#this is so silly but shh
lattesqueeze · 4 months
HI LOVE💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
For the kiss prompt: lestappen and 💘
oh this was so so so much fun, thank you for sending me this!!! i love you!!!!
Lestappen - Dared to Kiss (featuring a little Mutual Pining ish) - 600 words
“Why are we even playing this stupid game anyway?” Max asks, sounding bored. If asked, he’d say it was just a coincidence that the bottle had once again failed to stop its spin pointing at him.
“Ugh, Max, don’t be boring.” Lando rolls his eyes beside him, leaning forward to tenderly kiss George, who turns an alarming, yet endearing, shade of crimson.
Lando spins the bottle again, sending it skittering across the floor. Max stops it abruptly with his foot, and the circle groans as a collective.
“Come on, mate. What are we anyway, sixteen? I played this enough at school.”
“But it’s fun!” Lando whines. “And when else d’you reckon you’d get a chance to kiss me?”
Max snorts. “Like I’d want to.”
Lando looks wounded.
“Surely you have another game we can play.” Max suggests, hoping to escape this high school hell.
“Okay…” Lando draws out the vowels. “Truth or dare?”
“Wha- no!”
“Truth. Or. Dare?” Lando repeats, turning to face Max with his whole body.
“Fine. Dare, then.”
Wrong answer, apparently. Lando smirks, a mischievous, impish grin.
“I dare you to kiss whoever you think is the most attractive person here.”
“What, isn’t there anyone here you wanna snog?”
“No!” Max protests. Yes! Max thinks.
Lando is having fun now, taunting Max. The others in the circle remain painfully quiet, not wishing to chip in to the unfolding drama. Max’s eyes dart around the room, imploring each of his…well, he wouldn’t exactly call them friends. Colleagues, would be more fitting. His eyes settle on Charles, subconsciously and pleading.
Lando quirks an eyebrow at Oscar with a smirk. Oscar smiles back, benevolent, apparently not quite picking up what Lando is putting down.
“I change my dare!”
“Thank God.” Max mutters in relief.
“Max, I dare you to kiss Charles. No more takesies-backsies, you gotta do this one.”
Charles has the decency to look alarmed, at least. His eyes - his beautiful soft eyes - widen, and his cheeks are suddenly rosy. He raises his palms a little - don't bring me into this!
Max flushes entirely pink, from the tips of his ears to the base of his neck. He feels hot all over, and his heart is racing at a pace that could easily rival Max’s car. If he does this, if he follows through with the dare - which, realistically he has no choice in - he can’t trust himself to be normal about it. If he kisses Charles, he fears it would be too loving, too desperate, too passionate, too-
“What are you waiting for, Max?” A soft, melodic voice breaks Max out of his spiral.
“No, nothing! Nothing, I- ”
Charles is kneeling, sat on his heels. His head is tilted slightly to the left, and he is looking at Max with something unreadable in his eyes.
Could it be…?
“Are you sure?” Max whispers.
Lando sniggers, and there are definitely at least a couple more stifled giggles from the circle.
“A dare is a dare, no?”
And then, before Max even realises what is going on, Charles’ lips are soft against his own. Everyone else in the room ceases to exist. Reality itself ceases to exist, as Max floats through this daydream. Charles’ tongue is wet along Max’s lip, and Max feels his jaw go slack. Finally, he thinks. Whatever he wants, he thinks. I hope this never ends, he thinks.
Somewhere, miles away, someone clears their throat, bringing Max back down to Earth.
“That was easy. You’re welcome, guys.” Lando grins.
Charles smiles easily and shrugs, Max stares determinedly into his lap, refusing to acknowledge his friend.
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nottspocket · 1 month
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I think they should be allowed to flirt with him. For fun. And to piss off Bakugo
Based off that one Anne Hathaway photo. You know the one
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squidthusiast · 5 days
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Post-Grand-Fest feels…
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altruistic-meme · 1 month
im sitting here wondering how the ADA would react to skks dynamic in canon. cus like..... I don't think ANYONE from the ADA has ever actually seen Dazai and Chuuya in the same room. and the way Dazai talks to and teases Chuuya is SO DIFFERENT than how he behaves with the people at the ADA that I feel like they'd get fucking whiplash from it.
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woodlandrealm · 1 month
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Eyes that sparkle, like a starlit sky.
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newtidnt · 2 years
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new blog! yippee i was originally gonna draw mario too but i thought it was alot funnier to just slap a png on there and call it a day Still getting a feel for drawing bowser and luigi so it's a bit rough i don't really like how soft luigi looks in this but i dunnooo also i've been drawing almost solely feral cats for like 3 years now so i barely know how to drawn humans anymore help ((also i know someone else did the "i'm stuff" meme with mario characters (don't remember who) BUT they just used images and they didn't actually draw it so uhhhuhuu that's my excuse))
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moonlit-dreamers · 6 months
holy shit, me drawing and posting something? wow. so rare, i know
anyway saving the light au be upon ye
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sometimes sunshine needs comfort... and a lot of it-
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buwheal · 4 months
if you keep eating from the trash, you'll get food poisoning. most of the food is probably rotten, that's why it's in the trash there's also a possibility that a maus got it's saliva all over what you're eating you could also get a virus if the food's contaminated with malware because someone sick ate some of it
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pipfrankenstein · 8 months
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sir pentious redesign bc i still kinda love him (sadly)
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elizakai · 1 year
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they are just being silly…🥺 🎶
(and probably listening to girl in red.)
