#this isn't even a bruh moment what the fuck is wrong with you
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tf2incorrectquotes · 3 months ago
Sniper: This isn't even a "bruh" moment. What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!
Medic: *cheerfully* Lots of things!
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katyspersonal · 8 days ago
Today's Demon's Souls playing
I played a bit more Demon's Souls today! At this point I am unable to play it without @val-of-the-north watching me stream it fdhfhsd Having someone see me play is like an addiction
1) Got back to the mines place where I killed the Firelurker last time because according to Val there was another boss! Didn't expect it to appear literally in the next room tho XD It was Dragon God! There was also a sword that apparently was supposed to be used for this battle but I didn't have Str requirement to use it (Fromsoft moment💀) so I was barely reducing its health with the spear at the final stage of its battle fsdhfdhsdf
2) Val also earlier explained to me what demons in this setting exactly are and how they come to exist, it is so cool! Apparently, Dragon God appeared because of the legends local people created around giant bones found in there?? This is so cool! I love how there are both concrete rules while also a huge freedom to what demons can be!
3) As soon as I saw the message that I've killed an Archdemon though, my instant monkey brain response was to go back to Boletaria Palace and cross the fog gate after Iron Knight XD LMAAAO at that one Fat Official doing the reverential bow thing fjhhsdhs
Discovered that you can climb over certain places and jump down, as well as climb up too? This is strange
4) I died several times at this area tho -_- I insisted on clearing the level, though Val kept telling me over and over to drop it for later. Got cornerguy'd, got burnt by stepping on a dumb burning rock (no offence, it was ALSO burning my enemies when used right lol), fell into water, and also THE FUCKING STUPID. FUCKING GODDAMN STUPID ARCHER GUY. WOULD NOT FUCKING EVER STOP SHOOTING AT ME, THROUGH. THE FUCKING. WALL. Eventually Val told me that I can't clear this area because I literally fight Allant in the 1-4 (idk what this Mario ass levels terminology is sdfjdsfjh) so I scolded him for "not having told me sooner" and left lol.
5) Went into Latria instead! And this was going to be it for the rest of the evening.
6) Why are you me, I am me???
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No, seriously, I started as Magician (always use magic because skill issue lol) and haven't changed my catalyst or clothing since the beginning! It jumpscared me to find my own people set here xD
Val explained to me that this is the prison for magicians because Soul Arts was what brought the First Scourge or whatever, but that by now the purpose was changed. Though we speculated how it could work to have different tutorial areas depending on the starter class, and how funny it would be if starting as Magician would make your tutorial area this prison instead xd (Not my actual suggestion ofc, it would be too much of a typical videogame, and From isn't like that!)
7) Something DID make me sad tho:
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So at some points I started freeing these guys, and they were following me, which was fun...... until it wasn't.
Like, I actually felt bad about non-hostile ones ;-; How hard it was to just make them like, run towards the exit upon being freed and despawn?? I literally had to kill them to be able to move normally, especially when they started to pile up, nothing personal 💀💀💀 Honestly, Miyazaki knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted us to feel bad about killing the guys who did nothing wrong and just were confused and happy to be freed. Bruh this guy was always the same. 💀💀💀
8) Met this woman:
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A funny #videogamemoment btw: you see her sleeves? They look pretty narrow and closed, right? WRONG:
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When I caught her singing, turned out that her sleeves were fucking LONG as fuck XD The clipping of the texture is so bad that when she puts her hands together, the long sleeves clip through the skirt and become invisible hfhfhdsd Why this is so funny
9) Remember how I said that I felt uncomfortable if not guilty for killing the prisoner guys? By this point I ended up instead going out of my way TO kill them even if they were literally just standing there in their cells and doing nothing sdjfhdhsd Val was so confused as to why I'd keep doing it compulsively even if they don't drop more than literally 3 Souls hdfsdhd Guess I came around lmao XD
10) So, I've picked this set.....
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...and Val revealed to me that it IS the John Demonsouls' set, but it looks different for female character. :> ...really. Fucking REALLY. Are you SHITTING me. DUDE. You DO NOT fucking make the SET OF JOHN SOULSBORNE LOOK DIFFERENT BASED ON GENDER.
Can you guys NOT touch the universality of John pls т.т It is sacred, it is not a Pokemon game where the girl and the boy protag are different fsdhhfdsh Well at least they haven't done that in any other game since...
11) Met one of the bootleg Brainsuckers guys in the narrow corridor where I could not just spam magic at him and panicked, saying that there was no way I could kill him because his magic went THROUGH shield, nor there was anywhere to hide :s While still being mad at how it was "impossible", I just somehow automatically adapted to rolling and hitting with melee weapon fast enough. k
12) Got to see the stained glass that is not in the cutscene that I've already seen though videos:
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Certain lighting from what I've seen so far made me question if this hair was dark blond or whatever, but nope! This is a very brown hair if I've seen one! That makes me think of something from earlier (for another post)
13) @heraldofcrow say THAAAAANKS to Val, because he spoilered to me that I should have killed this guy btw:
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(The punchline is that for some reason I was going to already do that anyway XD)
14) Finally got to meet and freed this guy:
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I swear, From has a thing for the imprisoned wizard type shsdhfsdd
15) I got to fight Fool's Idol, it was a super easy first try! I could fucking figure by myself that magic would not work, and instead decided to opt out for the bow! I was just sniping her while hiding behind the columns all the time, so it was easy to not get damage and quickly figure out which one was the real! Val was mad at me because he didn't expect the bow strategy to work so well XD
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16) Okay so after this I decided to go back to Nexus and call it a day. What can I say... Latria's level design was not bad at all. @fantomette22 made it sound to me like it was absolute hell but it honestly was fun? I only barely got annoyed by the maze layout towards the end when I died to that guy in open space and forgor how to get back to him, and only because I wanted to sleep
17) Funny thing: later on I jumped down from the staircase in this spot, and happened to land JUST on Freke!
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It almost aggroed him lol xD It is funny because I literally knew he was there, but still made this mistake lol
Also, his apprentice is such a fucking simp lmao fdjhhsdsdf It would be very nice if I could mass-screenshot somehow because his dialogue about Freke is SOOOOO defensive, I found it funny fdhhds
P.S.: Cute beret tho
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P.P.S.: If I end up simping for Old Monk or Queen of Latria instead of for Allant like I was meant to I am SUING @heraldofcrow. (I should be suing Val instead probably but bullying the one member of Lore Council who can't reliably retort is more fun)
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bluebudgie · 2 months ago
I accidentally sausagefinger deleted my 20k DA4 review so you get an abridged version now. No more nuance and elaboration, i can't be arsed to retype all of this.
- Solid game with many flaws.
- If you already are a DA fan it's worth playing
- If you want to get into the series don't start here unless you really want to for a specific reason
Not entirely spoiler free:
Liked the game overall. Also no game has annoyed me this much in years.
Here's some good stuff:
- Beautiful, gorgeous environments.
- Overall cool and likeable cast with mostly interesting companion quests and fun character interactions.
