#this is what living with autism feels like btw
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salty-puppy · 2 years ago
I hate that I feel like I'm neglecting adult GB, considering 1. He's my favourite cyborg and 2. ALSO my husband, just to draw his inferior tiny version. Sorry Brain, but you've been very mean to me recently, so I'm drawing child GB since he's my comfort character (Or kin? Idk?) AND I unironically like drawing him, he's cute regardless.
Not to mention he's kinda fun to explore. Like, he was only in the 60s anime era of Cyborg 009 and I like to imagine what if they kept him as a child OR he always started out as one. So many possibilities and ideas!
And reminder; just because I call GB my husband, does NOT include kiddo GB! Only adult! Plus, I self-project myself onto little GB anyways, so shan't. (Don't ask how that works, because idunevenknow)
Another thing too, I love ALL forms of 74! All incarnations of it! However, I will confess 60s 74 is more cuter, hence why I draw it more! I still love regular adult 74 too!
All GBs and 74s are cute to me! There is just versions I happen to like drawing a lot, but that I does not mean I dislike any other versions (Unless it's RE or COJ GB).
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krispiecake · 2 years ago
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#and staff just say ‘oh we can’t do anything bc its not 11pm yet.’#ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS.#i am autistic person who has just spent a full 12hrs in extremely overstimulating public spaces#i am exhausted and i have had to wake up at ass o’clock in the fucking morning#every day for the past like week and a half and will be expected to do so for the forseeable future#i am extremely sensitive to noise and have no ability to zone things out#like everything is always at the same volume for me#all the fucking time no matter what#and they say like oh well in the community there wouldnt be anything to be done so we cant do anything here#BUT WE ARENT IN THE COMMUNITY. ARE WE. WE ARE AT A SUPPORTED LIVING ACCOMMODATION WHERE I HAVE BEEN PLACED#BY MY LOCAL AUTHORITY WHO ARE PAYING TWENTY THREE GRAND A YEAR#AND I AM PAYING FIVE HUNDRED A MONTH#IN ORDER TO RECIEVE SUPPORT FOR MY DISABILITIES. A BIG ONE BEING MY FUCKING AUTISM.#YOU KNOW. THE ONE WHICH IS BEING DIRECTLY IMPACTED BY THE BEHAVIOUR OF ANOTHER TENANT.#WHEN I AM BEING PUSHED TO MY LIMIT ALREADY. LIKE IDK FEELS KINDA CRAZY THAT THIS ISNT SOMETHING THAT CAN BE SORTED.#i fucking hate men there is just literally no fucking respect or consideration like its genuinely disgusting and so fucking infuriating#and like he says that staff (women. btw) are being too naggy about it. but never fucking stops to consider that maybe.#maybe people wouldnt have to ‘nag’ you about it IF YOU JUST. DIDNT DO THE THING THAT IS ACTIVELY CAUSING OTHER PEOPLE STRESS.#IDK FUCKING WILD IDEA JUST THOUGHT OF IT.#literally die i want everyone involved to die like I CANNOT DO THISSSSSSSSSSSS
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confettiinred · 1 year ago
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something about these audric and grim pieces make me feel so ?? at ease ?? I CAN’T FUCKING EXPLAIN IT BUT AUUFJDHFJGJFJ,,, I LITERALLY MADENTHE FIRST ONE MY WALLPAPER AS SOON AS I SAW IT AND IT’S SO . 😢😢😢 do NAWWTTT PERCEIVE ME!!!!!!!
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the-acid-pear · 2 years ago
It's not easy to be a guy with a weird gender and complicated relationships with its sexuality and romantic attraction and fat and autistic and traumatized to the bone but someone has to do it
#luly talks#i tried to rb a post but i hit post limit and i lost it LMAO but i find it interesting how my things overlap#bc as some of you might know i grew up as a fat little girl and you know the world fucking hates us#and on top of that autistic although i had the most neurodivergent ppl along w me#i still wasn't like my other friends tho i always was slightly more lonely slightly more disconnected#they were in on things i didn't seem to be in the social spectrum and i never understood that#and one of those things was indeed romance and dating and in my teen years sex too#like by default i was seen as undesirable. just by virtue of being fat and also kinda androgynous#and the autism just. kept me far away from any social circle or interaction that'd bring me closer to an encounter of any kind#and i always yearned lord knows i still dream of Ana but the thing is i...#i just. love romance in paper#i love the idea of romance. i love the yearning i love the feeling#i know the feeling bc i know euphoria! i know the euphoria that comes from love.#but to me that's a very short lived feeling specially when engaging directly with it#i think its part of a matter of being taught what romantic attraction is and how they paint it#it's similar to how you are taught X and Y is hot even before you understand why#like i remember my mother always joking w me about male mannequins' cocks and like sure i played along#bc i thought it was funny and if the adult i seeked approval from did it then i absolutely should too#but she also scolded me once (and btw i was like 15) bc idk i was acting. like a perv?#and it's so bizarre in retrospective bc it might have been before the age of 15 bc i really didn't care about such matters then#I've always been amaizing at masking i love understanding people and why they do what they do and replicating them#so me being positive to sex and romance is to be expected#but at the same time its weird bc i cannot bring myself to hating it but i also just. dont fucking feel it#but at least w sex comes the horror of having a body too like there's a lot man#but my point is that its funny how despite being seen as undesirable for society i was unaffected bc i was oblivious to it
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muletia · 5 months ago
alrighr, yandere it is(maybe, I mean truck dad hyperfixates on you like you're his autism interest)
And also him being completely horny on the inside is so funny like
"Ah hello Y/N, it's always a pleasure to have you here(i was feeling so depressed and having a boner 5 minutes ago in my dorm)"
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that's him, that's my obsessed optimus.
like yeah, he smiles at you and seems a bit chirpier than usual in your presence, but he still keeps his feelings for you bottled up inside. he’s like boiling water in a pot with a lid on. the pressure makes the lid rattle, so you know the water’s boiling, but you don’t know how much. when it comes to Optimus’ feelings — it’s intense as hell. giving him attention calms him down a little since he can focus on you, on the conversation, or the contact between your skin and his metal, but if you’re not around, bro’s like a ticking time bomb. and, it really doesn’t help that he’s horny. sometimes.
let’s say he hasn’t seen you for a long time (a week). the longing eats away at his processor; he thinks about you 24/7, and suddenly his thoughts start getting bolder, more shameless, focusing more on your body than your soul. he tries to remind himself, to scold himself, that it’s immoral and he absolutely shouldn’t be stirring himself up like this, because it’s hurtful for both of you. that he’s being crude. and then he looks down and already knows that he’s failed again, that he couldn’t stop himself. and it’s exactly like you wrote — then you show up at the base, and Optimus acts ‘normal,’ sweet towards you, asking if you’re okay, how life’s going, anything just to keep you talking to him, like he wasn't jerking off 5 minutes ago thinking about your cleavage 💀
optimus: the world is a cruel and unjust place. i feel excitement at the sight of a being 50 times smaller than me. i am going insane without them, i need to be near them 25 hours a day or i’ll lose my mind, but i can’t confess my feelings to them because they’ll think i’m disgusting and creepy. i will never be happy...
