he instructed. You inhaled and exhaled as taught in your baby classes. You grabbed Jinyoung’s hand and placed it on your stomach. 
“Do you feel that Jinyoung?” you asked him. “The baby is kicking me.” You watched as Jinyoung’s fingertips slightly move against your stomach. “Mark!”
“He’s moving his fingers,” Mark cheered before running out to get the doctor. 
“Jinyoung, honey?” you called again.
You waited patiently outside as the doctor checked up on Jinyoung. 
“How’s my Jinyoung?” his mother asked as she rushed towards you.
“He’s awake. Mark and the doctor is in there right now,” you explained to her.
“Mrs. Park,” the doctor called. “He’s awake. Everything seems to be alright with him considering how long he’s been in a coma-”
“Oh thank God,” his mother exclaimed. 
“But his memory may be foggy,” the doctor continued to explain.
“He might not remember you,” Mark continued to explain. You rushed inside Jinyoung’s room. He can’t forget you - he can’t.
“Jinyoung,” you called with tears in your eyes. He looked at you as if he didn’t know who you were. “No...” you whispered.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” he asked.
“I’m your wife,” you revealed, making your way closer to his bed.
“No, she’s not. She’s not your wife,” a voice from behind you said. “Get away from his bed,” his mother said. “Sweetheart, you remember me, right?”
“Yes of course, Mother.”
“This women is not your wife,” she explained. “Your wife, Irene, is on her way.”
“What? No. I’m your wife,” you argued. “Mark?”
“Jinyoung, she’s your wife. Not Irene,” he agreed with you.
“It’s me,” you whimpered. 
You stood outside his room as you watched Irene and Jinyoung talked. He was smiling at her like she was the love of his life. It made your heart ache. How could he not remember you but remember Irene?
“Don’t worry. He’ll remember you. He has too,” Mark comforted. 
“Y/N let’s have a chat,” his mother demanded as she pulled you to the side. Mark quickly followed behind. 
“How could you?” you asked her with tears in your eyes. “How could you say I’m not Jinyoung’s wife?”
“Now that he’s lost all his memories, I want him to have the perfect wife he deserves and that’s not you,” she revealed. “We’ll keep the baby after you give birth. Irene will raise it as her own.”
“You can’t do that,” you sobbed. “I won’t let you. Jinyoung won’t let that happen.”
“He has no reason to protect you anymore. He doesn’t remember you and I want it to stay that way. You killed his father.”
“I am legally his wife,” you reasoned.
“No papers were signed - saying I do is just part of it.”
She was right. You and Jinyoung never signed any papers. You inhaled a deep breath, “I’m never letting you have my baby.”
“See you in court then,” she smiled before walking away. You exhaled deeply, turning your attention to Mark. 
“I won’t let that happen,” Mark comforted. “Give him some time.”
“You really don’t remember me?” you asked softly. Jinyoung looks at you blankly, trying to remember you. “That’s okay,” you comforted him and yourself as you reached for his hand. He flinches at your touch. “Sorry,” you mumbled.
“No, I’m the one that should apologize. I’m sorry I don’t remember you,” he said. “I’m really trying.”
You shake your head, “It’s not your fault. We will find whoever did this to you.”
“Irene said Y/N did this to me. Do you know who Y/N is?” he asked.  
“I’m Y/N. I’m your wife. I would never do this to you,” you sobbed. “This is our baby,” you said rubbing your stomach. “Why would I want to hurt my baby’s father?” 
“I-I don’t know,” he replied, holding his head. “I don’t know. My head hurts,” he complained. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Irene shouts from behind. She rushes over to Jinyoung’s side, pushing you away as she tries to calm him down to relieve his headache. “Why do you insist on hurting him all the time?” 
“You fucking bitch,” you mumbled in between your sobs.
“I heard that,” she glared while pouring Jinyoung a glass of water. 
“Irene, you said Y/N did this to me. How did she do it?” Jinyoung asked weakly.
“You can’t possibly think that’s true,” you said in disbelief. 
“I hired a private investigator. She deposited a large sum of money to a mysterious bank account an hour before the wedding. I traced the offshore account and it’s tied to a well-known gang,” Irene explained. You shook your head, denying all the allegations. 
“No...that’s not true,” you sobbed.
“Don’t even try to lie. I have all the proof here,” she said reaching for her purse. She pulls out the documentation and hands it to Jinyoung. “See baby,” she pointed. “Look at all that money being transferred between accounts.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” you sobbed. “I don’t have an offshore account and the gunman was aiming the gun at me. You got injured trying to save me.”
