#this is my first time writing luke!!
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there is ground to break
luke x apollo!reader
nsfw under the split
it still amazed you, even after four years, just how mystical camp half-blood truly was. from the rolling green of half-blood hill, to the vicious reds of the strawberry fields, to the vastness of the amphitheatre. everything in camp half-blood screamed 'blessed by the gods'.
you often found yourself thinking of the colours of the camp, especially on a day like today - when the sun shone high and hot in the sky, when there was little wind to pick the hair up off your neck and cool you, when you felt as though your own father was trying to smite you down for your wrongdoings with the intensity of the sun's rays.
it possibly didn't help that you were stood alone in the amphitheatre - which was rarely, if ever, used by other campers at this time of day because of the heat the dipped down stage brought - practice sword in hand, thrashing and jabbing and slicing your way through the air. you tried to remember what luke castellan, the camps lead teacher of sword fighting, had said to do in battle. this was, of course, in vain. you never knew what luke was saying, you never could concentrate on his lessons.
you never could draw yourself away from the way his eyes gleamed as he waxed poetic about the importance of a demigod's sword. you never could stop yourself from focusing more on the way his lips formed the words than what the words actually meant. you never could draw yourself away from how backbiter - his own dual-metal sword - glinted in the beaming sunlight and cast a golden glow on his face. like apollo had blessed him, a sign from your father that he was for you. you never could tear yourself from catching how that golden glint teetered at the edge of the scar that ran the length of the right side of his face and made it look startlingly smooth.
you never could draw yourself away from the feeling you got when luke's eyes dragged across his campmates faces, looking for any sign of recognition or life, and skimmed over your own - the way you convinced yourself he hesitated just a moment too long on you.
the practice sword glidded over your head in a twirl.
of course there was a reason for him to hesitate on you. at least in your head there was (whether that thought translated to luke's is a different question).
last winter, when camp half-blood was at the typical bare bones capacity and the campfire singalongs were seeming more and more tedious as the months to summer stretched before you; when the new year had been rang in almost a month prior; when the weather outside the invisible bubble of camp turned the weather inside to almost subzero; when all you wanted was to climb into your warm bed in your golden cabin; luke had kissed you.
your sword sliced through the air with a violent whirl that left your shoulder socket feeling a little worse for wear.
now, this kiss was not out of the blue or completely unexpected to an extent. you and luke had been skirting around the subject of relationships for a while now. not because either of you particularly had romantic feelings for each other, gods no, but because yourself and luke, in a friendly late night talk by the lake when neither of you could sleep because of the bad dreams and the lack of noise at camp that time of year, had realised you were both almost-20-year-old virgins. and this depressed you.
you had drifted toward the edge of the amphitheatre now, feet dancing along the edge of the grass in your sword play with an invisible force, almost touching the first stone step. you decided you'd had enough and sat down heavily on the hot rock, discarding the wooden sword at your feet.
you sat for a while catching your breath with your face tilted upward, sending a silent prayer to your father - apollo - to ease off with the blaring sun a little, when you glanced down at the watch on your left wrist. 12:40. you'd missed lunch. you heaved a sigh, and slumped forward in your seat, bracing your elbows on your knees and closing your eyes. blood rushed in your ears, your heart beat fast.
the sweltering summer heat on your neck suddenly lessened and you thought for a millisecond that apollo had listened, so you whispered a small "thank you" in ancient greek.
"I'm not sure what I did but you're welcome."
you started. eyes open suddenly and on your feet in a second. luke.
he stood tall in front of you, now sitting a good 6 or 7 inches taller than you since the great growth spurt of his 16th year, broad and smiling, casting a shadow on where you lept from. his dark curls were beginning to stick to his forehead at his hairline, you assumed due to the walk over to the amphitheatre.
"gods, luke," you huffed out with relief "you scared me."
he laughed and sounded heavenly, " yeah I noticed." you reached out and swatted his chest with the back of your hand, bending and picking the sword up from the ground and beginning to push past him. "you missed lunch."
you repeated his previous words back to him with a smile as you began the walk back to the main camp grounds, climbing the steps of the amphitheatre. "how long have you been out here?" he asked.
you glanced at your watch again. your stomach grumbled. "almost 2 hours apparently."
he hummed appreciatively and sarcastically stated "you looked good. almost strong." you stopped walking and stared.
"how long were you watching me, you stalker?"
"long enough to see you don't really pay attention to what I teach."
"maybe you should be better at it then." he hummed again and raised his eyebrows, looked up at you from 2 steps below.
"I brought you lunch, if you want it." he lifted his right hand to you palm side up, with an orange paper napkin parcelling something in his outstretched hand. you reached out to get it. luke snatched it back, throwing it lightly into his left hand. you scowled. "tell me I'm a good teacher."
now it was your turn to raise your eyebrows. "sorry?"
"tell me I'm a good teacher. then you can eat." you shook your head and moved towards luke on the step to take the sandwich from his hands, but he held it above his head, causing you to stumble in your feeble attempt to get it. your hand came up to his chest to steady yourself against him.
"that is a human rights violation, you can't starve me to get your way." you put your hands on your hips and luke followed them for a split second, tracing your arms back up to your face.
"good job you're not a human then, huh?" he said with a tilt of his head, another quick eyebrow raise, and a hint of arrogance, the orange napkin still in his hand.
your stomach growled again and you huffed, stomping your foot like a tantrum-riddled toddler. "fine! you're a good teacher. can I have my lunch now?" he laughed again and it sounded even better than before. he sat down on the stone next to you and pulled you down with him by your back belt loop, handing you the parcel. you blushed at the ease in which he moved you.
it was a simple ham and lettuce sandwich, a little mayo on the bread. you noticed he'd already torn a corner inch off as an offering and you smiled. "thanks." you smiled up at him.
you ate in relative silence. every couple minutes luke would say something as you chewed and you would respond brightly, half eaten sandwich shoved into your cheek with the distant memory of your grandmother chastising you for talking with food in your mouth. you finished your sandwich and suddenly luke stopped talking mid-sentence. you looked up at him with wide eyes, swallowed your last bite of food and opened your mouth to say something. you didn't know what you were going to say, any thought you had left was lost when you fully took in lukes expression, and so you closed your mouth again.
his eyes were wide and dark, the brown almost entirely swallowed by black, and his lips were slightly parted. his eyebrows were lifted in an almost shocked expression.
