#GOT7 reacts
multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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girlfriend hugging them in their sleep
deserted island au
high school au
gf is a demon
s.o is shy with skinship
s.o is self conscious
thank you
bf! jackson
trying again
single dad au
it’s not too late
get over here
not now (*M*)
bf! jaebum
christmas special
i want to do these things with you
christmas special
bf! yugyeom
let’s go out
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shiningwonho · 2 years
wheeee new youngjae (and yes i spend 2 minutes complaining about not getting the cd in the sugar album)
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jenscx · 6 months
MAGNETIC — yu jimin x f!reader
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it was your very first time appearing solo on a variety show. was it a blessing or a curse that you ended up paired with aespa’s leader?
TAGS — fluff, self-on kode, lesserafim member!yn, flirty!karina, mostly texting, short oneshot, call it want you want (pt2)
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you were unsure about attending a variety show alone, especially one that had garnered a lot of attention lately. self-on kode, broadcasted on youtube. it was going to be your first time appearing solo, without the safety of your group mates. naturally introverted, you allowed your more outgoing members to lead the conversation, like yunjin, who was basically your saviour.
barely having a chance to greet the staff, you were quickly ushered into the seat. behind you, a pink wall separated you and your mystery partner. you had hoped they were going to be someone your age. it was already awkward talking to a stranger, but if it was a senior? you shuddered.
“y/n-ssi,” the director handed you the noise-cancelling airpods. you nodded at him gratefully and the cameras started rolling.
the chat was empty for a while and you almost started typing when a greeting came.
i am tonkatsu ^^
you raised an eyebrow at the strange nickname. tonkatsu? like the food?
hello, i am babybird
(“why did i choose the name tonkatsu?” jimin repeated, a smirk on her face, “i was feeling hungry.”
“babybird, or ahgase is the fandom of got7,” you explain, cheeks flushed, “i am a fan of theirs.”)
how are u today?
i was very excited to film!
you giggle, why did they answer their own question?
i was nervous, it’s my first time appearing solo
ure in a group, babybird-nim ^^?
oh shit, you thought. with the staff laughing at your misfortune, you struggle to come up with a suitable reply to tonkatsu.
i think ure more shy than me
is that a good thing?
oh? definitely not hehe
you roll your eyes at their reply. they were so annoying! cheeks puffed out, you continue typing.
what’s with your name?
it’s a little strange..
i just like it
i’m really hungry now
i’m on a diet :((
so you’re an idol?
your eyes gleam with amusement. your partner had just revealed a very important detail about her—
what the…
why did you admit that so easily? ^^;;
normally people would hide that fact
but can u guess which idol i am~~
(jimin stares blankly at the camera, “of course i hadn’t expected babybird to pick up on my mistake but i had to show them that everything i did was intentional!”
“i thought it was very smart of them to reveal it,” you say, “it is hard to find out which idol my partner was.” the subtitle underneath you says, she was fooled.)
what’s ur mbti, babybird?
i forgot… i think istj?
enfp, wow
we’re complete opposites…
opposites attract tho?
you internally palm your face. the staff laughs at your misfortune of being partnered with a flirting expert. it was only fate for you to meet someone so…
what’s with your flirting?
didn’t you say you were shy?
i guess it comes out naturally with u
u shld feel honoured!
i am quite the catch
ok, let’s move on :)
do you have siblings?
just an unnie ^^
you’re a girl.
was this time on purpose?
are u a guy or a girl?
wow, she just completely ignored you. but from the way she reacted, it was a mistake.
this is what im hoping for!
a girl!
are you a prophet?
the camera pans to jimin who laughs at your absurd comment. the director holds up a sign which catches your attention; show your partner your home screen.
[image attached]
“homescreen,” you squint your eyes, “do you mean screen time…?”
why are u taking so long?
are u a boomer?
[image attached]
watch your mouth
why is your homescreen so messy?
did u just buy ur phone lol
it’s so empty..
wow we do not match each other
how many people do u live with?
you tell me first
3 other people!
jimin smirks, “if they’re smart enough, they’ll think of aespa!”
meanwhile, you shudder at the thought of another 4 member girl group. “ah… do you guys have enough budget to host blackpink?”
answer my question! ^^
nope! it’s a secret :)
that’s so unfair
i revealed mine to u
your begging won’t do anything
don’t u think i’m cute?
i’m just kidding~
“why did you pair me up…” you mutter, “with a weirdo?” the staff laughs at your remark while jimin looks around warily, “are you guys laughing at me?”
you’re an interesting person.
that sounds backhanded
i live alone
(“i felt like lying to her. she kept teasing me, so it only felt right to lie, and i didn’t want her to know which group i’m from,” you say.)
are u a soloist?
are u older? ^^
your face of astonishment draws out more laughter. what the hell. you think. jimin, on the other side, just laughs quietly at herself and your silence.
(“it was my first time ever, having someone insinuate that i was old,” you say, “i was slightly shocked.”
“it wasn’t meant to be rude or anything, just to draw out a reaction,” jimin explains. the subtitle reads, the power of enfp.)
do i seem old?
maybe? a little
i like older women tho :))
can i call u unnie?
let’s talk informally
wow you type fast.
and i didn’t say i was older
what if i was in my 40s?
i’ll act polite when we meet
over chat, let’s be friends!
your way of thinking…
it’s amazing
i know right!!
only u understand me
do u like watching dramas?
i watched pyramid game
who’s ur favourite character?
suji or maybe doah!
do u like bona sunbaenim?
i watched 2521 too!
she’s really pretty…
who’s prettier?
me or bona sunbaenim
lol i don’t even know you
based off the vibe ^^
bona sunbaenim
no doubt haha
jimin pouts. the director holds up another sign; share your playlist with your partner.
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[image attached]
oh! u like aespa?
i like dreams come true
and thirsty the most
i like aespa too!!
who’s ur bias?
maybe… winter?
but i like them all
(“how did you feel when she said winter was her bias, and not karina?” the director asks. jimin sighs dramatically, “i guess, disappointed. i thought she would be drawn to me.”)
the disappointment is evident.
do you have a bias?
karina obv!
she’s super pretty
yes, i agree
but why is winter ur bias?
i feel that she’s more relatable
karina is someone i would just stare at
i would never dare to talk to her
oh, why?
she’s too pretty.
you further elaborate, “i saw her backstage before. she’s actually so pretty i couldn’t even move, one of my members had to nudge me.”
jimin, on the other hand, is flattered.
“she’s saying i’m too pretty to be her bias?” she laughs.
let’s hold hands
so suddenly?
the director told me to tell you ^^
LOL okay
you stand up from your chair, inching closer to the corner of the pink wall. your heart is beating a mile, pounding against your rib cage as you extend your hand, meeting the stranger’s. your first thought is that the hand is warm, and way bigger than yours. both hands interlink, you hold your breath. only when the stranger gives a squeeze, you let go, a pink flush on your face.
that was heart-fluttering
your hand is so warm
was it nice?
after this, let’s hold hands more
(“i was thinking… is she crazy? or just flirty,” you groan, “everytime she would say something flirty and i didn’t know how to respond.”)
eventually, the chat ends abruptly. you sigh, stretching as you stand up again. you hear shuffles from the other side. strangely, your palms are sweaty and you feel suffocated.
a head peeks out from the other side.
“oh my god.”
“you tricked me!” are yu jimin’s first words to you. the stunning leader stands in front of you, mouth agape and all you can think about is how you basically confessed your love for her.
she moves closer to you, “so you were lying about living alone?”
“payback to you teasing me,” you answer, your throat feeling oddly dry. jimin laughs heartily, “how could i not tease when your reactions are so cute?”
the camera pans to you two sitting down, the director asks, “so will we see you holding hands more often?”
“yes, definitely!” jimin answers, beaming. you splutter indignantly while hiding your red face in your hair.
she turns to you, “i said we would hold hands more, right?”
you can only nod. who were you to deny yu jimin?
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 months
Every Damn Time
Pairing: Park Jinyoung x female reader
Genre: emotional angst-fluff
Tropes: established relationship
Warnings: mentioning of declining health of side character, main protagonist is expressing their fears over it.
