#this is so weird tbh but i have no idea how to solve this
poisonedtealeafs · 12 days
i have a love and hate relationship with fan fictions, no matter the fandom/pairing/topics discussed... it doesn't matter.
i will always feel worse than when i did before reading the fan fiction. as if all of the words were messing with my brain and writing a curse into it.
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I know people have talked about the whole scene with Bonnie and House to death. About how Wilson was essentially doing the same thing with Cuddy as he did with Bonnie. He thinks being friends is going to plays and museums. He perfectly calibrates his responses to what others need; he was Bonnie's shoulder to cry on after the end of a messy relationship - he didn't want to have sex but she did, so they did and got married. He sees how busy and stressed Cuddy is at work and he enjoys watching her enjoy herself and relax. He has comforting a patient down to a science of what they need and the timing to make it feel most natural.
And Bonnie throws in House's face that she resented him from at least the honeymoon because he needed Wilson and even though she did too, nobody could be more needy than House. That that was why Wilson was his friend. He wasn't special, House isn't better than her, once he became the focus of Wilson's attention he too got addicted to his tailor made affection. Nobody works harder than James to give a woman what she wants. Bonnie is being callous in a way I don't even think she realizes by saying all of this in this scene because she has no idea why House has been fishing for info.
But Wilson almost never gives House what he wants on purpose when it comes to himself, which is little puzzles to solve or weird psychosexual mind games. Sometimes he does absolutely (the whole hooker is my gf bit in later seasons comes to mind) but he usually gives House what he needs (and sometimes tbh House does need a little puzzle or psychosexual mind game). When House knows he killed that woman, he brings him coffee, he stays all night and falls asleep in his office because Wilson's presence is a balm for House. He's what he needs when House fucks up, and we see him show up to be just quietly present or full of banter for House all throughout the series.
And House recognizes that no, he's not just another woman in Wilson's life, and he reciprocates this by giving Wilson what he needs, something nobody else does. Someone who pushes his buttons and lets him be mean and petty and revels in it, not what he wants, which is some god damned peace and quiet and "normalcy". House takes in the mean misbehaving dog from Bonnie that only Wilson really liked because Wilson's hotel didn't allow dogs. Even though the adoption doesn't stick because the dog really is like House, Wilson was getting tired of talking to Bonnie about the dog nearly every day. Even though he never outright said it, House saw it, and adopted the dog so Wilson wouldn't have to keep having the same annoying conversations about it. Even how bad of a pet parent House was could be read as House still giving Wilson what he needs (Bonnie takes the dog and convinces her condo to allow it, no endless discussions with Wilson needed) while also taking what he himself wants (to not have that dog).
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
I feel like Octavinelle would all respond pretty well to you being lonely tbh
Azul: Bullied, lonely child? Only two friends made because he was "fun" enough and felt at risk of losing them? If you talk about being lonely he MIGHT bring up a contract, but I could also see your honesty being met by the most clumsy olive branch of him stammering that HE could be your friend... since hes so generous, of course (liar he wants a friend too)
Floyd: What?! That's no fun! Being lonely almost as bad as being bored! He kind of thrives on attention/entertainment so I feel like his solution is just to drag you wherever he goes. YOU have to be the one to say that no, you have to go to your own class not his.
Jade: While I do think he would be most manipulative if you told him you're lonely, I think it would be tame - akin to "hey eat this weird mushroom" or dragging you on a hike you are NOT experienced enough for as his "requirements" for companionship. He wouldn't stop hanging out if you refused, he really just likes seeing your reactions. I also don't think he'd ever kick you out of a room he's in, and he'd do his own thing while you do yours
I'm so glad you sent this because I was just thinking while I was settling to sleep that I had a lot more to say but was worried a separate post might be too much.
All Three
If there is one thing Twisted Wonderland does really well it's acknowledging the inhuman aspects of its characters. Malleus has so much magic he fails to solve problems without it, Ruggie has really sensitive hearing, Leona talks about smell a lot etc.
Point being the trio has a bunch of things they find weird about life on land. They're not really going to make fun of Yuu for feeling out of place. Assuming they don't trip and fall a whole bunch, that's just too easy.
They're technically new up here too yeah? Let them show you the ropes.
He's surprisingly soft with Yuu during events. Especially if you pick dialogue options that show intelligence or planning.
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^ this happens if you get why he's selling salad cups I think?
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^ and this one is if you assume you'll be using the bell of salvation to destroy the flowers
My one amendment to your idea is that I don't think he'd be shy about it at all. He'd be putting forward a show of confidence because of how he was slighted in the past. He would think your friendship was the most natural conclusion in the whole world.
Your smart. He's smarter. Together you could make some real magic! And maybe play some board games. He could use some time to relax.
Completely right. I already talked a lot about him in my original answer, but I do think he enjoys hanging out with Yuu when he's in the mood to be social.
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He's got all of that extrovert energy Idia's so afraid of, and if you start indulging him, you won't get to stop. I think he'd be really happy to have someone go along with what it is he wants to do no matter how outlandish it gets. Even better if you look like you're having fun!
I could see him say that you "owe him" for hanging out with you when he wants some of your food though.
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Oh? You're lonely? What a shame. How horrible. Terrible really.
That must mean you'll have no problem signing up for his club right? Because that's very much what I could see him doing. He really wants another member to order arou- I mean enjoy the mountains with.
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^ If you tell Epel you will be "Here for whatever [the team] needs." When he asks you to help run the Pit Stop, Jade immediately decides this means you will commit a crime for him. Which to be fair-
I would object to the bit about taking you on a hike you're unqualified for though. He tells you not to try climbing Mount Moln until you've done an easier one first.
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Obviously I agree about the sketchy mushrooms. If he's brave enough to walk into the Culinary Crucible with them, what's Ramshackle?
Him coming to the Ramshackle guest room to sit quietly while you both do your own thing is something he'd really enjoy. You make much more interesting faces when he gives you a break from his teasing.