*reader walks into the base*
optimus: omg reader hi
i can totally see him listening to country music and imagining the two of you as a couple living out in the countryside with a bunch of sparklings.
just pray to god he never finds out what thirst songs are, because he WILL let his erotic fantasies run wild (you top btw)
tbh the only thing that could save him is you confessing your feelings for him and accepting the fact that he’s a freak when it comes to you, because optimus would just keep spiraling in a loop of self-hatred, depression, and arousal until he just burns out.
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cyncerely-bullshit · 2 months ago
when it comes to internet drama, there’s three things I look for:
1: How the accused defends themselves
2: How the accused’s friends defend them
3: How stan accounts defend them
In that order, btw.
If someone is cancelled and makes a genuine apology and very clearly explains that they either didn’t know better or feel genuine remorse, the drama usually ends there. If the internet decides the response was invalid, friends get involved if they truly believe their friend is innocent. After all, the internet doesn’t know them, but their friends? People they speak with everyday? They usually know well enough to speak on if the person deserved to be canceled. Lastly, if the apology was bad and the friends either didn’t step in or made things worse, check the stan accounts. They will almost always pull something up to defend their favorite parasocial relationship. Sometimes they find pretty damning pieces of evidence to support the accused, sometimes they throw shit at the wall and hope it sticks. They bring up points the average person would never even thing to bring up, and sometimes it works in their favor.
Let’s take a look at how these three rules apply to Dream and Tommy, shall we?
1: Crashes out live on stream for like 5 hours, brings up a bajillion other things to distract from the original issue, makes a reddit post where he doesn’t apologize for shit then promptly deletes it, calls Tubbo and never once concedes that he may be wrong, belittling what Tubbo says and changing the topic whenever he knows that Tubbo is right and he can’t argue it (also called Tubbo “Tommy” multiple times)
2: None of his friends stepped up. From what i’ve heard a few Spanish streamers spoke on his behalf, but no word from his housemates and closest friends. The way I see it, George can’t defend him because his career is already on the rocks with the Caiti situation (which, if I may remind you, Dream stuck up for George hard and Sapnap [though he wasn’t there] said that he knows George well enough to believe there wasn’t malicious intent [im paraphrasing]). Point is, when a member of the DTeam got cancelled, they banded together as friends, showing they weren’t afraid to defend each other. George likely doesn’t want to put his job in jeopardy by involving himself in more drama, but Sapnap has been silent despite being the least problematic member of the DTeam by a long shot. Even Badboyhalp (who didn’t speak on it directly) talked on stream about how much respect he had for everyone Dream had name dropped and villainized (Tommy, Tubbo, etc) while Dream was in chat.
3: DTeam stans, and Dream stans especially, can be brutal. I have seen what they can pull out to defend their youtubers, if you’re reading this you probably have too, and it’s crazy. So it speaks volumes that their only argument in this case that I’ve seen is the very same one Dream used initially: he’s neurodivergent, he can’t help it. He didn’t know it was wrong, he was genuinely trying to be a good role model to the kids of the server but his autism made him act like that, the essay he sent to Tommy wasn’t manipulative at all, etc. I should not have to explain why this is not an argument in the slightest and shouldn’t even be taken as one. Other than that, there isn’t an edited snapchat photo, message, or post to be argued (at least not on Dream’s side). Dream very clearly did everything and is still arguing that he’s in the right. There is no evidence against him because he’s still talking about not regretting doing anything, so the stans have to argue with what they can.
1: made a short and concise 5 minute video calmly explaining his side and why Dream wasn’t good to him, telling him that the r slur wasn’t a joke and he personally knew good and kind people who were discriminated against with that word and how it isn’t acceptable to be used ever, and telling Dream to take some time off the internet, go to therapy, and spend time with his family.
2: Shout out Tubbo and Jack, the absolute strongest of fighters in this whole thing. For as much as Dream complained about Tommy “manipulating people into hating him,” he didn’t speak on Jack enough. Jack Manifold has not been quiet about his distaste for Dream, and is the one who brought it up on his and Tommy’s podcast. Tommy is the one who was trying to talk about Dream neutrally and change the subject, meanwhile Jack just went off, but somehow according to Dream, Tommy was the one accusing him of things. And Tubbo, the strongest of them all, watching Dream’s whole breakdown with a neutral and (mostly) calm perspective, speaking with him (more like talking at him while he said “let’s move on” or “let’s agree to disagree”) and fighting for his best friend. I’m glad the divorce was amicable. Dream had accusations, Tubbo had logic. It was an easy fight. Also, let’s not forget Ranboo, Philza, Sneegsnag, Aimsey, AverageHarry, Jimmy, Joel, Molly Melinks, Sarah Simons, Rue (Tom’s old roommate), Jonaay, MaxGGs, Kwite, Pokimaine, and many more that sided at the very least against Dream, but mostly against Dream and with Tommy. Also the fact that Dream’s supposed friends like HannahxxRose, VelvetisCake, and Sapnap himself were in Tubbo’s chat during the argument.
3: Ah yes, the 15 million people that got called the r slur. Easiest defense of a celebrity ever, since Tommy did nothing wrong, just defended himself. Even when Dream tried to say he used child labor to make his videos and the editors were underpaid, it wasn’t the fans who defended Tommy, it was the editors themselves. Tommyinnit truly has exactly 1 enemy.
just wanted to get all this off my chest and explain how I deal with internet drama and why this is quite frankly the most non-divided drama i’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen someone so in the wrong be so confident about it, it’s truly baffling.
anyway, back to coding.
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 10 months ago
AITA for banning a child from my house?
It's not my child, btw- it's my cousin, an 8 y/o autistic boy. I am 15 and it's technically not my house.
For context, my cousin has EXTREMELY severe autism, to the point where he quite literally cannot form any connections with people and does not sit down at all. He is always running around, yelling in garbled speech, and doesn't understand words, sentences, or commands. He only responds to his name when his mother calls it. He isn't intelligent mentally, either. I do love him a lot in spite of how he has never paid attention to me or treats both me and everyone else around him as though they don't exist.