“See,” Irene quickly asserts. “She knew you were going to save her so of course the target wouldn’t be you.”
“After everything we’ve been through, I would never hurt you.”
“You mean everything Jinyoung and I been through. Babe, it’s true you guys had a relationship. You cheated on me with her, but I forgive you. I will always forgive you,” Irene said tearing up. This fucking bitch.
“How were you able to find all this when Mark wasn’t able to find a single thing for months?” Jinyoung asked, suspicious.
“Oh,” Irene said, caught off guard. “Money can do wonders, silly.”
“I have money.”
“I don’t know Jinyoung; hire better help?” Irene said, annoyed. 
“You set everything up perfectly to frame Y/N,” Jinyoung revealed.
“What? Don’t be ridiculous sweetie. Why would I hurt you? I love you,” she tries to convince Jinyoung. 
“You were never trying to hurt me. You wanted to hurt Y/N. You just didn’t think I would save her,” Jinyoung revealed. Irene chuckles nervously. “I’m not stupid Irene. I may have just woken up but I know you. I remember you.”
Irene rolls her eyes and moves away from Jinyoung. “Why do you insist on believing her even when you don’t remember her?! I’m your wife!” she practically shouted. “I’m the one you should be loving!”
“Because you’re always so desperate for my attention you’d do anything! Even if it meant hurting someone! That’s the person you are - you’re selfish and greedy. You only want what you can’t have. That’s the Irene I know,” Jinyoung explained.
Irene’s eyes swells up with tears. “You’ll never love me like you love her,” she said with her lips quivering. “She’s the reason your father is dead!”
“Maybe but I can never be with you, Irene. She’s pregnant with my child. I have to be responsible.”
“I will treat the child as my own,” Irene said. “I promise I will love it like I love you. I promise I will change. I’ll be a better person.”
“I will never give you my child,” you tell her. “I will never let her grow up with a monster.”
“Her?” Jinyoung asked. You nodded slowly which made him smile. “It’s a girl,” he whispered to himself. 
“Me or her, Jinyoung. Me or her,” she repeated. “This is your last chance. If you pick her, I will have my parents withdraw out of every investment in your company,” she threatened. 
“I don’t care if you withdraw your investments. I don’t care about that. I want to be with my child and my child’s mother, even if I don’t remember them.”
“You’ll regret this,” Irene says through her teeth before leaving. You made your way towards Jinyoung’s bed. He grabs your hand.
“I’m sorry I can’t remember. I’ll try harder,” he said squeezing your hand.
“You don’t have to apologize. It’s not your fault,” you assured him. “Are you going to let her off that easy?” you asked, referring to Irene’s attempted murder.
“If you don’t mind. It’s the least I can do for her. She became like this because of me,” Jinyoung explained. You nodded slowly, agreeing with him.
“It’s okay. I don’t mind.”
“Can you tell me how we met?” he asked. You smiled at him, nodding. 
“I was a reporter and you were a dangerous businessman. I wanted an interview with you,” you began to tell him. Even if he didn’t remember you or everything you’ve been through together, you would be willing to spend the rest of your life making new memories with him. 
a little note from jennie: i’m so sorry for the delay on this final chapter. i really wanted to come up with a perfect ending for this and i’ve rewritten this so many times. hope you enjoyed it! :)
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definitelyseven · 4 years ago
liability | seventeen
summary: reporter meets mafia boss, Park Jinyoung
one | two | three | four | five | six (m) | seven (m) | eight | nine (m) | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen (m) | fifteen | sixteen (m) | seventeen | 
You pulled the covers closer to your naked chest as you snuggled closer to him. Your back against his chest, he whispers, “Good morning beautiful.”
“Good morning,” you let out with a smile. Jinyoung rests his chin on your shoulder. “I don’t want to get up.”
“Today is our big day,” he reminded. “We’ll get married and every morning will be like this.”
“Promise me you’ll never leave me again.”
“I promise,” he said kissing your shoulder. You turned around to face him who had his eyes still closed. You quietly observed him - taking in every single detail of his face. You were happy. The one thing that bothered you the most was resolved. He didn’t want to leave you. He was just as devastated and to know that made it all better. “Stop staring,” he warned, jokingly.