- High quality german localization and VA (didn't try english)
- Appreciate the inclusion of gender neutral pronouns which is even less a given than it is in english since as of now there is no officially recognized equivalent for they/them in this language
- Loved the little things. Returning voice actors. Punching Solas in the face. Dorian Pavus.
- Great sound design during the Weisshaupt quest. Felt very immersive.
- Rivain exploration Tangled Depths moment. When you look at your destination 5 meters above your head and go HUH?
Stuff I hated that's extremely subjective:
Combat. Least fun combat I've experienced in any game ever. Every battle is a pvp match against 10 longbow bear rangers that spam point blank shot with no cooldown. Spending 98% of the battle dodging isn't fun
- Why is there a parry build in the skill tree when half of the enemies have huge hammers you cant parry (skill issue?)
- Party members being invulnerable pets that do nothing but use 1 out of 3 skills off cooldown is bullshit
Soundtrack. Ok no listen I didn't spend the last two months agonizing over this to give you the abridged version now. [takes a deep breath] Here we go again.
"I'm not angry with you, I'm just very disappointed." [Heavy Silence]
Seriously what the fuck was that. The biggest nothingburger that ever nothinged. Or burgered. Like cool they got Hans Zimmer or whatever but if they only had the budget to pay for 2 songs and 3 chords then maybe... don't?
Half of the game is dead silence interrupted by the same 3 notes. Once in a while you dare hope that a song starts playing only for it to fade out within a few seconds. Even many of the battles (including story battles) are fought in silence. And like. Don't get me wrong here. Silence can be good if utilized effectively. I like a good ambient soundtrack. Inquisition had great ambience (mage quest or winter palace bgm anyone?). Super Metroid has great ambience. Hell my favourite gw2 map has insect chittering for music. But this game. They really went "Go girl give us nothing!" with full conviction.
The little music that is there is largely generically inoffensive but also extremely repetitive. And despite all the repetition it's still forgettable as hell. Dictionary definition of an orchestral slop soundtrack. And also the dictionary definition of disappointment. Good god.
Ok moving on with the abridged review. The following points are things that sort of bugged me and I could imagine that other people feel similarly.
- I mean the main story with those saturday morning cartoon villains speaking in stock villain lines was silly but that's just kinda bioware storywriting so all as expected. We're here for interpersonal relationships and side stories anyway.
- So I said I liked the cast. They're too likable. Too safe. Too sanitized. Has everyone forgotten how to be an asshole?
- It's almost impossible to have companions disagree with your decisions. Where are the contrarians? Who do I throw fists with? Why is everyone licking main character boots? I know we've all* hated on Solas for years but that doesn't mean we can't have dicks in the party anymore? We're not babies?? *not you
- Also why does main character get to do life altering decisions for everyone 😭 Bruh none of your business... In some cases it made sense, but some of these... (Taash...??)
- Taash's questline sucked we all agree on this right
- That extremely unsubtle choice pop up whenever a decision you made had an influence on something. Like bruh ok you don't have to tell me about every little choice branch, where's the surprises man
- Companion quests being a mandatory gameplay element isn't the worst of these things but I did prefer when they were entirely optional so it was your bad when you missed out on relationships etc. Plus the gameplay loop created by this in da4 was very tedious after a while
- I don't like how the main character was kinda predetermined as a sassy jokester no matter which dialogue choices you pick but you get used to it
- The also extremely unsubtle faction meter that practically screams "if you don't fill the meter it will have consequences during the final battle". Again where's the surprises?
In general the game felt too predictable and too sanitized to be the least amount of inconvenient as possible.
And that's all I can think of right now.
Overall I'd say
DA2 < DA4 < DA:O < DA:I
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stvrnfilmss · 11 months ago
Momma house
chris!hockey player x reader!volleyball player
Summary: You and chris had always just been friends until one day you find yourself on his couch being more than just friends.
Warnings: NSFW!!!! MINORS DNI !
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You and chris have been friends for a long time now and you started gaining feelings for him about a month ago. You've always tried to hide it but you can't help yourself but stare at him once in a while.
You get in your car after practice to go pick chris up since you guys are going out to get froyo. "Hey, nice fit" he says jokingly while he gets in the car. " I didnt have time to change, shut up" you snap back at him.
When you guys get there and pay for your food you go to sit down on a little bench outside of the shop. You admire chris as he eats his froyo, wishing it was you instead. "What the fuck are you looking at?" chris says snapping you out of your trance. "Sorry I wasn't looking at anything" you say in embarrassment.
When you guys finish eating you get back in your car and drive chris home. "Hey why don't you stay home with me my parents aren't home and nick and matt are out for most of the day. I don't wanna be alone. Plsss" he begs. "Sure I don't have much to do today anyways" you say.
As you guys enter the house you suddenly have a massive headache. "Hey chris do you have any advil?" you say waiting for a response. "Why? What's wrong?" he says worried. "Its nothing I just have a huge headache, don't know why" you say. "You know what I heard cures headaches?" he says hoping you know the answer. "Let me guess, head?" you say sounding annoyed. "Chris this isn't time for no jokes I actually need advil"
"I'm not joking" You look at him confused not taking in fully what he just said.You thought this was finally your time to shoot your shot at him. You just completely forgot about the advil and said "Well I don't believe you so prove it to me" He didn't fully register what you had just said until he saw the look of lust in your eyes. He could tell you've been waiting for this moment.
"Go lay down on the couch then and I'll show you some proof." And of course you take his orders and lay down on the couch. He comes towards you and says "Can you take this off for me beautiful." You do as he says and whimper at the feeling of the cold air hitting your soaking wet cunt.
"Can I?" You nod your head. "Use your words darling" Even though you could barely form a sentence you still tried your best to answer him. "Y-yes" He took that as he a sign that you were ready and without warning he imediatly runs his tounge between your folds, circling your clit slowly. "Chriss" A loud desperate moan echoes through out the room. You feel his fingers tickle up the back of your thighs until they can't go any farther. His veiny hands sink into your ass, squeezing them as he sucks your clit into his mouth in a way that makes you feel like your in heaven.
"Such a good slut" you can feel his words vibrate throughout your body and it makes you jolt foward. He laughs knowing he's making you feel amazing. Your already a wreck and it hasn't been 5 minutes yet. You try to get a glance at his handsome face then realize you can't because it's buried pretty deep between your legs.
Sinking your hands into his hair for something to hold on to, a satisfied groan rumbles in his throat and you feel a familiar knot start to form in your stomach. His pace increases as he adds a finger making you moan like crazy.
The feeling in your stomach is building, your hands tug harder at his hair trying to give him a sign that your close. "Chris" you whimper. "Chris i'm going to come"
"Be a good girl and come all over my face" Before you could even react your juices flow out of you and you can't help but scream. He removed his finger and mouth and looks up at you with a smirk on his face as he sucks his fingers into his mouth, not once breaking eye contact.
