#birdcage scribbles
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moonlit-dreamers · 5 months ago
drew this last night in a feverish haze after watching the (un)lucky block video
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can we get some F's in the chat for moon?
reblogs appreciated
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sodascribbles · 7 months ago
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the urge to draw fics that you havent written yet! yayyyyy
the rest of the song is less relevant. But these lines specifically BAHAHAH
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moonlit-dreamers · 8 months ago
another tip!
put it in areas that r more complex! put it over the drawing itself (thats wut i do) and not in areas that can be easily cropped out
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you cant get rid of this easily. itd take way too much effort to get rid of this just to repost it
even if you dont have a stamp like we do you can still put your signature over it
and for the love of god, PLEASE make it readable and be easily traced back to your account. if ppl cant understand what your signature says then they wont be able to find you
So I sent a message to someone on Pinterest who repost SAMS art from Tumblr without credit (and I know damn well that it'll be like talking to a wall and maybe they'll block me) but anyways
I noticed that the people who repost on Pinterest usually cut the image to keep the main part of the art that will attract other's eyes so adviceee put your watermark near to where people should focus their eyes on !
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I've been scrolling on Pinterest and practically everyone didn't have their watermark on their art so outsmart those reposters
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neil-gaiman · 11 months ago
Good day Sir :)
What are your thoughts on hardcopy drafts? whether they be scribbled notes or print offs with notations, are they worth keeping around or are they better to line the birdcage with or in the recycling?
I keep them. I try to keep everything, though. You never know.
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atamascolily · 5 months ago
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I've been obsessing over this rendition of the Law of Cycles as a kinetic sculpture for a long time, so it's kind of embarrassing to realize there are actually ten witches here, not nine. (In my defense, one is so washed out, it's really hard to tell that there's anything there.) Fortunately, the Rebellion Production Note comes to the rescue again with Inu Curry's original artwork, which is even more interesting to me than the versions that made it into the movie.
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Here the "constellation" of witches is juxtaposed with the organ in Oktavia's orchestra. Clockwise from upper right:
HN Elly the Box Witch (also known as Kirsten) from Episode 4;
Sayaka's witch Oktavia's crown made of swords
Nagisa's witch Charlotte's doll silhouettes from episode 3
Patricia (spider witch with the clothesline webs from Episode 10)
Albertine the Scribbling witch (who doesn't appear in the show, but Sayaka fights her familiar Anja in the alleyway before Kyouko turns up in episode 5)
Elsa Maria the Shadow Witch whom Sayaka fights in episode 7
Gertrud the Rose Witch from Episode 1-2
Roberta the birdcage witch that Homura encounters in a flashback in episode 10
Suleika- another witch who never appears directly in the show but Mami dispatches her shadow lion familiars at the beginning of episode 3
Izabel the Art Witch who ensnares Homura in episode 10
None of this is explained in the Rebellion Production Note, by the way; for the designs of the sigils and other information that doesn't appear in the original series, you have to go to the corresponding production notes in the official guidebook "You Are Not Alone Anymore", which somehow I had never seen before. As someone who generally believes works should stand on their own without requiring further research, I am mildly annoyed at once again having to comb through supplementary artbooks in order to interpret this diagram, but such is life as a Madoka Magica fan.
Suleika's name and sigil don't even appear in the guidebook, to the point where the only reason I figured it out was by the process of elimination and the fact that it's a flashlight making the same star-shaped shadows as the lion heads (which are called Ulla). Talk about hidden lore!
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Anyway, these ten witches are the ones that I think are most likely to show up in Walpurgis no Kaiten in some fashion or another, with preference given to those who have the most screen time in the original series (Gertrud, Charlotte, Oktavia, Patricia). Those who never appear on-screen in the original series or who only have a very brief appearance, like Albertine, Roberta, and Suleika, are probably less likely to be featured in a larger role, just because the average audience member who doesn't have a PhD in Madoka Studies might not know/remember who they are, but we'll have to see; if nothing else, Inu Curry loves a good esoteric reference.
This is not to say that there won't be witches from other spinoffs in Walpurgis no Kaiten, given that fans have already spotted multiple Magia Record witches in the witch book in the second trailer, but blink-and-you'll-miss-it freeze frame Easter eggs for hardcore fans are an entirely different kettle of fish from meaningful roles. That said, Doroinu Curry directed the Magia Record anime, so, uh, suffice to say that they really, really like Magia Record and it's not surprising that they'd try to slip in as many references as possible. TBD. Patricia was also heavily featured in Magia Record 2x01, which is one reason I ranked her so high on my list.
