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prettywordsyouleft · 2 months ago
Country Charm - Farm (Mis)Adventures
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Pairing: Park Jinyoung x female reader
Genre: fluff, slice of life
Tropes: married life, small-town rural setting, cosy cottagecore vibes
Warnings: mild bout of nerves
Word count: 2023
Farm (Mis)Adventures is an ongoing series of snippets of self-indulgent and wholesome life with Park Jinyoung as your husband, turning a somewhat overrun farmstead into your family home and learning to slow down in life after leaving the city grind behind.
Country Charm |
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“This is the one.”
Turning to look at your husband, Jinyoung, you felt so overwhelmed. This place had all been but a dream for the longest time. Ever since you were a little girl, you had loved horses and told everyone you’d grow up and live on a farm with your favourite animal. This, coming from someone city-born and bred, used to make the adults around you chuckle with delight at the fervour of your declaration, responding with a “of course you will, sweetie!” that had firmly cemented you’d reach that goal sometime in your life.
Growing into an adult, you slowly realised they had just been placating your passion, yet here you were. Standing next to your husband on the little farmstead of your dreams.
Okay, so it wasn’t exactly what you had drawn constantly as a child. The villa home required some updating, the stables were currently only good for storing things in, and the gardens were… well, they were so wild that you couldn’t venture along the pathways around the house. But you could see the charm in the little ten-acre property. The fencing was thankfully updated, and the boundary line was safe enough for you to move your horse Honey in with a little modification. The foundations of the four-bedroom home were solid and built to last, and the beautiful wooden flooring throughout was original. It was within the budget you and Jinyoung had discussed, along with enough to get the kitchen project started. There was ample storage, a conservatory, a small established orchard – the only part not overtaken by the unruly garden – and you could feel yourself settling here. Growing, thriving, and falling further in love with your life and your new husband.
It was your dream, right in front of you.
Something in your expression must’ve captivated your husband because he wasn’t the type to suddenly kiss you in the company of strangers. But he didn’t seem to care for the real estate agent lingering nearby, his face coming closer to yours, his warm eyes searching yours. “You’re certain.”
“This is it,” you repeated, nodding your head softly.
“Really?” You couldn’t control the bounce in your step, the widening of your gaze, whilst Jinyoung’s eyes crinkled with smug delight. Oh, how he’d hold this moment over you for the rest of your lives. But you didn’t care because he was helping you bring to life your childhood dream. “Oh gosh, you’re not joking? We can put in an offer?!”
“Looks like you’ve won me over to the country charm, Y/N.”
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Six weeks later, you were a ball of anxiety as Jinyoung navigated the winding country roads, your hands clasped tightly in your lap. You normally drove the horse trailer whenever it was hitched to the SUV, but you were beyond grateful that it was Jinyoung who had taken over this drive. Still, you kept your gaze on the little camera monitor that linked to the box, watching as Honey travelled quietly in the back, uncaring of the horse equipment packed tightly – and very securely, thanks to Jinyoung’s triple-checking – in the partition beside her. You were so close to your new home, and you didn’t know if you had imagined this all up or if you were about to wake up from a beautiful dream.
Surely, moving to your own farm shouldn’t feel this surreal.
“Calm down,” a smooth voice instructed beside you, and you darted your gaze to your husband’s. Jinyoung didn’t remove his eyes from the road, but you could tell he was aware of any minuscule reaction within your wired body. “We’re ten minutes away. She’s travelled like a dream. You, not so much.”
“I’m worried.”
“It not being like I remember it looking.”
Due to having to tidy up loose ends back in the city, you had barely managed to make it to the key exchange in time with the real estate out of town before heading back to the city again. You had resigned from your corporate job, and Jinyoung had managed to transfer to the local doctor’s clinic in the small township you were moving into. It was serendipitous that the clinic required a new doctor with one of three now retiring. For now, you weren’t so sure about what you’d be doing. You wondered if that was tying into some of your unease.
“The house will be just as it was. Needing a good clean, renovating, and gardening,” Jinyoung said, smiling softly.
“You know what I mean.”
“You’re worried you saw more than what it was.”
You nodded. “What if the country charm isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be? How will you cope without your favourite coffee shop? And I don’t have an income right now. Honey needs to be fed and--”
His closest hand lifted away from where he’d loosely been holding the bottom of the steering wheel, now warmly encasing yours with firm pressure. Before he could even tell you to breathe, you were inhaling deeply, trying to slow down your anxious thoughts.
“Good girl.”
“I just want this to be everything I’ve always wanted. And for you to be happy here.”
“Baby, I’ll be happy anywhere with you.”
“It doesn’t have air conditioning like our apartment did. And we’re due for that heatwave.”
“I’ll make sure we have fans for now. Don’t worry. Who do you think you married? A clueless guy?”
You smiled warmly then, relaxing into the passenger seat and staring at the man you had married eight months ago. The absolute love of your life, the one person who could drive you so insane, yet had the power to make it all better again with one kiss. Park Jinyoung had been the only man to challenge you over the years, and whilst you had initially found him insufferable upon first meeting, you couldn’t imagine loving anyone but him now.
Your attention turned to the window when Jinyoung slowed down and put on the signal to turn onto your property. This was it. You had bought this place with him. Well, you had been approved for a mortgage and put down a sizeable deposit. It had been quite the process, and yet you were the one who had the keys to this house in your purse.
Jinyoung shared a nervous grin with you as he put the car into park. He leaned over and pecked your lips as he undid his seatbelt, holding out his hand for the keys you were already producing. You watched as he unlocked the main driveway gate, pushing with a little more effort than it should require to get it over a stubborn strip of moss and uneven concrete. You peered out at the overgrown garden running over the fence next to him and let out a laugh. Jinyoung returned to the car with a similar amusement.
“This place is unruly.”
“You should be able to handle that.”
“I married the most stubborn woman I could find, so I guess you’re right,” he teased light-heartedly. Honey whinnied from inside her trailer, and Jinyoung took that as time to move the vehicle up to where they could unload her first.
