#this is day 2 because i was really excited to so this one
Return to office and dying on the job
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Denise Prudhomme's bosses at Wells Fargo insisted that the in-person camaraderie of their offices warranted a mandatory return-to-office policy, but when she died at her desk in her Tempe, AZ office, no one noticed for four days.
That was in August. Now, Wells Fargo United has published a statement on her death, one that vibrates with anger at the callously selective surveillance that Wells Fargo inflicts on its workforce:
The union points out that Wells Fargo workers are subjected to continuous, fine-grained on-the-job surveillance from a variety of bossware tools that count their keystrokes and create tables of the distancess their mice cross each day:
Wells Fargo's message to its workforce is, "You can't be trusted," a policy that Wells Fargo doubled down on with its Return to Office mandate. Return to Office is often pitched as a chance to improve teamwork, communication, and human connection with your co-workers, and there's no arguing with the idea that spending some time in person with people can help improve working relationships (I attended a week-long, all-hands, staff retreat for EFF earlier this month and it was fantastic, primarily due to its in-person nature).
But our bosses don't want us back in the office because they enjoy our company, nor because they're so excited about having hired such a swell bunch of folks and can't wait to see how we all get along together. As John Quiggin writes, the biggest reason to force us back to the office is to get a bunch of us to quit:
As one of Musk's toadies put it in a private message before the Twitter takeover, "Sharpen your blades boys. 2 day a week Office requirement = 20% voluntary departures":
The other reason to spy on us is because they don't trust us. Remember all the panic about "quiet quitting" and "no one wants to work"? Bosses' hypothesis was that eking out a bare minimum living on from a couple of small-dollar covid stimulus checks was preferable to working for them for a full paycheck.
Every accusation is a a confession. When your boss tells you that he thinks that you can't be trusted to do a good job without total, constant surveillance, he's really saying, "I only bother to do my CEO job when I'm afraid of getting fired':
As Wells Fargo United notes, Wells Fargo employees like Denise Prudhomme are spied on from the moment they set foot in the building until the moment they clock out (and sometimes the spying continues when you're off the clock):
Wells Fargo monitors our every move and keystroke using remote, electronic technologies—purportedly to evaluate our productivity—and will fire us if we are caught not making enough keystrokes on our computers.
The Arizona Republic coverage notes further that Prudhomme had to log her comings and goings from the Wells Fargo offices with a badge, so Wells Fargo could see that Prudhomme had entered the premises four days before, but hadn't left:
Wells Fargo has mandated in-person working, even when that means crossing a state line to be closer to the office. They've created "hub cities" where workers are supposed to turn up. This may sound convivial, but Prudhomme was the only member of her team working out of the Tempe hub, so she was being asked to leave her home, travel long distances, and spend her days in a distant corner of the building where no one ventured for periods of (at least) four days at a time.
Bosses are so convinced that they themselves would goof off if they could that they fixate on forcing employees to spend their days in the office, no matter what the cost. Back in March 2020, Charter CEO Tom Rutledge – then the highest-paid CEO in America – instituted a policy that every back office staffer had to work in person at his call centers. This was the most deadly phase of the pandemic, there was no PPE to speak of, we didn't understand transmission very well, and vaccines didn't exist yet. Charter is a telecommunications company and it was booming as workers across America upgraded their broadband so they could work from home, and the CEO's response was to ban remote work. His customer service centers were superspreading charnel houses:
That Wells Fargo would leave a dead employee at her desk for four days is par for the course for the third-largest commercial bank in America. This is Wells Fargo, remember, the company that forced its low-level bank staff to open two million fake accounts in order to steal from their customers and defraud their shareholders, then fired and blackballed staff who complained:
The executive who ran that swindle got a $125 million bonus:
And the CEO got $200 million:
It's not like Wells Fargo treats its workers badly but does well by everyone else. Remember, those fake accounts existed as part of a fraud on the company's investors. The company went on to steal $76m from its customers on currency conversions. They also foreclosed on customers who were up to date on their mortgages, seizing and selling off all their possessions. They argued that when bosses pressured tellers into forging customers on fraudulent account-opening paperwork, that those customers had lost their right to sue, since the fraudulent paperwork had a binding arbitration clause. When they finally agreed to pay restitution to their victims, they made the payments opt-in, ensuring that most of the millions of people they stole from would never get their money back.
They stole millions with fraudulent "home warranties." They stole millions from small businesses with fake credit-card fees. They defrauded 800,000 customers through an insurance scam, and stole 25,000 customers' cars with illegal repos. They led the pre-2008 pack on mis-selling deceptive mortgages that blew up and triggered the foreclosure epidemic. They loaned vast sums to Trump, who slashed their taxes, and then they fired 26.000 workers and did a $40.6B stock buyback. They stole 525 homes from mortgage borrowers and blamed it on a "computer glitch":
Given all this, two things are obvious: first, if anyone is going to be monitored for crimes, fraud and scams, it should be Wells Fargo, not its workers. Second, Wells Fargo's surveillance system exists solely to terrorize workers, not to help them. As Wells Fargo United writes:
We demand improved safety precautions that are not punitive or cause further stress for employees. The solution is not more monitoring, but ensuring that we are all connected to a supportive work environment instead of warehoused away in a back office.
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Tor Books as just published two new, free LITTLE BROTHER stories: VIGILANT, about creepy surveillance in distance education; and SPILL, about oil pipelines and indigenous landback.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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ghouldtime · 2 days
Neighbor! König Part 2
Part One
Part Three
After you expressed interest in his miniature collection, he actually actively OFFICIALLY invited you over one evening (and inside!)
It may not sound like much to most to be invited into someone's house but for him, it's the ultimate trust. His house is his private space, his sanctuary, where he goes to be without other people
He doesn't ever invite anyone inside unless necessary or they've truly gained his trust and being invited INTO his house, and actually into a shared space of one of the hobbies that matter the most to him?? Yeah, that's how he says he likes you
He's been working on his models and dioramas for so so long he's incredibly proud and can't help but to want to actually show them off to someone who wants to see
Usually most people don't care :( or think it's weird
But you've embraced it! You're so excited and he's over the moon, he's having the best day ever, if you do research and bring him gifts or show him some new ideas
He has exquisite attention to detail and INSISTS on everything being exactly the way he envisions it. And you notice! You actually notice. Which means you care about his hobbies, the work he puts in, and therefore him
It might be a bit early to say the L word but he's feeling certain ways
He may be a big dude but that doesn't mean he lacks fine motor skills. He's laying those tiny pieces of moss onto the cobble stones like a PRO
Miniatures allow him control over the environment, even if it's on a smaller scale, and offer a way to keep his hands and mind busy so he often throws himself into it
It also helps him relive happier memories. He's afraid of forgetting them and when he's stressing, it's his happy place because he can look at them and simply remember the things in life that matter
He'll ask you about a story you like or a favorite show or book or movie. That's his next miniature planned (in secret. Can't ruin the surprise, he needs to have it all perfect. He will either read the book, watch the movie, will study EVERY detail)
He will start to invite you over when he's having a painting night or is working on them. You don't have to follow his rules or do what he wants! He's just happy you're there and appreciating it
He will always have your favorite snacks and drinks in stock too. Need to make it fun and can't have you going hungry
If you want, he'll put on background noise! He's happy to make it immersive and to light a candle or put something in a diffuser to really set the scene you're going for. But he's perfectly happy to hangout with you as is
You'll finally get to hear him laugh and hear his really, really bad jokes. He has a dry sense of humor and most of what he says isn't even close to funny, he's awkward like that
But if you laugh? That's it, he's sold.
Time flies so fast when you're over, you don't even realize it's 3am
You don't need to go home! I know it's right across the street but he has a guest room and it saves you the trip in the morning. You have a whole nother round of characters to paint :)
Okay maybe it was an excuse so you could see the curtains he'd made and the pillows and he decorated the guest room with! Like actually tried decorating. They're made with love, that's what counts right?
Did he spray the pillows with his cologne before you came over? Maybe, but he won't ever admit to it
You can't complain. Not when he insists it's no trouble at all, you should stay over, and he does everything he can to make you comfortable.
