#this is mean. i usually *never* get this shit two days in a row
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daughterofhecata · 1 year ago
Got my writing session yesterday cut short by a visual migraine that got to the point where I couldn't see the keyboard anymore, and now the damn thing is *back* and idk yet if I'll be able to write later -.-
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reocidal · 7 months ago
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cws; swearing, writing lowkey gives stephen king at one point because i read like four novels in a row while writing this, misunderstandings, gn!reader i think
wc; 1667
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he groaned.
"mm." his eyes fluttered open, and he was met with the — extremely fetching — sight of you hovering over him. you looked beautiful, as usual, even though you'd just woken up, and he cracked a small, sleepy smile. okay, he'd seen you. time to go back to sleep. but as soon as he closed his eyes, you poked his cheek to wake him up again.
"y/n, what the hell..."
"you have to wake up, you have practice!"
"fuck practice," he whined, burying his face in his pillow. the awesomest. sleepover of his entire life could not be ending like this. he heard you giggling behind him and groaned again. "i just wanna sleep!" he stopped talking, preparing to doze off again.
"is it too late to join a different club?"
"no," you told him forcefully. "and you're my best friend, so i'd love to let you sleep, but i can't exactly tell kuroo or the coach that, can i?"
and you're my best friend and i'm in love with you, but i can't exactly tell you that either, so we don't always get what we want, do we? he thought drowsily. or he thought he did, anyways, because the next thing he heard was your gasp — maybe a bit too loud, but it was there all the same, and shit, he must've said it out loud.
"what was that?" you asked him, and for a second he panicked.
kenma had never really been a fan of volleyball. it's nothing he hated, but he was sure he'd be perfectly fine without it too. and it was tiring. but he had learnt one thing from it — or maybe he'd known it all along, and it just helped him improve — and that one thing just happened to be bluffing. so he rolled over to stare at you blankly. "huh? I didn't say anything."
"okay," you said, but you weren't really sure he was telling the truth. sometime after you walked him to practice, he started avoiding you, and then you had to accept that yeah, he'd lied.
how could he accidentally confess his love to someone while half asleep? kenma had no idea; furthermore, he was haunted by the fear of other people finding out what he'd kept carefully hidden for over half a decade. he remembered being twelve and kuroo grinning at him so all-knowingly at him. i know what you are, he'd said. not aloud, but kenma had heard it clear as day, just as he noticed how kuroo's canines were glinting unnaturally in the sunlight, and seconds before getting hit squarely in the face with a volleyball because he'd looked away to stare at you. it had totally been worth it, though, he decided, when you came over to his house with a bag of candy and some cold soda.
he was struck with the sudden realisation that he's holding the exact same soda — completely identical, down to the flavour and the size of the bottle — in one hand as his fingers slowly grew numb from the cold when he saw you again, talking to kuroo as the two of you approached him. he was acutely aware of the condensation dripping down his fingers when kuroo yelled out to him, and he waved at the two of nervously with his free hand, trying to gauge your reaction. you waved back, and he was filled with a swirl of emotions, including but definitely not limited to relief.
you didn't find it suspicious when kuroo "had to go" somewhere barely two minutes into your conversations, but kenma did. said suspicions were further confirmed when kuroo — after making sure your back was turned — grinned at him wolfishly and mouthed "good luck" to him as he left.
almost immediately after kuroo disappeared, the atmosphere shifted before either of you even said anything. there was reproach in your gaze as you stared at him silently
(why are you ignoring me?)
there was an unspoken apology in his.
(i'm sorry so sorry i fucked up i didn't mean to this is all my fault)
the two of you stood in silence.
another drop of condensation hit the ground.
you glanced at your watch for the third time.
"do i... do you want me to walk you home?" he asked.
say no, you told yourself. give him the same treatment he gave you.
"yes," you said aloud. "i'd like that."
you had never been able to say no to him, after all.
the walk back to your house was warm and sticky, a textbook summer day if there ever was one. kenma had been looking forward to his stupid drink, but your reddened cheeks and the way your hair clung to your sweaty forehead made him pity you enough to wrench the cap off and hold the bottle out to you. you drank gratefully, and it appeared that you'd cooled down a bit afterwards. alongside your body temperature, the simmering tension between the two of you also went down considerably.
"kenma, will you come in for a bit?" you asked at your door, fingers still wrapped around the neck of the half-empty soda bottle. you weren't sure why you asked, exactly, but you did want to talk things out — losing kenma like this wasn't something you wanted in any way, and you'd lose kuroo by proxy too, resulting in you having a total of zero best friends.
"sure," he replied. to anyone else, his voice would've sounded the same as usual — monotonous, a little bored — but you knew better. he was nervous. for a moment, that made you happy in a weird, twisted sort of way.
he sat cross-legged on your bedroom floor, eyes glued to the switch in his hands as he played. however, today his attention was on you, instead, mind subconsciously following you around your room. hearing you shuffle into the bathroom, he relaxed, but only a little. for some reason, he was sure that your silence was much more terrifying than whatever you were planning to say to him.
when you came out, you looked refreshed, calmer. you padded to your bed, now in your pjs and the terrible fluffy slippers that kenma always despised — until today. how could he ever have hated them, he wondered, when they were so indisputably you?
you forced him into the bathroom next (no sweaty people allowed in my room!) along with some of his clothes he'd left at yours before. it wasn't anything new. all three of you — you, kenma, kuroo — had each other's stuff scattered all around your rooms. the three of you had had a very equal relationship — or so you'd thought. until that fateful day almost a fortnight ago, when kenma had mumbled out an accidental love confession while trying to skip out on practice. surely it wasn't an actual confession, you thought. there was no way he could possibly like someone like you, right?
yeah. exactly. it was an accident, and he felt bad for leading you on so he avoided you. but how could he have known? there was no way that kuroo told him, was there? a new wave of panic washed over you, and you couldn't help but jump in surprise as kenma accidentally opened the bathroom door with an unnecessary amount of extra force and re-entered your room.
"kenma," you sighed with relief. "i got scared for a sec."
"who else would it be?" he asked, a small, slow smile creeping across his face.
"no— i don't know..." you trailed off. before you could say anything else, kenma decided to speak.
"i'm sorry," he said.
"whahuh?" the two words had caught you completely off guard. you hadn't been expecting him to say a specific thing, but you hadn't expected him to apologise either. he bristled uncomfortably under your surprised deer-in-headlights stare.
"i've been avoiding you," he tried next. it was true; you both knew it by now. how were you even supposed to respond? everything you thought of seemed wrong for the situation. instead, you decided to ask a question in return.
"why'd you say you were in love with me?"
kenma cringed at your question, as if it caused him to feel some sort of physical discomfort. "because? i am?"
it came out as more of a question than a statement, and only served to confuse you more. "what?"
and then the words finally registered into your brain, and your face creased into a little frown — an adorable one, too, kenma thought, but he had to remind himself to not get carried away right now. "no, that's impossible. who put you up to this, kuroo?"
a pained grimace crossed his face. "what? no. besides, kuro would never do that."
"then?" you demanded. no response. the two of you stayed silent, you sitting on your bed, and him at the other end of the room.
"um, i was twelve." kenma was the first to break the tensed silence, hating the sound of his own voice.
"when i first liked you, i guess," he added as an afterthought.
"no." you sat up straighter, eyes flicking to the calendar, where a date was circled in bright red marker. beside it, there was an extremely artistic rendition of what you could only guess to be a pudding, done by none other than kuroo. the marked date was kenma's eighteenth birthday. "that's—"
"a long time, i know," replied kenma resignedly. "kuro's told me enough, you don't have to make it worse."
"but i—"
"i know you don't reciprocate, and i'm not asking you to. all i want is for you to forget this ever—"
"kenma, shut the fuck up and let me speak!" you shrieked, tired of his delusional rambling. he flinched at the sound of your voice, but obeyed you all the same.
"i love you too, okay? so stop being stupid!"
kenma blinked in surprise. "huh?"
"didn't see that coming, did you?" you slid off your bed, grinning at him triumphantly.
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i dont remember writing this or the process or anything at all. help :3 almost done with the screenshots for unreq lvrs org btw!!!!
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shaunamilfman · 8 months ago
Being Jackie Taylor's controversially young gf
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pairing: jackie taylor x reader note: let me be delusional lmaoo
definitely broke up a semi-serious relationship with a man she'd been dating for a year or so when she realized she would have to spend the rest of her life with that guy. In my mind she got really drunk one night at a sorority party and had an “oh, shit” moment and avoided him for two weeks before breaking up with him. 
i see Jackie as a news anchor. honestly, I think it would really fit her. always struck me as a morning person.
meets you at a coffee shop that she has to rush into at the crack of dawn before work. she's so fucking happy and in a good mood that it puts you off at first. like seriously, it's like 6 AM, why is she smiling??
Jackie immediately takes a liking to you. starts going out of her way to stop by whenever you're working, even though it's five minutes out of her way and she likes the coffee at the other shop better. 
she's so flirty, incessantly even. she derives so much pleasure from making you nervous. even with all the flirting she does, she doesn't seriously expect you to reciprocate her interest. she's immediately stunned and a little unsure when she realizes you wrote a flirty comment on her cup, because don't you realize how old she is? 
comes back in the next day and mentions it and is immediately flattered when you just shrug and hand her the usual before she can even order it. Jackie's so flustered by your attention that she leaves without paying. runs back ten minutes later and practically throws the money at you before sprinting back to work. 
Jackie really likes the fact that you don't know who she is. i mean, who watches the news anymore?? 
you finally catch a clip of her as the anchor and realize what she does. she gets so shy when you tease her about it. asking her for her autograph as a joke and she's tripping over herself and bright red
god, she's never like this but you just make her so nervous sometimes. makes her feel like a kid again and she never thought she'd like that. 
doesn't even cross her mind to be embarrassed or hesitant about dating someone half her age. starts talking about your college classes and one of her friends is like “oh, it's good they're going back to college at their age” and Jackie's just like “oh no, they went straight out of highschool 🥰.” doesn't even notice the way their jaw dropped as they're doing the math. 
worries constantly about how you perceive her. she seems so charismatic and confident that you wouldn't think she would be so insecure, but it's constantly on her mind. she's not embarrassed about you at all but she keeps waiting for the day that you realize she's too ‘old’ ever since someone pointed that out to her for the first time. 
tries way too hard to seem hip and cool. she spent hours researching how to use modern slang correctly even though she already mostly had it down. 
over the moon whenever you reference liking something from the 90s. she'll talk your fucking ear off about it if you let her. 
Jackie values your validation a lot less than she would've at 18, but she still really needs to be the center of your attention. one off comment from you can really have her off kilter for the rest of the day even if you didn't mean it. Jackie's more chill about it now, but she still has a desperate need to be liked. 
she gets so jealous when it comes to people your own age. there's so many spaces you’re in that she really just can't enter due to her age and it drives her crazy thinking about all the people who might be able to relate to you better or on a different level. 
such a reality TV fan. has you on the couch for days getting caught up on all 12 seasons of her favorite show before the new season airs. you just know she's got the best snacks though. 
ridiculously supportive of every little thing you do. if it has a competition attached, trust that she will be in the front row with your picture on a t-shirt. People definitely think she's your mom with how extra she is about it, but she doesn't even care. the crowd audibly gasps when she kisses you afterward, but she doesn't notice as she's too busy hyping you up about getting fifth place.
most considerate gift giver on the planet, I swear. she only gets better with age. it's so sweet and thoughtful that you almost tear up every time. 
won't lie about her age but also won't correct other people. your friends are like “what is she, thirty???” in disbelief when they meet for the first time and Jackie's ass is just like “... yes. that's it.” 
world’s most expensive makeup collection, i swear. it’s so expansive that you're almost in awe the first time you see it. entire shelves dedicated solely to it
sometimes when you get bored sitting outside the shower listening to Jackie yap you start googling the prices of things just to feel something. what do you mean that skin cream was $250???
Offers to give you a tour as an excuse to get you into her room. You’re looking around her one-story house like 🤔. You’re not sure there’s a single room in this house you can’t see from the living room, but you’re not stupid enough to give up that chance.
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 years ago
Eddie was acting weird.
Well, he was always a little weird. But this was weirder than usual.
For one thing, he kept sneaking into the bedroom as soon as he got home from work, not even acknowledging that Steve was cooking dinner in the kitchen. He always came up behind him and kissed his shoulder before going to shower. Always. But not for the last couple of weeks.
Then, Steve noticed he would be on the phone with Hopper of all people. It’s not that they didn’t get along, they’d moved well past that, but they didn’t exactly seek each other out for conversations. He waited until Steve was in the shower or already in bed, which rubbed Steve a bit wrong. Eddie never hid shit from him.
But the turning point, the moment that Steve decided he needed to say something, was when Eddie went to dinner with Robin. Alone.
Eddie and Robin were friends. Some would even say close friends. It’s hard not to be when you face what they have together. But they always hung out with Steve.
So when Steve found out they’d been out without him, he confronted Eddie.
“What the hell are you up to?”
Steve was maybe coming off as a bit of an asshole. His hands on his hips like he was ready to discipline a child, his face serious, voice stern. But he had to know what was going on.
Eddie raised an eyebrow, not used to being at this end of Steve’s mom pose. He usually stood behind him with a smirk, arms crossed in front of his chest to emphasize his disappointment and amusement at whatever child had earned it.
“What do you mean?”
Steve rolled his eyes.
“You know what I mean.”
“Do I?”
“Dinner with Robin? Without me?”
“Am I not allowed to be her friend without you?”
Eddie’s voice had turned guarded in a way that it hadn’t been with Steve in years.
Steve paused. Something was wrong. Eddie wouldn’t be acting like this if it wasn’t something big.
But what could he possibly be talking with Robin and Hopper about secretly? Was he in trouble? Were they trying to charge him with something from years ago? Why would he go to Robin about that and not Steve? Why would he have to sneak into the bedroom every evening?
The math wasn’t adding up, but Steve nearly failed math two years in a row so maybe he shouldn’t try to make the calculations.
“Are you in trouble? I can help. We can go somewhere. Hopper doesn’t have to know. Is he helping you? He should, he knows you’re innocent. They can’t even charge you for anything anymore right? There’s like, a statue of limits or something?”
Eddie was staring blankly at him.
It must be worse.
Maybe he was going into Witness Protection and Steve couldn’t come so he was trying to plan how to tell Steve. Oh God, Steve couldn’t let him go with no idea where he would end up or what his name would even be.
“Eds, please. You can’t go. They may not give you a choice, but you could maybe write to me so I can follow you? I’ll change my name too.” Steve felt tears in his eyes, and he hated it. He hated that his reaction to this was panic and crying as if he was the one in trouble and on the run. “Do they know we’re a package deal? And Robin. Robin will have to come. Is that what you talked about at dinner?”
Eddie was still just staring at him.
“Eddie please. Talk to me.”
Eddie shook himself out of his stupor, looking down at the floor and mumbling something Steve couldn’t quite hear.
“What? I can’t hear you.”
“I’m taking you to Disney World.”
That was not a sentence Steve ever thought he would hear. Especially not from Eddie fucking Munson.
His first reaction was to laugh, but when he saw the way Eddie’s face fell, he stopped.
“Um. Okay. You’re serious,” Steve let his thoughts wander as he watched Eddie’s whole body tense the way it did when he was working himself up.
Steve thought about how they had watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade last year and saw a float from a new Disney film, he couldn’t remember which one now, but he remembered turning to Eddie and saying, “you know my parents never took me to Disney World? All that money and they spent it all on their exotic vacations and cruises and left me at home.” Eddie had looked at him like he broke his heart before he said “Wayne could never afford it so I never really bothered to ask.”
And it wasn’t that a lot of their friends had been. Growing up, more kids spent time at beach resorts or the lake for summer vacations. Disney was still so new to people, it seemed like a pipe dream for anyone who didn’t have at least a middle class income.
But Steve saw the commercials. He watched the movies. He secretly loved the idea of a whole park dedicated to the childhood happiness and magic he felt when he watched them.
But he never asked his parents, and by the time he thought he could try to go, he was “too old.”
He’d given up on the thought.
Eddie was playing with his rings nervously, still avoiding eye contact with Steve.
“You’re taking me to Disney World?” Steve felt his voice break as the realization washed over him.
Eddie was somehow finding the money to take him to a place he’d secretly wanted to go since he was a kid, even though it was a place he probably didn’t want to go, and he’d wanted to take him so badly he somehow involved Robin and Hopper in the planning process.
God, he loved him so much.
Steve stepped closer to Eddie, hesitantly reaching out to pull his hands apart and lace their fingers together.
Eddie finally looked up at him and Steve couldn’t help leaning in to kiss him softly.
“You’re taking me to Disney World.”
Eddie nodded, a smile slowly spreading across his face.
“How? When? Why does Robin know? Why does Hopper know?”
Eddie chuckled before he placed a kiss on Steve’s forehead.