"You did so good" You didn't know what to say. You were in a state of shock. "I'm going to go to the bathroom, grab a towel to get you cleaned up" What had just happened? Your mind was filling with thoughts and you got so embarrassed and anxious. You hurried up got dressed and grabbed your things before chris could come back and catch you. You get in your car and just keep driving home without a clue of what you just did.
That's it!!! This is my first fic so I hope you guys liked it. I know it's short and a lot of it may be bad but that may be because english isn't my first language and i'm still learning. But I hope you guys liked this and let me know what i should fix!!
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candeathbereal · 2 years ago
Astro observations
Placements included are Aries Mercury, Aries Sun, Aries Mars, Taurus Mars, Taurus Moon, and Gemini Mercury.
Aries Mercury
Alright you greedy fucks! Let's get into this. Like many Aries placements there are the general themes of independence, impulsivity, and chaos. I know I come off rude sometimes but that is only because I have said words in the wrong tone. Other times I’m actually trying to be rude. Here is my fun advice for people as a whole: Take a risk and be okay with someone not liking you. If one person doesn’t like you remember there is a dog that will love you more than that person ever could. Now if there are multiple people that actively dislike you, I got nothing. And even then if you're a earth mercury...are you really listening to a fire mercury? I usually get along well with earth placements but earth mercuries are a whole different thing bruh. Taurus mercuries are okay...unless you disagree with them and act like I do in an argument (with passion) because then you better hope their mars isn't in another fixed sign. Idk take what you can from that. I would say something about Virgo and Capricorn mercuries but I haven't really met too many. Plus most Virgo mercuries I have met also have a Leo sun and Taurus moon so it would be wrong of me to really say much about Virgo mercuries since Taurus and Leo placements (together) will dominant your shit most times. Anyways let's move onto the actually rest of the post.
Aries Sun
The pain of being a bad bitch. Lol idk that pain tho. Most post I have seen has labeled us as wild and childish. In actuality tho that is more likely Aries mars than Aries sun. I do wonder if the degree your sun is in affects the expression. It’s actually a moment cause Aries is exalted in the sun placement. I have an Aries sun at the 17th degree which is a Leo degree. Plus I have a Leo rising so I do wonder if that affected me in any way.
Aries Mars
Damn. I don’t have much to say besides please make sure to check on people after you get mad at them. Like it’s okay to feel anger and express it but idk sometimes people get hurt deeply by that expression. I don’t have too much experience with Aries mars people and Scorpio mars people. I can only go off by the two people I have met with either mars sign. Which are my grandma and my mom respectively. I will get into that another post so yeah sorry for the lack of stuff rn.
Taurus Moon
Indulgence. Depending on the sun sign there could be a lot of emotional repression from my experience. I love you guys…unless there is a Leo sun with the Taurus moon. Idk why but I’ve had so many issues with that combo. It isn’t because of the fixed sun fixed moon. My sister is a double Taurus, and my boyfriend is a Scorpio sun Taurus moon. And I love them both very much. I get along great even with other fixed sign sun and moon combos. Leo sun and Taurus moon however…nah.
Honestly I haven't figured out why I'm so erked by Leo sun and Taurus moon. I mean I'm a Leo rising and my MC is in Taurus so I feel like I could be missing something. Anyways Taurus moons are great. I have a lot of respect for you guys and your ability to just defend yourselves when someone says something about you that you know isn't the right thing about you. Even if everyone else in the room agrees with that person your ass is still going "I am not like that and that is that". Even with a prominent libra placements this seems to be a common thing among the Taurus moons I have met. I know someone with a Libra sun, Venus, and Mars and they will stand their ground when it comes to things being placed onto them and their character when they know it isn't right. At first I thought "maybe their Scorpio mercury has something to help with this" but then I remember my dad.
He has a Pisces sun and mercury with a Taurus moon and mars and an Aries Venus I think. If you are just arguing with him on something he is willing to listen to your point and I enjoyed that the most while I was growing up. As an fire dominant person arguing is my way to be vulnerable with people. If I don't trust that you will listen to me or if I don't want to be close to you emotionally, I will just not talk to you. And when I disagree with something you said, I will not just continue on with my day because I don't want to listen to stuff that bores me aka you. Now back to what I was saying about my dad. He and I enjoyed arguing about anything and everything but if I felt overwhelmed by shit he would literally comfort me. So he is okay with stopping a disagreement. Now I bring that up because I have seen him argue with other people and when they try to place a character trait onto him or someone he cared about, he will stand his ground if you are wrong in his eyes. I don't know if that made any sense but honestly that is the only way I can think of describing the thing that I have noticed about Taurus moons.
Taurus Mars
Sometimes I wonder what you guys feel because I can’t really guess what you guys are feeling fully. Especially if you have a mutable moon. Now the two Taurus mars I can think of is my dad and my brother. They both have two Taurus placements each (my dad as said previously has a Taurus moon as well as a Taurus mars, and my brother has a Taurus sun with his Taurus mars). Personally I rarely saw my dad angry but I have seen my brother angry when we were younger. My brother would get red in the face from yelling especially when arguing with our sister. Two Taurus suns with fixed mars refusing to back down...surprising. Now he has calmed down a fuck ton since then. Luckily he doesn't have to be as angry as he used to be.
Gemini Mercury
My besties no matter what you say I will accept the foolishness. Oh and if you have a Gemini Venus as well bruh. I will be chaotic. It is a simple fact that Gemini placements tend to make me go feral, just pure chaos. I think sag mercuries have the same effect on me but I never know how to deal with them properly. Gemini Mercury tho…bitch I’m swinging off that one loose tile on the ceiling…that makes no sense but it doesn’t matter right now. Sometimes I worry about you guys’ mental state but idk maybe you have daddy issues I won’t judge.
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themonotonysyndrome · 2 years ago
*Dreamer/Bestie when they finally found out what Blake had done*
Dreamer/Bestie: This isn't even a "bruh" moment any more. What the fuck is wrong with you!?
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halfetirosie · 8 months ago
☠😱🔪 It's all Fun and Games until somebody commits manslaughter!!! 🔪😱☠
(Exercise 17 - 20 React-os!)
1) Wait, he actually heard the story from somewhere???
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I assumed he just made it up himself!
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Not gonna lie; I know it's fake, but this still freaks me out.
It hits me in a psychological sort of way, because we've seen Blade get hurt before; so seeing him badly hurt both feels too-close-for-comfort, and builds on the familiar fear of loved ones getting hurt.
PLUS, seeing Blade acting weird reminds me of when his programming was externally tampered with in ArmyxBloodxOath, so I'm getting a wee bit of war flashbacks...
3) ....I say all that, but then my boi goes and ruins my immersion!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
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There's nothing like saying "Lord Jackass" to completely ruin the spooky atmosphere!
4) YOOOOO WTF?!?!?! (⊙ᗣ⊙) 
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Blade deserves a lil' treat after this for giving the performance of a lifetime!!!
(Come to think of it, Blade is actually a really good actor, isn't he? 🤔 I mean, when he's actually giving it his all. Like during Idol Fest when he acted as a "prince" character, he did a good-ass job; and he's doing a good-ass job now, too!!!------Damn, now I really want to see an event where Blade performs in a play or something!!!!!)