“I love you,” you smiled as you stroked his cheek. Jinyoung opens his eyes to look at you. He smiles as he leans down to kiss you. 
“I love you more,” he replies, rubbing his nose against yours. He rests his forehead on yours, inhaling your scent. Jinyoung reaches to stroke your cheek - the both of you taking in each other’s presence. Being around him made your heart flutter, your insides feel warm - every touch and every kiss was engraved into your mind. “As much as I don’t want to leave this bed, it’s time to get up.”
“No,” you whined. “A little longer,” you begged, wrapping your arms around his waist. 
Jinyoung strokes your cheek again, giving it small pinch. “Mark should be waiting downstairs for you. He will take you to the church and someone will be there to take care of everything. All you have to do is show up and look beautiful for our big day,” he smiled at you. 
“What did I do to get so lucky?” you teased. 
Jinyoung chuckles at you. He doesn’t say anything but makes you sit up on the bed. “I’m the lucky one,” he tells you as he gently pinches your chin. 
You stared at yourself in the mirror - the wedding dress that Jinyoung picked out for you was perfect. Despite what he said the other night, Jinyoung knew you very well. 
“I have something for you,” Mrs. Park called from behind. You quickly turned around to greet her.
“Mrs. Park,” you called. She made her way towards you with Irene quickly following behind. 
“No matter how much I dislike you, I know how happy you make my Jinyoung,” she said. “After you walk down that aisle, you’ll also be my daughter. Let’s get along,” she said grabbing your hand. You can tell she was being sincere - the first sincere thing she has ever said to you. “This was passed down from my mother-in-law,” she said revealing a beautiful diamond necklace. “This is yours now,” she said making you turn around so she can put it on for you.
“Thank you. It’s beautiful.”
She smiled at you before giving your hand a tight squeeze. You knew everything she did up until this very moment was because she loved Jinyoung. So you really wanted to get along with her too. You smiled at her, touching the expensive necklace around your neck. 
As soon as Mrs. Park left, Irene showed her true colors. 
“Just because she wants to get along with you doesn’t mean she likes you. It doesn’t mean you win,” she glared.
“You still won’t give up, will you?” you scoffed. “I’m already in the wedding dress.”
“He can always divorce you,” she smirked.
“He will never love you.”
“You’re wrong. He will never love me if you’re around,” she rolled her eyes as she walked away from you. You sighed.
“Don’t mind her. You look beautiful,” Mark said as he watched you smooth out your wedding dress. 
You smiled, “Thank you, Mark - for everything.”
“I didn’t do anything,” he smiles, making his way towards you. 
“Thank you for always being by Jinyoung’s side even when I couldn’t be. I hope you continue to look after him,” you asked as you held Mark’s hand. 
“That’s your responsibility now,” he teases as he spun you around, examining your dress. You giggled. “Are you ready?”
“I’ve never been more ready,” you assured him. 
“What about your vows?” he reminded.
“Vows?” you repeated after him. “Oh my god, my vows! I forgot!”
“Don’t worry, just say what’s in your heart,” Mark said. “It’s time.” Mark walks you to the entrance of the church. You could hear the noises coming from inside - there were so many people, all of Jinyoung’s family and friends were here. “Jinyoung has a big family and lots of business partners. They’re all here for him. He didn’t want you to feel alone on your wedding day. If you don’t mind, can I walk you down the aisle?”
You smiled at Mark, “It would be my honor to have you walk me down the aisle.”
“Ready?” he asked again. You nodded. He opened the door and everyone inside went quiet. Everyone stood up, staring at you, whispering how beautiful you looked. Your eyes quickly met Jinyoung’s - he instantly smiles at you. 
Once you reached down the aisle, Jinyoung takes your hand from Mark. He brought them up to his lips and gives it a light peck. “You look stunning,” he compliments; his eyes glossy with tears. You smiled at him - just as happy. 
“Do you, Park Jinyoung, take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part?” 
“I do,” Jinyoung said, squeezing your hand. 
“Do you, Y/N, take Park Jinyoung to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part?” 
Before you could say I do, the sound of the church door opens. Everyone’s attention turns to Jaehyun who was standing by the door. He makes his way down the aisle with Hyewon following behind. “What is he doing here?” you whispered. Jinyoung gives your hand a squeeze before letting it go.
“What an entrance,” Jinyoung jokes making his way towards him. He stops right in front of him. “You’re not here to ruin my wedding, are you?”
“Of course not. We had a deal,” Jaehyun smirked.