One thing that's really fascinating about this "constellation" is that Walpurgisnacht is not present in the movie version, even though her elephants appear to pull a pumpkin carriage when the Law of Cycles comes to take Homura away. However, she is present in the artwork in the Rebellion Production Note in the form of the lace curtain above the organ, making her the "stage" upon which the performance takes place. Alternately, the curtain here could refer to Homulilly, who is also associated with lace and curtains, as most of Rebellion takes place in her labyrinth.
Metaphorically, Walpurgisnacht is the dark mirror to the Law of Cycles--both are conglomerations of witches represented by a single entity, but one offers salvation/relief/death while the other offers death and destruction. Given Madoka Magica's tendency to make its metaphors literal, I suspect the two are more closely related than we know, though the mechanics of how exactly that would work remains to be seen.
Another fun tidbit: the captions in the Rebellion Production Note suggest that the "spokes" connecting the witches to each other represent links by fate or some kind of other link that makes them compatible with each other. Thus, Oktavia is linked to Elly/Kirsten because Sayaka fought and destroyed her; Sayaka and Nagisa are partners on the mission to save Homura, but I'm very curious about the other connections there. What do Suleika and Izabel have in common?
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Also, I know I've said this before, but wow, does the constellation echo the isolation field that Kyubey puts Homura's soul gem in, so there's something especially poetic about the one being used to destroy the other.
It's still incredible to me I've been in this fandom for four years now and I'm learning new things about Madoka Magica every day!
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geraskierfanficprompts · 11 months ago
Prompt #2
There is not NEARLY enough Rapunzel AU fanfics. I'm thinking of mighty witcher Geralt coming across a lone, tall, moss, ivy, and lavender covered tower out in the woods, and being surprised to find a young man imprisoned there. I love the idea that instead of paintings like Disney's Rapunzel used to fill up her time and tower, that instead he sings and makes songs, so there's like.. Lyrics and sheet music scribbled onto the walls.
♡!Optional addons!♡ • Geralt is tracking down an evil infamous mage, of whom turns out to be the captor of this gorgeous musician he found
• Jaskier has blonde hair until it's cut like in Tangled, to call back to his Dandelion roots (hah.. Roots... Like hair... and dandelions..) • We could go the Disney's Tangled route and have there be a lost Prince Julian that Jaskier just so happens to resemble (and secretly is)
• Perhaps Jaskier is physically bound there by magic or chains, Or perhaps he's there out of nothing more than guilt, shame, and/or fear toward the person keeping him there • Perhaps Jaskier is a painter in this universe, and above all, wants to see real buttercups, dandelions, etc, out in the wild, for they don't grow near his tower, and the best he can get is his own paintings of their descriptions in books.
• Maybe if we feel more adventurous, Jaskier could be part harpy, kept in a mage's tower in a birdcage, kept for his magical hair activated by his magical singing (Ooh, this gives me more bird jaskier ideas.. You might see those soon)
• Or perhaps, after Blaviken, a witcher is sealed away in a tower, only for some dumbass (affectionate) struggling bard to stroll across and think it a perfect shelter from the oncoming rain.
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Birdcage, Chapter 15
Second Child, Restless Child
The Ninja trudge into the living room, collapsing onto various pieces of furniture.
"Well, the trial wasn't too bad," Jay murmurs.
"Speak for yourself," Morro grumbles from the doorway. "I don't even know what community service is!"
Kai waves at him from where he's flopped, half on the couch and half on the floor.
"Relax, dude. You just have to work with us to defend the city. It's only a month. No big deal."
Nya's eyes brighten at Kai's words.
"That reminds me! You'll need a new gi, Morro."
"Why can't I just use my old one?" Morro asks incredilously. Nya smirks.
"Well, it's completely ruined, for starters. Also, it probably won't help your reputation, since it's the one you wore as a ghost."
Morro grumbles at that, but relents.
"So, what color are you wanting?" Nya whips a notebook and pencil out of thin air and begins scribbling something.
He thinks about his options. Green is definitely off the menu, he thinks bitterly before shaking off the thought. He likes black, but that's Cole's.
The Ninja stare at him.
"Purple?" Zane repeats.
"That's what I said," Morro responds gruffly. "Is there a problem with purple?"
"There is an honorary Ninja who wears purple, but he wouldn't mind... would he?" Cole muses. Lloyd sighs and stands.