"what?" you asked. he sputtered a little.
"uh-" his hand flicked up like he was going to gesture and quickly retracted again back to his side. "you have-" he swallowed. "you have a little-" he did gesture this time, he pointed to your mouth. "you have a little mayo, just there." you felt the redness of a blush hit your face again.
"oh! oh!" you wiped the corner of your mouth, "is it gone?" luke laughed a little.
"no." you wiped the other side.
"is it gone now?" you turned your head slightly from side to side, your hair tickling your face where it shook a little, a smile tugging at your mouth. luke laughed again.
"no." you rolled your eyes.
"well could you help a little? I'll look like an idiot!" you faked being irate, your voice starting to rise with a faint giggle. luke's laughter started to die, and he reached out towards you.
you froze with a smile on your face, eyes wide. as his hand came closer, lukes own smile dropped completely and your eyes felt heavier and heavier with the intensity of his whole being directed at you. you closed them. you felt his fingers curl against your chin and his thumb grace the very corner of your mouth. your eyes snapped open. luke paused, a deer in headlights.
your eyes locked and it felt as though time stood still, a beat went past. two. three. lukes gaze flickered down to your lips and back up again, your heart rate picking up with it. luke mumbled something but you didn't catch it, you were too focused on him. his eyes. his hair. his mouth. his adams apple. his shoulders. everything about him made you feel exposed, more so when he began to move towards you.
luke leaned into you, hand still on your chin with his thumb having found its seemingly rightful place in the middle of your lower lip. he tugged it down a little. just enough to pull your lips apart from one another. his hand moved from your chin, sliding up your face. his palm rested on your cheek, his thumb sliding left to right on your cheekbone, his fingers spread along the side of your neck. you felt vulnerable. you felt small in lukes hand. you nuzzled your head a little further into him.
he leaned closer.
he swallowed as he entered your atmosphere, his path sure and strong, and he stopped suddenly an inch from your face. "is this okay?" he asked, now unsure of himself - it made you wonder if he thought the winters night kiss wasn't okay. you swallowed too and nodded.
"mhm, yeah-" you blinked repeatedly, too scared to close your eyes for too long in case you missed the sight of luke so close to your face, but his gaze was so intense that you couldnt quite keep your eyes open. you'd dreamt of this. literally dreamt of this, almost every day since that fateful night by the lake in late january. "yeah."
"I've never forgotten, you know." he was whispering now, searching your face for something. "I've not forgotten the night at the lake."
"the lake?" you whispered back. you kicked yourself. what was that? why had you asked that? you knew what he meant, but you wanted to know what he thought of it. of-
"the kiss." he cut off your thoughts, replaced your voice with his own. "I think about it sometimes." he stroked your cheek and then moved his hand toward the back of your head, spreading his hand out in your hair.
"you do?" your voice sounded small. he nodded slightly. "when?"
he smiled. "everyday. mainly at night." he swallowed. you followed suit. the sun felt so hot, or maybe the situation you were in - sat next to luke; thigh to thigh; foreheads almost touching; lips an inch away from each other; memories that normally only invaded your dreams or kept you in the shower too long coming to surface; memories of luke hovering above you with one hand on your hip, fingers slipped under the waistband of your pants, and the other clutching the blanket next to your head, his camp necklace swinging and landing on your throat - maybe that was what had you feeling hot under the collar.
it was that memory that made you surge forward and close the gap between you. lips meeting lips. his hands in your hair and cradling your face, yours snaking up from your side and beginning to ball his tshirt in a fist.
you felt hot all over, your heart rate raised, blood rushing in your ears for the second time today. you felt breathless and weak, his mouth moving gracefully and with precision. his hands dropped from your hair and you began to panic suddenly, starting to open your eyes, but they returned to your waist in a second and calmed you. luke pulled you impossibly closer and closer, not stopping until you got the hint and climbed onto his lap. you bracketed him to the stone step with your thighs, and he shifted in his seat to accommodate for the sudden height difference. his head tilted backwards so the connection between you didn't break. his hands stayed on your waist for a couple minutes, your right hand on his face and your left in his hair, before he moved them. he moved them down. he slid his hands into your back pockets and tugged.
he moved you closer to him once again, and your body rocked with the movement into him. your chest pushed into lukes, your hand tightened in his hair pulling a low whine out of his throat and you moaned with him. but that wasn't all you felt.
beside the stifling heat of the day, beside the feeling of yours and lukes quickening heartbeats mingling into one, beside the hands on your ass and the moan in your throat. you felt luke. you felt the one part of him you'd never felt or seen before, the part he always hid when you would accidentally walk in on him changing, tge part you would imagine touching - feeling - when the lakeside memories surfaced, and it pulled another moan from deep in your chest.
you felt him beneath you. he was hardening fast, thickening fast, and you moved to feel him again.
you moaned in tandem. luke breathed out your name, breaking the kiss.
"we should stop." you shook your head. you didn't want to stop. luke groaned in agreement.
"we-" he moved you again and contradicted his own words, you could feel him more now and it made you want him so much you could barely breathe. you moved from his lips, if he insisted on talking you should at least give him the space to do so, and moved to his neck instead. he groaned again. "we should really stop."
you broke away from his adams apple to crane your head back and look at him, mainly to see if he was serious but partly to just look at him. you enjoyed just looking at him. he didn't seem that serious.
"you really wanna stop?" you trail a hand from the back of his neck to front of him, tracing his clavicle with your fingertips and placing your hand on his chest. you didn't break eye contact with him. he just stared at you, his eyes looking a little drowsy, and nodded. you didn't believe him. "okay.
you went to lift off his lap, pushing on his chest for leverage, but his hands still in your back pockets made it hard for you to move from him.
luke pulled you back to him just as your toes touched the step below you. "don't move." he kissed you again.
you hands dug once again into the cloth of his shirt, and pulled you even further into him. luke broke the kiss again. "please don't move." he was almost begging now as he began to kiss down your throat - pleading words of "please stay" and "gods you're so good, just stay" in-between kisses to your neck and shoulders and face and lips and everywhere but where you wanted him at that moment, were making you feel dizzy with the sweet praise tumbling from lukes lips and the sinful feeling of him against you.
in the back of your mind you were thinking of the cabins, of where you could find a bed to continue this, of where luke could lay you down and use his mouth on you in more ways. but the forefront of your mind was full of luke himself. he was almost too much, the heat making things so much worse. so much more hyper-aware of every touch.
one hand had just snaked from behind you, just unzipped your shorts, fingers had just began to dip into the front of them over your underwear, when you heard voices.
you both stilled and looked at one another, you thought maybe you'd heard wrong.
you hadn't. you started to hear the distinct voices of campers coming toward the amphitheatre. "fuck." luke said, sounding what you thought was disappointed, though his hand remained so close.