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laromlab · 2 months
My biggest complaint is that Season 4 of Umbrella Academy just tries to copy the same formula of the other seasons but doesn't have the world building to back it up.
We need Jean and Gene because we need wacky minor villains for comic relief ala the Commission, and ofc Hazel and Cha-Cha. Unfortunately no character in TUA will ever be as good as Hazel.
We need Klaus to struggle with addiction again and have a wacky side plot where he's away from his family (that no-one questions) even if the arc is never paid off or meaningful in any way. God Klaus and Claire were so interesting together I wish we had more time with Alison's whole family situation especially with what happened to Ray but anyway
We need a big dramatic world ending apocalypse because of course we do. Fucking hell. Do something different please I beg. If Five is sick of the apocalypses then the audience sure as hell is.
We need Reginald to just copy what he did with Klaus' training arc where he heals a character's trauma that they got from another Reginald. Because we have truly ran out of ideas. This idea is even more wasted in this season than it was the first time! In fact, Reginald is the most wasted character in the entire show, he's so one dimensional and just fucking weird, like I get he's an alien and the whole point is you never know if he's telling the truth or lying but come on man. Give me something. Plus that ending scene where the story tries to forgive him... Yikes.
Infact, Abigail is also kind of wasted in this season. She infiltrates the Keepers, takes over the entire operation, and then... supports their cause? And ends the world anyway? What was the point then? The Umbrellas would have lost against the cleanse anyway, so what the fuck was she doing 😭😭
The Big Complaint for this season of course is Five and Lila, and literally it could have been solved if Five had found a human version of Delores or something, with Lila trying to get home to her family. I did like how Lila acted when she got home though, being super grateful to see everyone. That was a sweet moment. And the whole timeline subway station was such a cool idea, I wish it was in a better show
I could carry on, but alas I think I should stop yapping. Overall, it sucks to see a really good show get a little spoiled by the finale. My biggest suggestion to fix Season Four would have been to just start over 😭 The cleanse was a stupid idea tbh and the whole Jennifer arc should have been something different. I also wish Ben was less of a dick, given his whole character arc in season 3 was around him becoming less of a dick. 😐
Let me know your thoughts
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tartsinarat · 10 months
I kinda got sidetracked whilst designing nimbus’s outfit for the battle of the bands… so here’s this meme that’s canon to the au and took me longer than I would like to admit,
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Peep that Amity design for the au because I’m so proud of it
but anyways I mentioned in one post that Pip ended up inheriting Belos’s curse but it’s not as powerful so he doesn’t fully become whatever slimy deer creature belos’s cursed form is (at this point in the au, it does get that worse later on though :/) and so currently even though Pip’s not in control of himself it’s only mildly inconvenient for the people around to deal with rather than dangerous because he mostly just steals magic objects to drain the magic out of as a snacc, sleeps and leaves slime everywhere (tbh just imagine him as if he’s a weird slimey cat) and if he does get aggressive he’s extremely easy to pick up.
the meme is basically what I imagine happened when luz and amity found out about it because its really funny to imagine that these two were planning a ‘platonic’ study date (this was before they started dating but when the both started getting feelings for each other) and just unexpectedly walking into this chaos
Also just realised I’ve completely forgotten to explain why Pip drains magic, it’s because he’s got pieces of basilisk in him as Belos when making him was attempting to figure out how to solve the whole having to drain palisman problem when they’re basically going extinct so he doesn’t have that problem when he eventually takes over Pip’s body and Belos landed on using Basilisk parts because of their magic draining properties which could be used to supply magic directly to the glyphs on their arms as my head canon of one part of Belos’s curse is that by getting soothed by eating palisman’s thing is because the glyphs on his arms are constantly using him as a power source because he doesn’t have a bile sac which is why he’s constantly rotting, the other part is that his cursed form was much less slimy because it was originally caused by Evelyn after the Caleb ordeal and became that way because of the glyphs.
Because of that Pip kinda has two different curse forms where one is the slimey rotting one which happens when he doesn’t have enough magic stored and when he does have some magic stored, his other form actually has fluff and looks more like a fucked up deer with a hint of titan on crack
I ran out of ideas ngl for the silly GH au masterpost jokes at the end of my GH posts
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benewol · 1 year
beat the shit out of them [Vin Jin x Reader]
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this work is heavily influenced by @wannaeatramyeon 's works, especially her unhinged reader fic featuring vin!! no warnings, reader can also be considered genderneutral as far as im concerned just a bunch of cussing tbh. hope you enjoy :))
"Vin Jin."
"Hey, Vin Jin."
"I'm fucking talking to you!"
The next thing he feels is a harsh smack on the back of his head as he quickly catches himself before the chair can tip over.
"The fuck do you want?! Fucking crazy ass bitch," he rubs the now throbbing, sore spot you gave him, face scrunching up as usual.
Dramatic motherfucker.
"If you didn't tint your glasses over so much you wouldn't be getting smacked. You would've seen me preparing to swing, too," you smirk in retaliation, your arms moving from their crossed position to resting next to your sides while you're leaning against his table.
He merely sends you what you think is probably supposed to be a nasty glare and re-positions his legs on that same table, nudging your back with his polished sneakers.
So you continue talking.
"Mary's been trying to gesture for you to leave the classroom without making a commotion, you know."
"Okay, and?"
"Your bff needs you and that's all you can say? Really?" You roll your eyes.
"Can't be so important if it only took you to solve it."
"Fuck off."
"Lol, you first."
"Sure. Tell me why you keep tinting your glasses and I will."
His eyes furrow inquisitively.
"I don't need to do shit. Class is starting soon so you need to move your fat ass soon anyway, might as well do it immediately," his smug smile one of those you'd love to fill with a pile of some of his ridiculous sheets of lyrics crumpled up.
That's a good idea. You're adding that to your list titled 'what would piss vincent the fuck off'.
"Your sense of time is, unsurprisingly, tremendously shit. We have another half an hour left, you moron," you reach out your hand to flick his wide forehead, which he now sees coming and dodges, catching himself before falling yet again.