"I'll call him. It's time we checked on Nelson, anyway."
"Cool," Morro mutters, catching a glimpse of bronze from down the hallway. "Look, I'll talk to you guys later. Just need to do something."
"Sure," Lloyd says. "Take all the time you need."
The smug tone in Lloyd's voice should be ringing alarms for Morro, but he's too distracted to think about it.
He finds Echo in the courtyard, dangling from the roof overhang.
"Echo? What are you doing?"
The nindroid drops from the overhang, landing on his feet. His look of surprise quickly fades to a sheepish smile.
"Hello, Morro. I was climbing the roof."
"Yeah, I can see that," Morro says, shaking his head. "But why are you climbing the roof?"
Echo ducks his head, looking almost shy.
"I wanted to see why you liked sitting on the roof."
Morro hums, wondering why in the world Echo would want to know that.
"Can-" He cuts himself short, but Echo's curious gaze prompts him to continue.
"Can I join you?"
Echo smiles brightly, eyes glowing. Before Morro can contemplate why his heart just skipped a beat, Echo grabs his hand and drags him over to the wall.
"It will be easiest for you to climb here, correct?"
Morro opens his mouth to respond, but stops short as he feels the wind brush past him, tangling in his hair. He hears it whisper a question, and he lets a smile form.
Alright. I suppose we can try.
The wind picks up, greeting Morro as a long-lost friend. His smile grows, and he tugs his hand from Echo's grip.
"Morro? What is-"
Morro doesn't hear that last part, because he's launching himself into the sky.
The breeze whips itself into a tornado around him, cradling him in the eye of a vortex. Morro isn't sure when he started laughing, but it's a wonderful feeling to laugh so freely.
It's a wonderful feeling to fly.
It's over all too soon. His feet touch the tiles of the roof, and he lets the vortex dissipate.
He hears roof tiles move behind him, and he turns to see Echo scrambling onto the roof.
"Morro," Echo gasps, "what was that?"
Morro grins at him, still riding the high of flight.
"An old friend. My oldest. Would you like to meet them?"
Echo stares at him, eyes wide.
"That was Spinjitsu! Zane told me you didn't know it!"
"I do now!" Morro crows, turning his face to the sky. He can hear his element humming beneath his skin, loud after being silent for so long.
"Welcome back, old friend," he murmurs, letting the breeze wreathe past him.
"Could I learn Spinjitsu?"
Morro blinks in surprise, turning to Echo, who looks at him hopefully.
"I mean, it's mostly just Elemental Masters who know Spinjitsu."
Echo's face falls, and Morro scrambles to make him smile again.
"But I do know of a couple people who don't have Elemental Powers and did Spinjitsu, so you have a chance."
The bronze nindroid tilts his head, eyes bright.
"I do recall Zane telling me that Pixal did Spinjitsu with him. Is she who you're referring to?"
"No, actually. I was talking about Misako."
"Lloyd's mom. Wu taught her sometime after he took me in."
"Ah." Echo nods. "Wu does seem like someone who would do that."
Morro smiles fondly, thinking of the day Wu found him digging through the trash.
"Yeah. I guess he does."
"He must be very proud of you," Echo breathes. Morro glances at him, the beginnings of a frown growing on his face.
But then he meets Echo's eyes, and Morro sees grief there. The glow of his eyes is dull, black teardrops collecting at the edges.
"What's wrong?" Morro asks softly, feeling strangely protective of the nindroid before him.
Echo looks away, tears running down his face, dark oil on warm bronze.
"I'm sorry. I did not intend to- I-" Echo cuts himself short with a sob, hiding his face in his hands.
Then -- to Morro's horror -- Echo digs his fingers into his face, creating an awful screeching of metal on metal.
"Hey!" Morro yelps, rushing forward. "Don't do that!"
He pulls Echo's hands away from his face and holds them tight, trying to prevent Echo from hurting himself. The moment he touches Echo, the nindroid shies away, but Morro doesn't let go.
"Echo, look at me. I need to see if you've hurt yourself."
When Echo doesn't move, Morro sighs and places a hand on Echo's jaw, tilting his face to look at him. Echo freezes, making a sound similar to a whistling teapot.
As Morro looks over Echo's face, he tries to ignore the peculiar burning sensation nestled in his chest. He can't help but notice that the curve of Echo's jaw under his hand is warmer than he thought it was.
"Well, I don't see any dents," Morro notes with relief. "You should be fine, but don't..." his voice trails off.
He's just made the critical mistake of looking Echo in the eye.