"fuck." you agreed as the voices came closer.
"we should move now," luke whispered like he would be heard if he talked at full volume. "definitely."
"yeah." you breathed back.
neither of you moved.
his eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips and back again, and you felt yourself doing the same. he kissed you again as he removed his hand from your shorts and pulled the zipper back up, cupping your crotch when it reached the top and making you groan. you moved against him in retaliation.
you felt his cock pulse underneath you and luke moaned. loud and clear in the summer sun, and finally - reluctantly - pushed you gently off him.
you left his lap with ease and stood over him, for probably the first time in four years you towered over him, your hands still resting on his shoulders.
he looked up at you with wide shining eyes, his hair dishevelled and knotted, his hands on your hips. the voices got closer. luke stood.
he towered over you now, and looked down at you with an intensity that made you look away from his eyes. "hey," he said softly. "are you okay?"
you nodded, still not being able to look him in the eyes and staring instead at his camp beads. "you sure?"
you nodded again and mustered the courage to look at him properly. he looked concerned. you were fine, you felt more than fine, you felt alive. you could feel your heartbeat still hammering away in your chest, the hot air still making your hair stick to the back of your neck, your shorts feeling warmer than before. you felt like you were vibrating.
footsteps and voices had now reached the amphitheatre, it sounded like the ares cabin - you could hear clarisse arguing away with one of her brothers.
you smiled at luke, "I'm sure." and just to prove your point, you craned your neck and pulled luke down by his shoulders, kissing him quickly before pulling away again. you turned from him in a blink, and began marching your way up the steps to the top of the amphitheatre.
when you reached three steps above luke, you could see what was definitely the ares cabin venturing down the steps clad in armour with swords, spears, bows, and more weapons strapped to them. you turned back to luke - who was still stood there, looking slightly shell shocked - "are you coming or not?"
luke began to scramble up to you, tripping a little on his way. "shit!" he swore quickly. he looked at you and smiled sheepishly. you just laughed.
you both made your way back to camp, walking side by side and chatting as if nothing happened, deciding to go your separate ways with a promise to meet up for dinner.
you decided to shower, having been too warm for too long, and told luke in passing. "can I join?" he asked jokingly, beaming down at you with stars in his eyes.
you hit his chest with enough force to knock him backwards a little. "no!" you laughed. "you cannot join, you pervert!"
luke laughed too and caught his balance. "I'll just go back and be lonely then. It's fine." he turned to go to the hermes cabin. you knew he wouldn't be lonely. no one in the hermes cabin was ever lonely, there was too many of them in there.
"good." you said with a smile and disappeared into the apollo cabin.
#luke castellan#luke castellan hc#luke x reader#luke x apollo!reader#mdni#this is my first time writing luke!!#first time writing for anyone in a while!!#tell me if its shit!!#part 1?#maybe?#i have ideas
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george lucas gave us the knowledge that a force user can use the force to impregnate someone. on a completely unrelated note, does the fact luke skywalker is obsessed with being a part of a family make anyone else want to eat drywall? or is it just me? he’s so desperate for a connection to his parents, his father specifically (but I suspect that’s only because his aunt and uncle could actually say something about him) that it’s basically the carrot obi wan and yoda dangle on a stick in front of him to compel him to train with them (not that it’s really necessary). he takes after his father in his need to belong to something, and have it belong to him in turn. and he has his mother’s compassion, his heart is so big he needs other people to help him carry it. anyway so how likely do you think it is that luke would use the force on himself to knoc—
#IM JUST SAYING HE WAS MADE TO BE SOMEONES TROPHY HUSBAND. His names luke. His job is backflips. And carrying that thang#Star Wars#luke skywalker#fuck it#dinluke#My phone died while I was writing this the first time but that sign won’t stop me because I can’t read
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Royal Bought: Sampling #5
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content warnings: vampire whump, defiant whumpee, human auction house, captivity, manhandling, minor blood
The vampire’s grasp was unrelenting, but that was to be expected when Luke had done something as stupid as spit in his face.
He could still taste the sticky glob of blood between his teeth, pooling from his split lip, a numbing, throbbing sensation having replaced the aching pain by now. The tip of his boots clipped against the edge of the stairs as he was unceromiously hoisted up, his eyes watering.
Luke heard the clang of the door being pushed open, revealing a more modern interior as he was led — or better yet, dragged — down the corridor. It was buzzing with workers passing by, mostly vampires, but even then, Luke caught a glimpse of some of the blank faced humans working obediently.
It sent a shiver down his spine.
No one really paid attention to them, all except the occasional glance, no doubt due to Luke’s bloodied face and the way he was being manhandled down the corridor. Was it uncommon for humans to fight back? He didn’t think it was that, so much. They were merely glancing at him as if he was this wild, untamed dog with no manners.
The vampire eventually came to a stop in front of a door, pushing Luke inside the room with a hard shove. He staggered, the grip on his hair having been released, a cry of relief coming from his sore scalp. The door was shut behind him, and even though Luke wanted to wrench his head around and send a deadly glare towards the creature, he was more taken aback by one sat on a comfortable looking couch in front of him.
This vampire looked older, his lips pulled into a calming smile.
The room was strange to Luke. He had grown up in a camp in the middle of the wilderness, making use of anything they could around them to live. There were things in here that he had never seen before - more namely, the light source of the room. There were no windows here, and yet, the place was not shrouded in darkness.
Luke’s eyes wandered around in confusion.
“Welcome,” the older vampire hummed kindly, gesturing to the space in front of him. “Please, take a seat.”
There was a table with rectangular sheets of paper and what seemed to be some sort of small kit of tools. Luke’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, throwing a subtle glance over his shoulder. The previous creature had closed the door behind him, remaining in the room. He was looking at Luke with disdain etched into those hardened features.