And you're certainly not complaining when you wake up to breakfast in bed
He's so happy to finally have someone to share his life with, even if it's nothing official. He might not say it because words are hard, but he'll always show it in every way that he can 💚
If you look closely at the replica he made of his childhood home, you'll notice two figures in the kitchen who just so happen to look like you and him
Proud believer of König being just a guy! A guy with hobbies! A guy with a calm domestic life! Just because he's a private military contractor doesn't mean he's a constantly violent dude or a guy who lacks an immense amount of respect for boundaries. Sure, he gets really into his job when he does it, but that's his realm! That's his zone. That's why he's confident and having fun, he knows he's good
Outside of work, he's just a guy with a troubled childhood making the best of life and trying to find his own sense of belonging, happiness, and peace
Justice for König, he's not an insane perv or some freakytron or some stalker :(
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tianlavellan · 3 days
actually no I'm fine with it
I had something to eat and a li'l sugary drink and I'm okay now
quick thoughts on the latest da4 updates (which got a lot of people (me included) a bit frustrated for a minute) under the cut
as long as they don't invalidate the choices I made, which he said they don't, I'm okay with them not directly addressing all of them either. that's fine, i'm not enthusiastic obviously but I can deal with it. do I think the big choices should Matter? YEAH obviously. if they don't At All I'll be as disappointed as the next person but I'll also be okay because like.
not every choice from origins mattered in da2. not every choice from da2 mattered in dai. some choices from dai night not matter until da5, if we get one. some choices might never really make a difference - except they DO. to US.
so as long as I can spin my own happy little canon in my own happy little head and nothing in game directly contradicts my choices from previous games? I'm OK 👍
I'm sure they'll throw us crumbs. this is still bioware and this team is PASSIONATE. a lot of people on this team have been da fans for YEARS and I trust them to make me love this game just as much as I've loved the other 3.
okay that's my 2 cents which nobody cares about but I wanted to throw some positivity out there anyway. back to being excited now 😌✌
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Love That Burns ~ 2
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,530ish
Summary: You get to know your new teammate James. Stryker's team goes on a mission. (The Reader will continue to call Logan, James throughout the Origins movie and here and there throughout the rest of the series.)
Warnings: violence
Notes: I really couldn't help myself, posting two days in a row. I'm just so excited for this series! The next chapter will be out next week! Reminder: I DO NOT do taglists. Please don’t ask. Please follow and interact! I appreciate any reblogs, likes, comments, and asks! Also, help me decide the endings!
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You had basically stayed clear of your new teammates in the week they had been there. You weren’t exactly the welcoming type, focused on not being homeless again. You spent most of your time in your room or working on your abilities. Stryker had made sure there was a firepower room in the facility so that you had a safe place to practice, which others rarely entered.
Fire filled the room as you practiced your powers: throwing the fire, heating and melting items, as well as building walls for protection. As you practiced, you failed to notice James slip into the room. He had gone looking for something to light his cigar and he followed the smell of smoke. When he opened the door and saw you maneuvering the flames, he was mesmerized. James hadn’t known what to think of you, especially when you were clearly avoiding him and Victor. You were a beautiful woman but there was a fire inside of you that he wanted to know more about.
Still not noticing that you had an audience, you shot flames out of your hands at the wall that James was leaning against.
“Shit!” James exclaimed as he jumped away from the fire, his shirt getting singed. With a twist of your wrists, the flames around the room disappeared. “You may want to watch where you're shooting those flames, sweetheart.”
You shrugged. “Didn’t see you. I normally don’t have an audience.”
“Clearly.” James pushed himself off the wall and headed towards you. You noticed the cigar between his fingers and lit it. A flash of surprise went across James’ face. “Thanks.” He took a drag of his cigar before letting the smoke billow out of his mouth. The earthy smell took over your senses and you didn’t mind. “I wanted to apologize for Victor.”
“It’s fine. I’m used to it.”
“Doesn’t make it right.”
You tilted your head slightly as you studied James. Just from the few interactions you had with him, it was clear that James was constantly picking up after his brother. You wondered why.
“You’ve got some ability,” James commented.
“It’s come in handy from time to time. Do you have an ability? I assume you do because Stryker’s really only interested in mutants.”
James held up a fist as three bone claws extended from his knuckles. You couldn’t help but reach out and gently touch them. James watched in wonder. No one had ever looked at his claws the way you were currently, with awe and not fear.
“Is it the same on the other hand?” You asked, fingers still running over the claws.
“Yes,” James responded. When you finally pulled away, James retracted his claws.
“Does that hurt? When they break through your skin?”
James was taken even more back now. No one had ever asked him that. No one had ever cared. “Every time… Does, uh, do the flames hurt your skin?”
“No,” you shook your head. “Well, as long as they come from me.”
James nodded, not knowing what to say next but he did know that he wanted to get to know you more.
“I’m going to go clean up,” you tell him. “See you around, James.”
He nodded, watching you slip out of the room.
James may not know you well, but he did know one thing. He hated it when Wade was around you. Wade was constantly propositioning you or being incredibly inappropriate. Victor occasionally joined in as well. You simply ignored the comments while James was growing furious.
“Maybe if we both take our shirts off then she’ll—“
“That’s enough,” James growled, cutting off Wade. You were sitting close by, trying to ignore the men by reading a book.
“You want to get in on this Howlett? Or are you just jealous that we have the balls to—“
“I said that’s enough!” Suddenly, James had his claws at Wade’s neck.
“Calm down there, kitty.”
“James, it’s alright,” you told him, standing up. “Let Wade go.”
“Listen to your master, kitty.”
James shoved Wade with a grunt as his claws disappeared. Suddenly, Wade’s hair burst into flames. He began to freak out as you laughed, leaving the room. James followed, the anger still controlling him. You entered your room, leaving the door open for James. He found you and leaned against the door frame. 
“You don’t need to fight by battles, James,” you told him as you tidied up.
“They shouldn’t be talking about you like that,” his voice was still rough and filled with anger.
“I’m used to it. People talked before Stryker found me.”
James had never heard about your life before this and was interested to learn more. He stepped into the room and closed the door before leaning against it.
“I was homeless for years,” you continued. “I used my abilities to steal but that never gave me a bed to sleep in. So, sometimes, I would sell my body for money and a bed for a night.” James inhaled sharply. “Sometimes there were multiple men and women involved. They often talked about my body like I wasn’t even there. I just ignore it.”
“I’m sorry.”
You looked at him curiously. “What for?”
“You shouldn’t have had to deal with any of that and continue to deal with it.”
You shrugged. “The price I pay to meet my basic needs.”
“Doesn’t make it right, sweetheart.”
“Well, there’s nothing I can do to change that… This life is better than homelessness.”
James hated how right you were and how okay you were with the way the others treated you. He wished so badly that he could fix it and he would do his best to try.
While the other men continued to talk the way they did, James made sure to continue to be sweet and gentle with you. He tried to not make it obvious, saving some things for when the two of you were alone. You wouldn’t admit it, but your interactions with James were making you feel things you never thought you would. You enjoyed how sweet and caring he was, always looking out for you during missions and making sure you were okay afterward. The two of them began training together, eating together, and even just sitting in silence together. You would be reading while he puffed at a cigar. It was nice. The closest thing you could get to domestic bliss in your life. 
James hated flying, which you quickly realized on his first mission with the team. That is why you were currently sitting next to him on the jet. He was leaning forward, elbows on his thighs, with his hands together, almost like he was praying. You were sitting close enough that your thighs were brushing each other, hoping that the small touch would help.
“You know, I love this weapon more than any other thing in the whole wide world,” Wade said as he sharpened one of his swords. “Do you wanna know why?”
“No,” Victor replied.
“It’s memorable. Sure, it’s a little bulky, tough to get on a plane. You whip out a couple of cowards at your ex-girlfriend’s wedding, they will never, ever forget it.”
“That’s funny, Wade. I think you confuse me with someone who gives a shit.”
“Right, it’s probably not as intimidating as having a gun or bone claws or fire. Or even the fingernails of a bag lady.” Victor’s claws grew out while Wade gripped his sword tighter. Wade held up his sword filer. “Manicure?”
“Victor,” James tone was one of warning, “easy.”
“Fred got a new tattoo. I’m concerned.” Wade was always one to jump from topic to topic.
James looked past you to see the new tattoo on Fred’s arm. “Oh, geez, Fred, you just met her last night.”
“I love her,” Fred said, getting emotional.
“You love her after one night?”
“She’s a gymnast.”
“I’m sure she’s great,” you told Fred, patting his leg.
“Bradley, take her down,” Stryker ordered. The jet began to descend with a turn.
“Oh, God,” James groaned, leaning forward again.
“Are you gonna puke?” Fred asked, taking a bite of a protein bar.