I have (had?) a cat. I have raised this cat for 3 years and I got this little furball when he was only 2 weeks old. I gave him milk and cared for him so, so much. He was a Persian-British mix and was, frankly, pretty dumb and sleepy all the time. Like a little doll.
My cousin also, apparently, decided that my cat, Velvet, was doll-like, because he grabbed Velvet and refused to let the cat go. I was in the bathroom at the time and only heard the cat's mewing. Nobody else was home. My cousin thought it would be nice to throw Velvet out of the window. Our 4th-story window. Velvet was a spoilt little thing and had never really lived outside of a house, and consequently, died. My cousin? Didn't care. Just went away from the open window and went back to running around the house.
I came out only a few seconds later and was very confused as to just WHERE was the previously mewing cat, and obviously I couldn't just ask my cousin, since he can't talk and wouldn't be able to think of it either. My mom found the fucking CORPSE when she came back home. I was horrified and, while I don't think this was the proper thing to do to a little boy who has absolutely ZERO awareness of his surroundings, I proceeded to absolutely scream my head off at my cousin while grabbing his arm, which resulted in an absolute meltdown from him and my aunt (who had also just arrived) having to physically pry me off him as I was crying. I don't think I can be really blamed for being upset over my cousin KILLING my BELOVED PET just because he was born wrong. I also sort of yelled at my aunt to never come here or bring her son here ever again. My mother has severely chastised me for that and had ME grounded. What the fuck. Mental illnesses aren't all sunshine and rainbows, y'all. Ugh. I feel like I AM the asshole, but honestly. Consider the circumstances. I hate it here and I miss my fucking cat.
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plusvanity · 4 months ago
What’s your take on Pelle wanting a romantic relationship irl? Do you think it’s something he would’ve wanted? Or was he afraid that he was too odd for someone to accept him? (I don’t know if that sounds harsh). Since you think that he was sensitive.
Btw I love your analysis girl 🫶
I'm not so sure about relationships, but I firmly believe that he wanted to connect to someone, somehow.
In terms of friendships, I think Øystein was the closest friend he had (at least during his time in Norway), but even so, Pelle didn't open up much for various reasons that include the environment in which he was at that time and most probably trust issues. Talking at some point with Old Mayhem, she described an 'invisible wall' between Pelle and his friends/ the world and I couldn't agree more. It feels like Pelle would've wanted this meaningful connection with someone, anyone, but unfortunately, he didn't manage to form it. I genuinely think this had a massive contribution to why he took his own life.
I don't know if he would've wanted a relationship because a relationship comes with a lot of stress and pressure for being in a commitment, attending someone else's needs, etc, but he definitely felt alone and forgotten in this world. After all, he wrote in his last lyrics 'No one will ever miss you'. He longed to be seen, to be given attention and importance. There are a lot of signs of emotional neglect in how he developed, but I will try to keep it short. I consider him as being in the autism spectrum and a relationship would most likely feel overwhelming, especially since he would lack experience, confidence, etc. But if I have to imagine him in a relationship, I can only imagine him being with someone patient and calm.
People with strong trauma responses, PTSD and those who suffer from personality disorders need a partner who is a bit more mentally equipped to manage stressful situations than your average Joe. To see improvement in Pelle's mental health, he would need a very patient and mature partner.
Love can heal a broken heart. I am one of those people who believe that no matter how broken you are, if you find someone to love you for who you are, someone who is willing to accept you with all of your inner demons, with the the good and the ugly, you can start to heal. Currently, I'm following this process myself. The human brain can be programmed and re-programmed. We are very adaptable to our environments and if we make our senses realize we're not in danger anymore, we can finally allow ourselves inner peace. This is why I believe that Pelle could've been saved.
Hypothetically speaking, Pelle would have a hard time adjusting to a relationship. He was quite rigid, stubborn and unwilling to change for others. To make a relationship work, you need to make some compromises. Another aspect that I want to point out is that Pelle had outbursts or 'episodes' of impulsive behavior when he was living. That would be a serious problem. Øystein (and Metalion, if I remember correctly) had to literally hold Pelle down when he suddenly wanted to 'go to Transylvania'. The question is: Would someone be able (and willing) to deal with this again and again? He would definitely need psychiatric treatment, but would he accept that? There are so many factors that would make dating Pelle a real challenge. I also believe that he was suffering some sort of perceptual delusion. I won't call it Cotard's syndrome since it is not recognized in the DSM and since we have very little information about it, but my honest opinion is that he might have had something more that just depression and I'm kind of pointing towards Major Depression with Psychotic Features. If you believe something else, that's fine. Everyone does their own research and reaches their own conclusions.
I do think he was sensitive and there would've been room in him to grow positive feelings towards someone, to form a meaningful connection and learn to trust again. In the end, it doesn't matter if he would've had a romantic partner or a best friend, he would've liked to form a bond with another soul, someone who understands him, respects him and is there to stay.
I imagine him as being very honest, capable of showing tenderness, being mindful, quiet, contemplative and trustworthy in a meaningful relationship.
Sorry for my late response, I had an awful weekend.
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stovetoast · 9 months ago
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pillow tpot headcanons (long ramble expanding on the ocd part under the cut)
ok so first warning: i am not a psychiatrist. this isnt a super educated essay on ocd, just me projecting my lived experience onto an object show character. this is just an observation. if i get something wrong feel free to correct me, ill add it here. (its also worth noting i am self diagnosed. not "quick google search" self dx though, ive gone over it with a therapist and everything)
and that leads into the second warning: this ramble will get a tad bit personal sorryyyy
and finally the third warning: i put she/it on the ref but im just using she/her for simplicity (+ i forgot LOL(
anyway so yeah i think that pillow has ocd and is basically the embodiment of "letting intrusive thoughts win" except like. actually. this headcanon didnt stem from the killing or the strange impulses though, i think she has it because of her fixation on good and bad luck in tpot 10.
for me it manifests in a few different ways. my main one is counting—i have good luck numbers and bad luck numbers. i need to take a specific number of snacks every time i have a bowl of them. i have to shake medicine bottles a certain amount of times before taking them. i am always counting the "syllables" of whatever im doing, and it always has to land on a multiple/factor of my lucky number. and if i break any of this, i (generally, if i cant convince myself its fine or if i dont notice) have to count to my lucky number otherwise something bad will happen. hell, i added more flags to this ref because the number of them was my unlucky number.
i have a few other things that affect it that are completely unrelated to counting, though. like a particularly bad one is that i straight up cant wear certain articles or clothing anymore because theyre bad luck. or my ungodly long night routine (which is probably more of an autism thing tbh. but certain parts of it are absolutely influenced by the ocd, like having to say goodnight to my dog).
that ^^ is what i saw in pillow. she was distraught that her team lost in 9, because not only did she think she was doing the challenge right, but killing people (bringing death) was good luck for her.