“There’s no need to be afraid,” the older vampire lulled, drawing Luke’s attention back to him like a magnet. He swallowed uneasily at the pleasant aura the vampire was exuding. His voice was soothing and calm. Why? Wasn’t he here to be sold off? “I know this all might be a little new and confusing for you. Let me introduce myself: my name is Silvan. And you must be Luke.”
Luke shifted uncomfortably at the knowledge of his name, uttered with such confidence. Silvan must have been quite an old vampire, considering the skin on his pale face was slightly weathered, and there were hundreds of years lingering in his eyes. He was wearing a tailored suit, black on dark raspberry sorbet, contrasted against his greying hair.
Silvan’s eyes were intense, even when Luke wasn’t looking at them, and it was like they were stripping every personal detail from him with ease. His voice was like smooth velvet when he spoke, low, dulcet tones coming from his tongue.
“You lived beyond the Collared Forest, am I correct?”
The first vampire moved silently behind him, as if his feet didn’t even touch the ground. When Luke glanced at him again, he had retreated from the door, boxing him in. Unlike Silvan, this was a clear warning to sit down and do as he was told.
Luke’s throat bobbed as he swallowed, the taste of copper still fresh on his tongue. Against his better judgement, his legs managed to gain some of their strength back, and he begrudgingly circled around the plush couch, sitting opposite the older vampire. The material was incredibly soft, and Luke wondered what it was made from, how it was shaped in such a peculiar way, and if everything here was this comfortable.
“Why do you care?” Luke gritted out, his narrowed eyes watching the older vampire like a hawk as he reached for some soft tissues out of a box, holding them out for him to take. He didn’t.
“Ah, I’ll take that as a yes then, I suppose,” he mused, brow cocked in amusement. His pointed eyes flitted over to the other vampire with a hum. “His blood?”
“He was misbehaving,” he sniffed codly, nose turned up. “He’s ill mannered and has a ridiculous temperment.”
Luke was almost offended. They were talking about him as if he couldn’t hear them.
“The scent will spread fast, Silas,” the older vampire sighed deeply, his head tilted and hands back in his lap. He didn’t look like he was even considering Luke’s blatant rudeness for ignoring the tissues handed to him.
“So do rumours,” Silas spoke smoothly. “It won’t matter in the end.”
Luke’s fingers twisted into his thighs. The older vampire’s gaze had almost softened for a brief moment when his eyes wandered back over to him, as if remembering that Luke was here and they had a job to do. Judging by the kit on the table and the way the other boy had informed him that humans were hoarded off for “sampling”, he figured this was exactly that. A sampling of his blood to determine if he was expensive produce, he didn’t doubt.
“The process can be pleasant if you just behave,” Silvan smiled warmly, speaking to him as though he would be inclined to take him up on that advice. “You’re very important to us. We don’t want to have to hurt you to keep you in line.”
He found that hilarious; vampires weren’t exactly a beacon of truth. The sticky blood on his face and the numbness of his lip was a reminder that they had no issue hurting their livestock if it meant keeping them in line.
“Bullshit,” Luke hissed, his nose wrinkling in disdain. “Important? You’re selling us off like cattle.”
“Cattle?” The older vampire mused. “You’re not cattle. We pride ourselves on taking care of our merchandise. We make sure you’re all healthy, fed well, given the proper care and attention when you need it.”
“You sell us,” Luke breathed, his voice almost breathless from even having to utter such horrifying words.
“What happens when you’re bought has nothing to do with us,” Silvan informed firmly, as if that justified the crowd of humans they had awaiting their horrible fate down below. “But here, Luke, you’re safe. If you don’t behave, then we, unfortuantly, have to take the necessary precautions to keep you in line.”
Luke licked his lip. The flesh flared with a raging intensity for a brief moment, and he could map out the distinct tear. Almost to make a point. Silvan noticed it, but he didn’t comment, head tilted in curiosity.
“Physical violence will, of course, be enforced if you don’t cooperate,” the older vampire hummed. “But as I’m sure you know, we have much better, and much tamer, methods. They can feel good.”
He made sure he wasn’t looking at Silvan’s eyes. He felt himself shivering at the memories of Justinian’s compulsion, not wanting his own bodily autonomy to be stripped away from him like that so easily.
“Feel good?” He echoed bitterly.
“Of course,” Silvan smiled. “Some things can be quite euphoric. Compulsion can relax the mind and the body. Even a feeding, if handled properly, can feel good for you, too.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Many humans quite enjoy it,” the older vampire chuckled softly. “They offer themselves up willingly. That’s the price of cooperation in this place. As a human who grew up beyond the Collared Forest, I don’t expect you to understand fully just yet.”
Luke’s chest bubbled with an irritated scoff. His leg was bouncing anxiously at a continuous pace.
“What does that have to do with anything?” He growled slowly, not missing the way Silvan gestured to Silas for a brief moment, who stepped around the table to collect the tissues the older vampire handed to him. Luke suddenly went tense on the couch when Silas turned to face him again.
“You are somewhat of delicacy,” Silvan hummed, treading carefully as if he was pondering on the words as he said them. “It’s rare for there to be humans who lived so far from our territory here. You’ll cause quite a stir in the markets once word spreads around. Especially if the scent of your blood is anything to go off.”
His fingers twitched, itching to reach for his necklace and squeeze it tight for any sort of stability. His heart began racing even faster than before, throwing him for a loop. His adrenaline surged as Silas stepped closer.
“Am I supposed to appreciate that? That I’m good money for you?” He hissed coldly, leaning away from the vampire as prowled closer. “Stay away from me.”
His demands were ignored.
“You want to sample this blood?” Silas asked, his nose wrinkling in disgust at the sight of Luke’s face. A hand closed around his forearm, yanking him back across the couch with a force that gave his shoulder an ache and his skull a wobble.
“No,” Silvan hummed, rising from the seat himself, and leaning down to collect something sharp from the tool kit in front of him. “I’d like it fresh from the vein. But, please. Wipe his face - and let him struggle.”
Maybe it was a cruel demonstration of how no matter how hard Luke fought against this, there was nothing he could do against them. No matter how many times he thrashed, ignored the throbbing pain from the tight holds, or retaliated with his own kicks and smacks, there was nothing he could do.