5) Ah yes, a masked psycho---the perfect role for Rei!!! :D
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Dude, you just know Rei's having a little too much fun pretending to be a serial killer!
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"The guy with the bird"??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Not my mans never remembering people's names.... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ (Shoutout to that moment in Festive Glimmer when he also didn't remember Quincy's name!)
Nah but, shouldn't Dante know Rei's now by now? Rei's hovered around him and teased him on more than one occasion...
6) Hell yeah, Eerie Escapade reference!!!!
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I LOVE when the characters reference past events!!!
It just makes the stories feel more substantial, ya know? Like they carry more weight. (I wonder how Vlad is doing? I want an update on him!)
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Ohhhhh, I see! So it's not so much the ghost that scares him---after all, he dealt with Vlad just fine---but the scary story that got to him. That makes more sense.
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🎶 We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please wait for us to fix the problem. Thank you for your patience. 🎶
Fuck, dude.....
....On a lighter note, it's very entertaining to think about Edmond running around with a sheet on his head, taking his silly task as seriously as ever! :D
8) Damnnnnn, Olivine! Back at it again with the smart-ass ideas!!!
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Olivine is seriously CRUSHING it this event!
9) Wait, did Eiden actually understand what Topper was saying here, or was he just assuming?
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Because, like, it is canon that Eiden ocassionally understands what Topper says, and he might slowly be learning his language, you know?
I just bring this up because I really, really hope Eiden did understand Topper, because I desperately want Eiden to eventually be able to have full conversations with the lil' homie!!!
10) The heroic return of
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BRUH, this is the second time one of the clan members almost fucking DIED because of their prank!!!
That is pretty true-to-life, tho. Like, it's not uncommon for irl-pranks to go very wrong because the fight-or-flight response of the prank-ee happened to be "fight." Like when they jump out to scare someone and end up getting reflex-punched.
11) Classic Introvert Dad Quincy, with absolutely no fucking clue how to handle a Distressed Yakumo---
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---Although, in fairness, I feel like many of the clan members wouldn't know how exactly to handle Distressed Yakumo, either.
Hell, I probably wouldn't know what to do!!! Like, look at this sobbing string-bean of a boy!!! He's inconsolable even in the best of times!!!
12) An accurate description, tbh;
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Foxy Grandpa over here has been slacking off since the Grill Competition, and now he makes Yakumo do all the heat-lifting!!!
Rude. 😡
13) "The emotional range of a log"
PFFFT!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I CAN'T---!!!!
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DUDE. Rei's insults are always immaculate, I swearrrr!!!!
He would be SO GOOD at making diss-tracks!!!
14) 🚨🚨🚨 SOFT KARU!!!! 🚨🚨🚨
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Karu's so on-guard and fierce all the time, so seeing him act so affectionate (in the beloved Tsundere Bullshit™ flavor, or course) is such a treat!!!
Just look at that face!!! I wanna squish his cheeks!!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
👻 End of report! 👻
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thuganomxcs · 8 months ago
If we're speaking in the canon sense like in his universe I really do like the idea of yusuke x botan because I like the aspects of him with death...not to mention he's a devil now too soo. I still love Yusuke x Keiko tho just so the peeps know there's no hatred for our girl.
Anything like a muse being a fucking minor and the other almost hitting their 40's. There's ONE particular verse that does this shit but this ain't about them. As long as you don't ship your literal grown man/woman with a literal definition of a child then I wouldn't have to be disturbed.
The minute a hand touches a boob or the clothes begin to fly off I'm guessing it's considered NSFW.
LOL I'd say I am..but people have known to just show up, write with me and in a day of our muses vibing we're already shipping them. I MEAN if I have to be selective I'd say..as long as she's a woman XD
Where do I even begin?? First of all I gotta go with the one that started this and that's @belovedblossoms Hiyori. She was the first person I've ever shipped Yusuke with and that relationship has started from not so disney friendly beginnings but entertaining as shit. Then there's @lady-llewellyn El who just ruins the guy, I swear in this ship Yusuke is the innocent one in the relationship no cap. We got @itmeanspeace Shiloh, this one started off just plain physical until she became attached, lol look at me talk as if Yusuke didn't catch feelings too..probably first since he's still kinda technically a human. Give it up for @swordsxandxsakuras Nezuko, the first one to actually go the full nine yards with him to dating all the way down to married with kids. Then there's my homie @fatexbound Chie I wouldn't CALL it a relationship yet but they're definitely in that phase in getting to know one another. You know I gotta put my home girl @adversitybloomed Mulan, who's probably seen everything there is to who Yusuke is as a character, she's been with him as a pervert all the way to him being nice and doing stuff for people. She's also helped him with his family life might have bribed him to go to college but in the end Yusuke proposed to her and it's actually the first REAL proposal I've written as him. I also can't use the term ship without mentioning @bravesung old OC Alyssa, she was definitely a special one who refused to buy into what people said about him, and after discovering he was supernatural (to a degree) just like her it got them to bonding. She's probably believed in him more than he did in himself when it came down to school because she NEVER let him quit HELL she brought his ass TO school whilst he was still sleeping in bed, picture that in your minds if you will. I got good ships and there's even this unhealthy one right here with my girl @acoldsovereign Maiz, tons of ships starts with curiosity, cute moments and even love at first sight and this one is just violence, one devil often tries to get the other devil to dig into those natural urges and forsake his human heart (that literally isn't even working anymore) and just behave like a demon, there's also acts of public terrorism but he'd punch her right..and she'd kick him wrong, it's a tug and pull with 'em. Bruh this segment is getting long since belovedblossom also has other muses that are shipped with Yusuke too and i have a feelin we'd be here ALL day and I've still got a few to talk about. Just know I love all y'alls muses.
Nah, I mean if we write and there's a connection then I'd say let 'em go for it. EVEN IF you came to me writing Keiko and you're worried about shipping with me cause you'd think it's forced and i'm obligated to because of the canon then don't. It'd still be cool in my book.
I'm not ship obsessed but I would say it's a fun thing to have cause when you're talkin' to your homies and the muses come u you can talk about the ship, or how a song reminds you of them. Shipping whether it's romantically, platonically or familial, they bring us together as writers and we because better pals cause of it. Cause there's always something to talk about when we wanna forget about that bill we can't pay.
Let me tell you something about my fandom on tumblr: It hardly exists XDD there's really only a handful of us.
Simple, we write. If there's chemistry between the muses well then your muse has got themselves a partner. He's by no means an easy person to love but once you've got him you've got someone that'll be there for your muse indefinitely. And if ya wanna discuss the possibility then my DMs are always open..even if i'm terribly slow with 'em.
tagged: @vartouhix
tagging: Y'all gonna have to steal this one homies. Tag me when ya do cause imma read it.