“Hi Jinyoung,” Hyewon flirted. You rolled your eyes as you walked up to greet them. You grabbed Jinyoung’s hand and waved it in front of her.
“Thank you for coming. Please take a seat,” you said to the both of them. Jaehyun chuckles, nodding slightly. He grabs Hyewon’s hand and takes a seat at the front with Jinyoung’s mother. Jinyoung smiles at you, proud of how you handled the situation. He leads you back to the front of the church. “Please continue,” you tell the pastor. 
“Do you, Y/N, take Park Jinyoung to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part?” 
You smiled at Jinyoung before saying, “I do.”
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
Jinyoung pulls you in close to him. He stares into your eyes before cupping your cheeks in his hands. “I love you,” he said as he pulled you in for a tender kiss. 
“I love you,” you tell him once he pulls away from the kiss. He rubs his nose against yours, giving your cheek a gentle pinch. You giggle.
As you were about to speak, the sound of gunshots echoed throughout the church. It instantly followed with screams and panic. Mark quickly runs up to you and Jinyoung, guiding you both to bend down out of sight. 
It was pure panic, everyone was running around trying to find shelter. Mark and the other body guards drew their guns while hiding you and Jinyoung behind them.
“Take Y/N and go,” Jinyoung orders his body guards as he draws his own gun. 
“No, I’m not leaving without you!” you argued, holding onto his hand. 
“Listen to me,” Jinyoung said sternly as he stared into your eyes. “It’s dangerous here. You have to go!”
“No you promise you would never leave me,” you said with tears in your eyes. “You promise!” you repeated as the sound of guns going off continued. 
Jinyoung flings your hand off his roughly before pushing you away. His body guards immediately dragging you to safety. You sobbed and whimpered as you begged them to let you go. You watched as Jinyoung and Mark fired their rounds at the shooters. The distance between you and Jinyoung grew further and further apart. He quickly empties his guns making him vulnerable to the shooters.
“Jinyoung!” you screamed as you watch him fall down onto the floor, wounded by a gunshot. He quickly finds a spot to hide behind as he puts pressure on his  own wound. You ran towards him, dropping onto the ground. “Jinyoung,” you sobbed, holding onto the arm that was wounded.
“I told you to leave,” he groaned.
“You fucking asshole,” you yelled at him. “You said you would never leave me,” you cried.
“That’s why I asked you to leave me,” he groaned in pain as he held your hand tightly.  
“Are you okay?” you whimpered, putting more pressure on his wound.
“I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt,” he lied, comforting you. “I need to fire those body guards. They can’t even protect you,” he jokes while in pain. 
You sniffled, “Stop it, I’m still mad at you.”
The sound of gunshots grew louder and louder - they were close. Jinyoung pulls you closer to him. He hugs you tightly as if he was afraid to lose you. “I love you,” he mumbled.
He pushes you away from him as soon as he sees a man aiming his gun towards you. Jinyoung fires his gun at the same time as the shooter - both of them wounding each other at the same time.
“Jinyoung!” you screamed as you watched Jinyoung lay lifeless on the ground. You crawled over to his body; blood spewing out of his head where the bullet entered. “Jinyoung!” you screamed again shaking his body left and right. Nothing - he wasn’t waking up. “Mark! Jinyoung’s hurt!” you yelled as you held him in your arms. Mark ran over to you, kneeling by Jinyoung’s side.
“Jinyoung, wake up!” he shook violently. 
No response. 
a little note from jennie: next chapter is the final chapter. please don’t forget to stream got7′s new song - breath :)
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definitelyseven · 4 years ago
liability | one
summary: reporter meets mafia boss, Park Jinyoung
one | two | three | four | five | six (m) | seven (m) | eight | nine (m) | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen (m) | fifteen | sixteen (m) | seventeen |
“Mr. Park! Mr. Park! Can you please respond to the accusations made against you? They’re saying you’ve bribed government officials to approve your construction work to decimate the small town outside of the city line.” 
“Mr. Park, is it true that your plan to build thousands of new homes is a facade for you to launder your drug money?”
“Mr. Park, what do you have to say for yourself? How do you sleep at night knowing you are forcing people out of their homes?”
You were trying to push your way through the crowd to get a shot at asking your questions. Everyone wanted the first scoop on the news.