Silas had him easily pinned down on his back, one single hand locking his wrists together above his head. The vampire’s knee crushed into his ribs, pressing down uncomfortably onto his lungs, careless of Luke’s comfort as he wiped the blood from his face. Luke’s legs kicked out, breathing heavily between clenched teeth, screaming muffled curses and insults against the hand clamped over his mouth, tissues soaking up any fresh blood from his wound.
Silvan was hovering over him now, and Silas easily wrenched his head to the side, exposing the flesh of his neck. Goosebumps exploded across the expanse of skin, and squeezed his eyes shut tight.
“It’ll sting only for a moment,” Silvan warned him calmly, the feeling of cold hands prodding against his neck making him squeal. He felt a sharp prick, his body seizing against his own will. The older vampire pressed something cold against the area, gave it a couple swipes, and then drew away. Silas’ disgruntled expression darkened for a second, letting Luke stew in the position for a moment, before finally letting go of him.
He slapped a hand to his neck, sitting up so fast he’d almost gone dizzy.
“What did you do?” He snapped, his voice still trembling from the hysterics he’d built himself up to. His heart was pounding hard against his ribs. Silvan pinched the small, blood coated needle with his fingers, opting to ignore Luke for a moment. He swiped the needle swiftly against his tongue, giving himself a moment to taste the blood. Silvan then hummed, folded the needle between a white napkin, and placed it down on the table.
“Interesting,” he merely commented, and Luke awkwardly rubbed the side of his neck. “Though, I am not suprised. It’s guaranteed his blood will attract many well-off vampires.”
Silas dumped the bloody tissues in the bin. He didn’t look pleased by the situation at all, his eyes darkened and his expression grim. He wasn’t fatigued by Luke’s struggle at all, having not even broken a sweat, it seemed, or put in hardly enough effort to even quicken his breathing compared to him, who was still trying to catch his breath.
“He’s rabid,” Silas sneered. “Doesn’t matter how attractive his blood is. No one will take him with such an imputent temperament. None that could match the price, certainly.”
Silvan took a seat once more, throwing one leg over the other languidly as he observed Luke with those gleaming eyes, as if calculating exactly what he had in store for him. He clenched his jaw, trying not to let any slither of fear pass over his face. He didn’t want to give them the satisfaction if his fight caused them this much trouble. Luke wasn’t going to make himself easy to sell.
“We have plenty of time to prepare before the auction,” Silvan informed, though he seemed to be talking to Luke as well. He refused to catch his eye. “We’ll give you an opportunity to settle into your circumstances, Luke. I understand this is difficult for you, but there is no denying the inevitable.”
Bitter resentment, as well as this cold, crackling helplessness cut through him like a knife. His voice had almost lost its strength. “Fuck you…”
Silvan only smiled warmly.
“I’ll be sending you to Ileana, now,” he explained, his hands interlocked on his lap casually. “She will take care of everything from there. She’s be your handler, and believe me, our aim here is to take very good care of you. You’ll be provided quality food, clothes, and a room to stay.”
Luke bristled. “Lucky me, huh?”
Silas’ eyes narrowed an inch. “She will also be teaching you how to best accommodate your master, or mistress. It won’t be good for you to misbehave, Luke. We’re giving you the benefit of the doubt because of your…” He gave him a subtle once over. “...unique upbringing, but push your luck, and we will, unfortunately, have to risk completely stripping your mind.”
He remembered the humans he’d seen down the corridor. Lifeless eyes, blank faces, mindlessly following their orders. An empty shell to be used. A horrible shiver rolled down his spine at the thought, and he was sure Silvan caught on to the way his heartbeat quickened.
“You don’t want that, do you, Luke?”
“I don’t want any of this,” he croaked.
“Well,” Silvan hummed, unsympathetic. “That is something you will have to come to terms with.”
The older vampire suddenly straightened, glancing at a unique looking contraption on his wrist. Luke eyed it wearily.
“We need to press on and sample the rest of the humans,” Silvan smiled, his gaze flickering over to Silas with a beaming smile. “Please take him to Ileana and bring me the next one.”
Luke’s expression soured when Silas grasped his arm tightly, yanking him onto his feet. He gave a firm tug, but he wasn’t going to shake the vampire’s grip from him, not without a miracle. He could feel Silvan watching him go intently, his voice rising when he got to the door.
“Good luck, Luke,” the older vampire grinned, flashing his fangs. His voice went right through him, making his stomach twist. “Have a pleasant stay.”
tag list – @whumpatize-me-captain @whump-me-all-night-long @softvampirewhump @d-cs @obsessednerd505 @suspicious-whumping-egg @sapphirechao @sparrowsage @excessive-vampires
#royal bought#whump#whump writing#whump fic#whump series#whump snippet#whump scenario#whumpblr#whump community#vampire whump#human whumpees#non human whumper#whumper#whumpee#writing#my writing#avvail whumps#i can't wait for the collection of recurring instances where luke gets really confused by modern things#because imagine him using a functioning toilet for the first time 💀
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When Luke is worried, he fumbles with his bracelet. He doesn’t even notice it.
It usually happens when Lee is away for way too long. Most of the time, it's nothing serious — just some issues at home or picking up his siblings from the strawberry picking, maybe even getting a scratch during Capture the Flag. But there were few instances when Luke genuinely thought he had lost him.
During their first winter, Lee went to spend Christmas, and New Year with his family. It would've been nothing, but he wasn't at camp when he promised and didn't answer any IMs, so Luke left to search for him. He found him far away from his grandma's house, with bruises on his neck and arms, hiding away. Luke didn't want to let him go after that.
(Thankfully, it was just bruises. He managed to escape his mother and her boyfriend's car before anything serious happened. Didn't mean that he was happy about the whole situation.)
The other time, Luke couldn't find him after the end of Capture the Flag. The only reason he found him was because someone was calling for a healer. Luke didn't leave his cot for hours, waiting for Lee to wake up.
(He just hit his head, nothing too bad. But the panic Luke felt when Lee didn't open his eyes after promised two hours were too much. And when Lee started screaming, when he wasn't seeing Luke? Absolutely painful.)
There were many times Luke was worried about Lee, and most of them were just paranoia. But he can never forget the days when it was real and he was scared and praying for his friend's life.