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loyaltykask · 1 year ago
Chapter 33
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Wukong: He's fiiiiiiine Bajie being pickled: HELP
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Sanzang has such good boy energy juice he be ruining their location with his fucking clouds, thanks for nothing
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Demon: There is he! Sanzang: I can feel someone pointing at me Wukong: Stop being a fucking baby, there is nothing
I swear people say Sanzang doesn't listen to Wukong but WUKONG DOESNT LISTEN TO SANZANG
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Twice now Sanzang has said something feels wrong in this mountain, and yeah he is a coward, but also Wukong like 'you're just being a baby' and NO THERE ARE DEMONS RIGHT THERE WUKONG
Wukong: how can I comfort him? Ah yes, I know. I'll flex so hard that of course, he will feel safer
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I cant believe Wukong flexed so hard they even thought about just GIVING back Bajie like no fight
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Hmmm exploiting virtue is my favorite thing
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It is crazy that during this time Daoist and Buddhist monks were very much having issues with one another, even to the point of sabotaging each other monasteries. It kinda sweet that even though being tricked AGAIN Sanzang does wanna help whoever he comes across
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Okay I know you're faking it to get to Wukong but fucking rude
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He was just pissy that the guy called him names
Wujing: If you think I'm bad you want the literally ex-warlord Wukong: yeeees let me carry him~ I promise I'll be good! (already plotting how to kill this demon)
Even now Wukong makes jokes like: If you wanted to eat him, you could have at least bribed me with a large half
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Wukong: Even if you were a human I would have killed you, you're annoying to carry Silver horn: This guy kinda fucked up
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This is actually Wukong's greatest feat check as these mountains are considered to be the heaviest and most prominent locations in China at the time, and even now, he is literally carrying the weight of the universe on his shoulders at this moment
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So on a one-on-one Bajie could fight Silver Horn but Wujing couldn't interesting enough I can't power scale because I aint about that life but it is to note that the comparison of saying Bajie is the second strongest in the group isn't an exaggeration
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I wish I can find that one tictok of LMK Wukong under the mountain again with that Eggman voice over
That was funny af
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He getting PTSD
Even says to having pity on his brothers who got caught up in it
He such a good bro
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These mountain gods are like: Oooooooo we fucked up....
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Wukong: Listen I may have caused havoc in Heaven but NEVER have I ordered another local spirit, THAT IS UNFORGIVABLE Spirit: Weren't you a warlord? Wukong: With STANDARDS Fuck! Demons these days! No respect I tell you!
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Wukogn: Tripping people is my culture, don't judge me
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You know what as least he knows stealing is wrong lets be happy with that
You say, he says 'let him know' but also 'if you say anything but no I will start beating you to death' This fucking guy I love him so much
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THIS GUY REALLY HAMMERING HOME THAT "hehehe you guys going to lose"
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sanityshorror · 2 years ago
Gonna break down the rumors surrounding TDMFH (the Dressmaker from Hell/ Julius the Dressmaker creepypasta)
- it's literally a tongue in cheek written creepypasta
- no it was not based off ASF lol
- campy slasher at most
- I honestly wish I had made it a lot more messed up cuz it's TAME
Read it here or.. THE TL;DR rundown:
>be Casey
>get engaged
>get invited to an exclusive appointment at some high end Victorian fashion boutique
>"okay ig I'll go, what's the worst that could happen?"
>... He high key seems p nice though
>gossip with Julius about the depp vs herd trial while he fits you for your wedding gown
>come back to get your wedding dress in a month
>"you remind me so much of my sister"
>"your sister?"
>"yes, but she's dead now. She was a real bitch just like you >:)"
>get knocked unconscious with Julius's pistol
>funky town plays
>wake up getting skinned alive
>"at least I'll pass out from the pain"
>Julius injects you with meth
>this isn't even a bruh moment what the actual fuck is wrong with you
>get into a shouting match with demon while he skins you alive and cuts your feet off
>"brb I got to do something BUT DON'T WORRY, THERE IS WIFI IN HELL!!"
>I met the Dressmaker from Hell, I hope you never do.
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bloomingdead · 2 years ago
“I was kidding about being a ship hater but I also want to blast Ereloy fans with my eye beams and insult their favorite character character by calling him ugly.” Whatever, dude. If you want to remain toxic and bitter, that’s on you.
bruh took everything i said out of context and harped on my ugly erend joke (he is). i do wanna blast u diehards w my eye beams!!! gtfo of here! erend is still one of my favorite characters, and he's obviously the closest friend aloy has at this point (maybe other than her sister but imo they're still working on bringing closeness to their relationship).
people really seem to think that because i find shipping him with aloy inappropriate, and you guys greasy for doing it, that i must hate him. i don't. he's charming, with a way about him that's hard to ignore (himbo energy). he tries his best to be there for the people he cares about and loves super hard. he's great at public speaking and rallying people to his cause, whatever that may be in the moment. he's incredibly loyal to his job even if that means bending avad's requests to fit what he deems most important in the moment. plus avad respects him so much that he doesn't care!! and his underlings on the vanguard will NOT let go of the crush he had in hzd, to his humiliation as we see the confrontation with aloy followed by his drunkenness at barren light. he has good taste in music, the soul of a metalhead, and a heart of gold. he lost his sister as aloy came into his life, and there's every context clue to show that this crush fizzled out as he came to respect aloy more as an equal. he said something along the lines of "i thought i was a bigshot talking to a pretty girl from a tiny tribe... now i see i was lucky just to get a minute of your time" and the ereloys takes this as some proclamation of love when to me and many others it comes off as a transition within their relationship towards mutual respect and appreciation.
let's be real about who's truly bitter. you old bitches who keep trying to ship aloy with a man at least 10 years her senior, or those of us who just want to enjoy the game for what it is without diehard shippers telling us what was literally written into the story by its creators is wrong. just because he's age appropriate for you doesn't mean it's okay that you project so much onto aloy that you can't remember she's at most 20yo. or the contrary, you're so fuckin young that you can't see how inappropriate it is because they all seem like old ass adults to you. it just gives "you're really mature for your age" vibes. ew. not to mention, as one of my lovely anons did, that this spike in hetero ship content for aloy happened AFTER seyka was introduced. >inb4 "a BiSeXuAl WoMaN iN a ReLaTiOnShIp WiTh A sTr8 mAn Is sTiLl QuEeR" bffr, as a (now out&proud lesbian, i must add) woman who's dated hetero men in the past, does that man know he's in a queer relationship or consider it to be one because his girl is? in the case of erend and the nuances in his character which are intended to relate to a type of man we all know, (that you guys bulldoze with your hc's,) fuck the fuck no. most cishet men don't.
this is the kind of discourse we get when fanon becomes more important to people than what's literally written into the story. i love erend! yeah i am a little irritated that people started popping their horussies out for their favorite (hetero) ship after we got a canon (GAY) romance in the game. if you guys had any critical thinking skills/media literacy, you'd have gotten the point by now that even if aloy isn't a lesbian, she's never going to end up with your favorite male character. you'd also understand why the gayshippers are irritated with you guys doing this in the wake of homophobic review bombing. because now we know aloy is capable of romantic feelings and no one but seyka has brought that side out of her so far. you can call it bad writing all you want, it's my opinion vs yours. doesn't change the direction the series is going in terms of aloy's romantic future.