(click to avoid the horrible quality)
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xitsensunmoon · 9 months
Be ready to give me all your money in a few days it's gonna be A ROBBERY 👹👹👹👹👹👹
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martyryo · 2 months
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Drawing undertale for the memories
Click for better quality also 😤
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justablah56 · 6 months
I need everyone to remember will saying that normal would wear vintage menswear when he's older and keep that in mind when you imagine the epilogue scene . that's all bye .
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hellaadead · 2 months
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me after saying “UNO!” with fifteen cards shoved up my ass
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altruistic-meme · 4 months
i was reading about black holes and the effects they have and i learned that gravity has an active effect on time. like the way that clocks hands move faster on an airplane than they do on the ground, because of the earth's gravitational pull which causes time to move faster the further away you are from the center of gravity.
anyway something something Dazai feeling like time slows down when he gets too close to Chuuya and he keeps trying to rationalize that it makes no sense because CLEARLY he doesn't have feelings for Chuuya and it's just his minds playing tricks on him, but it genuinely just IS because of Chuuya's gravity manipulation fucking with the way time behaves around him and Dazai just happens to get physically close enough to Chuuya to feel the actual effects of it
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total-drama-brainrot · 6 months
Question about p! Noah..
How would he hypothetically react to being stabbed. (Accidentally) Like not a deadly stab wound but one big enough for it to be considered concerning.
How would the rest of the cast react?
Ok so what I'm asking is how committed is p! Noah to the bit? How for would he go in such a serious situation. Maybe he didn't care at all and walked around bleeding? Maybe he was only thinking of ways to torment the others using this to his advantage. Idk.
Also love this au sm!!
"Hypothetically", just say you want to stab him. This is a safe space, I'm not judging. ...Okay I'm judging a little bit.
I actually have a few thoughts about reactions to stabbings, as someone who's been involved in more than my fair share of them, and generally I think a lot of people don't tend to understand just how much it fucking hurts to be stabbed, even when it's non-fatal. It is a very painful experience, even with the added anaesthetic of adrenaline, and seeing just how often media portrays people walking off stab wounds or regarding them as little more than scratches is just. Infuriating.
Now, I personally headcanon Noah as someone with a fairly high pain tolerance. This is backed by a lot of the bone-crushing and otherwise painful experiences he suffers through in the show and is generally able to shrug off without complaint (and really, Noah would realistically have so much chronic pain after World Tour in particular, given how much he's crushed, tossed and thrown about in that season alone). But that doesn't mean I think he can just brute-force his way through acting unconcerned by a literal stab wound.
Even p!Noah wouldn't have that unwavering of a constitution, and he's crazy. Though I do think he'd make a good effort of maintaining his persona as the unflappable unstable wildcard, he'd be quick to abscond from the situation at hand and treat the wound. Again, that shit hurts, and it's really hard to keep up any pretences under the pain of a stab wound, so getting himself out of the situation as fast as possible would be his top priority- the less time he spends around the others in his vulnerable state, the slimmer the chances are of them seeing behind his mask of mania to the scared person hidden behind it.
Because his detachment from reality is the vast majority of his defence mechanism game plan; if Noah allows himself to be seen as anything but the psychopath he's portrayed himself as- either by the audience or the now aware cast- he's lost practically everything he's spent seasons building up on camera. Letting himself be seen as vulnerable or even affected by something as "inconsequential" as a stab would is a no-go, so he'd stutter out a few witty zingers and bounce.
(Which is an incredibly unhealthy mindset to have, but p!Noah isn't exactly mentally sound even without his exaggerated persona. His commitment to The Bit is strong enough for him to momentarily disregard his physical wellbeing, but not enough to grant him the ability to completely ignore it.)
It'd play out something like this:
Noah's eyes momentarily widened in shock as he felt the cold steel of Duncan's knife embed itself into the meat of his upper thigh. The pain was searingly sharp, molten agony burning like lava in his veins, and the bookworm found himself reflexively stumbling backwards from the punk.
"Did you just stab me?" He asked incredulously, sparing a glance down towards the weapon sticking out of his now ruined cargo shorts. The sight was almost comedic; Noah's oversized shorts rested against the hilt of the knife like cushions, completely blanketing the wound beneath them. He was almost amused enough to laugh, but the constant screaming of his nerves had his laughter congealing against the back of his throat with the rest of his saliva, leaving his mouth uncomfortably dry.
Duncan, in turn, seemed just as shocked by the turn of events. The delinquent's terrified blue eyes darted from Noah's face to the knife jutting out of his thigh. Which prompted the cynic to contort his grimace into a toothy grin, as any sign of weakness here would completely ruin his carefully cultivated image, though the edges of his smile were soured by the constant throbbing pain in his leg.
