#canon daemon targaryen
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year ago
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The Blacks and the Greens 🐉 by the beyond talented and patient and every compliment imaginable @lupotterdraws featuring (from left to right) Princess Helaena Targaryen, Prince Daeron Targaryen, Prince Aemond “One Eye” Targaryen, Queen Alicent Hightower, Prince Aegon “The Elder” Targaryen, and their graces King Viserys I Targaryen, (his favourite child) the Princess of Dragonstone Rhaenyra Targaryen “The Realm’s Delight” and last but not least her beloved uncle and husband Prince Daemon Targaryen, “The Rogue Prince”
Thank you from here to the moon and back Lu! You are as talented as Balerion’s fires were hot 🐉🔥
PS: asoiaf characters, these can only be found in the books and not in a certain lizard show
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drakaripykiros130ac · 10 months ago
I swear…if they even dare to have Daemon physically abuse Rhaenyra on or off screen (something that NEVER happened in canon), I will officially be 100% done with this shitshow.
The choking scene was bad enough (as confirmed by the actors themselves). There had better be a good explanation for that bandaged hand and the bruise on her cheek in that promo.
Daemon Targaryen was many things. But he was NEVER physically abusive towards any of his wives (not even Rhea Royce, the wife he despised).
The only ones to suffer Daemon’s wrath are his family’s enemies.
For what possible reason would Daemon inflict harm on the love of his life?
It’s pathetic how Condal tries the most despicable things to get the GA to root for his greenies, and it still doesn’t work. What is this guy’s problem?
And I can’t believe GRRM lets him butcher his absolute fave like this. Shame on him.
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eschercaine · 6 months ago
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The Daemon Targaryen I know isn’t busy tripping balls and talking to a witch while there’s a war on his doorstep.
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And despite his reputation of being a rogue, he wasn’t planning on usurping his wife’s claim to the throne. He’s her #1 supporter. Daemon Targaryen died fighting for Rhaenyra.
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deus-sema · 8 months ago
The subduing of the Riverlands by the Blacks in F&B feels epic to read every time.
Hundreds and then thousands buckled on their swordbelts and
donned their mail, or grabbed a pitchfork or a hoe and a crude wooden
shield, and began to make their way to Harrenhal to fight for Viserys’s
little girl.
Rhaenyra may not be there in person but in spirit her presence is felt throughout. Such a charmer she was that knights and peasants alike had kept her in their memories even though years had passed since her progress. Meanwhile Daemon's military prowess brought the nobles to line.
Even the nobles who once vied for her favour such as Samwell Blackwood and Forrest Frey had not forgotten her. Daemon's capture of Stone Hedge while the Brackens were busy in the Battle of the Burning Mill was a rather clever strategy.
Then there were other loyalists such as the Mallisters, the good old Darrys and, my personal favourite, the Pipers of Pinkmaiden.
“I swore her my sword. I’m older now, but not so old that I’ve forgotten
the words I said, and it happens I still have the sword.”
Petyr Piper, Lord of Pinkmaiden, you were too good for that fictional world.
It is Daemon - Prince Consort and Protector of the Realm - who captures Harrenhal and the wealth within the castle swiftly and without bloodshed and unites all her supporters within that region under one banner but he is there as an extension of Rhaenyra's will. As someone who interprets the two of them both as a romantic and political power couple, they came off as a formidable team even while they were apart from each other.
And, good for Elmo Tully for turning a deaf ear to his old misogynist grandfather's rants.
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ammmyturtle · 10 months ago
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In Otto Hightower’s eyes, Daemon would be Maegor 2.0. But in the end, his grandson became the true monster
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omnipotent-scient · 9 months ago
The way some people would rather die than admit this, IT WAS THE GREENS THAT STARTED THE WAR, NOT THE BLACKS.
Even if you count usurpation a reclaiming of birthright rather than a declaration of war, it would still be the greens that started the war.
Not the event of Blood & Cheese. Not Daemon. And certainly Rhaenyra.
“Lucerys Velaryon died with his dragon. The prince was thirteen years of age. His body was never found. And with his death, the war of ravens and envoys and marriage pacts came to an end, and the war of fire and blood began in earnest.”
Clearly stated. It was Aemond, a member of the greens that started this war. He killed a CHILD, a envoy to his rival, because his week male ego and pride was hurt.
Both Alicent and Otto are recorded as being of the consequences that will soon follow. The usurper thought this was “a good beginning.” Even throwing Aemond a great feast for killing a child.
The way some broccoli people are so in denial.... Rhaenyra being arrogant and not bending the caused the war? Daemon, Mysaria and Blood & Cheese caused the war? Please stut tf up🙏🤦‍♀️
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thesilverlady · 2 years ago
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“Six men or sixty, he is still Daemon Targaryen.”
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Elys Arryn raised a lady to a queen, raised Aemma to great things. She would have been more.