Word count: 659
Author’s Note: I wrote this back in January, when this situation happened to calm myself down from the fright of it all. Naturally, this piece is a little personal.
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Jinyoung barely had a moment to react, and yet he did so instinctively. Catching you before you knocked both of you to the ground, he went to laugh and asked why you were so greedy for his embrace, only to stop himself when he felt your body shudder.
Instantly, he was on red alert. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“Need you,” came out with a choked sob, and Jinyoung rearranged his hold on you.
He pulled you firmly against him, caging your shaking body so you felt protected and safe. And that was enough to unleash your emotions. It killed him to have no clue why you had entered his home and ran to him like this. He wanted to rage in your honour, ask who did this to you, uncover every little detail so he could put together a plan. So he could be the one to solve this and never let it make you break like this again.
But as he continued to hold you, rocking your body and letting out soothing noises, his mind came down from the height it had gone to.
Jinyoung had been working late yesterday and into the early hours of today, which wasn’t unusual for him, and he had almost sent you a message out of habit but realised the time was late. He remembered frowning when he had seen your last active time stamp to be after one am, yet he considered you probably had struggled to sleep and then fallen into slumber eventually.
But now he wasn’t so sure. What had kept you up so late into the night? He had his suspicions, and you finally confirmed them a moment later. “She fell.”
“I’m not sure. I was in bed and woke to a loud bang. I thought it was one of the cats and went to check, but the TV had crashed into the wall and she was completely dazed,” you said quietly, not objecting when Jinyoung gently led you to the couch and pressed you down until you sat before he crouched down in front of you.
“She’s completely fine, well, a few bruises are going to come up, but I was just so scared. I keep having these moments where I get complacent with Mum’s illness and then she declines and something like this happens and I just—” Tears welled in your eyes and he reached forward to brush them aside, your watery gaze connecting with his. “It’s only going to get worse.”
“With time. Your mother has plenty of time still.”
“I feel like I’m going out of my mind. I could barely sleep worrying something would happen as she rested. I’ve made plans to move my things out to the study nook so I can be right there if she needs me. I’m going to have to monitor her closely. It all feels so overwhelming.”
“You should have rung me. I would have come over immediately. “
You sighed, nodding softly. “I wanted you there.”
“You needed me,” he corrected, and you nodded a second time.
“I always need you. I worry the strain I’m holding will end up breaking you when I lean on you.”
Slapping a shoulder, Jinyoung cracked a grin. “Why do you think I built these up?”
It delighted him when a small, exasperated smile curled up your lips. “You fool.”
“You need me at any time of the day or night, and you know I’ll be there.”
“What are boyfriends for if they can’t promise that?”
“To look pretty and carry heavy things?” You pretended to ponder, and Jinyoung tsked loudly before reaching for your hands, rubbing the coolness out of them.
“I don’t ever want to let you stress to the point of crashing into me like that again. But if it does happen, I’ll catch you, okay?”
“You’ll catch me?” you repeated, eyes wide with emotion.
His throat felt tight as he nodded. “Every damn time.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[GOT7 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist]
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beautifulchris · 1 year
love potion
pairing: seo changbin x gn!reader
wc: 4,9k
featuring: bang chan, lee minho, victon’s subin, the boyz’s haknyeon, i-dle’s soyeon, bts’ jeongguk, got7’s yugyeom, golden child’s donghyun
summary: changbin has been your best friend for years now, harboring feelings for you. on the other hand, you’re too absorbed by the cute hufflepuff quidditch fan to notice.
genres: hogwarts!au, best friends to lovers!au, slytherin!changbin, slytherin!reader, fluff, humor (i tried)
tw: swearing, food, jealousy
notes: moodboard made by me, pictures found on the internet. reposting works from my old blog
order of writing: chan - jisung - minho - hyunjin - jeongin - seungmin - changbin - felix
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @straykidsland @kwritersworld
tag list: @badwithten @soobin-chois @raethethey send ask/dm/comment to be added!
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“BINNIE!!” you yelled as soon as you spotted your black haired best friend in the crowd at the train station.
Just when he was turning to face you, you crashed into him, and he had to use every strength in his body to not fall over. He held you tight while gently patting your back. Once on the train, you talked about your respective summertime until you arrived at Hogwarts. It was your fifth year for both of you, and you were excited.
“Class started three days ago and I already have four parchments to write plus two exams next week. I know the O.W.L.S. are important but this is straight up overworking poor fifteen years olds. I’m still not over my summer holidays.”
You let out a deep sigh, pushing yourself deeper atop the table, your left cheek on your crossed arms.
Changbin chuckled next to you. “I don’t want to imagine how you’ll react in a few months when we won’t be able to breathe because we’ll crumble under an astronomical amount of homework.”
You straightened your back, eyes wide, then whined and got back to your previous position. “I have astronomy class tonight… how will I survive?”
Your best friend scoffed while rubbing soothing circles on your back. “You’ll be fine. I’ll be there.”
“I won’t survive this year,” you mumbled, eyes closed.
“You’re being overdramatic.”
Of course, you were. People only needed to spend ten minutes with you to know. Changbin liked this side of you, it was always fun to him, how you could say dramatic stuff while looking this cute. You’ll never catch him say that out loud, though.
A few weeks later, Changbin was on his way to his first Quidditch practice with his teammates —you were accompanying them— when a group of Gryffindors came to him, fifth year Haknyeon leading.
“Hey Changbin,” he called, “I bet I’m faster than you on a broom.”
“Is that why I’m on the Quidditch team and you’re not?” he retorted. A few teammates laughed.
Haknyeon scoffed, visibly upset. Then shrugged. “I’ll try not to humiliate you too much.”
“Why don’t you let your broom do the talking? I’m ready to fly whenever you are,” Changbin smirked.
“I’ve seen Haknyeon practice for hours on the Training Grounds,” Yugyeom, beater of your House, whispered to the team.
“Come on, you can win this with your eyes closed,” a Gryffindor encouraged his housemate.
“If the referee asks, I don’t condone this,” Soyeon, captain of the Slytherin team, warned with her hands up.
Changbin and Haknyeon prepared for the race, getting on their brooms.
“Loser buys the butterbeer. That’s you, Ju.”
Ju Haknyeon tsked and you approached your best friend. “Please, don’t end up in the Hospital Wing, Binnie.”
“I thought you had more faith in me,” he winked.
You moved back, rolling your eyes amusedly as they started the race.
“This is the race I didn’t know I wanted,” a Gryffindor said excitedly.
It was tight, until Haknyeon decided to push Changbin. They were going straight to a statue and didn’t seem to realize it. Changbin avoided it with ease though, while Haknyeon wasn’t so lucky, his robes getting caught in the lance’s statue. He kept flying and his robes ripped apart. Your best friend arrived safely on the ground and a few moments later, Haknyeon arrived as well, throwing his broom on the floor in frustration.
Changbin’s teammates were laughing, even Soyeon was giggling. “It was really fun to watch, but we have practice,” Jeongguk, the second beater, announced.
“It was a good race,” Changbin proposed his hand for Haknyeon to shake, which he did.
“It was. Next time I’ll win, though.”
“We’ll see about that. Don’t forget you owe me that butterbeer!”
You all left for the Quidditch Pitch; the team for practice, you to cheer on Changbin from the stands. He always said it helped him do better. So you used practice to do your homework, but always ended up sidetracking, due to a fervent Quidditch fan going to a lot of practices from every house. You often wondered if Subin was twenty four hours in the stands. I mean, you wouldn’t complain, because Subin was a pretty cute Hufflepuff that was always cheering on everyone.
Second Saturday of December, you went to Hogsmeade with your best friend.
“Binnie,” you called from the scarves alley, “how about this one?” He was sitting on a fir green leather bench next to the fitting room in Gladrags Wizardwear, the clothing shop of Hogsmeade.
“Now that is a pretty scarf. Emerald and silver stripes, nice and simple. You see, the purple one wasn’t really going well with the green of your tie and robes.”
“You’re right, I’ll take it,” you smiled.
You turned around and when your eyes landed on someone outside, you stopped yourself and stared, a shy smile on your face. Changbin curiously got up then followed your gaze but, upon seeing nothing, was confused by your behavior.
“What’s going on?”