Park Jinyoung, 24 years old, son of the city’s most infamous mafia lord turned businessman with a family net worth of $50 billion USD. He was rich, handsome and next in line to take over the businesses. All women wanted to date him. All women wanted to be the wife to the richest man in town.
“No comment from Mr. Park. Please move out of the way.” His lawyer said as he and his body guards pushed the reporters to the side. “Please move back! This is personal property! You cannot loiter in front of this business!” 
Everyone turned back to see who was yelling. It was one of the families that were being evicted out of their house. Behind him was a group of supporters that were against the construction plan.
“I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!” He screamed as he and his supporters started throwing eggs towards Park Jinyoung and the crowd.
Reporters ran away trying to avoid the eggs, but this was your chance. 
You managed to run to the front of the crowd, right in front of him blocking the eggs that were coming his way with your face and body.
“Mr. Park, get in the car!” His bodyguard said ushering you and him to get inside his black SUV. Park Jinyoung grabbed your arm and pulled you in the car with him. 
You took a seat next to him as his driver drove away from the building. He handed you a napkin. “Thanks.” You said grabbing the napkin from him and started wiping your face. 
“Why did you block it?” He asked slightly turning to you. You finally had a close look at his face - he was handsome, there’s no doubt about that. 
“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be sitting here having one on one time with the famous Park Jinyoung, would I now?” You said leaning towards him, he chuckled. “My name is Y/N.” You said as you handed him your business card. “I’m a news reporter at Sunshine Daily. It would be an honor if I can interview you for our paper.”
“No.” He said immediately. “I don’t do interviews.”
“Don’t you want to clear all those accusations? Clear your name?” You said trying to persuade him. “I promise I will only report the truth. I will send you questions prior to the interview. I will… -”
“No.” The car comes to an abrupt stop, but he grabs you just in time before you launch forward. “Get out.”
“Get out.” He said as the side door opened. 
“I saved you!” You protested. He looked at you with a blank stare. Not saying anything. Not moving. You pouted and got out of the car. He tossed something at you.
“If you need anything, call me. I owe you a favor, but I’m not giving you an interview” He said closing the door and driving off.
“Long island, please” You said to the bartender before sitting down at the bar. Since you couldn’t get news on Park Jinyoung, you had to find something else to write about. This club was known for selling more than drinks.
Just as you were about to call it a day, Park Jinyoung walks in with his body guards and a very beautiful girl in his arms. Why was he here? Could this be the place where he does his dirty business? You watched as he walked in to one of the VIP area. You followed. 
“Miss, I’m sorry. You can’t go to the VIP area. You have to be a member.” One of the servers said ushering you away from the door. 
“I know that man inside.” 
“I’m sorry miss, you cannot go inside.” You pulled out the business card he gave you.
“Look. He gave this to me. I know him.” The server hesitated. “I mean you don’t have to let me in, but once I call him I’ll be sure to let him know that you didn’t let me in.” The server stepped aside and let you in. You smirked and walked towards the VIP area.
From a far, you watched as a young man slipped a white powder in a girl’s drink. You quickly grabbed your cell phone and started recording. After he was done you stood up and walked towards them. “I wouldn’t drink that if I were you.” You said to the girl who was already intoxicated. She looked at you with a blank stare making you roll your eyes. “Here” You said as you showed her the clip. She started giggling. Was she already high?
“You bitch” The young man said splashing the drink on you. “Who are you and who let you in? Kick her out!” Two men grabbed you from both sides and escorted you out. At least you got the video of him spiking her drink, you thought. You made your way to your car, but couldn’t help but feel someone following behind you. As you were about to turn around, someone pulled you into the alley. “You fucking bitch.” It was the guy who spiked that girl’s drink, but he wasn’t alone. He was with three other guys that were now all surrounding you. “Give me your phone!”
“Give me your damn phone! I know you recorded it!”
“No!” He raised his arm and slapped you across the face. 
“You really want to say no to me?” He smirked. “Since I didn’t get to have my fun inside, maybe I can have some fun with you.” He started reaching out towards you, grabbing your top. You pushed his hand away and earned yourself another slap. The four of them coming closer and closer to you as you tried to fight them off, but every time you tried, it only resulted in a slap. He grabbed your throat, “I’m warning you” He spat. You continued to push him away, but no use. They were stronger than you.
“What’s going on over here?” Everyone turned to look at who it was. Park Jinyoung. “Let her go.” The guy released his gripped on your throat and you dropped to the floor, coughing for air. Scared, they ran off.