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i think her killing people was a compulsion, and her whole thing in 10 was her scrambling to find a new one after that stopped working.
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and before anyone tries to be all like "oh thats fucked up why would they portray ocd like that," one: i dont think this was on purpose this was just an observation, two: i mean..... fuck dude if i lived in a world where revival was incredibly accessible and one of my compulsions were to kill people, id do the same thing. death is fairly normal in bfdi, to the point everyone literally has a kill count on the fandom wiki (hers is 13 as of tpot 11 btw, a commonly unlucky number ironically enough. if she gets eliminated in 12 with an unlucky kill count thatd be so funny). once they get past the pain, its. really just an inconvenience to them.
when it comes to ocd, you. HAVE to do these things. its not a choice until you can get some outside help with it, and oftentimes its an inconvenience to those around you. i dont think its right for her to be going around killing her team, but when i get past the fact that is literally what made her my favorite, i get where shes coming from. shes trying to help in a way she "knows" will work.
or maybe shes just silly idk
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bonefall · 10 months ago
do you have any tips for writing a low empathy character who isn't evil? Or how to make an interesting apathetic character who's a thoughtless sort of evil? These are two different chatacters btw-
I tried looking up examples and stuff but uh. It's been a bit fruitless.
Honestly it's not too hard! Having low empathy just means we're bad at automatically "connecting" to the feelings of other people. You can come to understand it's not even a character flaw once you uncouple the idea that Empathy = Kindness. And apathy, well, that one's a bit more complicated imo.
Low Empathy
In English, it's just unfortunately super common to conflate Empathy and Compassion. To have compassion is to be aware of the suffering of another person, and ergo, want to help stop it. To be empathetic is to identify with and understand the feelings of another person. These are different things.
For an example in action; imagine a medic with a patient whose shoulder is dislocated, and xey'll need to pop that arm back in place in order for the patient to feel better.
A medic feeling EMPATHY for that patient is having an emotional response to what xey're seeing. Xey might have a tingly "ghost pain" thinking about the injury, and xey might feel guilty xey're going to put them in more agony, but also joy because this patient is going to feel much better in just a moment.
A medic feeling COMPASSION for that patient is thinking about how the shoulder must be causing a lot of pain, and knows xey have the skill to fix it. Xey know from xeir own experience that pain sucks and so it is a bad thing that needs to go away. It will hurt a little more for a moment, but then there will be immediate relief.
This is imo, why a lot of low empathy people are "bad at" comforting people without going to Autism College where they give you the scripts of Shit Neurotypicals Say. We're not trying to be selfish when we end up making "comfort sessions" about ourselves-- that's what we think empathy is, because we don't have a lot of it to really know what you want.
Like, doesn't it make sense to you? "I don't know what you're feeling. Here's a similar situation I've been though. I must know what you're feeling-- does that make you feel better? That you aren't alone? I think that's what empathy is, am I right?"
A LOT of low empathy people go into medical fields, the funeral industry, and disaster relief. We often really do want to help people so seek these fields out, or when we get there, just end up not getting burnt out like our high-empathy peers!
As for the apathetic character, honestly, I'd suggest thinking about your story's themes. Villains are very special to me and I always try to handle them with care. What are you trying to say is bad to not care about in your work? How does their apathy play into the story you're trying to tell?
A Captain Planet villain is completely selfish, and exists only to benefit itself by exploiting nature in some way. Then the Planeteers show up and punch it in the face. Boiled down to its barest, most simple essentials; "We have conflicting goals and so I will stop you."
Personally I find total apathy to be something not especially compelling in villains, for that reason. Like, if you really don't care about anything, why bother with the trouble of going against the protag? Motivation is meant to be MOTIVATING.
(also ngl I'm on the Shadow As A Hero sort of bandwagon where I find it much funnier for the simple apathetic cool edgy guy to be the funniest person on your tennis team)
Dungeon Meshi has TWO characters who struggle with apathy, and are both antagonists at some points in the story, but never villains. Shuro and Mithrun. The theme of Dungeon Meshi is the beauty and complexity of life, the value of living, and how our connections to others changes the people we are. Food is a metaphor for bonding, self-care, and understanding.
For Shuro, he begins the story as someone who's both been encouraged to bottle up his emotions for the sake of other people, as well as to not actually consider the emotions of those lower-born than him. He's from a very different place than the other members of his party, and this causes friction as class, culture, and sophisticated, refined, weapons-grade autism clashes.
When the woman he loves is eaten by a dragon, he doesn't stop to tell her brother and """childhood friend""" what he's planning, as if they both wouldn't run in and get hurt. He owns demi-humans. He doesn't consider his own needs or the needs of his rescue team of loyal vassals. As a result, he's too weak to continue, losing a fistfight with one of the main characters, Laios.
After this, he connects with him for the very first time, and reaches out to him by giving him an important magic item. There's even a MASSIVE moment where he outright tells Laios that his ability to be so open (read: not have to mask his autism) is something he envies, breaking through that veil of apathy he wears.
The story Dungeon Meshi is telling here is that it is important to value the needs of yourself and of others. Shuro's apathy towards his own needs in a bid to prove his love weakened him. In acting like he was above his old teammates, he never spoke to them like people to smooth out his issues. He's never even noticed how much his vassals love and care for him.
(and the incredible irony is not lost on me, that Shuro's name is because Laios mispronounced it and was never corrected... while Shuro never noticed that Izutsumi had the unwanted name "Asebi" forced onto her when she was "taken in" and made his slave.)
See how that comes back to the theme? Shuro doesn't exist to just "be some asshole" or act like a villain. He has a full character arc that contributes to the narrative.
For Mithrun? I won't even spoil it. Go read Dungeon Meshi. Watch elf depression. We love a king with strabismus.
If you ever need good personal resources on any stigmatized mental condition, I've found it's usually productive to go into the #Actually (Thing) tag here on Tumblr. You can find people posting about basically anything. I found a lot of really good resources on NPD that way.