#okay that ended up being too long#i wanted to write some more but i already spoilered enough of my au#just know that when luke gets nervous he has every right to be#i always imagine luke as reckless and lee as responsible but the amount of times lee goes head first into danger is astounding#sometimes literally lol#luke castellan#lee fletcher#btw if you forgot the bracelet luke wears is the same one lee gave him during one of their first interactions#i think i talked about it in one of my different posts#lee fletcher x luke castellan#leeluke#pjo#percy jackson and the olympians#pjo au#ghosty has something to say
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Curently Reading book 6 and one Thing lead to another and i read my Mom a Few Pages.....
Oh god my dyslexia left me unable to read and my Mom very confused....
It wont let me sleep so heres my doodle in want does NOT happen in the book but my Mom now thinks IT does
#mxtx#tgcf#doodle#xie lian#hua cheng#the two lil nuggets#forgot thir named#oh god i cant read#dyslexia#dislexia#dyislxis#qaaaaaaadegbegbgeegetgete#cant spell#why did they name it that#its luke they dont want us to write it#just when i thing the gays cured me of it its back#guess u cant just gay all ur problems away#anither thing about tgcf#is that ots so wird that they gay is actualy gaying#like im so used to relasenships being hinted at or only being fanon#its like the first time theres romance in my plot#i absolutly love it#ive been only drinking pudke water for years#and ifaly i get clear and crisp rock water#straight from the gold moutains#also exuse my bad hand writing#i blam that on dyslexia too#i tryed my best#at least its readable#i think
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Whumptober no.2
Trust Issues
Annabeth eyes her captors, scrutinizing. They’re arguing in hushed tones some feet away as they help each other apply neosporin and Paw Patrol bandaids to what look like fresh burns. Envy quickly remakes itself into determination, bubbling in Annabeth’s stomach. Bandaids and neosporin would do nicely for her shoulder. The scabs keep breaking when she moves, keeping it perpetually sticky with blood. She’s not even sure if it’s ever scabbed all the way up in the last day since that harpy scratched her. It just feels all wet and achy all the time and she can’t quite see it properly to assess the damage. She’ll have to snatch the first aid supplies before she makes her escape. If it really comes down to it, she bets she could take the two of them in a fight. They only beat her last time because of her shoulder. Now that they’re also injured (she’s pretty sure she’d given the older boy a concussion before they got the hammer away from her) the battlefield has been evened and she can at least put up enough of a fight to run away.
Adrenalin makes her heart beat loud in her ears. It outweighs the throbbing of her pulse in her wounded shoulder. She creeps along the alley walls towards the first aid supplies which have been discarded in favor of the teenagers using their hands to argue more animatedly.
Target acquired. Now go!
“Hey!” A hand latches onto Annabeth’s shoulder and she screams.
“Luke! Let her go!” Annabeth’s neck is tense to the point of rattling her entire body, but it does nothing to distract from her shoulder. There’s a bear trap biting into her, there’s acid eating away at her, there are fingers digging at the raw muscles of her shoulder and— ow. She tries to scratch at the hand holding her with desperate, flailing swipes. “See, this is exactly my point! A gods forsaken kindergartner is just gonna be a liability!”
“No, this is exactly my point! She’s got guts! She can handle it, Thalia!” Something in Annabeth’s brain is absurdly reminded of when she learned about decay in second grade. Her class had watched a time lapse video of an apple rotting.
“You’re concussed, shitbrains! You don’t get to make any decisions!” It shriveled and grew black, twitching with the speed of the recording until it was an unrecognizable mass of deflated flesh.
“And who gave me that concussion? She can fight!” Is that what her shoulder would look like if she could see it? That’s what it feels like.
“Do you even hear yourself?! She’s four!”
“I’m seven.” Two heads swivel to look at Annabeth. Their faces are brown and tan smudges through a haze of tears and pain.
“Styx, is that blood?!” The hand finally releases Annabeth’s shoulder. A sob launches itself out of her in response and she finally collapses, clutching her bad arm.
“What the Hades did you do?!”
“I didn’t do anything!”
“Hey, hey.” The voice is softer this time. “It’s okay, we’re not gonna hurt you.”
Liar. Annabeth scrambles away, using her feet to push herself across the ground until she’s backed against another sheet of metal. Her heartbeat thrums in her shoulder. Each beat sends a shockwave rolling down her limbs. She can barely breathe through the tears that heave themselves from her body. They manhandle her. She can’t control the way she rocks and trembles. Everything hurts. Everything jars her injury and then hurts more. She wants it all to stop.
The bandaids and neosporin are slid next to her shoe. Across from her, the boy sits with his hands in his lap. He doesn’t say anything. He just looks from her to the bandaids. His face is sad. Annabeth takes the bandaids.
“That’s one gnarly cut you got there, kiddo. What happened?” he finally asks.
“You won’t believe me.” She says in a voice that sounds all watery and very small.
“Try us.”
Annabeth shakes her head. The cap for the tube of neosporin is on too tight. Her fingers can’t quite get a hold of it. She is so tired.
“Luke, those are harpy claw marks.”
“I know.”
“Luke, she’s a demigod!”
“I know.”
The bandaids and tube of ointment crumple in her hands. She curls inwards, clutching them tightly to her chest. They would do nicely for her shoulder.
“We have to take her with us.”
“I know.”
#i’d meant to start and finish this on day two but better late then never#and still in october which is a huge accomplishment for me#anyways this is my first time posting my writing and also finishing a fic#ficlet?#idk it’s short but im real proud of myself for finishing it and finally posting my writing#whumptober2024#no.2#trust issues#fic#ficlet#percy jackon and the olympians#pjo#annabeth chase#luke castellan#thalia grace#whump#my writing#milkswritingtm
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made of starlight
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences No Archive Warnings Relationship: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker - Leia Organa/Han Solo Additional tags: Modern Royalty, Modern Era, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, the force is still there thobut more like a belief than something that really exists, Love at First Sight, warning: there are a bit of skysolo, and also biggsluke, because I can't accept that luke didn't like anyone before he met din, he was surrounded by older and handsome man, but it is very briefly, warning: homophobia, because i can see people at the senate being terrible people Summary: Leia was going to get married. There was no way Luke could ruin it... or there was a way? or simply put: in which Luke Skywalker is tipsy and end up dancing with a man he does not know the name nor his political connections and it could only end up in trouble when he fall right into the man's arms... in more ways than only literally.