Jinyoung knelt down in front of you. “Are you okay?” He said stroking your cheeks gently. 
“I-I’m fine…” You said caught off guard at how his demeanor had completely changed from earlier. He was soft and gentle. “My cheeks though…”
“You don’t know danger, do you?” You shrugged. “Give me your phone”
“Why?” Again, he just stared at you. You don’t know why but you handed him your phone. 
“Passcode.” You entered the numbers to unlock your phone. He clicked on some things in your phone and handed it back to you. “Do you need a ride back?”
“Can I get an interview?” 
“No.” He said walking away. You quickly followed him and got into his car. 
“Why not?” No response. “Look at my cheeks! I went in there looking for you.” You said leaning in to show him.
“I saved you.” He argued.
“I’ll do anything for an interview.”
“Anything?” You nodded. You were desperate for your first big story. This was your chance. He smirked and leaned close to you causing you to slightly move back. “I don’t think you can give me what I want.”
“Try me.” 
“Take your clothes off” He said. 
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definitelyseven · 4 years ago
deal | sixteen
summary: when your step-mom unexpectedly offers you a deal you can’t resist, you decide to give her a taste of her own medicine by seducing her potential suitor, Im Jaebum.
one (m) | two | three (m) | four (m) | five | six (m) | seven | eight (m) | nine | ten | eleven | twelve (m) | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen - final |
“Americano please,” you said softly to the waitress at the coffee shop in the hotel lobby. You waited anxiously for Jaebum as you picked at the skin on your fingers. You know you shouldn’t meet him but you owed him, especially if he was willing to meet with Kai. 
“Y/N,” he calls for your attention before sitting down across from you. 
“Hey,” you smiled weakly. “I wanted to thank you for meeting with Kai.”
“I told you I’d do anything for you,” he reassures you. 
“Jae I don’t want you to get the wrong idea,” you tell him. “I’m only here because I want to thank you. Nothing more.”
Jaebum smirked before tossing a file on the table. You looked at him confused before picking up the file.
“What is this?”
“How long have you know him? Jaebum asked. You opened the file and see a picture of Kai.
“You ran a background check on him?” you asked, furious. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“You were so in love with him. I had to make sure,” he answered.
“Make sure what? He wasn’t as bad as you?” 
“That he can love you better than I can,” he answered honestly. You scoffed at him. 
“Well I can tell you right now that he does. He can love me a million times better than you can,” you spatted.
“Did you know he knows about your money?” he interrupts before you can continue speaking.
“He doesn’t. I never told him. I never told anyone,” you quickly refuted.
“Y/N look at the file! I’m not lying to you,” he reassures. You threw the file back at him.
“I choose to trust the people I love and not do background checks on them,” you said before getting up. Jaebum quickly followed.
“Did you know he knows Eunbi?”
“W-what?” you stutter.
“He is Eunbi’s insurance agent. There’s a possibility she told him about you, about the money,” he explained.
“You don’t know that. You have no proof. I don’t believe you,” you said hesitantly. “He would never.”
“Why don’t you follow me upstairs and find out? We have our meeting in 30 minutes,” Jaebum suggested. If you followed him upstairs, it would mean you didn’t trust Kai. If you don’t follow him, you’ll never know. “What can you possibly lose?” Deep down, you still trusted him - believed him; even after everything. You followed him upstairs to his room. “I’m going to give him an offer he can’t resist and you can see what kind of man he really is.” 
“He would never. We’re getting married,” you repeated to yourself. “He loves me.” Jaebum tries to reach for your cheek, making you quickly shift away.
“Wait in the other room,” he instructed. You sat patiently in the other room like he asked. It was like time had froze and you’d been waiting for hours but in reality only minutes have past.
Kai isn’t like that. He would never lie to you. He has always been faithful and honest. That’s what you kept telling yourself as you waited for Kai to come. 
“Mr. Im, thanking you so much for meeting with me today.”
He’s here. 
“Thank Y/N. She’s the reason you’re here,” Jaebum explained. 
You hear Kai clear his throat before speaking, “I did extensive research on your company and drafted this proposal for you.”
“I already have an insurance agent,” Jaebum immediately clarified.
“I understand that but I promise, you won’t regret this. Please take a look,” he practically begged.
“I’ll tell you what - give me Y/N for one night and I’ll sign whatever you put in front of me,” Jaebum offered. 