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jeffrrandell · 1 month ago
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Explanation for the connection I made lol 👇
I'm gonna at least slightly explain Tord and Gravy being roommates. I'm not going to lie to you guys, this was a joke made because when my friends and I were watching "Technical Foul" from 8 Crazy Nights we were like "that's like if Tord crashed at Gravys house tbh" and then it turned into "Tord somehow becomes Gravys roommate after he leaves Edds house, for like maybe 2-3 years. And it's almost like a Disney movie. Tords just happy he has a place to stay, and he knows Gravy is just soooooo nice but man is he annoying. So he's not mean to him, he just is autistic and only ever likes Edd anyway basically. But he warms up to em. Gravy works a ton of jobs, and Tord cleans up around the house. And an odd but actually important detail is Gravy smokes weed (because of all of these jobs), and Tord took interest in that. Getting high together kinda made it easier for his nerves to be calmed down, and it made it easier for him to realize "oh Gravy is just a guy". Of course afterwards, Gravy turns back to jumpy goofy Gravy, but Tord learned to appreciate the energy. Tord and Blonzie were already slight acquaintances, actually before Tord met Gravy. Somehow for whatever reason Tord ends up at the auto shop he works at, probably asked about a pile of spare parts that looked like junk and Blonzie said "take em". So they had that for a while. They're mechanically intelligent together. Plus Tord finds his stunts REALLY cool, as he loves destruction too. He'd love to invent little things for him to try out. They also both have "I'm gonna be silent now" autism. Anyway, he never in his life expected for Gravy to be like "meet my boyfriend" and "oh whataya know, it's the guy that calls me Tiny and gives me spare parts". Not sure if it makes sense for Tord to still be living with Gravy when he gets with Blonzie or not, but either way they'd make a really weird fun trio. Gravy definitely opened up Tords weird side for him. Because Tord is just so closeted around everyone, even Edd didn't know a few secrets about him (for probably crush related reasons, intimidation.) But with Gravy, it sorta didn't matter to him what he told him. He'd listen, and I mean it's sad but. Gravys a huge loser who's pushed around EVERYDAY, and for a bit Tords view on that was "well he has it worse than I do so he can't judge me"
But yeah, they're friends lol
In a WTFuture timeline, this was also a joke that turned out to be something that we all kinda liked. I believe in Tord clone theory btw! Basically one day, Not Tord shows up to Gravys house one day. Reminder that if this is a bad timeline, Blonzie is dead sorry. But yeah Gravy notices something is off about him. Very off. Like, somehow this Tord knows Gravy would call him "buddy" buuut.. Tord never called HIM "buddy". Blah blah blah somehow Gravy is in the Red Army. And I don't mean as a soldier, the last thing Tord wants is for him to die actually. As in any timeline, Gravy will work a million jobs. And that's exactly what he does. I'm talking coffee runs and goofy shit like that. Because to me, yeah Red Leader is "WOAAHH crazy leader man scary he's taking over the world" but it's EDDSWORLD, so he's also "aw man. My helmet stinky" "play just dance with me I'm bored" like y'know. Before this concept, I was like "yup. Gravy is the first to die in this timeline" and then it turned into "Tord wants to keep him alive because he'd be dead bored without him"
And I'm serious it's gets so goofy. To a point where THIS Tord also opens up to Gravy, crying about Edd and being like "I'LL JUST GET RID OF ALL THE COKE IN THE WORLD I CANT LOOK AT IT ANYMORE!!" and then he's like "😲💡" and then Gravy talks about his feelings too.
Potentially as well, since Gravy is trained in medical, he could also technically take care of wounded soldiers and almost act as a doctor but ONLY back at headquarters, he's not allowed to go anywhere he'd be in danger. Anyways. Yup. My sick and twisted mind.
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mango-dot-yum · 16 days ago
I’ve been Starlight Express brainrotted for the last few months(if you couldn’t tell) so I have some headcanons for like, the world they live in because ALW didn’t think about it and I can’t stop thinking about it
-they’re like the Inklings and Octolings from Splatoon where they can just become a train
-I assume they see humans as train-like, kind of how we view the mimic type creatures in copy paste analog horror
-like “that thing is recognizable as a creature similar to me, but it’s significantly uglier and will probably cause damage to me if I interact with it so I won’t”
-they aren’t born, they get manufactured and stuff
-they definitely have beef between companies like how small towns beefs
-“Oh, you’re from Hitachi Rail? You better not mess with us Cleveland Bridge & Car Works folk”
-and meanwhile the other one is like “tf is Cleveland Bridge & Car Works”
-They definitely view humans as equivalent to like, a liter of puppies in a cardboard box that people keep passing by during a thunderstorm
-“I don’t know how I’d live without wheels!” and stuff like that, most feel either pity or disgust at humans
-All of them have Autism, purely because I believe Control is Autistic and what kid masks while playing with toys
-They’re like the bees in Plan Bee(terrible movie btw, please watch it) where they know way too much about human history despite not being human and not having a reason to
-Since in the past there were school cars, I believe that only coaches get formal education and everyone else knows what the coaches tell them(if they listen) or whatever they pick up on
-certain coaches/trucks can be converted into an engine and vice versa
-they can’t actually experience the repercussions of their physically harmful actions(Ashley won’t be hurt from smoking), but they genuinely believe they will because humans have a bunch of anti-drinking and anti-smoking stuff
That’s all for now, I have a bunch of character specific headcanons as well! If you want any of those, ask me(I have more for certain characters than others)
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catmoe · 27 days ago
super silly terrible trio headcanons for @pjtrashofficial might update and add more in the future!
