#this is my official nettles post
arabian-bloodstream · 2 years
I sent the ask about Nettles because I find her story interesting and would love to see her as an honorary daughter to Daemon -_- there’s this very weird patronizing hostility among other Daemyra fans when people worry or critique at all. Anxious people worry and process that worry often by venting it, and no amount of “just enjoy it as it is” changes that anymore than yoga will cure depression. If it bothers you SO much you are welcome to turn anon off or your askbox entirely. Also the writing that made Daemon a bad father still sucks if he was depressed or not, depression is not an excuse to leave your children crying alone over their dead mother, and we know they cut the hug. Kthnxbai
I'm sorry if I come across as dismissive about the Nettles questions, it's just that I get so many and I find it dismissive of the current story that is being told right now. Before I explain that, I will say that I will tackle the Nettles of it all because I do keep getting asks about that and I don't want to turn off my ask box (anon or otherwise). I enjoy getting the asks, I enjoy discussing this show and Daemyra, and interacting with others in the fandom. So, I will go to town, all over town, on the Nettles of it all, and when I am asked about her -- as I invariably will… again, and again, and again -- I will link to this post.
As I wrote at the top, I find it dismissive of the current story that is being told when Nettles is brought up so consistently because much more often than not it is with the dreaded worry that the show is going to present her as Daemon's lover, and how terrible that would be. This is based upon the conjecture in Fire & Blood. I will get to all of that in the next section. But, first, my frustration comes with the fact that absolutely nothing in the show thus far should make one think that the show is going to do that. From literally moment one of Daemon and Rhaenyra's interaction they have been presented in a romantic light. Every single other "love" interest they have been shown with has been downplayed and swiftly dealt with in a quick one and done.
Cristin Cole? OK, fine, Rhaenyra lost her maidenhood to him. HOWEVER, she only did so because DAEMON had shown her the pleasure of sexual interplay, left her wanting and she wanted to get the job done, oh, and look there was Cristin. The scene itself focused on Rhaenyra's pleasure, Rhaenyra's satisfaction. It was about her finding that sexual pleasure that DAEMON had told her about, that DAEMON had first shown her.
Harwin Strong? The father of her first three children. He was impressed at her blood-soaked walk of victory, post-boar-killage. Which was paralleled with Daemon's post blood-soaked walk of victory, post-crabfeeder-killage. A smiling dance, which Daemon interrupted. Threw her over his shoulder to spare her the disaster of the wedding reception. Later we found out that Daemon took off himself to spare her the ruination of her life by running off with her. In the one episode post the bearing of the children, they shared a few smiles, and Rhaenyra was saddened upon hearing how the whole situation was hitting him. And that was it.
Laena Valyreon? Daemon's wife. There was an affection, a love there. But as Laena said herself, she was not the wife he would have chosen. As Daemon said, "we were happy enough." Not exactly a ringing endorsement, "happy enough." The most of this relationship we saw was a brief hand hold and fingers slipping away, Daemon kissing her pregnant belly, and, his sadness when she was burnt away by dragonfire. That's it.
In ten years, Rhaenyra had three children with Harwin and found love with him. Daemon had two children with a third on the way with Laena, and he too found love with her. And the show condensed those relationships to one episode, all the while making it clear that while they found love with these two people, their hearts still yearned for the other across the sea. Daemon still wanted Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra still wanted Daemon. And in the following episode when they did see each other again, when their eyes met, when they spoke, when they touched, when they kissed, made love, and when they wed, their love, and then happiness was clear. They had been living muted, shadowed lives without one another.
THIS is what the show had given us. And then in our first episode with the two married--six years later!--they are at peace, happy, in love still, always smiling at one another, within reach of one another, two souls together. Soul mates in every sense of the word.
Furthermore, the leaks and worried, anxiety-ridden fears would have us believe Rhaenyra loves Daemon more than he her. Is that what we have seen thus far? No, not at all. Daemon was a happy, contented man. At peace for the first time we have seen him since the show began. There is a trust, a completion between him and Rhaenyra. How quickly, calmly, easily he went to her with the letter from Baela. How they spoke in shorthand in that scene, knowing what the other was thinking. The casual hand-holding. The punishment of Vaemond for speaking of her sons, and her in such a vile way, their interaction during the brief period of peace at dinner, the smiles, the joy, the way he defended all of their children, hers and his. The leaks also "confirmed" that it was Aemond visiting Mysaria. Oops! Wrong again.
So, I say again…. can we please stop being dismissive of what we are getting from the actual show. We are getting a goldmine of Daemyra couple-age. And this is from a Game of Thrones show. Game of Thrones is a medieval-fantasy, political-back-biting, kill-or-be-killed, die-die-die!, traitors everywhere you look! type of show, and yet in the middle of it, House of the Dragon is giving us this EPIC love story. And they are not following the salacious and side love stories that were presented as possible alternatives in Fire & Blood. Nope, we are just getting that Daemon and Rhaenyra are IT. In eight episodes so far this has not changed one iota. Not even the tiniest, teeniest bit. Even a little bit. At all.
Could it? Sure. But it has not yet. Like even a teeny, tiny, miniscule. And that is why I say it is dismissive of what the show is giving us to constantly question what about this or that or Nettles (Nettles… Nettles…. Nettles… Nettles)
Fine. Let us address Nettles. Why I have not gone into depth on this is that we have been told that we are done with the time-jumps. There will be no time jumps next season, as such Nettles will likely not show up until the latter half of season 02. In fact, Nettles may not even show up until season 03! She could be that far away. Personally, I don't understand why when given such glorious bounty of Daemyra by the show that so many spend so much time worrying over a character that we won't see for two to possibly four years. I just do not know… but, alas, she keeps coming up.
Why? Because in the book, Fire & Blood, Mysaria, who has become Rhaenyra's unofficial Mistress of Whisperers, convinces the paranoid Rhaenyra that Nettles is a witch and has seduced Daemon and is his lover. It is easier for Rhaenyra to believe this because Nettles is one of the dragonseed, those who is not of "official" Targaryen blood, but a bastard Targaryen of some sort who has managed to ride a dragon. Team Black needs all the dragon riders they can get. Nettles succeeds and rides Sheepstealer, and she rides with Daemon during the war, the Dance of the Dragons. Nettles is fiercely loyal to Team Black, but per the accounts -- Septon Eustace and Mushroom -- Rhaenyra listens to Mysaria and when Daemon and Nettles are at Maidenpool, she sends a missive requesting the House's Lord kill Nettles, and send Daemon home. Instead, the Lord is disgusted by the Queen wanting him to break guest rights, the maester tells Daemon. Daemon lets Nettles go, and leaves Maidenpool.
Now, I bring this up for a few reasons. The accounts and Maidenpool. Septon Eustace was pro-Aegon II, and anti-Rhaenyra. Mushroom was wont to salacious tales. So pretty much anything that painted Rhaenyra in a more negative light was going to happen in any account from Eustace. And anything that was going to involve sexual shenanigans was going to happen in any account from Mushroom. So, then we head to the account from those at Maidenpool who had no skin in the game. According to the maester's account there, Daemon treated Nettles like a daughter, interacted with her as such, showing her how to properly handle utensils, etc. Also, no one knew who Nettles' father was. So, it certainly is possible that Nettles actually is Daemon's daughter.
Some like to bring up the servants' account that Daemon and Nettles bathed together. However, those accounts are given right alongside the maester's that Daemon treated Nettles like a daughter, and they are not transcribed in a salacious way. And this makes sense for the time period. Recall Game of Thrones, season 03, episode 6: "Kissed By Fire." Jaime and Brienne bathed together, there was nothing salacious about that. They were simply two people who needed to be cleaned up and so they were sent to the bathing chamber to do so. It wasn't sexual at all. Also, think of the difficult task of bathing in that day and age. Bringing the tub up, heating the water, bringing up the buckets of water, and then emptying the tub. That is a LOT of work. So sharing a bath isn't always a sexual thing, not in that time period. It just isn't.
Daemon cared for Nettles, and the unbiased accounts described their interactions as father and daughter like. She was the same age as his daughter. Their relationship being father/daughter like makes more sense. Because Daemon and Rhaenyra are the lovers in this tale. And those who are anti-Daemyra can talk about the "compelling" love story between Daemon and Laena all they want. They can pump up Rhaenyra and Harwin as some great love that was ended too soon. They can downplay Daemon and Rhaenyra in Fire & Blood, but even in that book, they were clearly in love. The accounts of their love story were given mainly by Septon Eustace who didn't like Rhaenyra, and Mushroom, who was clearly half in-love with Rhaenyra himself. And yet in between their accounts you can see that love is there between Daemon and Rhaenyra. The marriage between Daemon and Laena is an after-the-fact. The children with Harwin is because Laenor could not do his duty. Daemon and Rhaenyra had a relationship all along, when he was the heir, they spent time together, riding their dragons, he brought her gifts from Essos, etc. They have always been the love story. The show is just bringing that into focus.
When it comes to Nettles if the show makes any huge statement it will likely be that she is Daemon's illegitimate child. But even if they don't do that, I truly can't see the Nettles and Daemon relationship played as anything other than a father/daughter one. I just cannot.
Which brings me to my final subject. Daemon as a father. I disagree that he is a bad father. Rhaena said "father ignores me" in one scene at one point in their life. That doesn't mean that he has always ignored her. Laena told her that he's doing his best. If Daemon was a terrible father, I think we would have seen Laena talking to him about it. We saw Daemon being a good father to Baela. And, although the scene was cut, we know that he was talking to them, hugging them, which shows that he does have a relationship with both. I, like many, like you, wish the scene hadn't been cut, but the show had their reasons.
We also saw in this episode him ruffling the hair of his son when Rhaenyra was showing him to Viserys, defending her boys when they were called bastards (and Rhaenyra being called a whore), and defending ALL of the children (his and hers--including Rhaena) from Aemond. So, I think that we can forgive him a period in his life when one child felt ignored (and her mother defended him) when he was suffering from severe depression when all other evidence since has shown a good relationship with his children.
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werebutch · 5 months
I could save so much money on rabbit forage if every inch of plant life wasn’t sprayed with something 😑 the fact that I’m buying dried willow leaves is a sin..
3 notes · View notes
When The World Is Crashing Down [Chapter 7: Keep Quiet, Nothing Comes As Easy As You]
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A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading and loving this fic. 🥰 We are now officially halfway done with WTWICD, can you believe it?! I hope you enjoy Chapter 7. 💜
Series summary: Your family is House Celtigar, one of Rhaenyra’s wealthiest allies. In the aftermath of Rook’s Rest, Aemond unknowingly conscripts you to save his brother’s life. Now you are in the liar of the enemy, but your loyalties are quickly shifting…
Chapter warnings: Language, warfare, violence, the smallfolk having a bad time everywhere you look, Aemond being a menace, serious injury, alcoholism/addiction, references to sexual content (18+), discussions of pregnancy/babies, dragons, murder, some new perspectives! 🥰
Series title is a lyric from: “7 Minutes In Heaven” by Fall Out Boy.
Chapter title is a lyric from: “Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner” by Fall Out Boy.
Word count: 6k.
Link to chapter list: HERE.
Taglist (more in comments): @tinykryptonitewerewolf @lauraneedstochill @not-a-glad-gladiator @daenysx @babyblue711 @arcielee @at-a-rax-ia @bhanclegane @jvpit3rs @padfooteyes @marvelescvpe @travelingmypassion @darkenchantress @yeahright0h @poohxlove @trifoliumviridi @bloodyflowerrr @fan-goddess @devynsficrecs @flowerpotmage @thelittleswanao3 @seabasscevans @hiraethrhapsody @libroparaiso @echos-muses @st-eve-barnes @chattylurker @lm-txles @vagharnaur @moonlightfoxx @storiumemporium @insabecs @heliosscribbles @beautifulsweetschaos @namelesslosers @partnerincrime0 @burningcoffeetimetravel-fics @yawneneytiri @marbles-posts @imsolence @maidmerrymint @backyardfolklore @nimaharchive @anxiousdaemon @under-the-aspen-tree @amiraisgoingthruit @dd122004dd @randomdragonfires @jetblack4real @joliettes
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged! 🥰💜
In the Eyrie, Rhaena is praying for one of the three dragon eggs in her keeping to hatch. In the shadowy ruins of Harrenhal, Daemon and Nettles are bathing in rooms thick with steam, while outside by the lakeshore Baela brings plump goats to Moondancer. In King’s Landing, Rhaenyra’s Master of Coin Bartimos Celtigar is levying heavy taxes on the smallfolk: taxes on wine, taxes on ale, taxes on inn beds and shop goods, even taxes on the bittersweet parody of love purchased in brothels, taxes on every possible distraction from the ceaseless bloodletting that has infected the world like plague. In the North, Cregan Stark is following the Kingsroad towards Moat Cailin and imagining what you will say to him when you are rescued from the clutches of the Usurper: Oh my love, my champion, my savior, my lord. But south in the Reach, Daeron is flying.
Tessarion’s scales are a blue sheen like light on the ocean; the flapping of her wings is a deafening, roaring wind. She is nimble in the air, lethally quick, banking seamlessly when Daeron asks her to turn towards the Hogs Head, an inn from which torrents of men and women run shrieking. They do not run fast enough. Tessarion’s flames are an electrifying cobalt blue like lightning. Flesh melts away, bones are charred black, screams evaporate as lungs are singed, consumed, destroyed. Daeron’s own lungs work perfectly fine; he is cackling, almost loud enough to hear over the wings and inferno of his dragon. After the inn, Tessarion burns the sept, the marketplace, the castle that is the seat of the disloyal House Caswell. There is a stone bridge, after which the town is named, traversing the Mander River. People are fleeing across it. There are children on the bridge, but this does not stop Daeron. Maelor was a child when these traitors ripped him apart with their bare hands. Jaehaerys was a child, and so is Jaehaera, who may be alive in Storm’s End or may be dead but in any case has suffered the decimation of her family, her brothers and her mother and her grandsire. Daeron is burning Bitterbridge for the Greens, yes. But he is also doing it for himself. And in the wake of Tessarion’s fire, Lord Ormund Hightower’s forces pour into the rubble of the town to seize whatever treasures it has left.
In the Riverlands, Aemond and Vhagar are setting fields of wheat ablaze and incinerating cattle, pigs, sheep, forests that can no longer be used by the Blacks and their supporters for timber. In the Citadel, white ravens are being sent out to the great houses of Westeros to proclaim the end of summer. And on Dragonstone, the Beggar King heals.
He spars with guards that Larys found, is tended by maesters that Larys recruited from the turncoat houses of the Crownlands, rules over a microcosm kingdom that Larys built for him. Aegon tires quickly, sleeps often, aches and collapses and bleeds, gets sunburned when he is outside too long on those rare clear days. But he always rises again. “Perpetual Resurrection,” he says, grinning through the pain when you caution him to be patient, to be careful. “I’m not dying. I’m becoming brand new.”
You hunt for softshell crabs together on the rocky shoreline, fill a basket with them, bring them to the cooks to serve the skeleton crew of the castle for supper. You walk through the gardens, a pine-smelling woodland of towering coniferous trees, thorny rose bushes, blood-red cranberries, indelicate creatures that can thrive in the thin, inhospitable earth here. You study the books of the castle library—an impossibly vast, ancient collection, safeguarding texts from Old Valyria—while Aegon swims in the ocean with Sunfyre, laughing and diving as the dragon glides around him in large, lazy circles. Sunfyre can fly, but only a very short distance at a time; he is ungainly when he walks on land with his improperly-healed right wing. But in the water, he and Aegon are both unbroken again. Soon they will be ready for battle. Soon they will have to leave this island, this mist-and-smoke haven, to rejoin the war effort; soon they will have to leave you.
You crave Aegon like some people need wine, rum, gin, gold, power, violence, milk of the poppy. He is ecstasy, he is consolation, he is a spell. He is your home; and any place you’ve ever mistaken for home was only an echo of the truth that you would one day find him. Even on that very first night, as the storm raged outside, you whispered to Aegon when you both woke long before sunrise: “I want you again.”
“You’ll be sore,” he warned, a warm murmur against your forehead. “We can wait. I can wait.” But already his hands were moving, and your thighs were opening, and he followed your body and your words when they told him yes, now, and tomorrow, and the day after that, and the next day too.
You smile when Aegon calls you insatiable, but you know that’s not quite it.
You are acutely aware that nothing lasts forever, not even him, not even you.
“Are the days getting shorter?” you ask, your bare feet ankle-deep in wet sand. Sunfyre is out in the waves eating dolphins; a slippery-looking grey tail hangs from his snaggletoothed jaw.
“I think you just want the nights to be longer.” Aegon winks up at you. His head is in your lap, his arms linked around your waist. You are weaving his little braid for him. His hair is just above shoulder-length and as choppy as ever. He periodically takes his dagger to it and hacks away haphazardly, determined to never look like Aemond, Daeron, Daemon, his father. He burrows into the softness of your belly and shuts his eyes. “Perhaps winter is coming.”
In more ways than one, you think bleakly, picturing Cregan Stark on the Kingsroad with snow in his long dark hair and dirt on his hands. “We should ask Lord Larys if he’s heard anything.” As the Citadel—and most of the rest of Westeros—believes Dragonstone to be unoccupied, they would not have sent a white raven here. But several times each week Larys receives visitors from Eagle Harbor, and they bring him rumors in exchange for gold coins and promises that when Aegon once again sits the Iron Throne, their faithfulness will be generously rewarded.
