Everyday I Worry All Day
95 posts
Goose • 24• inventor of ‘Meng Yao’s evil pussy’ and Lan Huan lover extraordinaire • this was supposed to be my mdzs blog but its just gonna be the one i tie my a03 to methinks. resident evil blog.
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flutesolo · 7 months ago
george lucas gave us the knowledge that a force user can use the force to impregnate someone. on a completely unrelated note, does the fact luke skywalker is obsessed with being a part of a family make anyone else want to eat drywall? or is it just me? he’s so desperate for a connection to his parents, his father specifically (but I suspect that’s only because his aunt and uncle could actually say something about him) that it’s basically the carrot obi wan and yoda dangle on a stick in front of him to compel him to train with them (not that it’s really necessary). he takes after his father in his need to belong to something, and have it belong to him in turn. and he has his mother’s compassion, his heart is so big he needs other people to help him carry it. anyway so how likely do you think it is that luke would use the force on himself to knoc—
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flutesolo · 7 months ago
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it’s so fucked up too because the only two things he really wants are freedom and family and he loses both and always has them both dangling in front of him like a carrot. it’s. UAUSGDJJSN
luke skywalker is kind of an outlier in terms of male protagonists considering his core character trait is sacrifice. he wants to leave tatooine so bad it makes him look stupid. and yet, despite yearly arguments with uncle owen he stays. until there’s nothing left to stay for. he chases after the breadcrumb trail that might leave him just an inch closer to the idea of his father with a desperation bordering on stupidity. and he abandons it the second his friends are in danger. at great personal cost. he gives up what he wants over and over without even thinking about it. idk it’s just fascinating
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flutesolo · 7 months ago
din, forgoing his creed so his son will remember him:
luke, popping an emotional boner so fast it breaks the sound barrier: I think I hauve covid
disney is so fucking stupid there’s no way in hell that luke ‘daddy issues’ skywalker would see din ‘father of all time’ djarin in a situation that parallels to the first and only time he saw his own fathers face and not immediately fall to his knees from longing
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flutesolo · 7 months ago
disney is so fucking stupid there’s no way in hell that luke ‘daddy issues’ skywalker would see din ‘father of all time’ djarin in a situation that parallels to the first and only time he saw his own fathers face and not immediately fall to his knees from longing
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flutesolo · 7 months ago
luke skywalker is kind of an outlier in terms of male protagonists considering his core character trait is sacrifice. he wants to leave tatooine so bad it makes him look stupid. and yet, despite yearly arguments with uncle owen he stays. until there’s nothing left to stay for. he chases after the breadcrumb trail that might leave him just an inch closer to the idea of his father with a desperation bordering on stupidity. and he abandons it the second his friends are in danger. at great personal cost. he gives up what he wants over and over without even thinking about it. idk it’s just fascinating
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flutesolo · 7 months ago
luke skywalker is kind of an outlier in terms of male protagonists considering his core character trait is sacrifice. he wants to leave tatooine so bad it makes him look stupid. and yet, despite yearly arguments with uncle owen he stays. until there’s nothing left to stay for. he chases after the breadcrumb trail that might leave him just an inch closer to the idea of his father with a desperation bordering on stupidity. and he abandons it the second his friends are in danger. at great personal cost. he gives up what he wants over and over without even thinking about it. idk it’s just fascinating
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flutesolo · 7 months ago
IDGAF if the women in my fiction are empowering or aspirational, I'm an adult, I don't need role models, I want the women in my fiction to be interesting, and if that involves being pathetic, hypocritical, amoral, or trapped in a delightfully dysfunctional relationship so be it
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flutesolo · 7 months ago
idc how hard you try you will NOT get me to stop using snorted in my dialogue. i will always use growled and choked and hissed and huffed and grunted and breathed and frowned and sniffed and scoffed and spluttered and purred and snickered and exhaled and whimpered and smiled and laughed and sneered and frowned
i love you words that indicate sound and tone i love you poetics i love you dialogue tags they will never take you away from me i love you i love you i love you
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flutesolo · 7 months ago
“true love” this, “endgame” that. what about “compelling dynamic that’s fun to explore”
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flutesolo · 7 months ago
That post that's like "stop writing characters who talk like they're trying to get a good grade in therapy" really blew the door wide open for me about how common it's become for a character's emotional intelligence to not be taken into consideration when writing conflict. I remember the first time I went to therapy I had such a hard time even identifying what I was feeling, let alone had the language to explain it to someone else. Of course there are plenty of people who've never been to therapy a day in their life who are in tune to their emotions. But even they would have some trouble expressing themselves sometimes. You have to take into account there are plenty of people who are uncomfortable expressing themselves and people who think they're not allowed to feel certain ways. It also makes for more interesting conflict to have characters with different levels of understanding.
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flutesolo · 8 months ago
Ao3 version that lets you open the 'director's cut' where I, the author, explain every detail in excruciating detail to you and what it is in reference to.
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flutesolo · 8 months ago
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The Blue Spirit putting out firebending with a bucket of water is the absolute funniest thing ever done in avatar combat. It just is.
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flutesolo · 8 months ago
@zukkaonthebrain congrats on being the first person to ask! ohhh I’m so hype about this fic.
so, obviously we’ve all seen the boiling rock. great two parter! it showcases how well zuko and sokka (and suki) work together as a team, offers a deeper look into the inner workings of the fire nation’s political landscape, and sets up some amazing build up for azula’s mental break. however i can’t help but wonder how the boiling rock is handled after series canon ends (do not talk to me about the comics, i have such complex emotions about them).
i cannot imagine that zuko, who already has so many obstacles to face as the newly crowned firelord, would really think twice about it. he’s dealing with reparations, homing displaced refugees, weeding out council members still loyal to his father. who knows what else! i don’t think he’d even consider it an issue beyond freeing prisoners of war.
which means it would be very easy for the old warden to orchestrate something. i don’t think he’d still work at the boiling rock, he most likely would’ve been imprisoned right? and it’s very likely that zuko might have pardoned him as a favor to mai (but maybe not! who knows!) regardless, i don’t think the warden would be very happy about having his reputation tarnished. and with the three people responsible all in one place? he’d absolutely take the opportunity.
this fic takes place about 8? years after canon. zuko is 24-26 someone else can do the math. so some time has passed. sokka has been in the fire nation as ambassador of the southern water tribe for a year or two (katara is chief now). he’s more there to make sure zuko doesn’t run himself into the ground, the ambassadorial stuff is just a fun bonus. the fic starts with zuko almost dying via assassination attempt (not the first one, but the closest call), and sokka being like “dude you’re so lucky my sister was here to save your ass! i’m calling in the big guns” suki and the kyoshi warriors come in and act as zuko’s personal guard (which he hates).
im rambling and this isn’t very succinct or neat and that’s okay! i can make it prettier later.
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flutesolo · 8 months ago
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Ahaha. Working on it.
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flutesolo · 1 year ago
everybody gangsta until the instrumental leaves from the vine motif starts playing
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flutesolo · 1 year ago
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flutesolo · 1 year ago
how the FUCK did this get 1k notes. anyway i’m writing this scene in particular right now.
the really fun thing about making suki zuko’s personal guard is that she absolutely would figure out he’s the blue spirit. it’s literally her job to be on top of him, she would figure it out in under a month. and she would know that asking zuko to stop is a lost cause so she would follow him out. i need you to stop and picture the look on zuko’s face when he finds out suki knows he’s the blue spirit.
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