i am helping to keep the pj fandom alive
-invented a kareoke and dance rhythm machine one day out of pure boredom and night ninja and luna tried to steal them on multiple occasions
-lives in the flying factory
- has pulled more all nighters than he count
- had an orange juice addiction
- handwriting is a mix of cursive and regular font yet still surprsingly readable
- VERY COLD HANDS not as cold as lunas but STILL COLD
- had robot brainrot, refers to sleeping as 'sleep mode' or 'restarting' and passing out as 'short circuiting'
- has a collection of teddy bears but professor snuggles will always be his favorite one
- LOVES organizing things but somehow never has the motivation or willpower to clean his room, like the entire flying factory being clean except for his room
- he has a blahaj that he put glasses on. i have a feeling
- has numerous injuries of all kinds from inventing and fighting, like burns, bruises, cuts and scars
- surprisingly not physically adept and kinda fragile at times like im thinking he could trip on a rock from running from the pjs and break his leg 😭
- doesnt understand why taking over the world or the inventions he makes are bad at all he thinks the reason why everyone hates him for it is because they dont understand how it works and are jealous of him for it or think hes not capable of ruling the world like i dont think he understands whats bad about being a dictator 😭🙏
- enjoys sweet food, especially chocolate and strawberry flavored food
- found a lab coat on the side of the street and claimed it as his however it was far too oversized so be stitched it as best as he can to make it fit him but the stitching is lop sided because he isn't that good at stitching but he tried 🙏
- saw other people having earrings and though it was cool so he invented something to pierce his ears but he underestimated the calculation and preparation neccessay and how much it hurt and he pierced it too high so he had a migraine and his ears kept ringing for a week straight because of it
- actually the shortest out of the main 6 im pretty sure this is canon but im putting it here because why not
- has hacked into government servers multiple times
- actually pretty good at video games
- might actually enjoy minecraft
- him and greg bond over shared experiences like difficulty with poems and presenting it to the class, not being taken seriously, being taken for granted, being recognized only for their skills and other stuff that they share in common that i cant think of right now
- sees how night ninja and luna bond over art and painting so he tried it himself and isnt the best at it, but hey, atleast he bond with them about it right? 🥹
- is a walking calculator, mental math final boss
- can yap FOR LITERAL HOURS about his special interests i kid you not. (get it, hes a kid? pun not intended btw)
- special interests are computer, science and math, anything plush or cuddly related and space
- social awkwardness final boss like surprisingly greg is better at socallizing than him thats how bad he is at interacting with people
- happily looks forward for villain alliances if it means that he wont be alone for a night
- annoyed fairly easy
- gets silly when hes comfortable around someone (very rare occurance if that someone isnt robot)
- autism creature
- can play the piano
- does the erm actually pose on a daily basis
- sleep deprived
- cannot see without his goggles even if his life depends on it
- talks to himself out loud and narrates the things hes doing (like what catboy does)
- has the biggest, brightest and liveliest smile ever
Night Ninja
-warmest hands ever
-LOVES manga or comics in general
- a very good artist
- plays board games with his ninjalinos when they are not training or fighting
- knows first aid so that he can patch up himself and his ninjalinos after a fight or intense training
- is actually kinda terrified of what anyus flute is capable of
- can do a perfect split with no warmups whatsoever and feel no pain from it
- the ninjalinos are strong enough to carry him around if they group up and its actually pretty funny
- whenever he wanders off in the middle of the night he always makes sure his ninjalinos are asleep. some are, some pretend to sleep then mess around
- sometimes breaks into the flying factory when hes bored to see what romeo is doing mostly because he can't break into the moon to see luna to sneak around her most of the time so he pesters romeo twice as much eheh
- king of video games especially anything action themed
- had punched a hole in a wall out of pure frustration multiple times
- has scared his ninjalinos on accident multiple times and feels guilty for it
- does little shows and tricks every now and then to make the ninjalinos smile when they feel down or for their birthdays
- can play the flute
Luna Girl
- punches people when shes missing her luna gadgets (Night Ninja taught her)
- Her and Motsuki wrestle sometimes when they are bored
- Motsuki is a flying flashlight and Luna is used to it already
- coldest hands to ever exist
- whenever night ninja ventures off in the middle of the night, sometimes she sneaks on the ninjalinos and plays games with them like tag and they enjoy her company
- likes dress up
- an aspiring artist like that one scene from Romeos disguise i think where shes painting outside the museum
- gets bored sometimes on the moon so she visits earth in hopes of something fun to do
- her and romeo sometimes bond over their interest in space
- loves learning new skills
- loves halloween because she gets to see creative costumes and scare people for candy every year
- loves having her moths carry her around like a parade float
- [ ] loves teasing the wolfies about the moon
- [ ] loves teaming up with night ninja to tease romeo
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professorsparklepants · 2 months ago
i know its been 7 years but im honestly so invested in the zuko aang swap au, how was avatar zuko before entering the ice? who was the avatar before him? is he disgraced brother to firelord azulon? how does azula feel about trying to kill her own great uncle?
okay here's what i have for avatar zuko's backstory...!
i'm mucking around in timelines because the avatar Zuko fics i saw before had several avatars die in quick succession to go from Roku -> Zuko which never made a lot of sense to me. instead we're just going straight from Kyoshi to Zuko. she can live a couple extra decades, she's already like 200.
it also doesn't make sense to me to have Zuko be royalty, because that seems like a MAJOR conflict of interest for someone who's literally born to balance global politics, which whatever mystical force decides the next avatar would want to avoid! (that's not even getting into the possibility of an avatar becoming head of state. yikes.) so instead i'm giving him Roku's backstory to make him a close friend of a fire nation royal, in this case prince Azulon since i want him to be a little older than Aang when he's frozen in ice.
Roku in this universe is actually Zuko's father. he's a close friend and ally of Sozin, which is why Zuko is a playmate of his from a young age. i think i have him as a naval officer for plot reasons.
Zuko's mother on the other hand is a complete oc! her name is Hoa Sen, and she's a complete badass. she's not a bender, but she is a legendary swordsmaster who in her youth once sparred with Avatar Kyoshi and forced her to use all four elements before Kyoshi finally defeated her. this is the reason Zuko knows swords and bending; no son of Hoa Sen is going to grow up without a sword in his hand 😤
Hoa Sen is actually kind of estranged from her husband due to a major disagreement about his current political career. she lives in a house on ember island.
he also has a little sister. since roku's wife here is an oc i'm gonna steal his og wife's name, so she's Ta Minh. she's not a bender. she and Zuko were close as children, but grew apart since she lives with their mom. we'll get back to her later.
Zuko's animal guide is a dragon named Druk, as per Zuko's canon dragon. he is not particularly bright and likes to cause problems on purpose. every plot line from the original show that happens because Aang is lost or wants to ride giant animals is replaced with Druk deciding this is the perfect time to Cause Problems On Purpose.
Azulon is Zuko's oldest friend. i think Azulon has other friends and while Zuko is in their group he's not particularly close to them thanks to his whole [gestures at canon Zuko]. you know. the autism. so they're still very close.
i think also the REASON Zuko was chosen as a childhood playmate for Azulon is because Sozin found out Zuko was the new avatar and was trying to indoctrinate him into being loyal to the fire nation over all else.
(which is also the reason he has a dragon and azulon doesn't.)
this does NOT work btw. Sozin reveals to Zuko that he's the avatar early and demands his fealty, which Zuko refuses because he's a good kid. and then he gets his face burned off. Sozin doesn't kill him because it would just make his life harder, but tells Zuko that it's out of respect for his father. so he's just banished instead.
before Zuko leaves Azulon visits, says he'll be welcome back when Azulon is fire lord, and gives Zuko the crown prince's headpiece, which zuko wears even in the present!
Hoa Sen has old friends of her take him first to the Western air temple where he can heal, and then to the Southern Air Temple to start his training.
i think the monks actually refuse to teach him for a long time because Zuko has some serious issued to work through and they think he needs time to heal mentally and emotionally before he's ready to start taking on his duties as avatar. eventually the ominous prophecy rears its head so he does learn some stuff.