“Should we have come here and set everything up first before bringing her here?” you wondered aloud, realising the grass would be way too long in any of the paddocks for Honey to be on full-time.
Jinyoung shot you a look. “I told you we should do that. But you wanted our first time here to be the whole family, the horse included.”
You sheepishly ducked your head before getting out of the car. “I’m sure you’ll be the best helper at getting things organised with me.”
Jinyoung grunted non-committedly as you walked down to the trailer to open the back door together. Before you could reach the latch, you were surprised that Jinyoung had jumped the towbar and joined you on your side, wrapping his arms around you from behind and holding you for a moment. “We’re home.”
“We are.”
“It’s going to be exhausting, but worth it.”
You nodded, feeling lighter with his comfort. “You promise you’ll tell me if you hate country life.”
“I got tired of the city grind. Y/N, I’m excited to breathe in fresh air, to not live in a box thirteen stories up and working for a company, instead of for the community. This was the right move for both of us.”
“Well then, should we unload Honey into our new home too?”
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Two hours later, you were happy that Honey was settled in her new field. You and Jinyoung had worked on putting up a tape fence to limit how much of the lush grass she peacefully munched on, making sure she could access the field shelter and the water trough you had scrubbed clean. Her things were stored, albeit not to yours or Jinyoung’s best standards, in the stable’s tack shed and feed room, and you were both in need of getting out of the late morning sun.
“Is it strange we’ve been here for two hours, and we’ve not even gone near the house yet?” you asked, and Jinyoung shrugged, reaching into the car for the chilled bag you had packed with lunch foods and drinks before setting out on the road earlier that morning. He then slung his free arm around your shoulders, and you instantly wrapped yourself around his middle.
“Ready to go inside?”
“Remember the real estate agent mentioned the side door by the kitchen is the best way inside. We’ll have to figure out how to unlock the front doors for when the movers come tomorrow with our stuff.”
“Jackson and Sarah will be here by then to help us clear a path for the bigger items to come in,” Jinyoung replied as he unlocked the door then looked at you, the bag he was holding, and inhaled deeply.
“Don’t you dare!”
“It’s customary.”
“You have been working all morning lifting things out of the trailer and car into Honey’s new yard. If you try to pick me up Park Jinyoung, you will break your – JINYOUNG!”
He grunted, almost losing grip of your body. “I mean this in the nicest way, but you’re heavier than I expected.”
“Of course, I am, you idiot! Put me down!”
“Just let me get you over the threshold,” he huffed as you clung to his broad shoulders, worrying about him toppling back with you in his arms.
Thankfully, he got you both inside before ceremoniously dumping you out of his grip as he slumped to the ground beside you panting. You glared at Jinyoung, and he winked, easing some of your disgruntled energy.
“Welcome home, Mrs Park.”
“I love you, but there was no need for that,” you scolded softly, wiping yourself off as you got to your feet and looked around the empty entryway.
“Well?” he asked, having picked himself up off his knees, now resting his chin on your shoulders.
“It’s a blank slate.”
“It is not!”
“I know we have a lot of work to do, but it’s blank from the last owner’s possessions. It feels like a great place to start this new chapter, don’t you?”
“Hmm. I think I need to get the Dyson mop out of the car. The floors don’t look very clean.”
“The last owner was eighty-five and moving into his son’s house three hours away. I wasn’t expecting to have a squeaky-clean home. It needs us to do that first clean before our things arrive.”
“I’m sore and tired.”
“Because you lifted me over the threshold!”
Jinyoung rolled his eyes. “And helped with Honey.”
“Farm life, Jinyoung.”
“Farm Adventures, more like.”
You watched as your husband walked further into the house, taking the right into the kitchen before hearing him yelp in pain.
“A cupboard door was open!”
“Farm Misadventures then?” you called out, hurrying in to find him nursing the side of his head. You couldn’t hide your mirth, even as you replaced his hand with your own, gently rubbing the area and being thankful there had been no immediate bump.
“With you around? Most definitely.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[GOT7 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist]
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The Song Fic Collab - Nothings Over
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x female reader
Genre: Angst
Word count: 485
Author’s Note: *Dream Sequence within story*
For 2025, both Chelle (@prettywordsyouleft ) and I wanted to encourage each other to write a story each month. We chose to work with the same kpop song, and not tell the other what we came up with until it was written, so we could showcase how the same prompt can be used differently - or similar in some cases, I'm sure!
Our stories will go live on the 21st of every month NZST. And you can find each one listed here.
“Fine. Leave!”
“Fine. I will!”
The words were out before he could stop himself. Why did he just shout that? That wasn’t what he really wanted to say, but when you got under his skin, Jackson’s emotions went haywire.
Everything was going well in the relationship, or so he thought. So why was it that he now ended up following you from room to room as you collected your things.
“What are… you don’t.” Unsure of what to say now that the damage was done, Jackson tried to ask you why you needed to take these things, to take yourself away.
Away from him.
Looking at you, he could tell you were just as wound up as he was. Your eyes were red from crying, and your footsteps rushed through the apartment at a speed he didn’t realise you had, as numerous items were shoved in an overnight bag.
“Stop following me,” you pleaded, finally turning to face him. “You wanted this, so I’m leaving. Following through. At least one of us has to.”
Sniffling, you composed yourself as you zipped the bag up.
Jackson was breathing heavily, his eyes darting from your face, down your body to the hand reaching for the doorknob.
“Please.” His voice cracked and sounded so unlike its usual tone. He was pleading now, Jackson’s hand instinctively searched for yours as he stepped closer, the tears threatening to fall. You stepped back, and away from him. It was like you had punched him straight in the stomach.
“Goodbye Jackson.”
And then you were gone.
He had done this. This was all his fault. Why did he have to pick a fight? What was it even about in the first place? He struggled to remember the reason now, and it all seemed so stupid.