“So deal?” Jaebum asked again. Kai remains quiet. “I don’t have a lot of patience, you know? The clock is ticking.”
There was a long pause between the two of them. You couldn’t hear anything and your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your chest. 
Tell him no, you repeated to yourself over and over again, hoping that those exact words will come out of Kai’s mouth. 
“Think about - just one night and you’ll get the biggest commission of your life. She’ll even think it’s her fault that she cheated on you. She will never have to know our little deal,” he guarantees. You covered your mouth, afraid to make any noises.
“Give me one second,” Kai said. Your phone vibrates and it was Kai. You watched your phone light up and vibrate with every ring.
“Hello?” you said softly. 
“Hey baby. Where are you?” he asked. 
You gulped nervously, “I’m out. Where are you?”
“I’m on my way home. I just called to tell you I love you, okay? No matter what happens, I love you.”
It was like he was repeating that to himself. “I-I love you too,” you responded before he hangs up.
“Deal,” you hear Kai say in the other room to Jaebum. You instantly drop your phone onto your lap. You couldn’t believe what you just heard. “But you have to sign first.”
Jaebum was right.
You hear Jaebum snicker in the other room before speaking. “This is everything you want?” he asked.
“If I’m being honest, no it’s not. I want to be your company’s sole insurance agent,” Kai suggested, making Jaebum snicker again.
“I didn’t think you would say yes so easily you know. I thought you actually loved her. Or did you love her for her money?” Jaebum asked.
“Would you believe me if I said I didn’t love her money? Y/N’s great but the $20 million dollars is the cherry on top. There’s so many things I can do with that money. Once I marry her, the money would be mine too.”
Your heart drops to your stomach. He knew this whole time. 
Jaebum chuckles. “Do you know who Y/N is to me?” 
“I know who she is to you. I know how much she cares about you,” Kai responds. “You may think I’m fucked up for this but her heart always belonged to you. Even when she’s with me, she’s thinking about you. It’s not like I didn’t try to love her. I was never good enough for Y/N.”
That was a lie. You didn’t love Jaebum anymore. You loved Kai. You were faithful to him. How could he lie and make it seem like everything is your fault?
a little note from jennie: thank you all for being patient with this! next chapter is the final chapter. will Y/N finally end up with jaebum? ;)
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definitelyseven · 4 years ago
#repost coming soon
deal | fifteen
summary: when your step-mom unexpectedly offers you a deal you can’t resist, you decide to give her a taste of her own medicine by seducing her potential suitor, Im Jaebum.
one (m) | two | three (m) | four (m) | five | six (m) | seven | eight (m) | nine | ten | eleven | twelve (m) | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen |
You wiped down the last menu and neatly stacked it with the rest of the menus. You glanced over at the clock - 4:55 pm, it was almost time to open the restaurant. 
“Reservations for Im JB,” you whispered to yourself as you traced your fingers over the written words. “Do you know who made reservations for the VIP room at 6?” you asked your coworker, Shuha who was setting up a table. 
“No idea, the boss wrote it down herself.”
It couldn’t be, could it? It’s been two years since the wedding. Two years since you’ve seen them or even made contact with them. It couldn’t be. You brushed the thought out of your head and flipped the signed to Open. 
“Has everyone arrived?” you asked Shuha. She nodded and followed you towards the VIP room. “Good evening. I’m Y/N, the manager of this restaurant. May I get everyone started with something to drink?” 
You looked towards the end of the table and there he was. Im Jaebum. Your eyes met his and you feel your heart drop to your stomach, almost forgetting how to breathe. You looked away instantly, trying your best to focus on your job. He’s not worth it, you repeated to yourself for the nth time. 
You moved out of Jaebum’s house while they were on honeymoon. You couldn’t stick around and watch them be together. You couldn’t pretend like nothing happened, like he wasn’t as bad as she was. Shortly after you moved out, news broke out that Eunbi’s family invested millions in Jaebum’s company, opening the U.S. market for his company. They weren’t nearly as rich as Jaebum’s but they had connections in the U.S. No wonder he had to marry her. He needed her. 
“How are you?” a voice from behind asked. You froze as if your body forgot how to move itself. You inhaled and exhaled slowly before turning around to respond.
“I’m good. You?”
“The usual.” You smiled at him before returning to work. “You left without a word.”
“Was I supposed to stay and watch you and Eunbi be happy together?” you asked rhetorically. You weren’t trying to be rude, honestly. You’ve moved on. You were happy and you weren’t mad anymore. 