“Subin walked past and smiled at me,” you beamed.
“Oh, I see. Better pay for the scarf and go if you want to talk to him, then.”
Yes, you had an embarrassing crush on the cutest Hufflepuff ever. Have you talked to him before? Eh. Made a whole conversation? Now, let’s not get over ourselves. He just always smiled when he caught you staring or when you bumped into each other in the hallways. He was just so sweet.
“I still can’t believe you fell for a smile.”
“Those are powerful things, you know?”
Oh, he knew alright. He fell for yours.
“I can’t believe this guy! Five gallions a scarf? It better lasts until the end of my school years,” you huffed loudly, putting away your wallet.
“Stop whining, you bought it anyway.”
“Well yeah, I need to stay warm this winter.”
“Remind me again why you’re buying it now?” His tone was teasing, making your eyes roll.
“A crup destroyed it yesterday during care of magical creatures class but I’m sure you don’t need a reminder,” you answered bitterly. You remembered how his laugh was louder than everyone else’s.
“You’re right. That was so funny.”
You had the urge to smack him but stopped yourself. “Stop mocking me, it was the scarf or my face!”
You didn’t spot Subin again that day, but Haknyeon did buy Changbin butterbeer like promised.
Classes were hard, but you were holding up just fine, compared to your whines the first week. Sometimes you were even a little too enthusiastic, like with the crup.
Now, the only pet that terrorized everyone but Changbin and you is his scops owl, Yogi. He loved you, somehow, while he could tear apart another student just because he walked too close to it for comfort.
Actually, it happened before.
First year. Yogi was on Changbin’s shoulder as he was walking to the owlery, when a student —was he a Ravenclaw? Probably a 3rd year at the time— bumped into his shoulder by accident. Right before Changbin could do anything, Yogi flew to the guy, lacerated his clothes and skin while giving him pecks, all the while flying around him. The poor Ravenclaw tried to cover his head with his arms.
After a few seconds, Changbin realized the gravity of the situation. He called Yogi who flew right back on his owner’s shoulder, not without barking in the boy’s direction.
The latter slowly dropped his arms on his sides and got up, visibly upset. “He tried to kill me!!”
“Yeah he does that, sorry! It’s nothing personal,” Changbin shrugged. “I suggest you go to the infirmary, dude, it’s not looking good.” He gestured to the upper body of the 3rd year who left in a hurry, a big frown on his face.
Since that day, Yogi stayed in the owlery to avoid having the whole school at Changbin’s throat because of his tiny and aggressive pet. He was happy, though, he could make friends and leave whenever and wherever, instead of being kept in a room full of hormones and sweat. I mean, the choice was quickly made.
The fifth match opposing Slytherin to Hufflepuff was coming soon, and you knew Subin was going to be there. So, as the skilled-at-potion-teenage-witch-in-love you were, your great idea was to induce chocolate chip cookies with a love potion and offer them to him after the match.
“It’s a love potion, what could possibly go wrong?” you whispered to yourself over your cauldron.
I could give you a list.
You purposely kept your plan to yourself, knowing what your best friend would say —and rightfully so, might I add— about the dangers of love potions, but really the most dangerous was amortentia, which was why you chose another one. The potion you decided to make was supposed to bring to the surface already existing feelings, not create an infatuation or obsession. You knew love couldn’t be created by a potion, and you didn’t want that either. Also, it wouldn’t last really long, just two to three hours, enough time for someone to confess their feelings.
Thinking about your best friend, though, you decided to make regular cookies to congratulate him on his next win —you were persuaded Slytherin would win. Once ready, you put them in different bags, naming them ‘S’ for Subin and ‘Q’ for the Quidditch team.
On the day of the match, you walked proudly in the direction of the Quidditch pitch with your potion-induced cookies in one hand and the normal ones in the other.
Arriving at the changing room, you entered with your eyes closed —who knew what you could witness— and called for Changbin.
“Scared of seeing a few muscles, Y/N?” You recognized Jeongguk’s joking voice.
A hand took your wrist and gently pulled you outside before you could reply.
“Is that cookies? For me?”
As you opened your eyes, you saw Changbin reaching for one bag, but you were quick to dodge his hand. “You’ll have to win first.”
“See you soon, then,” he spoke to the cookies with a smirk.
“I came to say good luck. You’re gonna win easily.” He thanked you with a hug.
“Who’s the second bag for?” your best friend asked, and you turned your head in embarrassment. “Let me guess. Subin?”
“Not so loud!” you whisper-shouted as you put your hand over his mouth, having now both bags in the other one.
“Too late.” You turned around super fast, losing your grip on the bags in the process. But no one was behind you. “I was joking,” he laughed, “your face was priceless. We’ll definitely win this match.”
He left you to join his team who was calling for him and you picked up the bags, realizing some cookies were broken. “I should be hexing you!” you shouted but wasn’t sure he heard. You walked up to the stands, searching for familiar faces.
The cookies safely installed in your robes’ pockets, you sat next to your Slytherin friends and watched as the Hufflepuff’s team came flying on the pitch. Next was your house. Changbin was already showing off his flying skills by swirling and spinning around the area. He stopped in front of you and gave you a thumbs up, which, despite the trick he pulled only minutes prior, you mirrored. You could never hate him, even if you tried.
Ten minutes into the match, Juyeon, one of Hufflepuff”s beaters, sent a bludger to your house’s keeper, San. Changbin was quick to borrow Yugyeom’s bat to send the bludger away before it could touch San. You heard someone in the crowd say: “Wow, Changbin is not only fast, he’s pretty strong too.” Damn right.
Your house won 190 to 140. It was time Changbin caught the snitch, or it would’ve been embarrassing for everyone. As promised, you went back to the changing room to deliver the cookies.
“You did so good,” you excitedly said as Changbin took the bag from your hand. “You can share with everyone, I made a lot.”
“Thanks Y/N, you’re the best.”
“You are!” Soyeon chimed in.
“Come on, go talk to your crush. I just saw him leave,” he urged you, pushing you out of the changing room. When you turned around, he wasn’t there anymore.
Subin was walking back to the castle, a little pout on his face. You ran up to him, and called his name. When he saw you, he smiled. “Y/N, hey. What’s up?”
“I, uh, wanted to give you these cookies,” you sheepishly said as you handed him the second bag. He reached for them as he thanked you. “And I’m sorry you guys didn’t win. But, for what it’s worth, you’re first in the course for the House Cup.”
“Thank you, Y/N, it’s really kind of you. Your house team played well, and Changbin is a really skilled seeker.”
“He is,” you acquiesced with a proud smile. Finally, Subin opened the bag and took a relatively complete cookie. “Sorry, I dropped them earlier…”
“No problem, they still look good.” Ah, this smile. Pretty cute. He started chewing, and you kept your eyes on him, waiting for a reaction. “Wow, it’s fantastic!”
“You think?” Your cheeks felt hot, he loved your cookies. One win.
“Really, it’s the best cookie I’ve ever tasted. Which oddly reminds me I have to talk to someone. Thank you again for the cookies, Y/N!” With that, he accidentally dropped the bag and ran to the castle. With fast reflexes, you caught it before it could reach the floor.
You were confused. Did it not work? There was still the ‘S’ written in black on the transparent bag. Did you make a mistake when naming the bags? A vision of horror crossed your mind as you sprinted back to the changing room. You prepared yourself for the worst when entering the room, but nothing seemed weird. Everyone was finishing changing in a good mood. So, either you didn’t exchange the bags and Subin felt nothing for you or no one here liked anyone—you lowkey preferred this second suggestion.
When Changbin saw you, he frowned and approached you. “Are you okay? How did it go?”
“Good, he liked my cookies,” you tried to smile but after running so much, you puffed a bit.
“Then why do you still have them, then?”
“Oh? Right, he, uh, gave them back.”
“That’s not polite,” he said without a shadow of a smile. Was that a clenched jaw?
“He didn’t do it on purpose, I promise.”
“What do you mean? How can you not give back a gift on purpose?” Great question, funny story.
“It’s… complicated.”
Your best friend huffed. “I’ll show him.” He took his stuff and left the changing room under the whole Slytherin Quidditch team confused eyes, and you followed him closely.