Suddenly, his knees gave out and he landed on the floor in a crumpled mess. Jackson couldn’t stop as the tears escaped fast and heavily when the realization hit him. Running his hands over his face, he tried to wash the tears away, but it was no use.
Panic hit him then and it made it hard to breathe. 
What was he going to do? He had to fix this.
Gasping for air, Jackson startled awake. His body was covered in a sheen of sweat as he searched the darkened room for something, anything palpable.
“Jack? You okay?” A soft voice asked, your head lifting slightly from the pillow beside him.
You were here. You hadn’t left. And you hadn’t fought. Your relationship was okay.
“I’m okay Baby. Just a bad dream,” he murmured huskily, sliding his body back under the covers and pulling you closer.
The need to make sure this was real slammed into him as his lips found the bare skin of your shoulder, a small noise of satisfaction filling the room at his touch.
He whispered, “Everything’s okay. We’re both okay. Nothing’s over.”
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marvelous-llama · 2 years ago
GOT7 recs
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
tumblr is based on reblogs not likes, so please reblog and comment under works you like. Show love to the authors and appreciate their hard work
<<next chapters
pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
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The Mafia by @inyournightmares97
The Inevitability of You by @yehet-me-up
Soulmate series by @fantastic-bby (Mark, Jaebeom, Jackson, Jinyoung, Youngjae, Bambam, Yugyeom)
Firework by @inyournightmares97
fake dating to real dating by @taexual (part 1, part 2)
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one shots
Trust Issues by @jeonronwoo
Mark x gn!reader (wc - 1.7k) established relationship - angst, hurt/comfort
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one shots
Suits by @bambikisss
Jaebeom x fem!reader (wc - 2.1k + 5.7k) strangers to lovers, CEO!reader, CEO!Jaebeom - fluff, smut, romance Being a CEO of a big company has its perks, except for meeting the one. After you sign up for a dating app for the elite 1 percent, you match with someone who is just as rich as you. Is love truly in the cards for you both? part 1, part 2
Through His Eyes by @prettywordsyouleft
Jaebeom x fem!reader - angst, romance, fluff, smut Losing your sight after your accident was traumatic, and Jaebum’s guilt of knowing it should have been him instead creates an intricate bond between you both, as you overcome adversity and try to find your way in life again.
Reconciliation by @prettywordsyouleft
Jaebeom x fem!reader exes to lovers, business AU - angst, fluff, smut, romance You had allowed yourself to be undervalued for too long, as a business partner and lover of Im Jaebum and so you left him for good. When you crossed paths again, not all was how you imagined it to be. Could you reconcile after all the pain?
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one shots
nights like this by @babecoups
Jackson x fem!reader (wc - 2.8k) brother´s best friend, idiots to lovers - angst, smut, fluff You have the worst luck when it comes to relationships, but sometimes the right guy for you is the one you shouldn’t have feelings for in the first place.
Light On by @cas-skz
Jackson x fem!reader (wc - 1.8k) established relationship - fluff, smut Jackson returns home after traveling. To his surprise, you're waiting for him
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one shots
Plot Twist by @kpopchangedme
Jinyoung x fem!reader (wc - 5.5k) enemies to lovers - angst, smut, fluff? Being locked up until tomorrow morning with your biggest rival in the Archery team might not be all bad after all...
Royal Flush by @bambikisss
Jinyoung x fem!reader (wc - 3.6k) friends to lovers, knight!Jinyoung, princess!reader - fluff, smut, angst Your best friend sneaks into your castle and keeps you company before he goes off to war, leading to feelings being revealed.
Making a Move by @milfgyuu
Jinyoung x fem!reader (wc - 2.7k) roommates, friends to lovers - humour, smut, fluff
Destined by @prettywordsyouleft
Jinyoung x fem!reader soulmates - angst, fluff, smut You craved meeting your soulmate, but you wished more than anything he could be your best friend, Mark. When Mark finally meets his soulmate, you get the chance to find yours and he’s not at all what you expected.
enough by @ahgaseda
Jinyoung x fem!reader mafia, exes to lovers - angst, smut to survive as a single woman in the big city, you resort to letting rich men pay for your company, but never anticipated that your first client would be the boy you once loved, Jinyoung.
The Trial Period by @prettywordsyouleft
Jinyoung x fem!reader enemies to lovers - angst, fluff, romance, suggestive When the perfect studio space comes up, you leap at the chance to take it. Except, so has Park Jinyoung, someone you have hated for the past three years. Given three months to share the space before deciding who will claim it, can you push Jinyoung out by the end of your trial period, or will you find that the tactics you both use leads to something unexpected?
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one shots
Open Tab by @milfgyuu
Youngjae x fem!reader (wc - 5.1k) strangers to lovers - angst, fluff, smut, hurt/comfort A connection is made with a handsome bartender who offers you comfort, a slice of cheesecake, and so much more on your ruined evening.
The Seventh Wedding by @inyournightmares97
Youngjae x fem!reader (wc - 15k) strangers to lovers, mutual pining - fluff It took Choi Youngjae seven weddings to fall in love with you.
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one shots
I Think I Love You by @milfgyuu
Bambam x fem!reader (wc - 2.1k) coworkers/friends to lovers - fluff, crack Bambam rescues you from the company party and makes a rooftop confession to you under the stars. It’s kind of magical.
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one shots
oh my god, they were roommates by @babybirdgyeom
Yugyeom x reader (wc - 2.5k) roommates to lovers, mutual pining - fluff One night you couldn’t resist your roommate Yugyeom anymore and finally gave in.