Aegon hums agreeably; he is dozing. After a moment he says: “I keep dreaming of her.”
“Helaena,” Aegon says, his voice lethargic and eyes still closed. “She brings me things. Butterflies, crabs, snakes. Things that are reborn. She puts them in my hands or in my bed and won’t take them away when I ask her to. She keeps telling me: Don’t fall, don’t fall.”
You finish Aegon’s braid and comb his unruly hair back with your fingers, soothing him, listening to him. You try not to think of the way Helaena died, crushed and hemorrhaging on golden sandstone. Instead, you picture her living: strange yet gentle, tragic but kind. You see her children as well, white-haired and beautiful and doted on not by their parents but by Alicent and Otto and you…and Aemond. You remember Aemond’s quiet resentment, his simmering and dangerous envy. You recall Aegon’s half-flippant accusation: You’re always developing attachments to things that are mine. Targaryens have wed brothers to sisters since long before the Conquest, but that doesn’t mean they always got the combination quite right. “Aegon, was Aemond…was he in love with Helaena? Did he desire her?”
“No. Not like that. He cared for her, but I don’t believe he had any lust for Helaena. He just thought he would have been a better husband to her than I was. That he would have caused her less misery. That he was more worthy of carrying on the bloodline, of being the children’s father. And he was right, of course.”
“What happened to Helaena is not your fault,” you say. “And neither is what happened to Jaehaerys or Maelor.”
“I’m glad Daeron burned them all,” Aegon says quietly, meaning the people of Bitterbridge, a tale ferried to Larys from one of his numerous, nameless informants.
“I know you are, Aegon.” You can’t bring yourself to agree with him. Does one dead child bring back another? Does each swatch of flesh burned away from a supporter of Rhaenyra replace one that was sheared off the bones of a Green? No, of course not, but the wheel goes around and around and around.
In the sky, another sort of wheel: a sun that burns cool and muted behind a thicket of iron-colored clouds. High above where you and Aegon are entwined on the beach, something crosses in front of the shrouded sun, casting an impossibly large shadow. You gasp; at the sound, Aegon bolts upright onto his palms and knees and follows your gaze. There is a profound, archaic rumbling, something old and intractable like thunder, earthquakes, floodwaters rising.
A dragon, you know immediately. You try frantically to determine whether you recognize its voice. Too large to be Tessarion or Syrax, too deep a roar to be Caraxes. Sheepstealer?? Vermithor?? But no, you have heard this beast before after all, it’s—
“Vhagar!” Aegon shouts, and scrambles to his feet. As the massive swamp-green dragon disappears behind the castle, soaring rather sluggishly, Aegon sprints as fast as he can up the stone steps towards the entranceway. You follow Aegon into Dragonstone and there the visitor meets you both, sailing down a staircase with eerie lightness, his boots hardly making a sound, his long silver hair secured in a single thick braid. Larys arrives as well and stands in the dreary, torchlit chamber, appearing as he always does: face servile and tactfully intrigued, hands laced together overtop the handle of his cane, back stooped as if to make himself smaller, less threatening, more invisible.
“I got to thinking you might be here,” Aemond tells Aegon. He sounds pleasantly surprised. “You look better.” Then he notices you. “Oh. Perhaps that accounts for some of it.”
“Where’s Criston?” Aegon asks. Meanderingly, so it is sufficiently subtle, he takes several steps until he has placed himself between you and Aemond.
“Somewhere near Saltpans.”
“You left him?” Aegon is incredulous, furious.
“Temporarily,” Aemond says. “It is not the first time. Between battles Vhagar and I raze the farms and villages of the Riverlands. Criston and his men are more than capable of fending for themselves. I’ll be back in a day.”
“You’re supposed to stay with Criston,” Aegon insists, speaking slowly and deliberately as if to a child who might have difficulty understanding. “You promised that you would. The war is on the battlefield, not on goddamn farms.”
“And what feeds Rhaenyra’s forces? Is it not grain and cattle? And so if I destroy their food supply—while our own soldiers are still receiving regular shipments from the Westerlands and the Reach—am I not inflicting catastrophic damage to the Blacks?”
“You’re burning…civilian property?” you say to Aemond. “You’re killing women and children and old people? You’re laying waste their homesteads?”
“It’s total war.” Aemond stares at you defiantly; there is no suggestion of self-doubt in his face. “It is a well-documented strategy employed across continents and centuries. We kill soldiers on the battlefield. We endanger their families back home. Many men will desert to return to their imperiled wives and children. Others will starve. All are broken. All are rendered ineffectual to our enemy’s cause. And thus we will triumph.”
You and Aegon gape at him, not knowing what to say, not knowing what is right or wrong in a world where children are slaughtered and grown men murder with impunity. When will this war be over? How can we end it? Will any of our souls survive the choices we’ve made with our backs to the wall?
“My prince, you chose an excellent time to pay us a visit,” Larys offers diplomatically. “I have just received news that may be of interest to you. And you can bring it back to Sir Criston and his men when you return to the Riverlands tomorrow.”
“What news?” Aegon asks.
“Wait,” Aemond says; and he smiles, dark and hungry like a wolf, like a dragon. “I want to see the place where my ancestors made their war plans. I want to sit in Rhaenyra’s chair.”
On the top floor of the Stone Drum, the main keep of Dragonstone that booms and growls during storms, servants light the candles beneath the Painted Table and bring wine, ale, bread, cheese, honeycomb, jam, candied walnuts, red cherries and violet grapes. The map of Westeros, older than the Conquest, is striped with snakes of fiery luminance like lava. Aegon twists the gold dragon ring on his finger, its jade eyes sparkling. You gave it back to him the day after you arrived on Dragonstone; he says that when he wins the war, he will have a matching piece made for you, but with a crab in place of a dragon.
Larys cautions before he begins: “I cannot tell you the perfect truth. I can only tell you what I’ve heard from the whispers that make their way to me.”
“And what have you heard?” Aemond says. Aegon glances petulantly at him, as if debating whether to remind his brother that a prince regent is not quite a king.
“The Dragonseeds known as Hugh Hammer and Ulf the White—and with them, Vermithor and Silverwing—have officially declared for the Greens.”
“Yes!” Aegon beams and raises his wine cup. He refuses milk of the poppy, even on his worst days; he does not want to be senseless, he does not want to leave you unprotected. But he drinks red wine often and grows ill if he is without it for long. Aemond is laughing victoriously. The brothers are momentarily united.
“There was a battle at Tumbleton in the Reach,” Larys continues. “Lord Ormund Hightower was slain by Roddy the Ruin who, allegedly, managed the feat after one of his arms was severed clean from his body. These Northmen are formidable beasts, to be sure.”
Aegon looks at you, a fleeting, fearful look.
“The people of Tumbleton believed the battle to be over, but then Vermithor and Silverwing joined Tessarion in torching the city. All the Blacks’ commanders were killed, along with most of their soldiers. And the city was sacked. There are reports of looting and…well, all manner of indecencies being committed against the civilians of Tumbleton, mostly women and children. Even septas and silent sisters.”
Now an awkward silence settles over the Painted Table. Ruin, heartbreak, agony, death; but somebody else’s. It could have been yours instead. Perhaps tomorrow it will be. Perhaps there is no end to suffering, only a reallocation of it to people who you do not know, do not love. Perhaps the debt can never be satisfied but only passed to another.
Larys goes on: “The people of King’s Landing are petrified that the Greens and their dragons will descend upon them and subject the capital to the same atrocities that Tumbleton experienced. Rhaenyra had to order the gold cloaks to seal the city gates to keep her supposedly loyal subjects inside.”
“The smallfolk’s support for her continues to weaken?” Aemond says.
“It does more than weaken. Many people there detest her. Bartimos Celtigar has imposed heavy taxes upon the city. The smallfolk fear that Daemon has abandoned Rhaenyra, and therefore that they cannot expect protection from Caraxes and Sheepstealer. And…” Larys peers around the Painted Table apologetically.
“…And?” Aegon presses.
“Rhaenyra’s youngest son…Viserys…” Larys sighs, an anemic, perfunctory breed of sympathy. “He is dead. Of illness, it seems. The luckless lad.”
“He was always sickly,” you say, remembering his unwaveringly watery eyes and dripping nose. And you almost say Poor Rhaenyra, but then you remember how the Blacks celebrated Maelor’s death with cheers and rare, bloody boar meat.
“Yes,” Larys concurs. “That is what the people believe, that he perished due to natural causes.”
Aemond is watching the Master of Whisperers closely. “What does Rhaenyra think caused it?”
“She suspects poison,” Larys tells him. “She is convinced of poison, I should say. She raved and she threatened and she spewed accusations. She executed a dozen people, none of whom could be connected to the death of the boy with any certainty. The smallfolk feel she has gone mad. And there is one more crime the people have branded her with.” Larys turns to you.
Your heard pounds wildly, hot blood thuds in your ears. “Has something happened to Everett—?”
“Not him. The Celtigars themselves are safe from her wrath. Bartimos is too near to the throne, and Rhaenyra trusts him. But the servant girl—Autumn, you called her—she went into labor a month early and was delivered of a boy.” Now Larys’ eyes flick to Aegon, whose face goes pale and panicked. “A boy with blue eyes and silver hair.”
Aemond rocks back in his chair and shakes his head.
“Oh,” Aegon moans. “Oh.” He clutches his chest with one hand and looks to you. He says weakly: “I’m so sorry, Angel. It didn’t mean anything. The child…it…it will never really be mine—”
“It won’t be anyone’s,” Larys says. “Rhaenyra had him run through with a sword.”
“What?!” Aemond exclaims. “A baby? An infant? In her own castle, in the Red Keep?”
You are horrified. “Did Autumn witness this?”
“I’m not certain, my lady,” Larys replies. “What I have heard is that Rhaenyra proclaimed it vengeance for agents of the Greens murdering her youngest son. She declared all bastards of the Usurper to be enemies of the realm and thus sentenced to death. She has offered rewards for anyone who brings a white-haired child to her for execution. And the smallfolk are absolutely, viciously appalled by her. The Street of Silk in particular is rife with people plotting the so-called queen’s downfall. She is surrounded by enemies. And she has only two male heirs left.”
“Two more than Aegon,” Aemond mutters.
“Is Autumn alright?” you ask Larys. “Did Rhaenyra harm her?”
“Your brother Everett attempted to advocate for Autumn and the child. He was ignored; your father and eldest brother were vehemently in support of the murder. Shortly after the baby was killed, Autumn disappeared from King’s Landing. I’m sure Everett facilitated this escape. No one knows her present whereabouts.”
“She’s just gone? No signs whatsoever?”
“Nobody ever knows anything.” Aemond waves at Aegon. “They think he’s in Dorne.”
“Seven hells,” Aegon whispers, rubbing his face with his hands.
“Rhaenyra is destroying herself,” you say. “She is doing the work for us. If you try to take King’s Landing with dragonfire raining down on Green supporters who are effectively held captive, there will be ill-will against you in the capital that will last for generations. But if they overthrow Rhaenyra on their own, you can reclaim the city bloodlessly.”
Larys taps his fingers meditatively against the Painted Table. “I do wonder if Daemon would intervene to support her. His present motivations are…somewhat nebulous. To Blacks and Greens alike. But he controls their most powerful assets.”
“You haven’t crossed paths with Caraxes and Sheepstealer in Riverlands, I assume?” Aegon asks Aemond.
“No. We are locked in a dance of sorts. I’m not certain that Vhagar can win against two dragons of that size; they must know that it is almost certain that at least one of them would be killed in the struggle even if they defeated me. This Nettles girl’s dragon riding skills are unclear. Perhaps Daemon is training her, perhaps he is now sufficiently attached that he does not want her in combat. So we avoid each other. But when the girl is gone—when Daemon tires of her, or when Rhaenyra sends assassins to murder her, or when she is removed from the board by some other means—I will meet Daemon in battle and end him.”
“Your priority is protecting Criston,” Aegon orders; but there is trepidation in his large, ocean-blue eyes, there is defenseless worry there. “Wherever Criston goes, you go with him. I’ll be ready to fight again soon. I’ll be able to help you.”
“Daemon is mine. I want to face him alone.”
“I am the king!” Aegon thunders, and you can see the strength leaving him like birds taking flight from cold, bare winter trees. “You will not behave recklessly. You will not abandon Criston. We are winning in the Reach, and we are winning in King’s Landing without even being there, and we will win in the Riverlands too if you don’t sabotage us with your relentless fucking pride.”
You and Larys study Aemond. He examines the flame-colored light of the Painted Table, tracing the etchings of rivers and mountains with his fingertips. “Fine,” he concedes, very quietly.
“And one more thing,” Aegon tells his brother.
With great reluctance, Aemond meets his gaze. “Yes?”
“If you have the opportunity to burn Cregan Stark, take it.”
When Aegon collapses into the bed you share, you curl up against his scarred chest, listen to his heartbeat, breathe in heat and rose oil and the salt of the ocean. He does not ask you what is wrong. He does not speak of Autumn or her child, his child, no matter how indifferent or remorseful he might have been. He holds you knowing that there is nothing he can say to make the world whole again. He can only rest until he is well enough to fly into battle, where he might be further maimed or taken captive or murdered. And what then? What was this all for?
“Somewhere there are people just living,” you marvel. “They’re reading books, they’re having supper, they’re getting married, they’re tending to their crops and their animals. And none of them are thinking about war or massacres or dragonfire.”
“Yes,” Aegon says simply, pulling you in closer, one palm pressed to the small of your back and the other brushing your hair away from your face so he can kiss you, soft and slow. “But they’re not us.”
When Aegon is on the edge of sleep, you tell him that you love him, as you do each day. He has not heard it enough in his life; you are trying to remedy that now. And as always, Aegon does not say it back. Instead, he murmurs something in High Valyrian that you cannot understand. Now you commit it to memory, repeating it silently to yourself again and again until Aegon is sleeping deeply and you can rise from the bed without disturbing him. You go to your writing desk and scribble it down on a small piece of parchment: the way this word sounds in the letters of the Common Tongue. You have no way to translate it. There are books written in High Valyrian in the castle library, but you do not know the alphabet of the language, and you have yet to find a text that can teach it to you. When you ask Aegon for lessons, he demurs and says that he doesn’t know High Valyrian well enough to teach you. You think he just wants a way to say things you won’t be able to comprehend. You squirrel the parchment away in the pocket of your gown and slip out of the bedchamber you share with Aegon.
It is far too early for your mind to stop racing, only sunset. You wander down halls of shifting shadows and iron dragons, fantastically high ceilings and narrow slits of windows. Questions fill your skull like rushing blood in the chambers of a heart: Where is Autumn? Is she alright? Is she safe? Is Everett, is Jaehaera, is Alicent? Are Criston and Daeron? Are any of us?
When you cross through the doorway and onto a balcony that overlooks the ocean, Aemond is to your left. He is nursing a cup of wine and leaning over the stone wall that separates you from a long, treacherous fall onto black rocks that jut out of the sea like the hilts of daggers from a corpse’s back. You whirl away from him and towards the craggy staircase that leads down to the beach.
“Now you’re going to pretend you didn’t see me?” Aemond calls out.
You halt mid-step, consider it, then return to him. “You’re just so undistinguished in appearance. So easy to miss.”
He gives you one of his enigmatic, teasing smirks. His hair blows in the breeze that tastes like salt and sulfur and mist. He wears a dark, lush green. Then he peers avoidantly down into his wine. “I…I don’t think I ever adequately apologized for what transpired regarding the brothel. The Pink Pearl.”
“You didn’t.”
“It is a place…” Aemond pauses. He chooses his words cautiously, like handling something that could easily break, a glass goblet, an egg, a butterfly in an open palm. “It is a place that I associate with great unpleasantness. I made assumptions about where your loyalties lied. I felt that you had hurt me, that you had caused me to suffer. And I wanted you to suffer in return.”
“It was a horrific thing to do,” you say pitilessly. “It was cruel. It was evil.”
“Yes, I’m aware of that now. That’s why I’m apologizing.”
“Then do it properly.”
“I’m sorry,” Aemond says. It takes some effort. “I was wrong.”
“You were.”
“And I’m glad Aegon was able to haul himself out of bed to rescue you. It’s not often that he gets to be the noble brother, the gallant one.”
“It happens more often than you’d think.”
Aemond raises his eyebrow. Beneath his eyepatch, you know, is a winter-cold sapphire in a bed of mangled flesh, a treasure steeped in corruption. “How long have you been here?”
“Two months.” No, more than that. “Two and a half, or thereabouts.”
“And I assume there has been no shortage of…horizontal activities with my brother.”
“Not exclusively horizontal,” you snap, to make him regret being so forward, to make him uncomfortable. “We are more inventive than that.”
It works; Aemond flushes a gory mottled pink. Still he manages: “And you have not yet conceived?”
You glare at him, ice and fire at once. “No.”
“Why do you think that is?”
You shrug, exasperated, dismissive. “Aegon has been through so much physical trauma, perhaps he is no longer capable of having children. Perhaps I never was. Perhaps it will happen in a month or six months or a year. Perhaps it is not meant for us. Only the gods know.”