“Robin knows because she’s been arranging everything. I couldn’t really do it here and work’s been busy so I couldn’t do it there. She offered to help. We’ve been planning it since last Christmas.”
Steve felt himself fall even more in love. Somehow, the love of his life and his platonic soulmate have been planning this incredible trip for him for six months and had only recently given anything away.
“Hopper knows because I did have to make sure I could leave the state. I know my name was cleared, but I just wanted to be certain. Then, he got involved with the planning because he wants to take El and Will this year.”
Steve was gonna start crying, probably any second. He could feel the lump in his throat getting thicker.
“I’ve been saving up anything extra for months. The kids all put in some money to buy your ticket. Mrs. Wheeler let me use Mr. Wheeler’s airline miles to book the flight so it was only about half the cost. Mrs. Henderson gave me her work bonus to put towards the hotel at Dustin’s insistence. Apparently she usually uses it to send him to camp, but he didn’t want to go this year. So. Yeah. Surprise?”
Steve was crying.
Everyone had played a part in this happening, and Eddie was the man behind it all.
Steve threw his arms around Eddie’s neck and jumped to wrap his legs around his waist. He did this all the time, so Eddie only stumbled a little before settling with his hands under Steve’s thighs to hold him up.
“I love you so fucking much,” Steve said against Eddie’s shoulder, tears staining his shirt. “Thank you.”
“I love you, too, sweetheart.”
Eddie placed a kiss on Steve's temple, letting his lips linger for a minute before pulling away.
“So we leave this weekend.”
Steve dropped his legs, immediately panicking about the trip.
“What? What about work? I have so much to do. How long will we be gone? I’m supposed to bring Dustin and Will to a show Sunday. Oh no. I don’t even have a bathing suit. There’s a pool at the hotel right?”
Eddie kissed him, effectively shutting him up, though not quite quelling his panic.
“I’ve already arranged all that. Mike got his license and got permission to drive them. Robin got you off the schedule. There’s a bathing suit in the bag I’ve been packing slowly for weeks.”
“Oh my God, that’s what you’ve been doing. I’ve been standing here waiting for my hello kiss while you secretly pack things for a surprise trip to Disney World. I’m so stupid.”
“Hey. None of that.”
Steve nodded once distractedly. Yeah, yeah, no talking negatively about his own intelligence or whatever they all made him agree to.
“When were you gonna tell me? When we were on the plane?”
“As if you would have arrived at an airport without asking me ten million questions,” Eddie rolled his eyes. “I was gonna tell you tomorrow night at dinner. Will even made this card that had clues inside.”
“Shit, I ruined it.”
“Sweetheart, no. It’s okay. I won’t tell Will. You can still keep the card. It’s a really cool design. He made Disney World look like a D&D game, said you’d probably not get all of it, but thought it was cool. It is, and I think I want him to design a tattoo for me when we get back, but I may have to call the shop in Indy I go to and –”
It was Steve’s turn to cut off his rambling with a kiss.
“I can’t wait to go with you. I can’t believe you would want to.”
“I’d go anywhere with you, you know that.”
“Yeah, I guess I do.”
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blueberrylixie · 1 year ago
yes, professor
part one of the yes series
to read part two, yes, sir, click here !
professor changbin x fem! student reader 
word count: 9,903
content warnings: oral sex (m and f receiving), vaginal penetration, pussy job, fingering, overstimulation, unprotected sex, creampie (use protection kids!), professor kink, pet names (princess, angel, baby), light degradation (bin calls her a slut mostly), spanking with hand and a ruler, classroom sex.
let me know if i missed anything in this one-shot bc i tend to miss stuff! if you want to skip to the smut, scroll to the white heart divider!
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Your first day of your last year of college was already off to a bad start. 
Not only was it already eighty-eight degrees out at only ten in the morning, but you had tripped and fallen on your way out of your dorm, and skinned your knee. The cut still hurt like a bitch, even as you traipsed the fifteen minutes to your first class of the day. 
And that was really the cherry on top of this miserable summer day. You had to attend your first and only college math class. And you were absolute shit at math.
If you had your way, you wouldn’t be taking this course at all. Not only were you bad at the subject, but you hated it. You wanted to become a technical writer, which 90% of the time didn’t actually require you to know any math. Writing? Love. Science? Fine. Even history was passable, Cs get degrees and all that. But math, for lack of better words, was the bane of your existence. You even struggled to pass back in high school. 
So no one could blame you for putting off this class until practically the last second. You didn’t want this to be your very last course before graduation, because that would be absolute torture. So you buckled in to take it your fall semester instead.
And oh how you were regretting it. 
Now, you stood outside the classroom. The little window on the door was covered with white paper, so you couldn’t see inside. If you could, you would probably have run away. 
Instead, you steeled yourself, straightened your shoulders, took a deep breath, and pushed it open. 
You had arrived a few minutes early, a little later than you usually were to other classes. You had admittedly stalled back at your dorm for as long as possible, knowing what was in store. 
You took a seat in the second row, a few seats away from a quiet-looking guy with dark hair. You pulled a notebook and pencil out of your backpack, before looking up at the front of the room.
And that was when you saw him.
He was standing facing away from you, writing something on the chalkboard. He wasn’t very tall, but he was incredibly built. His broad shoulders flexed in that navy blue button-up as he wrote, and you couldn’t help but check him out. His movements were confident and sure, like he knew he belonged up there. 
You’d never had a hot professor before. Maybe that was about to change.
Of course, he could have an unattractive face, you reminded yourself. Or even worse, a shitty personality. Just because he was ripped didn’t mean he was hot.
Then, he turned around.
Dear God. Your heart rate picked up immediately, your chest contracting as you gazed upon him rapturously. You didn't want to look behind you to see if anyone else felt the same way. There was no way they didn't. 
His dark hair was styled casually, wavy bangs sweeping across his forehead. He had kind, intelligent, yet humorous eyes, adorned with thick-framed black glasses, and small but full lips. Your eyes kept zeroing in on them, and you found yourself wondering what they would feel like against yours.
You shook your head, instantly clearing that thought from your mind. You could not be imagining your professor in that way. Even if he was young, maybe five years older than you at the most. You could not think about him like that. You were terrible enough at math as it was, and you couldn't afford to get distracted.
But when he smiled at the class, your mind went blank, forgetting your little pep talk. God, how could a man look so fine by simply existing?
“Good morning, class,” he said, pointing up at the board. My name is-“
Seo Changbin. 
You read the two words, written in a rushed, messy scrawl. You almost mouthed his name, wanting to feel what it was like to say it. But you kept your mouth shut. 
“My name is Seo Changbin, and I’m your professor this semester,” he continued. “This is a mid-level calculus class, so if that’s not what you’re here for, then you should probably leave now.”
You inwardly sighed. Taking a mid-level math class when you hadn’t taken math in four years seemed dangerous. And honestly, in any other situation, you might have hopped up and left, off to find the easiest possible course the school offered.
But how could you pass up the chance to be around this absolute specimen of a man for an entire semester?
So you stayed put.
“Good.” Changbin moved his hair out of his face, and you watched with a fervor you never thought possible. If your friends could see you, they would call you a simp. For this man, hell yes you were. 
“Now, I’ll be coming around with the syllabus.” He held up a stack of papers. “We’ll go over it, and then jump into the first lesson. Don’t worry, it’s nothing crazy. Yet.” He smirked, and your breath stuttered in your throat. Every time you assumed he couldn’t get any hotter, he inevitably did.
He started making his way up and down the rows of students, handing them the small syllabus. He greeted a few who he must have known from a previous course, asking them how their summer was. 
So he was an attentive teacher, too. Dammit.
Finally, he reached you. When your eyes met, just the hint of a smile graced those perfect lips. You held his gaze, unable to look away. Your entire body was on fire, and you crossed your legs in what you hoped was a casual manner. 
For a split second, you could have sworn his eyes flicked up and down your body, once, checking you out. But it was so fast, you couldn’t tell. Your face was so hot, you couldn’t think straight.
“And what’s your name?” he asked, coming to a stop in front of you. 
As you introduced yourself, he took a step nearer, leaning down. He wasn’t even that close, but you instantly felt the need to pull him to you. You weren’t sure if he felt it too, but the energy between you was magnetic. 
“Are you new here?” he asked curiously. “I’ve never seen you in my class before.”
“No, I don’t usually take math classes,” you responded. “This is my first and only one, actually. I’m an English major, but it was required.”
“So you’re a senior?” he chuckled. “Waited till the last possible minute to join us, did you?”
You shrugged, embarrassment threatening to overwhelm you. But you didn’t let it show, simply shrugging and smiling at him. “Math isn’t my thing.”
“Well, hopefully I can change that,” he grinned, handing you a syllabus. “Welcome.”
As he started class, you became enthralled with how knowledgeable he was. While most everything went over your head, you found yourself wanting to understand what he was saying. You wanted to impress him, wanted him to be proud of you. So while you would usually space out and succumb to boredom, you actually read the syllabus in its entirety, and took vigorous notes. Even if it was boring, you wanted to hear every word that came out of Changbin’s mouth.
When class was over, and you were packing up, Changbin walked over to the desks, saying goodbye to some of the students. You ignored him, not wanting to come off as too eager.
“It was nice to meet you, Miss English Major,” Changbin said, and you looked up, shocked that he remembered anything about you.
You glowered at him, rolling your eyes playfully. “Is that all you’re going to refer to me as from now on?” you teased.
He shrugged, straightening his shirt and smiling. “Once I get to know you, I’m sure I’ll refer to you as something else. For now, have a good day, Miss English Major.”
Two weeks passed uneventfully. 
Changbin’s calculus class had started ramping up, and you were barely surviving. Everything was very confusing, and you found yourself blacking out for most of class just staring at your hot professor, instead of learning. All your other courses were a breeze, which left you tons of time to focus on failing to understand basic math. 
You and Changbin had continued to talk, a little bit every day after class. He would ask you about your other courses, mostly about writing and all kinds of grammar. He seemed genuinely interested in you and your life, which was so opposite from any other teacher. He even wanted to know about your personal life, like your family and friends. You told him everything. Except the fact that your friends were dying to meet your aforementioned “hot professor”. It felt nice knowing that he supported you, even if you were inevitably going to fail his class.
You fell into a nice groove, of sorts. You would act cool, funny, even effortless, to his face, and when you got back to your dorm, when none of your roommates were back yet, you would touch yourself to the thought of him. Fantasizing about his rough, strong hands holding your thighs open as he ate you out, or him caging you in between his huge arms as he pounded into you from behind. You couldn’t help it, you were infatuated by him. You wanted him, no matter how terrible you were doing in his class.
All that changed on the Monday of your third week.
“Next week, we’re having our first test,” Changbin announced as he stood at the front of the room. He turned on the projector to display a PowerPoint presentation with information about the test.
It would be thirty percent of your overall grade. One test?? Thirty percent??
You felt your mouth hanging open as you stared up at the screen, then down at Changbin. How could such a kind, handsome man do this to you? Was he trying to make you fail?
Changbin met your eyes, and a smile graced his lips. You snapped your mouth shut, feeling your face warm. He definitely just saw you gaping at him like a fish. Totally smooth.
“I know some of you may be worried, and some of you may not,” he said. “And if you’re one of the former, I would love for you to stay after class and talk to me about it. I know you all have the ability to pass this test. Every answer to every question is in your notes. Study those as hard as you can, and you’ll be more than fine.”
You could feel your heart rate picking up as you thought back on the dozens of pages of notes you’d taken over the past four classes. You couldn’t think  of anything that made sense. How were you supposed to take a test and pass? Let alone one that was worth so much of your grade?
For the rest of the lecture, you could scarcely pay attention as you continued to spiral. Clearly, you should have just taken a different class, hot teacher be damned. To be fair, you hadn’t expected the class to be this hard. 
As the class ended, you started packing up in a daze. You had a morphology course - one of your favorites - next, but you were thinking about skipping it so you could study for this test instead. Even a week straight of studying probably wouldn’t be enough for you to pass, so you needed all the time you could get.
You were so wrapped up in your thoughts that you didn’t even notice someone calling your name, over and over again.
“Miss English Major! Miss!” Changbin finally called, and your head whipped around to face him, your cheeks warming at the nickname.
“I-sorry, what’s up?” You stumbled over your words, trying not to look completely flustered. From his look of understanding, you knew you had failed.
“Would you like to study with me tonight?” he asked gently, approaching your desk. 
“Ah, why would you think I need extra studying?” you asked quickly.
“I have eyes,” he said with a quiet laugh. “And you look like you’re about to pass out. Really, the test isn’t going to be hard. But like I said earlier, I’m more than willing to tutor any student who needs help. I have the time.”
You sighed. “Am I really that obvious? Or do I just look like an idiot?”
Changbin shrugged, moving so he stood in front of you. “I can tell you’re really smart. You just don’t believe in yourself. So… I’ll see you at six tonight? I’ll bring donuts?”
You relented, grinning. “If you bring glazed donuts, I’m in.”
“Are there any other kinds?” he winked. “See you tonight.”
Oh, you were so done for.
You arrived at 5:55pm, terrified of being late, or wasting Changbin’s time. You assumed he was so busy already, and you didn’t want him waiting on you.
Seeing as he wasn’t there yet, you just stood awkwardly at the side of the room, unsure if you should pull up a seat by his desk, or just wait for him.
He arrived a few minutes later, carrying a cardboard box from the campus donut shop. Your heart leaped when you saw him, dressed in a casual black t-shirt, zip-up hoodie, and jeans. He would have fit right in as a student. 
“Oh, you’re already here.” Changbin grinned at you, and your face heated. He was so hot when he smiled. 
“I’m always on time,” you pointed out.
“You’re always late to my class,” Changbin chuckled, shaking his head.
“Maybe it’s because I don’t like your class,” you countered.
“Ouch.” He came to sit at his desk. “Here, sit with me.” He motioned to the chair next to his. 
“So, what would you like more help with?” He asked when you got settled.
You sighed. “What don’t I need help with?”
He frowned, tilting his head. “Am I really that bad of a teacher?”
“No!” you said hurriedly. “Math just really isn’t my thing. I probably made a mistake taking a mid-level class. Everything is just really over my head. It’s not your fault.”
“Well, we can start from the beginning,” Changbin conceded. He glanced down at your notebook, which was covered in your neat but hurried scrawl, and even a few shitty doodles at the top of each page. “May I?” he asked, pointing at them.
You nodded, pushing them towards him. 
He took it, and flipped back to the beginning. “You’ve taken really thorough notes,” he complimented, and you blushed. At least you were doing something right.
“I’m trying to pay attention to you.” You smiled weakly.
Changbin started pointing at things in your notes, trying to explain them as thoroughly as possible. You had to admit, he was very good at dumbing down every concept, and even gave you examples of when they might be used in the real world. That tended to be your struggle with math. None of it made any practical sense, it was so abstract. At least with words, they always correlated to a real-world thing, or concept. Math was filled with what-ifs, and you hated that.
As he pointed at your notes, he moved closer and closer to you, his arm brushing yours. Your skin tingled from the touch, almost desperate to feel more of him. His arms were so firm, entirely made of muscle. Of course, you had known that from hours of staring at him. But being this close to him, getting to touch him, was intoxicating, making your mouth water. If only you could reach out and-
“Are you even listening to me?” Changbin’s voice snapped you out of your lusting. 
“Yes! I was just uhh…” you paused, unsure what to say.
He raised an eyebrow at you, pushing his glasses higher up his nose. 
“Ah, no I wasn’t. I’m sorry.” You ducked your head, unable to meet his gaze.
He turned his chair to face yours. “I’m sorry, this is all probably way too much all at once. I should have realized that,” he apologized. “Maybe we should take a five? Then we’ll get back into it.”
You brightened, nodding quickly. “Yeah, that would be great.”
He grinned, sitting back in his chair. “You’re nothing like my usual math students, you know.”
You raised your brows at him. “That sounds like a badly veiled insult, Professor Seo.”
His eyes darkened for a moment at the way you said his name, but he seemed to shake it off immediately. “No, it’s just an observation. You’re very different.”
“How?” Your eyes drifted over to the box of donuts, which sat untouched next to you.
He shook his head at you. “Because of stuff like that. You’re very easily distracted. Just have one, or I’ll never get your attention back.”
You smiled apologetically, before tearing the box open and grabbing a glazed donut. “I can’t believe you actually brought these for me.”
“For you??” Changbin exclaimed. “Nah, I wanted them. You were just an excuse. Pass one here.”
You glared, taking a bite. “Okay that’s rude. I would think you cared more about your struggling student.” You handed him a donut.
He laughed at that before taking a bite too. “Of course I care about you.”
You gazed into his eyes, watching the way his throat moved as he swallowed. Your eyes flickered back up to his, wondering if there might, just might, be a hidden meaning behind that. 