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veethefreeelf · 2 years ago
JAY B Fic Recs
M - Mature (minors DNI) / F - Fluff / A - Angst / HpE - Happy Ending
None of these works are mine, I tagged all the authors, make sure to go to the authors page, like and reblog their works
The Back-Up - one-shot, 12K - by @inyournightmares97 - full Masterlist -> A / F / HpE - not mature but suggestive
The Leading Lady - one-shot, 11.6K - by @inyournightmares97 again because they have amazing works -> F / HpE
Chocolate Eyes - one-shot, 19.5K - by... you guessed it @inyournightmares97 because they write Jaebeom beautifully -> A / F / HpE
DREAMIN' - one-shot, 15K - by yes, again, @inyournightmares97 -> A / F / HpE
Illecebrous - one-shot, 2.9K - by @flurrys-creativity - full Masterlist -> M / F / HpE
Mistletoes & Christmas sweaters - one-shot, 4.2K - by @flurrys-creativity again, just do yourself a favor and read all their works -> M / F / HpE
Moonlight Café - two-shot, 15.9K - by @milfgyuu - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Wet - one-shot, 8.2K - by @spacequokka - full Masterlist -> M / F / HpE
Out of this World - one-shot, 11K - by @kpopchangedme - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
mistletoe? oh no! - one-shot, 6.9K - by @wonderlustlucas - full Masterlist -> A / F / HpE
Bad Habit Series by @jae-daddy - full Masterlist - please go through their masterlist, their Jaebeom works are unbelievably good -> M / A / F / HpE
Please mini Series by @jae-daddy again because I ALREADY TOLD YOU THEY ARE AMAZING -> M / A / F / HpE
Vermillion Series (Ongoing) by @flowered-mp3 - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Far From Home Series by @red-exo - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
to kill an empire Series by @ahgaseda - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Fragrances & Lost Fragrances Series by @jj-ktae - full Masterlist -> minor M / A / F / HpE
Erotica Series by @jj-ktae again because their stories are absolutely brilliant -> M / A / F / HpE
HOLIC Series by @taexual - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
What I Wouldn't Give mini Series by @flowerbeom - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Tension - one-shot, 6.6K - by @flowerbeom again because they are a brilliant writer -> M / minor A / F / HpE
Dating Lessons - two-shot, 18.4K - by @parkhabits - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Five Minutes - one-shot, 7.2K - by @parkhabits again because they are an amazing GOT7 writer
Worth Fighting For - one-shot, 5.7K - by @prettywordsyouleft - full Masterlist -> minor M / A / F / HpE
Poets and Parties - one-shot, 5K - by @kpopfanfictrash - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Check Your Messages - one-shot - by @kwrittink - full Masterlist -> M / minor A / F / HpE
Taming The Brat Series by @deliriousscenarios - full Masterlist - THIS one is my favorite ever. I've re-read this more times than I can count -> M / A / F / HpE
Before Sunset - one-shot - by @mintjoonlep - full Masterlist -> M / F / HpE
INDEFINITELY Series by @noona-clock - full Masterlist -> A / F / HpE
hypnotic - two-shot, 23.7K - by @tuanhood - full Masterlist - this one is one of my absolute favorites as well -> M / A / F / HpE
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kiestrokes · 3 months ago
𓇢 𓆸 Kiestrokes 2024 Wrapped
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Tagged by @beomcoups since Tumblr is no longer doing the end of year stats like they used to, passing around this template or sorts. You can read hers here!
Honestly, just thank you to everyone who was kind to me this year. It has been a truly difficult year (I am tired of saying this for the last five years tbh). To all my moots on here that took time out of their busy lives, to give to me are beyond the value of the word of appreciated. I am not here for fame, but for friendship and fandom chaos and I am glad I have found some fellow souls.
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My Most Popular Fic of 2024
Baby, I'm a shadow of you • SVT x 279 notes • Dec 13 2024
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My Last Fic of 2024
Selfish Waltz • ATEEZ • 223 notes • Nov 29 2024
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My Longest Fic of 2024
Say My Name • ATEEZ • 171 notes • Oct 19 2024
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My Personal Favorite of 2024
Stardust • SVT • 147 notes • Dec 4 2024
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My Favorite Fics that I Have Read in 2024
Most of mine are on ao3, sorry not sorry.
𖤓 heads or tails by liknow 𖤓 hands-on learning by dawnshine 𖤓 to love and to cherish by bulletbulletbullet 𖤓 Let It Happen (It's Gonna Feel So Good) by sinchun 𖤓 ace by @gyuzgrl 𖤓 Perv Best Friend by @moonjxsung 𖤓 if only by @hyunfilms 𖤓 Nerves by @j-a-nuary 𖤓 Christmas Delights by @chans-room
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My Top Statistics of 2024
Total Notes: 12, 468 | Original posts counted 548/7918 (7370 reblogs) Get your stats here! Total Words Written: 29, 629 Top Muses: Lino probably wins this year, but in no particular order.
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My Top Tracks of 2024
Poison by NCT Dream
Brighter by Paramore
Got Me Started by Troye Sivan
Clarity by 24KGOLDN
Give Me The Future by Bastille
360 by Charli XCX
Yes or No by Jungkook (listen...this song is the sole reason Shadow!Gyu still exists, anytime I hear it I want to dive back into the story)
O (Circle) by ONEW
Patasas de Ahogado by LATIN MAFIA ft. HUMBE
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Goals for 2025
𖤓 Find a better work to social life to health to creating balance. 𖤓 Post more "imperfect" works, don't ruminate over them so much that it loses the spark for me. 𖤓 Read more.
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Non-obligatory Tagging: @minisugakoobies @mochilatae @chans-room @amethystwrytes @btsgotjams27 @eureka-its-zico @still-with-koo @prettywordsyouleft @hwaslayer @hobivore
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blizzardfluffykpop · 4 months ago
Xmas Movies
Summary: You want to watch Christmas movies, and your lovely boyfriend wants to watch horror movies.
Fluff, Established Relationship au
Word Count: 1,161
Requested by @prettywordsyouleft
Changmin (Q) X Fem! Reader
Prompt: 6. “What do you say to matching pajamas, watching christmas movies, and hot cocoa?”