Sometime between one second and the next, Morro's brain shuts down, the only coherent thought being "Holy shit, wow."
Lightbulbs had just been invented when Morro left the Monastery in his youth. He'd loved the color, the light of them, like a warm candle flame caught in a piece of glass. Going into the nearby town to look at the lights was the last happy memory he had before leaving the Monastery. As desperate as he was to become the Green Ninja, the feeling that came over him as he looked at the warm glow... well, it felt a lot like hope.
Echo's eyes are the exact same color as those damn lightbulbs. Warm, soft, and safe.
Then his brain catches up, and Morro realizes just how close he is to Echo.
Danger! His subconsciousness screams as he jumps back, stumbling a bit on the roof tiles.
"Morro? What's wrong?"
Morro looks at Echo, at his warm glow, at his kind eyes, and does the only thing he can think of.
He runs.
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sunset-sunbun · 1 year ago
h :}
oh one moment I believe you forgot something hmmmm
*step, step, step*
*rummaging noises*
oh- I don't think it's here. please be patient dear ::} I seem to have misplaced your missing piece.
*step step step* you follow them down a dark hallway, it's unfamiliar, normally you do not enter their home. the home itself is neat but still decently messy. a mess only they understand. tables and shelves full of certain specific clusters of small items, from books to squishy fidgets to plushies, yet none of it to overbearing. no, it's alright. the dim light may be due to the fact that only one lamp is on, and it is in the shape of a dinosaur. glowing a bright light from its light green silicone body. it smells like petrichor- how this is possible without any damp or misty atmosphere in the home is beyond you. you continue down the hall. doors line the sides. each of them an old yet friendly type of dark wood that would possibly give you splinters if you run your hand down them enough times. some of them are more decorated than others. one has a lot of sun decor on the drong, stickers and a little hanging sign with words in a language that isn't a language- no it's just. actually a bunch of scribbles and doodles. another with a lot of moon decorum, glow in the dark stars and a little moon light nailed to the wall. currently though it is off. there appears to be a running theme with astronomy in this abode. you finally reach the end of the hallway. they release your hand and then open the door. a spiral staircase winds downwards in a dreaded manner. "wait here whilst I search, if you hear anything it is normal, fret not." you watch as they go down and down into the depths, yet you are to curious to remain put. you go back down the hallway and into the living room, grabbing the dinosaur lamp from earlier and taking him down the spiral staircase with you. clank clank clank. your shoes press against the metal of each step with an echo of significance. a sign, a reminder of where you are for you and the room. clank clank clank. the staircase feels longer than it should be, you're thankful it has railing and proper protection. clank clank clank. you finally arrive at your destination. the room is vast and quite empty, boxes here and there, a birdcage full of some strange aura coated in mist and vicious mortality, a ghost with legs flapping it's wings around as it eeps and eeks around. you see them rummaging around in one of the boxes, you set the lamp down nearby and wait for them to be done. "hmmmmm AHA! HERE IT IS!" they swiftly turn around but leap once they see you, not expecting you to be there "GAH! ::} WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!? this is a place for my creations and creatures! not a place for friends! get out of here before the wrath of xafus gets hungry!" they quickly start to usher you out, taking your hand and going up the staircase. the both of you end up back at the living room, you look at them with utter confusion before they sigh and smile at you with a smile akin to the Cheshire cat. "I got what you were missing dear ::}, hold out your hand...c'mon don't look at me like that, be not afraid, just hold out your hand and close your eyes."
you do as told and something hit's your palm.. it's solid, hard, yet also soft at the same time..you close your hand and feel it's weight go from rock solid to easily squish able in moments. you have no clue what this is. "It's your i, you forgot it whilst trying to say hi to me this arvo my friend." so you did.
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dragoninahumancostume · 22 days ago
@thethinkingaurora @magic-and-moonlit-wings @strugglefluff @gayforpetewentzbass @dragoninatrenchcoat @mmvrkussx @artistic-scribbles @donaviolet @cittycatplay
Challenging you all!
Put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most!
Then tag Tumblr friends to keep the game going!