Before you could stop yourself, or fully process what you were doing, you felt yourself moving imperceptibly closer to him, like there was an invisible force pulling you. 
Your face was a mere foot away from his, your eyes remaining locked with his. “How else am I different from the others, Professor?”
He groaned, a low sound deep in his throat, and you saw a flame flicker to life in his eyes. A flame of desire, you wondered? Did he want you just as badly as you wanted him? Had he thought about you in the same way you thought about him? Your stomach twisted with desire, hot and potent. 
Your hand reached out to grip his thigh, desperate to touch him. But before you could make contact, his hand grabbed your wrist, stopping you.
“What-“ you began.
“We can’t do this,” he said. His voice was quiet, but firm. 
“What are you…?” you trailed off, your heart thudding so hard your head hurt. Was he rejecting you right now? After that almost animalistic noise came from him, just by making eye contact?  A noise that would most definitely be used to fuel your nightly desires? “But you were just flirting with me!”
“I was,” he paused, licking his lips. You wanted to know what that tongue tasted like. “But I can’t. You’re my student, and it was incredibly unprofessional of me. I’m sorry.”
You pulled your hand from his grip, moving your chair away from him, fighting to keep your voice steady. “Yes, you’re right. Let’s continue studying.”
“Okay.” Changbin nodded, picking up your notebook again. “Onto lesson two.”
You continued the study session for another hour, before bidding him farewell. He promised that he would continue to help you study for two hours every night, and you agreed. He also demanded that you take the rest of the donuts home, but you refused. It felt wrong, somehow, to take something from him. 
You walked back to your dorm, body burning with shame.
For the rest of the week, you dutifully attended each study session with Changbin, carefully avoiding any kind of physical closeness with him. You knew that if you got near him again, you wouldn’t be able to control yourself. 
Your thoughts were plagued by images of him. The way he smirked playfully at you when you got a question wrong, the glimmer of pride in his eyes when you got one right. His strong arms as he leaned over your notes, and his tight ass and muscular legs when he stood in front of the chalkboard to write every morning, or give lectures. 
No matter how hard you tried to ignore your growing feelings for him, you couldn’t help it. Every night, you found yourself desperately touching yourself to the thought of him doing unspeakable things to you, imagining it was him ravaging you instead of your vibrator. Him straddling you from above as he pounded into you with that thick cock, instead of your fingers. At this point, you knew it would never happen, but the forbidden, risky aspect turned you on even more.
Finally, the day of the test had arrived. Your heart had been racing with adrenaline. The night before, you had left this very classroom, saying goodnight to Changbin before cramming even more. 
“Good luck, Miss.” He’d smiled at you on your way out.
“Thanks, I’m really gonna need it,” you had replied.
“No you don’t,” Changbin said as you left.
The test had been shockingly easy. You weren’t sure if it was because Changbin purposely made the questions simpler than usual, or if his study sessions really had helped. But you whizzed through that test like never before. It gave you hope that maybe, just maybe, you weren’t absolute shit at math after all.
Now, Changbin was passing out the test results. You hoped your gut instinct that you’d done well was right.
He placed the test on your desk, shooting you a faint smile.
“Well done, Miss English Major,” he whispered, so quiet you could barely hear him.
You peeked at the top right corner, almost afraid of what it said. 
Your head whipped around to face Changbin, who was now a couple of desks down. 
Holy shit. Not only had you passed, but you passed with an A! How was that possible??
You wanted to run over to him and leap into his arms, but you had to hold yourself back. No one, including Changbin, wanted that.
You would wait until the end of class to celebrate.
As you packed up your bags, Changbin cleared his throat. 
You looked up to see him motioning you towards him. Of course, you couldn’t help but obey.
After the other students had left, you approached him, a huge smile plastered across your face.
“I passed!” you exclaimed, suddenly breathless. “I-I can’t believe it! Thank you.”
He shook his head, unable to hide his smile. “It was all you. You studied harder than I’ve ever seen any student do before. You earned it.”
Before you could stop yourself, you wrapped your arms around his midsection and hugged him.
“Seriously, thank you,” you said quietly. “I’ve never gotten an A on a math test, ever.”
Changbin laughed, and for a split second you thought he was going to hug you back. His arms raised to grab your waist, and your heart thudded in anticipation. You had thought about what it would feel like to be in Changbin’s arms countless times.
But instead, he pushed you away. His movements were gentle, respectful even, like he didn’t want to hurt your feelings.
It did quite the opposite. It stung more to know that he wasn’t an asshole who just wanted a girl's attention, but he thought he was doing the right thing in rejecting you for a second time.
“Well… thanks again,” you said lamely, moving away from him. “I’ll see you next week.”
You practically ran out of the room, tears stinging your eyes. You wouldn’t let yourself get hurt again.
Changbin stood at the front of his classroom, preparing for that day’s lesson. It was two months into the semester, and about time for another test. The last one had been almost a month and a half ago, and his students were beginning to get complacent. It was his job to make sure they didn’t get too comfortable.
It had also been about a month and a half since he’d properly talked to you. Ever since you had thanked him for all his help on that first math test, you had avoided him. 
He wished you wouldn’t. But you were right to. He would have done the same thing if roles were reversed.
He had rejected you, twice. Those glorious five days tutoring you were some of the best times he’d had in his entire three years as a professor. He’d never met someone half as bright, witty, or funny as you. 
Or as beautiful. 
Let’s be real, fucking sexy.
That first day of class, when he’d turned around and met your gaze, still stuck with him. Those curious yet guarded eyes of yours instantly drew him in, and he’d had to inwardly slap himself just to focus on his job. He’d never let anyone distract him from work before, let alone one of his students. He’d worked hard to get where he was, and ever since he got the job, he’d made a promise to himself never to date a student. From watching his colleagues, it never ended well.
And no one had ever made him question that promise. Until you.
Everything about you intoxicated him. The way you rolled your eyes at his cringey jokes, that little crease in your left eyebrow when you were focusing extra hard, the dimple on your left cheek when you smiled. Your determination to be good at whatever you put your mind to. And something he hadn’t expected: your desire to please him. 
In a strictly professional sense, of course. Or so he convinced himself. Until you two had almost kissed. And he’d told you no. That had to be in the top five of his stupidest moments, and he had a lot of those.
For that whole week, he’d found himself wishing that you would try again. He couldn’t stop thinking about you. When he went home to his empty apartment, he found solace in his hand, thoughts solely on you. About the way it would feel if it was your hand instead of his, gripping his shaft as you stroked him up and down, those nimble fingers knowing exactly where to place more pressure, where to be gentle. That pretty mouth of yours wrapped around him, taking his thick cock to the hilt. And he would cum to the thought of you, knowing that he couldn’t have you.
Even when you hugged him after the test, he still rebuffed your advances. Why? What the hell was wrong with him? He wanted you, you wanted him. It was legal, you were both adults. And yet, he had still rejected you. 
He still thought about you, obsessively so. The more he came to the fantasy of you, the more he became reliant on your presence, craved it, really. He looked forward to seeing you everyday in class, even if you didn’t speak a word to, or barely looked at him. But your beautiful self walking to his class by yourself, gave him a sense of security.
Today, he arrived at class, eagerly awaiting your presence. When he turned around to face the door, slightly concerned because even two minutes into class, you hadn’t arrived, his stomach quite literally dropped.
Because you weren’t alone. 
Hwang Hyunjin was the smoothest man alive.
You’d noticed him sitting a few seats away from you since the first day of class. He was incredibly smart, but tended to keep his mouth shut. He was always busy writing or drawing something on his notes instead of paying attention, and when you weren’t busy staring at Changbin, you found yourself watching him instead.
The two of you had been paired up for a class discussion, and he mentioned that he loved art. Being the creative that you were, you asked him what he liked to draw, and he showed you some of the doodles he did during class. They were good, really good. 
When he asked you out for coffee a month into the semester, you’d had no choice but to say yes. And you had a great time. 
It was clear that Changbin had no interest in you, so who could blame you for wanting to spend time with another hot guy? Who cared if you still thought about him in the privacy of your dorm, late at night? That was just a phase. Every college girl had a crush on her professor at some point, right? 
You and Hyunjin weren’t really seeing each other, it was casual. So you had never come to class together, or showed any sign that you were interested in each other.
Until today. 
Hyunjin had walked you to class, after treating you to coffee. You were even later than usual, but you found that you didn’t mind.
But when you walked into the classroom, and Hyunjin suddenly grabbed your hand, it was clear that someone minded. They minded a hell of a lot.
Changbin’s eyes seared into the two of you, his gaze roaming over both your and Hyunjin’s faces, before landing on your connected hands. His jaw clenched and unclenched, a vein ticking in his forehead, but he stayed quiet. His fists were pulled tight at his sides, those huge arms flexing in a most mesmerizing way. You couldn’t help but stare. Was there the potential that he was… jealous? 
Of you. Being with another guy.
Before you could think about it further, Changbin cleared his throat, and Hyunjin sat next to you for the first time that semester. 
You should feel giddy that this gorgeous man was sitting with you, but you couldn’t pay attention to anything, except your stud of a professor glaring at Hyunjin like he wanted him to disappear. 
“Today, we’re going to be discussing next week’s test,” Changbin ground out, his teeth gritted so hard you could hear them scraping against one another. “Mister Hwang, do you remember what our first unit after last month’s test was?”
Hyunjin paused next to you, brows furrowed. How was he supposed to remember what you’d learned over a month ago, off the top of his head?
“No Professor, I don’t,” he said evenly. “If I could just check my notes-“
“No, you may not,” Changbin snarled, his eyes narrowed as he stared Hyunjin down. “Clearly, you weren’t paying close enough attention.”
“Professor!” you exclaimed, blood pounding. Why was he targeting Hyunjin all of a sudden? You thought he liked Hyunjin.
“What?” Changbin sneered. “Trying to protect your boyfriend?”
“Just don’t.” You rolled your eyes, looking away from him. 
For the rest of the class, Changbin continued to pick on Hyunjin, calling on him for the hardest review questions, and actually laughing at him when he couldn’t remember.
Finally, when class was over, the two of you made to leave. 
“Miss, please stay behind,” Changbin practically growled, gaze hot on your back.
“Will you be okay?” Hyunjin asked, glancing between the two of you.
You nodded. “Yeah, don’t worry about me. I’ll see you later.”
Hyunjin followed the rest of the class out, casting one last look back at you.
You stood behind your desk, staring at Changbin. He stared back at you, expression unreadable. Was he upset? Of course he was. He wasn’t very good at hiding that during class. 
He walked to the door and slammed it shut, the force startling you. But when he clicked the lock in place, your chest seized up. What was he doing? 
“Come here.” His voice was soft, yet you could hear him clearly. His face looked calm, but you could see the fire in his eyes as he gazed at you. Your breath caught in your throat as you wordlessly obeyed, coming to stand in front of him.
Was this really going to happen? Was he-
Before you could formulate a proper prediction, his lips were on yours. His hands fumbled at your waist with a desperation you didn’t expect, even in your dirtiest fantasies. He picked you up, grabbing your ass roughly as his plush lips forced your mouth open, sucking and biting with enough pressure that would leave marks in the morning. 
“Fuck, I’ve wanted to do this for so long,” Changbin growled against you between kisses. Your hands slid into his hair, clinging to him as you kissed him back with equal strength. 
“What took you so damn long?” you gasped, pressing your tongue into his mouth and rolling your hips against him.
He groaned, the sound low and guttural, before setting you on his desk as gently as he could. He slid a finger under your tank top strap, pushing it down slowly, his gaze devouring your skin rapturously.
“I’ve been so good, so in control,” he breathed as if you were torturing him, his mouth coming to land against the shell of your ear. You shivered at the sensation. “Until today, when you decided to bring that poor Hwang boy along with you. What are you, boyfriend and girlfriend?”
You shook your head quickly. “N-no, it’s casual,” your voice shook despite yourself. “We’ve just been hanging out.”
“You like that he’s willing to give you attention when I wouldn’t?” He leaned down, nipping at your shoulder and collarbone. “Has he fucked you?”
You moaned softly, closing your eyes. “No, of course not,” you whispered. “And even if he had, why would you give a shit? I made a move on you, and you fucking rejected me, twice!”
Changbin let go of you, stepping back. For the first time, he looked embarrassed. Good, as he should. 
“I'm sorry, Princess.” He slid a hand down your arm, skating his fingers across your skin. “I thought I was making the right decision. But… I want you all to myself. Is that so bad?”
You glared at him. But no matter how long you tried to play hard to get, you knew damn well how this was going to end. You needed him too badly.
“Well, you better prove how much you want me, then.”
His mouth curled into a smirk, and your core dampened at the sight. “I thought you’d never ask.”
He pushed you back against his desk, shoving your legs apart, before tugging your denim shorts down your legs and ripping your panties clean in half.
“Changbin!” you gasped. Those were your nice panties, too.
“What? You won’t be needing them,” he smirked, holding them to his nose and inhaling a hungry breath, before tossing them away. “And from now on, you will call me Professor, not Changbin.”
You gaped at him for a moment, before you realized he was watching you expectantly.
“Y-yes… Professor,” you said weakly.
He smiled, kissing your cheek in an uncharacteristically tender way. “That’s my good girl. Now I’ll make you feel the best you’ve ever felt.”
He traveled down the length of your body, pressing kisses to your bare thighs as he went, admiring every inch of you. Your breaths came in short gasps as you laid in anticipation. You didn’t know much, but you were sure that Changbin was experienced when it came to sex.
As he gazed in appreciation at your soaked cunt, he tore his glasses off and set them on the desk, licking his lips. “Gonna need to get close and personal, huh Princess?”
Oh yeah, he was most definitely experienced. 
But nothing could prepare you for the sensation of Changbin’s tongue against your center. He pressed his mouth flat against your clit, swiping his tongue up and down in broad strokes. He covered your entire pussy with his warm, wet mouth before sucking and licking in earnest. 
“Holy shit, yes,” you gasped, your eyes widening as your hips jerked up against his movements.
He grabbed your waist to stop you, his tongue fucking in and out of your cunt as his lips pressed against the sensitive nerves above it. You moaned, your hand finding purchase in his hair as your vision sparked in and out, stars flashing before your eyes.
“Fuck, faster, please,” you begged, tugging his hair as you tried to pull him closer.
“What’s my name again, Princess?” he rasped against your core, his voice interrupted by his continued slurping. 
“P-professor, please,” you whimpered, gazing at him with wide, pleading eyes.
“Fuck, how could I say no to you, Princess,” he snarled against you, yanking your legs open even further as his tongue moved impossibly faster, two of his fingers sliding into your pussy, adding even more squelching sounds to the mix.
The addition of his fingers nearly sent you spinning over the edge, your free hand gripping the side of his desk as your legs shook, your thighs trying to squeeze his head.
“Stay nice and spread for me, Angel,” he sucked hard on your clit, and you sobbed his name over and over, clutching at him like your life depended on it, your entire body vibrating.
“Professor, I-I’m gonna cum, please let me cum!” you begged, squeezing your eyes shut as you ground your hips up against him, this time Changbin allowing you.
“Cum for me, Princess, let me hear you,” Changbin ordered, pressing his tongue in just the right way against your throbbing pussy.
With a strangled cry, you rode out your orgasm against his mouth and fingers as he thrusted them in harder and harder, working you through your release as you crested the peak and came tumbling over, your whole body falling onto the desk in a trembling, sobbing mess.
“Was that good enough for you, Princess?” Changbin licked his lips as he gazed at you smugly, coming to his feet and gazing down at you.
You rolled your eyes, standing up to meet his eyes properly. “It was amazing, Professor,” you murmured against his lips, before kissing him forcefully. The taste of you lingered on his lips.
He kissed you back hungrily, his fingers traveling back between your legs to rub your clit gently, his tongue slipping into your mouth. You licked his bottom lip, grinding against his fingers as you moaned into him. 
“Let me return the favor,” you whispered, pushing him against the desk this time, before kneeling in front of him.
“Let’s just hope you’re better with your mouth than you are at math,” Changbin teased. But you could see the desire flaming in his gaze as he caressed your hair with a rough hand, fully pushing you down onto the floor.
“You don’t have to worry about that, Professor,” you said sweetly, and he groaned, eyes flickering shut.
“No more dawdling Angel, open up.”
You unzipped his black work pants, tugging them down to his knees. Even with his dark gray boxers on, you could tell he was huge, and already hard. Pulling his underwear off, his cock sprang free, angry and red, leaking precum.
Your eyes widened, and Changbin kicked his pants to the side, smirking down at you. 
“Big enough for you, Princess?”
“Perfect, Professor,” you breathed, gripping the base with one hand.
“Ah shit,” Changbin gritted his teeth, his hand already tangled in your hair. “Don’t make me wait too long, Princess. I’ve already been waiting for months.”
You giggled softly, sticking your tongue out and kitten licking the pretty pink tip. He was quite thick, so thick that your hand could barely fit around him. He was about seven inches long, with a pretty vein running along the right side. Your core throbbed at the sight, imagining how well he would fill you up. 