“I assure you, it’s nothing.”
“Nothing?” He stopped in his tracks and faced you. “Can I have a cookie, please?”
“No?” You nervously laughed as he raised a brow.
“Why not?”
“Because, uh, the… chocolate is melted. Yeah.”
“I don’t mind.” He extended an arm, palm up to receive a cookie. Refusing meant telling him the truth… “Thanks.”
Like with Subin, you waited for a reaction. “So, what did you want to prove?”
“A point.”
“Which is…?”
“That you put something in these cookies,” he said calmly.
Saying you were shocked was an understatement. “How did you know?!”
“Come on, Y/N, you’ve never baked anything in our five years of friendship and suddenly it’s a whole batch, plus you didn’t want me to touch it before the game. Felt suspicious. But the biggest clue is that you still have the bag.”
“As always, you have an amazing sense of observation,” you muttered, quite embarrassed.
“Yes, and I’m far from being a potion expert, but I honestly believe that your love potion works perfectly.”
He smiled faintly and turned back to the castle, leaving you puzzled and pensive. You didn’t say what kind of potion it was… How did he know?
Lost in thought, you barely reacted when the Slytherin team patted you on the back, thanking you for the cookies, on the way back to celebrate their victory.
Then, it hit you. You ran past the team when they arrived at the stairs, almost tripping over your feet. In your search for your best friend, you bumped into Subin in the Entrance Hall, walking towards the Great Hall.
“Subin?” you called, stopping in front of him. “Are you okay?”
“Never better. You?” Here it was. The genuine and cute smile.
“I’m okay. I don’t really know how to say this but… um…”
“You can tell me anything,” he assured.
“O—okay. I like… you.”
“You mean…” You nodded. He was confused for a few seconds. “Oh. I’m so sorry Y/N, I’m flattered but I don’t feel the same way.”
“Oh, I thought, you know, because you’re always smiling at me…”
“I’m a smiley giggling idiot, that’s for sure. But I’m like that with basically everyone. I’m sorry.” You knew he was genuine, and it somehow made the rejection more bearable.
“It’s alright, I feel better now that I told you.”
Awkward silence —especially on your part.
“You remember earlier when I said I had to talk to someone? Well, it was Chaeyoung. I like her and I don’t know, I just felt the urge to tell her.”
“About that…”
“It’s my fault. There was a love potion that makes you realize your feelings of some sort in the cookie. I wanted to see if you liked me without creating any false feelings. I’m so sorry, I… I shouldn’t have done that,” you muttered, staring at your shoes and picking at your clothes.
“… I see. Thank you for telling me. It’s unconventional for sure, but, thanks to you, I shot my shot.”
You felt like he only reacted that way because he was still under the effects of the potion and you hoped he wouldn’t hate you once it wore off.
“How did it go?”
“She said she liked me too. We’re going on a date tomorrow at Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop.”
“I’m happy for you. Honestly,” you smiled. If he wasn’t going to be happy with you, at least he would be with Chaeyoung, and who were you to hate them or try to change that?
“Thank you, and I’m sorry I can’t return your feelings.”
“No, please, don’t apologize, no one can control those.”
“Not that it changes anything, but I always thought you and Changbin were a thing.”
“We’re just best friends.”
“I believe you,” he smiled then reassuringly squeezed your shoulder before finally entering the Great Hall.
You stayed there for a hot minute, mindlessly staring in the distance. Then did the stupidest thing you could do: avoid Changbin, and clearly not tell him about what just happened with Subin.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
A week later, the last match of the season opposing Gryffindor and Ravenclaw ended with Ravenclaw’s victory 420 to 310. Despite this win, Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup with 910 points. Ravenclaw was close behind with 880 points, Slytherin next with 770 and then Hufflepuff with 470.
Chan made sure to tell Changbin how he was right about his house winning (see Jeongin’s) and when Changbin didn’t seem to hear, he asked what was wrong.
“Y/N is avoiding me.”
“What? Why?”
“Last week, they made a potion… for their crush, and I tasted it. It felt like my love for them only grew stronger —which I thought impossible—, and it made me want to scream how much I loved them. I stopped myself, of course, and that’s the last time we spoke.”
“Tough. Have you tried speaking to them?”
“You’re asking this as if it didn’t cross my mind in a whole week.”
“Mh… Bitter failure, then. Well, you’re in luck! I know a guy who knows a friend of Y/N.”
“I’m afraid to ask where this nonsense is going.”
“Hush. Just say the word and Y/N will probably listen to you.”
This was awfully mysterious. “Probably? How would you do that?”
“That’s for me to deal with and you to be ignorant about. So?”
Changbin sighed deeply, wondering what he did in his past life to deserve such a weird friend. “Okay. Thanks, Chan.”
“No problem, man. Just be in your common room before dinner tonight.
A whole week without speaking to your best friend was pretty hard, but trying not to crumble under tons of homework was harder. To this, Donghyun was a valuable friend. He helped you with every subject you had in common, which was really thoughtful of him.
“So, that’s why reparo can only work on non-edible objects,” your fellow housemate finished as you wrote down the end of his speech.
“Donghyun, you have no idea how thankful I am.” You put down your quill and threw your head back under the laughter of your friend.
“You say that every day.”
“And I mean it every time!”
“That’s kind of you. Tomorrow, same time?” he proposed as he suddenly got up, putting his stuff in his backpack.
“Sure…” you replied, looking at him suspiciously. He never acted like this before.
“Sorry, I have to go. Bye,” he waved at you then left the common room quickly.
Wondering why he left so abruptly, you didn’t notice someone else sitting next to you.
“Hey… Are you mad at me?”
The question taking you aback, you didn’t have it in you to flee again.
“Of course not, Binnie. I’m just embarrassed.”
“Why’s that?”
“Do I really have to remind you?”
He gave you a weak smile. “No…”
“I’m sorry for avoiding you. You didn’t do anything wrong,” you said as you played with the hem of your robe.
“Why did you, then?”
You sighed. “Subin doesn’t like me.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“Oh, don’t be. Some people are meant to stay unloved.” Changbin would’ve laughed at your dramatics, but it was a serious matter —for him at least.
“Uh, that’s not true. I believe everyone’s loved, it’s just that some don’t act on it.”
“… They’re scared of rejection. Or they have too much pride. They don’t want to ruin a friendship. They’d rather see the other happy with someone else than try to change how the person they love feels about them.”
Oh, right. The reason why he knew it was a love potion: he liked someone.
“You seem to have thought about it a lot. Do you have feelings for someone, Binnie?”
“N—no, of course not.” The red of his cheeks told a different story.
“And you never knew how to lie. I’ll find out, loverboy.”
“I don’t like anyone!” he tried.
“Nah, I don’t buy that.”
“Would you look at that,” he looked at his watch, “it’s time for dinner.”
He regretted saying that the second he sat at the Slytherin table.
“Minho, do you know who Binnie likes? He denies it but I know he does.”
Minho gave a pointed look at your best friend but the latter just looked away.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “Someone from your year probably.”
Changbin widened his eyes at Minho who didn’t give away any expression because you were looking at him.
“I knew it! Binnie, you sneaky imp, you won’t even tell your best friend!”
“I have my reasons,” he muttered as he avoided your gaze.
“What, is it Tzuyu?”
“No, no.”
“Wooyoung, then?”
“Uh, no.”
Minho deadpanned as you kept throwing names. You were so oblivious that it was painful for the two boys. Changbin was stammering but you could tell he was being sincere.
“Which house?” you asked Minho, knowing Changbin wouldn’t tell.
He hesitated. Their eyes met and they had a whole unspoken conversation. Finally, Minho turned to you.
Happy, you scanned the table to see who it could be. “I’ll find out sooner or later!”
“Try a mirror,” Changbin wanted to tell you.
Desperately wanting to change the subject, he announced: “I think I’ll try out for the beater position next year.”
Right, it was Yugeom and Jeongguk’s last year at Hogwarts.
“It’s true you’re getting buff,” you commented, mindlessly feeling his arm with your fingers.
His face became so red, Minho laughed for a good minute after that, much to Changbin’s embarrassment and your confusion. “What did I do?”
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
On a warm day of June, Changbin finally had enough. He had to let you know about his feelings.