[Mentions and quotes from ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ (1993) film (and other films mentioned)]
[A/n: This is based on a fem! reader, but no explicit pronouns are used]
You’re walking through the supermarket, picking up things to eat for the next few weeks as Changmin pushes the cart. “Did you still want instant chapagetti?” He nods, and you put it in the cart. You join him by the front of the cart as you go over the list once again. He asks, “Wanna look through the clothes section before we go home?” You hum before you agree, “Yeah, why not.” He grins, and you push the cart together. His hand is over yours until you settle on the flannels. He picks a green one out and compares it to the blue one he’s currently wearing. You ask, “Aren’t the blocks too big?” He hums, “I was just about to say that.” You laugh as you watch him look through them. And sadly, he doesn’t find one that he’d like. He pouts as he comes over to you, and you kiss his cheek, “You’re cute.” He rolls his eyes before kissing you on the cheek. You two continue looking through the clothing area, pointing out things you like in your guy’s sections before you end up in the pajama section. You gasp as you look at the sets, “Ji!” He spins from the robe he was looking at, “Yeah?” You grin, “What do you say to matching pajamas, watching Christmas movies, and hot cocoa?” He smiles as he comes over, “Yes, to matching pajamas and hot cocoa, but I wanna watch horror movies.” You scoff as you roll your eyes, “It’s Christmas time. We should watch Christmassy movies.” He rolls his eyes, “Well, we watched ‘Edward Scissorhands’ last Christmas!” You roll your eyes, “That was last Christmas!” He laughs, “So, does that mean we can go gorier this year? Real Freddie Kruger scissor-type hands?” You grimace, “Yeah, no. And I thought you weren’t a fan of gore?” He shrugs at that before he hums, “Ooh! What about ‘Gremlins’? It’s a horror based on the commercialization of Christmas~” You roll your eyes again, “We might as well watch ‘Child’s Play’ for that…” He smirks, “Ah, so you do agree... That we should watch horror movies for the Christmas season.” You shake your head, “No. There are so many cute movies we should watch this time of year instead, like ‘Arthur Christmas’.” He asks, “You mean the one where the four Santas are all clamoring to be Santa Claus when there is a clear answer of who should be the next one?” You smile, “Yes.” And he scoffs, “No.” You huff, “Fine… What about ‘A Christmas Carol’?” He shakes his head, “As much as I love ghosts and the paranormal… That’s overplayed.” You roll your eyes and pout, “Even ‘Mickey’s’?” He presses his lips together as he nods, “Even ‘Mickey’s’.” 
You both sigh at each other before you both continue looking through the various pajama sets, trying to find something cute for you two, even if you couldn’t settle on a movie. When he gasps, “(Y/n)!” and you look up quickly, careful not to hit your head on the shelving, “What?” He points out the slipper pop-up display, and you read it as he asks, “What do you say to ‘A Nightmare Before Christmas’?” You gasp, “That would be the perfect middle for us right now!” He grins, and you both look for a matching set of pajamas before finally finding a set you both adore. Blue pajamas with cats and dogs that have little Christmas hats on their heads. You grin as you put them in the cart and head to checkout, excited to watch the movie you both settled on. 
You get home and quickly put everything away. You put on your pajamas while Changmin finds the movie on the television. You return to the kitchen, grab the milk, and put it in the pot, enough for both of you, before turning on the stove. Changmin comes in and pokes your side, “You look cute.” You jump a little, not expecting it. You roll your eyes before you look him over, “You look cute too.” He smiles and gets out the mugs and whipped cream as you get out the cocoa mix. You pour the mix into both cups and when the milk is ready, you pour it into each evenly. As you put the pot in the sink, he tops both of your cups with whipped cream. You both have some whipped cream and giggle at the little cream mustaches you get from it.
You both head back into the living room and settle onto the couch beside each other, getting all cozy and wrapping up in a blanket before turning on the movie. He starts it with a click of a button. You drink your hot cocoa as you both sing to the songs. You watch as Jack discovers what Christmas town is like and how he tries to manufacture himself. You see his grin forming as Lock, Shock, and Barrel are introduced. “Your favorite part?” He grins and says along with them, “Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws?” You join in, “I wanna do it!” “Let’s draw straws!” You do it in harmony, “Jack said we should stick together. Three of a kind! Birds of a feather! Now and forever!” You sing the little song together, giggling with each other. You drink some more of your hot cocoa as he cheers for them after they finally retrieve the real Mr. Claus. He turns to you with a big smile, “They’re so cute!” You laugh, “They are!” Like a lightbulb goes off, you gasp, “Ooh! I should get you them for Christmas!” He grins, “I’d love that! Then Chucky and Annabelle would have more friends to play with!” You nod and mentally mark it down as you watch them ‘make Christmas’ and Jack deliver ‘presents’. You take your last sips of hot cocoa, put it down on the side table, and lean your head on his shoulder. Only moving back to your spot when he puts his cup down after Oogie Boogie is destroyed. 
When the movie is over, you both stretch out, and he tells you, “Well, now I’m kind of in a Christmassy mood.” You raise your eyebrow, “You positive?” “Yeah.” You smile, “I think I know exactly the movie we should watch next then.” You key in the words quickly and press play. He instantly recognizes it as ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’. “I love baby Grinch. He’s just so cute.” You smile, “Me too.” He leans his head on your shoulder, “What do you say to ‘Insidious’ after this?” “Minnie!” He laughs and wraps his arms around your waist, “I was just kidding, but what about ‘Gremlins’?” You hum and lean your head on top of his, “Fine…” He kisses your neck and hisses, “Yes!” You whisper, “And then ‘Arthur Christmas’?” You can feel him roll his eyes before he agrees, “Okay.” You grin and kiss the top of his head before snuggling into his hold.
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noona-clock · 3 months ago
2024 Writer's Wrapped
Thank you @prettywordsyouleft for tagging me! I can't tell you how grateful I am to still have such a lovely mutual on here, and I'm sending you so so so so so much love 💜
I am going to tag @chicken-fifi if you wish to do this, my dear!
Here is my Writer's Wrapped.
First Fic of 2024:
Are You Sure? - Lee Jungshin x Female!Reader (posted on October 24th)
As you can tell by the published date, I was not expecting to write any fics this year -- much less post one! But I had a Jungshin request that had been sitting in my inbox for almost a year, and I kept thinking about it. So, I finally just sat down one day and wrote it.