“You aren’t at all concerned?”
In truth, no; you are so consumed by whether Aegon will survive the war with any vestige of humanity intact that anything beyond this seems hopelessly distant, a constellation, a shadow on the moon, the silvery gleam of a comet. “It’s not something I spend much time thinking about.”
“It should be,” Aemond insists. “If the Greens expect men to go to war for us, for women to give up their husbands and sons to us, we should have a stable succession to offer them in return. Jaehaerys and Maelor are gone. Jaehaera is a girl and cannot inherit even if she is alive and well in Storm’s End. Aegon needs an heir.”
“Aren’t you next in line for the throne, Aemond?” you say cuttingly. “And isn’t that the role you believe yourself best suited for? Being king? Proving how worthy you were all along?”
He is uneasy, perhaps ashamed, evading your eyes. “Regrettably, I cannot begin trying for my own sons until the war is over and I marry Borros Baratheon’s daughter, as I pledged to in return for his support for our side. Daeron will not be able to marry for several years. In the meantime, there is this…disquieting lack of certainty. To complicate matters, Aegon has bastards in King’s Landing, I’m sure. The red-haired girl was far from the first whore to lie with him. If he does not have a trueborn son, claimants will appear to challenge mine or Daeron’s for the throne.”
You search yourself—unspoken longing and ancient cobwebbed fears—for any desire for a child of your own. You cannot find it. You are fond of children, you find fulfillment in caring for them, but the need to carry and deliver one yourself? It is not something you can remember ever yearning for. It always felt like yet another way in which your body would be used to further some man’s legacy, to give him pleasure at your expense. “Can you tell me what this means?” you ask, handing Aemond the folded piece of parchment that you’d tucked into the pocket of your gown. He takes it with one long, lithe hand. “I’ve probably spelled it wrong. I’ve never seen it written, only heard it spoken aloud.”
Aemond opens the parchment. His river-blue eye narrows; thoughtful creases appear in his brow. “Aegon has said this? To you?”
“More than once.”
“What prompted it?”
“Does your translation depend upon the context?”
“Hm.” Aemond skates his thumbprint over the dried black ink. Then he looks at you. “It means: To your misfortune.”
The alarm must show on your face.
“Not like a threat,” Aemond clarifies. “It is a common expression. It suggests that someone has entrusted something of value to the undeserving. It implies naivety. Unwise benevolence. But it is certainly not malicious. It is usually said fondly, like a backhanded compliment.” He returns the parchment to you. You rip it over and over again until it is only scraps that vanish in the wind, Aegon’s voice speaking to you: I ruin causes. I ruin people.
“Why did you kill Luke?” you ask Aemond, not accusingly but with hushed, weary wonder. “There was very little strategic advantage in it. There was great peril as a result. Rhaenyra will never surrender, never negotiate. You will forever be known as a kinslayer. You could have taken him captive. You could have humiliated him, you could have shown the world how weak he was. Why did you have to kill him?”
Aemond says nothing for a long time. He stares out over the ocean where the sun is setting, dolphin fins cut in swift arcs through the surf, Sunfyre dozes on wet sand, the sky glows dream-lavender and blood orange. He sips his wine and contemplates things that are mysteries to you. Aemond keeps his thoughts like untrustworthy animals: in cages, in darkness, turning fierce and feral, snapping jaws and rattling chains. At last he says: “They’re all dead anyway. They were from the moment Aegon was born and my father refused to name him the heir. It’s all of them or all of us. You think there is any scenario in which Aegon reigns as king while Rhaenyra’s children survive? No, no. Someone will always be willing to fight and die for them. Just like Green loyalists would have been willing to fight for Jaehaerys and Maelor.” Something shifts in his face like the breaking of a wave, and for a second you can glimpse the deep well of dark, helpless misery inside him, filling up drop by drop since he was a boy. Then Aemond is steely again. “Luke had to die. So did Jace and Rhaenys and that eternally sniffling toddler Viserys. And all the other Blacks will follow. Unless you care to see Aegon’s blood spilled. And mine, and Daeron’s.”
“No,” you say softly, an agonized little whisper that understands, that surrenders. “No, that cannot happen.”
Aemond takes another swallow of his wine and drums his fingertips restlessly against the cup. “Any heir our side puts forth must have undisputed parentage and Valyrian features. Aegon’s wife is dead. He can marry you. You are a Celtigar, you share our blood, you carry the memories of silver hair and rare magic in the marrow of your bones. These attributes are dormant in you, yet could be passed on to a child. A son of yours could secure the succession and one day inherit the Iron Throne. But the father has to be a Targaryen.”
You turn to Aemond, perplexed and wary. His wording is strange. “Well, it has to be Aegon.”
Aemond is impatient, irritated. You have not been keeping up. He says, his eye on the darkening horizon: “There are other Targaryens.”
You stare at him. You don’t understand, you don’t understand, and then suddenly you do. “What?”
This is not the reaction Aemond had hoped for. He gulps down the last of his wine, leaves the cup on the stone wall, storms down the staircase to reunite with Vhagar and resume burning the noncombatants of the Riverlands to ash.
He finds her at the shore of the Gods Eye, rippling blue like a vast mirror. The Isle of Faces—forbidden, undiscoverable—is a faint mirage in the distance. Moondancer is circling overhead. Baela is perched on a large rock by the water’s edge and fishing; she is intrigued by tales of the strange creatures that dwell here, the hungry currents, the way this corner of the world has only a translucent, threadbare veil between our world and the realm of spirits, ghosts, demons. She has always been curious and bold by nature. She has always been his most beloved child.
“You found your way out of Nettles’ bed,” Baela pitches, a jest but not a judgment. She is already developing an appetite of her own that renders monogamy woefully lacking. She mourns Jace, but not the woman she would have had to pretend to be for him. “I’m shocked.”
Daemon smirks, tilting his head to the side like a wolf does as it’s listening. “You know how sheets have a way of getting tangled. Around ankles, around wrists…sometimes it is difficult to free oneself.”
“You were fighting hard, I’m sure.”
“Yes, all morning.”
Baela chuckles, reels in her fishing line, recasts it. She cares deeply for Rhaenyra and is loyal to her still, but Baela shares her father’s pathological aversion to weakness. She feels that Rhaenyra has driven Daemon away with her moodiness, her melancholy, her unmooring from the fearless, ardent woman she once was. Daemon says that being with Nettles is like being with a young Rhaenyra again. It would not be just to condemn him for seeking out what Rhaenyra took from him and has no intention of returning.
Daemon says: “I want you to go to Dragonstone.”
Baela is aghast, betrayed. “You are getting rid of me?”
“I am entrusting you with a vital enterprise.”
Now she is intrigued. Now she is considering it.
“Moondancer is too small to fight Vhagar, Tessarion, Vermithor, or Silverwing,” Daemon says. “If Caraxes and Sheepstealer meet Vhagar in battle, you cannot go with us. Nor should we leave you here unprotected. And I know you have been impatient for an opportunity to play a more…consequential role in the war.”
“I long to be useful,” Baela agrees. “More than anything.”
“Go to Dragonstone,” Daemon says. “It is vacant, it is safe. But it must remain under the Blacks’ control. Patrol it and ensure the Greens do not try to take the island and find riders for Grey Ghost or the Cannibal. Rhaenyra will return to Dragonstone if she is ever forced out of King’s Landing. I have tasked you with making it ready for her.”
“And I have permission to execute any traitors who might appear there?”
“Yes. You may swing the sword yourself. Or feed them to Moondancer, whichever you prefer.”
Baela smiles, a slow, toothy grin that spreads across her face like plague, like fire. “When can I leave?”
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exhausted-archivist · 3 months
Complete Post of the Poisons of Thedas
Updated: June 2024
I have the time and the energy (as in I've had this info sitting in one of my various spreadsheets) so let's get into the poisons of Thedas. I've also split this apart from a much shorter version so if you want a TLDR, please see this post.
For the purpose of this list I'm including any weapon coatings as they can be multiuse. Additionally, Inquisition has "tonics" which include poisons, potions, and actual tonics; so things described as poison are listed there. As well as anything mentioned in Tevinter Nights short story "Eight Little Talons" that is connected to Viago as he is a poison master, he makes and keeps poisons and various toxins, or other caustic substances. I've also included bombs, grenades, and traps as they use the same poisonous ingredients and sometimes share similar effects.
The definition of a poison that I am using is: "A substance that causes injury, illness, or death, especially by chemical means. Or a substance that inhibits another substance or a reaction."
Known Coatings and Poisons
Brief note, there are some general mentioned poisons not listed here, such as "contact poison" which is far too general for me to feel like I could add it here. Things like this, and other notations of poisons I will list at the bottom under additional info/trivia.
Acidic coating
Adder's kiss
Aquae Lucidius
Arcane poison
Choke powder/Choking powder
Crow Poison (regular and concentrated)
Crow venom
Deathroot Extract (regular and concentrated)
Deathroot Toxin
Debilitating poison
Deepstalker spit and aqua regia mixture
Demonic poison (regular and concentrated)
Dispel coating
Elemental coating
Exotic dwarven poison
Fell poison
Flame coating
Freezing coating
Hale's Dust
Havard's Grief
Knockout Powder
Maferath's Embrace
Magebane (regular and concentrated)
Marrow lock
Odorless Crow Poison
Pillow Talk
Quiet Death
Shock coating
Soldier's bane (regular and concentrated)
Soulrot coating
Spider venom (regular and concentrated)
Tears if the Dead
Venom (regular and concentrated)
Wyvern venom
Known Bombs, Grenades, and Traps
Acid Flask
Acidic Trap
Acidic Grease Trap
Antivan Fire
Choking Powder Trap (Mild)
Choking Powder Trap
Choking Powder Cloud Trap
Combustion Grenade
Confusion Grenade
Fell Grenade
Fire Bomb
Fire Trap
Freeze Bomb
Freeze Trap
Jar of Bees
Misdirection Cloud Trap
Pitch Grenade
Poisoned Caltrop Trap
Shock Bomb
Shock Trap
Sleeping Gas Trap (Mild)
Sleeping Gas Trap
Sleeping Gas Cloud Trap
Soulrot Trap
Tar Bomb
Ingredients That are Poisonous or Used to Create Bombs, Grenades, and Poisons
Adder Venom
Aqua regia
Black Lichen
Blood Lotus
Bulbs of the Frostback Mountains
Concentrator Agent
Corpse Heart Ichor
Corruptor Agent
Deep Mushroom varieties
Deepstalker Spit
Demonic Ichor
Distillation Agent
Dragon Venom
Fire Crystal
Frozen Lightning
Ghoul's Beard
Lyrium Dust
Madcap Bulb
Rashvine Nettle
Snake Venom
Spider Venom
Toxin Extract
Vasanthum tree
Varghest Blood
Wyvern Venom
Descriptions of Crafting Ingredients
The only discriptions included are those provided in game or text.
Adder Venom
A snake native to Antiva, known for its quick acting and deadly poison. It has a paralyzing component and works to shut down the heart and lungs of the victim. There is an antidote, created by Viago known as "Up and Adder".
Aqua regia
Not defined, but presumably another highly caustic alcohol made of wyvern venom like aquae lucidius or lyrium like aqua magus.
Black Lichen
Mentioned in the Official Dragon Age Cookbook: Tastes of Thedas, this is a lichen used to make bread and can be toxic if not cooked before consumed.
Blood Lotus
Awakening Description: This flower is famous for surviving in almost any climate. DAI Codex: Do not try to get out of this. We were told you were the best. That is why you were contracted. Was it not you who obtained the two hundred white blooming rose bushes for the Empress's winter ball last year? The comtesse has been infinitely patient 'til now, but she doesn't understand why it is so hard to fill the garden pool. She wants no more excuses. And no, she will not compromise with the dawn lotuses. They're white! The flowers have to match the silk canopies. It is crucial! Dark purple. Dark red. Do not try to frame this as a safety issue. The guests will be perfectly safe. Why, if they experience any hallucinations from the concentration of lotus essence in the air, I'm certain it will only make the evening more thrilling. I don't care if you have to send someone to some Fereldan peat bog to get it all. Just do it! —A note from Chamberlain Laurent to Grand Gardener Umbert Vauclain, over the decorations for Comtesse d'Arnee's summer garden party According to gossip in Val Royeaux, the chamberlain did succeed in convincing Grand Gardener Vauclain to provide four hundred and twenty lotus plants. The party was considered by most to be a roaring success, even though the evening concluded with at least twelve guests asleep on the lawn, three in the pool, and one lady losing several teeth trying to take a bite out of a marble statue of the comtesse's father, which she was convinced was made of cake.
Concentrator Agent
DAO Description: Heatherum and Foxite are both common herbs in Ferelden. When distilled to be sufficient purity, they may be used as herbal agents to concentrate the effects of many potions, salves, and poisons.
Corpse Heart Ichor
Used in concentrated demonic poison, this thick, black ichor comes from the heart of corpses that have been possessed by demons. Seperated from demonic ichor as that ingredient can come from other sources aside from a corpse heart.
Corrupter Agent
DAO Description: Said to have been made from lifestone that has been corrupted by the darkspawn taint in the Deep Roads, this powdery agent is required to create some of the most powerful poisons and traps known.
DAO Description: A harmless enough plant on its own, deathroot's thick leaves contain an extract that the Chasind have used to induce hallucinations for centuries. Sufficiently concentrated, it can be made into a deadly poison. DA2 / DAI Codex: Deathroot has been used in magic and potion making for centuries. It's a fragile-looking plant with a thin stalk and purple flowers, which fruits once a year developing bright red fleshy pods that cause disorientation and dizziness if ingested. There are two varieties. The more common Arcanist Deathroot was first found by Archon Hadrianus when he discovered it growing on several dead slaves. The other, Lunatic's Deathroot, is most closely associated with the story of the courtesan Melusine, who sought revenge on a powerful magister and his family. She harvested the plant, baked it into small pies for the magister's banquet, and presented them to the magister at a banquet. All the guests were seized by terrifying hallucinations after eating the pies and tore each other to pieces. —An excerpt from The Botanical Compendium, by Ines Arancia, botanist
Deep Mushroom
DAO Description: Fungi found underground in close proximity to lyrium veins. In addition to their restorative properties, they can also be made into poisons. DA2 / DAI Codex: "Deep mushroom" refers to the entire group of fungi that grows underground in caves and many parts of the dwarven Deep Roads. Collection can be a dangerous task, as the Deep Roads are often infested with darkspawn. Because of this, dwarven merchants often recruit "casteless" hirelings for the job, and pay them a meager percentage of what they earn selling the mushrooms to surfacers. The most common varieties used in the herbalist's trade are the Blightcap, Ghoul's Mushroom, and Brimstone Mushroom, almost all of which tend to carry the darkspawn's corruption. While they cannot transmit the disease, this trait often makes them quite poisonous. Deep mushrooms should only be handled by experienced herbalists and should never be consumed without first being adequately cleaned and prepared. Careless consumption has been known to cause insanity, severe abdominal cramping, and even death. —An excerpt from The Botanical Compendium, by Ines Arancia, botanist
Demonic Ichor
DAO Description: Understandably difficult to find, this ichor can sometimes be found in the hearts of corpses that have been possessed by demons and is naturally both thick and black. In the right hands in can be made into a very potent poison. Note: Can only be looted from darkspawn, usually alphas and emissaries.
Distillation Agent
DAO Description: One of the three rare bulbs found in the Frostback Mountains, when dried and powdered they become an excellent distillation agent required to evoke magical properties in crafting.
Dragon Venom
Mentioned to be an ingredient in gaatlok.
Used to craft poisons. DA2 / DAI Codex: The name felandaris is elven, meaning "demon weed," which is fitting for this rare plant because it grows only in places where the Veil is thin. Felandaris is easily identified. It's a twisted, wicked-looking shrub with long, thorny shoots, and no leaves: a skeletal hand, reaching out from an unmarked grave. Many swear the plant radiates a palpable aura of malevolence, so it comes as no surprise that it unnerves many a junior herbalist. —An excerpt from The Botanical Compendium by Ines Arancia, botanist
Fire Crystal
DAO Description: These shards of lifestone are infused with magic, either naturally or by one of the Tranquil. They're white-hot and useful in many fire-related potions and traps. DA: TTRPG Description: Fire crystals are lifestones that have been infused with agitated thermal energy, either naturally or by one of the Tranquil.
DAO Description: These shards of lifestone are infused with magic, either naturally or by one of the Tranquil. Frostrocks radiate cold and can be used in many cold-related potions and traps. DA: TTRPG Description: Frostrock is lifestone that has absorbed some of the cold of the Frostbacks, either naturally or through the efforts of the Tranquil.
Frozen Lightning
DAO Description: Frozen lightning is a common name for a crystal that can naturally store electricity, which has made it a sought-after ingredient in the composition of several items and salves. DA: TTRPG Description: These are crystals that store natural chemical energy, effectively making them electrical batteries.