He lowkey regretted not making you eat your own cookies back in May, and he couldn’t brew the potion himself, because he wasn’t fond of that subject. You were the genius there, not him.
The best way to make you realize your own feelings —friendship or love for him, any was fine but he had to know— was to ask you.
What, you thought he was gonna give an elaborate plan?
Changbin wasn’t the type to plan. He would cut to the chase and be honest. He hoped you would be too.
He had a small smile on his face while waiting for you in the common room. It widened when his eyes fell on your frame, then fell seeing Donghyun walking through the door after you. It wasn’t part of the plan image of your conversation he created in his mind.
To be fair, when asked to come, you said you were coming soon, but didn’t specify with who or what you were going to do. Now it was clear that the subject of your ‘visit’ was working on essays with your favorite tutor.
Fighting it was useless, Changbin’s jealousy was here to stay. He watched as you both sat at the large table in the middle of the room, putting your stuff out and starting to work on defense against the dark arts. He came closer, until you spotted him and shot him your best smile.
His heart pounded at this simple gesture. “Binnie! Come, we’re doing our essay on ghouls. Have you finished it?”
“Of course,” he answered, trying to sound smug, but the look of adoration you gave him weakened him, and he swallowed with difficulty.
Donghyun chuckled a bit at the scene, resulting in your best friend shooting him a glare. You could only amusedly smile at Changbin before reporting your attention to your parchment. He sat across from you, handing you his own neatly written essay.
“Don’t copy word for word,” he demanded as he crossed his arms over his chest before resting them on the table.
“I will only add the few facts I missed,” you promised, suddenly feeling shy under his gaze, a blush creeping up on your cheeks and ears. Your parchment seemed not filled enough.
You worked for about two hours with Donghyun and your best friend was there the whole time, watching you guys write and helping here and there when he could. After your friend left under your thanks to go with other friends, Changbin took his place next to you, and fixed his robe’s sleeves.
“I need to ask you something.”
He seemed nervous, you noted. “I’m all ears.”
Here goes nothing.
“Do you still like Subin?”
Sorry, what? “Huh? Why do you ask?”
“Just curious,” he shrugged, but you noticed the blush creeping up his cheeks.
“Okay… do you like anyone else?”
He swallowed audibly. “Who is the lucky one?”
“I’ll tell you if you tell me.” Here was your chance to discover if your early conversation with Donghyun was true.
“Tell you what?”
“Who you like.”
There was no escaping this, so he gulped and nodded, “Okay.”
You counted to three, and both said: “you.”
“Me?” Changbin’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”
“How thick is your damn skull? I mean I love you.”
“Wh– You…” You used the L word!!!! “You’re one to talk! I’ve loved you for years and you’ve never figured it out!”
“It’s true, I’ve been pretty clueless. But! Donghyun and I–” Changbin slightly grimaced at the name. “talked on our way here and he told me how everyone around us thought we were together,” you pointed a finger to the both of you, “him included.”
You faced the table, reflecting on your oblivious actions.
“Subin too, by the way.”
“Y/N,” he softly called.
“So yeah, I guess I’m the last person to realize my feelings like a stupid kid.”
“I’m sorry it took me this long, but hey, at least now you know.”
“Y/N!” he said firmly.
“Everyone is watching us right now…”
Indeed, as you looked around, you saw Slytherins of various years talking to each other, their eyes on you both. Your dramatic self had to say something.
“Oh I’m sorry, did you guys think this was a reality show? Are our lives that interesting compared to your boring ones? You better go elsewhere before my boyfriend and I hex the shit out of y’all!”
They quickly cleared out the room, some rolling their eyes and others with an amused smile on their faces. Minho came into view, displaying a knowing smirk as he walked to you. Changbin was as red as a rubis, shocked by what you just called him.
“Took you long enough, Y/N.”
Realization hit, your face and ears burned as you avoided facing any of the boys.
“Shut up, Minho.”
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please let me know <3 and here's the masterlist!
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astrolaurical · 1 year
BTS moon signs masterlist
Jin, Jhope, and Namjoon all have their moons in their 1st house, so I wanted to put them close together so as you are reading, you can see how the SIGN (Aries for Jin, Taurus for Jhope, Sagittarius for Namjoon) can change, making the PLANET (moon) act so different from person to person.
For reference, Here is what planets, signs, and houses mean. For all things astrology, go here. The moon is your emotions and how you react and handle your feelings in day- to- day life. The house and what zodiac sign your moon is in will affect how you handle your emotions compared to someone else.
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Moon In Taurus 1st House
Namjoon has said before that if he wasn’t the leader of BTS, that J-Hope would be the next best option. His Taurus moon in his 1st house really highlights his leadership qualities. I often view J-Hope and Jin as kind of the rocks of the group. Every group has one; that one member that if they aren’t around, the other members seem lost. I always think of Mark from GOT7, Blackpink’s Jisoo, and Seungkwan, Joshua, and Jeonghan from Seventeen. They are always quietly supporting their members and just seem to be super observant. Hell, Mark has flown to his bandmate’s shows in other countries tons of times to go support his maknaes even though they always make fun of him. Notice how Bambam posts birthday wishes for ONLY Mark on instagram? Ride or die type stuff. That’s how I view Hobi as well.
Hobi himself has shown those qualities countless times, as members have spoken that he always agrees to a late night drink on the spot, and always drops by solo shoots to support his members. He even did it most recently in Jin’s Suchwita episode! 
Hobi’s Taurus moon give him the qualities of stability, security, strength, and sensitivity. Taurus is an earth sign represented by the bull. I always imagine bulls like oxen- very heavy and sturdy; reliable and strong. These attributes fit well with Taurus. What makes this earth sign different from Virgo or Capricorn is that Taurus is ruled by Venus, making this zodiac have a more sensual and luxurious feel. Have you ever met a Taurus that doesn’t like the finer things in life? They work hard to get those expensive items, and that certainly applies to J-Hope as well, as he is a well-known fashion lover and goods collector.
The moon is emotions, so when combined with Taurus, it makes the person like to stick to what they know. Basically they are not big fans of change. Hobi does have an INFJ MBTI (same!) and is probably a homebody like me. A Taurus moon definitely likes a cozy familiar environment. I just imagine his house to be filled with throw pillows and the comfiest blankets. 
A Taurus moon is actually exalted, meaning that the moon is the most comfortable in this zodiac sign, so lucky J-Hope! Basically, this means that he has control over his emotions. His strong constitution and emotional stability help him keep his cool in stressful situations and contribute to his success.
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Taurus Moon Square Aquarius Sun
If you are an old ARMY like myself, you remember all of the hate Hobi received in the beginning of BTS’s career. There were even smear campaigns to get him to leave the band. The hate got so bad that Jimin had to post that photo of him spelling out Jhope's name on Twitter (rip their old account when they used to actively use it) to cheer Hobi up :(. This hate can be seen most clearly through his Taurus moon square Aquarius Sun: it was written in the stars for him to go through these hard life lessons to become who he is today. This aspect tells of success that does not come easy and is only achieved from hard work. (He learns this wisdom and applies it via his Taurus Moon Square Aquarius Mars which we will talk about next.)
Hobi’s ego (sun) and his emotions (moon) are not aligning. While he may be strong willed (Taurus moon), he may not have all the resources and support systems readily available for him (Aquarius moon). We all know that J-Hope is very close to his family and had to move to Seoul from Gwangju to be a trainee. He even said that he quit BigHit and only came back because Jungkook begged him. It seems after that experience he really buckled down and made some thoughtful plans about how to execute his path forward so he could achieve his goals. His determination, stamina, and discipline paid off as all the work he did back then has made his life easier now.
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Taurus Moon Square Aquarius Mars
J-Hope took the wisdom from the hard lessons he had to learn as a trainee and applied it to pursuing his goals. His Taurus Moon (strong willed determination to get what he wants) being square to his Aquarius Mars (drive and passion that inspires others) helped him to debut and go on to become one of the most famous dancers in K-Pop history. He continued to practice and improve his dancing skills by uploading Hope on the Street videos, showing off his determination to improve himself. 