What a fucking loser, you shake your head and keep yourself from succumbing to laughter.
"Whatever. I'm not showing you shit."
"Come on. I'm sure whatever it is you're blowing it out of proportion," you reach out again to touch his glasses.
He reaches out too. To stop your hand from moving towards his sunglasses. And his grip is not as harsh as you'd expected it to be.
"Stop it. If you see it, I'll have to kill you."
"See what? You're being so ominous. Do you have weird rectangular pupils like goats or what?"
He sputters for a moment.
"That'd be funny."
"The fuck?"
"You could come up with a line like 'my eyes are like those of a goat, yeah, I'm the GOAT'," you press your lips together to stop the laughter from spilling out of your mouth.
That line was good.
He won't tell you that, though, because you were way too close to uncovering the truth.
He huffs, turning his head away from you and crossing his arms in front of his chest.
What he doesn't know is that his oh-so-clever self forgot to re-tint his glasses.
This in turn means the sun's rays hit his lenses so nicely you were able to catch a tiny glimpse of his two grey irises and the resulting pupils in his left eye.
Your breath catches in your throat.
A soft gasp makes his head turn back to you, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise.
"What's that? Pulling a stupid line like that and immediately growing quiet?" He mumbles to mask his alarm.
You hum, and he notices your solemn expression, making him grow apprehensive.
"Weren't you Cheonliang's number one?"
"Still am."
"And Allied's number two?"
"How come you don't just lose the shades and simply beat the shit out of anyone who comments on your eyes, then?"
He stares at you. Still occasionally having rubbed the wound you'd inflicted on the back of his head, he loosens his arms which were crossed behind it.
Placing them on his thighs, he balls his fists.
"Shut up."
He abruptly stands up and moves towards the door, shaking the table you were leaning against, making you furrow your brows in irritation.
At least you'll know where to find him.
If things don't go his way, he'll just lock himself in the boys' bathroom and listen to one of Duke's albums.
You don't intend letting him flee the scene this time, though.
"Don't you dare run away now."
He doesn't know why, but he halts in his steps.
"Or else what, pipsqueak?"
He turns back towards you.
"Your eye adds to your nonexistent charm."
"Earth to Vincent?" You wave your hand in front of his shielded eyes.
Turning on his heel, he doesn't leave without wanting to have the last word.
"Fucking weirdo, I don't need your pity."
"Asshole, I'm not pitying you!!"
What you fail to see is the faintest of rose-coloured blushes on Vin's cheeks as he puckers his lips, absentmindedly scratching at his lenses while sauntering down the hallway.
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wordsgood · 6 months
i've seen some posts about The Gender Of It All Or Lack Thereof in the mars house and started to respond but it felt dickish to disagree on someone else's post when their take on it is as equally #valid as mine is so, my feelings, briefly: i don't think the genderlessness was done perfectly by any stretch, but i also don't think that this was a book that was meant to Solve Gender, or even take steps towards it. i don't think we're supposed to assume that tharsis is better for "abolishing gender." the thing is that while i wouldn't call her books "romances" natasha pulley writes books that are primarily about relationships in difficult atmospheres - no one Solves Colonialism in the bedlam stacks, no one Solves Homophobia And Racism in watchmaker, and i didn't really go into the mars house expecting them to Solve Gender. gale being a senator does place more stress on the idea that these people, in particular, have the power to make changes and help people, so that may be why there's more frustration with the story than in bedlam stacks (where tbh merrick's involvement with the EIC bothered me a lot more than gale's political stances did).
again, i don't think it's wrong to not like how pulley dealt with gender politics; at the same time, it feels like a lot of people who did the bad reviews think that tharsis was supposed to be gender utopia, and i just. don't think we're supposed to assume that. there's so much else wrong with tharsis that i see no reason to think gender is the one thing they got Exactly Right. it's a "what if?" world, not a "here's how it should be" world - the people who built tharsis saw a deep wound throughout humanity's long past and said, "how do we deal with this?" and came up with an extreme solution for a society in extreme conditions. like.......they think it's weird and gross to have kids biologically, why should i think they have perfect ideas on anything???
tl;dr i read the Gender Abolishing as a flawed, wounded, but well-meaning and sometimes beneficial reaction to millennia of gender-based suffering. by no means do i think i was supposed to go "yeah, let's do that in the real world!" after reading the book, nor do i think it's a problem with the book itself that abolishing gender ended up not being as great at solving problems as they thought it would be. people will be people! they try to fix things and sometimes cause as many problems or more as the ones they fixed. but people try to fix things anyway.
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redgearsmovin · 1 month
ohh i found some notes i wrote of really cute scenarios with the movers+nina. they are mostly made with my sona in mind but it's kinda general enough so if it inspires you in any way, feel free to take these ideas away lol.
under the cut because it is pretty long:
smitty shows you pictures of your favourite animal while he infodumps to you about it.
- or maybe you infodump while he listens intently. After a while you realise you've been rambling and get self-conscious that he probably had known those things, but he encourages you and tells you he wants to learn more so he can write it in his journal so you happily continue.
you and rich colouring! or you and rich painting. or making origami !!!
- his work turns out really nice while you think yours is a little wonky, but the way he cheers for it just as excitedly and points out little details he likes in your work makes you appreciate it more.
He rolls out a mahjong paper (not sure what this is known as) on the floor and you two doodle on it with crayons and such. this can also be a whole group activity tbh.
or sports! rich teaching you how to sports lol guiding you and being really patient till you get the hang of it.
Scott and you introducing each other's plushies and playing out scenarios with them, dressing up and such!
watching your favourite shows together, or making sock puppets !!