A mineral used to craft poisons and bombs
DA2 Codex: Glitterdust is the powdered form of a rock found along the Wounded Coast. When explorers brought the sparkling rock to the markets of the Free Marches, it became immediately popular among wealthy ladies who crushed it and applied the powder to their faces. The added brightness and lustre to the skin, however, soon paled in comparison to the developing rash and coughing fits. As it turned out, glitterdust is dangerous if ingested or inhaled. It's also extremely flammable, as several ladies discovered after powdering their hair while standing next to a candle. Unfortunately, this resulted in a dozen deaths by conflagration. These days, glitterdust is used sparingly, and only by experienced alchemists. The most common form of the substance is Volatile Glitterdust. If gathered from caves where darkspawn dwell, the rock produces a powder known as Tainted Glitterdust. —An excerpt from The Alchemist's Encyclopedia, by Lord Cerastes of Marnas Pell
DAO Description: These rare rocks have existed in close proximity to lyrium ore, and as such, they have absorbed some of its traits. Lifestones enhance the natural properties of other materials used in item creation. DA: TTRPG Description: Lifestones are chunks of rock that have lain in long proximity to lyrium ore and gained unusual properties from the exposure. They are invaluable for enchanting a wide variety of objects.
Lyrium Dust
DAO Description: This is lyrium found in a natural powdered state, ready to be incorporated into potions. DA: TTRPG Description: Lyrium found in a naturally powdered state, far easier to employ than lyrium ore.
Madcap Bulb
Awakening Description: Fereldan youths sometimes try eating madcap bulbs. They rarely repeat the experience.
Rashvine Nettle
Awakening Description: This plant burns the skin, but surprisingly not the tongue. It has no flavor whatsoever.
Spirit Shard
DAO Description: Spirit shards are enchanted lifestones that are used in several potions and poisons that affect the mind.
Toxin Extract
DAO Description: As one would expect, extracted venom from various creatures often makes potent poisons. Dropped by Giant Spiders Note: It is deemed a "venom" in the item id of the game
Descriptions of Poisons and Their Effects
I focused mainly on their descriptors provided in games and novels. I only include the gamified elements and effects for completeness of the entry as well as to elaborate on additional effects.
Acidic Coating
DAO Description: A small vial that contains a warm, lime-colored liquid.
Adder's Kiss
DAO, Awakening Description: An Antivan noble killed his adulterous wife by coating his lips with this poison and kissing her. He died as well. DA: TTRPG Description: Adder's kiss was the principal agent in the great Antivan tragedy Rosetta & Javier, supposedly a historical account of a nobleman who believes his wife has been having an affair. After a series of apparently innocent misunderstandings, Javier at last kisses his wife with lips coated with this poison, and neither survives.
Arcane Poison
DA2 Description: Weapons coated in this potent poison weaken the ability to resist magical effects on any enemy they touch. Ingredients: Deathroot, Deep Mushroom, Glitterdust
Aquae Lucidius
DA: TTRPG Description: Its venom makes the wyvern widely sought by potion-makers, alchemists, and crafters of potent liquor called aquae lucidius. A miniscule quantity of wyvern venom remaining in the aquae after distillation results in a unique hallucinatory effect. Just how effective wyvern venom is at enhancing potions and alchemical recipes is either a closely guarded secret or a continuing mystery; opinions differ. Making a batch of aquae lucidius requires 1 dose of wyvern venom per 10 servings, plus additional brewing supplies such as water, sugars, herbs, and yeast (costing about 10 silvers for a 10-serving batch). Crafting any sized batch of aquae lucidius requires an advanced TN 15 Cunning (Brewing) test; each roll represents about an hour’s work. Those who drink a serving of the stuff must make a TN 13 Constitution (Drinking) test, the result of which determines the drinker’s general reaction to the brew. Increase the TN by 1 for each additional serving consumed after the first. Any character who fails the test passes out after 1d6 minutes of dizzying, ugly hallucinations that leave him rattled and uneasy (–1 to Cunning and Perception) for 1d6 hours. Characters who succeed react to the drink based on their Dragon Die result, compared to the table below. (No actual magic effects take place but drinkers may be difficult to convince of that.)
Choke Powder / Choking Powder
Both a type of poison and a class of poison. Fleshrot is an examole of a choke powder, other descriptors used for the traps are powdered rock, metal, or spices.
Crow Poison
DAO Description: This poison is a favorite of the Antivan Crows, whose efficient administration of death has built a nation's reputation. DA: TTRPG Description: The poison is mainly derived from the venom of a particularly deadly Antivan serpent
Concentrated Crow Poison
DAO Description: An enhanced version of the Crow original, this poison turns its victim into a veritable sitting duck for an efficient killer. DA: TTRPG Description: This wicked brew results from a long, complex distillation process. A character suffering its effects immediately moves to the end of the initiative order. Additionally, the victim must make a TN 15 Constitution (Stamina) test or cannot use any stunt costing more than 2sp from the remainder of the encounter.
Crow Venom
DA2 Description: Weapons coated in this potent poison slow the movements of all whom they touch. Ingredient: Deathroot, Deep Mushroom
Deathroot Extract
DAO Description: Even a quick sniff of this sludge is enough to cause hallucinations. DA: TTRPG Description: Deathroot is a common and relatively harmless plant. The Chasind Wilders use a distillation made from its root bulbs to induce vivid hallucinations in which they seek mystic knowledge. When concentrated the substance can be used as a weapon. Those exposed to deathroot extract must make a TN 15 Constitution (Stamina or Drinking) test. Those who fail suffer hallucinations according to the Deathroot Hallucination table.
Concentrated Deathroot Extract
DAO Description: Although the deep blue-black color is attractive, clothing dyed with this liquid has proven unpopularly fatal to wear.
Deathroot Toxin
DA2 Description: Weapons coated in this potent poison deal additional nature damage with each hit. Ingredients: Deathroot
Debilitating Poison
DA2 Description: Weapons coated in this potent poison undermine the combat effectiveness of every enemy they hit, reducing the damage the foes inflict. Ingredient: Deep Mushroom
Deepstalker spit and aqua regia mixture
A caustic substance used by Viago to eat away at metal. It is highly potent.
Demonic Poison
DAO Description: The appearance and smell of this liquid are entirely unnatural, to say nothing of its effect.
Concentrated Demonic Poison
DAO Description: An extremely powerful poison derived from the thick, black ichor found in the hearts of corpses that have been possessed by demons.
Dispel coating
Awakening Description: This liquid in this flask reflects no light whatsoever.
Elemental coating
Awakening Description: A vial that contains a dark, viscous liquid.
Exotic Dwarven Poison
DAO Mentioned in Dwarven Regicide Antidote.
Fell poison
DA2 Description: Weapons coated in this potent poison leech life from every enemy they hit, transferring it to the poisoner instead. Ingredients: Deathroot, Deep Mushroom, Felandaris
Flame coating
DAO Description: A flask containing a white-hot liquid.
DAO Description: The nasty concoction somehow rots flesh while the victim is still alive, accompanied by the usual stench. DA: TTRPG Description: Nasty stuff, fleshrot causes a victim's skin to immediately begin to slough off, which is horribly painful and grossly noxious. Each round for 2d6 rounds, a victim must make a TN 15 Constitution (Stamina ) test at the beginning of their turn to overcome the pain. If they fail they can only take a minor action that turn. A –2 penalty to social tests where a disgusting appearance would be relevant persists for a number of days equal to the number of rounds the immediate effects persisted.
Freezing coating
DAO Description: A small vial with a thick, frosty liquid.
Hale's Dust
DA: TTRPG Description: Originally used by the eponymous healer to help subdue and quiet wounded or troubled soldiers who were too much for him to handle, others have since come up with more sinister uses. Its effects last for the duration of the encounter.
Havard's Grief
A poison derived from wyvern venom, an unsubtle but a reliable one that is very popular in the Grand Game.
Knockout Powder
Mentioned in Dragon Age: Inquisition, it is mentioned in the ability "Knockout Powder" that this will put enemies to sleep for a short amount of time. There is another version of this powder that will additionally make it so the enemies are slow to wake up.
Maferath's Embrace
A toxin that increases the blood pressure of the victim, causing the veins and organts to rupture. It is a particularly rare and expensive poison. It was used once in a famous assassination done by the Antivan Crows during the Towers Age; they were hired to eliminate the highest members of the Templar Order in retribution for covering up the slaughter of mages during the Right of Annulment, where the crows spiked the lemon cake. This earned the job the moniker "Just Desserts".
DAO Description: The Chantry's templars keep whole vats of this substance in Val Royeaux. DA: TTRPG Description: Developed by the Templar Order, this violet liquid is anathema to apostates, draining their arcane energy. Circle mages aren’t exactly fond of it either.
Concentrated Magebane
DAO Description: Most experienced spellcasters feel their stomachs drop whenever they see something whose color reminds them of this fierce substance. DA: TTRPG Description: A more potent version of magebane, templars supposedly keep huge vats of the stuff in Val Royeaux.
Marrow lock
DA: TTRPG This insidious poison runs ice through its victim’s limbs, all but locking them into place. Marrow lock’s victims can only take minor actions without consequence for the remainder of the encounter. To take a major action they must make a TN 15 Constitution (Stamina) test. On a success they suffer 1d6 penetrating damage and can carry out their action. On a failure they suffer 2d6 penetrating damage and can do nothing but howl in agony.
Odorless Crow Poison
This poison is a gas, heavier than air that will steal the breath of those sleeping but it leaves those seated or standing unharmed.
Pillow Talk
A creation of Viago's, it is a rose-coloured ointment with a greenish tint in the candlelight. This ointment is comprised of varghest blood and something from a gurgut. Viago implies it might not be effective on vashoth (qunari). It is administered anywhere on the skin.
The poison is an influencer substance that makes a person believe they can say or do anything, that the individual is safe.
DAO: Awakening Description: A deadly toxin smuggled from Antiva. Ingestion is inadvisable.
It is not exactly known what makes qamek, though it glows similar to lyrium. This poison is used by the Tamassrans to help reeducate, neutralize captured mages, or on those who refuse to convert to the Qun to mindless laborers. Its effects will allow the mind to be easily shaped in small doses, in larger doses it renders victims mindless and causes irreversible damage.
Quiet Death
DAO Description: A foul mixture of poisons that are each deadly even on their own. Quiet Death is so potent it unnerves even the most experienced assassins. DA: TTRPG Description: A foul mixture of poisons infamous even in assassins’ circles, quiet death kills instantaneously—or doesn’t, if (say the legends) its intended victim is destined for greater things. Victims must make a TN 19 Constitution (Stamina) test, but also add their level to their roll. Those who succeed shrug off the effects. Those who fail fall immediately to 0 Health and soon expire according to the normal rules for dying. Attempts to stabilize victims of quiet death suffer a –3 penalty.
A lethal poison that can be a gas or a substance converted into one. It is lethal to all races except the vashoth (the horned race / qunari). It drives its victims mad before they die; it can set the enemies of the Qunari into a blind rage and cause them to turn against themselves.
Shock coating
DAO Description: A small vial with a strangely glowing substance.
Soldier's Bane
DAO Description: Whenever nations find themselves at war, envoys of the opposing generals inevitably discuss a ban on this effective toxin, but the talks never result in a lasting pact.
Concentrated Soldier's Bane
DAO Description: This effective anti-infantry poison is too thick to pour from the flask. Smashing the glass is the only way to get it out.
Soulrot Coating
DAO Description: A small vial that contains a dark viscous liquid.
Spider Venom
DA: TTRPG Description: Extracted from the massive arachnids the dwarves call deep crawlers, this poison can take the edge off a warrior's skill. Its effects last for the duration of the encounter.
Concentrated Spider Venom
DA: TTRPG Description: A concentrated distillate of an already-deadly natural poison. Its effects last for a day.
Tears of the Dead
DAI Effects: The next 3 hits inflict poison on the target, causing 44 damage per second for 15 seconds. The poison remains on the weapon for 10 seconds before expiring. Noted in the item id as "Crow Poison"
DAO Description: A potent poison extracted from deadly plants and the venom of several reptiles.
Concentrated Venom
DAO Description: A complicated distillation process has made this poison much thicker than any of its individual ingredients.
Known as "poison armor" in Qunlat, it is a mixture that is magical in nature and hardens the skin of vashoth to an iron-like quality without hindering flexibility. The mixture contains poison and an unknown neutralizer (thought to be their own blood). But it is only for use on their physiology, all other races would perish instantly.
The process of making vitaar activates the protective effecst in the poison in a similar manner to lyrium ruins.
It is notable that currently all vitaar names stem from either a poisonous plant or animal, or in a few cases like the dragon hunter and cretahl vitaar, dangerous predators.
Notable descriptions:
DAI Description: This strange Qunari face paint is created from deadly poison—fatal when applied to anyone other than a Qunari, whose unique physiology somehow not only neutralizes its effect but also allows the paint's magic to harden the flesh and provide other protections. Arishok's Vitaar According to stories out of Kirkwall, the military leader of the Qunari spent a number of years marooned in the Free Marches city of Kirkwall – without once receiving supplies from his people or calling for help. Why he did so, and how the Qunari got along without an arishok, is unknown. The Qunari in Kirkwall did, however, have to trade considerable supplies from their sunken ship… including the Arishok's personal face paint, created from a rare and venomous snake in Par Vollen known to kill a person in seconds.
Wyvern venom
Both a poison in itself and an ingredient to many. It is potent and has given rise to a family of poisons developed in Antiva. It can be recognized by the crimson speckling of the skin on its victims.
DA: TTRPG Description: Wyvern venom slows prey and kills gradually. Once afflicted, a target is in mortal danger. After a few moments, however, venom exposed to air becomes far less dangerous. Thus it is essential to harvest wyvern venom quickly and carefully if it is to be stored for future use by, say, poisoners. A TN 17 Cunning (Poison lore) test, requiring the remains of a freshly slain wyvern, harvests 1d6 doses of viable venom, leaving none behind for a second attempt. When using the Poison-Making Mishap rule, wyvern venom adds only a +1 to the mishap result with a maximum result of 6—it never slays outright. A character poisoned with wyvern’s venom must make a TN 15 Constitution (Stamina) test or be subject to its effects. A poisoned character drops to 0 Health after a number of hours equal to 1d6 + Constitution (minimum one hour), dying unless they receive a dose of antidote before their time runs out. During this time, victims are subject to fever, visions, and a -4 penalty to Dexterity. The antidote to wyvern venom is a potion (crafted with a TN 15 Cunning (Poison lore) test) made from a mixture of three particular herbs: Andraste’s mantle, drakevein, and winterberry. Andraste’s mantle, drakevein, and winterberry are not particularly rare, in general, but may be out of season or found mostly in distant lands if you want to increase the difficulty of such a quest.
Descriptions of Bombs, Grenades, and Traps
Acid Flask
DAO Description: A flask of corrosive acid. DA: TTRPG Description: Corrosive fog that burns skin and corrodes everything else emerges from these flasks. Armor worn by those in an acid flask’s attack radius permanently loses 1 point of Armor Rating (before the acid damage is applied) until it is repaired. Increasingly severe damage to armor can accumulate from the effects of multiple acid flasks.
Acidic Trap
DAO Description: The surface of this device has been terribly etched by small leaks of its corrosive contents.
Acidic Grease Trap
DAO Description: The acid burns nicely through leather, cloth, and skin. The grease clings to anything. It's a perfect combination for a sadist.
Antivan Fire
DAI Effects: Spreads sticky fire at the target location, causing 46 burning damage every second to enemies inside the fire. The fire remains for 30 seconds.
Choking Powder Trap
DAO Mild Choking Powder Trap Description: The packet of dust contained within is surprisingly heavy, as if it were powdered rock or metal. Choking Powder Trap Description: A debilitating kitchen accident with expensive imported spices led to the development of this trap. Choking Powder Cloud Trap Description: The inventor who devised this trap can no longer speak, so powerfully did his throat object to the mishaps along the way.
Combustion Grenade
DA2 Description: When thrown, this grenade explodes with flame, dealing fire damage to all it hits. Ingredients: Deep Mushrooms
Confusion Grenade
DAI Effects: Enemies within the area of effect will attack other enemies for 20 seconds.
Dispel Grenade
Awakening Description: This flask is meant to shatter when thrown, and not before.
Elemental Grenade
Awakening Description: A flask of corrosive acid.
Fell Grenade
DA2 Description: When thrown, this grenade explodes with flame, dealing fire damage to all it hits. Ingredients: Deathroot, Felandaris, Glitterdust
Fire Bomb
DAO Description: A glass flask filled with a flammable liquid. DA: TTRPG Description: Often made using dwarven firedust or gaatlock (Qunari black powder), this combustible liquid sets flammables in its attack radius ablaze, which is generally a minor (1d6) or moderate (2d6) hazard, but varies depending on the exact circumstances.
Fire Trap
DAO Description: In its current state, this trap is cool to the touch, but the substances contained inside are certain to react violently when mixed.
Freeze Bomb
DAO Description: A glass flask filled with an ice-cold liquid. DA: TTRPG Description: An ice-cold liquid distilled by using powdered frostrock, these grenades blast cold through the limbs of their victims, slowing their movements until the end of the encounter.
Freeze Trap
DAO Description: When packed next to each other, this trap can keep a cut of meat fresh for days longer than otherwise. But its primary use is still as a deadly weapon.
Jar of Bees
DAI Effects: Summons a swarm of bees at the target location for 30 seconds. The swarm attacks the first enemy that comes near it, for 163 damage per second for 15 seconds. A target affected by the swarm has a 10% chance every second to become panicked.