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Taurus Moon Opposite Scorpio Jupiter
This placement makes Hobi willing to take risks and go for it (Scorpio Jupiter) but because it is opposite his Taurus Moon, his emotions can cause him to doubt himself. A perfect example would be Run BTS episodes where he is afraid of heights or to stick his hand in the unknown box. He wants and needs the feeling of being passionate about his daily routine and feels it is invested with his later goals or mission. He is so committed to BTS and perfecting their dance, that the members are “scared” of him when he goes into dance teacher mode. He needs to make sure that he isn’t so invested in work that he stresses himself out, though. Having practical strategies to deal with emotional distractions, like hobbies or someone to vent to would be good for someone with this placement. This aspect also makes him extremely likable! Other people admire and look up to him (Taurus Moon) and enjoy his friendly nature, optimism, and generosity (Scorpio Jupiter).
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Taurus Moon Trine Capricorn Uranus
Yoongi and Hobi both have this placement since entire generations will have the same Saturn-Pluto since they are slow moving planets. These qualities demonstrate differently in these two men because of their different moons. A good rule of thumb for remembering Uranus is that it is ruled by Aquarius. Aquarius= all things eccentric, alien, weird, out of the box. Hoseok’s Capricorn Uranus is positively aspecting his Taurus Moon. Remember his infamous acorn pouch? This is where his love for all weird fashion things comes from! Others are intrigued by his personal style and freedom of expression. He may be the weirdest or most unique person in the room (and he certainly has had an interesting fashion evolution over the years), but it has zero impact on his confidence. He is sure of who he is and he is elated to share it with the world! That is why he is so fun and exciting to be around.
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Taurus Moon Trine Capricorn Neptune
Hobi also shares this same placement with Yoongi, except their moon signs are different. This will make the way the planets affect slightly different. Hobi sees the big picture in everything and has a talent for finding a way to get there, whereas Yoongi is a little more black-and-white (although over the years he does seem to be getting wiser with age).
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J-Hope has incredibly strong empathy for others, making him extremely trustworthy and easy to get along with. He might also see the best in others when they may not deserve it, and may need to take caution to make sure this doesn’t backfire. Like, not spilling his guts to someone he thinks is a friend who then goes and blabs to the media type of thing. Jimin has said he has lost friends because of situations like this. I’m curious to see if he has this placement.
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Taurus Moon Opposite Scorpio Pluto
Hobi’s exalted Taurus moon faces difficulty as it is opposite Scorpio Pluto. Scorpio (transformation, death) and Pluto (transformation) are a killer combination for the ego. Emotions come from the deepest parts of Hoseok’s being and are not always easy for him to understand. It could have been especially hard in his early life where it might have felt as if his emotions controlled him and they manifested themselves ferociously and unfiltered. He might have had terrible tantrums or was labeled “sensitive”. Over time and with more life experiences, he learned how to control his emotions and was probably able to strengthen his intuition with wisdom.
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kmilipede · 2 months
5 questions for 5 mutuals - TDJ edition!
got tagged by @gayautisticraccoon thank you !! <3
1. who is your favourite character (s) from TDJ?
ofc has to be none other than kang yohan. i love morally grey characters and yohan’s behaviour in the early episodes really intrigued me with the whole ‘who’s side is he really on?’. and of course now he has become my beloved. truthfully i am no good character understander but i love the depth his character has. and jisung’s acting is also unbelievable. he’s. so. good.
i think that jung sunah is also awesome. she slayed from beginning to end.
2. what is your favourite episode(s) from TDJ?
i loveeeee the first episode - although i have seen it the most! i love the opening scene with the music that shows the contrasts dystopian seoul the show is set in. and of course the iconic ‘235 YEARS!’ that gives me goosebumps everytime. watching that episode just gets me re excited about the show. honestly i love all the court episodes - they’re exciting and cruel and really interesting in regards to the characters and how they react.
3. where do you see your favourite character in 10 years?
i don’t think yohan could stay that long in switzerland without some sort of job, although i think he’d stay away from law. hopefully he’s happy and healing with his live in cook (boyfriend) and elijah coming to visit of course 🥹
4. why do you think tdj fandom continues to this day?
i think yohan’s character is endlessly interesting and the dynamic between him and gaon has so much potential. and there’s so many talented people in the fandom that mean there’s always something to talk about. i think the themes of the show are also always relevant.
5. how did you find the devil judge?
so i saw a tiktok that said something along the lines of ‘how have kdramas progressed from holding hands after 20 episodes to literal flogging scenes ?!’ and my interest was piqued. when i saw that jinyoung was in it my interest was further piqued - got7 fan here and i really liked ‘he is psychometric’. so i gave it a shot and as said was hooked from episode 1 😃😃
any the devil judge fans plz join in - always interested in hearing what people have to say 💁‍♀️
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chaestats · 1 year
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ABOUT ME (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ)
Hey! I'm Kia ;) I'm 18yrs old and will be writing fics, reactions, mtls, hcs etc.
(Not new to writing just new to Tumblr)
You can scroll down to see my rules!
RULES (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
Groups I write for:
More will be added soon!
I will write gxg, bxb, bxg as well as neutral reader!
I do all kinds of content: head cannons, mtl, reactions, drabbles, series, insecurity drabbles!
I also do write yandere n omegaverse, as well as g!p so feel free to request those!
There is pretty much no genre I don't do, as requests can vary from angst, to smut, to fluff!
You can also request multiple members at once even if they are from different groups!
Any weird kinks like scat, piss kink, age regression etc.
I don't write dom!reader or any ships inside the groups!
I don't feel exactly comfortable writing for extremely sensitive topics like sh, sa, ed etc. I do try though, just please be patient as I'm not exactly good with it!
MTL- this basically means most to least, or you send me an ask like "mtl in skz to like bondage" and I will reply with a list of who would be most down to do it to the least!
Headcannons- hcs include how would a particular idol act/be in different situations, for example if you request "alpha!Nayeon hcs" I would write an overview of how she would be and act!
Reactions- that's pretty self explanatory, it's just how would a certain group react to a scenario, for example "how would mafia!ateez react to their s/o being in danger" and I will write a separate scenario with each member!
Drabbles- drabbles are like fics, you give me an idea or a prompt along with a member/members and I write! It can be anything written in my DO'S! For example, "can you write yandere!ryujin finding out her s/o tried to escape" and I will write a drabble based on that!
Insecurity drabbles- an insecurity drabble includes an insecurity of yours and an idol/idols of choice. If your ask is like this "insecurity drabble, having stretch marks with Taeyong" I will write an already established relationship drabble where that idol helps w ur insecurity! It doesn't matter what it is!
Requests are made through DM's, or ask box and will be made into he span of two weeks max unless my inbox is flooded!
In your request you should mention the idols, the prompt, the genre and the gender you want it to be written in!
And that's that! Feel free to request and have a great day!!!!
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
boy groups
monsta x
stray kids
wanna one
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shiningwonho · 2 years
now that the fight for jackson tickets is over...here u go
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kmazine · 1 year
park jinyoung - I can't have you
choi seungcheol : [ 10:23 PM ] / [ 05:15 PM ] / [02:41 AM] / [04:58 PM] / [09:10 AM]
yoon jeonghan - I think I love you
for now, I don't do taglist because I don't have fixed schedule and usually I just post randomly.
this is embarrassing to admit but I really don't know how to react with reblogs, comments and hashtag to let you guys know I appreciate the feedback (did you screenshot and reblog your post? or do you just reblog? is that works the way you quote retweet @ twitter? ) I only know how to reply 💀 definitely not proud.
: previously kmazines
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blackmaylovesfries · 1 year
Korean line - Danger at Home
Words: 1434
Sinopse: Seventeen Hybrid AU - A mission goes wrong and the government loses the custody of a criminal that knows who you are… What a way to test your hybrids’ hearts, right?
Notices: Not so good English. J-Hope(BTS) and Jingyoung (GOT7) are going to the army, I don’t know why it connects with the chapter, but… ^^
Solo stories’ destiny
Previous / Next
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After your birthday and the crazy paperwork your everyday missions resulted in, your days were as peaceful as can be with 13 men running around your house and work. The routine made you totally forget that the complication in the scarlet mission still wasn’t completely resolved. It was a sunny and beautiful day, most of the boys were at home, just the foreigners hybrids decided to check some friends at the center, when you received The call.