You didn’t love him anymore. 
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to be rude,” you quickly apologized.
“No it’s okay,” he smiled subtly. “Can I please buy you a drink?” 
You stared at him. He was the same - handsome, charming and well-dressed. He didn’t change one bit. You looked around the restaurant, seeing only a couple of tables finishing up their drinks. “Shuha, I’m going to take my break.” 
“You’re happy as a restaurant manager?” he asked.
“I am. I didn’t think I was going to like it but I do. I really do,” you assured him. 
“You have $20 million dollars to do anything in the world and you chose to be a restaurant manager,” he teased, making you laugh. “Minguk asks about you all the time. He misses you. I miss you.”
You chewed on the inside of your cheek. Every word that came out of his mouth made you nervous. It made the pit in your stomach grow. “It’s been two years already. I was sure Minguk was going to forget about me.”
“He could never. I could never,” he mentions again. You tried to ignore him and the comments he made - it was better like this.  
“Hey honey,” you hear someone call. You quickly turned back to see your fiancé making his way towards you. You smiled, getting up to greet him.
“Hey babe,” you said leaning in to kiss him. “This is my fiancé, Kai,” you introduced. 
Jaebum’s body tense up, frozen as he stared at you. You were happy. Your smile gave it all away. He couldn’t believe you were engaged; its only been two years and you already moved on. In that moment he realized you weren’t happy because of this job. It was never about this job. 
You were happy because of him. 
“Nice to meet you,” Kai said, extending his hand out to shake. “You’re Mr. Im, right?”
“You know him?” you asked your fiancé who quickly shook his head. 
“I don’t know him, know him. I’ve seen you on magazines,” he clarified.
Jaebum smiled, standing up to shake Kai’s hand. “Pleasure.”
“You ready to go?” Kai asked you. You took another look at the restaurant. The tables from earlier left already and it was just the four of you. 
“Almost. Can you bring the car to the front?” Kai nods, leaning in to kiss your cheek before leaving. 
“He’s the reason you’re happy,” Jaebum said. You smiled widely. He is. “I know because I can feel it.” It reminded you the day of the wedding when he told you he was happy, but you said it was fake because you couldn’t feel how happy he was. “When’s the wedding?”
“Next month,” you answered, carefully. “I would invite you but-”
“It’s okay. I can congratulate you from afar.” There was an awkward silence between the two of you. “Let me walk you out.” 
You thought you would be more mad meeting him again. You thought it would be harder but it wasn’t. 
“I never apologized,” Jaebum said. 
You shake your head, disagreeing. “You don’t need to apologize. We were both wrong. We both made choices we’re not proud of.”
“Does he treat you well?” You nodded. “Good. That’s good.”
Kai’s car pulls up in the front of the restaurant. “It was nice seeing you,” you said sincerely. “And I do miss Minguk.”
“Will you be here tomorrow?” 
“I forgive you, Jae. Let’s not make it a routine to see each other again,” you said as you watched Kai get out of the car. “Goodnight,” you tell him before getting in the car. 
“How do you know him?” Kai asked.
You hesitated, “He’s married to someone I know.”
“Great! Then maybe you can get him to accept a meeting invitation,” he proposed. 
“Oh, we don’t really know each other like that.”
“Come on sweetheart. It would be huge if I can get him as a client,” Kai begged. 
“O-okay I’ll try,” you said. If it wasn’t for today, you’d probably never see him again let alone call him for a favor. No matter how badly you didn’t want to do this, you had too; at least for Kai. 
“This is Jaebum,” he answered on the other line. You hesitated to speak. There’s no turning back now. “Hello?”
“Jae…” you choked out. 
“Y/N?” he asked. “Is everything okay?” 
“I’m fine,” you answered. You swallowed your pride and spoke, “I was wondering if you could help me out with something.”
“Anything.” You nibbled your lower lip, still hesitant to ask for this favor. “Y/N, I’d do anything for you.”
“It’s actually not for me,” you responded. “Kai has been trying to get a meeting with you but has never been able to set up a meeting with your secretary.”
“Don’t worry about it. Tell him to give my secretary another call.”
“Thanks Jae,” you sighed in relief. “I owe you one.”
“Can we meet?” he asked. You can feel your heart race. “Please I miss you,” he begged. You glanced over at Kai who was sleeping beside you. 
a little note from jennie: sorry the wait. please stream got7′s encore :)
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