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moonlit-dreamers · 9 months ago
the cast in shitty pride merch
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eclipse doesnt get a shirt but he does get a mug
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alterlifes-a · 7 years ago
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Welcome to the Melty Land ♡ Where tragic dreams so beautiful are laid down to rest
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1driedpersimmon · 2 years ago
Just popping in to say that I listened to the BB playlist and am now OBSESSED with the idea Fish in a Birdcage from his PoV
It's literally him before leaving Wammy's House
Hehe I’m glad you liked my much choice ;)) that’s EXACTLY what I was thinking haha (there’s also 13 songs ;))))
I’ve scribbled up a few notes for my music choices 👀👀 I thought it’d be fun to share (here’s the link again if you guys want heh X)
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joeyborovicka · 7 years ago
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Study for The Horror Host . . . . #drawing #ink #inkpen #inkdrawing #line #illustration #pilotg2 #scribbles #doodles #sketch #sketchbook #bw #blackandwhite #horror #horrorhost #thumbnail #chair #basement #coffin #birdcage #gorilla
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lunamadrigal · 3 years ago
Are you okay luna? What have you been up to? In case nobody has asked lately <3
Aww you're so sweet 💕 I'm ummm doing OK? I know it's been quiet around here or the fandom in general maybe (?) I appreciate you checking in. Things are weird for me atm and idk how else to explain it. Sometimes your brain just needs a break. I do really appreciate this though for very personal reasons so thank you for thinking of me.
I won't leave you empty handed so here's a song I'm hooked on today and a photo from my Friday walk along with quick scribbles.
She has become unreachable
Her roots wandered too deep into the darkness
They beg for the kind of vibration that only another soul can hear
So dig me up
dig me up
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muffinrecord · 3 years ago
All Witches in Magia Record and The main series memorized and written down.
MAIN SERIES Gertrud - Rose Garden Witch - Distrustful Nature H.N. Elly (Kiristen) - Box Witch - Nature: Covetous Suileika - Dark Witch - Nature: Delusional Gisela - Silver Witch - Nature: Liberal Albertine - Scribble Witch - Nature: Ignorant Elsa Maria - Shadow Witch - Nature: Self Righteous Urhmann - Canine Witch - Nature: Craving Izabel - Artist Witch - Nature: Vanity Patricia - Class Representative Witch - Nature: Onlooking Roberta - Birdcage Witch - Nature: Rage Quitterie - Needle Witch - Nature: Respectful Itzli - Oblivion Witch - Nature: Vengeful
MAGIA RECORD Zenobia - Sandbox Witch - Nature: Immersion Candy - Bunny Ear Witch - Nature: Princess Stacey - Rooftop Witch - Nature: Dreamer Rebecca - Sheep Witch - Nature: Insomnia Sarah Mirabilis W - Mirror Witch - Nature: Seclusion Lucy - Vagrant Witch - Nature: Homesick Matasuburo - Chocolate Witch - Nature: Minor Role Durbar - Ikigami Witch - Nature: Ablutions Box Wood - Stone Dwelling Fish Witch - Nature: Being Confined Oshiti - Gokumon Witch - Nature: To Weep Raspberry - Critic Witch - Nature: Authority Shitori Egumo - Happy Statue Witch - Nature: Suffering
It's been a few days so this was in reference to me saying that I do not remember any witch names--
I'm still not going to remember witch names, but you put a lot of work into this and I apologize for not posting it sooner. Maybe this will be helpful for someone? I'm just not a witch person tbh, I find them sort of... like background scenery. I'm more interested in the characters themselves.
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deathleadsarc · 3 years ago
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@thefatalmarksman​ sent a letter:  7, 11, 17
Send me a Number  |  Accepting
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7. What do you enjoy daydreaming about most?
          “  Truthfully I no longer daydream as I have grown to plan. What was once simple wishful thinking has become more of a schedule to me over the years. Therefore, I do not need to daydream, you see? If I am wistfully sighing from my thoughts at the moment it is only because I am not in my lab to make those thoughts a reality.  ”
11. Describe the memory of the last time you felt true happiness.
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          “  Happy by my own standards, I am always satisfied. But true happiness, I do not know. Perhaps it had been in the care of my brother?  ”    when freed of That Creatures grasp, hopping along outside the birdcage of Centrals’ Underground, just before taking the wrong turn and having a door shut on her until death.   “ It all depends on one’s definition of what happiness is, and true happiness that can hardly be measured. I will say, the moment I picked up an alchemy book and began to truly learn. No fear in my heart and only questions in my head. ”
17. What is something you own that is important to you? What makes it so important?
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          “  Now this one is easiest! My dear brother Edward left his first alchemy book with me before he died, all his notes scribbled in the corners of the pages and looseleaf papers stuffed in random chapters  -  I don’t need it, of course, but looking at his scrawl from time to time is quite comforting.  ”
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