“What did you just say?” You screamed as you got up and slammed your hand on the table. Ren’s voice trembled.
“I.. I’m really sorry, Y/n… Baeko and Jr are already heading your way! But… Miles Blackwell escaped custody.” The poor blonde flinched with the noise you made of pure hate. “I don’t think he can reach you before our official forces get him but you should be prepared…”
“Y/N!” Jeonghan, who almost never screams, yelled your name with so much desperation your face paled instantly.
“Y/n?” Ren also sounded scared but your silence was his font of fear.
“Too late, Ren… I think I’m going to need backup.” Before he could react, you hung up the phone and ran downstairs, where the hybrids were clearly distressed. “What happened?” All 9 heads turned to you. They were obvious at edge, with tense stances and aggressiveness signs.
“Someone is coming in the direction of the house. They are fast and there are a lot of them.” Hoshi was the nearest to the window, but most of them nodded their heads to confirm his words. “I smell danger.”
“Do you all understand the situation?” You asked as you distributed the guns of your arsenal.
“Yes.” Seungcheol responded. "Psychopath with support of other government found info on people in the center, you included, and now is coming here to kill you and kidnap us.” If the situation wasn’t this dire, you would have laughed. But you just nodded.
“They are here.” Jeonghan was looking out the window of your last floor and saw near 15 people trying to sneak into your property. Normally you would not be that worried, since your security system is quite good but against someone with that kind of backing, you were sure they wouldn’t stop before death.
“Ok, boys. Here is the plan.” You rushed them. The movement sensors outside the house started to blow up your phone. “I need you guys to stay here, in the weaponry. They probably won’t be able to enter the house at all but better safe than sorry, I guess. Although you guys never trained with a gun, Seungcheol and Mingyu know the basics, so just in case something goes wrong.” You heard a loud noise on the first floor.
“I’ll go and monitor the situation, maybe I can take some of them even before the backup arrives.” You smiled to calm down a little. “Don’t open the door. No matter what you listen to, don’t open the door. I’ll call you when it’s all done, ok?” You let a second phone with them before exiting the room and hearing they lock it.
The boys, now locked inside the weaponry, exchanged looks. All of them knew the situation was grave but they also believed you and the security of their home. Still… None of them were comfortable with your line of thinking, since preparing them for an emergency could mean there was the possibility of said emergency happening.
They all had some hand-to-hand combat training but none of them really knew how to be effective with a gun. Minghao and maybe Vernon were the only ones who were able to fully understand and really help you in a situation like that. So none of the Korean hybrids were naive enough to protest your instructions and decisions.
Jihoon, Jeonghan and Wonwoo kept looking outside the window through the curtains, trying to see something but also to not draw attention to the third floor. Dino, Seungkwan, Hoshi and Seokmin were passing around, studying the room they almost never enter and trying to calm down their energy. S. Coups and Mingyu thou sat in front of the door, listening with attention to all the movement outside.
Inside the room, no one was talking, but their nerves were relaxing as there were no alerting noises and the intruders seemed to still be stuck trying to enter the house. But everything changed when they heard a shot and you screamed. All of them were ready to unlock that door and run to your side.
“Stop!” Chan held the door with his back to stop his hyungs. “She said to wait for her call!”
“Did you just miss her literally screaming?” Seungkwan animal instincts almost took over. “Do you not smell her blood?” All 9 of them could practically feel your distress. Chan just had time to shake his head before there were more gunshots… They held their breath… The shots were coming from inside the house.
They all were full alert, some with flashbacks already creeping beyond all their work in therapy these last months while others were shaking and getting away from the door. As they couldn’t hear or capture any sign of you and your wellbeing, their trauma response took control, with their survival as the only goal.
Suddenly the heavy door received a hard blow from the other side. The younger ones whimpered. This made the older ones wake up a little, deciding that they had to get out of there safely before going after you… They would be useless if dead. So Wonwoo opened the curtains of the only window.
“Oh, they are all inside here!” A greasy and excited voice sounded from outside. Jeonghan and Jihoon got the guns you had put on their hands before everything started. The two passed them to the bigger ones, Mingyu and Seungcheol, both were trembling but did their best to point the guns to the also shaking door.
“Hurry, they are all inside, I guess they think all 13 are here…” Wonwoo whispered, screaming, to the others. “There is no lookout outside, we can go down by the roof and run to the center.” The feline hybrid grabbed Dino by hand to get him to move. The others followed, with Jihon helping. “Don’t look back, just run and be careful not to be seen.”
Just as Jeonghan turned around to help the two with the guns to climb on the roof, the door broke out of its frame, revealing numerous big men in black and with bigger guns.
“Found you.” The leader sang as he faced the terrified hybrids. Coups started to scream and just shot randomly in their direction, with Mingyu following suit. The men cursed. “Don’t kill them! They’re rare ones!” A voice soared above all the gunshots.
“Run! Go!” The two wild hybrids screamed to the cat one, who was already crying but listened to them, running after the youngsters. He could hear shouts and shots behind and below him but, for a miracle, Jeonghan arrived almost without a scratch at the path that led to the center. He just had to go a few meters before finding the boys, with government backup.
Baeko and Jr, who all of them knew, were dumbfounded to see the desperate hybrids. They were always super full of energy, so it was normal to not understand what they were saying but this time… It broke the hearts of the humans…
They could get the general idea of what happened, guiding the boys to behind their trucks, so the soldiers could raid and secure the house. Only after promising to bring you back, they didn’t specify if dead or alive, the diplomats were able to actually do their work.
Back at the house, Seungcheol and Mingyu didn’t last for long with their firearm power. The duo was actually able to incapacitate some of the men who decided to stay instead of going after the others. But they soon had their guns pulled from their hands. There was more cursing and some wrestling, which would be easier for the boys to escape if they weren’t so terrified.
“We just need you alive, no one will care if you’re losing some teeth or an arm.” The leader was pissed and fighting Seungcheol. He and Mingyu started to lose their respective fights. They could feel hope leaving them as the humans pounded their fists in their heads. Mingyu was ready to close his eyes and give up when two shots were heard.
“I’m so sorry!” They could barely respond to you through their tears.
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Hello everyone! How are you?? I wanted to thank all the cute and lovely messages on the forms <3
Tags: @mimisxs​​ ; @moonmin-miya​​ ; @naminalati​​ ; @woohoney​​ ; @patriciaar ; @amber-thumbs​​ ; @skylions-den​​ ; @snowballbear​​ ; @restless-nights-thoughts​​ ; @haoareu ; @killcomet​​ ; @unravellyn ; @honeyylin​​ ; @blizzardfluffykpop​​ ; @luminaaz​​ ; @m00njhn  ; @cuzyourmyflower​​ ; @readers-posts ; @calixxreads​ ; @hosh1kwon​ ; @minhui896​ - If you want to be tagged, answer the first link at the beggining of this post.
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koishiro · 1 year
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ꒰͡⠀ . ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑡𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ミ★ ☽ ͡꒱
୨ৎ﹒ find information on taglists / requests below
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬: ᴏᴘᴇɴ .ᐟ‪‪‬
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[request rules]
Join Koi’s taglist to be alerted for upcoming works!
Request to join taglist by commenting under this post with your username and character works you would be interested in! (E.g): koishiro, gojo/geto hcs
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Requests will be done on a first-come first-serve basis. Naturally, in order to submit a request, you will require some basic information of the work intended such as au’s, character, prompt, reaction, etc. Being more specific about the work you’re requesting will allow me to write a more cohesive piece in response to said request!
(E.g): I’d like to request Gojo reacting to [prompt]
Naturally, requests will only be done when the request status is OPEN. If you choose to send a request when the status is CLOSED, it will be ignored until requests are re-opened (and then naturally, I’ll get to you soon!) requests are completed in about 1-2 weeks notice depending on how busy I am.