“If we were meant to fly, we’d grow wings.”
“Don’t worry, Nancy,” Zero said. “More people die driving than flying.”
“How about from impaling?”
“Hey, be nice,” John told James, “or be your approximation of nice. Would you like a bucket?”
“No,” James grunted as he tried to calm his stomach.
You placed a hand on his back, rubbing small circles on it. You could not care less about the others watching you and James. 
“Gentlemen, Y/N, wheels down in Lagos in five,” Stryker announced.
Stryker led the team to a taller building at the edge of the city. It was heavily guarded with tanks and armed men.
“Why are we here?” James asked.
“All in good time,” responded Stryker. “Zero?”
Zero stepped up, getting all the guns aimed at him before he started firing. He flipped over the large fence as he fired and defeated the men he could see. 
“Having fun yet?” Victor asked you and James before he ran over to the gate Zero had just opened.
Victor ran to the building and began using his claws to scale it. The team heard a tank arm up nearby.
“Fred?” Stryker called.
“The tank?” Fred wondered.
“The tank.”
“Yeah, I got that.”
Fred came over to the tank and punched his fist into it before the controller fired. The shot hit Fred’s fist before backfiring, exploding the tank. Stryker led the rest of you into the building and onto the elevator. Bradley, Wade, and John were standing in front, near the doors, while Fred, Stryker, James, and yourself were in the back. James made sure that you were in the corner so that he could cover you if needed. The elevator was playing office music before the power was cut and it stopped.
“Great,” Wade said. “Stuck in an elevator with five guys on a high-protein diet and a fiery bitch.”
“Watch it, bud,” James growled.
“Wade,” Stryker warned.
“Dreams really do come true.”
“Just shut it! You’re up next.”
“Thank you, sir. You look really nice today. It’s the green. It brings out the seriousness in your eyes. Though the black really brings out Y/N’s—“
“Oh my God. Do you ever shut up, pal?” James could never stand Wade for long periods of time.
“No. Not when I’m awake.”
“Bradley? Top floor, please,” Stryker requested.
Bradley quickly used his powers to bring the elevator up to the top floor. As soon as the elevator reached the top floor, James pushed you further into the corner and covered you. Stryker moved to stand between you two and Bradley. The doors opened and gunshots immediately followed. Wade twirled his words around, effectively preventing himself from taking a bullet. It wasn’t long until everyone was dead beside the boss at the front desk.
“Okay. People are dead,” Wade announced.
“If you didn’t have that mouth on you, Wade, you’d be the perfect soldier,” Stryker stated as he walked out of the elevator and toward the sole survivor. 
James made sure that you were at his side, always ready to jump in to protect you at a moment’s notice. The sole survivor reached for a gun from under his desk but John teleported, quickly stopping him.
“I wouldn’t do that if I was you, brother,” John warned.
“Take the diamonds,” the man said. “They’re yours.”
“I don’t want your diamonds,” replied Stryker. “I want this.” He took a piece of rock that was sitting on the man’s desk.
“But that is nothing. A souvenir.”
“Where did you find it? I want the source.”
“A small village, far inland, three days from here.”
Mere hours later, the team was in that small village. The villagers had been gathered up, kept close together by a ring of fire you were controlling. Stryker was holding up the stolen rock to the village leader while Wade was there translating.
“I don’t like this,” James muttered to you. The heat you had created had forced him to take off his shirt, leaving his white tank top.
“Me either,” you responded. You glanced around as Wade and Stryker talked to the village leader. The villagers were all terrified and you hated that you were a part of that.
“He’s telling the truth,” James tried to vouch for the leader.
“You don’t know the language, Logan,” Stryker dismissed.
“It’s a meteor fragment.”
“I know what it is. I’m asking him where he found it.”
“Sir,” Bradley called, “base wants to know our location.”
“Shut them down.”
Stryker leaned toward the kneeling leader. “Tell him everyone here will die unless he tells me where he the found rock.”
Wade quickly translated and received a response. “He says that it’s sacred.”
“Okay, fine,” Stryker stood up straight and turned to Victor. “Victor.” He placed a hand on the mutant’s shoulder before walking a few steps away, keeping his back to everyone.
Victor quickly killed the reader, causing the villagers to cry out. You extinguished the circle of flames as the other members of the team began killing the villagers. You stumbled back at the sight forcing James to steady you. In all your time with this team, you had never gone after innocents. James ran towards Victor grabbing his wrist before he could kill another innocent man.
“Victor!” James roared. “Don’t even think about it.” You noticed that your other teammates gripped their weapons tighter, prepared to fight each other. “We didn’t sign up for this. Put him down.”
Victor let go of the villager as he ripped his wrist from James’ grip. “What are you doing?” Victor questioned through panting breaths. “We finally got a good thing going here. Don’t you screw this up.”
“Enough. That’s enough. We’ve done enough.”
“Who do you think you are? This is what we do. Maybe you’d rather be rotting in a hole somewhere till they figure out a way to do it to us. Is that it? Huh?”
“I’m done. You coming?” When Victor didn’t give an immediate answer. James turned and walked to you. “Y/N. Come with me.”
“I—I can’t,” you were terrified of losing the comfort you had found.
“I promise that you will have a bed and food and clothes. I will take care of you.”
“Don’t do it, Y/N,” Stryker said, taking a step forward. “He can’t make those promises. You’ll be back on the streets.”
“I will never let that happen.” He held out his hand. “Come with me.”
You briefly looked past James to see Stryker angrily staring you down before you focused back on James. With a shaky hand, you reached out and took James’. He squeezed it before he began leading you away.
“Jimmy!” Victor yelled, causing James to stop and turn. “We can’t just let you two walk away.” James ripped off his dog tags before throwing them to the ground, you quickly did the same.
James made sure he had a good grip on your hand before the two of you disappeared into the forest, Victor calling after James. 
next chapter >
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Heyyyy! Part 2 with the dateables + Luke is up! Enjoy!
You can find part 1 with the brothers here
Summary: The dateables + Luke react to MC being an actor in a movie.
GN!MC + Dateables and Luke
You can find more of my work here: Masterlist
The dateables + Luke react to MC being an actor in a movie
One day the guys from Purgatory hall invited MC to have a movie night with them to which they happily agreed. So after dinner they acknowledged the brothers of their leave and hurried to Purgatory hall.
Right there in front of the entrance was Solomon, looking through one of his notebooks that are filled with magic circles and curses. You chuckle to yourself and approach him.
MC: Solomon! I'm here!
The sorcerer lifted his head upon hearing your voice and offered you a smile.
Solomon: You finally arrived! Luke insisted I come out here to wait for you as soon as possible causing me to wait for about 20 minutes..
MC: It isn't my fault! I was having dinner! Plus I needed to let Lucifer know I'd be with you guys.
Solomon: I never said it was your fault. Now come on. I'd imagine Luke is getting impatient right now.
You nod and Solomon escorts you into the building, leading you to the living room. There You saw Luke and Simeon chatting on the couch. Upon seeing you Luke's eyes widen and he runs up to you. He wraps his arms around you in a hug.
Luke: MC! You came!
Simeon chuckles and walks over to both you and Luke, patting the little angel's head.
Simeon: Now now, Luke. There is no need to get so excited.
Simeon moves his gaze away from Luke and looks at you.
Simeon: Welcome, MC.
MC: Thank you, Simeon.
You look around and see blankets and cushions prepared on the couch as well as different kinds of snacks on the coffee table.
MC: I see you guys have made quite the preparation.
Luke: Yeah! See all the sweets there? I made them myself with a bit of help from Simeon.
Solomon: I also prepared a little something!
Your and Luke's eyes widen. The angel looks at Simeon with a worried look who nods and clears his throat.
Simeon: You did, Solomon? They must've disappeared somehow. I never saw them again after you made them...
Luke sighs in relief and pulls you to sit next to him on the couch.
Solomon: Really? That's a shame.. I made them exactly to MC's liking.. I'm sorry, MC.
You smile and shake your head.
MC: secretly thanking Simeon for throwing them away Dont worry about it. It's fine.
All of a sudden the doorbell rings and you look towards the door in curiosity.
MC: Are you guys expecting anyone?
Simeon: Oh yes! We invited Lord Diavolo and Barbatos as well. We forgot to tell you.
MC: That's awesome! The more the merrier!
Solomon: Precisely.
Solomon walks up to the door and opens it, inviting Diavolo and Barbatos in.
MC: Hi, Diavolo! Hi, Barbatos!