Truly, it was Noah's own fault. He shouldn't've provoked the stab-happy jailbird, but messing with Duncan was just too fun an opportunity to pass up.
"Oh fuck! Oh shit, dude, I'm so sorry!"
And he really was. Noah could tell by the shaky panic in his voice, the bulging of his ice-blue eyes, and the way Duncan seemed to curl self-consciously into himself. Not that the pessimist thought he had any right to act to timid- he was the one with the knife in his leg.
Again, Noah wanted nothing more than to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Here he was, stood before the resident metal-faced punk, brandishing the other's knife deep in the flesh of his thigh like some sort of twisted fashion statement. Every minor twitch and spasm of his muscles had white-hot agony lick at the back of his mind like flames, matching the welling heat of pained tears he desperately choked down; Noah refused to cry in front of Duncan, refused to let the other know just how much pain he was in.
He took a few tentative steps backwards, edging towards the exit of the Economy Cabin and towards the relative safety of the Confessional. Each step was a test in his composure, as every time he put even the slightest bit of weight onto his pierced leg Noah felt liquid hot torture bubble through his veins.
"Wow. I know you offered to give me a piercing, but don't you think this is a bit much?" Noah snarked, playing off the unsteady tightness of his voice as mirth with a humourless giggle, and disguising the wince he couldn't quite subdue as a cocky tilting of his head.
Noah placed a steadying hand on the doorframe of the exit, never once turning his back to his assaulter or letting his feral grin falter, as his tear-fogged eyes scanned across the cabin. He'd made it to the exit, but really needed a moment to catch his breath. It was so hard to breath around the sharp, burning pain.
The cynic felt, more than saw, the concerned looks the other occupants of Economy were shooting him. In fact, both Owen and Alejandro had jumped from their seats to, assumedly, assist him. That wouldn't do- Noah staunchly refused to show any semblance of helplessness in front of Alejandro. The latino's hero complex and overblown ego would never let Noah hear the end of it, and making himself even the slightest bit sympathetic in front of their audience would offset the persona he'd worked so hard to maintain.
Damn his team and their inconstant bouts of humanity; concern was the last thing Noah wanted! The whole situation was jeopardising his image! He'd have to do something drastic to stop his well intentioned teammates from following him- something crazy.
"I'm keeping this, by the way."
The bookworm yanked the knife from it's nested perch in is thigh, scattering scarlet droplets of blood in its wake, and brandished his newfound weapon with performative flourish. It hurt like a bitch, and Noah had to force down a shudder at the feeling of his own rapidly welling blood as it began to trickle down his leg like molasses in rivulets of crimson. No doubt his shorts would be ruined, not that they weren't already.
A resounding cry of disbelief rattled through the cabin, though Noah payed it no mind.
It... probably wasn't the best idea, ripping the knife out of his stab wound. But Noah was nothing if not committed to his act, and it wasn't as if he could just re-plug the bleeding with the knife.
Unless? ...No, no that was stupid. The persistent throbbing pain of his sluggishly bleeding wound was probably just messing with his head.
It was, however, satisfying to watch the well-intentioned concern on the other's faces drain into white-faced revulsion and terror, as Noah playfully began to spin the blood soaked weapon between his fingers. Both Owen and Alejandro came to a halt a few meters away from him, the Spaniard in particular seemed to recoil at the stray droplets of the cynic's blood as his face took on a peculiar green tinge.
And Duncan stood shell-shocked in his original position, apparently still stunned by disbelief by his own actions. Not that Noah cared, but it was a little ironic to him; the big bad delinquent couldn't handle the ramifications of his own violence. How sad, Noah's heart was just bleeding for him- or was it his leg? It was hard to tell, the rapid loss of blood made his deductive skills a little wonky.
"Thanks for the gift, Duncey. Toodles!~"
With that, Noah skittered his way out of the cabin, leaving a trail of scarlet behind him.
"Dude, what the fuck."
And then p!Noah hobbles his way to the Confessional to treat his stab wound and stop the bleeding. And probably has a little cry over it because ouch, being stabbed hurts. (Obviously he'd muffle the sounds of his sobs and agonised hissed breaths as he deals with the wound- he wouldn't want anyone overhearing his moment of weakness.)
Then, of course, he remembers that the Confessional is decked out with a camera and quickly re-masks into his usual persona and waxes poetic about how pretty he looks covered in his own blood, and how Duncan was so generous in gifting him his prized knife, and how Noah would love to repay the favour. Or something along those lines.
Duncan in this scenario would have the added bonus of not only dealing with the guilt of stabbing someone, but also the paranoia of Noah's rebuttal. Of which Noah would relish in, because of course he would.
As for the others, Noah would make a conscious and continuous effort to keep them as unconcerned with his wellbeing as possible, since his whole goal is to make himself seem as inhuman and unstable as possible. Letting the others care about him would humanise Noah in the eyes of the cast and the audience at large, which is a big no-no for his game plan.
That doesn't mean he wouldn't let Owen fuss over him in private; Owen's one of the very few people around who knows that a lot of Noah's instability is an exaggeration, so Noah isn't as hesitant to lower his walls.
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