- Sometimes it's a little hard for you to be spontaneous when acting out which makes you feel like you're not a fun person to play with, but Scott knows just how to bounce off your ideas and make it really exciting. he makes you feel more comfortable to simply not worry too much when having fun.
you helping out dave with his invention? you and dave trying out weird pizza recipes? maybe dave teaching you how to make simple circuits and electronic things. Maybe all Dave needed to make working inventions was another person to audit and check his machine after he had finished them, to fill in the gaps and blind spots that he missed lol.
- you think you're not helping at all and only slowing him down with the mistakes you made, but Dave assures you've been a big help and tells you the things he wouldn't have noticed without you. He suggests dividing the task to something you're good at while he does the other work, and your both work together really well.
I think Dave would enjoy puzzles (unsure if he does in canon) so you and him trying to solve various of those either like puzzle boxes set or completing jigsaw puzzles. Or maybe trying out an escape room together (in the warehouse?).
NINAAAA. you and nina cooking. nina trimming your hair or fixing it up. you and nina trying on clothes and outfits.
nina taking pictures of you while you be an impromptu(?) model for her after she finishes doing your hair. maybe she had a short gig as a hairdresser(?) and wanted to include pictures of her work as samples.
going to the beach with nina, playing kite, Nina excitedly showing you videos of Boris and Oksana's ballet performances, going karaoke, making flower crowns,
Teaching each other phrases in your native language, or maybe even learn one another's language while practicing with them.
Try each other's favourite local cuisine. Styling one in the other's cultural outfits.
Sometimes you just feel like you take too much of Nina's time and wonder why she even chooses to hang out with you when she has so many cool friends. You never let her know this thought. one night when you and Nina were both stargazing, Nina says that moments like these are her favourite and she's glad to spend it with you. You admit the same and go on about how grateful you are for her. You don't think you deserve this blessing, but Nina stops you, telling you how she'd choose to do this all over again with you in a heartbeat. And aah I stop here this is getting so emotional lol
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fizzfizzypop · 1 month
Um.. hey, as for the last post u made.
I dunno if it is a good idea to ask for this, but...
Apart from that, have u been experiencing any other awful moments? How do u feel right now?
Did that friend talk to you about its demeanor? Or did you try to ask them about it? I mean, I feel It could be good that the other person knows that it's hurting you, so you guys could solve the trouble between u in a way.
(I want to help but I feel like I'm intruding, sorry 😭)
no ur good
uh not rlly. my friend is actually very rude and closed off. she and my ex are like buddy buddy so it’s very weird. She insults me a lot in a joking way. She’s said how we aren’t good for each other and she’s tired of me yet she wants to remain friends and honestly it’s getting so tiring.
i feel like shit tbh. i have no motivation to do anything. beadwork, drawing, writing nothing. I have so many exams already and the burden of it all is making me so burnt out.
ty for checking up on me <33
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sandalwoodbox · 5 months
Vidder asks: 12, 21, 27?
Thanks for asking!
(This is part of the Get to know the Vidder ask meme. See all my responses here and feel free to send me asks!)
12. Most underrated vid that you wished had gotten more views?
I'm going to say Stray Italian Greyhound for Dear Missy. I really like this vid because I think it most accurately summarizes what I see as the plot of the actual series - Lu Ke's journey to recognizing, accepting, and ultimately living her feelings for Shen Siyi. I'm pretty proud of how it turned out, and it can still fairly reliably make me tear up to watch. It's a really great show and more people should watch it! Even with the weird canonical straight ending it's pretty good tbh 🤣 it has things like men and women dating and breaking up and still being part of the same friend group 🤯 what a concept!
But personally I always advocate for just ignoring the heterosexuality in the last six episodes & just watching them for the bonus Lu Ke / Shen Siyi fluff.
21. How would you describe your vidding style?
Answered here with bonus "what is your vidding process" because I got distracted 😅
27. Advice for anyone just starting their channel?
I'm interpreting this to mean "advice for anyone starting out making fanvids"?
I'd say do what you want and don't expect anyone to see it. Exchanges (like Festivids) and cons (like VidUKon, Fanworks, or WisCon) are a great way to "force" people to watch your vids and not get criticism unless you want it. (YMMV - I am not sure what the experience of submitting to AMV contests is like, for example.)
I'd recommend using a modern fully-featured video editing program like Da Vinci Resolve from the beginning rather than something like iMovie - DVR is more complicated but makes it very easy to separate the vid itself from the source files. That is, you can move the files from your hard drive to a backup drive to free up space and work on something else, then put them back later if you want to go back to a previous fandom!
That said, if a low bar of entry is important, iMovie is also fine. Whatever works for you!
Bonus question 1 (from replies): How do you get ideas for vids?
It depends! Sometimes it comes from blorbos or otherwise loving a show such that I want to share it with other people. Other times it comes from frustration with something not being done the way I wanted in the show, or drawing out a theme that I think the show didn't fully explore. A large chunk of my vids are from Festivids, which is great because I can see what ideas other people have and then make treats for them if I'm excited about what they've suggested and think I have time to pull it off (which is usually only possible for movies and for shows I've already (mostly) clipped, in my experience.) From time to time I'll hear a song and think it's perfect for some character or concept, but I'll generally still end up spending a fair amount of time searching for other potential songs before I actually get started on the vid. More often I'll hear a song and think, that would make a fun vid but I don't know what for, so I stick it in a playlist that I go through every time I'm looking for potential vid songs.
If I have an idea for a vid, I write it down in a spreadsheet. I'll never make most of those ideas, either because I've moved on from the fandom or because I just ended up not liking it as much later. Here's a snippet of vids I will probably never make from my spreadsheet in case it's interesting:
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Bonus question 2 (from replies): What makes a vid you're working on feel done to you?
I'm a bit of a perfectionist with my vids, so this can be tricky. I think I would say: Once I am satisfied that the clips on the timeline are doing what I want and there are no clips that I believe would be strictly better, I try to stop.
Overall my process is: I'll generally make a first draft that doesn't have things that feel obviously bad (but I might still have things I'm not satisfied with but don't know how to solve). I send that out for beta and work on other things in the meantime. Depending on how much I care about the vid / how uncertain I am about it, I might do multiple rounds of beta or send it to multiple betas at once.