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buttercuparry · 2 years ago
Bruh you gave a reply and blocked me before I could even read 😭🤣🤣 how wonky is this accomplishment then??
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And here you go don't come at me with this nonsense after adding the nonsensical reblog. You not being here when the show was airing doesn't take away from the fact that this bullshit is so old to us old jonrya shippers that this frankly is a bit boring. We were "allowed" to exist as long as we kept "our filth" to our own tags and not abuse Jon's tag. We couldn't abandon restraint because the moment we did we would have someone making a tongue in cheek post about nasty people shipping incestuous ship. Lol. You probably didn't understand when I said "been there, done that." This whole thing has happened before though in a different flavour. I was informing you darling not boohooing my frustrations at your doorstep. And lol look at me dismantling your little reblog point wise. Look at me asking you how exactly is it wrong for me to quote the book in reference to longclaw whatever's post to establish how factually stupid it was to say that Jon died for the watch. How is us talking about this particular thing taking away from Jon's arc, since I believe the point of that post was to establish how Jonryas are wearing shipping goggles and making everything Jon has done for the NW about Arya?
Right Jonryas say that because Jon is a misogynist Jon can love only Arya huh...hmm. So we throw tantrums over Jon/Ygritte? We dismiss Val? And I guess we dismiss Dany too then huh. Point to be noted I once remember you saying how you said that you only trust Jonerys shippers now. You know apart from million parallels and of course foreshadowings of a possible Jonerys union, one of the fondest thing their shippers say is that, Dany fits in with Jon's taste when it comes to romantic partners because Dany and Arya are so similar- it's of course said very platonically referring to Jon's childhood days spent with Arya. But here comes the point of Jon being misogynistic. Val was lonely, lovely and lethal to Jon. And he made it a point to add that Val wasn't some maiden sitting in her tower brushing her hair. This is what we mean by Jon's bias ( natural given what he had to put up with at Winterfell). His remark about Cersei's pride just because she chose to display her house colours is what we mean when we say that even Jon has certain ideas when it comes to decorum. It's similar to Arya when she in her desperation tried to order Harwin around, even when the narrative was showing her the cost of war in the feudal society. There are certain things that these kids have inadvertently done because they are a product of their time. What is so wrong about saying so? Does that negate every other good thing that Jon or Arya has done? The fact that you would say the bogus thing about us....US!!! saying that Jon will look only to Arya and not at any other women. Wtf!
I know you are pissed about one thing. I know it. Even though I wasn't there I know what you are truly pissed about and I am sorry that someone said that about one of your faves ( I am not talking about Jon). Yes you are right when you say that we appropriated the blue rose. Perhaps we did. But my god you are now making straw men and accusing us of things while we in our little corner are just...idk existing only occasionally talking of Jonrya. You can go fuck yourself.
P.S. adding this: Jon having a type isn't misogynistic. But the way he talks of a willowy creature in a tower is a bit. It's acknowledged that this bias is based on his loathing of highborn femininity, because of how the society and how in his own childhood, he was treated by Catelyn and Sansa
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oldcyberpunk2077truth · 2 years ago
the moderators at amm all are mods because of how "active" they were on the server lol. the majority of them decided on the fact that they thought they can get more attention on their photos rather than actually mediate a fucking community, none of them actually have ever dealt with anything and when they do they just stick up for their friend who they think will make them more likeable. its disgusting and no one has a sense of being true and honest. most of the people on that mod team is a fucking snake and its disgusting. the moment you dont stick up for a "popular" (LMAO vomit) modder or VPer thats when they all turn against you and now you're the bad person for sticking up for someone lesser known. i dont understand why it's come down to a whole fucking big dick contest but good lord, get a fucking life. no one is going to remember how many fucking likes you got on a shitty picture on amm or remember that you stuck up for zwei that one time (or 10.) no one gives a shit now and no one will give a shit in 5 years. a lot of you need learn to have a backbone and stick up for yourself, and not what is going to make you "popular." none of the people in this fandom are worth changing who you are and trying to impress.
The fact they make being a moderator at AMM an status is hilarious. Bruh you're a moderator in a secondary server is not even in the original game server so please stop acting you're some kind of Oprah of the games. AND YES!!! They don't help who needs help if a "popular' person attacks another one who isn't they just stick with this person even if they are being mean and wrong.
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sizzlyybacon · 5 months ago
10/4/24 (7th)
intermediate band
jite was playing the timpani and he had one of them backwards so the tuner was facing away from him. alex got really mad about that so he asked jite to turn it around so he could actually tune it. jite said no because he didn't play it. alex said yeah but you can still have it facing the correct way so SOMEONE can play it. jite said no because it was broken. alex asked how tf it was broken. jite said it wasn't tuned. me and alex exchange a look. i see the "bruh" in his eyes. "bro are u like stupid..." he asks jite. jite replies "i can't play it because it isn't tuned and it's slanted the wrong way. you're stupid!" alex's patience has lasted this long and now it's ran out 💀 "IT'S SLANTED THE WRONG WAY BECAUSE IT'S FACING THE WRONG WAY. IT'S NOT TUNED BECAUSE YOU CAN'T TUNE IT IF IT'S NOT FACING YOU!!!!!!!" he screams. jite goes into the storage closet to find something to fix it 💀... "i'm just gonna..." alex starts saying, walking over to the timpani. he spins it around real quick but jite turns around the second he does that. this makes jite mad and he runs out of the closet and takes a fucking SWING AT ALEX'S FACE... alex slaps his hand away and keeps yelling at him. jite takes another swing and alex starts BARKING AT HIM. AND NOW THEY'RE BARKING AT EACH OTHER... i look at austin who's by the marimba and tap out S.O.S. in morse code referencing a moment from last year when he tapped out S.O.S. after our old band teacher made us take a test the entire period. he smiles and we turn back to watch the argument unfold. the bell has already rang and i need to pack up my 1289370981752734018327234 percussion instruments i play for our songs. alex has assembled his whole gang of friends and they're yelling at jite. alex calls jite RACIST for "invalidating the opinion of a white person" i think both alex and jite are morons 💀...