Last Fic of 2024:
Heart of the Ranch - Kim Namjoon x Female!Reader (posted on December 24th and is still ongoing)
My first time writing a fic for BTS 😳 Also my first time not posting the parts of the series on consecutive days. Who am I?!
Longest Fic:
Fourever 🍀 Sad Ending - Yoon Dowoon x Reader (posted on November 17th, 4,907 words).
The return of the songfic series!!!! I will have to do more of these next year because I just love them.
Most Popular Fic of 2024:
Heart of the Ranch - Part 1 with 21 notes
Personal Pick:
Fourever 🍀 Happy - Park Sungjin x Reader (posted on November 5th)
Total Fics Written:
Three series (though one is ongoing)! Are You Sure? has 6 parts + an epilogue, the Fourever album series has 7 fics, and Heart of the Ranch currently has 2 parts posted (...part 3 will be posted tomorrow 👀).
Total Words Written:
Top Artists Muses:
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I can't say anyone else other than Jungshin this year. And with that kind of suave charisma, how can you blame me?
In Conclusion:
2024 was not a good year for me, for many reasons. I forgot how much writing gets me through and helps me deal with my emotions. I will do my best to continue writing for that reason only, no matter if I post the finished product here or not. But I am still and always will be thankful for any and everyone who reads my fics! 💜
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bunnyjunmyeonie · 2 years ago
Blog Navigation and Fic Recs Masterlist
Note:- All of the works listed below DO NOT belong to me. Credits to the talented authors who wrote them.
Groups:- EXO
Kim Junmyeon / Suho
The Book Of The Dead By @marshmallow-phd
Case File 01 By @xiubaek-13
Not Without Her (Series, Smut) By @myeoning-call
Drabbe Prompt By @decantingstxrs
Kinktober Day 31, Junmyeon (Smut) by @itstheoneshot
Hard Enough (Freinds to lovers, suggestive) by @writemekpop
Snowed Up (Smut) By @bluenereid
Day After Day By @chaecchi
Doctor's Orders (M) by @prettywordsyouleft
Junmyeon Smut By @bluenereid
A Pleasant Way To Beat Boredom, a Junmyeon Drabble by @seawitch62
One Week
Junmyeon Drabble By @kpop---scenarios
Junmyeon Drabble By @itstheoneshot
Junmyeon Request Prompt (Smut)By @yeoldontknow
The Pact by @gamerwoo
Stranded By @noona-clock
Halloween Rumors By @noona-clock
Junmyeon Smut Drabble By @gamerwoo
Junmyeon Request prompt By @biaswreckingfics
Junmyeon Request Prompt By @biaswreckingfics
Junmyeon (Exes To Lovers) Request Prompt By @biaswreckingfics
Replay (Smut, Mature Themes) By @yeoldontknow
Park Chanyeol
The Greatest Gift (Smut) By @wonderlustlucas
Business favours (Smut) By @itschanyeolfic-blog
Free Spirits (Series, Smut) By @exoheadspace
Police Officer AU (Smut) by @seungcheolsthighsss
Dating Park Chanyeol Headcannon By @you-can-be-the-moonlight
Chanyeol Prompt by @lustbile
Bitten By a Spider (Smut) by @byunbhyunz
Oh Sehun
Do Kyungsoo
Chen / Kim Jongdae
Providence (Fake Boyfriend! Chen, a little smut) By @xiubaek-13
Tinted Lips AU (Series, Smut) by @myeoning-call
Kai / Kim Jongin
If Only By @iridescentxstars
Brat By @sinnerforexo
Byun Baekhyun
Let Me In By @xiubaek-13
Heartless By @soujougeurilla
Blindly In Love by @myeoning-call
Xiumin / Kim Minseok
Case File 99 By @xiubaek-13
Far, Far Away by @mrkswrld
Lay / Zhang Yixing
Lu Han
So Handsome (Implied Smut) by @xiubaek-13
Masterlist Posts Of Other Fic Writers:-
Mobile Masterlist Of @marshmallow-phd
Masterlist Of @pesiko
Masterlist Of @hobicomeholla29
Lost In Translation Masterlist By @xiubaek-13
Masterlist Of @oh-beyond aka @myeoning-call
Reading List Of @baekxytocin (Baekhyun fics)
Masterlist Of @byunstation
Masterlist Of @iibonniee
Turn Masterlist (BBH, KJM, KJI, PCY) by @kpop---scenarios
KJM and ZYX by @bluenereid
Kinktober Masterlist Of @mint-yooxgi
Masterlist of @chanyeolsbiggestfangirl
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pajarinwrites · 1 year ago
directory | general masterlist
✨ favourites
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less sugar @ideaofheaven 17.3k there isn't nearly enough onew ff on this planet pls give me more jinki TT barista!reader, idol!au, there's yearning, there's angst, there's a happy ending, there's big dick jinki agenda, i couldn't ask for more
punch drunk love ft. minho @youaremy-dreamgirl series this is mostly minho, which is why i can't re-read it for some reason, i miss jinki too much right now, i love jinki too much right now, but when i first read it some time ago i really liked it
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Jonghyun <3
i don't go looking for jjong's fics but if you wanna put me onto smt, feel free. either way, shinee's five so he needs to be included. sorry if you were looking for recommendations for him.
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melt @muselin 1.8k smut, temperature play, short but sweet, well not sweet but u get what i mean
5:30 @muselin 1.4k possibly my favourite so far, you and kibum go to the practice room early to have it to yourselves for... not-practice
hell-tel 6 @kpoptrashlord-007 1.3k suggestive, the first kibum fic i rmmb reading here
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handle the heat @prettywordsyouleft 1.5k this is way too hot i wish the lap scene was ten thousand words longer TT
punch drunk love ft. jinki @youaremy-dreamgirl series this is mostly minho, which is why i can't re-read it for some reason, i miss jinki too much right now, i love jinki too much right now, but when i first read it some time ago i really liked it
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nothing yet
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prettywordsyouleft · 3 months ago
Unhappy Trail
Pairing: Lim Jaebeom x female reader
Genre: fluff, suggestive
Tropes: established relationship
Warnings: body touching (not sexual), mild nudity, suggestive chatter at the end
Word count: 711
Author’s Note: I’m still devastated by the lack of happy trail in Jaebs’ showcase photos.