It wasn't until those stupid Jaehaerys Alysanne Viserys Baelon that the entire Targaryen house ruined it that they made it nothing.
And she and her father had done nothing to save her, her poor little sister her sweet Aemma hers, bleeding to death on the birthing bed of another baby she would not live, her eyes swollen her nightgown full of blood and her voice. She haunted her to this day.
"Promise me please Elys"
And she would do it, she would make Aemma's child a lady, a politician a queen.
A queen that Aemma and the entire Vale are proud of. Rhaenyra will be the queen that Aemma this should have been
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year ago
Biblically Accurate (canon) Daemyra
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Daemon Targaryen and a younger Princess Rhaenyra.
Daemon spent long hours in her company, enthralling her with tales of his journeys and battles. He gave her pearls and silks and books and a jade tiara said once to have belonged to the Empress of Leng… He praised her beauty, declaring her to be the fairest maid in all the Seven Kingdoms.
Princess Rhaenyra was also enamoured of her uncle, for Daemon was ever attentive to her. Whenever he crossed the Narrow Sea upon his dragon, he brought her some exotic gift on his return.
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sweetestpopcorn · 14 days ago
The Rogue Prince and the Realm's Delight
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Just because it's Valentine's Day 🩷 and no one does it like them
Art by the amazing NymPhobias
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drakaripykiros130ac · 9 months ago
The main difference between the great Rogue Prince and the One-Eye:
Caraxes was Daemon’s accessory.
Aemond was Vhagar’s accessory.
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eschercaine · 6 months ago
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Is this the canon Daemon Targaryen? 👀
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omnipotent-scient · 1 year ago
Rhaenyra wasn't usurped because she was a woman, she was usurped because she was a stupid woman. If she had kept her leg closed and didn't have BASTARDS she wouldn't have been so opposed throughout the Realm
Saying she wasn't usurped because of misogyny while spewing misogyny is quite funny.
It was never abt her having bastards to begin with. It is and was always abt her being a woman and not having a sausage between her legs.
In the many many drafts of the dance, in one she married a lannister and had no children, but still got usurped. In an other, rhaenyra was married to a lyonel strong, and she still got usurped.
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The problem is not her children, or whether she kept her legs close, but that she is a woman.
And let us say it was about bastards, do you really think Daemon would let them live? Let his sons that he has waited for years get passed down. Daemon did love Rhaenyra, but he had his own ambitions and motives. I don't think he would do it publicly simply because of his love for Rhaenyra. But a simple fall, accidental drowning, an assassin, it's all very possible.
It was abt the Hightowers and Alicent's ambitions.
Hope this helps🙂
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sweetestpopcorn · 8 months ago
How Would The Dead Targaryens React To Robert's Rebellion?
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Jaehaerys: F:cking Baratheons
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Also Jaehaerys: Everyone on this family that doesn't have silver hair can F_CK right off 😡! Not you Baelor 🤗❤️
Prince Baelor:
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Princess Rhaenys (TQWNW):
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Also Daemon: I am fine. I am fine.
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Also also Daemon: I am not fine! Not f_cking fine! This is NOT what Laenor was killed for! This was NOT what Harwin was killed for! This was NOT why I was putting up with Rhaenyra for! I am DONE! DONE! I can't anymore! None of you deserve what I have right here! NONE!
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Laenor: Will no one DO anything about what he just said?! 😡
Jaehaerys: You are technically not a Targaryen.
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ammmyturtle · 5 months ago
Daemon, the master of seduction XD
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Daemon quickly pulled her arm kissing her hand tenderly. The girl blushed and smiled. "How lovely you are, my princess." -The Blacks & the Greens by @sweetestpopcorn Chapter 3 Daemon I
The outfits are not accurate to the scene but after that lovely anon message I did want to draw the early days of Daemon and Rhaenyra again. Off to do one of their favorite pastimes, riding their dragons together.
As always click for the best quality.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 7 months ago
Daemon and Rhaenyra are the main couple of the story called “The Dance of the Dragons”.
And yet, we have not seen a single photoshoot or interview with the two actors portraying them. In fact, since the whole series started, Emma and Matt have only had one interview together and that’s it.
Matt spent more time with Milly (who was only in it for five episodes).
You’re going to tell me that this is something completely normal?
And yet, who do we see Emma constantly having interviews and doing photoshoots with? Her queerbait pal, Olivia Cooke.
So, what I see is this: a canon heterosexual couple is being downplayed in favor of an invented/non-existent “queer” pair.
Tell me again that the show is not one big political propaganda.
I repeat, there are plenty of sites where you can watch girl on girl porn, if you’re into it. All those craving it, can get it done, no problem.
But keep your sexual preferences out of a well-established story.
If you’re desperate for representation, invent your own characters and do what you want with them. But leave canon characters people love, alone!
And as for Emma D’Arcy: do your goddamn job, and keep your personal opinions to yourself! You’re paid to act, not to criticize a book that is more famous than you will ever be!
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