“Fuck,” he snarled, thrusting into your hand impatiently, a bead of precum dribbling onto your skin. “Are you asking me to punish you, Princess?”
You felt your core clench at his words, and you almost hoped he would just flip you over and spank you for disobeying him.
But that could happen later. Instead, you slid his entire length into your mouth, taking him so deep your nose hit his hips. Coarse brown hair tickled your face, and you shut your eyes. 
“Holy-“ Changbin choked out as you began sucking hard and fast, using your hand to rub the base where your mouth couldn’t reach. Your saliva instantly became sloppy, running down his cock and onto his waist.
“Oh fuck yeah, just like that,” he grunted, tugging your hair roughly as he thrust his hips against you, driving his cock further into your mouth. “I bet you just love being my little cockslut, don’t you Princess? You like me using you like this.”
“Mm,” you moaned, sending vibrations up his cock. He shuddered at the sensation, his huge, muscular legs flexing next to you. One of your hands gripped his thigh, the other squeezing his taut ass as you fucked your mouth up and down on him so he didn’t even have to move.
“Oh shit, you do know what you’re doing, don’t you, Slut?” He ran his hand through your hair, and you felt a tinge of pride shoot through you. A thin line of tears dotted your lash line and your jaw hurt, but you didn’t care. He was impressed with you, and that was all that mattered. 
“Only for you, Professor,” you gasped as you took a quick breath, before sliding him back into your mouth. Your hands moved to cup his balls, and he growled, loud and animalistic, against you.
“Fuck Angel, you’re such a good girl for your professor, aren’t you?” he moaned, pulling your hair into two makeshift ponytails as he started fucking against you in earnest.
You started to choke on his harsh ministrations, but you didn’t want him to stop. Your core was so wet, arousal was dripping onto the ground. 
“I’m gonna cum, Princess,” Changbin growled, as his hips stilled. “But I don’t want to cum in your mouth. I want to breed that little pussy of yours. How does that sound?”
“I-it sounds amazing, Professor,” you breathed as you pulled his rock-hard cock out of your mouth.
He grinned, yanking you into another bruising kiss. “That’s my good little Cockslut,” he murmured, picking you up and setting you back on the desk. “This is exactly how I imagined fucking you for the first time. You look so beautiful lying there, all wet and ready for me.”
You whimpered softly, shooting a seductively innocent look at him.
“Fuck, do you know what you do to me, Angel?” He closed his eyes, his body trembling at the sight before him. “Even better than my imagination.”
“You’ve thought about me, Professor?” you said faux-shyly, grabbing his hand and placing it against your core.
“Of course I have, Princess,” Changbin chuckled, opening his eyes again as his fingers roamed over your clit gently. You shivered at his touch. “Who wouldn’t think about ruining a perfect girl like you?”
“I'm not a virgin, Professor,” you pointed out. 
“I know, but you’re perfect,” he responded, stepping closer. “Just look at you.”
“Professor?” you asked softly, gazing at him. “Can I ask just one thing?”
“Can you take your shirt off?”
Changbin’s eyes flickered in amusement. “Do you like my body, Princess?”
You nodded vigorously. “I love your body. I think about it all the time.”
“I like the sound of that,” he murmured, leaning over and pressing harsh kisses against your neck. “What do you think about?”
“Fuck me, then I’ll tell you,” you breathed against him, starting to undo his shirt buttons.
He tugged the shirt over his head hurriedly, before coming to hover over you again, those perfect, muscular arms of your dreams caging you in. You whimpered at the sensation alone, pulling him closer to you so you could grab his cock, stroking him a few times.
“Fuck yes, Princess,” Changbin choked out, before lining himself up outside of your core. “I need to be inside you right now.”
“I need you inside me too, Professor,” you begged, moving your hips back and forth against his hard cock, wet squelching sounds ensuing as his cock rubbed through your slit. You threw your head back at the overwhelming sensation, moaning into his shoulder.
“Fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he pulled your face up and kissed you once. Then, screwing up his eyes, he slid his entire cock into you in one harsh thrust.
“O-oh shit!” you cried, eyes widening and hands coming to grab his broad shoulders. He filled you perfectly, his girth stretching you deliciously, that vein rubbing against your walls just right. “Fuck Professor, you feel so good inside me.”
“God, you feel heavenly Princess,” he croaked, his voice hoarse. “Can I move? Please, tell me I can move.”
“Please move, now,” you gasped, fingernails digging into his back. “Don't be gentle with me, Professor. I can take it.”
“Yeah? We’ll see about that, Angel.” Before you could say anything else, he pulled all the way out, leaving you feeling incredibly empty, before thrusting back in with all his strength. 
You squealed, fingers scrambling for purchase against him, as he pounded in and out of your tight, wet pussy over and over, filthy noises filling the classroom. 
You whimpered against his neck, pressing harsh kisses against him as he thrusted in and out, balls slapping your pussy as he went harder and faster. His cock slammed against the spongy part inside of you, causing you to cry out and clench around him.
“Ah shit, Princess, ease up a bit!” he grunted, nipping your neck as his hips stuttered against yours.
“Y-you just feel so good,” you sobbed. “Please fuck me harder, don’t stop, please, Professor.”
Changbin listened, continuing to hit that sensitive spot over and over again until you were a babbling mess, unable to say anything except “Professor”.
“Fuck baby, can you stand?” Changbin demanded into your ear.
“Y-yes Professor,” you breathed, and before you could stop him, he was carrying you over to the chalkboard, and setting you down, so your face was towards the board, ass presented to him.
“Well shit, don't you look like a treat,” he whispered, slapping your ass with a calloused hand, before trapping you between his arms once more, his mouth against your neck. 
You gasped at the stinging sensation of his hand against your skin, but it wasn't fully because of the pain. Him slapping you felt good. What did you have to do for him to do it again?
His fingers traveled between your legs again, feeling the dripping wetness that gathered there. You felt him smirk against you.
“Did my Princess like it when I spanked her? Does she like it when she gets punished?”
You nodded vigorously, closing your eyes. Was he going to think you were disgusting for liking something so violent? 
Changbin started chuckling, and you glanced back at him. Did he find this funny?
“I might have underestimated you, Sweetheart,” his hands traveled up to your breasts and squeezed, making you squeal. “I guess you were right. You’re more of a whore than I thought.”
“N-no Professor, I’m a good girl,” you gasped, rubbing your ass against him as you begged for him to hit you again. “I just need you so bad, please.”
“You want me to hit you again?” Changbin snickered. “Okay, I can hit you again. Anything for my princess.”
He stepped away from you, leaving your skin cold. You missed his hulking presence warming you, his huge arms caging your body. 
You watched with wide eyes as he stepped back to his desk and picked something up. What was he doing? He couldn’t leave you hanging like this.
But when you saw what he had in his hand, you knew he very much was not leaving you hanging. He was just getting started.
“A ruler?” you said softly, staring at the wood strip in his hand. Your core pulsed at the sight, causing more arousal to slide down your thigh. Fuck, you wanted it.
“You said you wanted to get slapped, didn’t you, Princess?” he challenged.
You nodded, trying to hide your desire. If Changbin saw how much you needed this, he might deny you.
“Yes, Professor,” you responded, not moving from your position at the chalkboard.
“Good, Angel,” he approached you with a satisfied grin on his face. “So, are you ready for your test?”
“Test?!” you squeaked. You hadn’t expected that. You’d hoped he would just slap you with the ruler a few times, then fuck you silly.
“You’re going to have a math test in a few weeks, aren’t you?” He raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you want me to tutor you still?”
You nodded furiously. You would fail without him.
“Well, consider this our first session.” He came to stand behind you, running the ruler up and down your thigh a few times. 
You shivered despite yourself. You would do anything he wanted at this point.
“So, answer this problem, Princess. The axes of two right circular cylinders of radius A intersect at a right angle. Find the volume of the solid of intersection of the cylinders.”
You gasped at him, speechless. You had no idea what any of that meant. Solid of intersection? You were an English major, for god’s sake!
“I-I don’t know Professor!” you whispered, body quivering as you waited for his response.
Changbin tutted quietly, pacing back and forth behind you. You tried to watch him, but he kept going in and out of your line of sight.
“What a shame.” His voice was dangerously low. 
Suddenly, the ruler came slashing through the air, landing across the center of your ass. You let out a loud gasp, covering your mouth before you could curse or yell. 
“Chang- Professor, what the hell?” you exclaimed, whipping around to face him.
“Did that stir up any potential answers?” Changbin said smoothly, ignoring your protest. “Please turn back around, Angel. We're not done yet.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but you caught that steely look in his eyes, and obeyed. 
“Well?” he prompted. “Anything?”
“N-no, Professor,” you said meekly. “We haven’t learned anything half that difficult yet.”
This time, as the ruler made contact with your ass again, you were prepared. You bit your lip so hard it almost drew blood, but you had to admit, it felt… nice. The stinging sensation it left after the pain was gone was incredible. 
“Fine, if you can't come up with even a guess, how about this. What is the mathematical perception of the gradient said to be?”
You paused, thinking the question over. You knew Changbin had talked about this in a lesson at some point, but it had been a while ago…
“Is it tangent?” you said with a little smile. You knew the answer was wrong but… you also didn't mind.
“I’m sorry, Princess,” Changbin grinned, and the stinging pain of the ruler raced across your skin.
You let out a stifled moan, squeezing your eyes shut as hard as you could. Oh god, did Changbin hear that? He was going to think you were such a whore.
Changbin set the ruler down on his desk and slid a hand around your waist, breaths coming hard and fast against your neck. You whimpered softly, unable to look back at him. 
“I knew you liked that, you little Pain Slut,” he snarled into your ear, nipping the lobe. “You're my little Pain Slut, aren’t you?”
“Y-yes, only yours!” you exclaimed. “P-please Professor, fuck me again.”
“Mm, you're just insatiable aren’t you?” he snickered, his hand coming down onto your ass cheek, sharp and hard. “Now say thank you, Professor.”
You cried out, your core soaking wet. “Th-thank you Professor!” You forced out through the blinding pleasure.
His hand came down on your other cheek. “Again.”
“Thank you, Professor!” you moaned, turning your face to him and pressing your lips against his. 
He didn't pull away, as the hand he used to spank you wound around your leg, lifting it up so your body was still facing the chalkboard, but your lips were attached to his. 
“I’m gonna fuck you like this now, Angel, down and dirty. I’ll bet you like it like this, don't you? Seducing your poor professor, and letting him have his way with you in his classroom. That's exactly what you wanted, wasn't it?”
“No, I didn't mean to seduce you,” you mumbled against his mouth, as he positioned his hard, heavy cock outside your entrance. “You're just so hot and smart, and I wanted you so bad. But you kept rejecting me so I gave up, remember?”
“How do I know that little boyfriend wasn't just part of your plan to get me to change my mind?” Changbin challenged, finally breaking the kiss. 
“Well, if it was, it worked, didn't it?” You teased him. “Now are you going to fuck me or not?”
Changbin growled deep in his throat, thrusting his hips slowly against you, running his cock through your wet folds. “I’ll fuck you when I’m ready to fuck you, Princess. Not sure you deserve it, with all the stunts you’ve pulled. And you didn't even get that easy math problem right.”
You giggled softly. “If I get it right, will you fuck me properly? Nice and rough?”
He paused, like he was pondering the question. “Sure, Angel. What’s the right answer?”
You turned around, pressing your lips against his ear gently. You watched in satisfaction as he shivered. Thank god he was holding your leg up, or you would be numb by now. “It’s the slope,” you whispered to him, lips curling in a smile. You knew you were right.
“Mm, you knew the right answer the whole time, didnt you, Slut?” Changbin shook his head at you, a hungry glint in his eyes. “But you were a good girl, listening to your Professor so well. So I guess you get a reward.”
“Yes please, Professor.” You immediately started begging at the prospect of his cock inside of you. “Please fuck me now.”
“It takes a lot of self control to stay away from you,” Changbin groaned. “Self control that I clearly do not have.” 
This time, he thrusted into you nice and slow, one inch at a time. You gasped loudly as he shoved you up against the chalkboard, still holding your leg up, as he began pounding in and out of you mercilessly. 
“Fuck, this pussy was made for me, Angel,” he hissed into your hair, breathing deeply as he did so. “So tight and wet, squeezing me perfectly. You hear that? This pussy is all mine.”
“Yes, it’s all yours,” you wailed, fucking your hips back against his, forcing his cock to impale you to the hilt. “You feel so good inside of me, Professor.”
“Mm, hell yeah I do baby.” His huge arm wrapped all the way around your waist, trapping you entirely as he hammered in and out, the lewd sounds of his length thrusting turning you on even more.
“Fuck, Professor please touch me!” you begged, grabbing his arm that was holding your leg up and sliding it towards your clit. 
“You’re such a greedy little girl, aren’t you?” he sneered, pressing rough kisses up and down your collarbone, sucking harsh bruises along your soft skin. “I can’t deny you though, can I?”
His fingers slid over your sensitive nerves and rubbed in rushed, frantic circles as his hips pounded against yours, causing the entire chalkboard to shake and rattle. 
“O-oh yes Professor just like that,” you panted, your legs nearly failing as he turned your entire body to jelly. 
“Don't give up on me now, Princess,” Changbin warned as he spun you around and picked you up, not removing his cock from your throbbing pussy. “You don’t cum until I do, you hear?”
“Of course, Professor,” you whimpered helplessly, the new position hitting spots inside of you you hadn’t known even existed. “Please go harder!”
“Just for you, baby,” Changbin ground out, and he started bouncing you up and down on his huge length.
The vein on his cock slid against your nerves addictively as you wrapped your shaking legs around his waist, clinging to his beefy arms desperately. Your core throbbed as you tried to be a good girl and hold your orgasm back, but it was coming.
“Please Professor, let me cum!” you pleaded, pressing kisses up and down his huge pecs, sobbing into his chest. “I’m so close, I’ve been so good!”
Changbin grunted against you as he bullied his cock deeper and deeper into your cunt, hitting your g-spot over and over while you pleaded incoherently to please, please let you cum.
“Shit, okay, cum for me baby,” he hissed.
You didn't need to be asked twice. Your hips shook against him so violently you thought you were going to pass out. Stars blinked in and out of your vision as you cried, “Professor, please!” once, your pussy clenching around his cock like a vice, as he pounded his cock infinitely faster. His fingers pressed against your clit, and you were done for. You exploded around him in a puddle of whimpers and moans, clutching onto him for dear life.
“Holy shit baby, you’re so fucking hot,” Changbin panted, squeezing his eyes shut, his thrusts becoming more jerky and unstable. “I’m so fuckin’ close, Princess, gonna cum inside that slutty little pussy of yours, yeah?”
“Oh fuck, please give me your cum Professor!” you begged, moving your hips in time with his. “Want you to breed me like the good girl I am!”
“Fuck Angel, you really want it?” Changbin hissed, his hips stuttering as his lips smashed up against yours again. “You wanna feel my hot cum inside you?”
“Yes Professor, please, I need it,” you breathed against his mouth, biting his bottom lip and sucking it into your mouth. 
Changbin thrusted sloppily in and out a few more times, his breaths stilted and hoarse, before halting entirely inside of you. You felt his warm cum fill your pussy, ropes and ropes of hot, sticky liquid, and you let out a shaky moan, closing your eyes at the sensation.
As he was about to put you down and pull out, you shook your head, gripping his arms.
“P-please, stay inside.” Your legs tightened around his waist. His softening cock felt so good, keeping his warm cum inside you. You didn’t want him to let go, not yet.
“You like me cockwarming you, Princess?” Changbin’s cock stiffened at your actions, and you nodded.
“You feel so good inside of me,” you sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“I bet I do,” he said cockily, and you slapped his arm.
“Way to ruin the moment, Changbin,” you glared.
He laughed, finally letting go of you and setting you back on the ground. 
“I'm kidding, baby.” He pressed his lips against yours, much more tender this time. You melted against him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close. 
“I like the confidence.” You giggled against his lips, before breaking apart. “I should probably go. I've got another class in an hour, and I don’t want to walk in looking like this.”
“I wouldn't want that either,” Changbin observed. “You might get dress-coded. Or arrested.”
When you were both dressed and semi-cleaned up, you waved goodbye to Changbin.
Changbin waved back, a little smirk on that handsome face of his. 
“So, we on for another study session tonight?”
You smirked, biting your bottom lip before replying: “Yes, Professor.”
laska's note — wow, this one shot took me forever to finally finish! but i wanted it to be perfect you y'all, so i spent a long time figuring out the plot and exactly how i wanted everything to go. i really hope you enjoyed it, because i'm kinda proud of how this turned out. i'm sorry for the slow ass updates, but again it's just supposed to be for fun! hopefully i'll get some more content out soon. leave any comments about what you liked, i love reading them! until next time... 😏💋
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the-kr8tor · 1 year ago
hihi!! I hope you're having a great day and a new year!
