#this is my arcane fix it fic
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amelio-rez · 1 month ago
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finally back on my dming grind with a runeterra campaign that takes place right before progress day in S01 EP04 of arcane! gonna be doing style studies of them but second session is coming up soon and i love them to death :(
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ratatattouille · 3 months ago
If Vi just committed to killing Jinx and Caitlyn just killed Isha, cementing the enmity between sisters (instead of that time-wasting Vander plot) and building up to a finale where the focus was a battle between Piltover and Zaun, and Jinx wanted to avenge Isha as Vi wanted to avenge Vander/her girlfriend's mom--
If Viktor becoming an apex hex-tech man made him "evil" not because the arcane "corrupted him" but because the council considered him a weapon Zaun would leverage against them and if Jayce, now a councilman and puppet to Mel, went on a mission to disable Viktor for Piltover instead of "humanity", thus cementing his deviation from the dream of helping people they had both shared in the beginning--
If Jayce and Vi had the realizations that they loved Viktor/Jinx more than their perfect/peaceful worlds and lives in the midst of a devastating battle where everybody lost--
If Jinx and Viktor had once again difficulty choosing between the person they loved most in the world who was threatening to kill them and the glorious revolution that had been thrust upon them and their crushing sense of responsibility--
If the writers had just committed to one idea instead of trying to do everything in a season that already shouldered a lot of weight, if they'd just finished what season 1 started . . .
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piwo-zero · 3 months ago
here's the link:
this is the beginning. Tell me what u think... should I continue?
They were nowhere. Disappeared into nothingness. Maybe it was terrifying, but he (they?) didn't feel scared, not really. They were together. They disappeared together. That what mattered.
So their existence in nothingness was peaceful. It felt like forever, but it also felt like a second, or a few. The no-forever of being with love of your life can't be scary. Because the nothingness surrounding you is filled with the strongest emotion you can feel - affection, admiration... Love.
He woke up, he knew - gaining consciousness after non-being was hard to miss. So he knew that they were back. He kept his eyes closed.
The first breath hurt, because it always hurts when you confront reality. The nothingness isn't frightening. The chaos of every-day is. He couldn't open his eyes. He was afraid.
The first thing that hit him was all the things that happened. The emotions. The memories. They teared his being, his mind apart - at least for a moment. The need to confront his affection with everything that was. Suddenly, the space for the emotion that gave him peace in no-eternity... shrinked. But he didn't forget. He knew he needed to fight for it. He knew he was about to do everything in his power to never stop loving Viktor.
He opened his eyes.
okay.... this is it. I'm kinda sleep deprived and very emotional after the ending. obviously it's not beta read lmao. maybe someone wants to be a beta reader?
I think I'll post this on AO3 btw!!!
the fic will focus on jayce and viktor relationship (obviously) and how they navigate their life after whatever the fuck happened in the end of S2.
the rest of the fic is a mystery, even for me. weee
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mejkosmos · 3 months ago
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srslylini · 3 months ago
I'm already seeing people scream "media illiteracy" at people who rightfully call out Caitlyn's character and what they did with her.
just because you scrape together some sort of sense out of your own head doesn't actually mean it's in the show. The tiny stuff we got was NOT enough. Not for her literally turning full on dictator, and may I remind you USING A CHEMICAL WEAPON AGAINST PEOPLE OF ZAUN.
She hit Vi and that in itself should have been addressed SO FAST. but no, upon them reuniting Caitlyn gets to HIT HER AGAIN. And no it doesn't matter to me that "iT wAs tHeIr pLan" shut the fuck up. They did not talk about anything, Vi was just fine with it, it's so idiotic.
Not only that but they also made a joke out of Vi in that situation? I'm sorry and maybe I'm alone in this but I don't find Vi malnourished, with an alcohol addiction and obvious struggles funny??? The writers were SO insensitive about that I really do NOT care.
"oh but she went against ambessa in that one scene"
she also threatened to put Singed into the deepest, darkest torture dungeons like I do not care that she used her words, where were her actions?
"oh but they showed her and Ambessa devided by light in that one scene"
I'm not even gonna HUMOR this one.
"oh but she-"
I'm hoping and PRAYING for act 3 to get its shit together so I guess we'll see more tomorrow.
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sapphic-bf · 2 months ago
i’d do anything for multiple fanfic rewriters of S1 ep. 9 where jinx actually takes vi’s offer to run away together and abandon both caitlyn & silco for good (and by extension, piltover & zaun as well or smth idk).
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paintingcranes · 1 month ago
Story Summary:
Vi feels like a third party observer of herself. She can see her own mangy, unwashed, snarling, disgusting desperation – so stark and violent against the Topsiders' unsullied joy and easy wealth.
These people in Topside are so beautiful. But survival is so ugly.
Oh, Vi realizes. I never stopped thinking they’re better than me.
Vi finally finds her way back home – to her sister, to the Undercity, and to herself.
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boy-of-death · 3 months ago
Arcane season 2 finale spoilers
Omg it was beautiful I loved it.
I don’t believe that jinx is dead based on the top of her bomb that Caitlyn is holding and the blue print of the hex gates where you can see escape routes. Also in the first episode she see an airship and say that one day she’s gonna ride in one of those and then at the end we see one !!!!
I’m not sure I understood everything about the ending and Viktor giving the rune to Jayce but it was incredible. And don’t even talk to me about them dying together!