Knockout Bomb
DAI Description: You hurl a grenade containing a powerful concoction that put nearby enemies to sleep. Sleeping enemies awaken after taking damage.
Misdirection Cloud Trap
Awakening Description: Forming a coherent thought about this trap is nigh impossible.
Pitch Grenade
DAI Effects: Coats the target location with pitch, which remains for 60 seconds, slowing any enemies that enter it.
Poisoned Caltrop Trap
DAO Description: Poison on the surface of the skin is one thing. Poison deep within the veins, courtesy myriad deep punctures, is quite another.
Shock Bomb
DAO Description: A glass flask filled with a strangely glowing substance. DA: TTRPG Description: A brilliant fluid that scintillates with raw energy, these flasks contain powdered frozen lightning and explode with a burst of light and the stink of ozone. They cause penetrating damage to anyone clad in any kind of metal armor.
Shock Trap
DAO Description: Even packed safely, this trap causes hair to stand on end.
Sleeping Gas Traps
DAO Mild Trap Description: Even the tiny amount of gas leaking out of this trap causes a tingling sensation. Standard Trap Description: The original formulation of this trap induced snoring too often. The new design makes it a more a dignified weapon. Cloud Trap Description: This trap is swaddled thickly in cloth, lest the owner bump it too hard during transportation and lose half the day to an unwanted nap.
Soulrot Bomb
DAO Description: A flask filled with a murky green potion.
Soulrot Trap
DAO Description: To know this trap is to know despair.
Tar Bomb
DA2 Description: This bomb explodes in a thick tar that immobilizes nearby enemies for a short time. Ingredients: Deathroot, Deep Mushrooms
Antidotes and Antivenoms
Up and Adder
An antidote created by Viago.
Wyvern Venom Antidote
One well known antidote is comprised of three herbs: Andraste’s mantle, drakevein (a deep mushroom variety), and winterberry. It is not the most accessible cure as you can find yourself in need while either out of season or not in the range of the ingredients.
Wyvern Antivenom
One way to treat wyvern poisoning is to craft an antivenom using fresh venom from a wyvern and various herb. It will create a bone white paste that will help save the victom.
Tables and Text Provided by the TTRPG
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Aquae Licidius Effects
1 - "I can see through time!”
2 - “You’re all just made up of firelight and shadows, you know, flavored like blue and yellow. If I douse you, you might go out. Wouldn’t want that.”
3 - “I had a brief vision of my great-grandmother, though she was eating turnips with a modest dragon and Andraste was there putting salt on everything.”
4 - “It was as though my soul took wing and floated about my head.”
5 - “I feel strange but also good!”
6 - “That stuff works well enough. ‘Nother round, anyone?”
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Possible Deathroot Hallucinations
Roll 1 - "Even the birds are Mocking Me!" The character spends the next turn raving at and attacking something innocuous like a tree, barrel, wagon, shrub, or bird.
Roll 2 - "Get it Off! Get it Off! Get it Off!" The character is convinced they are covered by bugs, leeches, snakes, or the like. They spend the next turn swatting at non-existent creepy-crawlies.
Roll 3 - "You did this to Me!" The character believes one of their comrades has backstabbed them or is otherwise plotting their demise. On the next turn the character can only take the defend action and yell in outrage at their “betrayer.”
Roll 4 - "The Sky, the hideous Sky!" The character believes that some malign creature from the sky is about to carry them off (or, for dwarves, that they are going to fall into the sky). The character spends their next turn dropping their weapons and grabbing something solid.
Roll 5 - "The shadows are alive!" The character is overcome with fear of the surrounding shadows, including their own. They spend the next turn running at top speed away from the closest concentration of shadows.
Roll 6 - "Foul darkspawn!" The character is suddenly convinced that a random nearby ally (determined by the GM) is a darkspawn or other natural enemy. The character spends the next turn attacking that “enemy,” with a +1 bonus on attack rolls for their fervency.
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Poison Texts
Heart of Fire This substantial tome was written by an anonymous priest of the Imperial Chantry. In it, he discusses the most and least proper methods for raining the wrath of the Maker on His enemies. It contains recipes for shock bombs, magebane, and concentrated magebane.
On Combustibles and Corrosives This book by a dwarven miner named Grundrak discusses the use of combustibles and corrosives for best effect. It contains the formulae for both acid flasks and fire bombs. Grundrak wrote it in the Trade Tongue, certain that humans needed its advice most of all.
Riaan's Hammer A noted work by the templar Riaan, this book mostly concerns subjects other than poison making, most notably the effective torture of maleficarum to save their souls. Even so, the chapter on magebane contains its recipe. The Chantry supposedly has copies that also contain the formula for concentrated magebane, but none are known to exist outside its cathedrals and it would be heresy to possess one.
Thoughts on Fragrance Supposedly written by the Antivan poetess Evelina, this book is a masterwork of cunning prose. Those who know the correct Crow ciphers are aware that, along with its fancy turns of phrase, it contains recipes for crow poison, concentrated crow poison, and adder’s kiss.
Unusual Diseases This large physician’s reference tome was written by the Tevinter physician-mage Telregard. Not only an invaluable study of the many strange ailments that afflict Thedans, it also contains detailed notes on substances that can cause the semblance of such diseases. These notes include the recipes for fleshrot and marrow lock. The book also gives a +2 bonus to Cunning (healing) tests for those treating the more outré diseases of the world.
The Web of Decieving This folio by the Shaper and naturalist Orgaard contains extensive notes—in the Dwarven tongue—on deep crawlers, which he studied extensively. It contains the recipes for both regular and concentrated spider venom.
Additional Notes/Trivia:
While aquae licidius is a liquor it is mentioned and shared in the poison section and so it is included here. As alcohol is technically poison, but if you want a complete list of alcoholic beverages please reference the drink post I have.
According to the Dragon Age Tabletop, some creatures may be immune to the effects of certain poisons, or of all poisons. The guide says the ruling should be based on logic over biology. Using the example of the incorporeal nature of shades and ash wraiths would logically render them immune to the effects of toxins. Where in contrast nothing in the nature of blight-tainted beings would suggest they're immune to the effects of poisons.
According to the Dragon Age Tabletop, most noble houses of Orzammar employ one or several poisoners at all times. As well as herbalists who develop complex antidotes to counteract the poisons.
Poison Text mentioned in Dragon Age Tabletop Core Rulebook; "Heart of Fire", "On Combustibles and Corrosives", "Riaan's Hammer", "Thoughts on Fragrance", "Unusual Diseases", "The Web Decieving".
"Poisoned weapons" in Dragon Age: Inquisition uses a "deadly toxin".
"Toxic Cloud" is an ability in Dragon Age: Inquisition that states you "unleash a cloud of toxic dust" that damages all enemies
"Explosive Toxin" is an ability in Dragon Age: Inquisition that states your "poisons curdle the blood of your targets."
Dragon Age: Origins + Awakening
Dragon Age 2
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dragon Age: The Last Court
Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne
Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights
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sweetestpopcorn · 7 months
Rhaenys and Corlys anon back because I did not expected for my take to be so openly accepted. Thank you all for that!
I am going to say something that I think the majority of this fandom is afraid to voice out. I would honestly have made my very own post, but I am afraid of being attacked, so I decided on this ask instead.
A very big part — if not the basis — of the strange insistence that Daemon did not loved Rhaenyra but must have loved Laena is rooted in body shaming. Since Laena is described as slender, and Rhaenyra recorded as gaining weight after her pregnancies, people are not only unable to imagine a man genuinely loving a woman that does not fit their ideal standard of skinny, but they also see that rumoured change of her appearance as a reflection of her morals, even as a punishment.
(I say 'rumoured', because look at the official art or at the animated version of the Dance — Rhaenyra's waist is not slender, and while obviously voluptuous, she is not fat and she still looks absolutely gorgeous even after her pregnancies. So it was obviously an exaggeration by the maesters.)
Again I make a parallel with history — we are talking about an age where beauty of person equated beauty of character, and any slight deffect signified sin/unworthiness/bad morals. An age where, for example, blonde hair in a queen was ideal because it signified virginity, purity and it was associated with Virgin Mary. Rhaenyra's appearance being attacked is nothing else but mysoginistic propaganda.
(See how it is implied that men would not fight for her because her body changed after six pregnancies. Obviously that is a lie, since we know how many men raised at arms and supported her, and not even one of them made any remarks regarding her appearance.)
I have read a fanfiction centered on Laena and Daemon in which the very first remark made about Rhaenyra when she first appears is how she gained weight and therefore Daemon does not find her attractive at all. It's disgusting, demeaning, and screams internalized mysoginy. But women of this fandom are not ready for this conversation because they are far too busy self-inserting in their Laena and Nettles fantasies. That is why in these type of fics Rhaenyra is made to compare herself with them, to make her seem unworthy and undervalued, when that was never the case at all.
And not only that, but with Laena he is marrying a maiden, whereas with Rhaenyra he is marrying a mother of three. So if for some people that represents a turn-off, something that makes her less desirable, then they go and project their own distaste unto Daemon, claiming that he must have found her (and by extension her children) a burden as well. Even though the text gives us no proof about this, but every proof to the contrary.
It's a sensitive topic I would like to expand further because the way Rhaenyra's appearance is approached and discussed in this fandom is very sad, without any critical analysis or consideration. Basically, this is just to point out some things in the way I see them.
Hi there Queen (and sorry for this huge delay) ❤️
I have almost nothing else to add except a small observation on this "but with Laena he is marrying a maiden" -> I think this is something that they conclude because of everything you have said before. Because it goes with their idealised version of the "skinny, love worthy woman" and purity is another trait they had.
Laena was almost 23 at the time she married Daemon, and had been betrothed to another man for 10 years. A decade. She is also described as "bold" and someone who liked adventure.
The same fanfictions I have seen portraying Laena as completely innocent at 22 almost 23 - let's go back to the main asoiaf books and think back to how "innocent" women at this age were even if unmarried - will be portraying 14 year old Rhaenyra as completely loose, a deranged Lolita of sorts (who curiously turns chaste and boring the moment she married Daemon, at only 23, but details because while love changes a person Rhaenyra and Daemon DID NOT LOVE EACH OTHER OK?! 😡) using and abusing Poor Criston - who Alicent called out btw for being a creep - because let's look at it from his perspective :( (will no one think of the 30 something male?!) and being as wicked as Daemon if not more. Someone making Daemon darker and more deranged too, nothing like pure Laena and Nettles who brought out the best in him and saved him <3
I completely agree with you about Rhaenyra's appearance and I think it's especially sad when you see people, especially women, making Aegon II look like he hits the gym every day - let's look at official art of him for a sec - and Rhaenyra like she is Jabba the Hut.
PS: All of this is only about the asoiaf characters and books so kindly leave the lizard redacted show out of it.
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felassan · 11 months
Dragon Age: The Official Cookbook: Tastes of Thedas lore compilation / notes / thoughts [Part 1 of 2]
(Link to Part 2, in text form (pls copy-paste) as Tumblr won't let me add it as a normal link: https://felassan.tumblr.com/post/732826339350102016/dragon-age-the-official-cookbook-tastes-of)
Reference, info & general observations/ramble post ◕‿◕ (Post contents under a cut, in case anyone would rather not read cookbook spoilers. also due to post length)
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If I have forgotten, misread or misunderstood something, please let me know.
This post is part 1 of 2, as it was getting rly long.
Dishes by type
Starters & Refreshments: Eggs à la Val Foret, Nevarran Blood Orange Salad, Fried Young Giant Spiders, Stuffed Deep Mushrooms, Rivaini Couscous Salad, Crab Cakes from Kirkwall, Fluffy Mackerel Pudding, Snail & Watercress Salad, Cave Beetles
For the Road: Spiced Jerky, Grey Warden Pastry Pockets, Pickled Eggs, Unidentified Meat, Seheron Fish Pockets, Fereldan Hearty Scones, Crow Feed, Black Lichen Bread, Hearth Cakes, Peasant Bread
Soups & Stews: Merrill's Blood Soup, Fereldan Potato and Leek Soup, The Hanged Man's Mystery Meat Stew, Fish Chowder, Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup, Lentil Soup, Nettle Soup, King Alistair's Lamb and Pea Stew
Main Courses: Stuffed Cabbage, Antivan Gnocchi, Antivan Paella, Grilled Poussin, Gurgut Roast with Lowlander Spices and Mushroom Sauce, Nug Pancakes, Fish in Salt Crust, Roasted Wyvern, Nug Bacon and Egg Pie, Starkhaven Fish and Egg Pie, Cacio e Pepe, Turnip and Mutton Pie, Smoked Ham from the Anderfels, Roasted Turkey with Sides
Sides: Sera's Yummy Corn, Stuffed Vine Leaves, Honey Carrots, Nevarran Flat Bread and Yogurt Dip
Sweet Delights: Blancmange, Poison Stings, Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler, Dwarven Plum Jam, Sour Cherries in Cream, Treviso Energy Balls, Rice Pudding, Goat Custard
Baked Goods: Antivan Apple Grenade, Found Cake, Varric's Favorite Cinnamon Rolls, Croissants, Cherry Cupcakes, Chocolate Cake, Varric's Favorite Pastries, Sugar Cake, Lamprey Cake, Tevinter Pumpkin Bread
Drinks & Potions: Lichen Ale, The Hissing Drake, Hot Chocolate, Antivan Sip-Sip, Dragon Piss, Rivaini Tea Blend, The Golden Nug, The Emerald Valley, Chasind Sack Mead
Notes: These dish 'categories' are from the book contents pages, which can be viewed here.
Dishes by place / culture of origin (DA Cookbook-specific list)
Ferelden: Pickled Eggs, Fereldan Hearty Scones, Fereldan Potato and Leek Soup, Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup, King Alistair's Lamb and Pea Stew, Nug Bacon and Egg Pie, Turnip and Mutton Pie, Chocolate Cake
Kirkwall: Crab Cakes from Kirkwall, The Hanged Man's Mystery Meat Stew, Roasted Turkey with Sides
Orlais: Eggs à la Val Foret, Grey Warden Pastry Pockets, Honey Carrots, Blancmange, Sour Cherries in Cream, Croissants
Tevinter: Unidentified Meat, Stuffed Vine Leaves, Cherry Cupcakes, Tevinter Pumpkin Bread
Antiva: Crow Feed, Fish Chowder, Antivan Gnocchi, Antivan Paella, Cacio e Pepe, Treviso Energy Balls, Antivan Apple Grenade, Antivan Sip-Sip
Nevarra: Nevarran Blood Orange Salad, Nevarran Flat Bread and Yogurt Dip
Rivain: Rivaini Couscous Salad, Goat Custard, Rivaini Tea Blend
Seheron: Seheron Fish Pockets
Starkhaven: Starkhaven Fish and Egg Pie, Roasted Turkey with Sides
Free Marches: Roasted Turkey with Sides
Anderfels: Smoked Ham from the Anderfels
Avvar: Snail & Watercress Salad, Stuffed Cabbage, Gurgut Roast with Lowlander Spices and Mushroom Sauce, Fish in Salt Crust, Roasted Wyvern
Chasind: Grilled Poussin, Chasind Sack Mead
Dalish: Spiced Jerky, Hearth Cakes, Peasant Bread, Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler
City Elf: Peasant Bread, Lentil Soup
Orzammar / dwarven: Fried Young Giant Spiders, Stuffed Deep Mushrooms, Cave Beetles, Nug Pancakes, Dwarven Plum Jam, Lichen Ale, Black Lichen Bread
Unspecified (DA Cookbook-specific list): Fluffy Mackerel Pudding, Merrill's Blood Soup, Nettle Soup, Sera's Yummy Corn, Poison Stings, Rice Pudding, Found Cake, Varric's Favorite Cinnamon Rolls, Varric's Favorite Pastries, Sugar Cake, Lamprey Cake, The Hissing Drake, Hot Chocolate, Dragon Piss, The Golden Nug, The Emerald Valley
Notes: Fluffy Mackerel Pudding seems to be Fereldan as it's found in DA:O in this Codex entry at the Arl of Redcliffe's Estate in Denerim. Snail & Watercress Salad isn't traditional Avvar cuisine; though snails are standard Avvar fare, this salad which has them in conjunction with other ingredients is Devon's take on snails that they made for their Avvar hosts. The given Spiced Jerky recipe is Dalish, but the book notes that preserved foods like it play an important role in many different Thedosian cultures. Grey Warden Pastry Pockets are a variation on a tough Grey Warden pastry which incorporates the far more delicate Orlesian puff pastry, that was championed by newer Warden recruits from Orlais. Unidentified Meat is usually served with Nevarran Flat Bread. Black Lichen Bread doesn't explicitly say but is clearly dwarven, as it references "underground" versus the "surface" and the dwarf Garin in Orzammar mentions it in DA:O. Peasant Bread is both Dalish and City Elf. Merrill's Blood Soup could be Dalish in origin as it's a recipe of Merrill's. Devon's Lentil Soup recipe has classic Tevinter flavors in it. Roasted Turkey with Sides is found throughout the Free Marches. Sera's Yummy Corn could be Fereldan in origin as it's a recipe of Sera's. Poison Stings is likely Tevinter as Dorian is fond of it. Rice Pudding could be Antivan or Rivaini as in Thedas you don't see much rice outside of Antiva or Rivain, or perhaps Tevinter or Qunari as it was a dish made by Krem, Iron Bull and the Chargers. Found Cake could be Fereldan as it's based on Dog's Found Cake in DA:O. Sugar Cake was purchased from a surface dwarf merchant and is based on Sugar Cake from DA:O (Feraldan dish? Dwarven?). Lamprey Cake was Devon's pickled lamprey-inspired cake, with pickled lamprey itself being a "singular" (implied: odd) favorite of an Orlesian noble. The Hissing Drake, The Golden Nug and The Emerald Valley are drinks served at the Gilded Horn in Orlais. The Emerald Valley's place of origin isn't given in the book, but we know from this Codex that it includes a spirit that is Orlesian, having been made in Lydes. Going by Iron Bull's dialogue with Varric, hot chocolate/cocoa is not from the south and is rare there. Dragon Piss could be Fereldan as it's based on Dragon Piss which is found in Ferelden.