I have a small fic request (u can take it any other forms u want, all up to you!) Can I request a fic where reader asked Hobie if he would rather elope instead of a normal wedding? Since he doesn't like the idea of getting marriage (My hc by the way). Eloping is still kinda like a wedding but just the two of them! No loud music, not alot of money spent etc etc! U can write on how they would do it!
(also I'd like to imagine this is them getting 'enganged' before having the twins HEEHHEHEHE) (i hope this isn't too much) (i would love to see on how you'd write this!!)
reader can be gn or FEM btw :)
Thank you for the adorable request 😘
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Brown/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 1.5k
Tags: No use Y/N, no specific description of the reader (r is mentioned wearing makeup though), lovestruck Hobie, FLUFF.
Hobie watches you sing with the band that's currently playing further away on stage. He dragged you out behind all the crowd so you could properly enjoy the concert without getting elbowed by someone. He doesn't mind standing that far from the stage since he gets to see you dance unabashedly when there aren't a lot of people this far back.
The music isn't that loud from where you're both standing, helping Hobie hear your singing, providing a front row seat to your very own concert. He thinks you deserve top billing from how you belt out the lyrics.
The strobe lights illuminate your face, lighting up your best features, add it up with the moonlight shining directly at you like your very own spotlight, he can't get his eyes off you, lips softly smiling, fondness seeping out from his pores.
You feel his stare before you feel his featherlight touch atop your arm, knuckles brushing on your skin, goosebumps spreading through them like fire.
Grinning at him, you wipe sweat off your brow, guessing the summer heat has probably melted all of your makeup, thinking that you look worse for wear.
“Yeah, Hobs?” He once hated that nickname but with you saying it, it might as well be his given name. He loves it if it's you who says it.
Hobie has never seen you look so beautiful even with your mascara running down your cheeks. He's seen you at your worst, loved you more through it, and will continue to love you through your best too.
He loops his pinky around yours, clammy hands meeting equally clammy skin. He blames the weather for the lack of physical affection, if it weren't for the heat he'd be embracing you like a boa constrictor, taking your breath away without devouring you for dinner of course.
“You okay? You look like you're about to pass out. Do you want to sit down for a minute?”
His next words shocks you both.
“I have no idea where we go from here.”
“What?” You chuckle nervously. Maybe you should've worn waterproof mascara. “What are you saying, Hobie?” You forgo his pinky, opting to hold both his hands instead.
Your frown tells him he should've thought this through.
“Sorry,” he laughs shakily, none of the usual Hobie charisma you're used to. “I meant, fuck this is hard.” he's sweating, why did he decide to wear leather vest and heavy boots in this heat? He blames the weather for his shortcomings.
Your heart falls in your stomach. “Are you��are you breaking up with me?” words barely strung together with your tongue tied up.
“What? No!” Hobie backtracks in a split second. “No, love, that's not what I meant.” shaking his head, he removes his hands from yours, deepening your frown.
In an attempt to fix his blunder, he cups your face, thumbs rubbing just under your eyes, spreading the dark ink all over your skin. He definitely needed to think it all through.
Tears start rolling down your cheeks, mascara running with the wetness, turning you into one of the heavy metal band mates that played a couple hours ago.
“Shit!” He roams his face around the concert hall, not knowing how to fix the situation.
“What did you really mean, Hobie?” You sob, balling his shirt in your hands tightly.
Hobie inhales and exhales, collecting his thoughts properly. “We're living together.”
“Uh huh.” You nod, confused.
“We clearly love each other.”
“You're just stating the obvious.” you pause your weeping when he groans in frustration. “What is happening?”
“I–” his next words surprises you more than him. “I wanna fuckin' marry you, love.”
You blink rapidly, tilting your head, utterly flabbergasted. “Huh?”
“That's what I meant with ‘I have no idea where we go from here.’” he sighs, facepalming, pursing his lips. “I want to take another step forward with you, but fuckin' hell I hate the bloody pomp and circumstance of it all.” A smile spreads across your face with every word he says.
Did he just ask for your hand in marriage?
“At the same time I don't think we have to marry just so people would know how committed we are to each other.” He's rambling and you smile wider through mascara filled tears. “Not to mention the fuckin' government knowing about all of it, seriously, why can't they just mind their own business about—”
“Hobs,” it's your turn to hold his face, he stops speaking, his chest heaving, eyes glued to you. “Let's elope then.” Hobie mentally conks himself right on the head for not thinking that. “just us, no two hundred guests, no thousands of pounds needed for the ceremony, no stuffy officiant. Just us and our vows.”
Hobie laughs at himself before he places his head on your shoulder, he can't believe he just asked you to spend the rest of your life with him.
Nosing your neck, he embraces you fully, swinging you slightly to the music that's definitely not for slow dancing. Holding on to him, you kiss his hairline, tracing it with your lips.
While Hobie recuperates from his blunder, you on the other hand feel like you're about to burst out of the seams, flooding the entire venue with your love for the man before you.
After the song ends and they announce the new act, with the roar of the crowd Hobie has one last thing to add.
“Let's do it now.” Hobie lifts his head, facing you in all your glory, heart shaped eyes staring at him affectionately, face aglow with so much love that Hobie can feel it flowing directly to his chest. “Let's elope right now, say our vows, we don't need an officiant to declare us married when the band corroded coffin works just as fine.”
“With a few hundred witnesses and a cover band as our wedding singers?” You loop your arms around his neck, linking your fingers together just to hold him closer. Nodding, you can't help but giggle. “Sure, let's do it right now.”
“You first.” Hobie thinks he chose right.
“Nu-huh, you asked, you go first.”
With a joking huff and a thumping heart, he eggs you on.
“I think the bride goes first.”
“Yeah? You've been to a ton of weddings?”
He laughs, the sound is better than the band playing in the background. And in that musky concert hall, underneath the stars and strobe lights, you do your vows.
“Okay, I'll go first.” You clear your throat, hands shaking not from nerves but from excitement. “I vow to always mend your wounds when you get home.” He smiles, eyes shining with unshed happy tears. “But I can't promise that I won't complain and nag you the entire time.”
Chuckling, you continue. “I vow to always be understanding, and to love you until I'm six feet under ground and even then I'd continue to love the shit out of you, Hobart Larry Brown. Even love your government name.”
Hobie can't help in anymore so he leans in but you stop him with your hand shielding your lips.
“You're horrible.” His words lack venom, all love and endearment pointed at you.
“I just vowed to love you unconditionally and you call me horrible?” Your words are muffled that he barely understood it. Yet he still pecks the top of your hand, to satisfy his need to kiss you. “You're not allowed to kiss me, not until we finish our vows.”
He rolls his eyes comically and you laugh. Your lips hurt from all the smiling.
Face hot, (not from the weather) you wipe his cheek free from sweat, leaving your hand to grasp his face. You hope it's enough to convey how utterly in love you are with him.
“My turn?”
Hobie inhales, he has fought a bunch of villains who wanted to end him but asking you if you want to marry him has him more terrified than facing green goblin. He's exhausted just from that. But he's more than ready to do this, to make his vows. It's only you isn't it? The love of his life who's currently staring at him warmly.
He's glad you agreed to elope, he can't imagine doing this in front of a hundred guests.
“I vow to always come home even when I'm beat up and bloodied. I'll crawl just to get to you.”
If your makeup wasn't ruined before it's properly ruined now with how much tears you're letting out. A few people look at you two weirdly.
“I vow to make time for you, I'd sacrifice sleep if you ask me.” He whispers the next line. “I'm serious. That's how much I love you.”
You laugh through the tears, gripping his collar, it might look like you're about to beat him up but you're actually holding back from snogging the shit out him.
“I promise to love you as long as you let me.” Hobie takes one of his rings off his finger, a favourite of his, a promise to you. The word wife slips his tongue and it has you almost fainting.
That got you and now you're sobbing your heart out. But after a beat, he lifts your face by your chin to let him look at you, he's right, he chose the right one.
“How does forever sound?” you manage to let out, lips still wobbly.
“Perfect. Forever sounds bloody perfect.” He leans once again, this time you don't stop him.
“You may kiss the sweaty bride.” You laugh and you kiss your husband.
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katyawriteswhump · 16 days ago
love and other catastrophes at the omega cafe 3.1/8
Thanks again for the lovely response to this fic... I am trying to get more ready as fast as I can without messing up 💚 This is posting in two parts today, to force me to stop tweaking the first half and get to a final proof on the rest!! ETA: Part 3.2 now up
Summary: Steve is a runaway Omega who gets a job at an Omega café, where he’s basically paid to curl up and purr in Alphas’ laps. It’s legal, and he earns a living, rents his own place. He’s getting along fine for a packless Omega. Then Alpha rockstar Eddie Munson turns up for an hour of ‘kitty’ petting, and shatters Steve’s fragile little world…
Rating: as flagged earlier, we're E now; No major warnings; Tags: omega steve, alpha eddie, a/b/o dynamics, fluff and angst, sexual content, self-touching, wet dreams 💚 
Chapter 1 on tumblr (also index post) Chapter 2 on tumblr On AO3
Steve passed the rest of the day in a kind of trance.
On the way home, he took a wrong turn on a walk from his bus stop he’d done a hundred times. By the time he got in, he was so flaked out there was no way he could eat.
Despite his usually tiptop levels of personal hygiene, it’d gotten to the stage where he barely wanted to wash. The idea of scrubbing away the teeniest hint of Eddie sickened him, and obviously, he wanted Eddie’s scent imprinted in his nest. Still, when Robin called and said she was coming over, he forced himself to shower. He scrubbed his skin red raw in places, without really knowing why.
When she arrived, she launched off about how she was totally over her crush on some girl, Nancy, who she’d met at book club. Finally, as he reheated two slices of home baked apple pie, she narrowed her eyes to inquisitorial slits.
“Steve, are you okay? You seem… feel…”
“Different?” Steve dumped two hot dishes on the breakfast bar. “Look, can you level with me? Do I smell different?”
“I mainly smell dessert.” She frowned, inhaling slowly: “I get peaches, that white-chocolatey yum that you insist is chamomile, all ruined by those diabolical chemicals they use at the café. Oh, and that papaya shower-gel on rollback at Walmart this week. Usual stuff. I’m a Beta, remember, I don’t pick that stuff up so well.”
“How about this?” He sat down beside her, and pulled her close, pretty much burying her nose in his hair.
“Mmmm, okay.  Most of it is definitely you…. but, yeah, there’s something else there.”
Something so potent and claiming that it'd torpedoed its way through Steve’s overzealous attempts to wash.
He ’fessed up.
Not about who Eddie was, in case Robin knew more than he wanted to hear. He simply told her about the hot Alpha, who he really liked.
“Robin, he came back three days in a row. I’ve never been so aware of an Alpha’s scent, and his, erm,”—the proximity of his big dick— “his Alpha-ness. I think he likes me too.”
He picked up the cream carton, started pouring it over his untouched pie.
“Before you go tits-over-ass,” said Robin, “do you reckon this sex-on-legs Alpha prince is willing to court you properly?”
“I don’t know, I… doubt it, I… oh shit!” Robin shot out a hand to grab the cream from him, before it flooded over the rim of the bowl. Wow, he couldn’t concentrate on anything.
“Steve, this is the risk you take working there. All the blockers and dampeners in the world can’t stop Alphas predating Omegas.”
“Predating? Christ, Robin! I mean, if he wanted sex, predatory or otherwise, he’d go… somewhere else.”
It was true! If Eddie wanted sex, he’d hire a sex worker. He could sleep with a groupie. Christ, the lead singer of some super-cool rock band could have anybody he chose.
Customers came to ‘Kitties’ to… cuddle kitties.
Yeah, maybe that’s what he came for initially, Harrington. Now he’s seen something he wants and…
Steve couldn’t decide if the logical conclusion of that sentence set him gasping with terror or preening with excitement.
“That’s NOT what’s happening here,” he told Robin, kinda forcefully.
“Isn’t it? Unless he’s gonna court you, he’s messing with you—wanting to chat like you’re besties, dropping by every day? I know, to an extent, you’re paid to be messed with. But at least there’s rules in that place to keep you safe. Has he flouted them yet?”
“No. He’s been a perfect gentleman.”
There was the weird foot massage. Oh, and he fed me cake, but neither of those are strictly against the rules.
“Riiiiight,” she said, swallowing a mouthful of pie. “So how did he get his scent so deep beneath your skin?”
Beneath Steve’s skin. Yeah, that’s exactly where Eddie was, and he wanted him so much deeper.
He stared at his untouched dessert. “He hasn’t tried it on, honestly. Tomorrow, tho’, he has kind of booked me. For the whole evening. In a private room.”
“Oh my God, Dingus!” She dumped her spoon down with a clang that set Steve squeaking. “You absolutely cannot go into work tomorrow. At this rate, you’ll form such an attachment you’ll be off for weeks with rejection sickness.”
“But the suppressants—”
“—appear less than useless with this guy! Listen, the soup kitchen is recruiting, paid Omega posts, helping in the kitchen and stuff…”
She kept talking. He zoned out. Surely he couldn’t get rejection sickness that quick? Plus, her soup kitchen idea was lousy. She always promised she’d protect him, and make sure nobody checked up on his identity. Jesus Christ, though, if the shit hit the fan, she’d be in the spray-zone too.
And even she didn’t know the entire story...
Thinking about it send Steve into a spiral of panic, eyes glazing, which Robin read as:
“See? You’ve gone all spacey.” She reached across, swiped her hand across his admittedly clammy brow. “That Alpha is making you ill already.”
“Fine, you win.” He pushed away his cream-drenched pie. “Look, let’s agree that both our love lives are monumental lost causes. Can we change the topic already?”
They snuggled for a while and played ‘Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp,’ on her phone. In the end, to get her off his back, he swore he’d call in sick the next day.
He felt like a complete douche for the lies and evasions. What choice did he have? He needed to get rid of her, to get a good night’s rest. Though, in the event, he tossed and turned right through to the small hours.
When he did sink into a shallow slumber… Holy crap!
Eddie was fucking him, ’course he was. He’d gotten Steve bent over the lower part of the cake counter, and he’s ramming into him with that Alpha dick, sending crockery crashing and brownies scattering.
Shame Steve knew it was a dream. Despite his fretful clenching and writhing—and a serious ‘call-911-before-I-drown’ flood of slick—he couldn’t feel Eddie really stretching him, satisfying him as he craved.
He’d had dreams like this before. It was always some rando Alpha grabbing him, throwing him down face-first, taking him roughly. His stupefied brain never bothered to give them a face.
Tonight, though, he struggled as hard to conjure Eddie’s face in his dream as he strove to feel that dick truly splitting him. He wanted to be stuffed, yeah.
More even than that, he wanted to stare into the fathomless depths of those gorgeous brown eyes. Have that abyss surge up and subsume him. He wanted Eddie’s mouth to devour his, till Eddie’s flavor was all he could taste. And he needed those firm lips to nibble along the line of his jaw, skating down the tenderest parts of his throat, till those gleaming fangs pierced him.
He didn’t care about the blood and the pain. He craved it as much as anything, because he wanted… He needed…
Then it got even better. He dreamed he was curled in a cosy little nest, with Eddie blanketed around him. He wept because he knew Eddie was going to fuck him lovingly, slickly and sweetly… Oh, and stuff him so deep, knot him so thoroughly, that they’d have to snuggle here for hours. Days!
As Steve drifted towards wakefulness, that empty feeling grew excruciating as his heat-cramps had been. He finally awoke properly to the sound of rain hammering against his window.
The bedclothes he’d soaked with sweat and slick were drenched too.
He slid his hand between his legs, inhaling sharply at how sensitive it all felt. His slit was beyond juicy, and he smelled himself—his Omega sweetness—stronger than in forever.
He’d played with himself before, had even gotten toys around, although the blockers repressed some of his sexual appetite. The mere echoes of his dream about Eddie ignited a tingling glow in his cunt. He stroked a couple of times, then dragged his hand out, held glistening fingers in front of his nose.
He giggled and returned to fingering himself, thumb toying with the hard little nub of his cocklet. He was half-tempted to go find that dildo.
Then he stopped mid-stroke.
He didn’t think he could endure the ‘little death’ feeling he’d get from bringing himself to climax alone. He briefly considered getting Eddie’s image up on his cell… but no. If he scrolled in the wrong direction, it could be catastrophic.
The last thing he wanted was to know about the ‘real’ Eddie Munson.
What if Eddie’s ‘nice guy’ persona was an act? What if those generous tips—that’d gotten Steve up-to-date on rent for the first time ever—were intended as a sweetener? Would he expect Steve to roll over tonight then be all, “So long, see ya, Honey.”
His gut told him otherwise. Tho’, really, wtf did his airhead Omega instincts know? He should simply try and enjoy his little crush without holding out too much hope. Or getting fired and seeing the precious little life he’d carved for himself come crashing down around his ears.