in science kyndall and i are joking around when we go dead silent. SOMEONE is whistling the meow meow meow meow song. we look around to find who did it but we can't locate them. we hear it again and whip our heads to the left. it's chase!!!!!! bro winks at us 💀 but then we hear it AGAIN, and it's filipo singing it. we hear it again from the other side of the room and it's harrison. but we still don't know who's whistling it. then we hear it. it's adam 😭
veronika and i ask mrs. johnson if we can go to the hallway to "focus" better. when we go out we hear the introductory choir singing their songs and we wave to them. eventually we see miles, the kid we always cheer for whenever we see and we totally freaked. we started dancing and made an entire choreography to their singing. veronika gets on the ground and starts to crab walk around and i join her. we line up in the middle of the hallway and decide to have a crab walk race to mr. mckean's from. that's when a sixth grader with a weird half bowl cut walks up, takes one terrified look at us, and descends the stairs again. we tell him that it's ok and ask if he wants to join the race. "heck yeah i do!" he smiles. he goes to his locker and drops his stuff off inside and gets into crab walk position next to us. we all yell 3, 2, 1, go as loud as we can all in unison. that's when another sixth grader turns into our hallway and looks at us. we halt what we're doing and stare at him. "nah man what the hell is this school..." he asks to the air. we can't stop laughing as we invite him to join us. "y'know.. why not?" he unlocks his locker to put his stuff away and lines his hands up with ours. now we're starting for real. we start scrambling towards mr. mckean's door. cayden is in the lead, corbin is in second, veronika is in 3rd, and i'm in 4th. we're cracking up when mrs. johnson comes out because she hears all the commotion and gives us a very disappointed look. "ok guys, NO, what even is this??" she asks. "what classes are you guys in?" she asks turning to the sixth graders. "don't make them late to their class, i sent you out here to focus..." she says turning to us. we get up, our race never completed. corbin gets his stuff back and waves goodbye to us, smiling as he walks down the stairs. cayden gets his stuff and sits across from us. "i only have like 2 minutes left of lunch so i'll just stay up here with you guys," he says. we joke around, laughing so hard we can't breathe. veronika asks if she can have some of my water and i say sure but ask if i can just pour it into her mouth instead of her drinking it because i'm a germaphobe. she says sure but asks if i can just pour it into her hands instead. she cups them and looks at me. "sure.....??"" i say. "uh oh!" cayden laughs. i pour the rest of my water into her hands and she sips it super quick. most of it falls onto the ground. "nah... y'all are crazy!" cayden exclaims. "well, i gotta go now, cya!" veronika stops him. "WAIT! besties for life?" he cracks a smile, "besties for life." we share a triple fist bump and go our different ways. it's time for us to go to lunch, so we do. i sit with miracle and veronika and we just chill. when we head back to history we go back into the hallway and start playing games on our computers. that's when we hear the choir kids singing jingle bells. we get up, start dancing, and sing along with them. they notice and all bunch up at the door. we're all dancing and waving our hands and screaming jingle bells at the tops of our lungs while mr. steve-o encourages us to sing louder. this goes on for like 10 minutes until mrs. johnson comes out and tells us to go back inside the classroom 😭
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edotfightme · 1 year ago
The Harder Path That Could Have Been Walked
So I'm doing a live reaction to my own 10,000 word fic that I forgot I wrote. Link here. You'll probably have to read the fic to understand my reactions because I am not keying them to each part.
A lot of this is me complaining about my own writing.
Let's go!
What the fuck are these tags? WHAT DO YOU MEAN KIND OF???
Why did I tag sad racoons?
Wtf do you mean "don't summon void dragons" why is that in the tags???
I finally got past the tags.
This is a lot of worldbuilding in the notes let me check how much. 540 words of worldbuilding in the tags alone.
Wtf where did I find that language what does it say?
I can't understand a single word that was said before it translated to English it doesn't really work for an effect like I clearly intended. Plus the paragraphing makes it hard to read.
Bruh the first part was badly written we're starting off strong.
Oh shit, I started recognizing the second part. Ish. Holy shit it's like a core memory was unlocked. I remember thinking this was super cool. Let adult (questionable) me be the judge of that.
Hang on I think I realized why the hook was so shit. I was trying to keep his identity hidden. Still sucked though but good on you younger me. Still too many paragraphing issues. This was before I sorted those out methinks.
Holy shit Technoblade was still alive when I wrote this. Just had a moment while I thought of it.
Eww more text I can't read. Gonna scroll to the bottom to see if I translated it. MF I DIDN'T TRANSLATE FOR EVERYONE???? Where is the fic on my computer I need to figure out the translation- I'll finish this first hold on.
Lmao Tommy got put in his place. Should've put some sort of descriptor on the text so people knew how the Piglin was talking and which ones were talking. It's too intuitive.
"What are they saying?" I wanna know that as well Techno.
I just looked for the document and couldn't find it. The meanings will be lost to time.
Oh shit I forgot about the racoons. I gave Tommy a ton of racoons. That must be the sad racoons I mentioned. Wtf am I going to do with a bunch of racoons???
I wish I didn't press 'enter' so much jfc. Learn to write a paragraph little me. Number 1 thing I'll tell myself if I ever time travel is to write a god damn paragraph. This is exhausting to read.
Ewww I forgot about "pog".
Lol he scared the shit outta everyone you go kiddo!
The references to the bits are actually pretty funny though. I just wish I could understand WHATEVER THE FUCK THE PIGLINS ARE SAYING!!!
Also the lack of racism in this book infuriates me. Don't get me wrong, I don't condone racism, but could they be just a tad bit more racist to properly set up that they are the bad guys. The cult stuff isn't enough. We need to really hate these guys. TREAT THEM LIKE SHIT!
Lmao Tommy just had a moment where he's just fucking experiencing a past life. Which is mood. Like when you're walking in a crowd and you lock eyes with a familiar stranger and you stop for a moment to stare, wondering who they could've been to you. But then the moment shatters and you're left standing with the broken remains of what could never be.
The pacing and plot convenience is shit though (where is the racism? The foreign and silent curiosity of who you are?) let me just continue the fic.
I WANT TO FUCKING READ THIS FIC NOT A TON OF GLYPHS! The whole fic will be like this god dammit. I didn't realize this was my era before I learnt how to write foreign languages.
Haha. The random moment where it's just gibberish and then "fuck".
For those of you who aren't reading alongside me, here's piglin dialouge for reference:
"ᛟᚺ! ᚺᛁ! ᛁᛟᚢ ᛊᛈᛖᚨᚲ ᛈᛁᚷᛚᛁᛊᚺ?! ᛏᚺᚨᛏ×ᛊ ᚷᚱᛖᚨᛏ! ᛗᛁ ᚾᚨᛗᛖ ᛁᛊ ᛉᛖᛈᚺᛁᚱᚢᛊ!"
wtf does that even say???
"... that good old pogtopia look in his eyes" what was younger me smoking???? I can picture the exact expression but jesus christ kid are you alright?
Why the fuck can Phil speak english? Are they all speaking a different language? What is happening right now?
"The door to their cell swung open and Mr "Goes missing and freaks everyone the fuck out but is fine since he joined a cult" runs in." Holy shit little me you fucking killed him.
"Don't worry mate you won't be sacrificed." What kind of reassurance is that? I know it's like that on purpose but it's terrible. The unknown is scarier than the known. That's what I was banking on with Sinners.
"Eventually, Wilbur stopped looking like he was 5 minutes away from war crimes and now looked like he was 2 seconds away from war crimes for a different reason." I'm sorry but these quotes are something else. Where is the comma? You could've made this a beautiful paragraph but it's just a sentence. DESCRIBE THE ANGUISH!