Alphabetical ingredients / 'foodstuffs and drinks which exist in Thedas' list (DA Cookbook-specific list)
Notes: These ingredients are derived from the dish names and the lore blurbs (which appear to be in-world), not the recipes and associated ingredients lists themselves (which appear to be our world/irl-based). Also, this is a sort of scrappy list with mixed singular/plurals, some repeating stuff (e.g. I know pork, bacon, pig and ham is all "pig"), some non-specific stuff e.g. "herbs", and some stuff that is more 'a combo food' than 'a single ingredient' e.g. "dough", but just go with it ok hh, it's just meant to be a quick 'n' dirty reference list as a resource not a perfect culinary thing:
“Bitter greens”, Ale, Almonds, Antivan pasta, Antivan wine, Apples, Apple blossoms, Apricots, Assorted “forest fruits”, Ayesleigh gulabi goat (a breed of goat from which some goat’s milk is derived), Bacon, Bark, Bark bread, Barley, Beetroot, Biscuits, Black cherries, Black lichen, Blended teas, Blood oranges, Brandy, Bread, Buns, Butter (halla and other types), Cabbage, Carrot, Cave beetles, Celery, Chasind Wildwine, Cheese, Cheese sauce, Cherries, Chicken, Chickpeas, Chocolate, Chocolate cream cake, Cinnamon, Cocoa, Cocoa powder, Corn (yellow and non-yellow varieties), Couscous, Cows, Crab, Cranberry, Cream, Croutons, Currants, Custard (many variations), Cuttlefish, Dark bread, Deep mushrooms (several varieties), Dough, Dracolisk? (in one ‘sus meat’ recipe Devon wondered if it could be this), Dried fruit, Dry cheese, Eggs, Egg-white foam (for drinks, due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Fereldan ale, Fereldan barley, Figs, Fish, Flat bread, Flour, Flowers (over 70 different types of herbs and flowers used for food & drink exist), Giant spiders, Giant? (in one ‘sus meat’ recipe Devon wondered if it could be this), Gnocchi, Goat’s milk, Goats, Grains, Grapes, Grease, Gurguts, Halla butter, Ham, Harts, Herbs (over 70 different herbs and flowers used for food & drink exist), Hirol’s Lava Burst (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Honey, Hot peppers, Jams & preserves, Jasmine flowers, Jerky, Lamb, Lamprey, Leeks, Lemon, Lemon juice, Lemon verbena, Lentils, Lichen (underground and surface varieties), Lichen ale, Licorice root, Llomerryn red, Llomerryn rum (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Lurkers, Mackerel, Mango, Marshmallow (presumably meaning both the marshmallow plant and marshmallows, the confectionary that was originally made from the marshmallow plant. The form given in the cookbook is Orlesian guimauves, which accompany Iron Bull’s hot chocolate. “Guimauve” is French for marshmallow), Mead, Milk, Mincemeat, Mint, Mushroom, Mussels, Mutton, Nettle, Noodles, Nug, Nug bacon, Nuggets (nug-gets), Nutmeg (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Nuts, Oats, Oil, Olives, Onion, Orange, Orange peel, Oregano, Pasta, Pastry, Peas, Peanut butter, Peanuts, Pepper (as in black pepper etc), Peppermint, Pickled things, Pickled vegetables, Pie, Pig, Plums, Pomegranate, Pork, Potatoes, Poussin, Prawns, Puff pastry, Pumpkin, Quillback (in one ‘sus meat’ recipe Devon wondered if it could be this, and in DA:I some NPCs mention it), Rabbit, Raisins, Rams, Raspberries, Red bell peppers, Red grapes, Rhubarb, Rice, Rolls, Royal elfroot (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Rum (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Saffron, Salt, Semolina flour, Sheep, Shrimp, Smoked meats, Snails, Sour ale, Sour cherries, Spices, Spinach, Spirits (as in alcohol), Strawberries, Sugar, Tea, Toasted bread, Tomatoes, Truffles, Turkey, Turnip, Tzatziki sauce, Vine leaves, Waffles, Water, Watercress, West Hill brandy, Wheat, Whipped cream, Whiskey (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), White chocolate, White frosting, White Seleny wine, White wine, Wildflowers, Wine, Wraps (soft), Wyverns, Yogurt
'See also' / 'did you know':
Eggs à la Val Foret
Fried Young Giant Spiders: previously made an appearance in the DA tabletop. The player party arrives at Chanra Thaig and sees "Bonfires built inside steel drums provide warm and heat for the dwarves huddled around them, cooking deepstalkers, what looks like the legs of giant spiders, and small rodent-like animals on spits". The dwarves have "fuel, water, and domesticated spiders and nugs in deeper chambers for food".
Fluffy Mackerel Pudding
Snail and Watercress Salad
Cave beetle previously made an appearance in the DA tabletop. They're described as "scavengers and carrion eaters", "black" and "hard-shelled". They're also known as "rock beetles" and are "little more than a nuisance on its own. Dwarves are even known to roast and eat them out of the shells".
Pickled Eggs (from "The Whole Nug" in World of Thedas)
Seheron Fish Pockets: Iron Bull has dialogue where he says "I remember one guy, he made these things - fish wrapped in thin bread". He was talking of a street food vendor in Seheron who had been forced by Tevinter spies to poison his food. Fittingly, in the cookbook Devon narrates that they learned this recipe from a Charger.
Black Lichen Bread: Garin from DA:O had an incident a few years back where he cut himself and some raw lyrium dust got into his blood. Since then it's been hard for him to concentrate and he's forgetful. He mentions bread that's made by using lichen (I think he mentioned that his lunch was a slice of lichen bread). interestingly, like lyrium, the cookbook lore blurb for Black Lichen Bread contains reference to how black lichen is toxic.
Hearth Cakes (from "The Whole Nug" in World of Thedas)
Peasant Bread: appears in The Masked Empire. in the Dalish camp, Dalish cooks prepared a midday meal, which was served along with peasant bread. "It was almost equal parts wheat, salt, and grease, and in lean winters, it was sometimes the only thing that could put meat on a peasant's bones." Michel watches an old elven woman drizzle honey across a piece and remembers his City Elven mother putting a bit of sugar she had stolen from the tavern she worked in on his piece of bread. The cookbook lore blurb for Peasant Bread says it is eaten by Dalish elves and City elves alike in Orlais, with the recipe being "very straightforward, calling for wheat, salt, and grease in nearly equal parts". Also, in The Last Court, Seraultine (Orlesian) peasants are described as eating bread at mealtimes
The Hanged Man's Mystery Meat Stew: in a DAII loading screen, it says that the tavern's feature dish is a stew made from a different mystery meat every morning
Fish Chowder: in DA:O Zevran says "Can you smell that? Like rotting flesh. Just like back in Antiva City. Now if only you could find me a prostitute or two, a bowl of fish chowder and a corrupt politician, I'd really feel like I was home!"
Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup (the cookbook lore blurb mentions the Orlesian troupe of actors from the show Wilkshire Downs. in this codex they are mentioned along with "cabbage stew")
King Alistair's Lamb and Pea Stew: Alistair and Leliana have this dialogue in DA:O about this dish (Ctrl-F "pea stew").
Antivan Gnocchi: In Tevinter Nights (Eight Little Talons), the Crow leaders eat gnocchi with dinner
Gurgut Roast with Lowlander Spices and Mushroom Sauce
Nug Pancakes, two
Fish in Salt Crust
Roasted Wyvern. Also Isabela has dialogue in Mark of the Assassin where she says "I hope I'm not expected to eat roast wyvern after this." The lore blurb in the cookbook for this dish also references this Codex
Starkhaven Fish and Egg Pie (from "The Whole Nug" in World of Thedas)
Cacio e Pepe: First mentioned in Tevinter Nights (The Wigmaker Job). Illario complains "This isn't Cacio e Pepe" while making a show of tapping his dagger against a plate of leftovers. Lucanis replies "You ordered an Antivan dish in Tevinter. What did you expect?", to which Illario quips "Something edible".
Turnip and Mutton Pie
Smoked Ham from the Anderfels: a servant in Mark of the Assassin offers Hawke and Tallis "smoked ham from the Anderfels. They say it tastes of despair". Tallis replies "Wait, does it really? How can ham taste of despair? Why would anyone eat it if it did?". The servant explains "That's what the importer said. They all talk like that" apparently. This dish is also mentioned in DA:I. After WEWH Dorian says "I hope you tried the ham they were serving, by the way. Tastes of despair. Fascinating". The cookbook lore blurb asserts that contrary to rumors and what the importers say, this ham does not, in fact, taste of despair. Also, see The Jade Ham (tumblr won't let me add it as a proper link: https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/The_Jade_Ham), as the cookbook lore blurb references this item and its description
Roasted Turkey with Sides: Roast turkey previously made an appearance in the DA tabletop. Lady Sennova hosts a gala/party in Orlais, which players infiltrate/attend and at which food and drink is served. "The Game is about appearances as much as it is about outright treachery, so a dead rat discovered in the roast turkey could serve as a crueler twist of the knife than an actual twisting of the knife". The cookbook lore blurb references the comic Knight Errant, which involves Sebastian's birthday dinner party
Sera's Yummy Corn (from "The Whole Nug" in World of Thedas)
Dwarven Plum Jam: in DA:O a Diamond Quarter noble dwarf says something like "I will die without my favorite plum jam from the surface!" The cookbook lore blurb references the fact that in Orzammar, jam from the surface, especially jams made from plums, are in especially high demand and cost exorbitant prices
Rice Pudding: in DA:I Krem mentions a time when he, Iron Bull and the Chargers defended a village from fifty bandits. Afterwards the villagers paid them for their services in bags of rice. He says that they made rice pudding after that. The cookbook lore blurb references this story of Krem's
(new text block because the previous text block hit a character limit hh)
Antivan Apple Grenade: the cookbook lore blurb references Antivan Fire Grenades (two), which spread sticky fire. maybe it's my brain conjuring up sticky toffee/toffee apples, but I wanna say that this dish would not only be hot but also sticky :)
Found Cake
Varric's Favorite Cinnamon Rolls: in DAII Sandal says that Orana smells of cinnamon rolls, which was interesting to me as DAII is the game where Varric is introduced and his first (and greatest) batch of cinnamon roll friends, the Kirkwall Crew, are featured in
Croissants: Calix and Vaea eat something which arguably look like croissants in the comic Dragon Age: Deception, in an inn in Tevinter.
Cherry Cupcakes: the cookbook lore blurb says these are served by servants on stilts at the Tevinter theature. in the comic Dragon Age: Magekiller, Marius is depicted serving an array of treats and snacks to a Tevinter elite at the Tevinter theatre while on stilts. some of the cupcakes on his tray bear somewhat of a resemblance to the cupcakes in this recipe.
Sugar Cake
Pickled Lamprey: the cookbook lore blurb is referencing the book Last Flight, where Norbert de la Haine and his unfortunate fondness for pickled lampreys is mentioned.
Lichen Ale
The Hissing Drake. the cookbook lore blurb mentions the Gilded Horn
Hot Chocolate: Iron Bull discusses his penchant for this drink with Varric. "How do you guys live without this stuff?" he says. Varric replies "I don't see what the deal is, honestly, but different tastes..." / "Now I just need some hot milk and some of those Orlesian guimauves to put in it" / "Hey, what you do with this 'cocoa' is up to you. I don't need to hear about it"
Antivan Sip-Sip
Dragon Piss, two
Rivaini Tea Blend: In Masked Empire Celene drinks a Rivaini blend of tea containing cinnamon, ginger and cloves, sweetened with honey. the cookbook lore blurb references Celene drinking Rivaini Tea Blend throughout the day to combat headaches, but this tea blend consists of peppermint, lemon verbena, oregano and licorice root. Rivaini tea also crops up here.
The Golden Nug, two
The Emerald Valley
Chasind Sack Mead
Characters mentioned or alluded to in the cookbook
Devon (new character, writer and narrator of the book), Merrill, Alistair, Sera, Varric, Solas, Cassandra, Fenris, Cullen, Sten, Iron Bull, Bull's Chargers, Krem, Nan (possibly, if she is Devon's mother), Norah (possibly, as the waitress at The Hanged Man), Zevran, Morrigan, the Hero of Ferelden, the Inquisitor, Josephine, Paragon Varen, Leliana, Schmooples, the Hero of Ferelden's mabari, Sebastian, Cole, Vivienne, Dorian, Anders, Loghain, Bethany, Hawke, the Couslands, Bodahn Feddic (possibly, as the Sugar Cake item in DA:O is sold by him and Devon narrates that they purchased one from a surface dwarf merchant who said that the Hero of Ferelden purchased some for their companions), Norbert de la Haine, Isabela, Celene, Briala, Gaspard
"Cookbook canon" (notes about the particular worldstate/universe that Devon wrote the cookbook in)
The cookbook was written at some point after the appointment of Divine Victoria, placing it at at least one month after the DA:I base game concludes (at least one month after the defeat of Corypheus). The narrator, Devon, has met and spoken to at least some of the companions & related prominent NPCs, including Varric and Krem. Devon visited Haven.
The HoF was a Cousland. The HoF caught Schmooples for Leliana. Loghain survived DA:O and DA:I, as he's referred to in the present-tense at the time the cookbook is written. Alistair is King of Ferelden. The HoF may have been a lady who romanced Alistair (if you argue that the inclusion of Alistair's love letter to the Warden & the necklace from this merch item as a prop in the photo for Rivaini Couscous Salad as indicator. interesting that the photo where this item is prominently displayed is for the Couscous of all things. back in the day I remember folks calling Cousland "Couscous" hhh).
Hawke was a warrior or rogue and Carver died in the prologue. Hawke was probably Diplomatic. Hawke did not romance Sebastian (in the cookbook he is Prince, and Sebastian reclaims his title as Prince by DA:I unless romanced, in which case he's the Chantry advisor in Starkhaven).
The "worst of [Cullen's] lyrium withdrawals" are mentioned so it could be that the Inquisitor advised Cullen to stop taking lyrium. Cassandra Pentaghast is the Divine. Celene is the Empress of Orlais - possibly ruling "alone" or possibly in the Celene-Gaspard-Briala "work together option", going by "Given how messy Orlesian politics are wont to be, with chevalier cousins vying for the throne and elven handmaids turned both spymaster and lover".
Also, this might be just me and my assumptions or reading of it, but of the companion characters referenced in the book (see section above, Characters mentioned or alluded to in the cookbook), such as Cole, Sera, Merrill, Fenris etc, I feel like it's safe to assume that in this worldstate they were all recruited by the relevant PCs are alive and well (including the Chargers).
Merch items & similar that appear as props or edits in photos
Alistair romance bundle (necklace and letter in Rivaini Couscous Salad. the necklace appears again in Goat Custard. the box can be seen in The Golden Nug)
Grey Warden pendant that shows the griffon heraldry (not sure if this is from the Gear Store or somewhere like Etsy. Grey Warden Pastry Pockets). this reappears in Sugar Cake
Solas Jawbone Necklace (Pickled Eggs. hhhh. unlike in Eggs à la Val Foret the blurb here doesn't mention Solas, but he's repped here anyway by the necklace hanging in the background hh)
Cullen's Lucky Coin (The Hanged Man's Mystery Meat Stew, Stuffed Vine Leaves, Antivan Sip-Sip)
In Nug Pancakes this red Inquisition banner with the handprint is in the background (seems to be from game files/in-game props). the red Inquisition banner appears again in Chasind Sack Mead
In Nug Bacon and Egg Pie, there is a nug in the background, presumably looking on in horror as their spouse has been transformed into a pie
In Turnip and Mutton Pie is a necklace that looks like the one Varric wears
Templar Banner (Roasted Turkey with Sides)
Inquisitor's iconic helmet replica (Roasted Turkey with Sides. hhh, this reminds me of the ones that are props in the queue area for the Dragon Age-not Dragon Age-ride)
In the background of Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler a nug is peeking out
Antivan Apple Grenade contains a map of Westeros hhh. You can see the Three Sisters, the Neck and the Bite
A physical version of this Thedas map appears at various points e.g. Chasind Sack Mead
DA:I advisors coin set (Tevinter Pumpkin Bread) - for some reason Tumblr won't allow me to add the link to this one as an actual link, but you can find it here: gear.bioware.com/en-eu/products/dragon-age-three-advisors-coin-set
A green orb that I would guess is meant to be reminiscent of the ones Solas has you use during Measuring the Veil (Tevinter Pumpkin Bread)
Inquisition symbol pendant (not sure if this is from the Gear Store or somewhere like Etsy)
(You can get 20% off in the BioWare Gear Store until November 6th using my latest discount code BWCUISINE. After that date check back here for a new code. alternatively, you can use my >tracking link<.)