Diavolo and Barbatos: Hello, MC.
Simeon: So now that we're all here what should we watch?
Solomon: A horror movie maybe?
Luke: N-no! I don't like horror movies!!
Barbatos: Then perhaps we could watch a documentary?
Diavolo: These are quite boring in my opinion, Barbatos... What do you think?
Barbatos: Whatever you say, My Lord.
Simeon: Then maybe we should watch this?
Simeon points at a movie on the screen that everyone seems to agree on.
Solomon: Let's watch this then.
Barbatos: Would that be to your liking, My Lord?
Diavolo: Most definitely!
And so Solomon clicks play and the movie begins. As the storyline progresses everyone is watching intensely. Though soon enough when a new character appears on screen everyone gasp in shock.
Luke: MC, MC! Look! That actor looks like you!!! Look!!
You look at the screen and chuckle.
MC: That's because the actor is me, Luke.
Luke: Wait really?!? You're staring in the movie??
Diavolo: excited MC! That's splendid! Congratulations! I've heard many good things about this movie! I had no idea you are one of the actors! Maybe I should promote it to the entire Devildom so everyone knows what a great actor this movie has!
Barbatos: There is no need for something like this, My Lord. The movie is already well-known throughout the entire Devildom. Congratulations, MC. The Young Master is very proud of you and if I dare say I am as well.
MC: Thank you!
Simeon: Yes! That's wonderful, MC!
Solomon: It sure is! Do you plan on continuing your acting career, MC?
MC: Well I haven't really thought about it.
Diavolo: Make sure to give it some thought. If you u decide to take things on tell me and I'll find you a place in the industry.
Luke: You'd make for an amazing actor, MC! You should definitely continue acting!
Simeon: I agree with Luke here, MC. Though know that we aren't persuing you. We'd support whatever decision you make.
Barbatos: Of course we will, Simeon. Oh and MC make sure to mention that to Lucifer and his brothers. I'm pretty sure they'd be particularly interested.
MC: I will, Barbatos. And thank you, guys!
And so the movie night continues. You made sure to flip a joke or two on your acting skills from time to time while the others didn't miss an opportunity to compliment your acting. Overall the night was full of great memories and laughter.
Bonus: Luke accidentally fell asleep by the end of the movie sense it was way past his bedtime. And in the morning he was very grumpy for missing the ending.
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buckgasms · 2 days
Hi, I have been absolutely loving your blog, mostly the Daddy!Bucky & Princess stories (but let’s be honest who doesn’t love Bucky 🥰😂!) and I was wondering about something..
I had my birthday recently and was wondering how the 2 of them would celebrate? U can make it as fluffy or smutty as u would like, and it’s okay if it takes a while for u to write, I have one every year so it will be close enough to each of them 😉
Keep up the good work and I cant wait to see more of your stories and imagination come to life 🥰
First of all @nicoline1998enilocin I am so sorry! This request is so old it's probably almost your birthday again 🫣 but I kept it in my inbox because I really love it and I wanted to do it justice, which hopefully is done for you today.
And also, happy birthday 🎂🎈 thank you for preempting my uselessness and for sending in a lovely ask!
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So let's start with Bucky's birthday:
- You try your absolute best to wake up first so you can give him birthday head but I feel like he would also be happy at waking you up too.
- Either way it's an X-rated morning lol.
- You managed to sneak out of his arms long enough to rush out to the kitchen and grab the pretty cakes you made the day before.
- He appears in the living room to find you sitting amongst his presents, a little cupcake and a candle lighting up your pretty face.
- Kneeling down he looks at you for a moment before blowing out his candle. He cups your cheek in a warm hand and pulls you in for a kiss.
- I'm not sure what you'd get for a criminal CEO who has everything but you manage to get him some lovely gifts.
- Stationery is always good, and some books. Maybe a nice watch? Shirts? Sunglasses?
- Plus you have a few little bags filled with pretty lingerie and toys that you figured he would enjoy.
- The present unwrapping ends with him cuddling you and kissing you all over, snuggling up as he thanks you for all the wonderful gifts.
- But you are the best gift he's ever had.
- I feel like there would also be an unspoken agreement that any time the birthday boy wants to have his princess, he gets her.
- Doesn't matter where you are, or what's happening. He just grabs you, pins you down or presses you up against a wall and takes what's his.
- Without knowing when it's happening you spend the day in a state of giddy excitement and desire.
- Daddy is the kinda guy who does big parties, but actually hates them when they are happening.
- He spends a bit of time chatting to his friends, opening some gifts and eating delicious canapes, but his mind is preoccupied.
- Because of you.
- You have dressed up in a little pink dress that looks exactly like a ribbon on top of a present. And he wanted to unwrap you right then and there.
- And perhaps in fact you told him that he could? As a special birthday treat?
- He'd managed to resist so far, but now he just wants his pretty present.
- He sidles up behind you and wraps his arms around you, pressing kisses to your shoulder and neck. You giggle as he tugs gently at the end of the bow.
- Much to both of your surprises it falls off quite quickly and drops to the floor. Some of the guests notice and clap, as you giggle twirling around and pressing yourself into Bucky's chest.
- "Much better I must say" he mutters into your ear and brushes his nose along yours before stealing a kiss from you. He deepens it as your arms wrap around him, holding you close.
- People actually sigh and swoon.
- Maybe you dance a little or maybe he just waves his guests goodbye as you walk with him up the stairs to the bedroom.
Now let's talk about Princess' birthday:
- He wakes you up with kisses and surrounds you with presents on the bed.
- I also think he would get you a tiara because you are a Princess.
- All the presents are so perfect, he gets you all those little things that you have mentioned over the past few months.
- Maybe some nice jewellery, books, dresses, colouring books, a new phone? New supplies for arts and crafts? Teddy bears?
- Also he's taking you to Italy...
- He spends the day pampering you, pleasuring you and treating you like the princess that you are.
- I think he would take you out for lunch, but he'd make sure the whole restaurant was booked so you weren't disturbed.
- He's gonna fuck you right there as well because you look so beautiful and happy and he can't resist you.
- I think you have permission to come anytime you want on your birthday. All you have to do is say, "Daddddy" and bat your pretty eyelashes and he'll be there to make you feel all better.
- A similar party ensues, although probably a smaller crowd because you prefer it that way.
- You take your time opening presents, giving big hugs to all of the gifters and showing Daddy what you got.
- Despite a whole day of sex on tap, you still feel a hit desire for him. He just looks so divine and delicious.
- And he knows you are dying for him so he asks Natasha to give you your present as he drags you into his lap, pretty skirt of your dress covering your lap.
- You squeak as his hand slides up your thigh and into your underwear, rubbing and sliding into your soaked heat.
- "Just can't get enough can ya? I can feel how swollen and used this pretty cunt is Princess, and still you want more hmm? Such a good girl. God I'm so lucky..."
- His whispering all this filth in your ear as you unwrap your present. You do your absolute best to thank Natasha and focus on what she's brought you, but his fingers are curling and pressing into that magical spot inside that sends your brain into a fog.
- You basically stay like that until the party ends. Everyone gives you a birthday kiss before they leave and you smile and wave as they go.
- Leaning back on Bucky's chest you let out a little whine, as he continues to make a mess of you.
- "Ready for your last present?"
- Much like his birthday the evening will end with something very special.
- I think he'd purchase something really kinky for his birthday, and something even kinkier for yours 😂
- I also like the idea of it all being a bit silly. Like you have to sing happy birthday to him as he spanks you, and if you get distracted he starts again.
- Ooh what about those candles you can use in the bedroom?? He'd turn you into his little birthday cake, eating you out but you have to stay still otherwise you get wax on you?
- Or instead of a gag he puts a cupcake in your mouth and you have to hold it tight without eating it.
- Frosting.
- I feel like these would work for both your birthdays because let's face it, being Daddy's plaything is as much a treat for you as it is for him 💞
- But always ending in cuddles, a nice bath and a reminder of how much he loves his Princess, how his life is better with you, how lucky he is and how he wants every birthday, every day spent with you 💞
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formosusiniquis · 3 days
It’s Wednesday have some worms I’m using as a warm-up.
So this is inspired by these style videos that I’ve seen a lot lately on youtube shorts cause i quit tiktok just to get stuck on the vape version. Where people go up to athletes and ask them to sign old pictures of themselves. And I’ve got two versions that have been playing in my head.