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Snuggling in deeper under your blankets, you sighed sleepily. It had been a long day, and you were more than ready to nod off and get as much sleep before the daily grind returned for you in the morning.
You felt the mattress dip on the other side of the bed, and your body, despite how languid it felt, still moved in its usual ministrations. Jaebeom shuffled closer and your closest hand was already sliding over his naked upper body, feeling its way along his shoulder and over his pectorals, slowly descending his torso towards its usual resting place. For the longest time, you have found comfort in placing your hand in the same spot, and tonight was no exception. Your partner held his breath, which was different, as if he were bracing for your reaction. It was as if Jaebeom had forgotten to warn you about something until in the moment, confusing you momentarily. Was there something wrong with his body?
Your hand faltered over the top of his abdominals, and you peeked out of one eye. A dark stare looked back at you, a sheepish smile gracing his mouth.
In response, you dove your hand down further, Jaebeom sucking in a deep breath. Your fingers traced the smooth skin, searching for its usual comfort blanket.
“Y/N!” he gasped, trying not to laugh at your frantic pace over his skin. “Calm down.”
“Why did you shave it off?!” you lamented, sleep all forgotten about. Sitting up, you reached for the lamp beside you and flicked it on before turning your incredulous stare back to your lover’s exposed body.
If you hadn’t been so worked up, you would have laughed at the irony of your man now trying to cover himself up, when he was usually the most comfortable in his own skin when he was showing it off to you. Jaebeom let out an exasperated breath before replying with, “You know my showcase is tomorrow night.”
“And I’ve been getting my body ready for my idol comeback,” he explained, and you nodded initially in understanding the logic.
Except, over this, you didn’t truly understand.
Jaebeom had never really cared about his happy trail. He’d been through so many scenarios during his career, both intentionally and not, where his torso had been exposed. In fact, you had an extensive photographic collection of the area on your phone – for scientific reasons, of course. You knew he had his own plethora of parts of your body on his devices too. And the dense bedding your hand usually slumbered within was always there.
Until now.
“It’s apparently more common these days as part of a strict image plan,” he mentioned with a shrug as you frowned. “Noona-Mindi said—”
“At least I now know who to murder,” you seethed, and Jaebeom laughed heartily, pulling you into his embrace and holding you tightly.
“No murder.”
“I’m serious! Your skin is so smooth there. Did you even shave it?” you wondered, and Jaebeom winced. You yanked back enough to look at him. “Did you get it waxed off?!”
“I can assure you that it’s not an experience I want to do again,” he confirmed, reaching under his armpits where you also noticed the lack of hair.
“The idol lifestyle isn’t for the weak,” you murmured, gently stroking his cheek with your hand fondly. Jaebeom leaned into your affectionate touch, rubbing into it as if he were one of your cats.
“It’ll grow back,” he pointed out, and you huffed, your hand pausing in doling out the love. Jaebeom attempted to make it move by rubbing his cheek more energetically into your hand, and you couldn’t help but smile at him, giving in and obeying his need. He grinned. “We all know it won’t take long.”
“How am I meant to sleep without my routine?”
“Seriously? I thought you put your hand there because you…” He trailed off to smirk.
You gave him a filthy look. “Lim Jaebeom!”
“What? Isn’t it there for an early morning greeting?” he teased, and you rolled your eyes.
“For that, I won’t be using my hand down there until it grows back!”
His expression turned to liquid sin. “So… your mouth then?”
“You are seriously not worth all this trouble.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[GOT7 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist]
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eomayas · 2 years ago
Hi, someone asked for some recs and i wanted to give some recs too! most of them aren’t active and some are, but you can find some good stories if you’ve never read. Soobadnoonecanstopher, Suho-mochi, thesammtimes, universitykpop, causekpop, kyungseokie, prettywordsyouleft, breakyeol, yeoldontknow, simplyyeol [aqupisrecs, smuttyfairy, and pesiko have good selection in recs as well]. i used to read fics years ago and so many are gone too :( thank you for writing as well as those who are still and starting to write as well. everyone is so creative and hardworking. hope you all find something and happy reading!!
PURRRRR THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO SEND THIS!!! to the anon that was asking, here you go 💕thank you for your support
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proudahgase-exol · 1 year ago
Tagged by : @sweetestofchaos 😊
Last song : John Wayne by C.A.S (it’s on repeat most of the time)
Last movie: Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift (I have a crush on Han 😅)
Currently watching: A Time Called You (K-drama)
Current obsession: Cats….. I have two of my own and I want more….. when I see one on the street and try to call them over but they just ignore me but thats cool 😩
Tagging: @an-annyeoing-writer @flurrys-creativity @hobicomeholla29 @prettywordsyouleft and any one who wants to join ❤️
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marvelous-llama · 2 years ago
NU'EST recs
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
tumblr is based on reblogs not likes, so please reblog and comment under works you like. Show love to the authors and appreciate their hard work
<<next chapters
pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
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one shots
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one shots
Checkmate by @absconditum-imaginaerum
Jonghyeon x fem!reader (wc - 4.6k) friends to lovers, mutual pining - fluff, crack, suggestive
friends to lovers by @warmau
Jonghyeon x gn!reader (wc - 0.7k) friends to lovers, theatre AU - fluff
Step by Step by @doomdoomp3
Jonghyeon x fem!reader classmates to lovers, university AU - fluff, angst(ish) You’re in Law School and live in a big house with some of your classmates. The boys live downstairs and the girls on the second floor. You’re not too close with some of them, especially with the guys. But then, Easter is here and you can’t go home to visit your parents, neither Jonghyun can go. That’s when you two start to get closer. part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
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one shots
ghost of you by @kpopsfic
Dongho x gn!reader (wc - 1k) - angst kang dongho is left behind by the person he dreamed of spending the rest of his life with for reasons he has yet to discover, only to be disappointed when he uncovers the truth.