Depending on the vid, I might do a pass specifically looking at clip timing or motion or color correction (for example, making sure dark scenes are possible to parse), or anything else that I particularly want to work well for the vid.
Once I have something that feels "final" I like to let it sit for a week to a month, then come back to it to see if there's anything else I notice that I'd want to change before calling it done.
But a lot of times I'm working on a deadline for an exchange or a con, which means that at some point I just have to stop and call it good enough.
By the time I'm done with a vid, I often no longer feel like I can tell whether it's good or not because I'm too deep in it, so I see things nobody else would. I can't necessarily tell how satisfied I'll be with a finished vid until 6-12 months after I've posted it. (So I try to keep that in mind if I'm agonizing over whether people will notice a cleancredits glitch that's only visible in the lower left corner of a clip for like 4 frames.)
I have a vidder friend who I can show things to at that point not for beta but just to ask, is there anything obviously wrong with this? Any reason I shouldn't post this? (The answer is usually: It's fine, just post it!)
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just-a-carrot · 9 months
How does the main five (including Cecil and Hunar) feel about their occupations? Do they all like their jobs or do any of them just do it for the payment?
is this in regards to their jobs in OW or their jobs in OC?? there would be a difference there at least for some...
i'll start with OW:
Iggy: Does enjoy his job for the most part. He likes that he can work freelance from home. And he likes coding and problem-solving. However, he hates networking and dealing with clients. It's not his dream job by any means and he does hate it sometimes, but it's not the worst. So I'd say a somewhat positive neutral.
Genzou: Chose to go into bikes mostly on a whim and because he couldn't think of anything else and really hated it at first when he was in training, but grew to love it and working with his hands in general. He does get a lot of joy out of his work and he loves having his own shop, getting to work with bikes all day. He doesn't enjoy the financial and business aspects of it though and he's often stressed about profits. But the job itself he does enjoy and he even tinkers around on his own personal projects in the shop, too.
Orlam: Hates everything about his job lol. Does it literally because he has nothing else to do but needs the money to pay for rent and food.
Gidget: Certainly believes they want to be a model lol. And I do think they get a lot of pride out of choosing outfits and going in for shoots. But it's not what they'd really like to be doing. Also they need to do a lot of random odd jobs and occasional part-time work to afford it, which they hate.
Bucks: Didn't like working the delivery truck that much, especially because of the weird hours and because she spent most of the time sitting in traffic or driving long hours, so she didn't get to move around much. Does mostly enjoy her manager position though as she's a good manager and it lets her interact more with people and be more active. Is definitely not her dream job though, she wants to be out playing softball or at least doing something physical and active, some kind of team sport or as a trainer, etc.
Hunar: Well, he doesn't really do much in OW. He's a writer and would love to spend his full time writing or being somewhere quiet to think and read, or maybe go on trips or quiet hikes to think up ideas. He's not really able to do this because of Saydie though. And even before that, since Bucks was busy at work, he had to take care of most of the house-related stuff, dealing with finances, mortgages, planning, family stuff, etc.
Cecil: His job is just attending to Gidget??? LOL he knows nothing else, it's what he was manifested for. He loves Gidget very much and enjoys being there for them but is obviously not always keen on their choices.
OK now to OC:
Iggy and Genzou are basically the same re: jobs in OC.
Orlam: Loves his job dearly. It gives him so much energy and makes him feel so important. He gets to meet new people all the time and make grandiose presentations and have lots of luncheons and meetings. It's his dream tbh.
Gidget: Likes their job a lot, but I wouldn't say that it's like... they would definitely do it even if they didn't need the money. I think in an ideal world they would love to just be a full-time volunteer and go around volunteering for all kinds of events and organizations, but they can't, so they also do something where they can be creative in a variety of different ways and work with a lot of people.
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z3ny44 · 1 year
Spoilers for Fionna and Cake ep 7
So in this Dimenson it looks like Simon died long before he met Marceline, from the looks he was bit by a vampire, before he even found the crown, which is really weird, since he found the crown before the War and from what I can remember there were no vampires before the Great Mushroom War.
Right off the bat we see that PB is leading some sort of rebellion against the vampires, she has a tank with the voice of Peppermint Buttler, along with FINN'S DAD!! Martin, and Huntress Wizard but she doesn't have magic here... So yea this trio is weird as fuck lmaom but it gets even weirder as it seems that Fionna has brought baby Finn along by mistake, but I'll get back to baby Finn later.
Meanwhile we get to see Scarab, he's with Prismo and trying to figure out how to get to Fionna's current dimension. That man's obsessed lmao, he's been declining calls from the Boss for a while now, he might get into trouble lol
THE COSMIC OWL IS WANTED WHAT??? what did my boy do.....
Suddenly Scarab is transported somewhere else and we don't see him anymore this episode... he's so done ahahahah
Back to the vampire's dimension, clearly Cake is much more comfortable with her powers, she even wrote her name perfectly with her arm lol.
So Marceline was raised by the Vampire King here, and so yeah she's the villain here... and WHAT NO?! She just killed Martin... man... Not good Martin ffs... oh yeah Billy is also dead here:
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Fionna really stressed me a lot in this episode... She lacks the hero trait man... Cake is confident about her powers and wants to help but Fionna keeps messing it up! I know she's scared and worried about Cake but DO something to help then... don't ruin Cake's plan...
But yea they ran away this time, they couldn't solve shit.
Tbh my theorie here is that Finn, which stayed in the peppermint tank btw, will eventually grow up and defeat all them vampires... idk he's a hero by nature, it's just my headcannon lol
As a subplot we saw Gary and Marshall from Fionna's original dimension, they went to Mom Abadeer's house, and yeah it wasn't anything special imo, but it was nice to see the human version of the likes of Magic Man, Maja, and the Pianist lol. I also loved to see Gary's ideas having so much attention from the rest of the peeps
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elfyourmother · 1 year
Do you consider yourself a lore breaking, lore bending or lore adhering roleplayer? Does this adherence to lore depend on the kind of lore you're exploring with your characters; i.e. you play fast and loose with ideas xiv has yet to develop, but you tend to pay close attention to the fleshed out ideals? Is there lore you have modified that you're proud of and would share here?