1. Chrissy and Eddie run a joint besties tiktok/social media thing where they show off their opposites attract platonic soulmate life by pushing each other out of their comfort zones, making them do things the other likes, and showing that it can be fun. Eddie takes Chrissy to a show and makes her get in the mosh pit, they jump out of a plane -- each claiming it was the other’s idea -- she makes Eddie try cheer; you get the picture.
So Chrissy drags Eddie to a sports game of your choosing, I’m going with baseball cause @thefreakandthehair ‘s latest fic with baseball steve is living in my head rent-free this week. Eddie decides that if he’s going and they’re going to do the sports equivalent of stage-dooring then he’s going to double up and get in on this trend he’s seen. The reactions are middling to bland, Tommy Hagan flips him off but does sign the photo of himself from what Eddie thinks is probably his junior prom and he and Chrissy are both pretty positive that'll be the best reaction they get for the video. But the next person they have planned to get is Steve and Eddie had to dig deep to find a picture of Steve that wasn’t a photo of him in a group shot at a party when he was in high school. It’s like the guy hit senior year and disappeared off the internet.
So Eddie walks up to the hottest guy he’s ever seen and asks for an autograph while handing Steve a photo of himself from grade school. He’s got the biggest smile on his face, one of his front teeth is missing and his hair is slipping forward onto his forehead from its picture-day perfect styling. Steve cuts off his by-rote agreement with a laugh and actually turns to look at Eddie (and Chrissy) now.
“Did everyone get one like this or am I special?”
Chrissy answers since Eddie lost the ability to speak the second Steve looked at him while smiling, “Yours is the littlest, but we did choose to ignore everyone’s professionally taken headshots.”
“You think this wasn’t done by a professional? Look at the lighting and the weird tree in the background.”
Chrissy laughs and does that thing where she kicks her leg out enough to knock Eddie back to planet earth. “You can make it out to Eddie, with an IE.” She tells Steve while Eddie massages his smarting ankle.
Steve takes the sharpie out of Eddie’s slack hand and looks down to sign. “I was always gonna sign, cause I like to think this little guy would be really excited about how far I got. But, this would be creepy if you weren’t so cute.”
Eddie is only able to answer because Steve still isn’t looking at him. “Her?”
Steve hands him the picture. “She didn’t ask for the autograph.”
They have to blur it for the video, but underneath his perfectly practiced signature, Steve sends Eddie home with his number.
Alternatively my take 2. The kids get full VIP experience tickets for Corroded Coffin and they have to go Steve. Claudia doesn’t want to cramp their style so she’s out, but if they can’t find a certified adult to take them then Ted has been volunteered. Ted, Steve. He agrees to go because even if he can’t stand the idea of spending the night fighting a migraine during the flashing lights of a heavy metal concert, he also isn’t going to let the Party suffer the social repercussions that would be Ted Wheeler going.
But he decides if he’s going to go he’s going to have fun with it. The kids let him know that it’s a small VIP (for plot reasons) and every group gets a set amount of time with the group. He’s listened to them talk about what they’re bringing to get signed, what they’re going to say to the band to sound both cool and mature. Meanwhile, he’s taking inspiration from his own feed to come up with a plan that’s going to hopefully only annoy everyone a ‘God Steve why do we take you anywhere, but yeah okay that was pretty funny’ amount and not actually ruin the kids' time.
He doesn’t actually know anyone in the band, but the internet exists and as he goes down his rabbit hole, trying to find pictures that are suitably dweeby but also cute in a wholesome way, he realizes that oops the lead guitarist is super hot and also vaguely familiar.
The night of the concert comes and Steve goes into the VIP line with five photos for the four members. Pictures from so far down the Instagram timeline that an accidental like would get him put on a watchlist. He’s got a sophomore Gareth trying his blue steel in a selfie, a photo of Jeff from the one year he did marching band to get out of his gym credit, Freak in the suit vest he got for Junior prom, and Eddie at his most dramatic ‘it’s not a phase Wayne’ stage in high school.
Eddie absolutely thinks they’re being made fun of for a minute, it’s Jeff who laughs and breaks the tension first. Which is good because Steve had waited to bring out the second picture he brought, turns out he finally figured out why the hot guitarist looked and sounded so familiar, and he shows Eddie a picture from the summer camp they went to together where they had been inseparable. That one Eddie signs gladly, his messy signature blocking out the camp counselor they had both hated. Steve won’t let the kids see, he tells them it’s weird to see your heavy metal heroes when they were eight and still waiting to get the gap between their front teeth fixed with braces. But he really just doesn’t want them to see the number Eddie wrote there and the vague promise to have Steve over to catch up and see if they can make kids as cute as they were.
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cher-rei · 2 days
love song ♬— chapter 4 [ J.M ]
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pairing: jamal musiala x fem!oc
summary [please read]
genre(s): strangers to lovers, fluff, angst and football romance [love song playlist]
[w.c: 4.3k] masterlist
notes: this is the one!! ya'll thought I was joking about the 5k word count 😔
previous chapter | next chapter
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the three friends stepped off the train in herzogenaurach, the city bustling with excitement and laughter. with their luggage in hand, they caught their uber and successfully made it to their b&b that they rented our for the remainder of the tournament.
obviously because it was where the team's training camp was located, and it would mean less hassle and back and forth travel from munich.
the uber turned into a quaint street lined with traditional bavarian townhouses, each boasting colourful flower boxes and rustic facades. a wooden sign creeked in the gentle breeze, bearing the b&b’s name in gold, bold letters.
“welcome ladies.” the sight of a middle aged man greeted them at the front door, his smile inviting as he held the villa's key in his hands. “she's yours for the next few weeks. don't be scared to call me if anything is needed.”
with a grateful smile, aaliyah let the keys fall into her palms and waved off the property owner while sophia and noelle got the rest of their luggage.
as they entered the, the cozy living room enveloped them in warmth. plush sofa's, rustic wooden furniture, and rich, dark wood floors created an inviting atmosphere. vintage memorabilia adorned the walls, alongside german team jerseys and photographs.
they led to each of their bedrooms— sophia's boasted vibrant red and black bedding and a more rustic look while aaliyah's room featured sleek, modern decor. noelle's room was cozy, with a comfortable reading nook.
the kitchen beckoned, filled with with aroma of freshly brewed coffee which was more than enough to make noelle's senses perk up.
“you know,” she turned to look at her friend's with an innocent smile. “I think we should have some coffee, to match the atmosphere and stuff.”
before she could successfully open one of the cabinets, aaliyah interjected and pulled her to the side and gestured to the fridge. “we have orange juice, don't talk crap.”
noelle's shoulders dropped in disappointment. “but it's not the same,” she whined but her friends weren't giving into her plea.
“yeah, it won't lead to kidney failure,” sophia said with a smile and passed her the glass of orange juice, the look of distaste on noelle’s face comical. “drink it so we can unpack.”
the following two days spent in the city went about quickly, with lots of time out to explore and just enjoy their time together. noelle even got some time to start on her thesis, or at least figure out where she was intending to go with it. on different occasions she would call sophia and aaliyah aside separately for some questioning, trying to get as raw of a response that she could.
sophia's interview [log 1]
n: how do you handle the pressure of being in the public eye?
s: honestly, it's tough. but kai keeps me grounded, funny enough. he's really supportive and puts my comfortability first, which I really appreciate.
n: how do you maintain intimacy and the relationship's strength with different schedules?
s: (laughs) we make time, even if it's just a video call like we've been doing recently. trust is key.
n: okay, yoda. what's the most challenging part of dating a high profile athlete?
s: balancing my own identify with being “kai havetz's girlfriend”. well, fiance now. but he's sweet, and encourages me to pursue my passions, even if it isn't the most ideal. we work around it.
n: aw, that's so sweet... move back to munich for me.
s: (laughs) no. nice try though, maybe it'll actually work next time.
n: shut up.
aaliyah's interview [log 2]
n: uhh, let's see. ah, how do you cope with flo's intense training regiments?
a: communication is key, sweetheart. we prioritise our time together and as long as there is understanding and trust, we’re good.
n: ew, sophia said the same thing.
a: because it's true you idiot. you're just a baby, you'll understand one day.
n: what's the most surprising aspect of dating a professional athlete?
a: the emotional highs and lows. you're going to experience that first hand this time around since you're with us. their passion for football is infectious but losses can be tough, which means that they rely on us for emotional support and reassurance. it's a lot of responsibility but it's worth it.
n: that's a lot of words. I think I deserve some coffee.
a: you wanted raw and honest? I gave you raw and honest. but touch that espresso machine and i will light it on fire in front of you.
n: ughhhhhh!