Deep in me I wanted them to kiss but them holding onto one another and touching forehead while smiling was also great. Their bond was definitely more than friendship and they clearly loved each other but I think their love at this moment was so big that them kissing couldn’t even express how deeply the loved each other.
They loved each other so much they decide to die together.
And for fuck’s sake « partner »!? There’s nothing straight about this and I will die on this hill.
Fanfiction writers you better write those season 2 fix-it quickly, my sanity depends on it.
Jayce defenders were right in the end and this show is not beating the « gays always have a tragic ending » allegations anytime soon.
Not the biggest fan of ekko and powder together but them dancing was cute and the stromae’s song hit hard and I did cry.
To summarize: I loved it, the songs slapped, the tears are not going to dry anytime soon and I want jayvik to live happily ever after.
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waywardsou2 · 2 months ago
I have officially begun work on my fix it fic for Arcane Season 2
This fic takes place directly after the ending of Arcane
This is going to be a long term project...like a year long or longer term project
I don't know how many of you are keen on a fic that isn't finished yet but I promise you I'm going to make it worth it
So please check it out and let me know what you think so far
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coffindirtt · 3 months ago
Rating: E Relationships: Jayce/Viktor
what if you had the opportunity to make things right? could you bring yourself to change? or, an optimistic post-season two alternate universe time travel.
Jayce realizes, as he is engulfed and spat out by the implosion of the acceleration rune, that he and Viktor had been right to call hextech, their unerring exploration of the arcane, a dream.
Pulled into the warping pinch point between him and his friend (his partner), pinioning around the place where their hands meet, Jayce felt himself flicker in and out of awareness, in the a near-hypnogogic state as the acceleration rune crushes between their palms. the boundaries of his body are…. uncertain, but all he can be sure of, all he really, truly knows, is the sensation of Viktor’s hand rubbing his bicep, back and forth. He senses more than sees or hears that his partner is here, with him, as urgent as any nightmare, as sweetly instinctual as any dream.
He can also tell that Viktor was trying to calm him down. He’d gritted his teeth hard when they’d plunged into that abyss together, but he’d tried to keep his eyes open as long as he could. Just… looking at him. Trying to see into viktor’s face a hint of what might be coming, any sense of what they were doing was right.
Jayce hopes it was.
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lovebunnie · 3 months ago
whatever we shouldve gotten to see viktor be more insane over jayce
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th3wizardoz · 3 months ago
The Arcane brain worms have gotten hold of me!! I am writing fanfiction for the first time in YEARS bc of this fucking show!! I don’t have time for this!! I have papers to grade and a research proposal in two weeks!!
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aveimperator40k · 2 months ago
Last fic of 2024!!! Happy New Year!!!
This is a direct sequel to 'I Saw Mommy Kissing Silco Claus'
After putting Isha to bed, it's time for Jinx and Silco to have a private celebration downstairs at the bar.......
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becasbelt · 2 months ago
idk but if i see the words "fix it" associated with a season 2 fic i'm just not gonna read it. like. sorry no i'm actually not interested in seeing how you think you would've done better than the arcane writers, but have so much fun with that <3
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destination-hotel-krat · 2 months ago
ever since I watched arcane s2 the idea of an ep7 scenario happening but with Romeo and Carlo has been living in my head rent free.
like, imagine Romeo, as King of Puppets. Carlo died long ago and he's stuck as the last bastion against Geppetto's plan as the only person that knows the truth, and Geppetto's Puppet is quickly mowing through his efforts to stop it all.
and then, by whatever ergo related plot reasons, he travels to a parallel universe in the same way Ekko does. and he wakes up and sees himself in his human body again, and he's no King of Puppets and he's just the normal guy he always was. moreover, he's out of the Rose Estate by now and lives in the Krat that continued to thrive as a city of technological wonder without the puppet frenzy and he has everything he needs.
and then the door opens and Carlo walks in, alive and happy and also thriving, and he hugs him because he hasn't seen him in so long and also HE'S ALIVE! and they're both well known Stalkers that don't even need to be part of either Stalker organizations, on their way to become the best in the world as they promised each other.
there's an event happening soon, the Grand Exhibition or maybe something smaller, and him and Carlo can just assist and enjoy because Carlo is Geppetto's son. they still don't get fully along but Carlo has free access to private technological events and can bring Romeo along if the events in question are fun or useful enough.
in the Grand Exhibition a new puppet model is presented, and it's a beautiful puppet with a conscience and feelings and Geppetto names him Pinocchio because he knows his son likes that fairytale. Carlo considers that it's too little too late but he has matured past actively hating his father.
and Carlo and Romeo dance together and kiss and maybe even sleep together i mean the guy probably missed his normal body and he's gonna wanna use it LMAO and Romeo can be with Carlo again except now he's having the life he always dreamed of having with him.
but just like Ekko in ep7, Romeo knows this isn't his place and eventually he must leave, and leave behind this perfect life because he has a duty in his own universe.
I'm rambling and the idea is quite disjointed, and I'm leaving a lot of things unsaid but y'all get the gist. so yeah. that's what I keep thinking about.
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melancholiaenthroned · 22 days ago
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mismatched shoulder pieces, a breastplate, and one bracer. girl did you raid the enforcer's lost and found like what was this. gloves are different lengths too like what was the thought process here
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