He climbed out of bed and stripped the sticky sheets. Good job he had intended to do his laundry today anyhow.
When he got to the café later—he forked out for a Lyft, because the rain would’ve wrecked his hair—it was humming with customers settling in for ‘kitty-kitted-up’ night. It was their only late opening of the week, and the vibe was always jazzier than usual. Even the soundtrack shifted from that loop of plinky movie songs to 80s and 90s hits.
As Steve hurried through, Kate Bush was hitting high notes even Chrissy could never dream of. One of the other kitties—wearing a ginger catsuit—was idly batting a ball of wool around a customer’s ankles.
While the rules remained the same, the kitties generally acted out more playful and fun. Rumor had it that Carol had once put on moves resembling a lap-dance for a particularly smexy Alpha. Tommy had apparently sulked for a week. Steve, meanwhile, had been squeamish about the whole costume thing at first. Then he’d learned to enjoy the attention.
Now, he wanted nobody’s attention but Eddie’s.
He found Chrissy in the back corridor, wearing a strappy tiger-print minidress that barely covered her panties. She held a compact mirror and was drawing on a black cat nose with eyebrow pencil. On spotting Steve, she bounced on her bare toes, setting the little bell on her kitty-collar jingling.
“Steve! I’m so jealous! Eddie is soooooo hot! And he’s soooo into you!”
“Yeah, but I haven’t listened to any of his songs yet. What if he sings like a muppet?”
She wrinkled her nose incredulously, “Steve! As if!”
He returned her hug then left her to her make-up. He’d arrived early for two reasons. Firstly, at home he’d started chewing his fingernails for the first time since fourth grade. Then something else had struck.
The back of the café was a total dump.
Where the hell could you entertain a rockstar who doubtless lived in the lap of luxury?
Chapter 3.2 on tumblr Chapter 3 on AO3
Thank you so very much for reading. If you enjoyed, every little like and reblog or comment means a lot to me so thank you💚
I am always happy to tag, pls let me know, or you can follow the tag #steddie omega cat cafe 💚
tags 💚🐈‍⬛💚 @disrespectedgoatman 💚 @bumblebeecuttlefishes
@katethetank 💚 @themoonagainstmers 💚 @chaotic-waffle 💚
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Some People Will Not Believe Me
If it's any consolation, this story slightly embarrasses me because it feels like some fake shit I'd tell younger me to hype myself up in an attempt to convince them it might be worth making it to adulthood.
So, I work in childcare. I interact with kids all the time and being a person who enjoys children's media tends to help me bond with my kids from time to time.
There is a little girl at my job named Violet.
Now, me being me, I asked if she liked A Series of Unfortunate Events because she's in the target age group for the series.
She says yes and that she is a big fan of Violet Baudelaire, though her parents don't really like her watching the Netflix series because they think it has scary subject matter (literally the point, but go off). I suggest the books to her and inform her that I myself have been a fan of the series since I was a little younger than her.
We bond a little over the series and then I physically watch her eyes drift down.
To my left ankle.
And, in spite of my tattoo being the book version rather than the Netflix version, she immediately recognizes it.
She proceeds with a suspicious squint in my direction.
And let me tell you the amount of dopamine and serotonin that rushed into my brain! I have been waiting forever to have a moment like this!
Truth be told, other children have recognized my tattoo and given me this look in passing. Usually in bookstores, once in a Pizza Hut, don't asked questions.
But none of them actually said anything or confronted me and I would never just walk up to some random child that doesn't have some form of relation to me.
But this child was one of my students. And she was certainly going to confront me about it.
And her name is Violet???
Hence begun the world's weirdest coincidence and playful rivalry I now have with a child as she has decided I must be her personal Firestarter Nemesis (all a game, all in good fun).
She has accused me of being Count Olaf to other students. (I even got to pull a "What eye tattoo?" once)
She taunts me that I'll never get away with my schemes.
She loves the Count Olaf impression I occasionally do with my students (I'm an art and drama teacher lol. Fun fact: Kids love when you commit to a bit and are slightly and jokingly mean i.e. "It's time to go home, hun" vs *looks at them bluntly* "Go home." Gotta be able to read your audience though)
Tell me why this child has walked into the facility with fake, giant hundred dollar bills two days in a row giving me a physical "fortune" to steal?
Gotta say I'm doing way better than Olaf because I've succeeded twice (again, all in good fun. She got it back after I got my gloating out of the way).
Point being, adulthood is fucking weird, but occasionally life lets your inner child have some fun.
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 9 months ago
Excessive Force : Tom Ludlow x Fem Nurse Reader (COLLAB W/ THE INCREDIBLE @johnwickb1tsch) - Chapter One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen
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TW: nsfw, angst
You wake up to the smell of bacon, coffee, and something sweet in the skillet.
Usually such a thing would mean you are dreaming, and you need to wake your ass up before you’re late for work. But you roll over to look into your tiny kitchen, finding a sight fit for Playgirl Magazine before your disbelieving eyes.
Dear Penthouse, I can’t believe this actually happened to me…
Detective Tom Ludlow is in your kitchen, making pancakes…in nothing but a towel around his trim waist. His dark hair is combed back, still wet from the shower. His broad shoulders are something to write home about–Kansas farm boys had nothing on this beautiful specimen of masculinity.
Had the night before even been real?
As though he senses your return to consciousness–or maybe the weight of your gawker’s stare upon him–he turns to look at you. “Morning, beautiful.”
You blink with surprise, because he is talking to you.
“Hi,” you greet, clever as ever, and goddammit but are you blushing?
“Whacha looking at?” he teases, spatula in hand. The very picture of domestic bliss. God help you, but in that moment you were 300 percent ready to put a ring on this man.
“Just…the most best thing I’ve ever seen,” you admit, knowing you’ll kick yourself for it later.
However, the smile he pays you, smug yet somehow gentle–it fries your brain entirely.
“Likewise, sweetheart.” He crosses the short space with a few long strides to press his lips to yours. “You like pancakes with blueberries?”
You’d bought the ingredients–and promptly stuck them in the cupboards–for just such a purpose, thinking that someday, when you had time, and weren’t bone fucking tired from working 12 hour shifts days in a row, you’d make a point to treat yourself.
Funny, how that never happened, until Tom Ludlow came around.
Here you are, getting emotional about blueberry fucking pancakes.
“Yes,” is the only answer you can muster, and he kisses you so sweetly that it curls your toes.
His soft smile down at you will be the death of you. “Sleep well?”
“Like a well-fucked rock,” you tell him, winning a bark of masculine laughter. 
“Likewise, beautiful. Definitely likewise.” He vacates the couch to flip his pancake. You continue to stare, still dumbfounded.
“Tom?” you ask, still struggling to wake up.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Did last night…actually happen?”
“Sure did. Don’t you remember driving to Vegas? We got the best Elvis in the building.”
You blink stupidly for a few moments, before registering his absolutely shit-eating grin.
“Very funny. And the joke would be on you, if you married me on a drunken lark.”
“Why?” he asks, seemingly amused by your discomfort.
“I told you. I’m a fucking mess.”
“Far as I can tell? You’re fucking perfect, and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.” 
You’re not really sure why this pithy little compliment brings tears to your eyes, your lip quivering. Only a beat later does he notice, and he rushes over again.
“Hey, hey, no crying, baby, I’m sorry. What’s wrong? I was just joking.”
You swipe at your eyes with the heels of your hands, embarrassed. “You’re just..so sweet, and I actually fucking believe you, when you say this shit, ok?”
He blinks, but god bless, it only takes him a moment to assess, and act. He presses his soft lips to yours, then his forehead to your forehead, as though he can will you to accept his declarations through osmosis. “Believe it,” he tells you. “It’s true…well. Not the Elvis bit. We can do that next weekend if you want.”
You know he’s joking…but it still doesn’t fail to utterly melt your insides. This man who manhandled and harrassed you has turned out to be the biggest fucking softy, and you just might lose your shit.
You’ve already cried in front of him too many times, though, so you play it off and act like what he’s saying is no big deal. “Really? I think I’d rather have Michael Jackson instead.” 
You wonder if he misses being married. If he fucked his wife like he’d fucked you last night…you can’t fathom stepping out on him. But then you also know, that sometimes cops can also be married to their jobs. It could make for a difficult threesome. You imagine going without him, while he was working an intense case, would be absolute hell.
Tom snorts. “Whatever floats my lady’s boat,” he answers, flipping another pancake onto the stack. He ports them to the table with a flourish. “Come eat, sweet girl. You gotta work today?”
“Later. Unfortunately.”
He sticks his full lip out in a pout that should be illegal on a grown ass man. “Then eat quickly, because I’m not done with you yet.” he informs you with a wicked smirk that causes a brand new flood between your already sticky thighs. 
He turns, that broad, tapered back on full display, to finish plating breakfast, and you can’t not watch the tight muscle in his butt shift in the thin towel. You get this sudden strange urge to sink your teeth into him and latch on, and wonder if ancient cavewomen bit their partners to lay claims. Because that’s what Tom Ludlow works on—the part of your spongy brain that developed before speech and theory—the part that wants to bite and howl. 
Evolution is a bitch. 
Oh no, he can cook. And cook good. The pancakes he sets in front of you, drizzled with honey and topped with fresh blueberries, taste like a fluffy heaven in your mouth. Even the coffee is splendid, done up blonde and sugary just the way you prefer. “Tom, damn,” you compliment between mouthfuls. “You went out to get blueberries?” It’s selfish, but the thought of him leaving you alone even to run out and grab something for you makes your insides twist uncomfortably. 
“Oh, no, I borrowed some from your neighbor.” 
Of course at that moment you have an entire mouthful of coffee that you almost spray on his bare, beautiful chest. “What?!” 
He adopts a bemused smile. “Very nice lady.”
“Please tell me you had more than just a towel on?” 
“Less, actually.” 
He bursts into laughter and the astonished look on your face. 
“I’m gonna kick your ass, Ludlow.” 
“She asked me something really interesting.” He wipes a little honey off your top lip and sucks it into his mouth, making you dumb enough to forget you’re annoyed. “She asked me if I’m the nightmare?” 
“I have no idea what she’s talking about.”
“You are a terrible little liar, you know that? I can see your tell from a mile away.” 
“Oh, what is it?” You smirk, shove a bite of pancake into your mouth. 
“You’re lucky I’m hungry,” he threatens, playful and promising, sending a thrill through your chest. 
You grab a glob of honey on your finger and kitten lick it off, almost bold enough to make direct eye contact with him for more than five seconds while you’re doing it. “Or what?” 
He pops up from his seat, and your first instinct is run. Run away. You make it two steps before he has you grabbed around the waist and is dragging you back to his place at the table. 
Your squeals of nervous laughter crescendo into a moan when he pulls you down onto his big cock. It surprises you as much as it did last night, how well he fills and stretches you. Not a piece of your fluttery hole unpunished by his silky, maddening pressure. You immediately grind, eager for that pressure to shift and rub and build you, but he stills you with a mitt on your waist. 
Then his big hands bunch in the ruffled fabric of your sundress, which somehow you never managed to remove amidst both of your eagerness to get to other parts of you instead. Slowly he draws it up over your head, tossing it away somewhere across the room. Before you can even begin to think about feeling self conscious he makes a low sound of appreciation behind you, running his hands down your curves. 
“So fucking beautiful. I just wanna stay inside this pretty little pussy all day,” he tells you, smoothing his wet tongue across your shoulder. You arch into him, and he nips your skin for the retaliation. “Feel her throb while I tell you what I wanna do to her. Jesus, you’re soaked.” 
You try to squeeze your thighs together for precious friction on your clit, but he tugs them back open, chuckling at the pathetic attempt. “You wanna fuck yourself, baby?”
“Yes. Fu-uhck.” 
“Want me to pet that pretty clit while you ride me?” He kisses up your neck, into your hairline, tugs your ear between his teeth and you see white fire. 
“Yes, Tom. Yes. Please.” 
“Then eat your breakfast.” 
It’s impossible to focus on the delicious food anymore. The chunks of stuff getting forked into your mouth are no match for the small taste of him. It isn’t long before he’s done with silverware and hand feeding you, making you lick and suck his sticky fingers clean. 
“Atta girl. Keeping me all warm and cozy.” His mouth traces circles on your upper back that make you twitch and gasp while his heavy pointer and index finger rest on your tongue, sweet and salty-pleasure and pain-the desire to move trumping all of it. 
When his fingers trail up your side and land on your nipple, rolling and pinching, you clench your thighs shut again. He grunts at you, although you think it was meant to be a sound of disapproval before you clenched deliberately on his cock. 
“You want to cum?” 
“Then open your legs back up.” 
You obey with a groan of frustration, widening your hips so that the tantalizing pressure is off your throbbing clit. That means all you can focus on is having him inside you, and that would be great if he would just fucking thrust. 
Knock. Knock. Knock.
He grabs your hips to hold you in place. “You’re busy.” 
“Could be important,” you say. 
“More important than this?” He grinds up, into your cervix, into all the sensitive soaked walls of your cunt, and the answer to his question is no. Absolutely not. There is nothing more important than him or his cock. 
“Tom,” you hiss. 
He sighs. “Alright. I’ll get it. Get dressed.” 
How empty you feel, when you slide off of his cock as you stand on trembling legs. He halts your progress by gripping your hips, pressing his mouth to the curve of your buttocks. You forget about the door, and everything else, turning in his arms so that he can bury his face in your cleavage. “These beautiful–” He kisses one breast cupped in his hand, “Naughty,” a kiss for the other, just beside your nipple, the tease, “titties are in so much trouble.” He sucks on your perked nipple with a pop, making you cry out. 
Knock knock knock.
“Someone’s fucking determined,” he grumbles against your skin. 
Reluctantly you manage to pull away from him, and you remember this state of the art technology in your door called a peephole. Naked as a jaybird, you peer through the tiny lens–and gasp at the sight on the other side.
This clearly interests Tom, his head canting at an angle in question. You shake your head, just knowing a perfect storm is brewing. “It’s no one. Ignore it,” you say quietly, hoping they don’t hear you on the other side, praying they have the sense to go away. You try to distract Tom again with kisses and by trying to pull him towards the bedroom, but dammit this man is solid as a fucking tree when he doesn’t want to move.
“Who is it?” he asks with a lifted brow.
Knock knock. “Y/n? I know you’re home.”
What can only be described as a wicked grin spreads over Tom’s handsome features. “Oh. Let’s say hello, shall we?” 
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maraschinomerry · 2 years ago
Hi! Could you please write a Lockwood x reader fic involving the prompt: You aren't well, but you don't want to skip training and make them worry, so you continue on as usual, thinking it's not that serious. But that's proven wrong when you faint right in front of them mid-fight. Mixed with the dialogue: "You hold it like this and- why are your hands trembling?" Thank you in advance! 💙
Pretty Boy
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Pairings: Anthony Lockwood x gn!reader
Content: mild swearing, whump (fainting as in the prompt), mentions of not eating or sleeping, cute flirty ending
A/N: thank you for such a great request!! I've actually also just got over being not well while I was writing this (I'm fine now and wasn't this bad!) so it was weirdly cathartic 😅
Word count: 2.3k
The blissful quiet of the kitchen at 35 Portland Row was shattered by an incredibly loud, almost violent sneeze. You threw your arm across your face just in time to catch it. That was weird. You never sneezed.
"Bless you," Lockwood frowned over the top of his magazine.
That was day 1.
On day 2, you were all out on a case, in a dilapidated Victorian house. In a divide-and-conquer strategy for such a big place, Lockwood and George had headed upstairs while you and Lucy stayed on the ground floor. Fumbling around in the dim light of the dining room, Lucy threw open the curtains to let in what was left of the evening sun, accidentally unleashing a cloud of dust which shimmered in the beam of your torch. You both coughed a little in surprise.
Your coughing didn't stop for the rest of the night.
Day 3 was spent relaxing, recovering from getting home in the early hours of the morning after a gruelling fight with a pair of Type Twos. Or rather, everyone else was relaxing. You were in your room, fluctuating between wrapping your shivering form in your duvet and throwing it off so you wouldn't melt into a puddle. The bowl of soup you'd made yourself for lunch grew cold where it sat untouched on your bedside table.
A sleepless night heralded the arrival of day 4. Your symptoms had mostly abated by the evening, and you desperately hoped to claw back a few hours of rest. By dinner time, bleary-eyed, you forced yourself downstairs to try and get at least one meal of the day. Fortunately, the kitchen was empty, so at least you didn't have to explain your recent lack of presence to anyone. Unfortunately, none of the contents of the fridge were even remotely appealing right now. You settled for a slice of toast which you took back upstairs. Two bites in, you felt your stomach flip. Great. The rest went straight in the bin.
A gentle knock sounded on your door the morning of day 5, after another night of tossing and turning without ever drifting off.