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she slept, ate and drank thesis for the next few days. and that even meant when they went out. it was a day before germany and hungary's match in stuttgart that sophia proposed that they took a trip to the training camp. were they allowed to? not in the slightest.
there was a strict no family policy implemented to keep the teams’ players focused and isolated. which noelle found sort of dumb.
the three friends entered the camp with sophia leading the way as if she owned the place, greeting the staff members that passed by and whatnot, while aaliyah and noelle walked behind with their arms linked.
“this feels illegal,” noelle said, her eyes scanning the sleek and modern interior of the building before they headed onto the training pitch.
aaliyah smiled. “that's because it is.”
noelle couldn't help but shake her head, a quizzical look on her face as she looked up at aaliyah with so many questions plauging her mind. “how do you not have a criminal record yet?”
from in front of them sophia threw her head back in laughter, taking a step back go high five noelle with a satisfied smile. aaliyah didn't see the comment as an insult however and shrugged her shoulders. “I have connections and a very pretty face.”
the path that led them to the training pitch was unnecessarily lengthy, the accommodation in general was absolutely huge. the building felt like it was swallowing noelle whole.
the football pitch was located on the further side of a smaller pitch with fake grass, a running track circling the field with the bleachers on the far right just opposite the building.
the three girls happily took their seats on the last level of the bleachers, nothing but a barricade separating them and the footballers going through their drills. turns out that aaliyah did have connections, meaning that even though family weren't allowed to visit unless given the permission at allocated times, the girls were.
it didn't take much for kai and florian to spot their girlfriend's, and by the looks in their eyes they were ready to drop everything and make a run for it. jamal on the other hand tripped over his own feet at the sight of noelle but he managed to catch himself without making it too obvious.
“are you okay?” toni asked the younger boy, who sheepishly waved his captain off and cleared his throat from the minor embarrassment.
for the rest of the first session, jamal couldn't help but turn to the bleachers every so often, his gaze unintentionally landing on noelle who was sat with her ipad on her lap, scribbling something down. he came to the conclusion that she was working on her thesis, listening intently as her friends spoke.
her laughter sounded through the air at some point, followed by sophia slapping her on the arm and yelling something through her own laughter.
“you look like a lovestruck deer.” the retort came from none other than kai himself, which promoted jamal to take a step back and hit him with the most judgement look he could muster.
“are you telling me that?” he scoffed. “kai ‘my girlfriend breathes and I want to die in her arms’ havertz?”
kai threw his hands up in defence. “wow, thanks for that. remind me to just shut up next time.”
jamal playfully smiled at his sarcastic comment, gratefully taking it. “with pleasure.”
“jamal and kai you're acting like we're not playing an international tournament!” their coach yelled after blowing the whistle to gain their attention, the two footballers immediately halting their argument. “wouldn't you like to hold a trophy this season havertz? might just be the first and last!”
while the players all erupted into a fit of laughter, the three girls on the bleachers were in their own bubble of conversation.
“seriously, how traumatised do you have to be to start yelling, ‘run up, run up. cross the ball, I'm open!’”
noelle and sophia covered their mouths in an attempt to contain their laughter at aaliyah's story. she shook her head and continued complaining, sophia giving her own input in between while noelle took notes on her tablet.
she was silently absorbing all the words exchanged between her friends, perhaps looking up at the pitch to see jamal laughing or jumping in excitement about scoring. unbeknownst to her, there was a faint smile on her lips even if it didn't feel like it.
“are you seriously just going to sit there?” sophia asked with a chuckle, watching as noelle took a sip from her water bottle. yes water.
she closed the plastic bottle with a smile, gesturing for them to continue. “yes, now carry on talking. you're doing great.”
aaliyah's brows furrowed. “I was literally talking about how irritating flo is when he sleeps talks.”
“exactly,” noelle deadpanned and got comfortable in her seat, ready to listen to more complaining but unfortunately the whistle sounded which meant that it was time for a water break.
sophia and aaliyah were out of their seat at lightning speed, practically hopping over the barricade to get onto the pitch where florian and kai were getting water. she shook her head in slight disapproval, a sigh escaping her lips as she focused on the two couples and their interaction.
their dynamics were so different, and it was something that noelle was heavily taking into account for her thesis, and simply out of genuine interest. kai and sophia were softer— their love and affection for each other was so evident that you wouldn't be able to see them without each other, it simply didn't make sense.
and florian and aaliyah were a lot more playful, with aaliyah wearing the pants in the relationship. they shared light banter, silent glances and gentle gestures while also maintaining a strong sense of friendship. it was cute.
noelle didn't even realise that she zoned out until jamal called her name. the footballer walked up to the barricade, “hey stranger.” his arms relaxed on the top with a gentle smile on his face. “what brings you to this side of the world?”
a chuckle left her lips at the playfulness in his voice and she hummed in thought for a moment. “my friends’ borderline obessesion and codependence,” she said half joking and jamal laughed. “and what brings you to this side of the pitch?”
a glint of something flickered in his eyes at the question, something that noelle managed to catch before he answered. “a very pretty psych student.”
now, just because noelle had never been in a relationship before did not mean that she was oblivious. she's had her fair share of encounters to know when someone was flirting with her, it's just that this was the only time where she didn't have the alarm going off in her head telling her to awkwardly laugh and change the subject.
for some reason she was more thrilled and keen on entertaining it, even if it was just a joke (she wasn't sure).
“oh, really?” she questioned with mock intrigue. “where is she?” she straightened her posture and looked around the field to which he laughed.
his laughter sent a warm shiver down her spine, she couldn't help but enjoy his playful demeanour. she watched with her lips pursed as he took his phone out of his pocket and turned the screen in her direction to see the front camera open.
yep. she was on the verge of throwing up and overheating.
“she's right there,” he said with a proud smile and she nodded along with flushed cheeks but she held onto her playful facade.
“oh, wow. and what makes her so special exactly?”
jamal's grin widened. “well she's super smart, has this insane coffee addiction, and she can quote fifa regulations verbatim.”
noelle chuckled at his answer, almost losing herself at the last point. he wasn't even trying but she was quite aware that what she felt in that moment was the equivalent of downing four shots of espresso. “that's quite the combination. was that combo the reason you tripped earlier on?”
jamal's laughter echoed through the air, his eyes crinkling at the corners while slight embarrassment welled up inside him. “maybe it was the combination, maybe it was something else entirely.”
she stifled a laugh and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears that were on fire. “well whatever reason, I'm glad that you're okay.” her tone was gentle and genuine, enough for him to lean in a little closer, his fingers absentmindedly tapping along the barricade.
“I think that it was fate’s way of getting my attention,” he prompted and noelle's lips parted, her eyes playfully rolling. “and now that I have it, I think I should conduct a study of my own.”
he was freakishly good at this. every word that left his mouth made her question herself. “oh, really? I'm listening.”
he looked up at the sky for a moment. “the psychology of the perfect distraction.”
her cheeks burned, but she couldn't tear her gaze away from his. not when this was a thrill that she wasn't about to give up. “and how do you want to go about that? any references in mind?”
he nodded eagerly, proud smile on his face to know that he wasn't shooting himself in the foot with whatever the hell he was doing right now. it wasn't even planned. he just wanted to say hi. not profess his undying love!
“there's this coffee-addicted, fifa-regulation-quoting-genuis that is exactly what I'm looking for.”
“and what makes you think this genuis would be interested in your research?”
for the first time in however long this conversation was going on for, jamal felt his smile falter before he managed to recover it. “well, I'm willing to take the risk. and besides,” he shrugged. “I think she's already interested.”
naturally she asked what made him think that. because she wanted to know what her behaviour looked like from his perspective, granted that he was talking about her right now. if not, then she was screwed and was about to live with a life time of embarrassment and another reason to not leave her house.
a sigh left jamal's lips, one that seemed more dazed than exhausted. “the way that she smiles when I talk about fifa regulations.”
she couldn't hold it in anymore, her laughter practically burst from her chest in relief to the point where she was doubled over and clutching her stomach. she tried to calm herself down but whenever she took a breath to look at jamal she found herself laughing again, leaving him there to hold back his own to admire her.
she sit up and fanned her already burning face, taking a moment to wipe the tears that managed to escape. “I think you're already an expert in distraction.”
he raised his hands in defence. “guilty as charged.”
unfortunately their banter was disturbed. “musiala, water break is over!”
with a sigh he turned to noelle and shot her one last smile. “duty calls, but I'll see you tomorrow?”
she nodded slowly, but bit her tongue for a moment, rethinking her original answer. “I think I can arrange that research meeting by the way, at a price of course.”
his intrigue that died down seconds ago was back and jamal found himself looking at her like a lost puppy. “oh?”
her lips parted to say something but was drowned out by someone calling his name again which he dismissed immediately. “leroy, can you shut up for a minute please! I'm right here!” he turned back to noelle. “I'm listening.”