Which corner is Wilbur staring at? Shouldn't he just like... glare at Phil with murder in his eyes? Also why is Tommy the attack dog? I get that Wilbur is roleplaying a drama club goth but shouldn't Techno logically be the protective one here? Or them all trying to shuffle each other behind themselves like some weird fight. And Phil's just standing there confused and vaguely exasperated, like it's someone else's emotions.
Don't make me rewrite this fic I don't want to touch it again.
Lmao them being so distracted by roleplaying drama kid goths and they forget to escape. Most realistic thing I've seen so far.
Plaininnit lol that's actually a good one. Also why are they answering? Make him fight for the info you muppets! But the mental disorders though.
What was the point of that entire prison scene? It looks like it served no purpose. It didn't move the plot forward at all! It just served to show us that Phil can also speak normal? Like- we could've had that later?
At last, a piece of dialogue I think I understand! The X must be an apostrophe then.
Why is Wilbur speaking in percentages? I should've had Techno's chat run a poll and the odds not looking too good.
Why is Phil in the cult council? Did I explain that? Idk if it was in the worldbuilding or later...
Why'd Tommy also shout in another language? What is with younger me and making reading difficult? I can tell why this one was so poorly recieved, nobody wants to translate a book to read it.
Eww I used "snapped" twice in the same sentence.
Why is Tommy suddenly mute now? I know I had a reason, I just can't remember it.
Hang on I gotta scroll up and read some world-building rq.
Wait fuck what is the techno quote??? oh right- "WELCOME HOME THESEUS!" Just got to the part where Tommy mimes his name across.
*to the music of where is the justice* "Where is the pacing?"
Why the music memory thing? I know what I'm meaning for the audience to ask themselves but why did I do that? I should've introduced that later on. It would've made a better plot.
Lmao the warped fungus bit was funny though.
Bruh I nailed the creepy elder thing on the head. I don't know why I'm just good at writing sleazeballs taking advantage of kids (not sexually, just in a way that grates uncomfortably against the reader). I don't know where that comes from.
WAIT I THINK I MIGHT'VE REMEMBERED A PLOT POINT! Are all of Wilbur's snakes lavaproof? Is that why I had the scene?
Oh that is disgusting what is wrong with you little me? I should've tagged cannibalism. It feels like cannibalism.
The pandora's vault Dream being grounded bit is funny and I live for it. Little me had ideas. Offputting ideas but ideas.
Lol Elder took the jukebox.
This is so uncomfortable to read but not in the way an Elder scene is. Just Phil thinking that Tommy's eyes being red means he's happy but it's fake. And Phil hating it when Tommy's eyes are blue is just tragic. Because it comes across as Phil hating it when Tommy is himself and then he's happy when Tommy wakes up brainwashed but Tommy came to him for comfort because he was fucked I just- Little me you are one messed up kid.
HAHA He named Cat "Dream" because it envokes bad memories.
Oh wait that's what the beneath the surface intention was. The surface reference was that the colours reminded him of the people.
Phil dropped Ancient Debris on his foot. Wouldn't it be fucked up if Mojang added a weight limit in Minecraft?
The typos in her description though... I want to cry.
OMG KRISTEN IS HIS THING! That's actually adorable though. Little me knows how to make me aww.
More Techno vs the Warped Fungus bit I am living for it.
What is with the blue and red strobe lights that are Tommy's eyes? What is wrong with him? Little me? Explain?
Wait why is everyone just vibin in the castle? What's with that? Also Phil being a moron for Kristen and she's just being a little shit. Dream joined a nether fortress as well lmao.
Oh that's what the warped fungus bit joke was for. So he could still be lava-proof.
Wait why are we singing ten duel commandments? Did I organize the ending to that song? that sucks.
OH MY GOD I WROTE A CHILD GROOMER??? Holy shit that is foul. I was a child when I wrote this. What the fuck? No wonder why I was getting the heebie jeebies. I literally wrote the Elder as a character that is grooming Theseus.
The wills part was so out of place idk.
Double use of worried kill me now.
Oh damn the Phil and Kristen scene hit. That one definetly didn't feel out of place.
OH SHIT I didn't expect Phil to pull Tommy out of his ass. The jail scene looks important now.
They found him. Chat. It's only a matter of time.
Aww trauma babies. Them all being so traumatized that they're fully on alert and watching for fireworks.
Also the fact that I'm pretty sure the Elder was placing Tommy into a drugged trance and basically hypnotising him is fucked up. Younger me you are messed up.
Kristen's entrance was pretty darn good. Like the crows being death and just everyone and everything knowing who exactly is gracing their halls is terrifying and excellent.
Philza for the save finally! Let's go!
Lmao Techno's mates at the Bastion being right bastards and telling the gossip I am living for it.
OH shit, the author notes at the end. The entire flock was there. Damn, Elder was not escaping with his life after grooming one of his kids.
And that's it! I hope you enjoyed my commentary on my 10,000-word book. I actually found it enjoyable to rediscover my own book. I can understand how other people got put off by it but after slogging through the dialogue I couldn't fucking read it was a decent story. A few issues but overall a fun experience.
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kosi-annec · 2 years ago
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 2 episode 8
"to this day, im not exactly sure if tsuki was calling me lame too" LMAO bruh 😂
Yama's freckles are not that noticable i realize, i know he has them but it's pretty hard to see
Pft- this background character comin outta nowhere, look out tanaka he coming for ur position (literally and narratively)
Telling someone who's extremely passionate about something that "it's just xx" ain't the play ma boi, it may not be that important to u, but it sure as hell is to others
OH HIS BROTHER WAS THE ACE OH DAMN, that sort of explains the talk he had with asahi before
Ah- that pause, it wasn't long, but it told me everything i need to know; his bro isn't the ace anymore
ok but why is younger tsuki adorable?? WHY ARE ALL THE YOUNGER PAST THEMS ADORABLE
LMAO 😭 poor yama, tho i too would have been the same as tsuki at that moment HSKHSJS
ok i see how they became friends now lol
LMAO YAMA, ABOUT TIME, now give him The Talk™
It matters because they want to become better, to win, to tell the world that i am her- wait wrong show— ya get my point
Damn they animated that shirt grab so smoothly tf
AAA HE CALLED YAMA A BADASS, a win to the tsukiyama shippers lmao
"...I'll beg him to stay and i expect you to help me" HSKSHS suga's face tho HSKHSKS
God hinata, i love ya never change hun
LMAO IM SORRY WHAT?? 🤣 "oh ya ohyea" "ohya yea yeah"
It is a good question, coming from someone who's passionate over volleyball as them
PFT- HSKSHSKSH "TSUKI-BADADABA" 🤣 god i love the eng dub
Damn, ok bokuto wiggling ur way into my faves, one hell of a speech
Oop lol, welp no backing out now tsuki
Oh shit, their names literally mean the whole thing we're using to symbolize them, i did not know that
We gotta see kiyoko be more mischievous, like hello?? That smirk???
"owl with frosted tips" don't even try it, mt. rooster head
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