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one shots
I Thought I Hated You by @prettywordsyouleft
Minhyun x fem!reader (wc - 3.6k) roommates, enemies to lovers - angst, fluff, romance Living with Minhyun and his incessant nagging was hard enough to endure, and yet as time went by, you found things to appreciate in him.
intentions by @goodnightkisseu
Minhyun x fem!reader (wc - 0.9k) university AU - smut Minhyun was someone you said that you would never get involved with. You knew the mask he hid behind, but when he reveals his true self to you, everything comes crumbling down...
Breaking Free by @prettywordsyouleft
Minhyun x fem!reader (wc - 4.4k) royal AU, arranged marriage - angst, romance, fluff Your whole life had led up to this point, marrying Prince Minhyun had been every girl’s dream. Except yours.
Mingle by @goodnightkisseu
Minhyun x fem!reader (wc - 3.2k) strangers to more? - fluff
The Art Of Brewing by @ongnable
Minhyun x fem!reader (wc - 3.8k) gumiho! Minhyun, supernatural, soulmates AU - fluff
Friends to Lovers by @warmau
Minhyun x gn!reader (wc - 2.7k) friends to lovers, university AU - fluff, angst(ish)
Morning Call by @baka-writings
Minhyun x fem!reader (wc - 0.9k) established relationship - smut You and Minhyun were on a late night date. After date you invited him to your place for a night, beacause he finaly had some days off. However it was just an innocent night where you just cuddle and talk then fall asleep in each other's arms. You don't want to rush things neither Minhyun wants so both of you feel comfortable.
drabble by @minhyuwun
Minhyun x fem!reader (wc - 1.8k) established relationship - crack, smut, fluff maybe inviting minhyun inside the fitting room w/ you wasn’t such a good idea
a fun night by @minhyuwun
Minhyun x gn!reader (wc - 2k) retrospective, strangers to lovers - fluff, crack lonely valentine’s night takes a turn when you meet a stranger
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one shots
Plane Pals by @spacequokka
Mingi x reader (wc - 3.1k) - fluff Bumping into your celeb crush at the airport and sitting together on the plane.
Fated to the Past by @killjoy-loveit
Mingi x gn!reader (wc - 1.3k) soulmate AU, 1st person PoV, time travel AU With panicked breathing, I had to carefully but quickly maneuver through the building- over piles of rubble from the ceiling, under fallen pillars and branches the dangled through the ceiling.
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itstheoneshots · 2 years ago
Exo Fic Recommendations
🧠 = All time favourites 🍡 = Fluff ❗ = Mature
*Updated on 19/09/2023
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🍡 Friends to lovers by guardians-of-exo
How To Kiss A Boy by gyudior
Inquiring minds by papermatisse
Work can wait for other days by doiefics
First Bliss by dreamylittlesugarcube
🧠🍡 I’ll Cover You by lana-writes
🍡❗ Mean by baekhyuns-abs
White Noise by guardians-of-exo
Kyungsoo (D.O)
🧠❗ Borrowed T-Shirt by soobadnoonecanstopher
Clickbait by dreamylittlesugarcube
I Hate You For Hating Me by whimsical-ness
Making a Splash by dreamylittlesugarcube
🍡Spellbound by whimsical-ness
Steam by dreamylittlesugarcube
The Heart Sees by soobadnoonecanstopher
Undressing by kpoptrashlord-007
Minseok (Xiumin)
Behind The Mask by lana-writes
Snowy wonderland by cxsmicmyeon
🧠 ❗ Trending Topic by brokeandjetlagged
Formidable by prettywordsyouleft
Golden, like the snitch by exodusmc
🍡Hogwarts AU by def-initely-soul
Spellbound by navellera
🧠🍡You Drive Me Insane by whimsical-ness
Yixing (Lay)
Hurt Me, Heal Me by brokeandjetlagged
🧠🍡Kiss him, Wake him? by whimsical-ness
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NCT Recs
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A- Angst, S-Smut F-Fluff
Poly Series by Sluttyten ASF
Smashing the Six by Yutaholic AS
NCT 127
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Lee Taeyong
Small Doses by Yutaholic AS
Johnny Suh
Chance Encounter by Kaepop-trash ASF
Nakamota Yuta
That’s rich! By Tyonfs ASF
Call Me by Your Name by Yutaholic S
Kim Doyoung
Atlas by Wincore A
F.U.C.K by Moonctzeny ASF
Hungry for You by Sluttyten S
Dive by Seren1tyhaze S
Jeong Jaehyun
The Cowboy by Prettywordsyouleft AF
Work of Art by noonaisheyte AF
Kim Jungwoo
Mark Lee
Lee Donghyuck
NCT Dream
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Huang Renjun
Lee Jeno
Summer of Love by Lattaeyongs F
Na Jaemin
Zhong Chenle
Park Jisung
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Qian Kun
Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul
Dong Sicheng
Xiao Dejun
Wong Kunhang
Liu YangYang
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kiestrokes · 1 year ago
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Merry Ming-mas!
🎄 @chans-room @minisugakoobies @minttangerines @still-with-koo @eureka-its-zico @still-with-koo @hwaslayer @breakfastanxiety @bangtanintotheroom @ghostskilledmyaddiction21 @hobivore @kittycat1dsn @ladyartemesia @mingigiggles @prettywordsyouleft @quarter-life-crisis2 @swallowedbymadness @the-boy-meets-evil @xjoonchildx @seokjinger-ale @eoieopda @jihopesjoint @borahae-k @thornedswan @chryblossomjjk @j-a-nuary @sugalaritae @sickiecloud @seonghwasworld @btsgotjams27 @somethingxblue @leedongwook
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