"Yeah?" you called wearily.
Lockwood poked his head in, dressed in a loose Henley T-shirt and sweatpants. "Morning. Just thought I'd check you were alright, you didn't come down for training." Oh shit. You and Lockwood had been doing weekly training together for months - it started not long after you joined the agency, when he'd come down to the basement for practice and found you already there, and you'd ended up sparring. It had happened a few more times, and eventually you fell into the habit of both going down on Friday mornings so much it became an unofficial appointment.
"Oh, sorry," you swallowed a yawn. "I lost track of what day it was. Give me five minutes."
"I sort of assumed you weren't coming down dressed Iike that." He nodded to your fuzzy pyjamas with a smirk, and you tugged shyly at the hem of the top. "Have you had breakfast?"
"Yeah." That was a lie. Lockwood studied you for a moment, and you wondered if he could see right through you, but then he nodded to himself.
"Alright, see you downstairs." He began to leave, but popped back at the last second. "I'm not saying the pyjamas are a bad look, by the way, they're cute, just maybe a bit warm for fighting in." He grinned again, and disappeared. What was that supposed to mean?
Five minutes later, as promised, you traipsed down the basement steps in runner shorts and a tank top. This was the last thing you wanted to be doing right now, but you loved getting one-on-one time with Lockwood and knew how much it would hurt him to break the tradition and how concerned he'd be about you if he found out you'd been ill.
Lockwood gave you another puzzled look. "Are you sure you're okay?" He'd seen you this low energy before, but normally only the day after a case.
You gave the most convincing smile you could muster. "Fine. What's the plan?"
He furrowed his brows once more, before apparently deciding against whatever he was thinking. "Okay, there was a new move I figured out on the last case. I thought I could teach you and see if you think it's any good?" That last part sounded so open and vulnerable. You could imagine what he was thinking - was it a fluke? Was it him overselling his talents? Did it look ridiculous? He got like that sometimes, needed snapping out of it. Reassuring. Your smile was more genuine this time.
"Sounds good, it certainly seemed effective."
You tried your best to concentrate while Lockwood demonstrated the move, really you did, but you were running on empty and the basement was so delightfully cool. Maybe if you just lay down on the floor for a bit, you'd sort yourself out.
"Did you get that?" Lockwood's voice cut through the fog of your thoughts, and you dragged your eyes up to meet his, which were nodding to your hands. You hadn't the slightest idea what it was he expected you to have got.
To your relief, he mistook your distraction for confusion and stepped closer to help, carefully off to one side to avoid the blade as his hands rested over yours.
"You hold it like this and- why are your hands trembling?"
You barely registered the alarm in his voice, or the uncontrollable tremor that was indeed present and spreading up your arms. Nothing in your body seemed to be responding properly any more. Did you still have hold of the rapier? Why was your chest so tight, not allowing any air in? An invisible wad had trapped in your throat, and you desperately sucked in a breath through your nose. Gosh, Lockwood smelled good. Lavender and bergamot. And he was pretty, too. So pretty. Those deep dark eyes, gazing at you with so much longing. No, not longing. He didn't do that, did he? Plus, he was frowning too much for longing. Concern? You didn't like it when he frowned. You tried to pout, but your lips didn't move. That was annoying. So were the lights. Had they always been this bright? It hurt. Everything hurt. You needed to leave. Now.
Panic took hold of the last working corner of your brain and sent a jolt of electricity down to your legs which finally reacted, carrying you shakily towards the stairs. You muttered something incoherent, mouth not quite as functional. The effort drained the last dregs of energy, and your legs stopped working again.
"Whoa, whoa-" a voice behind you gasped, hasty footsteps echoing. Who was that? There was someone else down here, wasn't there? You couldn't remember. Wait. There was a pretty boy, right? He seemed nice. You tried to tell him you were okay, you wanted to. As you pitched backwards, the silhouette of the pretty boy swam into view, blocking out the harsh lights above. That was better.
Everything went black.
You were laying somewhere warm and soft. That was odd. And it was less bright behind your eyelids. Where were you? Hadn't you been down in the basement? With the cold floor and the cold lights… and the pretty boy? Was he still here?
You tried to call out for him, succeeding only in a groan. The surface beneath you shifted by your feet in response, and your eyelids fluttered open a fraction. There he was. Framed by the golden rays filtering through the window behind him and dappling across his dark hair.
"Hey, pretty boy," you murmured. Proper words; that was more like it. Next step: opening your eyes fully.
The pretty boy was Lockwood, brows knitted upwards as he shuffled further up what you gradually realised was your bed.
"Hey." His voice was thick, with the hint of a shake. "How are you feeling?"
You groaned again, moving to sit up. Lockwood instantly reached out, one hand on the small of your back and the other lifting the pillows to prop up behind you. "Been better."
Under any other circumstances, you think he'd probably have laughed. As it was, he huffed out a breath and you spotted a brief tic in his jaw. "That's a mild way of putting it. You collapsed in the middle of training. I had no idea what happened, I thought…" His gaze dropped to his lap as he trailed off. The silence clenched tightly around your heart. Eventually, he spoke again, still not looking at you, voice cracking and barely above a whisper. "I was so worried about you."
The tension in your chest pressed down further, and you thought you actually heard your heart shatter.
"Hey, Lockwood, look at me." You raised a hand, still trembling but for an entirely new reason, up to cup his cheek. At last, he looked. Those beautiful dark eyes were watery, and his nose ruffled as he tried to hold back the tears. "I'm okay, see? I'm here, I'm okay, and I'm so sorry for making you worry."
A warmth spread over the back of your hand as he brought his up to meet it. His fingers curled over yours, thumb rubbing calmingly across your knuckles. Whether the calming was for you or him, you couldn't say. "But are you sure you're okay? People don't just collapse like that, and you've been out all day." Your eyes widened a little as you glanced at your alarm clock. Almost 6. Wow.
"Honestly, it's nothing serious. Kind of stupid, actually; the irony is it all happened because I didn't want you to worry." That made him chuckle. That was promising. You continued. "I was ill - I don't know if it was a cold or flu or what - but that wasn't great to begin with, and then with it ruining my ability to eat and sleep I just… didn't have anything left to give."
You don't know what reaction you expected from Lockwood: frustration, confusion, disappointment perhaps. You certainly weren't expecting him to look quite so… guilty? "Why didn't you say something when I came to find you? We could have cancelled training." It came out sharper than you were expecting. Oh. There was where the guilt came in.
"I didn't want to break the tradition."
"To hell with the tradition if this is what it does to you!"
You faltered. Was it just your current condition, or had your mouth gone very dry? "Wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean…" You took a steadying breath. "It's not just that. I don't mean it like it's some obligation. I love our sessions! Getting to have that time just for us, having it be our thing, it's the highlight of my week. And it's been a pretty shitty week so I wanted this one thing to be nice."
The fire in Lockwood's words died out, and he almost visibly deflated. His free hand reached up unexpectedly to brush a strand of hair from your face.
"Well, I'm glad it means that much to you, but next time will you please tell me when something's wrong? I can survive missing our date more than I can survive missing you."
Hold on.
You were definitely still ill. Your cheeks felt warm and your heart was pounding against your ribcage. That was the only possible explanation. Definitely nothing to do with the fact that the boy you'd been in love with for months had just called your training sessions a date. Oh god, you'd infected him too, his face was flushed. "Date?" you breathed.
"Only if you want it to be, of course, I don't want to jump to conclusions. Although you did call me 'pretty boy' barely five minutes ago, so I'm sure even George would agree with the legitimacy of my hypothesis." Oh, how you'd missed seeing that smirk he'd grown all of a sudden.
"I'm not entirely sure you can take the high ground on this one, love, when you said even more recently how you couldn't survive without me."
"I think so long as I'm right I can. Especially since, if we're going off who said something last, you couldn't even argue without calling me love."
"I wish we were still holding rapiers, I've got a chance of beating you at that."
Lockwood laughed, all earlier emotions replaced with nothing but tender affection. "Get some sleep, and then we can test that theory." He made to leave, but where your hands were still entwined you tightened your grip a little.
"Will you stay? Please? In case I didn't make it clear enough with fainting, I haven't been doing so great at the whole sleep thing."
When he nodded, you wriggled over to one side of the bed, allowing him to slip under the covers behind you. Everything about him felt cosy, and you snuggled towards that feeling. It took him aback for a moment until he draped an arm over your stomach, gently tugging you closer so the two of you slotted together like you'd been designed to fit one another from the start. His breath tickled your ear, but its constant rhythm slowed yours in turn. Your eyelids grew heavy.
"You know," you mumbled sleepily, "you could take me on a proper date. Only if you want to, of course, wouldn't want to jump to conclusions."
He squeezed you playfully. "I think I've got enough evidence to consider it. Lunch tomorrow if you feel up to it?" You hummed a contented agreement. As your eyes drifted shut, a feather-light kiss pressed against your temple. "Good night, love."
"Good night, pretty boy."
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pawnshopbleus · 2 years ago
Put Me in a Movie - Chapter Two
Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Reader
Summary - You’re a famous actress and he’s one of the greatest directors of all time. What happens when you get cast in his new movie?
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Chapter One
There was nothing essential to do right now. You had the opportunity to lounge around in your house so you took it. Later, you would have to get ready for an event you were invited to. You loved dressing up and attending events. They made you feel like an important person, but you loved being comfortable even more.
You stayed in bed thirty minutes after waking up just scrolling through Instagram and TikTok. The edits fans made of you on red carpets or in movies always warmed your heart. You remember being one of those fangirls and how much getting recognized by one of your idols would mean to you.
Stella called you about five minutes after you got up to use the bathroom. She was calling to tell you that she has more information. You were going to play a Russian spy that falls in love with an American soldier during world war two. “And you’re getting paid a million dollars upfront as well as one percent of the total box office revenue. You are one lucky son of a bitch,” Stella laughed.
“Stella, you know I don’t like it when you say stuff like that,” you playfully scold your agent over the phone.
“Sorry, but it’s true. Anyways, you have a table ready to do tomorrow so please don’t get shit-faced at the event tonight. I know you like to party, but we can’t have another New York Fashion Week incident,” Stella remarked.
You were invited to New York Fashion Week two years ago and were never invited back. At the after-parties, you had one too many drinks, and the next thing you know, photos of you sleeping on the sidewalk were all over social media. Luckily, it only took two weeks for the media to forget about the whole incident. Let’s just say New York City is a place you don’t go unless you absolutely have to.
“I’m a good girl, Stella, I’ll have a few shots at the after-party and I’ll be on my merry way. No more sleeping on the sidewalk for me.”
“Fine, I’ll see you soon.”
You hung up the phone and sighed. Other than Stella, no one really ever talked to you. There were a few people here and there, but they were only interested in furthering their careers. There are shallow and fake people in Hollywood and you’ve definitely met a few. When you move to a city like this it’s almost inevitable. It’s like high school but worse.
You pushed the loneliness aside and turned on the television. There was never anything good during the mornings so you just settled for the regular old news channel. The two news reporters provided you with sufficient background noise to get you through the day.
Around two in the afternoon, your hair stylist, make-up artist, and stylist came over. The type of event you were attending tonight was a fashion show and then the after-party. You were the brand ambassador for the fashion house so you had to look your absolute best as you sat in the front row.
Your hair stylist and make-up artist did quick work on your already beautiful features. Your make-up artist went with a very natural and glowy look that would make you look ethereal. Your hairstylist lets your natural hair out and loose. Tonight you were just going for a simple yet classy look and you felt like doing an intricate hairstyle would take away from your face. Your stylist put you in the brand's latest design and complemented the way you looked in it.
You checked yourself out in the mirror and you were completely blown away by your beauty. This usually happens when you get all dolled up for a premier or an event. The last time you checked your phone it was two thirty, now it was five twenty-three and you needed to leave soon. You thanked everyone that enhanced your beauty today and waited for your driver.
The event was in the heart of downtown. Thirty minutes of sitting in the back seat of a limo with only the sound of you and your driver breathing was going to drive you insane. Thankfully, you made it to the event alive.
The designs on the runway were beautiful and camp. The fashion house had already showcased its ready-to-wear line last winter and was working on bringing in younger designers for some fresh ideas. You were paid to be here so you had to look interested and intrigued by the designs. You saw some pieces that you wanted and some that you absolutely loathed but by the end, you were ready to party.
The after-party was being held at some mansion in Beverly Hills. You don’t know how you got there, but does that really matter? Right now, you were doing shots in Beverly Hills of all places. Shot after shot after shot. The burn disappeared after the third one anyway.
You know you promised Stella not to get shit-faced again, but sometimes promises were meant to be broken. You were twenty-six after all and you were never going to be twenty-six ever again. Luckily, you weren't the type of drunk to get on the table and strip, but you were still sort of embarrassed by your state. It’s not your fault alcohol tastes so good.
Outside by the pool, you lay on one of the tanning chairs. You’re facing the night sky while also trying not to throw up. Your eyes are blinking slowly. You mentally fight with yourself not to fall asleep. You can’t fall asleep now! “You okay there?” A voice asks. The voice came from the left of you. You turn your head to see who was talking to you and you’re faced with one of the most majestic beings ever. His face is chiseled to the gods and his voice is smooth like butter, but also harsh like rocks. It’s hard to explain but it definitely does something to you. He looks like Adonis reincarnated.
“I’m fine. I think I just had too much to drink,” you slur your words a bit but they’re still understandable.
“Ya, I can see that,” he chuckles. He takes in your tired frame. Your make-up is a bit smudged from a night of partying but you still look beautiful nonetheless.  “How about I take you home,” he offers.
“Woah there mister, you are obviously very attractive but I don’t just go home with people. I don’t even know your name,” you sat up. You must have sat up too fast because soon your head was pounding.
“Miguel,” he said, “Miguel O’Hara.”
You must have sobered up enough to get your act straight. This was Miguel O’Hara, the director you would be working for for the next few months. You couldn’t let him see you like this. You didn’t want him to think that you were just some drunk party girl that doesn’t take acting seriously.
“Oh, Mr. O’Hara. I’m-” You tried to introduce yourself but he just waved his hand causing you to shut your mouth.
“I know who you are,” he said, “Now, I don’t want my actors to show up to table reads with hangovers so I think it’s best if I take you home.”
You didn’t want to argue with him so you followed him to his car. It was a modest black Range Rover with a black leather interior.
“My address is-” You started but once again he interrupted you.
“I know where you live. Stella gave me your address after I told her that you were drunk.” You groaned, “Stella’s going to kill me. I promised her I wouldn’t get drunk.”
Miguel just smirked at you and pulled away from the house in Beverly Hills. As the two of you drove, you couldn’t get over the fact that you just decided to trust Miguel so fast. He was technically your boss for the next few months so you had to listen to him.
Miguel’s letting the radio play. He’s playing a station that plays old cumbia music but it does the opposite of its purpose. Instead of making you want to get up in dance, it lulls you into a deep and peaceful sleep.
Chapter Three
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m34gs · 5 months ago
So I will be honest. I was really excited for In A Violent Nature. I went into it blind, which I think is probably the best way to have done it. I was excited to see what it would bring and what kind of scares it would give. I watched it with a friend the day it got uploaded on Shudder. But, I have mixed emotions and overall feel a bit disappointed with a few major parts of the movie. And I'm bored, tired, full of cold-medicine, and haven't slept more than 2 hours in a row for three days so I'm gonna talk about it. This should be obvious, but if it's not, Spoilers Ahead.
First, there were many things I really did like.
the perspective: almost the entire movie is filmed from the perspective of the murderer. As in, we follow him around instead of the victims. It's interesting to me because usually the opening scenes either set up the backstory or introduce the victims to the audience. You could argue "well that's not unusual, it just means the protagonist is the murderer and you were being introduced to him" and that's fair. That's a fair way to look at it. However, even for an introduction to the killer it was done in an unusual way (and I loved that). Throughout a good chunk of the film, the audience has a third person view from behind the killer. It's almost like we're playing a third-person view video game. You don't get to see his face for quite a while. Again, that's not necessarily an unusual perspective, but to have it go on that way for so long through the movie is. The audience gets a very limited interaction with the victims and most of it comes from what we see from the killer's perspective.
the soundtrack (or lack thereof...): this movie had very minimal music during attack scenes. In fact, I think the only murder that really had music during the scene was one where a character was listening to a walk-man. And the music did not give horror vibes, which is always an interesting juxtaposition. This means that every hit, every slice, every squish was loud. Every step in the woods was heard. It was eerie because it was so silent and I just found I really liked the decision to do that.
the lake scene: when one of the girls jumps in the lake and goes for a swim, everyone knows where that is going to end up. I thought it was done in an interesting way. Instead of a lot of splashing, the audience gets her initial fear and then she's pulled under. She resurfaces once, to weakly call for help but is immediately pulled under again. Then her body silently floats to the top. This is one of the few scenes where we aren't watching from over the killer's shoulder. Instead, there's a wide view of an otherwise undisturbed body of water and then her small, short-lived struggle. I thought it was interesting how she never had a chance and how eerily calm everything else was around her. No one else would have heard her. I think it was a very different but effective way of portraying the isolation and hopelessness of the situation.
the yoga murder: this one was more of a "is he gonna go there oh my god oh yup oh wait what the fuck oh shit" kind of a moment for me. That's why I liked it. That's it.
the woodsplitter murder: Idk, I liked the slowness of this one. I always find the deaths where you're forced to watch or wait for your own demise and are helpless to do anything else are some of the most terrifying. And that woodsplitter was old and slow as fuck.