Some random thoughts
Shoutout to the photo for Starkhaven Fish and Egg Pie. It looks a lot like the illustration in World of Thedas of this dish! you can see that they really took it into consideration when creating this dish/image.
I feel like you can also sense the inspiration in general vibe/feel in Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler from Dalish Deep Forest Comfort in WoT.
The black and gold theme colors of the cover remind me of when DA:D branding was black and gold.
Recipe pages I have posted that you can view in full: Spiced Jerky, Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler, Hearth Cakes, Merrill's Blood Soup, Lentil Soup, Peasant Bread, Dragon Piss
Recipe and other pages that were already available to view in full from the official preview pages: intro page, intro page 2, intro page 3, Contents page 1, Contents page 2, intro page 4, Devon's letter, intro page 5, Starters & Refreshments section intro page, Eggs à la Val Foret, Fried Young Giant Spiders, Fereldan Hearty Scones, Nug Pancakes, Roasted Turkey with Sides, Varric's Favorite Cinnamon Rolls, Nevarran Blood Orange Salad recipe (pic), Stuffed Deep Mushrooms recipe (pic), Rivaini Couscous Salad recipe (pic), Crab Cakes from Kirkwall recipe (pic), Fluffy Mackerel Pudding recipe (pic), Snail & Watercress Salad recipe (pic), Cave Beetles
Source of the above information: Dragon Age The Official Cookbook - Tastes of Thedas
If you’re not able to get the book, and there’s a recipe or two in the Contents that you’d like to see/read, let me know and I’ll show you (❁´◡`❁)
Link to Part 2, in text form (pls copy-paste) as Tumblr won't let me add it as a normal link: https://felassan.tumblr.com/post/732826339350102016/dragon-age-the-official-cookbook-tastes-of
A post you may also be interested in: Food and drink lore compilation from Dragon Age: The Last Court
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 years
What Was the Average Age for a Targaryen to Claim a Dragon?
Hi all a post a few days back got me thinking (and I had like half an hour left in my lunch break and got bored) so I did another completely unnecessary deep dive into Targaryen lore. I went through the complete list of dragon riders, barring those whose eggs hatched in their infancy/toddlerhood (which is considered in-universe to be different from claiming a non-hatchling dragon later on), and made a list of all of the confirmed ages that these people claimed their mounts. This goes off of Fire and Blood and ASoIaF canon, and there are some differences for the House of the Dragon series that I'll discuss below.
I didn't include riders if there was a wide range of dates within which they claimed their dragon, or if we didn't get a birth year. Like, Daemon bonded with Caraxes between the ages of 11-24, which is too ambiguous, so I didn't include him. Also, you can decide whether or not you'd like to include Aerea claiming Balerion, since it only impacts the average by 5 days. And I did include non-Targaryens here, but I'll discuss the math if you exclude them and only look at official Targaryens later on because it's not what you might expect. Here's my work:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I did the math so you don't have to, and the average age at which people claim their dragons in GRRM's universe is 13 years and 115 days.
This previous data does include a number of non-Targaryens (Laena, Laenor, Nettles, Addam). I won't show the graph again, because the distribution remains roughly the same. But, interestingly enough, if you exclude them the average age actually increases slightly. The average age at which Targaryens alone claim their dragon is 13 years and 170 days. If you compare this to the non-Targaryens, the average age is 12 years and 274 days. So on average, Targaryen dragon riders claim their dragons 261 days later than non-Targaryen dragon riders. (This doesn't account for Ulf White or Hugh Hammer though since they have no confirmed birth date, and might not be true if they were included.)
Daeron is actually the youngest ever to claim an already-hatched dragon, at age 6. Rhaenyra wasn't the youngest to claim a dragon, but she was the youngest to ever ride one, at age 7. And Maegor was the oldest to ever claim a dragon, at age 25.
In contrast to HotD, Aemond was actually younger than average when he claimed Vhagar by three whole years. He also wasn't the last in his family to claim a dragon, and Aegon and Daeron only claimed their dragons less than a year before he did. It's still possible that he was the last of his brothers to claim a dragon, and he still claimed Vhagar later than any of Rhaenyra's children whose dragons all hatched in their cradles. But as with some other things (like Alicent and Viserys's age gap), the show seems to have exaggerated things to make it clearer to a wider audience.
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gojuo · 3 months
i'm surprised at people being surprised that nettles was cut. i remember watching the first season in real time and by episode four i knew we had no hope for nettles. nettles is daemon's 'real' love and is a plot device to make rhaenyra go crazy with jealousy and to make some valyrian supremacist racist comments about a brown girl. the show being house of rhaenyra was obvious from like episode three and four, so i knew they would never include nettles as her entire storyline would need to be changed so rhaenyra didn't look like a jealous murderous freak
hmm tbh I harp on about how the show is TB propaganda (and it is) but I'm also aware that I personally have a really bad bias against Rhaenyra and Daemon bc since day 1 of reading TPATQ I have hated them. like, I have never liked those two and i never will, but I liked Alicent and Helaena and Daeron, Aegon and Aemond I was neutral about. so as I was watching the first few eps of the show I realized I was being too harsh, she was still the protag so I recognized that I needed to let the show breathe and speak for itself—after all, young!Rhaenyra was still a flawed character that had room to grow into the Maegor with Teats figure she'd become down the line. but then adult!Rhaenyra happened ... I got the ick ... I still held out on hope ... told myself that maybe I was just being too anal about my own interpretations of F&B ... season 2 promos were saying people were gonna switch sides ... I believed in those words bc of B&C ... and now these two eps have aired and I realize now that that was all just bullshit and that Ryan Condal is a pathetic Targ stan no different from the Daenerys cultists who duped book readers into watching his fanfic. and now that it's been confirmed that Nettles has officially been cut, I understand my initial assessment of "being too harsh w show!Rhaenyra" was wrong, I shoulda been way bigger of a hater. oh well, at least I know GRRM was definitely talking about HOTD + Condal in that one blog post lol
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joachimnapoleon · 1 year
Hello there! In the last few weeks your page turned into one of my favourite places on the internet through your knowledge and your posts about Murat and all around about the napoleonic era. I do wonder: Do you know about Murat‘s relationship with the other marshals? I am aware about your really nice post about Murat‘s relationship with Lannes but what about the others? I believe to have read that Murat disliked Davout. At the other hand he seemed to have a positive relationship with Bernadotte and Ney? I could be wrong though. I hope I do not annoy with that question and wish you a beautiful day. c:
Hello! Glad you’ve been enjoying my page, always nice to see more fans of Murat/the Napoleonic era in general popping up here. ^_^
Regarding Murat’s relationships with his fellow marshals, this is one of those subjects in which the amount of information is frustratingly sparse, so most of my views are just from piecing together what fragments I’ve come across here and there. And my guesswork may very well be wrong; my knowledge about the marshals is nowhere near complete. 
Murat & Bernadotte: It’s generally been accepted that they were friends, at least early in their careers, because of their shared revolutionary sympathies and backgrounds. So I was a bit surprised to come across a letter from Murat to Joseph Bonaparte, which I included in my book, in which Murat says he’d resign if Bernadotte were ever given preference over him for a military command, after Bernadotte sided against the Bonapartes on 18 Brumaire. That being said, Murat had invited Bernadotte to his wedding ten months prior to writing that letter (though I’ve always wondered if this was just to nettle Napoleon for having opposed his marriage to Caroline). I really haven’t come across what their relationship was like in later years, but it would be interesting to look into.
Murat & Bessières: These two went off together, as young men from the Lot, to join the Constitutional Guard in 1792. He also attended Murat’s wedding in January 1800. Beyond that, I’ve found depressingly little on their personal relationship. Bessières apparently did become quite close with Eugène de Beauharnais, which does make me wonder if his relationship with Murat might’ve soured at some point, since poor paranoid Murat tended to be one of those “the friend of my enemy is also my enemy” types. Nevertheless, he and Caroline both wrote letters to Bessières’ widow after his death in 1813; sadly I’ve never been able to read them, since they’re in the French Archives. 
Murat & Ney: At least during the 1805 campaign, these two didn’t get along very well. Shortly after Murat’s victory at Wertingen, Napoleon placed the entire right wing of the army (which included the corps of Lannes and Ney) under Murat’s orders, which neither Lannes or Ney were happy about. At one point Ney argued with Murat over his dispositions and whipped out a map to show Murat why he was wrong, to which Murat said “I understand nothing of your plans; it is my way to make mine in the presence of the enemy!” The remark stung Ney enough that he threw it back at Murat prior to the attack at Elchingen, in front of Napoleon, turning to Murat and shouting, “Come, Prince, come with me, and make your plans in the presence of the enemy!” But a lot of the campaign-tension stuff shouldn’t be read too deeply into when it comes to analyzing friendships; Murat and Lannes butted heads on campaign too. War is stressful, and generals/marshals wanted to show each other up and win the most prestige. Ney still took the waters at Barèges with Lannes and Murat in July of 1808, so Lannes and Ney were two of the first people with whom Murat got to share the wonderful news that he was officially a king now. I don’t think Murat and Ney ever became particularly close friends, but they at least seemed to get along, and work together, better during the 1812 campaign. 
Murat & Soult: Apparently disliked each other, but I haven’t found much mentioning them in relation to each other either way. @josefavomjaaga has posted some excerpts from the memoirs of one of Soult’s aides which mention Soult’s displeasure with Murat though.
Murat & Davout: Their mutual dislike really seems to have crystalized during the 1812 campaign, in which they quarreled repeatedly (at one point Murat wanted to fight him, and Belliard held him back as he was about to head for Davout’s tent with a pistol), culminating with Davout accusing Murat of “black ingratitude” towards Napoleon when Murat was ranting about him at one point. I think they were just an oil-and-water pair, totally incompatible with each other personality-wise, and I also think it grated on Davout (and probably many of the other marshals) that Murat had been made a king by Napoleon by virtue of being an imperial brother-in-law, and that they officially had to refer to him as Your Majesty from then on.  
Murat & Berthier: This is an interesting one, and I wish I had more information. Early on, Murat disliked Berthier and seemed to think Berthier had it out for him (and maybe he did, since Murat admitted to having spoken against him; but, again, Murat was kind of a paranoid wreck and thought virtually everybody had it out for him). Between this and the fact that his relationship with Napoleon was on an early down-turn, Murat actually wrote to Barras at the beginning of the Egyptian campaign (I believe from Malta) and asked to be reassigned. At some point though, his relationship with Berthier improved. There are some interesting letters from Berthier to Murat in Murat’s published correspondence which speak to them having a closer relationship. In one, I can’t remember the year off the top of my head but I want to say sometime between 1806-7, Berthier says that he misses the lunches they used to share together. In another from around that time or perhaps 1808, Berthier laments that Murat has been nonresponsive to his previous letters and is clearly wounded by it. In the summer of 1808, Berthier writes Murat another touching letter as Murat is about to become a king, and Berthier regrets that soon he will not be able to write to him with the same effusion. Throughout Murat’s reign, Napoleon would typically leave it to Berthier to kind of “soften the blow,” so to speak, when it came to giving Murat lectures on how he should behave as a king, and to try to soothe his hurt feelings after Napoleon’s typically insensitive reprimands. They both endured Napoleon’s stormy moods during the 1812 campaign and had to figure out how to pick up the pieces together once Napoleon abandoned the army. Berthier initially supported the choice of Murat, due to his rank, to take command rather than Eugène, but soon realized Murat wasn’t capable of handling it, and wrote a ciphered letter to Napoleon saying that he needed to be replaced immediately. I don’t think it was personal; Murat was just terrible under pressure, and wasn’t the right man for that particular job. Anyway, I think anyone would be hard pressed to find two guys who put up with more of Napoleon’s shit over the years than Berthier and Murat, and after 17 or so years of working so closely together and going through so much shared hardship, I can’t help but think they had bonded at least a bit. 
Those are the main ones; as far as the other marshals, I haven’t come across enough info on Murat’s relationships with them to have anything to say. If anybody has any more information to add on anything, feel free. :)
Thanks for the ask!
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ride-thedragon · 6 months
Unfortunately for the peacekeepers and general public, I will be doing a Nettles' expected style analysis and to the general rebels without a cause and nerds, I will be doing one for house Velayron. The general theme is the only reason I watch the show (apart from the sapphics). Also, my 4 times a year Alicent appreciation post is coming up. She's who I want to start the hotd as albums posts with. Lastly, I'd like to apologise for who I'll be after May 8th. (Officially off from school)
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finitefall · 2 years
Rhaenyra, tyranny and misogyny
I’ve got a few messages after talking with nonnie here and here. Instead of answering multiple times, I’m gonna answer in this post and say what I personally think about Rhaenyra, calling her a tyrant, and how people see it as misogyny. The following messages are from four different anons:
Anon #1: The thing about Rhaenyra “being a tyrant” is also that we’re literally being given the story as told by the “victors” and I don’t think we’re intended to take the words of Fire and Blood as unbiased documentation. She’s framed that way because of how Westerosi nobles view women (and targaryens) not because of how George views women. There’s *clearly* a deliberate POV being employed there
Anon #2: Different anon but I've also got issue with the word "tyrant" being thrown around for Rhaenyra. While it may fall in line with some limited official definition in like literally 1-2 of her latest actions, it is kind of tasteless to ascribe the term that fits actual Hitler in RL or at least the actual Maegor in ASOIAF, and all the intentionally, unrepentant cruel and inhuman actions they entail.... with a woman tragically described as mistreated and betrayed so much that assuming the worst and lashing out has become more natural to her than otherwise.
Anon #3: I admit I also agree a little bit with that anon,the way George wrote Rhaenyra feel a bit misogynistic,specially the Nettles thing and the implications,it’s something many people have said since F&B launched, and also how he favored Daemon to an extreme,for example he was the instigator of a heinous crime,killing a child,but the text never punished him in the slightest,on the contrary,he got the girl,had a last honorable deed and died a hero,he was definitely George’s favorite lol in comparison to Rhaenyra’s end the favoritism is staggering and I can’t help to think it’s a bit sexist.
Anon #4: It’s a disappointing you can’t see how GRRM was/is misogynistic in some aspects,and Rhaenyra was clearly an example of it. The man is an old dude it’s not very difficult to see where he is coming from,the story is misogynistic against Rhaenyra is not a woke point?is the truth, George felt more comfortable giving everything to Daemon and humiliating the female protagonist till the end,so feminist! He is probably gonna do the same to Dany.
Rhaenyra started as a good person, as far as we can tell. Known as The Realm’s Delight, she was described as proud, stubborn, quick to anger and never forgetting a slight. None of this made her a bad person: there’s absolutely nothing wrong with those traits and there are far worse people to deal with. She didn’t do anything wrong before the Dance: the story is literally about her being usurped because she was a woman. Alicent and all the Greens commited treason because of misogyny, and GRRM is very clear about this both during the Dance and in the ASOIAF novels (where Stannis calls Rhaenyra the usurper while Arianne knows she was the usurped). He’s not being very subtle about the fact that Rhaenyra was usurped because of the Greens' ambition, their greed, and of course their misogyny.
“She was my only daughter, and they killed her. They stole my crown and murdered my daughter, and they shall answer for it.”
Rhaenyra and the Blacks had every reason to not accept this treason. The Greens started the war, not them. The only right side in the Dance of the Dragons is the Blacks, not because of who our favorite characters are. Because it’s not a “who’s your favorite war criminal?” story, it’s the story of a woman who was usurped because she was a woman. I’m not sure we’ve read the same books from GRRM if you didn’t see the misogyny being pointed out. Rhaenyra’s line survived, while Aegon’s line didn’t. The message is pretty clear here too. GRRM didn’t make the Green’s line go extinct without reason while having Daenerys, a heroine in the ASOIAF novels, being Rhaenyra’s descendant.
Rhaenyra lost all her children except her two sons with Daemon. She could have been a good Queen, but her traumatic experiences led her down the wrong path. Can anyone say they would have been better, done better than her after what happened? Unless it happened to us, we can’t. Rhaenyra isn’t an example of what happens when a woman gets to power and let it destroy her, she’s an example of how someone can be destroyed and become a tyrant after going through too much. They didn’t exactly have therapy back then.
What’s a tyrant? Let’s just look at the definition. According to the Cambridge dictionary, a tyrant is a ruler who has unlimited power over people, and uses it unfairly and cruelly. According to the Oxford dictionary, a tyrant is a person who has complete power in a country and uses it in a cruel and unfair way. The other dictionaries all have a similar definition. Did Rhaenyra, as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, can be considered as the one having the most power over people and in her Kingdoms? I’d say yes. Was she cruel and unfair during her reign? I’d also say yes. Unless, of course, we decide that no, the taxes and fees making the people of KL suffering, the executions and feeding corpses to dragons, the heads upon the spikes above the city gates, ordering the murders of Addam and Nettles without proof of treason, is neither cruel or unfair. Or was entirely made up, in which case we can’t criticize HOTD writers for saying the events in the books aren’t reliable and that’s why they changed so much about, say, Alicent.
