#this joke got away from me
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corvus-frugilegus · 17 days ago
Name: Juniper Aldwir!
From: Arlathan :)
Loves: chocolate, Lucanis, and those electric aqueous tadpoles/mud lizards/the crocodile slugs you see around Rivain/Hossburg 💕
Color: Oranges, gold, purple!
Critter: Griffon <3
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Are you the Hossberg Wetlands? because you're swamping my thoughts
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months ago
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Don't Wormy About Me.
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iamespecter · 6 months ago
I have no idea which art of mine you found from pinterest but based on what you're implying I lowkey think it's this screenshot redraw I made for the FNAF movie lmao (which I hope I'm right)
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Unfortunately you won't get much FNAF art from me nowadays anon, ever since Ruin disappointed me immensely I've just lost most of the hope I've been clinging onto for the franchise, now I'm just here... reminiscing, watching from the sidelines, and making a once-in-a-blue-moon art for it if I'm feeling extra
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 4 months ago
happy pocky day, y'all 💞
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I wasn't initially planning on making something, but I was inspired by some of my friends doing cut stuff with their OCs--
ADSHBFGFWYOFQWYfwnqeuto2YGO31T8 Looks like you caught Miss Raven in the middle of her snack time... Just close your eyes and slowly back away, pretend like you didn't see anything!
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toonelemental · 5 months ago
>turn on ps5
>"hey you big meanie you turned me off the wrong way last time. never let that happen again."
>go to my profile
>try to look at games on console
>"actually you have to update before you can use online features you fucking idiot"
>spits on my face
>wait ten minutes
>finally get into the console fully
>pick up controller
>"you need to update your controller before youre allowed to use it, dumbass"
>punches me in the stomach
>wait 5 minutes
>"okay NOW you can look"
>game i want isn't installed
>go look at game in my online library
>"actually your console already has 5 games installed on it, you fucking douchecanoe. 1tb isn't enough for six games. take one of the games that's already installed and shove it up your ass, then maybe you can install spider-man
>i pass out as it beats me over the head with a baseball bat
>wake up
>turn on console
>"actually you need to update before you can use online features you fucking idiot"
>spits on my face
god the ps5 is a pathetic console. so glad im not the person in this house who paid for the thing lmao
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deepseagraveyard · 1 year ago
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ba dum tss 🥁❄️
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arkos404 · 1 year ago
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all i wanted was to draw scarab in a onesie and the rest is a lucky bonus lol
+ the before and after
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cerealmonster15 · 9 days ago
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convo w/friend reminded me of this vid which i think is very gundham. i think he would do this regardless of who approached him or what they had to say tbh. he will defend that drink w/his life.
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zappedbyzabka · 8 months ago
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All photos (and a gif) of these karate men in one place
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lang-shih-na · 8 months ago
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the very first words out of shih-na's mouth to lang after admitting to being a spy and a murderer are flirting with him. you really have to respect a girlie who shoots her shot even in her darkest hour
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a-most-beloved-fool · 2 months ago
If Spock and Jim merged into one being (no euphemism here lol) like Tuvix, what do you think the personality of the new being would be like? What impact do you think that would have had on the lives of both of them after they separated again? I love your headcanons, thanks for the answers!
thanks for the question!! <3
Hmmm... I think they would work pretty well as one being, actually. I'm thinking about all of those quotes from Roddenberry about how Kirk and Spock were supposed to represent two halves of a whole person, so I have to assume that they would be quite content. Though, disclaimer as I continue: I have not yet seen any of Voyager - there might be aspects of Tuvix's combination that I don't take into account because I don't know they exist. If so, uh, sorry. My bad.
For the sake of avoiding confusion, I'll call the merge Kirok (after the name Kirk chose when he lost his memories in The Paradise Syndrome). (Also, I fear that calling him "Kock" would have... deleterious effects on the readability of this post... for no reason at all...)