I view lore as a starting point for me to jump off from and make my own. Always have.
I find strict adherence to game canon for its own sake creatively suffocating and always have, in every setting I've ever written in. It’s pretty much entirely because I grew up on DMing and writing in Forgotten Realms, which took a very DIY approach back in the day that was heavily encouraged by its creator. Everyone's Realms were equally valid, according to Word of God, and there were often intentional "blanks" left in sourcebooks for the DM to fill. These books emphasized over and over again that the DM was the ultimate authority on canon, not TPTB or the novels or anything else. That philosophy has informed my approach to worldbuilding in the transformative fandom sense for the last 30 years. That and being a queer Black femme of color who is very rarely satisfied by canon narratives rife w racially problematic tropes. I change things to make a space for myself and my characters and the stories I want to tell, by necessity. FFXIV is no different in that respect.
That said, I don't smash SE canon just to smash it either. Despite how bonkershits a lot of Gisèle's canon appears on the surface (eg. post-war Ishgard's constitutional monarchy with King Aymeric), everything I change has been carefully considered and engineered for as much internal consistency as possible. As much as I operate on Rule of Cool, I need things to make sense for me to have fun.
But I am distinctly not a roleplayer, for this and many other reasons. I'm strictly a fic writer, and I don't ever collab with people. The world Gisèle operates in is constructed entirely for her, and my own enjoyment, by design. So no one is forced to deal with my stuff if they don't like it.
That said, King Aymeric is probably the lore I’m most proud of. I wrote a ficlet for ffxivwrite last year on it here, but the cliffs notes: Aymeric invoked the ancient covenant between man and dragon when begging Hraesvelgr’s aid against Nidhogg and vowed he would restore it, but Hraes said that because that covenant was broken by an Elezen king, only an Elezen king could restore it. Hraes was wily though, it wasn’t just upholding weird draconic custom in saying that. His ulterior motive was to make Aymeric guarantee his people would be united enough not to turn on the Dravanians once Nid was handled. the end result is that Aymeric restored the Ishgardian throne (“The Azure Throne”, as a nod to Haldrath), but as a largely unifying figurehead/ceremonial position with Parliament strictly defining the role of the king. Artoirel is Lord Speaker of the House of Lords. Aymeric’s still LC of the temple knights in addition to his royal duties. He wasn’t giving that up lol.
making a constitutional monarchy plausible in the context of the story was challenging and I think I’ve done a solid job of it tbh. I wanted to lean into the Arthurian romance vibes of HW but also solve the fundamental problem I had w how it ended, which is that I don’t think it’s a terribly realistic scenario for ppl who were under a theocracy for 1000 years. Aymeric essentially having his hand forced by Hraesvelgr solves the issue of why he would restore the throne and tbh I don’t flinch from the complications of squaring that with the revelations about Ishgard’s founding, I think it only plays more into Aymeric’s ambivalence about the role he’s been thrust into.
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Judging Doctor Who: Twelfth Doctor
Disclaimer: this is all in good fun and I don't take fandom seriously
Good episodes I like
Deep Breath - The t-rex is a little random, but the robot plot is a delightful setup for a new dynamic. Also beginning of Missy's first arc!
Robot of Sherwood - It's so fun and weird and charming, and he's so grumpy about it
Mummy on the Orient Express - the mystery is intriguing and I love them fighting but refusing to acknowledge that's what they're doing
Flatline - excellent silly monster of the week story
The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar - Everything about this is so ridiculous and delightful. It's a great daleks episode! Missy stops planes just to get Clara's attention! She casually murders people because she's having fun being evil! The Doctor throws a depression party by breaking time travel rules! He's so full of nihilism but can't quit compassion! I kinda ship Missy and Clara I think, in a really messed up way
Under the Lake/Before the Flood - YES, appropriate use of time travel!! Go solve the mystery in the past!
The Girl Who Died/The Woman Who Lived - One of my all time favorite arcs. The tragedy of an act of kindness destroying her, the way she can't hold all her memories, the way she stops caring but finds a reason to again. It's so sad! But so compelling!
The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion - I always thought this felt like it was missing a third backstory episode, but even so the entire situation is wonderful. And the Osgoods are in this one!
Face the Raven/Heaven Sent/Hell Bent - Such a great arc ending for Clara, very Doctor-like of her to erase his memories and run away in a TARDIS. With Me as the ideal companion. Also first nu who use of Gallifrey that I approve of.
The Husbands of River Song - The whole thing is just so funny after so many stories of genuine emotion. He can't find a way to explain to her because he's too autistic caught off guard. That "hello, sweetie" kills me. Oh and they finally get their relationship concluding date night
The Return of Doctor Mysterio - I love the superhero theme, how lighthearted it is (despite actual brain stealing!), and the Doctor feels unusually Doctory for Twelve
The Pilot - Excellent intro for Bill
Smile - Delightfully creepy while being colorful and bright. Also, emoji horror
Knock Knock - silly but also horrifying and sad. Also, we should see Bill's school friends more
Oxygen - Delightfully anticapitalist, and I approve of the Doctor having to deal with a disability (even if the sonic sunglasses are cheating a bit)
Extremis - Another au episode! And the start of Missy's second arc!
The Eaters of Light - This one just has such a sweet sad tone and ending to it
Twice Upon a Time - It does give the Doctor some closure, and I like the idea of everyone's selves being saved like that. Also always here for the Doctor meeting himself!
Bad Episodes I like
Dark Water/Death in Heaven - Cyberpollen is ridiculous, I will always be mad about fridging Danny, and if he dies then Orson can't exist later. But it's here because this was such a great scheme and reveal for Missy!