GRRM made no secret of Daemon being his favorite character, but he’s not framed as a villain for the simple reason that we already know he can do awful things. Rhaenyra was a good person at first while Daemon has always been a morally grey character. Literally no one is surprised by Blood & Cheese. We know what Daemon is capable of, especially when it comes to avenging his family. Note also that while his death is seen as heroic because he finally avenged Luke, he also dies as a kinslayer. I’m not gonna shed a single tear on Aemond, but being a kinslayer is literally the worst thing one can possibly be in Westeros. Who else is a kinslayer? Aemond and Aegon II. Not exactly good guys.
Rhaenyra’s story is a tragedy. I love her. She’s an interesting character as well as someone you still feel for no matter what she's done during her reign. She could have taken a bath with the blood of her enemies and it wouldn’t change the fact that we have absolutely no reason to believe she would have become a tyrant if not for the Greens’ treason. She could have decided to eat with corpses at her table and I would still feel for her and curse her half-brother for killing her, especially in this atrocious way. She could have done literally every cruel, atrocious thing you can think about: she’s still the usurped, Aegon II is still the usurper, the Greens are still greedy, misogynistic traitors, meaning the Blacks are still the right side of the Dance of the Dragons.
Now, if you believe GRRM is gonna write Daenerys the same way... it would mean throwing the previous ASOIAF novels out the window. Daenerys has already proven that even after all she’s endured, she would not become a tyrant. Her story is the exact opposite of a heroine turned villain: she could have, but she didn’t. And besides both of them being Targaryen Queens, Dany and Nyra just don’t have much in common at all. Daenerys Targaryen is literally one of the characters GRRM loves to write about the most (the first one is Tyrion, then it’s a tie between Dany and Arya).
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josouhenshin · 11 months
let's see if I can recount how we got here in an organized way, for posterity- there's a popular post that's circulated through these parts a few times which contains a twitter thread talking about a crossdressing themed dress-up-slash-dating game (?) called trans' ~boku to atashi no kyoukaisen, released by software developer catear in 2002. I didn't get the impression that the twitter poster played the game, but they did surmise from supplementary materials that it was generally good natured and well thought out. neat. they also mention of a sequel called trans'2, which is an inherently funny name for something to have. notably trans'1 sounds like came off as (maybe?) mostly clean and trans'2 is more straightforwardly an eroge.
friends of the blog nettle and fennel did some digging and found links to the official sites for both trans' games (trans', trans'2), which thankfully are still up and running. however, everyone's browser hated the trans' 1 site (I assume it's some kind of non-unicode character disagreement) so further fixation was mostly about the sequel.
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well that clears it all up nicely!
anyway with some digging, I found a store listing for a hard copy of trans'2 that included a garter belt in one of 4 colors, joining the (dubiously factual, but) long tradition of anime adjacent promos that include underwear. as they say, it goes hard.
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fennel also found a style guide quiz on their site that asks you some questions about clothing/romantic/lifestyle preferences and points you towards one of the 8 romanceable characters and gives examples of clothes they like. neat.
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Q: you're really a guy, right? I'm a guy... there's no doubt that I'm a girl! it's a secret ☆
...this is where we hit a snag, though. my japanese is not all that good, so I can kind of understand the gist of things, some of the time, but I can't really offer especially reliable or complete translations of anything. sorry. I do intend to include links wherever possible so if you do have more knowledge of these things you can probably get more out of this by skipping my bit. hopefully I can avoid saying anything especially misleading.
anyway, while poking around on the site I got the impression that two of said characters are kindred spirits (the full spread seems to be two girlies, two guys, and four cis girls), which really piqued my interest. as one may have noticed, there's kind of a dearth of t4t romance out there, and more generally romance by and for the TSTV girls instead of like, featuring us as the object of someone else's fantasy. this group sounded like they ought to be generally poised to deliver something pretty incredible.
well, there's only one way to find out, right?
Index next post
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onlyangel4 · 1 month
vigilante shit. dr3. smau.
daniel ricciardo x fiancée reader
daniel thought he knew what to expect when it came to your live shows but he is quick to find out you kept a certain routine a secret from him for a reason.
author's note:I was planning to do the albums in order but i accidentslly posted this so i can't be bothered to fix it.
this can be viewed as an extension of the so high school series as i see them as the same couple. also for this can we pretend that danny has an official tik tok account pls and thanks
faceclaim: taylor swift
taylor swift series masterlist.
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liked by y/ninsta, danielricciardo, user1 and 432,877 others
tagged: y/ninsta
latenightseth: y/n y/ln reveals that she has some surprises planned on her tour, including a few routines that her fiancee doesn't even know about, hear about this and more on tonight's episode
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y/ninsta: thank you so much for having me
latenightseth: we would talk to you every single night if we could
user1: i have tickets to the first night of tour and i am so excited
user2: i am so glad that the start of tour lines up with summer break so danny gets to be there to support his girl
user3: still can't believe tour starts next week
user4: that outfit is everything, daniel ricciardo you are a lucky man
y/nsightings posted a story
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written: y/n and danny have arrived in arizona ahead of the first night of tour which kicks off in two days
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liked by danielricciardo, user5, user6 and 451,223 others
y/nfan: guys i am still in shock. bestie and i got to the stadium at 3am and have been first and second in the queue to see y/n, daniel just came out saying he was going on a coffee run, he spoke to use a little and i even got to give him a pair of glasses that i made on the off chance we would be anywhere near the vip tent. he is the nicest person ever and he told us that y/n is not letting him watch some parts of the show until the actual concert, she is planning something and i love it.
view all 4,329 comments
danielricciardo: thank you so much for the glasses, i showed y/n and she loves them
y/nfan: holy shit this day keeps on getting better and better
user5: you are so lucky oh my god
user6: i wonder what she is planning
y/ntourupdates posted a story
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written: y/n kicked off tour starting with the album lover, written all about fiancee daniel ricciardo apparently those stood near him said he smiled the whole time.
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liked by user7, user8, user9 and 231,221 others
y/ntourupdates: y/n just introduced a section of her tour called the acoustic set, "i will play one song on guitar and one on piano. this set is going to be different for every show and i will play whatever i feel like and tonight i am feeling a whole lot of love arizona" she then proceeded to play i think he knows on guitar and dress on piano, both songs written about her finacee. y/n is so in love and it is the cutest thing ever.
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user7: now i'm going to be so stressed about what acoustic songs i get
user8: that combo is insane
user9: i love the yellow dress omg
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y/nissohot posted a story
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written: guys daniel put on his glasses during vigilante shit so he could see y/n better
y/ntourupdates posted a story
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written: y/n and daniel leaving the stadium after a brilliant opening night
dannyricofficialtok posted a slideshow
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caption: i am marrying her wtf
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
taglist: @formulaal @formulaonebuff @danielshoe @noooway555 @dilflover44
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thedinanshiral · 2 months
Tastes of Thedas -part I-
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The Dragon Age Official Cookbook Tastes of Thedas not only shares with us delicious recipes inspired in the world of Thedas, its many cultures and geography but it also tells us about Devon.
Devon is an adventurer, a Fereldan born to a cook who worked for the Cousland family.
He grew up in the kitchen, nurtured by his mum’s meals and her lectures too but always wanting more, to see the world beyond those walls and all it had to offer. And so he became an adventurer, traveling across Thedas, meeting people and learning about their culture, in particular their cuisine, taking note of everything that he now puts together in a book that is also a love letter to his mum.
The book itself looks very nice, the pictures accompanying the recipes look lovely, colours are vibrant and Devon’s introductions and mentions of various known and beloved characters are something i’d rather leave people read for themselves so i’ll just quickly go over it...in two parts, because i tricked myself with my notes and thought i could type this in one go, but nope, can’t do, “short, quick post” is not in my vocabulary, unfortunately.
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Ferelden Potato and Leek Soup
Each recipe in the book comes with a short introduction where Devon shares his personal story with it, where he was, who he met, what he learned, and sometimes he mentions Thedas’ personalities so we get the chance to learn little details about them too.
Through these short texts we can get a glimpse of what version of Thedas Devon lives in: the Hero of Ferelden is a Cousland and travelled with their mabari; Ferelden is ruled by King Alistair, while Orlais is ruled by Empress Celene Valmount I, troubled by her cousin chevalier and her elven handmaid “turned spymaster and lover”. Divine Victoria is former Seeker Cassandra, and it would seem our IRL joke about Sola’s bald head resembling an egg has leaked into the world of Thedas as well but how widespread it is, if at all, or if it’s something Devon heard from people directly connected to the Inquisition that he met on his travels, i couldn’t say.
These introductions also help us learn a bit more about these places in Thedas, both familiar and soon to be, once The Veilguard takes us further north.
While Devon traveled all around known Thedas most of his recipes in this book come from the nations of Ferelden, Orlais and Antiva.
Orlesian cuisine has tons of cream, apparently they like their sweets very, very sweet. They're also known for having creamy soups.
Meanwhile Ferelden is all about the stews, stews are the pillar of Fereldan cuisine, everything can be a stew, they freaking love stews, “heartly, humble and straightforward to make – the three key aspects of any good Fereldan stew”, “a dish so ubiquitous that it’s become almost synonymous with Fereldan cuisine in general”. That and pickled eggs is their go-to cure for nearly everything.
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Crow Feed
In Antiva they have a variety of ingredients that make for colorful and interesting dishes, there's olives, truffles, cream, cheese, also various dishes where rice is a key ingredient, as well as dishes that make the most of their proximity to the sea (paella, fish chowder). Of course they have wines and pasta too, with sauces and cheese! Cacio e Pepe is a classic. According to Devon the Antivans do not lack pickpockets, corrupt politicians and leather; they also tend to have multiple courses meals and says “dinner is usually a late-night affair” for them. Antiva also has some sweet treats to offer, namely Treviso energy balls made of peanut butter, oats and dried fruits, and Antivan Apple Grenades, served hot as they resemble the grenades the Antivan Crows use.
Recipes and regions covered in this post include:
From Orlais: Eggs a la Val Foret, Blancmange, Sour cherries in Cream From Ferelden: Pickled eggs, Nettle Soup, King Alistair’s Lamb and Pea Stew, Turnip and Mutton Pie, Fereldan Potato and Leek Soup From Antiva: Crow Feed, Fish chowder, Antivan Gnocchi, Antivan Paella, Cacio e Pepe, Treviso Energy Balls, Antivan Apple Grenada From the Free Marches: Roasted Turkey with Sides
Caracters mentioned include the Hero of Ferelden, Zevran Arainai, Lady Vivienne, Lady Josephine, King Alistair, Sebastian Vael, Solas, Commander Cullen, Divine Victoria, Lady Morrigan, Anders..
In part II i'll cover some from Tevinter, Nevarra, Rivain, the Anderfells and share a few more colorful details about more characters.
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croduo · 2 years
Why Daemon won't cheat on Rhaenyra and all fans can sleep peacefully. (spoilers)
So, I was reading a lot of posts about Daemon cheating with Nettles/ Mysaria on the show and my thesis is - they won't allow him. The main argument people have who speculate on this topic that, this is what written in the books and then discussion shifts to interpretation of the story, whenever the narrators are reliable and all that jazz. But in reality, books do not matter that much. Books - are just the story foundation for the show. As soon as writers start writing the script, new rules are applied, which include: social norms and trends, marketing principles, viewer preferences, show creation standarts and many more variables, that alter the story and characters in the end. Book author has much more freedom of expression and is less dependent on the reader(GRRM especially) than showmakers, because in the end, profit and viewer engagement is what actually matters to the producers, as costs of the show production, are huge. In the end, product that will appeal to max amount of audience is needed. That will have as little socially sharp moments as possible, or nuances that might cause fan outrage. This takes us to my next arguments as to why no infidelity will take place:
People are heads over heals about Daemyra. Yes, this is one of the main points. You can't destroy what draws viewers to your show, as this will be a shot to ones leg. All modern tv shows and movies, like Marvel, heavily rely on viewer feedback. Viewers can make you big (HOD) or make you trash (Lord of the rings) and it will take you a lot to wash the shit off. As for now, the romance between Daemon and Rhaenyra, is even posted by Martin and official HBO. People take this "ship" very personaly and showrunners know this, as there are dozens of employees who read all the posts about the show and then make reports about this to higher management. What this means, is that, not only there won't be any cheating in the next season, but probably they will insert even more Daemyra, cus that's what brings them cash. My even more optimistic forecast, is that it will be season 1 on steroids for Daemyra. Writers will, probably, do quite some nerve tickling moments for the fans, for that emotional rollercoaster, but in the end, it will be fine and dandy.
End of pt 1
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andreadesantis3806 · 2 months
Answers of questions to This post. for @patrocles. Also reblogged it in the post before.
Favorite Great House - House Targaryen
A minor (or extinct) house you need more lore on- House Celtigar
Favorite sigil/house words- ''Winter is coming''-House Stark
Favorite Valyrian sword- Dark Sister
A dead female character you need to save- Helaena Targaryen/Lyanna Stark
Which book or character did you not like at first but eventually grew on you?- Jaime Lannister
Which Free City are you retiring to?- Lorath
Build your own Kingsguard with any characters alive or dead- Lord Commander : Brienne Tarth, Others : Jaime Lannister, Erryk Cargyll, Steffon Darklyn
Build your small council with any characters dead or alive- Cregan Stark/Rhaenys Targaryen(Hand), Corlys Velaryon (Master of Ships), Mysaria (Mistress of Whispers), Tyland Lannister (Master of Coin), Tyrion Lannister(Master of Law), Gerardys (Grand Maestar), Jorah Mormont (Master of war)
A quote so good it makes you crazy- ''They should know whom to blame when the sky falls down upon them''-Daenerys Targaryen
Favorite bastard- Nettles
Who are you traveling the ravaged Riverlands with?- Aemond Targaryen (let the mf see wtf he did)
A death that still hurts to think about- Laena Velaryon
Who are you bringing back from the dead with the power of R’hllor?- Lucerys Velaryon
Favorite parent- Rhaenyra Targaryen
Favorite sibling dynamic- Jaime and Tyrion
Favorite theme- The Prince That was Promised/House Velaryon theme
A mystery you need solved NOW- Tf did Podrick do to those women.
A theory you’ve adopted as canon- Lucerys is alive somewhere, has amnesia and is a fisherman.
A theory you pray never comes true- Alicent being the one to poison Aegon II
A moment that made you cry- Rhaenyra finding Luke's remains
A character so queer-coded you’d argue it to GRRM’s face- Mysaria
Two characters you need to interact- Aegon and Rhaenyra/ Arya and Daenerys
A ship that gives you the absolute ick- Alicent and Cole
A crackship?- Otto/Daemon (PFFT-)
Favorite “problematic” ship- Daemon/Rhaenyra
Favorite canon ship- Jace/Baela
If you write fic, is there a ship or au you would like to write for, but haven’t yet?- Aegon/Jace with a fix-it au
If you read fic, what’s a trope or interpretation of your fave that you absolutely can’t stand? Which AU/trope will you read every time?- My fav Lucemond; but i cannot stand making them unnecessarily violent, I mean yea, violence is a major part of them, but i like seeing them heal, slowly, steadily. I also do not like the ones which have Luke being WAYY younger than Aemond than he should be (Canonically, there is a 4 yr gap, and in show canon its a 2 yr-WHICH ARE FINE) Like there are these stuff which have Luke being a 14 yr old attracted to a near 30 Aemond. I want to have the og show or book age gaps remain in their current stages or in their 20s. I also do not really like (but smtms read anyway if it has that good vibe) when Luke is shown to be weak and measlier than Aemond, smtms way too girly. Like bruh, the boy took the others godamn EYE, and HE WAS RAISED BY DAEMON FOR THE BETTER HALF OF HIS LIFE like- asasdfevasd. I prefer them to be matching each others fire and constantly towering their badassery over each other. THAT is a pure enemies to lovers trope. For the sec part, i really love Lucemond modern AUs where targs are this musical fam with hit stars and attributions and controversies.
A POV character you wish wasn’t- Jon Snow
Who would you elevate to a POV character?- Having them see the destruction they had enabled and slowly spiraling.
A fancast you absolutely can’t stand- All fancasts seem to be better than the actual ones they make official (not all cases)
A fancast that just IS a character- dunno T_T
What’s something people get wrong about your favorite character?- Dont have a specific fav character T_T
A character you just don’t get the hype of- JON sNOw *sigh*
What’s something you wish GRRM handled better? (a character/theme/world building etc)- Nothing, he handles them well, its not his fault the shows butchered them.
An event/era in TWOIAF that you would love to see a film/tv adaptation of- Aegon's Conquest/The part of HOTD when it will show in s3 (i hope they show atl-)The Hour of the Wolf when Cregan takes the big boy handles
Is there a house would you fit in with based off your own looks? A house you would fit in with based off your personality/ideals/vibes etc?- House Stark (I have dark hair and eyes and pale complexion and an irredeemable love for winter.
Your Drunk History topic (a character/theory/event/etc)- Burning of Summerhall
Be honest, are you still waiting for TWOW?-- *SOBS*
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