#dinluke week 2024#dinluke valentine's day 2024#dinluke#luke skywalker#din djarin#skydalorian#star wars#star wars the original trilogy#the mandalorian#its my first time writing for them#but it was fun
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Some requests I’m gonna catch up with! + Rules
Sorry for not replying to some of your guys’ asks lately! I get distracted very very easily, so pls don’t think I’m ignoring you!! 💗
Anyways, I’ve posted for Tate and Kai recently, so I’m gonna do some requests for the other evans! Here’s what I have so far:
• {{user}} is Kit’s therapist at the asylum. He’s desperate for you to believe his story about the aliens and that he isn’t bloodyface.
• frat!Kyle or frankenkyle being upset with {{user}} for using a word/doing an action that unintentionally triggered him, and you have to fix things.
((This will probably include dark themes but I’ll try to be as respectful as possible when making this!
• Stan Bowes bot based on the song ‘Off to the Races’ by Lana Del Rey
• Luke Cooper goes to get coffee for his coworkers, but he comes back with the wrong order for everyone, except {{user}}
I’ll try my best to complete all these requests here (and work on the plethora of other Tate and Kai requests I have after), but sorry in advance if I take too long! Just in case.. I already have a new Colin bot prepared, buuut I’m not sure if anyone would be into it 😅
Oh and two more things!!- I appreciate your support guys and I know none of you had any bad intentions when requesting! 🥺 Just wanted to say it’s best if you don’t send bot requests based on other people’s fanfics! Thank you!
Lastly, I won’t be uploading my bots onto other sites besides c.ai for now. Maybe one day I’ll upload them onto sakura.fm? I like to use it for nsfw stuff, but their LLM still kinda sucks :p
#for fics I have an idea with either Colin or Stan#I haven’t mapped out anything yet but it’s gonna be angsty/bittersweet?#I’ll do my bot requests first cuz holy shit writing fics takes soo much time#american horror story#ahs#ahs fandom#evan peters#evan peters x reader#kai anderson#kai anderson x reader#tate langdon#tate langdon x reader#kyle spencer#kyle spencer x reader#kit walker#kit walker x reader#stan bowes#stan bowes x reader#luke cooper#luke cooper x reader#colin zabel#colin zabel x reader
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Me doing the apple Charlie xcx dance on camera and krow catches me being a clumsy goofball.
Gabbi I didn't fall on purpose!! Lucas I'm accident prone.
Man I am behind on the times. I have NO idea what that is.
Krow would just find it cute and endearing, but if you took a nasty fall he'd make sure you're okay.
Gabby just "...You sure?" While raising an eyebrow.
Luke would chuckle some and just say. "My daughter can be too. Let me know if you get any scrapes or bruises. I keep plenty of bandaids and ointments on hand. I got you."
#the krow's nest#the krow's nest verse#krow asked and answered#gabby in character#luke in character#gabby asked and answered#luke asked and answered#wait is this my first time writing Luke in character? omg dfjgnd
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But look at us Luke, we're the ones left alone, holding some rich monster's pain. All of existence, built on his violence. All of space-time, humming to life with a single inviolate rule. Give the hero something to punch.
#kate kane#duke thomas#luke fox#outsiders#dc comic edit#comic edit#dc comics#my first time using photoshop lmao#got it for free with my school adobe acc and obviously im gonna abuse it for comic editing purposes. although i skipped all the tutorials#and just fucked around so idk this isnt like impressive. couldnt find buttons for a lot of what i wanted to do but i think i was just looki#in the wrong spots. anyways yeah.#batman#panel from outsiders no 3 ofc#dont know what else i say here. this is v much the product of me procrastinating writing an essay draft#if the format is weird im sorry im on tumblr desktop which idk how to use. bc photoshop is on my computer and also i turned my phone off so#would stay off my phone and focus. which obviously worked rlly well lmao#swishy's comic edits#panelposting#not rlly but ill tag that too for personal reference. yeah#bats#anyways this issue is so funny to me. like yes lets talk about how batman is everywhere and is taking over everything and also cant die. in#a batman comic that is taking over things (notably the team name etc) from other characters#IRONY!!!!#anyways dark multiverse(? idfk) duke thomas i love you. you can kill as many versions of bruce wayne as you like <3
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the new fic DESTROYED me its so good wtf thank you for your beautiful brain and your beautiful work
sorry about the destroying 😭 but also thank you for reading...this one means a lot to me for a lot of different reasons and i'm really happy it resonated with you <3
#insert luke saying why am i such a destroyer#i won't get all emo about it on main but u know#it's the first fic i've finished and posted in a Very Long Time and that's kind of scary especially when it's a Big fic#and for many other reasons too it's easy to get in my head about things#that first night impulse to delete this fic was strong#but then i see stuff like this and it's so kind and reassuring and a reminder for me to be less ridiculous about things#so anyway i am very grateful for you taking the time to pop by <3#writing#dnpboy#ask
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not to be dramatic but i love boxie unboxings sfm
#it’s one of my fave things to come of the bbu#i have many a time considered writing a one shot au where leo and luke are bbu#just so i can write an unboxing/first bath#it’s my dream#send me unboxing recs#ok more tags bc what if in the au luke is the boxie#HOW FUN
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~° Burnout °~
Part I

Synopsis: loving somebody from afar.
Word count: 3.5k
Content warning: none

Luke has always been my friend, not in the I met him before tatooine thing. I met him when he was up in the center, getting his award and i was at the back praying for the ceremony to end,i had patients to treat and take care of
Diane, my friend, was beside me that day grumbling under her breath as she helplessly watched the ceremony in boredom
"is this thing going to go on any longer or something? I got patients waiting for me" she kept whispering to me in an annoyed manner as she kept taping her foot against the hard cold floor
We had a busy day with fighters coming in and out of the medbay,so of course the ceremony was completely useless to us in a manner,it was just an award, nothing more
"i think they'll let us out after they get their awards" i answered as i rubbed my eyes tiredly as i had not gotten any sleep whatsoever.
"Who's even getting the award?" She asked me curiously
"somebody with a solo...and sky something" i answered,i only knew that the sky one just suddenly joined,a risk taker.