Zuko gets frozen in the iceberg because he knows something bad is going to happen and is frustrated with his training being stalled, so he decides to just skip air and go straight to water.
Here are some fun facts that Zuko does NOT know at the start of this au but do become tragically relevant to him.
Hoa Sen founded the order of the white lotus after seeing what Sozin did to her son, originally as a way to protect him during his training and then to mitigate the damage the fire nation was doing without an avatar to stop them. not sure if her family knew about it, but they did know she objected to Sozin's war.
Azulon married Ta Minh, I think to protect her and her family out of memory to his friend, but also because it's good optics to be tied to the missing fire nation avatar. it's not a particularly happy marriage, but it is functional.
(Zuko does not fucking take this well btw.)
Ta Minh became well known as a swordmaster and actually took Piandao as an apprentice. Iroh and Ozai had no interest in swordplay, so she never bothered teaching them. Lu Ten did express a bit of interest, and ended up learning a respectable amount before she died.
Azula inherited her grandmother's face. Zuko is (understandably) very upset about this on a cosmic level.
Iroh knows all of this and does not tell Zuko until he is forced to in season 2 after azula becomes very relevant.
Azula is also being mentored by Iroh's ex-wife, because #whereareyourwomenbryke and also i think he deserves this.
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numberonetacostan · 2 months ago
Okay so first of all- I really really liked your post about Taco’s Friendship tier list since it was so so so in character for her omg-
Tho tho, as an autistic girlie myself, I can’t help but ask, what’s your hcs on Taco being autistic ???
Like omg- I can already imagine some like her getting sensory overload from touch & like you said, vocally stimming whenever she’s nervous- but yeah- like what I’m trying to basically say is that I’m really curious on your take on it XD
Well as yet another person who does quite a bit of autism, I'm happy to answer this one!!! Very happy!!!!! I think of Taco as rather good afab autism rep!!! X) Sorry if this one sucks btw. I feel like I kind of just exploded all over this one.
DISCLAIMER: I'm not only dumb but also probably projecting hard. This is a matter of my view on the character, you can view her however you'd like! Though, if I say something incorrect or offensive, please know it is unintentional and please correct me! I am not an expert, just some guy. I am some autistic guy, but still, just some guy.
Taco is constantly masking!! I feel like this one's obvious. Chameleon behaviors, yeah? She changes how she acts based on who she's with to her advantage as well as . It also shows in how she acts with Mic and Mepad. With Mic, she's unable to be very genuine with her, even once she's accepted Mic as a friend and equal. Not only does she have trouble recognizing and dealing with her emotions, but she's so used to masking constantly that it's really hard for her to unmask in front of someone!!! She likes Mic a lot, but it's still hard for her to be herself since even she doesn't really know how to act "like herself" with someone. She never does it!!! Even with Mepad, when he gets some more of her genuine thoughts/feelings out of her, she's doing in under the guise of her persona as well as quickly trying to change the topic the second she realizes.
With masking, I think a lot of her stims whether they be vocal or physical are more subtle. She does it much much much more openly in season 1 when she's flanderizing the parts of herself she sees as weak or childish (something that can often come esp. with afab autism!!!!!), but things like fiddling with her teacup or invisibow or tapping her hands together reading to me as stimming!!! Hooray for stimming.
Limited social interaction/close friendships. Y'all Taco has had 3 friends ever. And we see that after season 1, she doesn't really care about anyone else but Pickle!! She hung out with Paper and OJ during s1 too, and was technically in an alliance with Bomb as well, but none of them matter to her. She picked her person and stuck to them! Season 2? She and Mic go from partners to friends, and Taco doesn't care about anyone else. She loses Mic, and despite that rousing Mepad had no advantage for her, and was frankly more like to be disadvantageous, she wakes him up. She's lost her social outlet yet again, and coming off of such a loss is the only time we see her reaching out to someone she doesn't have an established relationship with!!! You'd think that when she's getting reintroduced to the group in episode 17, she'd be trying to make them feel less wary of her presence from the moment the doors open, especially with how nervous she was about seeing them all for the first time in so long, yeah? But no, she stands there with a big dumb grin <3 and lets Mic talk. She knows she's supposed to be acting genuine like Mic wants her to, but does not know how to do that. Her first line once is doors open is her clarifying that she's being genuine, but beyond that? Quick topic chance to get the attention off of her and the fact that she hadn't been genuine in the past. And also!!! Taco has been living in the woods alone for years. For a lot of people, having no interaction for that long would be really difficult!! But Taco's only really ever wanted one or maybe two friends at a time!! She doesn't need to be around a lot of people, at least to the degree that other people do, so she's able to get by on her own better!!!! Like I said, only missing her one actual close friend. This goes more into how I think she wouldn't enjoy larger groups/crowds, since not only autism headcanon, but she's been alone for years!!! It would be really overwhelming for her!!!
Intense/possessive tendencies in friendships. The many letters sent to Pickle after season 1, her self-destructive streak after losing Mic in which she wants to, and I quote "burn [the game] down in Mic's image." Her watching them from outside the hotel. Those are all intense and possessive tendencies towards her friends!!!
Pedantic speech. This one is pretty obvious. She speaks very formally, so much so that even Mic questions if that's how she really talks in episode 11!!
Difficulty speaking when upset/emotional- She is silently staring at Mic the entire time they're in the void. She could be defending herself, arguing, explaining herself, but she is silent. She's gone from happy and proud to hurt and devastated in a single moment!!! That's a lot of strong emotional whiplash, that results in her going quiet! Yes I am projecting thank you for asking.
Constant analysis + Planning things carefully + Distress when plans are disrupted. It's Taco. She's always planning! She has a plan for when Knife discovers them right away! But when she doesn't have a back-up plan, and something goes wrong? You get incidents like the season 1 finale's aftermath and her shooting Fan & Test Tube in episode 14! Impulsive outbursts of violence and/or anger because it's genuinely difficult for her to deal with plans going awry, and she lashes out!! Strategically, it would have been better for her to keep acting after the s1 finale, yeah? But she's too distressed by her plan being thwarted and not having a back up plan to help her to keep up her act, and she snaps!! She didn't promise Mic she wouldn't be violent, but what she said did imply that she wouldn't use violence! And by episode 14, Taco genuinely really likes Mic, she wasn't dancing around agreeing because she was wanting to be violent against her wishes, yeah? She was trying to reassure Mic, even if she didn't actually understand why Mic was upset!!