Last Christmas - Not the most coherent and I always hate the hints at the end that maybe it was real, but I enjoyed it a lot. It's very creepy but sweet, and the fake out of the Doctor meeting old Clara really reveals his side of the companion trauma I think.
The Pyramid at the End of the World/The Lie of the Land - It was not a good decision to blind him then undo it, ok. It just wasn't. He should have stayed disabled until regeneration. But a lot of the plot was fun, especially the au bit, even if I'm not sure how Bill won made much sense.
World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls - I couldn't decide where to put this, tbh. There is so much wrong with it. It's a terrible ending for Bill, and bad timing since she felt like she was just starting to really settle in as a companion. It's also a terrible end to Missy's very good arc. But I like the tragedy of Bill spending years alone while the Doctor spends so little time, and for once it wasn't his fault. Also as much as I hate cybermen, this was a harrowing backstory and horrifying reveal.
Good episodes I don't like
In the Forest of the Night - I don't actually think this is a bad episode. I really like that the answer was plants protecting Earth and for once it wasn't an invasion. But the pacing is a bit slow and I thought having this revealed by speaking through a child like that was unnecessary (they should have deduced it)
Thin Ice - This episode is fine but didn't hold my attention well
Bad episodes I don't like
In the Dalek - This one was boring. And also it felt weird that Clara is suddenly a teacher but there's no line about her having a new job. Maybe they meant for it to be a time skip, but it felt jarring
Listen - Possibly my least favorite episode of the whole show. It makes no sense. They get no answers. Are these telepathic guidance circuits ever used again? And they absolutely should not be able to reach Gallifrey's past, right? I do like Orson Pink, though
Time Heist - Simultaneously confusing and dull
Kill the Moon - No. Just no. Not even worth the Moon is an egg jokes.
Sleep No More - Hate this ridiculous contrived plot, and hate even more the implication at the end that they didn't win anyway
Empress of Mars - It felt really slow to me for this kind of episode
Episodes that are kind of offensive
The Caretaker - The Doctor's attitude towards Danny is hypocritical, and unfair, and this only seems to happen with companions' Black boyfriends so I'm blaming the show for this writing choice
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for the character bingo maybe the perfect crime trio? it's three characters so it's cool if you choose to do just one of them :)
Yes!!! I love them all so much :)
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They are sooooo cool looking: I mean, Ranpo does look pretty cool. It's a good look for him. :)
Everyone but me is wrong about them/They're deeper than they seem: Ok, so actually this isn't totally true since I know some people here really get him... but I've also seen some weird takes and it's a shame because Ranpo is an excellent character who is a lot more than "really smart" and "likes snacks and praise". In fact, I've been writing a post about how Ranpo has a cohesive and consistent character arc in the story that I think kind of gets overshadowed by the major events of the plot, but it's still there, and Ranpo has done a lot of developing over the course of the series. It's just that not as much obvious attention is drawn to it as, say, sskk. Ranpo isn't the Agency's strongest for nothing. He's more than just a silly little guy.
Not as deep as they seem: ...at the same time, he is absolutely just a silly little guy who really just wants to do silly little guy things like eat candy and tease Poe and solve brutal murders and be praised for it. Ranpo is a complex character with simple needs I think... which might be why he can be a bit difficult to characterize.
I like them enough to project my own issues onto them/I'm mentally ill about them: Untold Origins... okay. So, I don't think I'm like Ranpo necessarily. But god if untold origins didn't hit a certain way. I spent a lot of my childhood being built up as a gifted kid then torn down for not being smart enough, often by the same people within the same day. It was confusing. Am I smart or not? Do you like me, or not? I was also that annoying kid who would correct the teacher's mistakes in class... except I wasn't doing it to be a showoff. It was wrong, and it does no one any good to be taught something wrong when it can be fixed right away, yeah? Well, my teacher didn't like that. Ever been bullied by your teacher as an elementary school kid while having no idea what you did to have someone hate you this way? Not fun. Do not recommend. So Ranpo's story brought a lot of those feelings back. Ha. I also have a lot of thoughts about a kid who grew up in a sheltered environment, suddenly left with the grief from the loss of his parents and no support, lost in a world he does not understand that terrifies him, and the way he is given the means to build a life for himself in spite of it all (even if it is based off a lie). I can't wait to write more about Ranpo. I really do like him a lot and I don't talk about him nearly enough.
I want to carry them in a handbag like a tiny dog: Not in the usual deranged way; I actually think Ranpo might like this tbh. He wouldn't have to walk lol.
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They are sooooo cool looking: Yeah. I have no idea why he dresses like that, but yeah.
Everyone but me is wrong about them: ...ooookay. So, maybe I'm just not looking in the right area. But, and this might be a bit surprising to hear given that I'm a fan of Chuuya, it's actually Poe's mischaracterization in fics that irritates me the most. He's not soft. He has anxiety. There's a difference (please don't write all socially anxious people as soft little beans, please...). Poe doesn't do things "just because", everything needs to be framed as an intentional challenge. He spent 6 years writing his vengeance. I know we all laugh at the "for some reason I can't say no to Ranpo" bit (who are you fooling man?), but like. He continues to rationalize his affection as traps and challenges. Poe isn't soft. He does still harbour some feelings of jealousy towards Ranpo - it's just that it's vastly outweighed by his (completely oblivious) fondness for him. He brings up how he feels he's "just being used" a few times by several people, but I've rarely seen this talked about. He's an easily startled goof but also more than capable of being very pushy when he thinks it's necessary - think of his placing blank pages in every room to try and get Mushitarou to write lmao. He's a drama queen, only just barely held back from full-blown theatre kid by his crippling anxiety. And he knows full well the value that lies in writing a memory (his softest moment is when he is in his element!). Poe is a complicated character in his own right, and while it is not explored nearly enough in canon - isn't that what fic is supposed to be for? I'd love more fics that explore him, and especially his conflicting feelings towards Ranpo, who he is very attached to and fond of (it's borderline a canon crush to me). He feels envious, but he wants to impress him, but he wants to beat him utterly, but he would do anything for him, he is his perfect partner in (solving) crime, etc., etc. Poe fears disappointing Ranpo and it's for a mess of reasons that are not just all "because he likes him", though that is, undeniably, a big part of it. It's implied he may even fear being replaced or seen as not very important to him, and, as is typical for Poe, he doesn't shy away and retreat - he immediately turns quite internally poisonous towards the "threat". Poe is full of strong, sometimes ugly, conflicting feelings that he rarely actually acts on, and I'd love to see these explored more, both in canon, and in fics. He's a silly guy too, but... you know.