"solo is a dumb name" daine scoffed at me
"oh-i think they're here now" i said surprisingly as i heard the door opening,i watched them walk down the aisle as the audience were all looking at both of them.
"holy shit.. the brunette looks pretty hot" daine commented jokingly as she whispered to my ears but I was quietly watching the blonde in the center.
He was absolutely captivating , he had this soft aura around that exudes warmth and kindness and , he was so cute fidgeting with his fingers while he was quietly waiting to receive his award.
"blonde looks nervous.." i mumbled as i completely ignored what daine just whispered to me
"he's a newbie, of course he'll be nervous" daine added as she watched the ceremony. And finally princess leia gave him the medal,he was quite content and happy as well.
"finally.." Diane sighed in relief as the whole audience applauded in cheers and happiness , "let's go?" I asked her, "gosh,of course yes" she answered back as she rolled her eyes at me playfully .

After the ceremony I finally met luke,he introduced himself as Luke Skywalker and that he was from tatooine,he also told me the things that happened and how he saved princess leia (he only did 10% of the job and Leia 90%) i was fascinated with his story and I was curious as well, we talked all night that day just talking about his life,i never spoke about him preferring to keep it private.
After that night we continued to talk whenever I had some free time,Diane wasn't bothered by it,she said that it was good for me to have somebody to talk to since she hated socializing as well saying how talking takes off her energy immediately .
Every night (whenever we could) we would talk about our day and what we did, sometimes it would be about our personal life, family, friends,life at home, childhood, school and our teenage years .
He was so sweet towards me,he would always listen to me rant, his eyes never leaving me for a second .

It had been 2 years since we met,i became very close with him now,I also met his friends,Leia and han, though I don't really see those 2 regularly unlike luke
I was busy as well but I always talked to luke and Diane.
"you're back early" i said as i looked at him surprisingly before calming myself down,he shrugged sheepishly as a small smile broke on his lips
"the mission went smoothly, though that's kinda a first" he said jokingly as he stood besides as i checked some paperwork regarding some of my patients
"by how..?" I asked curiously ,i still haven't looked up from my paperwork
"the ship broke a bit and we were stranded, we were lucky because the planet we went to fix the ship was safe" he explained as he sat besides me
"anyways how have you been?" He asked as he laid his head on my shoulders
"I've been good,why?" I answered as i looked at curiously
"it's nothing,i was just wondering if the medbay is full again" he asked me as he sat up straight
"barely any patients which is good" i answered as sighed softly
"what's wrong?" He said curiously as he looked at with concern
"nothing, the supplies that we need aren't here yet so I'm a bit stressed about it" i mumbled quietly as i laid my head down on my desk
"i heard they encountered some difficulties going here" he said "they're safe don't worry " he added as he gave me a pat on my shoulder
"well doc! you better get to work,I still need to fix my x-wing" he said jokingly as he messed my hair up
"hey, Stop that!" I said angrily as i rolled my eyes
"you'll live doc" he joked as he waved at me goodbye

°Author's Note°
Ka puta mga sis, anyways hello,it's been like what,5 months since I stopped posting, first of all I am very sorry about that, writers block really hits me hard,and of course school, last school year I had more freedom writing since I'm not as busy unlike this school year,and plus school really drains you too,I had 0 motivation writing or even think of a story idea since my brain was just fried and being fuck around, anyways this past 5 months suck, been trying my best not to scream about it or gauge my eyes out,part 2 will be out soon! Since I don't really have anything to do and just have to worry about a few things,a few lectures here and there, anyways if anybody is wondering if this story is kinda similar to something well it's because it's inspired by I'm drunk,I love you , absolutely love that movie,i cried so hard about it lol,i recommend watching it,it's a Filipino movie and it's available on YouTube! Anyways I probably need some sleep rn, it's literally 12:23 pm , literally dead in the night but idc I wanna finish this lmaoo , anyways you'll see me lurking in the shadows waiting for some other luke skywalker fics,i basically check the x reader tag everyday lol, I'm also writing this based on something personal,fuck u L,also I tried so hard to make it aesthetically pleasing.. please praise me ,drink water and eat your food and sleep in the appropriate time, which I also can't relate
#Spotify#luke skywalker#fanfiction#star wars#luke skywalker x reader#star wars fanfiction#x reader#i just made the authors note my personal diary sorry#first time in century I'm actually posting something after posting im writing something#i love lying sometimes
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working on a new wip with luke exploring the jedi temple on coruscant post rotj and it already made me cry
#star wars#luke skywalker#making him sad is my full time job#and i love working!#but honestly#i usually focus on fluff#so writing these stories exploring luke's character#like 'what of god? what of man'#was something experimental at first#but i think i found my niche stuff#and it feels great
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
THANK YOU <3 Maybe it's unfair, but I have to go with most of my longfics (you grow attached to them!):
1. What You Are And What You’ll Never Be (+ sequel/epilogue) [Star Wars] - I feel like I did really well with Obi-Wan's emotional journey and it was very important to me to show the healing too :) As it's so long, I'm glad I managed to finish it (also I really like the main OC here).
2. Saving Flowers [Star Wars] - The first time I put real effort into the character development of the main characters and planned most of the plot before writing it (at least the latter half).
3. Bridge Over Troubled Water [Gravity Falls] - The first really long fic I finished in English and the main villain was a lot of fun to create/write :D
4. The War That Never Was [Hetalia] - A lot of fun to write. I love playing with alternate timelines, and England and Prussia's banter was awesome too. I feel like the tensions were high.
5. Of Time And Other Irregularities [Spider-Verse] and The Nature Of Snow [Hetalia] and Thorns and Roses [Vinland Saga] - I put these three together because they're united by one thing: research. I did so much research for them, you won't believe it :P (for Hetalia and Vinland Saga it was a lot of historical references, for the Spider-Verse OS it was old comics and Scrabble - yes, the boardgame). Also, they were so much fun to write!
#my writing#ao3#star wars#hetalia#gravity falls#vinland saga#research#archive of our own#my thoughts#asks#bonus is desperate times because I love the first paragraph (and it's somehow very well received?? prob because of OW/Luke found family#+ vaderwan)
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#gu6chan's musings#i think for the first time since creating it#last updated November 15th 2021..... ancient#now all i need is to make my fics decent lol#i wanna write more drabbles with luke and moloch....
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