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jjk men (gojo, geto, nanami, toji, yuuta, inumaki, itadori, megumi)
jjk women (nobara, maki, miwa, utahime, mai, shoko)
bllk boys (isagi, rin, nagi, sei, reo, chigiri, niko, bachira)
csm men (aki, yoshida, denji, kishibe, angel devil)
csm women (makima, himeno, power)
fruits basket (kyo, hatori, shigure, yuki, hatsuharu, ayame)
tokyo ghoul men (kaneki, hideyoshi, kishou, nishiki, sasaki, yomo)
tokyo ghoul women (touka kirishima)
haikyuu!! (osamu, astumu, hinata)
bnha (bakugo, tamaki, kirishima, todoroki, midoriya, dabi, shigaraki, aizawa)
genshin (diluc, kaeya, alhaitham, itto, kaveh, childe, zhongli, kazuha, thoma, dainsleif)
ateez (san, mingi, yeosang, wooyoung, hongjoong, yunho, jongho, seonghwa)
bts (jungkook, yoongi, jimin, taehyung, namjoon, jin, hoseok)
got7 (jackson wang, jay b, bambam, mark, yugyeom, jinyoung, young-jae)
monsta x (wonho, shownu, I.M, kihyun, hyungwon, minhyuk, joohoney)
fluff, comfort, au’s, prompts, etc. (I don’t write angst)
drabbles, hcs, oneshots, smut
share your thoughts in the ask box! I’m happy to elaborate on them even if not in formatted writing!
I really like learning new things so if I’m not familiar with the anime / game / kpop band, I will research into it but keep in mind it may take more time.
I do try and be as vast as I can with my posts ranging from anime to video games to kpop so I will accept any fandom requests as long as it keeps to my [rules].
I write for any gender and any pronouns! If you want a certain gender or pronoun please add that into your request otherwise I’ll keep to fem readers.
WARNING: my works do and/or will consist of some alcohol consumption, implied sex, detailed smut, substance usage, arguing, aggressive behaviour, suggestive content, making out, etc. my account is 18+, please be aware of this when reading! Works that do include any of the above will have warnings beforehand!
no descriptive nsfw or anything suggestive for characters that are underaged (e.g: yuuta, nobara, inumaki, maki, itadori, miwa, megumi, mai) I will age these characters up if so
heavy topics like eds, depression, suicide, death, etc.
no oc/name inserts, works are entirely reader inserts.
no major injury, incest (just don’t be weird pls or I will ignore you)
NOTE: I have every right to decline a request if I believe I am not comfortable writing/delivering/posting said content!
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markie-baby · 7 months
just got7 going crazy cus y/n is wearing a white t-shirt without a bra,so they see her nipples very welll, (yhh ur girly is nastyy 😭)
WE nasty bih, whatchu mean??? 😭😭😭 But I GOT YOU. I'm so unseasoned when it comes to trying to emulate the other members' speech (yeah I dick-ride Mark that hard) Thank you so much for being my third request EVER💞
Hope you enjoy~
Jinyoung would have never thought his girlfriend would be into the public, sexier side of life. He didn't know she would be a fan of the band but even so, he didn't expect her to do that. He'd be in the back seat of a van, in the parking lot with the tinted windows, his hands on her hips as she rode him. The way her breasts would bounce with each thrust, nipples hardening under the thin white material, and the way she would bite her lip, eyes locked on his, it would drive him mad. She would be the one to tease him in front of all of those people. He would take her home immediately afterward to punish her.
"Honey...I didn't expect this... I like it."
Jaebum has seen his girlfriend wear his shirts before but not a white one. He would love the way she would look in his clothes with no bra. It's something he has fantasized about many times. The way she would tease him by bending over in front of him, showing him her ass, and the outline of her breasts under the white material. It's a turn-on he would love to experience.
"Mmm, you look so sexy, babe."
Mark would love to see his girlfriend wearing one of his white shirts with no bra on. He loves the way her breasts would bounce when she walks and the way her nipples would harden when she's excited. He loves the way her body looks in white clothing. Mark would also enjoy being able to see her breasts through the shirt and playing with them. He'd love to take her into their bedroom and have his way with her.
"Come here, sexy."
Jackson thinks his girlfriend looks good in everything. Although, white just makes him more turned on. It's very hot to him. Jackson would want to take his girlfriend to a private area and have sex with her. They've done this before, but not wearing just white clothing. That's what's new to him and the reason why he is excited. The sight of his girlfriend in white with no bra drives him crazy. It's one of those sex symbols for guys. A man's fetish.
"You look so hot, babe. Wanna go somewhere...?"
It would be so unexpected for Youngjae to see his girlfriend wearing his white shirt outside of their bedroom. However, he couldn't help himself. He would find her sexy and would fantasize about ripping the clothes off of her. Although Youngjae is known for being sweet and romantic, this wouldn't be the time. He would bring her somewhere where they can have privacy because he cannot control himself and would just want to take her clothes off.
"I've been holding back all day...please let me touch you."
He'd know immediately why she was doing that, which was to attract him. A sexy prank, maybe? Yugyeom would try his best to tease his girlfriend. He'd try to grab her boobs but not make it obvious to everyone else. Yugyeom would think to himself that they would feel very different if she didn't have a bra on. She would react to his advances. Therefore, he would know that she wants him to play with them. He'd rather do it in private, however.
"Looks like you want me right now, huh?"
Walking around with no bra, especially outside, takes guts and self-confidence. Both of those BamBam loves, and because of that, he would love to see his girlfriend dressed so erotically. A thin white shirt without a bra makes BamBam think of all the possibilities. It could lead to sex and it's sexy to see the person he's into the most in simple clothing. It turns him on. He's into skinny clothing but anything his girlfriend wears gets his attention immediately.
"You should take your shirt off, babe."
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noahrandom · 2 years
blu-joons — multiple kpop groups
dreamescapeswriting — bts and skz
flwrboi — multiple kpop groups
jojayke — enhypen and txt
jiyeonnnn — multiple kpop groups
leedosbunnyboy (kinktober) — multiple kpop groups
leedosbunnyboy — multiple kpop groups
stay-midnight — skz
kpophubb — enhypen
jameui — multiple kpop groups
btsxmalereaders — bts, skz, and got7
male-reader-haven — bts and skz
delcakoo — enhypen
hwangyeonjun — multiple kpop groups
ivyuns — enhypen
nonrevblr — svt (december prompt challenge)
svthub — svt (snowventeen)
blue-jisungs — multiple kpop groups
minho-hoho — enhypen
thevampywolf — skz
sweetpieceofnightmarez — enhypen
qqtxt — txt
sungbeam — txt
pettypartypooper — skz (fic recommendations)
Bloody Birthday
You getting death threats from ‘fans’ — skz!hyung line
Till death do us part
Honey Money — l.jh drabble
Jay with a short gf
Jake with a short gf
Sunghoon with a short gf
Ni-ki with a short gf
Poly relationship with royal!wonki
Jeonghan has a soft spot for s/o
Business Proposal
Royalty forbidden love
The Slope Is Treacherous
9:01 — p.sh
Long story short
You belong with me
Deal or no deal?
Only one shall remain
And the universe said, — absolutely addicted to this; waiting for updates
Astronomical fuck-up for one, please
Svt reacting to s/o squirting for the first time
Fixer upper — svt!minghao
Deadly sins — svt!minghao
Happier — svt!minghao
Minghao with lip-piercing
Only you - xu minghao
Y/n’s protection squad
Enhypen s/o privilege
Enhypen reacts to another member interrupting the both of you
Insecurity — skz, male reader
shut up (and kiss me) — skz!felix
pick me!
take two
idol s/o — skz
jeonghan with foreign idol s/o
Kyoto — skz
Hanaki - skz
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justwritedreams · 1 year
what is your next wip?
Kun x Reader: Pilot au!
Sehun x Reader: angst the main plot is about sehun wanting marriage and kids but distance himself when he thinks reader doesn't because she's younger than him
Doyoung smut: I'm going to add some requests that fit the same premise, jealousy + husband + praising + riding 🙈
Baekhyun reaction to a pregnancy
Exo members FaceTime calls
Mafia!Sehun 😏
Chanyeol vanilla smut I'm so excited to write this one
Kyungsoo headcanon how he reacts to a breakup why you guys do this to me
Next chapter of Welcome to the kingdom
Jongho x Reader: Based on the movie The Day After Tomorrow (I was going to write with Got7's Youngjae but I thought the story I was writing fit more with Jongho)
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