I do think that Kirok would, overall, have the best parts of Kirk and Spock. Combined, they are tactically fearsome. With Kirk's intuition and understanding of people and Spock's knowledge of statistics and science, Kirok is brilliant. However, I do think that Kirok would be a worse captain in practice than if Kirk and Spock simply had a mental bond. Part of the brilliance of Kirk and Spock as a command team is that, while they very much respect one another and take the other's opinion into account, they do also. regularly ignore each other's advice. And this is usually to their benefit! They each take risks that the other wouldn't, and, often, it saves them (in part because they always back each other up, even when doing things they don't agree with. Spock will be like "this is unwise" and Kirk will say "maybe, but I'm doing it anyways" and Spock will just... go with it.). But, if they were one person, I think that impulsiveness would be tempered. The Kirk part would have a brilliant idea, the Spock part would say "wait, there is too much risk, we can make a better plan," and then Kirok would lose his chance to act. When they're separate people Spock is ride-or-die for all of Kirk's decisions, but when they're one person, the Spock half won't always allow those decisions to be made at all (and also won't necessarily be able to tell when he does need to rein things in a bit). (Also Kirk and Spock both tend to be reckless, and then rely on the other to save them - as Kirok, who would back him up when he needed it? Bones would, but he's a medical officer. He simply can't do everything they would have. And, no matter how good of a first officer Kirok got (probably Sulu?), they couldn't be that good.)
I also think that Kirok wouldn't be quite as at ease with his position on the ship as Spock and Kirk individually were. The Spock part of him loves science far too much to just abandon it. He wants to spend time in the labs! He wants to make discoveries! Likewise the Kirk part of him can't truly be anything but a Captain. So, Kirok stays a captain, but he's less passionate about it (or, rather, more passionate about things that aren't it). This doesn't actually affect Kirok's satisfaction - it just affects his performance and relationships with others. He might spend off-duty time working on science experiments (which he can no longer do during shift, due to captaining) and neglect forming bonds with his crew, and he might place more focus than usual on scientific discovery missions.
As for the crew... Well, it's not as weird of a change as they expected. As expected, Kirok is less outwardly friendly than Kirk, and more outwardly friendly than Spock, but he's - cohesive. He still feels like their commanding officers. His humor tends to be a bit drier than Kirk's was, but he's a very compassionate and reasonable captain. (Tbh I tend to think that Kirk is actually more of a hardass than Spock (people just assume Spock is worse due to being Vulcan), so some crewmembers are surprised when Kirok is more lenient about certain things than Kirk would have been. Not lenient about cruelty or anything genuinely important to the safety of the ship, but about other things.) But, he's still not as good at making personal connections as Kirk was, and he's still inclined to spend too much time in the labs, so things aren't perfect.
Really, I think that the person having the worst time of things would be Bones, lmao. He'd have to deal with his Best Friend suddenly being the same person as The Guy He Affectionately Antagonizes (totally not a friend no how could you even think that). I think he'd be more lost than anyone else about how to address Kirok. Is this Kirk, his old friend, who he can be truly comfortable with, or is this Spock, who he snipes at and who snipes at him in turn? Who can he turn to, when the man he normally approaches for comfort is now the same being as one he doesn't want to seem too weak in front of? Does he turn to anyone else, in the meantime, or does he weather it alone?
Kirok himself, though, is actually pretty okay with the change. The different parts of himself simply - mesh well together. It's very satisfying for him, if not for his career and those around him. There's some minor bits of tension, especially regarding changes in biology and telepathic status, but, for the most part, he's doing well. The things you might expect to be major points of tension somehow... aren't. They compromise remarkably easily. (No meat, yes logic, no emotional suppression, yes casual touching, no casual relationships, yes meditation, etc.) And the Kirk and Spock parts of him both enjoy the closeness, the sense of knowing they now have for one another. They're one person, and know themself completely as they've always longed to know each other completely. (he does miss playing chess against someone who could beat him, though!)