“I need a goal from you tomorrow, just for fun,” she stated with a shrug and he hummed in response, more than happy with the request.
“deal,” he said almost instantly but noelle felt like carrying on her teasing, eager to test his limits.
she held out her hand, watching as his confused gaze travelled to it. nonetheless, he leant his arm over the barricade, enough that she was able to get hold of his hand to which she gently held his wrist and lightly tapped the inside of it thrice.
“what?” he looked up at her.
“I just cursed you,” she said through a smile, his expression dropping instantly. when she was done with her joke she went on to explain to him that it was a simple gesture to lock a promise.
it was something stupid she made up a when she was younger, and often did with carmen before she became the epitome of her worst nightmare.
as he jogged back onto the field, the post convention clarity hit noelle like a truck. immediate regret bubbled in her stomach but she couldn't even dwell ob her stupidy long enough before sophia and aaliyah were at her sides, nagging on her head about the encounter.
they weren't satisfied with a simple, “we just talked.”
aaliyah shook her head, calling out her bluff and blatant lie. “you didn't see what we saw! you were smiling like crazy, shut up, noelle you even giggled!”
“ew, as if!”
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when they got back home, noelle was the first to head to her room saying that she was exhausted. and naturally the girls decided to not press the situation and let her be, making sure to call her down for supper and then she was back in her room.
noelle sank into the bed, surrounded be the quaint floral patterns and photographs in the room. the soft glow of the bedside lamp cast eerie shadows on the walls, mirroring her inner turmoil.
as she lay there, the silence was oppressive, punctuated only by the distant hum of crickets and the occasional creek of the old wooden floorboards. sophia and aaliyah's excited whispers still lingered in her mind, but now they were replaced by her own taunting doubts.
her thoughts swirled like a maelstrom, threatening to pull her under. she knew herself, she knew her fears like the back of her hand. she knew all too well that intimacy was something that she preferred to steer clear from, there was nothing worth being vulnerable and losing someone. she's seen it first hand with her parents.
noelle was young but she wasn't stupid, and seeing her father leave the house in the middle of the night only to return hours later without explanation was enough of a tell tale. she was 8 when she picked up her father's phone for the first time, the distant rising annoying her as she proceeded to colour in, in the living room.
it was silent, she didn't want to say anything yet because she wasn't sure who was calling. until the unfamiliar female voice echoed through the speaker. “adrian, sweetheart are you there?”
from that day onward, noelle was unable to look at her father the same. she had to witness her mother suffer through the deceit and self doubt, the crying and the anger filled words. she was there.
the darkness outside seemed to seep into her room, shrouding her in an unsettling uncertainty. noelle's heart raced, her palms growing slick with sweat.
intimacy terrified her. the thought of vulnerability, of exposing herself, made her want to retreat into the comfort of her solitude.
but jamal's playful words lingered, and his smile was etched into her mind. he didn't what he was getting himself into, and that guilt settled into her stomach. he was trying, he was genuine and she was a coward.
noelle's eyelids grew heavy, but her mind refused to quiet. fear and self doubt wrestled with the fragile spark of hope.
they weren't doing much the following day besides getting on the train to stuttgart early that morning for the match. it gave noelle time to sleep seeing as she was up the entire night. sophia and aaliyah carried on as per normal, aaliyah holding on extra tight to noelle at her side.
as the train rumbled towards frankfurt, noelle's exhaustion weighed her down like an anchor. her eyes felt gritty, her mind foggy from the sleepless night.
when she woke up, aaliyah noticed her friend's subdued demeanour and squeezed her hand reassuringly. “hey, you okay?”
noelle forced a smile. “yeah, just tired.” but aaliyah's knowing glance suggested that she could see past her facade.
the train’s din and the girls chatter receded into the background as noelle leant her head on the window, her gaze drifting through the german countryside that was being overshadowed by darker clouds.
every so often her heart would skip a beat at the thought of the footballer. she just couldn't shake off the feeling that she was sabotaging something before it even began. but this isn't what she needed at the moment, instead she needed to shake off all that negativity and enjoy the evening.
when the train stopped she took one last final breath and prepared herself for whatever the evening threw at her, because at least she wasn't alone.
to no ones surprise, aaliyah sensed her tension and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “babe, relax. it's just a match,” she whispered as they took their seats, the roar of the crowd drowning out her thoughts.
but it was more than just a match. for noelle, this was a direct confrontation with her own fears, her own doubts. and he was standing there on the pitch underneath the stadium lights, taking his teammates hands before getting into position.
noelle's gaze involuntarily drifted drifted to jamal, his confident stride and assured smile making her heart stutter. the flutter in her chest was undeniable, and she hated herself for it.
aaliyah's grip on her shoulder tightened, a gentle reminder that she was going to be okay. sophia, oblivious to the inner turmoil, chattered and took pictures of the stadium.
as the game commenced, her attention wavered between the action in the pitch and jamal's dynamic movements. every time he touched the ball, her pace quickened. his sudden sprint down the wing, ball at his feet brought noelle back to reality.
her brows furrowed as she scowered the pitch. “the weather is actually clearing up,” she got hums of confirmation at the question and cuddled futher into aaliyah's side, the crisp air hitting noelle's bare face, the sun starting to peak through the canopy of clouds.
nothing much had happened, but the stadium's atmosphere was intense yet inviting. the supporters were singing and cheering, their attitude and excitement giving the players the much needed energy.
as the 22nd minute ticked by, jamal's sudden sprint down the wing brought noelle to the edge of her seat. she wondered if he remember what they talked about the day before— if it was even the slightest bit significant to him.
her brows furrowed, her eyes scoured the pitch as the supporters waited in anticipation. then in a flash of brilliance, he struck the ball— and it curled into the top corner of the net, a work of art.
noelle's world exploded in a riot of colour and sound, her friends’ screams of excitement deafening her more than the others. naturally, she leapt to her feet her voice lost in the cacophony of cheers.
aaliyah's arms enveloped her, holding her steady as the stadium swirled around them. for a fleeting moment, jamal's gaze locked onto hers, a spark that left her breathless. he remembered.
“noelle, did you see that?” sophia screamed, her voice piercing but noelle’s attention remained on jamal, his triumphant smile illuminating the pitch.
and then in a subtle gesture, he tapped his wrist thrice, eyes locking onto hers. noelle's breath caught. it was a joke, asking him to score was a joke. but the fact that he remembered was what had her breathless.
when the game was over, the final whistle blew at 2-0 to germany. a successful win that blurred noelle's doubts and turmoil for a moment, a reminder to focus on the little things and let go for a bit.
they found themselves on the pitch again under the summer heat, congratulating the team and taking the necessary pictures. it was good until jamal came up to her, his hand out for a fist bump that she was more than happy to accept as a token of gratitude.
their “research task” was brought up obviously, and it was going to take place at the cinema, seeing as spiderman: across the spiderman released a week ago back at the cinema in herzogenaurach.
but before they could exchange another word, aaliyah burst in. "spiderman across the spiderverse? that's a great idea, jamal!"
sophia chimed in, “that sounds like a fun group outing.”
jamal's gaze drifted from noelle to the growing group, his smile forced. noelle's heart sank, sensing jamal's dismay. was he that keen on having a few with her alone? the joke was implied, but once again she was left confused.
aaliyah, oblivious to the tension, continued planning. she had already talked to florian about booking the vip cinema, naturally to avoid interruption from the public and media.
jamal's eyes met noelle's, searching for clarification. her apologetic shrug barely eased his slight disappointment and waned excitement, leaving him wondering if he'd misread the signals. the spiderman marathon, once a covert date, now felt like a group outing.
“this research task just got a lot more…” he sighed, his attention on his friends who were excitedly planning the outing, noelle laughing along with them. “...inclusive.”
“all I remember is the handshake,” florian said with his brows furrowed, and noelle immediately burst into laughter at his mistake at referencing the wrong movie.
he looked at her with a look of disgust and aaliyah gently pat his back. “wrong movie, babe.”