Takes criticism/judgement very personally. After Mic cuts things off, mentioning Pickle and that she'd gained nothing by working with Taco is when we finally see Taco snap and start spiraling, expressing that she finds herself to be monstrous and defective!! Now, that's not to say that Taco didn't feel this way before, but that Mic openly judging her to be such a way really opened the flood gates for that self-loathing to overwhelm Taco as we see it does in the show, to the point in which she's uncaring of the inevitability of her own death due to her injury!!!!
Difficulty understanding/expressing her own emotions. Taco adamantly refuses to taco 'bout her own feelings, even if it's to her own detriment and the detriment of her relationships. She keeps accidentally getting attached to people, and didn't even realize until it was too late with Pickle!!! She pushes her own emotions down so hard that she herself doesn't even recognize them!! In the end, having someone like Mepad who has learned to understand their own emotions is what really helps her understand her own, and what helps us see a lot of progression from her after they meet!! She wants to apologize and reconnect with Pickle and Mic, despite her having not done so before because she had trouble understanding her own feelings on the matter!! She writes letters to Pickle, yes, but from what little we know about them and the apology she gave Pickle in the finale, it's her trying to logically explain and/or justify her actions, rather than any understanding/expressing of her own feelings. And this gets into my next point!!!
Difficulty understanding others emotions/Low empathy. I think Taco is a great depiction of a low empathy person!!!!!!!!! At least according to myself!!!! She canonically has trouble understanding other people's perspectives!!!!!!!!! It never crossed her mind that Pickle would be upset about her betrayal!! She didn't think Mic would be so upset at her over her shooting Fan and Testy in episode 14, despite having noticed that Mic was uneasy before!! She knew relatively explicitly from Mic's diary that she wanted recognition, and keep going with the assumption that that's what mattered most to Mic! She hadn't known that Mic's priorities had changed and that her moral compass was more important to her than accomplishing her goal, because that's not how it is for Taco!! She has trouble seeing things from others' points of view, even those important to her!!! She's not intentionally hurting them, it just genuinely doesn't occur to her that what she's doing will upset them!!!! It can also be seen in how Taco initially acts towards Mic as well before she starts putting effort into their relationship rather than just their partnership. She's pretty critical towards Mic for listening to her heart/emotions when making a decision, like when giving back the taser! She responds with anger to Mic's emotional distress when being given the taser in the first place, yeah? And this lack of empathy leads to problems in her relationships!!!!! Aaaaaaah, sorry, I love her as low empathy rep so much. She feels remorse once she realizes she's hurt people she cares about!! She just doesn't think about how her actions will affect them, yeah?
I'm going to cut it here since I typed a lot but maybe I'll come back to this if I have more thoughts. I once again apologize if this is bad because I think I just word vomited for over an hour. Thank you for sending in this ask though!!! I like thinking about autistic Taco.
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reignpage · 1 month ago
heyy i love your works they make me feel strongly, I stalk your page everyday (affectionately). first time sending an ask btw
I was wondering how would the jjk men as dads react to their daughter having a disability like adhd or autism?
also nanami from daddy dearest had me crashing out omg its irritating how he didn't care about his daughters safety first instead of being authoritative about her breaking curfew and her attitude. i wanna see him suffer so bad. 😭😭 idk if I can ask this you don't have to say anything either but how do you think he would react if he heard us telling someone how our dad doesn't love us or read a diary entry/or a letter we wrote about how he doesn't love us/mean to us. "if any thing were to happen to my little girl id never forgive myself" go to hell don't play with my heart omg. you care now?!?!
toji not showing up😭😭and the sukuna one is insane, atp there's so redemption
geto and gojo pissed me the fuck off, like I wasn't even hurt it just pissed me off they're so ugh they can suck my dick
I got daddy issues too and my situation isn't similar to any of the readers but felt angry asf cuz its unfair, esp with nanami cuz he's my fav. if any of this were to happen to me with my dad. i'd not feel a thing. becuase I'm completely emotionally detached to the concept of a father. like i dont feel sad when I see a loving father and kid and i just don't miss it. cuz atp i just don't care what he has to say or do, I'm so indifferent. like it matters to me just as much as what a stranger on the subway has to say to me. which means nothing. I'm so detached it's like living with a stranger. and that's what reader saying "you are nobody to me" to nanami reminded me of.
- >.<
Okay, lowkey I struggled to answer the question about the jjk men’s reaction to a child with a disability because surely they’d just love the child? Like that’s just the answer, no? But let me try to be realistic (and apologises if i say something offensive, I have to admit I’m a little uneducated regarding disabilities, I don’t really engage in discourse regarding this)
Gojo: would be very loving, he’d struggle with the concept at first because he’d view it as a personal flaw of his, that he created a ‘less than perfect’ child. but one look into the baby’s little eyes, no matter what their disability is, he’d love them. very proud, flaunting their child all the time.
Geto: if it was a physical disability, he’d probably abandon the child ngl. he values strength in a way not even Gojo does. it’s his entire thing. how could he possibly respect someone that isn’t fit to be in a world where only the strong should survive. but if the kid is still strong, a sorcerer, and their disability doesn’t really impact their strength, then he probably wouldn’t care very much. i imagine there might be just the smallest drop of shame?
Choso: would struggle with a child with a disability. he’d try very hard to understand, but it’s confusing having to adapt to someone’s needs to such an extent. especially if a child is on the further end of the spectrum where communication is more difficult. he’d love as well as he could though. he’d require a lot of help from everyone else, very much it takes a village
Toji: a very good carer, me thinks. he doesn’t get all this talk about spectrums and ableism or whatever, and he doesn’t really care. if he needs to wheel you somewhere, he’ll do it, and he’ll get properly upset over the steepness and fake activism of corporations if they can’t install a proper ramp. for the emotional stuff, he’d struggle. doesn’t know how to handle that shit, but would just get you something to make you feel better like yarn if your hyper fixation is knitting or something.
Nanami: very serious, very dedicated. would go to family planning and do all those tests and scans to prepare. before the child is even born, the house and the car has been adjusted to be safe in accordance with the disability. would never allow their child to say something bad about themselves. might be very difficult for him to balance increased levels of caregiving with his work, both at the office and as a sorcerer, might have to give up one or the other.
Sukuna: might depend on the disability. if it was particularly debilitating, as awful as it sounds, he’d probably kill the child for embarrassing him. but i also think he’d have a great level of appreciation for someone who manages to not let anything get them down. if they can succeed and prove their strength, regardless, then he’s pretty happy.
As for the Nanami question, can’t really answer that since it’s a part of his story in daddy dearest, not literally but it’s close enough that I don’t want to give sneak peeks.
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