Now, because I am Spirk-brained, I also think there's potential for Kirok to have Very Confused Feelings about discovering that the two parts of himself each had secret feelings for the other prior to the merge. There could be this odd sense of loss - like, yes, they are now technically one with one another, but they also completely missed out on their shot at a romantic relationship. They mourn what they could have had. The Spock part, especially, mourns the potentially for a telepathic bond (because with how smoothly they've integrated with one another, it surely would have been a strong one). So, as much as Kirok does enjoy existing as Kirok, I think he might be more willing to attempt separating back into two parts than I believe Tuvix was.
And, when they're two separate people again, they both feel like they're missing some part of themself, even once they've begun their new romantic relationship - but quickly discover that a mental link between them fills that hole. (And then, of course, because they are hopeless and in love, the "medicinal mental link" very quickly just becomes a marriage bond. They're like "well, we've already been one person and liked that well enough... a marriage bond is hardly anything different!" To Spock's endless pleasure, they are highly compatible and have a remarkably strong bond.) The mental link also allows them to have the same quick reaction times and combined brilliance of Kirok without the negative side effects of their own individual strengths being tempered. (they're also like. annoyingly codependent for a bit after Kirok's separation. oh boy are they always touching. "it gives them emotional security." bones looks at them in disgust (he loves it).)
Or, if we wanted to be McSpirk-brained... I'm enjoying the imagery of Kirok (who both had crushes on Bones as well as on one another) just directing all of that missed romantic potential onto Bones, who is... like, he's not not into it (Kirk was hot, Spock was hot, ergo Kirok is hot), but he also misses and loved his Original friends, and so he is very torn between accepting Kirok's advances and trying to find a way to split them apart again. (Flustered Bones, flustered Bones!! I do love flustered Bones!! He is blushing and stammering and having multiple ethical crises all at once. They never covered this in Starfleet Medical...) He also doesn't quite know whether Kirok's feelings truly belonged to both Kirk and Spock or not, and doesn't think that Kirk or Spock would truly act on it if they were in their normal state, so a small selfish part of him wonders if that's the only chance he has to be with them (even if it's not quite the same 'them' he fell in love with). And then, of course, there's the fear that trying to get back the original Kirk and Spock will actually just kill them! Yeah, poor Bones has a rough time of things. But, when everything is fixed, he does still wind up getting two boyfriends out of it. It all works out in the end?
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syaruru · 1 month ago
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blenselche · 2 months ago
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has anyone else made this joke
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heyclickadee · 1 year ago
Sketchy panel of a WIP
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buck-up-buck · 26 days ago
Buck and Eddie with this U-Haul has me IN TEARS at fucking 12.40am wth I didn't need this today.
Someone get me the next fucking episode rn or I stg-
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yuri-is-online · 1 year ago
Pff dont tell ANYONE from that fish dorm about being lonely. Cant be trusted.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. You guys feel very strongly about this. And on the one hand I do think there's some truth to the idea you shouldn't tell someone who likes to manipulate people that you are lonely because that makes you vulnerable... I've been through periods of intense loneliness in my life. It has a way of making you feel weird, and behave abnormally. Even when you want to keep it to yourself it sort of just jumps out in conversation, so I somehow doubt those fish people wouldn't notice you were lonely. It wouldn't be a matter of telling because they would know, and they all would prey on it. Azul for labor, Jade for information but Floyd...
He seems to actually like hanging out with Yuu. I just read his birthday boy vignette today (i picked up the platinum bundle :/) and he is constantly inviting Yuu to do things. He wants you to bring him candy, he wants to make takoyaki with you, hell he makes a joke about teaching you to swim in Chapter 4 but I think he'd totally do it. Because it sounds fun and he loves doing random things, so long as there are no stuffy rules to follow. So I do not think he would really see you as being lonely and go "hah gonna make fun of shrimpy till they cry and black mail em" well not too much anyway, but he absolutely would hang out around you more to try and harass you into doing things with him. Cause you're lonely, he knows you will indulge him. And that would make me feel a little less lonely, even if it is kind of toxic.
It's also important to note that longing for friendship and longing for a partner are two different sorts of loneliness. The latter is much easier to mask, and much different. So different I would say that the fish people would not notice it unless you told them... for a different post maybe.
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