Things I didn't really like:
the face reveal: so we spend a good chunk of this movie either looking over the killer from behind, seeing him in the shadows, or seeing him with a mask on. The point is, his face is obscured. This usually means One of two things: there will be a face reveal that has significance either in revealing who the murderer really is or in scaring the victims, OR there is no face reveal and the audience is left to wonder and imagine. In my opinion, either option would have been fine. And if anyone were to say "it reveals it was Johnny"; no it does not. We knew it was Johnny. Everyone assumed it was Johnny from the beginning because of the way the story was told. A "reveal" would have been if they made it Johnny's father's spirit instead of Johnny's, but they would have had to played that up more in the story. Or if they made us significantly doubt it was Johnny instead of basically saying it was to begin with. The reveal instead was done so anticlimactically and away from the view of protagonists so you lose the value, in my opinion.
the ranger: so I get his point in the story. He was the one to point them in the right direction, to tell them why things were happening and what needed to be done to put things back the way they were. I just didn't really like him and I felt like his character kind of fell flat for me.
Colt's death: listen, I get they were in a tense situation and scared. But who the fuck thinks going up behind an armed murderous vengeful spirit who just brutally destroyed your friends' bodies and fucking yelling at him is a good fucking idea. So yeah, Colt's death pissed me off a little. I did find it a little humourous how Johnny was like "fuck you in particular" and proceeded to fucking hack his face off like it was his day job, but man, it really didn't need to go that way. You could have just kept running away. Like wtf.
the ending: Now, I'm not dumb. I get a few things. Number one, love that we got a final girl, top tier trope. Number two, it was great to see a reference to Texas Chainsaw Massacre with her getting picked up in a truck. Liked the shot where we got closure that Johnny did get his necklace back and went back to sleep because he was comforted by it. Very nice. HOWEVER. Why did we have to listen to some random woman ramble about how her brother was almost torn to shreds by what they assumed was a bear? For god knows how long? Like she just kept rambling about nothing. That type of scene sets a good thing in the beginning because it gives the victims something to blame other than a "mysterious masked murderer" and allows for more suspense. At the end it doesn't have the same effect. I get it was supposed to be that she feels hunted the entire time, even when there's no one there, and that her entire freak-out even when Johnny doesn't show up for the rest of the film is meant to show the lasting effect trauma will have on her. But did it have to be such a long part of the film? because a haunted look through the window, the woman's voice fading into the background, suddenly pulling over, she can have her freak-out, and I think it would give the same message, but waste less of my time. And I do feel that the ending scene kind of wasted my time. I will admit, at first I was curious and kind of waiting for a plot twist or something more, but then I just became frustrated, and after it ended I was annoyed.
That's just my personal thoughts on the movie. If people don't like it they can move along. I don't hate the movie but I was significantly disappointed by the ending and the face reveal in particular.
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coldretard · 6 months ago
do you ever feel like you are doing the right things
that sentence is kinda different depending on which word you emphasize
but please emphasize Ever cause that’s what I did lol
I will shower for the second day in a row today
It feels wasteful lol but also like I can’t just keep leaving the day on me and then be shocked when I get a pimple lol like 👍 hey retard, your pores need to get cleaned out, they are tiny gutters. How many pores do we have?
You ever type a question and then highlight it to look it up instead of actually opening a different app and typing it again
Look lol
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you ever do that?? It just OPENS safari for you lol
iPhones are a drop of evil in the bucket of WORLD EVIL so like stfu about the child slaves like who’s making androids because I think my iPhone maker kid is probably friends with your android maker kid. And I can’t worry about everything happening in the world or I’ll implode, so…. TRAFFICKING IS WORSE. These kids just have to hurt their hands. BOTH ARE NOT OKAY. But there are levels to the evil shit… there are levels to everything
Like scale of 1-10 where 1 is got no dessert and 10 is got molested how bad was your childhood
….. anyway lol so you know how some things just do not feel right lol
How do we do things we know are wrong
Not even WHY but literally how lol what brain function is that
we aren’t just input/output creatures??…. I mean, we are lol input food, output waste, but with thoughts it’s like - input information, scumbag brain decides to ignore half that information and run with some part of it, output action…
it just doesn’t make sense that I KNOW going to sleep early and getting up early is good for my literal brain chemistry - and still don’t do it consistently
like amyloid plaque cannot build up if you sleep correctly because our body CLEANS ITSELF INTERNALLY at night lol so yo if you eat late and your body has to DO DIGESTION guess the fuck what your scumbag brain is like hey I know if I don’t digest this food it will rot and kill you so I have to do this BEFORE i can start all of the other INTERNAL CLEANING sooo - oopsie if we don’t get to everything. and then we wonder why Alzheimer’s and dementia are a problem.
Barbara O’Neill taught me more about the brain than fucking …. Any class. Granted I didn’t take brain chemistry classes lol but do you know how many prerequisites I would have to take before I could get to this information lol idk if that’s how shit works anymore - I remember more of highschool than college tbh because I didn’t smoke weed until the senior year of highschool and then NEVER STOPPED like how do I have a job lol paperwork, is how. DO YOUR PAPERWORK. Cover your ass. Everything will be okay.
usually going back to sleep feels good so i assume it’s the right thing but alas sometimes just because something feels good does not mean it is the right thing lol like doing DRUGS
Also this man mowed the lawn yesterday and I didn’t even suck on his penis about it
I have take not one but two large shits so now I am going to shower instead of laying back down til 630 lol
Can I just say how much I love not having kids
But I do have the time to make kids breakfast like set up a school room lol like teachers can’t even imagine a class size of single digits let alone 1-2 lol it would be SO EASY no wonder home school kids seem weird they know everything before everyone else and then probably look around at society like ‘these stupid fucks’ lol
There was a kid in my neighborhood named Walter and we played with k’nex and he didn’t have a TV and I think my parents knew his parents were doing a better job than them …. They were lol
Okay time to shower for another 40 minutes :D
Kidding, should be less time cause I don’t need to scrape off layers of dead skin from my AGING FACE. Castor oil you bitch, rub it on you after shower, why you never remember to do it????
I guess morning rambles are my thing now
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project-sekai-facts · 1 year ago
would it be too out there to predict the rest of the units this rotation getting an event this month and having 5-in-a-row unit events (especially since there were 3 mixed events in a row just before this) The characters are generally equal in limited card amounts (either 4 or 5) so I think rui getting a 6th lim isn't too improbable (for tsukasa it is since the devs would have likely stated something regarding back-to-back lims by now), and mmj and n25 have their 2nd lim sets already.
There isn't really an indication of who could have the banner if it's mixed, or who would be in the mixed event in general, except for if they're allowing a vser in the banner (since there's been lims for all the vsers in the past two months) Len is an obvious choice in either direction since hes still lacking a lim with the ocs (rin and meiko having 2, and the others having only 1) (and yes, there's a two month gap only but that has happened a lot at this point)
and if it is a wxs lim then nene is also definitely a lim since her last one was in january, which is currently the most due for a lim of all the characters and has only 4 lims at that, so that could indicate her appearance if this event is a mixed event too.
the game has never done more than 4 unit events in a row before, but given the mixed event spam, maybe 5 in a row could happen. it would balance out the 3DMV:2DMV ratio as well if they did 3 3DMV events and 2 2DMV events.
i think rui lim is possible, but mainly because nene needs a lim and wxs needs a lim banner. i'm still sorta hesitant on him because less than half the cast is on 5 lims right now, so maybe it's a bit too soon for 6th lims. i dunno they did get shiho and an to 5th lims when len got to 3 though so anything goes atp.
if it's a mixed event i think all OC is most likely unless they decide they hate len fans. i had the old 1-B duo down plus Haruka because they're like the most in need of lims right now. all i know is that if it's mixed haruka there's no way haruka isn't lim. usually 11 months is the max between lims aside from that one time with kanade. nene is also most likely for mixed event right now i think, or maybe emu (i think if it is a perm rui unit event then it would have emu as gacha considering how they seem to be trying to balance out how many times characters appear on each other's banners). having 3 mixed events in a row kinda threw off the schedule so i dunno if seasonal events (read: vday/white day) are gonna be a thing this year, but if they are that knocks out akito and probably minori. actually wait considering the time of year there's probably a cultural festival event coming up. miyajou doesn't really work for that though. yeah haruka isn't getting a lim i need to give up on the 11 months thing MMJ lims don't work, miyajou lims don't work. Kamikou 2-A Nene banner...? eh that doesn't really work either. Rui/Emu/Nene wxs banner maybe that works best right now. either way 6 lims might actually happen. i've lost track of what i'm saying take this
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this is probably so so wrong but i'm too tired for logical thinking right now oh shit haruka already had a new years lim idk what we're doing with her anymore. also toya and an being reward on VBS could mean they have 4*s soon which kinda backs my kamikou cultural fes spec. i dunno. i'm gonna stop now
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laurelwinchester · 1 year ago
Okay but since you started, to continue ar*row posting into 2024, it was blatantly obvious Quentin resented Laurel for being the one that lived when they all thought Sara died, and people still thought he was a good dad??? The whole Lance family was so fucked up and Laurel deserved a better family
oh yeah 100% both quentin and dinah thought the wrong daughter died on that boat. there is no doubt about it. they resented laurel for being alive instead of sara. they did not hide their favoritism well. with dinah, she was open about it. with quentin, it only came out in waves, usually when he was drunk but even when he was sober it still sometimes seeped out of him in these little hissed remarks.
it's one of the reasons thinking about laurel's childhood fascinates me so much. at a glance, the lance family was a normal middle class family. two beautiful, smart girls, a home, two parents with well respected careers and a loving marriage. a happy family.
but i have to wonder if it was really all that happy for laurel.
i mean. she dated oliver for years. devoted herself to him. adored him. she took him back when he made mistakes, she wanted to move in with him, she wanted to marry him, she loved him with everything the whole way through. and he treated her like trash. he cheated on her over and over and over again with her friends and her sister. he had zero respect for her. he was stupid and he was nasty and he was cruel. and it's not like the island changed him when it came to her. i'm sorry but it didn't. he was an arrow in her lung from the day she met him until the day she died. and she just. accepted that. she accepted that was all she would get and lived with it until the end. that was as far as she got in terms of believing in her own worth.
that kind of chronic, damaging low self esteem doesn't come from nowhere. laurel's canonical desperation and pleading and searching for love was one of her most devastating traits (partly because she was never able to find it) and it's something that can only come from the lack of love. and that shit starts at the top. it starts with mom and dad. they poisoned her. bit by bit until she was dead, gone, and replaced, quite literally, by a doppelganger.
no, i'll never understand why people love "papa lance." he was only a loving father to one daughter. he was an abuser to the other.
that's one of the reasons why one of the recurring characters in my laurel fics is her non canon grandmother. she needs at least one family member to love her completely and unconditionally. lord knows no one else did.
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thebrotherscurtis · 2 years ago
"Brother’s Day”
Links: A03. FF.net. Wattpad.
Disclaimer: S.E. Hinton owns all characters.
Summary: Oneshot. Four reasons Darry thinks he is a lousy father to Pony.
I. You know fuck all about raising a teenage kid.
Small children tend to their toys better than you play parent, and sometimes the day-to-day questions torment you the most.
For the sixth morning in a row, Pony shovels a giant slice of cake on his plate. Should he really eat sweets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
"Maybe you oughta have some eggs or bacon. Look at you, you're skin and bone. People'll think I ain't feeding you. Fix yourself something else, anything else."
"You never gave a shit before." He shrugs and jabs his fork into a second piece; on purpose, too, because he usually only takes one. "Why now?"
"I mean, in addition to cake."
"If I wanted eggs and bacon, I'd've made eggs and bacon."
"Look, alls I'm saying is it wouldn't kill you to eat a little protein. My football coach would've force fed me liver if I ate the shit you do every day. Your track coach, what's-his-name, Mr. James? Jones? Jenkins?"
"Mr. Jacobs'd hate this, and you know it."
"Well"—he glances around the room and shrugs—"Mr. Jacobs ain't here, so I'm eating cake today, tomorrow, the next day, and the day after that, too."
And this is the part where you ask yourself if it's worth the fight. Pick your battles, as your old man used to say. Still, your inner critic scolds you. Maybe this is the fight that's worth it. Maybe a normal parent wouldn't give up so damn early. Maybe a real father would shove a pound of bacon in his face and keep him at the table until he ate it all.
"Cake it is then. But you're eating a real lunch."
He won't. He'll devour the rest of the pan just to spite you.
II. You're lucky as shit he's your brother, and yet, you never appreciate it.
Curly's back in the reformatory, and your kid brother's idea of rebellion is reading all of Gone With the fucking Wind instead of cleaning his room.
"I swear on the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I'll lock you in here till I can see the floor."
"Go ahead." He turns a page. "I'm at the best part. I ain't going nowhere."
You roll your eyes and slam the door on your way out.
Soda's on the couch, laughing his ass off. "Wait. You really thought you could pull him away from his favorite book?"
"Shut up. It's your room too. Could just as soon lock you in there too."
"But you won't."
"But you won't," you mock, sinking into the armchair.
He's right, you won't.
And deep down, you know you're lucky. Compared to Curly, Dallas, Steve, Two-Bit, Soda, you—God weren't you a delight at fourteen—he's pretty damn well-behaved for a teenager.
And somehow still too much for you to handle.
III. You get so mad at him you scare yourself.
Yell over talk. Threaten over teach. React over respond. Every time he checks into the Twilight Zone, you lose your shit. If he'd just pay attention … If he'd just keep his brain on planet Earth …
"I'm working a double," you tell your brothers, and brothers plural. "Won't be back till late, so y'all are on your own for dinner."
Soda salutes you. "Aye-aye, Superman."
Pony idly looks up from his book. "Huh?"
"You tell me."
"Tell you what?"
"You tell me," you repeat, fists clenched. "Word for word, tell me what I just fucking said."
"Yeah, yeah, I'll clean my room before you get home."
"That ain't what I said."
"Sorry." His nose is already back in that damn book. "Guess I didn't hear you."
Sorry this. Sorry that. I didn't hear you this. I wasn't thinking that.
Count to ten. Like Soda says, count. to. ten. One, two … don't say anything … three, four … don't do anything … five, six, Soda heard you and'll repeat it the second you're gone … seven … but when Soda says it, he'll listen … eight … goddamn kid never listens to you … nine—
You rip the book from his hands and hurl it on the floor. "I said I won't be home till late."
"Easy, man." Soda smacks your arm and steps in front of Pony. "It ain't a big deal."
Pony retrieves the book and stomps off to his room. He flips you the bird, and you return the gesture.
Soda's right. It ain't a big deal. Logically, you know that, but the side of the brain that knows can't get the other to calm the fuck down.
It ain't Pony's fault you're pulling a double shift. It ain't Pony's fault you haven't slept a full night since the accident. It ain't Pony's fault you're an asshole. "Pony," you call out to his closed door, "if you wanna smoke more than a pack today, go ahead."
If he hears you, it's a peace offering. If he doesn't, well, good.
IV: He considers your feelings, but you can't make sense of his.
"Happy Brother's Day, I guess." Pony shoves a hand-drawn card in front of you. "I know you ain't Dad, but still thought I should do something."
You open it and can't even register or digest the words. They span the entire card, and he probably put a thousand times more thought into them than you did his birthday gift.
"Thank you." You shoot up and wrap both arms around him tight. Thank you is all you can produce. He's the wordsmith of the family, not you.
"Jesus, don't crush me. You trying to kill me?"
"Nah, not today at least." You let go and gently pat his back. "Listen, you're an all right kid, Pony. I mean that. Ignore me when I tell you otherwise."
"Yeah, okay." Now he can't find his words. "I mean thanks." Face beet red, he moves to slink away just as fast as he'd slipped the card in front of you.
"Hey, wait." You sling an arm around his shoulder and pull him back. "Wanna go to Dairy Queen or a movie or something? I mean, for Father— Brother's Day. I got the day off."
"They aren't open on Sundays."
Shit. So much for that.
"But next time you time got the day off"— he leans into the embrace—"I'd like that."
He can read you like he reads his books, and you, you'll never find the right way you say you love him.
So instead, you'll suffer through one of his movies to show him you love him.
And you do love him.
Just as a brother.
You'll never be his father.
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