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ruporas · 2 years
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studies from the finale
#nicholas d wolfwood#meryl stryfe#trigun#trigun stampede#honestly the grand highlight.#anyway i think i ... drained all my thoughts of ep12 on saturday. i was like... all day drawing stuff for that episode and then circling#those thoughts but mainly#im just excited for season 2. im so so excited for s2. AND IM EXCITED FOR.. all of the steady appearance of trimax stuff again#like when they recited quote to quote of vash and knives conversation when they were on their way up to space#the i'll keep running and after 150 years this is what you have to say godddddd#GODDDDDD i felt so much in that moment. GODDDDDDD#IM REALLY EXCITED... because i dont know what to necessarily expect from s2 too. there is a LOT of setup that happened in s1 and it#will fundamentally change how we view the characters and their relationships to one another i think? especially the main trio and#and and and and MILLLLYYYYYYYY GAHHHHHHHH IM SO EXCITED FOR HER!!! MILLY!!!!!! we all knew she was coming back. it was only natural.#i really hope they keep as Much as they can from the original design. ESPECIALLY HER PERSONALITY. god. do not take away her personality. and#do not take away her bigness i will CRY. but overall im happy the og 4 are going to be back and theyll be closer than before bc of all they#experienced together.... and ahhhh everything with knives... vash and his eriks arc....#im rambling again but there's obviously a lot of hype there...eughh eughehu i love trigun so much i love love love love trigun#ruporas art
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eddiemunsonsmum · 1 day
Just saw this comment on a story posted a month ago.
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*cries in Eddie Munson Solo Series no one wanted to read, interact with or request for*
No shade to the person that commented this on their own fic if you recognize it. It's not their fault. I'm not mad at them. More crying in the tags.
#and no I didn't tag the solo series like I normally would because it's not about THAT. It's not about trying to get people to read it#It was just really ouchie to see the same concept I wrote 2 years ago get triple the notes in ONE MONTH.#and double the notes of my solo series masterlist in general in one month vs 2 years of my stories sitting there rotting#Then I see people saying they need more solo Eddie and I'm just here like my dudes I begged for requests. BEGGED. But bc I wasn't#/have never been a popular writer people don't want it from ME. It's like omg we want THIS but not like that. Not from you.#Can't help but let it get you down when nothing has changed in 2 years. It's not like I worked my way up and have the interaction now#that every other blog I used to commiserate with back in the day is getting currently. Fandom isn't a competition but it's not fair either#and I really struggle with that a lot of the time#Also yes I will concede I should be happy with the notes on the solo series because they are the highest of all the work on my page but#they're still nothing compared to what some people have just hours after posting a new story.#I saw someone complaining the other day that there are less new stories in the fandom than ever 1. That's simply not true. 2. Even if it wa#can you blame writers for giving up when readers are checking the same popular blogs over again or reading the same 5 tropes the same#2 pairings over and over. The same series? Over and over. Ignoring everything else and then complaining that their faves don't post enough?#That the popular writer with the incredible series (that rightfully deserves interaction) hasn't posted a new dad!eddie or rockstar!eddie#drabble in ages meanwhile there are writes out there pouring their souls into dad!eddie and no one reads it. There is so much rockstar Eddi#smut out there that it could sustain a brand new reader for an entire year before they needed a new fic#Idk man. I'm just feeling so defeated. I write for fun now. But there was a point in time where I desperately tried to build a platform by#offering requests and writing a lot of things I would not otherwise write to try and gain traction on my page and every time I see another#food fucking fic get hundreds of notes I get so sad that I wrote that stupid Melon fic because I had people in my life that told me#they would be excited to read it and for what? One of them still talks to me. The others moved on so fast. Most didn't even reblog it.#Some of them have since written their own food fucking fics that got triple the notes of my OG. Again. No shade to them. I don't own the#concept. It's just disheartening and fucking sad above all else. How hard I tried to get people to LIKE me and my stories. 😂#Just sad hours in general tonight my guys. Going to go and pour the bad feelings into Aftermath and then maybe make a bad life choice and#pour all my savings into an ipad#YES I KNOW first world problems. I know. That's why I try not to talk about it bc it seems so petty considering the state of the world#But you can't help what gets you down#EMMs Journal#EMM's Journal
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danielnelsen · 1 month
update: peach is doing very well!! she's eating and sleeping normally (sleeping more than normal, really, but that's to be expected)!! after 3 days of not sleeping and a few changes in painkillers, she finally just napped for an hr then, after another day, slept through the whole night (and most of the next day). she's started following all her usual routines again and is very keen to eat! still on some painkillers, but they're not having any horrific side effects anymore
now that im not staying up to keep an eye on her all night (while also dealing with upgrading my computer and my phone and also my sister preparing to go overseas and the dogs barking and howling constantly due to all of the above), i finally got some decent sleep too and slept for about 14 hrs. so today ive got that weird shakiness that i get from sleeping too much, but hey it's better than the whole of the last week
#personal#and i have a working computer that's finally on windows 10 so that's one less thing to have background stress about#and i have a working phone for the first time in.. a year? 1.5 years? idfk. my previous phone was 16gb so i could fit like 2 apps#could barely take pictures (and couldnt store them) and couldnt update most of my apps because i couldnt update my os because no space#so every app ran slow and then eventually my phone would crash if i opened the storage section of the settings#so i couldnt even offload apps so i could delete them while keeping the data for when i downloaded them again#couldnt order medicine remotely because my chemist only lets you do that from the app (not the website)#couldnt control the aircon because that could only be done through an app#missed loads of stuff because i didnt have email notifications because i could only use my browser for emails#couldnt see tumblr polls on mobile because i couldnt update tumblr because i couldnt update my os#left the house less because i had to delete pokemon go and that genuinely helped me go for walks#ive been dealing with all that for a year so this is very exciting and such a ridiculous qol boost#it sucks how much something like that affects your life. what do you mean i need an app for everythingggg#but god im just glad peach is ok. like there was a moment when i was so stressed trying to update my computer because it wasnt working#and then she ate a small bit of food for the first time in 3 days and just. everything was suddenly fine again#and the other night i spent like 6 hrs just sitting here downloading and installing things on my computer#but it was fine because peach was on the chair next to me sleeping through the whole night and it was such a relief#my sister finally got her flight yesterday (after it was moved four days in a row) so that's just one less thing happening#ive started playing bg3 so that's cool and maybe ill get a chance to actually properly watch that new dav trailer lmao#that premiered at 2am on the first night peach was home from surgery and hadnt eaten or slept yet and i was too stressed to care about dav#and it really just went downhill for the next few days#god. ok. today is the first day i can actually breeaaaathe
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monodive · 5 months
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jils-things · 10 days
dia de los muertos 🤝 araw ng kaluluwa*
happy halloween but we love our family too
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stillcominback · 7 months
🎀 🎀 🎀
#hi friends!#local cryptid laurel making a quick little dash appearance just to check in tbh 💗💗💗#miss you all and writing loads but life continues to be a lot lol 😮‍💨#still job hunting which has been really rough in general but also mentally#then raising my daughter aka puppy who I love but takes a lot of my time and energy 🐶#BUUUUUUT a couple things!#1 - i’m better at checking into discord these days so if you would like to plot/write there and/or make servers to do so I would LOVE THAT#2 - RE: depressing job search - I’m working on opening up my own small shop!!#I’ll be starting with a collection inspired by The Traitors aka one of my fave shows atm#but will be doing all kinds of designs going forward!#I’ll drop more info here once we officially ✨launch✨#but I would love to get more followers on our IG page and just get some hype/interest going!#so if anyone wants to check us out to see what’s to come (soon)! the IG is sonichedesigns#(and the website is thatsoniche but it’s not fully opened yet!)#I’m nervous but excited because I’ve always wanted to do something like this but never really had the time or creative/mental energy#so maybe the stars are aligning who knows!#LOVE YOU ALL and hope to catch you on discord at least!#(again not abandoning tumblr or rp at all! just don’t have much time for it so my blogs are basically for aesthetic things and w/e I have#time for haha 🤪💗 but discord I would love to do more writing and stuff so hmu or ask for my handle! MWAH!)#💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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im-still-a-robot · 3 months
Ah time for a nice relaxing night watching my allotted 1 (one) episode of dr who. Surely the plot won't be trying to figure out how to keep a mine the doctor's standing on from exploding.
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seaofreverie · 30 days
I actually made 9 drawings in 2 days
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