Wasted potential (?): Well, I want to wait a bit before making any judgements here, but if Poe stays a comic relief character who only creates books for Ranpo to use, I'll be a little disappointed. His ability is so powerful. Unbelievably so. It also requires him to write, and with a Book being such a core part of the story, and authors tending to have strong influences on the plot (Odasaku, Natsume, arguably Yokomizo), I think it'd be really weird if Poe went nowhere.
They work better as part of a dynamic: Ranpoe my beloved <3 (I also love his kindness towards Mushitarou :') )
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They're like a blorbo to me: I mean. You guys saw my deranged rambling about him already. You know I am not normal about him.
I'm mentally ill about them: You KNOW I am NOT NORMAL ABOUT HIM. I've written all my thoughts before. His story will never not make me emotional. I think he's one of the best written characters. I personally place him up there with Kyouka and Akutagawa for quality of writing and overall themes.
Why do they look like that: onceler looking dude...
They've never done anything wrong in their life: Well. He very much has done things wrong. But, much like Ango, circumstance and a lack of foreseeable alternatives pushed them into making a set of horrible choices that they will forever be haunted by. It's why I think they should hang out about it... maybe kiss...
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x-authorship-x · 11 months
"I'll die on the hill that Anakin should have been punted into the creche for a few years"
Yes! I'm so glad you agree, I wish more fics had him interacting with his agemates and being in the creche would have been good for him I think. Perhaps I'm giving him too much credit, and I've only watched those movies once and base the rest of what I know on what I get from fanfics so I could be wrong, but my read of that meeting was that Qui-Gon had intended that? He said he'll train Anakin, but 1. he had a padawan still, and 2. Anakin was 9?? That seems super, super young to be a padawan. I always found it really weird in fics that he had wanted to take Anakin on so young, and then I watched the movie and ended up finding it really weird that the council and Obi-Wan just assumed Qui-Gon meant he'd start training Anakin right then and there and toss out Obi-Wan. Why would he, that makes no sense and he never said he'd take Anakin as a padawan right then like I thought he had from fics. It seemed more to me like it was a promise or vow type thing, like he'd train Anakin when the time came so they didn't have to worry about trying to find someone who would train an unorthodox padawan. And then everyone immediately thought the worst of him so he stupidly doubled down and did not make any attempt to correct their miscommunication. From what little I know about Qui-Gon and his relationship with Obi-Wan there seemed to be a good amount of miscommunication, so this made the most sense to me that he'd be stubborn and double down when arguing with the council rather than explaining what he meant. So when he died Obi-Wan had no idea what he meant and went with what he though Qui-Gon meant and insisted Anakin be placed with him right then and there. Nevermind that he was grieving and Anakin was super baby for a padawan, honestly I'm going to blame the council here for not stepping in and saying Anakin would go to the creche for a few years, then Obi-Wan could have him. Idk I'm not even a huge fan of Qui-Gon and honestly don't know much about him, but in this case this is what seemed most likely to me when I watched it.
Oh anon I totally agree
Tbh my mind went forwards and I was thinking more.... Anakin in the creche could've fixed a lot. Like... Anakin made his own (shit) decisions, I'm definitely not an Anakin-apologist, but I do think that no one is born a certain thing and that childhood has a big knock-on effect. Putting Anakin in the creche would make transitioning from life as a slave easier, for one??? Like let's not immediately call someone else 'master' and let's socialise the kid and let's get an actual childcare specialist - not a traumatized grieving ex-padawan-turned-Knight oh my God everyone needs therapy good intentions don't automatically guarantee good outcomes - involved.
I'm not saying Kelleran Beq looks like the kinda man to rehab hurt children on the daily basis but that's exactly what I'm saying. God I love that man and his Grogu chase scene. Is Grogu in the creche yet or am I too early??? Who cares, I think Grogu would be so good for Anakin because can you imagine being the so called Chosen One but shown up by a baby. You can't fight a baby, not even Anakin (not yet rip) so you gotta just take the ego trimming and cope.
Get Anakin to learn to read and write and acclimatize, let Obi-Wan have time to establish himself as an individual, let everyone take a chill pill, and maybe the whole cast will feel better in three or four years 🙃 also this helps solve Anakin's INTENSE only child energy because Chosen One shit doesn't mean crap in the creche, being a freed slave probably isn't uncommon when you look at how a lot of force sensitive kids end up at the temple (every Jedi comes with a built in troubling backstory as standard), Anakin has friends and peers to cut his teeth on and learn patience with and how to check boundaries with and you just KNOW that those creche kids have so many lessons on Stranger Danger-!
qui-gon the future we couldve had if you choked out a few more words lmao
Also I like to imagine that anakin's first language is Huttese and he only knows enough Basic to understand customers and Watto etc so in my mind the council meeting SHOULDVE derailed when Anakin can't understand a word they're saying and the whole timeline careens towards 'lets get this freed child slave his vaccines and a primary school teacher before deciding the words of destiny, yes?'
Qui-Gon: *finally asks something not related to customer service, basic conversational vocab, or mechanics*
Anakin: ....uhhhhhhh
Qui-Gon, off camera: I was so lost in the euphoria of finding the Chosen One that I temporarily forgot I existed in a world with slavery and other languages haha-
Obi-Wan: *face down in a dune in the BG*
The end :)
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